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[ "Speaker 1: It's been an hour and not one of my classmates has shown up! I tell you, when I actually die some people are gonna get seriously haunted!", "Speaker 2: There you go! Someone came!", "Speaker 1: Ok, ok! I'm gonna go hide! Oh, this is so exciting, my first mourner!", "Speaker 3: Hi, glad you could come.", "Speaker 2: Please, come in.", "Speaker 4: Hi, you're Chandler Bing, right? I'm Tom Gordon, I was in your class.", "Speaker 2: Oh yes, yes... let me... take your coat.", "Speaker 4: Thanks... uh... I'm so sorry about Ross, it's...", "Speaker 2: At least he died doing what he loved... watching blimps.", "Speaker 1: Who is he?", "Speaker 2: Some guy, Tom Gordon.", "Speaker 1: I don't remember him, but then again I touched so many lives.", "Speaker 3: So, did you know Ross well?", "Speaker 4: Oh, actually I barely knew him. Yeah, I came because I heard Chandler's news. D'you know if he's seeing anyone?", "Speaker 3: Yes, he is. Me.", "Speaker 4: What? You... You... Oh! Can I ask you a personal question? Ho-how do you shave your beard so close?", "Speaker 2: Ok Tommy, that's enough mourning for you! Here we go, bye bye!!", "Speaker 4: Hey, listen. Call me.", "Speaker 2: Ok!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "Chandler Bing", "Speaker 4", "Tom Gordon", "Speaker 2", "Tommy", "Tommy" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alumni" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alumni", "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 4 ], [ 30 ], [ 4, 1 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "", "call me" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: So, eh... it's probably gonna be hard for you to leave Boston, huh?", "Speaker 2: Actually, I'm kinda happy to be leaving... I just broke up with someone.", "Speaker 1: Ooh... so sad... Still, it can't be easy for you to leave Harvard? Especially after working alongside a Nobel Prize winner like Albert Wintermeyer?", "Speaker 2: Actually, Alby is the guy I broke up with.", "Speaker 1: You... you dated Albert Wintermeyer?", "Speaker 2: Yeah...", "Speaker 1: ... And you called him Alby!? I mean that's like... like calling Albert Einstein... er... Alby...", "Speaker 2: Yeah, well, he is a brilliant man.", "Speaker 1: Eh, you think? I mean, you went out with a guy who improved the accuracy of radiocarbon dating by a factor of 10!", "Speaker 2: Yes! And while that is everything one looks for in a boyfriend, he had a lot of issues...", "Speaker 1: Oh! like what?! Oh I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry... it's just that this must be what regular people experience when they watch \"Access Hollywood\".", "Speaker 2: Ok, you want the dirt? Alby was seriously insecure. I mean, he was really intimidated by the guy I dated before him.", "Speaker 1: Who is intimidating to a guy who won the Nobel Prize?", "Speaker 2: A guy who won two.", "Speaker 1: Two? Wha...? Don't tell me you dated Benjamin Hobart", "Speaker 2: Yeah... for three years.", "Speaker 1: Oh my God! Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who hasn't won the Nobel Prize?", "Speaker 2: ... no... bu but there was my first boyfriend Billy.", "Speaker 1: Oh yeah? no, no Nobel Prizes for him?", "Speaker 2: No, but he did just win the McArthur genius grant.", "Speaker 1: Huh... huh... what a loser! Some more wine?" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Albert Wintermeyer", "Albert Wintermeyer", "Albert Wintermeyer", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Billy", "Billy", "Boston", "Benjamin Hobart", "Harvard" ], "y": [ "Boston", "Harvard", "Albert Wintermeyer", "Benjamin Hobart", "Billy", "Nobel Prize winner", "Alby", "Speaker 2", "Albert Wintermeyer", "man", "loser", "a loser", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "GPE", "PER", "ORG" ], "y_type": [ "GPE", "ORG", "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:place_of_residence" ], [ "per:employee_or_member_of" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:title" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "gpe:residents_of_place" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "org:employees_or_members" ] ], "rid": [ [ 18 ], [ 22 ], [ 10 ], [ 10 ], [ 10 ], [ 29 ], [ 30 ], [ 10 ], [ 1 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 30 ], [ 10 ], [ 32 ], [ 10 ], [ 35 ] ], "t": [ [ "leave" ], [ "leave" ], [ "broke up with" ], [ "relationship" ], [ "first boyfriend" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "broke up with" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "first boyfriend" ], [ "leave" ], [ "relationship" ], [ "leave" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hi!", "Speaker 2: Hi!", "Speaker 1: So umm, what's this book about?", "Speaker 2: You didn't read this one either?!", "Speaker 1: Well, I was gonna, but I accidentally read something else.", "Speaker 2: What?", "Speaker 1: Vogue! Hey, so tell me about this Jane Eyre woman.", "Speaker 2: No! You should've read it yourself!", "Speaker 1: Come on Phoebe! Don’t be such a goodie-goodie!", "Speaker 2: Fine! Okay, all right, so Jane Eyre, first of all, you'd think she's a woman, but she's not. She's a cyborg.", "Speaker 1: A cyborg?! Isn't that like a robot?!", "Speaker 2: Yeah, this book was light years ahead of its time.", "Speaker 3: Sorry I'm late. Let's get started. So, what did everybody think about Jane Eyre?", "Speaker 2: Umm, Rachel and I were just discussing it and she had some very interesting insights.", "Speaker 3: Well, go ahead Rachel.", "Speaker 1: Uh, thank you Phoebe. Umm, well, what struck me most when reading Jane Eyre was uh, how the book was so ahead of its time.", "Speaker 3: If you're talking about feminism, I think you're right.", "Speaker 1: Yeah, well, feminism yes, but also the robots." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "goodie-goodie" ], "x_type": [ "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hi.", "Speaker 2: Hi.", "Speaker 1: I just finished getting Phoebe all dressed to meet Mike's parents. She's so nervous, it's so sweet!", "Speaker 2: Guess what? I made Emma laugh today.", "Speaker 1: You WHAT? And I missed it? Because I was giving a makeover to that stupid hippie?", "Speaker 2: Yeah, and it was uhm... it was like a real little person laugh too. It was... it was like uhm... Only... only not creepy.", "Speaker 1: Well... well, what did you do to make her laugh?", "Speaker 2: I uhm... Well, I sang... well actually I rapped... Baby Got Back...", "Speaker 1: You WHAT? You sang... to our baby daughter... a song about a guy who likes to have sex with women with giant asses?", "Speaker 2: But you know what, if you think about it, it actually promotes a healthy uhm... body image... because... even big butts or uhm... juicy doubles.", "Speaker 1: owwwww...", "Speaker 2: Please don't take her away from me!" ]
{ "x": [ "Phoebe", "Phoebe", "Mike", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Emma", "Emma", "Emma" ], "y": [ "Mike", "stupid hippie", "Phoebe", "Emma", "Baby", "Emma", "Baby", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Baby Got Back" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:children" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:children" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:parents" ], [ "per:parents" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ] ], "rid": [ [ 10 ], [ 30 ], [ 10 ], [ 13 ], [ 37 ], [ 13 ], [ 37 ], [ 15 ], [ 15 ], [ 1 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "baby daughter" ], [ "" ], [ "baby daughter" ], [ "" ], [ "baby daughter" ], [ "baby daughter" ], [ "laugh" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: 'Okay. Okay, daddy we'll see you tomorrow night. Okay bye-bye.'", "Speaker 2: We?", "Speaker 1: Are ah, having dinner with my Dad tomorrow night, I hope that's okay.", "Speaker 2: Oh shoot, tomorrow's not so good, I'm supposed to um, fall off the Empire State building and land on a bicycle with no seat. Sorry.", "Speaker 1: Ross, my father doesn't hate you.", "Speaker 2: Please, he refers to me as 'wethead'.", "Speaker 1: But honey he calls everybody by a nickname! Okay, look, I know, all right, just one dinner, please, just one night for me, please. I just want him to love you like I do." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "wethead", "honey", "Speaker 1", "daddy", "Speaker 2", "honey" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:positive_impression", "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 10 ], [ 37 ], [ 1, 10 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "nickname" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "love", "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hey Pheebs.", "Speaker 2: Hey!", "Speaker 1: Any sign of your brother?", "Speaker 2: No, but he's always late.", "Speaker 1: I thought you only met him once?", "Speaker 2: Yeah, I did. I think it sounds y'know big sistery, y'know, 'Frank's always late.'", "Speaker 1: Well relax, he'll be here." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Frank", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "Pheebs", "Frank", "Speaker 2", "Pheebs" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:siblings" ], [ "per:siblings" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 16 ], [ 16 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "brother" ], [ "brother" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Monica.", "Speaker 2: Oh my God! He just said my name! Did you hear that?", "Speaker 1: Monica bang!", "Speaker 3: Okay, I heard that.", "Speaker 2: Did he just say 'Monica bang'?", "Speaker 3: Uh-huh.", "Speaker 2: Oh my God! He's gonna rat me out!", "Speaker 1: Monica bang!", "Speaker 2: Oh-ho-ho, sweetie, sweetie, you gotta stop saying that, now. It's no big deal, it's not even worth mentioning, you see we all do it all the time. See watch this, Ben, Ben, Ben. Ow, Monica bang! Everybody bang. Ben bang. Rachel bang. Bang, Rachel bang! Oh, isn't that fun?", "Speaker 3: Look at that! Look at that! We all do it. Okay, I'm stopping now.", "Speaker 2: You okay?", "Speaker 3: Oh yeah! Y'know, if it's not a headboard, it's just not worth it." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3" ], "y": [ "Monica bang", "sweetie", "sweetie", "Rachel bang", "sweetie" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "PER", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 37 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Oh hey! Wait up!", "Speaker 2: Hi!", "Speaker 1: Congratulations! I didn't want to say anything in front of Joey because I didn't know if he knew yet.", "Speaker 2: What, that we had a baby? Come on let's give him a little credit, although he did eat a piece of plastic fruit earlier.", "Speaker 1: No! No, that you and Rachel are engaged!", "Speaker 2: What?", "Speaker 1: Oh, it's a secret. Oh goodie! Yes! We haven't done the secret thing in a long time.", "Speaker 2: Phoebe, there is no secret. Okay? I didn't propose.", "Speaker 1: Are you lying? Is this like that time you tried to convince us that you were a doctor?", "Speaker 2: I am a doctor! Y'know what? I'm just gonna go and talk to Rachel myself.", "Speaker 1: All right, me too. Should we wake her up?", "Speaker 2: No! No, come on let her sleep! She's so exhausted." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Rachel", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "doctor", "baby", "baby", "baby" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:title" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 29 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Over here Jack. OK. I see, Rachel's coming up the path. Oh doesn't she look pretty. Jack, get this.", "Speaker 2: Get a shot of Monica. Where's Monica.", "Speaker 3: Over here dad.", "Speaker 4: Wait, how do you zoom out? There she is.", "Speaker 3: Oh, you look so great.", "Speaker 5: Ahh, so do you, beautiful.", "Speaker 3: Oops.", "Speaker 5: What?", "Speaker 3: Shoot, I think I got mayonaise on you.", "Speaker 5: Oh, that's OK, it's just the shoulder, it's not my dress.", "Speaker 4: Everybody smile.", "Speaker 3: Oh, dad, turn it off.", "Speaker 4: It is off.", "Speaker 3: Dad, it is not. What's with the red light?", "Speaker 4: It's the off light. Right Ross?", "Speaker 6: You look pretty tonight.", "Speaker 5: Oh, thanks. So, uh, what are you gonna do this summer?", "Speaker 6: Oh, you know, I'm just gonna, I'm gonna hang out, work on my music.", "Speaker 5: Is my hook unhooked? These things keep falling down, I can't. . .", "Speaker 6: Uh, hold, let me see, I don't know. So what're you gonna do. . .", "Speaker 5: Oh, the guys are here.", "Speaker 6: this summer?" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 4" ], "y": [ "Speaker 4", "beautiful", "Jack", "Speaker 3" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:parents" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:children" ] ], "rid": [ [ 15 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 13 ] ], "t": [ [ "dad" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "dad" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Alright, wait a second, why would Ross tell everyone in your class that you are as... \"gay as the day is long\"?", "Speaker 2: Because I told everyone he slept with dinosaurs.", "Speaker 1: But that's clearly a joke. This could easily be true.", "Speaker 2: Would you get that please? People have been calling to congratulate me all day.", "Speaker 1: Hello? No, he's not here. Yeah, this is his wife. Yeah, well, it came as quite a shock to me too. I guess I should have known. Yeah, I mean, he just kept making me watch Moulin Rouge.", "Speaker 2: Hang up, hang up. And that was a great movie! I'm so gonna get back at Ross... oh yeah, this will show him, here we go.", "Speaker 1: What are you doing?", "Speaker 2: Oh, you'll see my friend." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Ross" ], "y": [ "my friend", "Speaker 2", "Ross", "Speaker 1", "Moulin Rouge", "my friend", "Speaker 2" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:spouse" ], [ "per:alumni" ], [ "per:spouse" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alumni" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 17 ], [ 4 ], [ 17 ], [ 1 ], [ 37 ], [ 4 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "wife" ], [ "class" ], [ "wife" ], [ "great movie" ], [ "" ], [ "class" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: I'll just wait to put your order in.", "Speaker 2: You guys are over an hour late. What happened to you two?", "Speaker 3: I'm so sorry ...", "Speaker 4: We got locked out of the apartment, we ...", "Speaker 5: That's a great story. Can I eat it?", "Speaker 3: And then Rachel wasn't sure she could leave the baby.", "Speaker 4: It wasn't easy, but it's your birthday and I did what I got to do.", "Speaker 2: And that's Judy over there at the bar with Emma?", "Speaker 4: Oh honey, this is for the best, this way I'm not distracted, worrying about Emma, how she's doing at home and I'm being completely here with you and, oh, she spit up!", "Speaker 3: What?", "Speaker 4: She spit up. Judy! She spi...Judy! Look alive, Judy! Thank you.", "Speaker 3: Thanks. Oh.", "Speaker 3: Rach, c'mon, Emma is fine. You're turning into an obsessive mother. Okay, you need to stop.", "Speaker 4: You guys ever heard the story about when Ross's mom went to the beauty salon?", "Speaker 6: You mean the willie story?", "Speaker 3: Huh-huh, they already know it!", "Speaker 2: You guys, we've been waiting for you for a long time, maybe you should order.", "Speaker 5: No, no, it's okay, I already told the waiter what they want.", "Speaker 7: Why would you do that?", "Speaker 5: Chandler, control your woman!", "Speaker 4: Okay, as everybody has ordered, I would like to start the celebration and make a toast ... to Phoebe. She dropped her sock.", "Speaker 2: Aw ... what?", "Speaker 4: No, no, Emma dropped her sock.", "Speaker 7: Mom's here? I wanted to have lunch with her today, she told me she was out of town.", "Speaker 4: Ross, she still has not noticed that the baby's sock is on the ground.", "Speaker 2: It's a good toast.", "Speaker 4: Could you please get her attention?", "Speaker 3: Mommy!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 4", "Judy", "Judy", "Judy", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 7", "Speaker 7", "Speaker 7", "Emma", "Speaker 5", "Speaker 6" ], "y": [ "honey", "Rach", "Emma", "honey", "Mommy", "Mommy", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 7", "Judy", "Speaker 7", "honey", "Judy", "Speaker 3", "honey", "Speaker 4", "honey", "honey" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:children" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:children" ], [ "per:children" ], [ "per:parents" ], [ "per:siblings" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:parents" ], [ "per:siblings" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:parents" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 13 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 30 ], [ 13 ], [ 13 ], [ 15 ], [ 16 ], [ 37 ], [ 15 ], [ 16 ], [ 37 ], [ 15 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "mother" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "Mommy" ], [ "Mom" ], [ "Mommy" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "Mom" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "mother" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hi!", "Speaker 2: Hey! So what's the big news you had us rush all the way over here for?", "Speaker 3: Okay, our news. My company has asked me to head up our office in Tulsa , so as of Monday I'm being officially relocated.", "Speaker 2: Oh my God!", "Speaker 4: What?!", "Speaker 1: What?!", "Speaker 2: Monday?!", "Speaker 5: How long do you have to go for?", "Speaker 3: They said it could be up to a year.", "Speaker 5: A year?!", "Speaker 1: Do you have to go?", "Speaker 6: I kind of have to don't I? Because of this stupid thing.", "Speaker 3: There is nothing like the support of your loving wife, huh?", "Speaker 5: Wait a minute, you can't go to Tulsa. Maybe you forgot, but we've got tickets to the Jets game next week.", "Speaker 3: I'm sorry buddy, but I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it.", "Speaker 5: We were gonna go see the Jets!", "Speaker 2: You can't go, I mean you're the glue that holds this group together!", "Speaker 3: Really?", "Speaker 2: Not you.", "Speaker 5: I can't believe you guys are moving.", "Speaker 4: I call their apartment!!!", "Speaker 7: No!!! Ah!! Ahh!!!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 6", "Speaker 6", "Speaker 5", "Speaker 5", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Speaker 6", "buddy", "Speaker 3", "glue", "buddy", "Jets", "buddy" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "ORG", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:spouse" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:spouse" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 17 ], [ 37 ], [ 17 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 1 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "wife" ], [ "" ], [ "wife" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: I don't know what else to say.", "Speaker 2: Well that works out good, because I'm not listening.", "Speaker 1: I feel terrible, I really do.", "Speaker 2: Oh, I'm sorry, did my back hurt your knife?", "Speaker 1: Rachel, say that I'm friends with her, we spend some time together. Is that so terrible?", "Speaker 2: Yes.", "Speaker 1: It's that terrible?", "Speaker 2: Yes. Monica, you don't get it. It's bad enough that she's stolen the guy who might actually be the person that I am supposed to be with, but now, she's actually, but now she's actually stealing you.", "Speaker 1: Me? What are you talking about? Nobody could steal me from you. I mean, just because I'm friends with her doesn't make me any less friends with you. I mean, you're my...We're, we're...Oh, I love you.", "Speaker 2: I love you too.", "Speaker 3: You guys, um I know that this really doesn't have anything to do with me, but um I love you guys too. Oh, I really needed that.", "Speaker 1: Look, I know that you're in a place right now where you really need to hate Julie's guts, but she didn't do anything wrong. I mean, she was just a girl who met a guy, and now they go out. I really think that if you gave her a chance, you'd like her. Would you just give that a chance, for me?", "Speaker 2: I'd do anything for you, you know that.", "Speaker 1: I'd do anything for you.", "Speaker 3: Wait, wait, wait, wait!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Julie" ], "y": [ "Speaker 2", "Julie", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:friends", "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:positive_impression", "per:friends" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:friends" ] ], "rid": [ [ 9, 1 ], [ 9 ], [ 1, 9 ], [ 1 ], [ 1 ], [ 9 ] ], "t": [ [ "friends", "love" ], [ "friends with" ], [ "love you", "friends" ], [ "love you guys" ], [ "love you guys" ], [ "friends with" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hey buddy.", "Speaker 2: Uh, hi.", "Speaker 1: Um, can I come back in?", "Speaker 2: Why?", "Speaker 1: I, I was just thinking about how much more we have to talk about.", "Speaker 2: But you left." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "buddy", "Speaker 1" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:negative_impression" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 2 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hi, it's me.", "Speaker 2: Oh, my, god.", "Speaker 3: Janice? You called Janice?", "Speaker 1: Yes, Janice. Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend?", "Speaker 4: You remember Janice, right?", "Speaker 1: Yes. She was smart, she was pretty, and she honestly cared about me. Janice is my last chance to have somebody.", "Speaker 2: Helloo!!", "Speaker 1: Oh, my, god!", "Speaker 5: Geez, look how fat she got.", "Speaker 2: Hey, it's everybody.", "Speaker 1: Janice, you're--", "Speaker 2: Yes, I am.", "Speaker 1: Is it--?", "Speaker 2: Is it yours? Ha! You wish, Chandler Bing. You are looking at a married lady now.", "Speaker 1: Congratulations.", "Speaker 2: Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry.", "Speaker 1: You couldn't have told me about this on the phone?", "Speaker 2: And what? Missed the expression on your face? Janice likes to have her fun." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 5", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Speaker 1", "Chandler Bing", "sweetie", "sweetie", "sweetie", "sweetie", "sweetie" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 1 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "cared about" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Yo, paisan! Can I talk to you for a sec? Your tailor is a very bad man!", "Speaker 2: Frankie? What're you talking about?", "Speaker 3: Hey, what's goin' on?", "Speaker 1: Joey's tailor...took advantage of me.", "Speaker 3: What?", "Speaker 2: No way. I've been going to the guy for 12 years." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Frankie", "Frankie", "Frankie", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "paisan", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "tailor", "Frankie", "man", "man", "man" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:client" ], [ "per:client" ], [ "per:title" ], [ "per:negative_impression" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 7 ], [ 7 ], [ 29 ], [ 2 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Eddie, I didn't sleep with your ex-girlfriend.", "Speaker 2: That's very interesting, ya know, 'cause that's exactly what someone who slept with her would say.", "Speaker 1: This is nuts. This is crazy. She came over for like two minutes, dropped off a fish tank, and left, end of story.", "Speaker 2: Where's Buddy?", "Speaker 1: Buddy?", "Speaker 2: My fish, Buddy.", "Speaker 1: There was no fish when she dropped it off.", "Speaker 2: Oh, this is, this is unbelievable. I mean, first you sleep with my ex-girlfriend then you insult my intelligence by lying about it and then you kill my fish, my Buddy?", "Speaker 1: Hey I didn't kill your fish. Look Eddie... Would you look at what I'm doin' here. That can't be smart. So we're just gonna take this guy right off ya and put him here in Mr. Pocket. Tangellon?" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "Buddy", "Buddy" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:pet" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 31 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Okay, now the Mastodon is from the semi-late Jurassic period.", "Speaker 2: Isn’t the Mastodon from the Pliocene Epic?", "Speaker 1: Shhh! This is a museum, no talking. Right down here, Uhh, and over here we have Ross Geller. Everyone wave ‘Hi’ to Ross. Ross is one of our most important scientists, look at him, hard at work. Okay, moving right along. Come on." ]
{ "x": [ "Ross Geller", "Ross Geller", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "scientist", "museum", "museum", "Ross Geller" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:title" ], [ "per:place_of_work" ], [ "per:place_of_work" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 29 ], [ 28 ], [ 28 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "at work" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Monica, why don't you finish off these pies? I don't have any more room left in the fridge.", "Speaker 2: No. No, thank you!", "Speaker 3: Well Judy, you did it! She's finally full!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Judy", "Judy" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: I have sex with dinosaurs??", "Speaker 2: I believe I read that somewhere!", "Speaker 1: That only is not funny, it's physically impossible! Ok? Depending on the species I'd have to have a six foot long... It's not funny!!", "Speaker 2: I respectfully disagree.", "Speaker 1: I can't believe you put that on my alumni page!", "Speaker 2: Who cares? Nobody reads those things", "Speaker 1: You'd better hope not because I just read what you put on your page today.", "Speaker 2: I don't have a page.", "Speaker 1: Oh oh oh! I RESPECTFULLY DISAGREE!!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alumni" ], [ "per:alumni" ] ], "rid": [ [ 4 ], [ 4 ] ], "t": [ [ "alumni" ], [ "alumni" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Good morning!", "Speaker 2: Hello. But you know what, hey, new day, new leaf, I am just really really happy ... I'm sorry, obviously Heather's ass has something more important to say so I'll just wait 'till it's finished.", "Speaker 3: What?", "Speaker 2: I was giving you an apology and you were totally checking her out!", "Speaker 3: I wasn't checking her out. I'm in fashion, I was looking at her skirt. Or was it pants? I didn't really see what happened below the ass area.", "Speaker 2: Oh wow, you are really, you're really a creep.", "Speaker 3: Why do you even care if I was looking at her? Are you jealous?", "Speaker 2: Oh yeah, I'm jealous. \"Oh Gavin, please, please look at my ass\". Stop looking at my ass! I mean, I just think you are totally inappropriate, ok? This is a work environment, she's your subordinate.", "Speaker 3: I thought it was ok when you slept with your old assistant Tag.", "Speaker 2: That is totally different for two reasons. One - I didn't know that you knew that. And two, I wasn't some creep staring at his ass, we had a deep meaningful relationship.", "Speaker 3: Huh. What's Tag's last name?", "Speaker 2: It was ... oh my god. He didn't have a last name. It was just \"Tag\". You know, like Cher, or, you know, Moses.", "Speaker 3: But it was a deep meaningful relationship.", "Speaker 2: Oh, you know what - my first impression of you was absolutely right. You are arrogant, you are pompous ... Morgan! Morgan! Tag's last name was Morgan! Huh!", "Speaker 3: It was Jones.", "Speaker 2: Yeah well what are you, his boyfriend?" ]
{ "x": [ "Tag", "Tag", "Tag", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3" ], "y": [ "Jones", "Speaker 2", "assistant", "Speaker 3", "Tag", "Speaker 3", "a creep", "Speaker 1" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend", "per:boss" ], [ "per:title" ], [ "per:negative_impression" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend", "per:subordinate" ], [ "per:boss" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:subordinate" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 10, 5 ], [ 29 ], [ 2 ], [ 10, 6 ], [ 5 ], [ 30 ], [ 6 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "a deep meaningful relationship", "assistant" ], [ "" ], [ "arrogant" ], [ "a deep meaningful relationship", "assistant" ], [ "subordinate" ], [ "" ], [ "subordinate" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: You want me to see a therapist?", "Speaker 2: Sweetheart, you obviously have a problem. You've chosen a boyfriend exactly like your father.", "Speaker 1: Ok mom, you know what, fine, I'll make an appointment ok, but you know what, right now, I gotta go, I gotta go do a thing.", "Speaker 3: Did you know your mother spent $1200 dollars on bansai trees. I felt like Gulliver around that place.", "Speaker 1: Daddy, daddy, you know what, I really wanna hear more about this, I really do, but I just have, I just have to do a, some stuff.", "Speaker 4: Ok, ok, you can be shirts and I'll be skins. I'll be skins. Hey, how you holdin' up there, tiger? Oh, sorry, when my parents were getting divorced I got a lot of tigers. Got a lot of champs, chiefs, sports, I even got a governor.", "Speaker 1: This is it, isn't it? I mean, this is what my life is gonna be like. My mom there, my dad there. Thanksgiving, Christmas. She gets the house, he's in some condo my sister's gonna decorate with wicker. Oh, Chandler how did you get through this?", "Speaker 4: Well, I relied on a carefully regimented program of denial and, and wetting the bed.", "Speaker 1: Ya know, I just, so weird. I mean I was in there just listening to them bitch about each other and all I kept thinking about was the fourth of July.", "Speaker 4: Because it reminded you of the way our forefathers used to bitch at each other?", "Speaker 1: It's just this thing. Every year we would go out on my dad's boat and watch the fireworks. Mom always hated it because the ocean air made her hair all big. My sister Jill would be throwing up over the side and my dad would be upset because nobody was helping and then when we did help he would scream at us for doing it wrong. But then when the fireworks started, everybody just shut up, you know, and it'd get really cold, and we would all just sort of smush under this one blanket. It never occured to anybody to bring another one. And now it's just...", "Speaker 4: I, I know." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Jill", "Jill", "Jill", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "Speaker 2", "sweetheart", "Speaker 3", "Jill", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Jill", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 3", "Jill", "bitch" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:parents" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:parents" ], [ "per:siblings" ], [ "per:spouse" ], [ "per:children" ], [ "per:children" ], [ "per:parents" ], [ "per:parents" ], [ "per:siblings" ], [ "per:children" ], [ "per:spouse" ], [ "per:children" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 15 ], [ 30 ], [ 15 ], [ 16 ], [ 17 ], [ 13 ], [ 13 ], [ 15 ], [ 15 ], [ 16 ], [ 13 ], [ 17 ], [ 13 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "mom" ], [ "" ], [ "daddy" ], [ "sister" ], [ "getting divorced" ], [ "daddy" ], [ "dad" ], [ "mom" ], [ "dad" ], [ "sister" ], [ "mom" ], [ "getting divorced" ], [ "mom" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Okay, you come up with an idea.", "Speaker 2: Alright alright, we still have three hours till escrow closes on our house. We can still get out.", "Speaker 1: But we love our house.", "Speaker 2: Will we love it so much with her next door? And she's gonna be louder out here too. Just the crickets and \"Oh My God\"!", "Speaker 1: Okay, but if we don't get this house, she's stil gonna show up wherever we go! I mean, at least if she's here, it eliminates the element of surprise. I mean, never again will you have to hear the three words that make your balls jump back up inside your body.", "Speaker 2: Well, we have to do something. We can't have her living next door. Oh, that does it too.", "Speaker 3: Well... I just talked to Sid, we are definitely putting in an offer on the house... a-a-and I'll bet we get it.", "Speaker 2: The Hitlers will be so disappointed.", "Speaker 3: All right, I got to run. Tell Monica I say goodbye. And... I'll see you later, neighbor.", "Speaker 2: Wait! I just want you to know that... I'm so happy you're going to be here.", "Speaker 3: Oh, me too...", "Speaker 2: Because... that way... we can pick up where we left off.", "Speaker 3: Huh?", "Speaker 2: I never stopped loving you.", "Speaker 3: Oh... my...", "Speaker 2: Yeah, yeah, yeah! I want you... I need you... I must have you Janice Litman Goralnik Neihosenstein.", "Speaker 3: Chandler, what are you talking about?", "Speaker 2: Now that you live next door, we can be together every day. Sid and Monica never have to know a thing.", "Speaker 3: I don't know what to say... I mean, you know, obviously we have this... heat between us.", "Speaker 2: Obviously.", "Speaker 3: But I love my husband. And I know you love your wife. Now, I don't think we should get this house now.", "Speaker 2: Don't say that. Don't tangle the dream and take it away.", "Speaker 3: Chandler, one of us has got to be strong.", "Speaker 2: I understand.", "Speaker 3: Although, maybe just... one last moment of weakness... Goodbye Chandler Bing.", "Speaker 2: They're never coming down now." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Sid" ], "y": [ "Speaker 3", "Chandler Bing", "neighbor", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Janice Litman Goralnik Neihosenstein", "Sid", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 3" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:girl/boyfriend", "per:negative_impression" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:spouse" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:spouse", "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:negative_impression" ], [ "per:spouse" ], [ "per:spouse" ] ], "rid": [ [ 10, 2 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 17 ], [ 10 ], [ 30 ], [ 17, 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 17 ], [ 17 ] ], "t": [ [ "pick up where we left off", "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "wife" ], [ "pick up where we left off" ], [ "" ], [ "husband", "love" ], [ "" ], [ "wife" ], [ "husband" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hey Chandler! Saw the new furniture. Very nice.", "Speaker 2: Yeah! Joey has the best boyfriend ever!", "Speaker 3: I kissed Kathy.", "Speaker 1: What?", "Speaker 2: Are you serious?", "Speaker 4: Does Joey know?", "Speaker 3: No. Is there anyway, anyway you think he'll understand this?", "Speaker 2: You obviously haven't screwed over a lot of your friends. Which we all appreciate.", "Speaker 1: No the-the sad thing is, if you had told him how you felt before you kissed her, knowing Joey, he probably just would've just stepped aside.", "Speaker 3: Oh, don't say that! Don't say that. That's not true. Is it?", "Speaker 4: I think maybe, yeah.", "Speaker 2: He loves you.", "Speaker 3: Then why didn't you tell me to do that?!!", "Speaker 1: Well, I said-I said something to Phoebe.", "Speaker 4: Yeah! No, that's right. And I thought it was a really good idea.", "Speaker 5: I know, I remember that!", "Speaker 2: I remember you did.", "Speaker 3: God!! What am I gonna do?!", "Speaker 5: Well, Chandler, you're gonna have to tell him.", "Speaker 3: Why?! Why do I have to tell him?!", "Speaker 5: Because you do.", "Speaker 3: Yeah, I know.", "Speaker 1: Hey, would it be okay if I wrote a song about this." ]
{ "x": [ "Joey", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3" ], "y": [ "Speaker 3", "Joey", "Kathy" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:friends", "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ] ], "rid": [ [ 9, 1 ], [ 9 ], [ 1 ] ], "t": [ [ "boyfriend", "loves" ], [ "boyfriend" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: All right, I have one question. What is the deal with this?", "Speaker 2: Bye-bye little puppet Joey hand?", "Speaker 1: No, the quiet down thing!", "Speaker 2: You mean this.", "Speaker 1: Um-hmm! Look, I-I-I don't know how much more of this I can take! Did you know he taped over my Baywatch tape with some show about bugs! My God! What if that had been porn?", "Speaker 2: All right look, y'know, this maybe tough but come on, this is Ross! I survived college with him!", "Speaker 1: All right, I guess I can hold out a little longer. Let's have a game.", "Speaker 2: Okay." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Ross" ], "y": [ "Ross", "Speaker 2" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alumni" ], [ "per:alumni" ] ], "rid": [ [ 4 ], [ 4 ] ], "t": [ [ "survived college with" ], [ "survived college with" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hey guys! Hey!", "Speaker 2: Hey Pheebs, guess who we saw today.", "Speaker 3: Ooh, ooh, fun! Okay... um, Liam Neeson.", "Speaker 2: Nope.", "Speaker 3: Morly Safer.", "Speaker 2: Nope.", "Speaker 3: The woman who cuts my hair!", "Speaker 4: Okay, look, this could be a really long game.", "Speaker 5: Your sister Ursula.", "Speaker 3: Oh, really.", "Speaker 5: Yeah, yeah, she works over at that place, uh...", "Speaker 3: Rift’s. Yeah, I know.", "Speaker 5: Oh, you do? Because she said you guys haven’t talked in like years.", "Speaker 3: Hmmm? Yeah. So, um, is she fat?", "Speaker 2: Not from where I was standin’.", "Speaker 3: where were you standing?", "Speaker 6: Um, Pheebs, so, you guys just don’t get along?", "Speaker 3: It’s mostly just dumb sister stuff, you know, I mean, like, everyone always thought of her as the pretty one, you know... Oh, oh, she was the first one to start walking, even though I did it... later that same day. But, to my parents, by then it was like \"yeah, right, well what else is new?\"" ]
{ "x": [ "Pheebs", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Ursula", "Ursula", "Speaker 6", "Rift’s" ], "y": [ "Ursula", "Pheebs", "Ursula", "Rift’s", "Pheebs", "Pheebs", "Ursula" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "ORG" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "ORG", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:siblings" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:negative_impression" ], [ "per:employee_or_member_of" ], [ "per:siblings" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "org:employees_or_members" ] ], "rid": [ [ 16 ], [ 30 ], [ 2 ], [ 22 ], [ 16 ], [ 37 ], [ 35 ] ], "t": [ [ "sister" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "works over at" ], [ "sister" ], [ "" ], [ "works over at" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hi!", "Speaker 2: Hi.", "Speaker 1: Oh, I’m so glad you called. I feel like it’s always me calling you. So, what’s up? Is everything okay with Phoebe?", "Speaker 2: It will be…in a minute. Listen, Tim you’re a really great guy.", "Speaker 1: It’s because I’m with you.", "Speaker 2: Aw. I’m just—I’m in a place in my life right now where I…I…", "Speaker 1: Whoops. Sorry. This just in. Oh, it’s 9-1-1 from the restaurant, that means Monica needs me right away.", "Speaker 2: Oh-oh no she doesn’t! I know what that is. You can stay.", "Speaker 1: Awww, I’ll miss you too Pheebs. And I will be holding you, right here." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Speaker 2", "Pheebs", "Speaker 1" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:positive_impression", "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ] ], "rid": [ [ 1, 10 ], [ 30 ], [ 10 ] ], "t": [ [ "", "with" ], [ "" ], [ "with" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hey guys.", "Speaker 2, Speaker 3, Speaker 4: Hey.", "Speaker 2: What's in the bag?", "Speaker 1: Um, just some presents.", "Speaker 4: C'mon show us what you bought. . . You know you want to.", "Speaker 1: OK. OK, this is a picture frame from Ben to my parents, huh.", "Speaker 3: Cute.", "Speaker 1: I got some, uh, hers and hers towels for Susan and Carol. And, uh, I got this blouse for mom.", "Speaker 3: Ross, that is gorgeous!", "Speaker 1: Yeah?", "Speaker 3: Look at these authentic fake medals. I tell ya, mom's gonna be voted best dressed at the make-believe military academy." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 3", "Susan", "Speaker 1", "Carol" ], "y": [ "Speaker 1", "Carol", "Speaker 3", "Susan" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:siblings" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:siblings" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ] ], "rid": [ [ 16 ], [ 10 ], [ 16 ], [ 10 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "hers and hers" ], [ "" ], [ "hers and hers" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Ross.", "Speaker 2: Yeah?", "Speaker 1: Can I ask you something?", "Speaker 2: Uh-huh.", "Speaker 1: When Carol was pregnant with Ben…", "Speaker 2: Mmm?", "Speaker 1: …were you this irritating?", "Speaker 2: Wow!", "Speaker 1: Excuse me?!", "Speaker 2: Oh nothing. Nothing! Just uh, you’ve been a little short with me lately. I’m not trying to irritate you.", "Speaker 1: Well then you just must have a natural talent for it.", "Speaker 2: Y’know what? The doctor will be in soon, why don’t we not speak until then.", "Speaker 1: Okay. Seriously, breathe louder Ross! That’s great!", "Speaker 2: Y’know we should probably ask the doctor if she even knows how to deliver a baby that’s half human and half pure evil!" ]
{ "x": [ "Carol", "Ben" ], "y": [ "Ben", "Carol" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:parents" ], [ "per:children" ] ], "rid": [ [ 15 ], [ 13 ] ], "t": [ [ "pregnant with" ], [ "pregnant with" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hey, Lizzie.", "Speaker 2: Hey, Weird Girl.", "Speaker 1: I brought you alphabet soup.", "Speaker 2: Did you pick out the vowels?", "Speaker 1: Yes. But I left in the Ys. 'Cause, y'know, \"sometimes y\". Uh, I also have something else for you.", "Speaker 2: Saltines?", "Speaker 1: No, but would you like a thousand dollars and a football phone?", "Speaker 2: What? Oh my God, there's really money in here.", "Speaker 1: I know.", "Speaker 2: Weird Girl, what are you doing?", "Speaker 1: No, I want you to have it. I don't want it.", "Speaker 2: No, no, I ha-I have to give you something.", "Speaker 1: Oh, that's fine, no.", "Speaker 2: Would you like my tin-foil hat?", "Speaker 1: No. 'Cause you need that. No, it's okay, thanks.", "Speaker 2: Please, let me do something.", "Speaker 1: Okay, alright, you buy me a soda, and then we're even. Okay?", "Speaker 2: Okay.", "Speaker 1: Okay." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Weird Girl", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:acquaintance" ], [ "per:acquaintance" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 3 ], [ 3 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Okay... aahhh... Please laugh for mommy... Please? Please laugh for mommy... Not funny huh? Oh so, is it... only offensive novelty rap? Or maybe just, you know, rap in general? 'Cause mommy can rap... My name is mommy and I'm here to say / that all the babies are... Oh, I can't rap... All right sweetheart... This is only because I love you so much, and I know that you're not gonna tell anybody... I like... big butts and I cannot lie... / You other brothers can't deny... / when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face... Yes! Yes! Yes! YES! Oohhhhh! Oh! I like big butts and I cannot lie... / You other brothers can't deny... Oh Emma you're laughing! Oh you are, you really do like big butts, don't you. Oh you beautiful little weirdo...", "Speaker 2: Hey!", "Speaker 1: Oh you missed it. She was laughing. Oh it was amazing. It was amazing. It was the most beautiful, beautiful sound that...", "Speaker 2: Oh I know, isn't it? Ooh... what'd you do to get her to laugh?", "Speaker 1: Oh! You know, I just... couple of things I tried ... I just sang a little doo... Itsy Bitsy Spider...", "Speaker 2: You sang Baby Got Back didn't you?", "Speaker 1: Nothing else worked. That girl is all about the ass..." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Emma", "Emma", "Emma", "Emma", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "mommy", "Emma", "sweetheart", "sweetheart", "beautiful little weirdo", "Baby Got Back", "Speaker 1", "Baby", "sweetheart" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:children", "per:positive_impression" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:parents" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 13, 1 ], [ 37 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 1 ], [ 15 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "mommy", "love" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "mommy" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Dr. Geller, Sherman Whitfield, London Institute.", "Speaker 2: Wow! What a pleasure.", "Speaker 3: Well, I have to tell you, I was quite impressed with your paper on Pre-Cretaceous fossils. Yeah, it confirmed everything that I have written.", "Speaker 4: Excuse me. Hi.", "Speaker 3: Yes?", "Speaker 4: Well, your kind of sitting in my seat.", "Speaker 3: What do you mean, your seat?", "Speaker 4: I mean, I was sitting there.", "Speaker 3: But, you got up!", "Speaker 4: But, I never left the room!", "Speaker 3: But, you left the chair area.", "Speaker 4: All right, that's it, give me your underwear." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "London Institute" ], "y": [ "London Institute", "Dr. Geller", "Speaker 1" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "ORG" ], "y_type": [ "ORG", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:employee_or_member_of" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "org:employees_or_members" ] ], "rid": [ [ 22 ], [ 30 ], [ 35 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hey.", "Speaker 2, Speaker 3: Hey.", "Speaker 1: Is ah, is Chandler around?", "Speaker 3: No, umm, he met some girl at the coffee house.", "Speaker 1: Oooh.", "Speaker 3: Yeah, Ginger something.", "Speaker 1: Nooo. No, no, ah, are you sure it wasn’t something that sounded like Ginger, like ah, Gingeer?", "Speaker 3: No, it was Ginger. I remember, because when he told me, I said, ‘the movie star.’", "Speaker 1: Aww, man. That’s the girl I was hiding from. When she finds out he’s my roommate, she’s gonna tell him what I did.", "Speaker 3: Well, what did you do?", "Speaker 1: What, oh, oh, oh, no, no, I can’t, I can’t tell you that, it’s like the most awful, horrible thing I’ve ever done my whole life.", "Speaker 3: Y'know what, don’t tell us. We’ll just wait until Chandler gets home, because it’ll be more fun that way.", "Speaker 1: All right!! Okay, it was like four years ago. Okay, Ginger and I had gone out a few times, and then this one weekend, we went up to her Dad’s cabin. Just me, her, and her annoying little dog Pepper. Well that night, I cooked this really romantic dinner....", "Speaker 3: You gave her food poisoning!?", "Speaker 1: I wish. No. After dinner, me, her, and Pepper all fell asleep in front of the fire. Well I woke up in the middle of the night and I saw that the fire was dying out. So, I picked up a log and threw it on. Or, at least what I thought was a log.", "Speaker 2: Oh my God!! You threw Pepper on the fire!", "Speaker 1: I wish. See, I guess another thing I probably should’ve told you about Ginger is that she kinda has a ah, artificial leg.", "Speaker 3: Oh my God! Joey, what did you do after you threw her leg on the fire?", "Speaker 1: I ran!!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Ginger", "Chandler", "Chandler", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Chandler", "man", "Dad", "girl", "Pepper", "Speaker 1", "man", "man", "man" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:roommate" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:pet" ], [ "per:roommate" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 12 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 31 ], [ 12 ], [ 37 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "roommate" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "roommate" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Oh hey Ross, oh I'm so glad someone's here. Could you zip me up?", "Speaker 2: Sure.", "Speaker 1: Thank you. Can you believe no one between my apartment and here offered to do that for me?.", "Speaker 2: People. So why you all dressed up?", "Speaker 1: Oh umm. Mike's picking me up for a date.", "Speaker 2: Oh yea? Now um, how is that going, is it getting serious?", "Speaker 1: Oh I dunno, I dunno, you know I mean, I like him but am I ready to take my grade-A loins off the meat market?", "Speaker 2: You know, I really admire your whole dating attitude, it's so healthy. I'm always like, is this moving to fast? Is this moving to slow? Where's this going?", "Speaker 1: Yeah, you know, you are a bit of a drama queen.", "Speaker 2: But you, you're so much better off. You just go from guy to guy having fun and never worrying that it terms into anything serious.", "Speaker 1: I wouldn't say never, you know. There's that guy ... well what about...OK well there's gotta be someone.", "Speaker 2: There isn't. That's what I'm saying.", "Speaker 1: Oh my God, you're right!", "Speaker 2: I know, and yet here you are, all ready for the next date.", "Speaker 1: I can't believe I never realized this before. I'm in my 30s and never been in a long-term relationship! Oh my God! What's wrong with me?", "Speaker 2: No, no, no there's nothing wrong with you. I mean, you don't strike me as the type of person that wants to get married anyway.", "Speaker 1: I wanna get married!", "Speaker 2: Please don't cry because of me, Pheebs. I don't know what I'm talking about. I've been divorced three times!", "Speaker 1: At least you've been married! Oh my God! I wanna trade lives with Ross!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Mike" ], "y": [ "Pheebs", "Mike", "drama queen", "Speaker 1" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:dates", "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:dates" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 8, 1 ], [ 30 ], [ 8 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "", "like" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Isn’t it incredible?! Monica and Chandler, gettin’ married.", "Speaker 2: I know, they’re gonna be so happy together.", "Speaker 1: Ohh… I mean two best friends falling in love, how often does that happen?", "Speaker 2: Not that often!", "Speaker 1: No! I’m so happy for them!", "Speaker 2: Me too! So happy for them!", "Speaker 1: I’m so happy and not at all jealous.", "Speaker 2: Oh no! No God, definitely not jealous!", "Speaker 1: I mean I’m probably 98% happy, maybe 2% jealous. And I mean what’s 2%? That’s nothing.", "Speaker 2: Totally. I’m like 90/10.", "Speaker 1: Yeah me too." ]
{ "x": [ "Monica", "Chandler" ], "y": [ "Chandler", "Monica" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:girl/boyfriend", "per:friends" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend", "per:friends" ] ], "rid": [ [ 10, 9 ], [ 10, 9 ] ], "t": [ [ "falling in love", "best friends" ], [ "falling in love", "best friends" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Look at that face! Just like when you were in high school! If I didn’t know better I’d say you were a cheerleader in trouble. Come on, let’s get some tea.", "Speaker 2: Okay.", "Speaker 1: Oh my look at that. Only three weeks to go, now have you picked your nanny yet? Now I don’t want you to use your housekeeper ‘cause it would just split her focus.", "Speaker 2: Oh well actually gonna use a nanny and uh, I don’t even have a housekeeper.", "Speaker 1: It’s like you’re a cave person. Rachel, you must get a nanny. You don’t know how overwhelming this is going to be. I mean when you were a baby I had full time help, I had Mrs. Kay.", "Speaker 2: Mrs. Kay! Oh yeah, she was sweet. She taught me Spanish. I actually think I remember some of it, tu madre es loca.", "Speaker 1: Such a sweet woman.", "Speaker 2: Well, however great she was I just can’t afford that.", "Speaker 1: Oh Rachel!", "Speaker 2: What?", "Speaker 1: I just had the greatest idea! I’m gonna come live with you!", "Speaker 2: Wh-wh-what? What?", "Speaker 1: Oh, I’m so happy I’m gonna do this for my little girl. Aw, look at you. You have tears in your eyes.", "Speaker 2: Yes. Yes I do." ]
{ "x": [ "Mrs. Kay", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "nanny", "Mrs. Kay", "little girl", "Speaker 1", "baby", "Mrs. Kay", "Speaker 2" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:title" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:parents" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:children" ] ], "rid": [ [ 29 ], [ 1 ], [ 30 ], [ 15 ], [ 37 ], [ 1 ], [ 13 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "sweet" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "sweet" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: I’m not here! That’s just my Chinese food!", "Speaker 2: Oh, my God! She has food delivered here?", "Speaker 3: Mm-hmm. She’s—she’s emotional, but, but ballsy.", "Speaker 1: You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to get in my sweats, and eat this in bed!", "Speaker 3: And you thought she was going to be in our way! So, why don’t you, uh, open the champagne, and I’ll be right back. I’ve got a surprise for you.", "Speaker 2: You got another ex-wife back there?", "Speaker 3: Please start drinking!", "Speaker 1: I’m just going to grab the phone.", "Speaker 2: Oh, Rachel! Wait! Hey, I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but, but, um… what are you doing?", "Speaker 1: Oh, I’m sorry! Do you need the phone?", "Speaker 2: No, no. Listen, Ross is too nice to say anything, but this is his apartment, and, and, we gotta have some boundaries, so why don’t you go back to your place and give us some privacy?", "Speaker 1: But, but, Mona, I live here.", "Speaker 3: Happy Valentine’s Day! …Or something to remember me by." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Speaker 3", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:roommate", "per:spouse" ], [ "per:spouse", "per:roommate" ], [ "per:negative_impression" ] ], "rid": [ [ 12, 17 ], [ 17, 12 ], [ 2 ] ], "t": [ [ "live", "ex-wife" ], [ "ex-wife", "live" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hi.", "Speaker 2: Hi.", "Speaker 1: Guess what?", "Speaker 2: What?", "Speaker 1: They published my paper.", "Speaker 2: Oh, really, let me see, let me see.", "Speaker 3: Rach, look! Oh, hi! Where is my strong Ross Skywalker to come rescue me. There he is." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "Rach", "Ross Skywalker" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 30 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hey hey hey! She's on!", "Speaker 2: Ah! Nora Bing!", "Speaker 3: ...Now what is this about you-you being arrested i-in London? What is that all about?", "Speaker 1: Your mom was arrested?", "Speaker 4: Shhh, busy beaming with pride.", "Speaker 5: ...This is kind of embarrassing, but occasionally after I've been intimate with a man...", "Speaker 4: Now why would she say that's embarrassing?", "Speaker 6: Shhh.", "Speaker 5: ...I just get this craving for Kung Pow Chicken.", "Speaker 4: THAT'S TOO MUCH INFORMATION!!", "Speaker 3: Alright, so now you're doing this whole book tour thing, how is that going?", "Speaker 5: Oh, fine. I'm leaving for New York tomorrow, which I hate- but I get to see my son, who I love...", "Speaker 6: Awww!", "Speaker 4: This is the way that I find out. Most moms use the phone." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 5", "Speaker 5", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 4", "New York" ], "y": [ "Nora Bing", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 5", "New York", "man", "Speaker 4" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "GPE" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "GPE", "STRING", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:positive_impression", "per:children" ], [ "per:parents" ], [ "per:place_of_residence" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "gpe:residents_of_place" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 1, 13 ], [ 15 ], [ 18 ], [ 37 ], [ 32 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "love", "moms" ], [ "moms" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: You’ve never asked a guy out?!!", "Speaker 2: No. Have you?", "Speaker 1: Thousands of times!! That doesn’t make me sound too good does it?", "Speaker 2: I don’t even know how I would go about it.", "Speaker 3: Oh-oh-oh-oh, how I do it is, I look a woman up and down and say, \"Hey, how you doin’?\"", "Speaker 1: Oh, please!", "Speaker 3: Hey, how you doin’?", "Speaker 2: You know what, I’m gonna do that, I’m gonna call him up, and I’m gonna ask him out. I can do that. Ask him out. How you doin’? Hi! Joshua? It’s Rachel Green from Bloomingdale’s. Yeah, umm, I was wondering if you umm, if you umm, left your wallet at the store today? Well, we found a wallet, and we—the license? Well, that is a good idea! Uh, well, let’s see here this says this license belongs to a uh, uh, belongs to a mister uh, Pheebs, and umm, yeah, so sorry to bother you at home. I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye. You’ve done that a thousand times?", "Speaker 1: I’ve never done that.", "Speaker 2: Ohh, God, I just got so nervous that he would say no.", "Speaker 3: Well, you gotta give him something that he can’t say no too. Like uh, Knicks tickets! Invite the guy to a Knicks game, you’re guaranteed he’ll say yes!", "Speaker 2: Really?! You think that will work?", "Speaker 3: Absolutely! And if it doesn’t, can I get the extra ticket?", "Speaker 4: Rachel, one of your customers seems to have left his billfold. A Joshua Bergen.", "Speaker 2: Really?", "Speaker 4: Will you call him?", "Speaker 2: Yes! I will! Absolutely! Hello, Rachel. Hi, Joshua. I left my wallet here on purpose. Really? Yes, I just wanted to see you again. Oh, I’m glad. Rachel, I’d like to say something to you. Yes? How you doin’?" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 3", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Joshua", "Bloomingdale’s" ], "y": [ "Knicks", "Rachel Green", "Bloomingdale’s", "Joshua", "Joshua Bergen", "Pheebs", "Pheebs", "Rachel Green", "Joshua Bergen", "Speaker 2" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "ORG" ], "y_type": [ "ORG", "PER", "ORG", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:employee_or_member_of" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:client" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "org:employees_or_members" ] ], "rid": [ [ 1 ], [ 30 ], [ 22 ], [ 1 ], [ 7 ], [ 37 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ], [ 30 ], [ 35 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "customers" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Uhh, excuse me is there a Mr. Bowmont at this table?", "Speaker 2: That’s me.", "Speaker 1: Ahh, yes.", "Speaker 3: Oh well, hello. This is your lucky day Mr. Bowmont, the uh gentleman day sailer as just become available again and I believe that you made a bid of $18,000.", "Speaker 1: You-you have to pay that! It’s not just a guess.", "Speaker 3: Okay. Okay.", "Speaker 2: I was actually relieved uh I didn’t win the boat. My wife would’ve killed me.", "Speaker 3: Ohh…", "Speaker 1: Are you kidding me?! She’s gonna this boat!", "Speaker 3: Y-Yeah! What-what is your wife’s name?", "Speaker 2: It’s Pam.", "Speaker 3: Pam! Oh God okay, just imagine this, \"The Pam.\"", "Speaker 1: Aw-awww!", "Speaker 2: I don’t think she’d like that.", "Speaker 3: Okay, uh-uh imagine this, \"The Mr. Bowmont.\"", "Speaker 1: Oooooh…", "Speaker 2: I don’t think so dear.", "Speaker 3: Okay look, let me paint you a little picture. All right, you are settin’ sail up the Hudson! You’ve got the wind in your h——arms! You-you get all that peace and quiet that you’ve always wanted! You get back to nature! You can go fishin’! You can—ooh, you can get one of those little hats and have people call you captain, and then when you’re old, Cappy.", "Speaker 2: What the hell, it’s for a good cause! All right!", "Speaker 1: No way! It’s mine!!", "Speaker 3: What?! What?!", "Speaker 1: All that stuff you just said? I want that!", "Speaker 3: But Joey you don’t have $20,000!", "Speaker 1: Who cares?! I-I’ll make payments, whatever it takes, I want the Mr. Bowmont!!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Pam", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "Pam", "Speaker 2", "dear", "captain" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:spouse" ], [ "per:spouse" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 17 ], [ 17 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "wife" ], [ "wife" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Gotta go. I miss you too, I love you, but it's getting real late now", "Speaker 2: Hey Ma. Listen, I made the appointment with Dr. Bazida, and... Excuse me? Did you know this isn't Ma?", "Speaker 1: Her name's Ronni. She's a pet mortician.", "Speaker 2: Sure. So how long you been...", "Speaker 1: Remember when you were a little kid, I used to take you to the navy yard and show you the big ships?", "Speaker 2: Since then?!", "Speaker 1: No, it's only been six years. I just wanted to put a nice memory in your head so you'd know that I wasn't always such a terrible guy. ...Joe. Y'ever been in love?", "Speaker 2: ...I d'know.", "Speaker 1: Then y'haven't. You're burning your tomatoes.", "Speaker 2: You're one to talk.", "Speaker 1: Joe, your dad's in love big time. And the worst part of it is, it's with two different women.", "Speaker 2: Oh man. Please tell me one of 'em is Ma.", "Speaker 1: Of course, course one of 'em's Ma. What's the matter with you." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Ronni", "Ronni", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Dr. Bazida" ], "y": [ "Ronni", "Speaker 2", "man", "Speaker 1", "pet mortician", "Speaker 1", "Joe", "man", "Speaker 2" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:girl/boyfriend", "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:children" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:positive_impression", "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:title" ], [ "per:parents" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:client" ] ], "rid": [ [ 10, 1 ], [ 13 ], [ 30 ], [ 1, 10 ], [ 29 ], [ 15 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ], [ 7 ] ], "t": [ [ "", "" ], [ "dad" ], [ "" ], [ "", "" ], [ "" ], [ "dad" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "appointment" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Wow! It looks like you were very generous with your grades this semester!", "Speaker 2: Professor Geller?", "Speaker 3: Yeah?", "Speaker 2: I wanted to say how much I enjoyed your class.", "Speaker 3: Oh thank you. Thanks very much.", "Speaker 2: Uh, I’m a little embarrassed about calling you a hottie on my evaluation…", "Speaker 3: That was you?", "Speaker 2: Yeah. I felt a little weird about it. You’re a teacher. I’m a student. But would you maybe want to go out with me sometime?", "Speaker 3: Oh I, I don’t-I don’t think that would be the best idea.", "Speaker 2: Oh, because I was thinking, the semester’s over; you’re not my teacher anymore.", "Speaker 3: What time?", "Speaker 2: Oh, y’know what? Forget it, you already gave me an A.", "Speaker 3: Gotcha.", "Speaker 2: I’m kidding!", "Speaker 3: Oh! So-so seriously, what time?" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "professor", "Professor Geller", "hottie", "teacher", "student", "Speaker 3" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:title" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:title" ], [ "per:title" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ] ], "rid": [ [ 29 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 29 ], [ 29 ], [ 1 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Oh, honey, honey, tell them the story about your patient who thinks things are, like, other things. Y'know? Like, the phone rings and she takes a shower.", "Speaker 2: That's pretty much it.", "Speaker 1: Oops!", "Speaker 2: But you tell it really well, sweetie.", "Speaker 1: Thanks. Okay, now go away so we can talk about you.", "Speaker 2: Okay. I'll miss you." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "Speaker 1", "honey", "sweetie", "Speaker 2", "honey" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "PER", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 10 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 10 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Guess whose middle name is Muriel.", "Speaker 2: Chandler M. Bing?", "Speaker 1: Yeah-ha!", "Speaker 2: Oh my God.", "Speaker 1: I’m sorry about your date.", "Speaker 2: Oh it’s all right. I’m guess I’m just done with the whole dating thing. It’s one more thing in my life that’s suddenly completely different. This is hard.", "Speaker 1: Yeah I know. On the other hand in um, in about seven months you’re gonna have something that you’re gonna love more than any guy you’ve ever gone out with. Just wait. Wait until uh, wait until the first time your baby grabs your finger. You have no idea.", "Speaker 2: Thanks sweetie.", "Speaker 1: You wanna, you wanna grab some coffee?", "Speaker 2: Oh no, I think I’m gonna go home and eat ten candy bars.", "Speaker 1: Hey, I thought I cheered you up.", "Speaker 2: Oh you did, there are twenty in here.", "Speaker 1: Right. Good night.", "Speaker 2: Good night." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Chandler", "Chandler" ], "y": [ "sweetie", "baby", "sweetie", "baby", "sweetie", "baby" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hello? Oh, hi Ross! See? Other people call me!", "Speaker 2: Ooh, your brother. Score!", "Speaker 1: What’s up?", "Speaker 3: Oh, I’m just over here with Ben. I thought we’d say hi.", "Speaker 1: Oh, put him on!", "Speaker 3: Ben, say hi to Aunt Monica. Oh, I guess he doesn’t feel like talking right now. He’s smiling though! Okay, talk to you later.", "Speaker 3: Hello? Hey Mon, how’s the packing going? Ben? He’s fine. Yeah, he’s right—Oh my God! Get your head of your shirt there son! What? Yeah, it’s a pumpkin. I’ll come pack." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Ben", "Ben", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Speaker 3", "Mon", "Ben", "Aunt Monica", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 3", "Ben", "Speaker 1", "pumpkin" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:siblings" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:other_family" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:other_family" ], [ "per:parents" ], [ "per:children" ], [ "per:siblings" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 16 ], [ 30 ], [ 14 ], [ 30 ], [ 14 ], [ 15 ], [ 13 ], [ 16 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "brother" ], [ "" ], [ "Aunt" ], [ "" ], [ "Aunt" ], [ "son" ], [ "son" ], [ "brother" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hey, Pheebs!", "Speaker 2: Hey.", "Speaker 1: Hey, how’s it going?", "Speaker 2: Well, I’ve got to get out of this bed, I’m going crazy here. Crazy!", "Speaker 3: Here you go sweetie.", "Speaker 2: What the hell is this, herbal tea? I hate herbal tea!", "Speaker 3: But, I put some honey in it.", "Speaker 1: She doesn’t know she was fired yet, does she?", "Speaker 4: No, the doctors say it may kill her.", "Speaker 2: What are you two girls whispering about over there?!", "Speaker 4: But I think we should tell her.", "Speaker 1: Hey Pheebs, maybe this whole heart attack thing is a sign, that-that you should start think about getting a different job.", "Speaker 2: Okay, what is this? A stupid contest? Because we got a winner here!", "Speaker 4: Listen Phoebe, he’s right. People are not supposed to have heart attacks at 31.", "Speaker 2: I know! But if I didn’t work there, what else would I do?", "Speaker 3: Well, you used to like playing the guitar.", "Speaker 2: Yeah that was lucrative! Smart like your brother!", "Speaker 4: Uh, what about y’know the massage thing? That never gave you a heart attack.", "Speaker 2: Hmm, pulling in a salary in the high six figures or rubbing gross naked people for chump change—ooh, what do I do?! What will I do?!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 4" ], "y": [ "Speaker 1", "honey", "sweetie", "31", "Pheebs", "sweetie", "honey", "Speaker 3", "girl", "honey", "sweetie", "girl", "honey", "sweetie" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "VALUE", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:siblings" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:age" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:siblings" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 16 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 25 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ], [ 16 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "brother" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "brother" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hi!", "Speaker 2: Hey.", "Speaker 1: Oh my God! Oh Monica! Those boots are amazing!", "Speaker 2: They’re mine!", "Speaker 3: Yeah well, too bad we’re gonna have to return them.", "Speaker 1: Return them?! Shh! They’re gonna hear you!", "Speaker 2: Honey, I’m not returning them. Okay? I mean I-I know they cost a lot, but I’m going to wear them all the time. You’ll see. Besides, I love the compliments. I mean, have you ever had something so beautiful everyone wanted it?", "Speaker 3: I have you.", "Speaker 2: Nice try; I’m keeping the boots." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 3", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "honey", "Honey", "Honey" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hey, we're having some fun now, huh, Ross? Wanna do another one, huh Russ? OK... eleven letters, atomic element number 101... ends in ium.", "Speaker 2: Dysprosium.", "Speaker 3: Dysprosium? Try mendelevium.", "Speaker 1: And weenie number two has it. Unless, of course, nine-down, Knights in White Satin was sung by the Doody Blues." ]
{ "x": [ "Doody Blues", "Speaker 3" ], "y": [ "Knights in White Satin", "Doody Blues" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 37 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Y’know what? Maybe, Mrs. Green, it’s not absolutely vital that you live with us.", "Speaker 2: Well Rachel needs help with the baby.", "Speaker 3: I do. I really do. I don’t know anything.", "Speaker 1: I’m-I’m sure that’s not true.", "Speaker 3: Oh no? Pheebs? Monica? Do I know anything about babies?", "Speaker 4: No, not a thing.", "Speaker 5: It’s frightening.", "Speaker 1: Well uh, y’know what? Even if she doesn’t know anything, I do! I have a son. And his mother and I didn’t live together, and whenever he was with me I took care of him all the time, by myself.", "Speaker 2: That’s true. You do have another child.", "Speaker 1: Yeah.", "Speaker 2: With another woman. Have you no control Ross?", "Speaker 1: That’s a different issue. Uh, the point is, when the baby comes I will be there to…to feed her and bathe her and change her. And more than that I want to do all those things.", "Speaker 2: Well then you really don’t need me to live with you.", "Speaker 1: Yes! Yes, you’re gonna be so missed.", "Speaker 2: You’re gonna be a great father.", "Speaker 1: Well you’re gonna be a wonderful grandma." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 4" ], "y": [ "Speaker 2", "Pheebs", "Speaker 3", "Pheebs" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:parents" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:children" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 15 ], [ 37 ], [ 13 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: You are iron. You are steel! Let me ask you something, how come when I call your computer support line, I have to wait an hour and a half?", "Speaker 2: I told you, we’re adding new operators all the time. Could we concentrate on my training?", "Speaker 1: It’s just hard when I know I have e-mail I can’t get!", "Speaker 3: Hi!", "Speaker 2: Monica! Hi honey.", "Speaker 1: All right, on the table.", "Speaker 3: Hey, umm, so listen umm, my friends were telling me a little about this ah, ultimate fighting thing and it, well it sounds really dangerous. I-I don’t want you to get hurt, ‘cause I kinda like you.", "Speaker 2: Oh, believe me, I don’t want to get hurt either. I’m being smart about this. See these guys? They’re the best trainers in the world, and Hoshi here used to be a paid assassin. A house painter! He used to be a house painter.", "Speaker 3: Promise me you’ll be careful.", "Speaker 2: I promise." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "honey", "Speaker 2", "my friend", "assassin", "trainer" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:title" ], [ "per:title" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 1 ], [ 37 ], [ 29 ], [ 29 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "like" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Happy Thanksgiving!", "Speaker 2: You too!", "Speaker 1: Anything I can do to help?", "Speaker 2: Actually there is. Chandler usually helps me with this, but he’s really into the game so I don’t want to bother him. Could you help me fold these napkins?", "Speaker 1: Sure!", "Speaker 2: I’m gonna go across the hall to check on the yams.", "Speaker 1: Okay.", "Speaker 2: No! No! No! No sweetie! No! Not like that! We’re not at a barn dance. You’ve gotta—you wanna fold them like swans. Like I showed you at Christmas time, remember?", "Speaker 1: Yeah, it all just came screaming back to me. So how’s the game?", "Speaker 3: I have no idea.", "Speaker 1: What?", "Speaker 3: Yeah! I’m just pretending to watch the game so I don’t have to help out with stuff.", "Speaker 1: I don’t believe you! That is…brilliant! And Monica has no idea?", "Speaker 3: Nope! Every once and a while I just scream stuff at the TV.", "Speaker 2: Is your team winning hon?", "Speaker 3: Yeah! Anderson just scored again! There’s no Anderson.", "Speaker 1: Well I want to get in on this. Hey Mon? I don’t think I can help you after all, I didn’t realize this game was on.", "Speaker 2: Oh, I didn’t know you liked football.", "Speaker 1: Well normally I don’t, but y’know……Green Bay is playing.", "Speaker 2: You like Green Bay?", "Speaker 1: Well it’s only like my favorite bay!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "sweetie", "hon", "sweetie", "Mon", "sweetie" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "PER", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: D’oh!! I’ve got it!", "Speaker 2: You don’t have it.", "Speaker 1: I have so got it. There’s gonna be rumours about this, there’s no way to stop it. Sophie knows, Monica and Phoebe know.", "Speaker 2: How do Monica and Phoebe know?", "Speaker 1: Oh, I called them. And when they ask me what I saw, I can be very generous or very stingy.", "Speaker 2: Go on.", "Speaker 1: I can make you a legend. I can make you this generation’s Milton Berle.", "Speaker 2: And Milton Berle has a…", "Speaker 1: Ohh, not compared to you." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Milton Berle" ], "x_type": [ "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hey, look who's up! How do you feel?", "Speaker 2: I feel great. I feel- great, I feel great.", "Speaker 3: Wow, those pills really worked, huh?", "Speaker 2: Not the first two, but the second two- woooo! ...I love you guys. You guys are the greatest. I love my sister, I love Pheebs...", "Speaker 1: Ooh! That's so nice...", "Speaker 2: ...Chandler!", "Speaker 4: Hey.", "Speaker 2: And listen, man, if you wanna be gay, be gay. Doesn't matter to me.", "Speaker 5: You were right.", "Speaker 2: Rachel. Rachel Rachel. I love you the most.", "Speaker 6: Oh, well you know who I love the most?", "Speaker 2: No.", "Speaker 6: You!", "Speaker 2: Oh.. you don't get it!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 6", "Speaker 3" ], "y": [ "Speaker 3", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 6", "Speaker 4", "man", "Pheebs", "man", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:siblings", "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:siblings" ] ], "rid": [ [ 16, 1 ], [ 1 ], [ 1 ], [ 1 ], [ 37 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 1 ], [ 16 ] ], "t": [ [ "sister", "love" ], [ "love" ], [ "love" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "love the most" ], [ "sister" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Alright, so, can we turn this off? Can we just make it... make them go away? Because I can’t, I can’t watch.", "Speaker 2: okay, Pheebs, they’re gone.", "Speaker 1: Okay.", "Speaker 2: Are you alright?", "Speaker 1: Yeah. It’s just, you know, it’s this whole stupid Ursula thing, it’s...", "Speaker 3: Okay, Pheebs, can I ask? So, he’s going out with her. I mean, is it really so terrible?", "Speaker 1: Um, yeah. Look, I mean, I’m not saying she’s like evil or anything. She just, you know, she’s always breaking my stuff. When I was eight, and I wouldn’t let her have my Judy Jetson thermos, so she threw it under the bus. And then, oh, and then there was Randy Brown, who was like... Have you ever had a boyfriend who was like your best friend?", "Speaker 2, Speaker 3: No.", "Speaker 1: Well, but that’s what he was for me. And she you know, kind of stole him away, and then... broke his heart... and then he wouldn’t even talk to me any more. Because he said he didn’t wanna be around... anything that looked like either one of us.", "Speaker 3: Oh... Oh, Pheebs.", "Speaker 1: I mean, I know Joey is not my boyfriend, or my thermos, or anything, but...", "Speaker 4: You’re not gonna lose him.", "Speaker 2: Hon, you gotta talk to Joey.", "Speaker 1: Yeah. Okay.", "Speaker 5: No, come on, he doesn’t know this stuff. If he knew how you felt.", "Speaker 1: But he’s falling in love with her.", "Speaker 3: Oh please, they’ve been going out a week. They haven’t even slept together yet, I mean, that’s not serious.", "Speaker 1: Okay... Okay.", "Speaker 1: Oh, okay, oh." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Joey", "Randy Brown", "Ursula", "Ursula", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 4" ], "y": [ "Randy Brown", "Pheebs", "eight", "Ursula", "Joey", "Hon", "Ursula", "Speaker 1", "Joey", "Pheebs", "Pheebs", "Hon" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "VALUE", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:girl/boyfriend", "per:friends" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:age" ], [ "per:negative_impression" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:positive_impression", "per:dates" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend", "per:friends" ], [ "per:dates" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 10, 9 ], [ 30 ], [ 25 ], [ 2 ], [ 1 ], [ 30 ], [ 1, 8 ], [ 10, 9 ], [ 8 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "boyfriend", "best friend" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "falling in love with", "" ], [ "boyfriend", "best friend" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: OK Phoebe, you ready to try one?", "Speaker 2: OK. Smelly cat, smell-ly cat, what are they feeding you? Smelly cat. Oh woah, oh my God. I mean like, who was that?", "Speaker 1:They're your backup singers... behind you.", "Speaker 2: OH!! Oh I thought they were just watching me. You know, like at, like at an aquarium, ya know.", "Speaker 1: Alrighty. From the top.", "Speaker 2: OK. Smelly cat, smell-ly cat, what are they feeding you? Smelly cat OK, sorry. I'm just, I'm just not getting that everyone um, gets how smelly this cat actually is. I just think that maybe if we could talk about this, 'cause I need to feel that you really care about the cat.", "Speaker 1: Honey, uh we, we can talk about this. It's just that it's costing about a hundred dollars a minute to be in here.", "Speaker 2: Oh OK. So, um, the cat stinks but you love it, let's go." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "singer", "honey" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:title" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ] ], "rid": [ [ 29 ], [ 30 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hey, anybody got a length of rope about six feet long with a little nouse at the end?", "Speaker 2: Honey, what's the matter?", "Speaker 1: I just saw Janice.", "Speaker 3: Oh.", "Speaker 1: Yeah, she was at Rockefeller Center skating with her husband, she looked so happy. I almost feel bad for whipping that kid's pretzel at them.", "Speaker 4: Man, I remember the first time I saw that girl Katherine, after we broke up. She was just walking with her friend Donna, just laughing and talking. God, it killed me." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 4", "Katherine", "Katherine", "Janice", "Donna", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Janice", "honey", "man", "Katherine", "Man", "Honey", "girl", "Donna", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 1", "Katherine", "Honey", "Man" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 10 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 10 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 9 ], [ 10 ], [ 10 ], [ 9 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "broke up" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "broke up" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "friend" ], [ "broke up" ], [ "broke up" ], [ "friend" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Oh, look at her, so happy!", "Speaker 2: If only there were a smaller one to clean this one!", "Speaker 3: Hey, is uhm... is Chandler here?", "Speaker 2: No, he's picking up dinner, why, what's up?", "Speaker 4: Well, look, whatever happens, we’re here for you and we love you.", "Speaker 5: All right...", "Speaker 6: We think Chandler might be having an affair.", "Speaker 2: What?", "Speaker 1: Phoebe and I saw Chandler with a blonde woman today outside on the street and then we followed them to a house in Westchester.", "Speaker 4: They went in together. So sorry.", "Speaker 2: Oh my God! Oh my God that's awful! What did you think of the house?", "Speaker 4: What?", "Speaker 3: Monica, you understand what we are saying, right?", "Speaker 2: Yeah, sure... uhm, I'm devastated, obviously... Did you think the neighborhood was homey?" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 4", "Chandler", "Westchester", "Westchester", "Westchester" ], "y": [ "Speaker 2", "Westchester", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Westchester", "Westchester", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 4", "Chandler" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "GPE", "GPE", "GPE" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "GPE", "PER", "PER", "GPE", "GPE", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:visited_place" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:visited_place" ], [ "per:visited_place" ], [ "gpe:visitors_of_place" ], [ "gpe:visitors_of_place" ], [ "gpe:visitors_of_place" ] ], "rid": [ [ 1 ], [ 20 ], [ 1 ], [ 1 ], [ 20 ], [ 20 ], [ 34 ], [ 34 ], [ 34 ] ], "t": [ [ "love" ], [ "" ], [ "love" ], [ "love" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Mmm. Oh, no-", "Speaker 2: Sorry-", "Speaker 1: No no no, go-", "Speaker 2: No, you have it, really, I don't want it-", "Speaker 1: Split it?", "Speaker 2: Okay.", "Speaker 1: Okay. You know you probably didn't know this, but back in high school, I had a, um, major crush on you.", "Speaker 2: I knew.", "Speaker 1: You did! Oh.... I always figured you just thought I was Monica's geeky older brother.", "Speaker 2: I did.", "Speaker 1: Oh. Listen, do you think- and try not to let my intense vulnerability become any kind of a factor here- but do you think it would be okay if I asked you out? Sometime? Maybe?", "Speaker 2: Yeah, maybe...", "Speaker 1: Okay... okay, maybe I will...", "Speaker 2: Goodnight.", "Speaker 1: Goodnight." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Monica" ], "y": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Monica", "Speaker 1" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:acquaintance" ], [ "per:positive_impression", "per:acquaintance" ], [ "per:siblings" ], [ "per:siblings" ] ], "rid": [ [ 3 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 16 ], [ 16 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "major crush on", "" ], [ "brother" ], [ "brother" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hi!", "Speaker 2: Hey! Hiya!", "Speaker 3: Hey! Hey, cute jacket!", "Speaker 1: Oh, thanks! That's so sweet!", "Speaker 3: Oh! Ow!", "Speaker 1: Oh, ow! Did Joey tell you to say that? You guys, are too much!", "Speaker 3: Whoa! Y'know what Katie? I gotta tell ya I-I-I-I think you are the one who is too much.", "Speaker 1: Ohh, Joey has the nicest friends!", "Speaker 3: Ohh, and the nicest girlfriend!", "Speaker 1: You're so sweet!", "Speaker 3: Ohh, you're so sweet!", "Speaker 1: Oww!!!! Joey, she just kicked me.", "Speaker 2: Huh.", "Speaker 1: Well? Aren't you gonna do something?", "Speaker 2: Uhh….", "Speaker 1: You'd better do something, or I'm gonna walk out that door right now! Well? Are you gonna?", "Speaker 2: Nah." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 2" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:negative_impression" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:negative_impression" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ] ], "rid": [ [ 10 ], [ 9 ], [ 2 ], [ 9 ], [ 2 ], [ 10 ] ], "t": [ [ "girlfriend" ], [ "friends" ], [ "" ], [ "friends" ], [ "" ], [ "girlfriend" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hi! We’re checking out of the bridal suite.", "Speaker 2: That’s right. I’m no longer a bride. I’ll never be a bride again. Now, I’m just someone’s wife!", "Speaker 1: And I’m the happiest guy in the world! Oh honey, come on don’t be upset. We still have so much to look forward to!", "Speaker 2: Oh yeah, right.", "Speaker 1: We got the honeymoon.", "Speaker 2: That’s not ‘til Thursday.", "Speaker 1: The wedding pictures?", "Speaker 2: They won’t be ready for weeks.", "Speaker 1: Not the disposable cameras from the tables.", "Speaker 2: That’s true!I knew I married you for a reason!", "Speaker 1: I’ll tell you what, I will go get them developed and you can go home.", "Speaker 2: Okay." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "honey", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "honey" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "PER", "PER", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:spouse" ], [ "per:spouse" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 17 ], [ 17 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "wife" ], [ "wife" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Dude, are you okay?", "Speaker 2: Totally.", "Speaker 3: Ross, you don't seem okay.", "Speaker 2: I'm sorry, it must be the pressure of entertaining. I think everyone would feel better if we had some flan.", "Speaker 4: Wait, Ross. Ross. I - I have to take off.", "Speaker 2: No!", "Speaker 4: I'm sorry, I have a really early class in the morning, but this has been lovely.", "Speaker 2: Wasn't it? And you thought it would be awkward with Joey and that you never really liked Rachel.", "Speaker 4: You're on fire! I'll call you in the morning, okay?", "Speaker 2: Okay.", "Speaker 4: Alright.", "Speaker 4: God, Rachel, what Ross just said that is just so..", "Speaker 3: Oh, that's okay, girls tend not to like me.", "Speaker 4: Bye.", "Speaker 2: Okay, I guess it's just flan for three! Hey, hey, that rhymed!", "Speaker 3: You know what, Ross? I think we're gonna take off too.", "Speaker 2: Oh, oh. Of course. God, I'm so stupid. You guys are a couple now. I mean, you probably just want to be alone.", "Speaker 3: No, no, it's just that it's getting late...", "Speaker 2: Hey, hey, it's fine. It's totally fine. We've got plenty of margaritas. It's all good.", "Speaker 2: I don't even know what that's for.", "Speaker 1: You know what? I think I'm gonna stay here and make sure he's okay.", "Speaker 3: Yeah, that's probably a good idea.", "Speaker 1: Yeah. I'll see you in the morning.", "Speaker 3: Uh-huh. Okay. You know what, Joey, I don't think he's ever gonna be okay with this.", "Speaker 1: It doesn't look good, does it?" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3" ], "y": [ "dude", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Dude", "girl", "Speaker 1", "Dude" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "PER", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:negative_impression" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 2 ], [ 10 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 10 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "never really liked" ], [ "a couple" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "a couple" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Huh—Wait so Joey if you get this, you’re gonna be like the star of your own TV show! I mean you’ll be like the Big Cheese! Or the Big Mac—Hey! You love those!", "Speaker 2: Well, don’t get your hopes up, because probably not gonna happen.", "Speaker 3: Now-now, why would you say that Joseph?", "Speaker 2: I mean come on you guys! My own TV show? I just don’t know if I’m good enough.", "Speaker 4: I am.", "Speaker 1: Joey, what are you talking about? You’re a terrific actor.", "Speaker 2: You really think so?", "Speaker 1: Ugh, how can you even ask that question?!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Joseph", "actor" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:title" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 29 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: But I thought you wanted to live by yourself.", "Speaker 2: I did. I thought it'd be great. I figured I'd have like, time alone with my thoughts but, ya know, it turns out I don't have as many thoughts as you'd think.", "Speaker 3: Joey, why don't you talk to Chandler about moving back?", "Speaker 2: You really think he'd take me? I mean, we had a pretty good talk last night but, when I moved out, I hurt him bad.", "Speaker 1: I promise you, he would definitely want you back.", "Speaker 4: I'm telling you, there's no way he's moving back.", "Speaker 5: But we had one of the greatest talks we ever had last night. I mean it was, it was like when we first started living together.", "Speaker 4: Look, I know you don't want to hear this right now but, we've seen him in his new place, alright. And he's happy, he's, he's decorated.", "Speaker 6: Look, Chandler, he has moved on, OK, you have to too.", "Speaker 5: But...", "Speaker 4: No. You're just gonna have to accept the fact that you're just friends now, OK, you're not... roommates anymore." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 5" ], "y": [ "Speaker 5", "Speaker 2" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:roommate", "per:friends" ], [ "per:friends", "per:roommate" ] ], "rid": [ [ 12, 9 ], [ 9, 12 ] ], "t": [ [ "moving back", "friends" ], [ "friends", "moving back" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: So? How did it go with Joshua last night?", "Speaker 2: Well, I didn’t see Joshua last night, but I did punch a girl in the face.", "Speaker 1: What?", "Speaker 3: Why?", "Speaker 2: The whole night was horrible, it was pouring down rain, and when I got there, there was no Rachel Green on the list, but there was a Rachel Greep.", "Speaker 3: Ohh! So, did you get to meet her?", "Speaker 2: No, there is no Rachel Greep, but then this other girl overheard us and she was all, \"I’m Rachel Greep! I’m Rachel Greep!\" and he let her right in.", "Speaker 1: So you hit her in the face?", "Speaker 2: No, she was already in, but then this big bitch behind me tried to steal my umbrella, so I clocked her. Ohhh! I can’t believe this, all I wanted was a few hours outside of work to see Joshua, so he can go ahead and start falling in love with me.", "Speaker 3: Aww, Pheebs.", "Speaker 2: Honey, that’s you’re name.", "Speaker 3: That’s short for Phoebe?! I thought that was just what we called each other!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "Pheebs", "honey", "Rachel Green", "Rachel Green", "Rachel Greep", "Joshua", "Honey", "Pheebs", "big bitch", "Honey" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 1 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Stop saying you're not talented, you're very talented. It's just with the bird dead and all, there's very little act left. Oh, honey, give me a break, will ya? Oooh, ooh, I'll talk to you later.", "Speaker 1: Well, there's my favorite client. So tell me darling, how was the audition?", "Speaker 2: Well, I think it went pretty well. I.. I got a callback for Thursday.", "Speaker 1: Joey, have you ever seen me ecstatic?", "Speaker 2: No.", "Speaker 1: Well, here it is.", "Speaker 2: OK, uh.... listen, there's something I want to talk to you about. The network casting lady...", "Speaker 1: Oh, isn't Lori a doll?", "Speaker 2: Oh yeah, yeah, she's great, but... I kinda got the feeling that she was sort of... coming on to me. And I definitely would get the part if I would've... you know... if I would have sent the Little General in.", "Speaker 1: Oh, I see. Well, I'm just gonna put in a call here and we'll find out what's goin' on and straighten it out. Yeah, hi, Lori please. Hi darling. So how 'bout Joey Tribbiani for the part of the cab driver, isn't he terrific? Uh-huuuuh. Uh-huuuuh. OK, doll. Talk to you later. Yeah, you're gonna have to sleep with her." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Lori", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Speaker 2", "darling", "Joey Tribbiani", "Speaker 2", "honey" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:client" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 7 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 1 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "client" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "coming on" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Please don't do that again, it's a horrible sound.", "Speaker 2: It's, uh, it's Paul.", "Speaker 3: Oh God, is it 6:30? Buzz him in!", "Speaker 4: Who's Paul?", "Speaker 5: Paul the Wine Guy, Paul?", "Speaker 3: Maybe.", "Speaker 4: Wait. Your 'not a real date' tonight is with Paul the Wine Guy?", "Speaker 5: He finally asked you out?", "Speaker 3: Yes!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 3" ], "y": [ "Paul the Wine Guy", "Speaker 2" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 1 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hello?", "Speaker 2: Hey, were the hell have you been?!", "Speaker 1: Hey. I spent the night out. I met this cute bridesmaid. She is so...", "Speaker 2: I don’t want to hear about her!!", "Speaker 1: Ahh Pheebs, you know you’re still my number one girl.", "Speaker 2: No! No, we have an emergency. Okay? Rachel’s coming to London.", "Speaker 1: Ohh great!!!", "Speaker 2: No it’s not great. No, she’s coming to tell Ross that she loves him.", "Speaker 1: But, he loves Emily?", "Speaker 2: I KNOW THAT!!! You have to stop her!! She’s going to ruin the wedding!!", "Speaker 1: Okay.", "Speaker 2: All right, so, okay...", "Speaker 1: Hold on. Hold on. Rachel coming. Do...Something.", "Speaker 2: Okay, so I’m done my part, okay. It’s your responsibility now, okay. The burden is off me, right?", "Speaker 1: Right!", "Speaker 2: So tell me about this girl?" ]
{ "x": [ "Ross", "Rachel", "Rachel", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Emily", "Pheebs" ], "y": [ "Emily", "Ross", "Pheebs", "Pheebs", "my number one girl", "Speaker 2", "my number one girl", "Ross", "Rachel" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:girl/boyfriend", "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 10, 1 ], [ 1 ], [ 37 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 1 ], [ 37 ], [ 10 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "to ruin the wedding", "loves" ], [ "loves" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "to ruin the wedding" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hello?", "Speaker 2: Phoebe, it's me. I'm going to hunt you down and kill you!", "Speaker 1: Hey, Raych!", "Speaker 2: This is the worst date ever. How could you set me up with this creep?", "Speaker 1: You know, you are talking about one of my dear, dear friends.", "Speaker 2: I don't care! This guy is a nightmare!", "Speaker 1: Oh, right, so he gets a little crazy when he's stoned.", "Speaker 2: He's not stoned.", "Speaker 1: Did he go out for a cigarette?", "Speaker 2: Yeah, four times.", "Speaker 1: My dear, sweet Raych." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Raych" ], "x_type": [ "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Alright Mr. Geller! Right this way! So, how dark do you wanna be? We have one, two or three.", "Speaker 2: Well... I like how you look, what are you?", "Speaker 1: Puerto Rican.", "Speaker 2: Two, I think a two.", "Speaker 1: You've got to face the red light. When the red light goes on the spraying is about to start so close your eyes. When the spraying stops, count to five. Pat yourself down to avoid drip marks then turn around so we can get your back. Got it?", "Speaker 2: Spray, count, pat, then turn, spray, count and pat.", "Speaker 1: Wow, you catch on quick.", "Speaker 2: Well, I have a PhD, so...", "Speaker 2: One Mississipi, two Mississipi, Three Mis... WAIT! WAIT! I'm not-I've not finished counting!!", "Speaker 2: You sprayed my front twice!", "Speaker 1: You've never turned?", "Speaker 2: No, I barely even got to three Mississippi.", "Speaker 1: Mississippi? I said count to five'!", "Speaker 2: Mississippilesly? Well, how bad is it?", "Speaker 1: Ain't that bad yet, but it keeps getting darker for the next four hours.", "Speaker 2: So, how dark is it gonna get?", "Speaker 1: You got sprayed with two two' s and...", "Speaker 2: I'm a four?", "Speaker 1: Yeah, but you're back's a zero. You're gonna wanna even that out.", "Speaker 2: Really!", "Speaker 1: You might wanna get back in there.", "Speaker 2: Ok!", "Speaker 2: Wait, wait a minute, there's no light on the back wall! How do I know when it's gonna start? Hello? Ah, oh, ah! Ah! The same thing happened again!", "Speaker 1: You got two more twos?", "Speaker 2: I'm an eight!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "Mr. Geller", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Puerto Rican" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:negative_impression" ], [ "per:client" ], [ "per:origin" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 2 ], [ 7 ], [ 21 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Wow! I have never had such a healthy break-up! She was such a grown-up about it! She didn’t seem too immature for me! Did I just make a huge mistake?", "Speaker 2: Ross! Wait!", "Speaker 1: Elizabeth, thank God! I was just thinking about…", "Speaker 2: You suck!!", "Speaker 1: What?!", "Speaker 1: Okay, break-up’s still on!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ] ], "rid": [ [ 10 ], [ 10 ] ], "t": [ [ "break-up" ], [ "break-up" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hey Joe! You wanna shoot some hoops?", "Speaker 2: Oh no, I can’t go. I’m practicing; I got an audition to be the host of a new game show.", "Speaker 3: Oh cool!", "Speaker 1: That’s great.", "Speaker 2: Yeah-yeah, and if I get it by day I’ll Dr. Drake Remoray, but by night I’ll be Joey Trrrribbiani!", "Speaker 1: You’ll be perfect for this! That’s already your name!", "Speaker 2: But the audition’s in a couple hours and I don’t even understand the game.", "Speaker 3: Well do you want some help?", "Speaker 2: Oh really? That’d be great! You guys can be the contestants!", "Speaker 3: Awesome!", "Speaker 1: Okay, I guess we can lose to junior high girls some other time.", "Speaker 2: All right! Let’s play Bamboozled!", "Speaker 1: Bamboozled?", "Speaker 2: Yeah, isn’t that a cool name?", "Speaker 3: Yeah!", "Speaker 1: No!", "Speaker 2: All right. Uhh, okay. Our first contestant is Ross Geller. Why don’t you tell us a little something about you Ross?", "Speaker 3: Well uh, I-I’m a paleontologist. Umm, I-I live in New York. I have a son Ben. Uh, hi Ben! And uh…", "Speaker 2: I said a little bit Ross. Now, how about you Chandler?", "Speaker 1: Well Joey, I’m a headhunter. I hook up out of work Soviet scientists with rogue third-world nations. Hi Rasputin!", "Speaker 2: Excellent! Let’s play Bamboozled! Chandler, you’ll go first. What is the capital of Columbia?", "Speaker 1: Bogota.", "Speaker 2: It’s Ba-go-ta, but close enough. Now, you can either pass your turn to Ross or pick a Wicked Wango card.", "Speaker 1: What does a Wicked Wango card do?", "Speaker 2: I should know that. Let’s see, just one moment please. Umm, here we are, a Wicked Wango card determines whether you go higher or lower.", "Speaker 1: Higher or lower than what?", "Speaker 2: This is embarrassing.", "Speaker 1: Can you believe how lame this is?", "Speaker 3: I’m sorry, I don’t believe contestants are allowed to talk to each other." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "New York", "Ben", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "Joey Trrrribbiani", "Joe", "Dr. Drake Remoray", "girl", "Ross Geller", "paleontologist", "New York", "Ben", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "son" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "GPE", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "GPE", "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:title" ], [ "per:place_of_residence" ], [ "per:children" ], [ "gpe:residents_of_place" ], [ "per:parents" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ], [ 30 ], [ 29 ], [ 18 ], [ 13 ], [ 32 ], [ 15 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "live in" ], [ "son" ], [ "live in" ], [ "son" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Morning, roomy!", "Speaker 2: Hey! You remembered to put clothes on this morning.", "Speaker 1: Fifth day's a charm.", "Speaker 2: Oh, Joey, it's so great to be back here. I gotta tell you, you're making it so easy on me and Emma.", "Speaker 1: Hey, it's great having you back. You know, stay as long as you want, and when does she stop crying all night?", "Speaker 3: Hey, you're not naked! So hey, Raych, when will we expect to see you tonight?", "Speaker 2: Well, I'll probably be back to pick her up around six, but she's in the bedroom all ready to go. But she did actually fall back to sleep, so...", "Speaker 1: She's probably exhausted from all that adorable screaming she did last night.", "Speaker 2: Bye!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "roomy", "Speaker 1", "Raych", "Speaker 2" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:roommate" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:roommate" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 12 ], [ 30 ], [ 12 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "roomy" ], [ "" ], [ "roomy" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Oh. Hi, Mr.Heckles.", "Speaker 2: You’re doing it again.", "Speaker 1: We’re not doing anything. We’re just sitting around talking, quietly.", "Speaker 2: I can hear you through the ceiling. My cats can’t sleep.", "Speaker 3: You don’t even have cats.", "Speaker 2: I could have cats.", "Speaker 1: Goodbye Mr.Heckles.", "Speaker 3: We’ll try to keep it down." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 3" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:neighbor" ], [ "per:roommate" ], [ "per:neighbor" ], [ "per:roommate" ], [ "per:neighbor" ], [ "per:neighbor" ] ], "rid": [ [ 11 ], [ 12 ], [ 11 ], [ 12 ], [ 11 ], [ 11 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Oh my God! I’m going out with Eric! Ooh, this day is really gonna be so much better than I thought it was gonna be. Oh Ross, I can’t make lunch.", "Speaker 2: So apparently I’m available for lunch.", "Speaker 3: I can’t. I’m busy. I’m apartment hunting.", "Speaker 2: You’re moving?", "Speaker 3: Yeah, I can’t live with Joey once the baby comes. I don’t want my child’s first words to be, \"How you doin’?\"", "Speaker 2: So does-does Joey know you’re moving?", "Speaker 3: Well, I haven’t discussed it with him yet, but I know he’s gonna be relieved. Last week, he brought this girl over and I started talking to her about morning sickness and then I showed her pictures from my pregnancy book.", "Speaker 2: That’s not really porn.", "Speaker 3: Not so much.", "Speaker 2: Hey, y’know what and if you’re looking for a place? I just heard in the elevator this morning that a woman in my building died.", "Speaker 3: Oh my God! Was she old? Does she have a view?", "Speaker 2: Well I don’t know, but how-how great would that be huh? You living in my building. I could help take care of the baby. I can come over whenever I want. With your permission.", "Speaker 3: Yeah that would really be great.", "Speaker 2: Yeah.", "Speaker 3: Well can we see it?! Oh maybe we shouldn’t. I mean if she just died this morning out of respect.", "Speaker 2: Yeah. No. No you’re right.", "Speaker 3: Shall we?", "Speaker 2: Yeah." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Joey", "Joey", "Joey", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "Joey", "baby", "Speaker 3", "baby", "girl", "baby", "baby" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:roommate" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:roommate" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 12 ], [ 37 ], [ 12 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "live with" ], [ "" ], [ "live with" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Okay, so say hi to my friend and tell him that you like the hat.", "Speaker 2: Okay, so umm, what’s your friend’s name?", "Speaker 1: Oh, Chandler.", "Speaker 2: Hi Chandler!", "Speaker 3: That’s… That’s was…", "Speaker 4: Oh my God!", "Speaker 1: That’s Fergie baby!!", "Speaker 2: Joey says you don’t really like his hat, but I think it’s kinda dashing.", "Speaker 3: How did you? How? How?", "Speaker 1: Well, I was trying to figure out how to get to Buckingham Palace, right? So, I’m in my map and-and…Hey!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 4" ], "y": [ "Speaker 3", "baby", "my friend", "Speaker 1", "my friend", "my friend" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:friends" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 9 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 9 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "friend" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "friend" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: ...and after you've delivered the drinks, you take the empty tray....", "Speaker 2: Gunther, Gunther, please, I've worked here for two and a half years, I know the empty trays go over there.", "Speaker 1: What if you put them here.", "Speaker 2: Huh. Well, y'know that's actually a really good idea, because that way they'll be closer to the mugs. Y'know what, you should have the other waitresses do that too.", "Speaker 1: They already do. That's why they call it the 'tray spot.'", "Speaker 2: Gee, I always heard them talk about that, I just always thought that it was a club they went to. Oh God, I'm, I'm sorry.", "Speaker 1: It's all right. Sweetheart." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "sweetheart", "waitress" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:title" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 29 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: There he is!", "Speaker 2: There's our star!", "Speaker 3: So, so, what'd ya think?", "Speaker 1: Almost as good as that play with the two naked girls on the see-saw.", "Speaker 3: I-I wasn't in that.", "Speaker 1: I know.", "Speaker 3: Oh-oh, hey-hey, Kate! Listen I want you to meet everybody. Everybody, this is Kate.", "Speaker 2: Hi!", "Speaker 4: Excuse me. Excuse me. Sweetheart! Come!", "Speaker 1: So that's the girl you like.", "Speaker 3: Yeah." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Kate", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "our star", "Kate", "girl", "Sweetheart", "sweetheart", "Sweetheart" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 1 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "like" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Yeah I just... wanted to call and say hey.", "Speaker 2: Well OK then. Was that the oven timer?", "Speaker 1: That's right my friend. It's time for...", "Speaker 3: Baywatch!!", "Speaker 2: Oh, can you believe they gave Stephanie skin cancer?", "Speaker 1: I still can't believe they promoted her to lieutenant.", "Speaker 2: Naa, you're just sayin' that 'cause you're in love with Yasmine Blepe.", "Speaker 1: Well, how could anyone not be in love with Yasmine Blepe?", "Speaker 2: Hey, hey, they're runnin'", "Speaker 1: See, this is the brilliance of the show. I say always keep them running. All the time, running. Run. Run Yasmine, run like the wind." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "Yasmine Blepe", "Speaker 2", "Baywatch", "Baywatch", "Speaker 1", "my friend", "my friend" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 1 ], [ 9 ], [ 1 ], [ 1 ], [ 9 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "in love with" ], [ "friend" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "friend" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Look-look-look-look-look, my first pay check! Look at the window, there's my name! Hi, me!", "Speaker 2: I remember the day I got my first pay check. There was a cave in in one of the mines, and eight people were killed.", "Speaker 3: Wow, you worked in a mine?", "Speaker 2: I worked in a Dairy Queen, why?", "Speaker 1: God, isn't this exciting? I earned this. I wiped tables for it, I steamed milk for it, and it was totally—not worth it. Who's FICA? Why's he getting all my money? I mean, what- Chandler, look at that.", "Speaker 4: Oh, this is not that bad.", "Speaker 5: Oh, you're fine, yeah, for a first job.", "Speaker 6: You can totally, totally live on this.", "Speaker 3: Yeah, yeah.", "Speaker 6: Oh, by the way, great service tonight.", "Speaker 7: Oh! Yeah!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Dairy Queen" ], "y": [ "Dairy Queen", "Speaker 2" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "ORG" ], "y_type": [ "ORG", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:employee_or_member_of" ], [ "org:employees_or_members" ] ], "rid": [ [ 22 ], [ 35 ] ], "t": [ [ "worked in" ], [ "worked in" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Pete's breaking up with me.", "Speaker 2: What?!", "Speaker 1: I just checked my messages, and he said that when he gets back from Atlanta, we need to talk.", "Speaker 3: And?", "Speaker 1: Well that's it. People never say `We need to talk' unless it's something bad.", "Speaker 4: Whoa, that doesn't necessarily mean that he's breaking up with you.", "Speaker 1: Really?!", "Speaker 4: Yeah, maybe he just cheated on you." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Pete", "Pete", "Atlanta" ], "y": [ "Pete", "Atlanta", "Speaker 1", "Pete" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "GPE" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "GPE", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:visited_place" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "gpe:visitors_of_place" ] ], "rid": [ [ 10 ], [ 20 ], [ 10 ], [ 34 ] ], "t": [ [ "breaking up with" ], [ "gets back from" ], [ "breaking up with" ], [ "gets back from" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Ooh Monica!", "Speaker 2: Hi!", "Speaker 1: Oh my God! I had the best time with Tim last night. He is so sweet! Oh, I can’t wait to get sous-neath him.", "Speaker 2: I…I have to fire him.", "Speaker 1: But why?!", "Speaker 2: Because he’s terrible! Okay, he’s slow, he burns things, last night he lit my pastry chef on fire!", "Speaker 1: Well maybe he was just nervous, y’know you can be very intimidating. And besides I’ve met your pastry chef and she can stand to be taken down a peg or two.", "Speaker 2: Well, now she has no eyebrows, mission accomplished.", "Speaker 1: But Monica, he loves his job so much! Can you just give him another chance? Please?", "Speaker 2: All right, but if-if he lights someone else on fire he is out of there!", "Speaker 1: That’s fair! Thank you so much. Thanks. Oops, it looks like when he got the pastry chef he got you a little bit too.", "Speaker 2: I paid to have this done.", "Speaker 1: Love it!" ]
{ "x": [ "Tim", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Speaker 2", "Tim", "Tim" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:boss" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:negative_impression", "per:subordinate" ] ], "rid": [ [ 5 ], [ 1 ], [ 2, 6 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "sweet" ], [ "terrible", "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Oh, isn't that adorable? Joey is afraid of the tarantula.", "Speaker 2: Ah, yeah, he's so adorable, God, he's just so much fun, Joey is the best, I'm glad you're having so much fun here.", "Speaker 1: What? Wait-wait a minute, what? Phoebe, what's the matter?", "Speaker 2: Our apartment is ready.", "Speaker 1: And that makes you angry because…", "Speaker 2: Because you would rather live here with Joey.", "Speaker 1: Where did you get that?", "Speaker 2: Monica and Chandler said that you were having so much fun here. And apparently no amount of drums or tarantulas is gonna change that.", "Speaker 1: Phoebe?", "Speaker 2: Hm?", "Speaker 1: Did you get all this stuff for Joey to try and drive me out of the apartment? Honey, if you wanted to do that, you might as well just gotten him a fish, you know how fish freaked me out!", "Speaker 2: Fish!", "Speaker 1: It wouldn't have mattered anyway, Phoebe, you and I are, are gonna live together, we're roommates; that's the deal.", "Speaker 2: Yes, but I wanted you to want to live with me, but okay, if you're having so much fun over here…", "Speaker 1: Oh, it's so much more fun with you.", "Speaker 2: We did have fun, didn't we?", "Speaker 1: We did!", "Speaker 2: Oh, anyway, they say, if we want, we can see it tonight.", "Speaker 1: Oh, I would love to!", "Speaker 2: Yay, okay!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Joey", "Joey", "Chandler", "Monica" ], "y": [ "Speaker 2", "Joey", "Honey", "honey", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Honey", "Honey", "Honey" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:roommate" ], [ "per:roommate" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:roommate" ], [ "per:roommate" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 12 ], [ 12 ], [ 37 ], [ 30 ], [ 12 ], [ 12 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "roommates" ], [ "live here with" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "roommates" ], [ "live here with" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: What that Rachel did to her life.... We ran into her parents at the club, they were not playing very well.", "Speaker 2: I'm not gonna tell you what they spent on that wedding... but forty thousand dollars is a lot of money!", "Speaker 1: Well, at least she had the chance to leave a man at the altar...", "Speaker 3: What's that supposed to mean?", "Speaker 1: Nothing! It's an expression.", "Speaker 3: No it's not.", "Speaker 2: Don't listen to your mother. You're independent, and you always have been! Even when you were a kid... and you were chubby, and you had no friends, you were just fine! And you would read alone in your room, and your puzzles...", "Speaker 2: Look, there are people like Ross who need to shoot for the stars, with his museum, and his papers getting published. Other people are satisfied with staying where they are- I'm telling you, these are the people who never get cancer.", "Speaker 2: ...And I read about these women trying to have it all, and I thank God 'Our Little Harmonica' doesn't seem to have that problem." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Ross", "Ross", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "Our Little Harmonica", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "museum", "man", "Ross", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:parents" ], [ "per:parents" ], [ "per:place_of_work" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:children" ], [ "per:children" ] ], "rid": [ [ 30 ], [ 15 ], [ 15 ], [ 28 ], [ 37 ], [ 1 ], [ 13 ], [ 13 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "mother" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "shoot for the stars" ], [ "" ], [ "mother" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hey, Rachel, Can-can I see you for a sec?", "Speaker 2: Sure! Oh...", "Speaker 1: You're not sick!", "Speaker 2: What? Yes, I am!", "Speaker 1: Ok, then, why are you... all dressed up??", "Speaker 2: When you're sick, you do whatever you can to make yourself feel better!", "Speaker 1: You just wanna stay home so you can make a move on Joey!", "Speaker 2: Oh, no, no! I heard you before, that is so not what this is!", "Speaker 1: Ok, what is this?", "Speaker 2: Ok! Joey is having a secret Days Of Our Lives party up on the roof and he sent you guys to the play to get rid of you!", "Speaker 1: WHAT?", "Speaker 3: Wh-what's going on?", "Speaker 1: Joey is having a secret Days Of Our Lives party up on the roof!", "Speaker 2: And he didn't want you guys to know about it but I came over here to tell you!!", "Speaker 4: I thought you came to say you were sick.", "Speaker 2: Ok professor or detective?", "Speaker 5: Joey's having a party and he wasn't gonna invite us?", "Speaker 2: Yeah, and he does it every year! That's why he's sending you to that play! That's why he sent us to that medieval restaurant and to that button factory!", "Speaker 5: And that horrible museum tour!", "Speaker 3: No, I arranged that..." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Joey", "Speaker 4" ], "y": [ "Joey", "Days Of Our Lives", "professor" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:works" ], [ "per:title" ] ], "rid": [ [ 1 ], [ 24 ], [ 29 ] ], "t": [ [ "make a move on" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: What, what's that?", "Speaker 2: It's my VISA bill. Envelope one of two. That can't be good.", "Speaker 1: Open it, open in.", "Speaker 2: Oh my God.", "Speaker 1: Woah.", "Speaker 2: Look at this, how did I spend so much money?", "Speaker 1: Uh Joey, that's just the minumum amount due, that's your total due.", "Speaker 2: Ahh.", "Speaker 1: What, woah, woah, $3500 at porcelain safari?", "Speaker 2: My animals. Hey the guy said they suited me, he spoke with an accent, I was all confused. I don't know what I'm gonna do.", "Speaker 1: Well I guess you can start by drivin a cab on Another World.", "Speaker 2: What?", "Speaker 1: That audition.", "Speaker 2: That's a two line part.", "Speaker 1: Joey, you owe $1100 at I Love Lucite.", "Speaker 2: So what.", "Speaker 1: So suck it up man, it's a job, it's money.", "Speaker 2: Hey, look, I don't need you getting all judgemental and condescending and pedantic.", "Speaker 1: Toilet paper?", "Speaker 2: Yeah.", "Speaker 1: Look, I'm not being any of those things, ok, I'm just being realistic.", "Speaker 2: Well knock it off, you're supposed to be my friend.", "Speaker 1: I am your friend.", "Speaker 2: Well then tell me things like, 'Joey you'll be fine,' and, 'Hang in there,' and, and, 'Somethin' big's fonna come along, I know it.'", "Speaker 1: But I don't know it. What I do know is that you owe $2300 at Isn't it Chromantic.", "Speaker 2: Hey Ross, I'm aware of what I owe." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "man", "my friend", "man" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 9 ], [ 9 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "friend" ], [ "friend" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Food here at 'Javu'.. will kill you.. the food here at 'Javu' ... will kill you..", "Speaker 2: Thank god, it's just you! I thought someone was swinging a bag of cats against the wall.", "Speaker 1: You'd better get back in that kitchen Monica, the garlic is not gonna overuse itself.", "Speaker 2: Ok, you have to stop playing now.", "Speaker 1: Why? The only person my playing is bothering is you!", "Speaker 2: Oh yeah? Ok, let's settle this, come on!", "Speaker 1: Get your garlic-peelers off me!", "Speaker 2: Excuse me, excuse me, hi, I'm Monica Geller.. I'm the head chef here.. .. Ok, I was actually expecting a little applause there, but whatever! Ok, quick question: by a show of hands, how many of you were bothered by this woman's singing outside?", "Speaker 1: Ok, ok, how many of you enjoyed the music outside? Ha!", "Speaker 2: Alright, let me ask you this question: How many of you thought the music was fine, but not in keeping with the tone of the restaurant?", "Speaker 1: Ok, well, who identified the tone of this restaurant as pretentious comma garlicky?", "Speaker 2: Ok who thinks the food is delicious and a little pretention never hurt anyone?", "Speaker 1: Ok, well, alright, who thinks the food is fine, the music was fine, but your evening was ruined by this incessant poll taking?", "Speaker 2: Excuse us! Alright here's a question: Who was so worried about her restaurant being fancy that she made a big deal about her friend playing her music and feels really bad about it now?", "Speaker 1: Oh... Who was so stupid and stubborn that she lashed out against her friend's cooking which she actually thinks is pretty great!", "Speaker 2: I'm sorry...", "Speaker 1: I'm sorry too...", "Speaker 2: ooohh... hey! Wanna stick around and I'll whip you up some dinner?", "Speaker 1: Yeah! As long as it's free! Food here is ridiculously over-p...", "Speaker 1: Who's hoping the hand raising thing is still cute enough that you won't hate me?" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Javu" ], "y": [ "Javu", "head chef", "Monica Geller", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "ORG" ], "y_type": [ "ORG", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:employee_or_member_of" ], [ "per:title" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "org:employees_or_members" ] ], "rid": [ [ 22 ], [ 29 ], [ 30 ], [ 9 ], [ 9 ], [ 35 ] ], "t": [ [ "head chef" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "friend" ], [ "friend" ], [ "head chef" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: I can't believe I'm about to meet Benjamin Hobart. I've always thought of him as one of the people I'd invite to my fantasy dinner party. Do you think there's any chance he'll bring Christie Brinkley or C3PO?", "Speaker 2: Sorry, looks like it's just him.", "Speaker 3: Charlie! My God, you look absolutely stunning!", "Speaker 1: Well, I... I am having a good hair day.", "Speaker 3: So good to see you.", "Speaker 2: Me too.", "Speaker 1: I'm ok.", "Speaker 2: I'm sorry... Ross Geller... Benjamin Hobart.", "Speaker 1: It's an honor to meet you. I can't tell you how long I've been an admirer of your work, I mean, that Nobel prize, whoooo! I mean, I have to tell you that, you're one of the reasons I got into the field.", "Speaker 3: Oh, well, likewise. Actually, not likewise. I've never heard of you until this morning, but, it's nice to be nice!", "Speaker 2: Shall we?", "Speaker 3: Thank you! I can't believe that you chose this restaurant! Do you remember the night?", "Speaker 2: Oh my God, I completely forgot! Oh my God! I can't believe they let us back in this place!", "Speaker 3: You weren't there!", "Speaker 1: No, but, it's, you know, it's just a funny image, you know, the two of you, in this restaurant, with... tzz-zzz, mmm.", "Speaker 2: Ross, why don't you tell Benji about your proposal, while I go to the ladies room?", "Speaker 3: So, tell me about it.", "Speaker 1: Ok well, I would like to do a dig in the painted desert.", "Speaker 3: M-m.", "Speaker 1: See, there are still several areas that haven't been fully excavated.", "Speaker 3: Break up with Charlie!", "Speaker 1: What?", "Speaker 3: What?", "Speaker 1: Did you just say \"break up with Charlie\"?", "Speaker 3: Well, yes, and now. Yes I did say it, and no, I didn't not say it.", "Speaker 1: Kind of inappropriate, don't you think?", "Speaker 3: I'm sorry. I just haven't seen her for so long! All these feelings are rushing back! I'm starting to realize how much I missed her, and I'm gonna need you to break up with her.", "Speaker 1: Are you serious?", "Speaker 3: If you say yes then I'm serious, if you say no then I'm joking!", "Speaker 1: No!", "Speaker 3: Joking it is!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "Speaker 3", "Ross Geller", "Speaker 2", "Benjamin Hobart", "Benji", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 3" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 1 ], [ 30 ], [ 10 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 1 ], [ 10 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "admirer" ], [ "" ], [ "break up with" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "absolutely stunning" ], [ "break up with" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: add a pinch of saffron, it makes all the difference.", "Speaker 1: Okay, errrr, Monica?", "Speaker 2: Yes? ..yes, she is.", "Speaker 3: Hi, this is my friend Rachel.", "Speaker 2: Hi.", "Speaker 1: Hi, err Rachel. I'm Dr.Mitchell.", "Speaker 4: And I'm his friend, Dr.Rosen.", "Speaker 3: Aren't you a little cute to be a doctor?", "Speaker 4: Excuse me?", "Speaker 3: I meant er, young, young, I meant young, young to be a doctor. Oh good, Rach.", "Speaker 2: Thank you.", "Speaker 3: Right." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 4", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 3", "my friend", "Rach", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 4" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:friends", "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:friends" ] ], "rid": [ [ 9 ], [ 9, 30 ], [ 37 ], [ 30 ], [ 9 ], [ 9 ] ], "t": [ [ "friend" ], [ "friend", "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "friend" ], [ "friend" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Mail call, Rachel Green, bunk seven.", "Speaker 2: Thank you. Oh, cool! Free sample of coffee!", "Speaker 1: Oh good! 'Cause where else would we get any?", "Speaker 2: Oh. Right. ...Oh great.", "Speaker 1: What is it?", "Speaker 2: Country club newsletter. My mother sends me the engagement notices for 'inspiration.' Oh my God! Oh my God, it's Barry and Mindy!", "Speaker 1: Barry who you almost...?", "Speaker 2: Barry who I almost.", "Speaker 1: And Mindy, your maid of...?", "Speaker 2: Mindy, my maid of. Oh!", "Speaker 1: That's Mindy? Wow, she is pretty. Lucky. To have had a friend like you." ]
{ "x": [ "Barry", "Barry", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Mindy", "Mindy" ], "y": [ "Mindy", "Speaker 2", "Barry", "Rachel Green", "Mindy", "Mindy", "Barry", "Speaker 2" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:friends" ] ], "rid": [ [ 10 ], [ 10 ], [ 10 ], [ 30 ], [ 9 ], [ 1 ], [ 10 ], [ 9 ] ], "t": [ [ "engagement" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "friend" ], [ "pretty" ], [ "engagement" ], [ "friend" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Okay, are you mad at me because my hair gel smells?", "Speaker 2: No.", "Speaker 1: Are you angry at me because I said your handwriting is childlike?", "Speaker 2: No that made me feel precious.", "Speaker 3: Oh, I know! Umm, is it because he's always correcting people's grammar? Whom! Whom! Sometimes it's who!", "Speaker 1: Yeah? Sometimes it's…", "Speaker 4: Oh, did you beat him at a board game? He turns into such a baby when he starts to lose.", "Speaker 1: Okay, I'm the baby.", "Speaker 4: Eh! Stop it!", "Speaker 5: Hey!", "Speaker 3: Chandler! What are you doing here?", "Speaker 1: Hey!", "Speaker 5: Joey kicked me out of the car on the George Washington bridge!", "Speaker 6: Why?!", "Speaker 5: I don't know! He went crazy! Y'know, we were playing that game where you-you ask a question and you answer it really fast.", "Speaker 2: That game should not be played without my supervision.", "Speaker 5: Well, I don't know what mad him so mad, y'know? All I said was that uh, I didn't think this wasn't gonna be his big break, that this movie wasn't going to do anything for him, and that uh, y'know it didn't sound like a real movie--Okay, he should've pushed me off of the bridge.", "Speaker 2: What's in the bag?", "Speaker 5: Oh, I figured you guys would all be mad at me. So I got you some gifts that I found on the side of the road. Who wants the teddy bear with one leg?", "Speaker 2: I do!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Joey", "Joey", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 5", "Speaker 3" ], "y": [ "Speaker 1", "baby", "baby", "Speaker 5", "baby", "baby", "baby", "baby" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:negative_impression" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:negative_impression" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 2 ], [ 37 ], [ 30 ], [ 2 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "mad at" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "mad" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hey!", "Speaker 2: Hey.", "Speaker 1: What’s up?!", "Speaker 2: Umm, I think there’s something you should maybe know.", "Speaker 1: Well, it’d better not be about the apartment pants, because I just pitched the idea to my boss at Ralph Lauren and she loved it.", "Speaker 2: No. No. It’s just I was umm, I was with Ross and Jill after you left and umm, I’m pretty sure I saw a little spark between them.", "Speaker 1: What?!", "Speaker 2: Yeah I mean it’s probably nothing, but I just wanted to warn you that there might be something there.", "Speaker 1: With Ross and Jill?", "Speaker 2: Yeah!", "Speaker 1: With Ross and my sister?", "Speaker 2: Yeah.", "Speaker 1: With my sister Jill and my ex-boyfriend Ross?", "Speaker 2: Yeah.", "Speaker 1: Oh there is no way.", "Speaker 2: Okay then.", "Speaker 1: Oh my God! I can not believe that! I mean I don’t really like it when Ross goes out with anyone, but my sister isn’t that like incest or something?! Oh my God, and they’re gonna have sex! Oh! Oh no what if he marries her too?! Oh this is just terrible, this is just terrible. And I can’t stop it! I can’t—I don’t own Ross! Y’know? And Jill, she should be able to do whatever it is that she wants to do! And oh my God, I can’t believe Ross is marrying my little sister, this terrible. Oh my God, this is just the worst thing that could have ever happened to me.", "Speaker 2: But great news about the apartment pants, huh?" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Jill", "Ross", "Ralph Lauren" ], "y": [ "Jill", "Ross", "Ralph Lauren", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "ORG" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "ORG", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:siblings" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:employee_or_member_of" ], [ "per:siblings" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "org:employees_or_members" ] ], "rid": [ [ 16 ], [ 10 ], [ 22 ], [ 16 ], [ 10 ], [ 35 ] ], "t": [ [ "sister" ], [ "ex-boyfriend" ], [ "" ], [ "sister" ], [ "ex-boyfriend" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: What? He’s gonna be dressed as a baby! Oh hi Mrs. Green!", "Speaker 2: Hi!", "Speaker 1: I’m so glad you could make it.", "Speaker 2: Yes, thank you so much. And again, we’re so sorry. We could not feel worse about it.", "Speaker 3: Try. There’s my little girl.", "Speaker 2: She’s still mad.", "Speaker 1: Yeah I know. Isn’t it great? One less person we have to make small talk with.", "Speaker 2: Phoebe, Sandra’s mad at you too. It-it doesn’t bother you?", "Speaker 1: No look, we’ve apologized twice! I can’t do anymore than that. I know you hate it when people are mad at you but you just have to be okay with it.", "Speaker 2: Okay. I can do that. I gotta go powder my ass." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3" ], "y": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Sandra" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:negative_impression" ], [ "per:negative_impression" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ] ], "rid": [ [ 2 ], [ 2 ], [ 30 ] ], "t": [ [ "mad at" ], [ "mad at" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: So we should probably get going soon.", "Speaker 2: Oh, but the party’s only just getting started!", "Speaker 1: Yeah, but we-we have to be at the Four Seasons for drinks in 15 minutes and then y’know, then The Plaza for dinner.", "Speaker 2: So why did you plan a party at the same time?", "Speaker 1: No-no-no, no, umm, actually American surprise parties are-are-are very short. It’s usually, \"Surprise!\" And then, \"Oh my God, I’m so surprised—good-bye!\"", "Speaker 2: But Ross, I’m such having a great time! Your sister has just been telling me that you used to dress up like little, old ladies and hold make-believe tea parties.", "Speaker 1: Monica said that did she?" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Monica" ], "y": [ "American", "Monica", "Speaker 1" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:origin" ], [ "per:siblings" ], [ "per:siblings" ] ], "rid": [ [ 21 ], [ 16 ], [ 16 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "sister" ], [ "sister" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Lucky sixes....", "Speaker 2: Everybody, this is Paolo. Paolo, I want you to meet my friends. This is Monica.", "Speaker 3: Hi!", "Speaker 2: And Joey....", "Speaker 4: Hi!", "Speaker 2: And Ross.", "Speaker 1: Hi!", "Speaker 5: something in Italian", "Speaker 2: He doesn't speak much English.", "Speaker 5: Monopoly!", "Speaker 2: Look at that!", "Speaker 1: So, um... where did Paolo come from?", "Speaker 2: Oh... Italy, I think.", "Speaker 1: No, I mean tonight, in the building. Suddenly. Into our lives.", "Speaker 2: Well, the cat... the cat turned out to be Paolo's cat!", "Speaker 1: That, that is funny....... and Rachel keeps touching him." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 5", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 4" ], "y": [ "Speaker 3", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 4", "Speaker 5", "cat", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ], [ "per:pet" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:friends" ], [ "per:friends" ] ], "rid": [ [ 9 ], [ 9 ], [ 9 ], [ 1 ], [ 31 ], [ 9 ], [ 9 ], [ 9 ] ], "t": [ [ "friends" ], [ "friends" ], [ "friends" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "friends" ], [ "friends" ], [ "friends" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hey, he's not crying.", "Speaker 2: Yes! There's still pie.", "Speaker 3: I'm here. How's my little boy? Want Daddy to change your diaper? So, did you have fun with Uncle Joey and Uncle Chandler today?", "Speaker 2: Oh, yeah, he rode the bus today.", "Speaker 3: Ohhh. Big boy, riding the bus--Hey, I have a question. How come it says Property of Human Services on his butt?", "Speaker 1: You, you are gonna love this.", "Speaker 3: Will you hold Ben for a sec? Come here. Come here.", "Speaker 1: Stay back, I've got kiwi. Run, Joey, Run!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 3", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 1", "Ben", "Ben", "Ben", "Speaker 1" ], "y": [ "Ben", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Uncle Joey", "Uncle Chandler", "Big boy", "Speaker 3", "my little boy", "boy" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "STRING", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:parents" ], [ "per:negative_impression" ], [ "per:negative_impression" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:children" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 15 ], [ 2 ], [ 2 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 30 ], [ 13 ], [ 30 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "Daddy" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "Daddy" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: You think you can knock up my daughter and then not marry her?! I’m gonna kill you!!", "Speaker 2: Y’know this is actually not a great time for me.", "Speaker 1: So? Come on! Explain yourself Geller! First you get my Rachel pregnant!", "Speaker 3: You got Rachel pregnant?!", "Speaker 2: Who did?!", "Speaker 1: You did!", "Speaker 2: Yes. Yes, yes I did. But-but it was, it was just a one night thing. It meant nothing.", "Speaker 1: Oh? Really? That’s what my daughter means to you? Nothing?", "Speaker 2: No! No sir umm, she means a lot to me. I mean, I care—I-I love Rachel.", "Speaker 3: What?!", "Speaker 2: Oh but not that way. I mean…I mean I’m not in love with her. I love her like a, like a friend.", "Speaker 1: Oh really? That’s how treat a friend? You get her in trouble and then refuse to marry her?", "Speaker 2: Hey! I offered to marry her!", "Speaker 3: Wh…", "Speaker 2: But I didn’t want to.", "Speaker 1: Well why not? So you can spend your time with this tramp?!", "Speaker 3: Tramp?!", "Speaker 2: I’m sorry. Dr. Green, Mona. Mona, Dr. Green." ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 1", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Speaker 3", "Rachel", "Rachel" ], "y": [ "Rachel", "Speaker 2", "Geller", "Rachel", "tramp", "Speaker 1", "Speaker 2" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:children" ], [ "per:negative_impression" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:positive_impression", "per:friends" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:parents" ], [ "per:friends" ] ], "rid": [ [ 13 ], [ 2 ], [ 30 ], [ 1, 9 ], [ 30 ], [ 15 ], [ 9 ] ], "t": [ [ "daughter" ], [ "kill" ], [ "" ], [ "care", "friend" ], [ "" ], [ "daughter" ], [ "friend" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Excuse me, I-I couldn’t help overhearing, you’re marrying Chandler Bing?", "Speaker 2: Yeah that’s right.", "Speaker 1: Huh, good luck!", "Speaker 3: Aww, and good luck to you too! What a nice lady!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 2", "Speaker 2", "Chandler Bing", "Chandler", "Speaker 3" ], "y": [ "Chandler Bing", "lady", "Speaker 2", "Chandler Bing", "lady" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "STRING", "PER", "PER", "STRING" ], "r": [ [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "unanswerable" ], [ "unanswerable" ] ], "rid": [ [ 10 ], [ 37 ], [ 10 ], [ 37 ], [ 37 ] ], "t": [ [ "marrying" ], [ "" ], [ "marrying" ], [ "" ], [ "" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Hey.", "Speaker 2: Hey.", "Speaker 1: Uh, listen I gotta double check for tickets tonight. Who-who got what?", "Speaker 3, Speaker 4, Speaker 5: I had one.", "Speaker 6: I need two. I'm bringing Pete. My boyfriend. I have a boyfriend now!", "Speaker 1: Two it is. Ross, how about you?", "Speaker 7: Uh, yeah, I ah, I also need two.", "Speaker 6: Really? Who's number two?", "Speaker 3: Who's number two? One of the more difficult games sewer workers play.", "Speaker 7: Uh, no, it's-it's just this person.", "Speaker 4: Like a date type person?", "Speaker 7: Yeah, kinda. It's this woman from work. I hope that won't be too weird. Will it, Rach?", "Speaker 5: No. No, not at all, not at all. I actually was gonna bring someone myself, so...", "Speaker 1: But you said one.", "Speaker 5: I meant, me plus one!" ]
{ "x": [ "Speaker 6", "Speaker 5", "Speaker 5", "Speaker 7", "Pete" ], "y": [ "Pete", "Rach", "Speaker 7", "Speaker 5", "Speaker 6" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:alternate_names" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ], [ "per:girl/boyfriend" ] ], "rid": [ [ 10 ], [ 30 ], [ 10 ], [ 10 ], [ 10 ] ], "t": [ [ "boyfriend" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "" ], [ "boyfriend" ] ] }
[ "Speaker 1: Really. And what do you mean you never have fun anymore? You have fun with me, remember that time we saw those strippers and you paid me 50 bucks to eat that book?", "Speaker 2: Joey, you are gonna love this guy. Gandolf is like the party wizard!", "Speaker 1: Well, why do you call him Gandolf?", "Speaker 2: Gandolf the wizard. Hello! Didn’t you read Lord of the Rings in high school?", "Speaker 1: No, I had sex in high school." ]
{ "x": [ "Gandolf", "Speaker 2" ], "y": [ "wizard", "Gandolf" ], "x_type": [ "PER", "PER" ], "y_type": [ "STRING", "PER" ], "r": [ [ "per:title" ], [ "per:positive_impression" ] ], "rid": [ [ 29 ], [ 1 ] ], "t": [ [ "" ], [ "party wizard" ] ] }

Dataset Card for [DialogRE]

Dataset Summary

The DialogRE dataset is the first human-annotated dialogue-based relation extraction (RE) dataset, aiming to support the prediction of relation(s) between two arguments that appear in a dialogue. DialogRE can also act as a platform for studying cross-sentence RE as most facts span multiple sentences. Specifically, the dataset annotate all occurrences of 36 possible relation types that exist between pairs of arguments in the 1,788 dialogues originating from the complete transcripts of Friends (in English).

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

  • other-other-relation-extraction: The dataset can be used to train a model for Relation Extraction, which consists of the prediction of relation between two arguments that appear in a dialogue. Success on this task is typically measured by achieving a high F1 Score.


The dialogues in the dataset is in English originating from the transcripts of Friends. The associated BCP-47 code is en.

Dataset Structure

Data Instances

A typical data point consists of a dialogue between speakers as a list of sentences. This is followed by the annotations of the relations between the entities in the dialog.

An example from the DialogRE train set looks as follows:

{'dialog': ["Speaker 1: It's been an hour and not one of my classmates has shown up! I tell you, when I actually die some people are gonna get seriously haunted!",
  'Speaker 2: There you go! Someone came!',
  "Speaker 1: Ok, ok! I'm gonna go hide! Oh, this is so exciting, my first mourner!",
  'Speaker 3: Hi, glad you could come.',
  'Speaker 2: Please, come in.',
  "Speaker 4: Hi, you're Chandler Bing, right? I'm Tom Gordon, I was in your class.",
  'Speaker 2: Oh yes, yes... let me... take your coat.',
  "Speaker 4: Thanks... uh... I'm so sorry about Ross, it's...",
  'Speaker 2: At least he died doing what he loved... watching blimps.',
  'Speaker 1: Who is he?',
  'Speaker 2: Some guy, Tom Gordon.',
  "Speaker 1: I don't remember him, but then again I touched so many lives.",
  'Speaker 3: So, did you know Ross well?',
  "Speaker 4: Oh, actually I barely knew him. Yeah, I came because I heard Chandler's news. D'you know if he's seeing anyone?",
  'Speaker 3: Yes, he is. Me.',
  'Speaker 4: What? You... You... Oh! Can I ask you a personal question? Ho-how do you shave your beard so close?',
  "Speaker 2: Ok Tommy, that's enough mourning for you! Here we go, bye bye!!",
  'Speaker 4: Hey, listen. Call me.',
  'Speaker 2: Ok!'],
 'relation_data': {'r': [['per:alternate_names'],
   ['per:alumni', 'per:positive_impression'],
  'rid': [[30], [4], [30], [4, 1], [30], [37]],
  't': [[''], [''], [''], ['', 'call me'], [''], ['']],
  'x': ['Speaker 2',
   'Speaker 2',
   'Speaker 4',
   'Speaker 4',
   'Speaker 4',
   'Speaker 1'],
  'x_type': ['PER', 'PER', 'PER', 'PER', 'PER', 'PER'],
  'y': ['Chandler Bing',
   'Speaker 4',
   'Tom Gordon',
   'Speaker 2',
  'y_type': ['PER', 'PER', 'PER', 'PER', 'PER', 'PER']}}

Data Fields

  • dialog

    • List of dialog spoken between the speakers
  • List of annotations per dialog per argument

    • x : First entity

    • y : Second entity

    • x_type : Type of the first entity

    • y_type: Type of the second entity

    • r : List of relations

    • rid: List of relation IDs

    • t: List of relation Trigger words

Data Splits

The data is split into a training, validation and test set as per the original dataset split.

train validation test
Input dialog examples 1073 358 357

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

[More Information Needed]

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

[More Information Needed]

Who are the source language producers?

[More Information Needed]


Annotation process

[More Information Needed]

Who are the annotators?

[More Information Needed]

Personal and Sensitive Information

[More Information Needed]

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

[More Information Needed]

Discussion of Biases

[More Information Needed]

Other Known Limitations

[More Information Needed]

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

[More Information Needed]

Licensing Information

DialogRE dataset is intended for non-commercial research purpose only

Citation Information

  title={Dialogue-Based Relation Extraction},
  author={Yu, Dian and Sun, Kai and Cardie, Claire and Yu, Dong},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},


Thanks to @vineeths96 for adding this dataset.

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