i had been feeling a little apprehensive but tried to focus on the positives which were mainly that i could leave george in a relaxed situation knowing exactly what was happening rather than any last minute dashes to hospital
i do maintain a daily meditation practice primarily because the evidence in favor of meditations health benefits are so strong that i feel it would be foolish to not meditate
i have i mean isn t it too late post a decision i know the feeling you are talking about i tend to ignore it as i am fearful
im still feeling a little gun shy about restocking much before the current heat wave passes
i feel that is why she suddenly got mad at mom
i just feel so much more relaxed
i feel resentful or unhappy
i feel as if my creative wings are somewhat clipped or buried deep into an airless pot but i do keep after my art journal pages like a life line to the time when i can really spread my wings freely and take flight
i do it purposely i may have more negative feelings about it will may be doing an hesitant giving of me like as they saw me do like that would seem too hesitant impression unlike i just let go they don t look at me
i allow myself simply to feel my longing for something that i don t have i realize that my dissatisfaction is nothing other than my own life energy rising in temperature and as i let the intensity grow i begin to feel more alive instead of keep thinking that life isn t fair towards me
i feel a shamed sometimes to sit next to you i can t take you any more
i started to really feel determined to make it work until he was a year old and no longer needed it
i love yes minister the thick of it party animals borgen the west wing are all so superb i feel shocked at how awful this series is
i know it can take weeks for a book to go free on amazon and barnes amp noble and in this age where cents can buy a full length ebook i feel a little funny charging even cents for a work that is almost certain to be under pages possibly under
i hate feeling envious of the other parents who hand their kids the whole box of crackers the giant cotton candy the half loaf of bread
i have bleached my bangs last summer and i can still feel somewhat the tips damaged
i grew up in the church and had been a christian since i was years old and i knew christ was the compassionate type but never until that day did i feel his tender loving care for me so tangibly i could feel it all the way through my broken soul
i feel extremely impatient with people who feel that photography or any other art major is simply the process of learning how to create artwork
i figured out why i feel more unsure of myself here
i feel fine bass lesson the beatles free online bass lessons awesome uploaded by basguituts on july at am
i think maybe thats why im feeling rather timid
i have a feeling that jeremy is not going to be too keen on the vinegary smell that calli is giving off right now
i can t understand why you keep hiding your feelings when he s so fond of you
i feel like we ve reached the point in our relationship for an obnoxious yet endearing nickname signifying i like you enough to cheerfully torture you
i feel petrified and terrible
i press send and feel another tender kiss to my head
i think an write these words down still feeling very surprised but at the same time very exited like children would be on christmas with their new toy they cant wait to play with it and look forward to playing with it the next time
i could feel a funny scratching on my eyes although i was never touched by human hand device or machine
i wonder if she s going to mark me again my stomach fluttering at the thought conflicted feelings but her touch remains gentle barely there at all
i close my eyes and imagine for a second its so easy to feel like youre the only person left in the world but yet you dont give a damn cos its so carefree
i go there each and every day feeling blessed that i am allowed to serve as the senior clinician and thus the shepherd and this does my pastor s heart more good than i ever experienced in any brick and mortar church building
ive been feeling so stressed out lately and ive learned that when i feel stressed i go for food to forget about the stress for a moment
i feel that if i just did something i could tap into something gorgeous something intellectually perfect
i did not hate high school and remembering those times doesnt make me feel tortured or anything but man when i was i was a piece of work
i was the one late replying his messages and i understand that this really makes him feel being ignored
ive learned thus far i feel much less fearful on the thing once ive adjusted the seat such that i can easily lean the bike a little to one side and set a foot on the ground
i sit there feeling completely worthless
i can feel invigorated
i go through most of my days feeling inadequate in what i am doing
i feel like a tool img src images smilies stunned
i feel so disgusted and ashamed of myself
i thoroughly enjoyed with its descriptive writing and traditional feel to it i couldn t wait to see what this talented author had up her sleeve for her next novel reaching for the stars
i feel sorry for her she had a good thing in dh but she abused it and him resulting in his depression and diagnosis of generalised anxiety with panic features and then lost it
i am afrade for his life as some people feel quite hostile towards him
i at least know that there are good ones out there and that it feels amazing to find a guy who truly complements me in all of my goofiness in all of my nerdiness in all of my craziness
i feel foolish crying here the grown man i m supposed to be but i m alone with just this poor dog so i don t even try to stop it
i will feel insulted from time to time
ive been wearing a mask all the time lately hiding how i feel trying to be supportive and what not of everyone and everything
i had left all means of communication in the car i didn t feel like being bothered by technology on a day like this
i started crying and shouting in fear i couldn t help but feel emotional and i know i m not the only one
i feel as though everything precious has been stripped away i discover that the greatest treasure remains
i am trying to create a feeling of overwhelm and amazed at all the things servers have to do it for one table
i closed my eye taking in the feeling wishing that i could go back in time and re live these amazing moments when i opened my eyes i was taken back by fahad s presence he was leaning against the skeleton of the swing set and smiling at me
im actually feeling like i did when i came back from my trip to tahoe with all the fabulous gay men
i wanted someone to make me feel like my efforts werent in vain
i feel like my life is a delicate framework of assumptions that makes me weak i have no facts that i can hold on to just belief and faith and experience
i feel a bit more mellow than usual
i am still feeling really contented and grateful
im just feeling a little nostalgic when i went through several photos i and my friends had during my college days
i feel my happiness my happiness with all the bitter in it
i feel like everything i say is just ignored
i know many people who are very outgoing yet never make me feel fully accepted into their friend list
i was discouraged but this week i feel hopeful
ill feel affectionate and romantic and relationships will be enjoyable and will achieve a degree of stability
im feeling particularly grumpy because i had to buy a baby shower present for my cousins knocked up girlfriend
i feel angry so i state this
i immediately lifted up my leg because the sound of that thing snapping was so horrible but i didn t feel anything strange
i feel like the blog could use a bit of whimsy after wednesday let s start with this last and somewhat curious point
i just feel like screaming at myself for being so devoted to you where you dont give a damn to what is happening to me right now where i care every shit out of your life
i watched inuyasha and i feel impressed that there really were ninjas in the past
i cannot watch my son do something new like climb stairs or pick something up with his two fingers and not feel amazed in gods ability to help my child overcome his challenges
i hoped the new students would feel a little less scared and that my students from last year would feel special that i thought of them over the summer
i feel about dan fucking savage
i am ready to face the past but im feeling apprehensive about it
i just feel pressured
outside a night club
i was under stress lonely and feeling like i had exhausted my internal resources and getting no results
i feel that even should you try to take the time to speak to them they will forgive your dangerous grammar and pronunciation and enable you a bit more than in the event you just gesture at them as if they are a bit slow
i can be very defensive every once in a blue i feel that the world s against me indulgence having just said i can be very hostile when i like someone i would spoil them and stick up for them even if they are wrong i wonder if i ve been too honest now i have to find five person to tag
i can encourage others n their advocacy efforts by telling them to do their best and to feel passionate for what they are doing to accomplish their goals in what you are advocating for
i felt it was okay to feel vulnerable but i found myself grieving there
i remember just laying there feeling the hot sun and then feeling the wind from the helicopter coming in
i certainly would never seek to bar my friends from posting or make them feel their opinions or thoughts are unwelcome i still kinda think it would just be more polite to simply re post on your own page and make your comments there or do it on the main page
i am feeling goode about this week i am feeling goode about the inches and glad we are doing that in addition to the scale
i have started feeling some weird sensations in my lower abdomen
i have also been feeling a bit nervous
i kind of just want to kiss you but i m also really freaking out blaine confesses feeling foolish
i feel love is too precious to give away to people who dont deserve it
i am sitting here feeling a bit grumpy moanday blues anyone else feeling this way too
i wish theyd speak the heck up and tell me how it feels to be them im curious
i was feeling so slutty i decided why not be just a little sluttier and get jim in on the act
i feel intimidated by the upgrade process hooking it up
i still feel tortured and tormented
i can t be alone in a room with a man much older than myself without feeling threatened
i understand why she was acting that way i know she has feelings for him and so i quickly isolated myself
i really am feeling rather resolved about getting this tattoo of mine
i had a feeling of disappointment about the show but immediately realized i liked the standup bit at the beginning the joke about parking signs being unintelligible the big reveal of his ex wife and when he was talking to the motorcycle salesman
i will probably not do any of these things because although im always feeling generous
im feeling all kinds of antsy and impatient and ready to pack up today and head out
im feeling wonderful i said

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