A more complex script generated by gpt4-turbo

by win10 - opened

A more complex script generated by gpt4-turbo:
import random
import json
import operator

Define the number of samples you want to generate

num_samples = 500000

Define the range for the random numbers

min_value = -99.99
max_value = 99.99

Define the arithmetic operations and their corresponding functions

operations = {
'+': operator.add,
'-': operator.sub,
'*': operator.mul,
'/': operator.truediv

def generate_random_number():
return float("%.3f" % random.uniform(min_value, max_value))

def safe_division(numerator, denominator):
return numerator if denominator == 0 else numerator / denominator

Generate complex data

data = []
for _ in range(num_samples):
num1 = generate_random_number()
num2 = generate_random_number()
num3 = generate_random_number()
# Ensure num2 and num3 are not zero if they will be used as divisors
if num2 == 0.0:
num2 = generate_random_number()
if num3 == 0.0:
num3 = generate_random_number()

# Randomly choose two operations
operation1 = random.choice(list(operations.keys()))
operation2 = random.choice(list(operations.keys()))

# Create a more complex expression
if random.choice([True, False]):
    # With parentheses
    expression = f"({num1} {operation1} {num2}) {operation2} {num3}"
    if operation1 == '/':
        intermediate_result = safe_division(num1, num2)
        intermediate_result = operations[operation1](num1, num2)
    if operation2 == '/' and intermediate_result != 0:
        result = safe_division(intermediate_result, num3)
        result = operations[operation2](intermediate_result, num3)
    # Without parentheses
    expression = f"{num1} {operation1} {num2} {operation2} {num3}"
    if operation1 == '/':
        intermediate_result = safe_division(num1, num2)
        intermediate_result = operations[operation1](num1, num2)
    if operation2 == '/':
        result = safe_division(intermediate_result, num3)
        result = operations[operation2](intermediate_result, num3)

output = "%.4f" % result
data.append({'instruction': expression, 'output': output})

Create the dataset

out_file = 'arithmetic-float-complex.json'
with open(out_file, 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f)

win10 changed discussion status to closed

raise a PR please. looks good if its more clean :)

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