2 values
22 values
many institutions and businesses have money invested in fossil fuels, a ban would destroy the economy and those institutions.
in places with extreme weather conditions walking to public transportation or not being able to heat your house can be very dangerous.
We should not ban fossil fuels
we should not ban fossil fuels because often times they can be less harmful to the environment than manufacturing "green" energy sources like solar panels.
we should not ban fossil fuels because not all fossil fuels are created equally and we could continue to use clean natural gas while banning coal and oil.
We should not ban fossil fuels
there are other, less extreme ways to decrease the use and discourage fossil fuels like carbon taxes or ending subsides that wouldn't cause as much of extreme economic turmoil.
we should not ban fossil fuels because not all fossil fuels are created equally and we could continue to use clean natural gas while banning coal and oil.
We should not ban fossil fuels
many institutions and businesses have money invested in fossil fuels, a ban would destroy the economy and those institutions.
we have already taken global warming too far, fossil fuels will prove a higher standard of living while we wait out the clock.
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuels will require individuals to buy new electric cars, which means people in poverty will no longer be able to afford transportation.
the government shouldn't pass policies without the popular consent of the citizens, banning fossil fuels would be incredibly unpopular.
We should not ban fossil fuels
fossil fuels are cheap sources of energy the allow us to create and move commodities cheaply, therefore reducing the costs of everything we buy or consume
countries try to break dependence of controversial countries and want to create more stable market. thus they are already looking for alternative energy sources. no need to entirely ban.
We should not ban fossil fuels
countries try to break dependence of controversial countries and want to create more stable market. thus they are already looking for alternative energy sources. no need to entirely ban.
this removes the only competitive advantage that many developing countries have - selling natural resources. this means they will have no way to survive
We should not ban fossil fuels
fossil fuels are delicious and good for your health!
banning fossil fuel will only make prices soar and eliminate jobs
We should not ban fossil fuels
jobs destroyed by a ban won't be replaced with jobs for as low of a level of education (since greener energy needs more researchers and engineers than miners), leaving many permanently out of work.
fossil fuels are the thing that anable the modern western world and all the research in science. if we would stop using it we will roll the modern world back to the midle age.
We should not ban fossil fuels
we should not ban fossil fuels because often times they can be less harmful to the environment than manufacturing "green" energy sources like solar panels.
we have already taken global warming too far, fossil fuels will prove a higher standard of living while we wait out the clock.
We should not ban fossil fuels
fossil fuels are the cheapest and most common form of energy there is, so it is far more available to the poor who can't afford anything else
countries try to break dependence of controversial countries and want to create more stable market. thus they are already looking for alternative energy sources. no need to entirely ban.
We should not ban fossil fuels
only a complete fool would ban fossil fuels before green tech is fully developed
this will give rise to nuclear energy which will make the world a much more dangerous place
We should not ban fossil fuels
there are other, less extreme ways to decrease the use and discourage fossil fuels like carbon taxes or ending subsides that wouldn't cause as much of extreme economic turmoil.
the free market is solving this as we speak. there is no need to ban fossil fuels, as we are already creating alternatives that don't need the interim turmoil
We should not ban fossil fuels
the free market is solving this as we speak. there is no need to ban fossil fuels, as we are already creating alternatives that don't need the interim turmoil
we should not ban fossil fuels because it would cause international chaos as economies like russia and brazil lost huge industries and had to scramble to replace them.
We should not ban fossil fuels
world is largely based on technology. technology is currently largely based on fossil energy. banning it would not allow people to properly use technology and urge them to use primitive devices.
jobs destroyed by a ban won't be replaced with jobs for as low of a level of education (since greener energy needs more researchers and engineers than miners), leaving many permanently out of work.
We should not ban fossil fuels
hurts specifically developing countries which depend more on fossil fuels than developed countries, while developing countries need more help
there are not enough cheap alternatives to fossil fuels, banning it at this stage can make entire cities collapse for lack of power.
We should not ban fossil fuels
fossil fuels are cheap sources of energy the allow us to create and move commodities cheaply, therefore reducing the costs of everything we buy or consume
fosile fule are the chepest thing that can help the developing word to get to the level of the developed world.
We should not ban fossil fuels
renewable energy is being developed and in the mean time it is just cheaper to use fossil fuels
many current workplaces are based on the use and production of fossil fuels, thus banning it will result in great unemployment
We should not ban fossil fuels
fossil fuels are more efficient in terms of the amount of energy they produce per amount used.
banning fossil fuels at this point is simply not feasible , without causing an economic collapse.
We should not ban fossil fuels
we have already taken global warming too far, fossil fuels will prove a higher standard of living while we wait out the clock.
fossil fuels are cheap sources of energy the allow us to create and move commodities cheaply, therefore reducing the costs of everything we buy or consume
We should not ban fossil fuels
there aren't enough viable alternatives for fossil fuels, so we won't have things like electricity, therefore millions will die
renewable energy is being developed and in the mean time it is just cheaper to use fossil fuels
We should not ban fossil fuels
we should not ban fossil fuels because without access to cheap, easy energy poor countries will not be able to rapidly develop and will be trapped in poverty.
we should not ban fossil fuels because in many places there simply is no alternative and we cannot treat the people who live there as less valuable than others.
We should not ban fossil fuels
world is largely based on technology. technology is currently largely based on fossil energy. banning it would not allow people to properly use technology and urge them to use primitive devices.
we should not ban fossil fuels because it would cause international chaos as economies like russia and brazil lost huge industries and had to scramble to replace them.
We should not ban fossil fuels
fossil fuels are the thing that anable the modern western world and all the research in science. if we would stop using it we will roll the modern world back to the midle age.
there are other, less extreme ways to decrease the use and discourage fossil fuels like carbon taxes or ending subsides that wouldn't cause as much of extreme economic turmoil.
We should not ban fossil fuels
renewable energy won't exist any time soon and hence there is no alternative
banning fossil fuels at this point is simply not feasible , without causing an economic collapse.
We should not ban fossil fuels
creating energy from fossil fuels is relatively cheap, which is reflected in the cost of fossil-energy based devices, allowing people from poor economic background to have a broad use of technology. this leads to social mobolity.
fossil fuels are located in countries with politically controversial agendas. the mutual dependence of diverse energy producers and buyers create deals and interactions between countries. we need fossils as they are the base for deals.
We should not ban fossil fuels
we should not ban fossil fuels because in many places there simply is no alternative and we cannot treat the people who live there as less valuable than others.
it is unjustified to ban fossil fuels, it is individual people's choices whether to use products that were created using those fuels, and whether to use those themselves
We should not ban fossil fuels
there aren't enough viable alternatives for fossil fuels, so we won't have things like electricity, therefore millions will die
there is no alternative energy source currently - and the interim will cause huge havoc
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuels would bring down huge companies supporting lots of workers that would be sent home with no means to help their families
we should not ban fossil fuels because it would dramatically limit the use of container ships and undermine international trade.
We should not ban fossil fuels
in places with extreme weather conditions walking to public transportation or not being able to heat your house can be very dangerous.
this removes the only competitive advantage that many developing countries have - selling natural resources. this means they will have no way to survive
We should not ban fossil fuels
this will give rise to nuclear energy which will make the world a much more dangerous place
banning fossil fuels makes production of energy more expensive, increasing the cost of living for everyone.
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuels would bring down huge companies supporting lots of workers that would be sent home with no means to help their families
in places with extreme weather conditions walking to public transportation or not being able to heat your house can be very dangerous.
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuels at this point is simply not feasible , without causing an economic collapse.
only a complete fool would ban fossil fuels before green tech is fully developed
We should not ban fossil fuels
the alternatives to fossil fuels right now are much more polluting because they consume more energy
renewable energy won't exist any time soon and hence there is no alternative
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuels makes production of energy more expensive, increasing the cost of living for everyone.
we should not ban fossil fuels because it would dramatically limit the use of container ships and undermine international trade.
We should not ban fossil fuels
the government shouldn't pass policies without the popular consent of the citizens, banning fossil fuels would be incredibly unpopular.
this removes the only competitive advantage that many developing countries have - selling natural resources. this means they will have no way to survive
We should not ban fossil fuels
there are not enough cheap alternatives to fossil fuels, banning it at this stage can make entire cities collapse for lack of power.
fussil fuels is a big industry that will go to be poor. becouse there are more labore jobs in the fossil fuels industry
We should not ban fossil fuels
there are other, less extreme ways to decrease the use and discourage fossil fuels like carbon taxes or ending subsides that wouldn't cause as much of extreme economic turmoil.
it is unjustified to ban fossil fuels, it is individual people's choices whether to use products that were created using those fuels, and whether to use those themselves
We should not ban fossil fuels
renewable energy won't exist any time soon and hence there is no alternative
fossil fuels are delicious and good for your health!
We should not ban fossil fuels
fossil fuels are delicious and good for your health!
banning fossil fuels would destroy millions of jobs currently in the industry.
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuels makes production of energy more expensive, especially for countries that are less developed and have less alternatives, harming the poorest and most in need.
it is unjustified to ban fossil fuels, it is individual people's choices whether to use products that were created using those fuels, and whether to use those themselves
We should not ban fossil fuels
renewable energy is being developed and in the mean time it is just cheaper to use fossil fuels
fossil fuels are a cheap energy source and banning it would greatly increase the price of living
We should not ban fossil fuels
renewable energy won't exist any time soon and hence there is no alternative
a lot of jobs would be taken away because a lot of factories depend on it.
We should not ban fossil fuels
we should not ban fossil fuels because often times they can be less harmful to the environment than manufacturing "green" energy sources like solar panels.
fussil fuels is a big industry that will go to be poor. becouse there are more labore jobs in the fossil fuels industry
We should not ban fossil fuels
fossil fuels are cheap sources of energy the allow us to create and move commodities cheaply, therefore reducing the costs of everything we buy or consume
in places with extreme weather conditions walking to public transportation or not being able to heat your house can be very dangerous.
We should not ban fossil fuels
we should not ban fossil fuels because it would cause international chaos as economies like russia and brazil lost huge industries and had to scramble to replace them.
fussil fuels is a big industry that will go to be poor. becouse there are more labore jobs in the fossil fuels industry
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuels at this point is simply not feasible , without causing an economic collapse.
fossil fuels are the only way to power war meachins like tanks and planse that are needed to defend countrys
We should not ban fossil fuels
world is largely based on technology. technology is currently largely based on fossil energy. banning it would not allow people to properly use technology and urge them to use primitive devices.
fossil fuels are the cheapest and most common form of energy there is, so it is far more available to the poor who can't afford anything else
We should not ban fossil fuels
it is unjustified to ban fossil fuels, it is individual people's choices whether to use products that were created using those fuels, and whether to use those themselves
we should not ban fossil fuels because it would actually be more wasteful to stop using perfectly good infrastructure decades before it wears out, especially given the huge up front costs.
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuels makes production of energy more expensive, especially for countries that are less developed and have less alternatives, harming the poorest and most in need.
fosile fule are the chepest thing that can help the developing word to get to the level of the developed world.
We should not ban fossil fuels
we should not ban fossil fuels because not all fossil fuels are created equally and we could continue to use clean natural gas while banning coal and oil.
we should not ban fossil fuels because it would actually be more wasteful to stop using perfectly good infrastructure decades before it wears out, especially given the huge up front costs.
We should not ban fossil fuels
we should not ban fossil fuels because without access to cheap, easy energy poor countries will not be able to rapidly develop and will be trapped in poverty.
we should not ban fossil fuels because not all fossil fuels are created equally and we could continue to use clean natural gas while banning coal and oil.
We should not ban fossil fuels
in places with extreme weather conditions walking to public transportation or not being able to heat your house can be very dangerous.
a lot of jobs would be taken away because a lot of factories depend on it.
We should not ban fossil fuels
fossil fuels are the cheapest and most common form of energy there is, so it is far more available to the poor who can't afford anything else
in places with extreme weather conditions walking to public transportation or not being able to heat your house can be very dangerous.
We should not ban fossil fuels
changing from fossil fuels to clean energy is a highly costly move because the government would have to build new nuclear power plants, at the expense of using that money to deal better with pollution
we should not ban fossil fuels because not all fossil fuels are created equally and we could continue to use clean natural gas while banning coal and oil.
We should not ban fossil fuels
fussil fuels is a big industry that will go to be poor. becouse there are more labore jobs in the fossil fuels industry
a lot of jobs would be taken away because a lot of factories depend on it.
We should not ban fossil fuels
we should not ban fossil fuels because the ban would be unenforceable and would just lead to exxon et al. moving to countries with less regulation.
hurts specifically developing countries which depend more on fossil fuels than developed countries, while developing countries need more help
We should not ban fossil fuels
today we are too much dependent on fossil fuels and the share of clean energy is not high enough, so we can't ban it with no sufficient alternatives
we should not ban fossil fuels because not all fossil fuels are created equally and we could continue to use clean natural gas while banning coal and oil.
We should not ban fossil fuels
it is unjustified to ban fossil fuels, it is individual people's choices whether to use products that were created using those fuels, and whether to use those themselves
we should not ban fossil fuels because despite what we would wish, there is no viable alternative yet, and it is unethical to use people's suffering as a means to an end to develop one.
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuel will only make prices soar and eliminate jobs
banning fossil fuels makes production of energy more expensive, increasing the cost of living for everyone.
We should not ban fossil fuels
there aren't enough viable alternatives for fossil fuels, so we won't have things like electricity, therefore millions will die
fussil fuels is a big industry that will go to be poor. becouse there are more labore jobs in the fossil fuels industry
We should not ban fossil fuels
we should not ban fossil fuels because often times they can be less harmful to the environment than manufacturing "green" energy sources like solar panels.
fossil fuels are the only way to power war meachins like tanks and planse that are needed to defend countrys
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuels at this point is simply not feasible , without causing an economic collapse.
we don't have another effician energy source to replace it. and we have to have energy
We should not ban fossil fuels
fosile fule are the chepest thing that can help the developing word to get to the level of the developed world.
if we ban fossil fuels too quickly, this could have a negative effect on society because it might slow down or eliminate transportation options for some people.
We should not ban fossil fuels
fossil fuels are important sources of income for many countries, without them they'll likely collapse
there is no alternative energy source currently - and the interim will cause huge havoc
We should not ban fossil fuels
there is no alternative energy source currently - and the interim will cause huge havoc
banning fossil fuels at this point is simply not feasible , without causing an economic collapse.
We should not ban fossil fuels
fussil fuels is a big industry that will go to be poor. becouse there are more labore jobs in the fossil fuels industry
fossil fuels are the cheapest and most common form of energy there is, so it is far more available to the poor who can't afford anything else
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuels at this point is simply not feasible , without causing an economic collapse.
fossil fuels are delicious and good for your health!
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuels would destroy millions of jobs currently in the industry.
only a complete fool would ban fossil fuels before green tech is fully developed
We should not ban fossil fuels
today we are too much dependent on fossil fuels and the share of clean energy is not high enough, so we can't ban it with no sufficient alternatives
fosile fule are the chepest thing that can help the developing word to get to the level of the developed world.
We should not ban fossil fuels
we should not ban fossil fuels because the ban would be unenforceable and would just lead to exxon et al. moving to countries with less regulation.
fussil fuels is a big industry that will go to be poor. becouse there are more labore jobs in the fossil fuels industry
We should not ban fossil fuels
we should not ban fossil fuels because without them we would not be able to produce as much food as we do presently, which could put food security at risk in some countries.
the likely alternative to fossil fuels is much worse. people are likely to switch to oil or atomic energy which are more of an environmental hazard.
We should not ban fossil fuels
fossil fuels are delicious and good for your health!
fossil fuels are important sources of income for many countries, without them they'll likely collapse
We should not ban fossil fuels
there are not enough cheap alternatives to fossil fuels, banning it at this stage can make entire cities collapse for lack of power.
fossil fuels are the only way to power war meachins like tanks and planse that are needed to defend countrys
We should not ban fossil fuels
we simply can't base our economy on alternative energy sources. they are not enough available and predictable (mostly weather dependent).
only a complete fool would ban fossil fuels before green tech is fully developed
We should not ban fossil fuels
it is impossible to replace most infrastructure of crucial services such as hospitals in dense areas and hence banning fossil fuels would cause a lot of transition harms
fossil fuels are cheap sources of energy the allow us to create and move commodities cheaply, therefore reducing the costs of everything we buy or consume
We should not ban fossil fuels
world is largely based on technology. technology is currently largely based on fossil energy. banning it would not allow people to properly use technology and urge them to use primitive devices.
banning fossil fuels makes production of energy more expensive, especially for countries that are less developed and have less alternatives, harming the poorest and most in need.
We should not ban fossil fuels
we should not ban fossil fuels because often times they can be less harmful to the environment than manufacturing "green" energy sources like solar panels.
it is unjustified to ban fossil fuels, it is individual people's choices whether to use products that were created using those fuels, and whether to use those themselves
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuels would increase the cost of public transportation, pushing out the people who need it most but now can't afford it.
fossil fuels are cheap sources of energy the allow us to create and move commodities cheaply, therefore reducing the costs of everything we buy or consume
We should not ban fossil fuels
many institutions and businesses have money invested in fossil fuels, a ban would destroy the economy and those institutions.
renewable energy won't exist any time soon and hence there is no alternative
We should not ban fossil fuels
renewable energy won't exist any time soon and hence there is no alternative
banning fossil fuels makes production of energy more expensive, increasing the cost of living for everyone.
We should not ban fossil fuels
we should not ban fossil fuels because it would actually be more wasteful to stop using perfectly good infrastructure decades before it wears out, especially given the huge up front costs.
fossil fuels are the thing that anable the modern western world and all the research in science. if we would stop using it we will roll the modern world back to the midle age.
We should not ban fossil fuels
the government shouldn't pass policies without the popular consent of the citizens, banning fossil fuels would be incredibly unpopular.
many institutions and businesses have money invested in fossil fuels, a ban would destroy the economy and those institutions.
We should not ban fossil fuels
we should not ban fossil fuels because it would actually be more wasteful to stop using perfectly good infrastructure decades before it wears out, especially given the huge up front costs.
world is largely based on technology. technology is currently largely based on fossil energy. banning it would not allow people to properly use technology and urge them to use primitive devices.
We should not ban fossil fuels
fossil fuels are located in countries with politically controversial agendas. the mutual dependence of diverse energy producers and buyers create deals and interactions between countries. we need fossils as they are the base for deals.
we should not ban fossil fuels because despite what we would wish, there is no viable alternative yet, and it is unethical to use people's suffering as a means to an end to develop one.
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuels makes production of energy more expensive, increasing the cost of living for everyone.
fossil fuels are the only way to power war meachins like tanks and planse that are needed to defend countrys
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuels will require individuals to buy new electric cars, which means people in poverty will no longer be able to afford transportation.
fossil fuels are more efficient in terms of the amount of energy they produce per amount used.
We should not ban fossil fuels
the free market is solving this as we speak. there is no need to ban fossil fuels, as we are already creating alternatives that don't need the interim turmoil
banning fossil fuels makes production of energy more expensive, especially for countries that are less developed and have less alternatives, harming the poorest and most in need.
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuels makes production of energy more expensive, especially for countries that are less developed and have less alternatives, harming the poorest and most in need.
fossil fuels are the thing that anable the modern western world and all the research in science. if we would stop using it we will roll the modern world back to the midle age.
We should not ban fossil fuels
fosile fule are the chepest thing that can help the developing word to get to the level of the developed world.
fossil fuels are more efficient in terms of the amount of energy they produce per amount used.
We should not ban fossil fuels
a lot of jobs would be taken away because a lot of factories depend on it.
renewable energy is being developed and in the mean time it is just cheaper to use fossil fuels
We should not ban fossil fuels
fossil fuels are important sources of income for many countries, without them they'll likely collapse
banning fossil fuel will increase the price of renewable energies constructions
We should not ban fossil fuels
the alternatives to fossil fuels right now are much more polluting because they consume more energy
renewable energy is being developed and in the mean time it is just cheaper to use fossil fuels
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuels makes production of energy more expensive, especially for countries that are less developed and have less alternatives, harming the poorest and most in need.
we have already taken global warming too far, fossil fuels will prove a higher standard of living while we wait out the clock.
We should not ban fossil fuels
this will give rise to nuclear energy which will make the world a much more dangerous place
there is no alternative energy source currently - and the interim will cause huge havoc
We should not ban fossil fuels
creating energy from fossil fuels is relatively cheap, which is reflected in the cost of fossil-energy based devices, allowing people from poor economic background to have a broad use of technology. this leads to social mobolity.
given the two main problems with fossil fuels are that fossil fuels usage is extremely air pollution and that thay are consumeable, their usage does not immediately harm anyone and so should not be banned.
We should not ban fossil fuels
if we ban fossil fuels too quickly, this could have a negative effect on society because it might slow down or eliminate transportation options for some people.
world is largely based on technology. technology is currently largely based on fossil energy. banning it would not allow people to properly use technology and urge them to use primitive devices.
We should not ban fossil fuels
we should not ban fossil fuels because it would cause international chaos as economies like russia and brazil lost huge industries and had to scramble to replace them.
fossil fuels are the thing that anable the modern western world and all the research in science. if we would stop using it we will roll the modern world back to the midle age.
We should not ban fossil fuels
fossil fuels are the thing that anable the modern western world and all the research in science. if we would stop using it we will roll the modern world back to the midle age.
fossil fuels are the cheapest and most common form of energy there is, so it is far more available to the poor who can't afford anything else
We should not ban fossil fuels
banning fossil fuels would bring down huge companies supporting lots of workers that would be sent home with no means to help their families
this will give rise to nuclear energy which will make the world a much more dangerous place
We should not ban fossil fuels

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