Add datasets compatible dataset

by nateraw - opened
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nateraw changed pull request title from Upload . with huggingface_hub to Add datasets compatible dataset

This adds a version of the dataset that's loadable with datasets.

From this PR you would run this (revision flag goes away if on main).

from datasets import load_dataset

ds = load_dataset('competitions/aiornot', revision='refs/pr/6')

However this isn't working due to the other files in the root of the repo being picked up by datasets. hmm.

I added a private copy here as aiornot-hf that we can move it to this org if you'd like. If you'd like to do that, just add me to the org and I'll transfer it on over. Otherwise, we can just leave it without.

I do think this would be nice for folks - but up to you @abhishek

really cool! cc @lhoestq @severo too

Competitions org

needs sample_submission.csv to be there

Ok @abhishek this is good to go I think.

abhishek changed pull request status to merged

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