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We should ban boxing
Magee's younger brother Eamonn stated that for his mother "boxing was as important as school".
Magee's younger brother Eamonn stated that for his mother "TOPIC_CONCEPT was as important as school".
Noel Magee
We should ban boxing
Both sides of the debate at court realized that popular support for the Boxers in the countryside was almost universal and that suppression would be both difficult and unpopular [REF].
Both sides of the debate at court realized that popular support for TOPIC_CONCEPT in the countryside was almost universal and that suppression would be both difficult and unpopular [REF].
Boxer Rebellion
We should ban boxing
Boxing is the art of self-defense, and Sugar Ray was in command at all times.
TOPIC_CONCEPT is the art of self-defense, and Sugar Ray was in command at all times.
Marvelous Marvin Hagler
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Voltaire was a prominent Enlightenment philosopher who felt enlightened monarchy was the only real way for society to advance.
Voltaire was a prominent Enlightenment philosopher who felt enlightened TOPIC_CONCEPT was the only real way for society to advance.
Enlightened absolutism
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
[REF] Polls indicate that many New Zealanders see the monarchy as being of little day-to-day relevance; a One News Colmar Brunton poll in 2002 found that 58% of the population believed the monarchy has little or no relevance to their lives.
[REF] Polls indicate that many New Zealanders see TOPIC_CONCEPT as being of little day-to-day relevance; a One News Colmar Brunton poll in 2002 found that 58% of the population believed TOPIC_CONCEPT has little or no relevance to their lives.
Monarchy of New Zealand
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Ignatius wrote the Jesuit Constitutions, adopted in 1540, which created a monarchical organization and stressed absolute self-abnegation and obedience to Pope and superiors (perinde ac cadaver, "well-disciplined like a corpse" as Ignatius put it).
Ignatius wrote the Jesuit Constitutions, adopted in 1540, which created TOPIC_CONCEPT organization and stressed absolute self-abnegation and obedience to Pope and superiors (perinde ac cadaver, "well-disciplined like a corpse" as Ignatius put it).
Ignatius of Loyola
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of the Islamic revolution and founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its first supreme leader declared that, "The concept of monarchy totally contradicts Islam."
Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of the Islamic revolution and founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its first supreme leader declared that, "The concept of TOPIC_CONCEPT totally contradicts Islam."
Arab–Iran relations–Iran_relations
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Former Deputy Prime Minister Michael Cullen declared that he supported the monarchy, stating in 2004 he was "a sort of token monarchist in the Cabinet these days."[REF]
Former Deputy Prime Minister Michael Cullen declared that he supported TOPIC_CONCEPT, stating in 2004 he was "a sort of token monarchist in the Cabinet these days."[REF]
Monarchy of New Zealand
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
The Congress voted on the question on 22 November 1830, supporting monarchy by 174 votes to 13.
The Congress voted on the question on 22 November 1830, supporting TOPIC_CONCEPT by 174 votes to 13.
Monarchy of Belgium
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
According to a 2002 poll by Ipsos-Reid, 79% of Canadians supported "the constitutional monarchy as Canada's form of government where we elect governments whose leader becomes Prime Minister,"[REF] and a further 62% believed the monarchy helped to define Canada's identity [REF].
According to a 2002 poll by Ipsos-Reid, 79% of Canadians supported "the constitutional monarchy as Canada's form of government where we elect governments whose leader becomes Prime Minister,"[REF] and a further 62% believed TOPIC_CONCEPT helped to define Canada's identity [REF].
Debate on the monarchy in Canada
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Sallal gathered tribesmen in San'a and proclaimed: "The corrupt monarchy which ruled for a thousand years was a disgrace to the Arab nation and to all humanity.
Sallal gathered tribesmen in San'a and proclaimed: "The corrupt TOPIC_CONCEPT which ruled for a thousand years was a disgrace to the Arab nation and to all humanity.
North Yemen Civil War
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Currently, about 80 per cent support keeping the monarchy [REF].
Currently, about 80 per cent support keeping TOPIC_CONCEPT [REF].
Monarchies in Europe
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
One Roberts' dealer invokes a quite different link with the monarchy to promote a battery-only MW/LW model: "A very high quality receiver.
One Roberts' dealer invokes a quite different link with TOPIC_CONCEPT to promote a battery-only MW/LW model: "A very high quality receiver.
Roberts Radio
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
A fifth poll, conducted by Harris-Decima for The Canadian Press a few days ahead of the Queen's nine-day visit to Canada in June, found that nearly half of Canadians, 48%, consider the monarchy to be "a relic of our colonial past that has no place in Canada today."
A fifth poll, conducted by Harris-Decima for The Canadian Press a few days ahead of the Queen's nine-day visit to Canada in June, found that nearly half of Canadians, 48%, consider TOPIC_CONCEPT to be "a relic of our colonial past that has no place in Canada today."
Debate on the monarchy in Canada
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Political parties agreed in 1991 that the monarchy would remain to enhance political stability and provide an important symbol of national identity for the culturally diverse Nepali people.
Political parties agreed in 1991 that TOPIC_CONCEPT would remain to enhance political stability and provide an important symbol of national identity for the culturally diverse Nepali people.
Politics of Nepal
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Polls indicate that many New Zealanders see the monarchy as being of little day-to-day relevance; a One News Colmar Brunton poll in 2002 found that 58% of the population believed the monarchy has little or no relevance to their lives [REF].
Polls indicate that many New Zealanders see TOPIC_CONCEPT as being of little day-to-day relevance; a One News Colmar Brunton poll in 2002 found that 58% of the population believed TOPIC_CONCEPT has little or no relevance to their lives [REF].
Independence of New Zealand
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
By 1700, the Protestant monarchy seemed in danger of coming to an end with the childless Stuart Princess Anne.
By 1700, the Protestant TOPIC_CONCEPT seemed in danger of coming to an end with the childless Stuart Princess Anne.
Scotland in the Early Modern Era
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Moreover, Leonardo Bruni (1370-1444) asserted, based on Tacitus's pronouncements in the introduction to the Histories, that republican government made better men, whereas monarchy was inimical to human virtue (see Tacitean studies).
Moreover, Leonardo Bruni (1370-1444) asserted, based on Tacitus's pronouncements in the introduction to the Histories, that republican government made better men, whereas TOPIC_CONCEPT was inimical to human virtue (see Tacitean studies).
Classical republicanism
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Additional anti-monarchial sentiment was generated by several aggressive TV commercials claiming that a vote for monarchy would be a vote for the return of slavery for blacks, together with Brazil's recent return to democracy after decades of military dictatorship; this resulted in a disastrous performance for the Monarchists at the polls.
Additional anti-monarchial sentiment was generated by several aggressive TV commercials claiming that a vote for TOPIC_CONCEPT would be a vote for the return of slavery for blacks, together with Brazil's recent return to democracy after decades of military dictatorship; this resulted in a disastrous performance for the Monarchists at the polls.
Monarchies in the Americas
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Thus the history of the Jaredites confirmed the fears of Jared and his brother that a monarchy would lead to evil [REF].
Thus the history of the Jaredites confirmed the fears of Jared and his brother that TOPIC_CONCEPT would lead to evil [REF].
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Niccolò Machiavelli wrote The Prince, which serves as a manual to illustrate what a monarchy should do to maintain power.
Niccolò Machiavelli wrote The Prince, which serves as a manual to illustrate what TOPIC_CONCEPT should do to maintain power.
Public sector ethics
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Moreover, like his friend Wilhelm Solf, he held liberal views, and simultaneous supported the monarchy and was an anglophile, and thus was considered as the right person for achieving an understanding with Britain.
Moreover, like his friend Wilhelm Solf, he held liberal views, and simultaneous supported TOPIC_CONCEPT and was an anglophile, and thus was considered as the right person for achieving an understanding with Britain.
Friedrich Rosen
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
A 1999 Gallup poll found that 48% of Canadians thought Canada should have a monarch as its head of state, while 43% thought Canada should discontinue its ties with the monarchy.
A 1999 Gallup poll found that 48% of Canadians thought Canada should have a monarch as its head of state, while 43% thought Canada should discontinue its ties with TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Debate on the monarchy in Canada
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala, who previously supported the continuation of the monarchy, said in March, 2007 that he thought the King should step down [REF].
Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala, who previously supported the continuation of TOPIC_CONCEPT, said in March, 2007 that he thought the King should step down [REF].
Gyanendra of Nepal
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
A survey taken by COMPAS, as commissioned by the National Post/Global Television media outlet, showed that 63% of Canadians "believe the monarchy should retain or strengthen its role in Canada," while 12% felt moderately that the monarchy should be abolished, and 18% felt strongly about the same.
A survey taken by COMPAS, as commissioned by the National Post/Global Television media outlet, showed that 63% of Canadians "believe TOPIC_CONCEPT should retain or strengthen its role in Canada," while 12% felt moderately that TOPIC_CONCEPT should be abolished, and 18% felt strongly about the same.
Debate on the monarchy in Canada
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Democracies are examples of the "open society," whereas totalitarian dictatorships, theocracy, and autocratic monarchies are examples of the "closed society." .
Democracies are examples of the "open society," whereas totalitarian dictatorships, theocracy, and autocratic TOPIC_CONCEPT are examples of the "closed society." .
Open society
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Gaddafi has ruled Libya since overthrowing the Libyan monarchy in 1969 [REF].
Gaddafi has ruled Libya since overthrowing the Libyan TOPIC_CONCEPT in 1969 [REF].
Tripoli protests and clashes (February 2011)
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
The coronation ceremony was estimated to cost his country roughly 20 million US dollars [REF]. Bokassa attempted to justify his actions by claiming that creating a monarchy would help Central Africa "stand out" from the rest of the continent, and earn the world's respect.
The coronation ceremony was estimated to cost his country roughly 20 million US dollars [REF]. Bokassa attempted to justify his actions by claiming that creating TOPIC_CONCEPT would help Central Africa "stand out" from the rest of the continent, and earn the world's respect.
Jean-Bédel Bokassaédel_Bokassa
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
In 2005, during the time of the wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles, support for the monarchy dipped slightly with one poll showing that only 65% of people would support keeping the monarchy if there were a referendum on the issue, with 22% saying they favoured a republic [REF].
In 2005, during the time of the wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles, support for TOPIC_CONCEPT dipped slightly with one poll showing that only 65% of people would support keeping TOPIC_CONCEPT if there were a referendum on the issue, with 22% saying they favoured a republic [REF].
Republicanism in the United Kingdom
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
The popularity of the monarchy exploded after the wedding, and a SIFO showed that more than 70% of the Swedes supported the monarchy and only 16% wanted to abandon it.
The popularity of TOPIC_CONCEPT exploded after the wedding, and a SIFO showed that more than 70% of the Swedes supported TOPIC_CONCEPT and only 16% wanted to abandon it.
Victoria, Crown Princess of Sweden,_Crown_Princess_of_Sweden
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
In a referendum held on 28 September 1919, 80.34 per cent voted in favour of keeping the monarchy [REF].
In a referendum held on 28 September 1919, 80.34 per cent voted in favour of keeping TOPIC_CONCEPT [REF].
Monarchies in Europe
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
The party was founded December 9, 1918, after the Finnish Civil War, by the majority of the Finnish Party and the minority of the Young Finnish Party supporting monarchy [REF].
The party was founded December 9, 1918, after the Finnish Civil War, by the majority of the Finnish Party and the minority of the Young Finnish Party supporting TOPIC_CONCEPT [REF].
National Coalition Party
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
In 1993 Brazilians voted on whether to restore the monarchy in a referendum, Luís and Bertrand, known for their political beliefs, were repudiated not only by some monarchists,[REF] but also by four of their own younger brothers, who tried unsuccessfully to convince them to renounce their traditional claims to the throne in favor of their brother Antônio, and the young Pedro Luís [REF].
In 1993 Brazilians voted on whether to restore TOPIC_CONCEPT in a referendum, Luís and Bertrand, known for their political beliefs, were repudiated not only by some monarchists,[REF] but also by four of their own younger brothers, who tried unsuccessfully to convince them to renounce their traditional claims to the throne in favor of their brother Antônio, and the young Pedro Luís [REF].
Prince Pedro Luís of Orléans-Braganzaís_of_Orléans-Braganza
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Some classic rabbinical commentaries, especially the Rambam, supported monarchy and viewed the future Messiah as a king in literal sense and the future Messianic redemption as restoration of the Jewish state.
Some classic rabbinical commentaries, especially the Rambam, supported TOPIC_CONCEPT and viewed the future Messiah as a king in literal sense and the future Messianic redemption as restoration of the Jewish state.
Anarchism and Orthodox Judaism
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
During the first years of her brother's reign, Isabella worked constantly to promote the cause of the monarchy and was a great asset to her brother.
During the first years of her brother's reign, Isabella worked constantly to promote the cause of TOPIC_CONCEPT and was a great asset to her brother.
Isabella, Princess of Asturias (1851–1931),_Princess_of_Asturias_(1851–1931)
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Out of Canada's three most prominent political parties, neither the Liberal Party nor the Conservative Party is officially in favour of abolishing the monarchy (though the latter makes support for constitutional monarchy a founding principle in its policy declaration[REF]) and the New Democratic Party (NDP) has no official position on the role of the Crown.
Out of Canada's three most prominent political parties, neither the Liberal Party nor the Conservative Party is officially in favour of abolishing TOPIC_CONCEPT (though the latter makes support for constitutional monarchy a founding principle in its policy declaration[REF]) and the New Democratic Party (NDP) has no official position on the role of the Crown.
Monarchy of Canada
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Earlier, in December 1917, the Council had voted 15-to-5 that a monarchy would suit Lithuania better [REF].
Earlier, in December 1917, the Council had voted 15-to-5 that TOPIC_CONCEPT would suit Lithuania better [REF].
Kingdom of Lithuania (1918)
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Palmer showed unwavering and public devotion to Roman Catholicism, in spite of heavy legal and social penalties and also staunchly supported the Stuart monarchy.
Palmer showed unwavering and public devotion to Roman Catholicism, in spite of heavy legal and social penalties and also staunchly supported the Stuart TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Roger Palmer, 1st Earl of Castlemaine,_1st_Earl_of_Castlemaine
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
A 2002 poll by EKOS Research Associates found that the majority 52% of Canadians think that "the monarchy is an outdated and regressive institution that has no real relevance to most of Canadians today."
A 2002 poll by EKOS Research Associates found that the majority 52% of Canadians think that "TOPIC_CONCEPT is an outdated and regressive institution that has no real relevance to most of Canadians today."
Debate on the monarchy in Canada
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Pierre Skilling has asserted that Hergé saw monarchy as "the legitimate form of government", noting that democratic "values seem underrepresented in [such] a classic Franco-Belgian strip" [REF].
Pierre Skilling has asserted that Hergé saw TOPIC_CONCEPT as "the legitimate form of government", noting that democratic "values seem underrepresented in [such] a classic Franco-Belgian strip" [REF].
The Adventures of Tintin
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
In 2011 a poll showed that 64% of Serbians support restoring the monarchy [REF].
In 2011 a poll showed that 64% of Serbians support restoring TOPIC_CONCEPT [REF].
Alexander, Crown Prince of Yugoslavia,_Crown_Prince_of_Yugoslavia
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Some, such as journalist Christina Blizzard, emphasise that the monarchy "made [Canada] a haven of peace and justice for immigrants from around the world."[REF]
Some, such as journalist Christina Blizzard, emphasise that TOPIC_CONCEPT "made [Canada] a haven of peace and justice for immigrants from around the world."[REF]
Monarchism in Canada
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
The monarchy currently remains secure in the United Kingdom with MORI Polls in the opening years of the 21st century showing support for retaining the monarchy stable at around 80% of people [REF].
TOPIC_CONCEPT currently remains secure in the United Kingdom with MORI Polls in the opening years of the 21st century showing support for retaining TOPIC_CONCEPT stable at around 80% of people [REF].
Republicanism in the United Kingdom
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
At the first session of the Constituent Assembly on 28 May, it voted to declare Nepal a federal democratic republic, thereby abolishing the monarchy.
At the first session of the Constituent Assembly on 28 May, it voted to declare Nepal a federal democratic republic, thereby abolishing TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Nepalese Constituent Assembly election, 2008,_2008
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Comparing laws in the various forms of government, Shcherbatov pointed out the advantage of the monarchy, which, having its solid established laws could provide for its citizens' security for their lives, property and tranquility.
Comparing laws in the various forms of government, Shcherbatov pointed out the advantage of TOPIC_CONCEPT, which, having its solid established laws could provide for its citizens' security for their lives, property and tranquility.
Mikhail Shcherbatov
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Opinion polls however have shown that a majority of New Zealanders favour keeping the monarchy.
Opinion polls however have shown that a majority of New Zealanders favour keeping TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Constitution of New Zealand
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Thus, according to one survey conducted back in 1998, only 16.3% of 828 respondents believed that a monarchy would be a good or very good form of government for Georgia when asked how suitable they think various types of government were or would be for Georgia [REF].
Thus, according to one survey conducted back in 1998, only 16.3% of 828 respondents believed that TOPIC_CONCEPT would be a good or very good form of government for Georgia when asked how suitable they think various types of government were or would be for Georgia [REF].
Monarchism in Georgia
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Other notable policies include electing The House of Lords, abolishing the monarchy and decriminalization cannabis [REF].
Other notable policies include electing The House of Lords, abolishing TOPIC_CONCEPT and decriminalization cannabis [REF].
Alliance for Green Socialism
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Powell supported the maintenance of Monarchy, established religion and hereditary peers in governance.
Powell supported the maintenance of TOPIC_CONCEPT, established religion and hereditary peers in governance.
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
The Belgian historian Jean Stengers wrote that some foreigners believe the monarchy is indispensable to national unity.
The Belgian historian Jean Stengers wrote that some foreigners believe TOPIC_CONCEPT is indispensable to national unity.
Monarchy of Belgium
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Former Governor General Vincent Massey articulated that the monarchy "is part of ourselves.
Former Governor General Vincent Massey articulated that TOPIC_CONCEPT "is part of ourselves.
Monarchism in Canada
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Though a majority of polled individuals agree that the monarchy has a role as a Canadian identifier, as with its political counterpart, strong monarchism is not a prevalent element of contemporary Canadian society; according to surveys, the population is generally unaware of the existence of a monarch as their head of state [REF].
Though a majority of polled individuals agree that TOPIC_CONCEPT has a role as a Canadian identifier, as with its political counterpart, strong monarchism is not a prevalent element of contemporary Canadian society; according to surveys, the population is generally unaware of the existence of a monarch as their head of state [REF].
Monarchism in Canada
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Historian William Russ states, "the injunction to prevent fighting of any kind made it impossible for the monarchy to protect itself."[REF]
Historian William Russ states, "the injunction to prevent fighting of any kind made it impossible for TOPIC_CONCEPT to protect itself."[REF]
Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
From that point onward, the Emperor ceased to believe in the monarchy as a viable form of government for Brazil's future, as his remaining heir was a daughter.
From that point onward, the Emperor ceased to believe in TOPIC_CONCEPT as a viable form of government for Brazil's future, as his remaining heir was a daughter.
Decline and fall of Pedro II of Brazil
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
The United States also proclaims that monarchies Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the military ruled Pakistan are allies of America, despite the human rights abuses and subversion of democracy attributed to them respectively.
The United States also proclaims that TOPIC_CONCEPT Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the military ruled Pakistan are allies of America, despite the human rights abuses and subversion of democracy attributed to them respectively.
Rationale for the Iraq War
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
The polling conducted by the Morgan Poll in May 2011 showed the support for the monarchy was now 55% (up 17% since 1999), whereas the support for a republic was at 34% (down 20%) [REF].
The polling conducted by the Morgan Poll in May 2011 showed the support for TOPIC_CONCEPT was now 55% (up 17% since 1999), whereas the support for a republic was at 34% (down 20%) [REF].
Republicanism in Australia
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Adams and his party demanded more rights for the poor and for the people, and staunchly supported the monarchy.
Adams and his party demanded more rights for the poor and for the people, and staunchly supported TOPIC_CONCEPT.
History of Barbados
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
[REF] Their position is that because of its hereditary aspects, the sovereign's role as Supreme Governor of the Church of England (in England only), and the provisions of the Act of Settlement, 1701, that currently bar Roman Catholics from the line of succession, the monarchy is inherently contrary to egalitarianism and multiculturalism.
[REF] Their position is that because of its hereditary aspects, the sovereign's role as Supreme Governor of the Church of England (in England only), and the provisions of the Act of Settlement, 1701, that currently bar Roman Catholics from the line of succession, TOPIC_CONCEPT is inherently contrary to egalitarianism and multiculturalism.
Republicanism in Canada
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
The Southern Society, under Pestel's influence, was more radical and wanted to abolish the monarchy, establish a republic and redistribute land: taking half into state ownership and dividing the rest among the peasants [REF].
The Southern Society, under Pestel's influence, was more radical and wanted to abolish TOPIC_CONCEPT, establish a republic and redistribute land: taking half into state ownership and dividing the rest among the peasants [REF].
Decembrist revolt
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
Official reports claimed that Saya San was a "minlaung" or pretender-king who would restore the monarchy and revitalize the declining Buddhist religion.
Official reports claimed that Saya San was a "minlaung" or pretender-king who would restore TOPIC_CONCEPT and revitalize the declining Buddhist religion.
Saya San
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
New Zealand Prime Minister John Key said: "He believed that the monarchy was an instrument of change and can truly be seen as the architect of evolving democracy in Tonga.
New Zealand Prime Minister John Key said: "He believed that TOPIC_CONCEPT was an instrument of change and can truly be seen as the architect of evolving democracy in Tonga.
George Tupou V
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
The International Monarchist League, founded in 1943, which has been very influential in Canada and Australia, has always sought to promote monarchy on the grounds that it strengthens popular liberty, both in a democracy and in a dictatorship, because by definition the monarch is not beholden to politicians.
The International Monarchist League, founded in 1943, which has been very influential in Canada and Australia, has always sought to promote TOPIC_CONCEPT on the grounds that it strengthens popular liberty, both in a democracy and in a dictatorship, because by definition the monarch is not beholden to politicians.
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
On 8 March, three Shiite groups formed the "Coalition for a Bahraini Republic", including the Wafa, Haq and Freedom Movement, called for the abolishing of the monarchy and the establishing of a democratic republic [REF].
On 8 March, three Shiite groups formed the "Coalition for a Bahraini Republic", including the Wafa, Haq and Freedom Movement, called for the abolishing of TOPIC_CONCEPT and the establishing of a democratic republic [REF].
Timeline of the 2011–2012 Bahraini uprising–2012_Bahraini_uprising
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
The Gulf states were especially inclined to fear an Iranian victory after Khomeini announced that monarchy was an illegitimate and un-Islamic form of government [REF].
The Gulf states were especially inclined to fear an Iranian victory after Khomeini announced that TOPIC_CONCEPT was an illegitimate and un-Islamic form of government [REF].
Iran–Iraq War–Iraq_War
We should abolish the monarchy
the monarchy
In May 2010, a poll by Angus Reid found that more than two-thirds of Canadians, a 69% majority, would like to see a Canadian serving as Canada's head of state, and a 52% majority of Canadians support reopening the constitutional debate to discuss replacing the monarchy with an elected head of state, while only 32% oppose doing so.
In May 2010, a poll by Angus Reid found that more than two-thirds of Canadians, a 69% majority, would like to see a Canadian serving as Canada's head of state, and a 52% majority of Canadians support reopening the constitutional debate to discuss replacing TOPIC_CONCEPT with an elected head of state, while only 32% oppose doing so.
Debate on the monarchy in Canada