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{ "en": "Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that a sharp correction of the composite inde x by up to 4 pct in Wedenesday?s trading was a mere temporary effect of regional factors like decline in plantation commodity prices and the financial crisis in Thailand.", "id": "Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani mengatakan koreksi tajam pada Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan IHSG hingga sekitar 4 persen dalam perdagangan Rabu 10/1 hanya efek sesaat dari faktor-faktor regional seperti penurunan harga komoditi perkebunan dan krisis finansial di Thailand. " }
{ "en": "In a press briefing held at the ministry here on Wedenesday evening, Minister Sri Mulyani flanked by President Director of the Jakarta Stock Exchange JSX Erry Firmansyah said that some of the Indonesian economic factors had improved, instead the inflation factor of foodstuffs will soon dissappear which is confirmed by rice prices in all the provinces.", "id": "Dalam jumpa pers bersama Dirut Bursa Efek Jakarta BEJ, Erry Firmansyah di gedung Depkeu Jakarta, Rabu malam, Menkeu menjelaskan beberapa faktor ekonomi Indonesia justru membaik." }
{ "en": "Sri Mulayani showed other factors, among others, the rupiah currency tended to strengthen, with a positive impact on the inflation.", "id": "Kita melihat faktor inflasi dari makanan akan segera hilang yang terkonfirmasi dari harga beras di semua propinsi, katanya." }
{ "en": "This also happened to fuel oil prices.", "id": "Demikian pula dengan harga minyak." }
{ "en": "The 2007 state budget is so far in a good condition and the government would continue implementing sound policies to create consistency which encouraged investors.", "id": "Kondisi APBN 2007 pada dua pekan awal, secara umum baik dan pemerintah akan terus menjalankan kebijakan yang sound tepat, red sehingga tercipta konsistensi kebijakan yang memberikan keyakinan kepada investor." }
{ "en": "The ministry?s data also showed non resident investors? net buying of state bonds had reached Rp20.3 trillion from Rp 4.2 trillion in early 2006.", "id": "Menurut data Depkeu, net buy obligasi negara atau SUN oleh investor asing non residence pada saat ini mencapai Rp20,3 triliun dari posisi awal 2006 Rp4,2 triliun." }
{ "en": "Meanwhile non resindent investors? net buying of shares had reached Rp17.3 trillion from Rp2.1 trillion in early 2006.", "id": "Sedangkan untuk net buy saham oleh investor asing non residence mencapai Rp17,3 triliun dari posisi awal tahun Rp2,1 triliun." }
{ "en": "If you ask if it is right or not, I can say it?s fine and they do not abandon the country,? the minister said.", "id": "Kalau ditanya ini baik atau tidak, saya katakan baik dan mereka investor asing, red tidak lari, kata Menkeu." }
{ "en": "In the real sector, the government has issued regulation PP No 1/2007 as a revision of PP 148 on income tax facility for investment in certain regions or in remote areas.", "id": "Di sektor riil, pemerintah telah mengeluarkan PP No.1 tahun 2007 sebagai revisi PP 148 tentang pemberian fasilitas PPh Pajak Penghasilan untuk penanaman modal pada bidang tertentu dan atau di daerah terpencil." }
{ "en": "Today, the President has issued a presidential decree on value-added tax on primary products effective as of January 2007,? she added.", "id": "Pada hari ini, Presiden baru mengeluarkan Perpres tentang pembebasan PPN produk primer yang berlaku efektif Januari, ujarnya." }
{ "en": "The government also has a commitment to boost national rice production through special programs and financing so that rice price could be controlled.", "id": "Pemerintah juga telah berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan produksi padi nasional melalui program-program khusus dan pendanaan sehingga harga beras dapat terkendali." }
{ "en": "PT Astra Agro Lestari's AALI's crude palm oil production in October 2007 increased by 11.6 percent to 88,343 tons from 79,161 tons in September, a company executive said here Monday.", "id": "Produksi Crude Palm Oil CPO PT Astra Agro Lestari AALI pada Oktober 2007 naik sebesar 11,6 persen menjadi 88.343 ton dibanding September yang hanya 79.161 ton." }
{ "en": "AALI Director Santoso in his report to the Jakarta Stock Exchange said the increase was attributed to enough rainfall in the country.", "id": "Direktur AALI Santoso, dalam laporannya ke bursa, Senin, mengatakan, peningkatan produksi ini lebih disebabkan oleh tercukupinya curah hujan di penghujung tahun ini." }
{ "en": "But he also said overall production from January to October 2007 which reached 730,297 tons was still 5.9 percent lower than the figure for the same period in 2006.", "id": "Namun, lanjut Santoso, produksi secara total Januari hingga Oktober 2007 yang mencapai 730.297 ton masih mengalami penurunan sebesar 5,9 persen dibanding periode sama 2006." }
{ "en": "He said in the first 10 months of 2007, AALI's CPO production increased by 4.6 percent from 482,302 tons to 504,469 tons.", "id": "Pada periode 10 bulan pertama, produksi super CPO AALI naik sebesar 4,6 persen dari 482.302 ton menjadi 504.469 ton." }
{ "en": "Bank Indonesia BI has predicted that banking credit in 2008 will grow over that of this year which is targeted at 22 percent.", "id": "Bank Indonesia memperkirakan pertumbuhan kredit perbankan pada 2008 akan lebih tinggi dibanding target perbankan pada tahun ini sebesar 22 persen." }
{ "en": "I think the banking credit next year will grow higher than this year which is targeted at 22 percent", "id": "Saya kira lebih tinggi dari target tahun ini. Tahun ini kan 22 persen, " }
{ "en": "He said records showed that banking credit up to the last week of September this year had almost reached 23 percent.", "id": "angka terakhir bulan Agustus dan angka sementara sampai minggu terakhir September sudah mendekati 23 persen," }
{ "en": "The increasing growth of credit is in line with prediction that the country's macro economy and national bank performance would improve, he said.", "id": "Menurut Halim, peningkatan pertumbuhan ini sejalan dengan perkiraan membaiknya kondisi makro ekonomi dan menguatnya kinerja perbankan nasional pada 2008." }
{ "en": "On the fundamental basis, our banks have become stronger as we could see that the US sub prime mortgage crisis did not affect them seriously, he said.", "id": "Secara fundamental perbankan kita lebih kuat seperti kita lihat dalam kejadian 'subprime mortgage' misalnya." }
{ "en": "He said that banks in the country were able to cover their losses using market mechanism approaches.", "id": "Kita tak melihat dampak yang terlalu negatif karena mampu menyerap kerugiannya dengan menggunakan pendekataan pasar." }
{ "en": "This shows that the system has been running well. ", "id": "Ini menunjukkan sistem berjalan." }
{ "en": "Therefore, Indonesia's economic expansion would be faster and credit provision would grow higher, he added.", "id": "Ke depan ekonomi RI ekspansinya akan lebih cepat, kredit lebih tinggi, katanya." }
{ "en": "On the fear that the high credit provision would pose a bad credit threat to the banking sector, he said that banks had better resilience nowadays.", "id": "Mengenai kekhawatiran besarnya kredit akan mengancam kondisi perbankan, akibat meningkatnya kredit bermasalah." }
{ "en": "The central bank's control over banks' risk management and good corporate governance is tighter, he said. ", "id": "Halim mengatakan ketahanan perbankan saat ini lebih baik karena penerapan risk management dan good corporate governance GCG dan pengawasan dari bank sentral yang lebih ketat." }
{ "en": "Indonesian Ambassador to Britain Marty M Natalegawa has called on the London branch of the Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals' Association ICMI to help facilitate the creation of closer relations between Indonesian businessmen and British counterparts. ", "id": "Duta Besar RI untuk Kerajaan Inggris dan Republik Irlandia Marty M Natalegawa mengharapkan Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia ICMI London dapat memfasilitasi atau menjadi jembatan antara pengusaha Indonesia dengan mitranya di Inggris." }
{ "en": "The ambassador made the appeal when he received executives of the Landon branch of ICMI on Monday in connection with the association's plan to hold a workshop on The Nation's Economic Representatives here on July 8, 2007.", "id": "Harapan itu disampaikan Dubes saat menerima pengurus ICMI London yang terdiri atas Ketua, Muslimin Anwar, wakil ketua Nizma Agustjik dan Sekretaris Dono Widiatmoko di KBRI London, Senin, sehubungan digelarnya lokakarya yang bertema Menjadi Duta Ekonomi Bangsa, yang digelar 8 Juli mendatang di London." }
{ "en": "Natalegawa said there were many opportunities the London branch of ICMI could use to help Indonesian businessmen in expanding their business to Britain.", "id": "Dalam pertemuan itu, Dubes melihat banyak hal yang bisa dilakukan oleh ICMI London dalam mengisi peluang yang ada dalam upaya membantu pengusaha Indonesia yang akan mengembangkan sayapnya di Inggris." }
{ "en": "He said Indonesia and Britain had had bilateral ties since 1967 when British investment in Indonesia reached an amount second only to Japanese investment.", "id": "Selama ini, diakuinya hubungan bilateral Indonesia Inggris telah berlangsung sejak tahun 1967 dan bahkan investasi Inggris di Indonesia terbesar kedua setelah Jepang dan nomor satu di negara Eropa. " }
{ "en": "On the other hand, there were only a small number of Indonesian businessmen who had expanded their business to Britain.", "id": "Namun disisi lain , tidak banyak pengusaha Indonesia yang melakukan ekspansi ke Inggris." }
{ "en": "This constituted an opportunity for ICMI to help Indonesian businessmen to do business in the United Kingdom.", "id": "Celah ini yang bisa dilakukan oleh ICMI London dalam upaya menyembatani para pengusaha Indonesia yang akan melebarkan sayapnya di Kerajaan Inggris." }
{ "en": "Let's invest in and export Indonesia's primary products to Britain, he added.", "id": "Mari kita sama-sama melakukan inventarisasi dan juga meliat produk unggulan Indonesia yang bisa dijual di Inggris, ujar Dubes yang melihat banyak hal yang bisa dilakukan pengusaha Indonesia. " }
{ "en": "In the meantime, ICMI chairman for London Muslimin Anwar said Indonesian-British trade relations had developed in an encouraging way of late.", "id": "Sebelumnya Ketua ICMI London Muslimin Anwar mengatakan hubungan dagang antara Indonesia dan Inggris belakangan ini cukup menggembirakan." }
{ "en": "According to UK Investment and Trade UKIT data, Indonesia's exports to Britain in 2005 stood at 912 million pound sterling against Britain's total imports of 912 million pound sterling, most of which were textile products and footwear. ", "id": "nurut UK Trade and Investment UKTI, nilai ekspor Indonesia ke Inggris sepanjang tahun 2005 tercatat senilai 517 juta Pound Sterling , yang kebanyakan didominasi jenis barang-barang tekstil dan alas kaki. " }
{ "en": "PT Indonesia Air Transport Tbk IATA plans to get five new planes to serve passengers to East Nusa Tenggara NTT, West Nusa Tenggara NTB, Labuhan Bajo, and Bali, this year.", "id": "PT Indonesia Air Transport Tbk IATA pada tahun ini berencana menambah lima pesawat terbang lagi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar di wilayah Nusatenggara Timur NTT, Nusa Tenggara Barat NTB, Labuhan Bajo dan Bali. " }
{ "en": "For that purpose, we will invest around US$15 million with an assumption that each plane will cost around US$3 million, President Director of IATA Roekman Prawirasastra said here on Monday.", "id": "Untuk kebutuhan tersebut kami akan menanam investasi sekitar 15 juta dolar AS dengan asumsi 3 juta dolar AS per pesawat, kata Direktur Utama IATA, Roekman Prawirasastra di Jakarta, Senin." }
{ "en": "Roekman Prawirasastra said that the chartered planes would be rented under a contract bases to travel agencies. ", "id": "Roekman mengatakan pesawat tersebut akan disewakan dengan sistem kontrak kepada perusahaan travel pariwisata." }
{ "en": "They will serve domestic and foreign tourists wishing to visit Bali, NTT, NTB and Labuhan Bajo.", "id": "Mereka akan melayani para turis lokal dan asing yang akan berkunjung ke Bali, NTT, NTB maupun Labuhan Bajo." }
{ "en": "The travel companies have expressed their need to have additional five planes he said.", "id": "Perusahaan travel tersebut sudah mempunyai keinginan menambah lima pesawat lagi, ujarnya." }
{ "en": "IATA has so far had two planes of ATR 42-300 type, which have been ordered by PT Mirantha Nuansa Ayu travel agency.", "id": "Saat ini kami baru mampu memenuhi dua pesawat ATR 42-300 pesanan perusahaan travel PT Mirantha Nuansa Ayu." }
{ "en": "One plane was handed over to the company last Saturday March 17, 2007 and another one will be presented in May.", "id": "Satu pesawat baru saja diserahkan pada Mirantha Sabtu lalu 17/3 di Bali dan satu lagi akan diserahkan pada akhir Mei, tambahnya." }
{ "en": "He said that his company has been operating 16 chartered planes and helicopters especially to serve foreign oil companies.", "id": "Roekman mengatakan selama ini perseroan lebih banyak melayani penyewaan charter pesawat dan helikopter untuk kebutuhan perusahaan minyak asing." }
{ "en": "However, currently the company also serves travel agencies intending to charter planes for tourists.", "id": "Namun saat ini perseroan juga menyediakan juga kebutuhan pesawat untuk perusahaan travel." }
{ "en": "Meanwhile, President Director of PT Mirantha Nuansa Ayu travel agency Henry Sulysto said that NTT, NTB and Labuhan Bajo were potential tourist destinations.", "id": "Sementara itu Direktur Utama PT Mirantha Nuansa Ayu, Henry Sulysto, mengatakan, kerjasama dengan perusahaan penyewaan pesawat sangat diperlukan karena tidak mungkin perseroan menyediakan pesawat sendiri, karena resiko dan investasinya besar, kata Henry" }
{ "en": "NTT, NTB and Labuhan Bajo have become favorite tourist destinations, but unfortunately there are no adequate transportation facilities to take tourists to those areas.", "id": "Sementara wilayah NTT, NTB dan Labuhan Bajo sudah menjadi daerah tujuan wisata turis, namun transportasi yang menuju ke arah sana masih sangat kurang terutama pesawat udara." }
{ "en": "Therefore, we need cooperation with IATA to provide air transportation means, Henry Sulysto said. ", "id": "Salah satunya dengan meyediakan alat transportasi udara melalui kerjasama dengan IATA, lanjut Henry." }
{ "en": "The contract between IATA and Mirantha Nuansa Ayu will last for six years.", "id": "Roekman menambahkan kontrak penyewaan pesawat dengan Mirantha bersifat jangka panjang yakni selama enam tahun " }
{ "en": "The value of the contract is based on flight hours or at least US$160,000 monthly for each plane.", "id": "Nilai kontrak berdasarkan jam terbang pesawat atau paling tidak sebulan sebesar 160 ribu dolar AS per pesawat." }
{ "en": "IATA has targeted to get a total income of Rp 300 billion this year, or an increase from Rp 204 billion in 2006. ", "id": "Sementara itu sampai akhir 2007 perseroan menargetkan pendapatan sebesar Rp 300 miliar atau naik dibandingkan 2006 hanya sebesar Rp 204 miliar." }
{ "en": "The target has not included the revenue from the contract with Mirantha.", "id": "Target tersebut belum memasukan pendapatan sewa/kontrak dari Mirantha." }
{ "en": "If it is included, the income will be higher than that,? The IATA President Director said. ", "id": "Kalau itu dimasukan mungkin pendapatannya akan lebih besar lagi, kata Roekman. " }
{ "en": "The company is also expected to get a net profit amounting to Rp 30 billion in 2007, or an increase from Rp 28.6 billion in 2006.", "id": "Sedangkan target laba bersih 2007 sebesar Rp 30 miliar atau naik dibandingkan 2006 sebesar Rp 28,6 miliar." }
{ "en": "Publicly-listed PT Bank Mayapada Internasional Tbk will issue Rp750 billion worth of bonds in April to boost productive assets and improve funding structure.", "id": "PT Bank Mayapada Internasional Tbk MAYA akan melakukan penawaran umum obligasi sebesar Rp750 miliar terdiri dari " }
{ "en": "The bonds will consist of Bank Mayapada II bonds worth Rp500 billion and Bank Mayapada II subordinated bonds worth Rp250 billion, the bank said in its prospectus issued on Tuesday.", "id": "Obligasi Bank Mayapada II Tahun 2007 sebanyak-banyak Rp500 miliar dan Obligasi Subordinasi Bank Mayapada II Tahun 2007 sebanyak-banyak Rp250 miliar." }
{ "en": "The Bank Mayapada II bonds will be divided into two series: the A series with a maturity of three years and the B series with a maturity of five years.", "id": "Dalam prospektusnya yang dipublikasikan di Jakarta, Selasa, Bank Mayapada mengatakan Obligasi Bank Mayapada II Tahun 2007 akan diterbitkan dalam Seri A berjangka waktu tiga tahun dan Seri B berjangka waktu lima tahun " }
{ "en": "The two types of bonds will carry fixed interest to be decided later on.", "id": "dengan memberikan tingkat suku bunga tetap dan nilai nominal yang akan ditentukan kemudian." }
{ "en": "The Bank Mayapada II subordinated bonds which will mature in 10 years will carry fixed interest in the first five years and higher fixed interest in the second five years.", "id": "Sementara Obligasi Subordinasi Bank Mayapada II Tahun 2007 berjangka waktu 10 tahun memberikan tingkat suku bunga tetap untuk tahun pertama sampai kelima dan suku bunga tetap yang lebih tinggi untuk tahun keenam hingga ke-10 dengan opsi beli pada tahun kelima." }
{ "en": "The bonds will go on sales on April 24-26 and be listed at the Surabaya Stock Exchange on May 1.", "id": "Periode penawaran obligasi tersebut berlangsung pada 24-26 April 2007 dan akan dicatatkan di Bursa Efek Surabaya BES pada 1 Mei 2007." }
{ "en": "Publicly-listed PT Medco Energy International Tbk announced on Thursday that its subsidiary, Medco E&P Malaka, has signed a contract for the supply of gas worth US$430 million to state electricity firm PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara PLN.", "id": "PT Medco Energy Internasional Tbk melalui anak usahanya Medco E&P Malaka telah menandatangani penjualan gas ke Perusahaan Listrik Negara PLN senilai 430 juta dolar AS." }
{ "en": "The two sides signed the contract on March 21, Medco said in a report to the Capital Market Supervisory Board Bapepam.", "id": "Dalam penjelasannya ke Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal Bapepam, direksi Medco menjelaskan, pihaknya telah menandatangani nota kesepahaman perjanjian jual beli gas, dengan PLN, pada 21 Maret lalu." }
{ "en": "Under the contract, Medco will supply 133 billion cubic feet of gas from its Singa gas field in South Sumatra to PLN's power plant in West Java between 2008 and 2017.", "id": "Dalam perjanjian tersebut, Medco akan memasok gas dalam kurun waktu 2008-2017, dengan total volume 133 miliar kaki kubik, dari lapangan Singa, Sumatera Selatan, ke fasilitas pembangkit listrik PLN di Jawa Barat. " }
{ "en": "Publicly-listed plantation company PT Bakrie Sumatra Plantations Tbk UNSP said on Friday it posted a 49.41 percent rise in net profit to Rp172.90 billion last year on an increase in net sales.", "id": "Perusahaan perkebunan PT Bakrie Sumatra Plantations Tbk UNSP di Jakarta, Jumat, menyatakan perolehan laba bersih tahun 2006, meningkat 49,41 persen menjadi 172,90 miliar, dibanding Rp115,72 miliar tahun sebelumnya." }
{ "en": "Net sales rose to Rp1.18 trillion in 2006 from Rp883.31 billion in 2005, according to the company's consolidated financial statement.", "id": "Laporan keuangan konsolidasi tahunan perseroan, memperlihatkan pertumbuhan laba bersih yang signifikan tersebut didorong oleh penjualan bersih perseroan yang meningkat dari Rp883,31 miliar pada tahun 2005 menjadi Rp1,18 triliun pada tahun 2006." }
{ "en": "Operational profit increased to Rp292.16 billion in 2006 from Rp227.88 billion thanks to the company's success in slashing operational expenses through its efficiency program.", "id": "Keberhasilan perseroan mengendalikan biaya operasional melalui efisiensi membuahkan hasil laba usahanya bertambah dari Rp227,88 miliar pada tahun 2005 menjadi Rp292,16 miliar " }
{ "en": "The increase in net profit raised earning per share to Rp74 in 2006 from Rp50 in 2005.", "id": "pada tahun 2006 dan laba bersih per saham EPS-Earning Per Share perseroan naik dari Rp50 menjadi Rp74." }
{ "en": "The decision to pay an extraordinary dividend of $0.475 per share was made in light of the company's strong performance in 2006 and its current strong financial condition.", "id": "Menurut dia, keputusan untuk membayarkan dividen luar biasa 0,475 dollar AS per lembar saham ditetapkan setelah mempertimbangkan kinerja keuangan Perseroan tahun 2006 dan kondisi keuangan saat ini yang sangat baik." }
{ "en": "Indonesian shareholders will be paid the Rupiah equivalent of the US dollar amount, based on the Bank Indonesia middle rate of exchange on April 27, 2007.", "id": "Ia mengatakan, pemegang saham Indonesia akan menerima dividen dalam rupiah yang nilainya setara dengan dividen yang dibayarkan dalam dollar AS berdasarkan kurs tengah yang ditetapkan oleh Bank Indonesia pada tanggal 27 April 2007." }
{ "en": "Foreign shareholders will be paid in US dollars.", "id": "Pemegang saham asing akan menerima dividen dalam dolar AS, ujarnya." }
{ "en": "An interim dividend for 2006 of $0.025 per share was previously paid on December 5, 2006, bringing the aggregate dividend for the year to $0.525 per share.", "id": "Sementara itu, ujar dia, dividen interim untuk tahun 2006 sebesar 0,025 dolar AS per lembar saham telah dibayarkan sebelumnya pada tanggal lima Desembar 2006, sehingga secara keseluruhan dividen tahun 2006 sebesar 0,525 dolar AS per lembar saham." }
{ "en": "An aggregate dividend of $0.11 per share was paid for 2005.", "id": "Jumlah yang sama sebesar 0,11 dolar AS per lembar saham telah dibayarkan untuk tahun 2005, kata dia." }
{ "en": "Shareholders also appointed Rozik B. Soetjipto as independent commissioner for the term ending at the company's annual general meeting in 2008. ", "id": "Dalam RUPS tersebut pemegang saham juga mengangkat Rozik B Soetjipto sebagai Komisaris Independen untuk periode sampai penutupan RUPS tahunan 2008." }
{ "en": "He replaces Soetaryo Sigit, who retired from the company effective at the close of the meeting.", "id": "Rozik B Soetjipto menggantikan Soetaryo Sigit, yang efektif pensiun dari perseroan pada penutupan rapat tersebut, ujarnya." }
{ "en": "They also reappointed Eddie A. Arsyad, Ciho D. Bangun and Dirk Theuninck as directors of the company. ", "id": "Selain itu, ucapnya pemegang saham juga mengangkat kembali Eddie A Arsyad, Ciho D Bangun dan Dirk Theuninck sebagai Direktur-Direktur Perseroan " }
{ "en": "The terms of each of the directors will expire at the company's annual general meeting in 2009.", "id": "yang akan bekerja sampai penutupan RUPS tahunan 2009." }
{ "en": "The firm of Kantor Akuntan Publik Haryanto Sahari & Rekan , PricewaterhouseCoopers was reappointed as the company's auditor for the year ending December 31, 2007.", "id": "Ia menambahkan, kantor Akuntan Publik Haryanto Sahari dan Rekan - PricewaterhouseCoopers telah ditunjuk kembali sebagai akuntan publik untuk mengaudit buku-buku perseroan sampai tahun berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2007. " }
{ "en": "Bank Central Asia BCA, Indonesia's leading bank, plans to extend up to Rp10 trillion worth of loans this year.", "id": "Bank Central Asia BCA menargetkan dapat menyalurkan kredit sebesar Rp10 triliun pada tahun 2007." }
{ "en": "Its vice president, Jahja Setiaatmadja, said here recently Rp4 trillion of it would be allocated for corporations.", "id": "Kita anggarkan Rp4 triliun untuk korporasi, kata Wakil Presiden BCA Jahja Setiaatmadja di Jakarta, baru-baru ini. " }
{ "en": "He said the loans would be provided through withdrawal of funds in the Bank Indonesia short-term promissory notes SBI.", "id": "Penyaluran kredit Rp10 triliun tersebut menurut Jahja akan dianggarkan dari penarikan Surat Bank Indonesia SBI." }
{ "en": "The bank's loans in 2006 grew 13.5 percent to Rp61.4 trillion with corporate laons growing 19.0 percent to Rp23.9 trillion.", "id": "Kredit BCA tahun 2006 tumbuh sebesar 13,5 persen menjadi Rp61,4 triliun dengan Kredit Korporasi tumbuh 19,0 persen YoY menjadi Rp 23,9 triliun." }
{ "en": "Commercial loans and loans for small-and medium-scale businesses meanwhile rose 16.1 percent to Rp29.2 trillion and comsumer loans dropped 4.9 percent to Rp8.5 trillion, caused by a decline of 40.9 percent in motor-vehicle loans to Rp2.5 trillion.", "id": "Sedangkan kredit Komersial dan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah UKM tumbuh 16,1 persen menjadi Rp 29,2 triliun dan Kredit Konsumer turun 4,9 persen menjadi Rp 8,5 triliun terutama disebabkan oleh penurunan Kredit Kendaraan Bermotor yang turun 40,9 persen menjadi Rp 2,5 triliun." }
{ "en": "The bank's housing loans grew 23.9 percent to Rp4.4 trillion while the value of the bank's credit cards grew 34.3 percent to Rp1.6 trillion.", "id": "KPR tumbuh 23,9 persen menjadi Rp 4,4 triliun dan Kartu Kredit tumbuh 34,3% menjadi Rp 1,6 triliun. " }
{ "en": "On December 31, 2006 its commericial loans and loans for small- and medium-scale businesses reached 47.4 percent of the bank's total loans while corporate credits contributed 38.8 percent and consumer credits 13.8 percent.", "id": "Pada 31 Desember 2006, porsi kredit Komersial dan UKM mencapai 47,4 persen dari total kredit, sementara kredit Korporasi berkontribusi 38,8 persen dan kredit Konsumer 13,8 persen." }
{ "en": "BCA and state-owned Bank Mandiri are currently forming syndication to distribute credits for Jagorawi-Cinere toll road development.", "id": "Sementara itu, saat ini BCA dan Mandiri menjadi sindikasi untuk menyalurkan kredit bagi invetasi jalan tol Jagorawi-Cinere." }
{ "en": "They plan to extend Rp1.461 trillion for the project with BCA contribution totalling Rp584 billion.", "id": "Dalam sindikasi yang akan mengucurkan dana Rp1,461 triliun tersebut, BCA menyalurkan kredit sebesar Rp584 miliar." }
{ "en": "Foreign investment in Malaysia in 2006 is five times that in Indonesia, apparently because the more advanced economic development in that country was more attractive to foreign investors. ", "id": "Penanaman modal asing PMA di Malaysia tahun 2006 mencapai lima kali lebih besar dibandingkan Indonesia, hal ini menunjukan pembangunan ekonomi Malaysia jauh lebih menarik dibandingkan Indonesia bagi investor asing." }
{ "en": "Daily Utusan Malaysia here reported on Wednesday that the total investment in Malaysia in 2006 had reached 20.2 billion Malaysian ringgit US$5.6 billion, while that in Indonesia only stood at 4.7 billion Malaysian ringgit US$1.3 billion. ", "id": "Menurut harian Utusan Malaysia, Rabu, di Kuala Lumpur, PMA yang masuk ke Malaysia mencapai 20,2 miliar ringgit Malaysia 5,6 miliar dolar AS dibandingkan Indonesia yang hanya mencapai 4,7 miliar ringgit Malaysia 1,3 miliar dolar AS." }
{ "en": "A spokesman for the Malaysian parliament for trade and industry affairs, Dr Tan Yee Kew said that Malaysia ranked second after Singapore in ASEAN in terms of foreign investment.", "id": "Juru bicara parlemen Malaysia bidang perdagangan dan industri luar negeri Dr Tan Yee Kew mengemukakan dalam sidang parlemen, Malaysia menduduki urutan ke-2 setelah Singapura di kalangan Asean dari segi masuknya PMA." }
{ "en": "Singapore managed to attract 30 billion Malaysian ringgit US$8.3 billion in foreign investment. ", "id": "Singapura sendiri berhasil mendatangkan PMA tahun 2006 sebesar 30 miliar ringgit 8,3 miliar dolar AS." }
{ "en": "In the meantime, the third position went to Thailand with 11.4 billion Malaysian ringgit US$3.16 billion and Indonesia was in fourth position with 4.7 billion Malaysian ringgit. ", "id": "Sementara itu, posisi ketiga adalah Thailand sebesar 11,4 miliar ringgit 3,16 miliar dolar AS dan Indonesia berada di urutan ke-4 dengan nilai 4,7 miliar ringgit." }
{ "en": "So it is incorrect to assume that foreign investment in Malaysia has been declining, said Tan Yee Kew in response to Yan Lian Hoe's leader of Barisan National Bukit Gantang statement that foreign investment in Malaysia is lower than those in its neighboring countries in ASEAN. ", "id": "Jadi tidak benar PMA ke Malaysia semakin memburuk, kata Tan Yee Kew menanggapi pernyataan Tan Lian Hoe, pimpinan Barisan Nasional Bukit Gantang, yang menyatakan bahwa PMA Malaysia semakin memburuk dibandingkan tetangganya di Asean." }
{ "en": "He further said that the 10 main investors in Malaysia in 2005 and 2006 were Japan with 8.1 billion ringgit, the United States with 7.6 billion ringgit, the Netherlands 5 billion ringgit, Singapore 4.9 billion ringgit, Australia 2.7 billion ringgit, Korea 1.1 billion ringgit, Cayman Islands 1 billion ringgit, Taiwan 0.8 billion ringgit and the United Kingdom with 0.7 billion ringgit. ", "id": "Ia mengemukakan pula, sepuluh negara investor utama di Malaysia dalam periode 2005 hingga 2006, ialah Jepang dengan PMA sebanyak 8.1 miliar Ringgit, Amerika 7,6 miliar Ringgit, Belanda 5 miliar, Singapura 4.9 miliar Ringgit, Australia 2,7 miliar Ringgit, Korea 1.1 miliar Ringgit, Cayman Islands 1 miliar, Taiwan 0.8 miliar Ringgit, Inggris 0,7 miliar Ringgit." }
{ "en": "Plantation company PT Astra Agro Lestari said on Thursday its palm oil production in the first quarter of 2007 fell 8.3 percent to 808,475 tons of fresh fruit bunch from the same period last year.", "id": "Produksi sawit PT Astra Agro Lestari AALI pada kuartal pertama 2007 turun 8,3 persen dibandingkan periode sama sebelumnya. Produksi sawit dalam TBS tandan buah segar pada kuartal I 2007 sebesar 808.475 ton atau turun 8,3 persen." }
{ "en": "The drop in production resulted from drought in the first half of 2006 and the impact of the drought was still felt in the first quarter of 2007, the company's director, Julie Syaftari said in a report to the Jakarta Stock Exchange.", "id": "Penurunan produksi ini akibat dampak musim kering yang terjadi pada semester II 2006, dan dampaknya maswih dirasakan pada kuartal pertama 2007, kata Direktur AALI, Julie Syaftari kepada BEJ, Kamis." }
{ "en": "Syftari said production from the company's oil palm plantations in Kalimantan dropped 23.9 percent and in Sumatra 6.5 percent.", "id": "Dia mengatakan penurunan produksi ini terjadi di beberapa perkebunan perseroan yang tersebar di beberapa wilayah Indonesia. Misalnya untuk perkebunan di Kalimantan turun 23,9 persen, wilayah Sumatera turun 6,5 persen." }
{ "en": "Only the company's oil palm plantations in Sulawesi saw a 14.2 percent increase in production.", "id": "Sementara untuk wilayah Sulawesi masih memberikan peningkatan produksi sebesar 14,2 persen. " }
{ "en": "The decline in palm oil production led to a 10 percent drop in the company's crude palm oil CPO to 200,662 tons in the first quarter of 2007 from 223,000 tons in the first quarter a year earlier, she said.", "id": "Penurunan produksi sawit berakibat pula pada penurunan produksi mintak sawit mentah CPO AALI sebesar 10 persen dari 223.000 ton pada kuartal I 2006 menjadi 200.662 ton pada kuartal I 2007, katanya." }
{ "en": "The Deposit Insurance Agency LPS has lowered its insurance rate LPS rate for the April 15 to May 14, 2007 period by 25 basis points to 9 percent for savings in commercial banks and to 12.75 percent for savings in smallholder credit banks.", "id": "Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan LPS menurunkan suku bunga penjaminan LPS rate untuk periode 15 April - 14 Mei 2007 sebesar 25 basis poin bps menjadi 9,00 persen untuk simpanan di bank umum, dan 12,75 persen di Bank Perkreditan Rakyat BPR." }
{ "en": "The macro economy is getting better, while inflation and exchange rates continue their stability, LPS executive chief Krisna Wijaya said on Thursday. ", "id": "Makro ekonomi membaik, sedangkan inflasi dan nilai tukar terus stabil, kata Kepala Eksekutif LPS, Krisna Wijaya di Jakarta, Kamis." }
{ "en": "Although starting on March 22 the agency set the limit of secured savings at Rp100 million, the public's confidence in the banking industry remained high, he said.", "id": "Dia juga mengatakan, meski pada 22 Maret LPS mulai memberlakukan batas simpanan yang dijamin sebesar Rp100 juta, tingkat kepercayaan level of convidence masyarakat terhadap perbankan masih tetap tinggi." }
{ "en": "Meanwhile, the agency maintained its insurance rate on dollar-denominated savings at 4.75 percent.", "id": "Sementara itu, suku bunga penjaminan untuk simpanan dalam bentuk dolar AS tetap dipertahankan pada level 4,75 persen" }

Dataset Card for [Dataset Name]

Dataset Summary

Parallel Text Corpora for Multi-Domain Translation System created by BPPT (Indonesian Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology) for PAN Localization Project (A Regional Initiative to Develop Local Language Computing Capacity in Asia). The dataset contains around 24K sentences divided in 4 difference topics (Economic, international, Science and Technology and Sport).

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

[More Information Needed]



Dataset Structure

[More Information Needed]

Data Instances

An example of the dataset:

  'id': '0',
  'topic': 0,
      'en': 'Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said that a sharp correction of the composite
inde x by up to 4 pct in Wedenesday?s trading was a mere temporary effect of regional factors like
decline in plantation commodity prices and the financial crisis in Thailand.',
      'id': 'Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani mengatakan koreksi tajam pada Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan
IHSG hingga sekitar 4 persen dalam perdagangan Rabu 10/1 hanya efek sesaat dari faktor-faktor regional
seperti penurunan harga komoditi perkebunan dan krisis finansial di Thailand.'

Data Fields

  • id: id of the sample
  • translation: the parallel sentence english-indonesian
  • topic: the topic of the sentence. It could be one of the following:
    • Economic
    • International
    • Science and Technology
    • Sport

Data Splits

The dataset is splitted in to train, validation and test sets.

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

[More Information Needed]

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

[More Information Needed]

Who are the source language producers?

[More Information Needed]


Annotation process

[More Information Needed]

Who are the annotators?

[More Information Needed]

Personal and Sensitive Information

[More Information Needed]

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

[More Information Needed]

Discussion of Biases

[More Information Needed]

Other Known Limitations

[More Information Needed]

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

[More Information Needed]

Licensing Information

[More Information Needed]

Citation Information

  author    = {PAN Localization - BPPT},
  title     = {Parallel Text Corpora, English Indonesian},
  year      = {2009},
  url       = {},


Thanks to @cahya-wirawan for adding this dataset.

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