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People are already well aware of the harms of the flu and the benefits of vaccination, meaning that the government should allow people to make the decisions they deem best for themselves.
Coercion and threats via government mandate prevent long-term successful health policy by making people feel attacked, which means you will have more backlash against flu vaccines than if you just negotiated with people rationally.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
Forcing parent to vaccinate their children is getting into the way they parent and control it, which is not legitimate.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory because coercion is less effective than education when it comes to promoting better public health.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
The majority of the time the flu is a very benign disease, it is unfair to mandate the vaccine for all if very few experience real harms either way.
People are already well aware of the harms of the flu and the benefits of vaccination, meaning that the government should allow people to make the decisions they deem best for themselves.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
Mandating flu vaccination sets a dangerous precedent for the government mandating invasive medical procedures and regulating the human body directly in the future.
This will cause strong public resentment, as people will feel that the state is not respectingtheir rights and autonomy.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
People who don't believe in vaccines will get angry at the state and would show less willingness to work with it.
This will cause strong public resentment, as people will feel that the state is not respectingtheir rights and autonomy.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
Most people who don't get flu vaccines don't get them because of expense or physical inaccessibility, it is wrong for the government to mandate something they can't guarantee will be provided.
There are limited numbers of vaccines available in the world, so massive increased consumption in the US will trade off with poorer countries that need it more.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
The government cannot restrain people and administer vaccines, as it would be a violation of bodily autonomy.
making vaccination mandatory will be a heavy weight on the health system and would make it collapse most likely.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
Mandating flu vaccination sets a dangerous precedent for the government mandating invasive medical procedures and regulating the human body directly in the future.
The amount of money spent on enforcing the law, will be greater them the money spent on helping the really sick people
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
States are built on a desire to protect individual autonomy, you cannot violate it even if it is to preserve public health.
The flu vaccine is unpopular amongst a wide portion of the population, thus mandating it would be undemocratic and a violation of the population's political will.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
People have a right to bodily autonomy, and forcing vaccination limits that right
Some religious beliefs are against vaccinations, and it's not legitimate for the state to intervene in that.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
If the government mandates vaccines, anti science conspiracy theorists will become emboldened, more scared, and radicalized.
People have a right over their bodies, the government should not intefiere with it.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
There are limited numbers of vaccines available in the world, so massive increased consumption in the US will trade off with poorer countries that need it more.
The majority of the time the flu is a very benign disease, it is unfair to mandate the vaccine for all if very few experience real harms either way.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
People do have the autonomy of their own body, and given a vaccination is an invasive process, they have the legitimacy to choose otherwise
This will cause strong public resentment, as people will feel that the state is not respectingtheir rights and autonomy.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
People often don't get the flu vaccine based on conventional or emotional wisdom, mandating a flu vaccine makes them feel attacked but does nothing to promote fact based decision making or scientific awareness.
There are a number of potential side effects of the flu vaccine that lead to more harm than good, meaning people should be able to decide for themselves whether to vaccinate or not.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
People who don't believe in vaccines will get angry at the state and would show less willingness to work with it.
The public does not support this kind of policy and the government must always prioritize the will of the people.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
A vaccine is an actual disease. As an old person I can actually get sick because of that. I prefer to take a coat when i go woutsid then put a disease into my body
if we vaccinate babies and elderly we put them in even a greater danger than being infected with the flu due to all those chemicals that could affect them gravely.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
the body has an automatic vaccination due to evolution, those who got sick and died are the weakest link and we are better off without them
We can't coerce people to be healthier because it's their choice not to be healthy as long as they harm only themselves, which they will because they are few individuals
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
if we vaccinate babies and elderly we put them in even a greater danger than being infected with the flu due to all those chemicals that could affect them gravely.
Vaccination might have side-effects, which might be stronger to some, and would make the reduce in riak for getting sick non-profitable as the damage done because of the vaccination is big enough to negate it.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
Vaccination is risky becose you might get sick and forcing someone to take that risk is unethical
The proposal will make people more inddifferent to the flu and take more risks, despite the vaccine being not fully effective
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
Vaccines might be harmful, and only the person taking them can know if they are worth the risk for them.
Opposition to vaccines is valid as the government and doctors have used their powers to harm marginalized groups before.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
Government mandating flu vaccines makes anti-vaxxers feel more oppressed which further radicalizes them and facilitates recruitment into the movement.
If the government refuses to respect the will of the people, it will fall into fascism.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
You can not force people to inject substances they do not want to their bodies.
Vaccinations could harm the person getting vaccinated by getting infected, thus harming him more than protecting
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
If the government mandates vaccines, anti science conspiracy theorists will become emboldened, more scared, and radicalized.
Vaccination is risky becose you might get sick and forcing someone to take that risk is unethical
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
It the right of the parents to choose what they will do about their children health
The flu vaccine barely works anyways since strains of flu change every year.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
The flu vaccine is unpopular amongst a wide portion of the population, thus mandating it would be undemocratic and a violation of the population's political will.
You do not have to make vaccinations mandatory. Positive incentives can be given to people to get vaccinated, thus immunizing most of the population without the use of force.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
The flu vaccine is relatively painful and could cause short-term pain and weakness. It is illegitimate to force people to undertake it against their will.
Some people will get so angery about the subject, that they will stop to take any vaccination and will not vaccinate their children
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
Vaccines may kill people - we can not predict if a person would develop a severe reaction to any of the ingredients
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory, because some people lead very busy lives and finding time to get a vaccine can be overly burdensome on people.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory, because some people lead very busy lives and finding time to get a vaccine can be overly burdensome on people.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory because the flu is not as serious a health risk as other illnesses that we don't mandate a vaccine for, such as HPV.
Flu vaccination should not be mandatory