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We should increase government regulation
government regulation
The court case continued until 1896, when the Indiana Supreme Court ruled that the regulations were unconstitutional.
The court case continued until 1896, when the Indiana Supreme Court ruled that TOPIC_CONCEPT were unconstitutional.
Elwood Haynes
We should increase government regulation
government regulation
Genachowski said regulations would "support policies that advance our global competitiveness and preserve the Internet as a powerful platform for innovation."[REF] .
Genachowski said TOPIC_CONCEPT would "support policies that advance our global competitiveness and preserve the Internet as a powerful platform for innovation."[REF] .
National Broadband Plan (United States)
We should increase government regulation
government regulation
De Soto and his team argue that excessive regulation in the Peruvian (and other Latin American) economies force a large part of the economy into informality and thus prevent economic development.
De Soto and his team argue that excessive TOPIC_CONCEPT in the Peruvian (and other Latin American) economies force a large part of the economy into informality and thus prevent economic development.
Informal sector
We should increase government regulation
government regulation
In 2004, conservative think tank Cato Institute published a study which concluded that regulation provides benefits in the amount of $170 billion but costs the public up to $340 billion [REF].
In 2004, conservative think tank Cato Institute published a study which concluded that TOPIC_CONCEPT provides benefits in the amount of $170 billion but costs the public up to $340 billion [REF].
Health care in the United States
We should increase government regulation
government regulation
Harris Miller, president of the Information Technology Association of America, believes that regulation inhibits innovation.
Harris Miller, president of the Information Technology Association of America, believes that TOPIC_CONCEPT inhibits innovation.
Cyber-security regulation
We should increase government regulation
government regulation
In The Rise and Decline of Nations, 1982, Mancur Olson argues that "bureaucratic regulation itself generates further complexity and costs.
In The Rise and Decline of Nations, 1982, Mancur Olson argues that "bureaucratic TOPIC_CONCEPT itself generates further complexity and costs.
Complexity, Problem Solving, and Sustainable Societies,_Problem_Solving,_and_Sustainable_Societies
We should increase government regulation
government regulation
Under his leadership the government implemented Emergency Regulations which drastically curtailed civic liberties, including the freedom of speech and expression.
Under his leadership the government implemented Emergency TOPIC_CONCEPT which drastically curtailed civic liberties, including the freedom of speech and expression.
Sidney Holland
We should increase government regulation
government regulation
Barack Obama has argued that current loopholes in CFTC regulations have contributed to skyrocketing prices and lack of transparency of oil on markets [REF].
Barack Obama has argued that current loopholes in CFTC TOPIC_CONCEPT have contributed to skyrocketing prices and lack of transparency of oil on markets [REF].
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
We should increase government regulation
government regulation
Some environmentalists and climatologists support a phase-out and criticise clean coal as not a solution to climate change, while entrepreneurs promote improved regulations and modernised technology.
Some environmentalists and climatologists support a phase-out and criticise clean coal as not a solution to climate change, while entrepreneurs promote improved TOPIC_CONCEPT and modernised technology.
Fossil-fuel phase-out
We should increase government regulation
government regulation
Berg has voted to curtail EPA regulations, stating: "In North Dakota, we know the damaging effects that overreaching government regulations can have on our small businesses and their ability to create jobs."[REF]
Berg has voted to curtail EPA TOPIC_CONCEPT, stating: "In North Dakota, we know the damaging effects that overreaching TOPIC_CONCEPT can have on our small businesses and their ability to create jobs."[REF]
Rick Berg
We should increase government regulation
government regulation
The stated purposes of these "federal energy laws and regulations is to provide affordable energy by sustaining competitive markets, while protecting the economic, environmental, and security interests of the United States."[REF]
The stated purposes of these "federal energy laws and TOPIC_CONCEPT is to provide affordable energy by sustaining competitive markets, while protecting the economic, environmental, and security interests of the United States."[REF]
Energy law
We should increase government regulation
government regulation
Bruce Schneier also supports regulation that encourages software companies to write more secure code through economic incentives.
Bruce Schneier also supports TOPIC_CONCEPT that encourages software companies to write more secure code through economic incentives.
Cyber-security regulation
We should adopt libertarianism
Thomas acknowledges having "some very strong libertarian leanings" [REF].
Thomas acknowledges having "some very strong TOPIC_CONCEPT leanings" [REF].
Clarence Thomas
We should adopt libertarianism
The organization held its first national convention in 1985, and sought to promote libertarianism to LGBT Americans [REF].
The organization held its first national convention in 1985, and sought to promote TOPIC_CONCEPT to LGBT Americans [REF].
Libertarian perspectives on LGBT rights
We should adopt libertarianism
Despite his interest in government regulation of abortion and association of government with religion, Gosselin has maintained significant support for and from libertarians.
Despite his interest in government regulation of abortion and association of government with religion, Gosselin has maintained significant support for and from TOPIC_CONCEPT.
Robert Gosselin
We should adopt libertarianism
The version of left-libertarianism defended by contemporary theorists like Vallentyne, Steiner, Otsuka, van Parijs, and Ellerman features a strong commitment to personal liberty-embracing the libertarian premise that each person possesses a natural right of self-ownership-and an egalitarian view of natural resources, holding that it is illegitimate for anyone to claim private ownership of resources to the detriment of others [REF].
The version of left-libertarianism defended by contemporary theorists like Vallentyne, Steiner, Otsuka, van Parijs, and Ellerman features a strong commitment to personal liberty-embracing TOPIC_CONCEPT premise that each person possesses a natural right of self-ownership-and an egalitarian view of natural resources, holding that it is illegitimate for anyone to claim private ownership of resources to the detriment of others [REF].
We should adopt libertarianism
A faculty of federalism that lends to relative de-standardization of governance under its auspices, unlike libertarian or socialistic manners of state.
A faculty of federalism that lends to relative de-standardization of governance under its auspices, unlike TOPIC_CONCEPT or socialistic manners of state.
Individual and group rights
We should adopt libertarianism
The North American Confederacy is much more advanced in science and technology and much wealthier than our Earth, implying the author's view that libertarianism would solve world's problems.
The North American Confederacy is much more advanced in science and technology and much wealthier than our Earth, implying the author's view that TOPIC_CONCEPT would solve world's problems.
North American Confederacy
We should adopt libertarianism
Industry and agribusiness advocates continue to criticize Silent Spring, and in the 2000s Carson and her book have come under increasing attack from authors and libertarian groups who claimed that restrictions placed on DDT have caused millions of deaths, and more generally that environmental regulation unnecessarily restricts economic freedom [REF].
Industry and agribusiness advocates continue to criticize Silent Spring, and in the 2000s Carson and her book have come under increasing attack from authors and TOPIC_CONCEPT groups who claimed that restrictions placed on DDT have caused millions of deaths, and more generally that environmental regulation unnecessarily restricts economic freedom [REF].
Silent Spring
We should adopt libertarianism
Jeffrey Friedman has criticized libertarians for often relying on the unproven assumption that economic growth and affluence automatically result in happiness [REF].
Jeffrey Friedman has criticized TOPIC_CONCEPT for often relying on the unproven assumption that economic growth and affluence automatically result in happiness [REF].
Criticism of libertarianism
We should adopt libertarianism
Goldwater had also voted against the 1964 civil rights law on constitutional and libertarian grounds but later repudiated his position.
Goldwater had also voted against the 1964 civil rights law on constitutional and TOPIC_CONCEPT grounds but later repudiated his position.
James B. Utt
We should adopt libertarianism
For example, comparison of the relative attitudes towards victimless crimes held by prototypical secular libertarian, Murray Rothbard, and the prototypicial Christian libertarian, Andrew Sandlin, shows that secular libertarianism and Christian libertarianism are not particularly compatible.
For example, comparison of the relative attitudes towards victimless crimes held by prototypical secular TOPIC_CONCEPT, Murray Rothbard, and the prototypicial Christian libertarian, Andrew Sandlin, shows that secular TOPIC_CONCEPT and Christian libertarianism are not particularly compatible.
Libertarian Christianity
We should adopt libertarianism
Schwartz is the Chairman of the Australian-American Fulbright Commission and a member of the advisory boards of the Asia Society, the Global Foundation and the Centre for Independent Studies, an Australasian libertarian thinktank "actively engaged in supporting a free enterprise economy and a free society under limited government where individuals can prosper and fully develop their talents" [REF].
Schwartz is the Chairman of the Australian-American Fulbright Commission and a member of the advisory boards of the Asia Society, the Global Foundation and the Centre for Independent Studies, an Australasian TOPIC_CONCEPT thinktank "actively engaged in supporting a free enterprise economy and a free society under limited government where individuals can prosper and fully develop their talents" [REF].
Steven Schwartz (vice-chancellor)
We should adopt libertarianism
In a 1963 article, Rothbard wrote that "the Negro Revolution has some elements that a libertarian must favor, others that he must oppose.
In a 1963 article, Rothbard wrote that "the Negro Revolution has some elements that TOPIC_CONCEPT must favor, others that he must oppose.
Murray Rothbard
We should adopt libertarianism
Libertarians promote individual liberty and seek to minimize the role of the state.
TOPIC_CONCEPT promote individual liberty and seek to minimize the role of the state.
Libertarian perspectives on abortion
We should adopt libertarianism
Koch funds and supports libertarian and free-enterprise policy and advocacy organizations such as Americans for Prosperity[REF] and the Cato Institute,[REF] which he co-founded with Edward H. Crane and Murray Rothbard in 1977 [REF].
Koch funds and supports TOPIC_CONCEPT and free-enterprise policy and advocacy organizations such as Americans for Prosperity[REF] and the Cato Institute,[REF] which he co-founded with Edward H. Crane and Murray Rothbard in 1977 [REF].
Charles G. Koch
We should adopt libertarianism
After the 2000 elections, Browne had continued working to increase the popularity of libertarian goals to reduce the size and scope of government.
After the 2000 elections, Browne had continued working to increase the popularity of TOPIC_CONCEPT goals to reduce the size and scope of government.
Harry Browne
We should adopt libertarianism
Many advocates of a more libertarian bent, such as Americans for Limited Government, claim that reduced taxation is a noble goal for its own sake, leading to increases in financial freedom and economic prosperity.
Many advocates of a more TOPIC_CONCEPT bent, such as Americans for Limited Government, claim that reduced taxation is a noble goal for its own sake, leading to increases in financial freedom and economic prosperity.
Taxpayer Bill of Rights
We should adopt libertarianism
Some Rhode Islanders were also concerned about the Constitution for libertarian reasons and wanted a Bill of Rights to protect individual liberties, particularly Baptists (one of the largest denominations in Rhode Island) who had historically been persecuted by central governments.
Some Rhode Islanders were also concerned about the Constitution for TOPIC_CONCEPT reasons and wanted a Bill of Rights to protect individual liberties, particularly Baptists (one of the largest denominations in Rhode Island) who had historically been persecuted by central governments.
Country Party (Rhode Island)
We should adopt libertarianism
In his essay "From Liberty to Welfare", philosopher James P. Sterba argues that a morally consistent application of libertarian premises, including that of negative liberty, requires that a libertarian must endorse "the equality in the distribution of goods and resources required by a socialist state."
In his essay "From Liberty to Welfare", philosopher James P. Sterba argues that a morally consistent application of TOPIC_CONCEPT premises, including that of negative liberty, requires that TOPIC_CONCEPT must endorse "the equality in the distribution of goods and resources required by a socialist state."
Criticism of libertarianism
We should adopt libertarianism
Ayn Rand condemned libertarianism as being a greater threat to freedom and capitalism than both modern liberalism and conservativism [REF].
Ayn Rand condemned TOPIC_CONCEPT as being a greater threat to freedom and capitalism than both modern liberalism and conservativism [REF].
Libertarianism and Objectivism
We should adopt libertarianism
."[REF] Historian Jeff Riggenbach maintains that "Libertarians who are now in their teens and twenties could do far worse than to let their own attention be captured by Gary Chartier's Conscience of an Anarchist."[REF]
."[REF] Historian Jeff Riggenbach maintains that "TOPIC_CONCEPT who are now in their teens and twenties could do far worse than to let their own attention be captured by Gary Chartier's Conscience of an Anarchist."[REF]
Gary Chartier
We should adopt libertarianism
The Libertarian Party of Texas believes Paulville has potential for demonstrating practical libertarianism in action [REF].
The Libertarian Party of Texas believes Paulville has potential for demonstrating practical TOPIC_CONCEPT in action [REF].
Paulville, Texas,_Texas
We should adopt libertarianism
The Voluntaryist, a publication founded in 1982, promotes a libertarian form of nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience they call voluntaryism.
The Voluntaryist, a publication founded in 1982, promotes TOPIC_CONCEPT form of nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience they call voluntaryism.
Libertarian perspectives on revolution
We should adopt libertarianism
Carson and the environmental movement were-and continue to be-criticized by some conservatives and libertarians as well as chemical industry trade groups, who argue that restrictions placed on pesticides, specifically DDT, have caused tens of millions of needless deaths and hampered agriculture (and, implicitly, that Carson bears responsibility for inciting such restrictions) [REF].
Carson and the environmental movement were-and continue to be-criticized by some conservatives and TOPIC_CONCEPT as well as chemical industry trade groups, who argue that restrictions placed on pesticides, specifically DDT, have caused tens of millions of needless deaths and hampered agriculture (and, implicitly, that Carson bears responsibility for inciting such restrictions) [REF].
Rachel Carson
We should adopt libertarianism
Charles G. Koch funds and supports libertarian and free-market organizations such as the Cato Institute,[REF] which he co-founded with Edward H. Crane and Murray Rothbard in 1977,[REF] and is a board member at the Mercatus Center, a market-oriented research think tank at George Mason University.
Charles G. Koch funds and supports TOPIC_CONCEPT and free-market organizations such as the Cato Institute,[REF] which he co-founded with Edward H. Crane and Murray Rothbard in 1977,[REF] and is a board member at the Mercatus Center, a market-oriented research think tank at George Mason University.
Political activities of the Koch family
We should adopt libertarianism
By 1984, David had parted company with the Libertarian Party, because, he said, "they nominated a ticket I wasn't happy with" and "so many of the hard-core Libertarian ideas are unrealistic."[REF] .
By 1984, David had parted company with the Libertarian Party, because, he said, "they nominated a ticket I wasn't happy with" and "so many of the hard-core TOPIC_CONCEPT ideas are unrealistic."[REF] .
Political activities of the Koch family
We should adopt libertarianism
Between 2004-2008, Koch gave $246 million, focusing on "libertarian causes, giving money for academic and public policy research and social welfare."[REF]Koch
Between 2004-2008, Koch gave $246 million, focusing on "TOPIC_CONCEPT causes, giving money for academic and public policy research and social welfare."[REF]Koch
Charles G. Koch
We should adopt libertarianism
Barr said: "I'm happy to announce that I am now a proud, card-carrying Libertarian who is committed to helping elect leaders who will strive for smaller government, lower taxes and abundant individual freedom."[REF] .
Barr said: "I'm happy to announce that I am now a proud, card-carrying TOPIC_CONCEPT who is committed to helping elect leaders who will strive for smaller government, lower taxes and abundant individual freedom."[REF] .
Bob Barr
We should adopt libertarianism
In 2007 the environmentalist George Monbiot wrote an article in 'The Guardian' connecting Ridley's libertarian economic philosophy and the £27 billion failure of Northern Rock [REF].
In 2007 the environmentalist George Monbiot wrote an article in 'The Guardian' connecting Ridley's TOPIC_CONCEPT economic philosophy and the £27 billion failure of Northern Rock [REF].
Matthew White Ridley, 5th Viscount Ridley,_5th_Viscount_Ridley
We should adopt libertarianism
Sunstein and Thaler state that "the libertarian aspect of our strategies lies in the straightforward insistence that, in general, people should be free to do what they like-and to opt out of undesirable arrangements if they want to do so" [REF].
Sunstein and Thaler state that "TOPIC_CONCEPT aspect of our strategies lies in the straightforward insistence that, in general, people should be free to do what they like-and to opt out of undesirable arrangements if they want to do so" [REF].
Nudge (book)
We should adopt libertarianism
Murray Bookchin wrote: "This period [1890s] was the heyday of libertarian schools and pedagogical projects in all areas of the country where Anarchists exercised some degree of influence.
Murray Bookchin wrote: "This period [1890s] was the heyday of TOPIC_CONCEPT schools and pedagogical projects in all areas of the country where Anarchists exercised some degree of influence.
We should adopt libertarianism
Friedman also supported libertarian policies such as legalization of drugs and prostitution.
Friedman also supported TOPIC_CONCEPT policies such as legalization of drugs and prostitution.
Milton Friedman
We should adopt libertarianism
For Gustav Landauer, "propaganda of the deed" meant the creation of libertarian social forms and communities that would inspire others to transform society [REF].
For Gustav Landauer, "propaganda of the deed" meant the creation of TOPIC_CONCEPT social forms and communities that would inspire others to transform society [REF].
Propaganda of the deed
We should adopt libertarianism
Libertarians are against laws that favor or harm any race or either sex.
TOPIC_CONCEPT are against laws that favor or harm any race or either sex.
Debates within libertarianism
We should adopt libertarianism
Libertarian economist Peter T. Leeson attributes this increased economic activity to the Somali traditional law (referred to as Xeer), which provides a stable environment to conduct business in [REF].
TOPIC_CONCEPT economist Peter T. Leeson attributes this increased economic activity to the Somali traditional law (referred to as Xeer), which provides a stable environment to conduct business in [REF].
Outline of Somalia
We should adopt libertarianism
Today, Roosevelt is criticized by conservatives and libertarians for his extensive economic interventionism.
Today, Roosevelt is criticized by conservatives and TOPIC_CONCEPT for his extensive economic interventionism.
Criticism of Franklin D. Roosevelt
We should adopt libertarianism
In a 2007 article entitled " The Paradox of Libertarianism," Cowen argued that libertarians "should embrace a world with growing wealth, growing positive liberty, and yes, growing government.
In a 2007 article entitled " The Paradox of TOPIC_CONCEPT," Cowen argued that TOPIC_CONCEPT "should embrace a world with growing wealth, growing positive liberty, and yes, growing government.
Tyler Cowen
We should adopt libertarianism
In 2005, with other activists, Ince founded The Sex Party (British Columbia), a political party based in British Columbia, Canada, that contests provincial elections to promote libertarian and sex-positive attitudes towards sexual education, sex censorship and prostitution [REF].
In 2005, with other activists, Ince founded The Sex Party (British Columbia), a political party based in British Columbia, Canada, that contests provincial elections to promote TOPIC_CONCEPT and sex-positive attitudes towards sexual education, sex censorship and prostitution [REF].
The Politics of Lust
We should adopt libertarianism
Guitarist Joe Young is a member of the Libertarian Party, and states that he has voted libertarian since 1978 [REF].
Guitarist Joe Young is a member of the Libertarian Party, and states that he has voted TOPIC_CONCEPT since 1978 [REF].
We should adopt libertarianism
A staunch Libertarian,[REF][REF][REF] with a distinctive mustache,[REF][REF] Ron is an extremely strong advocate for small government; despite working in a city hall job, he believes all government is a waste of taxpayer money [REF].
A staunch TOPIC_CONCEPT,[REF][REF][REF] with a distinctive mustache,[REF][REF] Ron is an extremely strong advocate for small government; despite working in a city hall job, he believes all government is a waste of taxpayer money [REF].
Ron Swanson
We should subsidize adoptions
In June 2004, the Angolan National Assembly passed a comprehensive HIV/AIDS law with the purpose of "protecting and promoting full health through the adoption of measures needed to prevent, control, treat and investigate HIV/AIDS."3
In June 2004, the Angolan National Assembly passed a comprehensive HIV/AIDS law with the purpose of "protecting and promoting full health through TOPIC_CONCEPT of measures needed to prevent, control, treat and investigate HIV/AIDS."3
HIV/AIDS in Angola
We should subsidize adoptions
Christensen notes that adoption of Dogme practices may face greater cultural challenges in countries outside of Europe, such as Japan [REF].
Christensen notes that TOPIC_CONCEPT of Dogme practices may face greater cultural challenges in countries outside of Europe, such as Japan [REF].
Dogme language teaching
We should subsidize adoptions
As founder, leader and principal spokesperson for the CDF, Mrs. Edelman worked to persuade Congress to overhaul foster care, support adoption, improve child care and protect children who are disabled, homeless, abused or neglected.
As founder, leader and principal spokesperson for the CDF, Mrs. Edelman worked to persuade Congress to overhaul foster care, support TOPIC_CONCEPT, improve child care and protect children who are disabled, homeless, abused or neglected.
Marian Wright Edelman
We should subsidize adoptions
The researchers state that their findings "suggest that the adoption of E-ZPass was associated with significant improvements of infant health."
The researchers state that their findings "suggest that TOPIC_CONCEPT of E-ZPass was associated with significant improvements of infant health."
We should subsidize adoptions
2004), is a decision from the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit upholding Florida's ban of adoption of children by homosexual persons.
2004), is a decision from the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit upholding Florida's ban of TOPIC_CONCEPT of children by homosexual persons.
Lofton v. Secretary of the Department of Children and Family Services
We should subsidize adoptions
Largent introduced a bill that would ban adoptions by gay and lesbian parents in Washington, D.C.
Largent introduced a bill that would ban TOPIC_CONCEPT by gay and lesbian parents in Washington, D.C.
Steve Largent
We should subsidize adoptions
The initiative was taken by religious organizations in the United States, Australia, and many European nations, and eventually developed into various apparatus that sustained adoption as a socially integrated system.
The initiative was taken by religious organizations in the United States, Australia, and many European nations, and eventually developed into various apparatus that sustained TOPIC_CONCEPT as a socially integrated system.
International adoption of South Korean children
We should subsidize adoptions
According to Equipos Mori Poll's, 53% of Uruguayans oppose to same sex adoption against 39% that support it.
According to Equipos Mori Poll's, 53% of Uruguayans oppose to same sex TOPIC_CONCEPT against 39% that support it.
LGBT adoption
We should subsidize adoptions
The IIA includes among its members AT&T and the Americans for Tax Reform and has focused on expanding broadband access and adoption with particular emphasis on increased mobile connectivity for underserved and rural communities [REF].
The IIA includes among its members AT&T and the Americans for Tax Reform and has focused on expanding broadband access and TOPIC_CONCEPT with particular emphasis on increased mobile connectivity for underserved and rural communities [REF].
Rick Boucher
We should subsidize adoptions
Research shows that adoption of mastery goals leads to greater intrinsic motivation as opposed to performance approach or performance avoid which are associated with external motivation [REF].
Research shows that TOPIC_CONCEPT of mastery goals leads to greater intrinsic motivation as opposed to performance approach or performance avoid which are associated with external motivation [REF].
Goal orientation
We should subsidize adoptions
Arms control advocates had campaigned for the adoption of a treaty banning all nuclear explosions since the early 1950s, when public concern was aroused as a result of radioactive fall-out from atmospheric nuclear tests and the escalating arms race.
Arms control advocates had campaigned for TOPIC_CONCEPT of a treaty banning all nuclear explosions since the early 1950s, when public concern was aroused as a result of radioactive fall-out from atmospheric nuclear tests and the escalating arms race.
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
We should subsidize adoptions
The Eurobarometer 66[REF] poll found that 74% and 89% of Poles respectively were opposed to same-sex marriage and adoption by gay couples.
The Eurobarometer 66[REF] poll found that 74% and 89% of Poles respectively were opposed to same-sex marriage and TOPIC_CONCEPT by gay couples.
LGBT rights in Poland
We should subsidize adoptions
Australian Heart Foundation The position statement by the Heart Foundation regarding low-carbohydrate diets states that "the Heart Foundation does not support the adoption of VLCARB diets for weight loss."[REF]
Australian Heart Foundation The position statement by the Heart Foundation regarding low-carbohydrate diets states that "the Heart Foundation does not support TOPIC_CONCEPT of VLCARB diets for weight loss."[REF]
Low-carbohydrate diet
We should subsidize adoptions
In 2007, Bishop Devine stated that he would close the Roman Catholic adoption agencies rather than help same-sex couples to adopt children, and earlier in the year suggested that homosexual men and women would not be fit to teach in classrooms.
In 2007, Bishop Devine stated that he would close the Roman Catholic TOPIC_CONCEPT rather than help same-sex couples to adopt children, and earlier in the year suggested that homosexual men and women would not be fit to teach in classrooms.
Joseph Devine
We should subsidize adoptions
Wide-scale adoption of CCS may erase efficiency gains of the last 50 years, and increase resource consumption by one third.
Wide-scale TOPIC_CONCEPT of CCS may erase efficiency gains of the last 50 years, and increase resource consumption by one third.
Carbon capture and storage
We should subsidize adoptions
The EU contended that the presence of the banned hormones in food may present a risk to consumers' health and that, as a consequence, the directives were justified under several WTO provisions authorizing the adoption of trade-restrictive measures that are necessary to protect human health.
The EU contended that the presence of the banned hormones in food may present a risk to consumers' health and that, as a consequence, the directives were justified under several WTO provisions authorizing TOPIC_CONCEPT of trade-restrictive measures that are necessary to protect human health.
Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
We should subsidize adoptions
BLM was accused of allowing too many adoptions so as to deplete feral horse populations on federal land.
BLM was accused of allowing too many TOPIC_CONCEPT so as to deplete feral horse populations on federal land.
Pryor Mountains Wild Horse Range
We should subsidize adoptions
In 2004 and 2005, as an expert advisor to the United Nations, Queen Noor traveled to Central Asia to advocate for adoption and implementation of the Ottawa Treaty throughout the region and for multi-sectoral commitment to the Millennium Development Goals in Tajikistan, one of the world's poorest countries.
In 2004 and 2005, as an expert advisor to the United Nations, Queen Noor traveled to Central Asia to advocate for TOPIC_CONCEPT and implementation of the Ottawa Treaty throughout the region and for multi-sectoral commitment to the Millennium Development Goals in Tajikistan, one of the world's poorest countries.
Queen Noor of Jordan
We should subsidize adoptions
One national survey found that 67% of respondents believed that a German-Italian victory would endanger the United States, and that 71% supported "the immediate adoption of compulsory military training for all young men" [REF].
One national survey found that 67% of respondents believed that a German-Italian victory would endanger the United States, and that 71% supported "the immediate TOPIC_CONCEPT of compulsory military training for all young men" [REF].
Conscription in the United States
We should subsidize adoptions
SAP Research has recently collaborated with MIT to study the impact the massive adoption of RFID and other auto-ID technologies would have on global network and IT infrastructures.
SAP Research has recently collaborated with MIT to study the impact the massive TOPIC_CONCEPT of RFID and other auto-ID technologies would have on global network and IT infrastructures.
SAP Auto-ID Infrastructure
We should subsidize adoptions
In the late 1960s and the early 1970s, in response to the significant social changes of these years, The Children's Society moved away from centralised care, fostering and adoption work and focused more on preventative work designed to support children and young people within their own families and communities.
In the late 1960s and the early 1970s, in response to the significant social changes of these years, The Children's Society moved away from centralised care, fostering and TOPIC_CONCEPT work and focused more on preventative work designed to support children and young people within their own families and communities.
The Children's Society's_Society
We should subsidize adoptions
The German Renewable Energy Act, since its adoption in 2000, is producing strong growth in renewable power capacity by encouraging private investors through guaranteed Feed-in tariffs.
The German Renewable Energy Act, since its TOPIC_CONCEPT in 2000, is producing strong growth in renewable power capacity by encouraging private investors through guaranteed Feed-in tariffs.
Renewable portfolio standard
We should subsidize adoptions
36% supported adoption rights for same-sex couples [REF].
36% supported TOPIC_CONCEPT rights for same-sex couples [REF].
Same-sex marriage in France
We should subsidize adoptions
Allan Yeomans also strongly supports the overall adoption of nuclear energy for industrial power [REF].
Allan Yeomans also strongly supports the overall TOPIC_CONCEPT of nuclear energy for industrial power [REF].
Allan Yeomans
We should subsidize adoptions
While a simple majority of voters in 97% of the electoral districts (77 of 79) voted to support the adoption of the BC-STV system, in the province-wide popular vote 57.69% of the population voted to support BC-STV, falling just 2.3% short of the government-set requirement for the result to be binding.
While a simple majority of voters in 97% of the electoral districts (77 of 79) voted to support TOPIC_CONCEPT of the BC-STV system, in the province-wide popular vote 57.69% of the population voted to support BC-STV, falling just 2.3% short of the government-set requirement for the result to be binding.
We should subsidize adoptions
Levy-Shiff (2001, p. 102) elaborated based on findings from a study on adult adoptees: "Whereas previous studies have documented adoption during childhood and adolescence, the findings of the present study suggest that during adulthood as well, adoptees are at a higher risk for psychological maladjustment.
Levy-Shiff (2001, p. 102) elaborated based on findings from a study on adult TOPIC_CONCEPT: "Whereas previous studies have documented TOPIC_CONCEPT during childhood and adolescence, the findings of the present study suggest that during adulthood as well, TOPIC_CONCEPT are at a higher risk for psychological maladjustment.
Genealogical bewilderment
We should subsidize adoptions
Indonesia has stated that it supports the adoption of the Rome Statute, and that "universal participation should be the cornerstone of the International Criminal Court" [REF].
Indonesia has stated that it supports TOPIC_CONCEPT of the Rome Statute, and that "universal participation should be the cornerstone of the International Criminal Court" [REF].
States parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
We should subsidize adoptions
Sustainable production can be supported by the adoption and use of environmentally sound technologies which can improve environmental performance significantly.
Sustainable production can be supported by TOPIC_CONCEPT and use of environmentally sound technologies which can improve environmental performance significantly.
Melbourne Principles
We should subsidize adoptions
The Vodafone Group Foundation is a founder member of the mHealth Alliance,[REF] supporting the adoption of mHealth through policy research and advocacy and the development of interoperable and sustainable mHealth solutions.
The Vodafone Group Foundation is a founder member of the mHealth Alliance,[REF] supporting TOPIC_CONCEPT of mHealth through policy research and advocacy and the development of interoperable and sustainable mHealth solutions.
We should subsidize adoptions
Introduction of the Ransome Victory and its subsequent widespread adoption led to the rapid expansion of agriculture, particularly in the semi-arid regions of Southern Africa [REF][REF].
Introduction of the Ransome Victory and its subsequent widespread TOPIC_CONCEPT led to the rapid expansion of agriculture, particularly in the semi-arid regions of Southern Africa [REF][REF].
Ransome Victory Plough
We should subsidize adoptions
Talend sponsors the Apache Software Foundation which has been instrumental in fostering open source adoption and providing structure to build successful open source communities.
Talend sponsors the Apache Software Foundation which has been instrumental in fostering open source TOPIC_CONCEPT and providing structure to build successful open source communities.
We should subsidize adoptions
Economists from the University of Tennessee concluded that while there would be many desirable macroeconomic effects, adoption of a national retail sales tax would also have serious effects on state and local government finances [REF].
Economists from the University of Tennessee concluded that while there would be many desirable macroeconomic effects, TOPIC_CONCEPT of a national retail sales tax would also have serious effects on state and local government finances [REF].
We should subsidize adoptions
For several years, a lobby spearheaded by the Canadian government and its nuclear venture, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, promoted the adoption of nuclear energy in Quebec, as a way to "share the benefits of Canada with our fellow francophone citizens", as Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson said.
For several years, a lobby spearheaded by the Canadian government and its nuclear venture, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, promoted TOPIC_CONCEPT of nuclear energy in Quebec, as a way to "share the benefits of Canada with our fellow francophone citizens", as Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson said.
James Bay Project
We should subsidize adoptions
Smith has served as a spokesperson for Equality Florida denouncing the adoption ban, in particular challenging the state for using huge sums of taxpayer dollars to fund a discredited anti-gay activist as their star witness [REF].
Smith has served as a spokesperson for Equality Florida denouncing TOPIC_CONCEPT ban, in particular challenging the state for using huge sums of taxpayer dollars to fund a discredited anti-gay activist as their star witness [REF].
Nadine Smith
We should subsidize adoptions
39% support same-sex marriage, while 47% support civil unions, and 46% support adoption rights.
39% support same-sex marriage, while 47% support civil unions, and 46% support TOPIC_CONCEPT rights.
Societal attitudes toward homosexuality
We should subsidize adoptions
As such, The United Methodist Church encourages society to support and facilitate the option of adoption and also provide nurturing ministries to those who have terminated a pregnancy [REF].
As such, The United Methodist Church encourages society to support and facilitate the option of TOPIC_CONCEPT and also provide nurturing ministries to those who have terminated a pregnancy [REF].
United Methodist Church
We should subsidize adoptions
A June 2011 Ifop poll found that 63% of respondents were in favour of same-sex marriage, while 58% supported adoption rights for same-sex couples [REF].
A June 2011 Ifop poll found that 63% of respondents were in favour of same-sex marriage, while 58% supported TOPIC_CONCEPT rights for same-sex couples [REF].
Same-sex marriage in France
We should subsidize adoptions
Researchers from the University of Minnesota studied adolescents who had been adopted and found that adoptees were twice as likely as non-adopted people to suffer from oppositional defiant disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (with an 8% rate in the general population) [REF].
Researchers from the University of Minnesota studied adolescents who had been adopted and found that TOPIC_CONCEPT were twice as likely as non-adopted people to suffer from oppositional defiant disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (with an 8% rate in the general population) [REF].
We should subsidize adoptions
Marino serves as a surgical consultant to The Humane Society of New York, Nassau University Medical Center, North Shore Animal League America, Bide-A-Wee Animal Adoption Center, The Guide Dog Foundation,[REF] Sweet Briar Nature Preserve[REF] and is an executive board member of the Police Surgeons Benevolent Association, NY [REF].
Marino serves as a surgical consultant to The Humane Society of New York, Nassau University Medical Center, North Shore Animal League America, Bide-A-Wee Animal TOPIC_CONCEPT Center, The Guide Dog Foundation,[REF] Sweet Briar Nature Preserve[REF] and is an executive board member of the Police Surgeons Benevolent Association, NY [REF].
Dominic J. Marino
We should subsidize adoptions
President Roosevelt supported adoption of the Act in many more states in a message on Columbia radio network in March 1935 [REF].
President Roosevelt supported TOPIC_CONCEPT of the Act in many more states in a message on Columbia radio network in March 1935 [REF].
Uniform State Narcotic Drug Act
We should fight illegal immigration
illegal immigration
Most of these cities claim that the benefit illegal immigrants bring to their city outweigh the costs.
Most of these cities claim that the benefit TOPIC_CONCEPT bring to their city outweigh the costs.
Illegal immigration to the United States
We should fight illegal immigration
illegal immigration
Military investigations showed that illegal immigration was related to increasing rates of prostitution, gambling, money laundering, and illegal fishing.
Military investigations showed that TOPIC_CONCEPT was related to increasing rates of prostitution, gambling, money laundering, and illegal fishing.
Chinese in Fiji
We should fight illegal immigration
illegal immigration
Lipman asserts that "undocumented immigrants actually contribute more to public coffers in taxes than they cost in social services" and "contribute to the U.S. economy through their investments and consumption of goods and services; filling of millions of essential worker positions resulting in subsidiary job creation, increased productivity and lower costs of goods and services; and unrequited contributions to Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance programs."[REF] .
Lipman asserts that "TOPIC_CONCEPT actually contribute more to public coffers in taxes than they cost in social services" and "contribute to the U.S. economy through their investments and consumption of goods and services; filling of millions of essential worker positions resulting in subsidiary job creation, increased productivity and lower costs of goods and services; and unrequited contributions to Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance programs."[REF] .
Economic impact of illegal immigrants in the United States
We should fight illegal immigration
illegal immigration
Jenkins has denounced "unchecked illegal immigration" that "is wreaking havoc on our economic, legal, and national security interests."[REF]
Jenkins has denounced "unchecked TOPIC_CONCEPT" that "is wreaking havoc on our economic, legal, and national security interests."[REF]
Lynn Jenkins
We should fight illegal immigration
illegal immigration
McCrory argued that illegal immigration has brought gang activity to the state, and was straining the resources of public schools and services [REF].
McCrory argued that TOPIC_CONCEPT has brought gang activity to the state, and was straining the resources of public schools and services [REF].
Pat McCrory
We should fight illegal immigration
illegal immigration
Most of the conservatives broke ranks with Bush and vigorously opposed the bill, for its provisions regarding legalization of illegal immigrants and providing them with a path to citizenship [REF].
Most of the conservatives broke ranks with Bush and vigorously opposed the bill, for its provisions regarding legalization of TOPIC_CONCEPT and providing them with a path to citizenship [REF].
George W. Bush's second term as President of the United States's_second_term_as_President_of_the_United_States
We should fight illegal immigration
illegal immigration
Around 2005, an increasing number of banks saw illegal immigrants as an untapped resource for growing their own revenue stream and contended that providing illegal aliens with mortgages would help revitalize local communities, with many community banks providing home loans for illegal immigrants [REF].
Around 2005, an increasing number of banks saw TOPIC_CONCEPT as an untapped resource for growing their own revenue stream and contended that providing illegal aliens with mortgages would help revitalize local communities, with many community banks providing home loans for TOPIC_CONCEPT [REF].
Illegal immigration to the United States
We should fight illegal immigration
illegal immigration
TCC opposes illegal immigration and legislation characterized by TCC as an amnesty for illegal immigrants, such as S. 2611.
TCC opposes TOPIC_CONCEPT and legislation characterized by TCC as an amnesty for TOPIC_CONCEPT, such as S. 2611.
The Conservative Caucus
We should fight illegal immigration
illegal immigration
Christensen supports making the 2001 federal tax cuts permanent, supports easing restrictions on oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and opposes amnesty for illegal immigrants [REF].
Christensen supports making the 2001 federal tax cuts permanent, supports easing restrictions on oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and opposes amnesty for TOPIC_CONCEPT [REF].
LaVar Christensen