{ "brx": "थाबैनो, बिगियानगिरिफोरा एआई आरो मशीन लार्निं आदबफोरखौ बाहायना जिनमिक थाखो फारि खारि आरो फेनोटाइपिक खारिखौ खौसे खालामनायाव जाफुंसारगोन \"जाय जोंखौ गोजौ गेबेंथि आरो उदायनायजों मोनसे हांखोनि दिन्थिफुंनायखौ इयुन संदान्नो हानाय खालामगोन।\"", "eng": "Soon, scientists will be able to integrate the genomic sequence data and phenotypic data using AI and machine learning techniques \"which will enable us to predict the performance of a line with higher precision and efficiency.\"" }
{ "brx": "बैफोर दनदर गोनां लावलाव बेंखनफोरा, गलायनायनि अनगा जायफोरा जेब्ला गोबां गेसा लावलाव मुवा साजों थाङो, बिसोरो मोनसे समायना बेसाद जेब्ला बिसोरो बाराव बिरबायो, बिसोरनि बिखंफोरा बाखुदावो आरो गावस्रायो आरो गुफुर सानरोदाखौ बानायग्राफोरखौ ज' खालामो।", "eng": "Those hollow liquid spheres, which form when more gas is passed through a liquid than can dissolve, are a thing of beauty when they float in the air, their surfaces bouncing and splitting and coalescing the colours that make up white light." }
{ "brx": "1960 बोसोरफोरनि सिगांथिं जेला कुमारआ पिएइसडि खालामदोंमोन, केमिकेल इन्जिनियारिंनि फरायसाफ्रा आन्जादारि खारिनिफ्राय फेंफोनानि बागै सोलोङो जायफोरखौ इन्जिनियारफ्रा बाइदि रोखोमनि रियेक्टर बाहायना सोरजिदोंमोन।", "eng": "In the early 1960s, when Kumar was doing his PhD, chemical engineering students learned about bubbles from experimental data that engineers had generated using reactors of various sizes." }
{ "brx": "बे जादोंमोन बिथांनि 60 बोसोर गोलाव केरियारनि गिबि खोन्दोआव, जाय गुसुं समनि लोमजानायजों फेब्रुवारि 7, 2022 खालाराव रुंसार जानायजों थुंगेयो।", "eng": "It was the beginning of a long career, spanning nearly six decades, which ended with his death on February 7, 2022, after a brief illness." }
{ "brx": "\"फरायसालिनि गथ'फोरा बिथांखौ जंखायोमोन, पेन्त-गांसे फोरोंगिरि होननानै,\" बिसि बि.के. अनदाला भारतारि बिगियान फसंथायाव जानाय दुखु फोरमायनाय मेलाव गोसो खांदों।", "eng": "\"School children used to make fun of him, calling him a one-pant teacher,\" recalled his wife B.K. Andal at a condolence meeting at the Indian Institute of Science." }
{ "brx": "बिगियानारि आरो दोरोंआरि बिजिरसं आफाद (सी.एस.आई.आर.) आव कुमारहा मोनसे गोबां गोहोम दंमोन।", "eng": "Kumar had an outsized influence on the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)." }
{ "brx": "कुमारा बिजिरसंनि आखुनि बादै गुवारसिन सोमोन्दोआव सानदोंमोन आरो गावनि जिउनि जोबथा बुब्लिसिमावबो लिरनायाव नांथाबना दंमोन।", "eng": "Kumar thought about the nature of research in the larger context and kept himself busy writing even in the final stages of his life." }
{ "brx": "a) गिलिरसिन गिदिंथिग्रा बाहायनायफोरनि थाखाय ग'था दाथाइ बेटारिफोर जेरै फिन मोब्लिब गोहो होफिननो हानाय जिंक आल्कालाइन, लीथियम-धातु, आरो लीथियम सालफार।", "eng": "a) Solid-state batteries such as rechargeable zinc alkaline, Li-metal, and Li-sulfur for heavier mobility applications." }
{ "brx": "गोबां समावनो बिथाङा साजायोमोन, नाथाय बिथाङा माब्लाबाबो बेखौ दिन्थियामोन।", "eng": "He was in pain most of the time, but he never showed it." }
{ "brx": "c) ई.भि.फोरनि हाबनो हानाय आरो ख'रा सार्ज खालानायनि थाखाय गोबां गोहो थानाय बेटारिफोर", "eng": "c) High-power batteries for high penetration and fast charging of E.Vs." }
{ "brx": "2025 मायथाइसिम सायना, ई.यु., यु.के., आरो यु.एस.नो 22 मिलियननिफ्राय 27 मिलियनसिम सार्ज-बिन्दो युनिटफोरनि गोनांथि जागोन, आरो 2030 मायथाइसिम खमावब्लाबो 55 मिलियन।", "eng": "\" China, the E.U., the U.K., and the U.S. will need 22 million to 27 million charge-point units by 2025, and at least 55 million by 2030." }
{ "brx": "बिथांनि उन्नि जिउआव, बिथांखौ गोबां समावनो फारनै आखायावबो गंफा गंफा लावथिजों नुनो मोनदोंमोन।", "eng": "Later in his life, he was often seen with one walking stick in each hand." }
{ "brx": "सानखराङारि फार्मफोरा इयुनाव बांसिनैनो बालाबारिफोराव गायसन जागोन।", "eng": "Solar farms in the future are expected to be largely located in deserts." }
{ "brx": "सा भारतनि हादोरफोर पान्जाब, हारियाणा आरो उत्तर प्रदेशनि हासार गोनां फोथारफोराव आरो बेयाव खामानि मावग्रा आबादारिफोरा बै सोमावसारनायनि गम आरो मायरंनि गोबां फिथाय होग्रा रोखोमफोरनिफ्राय मुलाम्फा जादोंमोन।", "eng": "The fertile fields in the northern Indian States of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, and the farmers who worked on them, had benefited from the high-yield varieties of wheat and rice of that revolution." }
{ "brx": "बेनि जाहोना बेनोदि बिफांफोरा गावसोरनि आखुथायफोरखौ गावसोरनि जिउ जारिमिन्नि मोनसे होखानाय समाव एबा माखासे होखानाय थासारिफोरनि सिङाव दिन्थियोब्लाबो, बिसोरहा जिउनि गासै समावनो जिनमाव नांथाबनानै थानाय आखुथायजों सोमोन्दो थानाय जिनफोर थायो, जायफोरखौ बिफांनि जिउ गिदिंनायनि सिगां थाखोफोराव आनजाद नायनो हायो।", "eng": "This is because although plants display their traits at a given time in their life history or under certain given conditions, they have the genes associated with this trait ingrained in their genome throughout their life, which can be screened in the early stages of the plant cycle." }
{ "brx": "\"गोबां बिबां आरो गोजौ-थ्रूपुट थाखो फारि खालामग्रा आरोंदायारि गोनोखो फैनायनि उनाव, जों दा गोबां गोजौ-रोजाथि जिनम थाखो फारियारि खारि आरो मोनसे जिबख्रियारि थाखोखौ लाफाना फांसे बिफांनि गुबुन-गुबुन बाहागोनिफ्राय ट्रांसक्रिप्टोम खारिबो दिहुन्नो हाबाय, \"वार्ष्णेयया बुङो।", "eng": "\"With the advent of large-scale and high-throughput sequencing technologies, we are now able to generate large high-density genome sequencing data and also transcriptome data from various parts of a plant including at single cell level,\" says Varshney." }
{ "brx": "इयुन्नि जौगानायनि राहाया गोथौ बिजिरसंफोराव थायो, गाहाय महरै बेटारी आरोंदायारि गोनोखोआव आरो ई.वी. चार्ज खालामग्रा पइन्ट आरो बेटारिफोरखौ बाहायफिन्नायखौ लाफानानै ई.वी. लुनायनि सानज'थाय गुवारै गोसार होनायाव थायो।", "eng": "The key to future growth lies in deep research, specifically in battery technology and in wider deployment of E.V. infrastructure, including charging points and recycling of batteries." }
{ "brx": "बै सांग्रांथि होसेयावबो, बिथाङा बे नंगुबै तथ्य'याव फैनौ जुजिदोंमोन दि बिथाङा जाय थांखिगोनां बिजिरसं मावथांखिखौ जागायदोंमोन,बियो इं 2003 माइथायनि सोमखोर जांख्रिथायनि बिफा नरमेन बरल'गनि मोनसे बिबुंथिनिफ्राय थुलुंगा जादोंमोन, जाय रोदा सुनो फेलें जादोंमोन।", "eng": "Despite that awareness, he struggled to come to terms with the fact that the ambitious research project he had embarked upon, inspired by a speech in 2003 by Norman Borlaug, the Father of Green Revolution, had failed to take root." }