Ensure that you’re always stood behind a minion at all times to make it harder for him to land his Q and poke you down. The best time to go for trades and land skill shots on Ezreal is when his E is on cooldown. If he ever uses it aggressively, try to abuse the cooldown and look for an aggressive play while he’s defenceless. If Ezreal uses his Ultimate R to snipe someone on the map, ping your team as it moves across Summoners Rift. This will allow them to dodge the incoming ability. While this ability is on cooldown, you could look to play aggressive and try to fight him.
Focus on farming and getting as much gold and XP as possible. You need time and gold before you’re able to come online and deal damage.Your champion is incredibly weak in the early game. Focus on farming and avoid fighting with the enemy until you’ve got an item behind you.After your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP. Do not fight anyone unless you have an advantage over them. Continue to get XP and gold.
Lee Sin’s early game is very strong. He can go for aggressive plays frequently during the laning phase to get an early lead over the enemy.At level 6, Lee Sin will unlock his Ultimate k. His all-in and kill pressure heavily increases at this stage of the game.The first item will allow him to get a damage boost and increased survivability during all-ins. It will give him more chances to get a kill during a duel.
The level 6 power spike for Qiyana is pretty strong because it gives her a game-changing Ultimate R that can be used in plenty of ways. Be careful and do not position near a Tower or wall as she may look to R you into it.Once Qiyana has her first item completed, she will look to trade more aggressively as she will have extra cooldown reduction and damage. Be careful and do not go for short trades as she favours them.Qiyana truly shines in the mid-game as her Ultimate R is a great team fighting tool. Unlike many assassins, Qiyana actually favours team fighting.
Do not look to fight inside the jungle when Corki has his Passive as his b will deal tons of damage if he can get use it on the whole team. Fight in areas that are in the open as it makes it easier to dodge the b. When starting a team fight, you need to engage quickly. Corki will look to delay a team fight and poke with his b and e. If you engage and fight quickly, he will not have time to poke you down. Do not fight when Corki has his Package ready. If he has hit up, try and wait for it to disappear before committing to a fight as it does deal lots of damage.
Multiple points in his Ultimate R will allow him to take over fights much easily. His damage output will be pretty phenomenal as well.His mid-game presence and fighting style is really great. He can zone off enemies and separate the enemy front line from the backline. He can also pick off-targets.The first ability will be maxed at level 9, adding a lot of burst damage to his kit. It helps Swain get rid of squishy targets quickly.
At level 6, Mordekaiser’s kill pressure increases. Whenever his Ultimate R is up, you need to play more respectfully.Mordekaiser has a strong all-in potential as soon as he hits level 3, but before that he can be poked out of the lane. Abuse him as much as possible before he hits level 3.Team fights are where Mordekaiser can shine. If you’re a carry champion, make sure you invest in a QSS so you can get out of his Ultimate R.
Once Lucian unlocks his 3rd stage Ultimate R, he will be able to dish out tons of consistent damage, especially to low health targets. It will make it easier for him to burst down enemies.Lucian will gain access to multiple items during this stage of the game. He will both be able to sustain himself, as well as deal hefty amounts of consistent damage.Lucian's Q and E will be maxed out during this game stage. It will let him all-in enemies consistently and will allow him to reposition himself frequently.
During the mid-game, Anivia should have her Tear fully stacked. This will be very helpful for her as it will prevent her from running out of mana when using her Ultimate m.At level 11, Anivia will have 2 points in her Ultimate m. Not only will it heavily increase her damage output, but it will make it hard for the enemy to siege any objectives as she can easily clear the wave.Anivia is good in team fights, and the mid-game is usually when teams start grouping. This makes her a good mid-game champion.
A maxed-out Ultimate d will let Orianna one-shot enemies if she manages to land an entire combo on them. Clumped fights will be the way to go during this phase.Most of her abilities will be maxed out during this phase of the game. She can both poke enemies down and protect allies with her d.Her team fighting is excellent, and she can run down enemies with ease. All she needs to do is keep on poking enemies and landing multi-man Ultimate ds.
Keep a constant eye on her Feathers and avoid standing in front of them. This will reduce her ability to burst you down and trade with her E.Xayah’s rather weak in the early game. Try to abuse her as much as possible to get an early advantage. With low range, she can easily be poked down and harassed.Avoid committing for extended trades with Xayah unless you have an advantage. Thanks to her E and W, she wins extended trades.
Alistar has limited range. With good enemy positioning, it can be incredibly difficult for him to engage.Unfortunately, Alistar relies on his team more than some other Supports. Before engaging with his t>e combo, he needs to make sure his team is nearby and ready to follow up.Once he’s gone in, it’s difficult for Alistar to escape unless he has Flash. Even with his tanky stats, he is vulnerable in a team fight.
Tryndamere isn’t that good if he is behind and low on gold. He needs lots of gold and XP to solo carry in the later parts of the game.Whenever his Ultimate e is down, he is quite vulnerable which makes him (somewhat) weaker.Can be kited quite easily and is prone to disengage/CC in team fights. This can make team fighting challenging for a Tryndamere.
He can tank up a lot of damage during this phase of the game as he will have all his items, making him really strong. He will be quite a reliable front liner for his team now.A maxed-out Ultimate R will be up frequently, and clumped team fights will become a breeze during this portion of the game.He is a decent team fighter during this phase of the game. He can regenerate his health quickly because of his Passive and his W true damage will melt through enemy health bars.
His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will give him a significant damage boost, and Urgot should impact skirmishes very easily.Having two points in his Ultimate R will increase the damage dealt by the ability, reduce the cooldown, and make it easier for him to execute his targets.Urgot is really strong during the mid-game due to his team fighting presence. He can easily zone out and separate the enemy frontline from its backline. He will also be able to deal consistent DPS.
Jax's first item component allows him to chase down enemies during an extended fight. It will let him stack up his Passive and completely decimate his enemies. Going for regular short burst trades using the lane brushes will help him a lot.Level 6 is a decent power spike as it will increase his survivability during fights. Once he gets more items, this ability will help him kill enemies with ease, and he can take over the game with his scaling.Jax isn't very strong early on as he is quite item reliant. He should be focusing on farming and short skirmishes to clean up kills. Neutral objective fights are situations where he can capitalize on this objective. He should also be using the lane brushes to go for short burst trades in the lane.
At level 9, Ezreal will max out his Q. He will be quite strong at this stage of the game thanks to the additional damage his Q will do and the items he would’ve picked up by then.Putting the second point in Ezreal’s Ultimate R at level 11 will offer him a lot of extra damage. He will also be able to threaten steals on major objectives like the Baron or Dragons.Ezreal is really good at poking the enemies down before a fight thanks to his low cooldowns and overall damage. During the mid-game, he will be able to harass and poke the enemy a lot.
Maokai is good in team fights as his Ultimate R has a large area of effect. Make sure you split up or disengage as soon as you see him so he is unable to utilise this ability. Maokai is good at level 2 onwards as he can lock you down with his W. Make sure you get level 2 as fast as possible to deny him the level 2 all-in.Once Maokai has his E, he can place his Saplings E in nearby bushes and zone you away from them. Make sure you stand at the opposite side of the lane so the Saplings E can not damage you.
Investing in early armor will be very beneficial against her basic attacks in the laning phase.Your level 6 power spike is much stronger than hers, don’t be afraid to play aggressive when you get the level up.Pre-6, keep the wave closer to your side of the map. It will prevent Quinn from zoning you away from farm and will it’ll allow you to play aggressive and look for kills.Don’t worry too much about baiting out her E before looking to fight. Many Quinn’s will use their E while your mid-combo actually counter themselves and get themselves killed. Keep this in mind when fighting.
Warwick is a strong early game Jungler. Place vision inside the river and at his jungle entrances to reduce his ability to get successful ganks off.Thanks to his kit, Warwick can take objectives pretty quickly and can solo them thanks to the sustain from his Q. Place vision and take the bot side Scuttle Crab to spot him before he is able to take it.As Warwick has a strong early game, try to equal his pressure by ganking just as much as him. If you’re not able to gank in the early game, try to invade his jungle and steal away camps when he’s shown on the other side of the map.
When no team fights are occurring, split push and draw the enemies attention to you while your team sieges or makes plays on the other side of the map.Fizz is really good at getting picks with his Ultimate R. Look to catch out enemies who are alone or who are too far forward.Look to fight anybody who tries to stop you from split pushing or farming in a side lane. You’re a strong 1v1 champion and as long as they’re not a tank, you should be able to fight them.
Consistent poke damage with his W and Q which can allow him to push the enemy laners out of the lane abruptly. This can also allow him to all-in enemies once they are low enough after taking the barrage of poke Ezreal has to offer.His Ultimate R has a very short cooldown and can be used freely during the early game to waveclear. This is very helpful when he is trying to clear the wave quickly in order to get a recall.Ezreal’s E allows him to get out of sticky situations with ease and makes him one of the safest ADCs in the game. He can also buffer it in response to CC abilities which will allow him to avoid follow up CC if he manages to get hit by the initial CC ability.
At level 9, Akshan will max out his Q. This is really important for Akshan as maxing his Q offers him a lot of extra damage.When Akshan puts the second point in his Ultimate at level 11, he will find it quite easy to execute enemies.At this stage of the game, teams will be grouping. Akshan’s w will be really good at this stage of the game because he can bring back a recently deceased ally.
Jayce will try and delay a team fight for as long as possible so he can poke with his s and w combo. Do not delay team fights at all costs so he is unable to poke you down.Don’t try to take objectives like the Baron or Dragon when Jayce is nearby. As your team will be grouped closely together, he will be able to land devastating blows with his s and this could cost you your team the objective and your lives. If Jayce is in a side lane split pushing, make sure you keep an eye on his positioning at all times. He can quickly clear waves and takedown towers with his d. Do not leave him uncontested for too long.
After Aphelios’s first back, he would have picked up his first damaging item. He can look for more favourable trades with the enemy once he has purchased his first component item.When Aphelios has hit level 6, he gets his first major level power spike. Unlocking his Ultimate R offers him a lot of trading and kill pressure.After Aphelios has completed his Mythic item, he’ll be comfortable winning trades with the enemy. This is especially true if he gets his Mythic item before the enemy ADC.
Stay grouped with your team at all times in the mid-game. If you’re alone, you will be an easy target for the enemy team.Play safe and avoid getting too cocky if you’re not ahead. If you get caught out in the mid-game when Baron is up, the enemy will be able to take it for free. Only play aggressive if your allies are nearby and ready to help you.Stay with your Support at all times. Like we suggested, it’s important that you’re always with your Support in the mid-game otherwise you’ll be an easy target.
His level two is the strongest in the entire game and should allow him to accumulate a lead early on. He will want to let the wave push towards him during level 1 to maximize the strength of his level 2.Level 6 is a massive power spike for Talon as it increases his overall burst damage. It also lets him roam around a lot and kill enemies in the side lane without any warning.The first item component should allow him to dish out a lot of damage in the lane or when he is roaming. It will be pretty advantageous to his assassination attempts.
Level six is a decent power spike for Sona. It allows her to CC targets now, which can entirely change the course of a team fight.Her first item will give her a massive boost in her healing. She will also get added mana regeneration which is always suitable for Sona.Level 3 is a small power spike as it allows her to get access to all her abilities at the same time. Now she can also use her Passive to the utmost potential.
Putting the second point in Fiddlesticks Ultimate R at level 11 is very important for him. It will put his Ultimate R on a shorter cooldown and allow him to look for more aggressive plays.At this stage of the game, Fiddlesticks should’ve completed an item or two. His damage output will be quite high which can allow him to win mid-game team fights.In the mid-game, teams start to group. This is good for Fiddlesticks as he benefits from teams grouping closely together as his Ultimate R is an AOE tool.
Look to all-in enemies regularly with your basic abilities. Use the lane brushes to your advantage and slow enemies down with your e and e.Always remember to use your h during major fights. It will help you survive longer and will allow your team to help you easily.Your Ultimate n should be used to target the most powerful member of the enemy team. You may want to go for the one with the highest tankiness for maximal effectivity.
Morgana can start ganking after she hits level 3. However, the more levels under her belt the better.At level 6, Morgana will unlock her Ultimate R. This in conjunction with her Q or allied CC will make it very easy for her and her team to get picks and kills.When she has completed her first component item, Morgana’s damage output and skirmishing power heavily increase. Her Q will hit like a truck too!
If Jax decides to team fight, try and lock him down with CC before he has the chance to engage. While his e will block basic attacks, he is vulnerable to disengage and CC.Jax will be looking to split push in the later stages of the game. Always keep an eye on where he is at any given time. Do not let him take objectives and open up your base for free.Forcing a fight with a numbers advantage when Jax is split pushing can be a good way to win a team fight. Keep an eye on him when fighting and be prepared to retreat if he leaves the side lane.
Group with your allies. Do not leave their side in the late game otherwise the enemy will have the numbers advantage.Be prepared to peel for your allies in team fights. You’re a strong skirmisher, but you should focus the nearest enemy to keep your allies alive for longer.Look for picks in the late game with your team. You have good follow up damage, so look for plays with your allies to gain the numbers advantage.
Get level 2 first and look for a favourable trade. Gaining an early health lead is key to getting a kill later on down the line. Level 2 in the bottom lane is the first minion wave followed by the next 3 melee minions.Your goal during the laning phase is so to look for kills and abuse the enemy as often as you can. Try to play aggressive frequently to gain a lead.After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead.
At level 9, her Q will be maxed out completely. Being her main damage ability, she will now be able to chunk out enemies with ease.Zoe won't spike too hard at level 11 because it doesn't really do anything for her. She will still have to rely on using the terrain to E her opponents and then blow them up with her Q.Once Zoe hits level thirteen, she will have increased pick potential due to her E being completely maxed out. It will make her extremely deadly in the fog of war.
Maxing out the Ultimate e will allow it to be on a very short cooldown. Leona will readily be available to look for picks in as soon as half a minute.As she gets more items, she will be able to absorb a lot of damage very quickly. This will make her a very reliable engager, especially from the fog of war.Leona's e and r will be maxed out during this game stage. She can look for picks frequently, and her Passive will allow her allies to burst down enemies with ease.
Karthus is really good during the late game. His abilities will hit like a truck due to his items. His Ultimate e will be pivotal to winning the game.Once he gets 3 points in his Ultimate e, it will allow him to half-health squishy enemies easily. This means that anyone who is behind on the enemy team will suffer a lot.At this stage of the game, Karthus would've maxed his 1 and his e. His damage output in team fights will be very high.
On getting his Ultimate R maxed out, he will be able to deal massive amounts of damage and can completely decimate squishy targets. He will also be able to pick enemies for his team with his Ultimate R.His 4th shot will hit like a truck during this phase of the game. This means that squishy enemies will never be safe, especially when Jhin is properly peeled by his team.His damage output and kiting potential will increase in the late game due to his items. This also means that he will be pivotal towards securing neutral objectives.
Try your best to equal their gank pressure early. Vi is a good early Jungler, so gank often.Playing around your Ultimate is really important. Make sure you look to gank whenever your Ultimate is up.You can secure objectives a lot easier than him. Make sure you try to take them whenever possible.Invade and fight the Skarner as often as possible. You’re stronger in 1v1s, so try to abuse it.
Her earliest power spike, like many Junglers is at level 3, where she unlocks her core abilities. Fighting her for the first crab may be dangerous!When Briar hits level 6, her true ganking potential comes to light, and she will look to gank and help her allies from afar.She is good in the mid-game, and if she gets an early lead, she will be strong during this game phase.
Continue to delay team fights for as long as possible while you harass and poke the enemy down with your b and e.Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team.Think hard and fast before using your Passive and b towards the enemy team. In particular, do not use it aggressively if your team is not in a position to follow up and go in with you.
Another point in her Ultimate e will increase her damage significantly. All she needs is to time her e well and use her r to CC multiple targets.She will now have her core items which means that she will be dealing a lot of damage. She should have an easy time melting through enemy health bars if she manages to catch them off-guard.Riven's presence during mid-game fights is really fabulous. She should be able to win multiple fights and zone enemies off easily by using her Ultimate e.
As Ekko is a melee champion, he will get bullied down by the superior range from other Mid laners. He must not let them bully him down otherwise he’ll fall behind in gold and XP.Common flanking spots can easily be warded by the enemy team, reducing Ekko’s flanking potential. Ekko will have to devote some time to clearing wards if he wants to be successful in picking off enemy champions.Ekko is prone to CC. If he gets hit by layered CC, it's going to be difficult for him to deal damage, use his W or escape the fight with his Ultimate R.
Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible. Not falling behind in the mid-game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure you continue to farm!As you’re a Jungler, you need to try and secure every Drake during the mid-game. Getting them and securing the Dragon Soul for your team will increase your chances of winning the game.Look for picks with your team. If you can pick someone off, make the call for Baron or Dragon to further your lead.
The all-in potential with his E and Q is really strong. It also allows him to set-up ganks for his Jungler and get free kills in the lane.Kled’s Passive is one of his greatest powers in a full-blown skirmish. He can use it to instigate tower dives and soak tower shots, while if he happens to take a lot of damage and get dismounted, he can easily get Skaarl back.His Ultimate R allows him to initiate a team fight with ease. It can be used as an ability to score picks on immobile champions as well. The team movement speed increase makes sure that he generally gets sufficient follow-up.
Watch your positioning in team fights as Morgana will try to catch someone out with her Q. Make sure you stand in an appropriate position so you’re able to dodge it. Don’t stand too far forward nor too far back.Once Morgana has gone fishing with her Q, she is relatively defenceless which you can capitalise on. As soon as she uses her Q, charge at her and try to take her down.Whenever Morgana casts her Ultimate R in a team fight, try to get out of the area as quickly as you can so you do not get chained down and CC’d.
Very immobile and can be collapsed on easily with multi-layered CC. Once CC’d she is probably going to die with proper follow up.Without her E, she is quite vulnerable and a susceptible gank target. This is especially true when the enemy has some form of ranged CC.Positioning is quite necessary for this champion else she can easily be caught out and killed due to how immobile and burst reliant she is.
Gangplanks early game is rather weak. Focus on farming and earning as much gold as possible to get your key items quickly.Watch the map at all times post level 6. Your Ultimate R is very impactful and can help your allies to win fights and skirmishes.Avoid fighting in the early game if possible. Gangplank needs time to come online and in some matchups you’ll need to just focus on farming and surviving.
Always look to pin him to a wall and beat him up when you get the chance. This is important towards ensuring that he can't channel his abilities.Avoid fighting him when his Resource bar is half filled. It will otherwise make you take a lot of damage and you will get chunked out quite a bIt.Keeping your carries safe is of paramount importance so make sure that you take him out of a fight as soon as possible.Keep the wave close to your tower. The enemy has no sort of sieging potential and can be easily exposed to ganks.
Placing wards over walls near lanes instead of lane bushes will be more effective at spotting Kayn as he can use his E to avoid common warding spots.Kayn will look for early skirmishes so he can get his form as quickly as possible. Expect him to invade or gank a lot in the early game.Because of Kayn’s Ultimate R and mobility, make sure you watch yourself as you recall, and make sure you stand in the middle of the lane so it’s easy for you to escape if he springs up nearby. Don’t give him easy kills by window shopping when you recall.
Split push and draw aggro while your team applies pressure elsewhere on the map.In team fights, use your empowered E to get picks to start the fight. Catching someone out and subsequently getting a kill could provide your team with enough time to take the Baron or Dragon.Peel for your team in team fights. Use your Q on the nearest champion to protect yourself and your ADC.
If you’re nearby when Twitch ganks, don’t be afraid to counter gank as you’re really strong in the 2v2, especially post 6.If you have a lead, go ahead and invade him. Try to fight him for his camps as you can win the 1v1 as long as you can get on top of him.Play around your Ultimate to get more kills! It is really important for you.Place vision and buy control wards to help your team spot Twitch before he is able to gank and get kills.
She is very good at roaming and ganking, so make sure you communicate with your team so they know when she is missing. Place vision in her jungle entrances and the river.In the mid-game, she will look to take down targets that are walking around the map alone. Avoid moving through the river if it’s not warded.Playing around her Packmates in the mid-game and during team fights will be extremely beneficial as she will lack damage.
Go for regular burst trades against him, preferably from within the minion wave. It will keep you safe from Tahm's all-in potential.Tahm has a decent amount of mobility built in his kit so make sure that you don't waste your dash freely.You are way more tanky than Tahm in this matchup so use this property to safeguard your allies. Failing to do so can easily get your backline killed.Keep an eye out on your allies in this matchup. If you see someone is low and in a skirmish, ult them immediately if the fight looks salvagable.
He is strong once he unlocks his Ultimate R. The extra ganking potential and the movement speed plus other stats from his Ultimate are really beneficial when it comes to trading.Aatrox spikes when he gets his first item (as well as both component items). Respect his all in potential when he’s completed the recipe as his damage output will heavily increase.Aatrox is strong no matter what if you cannot dodge all instances of his Q. Practice makes perfect, but do try and dodge them whenever you’re able to.
Lucian’s level 2 power spike is no joke. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time as him to reduce his ability to all in you. Level 2 is the first wave followed by the next 3 melee minions on the second wave.At level 6, Lucian has a lot more trading power thanks to his Ultimate R. Once he activates it, try to either reposition, disengage or lock him down with CC so he is unable to land every bullet on you.Whenever Lucian’s E is up, he will be stronger as he can dodge skill shots and CC. If he uses this ability aggressively, use the cooldown of it to play aggressive and trade with him.
Keep poking enemies with your Q in the lane and focus on whittling them down. This is important towards winning the lane early on.Remember that you will end up dying if you get CC'd or if the enemy comes too close to you. Maintain your distance and keep up the poke.Once you get your Ultimate R, you should be able to save your allies frequently. Make sure that you keep an eye around the map and see if someone needs help.
Try to gain an early advantage by playing aggressive and blowing an early Flash. Kassadin is at his weakest during the laning phase and is highly abusable.Post level 6, if you have any CC abilities, do not use them unless his Ultimate k is down as he will use their cooldowns to play aggressive and trade with you. Kassadin lacks wave clear in the early game. If you can keep the wave closer to your side of the map early on, it will be very difficult for him to farm or break your freeze. If he does walk up to last hit, you can look to trade with him.
Jayce will try and delay a team fight for as long as possible so he can poke with his s and w combo. Do not delay team fights at all costs so he is unable to poke you down.Don’t try to take objectives like the Baron or Dragon when Jayce is nearby. As your team will be grouped closely together, he will be able to land devastating blows with his s and this could cost you your team the objective and your lives. If Jayce is in a side lane split pushing, make sure you keep an eye on his positioning at all times. He can quickly clear waves and takedown towers with his d. Do not leave him uncontested for too long.
Work with your Jungler and set up traps inside the enemy Jungle once you're done shoving the wave in. Your g will allow you to get free kills effortlessly.Fighting around choke points will be really good for you, so look for opportunities to do so. This is especially applicable during neutral, objective fights in the game.Getting your core items will make you really powerful. Use the brushes to set up death traps for squishies in your lane. Also, transition to the mid-lane as quickly as you can.
Yasuo gets a huge power spike at level 6. He can now focus on poking the enemy with his r tornado and then use his Ultimate R to finish the low health target off. The lane brushes should help significantly when it comes to landing this ability. Yasuo will gain a small spike whenever he puts an additional point in his r. It improves his r poke damage, which allows him to look for all-ins once he hits level 6. The best time to go for an all-in is when the enemy's primary form of CC is down.Once Yasuo gets his first item component, he will get a significant boost in his dueling potential. This means that he can easily catch up to and kill any over-extended or immobile target. He can also help his Jungler during ganks with his E dash and r knockup.
Multiple items during this phase of the game will allow him to fight enemies effectively. His damage will be pretty significant now.Another point in his Ultimate R will make him have a lot of pick potential. He can easily lurk around the map and 1 v 1 squishy targets.His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. It will grant him increased damage and survivability, and now he will be a massive threat to the enemy team.
They are going to be ganking early, and Pantheon can gank early too. Make sure you apply as much pressure to them as you can.Before invading, make sure you have your Passive stacked so you can win the trade.If they invade you, be prepared to fight, but only do so if your Passive is stacked and you can win, otherwise just back off.Post 6, they win the 1v1 as they’re stronger when their Ultimate is up.
Be a part of as many fights as you possibly can in this game. Your Ultimate R will quickly get you ahead if you and your team manage to get kills with it.Always try to roam around and get picks when possible. This will get you ahead and make team fights highly unfavorable to the enemy.Do not show yourself immediately during team fights. Use the fog of war to get close to the enemy, and then use your W once you're sure that the enemy can't escape no matter what.
Avoid grouping tightly together as it will give Malphite a great opportunity to land a 5 person knock up with his Ultimate h.Do not look for fights in the jungle or around the Dragon or Baron. This is because teams will generally be grouped closely together- which allows him to get a good Ultimate h off. Instead, try to fight in the open in a lane. Poke and disengage are Malphites biggest threats. If you can, try to poke him down as much as possible before a team fight occurs to make it near impossible for him to engage without dying. Keeping him low will force him to recall.
Ryze is excellent during the late game as he can completely take over the game with his overall burst damage combo and his Passive. All he needs to do is be a part of significant fights.Level sixteen is a decent spike when it comes to macro-based plays. He can quickly jump from one objective to another, which can easily lead to wins for him.His damage output will be really high during the later parts of the game. This will kill most of his enemies if they happen to get CC'd by Ryze.
Their level 6 is incredibly strong, and their Jungler will gank them when they hit 6. Make sure you ward the river to spot the Jungler early.Post 6, push the minion wave and walk backwards so they cannot trade with you or press R on you.Stand outside of the minion wave at all times. It will force them to choose between pushing and poking you.Focus on just farming and poking and harassing the enemy. You’re not very strong early on.
Azir doesn’t spike at level 11 unlike a lot of champions. Keep this in mind during the mid-game as his Ultimate R may be less impactful compared to other champions on the rift.At level 9, Azir will max his r. This is a good power spike for him as he can use it to poke the enemy down from afar. In conjunction with his W, he should be able to poke and farm from afar without dying to the enemy.When Azir completes multiple items, he will be very strong and dish out a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Don’t be afraid to make more aggressive plays when you have an item or two.
As soon as Thresh gets to the lane, the race for level two ensues. This is because Thresh's level two is devastatingly strong and can immediately get him a kill.Level 6 is another massive power spike. This is because he can slow multiple targets easily and easily trap an isolated target within the walls and prevent them from escaping.Getting his Mobility boots will be another massive power spike. This will be quite beneficial and will allow him to roam around quite effectively as his kit allows him to do so.
Kog’Maw is weak in the early game. You can abuse this to get an early lead or blow his Summoner Spells.At level 6, Kog’Maw will have an easier time poking and trading thanks to his Ultimate y. Take care when trading with him, and try not to let him burst you down.Kog’Maw benefits from extended trades once he has a few points in his e. Do not go for extended trades with him unless you have an advantage.
Her mobility is everything in her kit. Make sure you go for short burst trades and then get out before she can get too many spears in you.Work with your Support to kill her. The best time to all-in her is when her r is down, or she is CC'd.Post-six, you will want to be careful about her Ultimate. Failing to do so will easily get you knocked up and killed.Keep the wave near your tower and see if you can expose her to ganks.
Nautilus is strong at levels 1-3 and can play aggressive and look for kills with his g. Ensure you’re always behind a minion whenever his g is up to reduce his ability to kill you in lane.As soon as Nautilus hits level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate e, his kill pressure will increase again and he can lock you down as soon as you overextend. Play less aggressive when his Ultimate e is up. Nautilus spikes once he has Mobility Boots as it will help him roam really easily. Ping as soon as he goes missing so your allies know he’s missing.
Really good burst potential with her entire g, l, Ultimate n combo. This can delete a squishy enemy with ease starting from level six itself.Her e shield is deceptively strong as it can allow her to save all her team members from a lot of poke. This is also applicable when she is Support.Her g can be used to secure picks inside the enemy Jungle or from blind areas. This can be extremely beneficial if the picked target happens to be the enemy Jungler or the ranged carry.
Riven will start falling off as the game goes on, so she will have to accumulate a lead early on. She should rely on picks to win the game.She will have many items during this phase of the game, which will let her dish out a lot of damage if she manages to catch an enemy.Level 16 is a massive power spike, which means that she can completely decimate enemies who are clumped together. She will need to find flanks on the enemy frequently.
As this is a poke matchup, you mustn’t let Neeko push you into your tower otherwise you will struggle to survive. Try to match Neeko's pushing power by auto-attacking minions and dodging their poke.You’re weaker than them whenever they have their Ultimate up. If you’re at risk of dying, always recall at level 5 so you do not get killed when they hit level 6.Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time as Neeko, as they’re way stronger than you at level 2 and by hitting level 2 before or at the same time, you’ll have a better chance at fighting back.Try to adapt your positioning as much as possible. Don’t stand too far forward because she will easily be able to hit you with her Q or E. Always stand in a position where you can play aggressively and apply a mental threat to Neeko
Xerath's level 6 is compelling as he can snipe targets from a long-range in both his or some other lane. The damage output will increase along with items, so it will only make him more powerful.More points in his p will result in more damage being dealt to enemy targets. Slowing the target with hiss 2 would be optimal to guarantee a p hit on the enemy.Xerath's first item component purchase will give him two advantages. First, he will wave clear very quickly (which is vital to roaming around). Second, he will be able to use his abilities more times as he will have an increased mana pool.
Very immobile and is extremely vulnerable to crowd control. He has a weak early game as well, so he can easily be abused and killed with a few ganks.His n is on a really long cooldown, and it is his only form of self-peel. Once it is down, he can be easily all-in’d and killed with crowd control.He will take a lot of time to come online if he happens to get killed a few times during the early game. He isn’t going to be very effective if the game goes on for too long so try to shut him down early and end the game quickly.
When you hit level 6, more opportunities open up to you. For instance, you can look for aggressive plays or use your Ultimate R defensively. Your Ultimate R is a genuinely diverse tool that can help you gain a lead or prevent you from losing one.After you’ve picked up your first component item, your r poke and damage will increase dramatically. Don’t be afraid to look for fights once you’ve picked up your first item.While Azir’s poke is good, he is incredibly weak in the early game. Don’t trade too much before your first back, so you don’t fall behind. You need time to come online, so focus on farming and surviving the very early game.
Neutral objective fights and fights in the river will be your bread and butter when it comes to accumulating a lead in the game. Block off choke point with your Q when possible.In a team fight, always try to separate an enemy from their team. Bonus points if the target is immobile and has no form of escape, as it would be a guaranteed kill.Make sure that the neutral objective pit is out of bounds for the enemy Jungler during fights. It will help your Jungler secure the objective quickly and without any risk of missing smite.
You will need to be extremely careful about being poked out by the enemy from the lane brushes. Keep the warded and try to catch them off-guard with your r tornado.Look for frequent trades with the enemy throughout the laning phase. Getting an early kill could snowball the lane heavily in your favor.Level 6 is a massive powerspike, so look to play more aggressively. Your Ultimate R is an excellent skirmishing tool, and you can get early kills with it.
When walking around Summoners Rift, do not go alone if you’re squishy. Fizz can easily assassinate somebody who is walking through the river alone. Take appropriate paths through warded areas whenever possible.Do not use any executing abilities or key skill shots on Fizz unless he has used his E as he can easily dodge them by going untargetable.If you’re hit by Fizz’s Ultimate R, do not walk close to your allies as the AOE damage from his shark will deal lots of damage to them too. Walk towards them but don’t get close.
The enemy has pretty good objective control. With this in mind, try and keep it warded at all times with a Control Ward in the back of the pit. This will help your team know if they start the objective and if you’re nearby, you might be able to collapse onto them.You’re much stronger than the enemy in the 1v1. So if you find them walking around the map or near the scuttle crab, you can fight them as long as you have a lot of health. Make sure you check the map for collapsing laners and back off if they come. If the enemy lands their CC, just back off.As discussed, the enemy needs to hit level 6 quickly to make full use of their kit. Try to invade them as much as possible and steal away their camps to delay their level 6 power spike. A good time to invade is when the enemy Jungler shows on the opposite side of the map.The enemies level 6 power spike is incredibly strong. Once they hit it, they will be ganking as often as their Ultimate is up. Make sure you place vision inside their jungle so you can spot them before they gank.
Whenever Karma’s d is down, she is vulnerable to attack and will need to play safely while it’s on cooldown. Karma is squishy, and if she looks to fight when it’s down, she is going to come worse off than the enemy. Unlike most champions, Karma unlocks her Ultimate a at level 1. This means that at level 6, she doesn’t have as much pressure in comparison to a lot of other Supports. Pre-6, this isn’t a problem though.In team fights you need to ensure that you use your empowered d on your allies and avoid using your Q. Using the wrong empowerment can cost you the team fight.
When no team fights are occurring, put yourself in a side lane and look to split push and farm side waves. Watch what your team is doing in case you need to move to help them at all times.Delay team fights for as long as possible while you try to harass the enemy with your long-ranged r and auto-attacks.Use your Ultimate R defensively in team fights. Use it to protect yourself and your allies from the enemy frontline/assassins.
His y is a great tool that can allow him to escape ganks and skirmishes with the enemy during the laning phase.Wukong’s Ultimate n is a very good tool. It can be used to help his team win team fights, and for him to get kills during the laning phase. Wukong excels at extended trades with his s and k. He is a very strong duelist in the laning phase.
Shen gains global map pressure at level 6 as his Ultimate R can be used to help any of his allies. With this in mind, ping once he hits level 6.Shen is actually strong at level 2 if he can get a good engage off with his E. He can be strong at level 1 if he starts E too.He is really good in the mid-game as his kit is very versatile and can be used to either start fights, bait enemies and save his allies. He will also be stronger as the game goes along as he will get tankier and tankier.
Ashe is much stronger in long skirmishes because it allows her to activate her Q in the trade. Do not go for extended trades with Ashe unless you can kill her. Once Ashe has her Ultimate w up, her ability to get kills increases. You have to respect her level 6 and respect her all-in whenever her Ultimate w is up. Ashe is very reliant on her Ultimate w as it can be used in a variety of ways. Try to abuse her when her Ultimate w is on cooldown as she is incredibly vulnerable while it’s on cooldown.
Go to the mid lane after destroying or losing the bottom lane tower. Rotate with your ADC or hold hands with your Mid laner to prevent the enemy from taking the mid lane tower.In team fights, use your empowered d to provide a large shield to your allies. Unless you need to use your Qor d, you should try to use your d to help them survive.Stay with your allies in the mid-game. Do not move too far away from them at any given time as you’ll be an easy target for the enemy. Similarly, do not go to ward unless your allies are nearby and able to help you.
Taliyah’s early game poke will be quite strong. Once she hits level 3, she could kill you if you’re low enough.Her level 6 is good, but it’s not going to be super useful in skirmishes in the bot lane (unless she uses it to start the fight). Keep this in mind when fighting her.Her first component item will severely increase her damage output in lane. Her Q will hurt more, and you should invest in extra sustain to keep you healthy in this lane.
Do not fight in the late game unless your Ultimate R is up. It is crucial that you only commit or look for fights when it is available as you’re going to miss on the CC it provides.Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the later stages of the game. If you can find an opportunity to do so, use it to catch out someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or way out of position.Peel for your carries to keep them alive for longer. If your allies die quickly, there will be little chance that you will win the team fight.
Watch your positioning in late game team fights. Stay as safe as possible so you do not get killed first. Cassiopeia is one of the strongest late game champions, so staying alive is key.Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team.Look to initiate and start a fight with your Ultimate R. Being able to land a multi-person stun will make the fight much easier for your team.
In the mid-game, your main goal will be to look for as many picks as you can. Work with your Jungler to help them invade while planting your E sapling in the Jungle brushes.You should be really tanky during this phase of the game. Peeling for your carries should be your primary goal after you manage to initiate the team fights.The river and choke points would be a great place to fight as your abilities will lock down multiple enemies. Just go in on the highest priority target and try to CC lock them.
Having three points in his Ultimate R is a massive powerspike for Xin Zhao. This will allow him to use the ability frequently, giving him an overall benefit during fights.Xin will have two of his abilities maxed out by level 14. This is a significant boost to his dueling power, and it will let him dominate 1 v 1's with utmost ease.During this phase of the game, Xin will be really tanky while simultaneously dealing a ton of damage to his enemies. This means that he will be tough to take down, and immobile or CC'd enemy carries will mostly die if they can't get Xin away from them.