Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ここでは政治に぀いおは 民䞻䞻矩ずいう 政治のシステムに泚目しお 考えおみたしょう 政治孊的分類における民䞻䞻矩ずは 䞻暩を抑制し分配するための技法です 䞻暩は様々な方法で分配できたす 有名なものでは 専制政治ずいうのがありたす たた 無政府状態は 䞻暩を秩序を立おお分配せず バラバラに分散させたものです そしお 民䞻䞻矩ずは たず最初に できるだけ沢山の人々に 䞻暩を拡散させおから 䞀握りの統治者たちに 再び䞻暩を集めるずいう 䞀連の技法です そしお その統治者たちには 民衆が行った遞択により 統治する暩限が䞎えられたす さお 宗教を考えおみたしょう ここではむスラム教ですが この宗教が 我々を戊争ぞず突き進たせおいる ずいう 単刀盎入な芋方もありたす 議論を呌ぶ発蚀になり埗る内容ですから なぜ これが事実だず思うのかを補足したす 䞀蚀でいえばこういう関係です 「9・11無くしお戊争も無し」 ブッシュ政暩のはじめにヌ 珟ブッシュ倧統領が ただ倧統領遞の候補だったずきには 䞖界情勢に倧芏暡な介入はしない ず明蚀しおいたした 事実 他囜ず距離を眮く方向に行っおいたした ですから 京郜議定曞から身を匕くず いうこずも聞いおいたした 9・11の埌 その持論は芆されたした そしお倧統領は偎近ず共に 呚蟺囜ぞのある皮の 積極的介入を実行するず決断したした それはアフガニスタンから始たりたした アフガニスタンでは この䞊なく スムヌズに迅速に事が運びたした 民䞻䞻矩的技法を通しお 決議がされ― 泚意しおください 完璧な技法では無いのですが 民䞻䞻矩的技法を通しお ブッシュ政府はたたもや戊争に突き進もうず― 今回はむラクです 「9・11無くしお戊争も無し」から 話を始めた理由は ごく小芏暡ながら 極端に過激な人たちにより むスラム教が 9・11を匕き起こした原因の䞀぀ いや 原因そのものだず解釈されおいるこずを 認めなければならないからです さらにその結果ずしお そこから䞀歩進めお 我々が片足を突っ蟌んでいる戊争を 招いた原因だずもされおいたす その䞊 ビン・ラディンず圌の支持者たちは 「民䞻䞻矩」 少なくずも 資本家にずっおの民䞻䞻矩ず 圌らが定矩しおいる「むスラム䞖界」の間で 争いを起こそうず 躍起になっおいたす では 抂念的装眮ずしおのむスラム教ずは どんな技法でしょうか? たず 救枈のための技法ずいうのが 信条基盀にありたす ### ENGLISH: Here's what I mean. Politics and -- let's focus on the political system in particular question here, which is the system of democracy. Democracy, as a type of politics, is a technology for the control and deployment of power. You can deploy power in a wide range of ways. The famous ones -- despotism is a good one; anarchy is a way to not deploy the power in any organized way, to do it in a radically diffused fashion; and democracy is a set of technologies, which have the effect of, in principle, diffusing the power source to a large number of people and then re-concentrating it in a smaller group of people who govern, and who themselves are, in principle, authorized to govern by virtue of what the broader public has done. Now, consider religion -- in this case Islam, which is the religion that, in some direct sense, can be said to be precipitating what we're about to enter. Let me say parenthetically why I think that's the case, because I think it's a potentially controversial statement. I would put it in the following equation: no 9/11, no war. At the beginning of the Bush administration, when President Bush, now President Bush, was running for president, he made it very clear that he was not interested in intervening broadly in the world. In fact, the trend was for disengagement with the rest of the world. That's why we heard about the backing away from the Kyoto protocol, for example. After 9/11, the tables were turned. And the president decided, with his advisors, to undertake some kind of an active intervention in the world around us. That began with Afghanistan, and when Afghanistan went extremely smoothly and quickly, a decision was made through the technology of democracy -- again, notice, not a perfect technology -- but through the technology of democracy that this administration was going to push in the direction of another war -- this time, a war in Iraq. Now, the reason I begin by saying "no 9/11, no war" as interpreted by a very, very small, extremely radical group of people, was a precipitating cause of the 9/11 attacks -- the precipitating cause of the 9/11 attacks -- and as a consequence, at one degree of remove, the precipitating cause of the coming war that we're about to be engaged in. And I would add that bin Laden and his followers are consciously devoted to the goal of creating a conflict between democracy, or at least capitalist democracy, on the one hand, and the world of Islam as they see and define it. Now, how is Islam a technology in this conceptual apparatus? Well, it's a technology for, first, salvation in its most basic sense.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ずりあえずマクスりェルず、今埌の予定を取り決めた埌は、先日の事件に぀いお話し合う事になった。 「そういやあのク゜貎族はどうなった?」 「譊備は䞇党なはずじゃった。魔術的な監芖網を構築しおおいたわけではないが、衛兵達が厳重に芋匵っおおったはずなのじゃ」 「それなのに、なぜ殺された? 䜕時? 犯人は?」 マクスりェルに矢継ぎ早に問い詰める。どうやら昚倜の宵の口、監芖の亀代の隙を突かれお殺害されたらしい。 「今の状況で怪しいのは......お䞻じゃな」 「なんでそうなる!?」 「動機は無芖しお、『監芖を掻い朜れる者』ず想定した堎合、真っ先にお䞻が思い浮かんだだけじゃよ」 「俺に動機はないだろ。それにその時間はフィニアず䞀緒に颚呂に入っおいた」 「ほぅ? 盞倉わらず仲良くやっおいるようで䜕よりじゃな。で、感觊は?」 「聞くな!?」 䞍味い。いや、フィニア達ず颚呂に入っおいるのは、マクスりェルも知っおいる事ではあるのだが。 ずにかく話を戻す。このたたでは際限なく話が脱線するから。 「そもそも捕らえたのは俺だぞ。殺す気なら、あの時にさっさずやっおいる」 「そうじゃな。぀たり犯人の目星は党く付いおおらん」 い぀もの事なので、マクスりェルも咎めるような真䌌はしない。俺の探玢は荒らした埌もきちんず片付けるので、掃陀の必芁はないからだ。 むしろ、倧雑把なこの爺さんの郚屋が逆に片付くくらいである。 曞棚の分厚い癟科事兞の裏に、珍しいビスケットを発芋。ゎマを緎り蟌んで銙ばしく焌き䞊げた、街の有名店の品だ。 この爺さんは、たるでリスが冬備えをするかのように、食い物を隠し持぀性癖がある。 もっずも芖線を逞らせお蚀っおいたので、怪しいずころではある。 「勝手に荒らしおおいお䜕を蚀うか。たったく......」 持ち蟌んだ匁圓を理事長宀の机に広げ、その脇にデザヌトずしおビスケットを完備。 「亀代の隙で、倚少監芖の目が緩んだのは吊定できん。ワシぱリオットずプリシラに付きっきりじゃったし、牢獄の譊備に぀いおいた者も、ワシらず比べるのは酷ずいうモノじゃ」 「そりゃ......なぁ」 唐突に譊備䜓制が倉わったため、逆に隙ができるずいう事は、よくある。 それをこなせる者の心圓たりを考え、真っ先に俺を思い浮かべるのは、マクスりェルならば仕方ない。 ### ENGLISH: After we settled on our plans from now on, I decided to talk to Maxwell about the other day’s events. First I decided to ask about Count Tarkashire who we managed to capture. “Reminds me, what happened to that s̲h̲i̲t̲h̲e̲a̲d̲ noble?” “Well...” Maxwell started unusually hesitantly. And no wonder, as it turned out that someone had assassinated him on the same night of the capture. “He was supposed to be under perfect security. I hadn’t put up any magical surveillance network there, but the guards were strictly watching over him.” “Then, how did he get killed? Or when exactly? And what about the culprit?” “At present, the most suspicious of all would be... You.” “How come!?” “Setting aside the objective, the first one to pop my mind when I heard about someone that could slip through the defenses was you.” “I had no motive, though. Besides, during that time I was in the bath with Finia.” “Oh? Looks like you are getting along as always. So, how did it feel to the touch?” “Don’t ask that!!!” That was a blunder on my part. No, well, he was already aware that I was getting into the bath together with Cortina and Finia. Finia’s weren’t that big but they were quite sof-... No, nevermind. Returning to the topic, since this would derail from it too much. “I was the one that caught him, in the first place. If I wanted to kill him, I’d have done it then and there.” “Indeed. Hence we aren’t aware of the culprit’s objective.” I gave a brief comment about his unusual blunder and went to rummage through his office. It was the usual thing so he didn’t try to stop me. After doing my search I properly tidied after myself, so there would be no need to clean up. Rather, it would end up being more put in order after I was done, given how crude he was at dealing with his things. I discovered rare biscuits behind the thick encyclopedia on the bookshelf. They were products from a famous shop, full of fragrance, baked after mixing sesame into the dough. This old man had a nature to hide food here, like a squirrel preparing for winter. He said he gained this habit of stocking up tasty things back when he was still royalty and could only eat poison-tested food. He said that without looking me in the eye, so I had some suspicions about how honest he was being. “You have some nerve to say that after laying waste to this place. Good grief...” I placed the lunchbox I brought with me on his desk and these biscuits next to them as a dessert. After pouring me some tea, Maxwell continued. “I cannot deny that the monitoring eyes were a bit lax during the shift switch. I was busy attending to Elliot and Priscilla, and it would be a little unreasonable to evaluate the prison guards with the same criteria as in our time.” Since the security system underwent sudden changes, it was actually natural for there to appear gaps in defenses. Still, there were enough of them mobilized to make up for those gaps, yet someone managed to slip through them. I couldn’t blame Maxwell that I was the first one to pop up in his mind after thinking about the possible candidates.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: あの6歳児の数列を適甚したらどうなるでしょう? 毎回進む速床を2ず぀䞊げおいけば 進む距離はそれに合わせお長くなっおいきたす これで䜕が分かるでしょう? このあずに芋る 9歳児が求めた加速床の図解が埗られたのです では 圌らはどう科孊したのか? 物は同時に地面に萜るず思いたすか? すごく重い 他の人がしおいるこずに 気を取られないで! リンゎを取った人は? どうなった? 結果は? 0.99秒です ではスポンゞボヌルず曞いお... 砲䞞ずスポンゞボヌルがあっお 重さが党然違いたすが 同時に萜ずしたら 同じスピヌドで萜ちるのかもしれたせん 萜しお アリストテレスが 子どもに この事を質問しなかったのは明らかです わざわざ実隓しようずはしなかったんですから 聖トマス アクィナスも然り 子どものように考えた倧人である ガリレオが初めお実隓したのです ほんの400幎前のこずです このように本論にずばっず入っおくる子どもが 30人クラスに1人ぐらいいたす これをもっず詳しく芋おいくず... ボヌルの萜䞋を 映像に蚘録するこずもできたすが しかしコマ送りにしおも 分かりづらいかもしれたせん だから フレヌムを暪䞀列に䞊べるか 積み重ねおみたしょう するず生埒がこれを芋お 「ああ 加速しおる」ず叫ぶでしょう 4ヶ月前に車を暪向きに動かした事を思い出すのです そしお どんな加速床なのか 枬り始めたす 枬っおいるのは 1぀のボヌルの䞋端から 次の5分の1秒埌のボヌルの䞋端たでの間隔です こんな颚に どんどん速くなりたす これらをこうやっお積み䞊げお 違いを芋るず 速床の䞊がり方が 䞀定です 生埒達は「加速床䞀定だ」ず蚀うでしょう これは もう既にやりたした 実際それが合っおいるか どうやっお確かめれば良いのでしょう? この堎で再珟しただけでは よく分かりたせんが 再珟しながら 実際の実隓映像ず比范するこずで 正確な物理的モデルが埗られたず分かるのです ガリレオはこれを非垞にうたい方法でやりたした リュヌト(琵琶に䌌た匊楜噚)の匊の䞊で球を転がしたのです 私は これはニュヌトンのリンゎのような話だず お䌝えするのを忘れないよう リンゎの絵を付けおおきたした でも玠晎らしい話です 100ドルノヌトPCを䜿っお 1぀だけお芋せしたしょう OLPC プロゞェクトが 䞊手くいくだろう事を瀺せるず思いたす 重力があるず... 速床が䞀定の割合で増すので 宇宙船の速床が 増したすね 子ども達が䜜ったゲヌムです ちゃんずやらないず― 宇宙船は衝突したす しかしここで重力に逆らうず ほらどうだ...おっず! もう䞀床 ### ENGLISH: And what if I do this progression that the six-year-olds did of saying, "OK, I'm going to increase the speed by two each time, and then I'm going to increase the distance by the speed each time? What do I get there?" We get a visual pattern of what these nine-year-olds called acceleration. So how do the children do science? Teacher: [Choose] objects that you think will fall to the Earth at the same time. Student 1: Ooh, this is nice. Teacher: Do not pay any attention to what anybody else is doing. Who's got the apple? Student 2: What did you get? What did you get? Student 3: 0.99 seconds. Teacher: So put "sponge ball" ... Student 4l: [I decided to] do the shot put and the sponge ball because they're two totally different weights, and if you drop them at the same time, maybe they'll drop at the same speed. Teacher: Drop. Class: Whoa! AK: So obviously, Aristotle never asked a child about this particular point because, of course, he didn't bother doing the experiment, and neither did St. Thomas Aquinas. And it was not until Galileo actually did it that an adult thought like a child, only 400 years ago. We get one child like that about every classroom of 30 kids who will actually cut straight to the chase. Now, what if we want to look at this more closely? We can take a movie of what's going on, but even if we single stepped this movie, it's tricky to see what's going on. And so what we can do is we can lay out the frames side by side or stack them up. So when the children see this, they say, "Ah! Acceleration," remembering back four months when they did their cars sideways, and they start measuring to find out what kind of acceleration it is. So what I'm doing is measuring from the bottom of one image to the bottom of the next image, about a fifth of a second later, like that. And they're getting faster and faster each time, and if I stack these guys up, then we see the differences; the increase in the speed is constant. And they say, "Oh, yeah. Constant acceleration. We've done that already." And how shall we look and verify that we actually have it? So you can't tell much from just making the ball drop there, but if we drop the ball and run the movie at the same time, we can see that we have come up with an accurate physical model. Galileo, by the way, did this very cleverly by running a ball backwards down the strings of his lute. I pulled out those apples to remind myself to tell you that this is actually probably a Newton and the apple type story, but it's a great story. And I thought I would do just one thing on the $100 laptop here just to prove that this stuff works here. So once you have gravity, here's this -- increase the speed by something, increase the ship's speed. If I start the little game here that the kids have done, it'll crash the space ship. But if I oppose gravity, here we go ... Oops! One more.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 『ドレむンタッチしおわかったんだ。これはノァンパむアの霧だ』 『そりゃ、この状況なんだ。ノァンパむアどもが甚意した霧だろうよ』 『そういうこずじゃない。霧自䜓がノァンパむアなんだ』 『奎らが逃げ出すずきに霧やコりモリに姿を倉えるが、たさかその霧か?』 『その霧だ。専門的な話しをすれば、魔力組成をいじっおはいるが、たあほが同じず考えおいい』 『っお、そんなもんを吞っおしたった俺たちは倧䞈倫なのか? 操られたりずかしねヌか?』 『たあ、倚分倧䞈倫だ。絶察ではないがな』 霧は情報を隠すこずず魔法劚害に特化しおいた。 さらに吞ったものを操るなどの機胜を加えるのは難床が高すぎる。 『それなら安心だな!』 『安心ずかそういう問題じゃない。ノァンパむアの霧を吞うぐらいなら、狌の糞を粉末にしお吞い蟌む方がただたしだ』 「がう?」 突劂出おきた狌ず蚀う蚀葉に、俺の埌ろをぎったりくっ぀いおきおいたガルノが反応した。 ガルノは霊獣狌。噛み぀くこずでノァンパむアの倉化を防ぐこずが出来る特殊胜力の持ち䞻である。 霧になったノァンパむアを、ガルノがいくら吞おうず䜕のダメヌゞもないだろう。 むしろ、霧ず化したノァンパむアの方がダメヌゞを受けるに違いない。 ずはいえ、先ほどの霧は量が倚すぎお、ガルノの牙の䞎えるダメヌゞなど無きに等しいものだっただろう。 俺たちは王宮の奥、゚リックの家族の居る方向に向かっお走る。 その間、゚リックずゎランは通話の腕茪を䜿っお各所に連絡を取ろうずしたが、䞍通のこずが倚かった。 ゲルベルガさたの神々しい鳎き声も、広い王宮党おから霧を払うこずは出来なかったのだ。 それでも、いく぀かの郚眲には連絡が぀き、指瀺を出すこずができおいた。 「シア、聞こえるか」 シアたちにもただ連絡が぀かない。ただ霧の䞭にいるのだろう。 しばらく走るず、再び霧がたちこめ始める。 『たた、霧か。厄介なこずだ』 『ゲルベルガさた、お願いしたす』 「コゥ......コケッコオオコココオオオオオオオオ」 ゲルベルガさたの神々しい鳎き声の聞こえる範囲党おの霧が晎れおいく。 『ロック。奎等は霧をどんどん䜜っおいる、ず考えおいいのか?』 『いや、さっきは、ほが同じずは蚀ったが通垞の倉化ずは異なる。霧化させおからその状態にずどめおくためには特別な術匏が......』 『詳しい話しは聞いおもわからねヌから、埌で聞かせおくれ』 『あ、ああ。そうだな』 ゎランの蚀うずおり、今は魔法の術匏や構造、理論より、実際のずころ俺たちにどう圱響するのかが倧切だ。 ### ENGLISH: ‘I found out after using Drain Touch. This is vampire mist.’ ‘Well, considering the situation, of course, it is mist prepared by the vampires.’ ‘That’s not what I mean. The mist itself is a vampire.’ ‘Well, they turn into mist or bats when running away. Is it that kind of mist?’ ‘Yes, it is. To be more precise, There are differences in the magic energy composition, but it can be seen as mostly the same.’ ‘What! Should we really be breathing in such a thing then? What if they start controlling us?’ ‘Well, it is probably fine. But I’m not completely sure.’ Mist was good for hiding information, as well as magic obstruction. But having the ability to control people on top of that should be much too difficult. ‘That’s a relief!’ ‘I don’t think we should be relieved. I’d rather breathe in powdered wolf dung into my lungs than this.’ “Gruff?” At the sudden mention of wolves, Grulf, who was following me closely, barked. Grulf was a spirit beast wolf. He had a special ability where he could prevent vampires from transforming by biting them. And so he shouldn’t take any damage no matter how much vampire mist he inhaled. If anything, it was probably the vampires who were taking damage right now. That being said, there was too much mist, and so the damage inflicted by Grulf’s fangs would be close to nothing. We continued to run to the back of the palace, where Eric’s family should be. In the meantime, Eric and Goran were using their communication bracelets to try and contact different locations, but most of the time, they could not connect. Even Lord Gerberga’s godly cry could not rid the entire palace of mist. Still, they were able to contact a few departments, and give out orders. “Shia. Can you hear me?” ‘Zzaa...zzaa...’ I still couldn’t contact Shia and the others. They must be in the mist then. After running for some time, the mist began to surround us again. ‘The mist again. This is bad.’ “C....ock-a-doodle-dooooo!” Lord Gerberga’s godly crowing sounded, and then the mist vanished around us. ‘Thank you, Lord Gerberga.’ ‘Locke. Is this because they keep making more mist?’ ‘No. While I said that it was almost the same, it’s different from a normal transformation. There must be a special way of changing into mist and staying in that state...’ ‘I doubt I’ll understand it, but you explain it to me later.’ ‘Ah, yes. That’s true.’ As Goran said, right now, we should be more concerned with its effect, and not magical techniques, compositions and theories.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ネロは、栌奜もよくお、なかなか矎男子だからな。」 「それに、性栌もいいし、人を裏切らない子ですよ」 ず、束の板の絵をうれしそうにながめながらアロアのお母さんは答えたした。 その束の板は、暖炉だなの䞊に、カシの朚でできたカッコり時蚈やろうでできたキリストの十字架像ず䞀緒に䞊べられおいたした。 「そうだな、吊定はせんよ」 ず粉屋は合金の酒びんに぀いだお酒を䞀気に飲みほしながら答えたした。 「それなら、もしあなたの考えるようなこずが䞇が䞀起こったずしおも」 劻はためらいながら蚀いたした。 「それがそんなに倧倉なこずなのでしょうか? アロアは二人でやっおいけるものは十分あるし、それになんおいったっお幞せなのが䞀番ですからね。」 「お前はやっぱり女だ。 だから、そんな銬鹿なこずを蚀うのだ。」 ず粉屋はきびしく、パむプをテヌブルでどん、ずたたきながら蚀いたした。 「あの子は、乞食同然だぞ。 いや、画家になろうずなど、倢みたいなこず思っおお、乞食よりもっずたちが悪い。 二人が䞀緒にいるこずがないよう、よく芋匵っおおくんだぞ。 でなけりゃあ、もっずちゃんずアロアを芋匵っおもらえるよう、修道院にアロアをやっちたうぞ。」 かわいそうな母芪は震え䞊がっお、圌の蚀うずおりにするず玄束したした。 それでも、母芪は自分の嚘を、嚘が倧奜きな遊び友達から完党に匕き離す気にはなりたせんでした。 それに粉屋の方も、貧しいずいうこずを陀けば䜕も悪いこずをしおいなかった若者に、ものすごく残酷なこずをする぀もりもなかったのです。 けれども、やっぱりアロアは仲良しの友だちから遠ざけられる機䌚が倚くなりたした。 ネロは、自尊心が匷く、おずなしく、敏感な少幎でしたので、すぐに傷぀きたした。 むろん、パトラッシュも連れお行っおもらえなくなりたした。 䜕が粉屋を怒らせたのか、ネロには本圓のこずは分かっおいたせんでした。 ネロは、草むらでアロアの絵を描いおいたこずが、䜕かの理由でコれツのだんなを怒らせたのだず思いたした。 そしお、ネロを愛しおいたアロアがネロに助けを求めお、ネロの手を取っおきたずき、ネロはずおも悲しげに圌女に埮笑み、やさしくアロアのこずを心配しおいいたした。 「だめだよ、アロア。お父さんを怒らせおはいけないよ。 アロアのお父さんは、がくがアロアを怠け者にするず思っおいるんだよ。 アロアががくず䞀緒にいるず、お父さんは䞍愉快に思うよ。 アロアのお父さんは、いい人で、アロアのこずを、ずおも愛しおいるじゃないか。 がくたち、お父さんを怒らせないようにしなくちゃ、アロア。」 そうはいったものの、ネロは、悲しくおしかたありたせんでした。 日が昇っおパトラッシュずいっしょにポプラの䞊朚道nを歩くずき、䞖界は昔ほど茝いお芋えたせんでした。 叀い赀い颚車小屋は、ネロにずっお目印でした。 ネロは行き垰りの途䞭でそこで立ち止たったものでした。 ### ENGLISH: and the boy is comely of face and form." "And is a good lad and a loyal," said the housewife, feasting her eyes on the piece of pine wood where it was throned above the chimney with a cuckoo clock in oak and a Calvary in wax. "Yea, I do not gainsay that," said the miller, draining his pewter flagon. "Then, if what you think of were ever to come to pass," said the wife, hesitatingly, "would it matter so much? She will have enough for both, nand one cannot be better than happy." "You are a woman, and therefore a fool," said the miller, harshly, striking his pipe on the table. "The lad is naught but a beggar, and, with these painter's fancies, worse than a beggar. Have a care that they are not together in the future, or I will send the child to the surer keeping of the nuns of the Sacred Heart." The poor mother was terrified, and promised humbly to do his will. Not that she could bring herself altogether to separate the child from her favorite playmate, nor did the miller even desire that extreme of cruelty to a young lad who was guilty of nothing except poverty. But there were many ways in which little Alois was kept away from her chosen companion; and Nello, being a boy proud and quiet and sensitive, was quickly wounded, and ceased to turn his own steps and those of Patrasche, as he had been used to do with every moment of leisure, to the old red mill upon the slope. What his offence was he did not know; he supposed he had in some manner angered Baas Cogez by taking the portrait of Alois in the meadow; and when the child who loved him would run to him and nestle her hand in his, he would smile at her very sadly and say with a tender concern for her before himself, "Nay, Alois, do not anger your father. He thinks that I make you idle, dear, and he is not pleased that you should be with me. He is a good man and loves you well; we will not anger him, Alois." But it was with a sad heart that he said it, and the earth did not look so bright to him as it had used to do when he went out at sunrise under the poplars down the straight roads with Patrasche. The old red mill had been a landmark to him, and he had been used to pause by it, going and coming,</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 長老に案内されおやっおきたのは、颚雲山の端っこだ。 朚補の柵を乗り越えた先は断厖絶壁。 萜ちれば匕っかかるものはなく、はるか䞋の地面た線だろう。 はこの断厖絶壁を這い䞊っおくるのです。あなた様にはあや぀がこの里にたどり着く前に蚎䌐しおいただきたい」 防衛ラむンに達するたでに敵を倒せずいうク゚ストか。 時間制限があるバトルっお焊るんだよなぁ。 特に敵がどんどん接近しおくるタむプは圧迫感がある。 それにこの地面に察しお垂盎な壁を登っおくる敵を山の䞊から攻撃するっおキツくないか? 埌衛職ならただなんずかなるけど、前衛職ずかほが攻撃䞍可胜だず思う。 「足堎に関しおはご安心ください。我ら里の者の秘術で特別な雲をご甚意いたしたした」 なるほど、これなら戊える。 里の雲は空を流れおいくだけの雲ず違い、重心移動で動きをコントロヌルできるのだ。 右に重心を寄せれば右に、巊なら巊に。 䞋に降りる時は腰を少し萜ずし、䞊昇する時はピンず背筋を䌞ばす。 非垞に盎感的な操䜜が可胜だ。 「たるで筋斗雲だ」 雲に乗っお朚の柵を越え、颚雲山の倖偎ぞ。 敵はただ出珟しおいない。 「それではご歊運を!」 スッず長老の姿が芋えなくなる。 䞍具合ではなく仕様だ。 いた俺は『戊闘空間』に隔離されおいる。 理由はこの戊闘がク゚ストの䞀郚だからだ。 フィヌルドに普段から存圚するボス、䟋えばゎリラや颚雲竜は戊っおもいいし、逃げおもいい。 だが、ク゚ストボスはそうもいかない。 䟝頌を受けた以䞊、勝っおも負けおも結果に応じたむベントが起こる。 『戊闘空間』は芋えざる壁で囲たれおいお、雲に乗っお遠くぞ逃げるこずも、里の䞭に逃げ蟌むこずも蚱されない。 勝぀か、負けるか......どちらかの結末を迎えるたで戊い続けるしかないのだ。 ......なんだか血生臭い蚀い回しをしおしたった。 他にもク゚ストを受けおいない人を戊闘に関わらせないずいう効果もある。 ずもにク゚ストを進めおいるパヌティメンバヌならば問題ないが、完党な郚倖者にはそもそも戊闘シヌンが芋えない。 ク゚ストはストヌリヌ芁玠が絡むのでネタバレ防止の意味もある。 「ん? 急に空が暗く......」 日が萜ち、昇っおきた月すらも暗雲に芆い隠される。 代わりに颚雲山の呚りには無数の赀ちょうちんが浮かび、山党䜓を照らす。 空間が隔離されおいるから、こういう掟手な挔出も出来るんだな。 ズ......ズズ......ズズズ...... 圢容しがたい音が真っ暗な地䞊から聞こえる。 どうやらお出たしのようだ。 ### ENGLISH: The place that the elder led me to was the edge of the Windcloud Mountain. Once we passed a wooden fence, the steep cliff was all that was ahead. If you fell, there would be nothing to break your fall. It would be a straight journey to the bottom. “The “Hundred-Eyed Demon Lizard climbs up these cliffs. And I want you to kill it before it reaches us.” In other words, the quest was about defeating the enemy before it crossed the defense line. Battles with time limits made me nervous. You really felt the pressure as the enemy got closer and closer. Besides, how were you supposed to attack an enemy climbing up a straight wall, when you were up here? Perhaps it would be fine for the rear guard, but it would be nearly impossible for the vanguard. “Don’t worry about a place to stand. We have used a secret art in order to prepare a special cloud for you.” I see. I would be able to fight then. Unlike normal clouds that would drift away, the clouds here could be controlled by shifting your center of gravity. Lean to the right and you would move right. It was the same with the left. And if you wanted to go down, just squat a little. If you want to go up, stand straight with your back stretched. It was possible to control it quite intuitively. “It’s like a Kintoun.” And so I rode the cloud, crossed the wooden fence and moved away from Windcloud Mountain. The enemy had yet to appear. “Good luck!” The elder said before disappearing. It wasn’t a glitch. The area had now become isolated as a ‘battleground.’ This was because this battle was part of the quest. With the bosses that normally existed on the field, like the gorilla or Wincloud Dragon, you had the freedom of fighting or running whenever you wanted. But it was different with quest bosses. Once you accepted it, the event would continue, depending on the results of the fights. It didn’t matter if you won or lost. The ‘battle area’ was surrounded by an invisible wall, so you could not use the cloud to run far away or return to the settlement. You had to win or lose... The fight must continue until you reach either outcome. ...Well, that made things sound more gruesome than it was. It was also to prevent the involvement of people who were not part of the quest. That wouldn’t be a problem if they were party members who were doing the same quest, but if you were a complete outsider, you wouldn’t even be able to watch the fight. As these quests had story elements as well, this was a good way to avoid spoiling players. “Hmm? The sky has suddenly become darker...” The sun descended and the moon rose. However, it was covered by clouds. Instead, countless red paper lanterns appeared around the Windcloud Mountain, illuminating the entire place. As I was now isolated, they were able to make these kinds of dramatic changes. Zu...zuzu...zuzuzu... A sound that I found difficult to describe suddenly came from the darkness below me. Apparently, it had arrived.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: むングリスずラフィニアの姿を芋るず、゚リスはびっくりしお声を䞊げる。 の改造を詊しおいたんですが、倱敗しお 「だ、倧䞈倫なの、それは......?」 「ええ。たたには子䟛の姿も悪くありたせん。結構楜しんでいたすよ。ほら芋お䞋さいこのラニを。ずおも可愛いです」 「た、たあ可愛さで蚀えば......あなたもね。子䟛の頃はこんな感じだったのね」 「ありがずうございたす。それで、どうしお゚リスさんがいらっしゃったのですか? ひょっずしおどなたかの傭兵や代理ずしおわたしず戊っお䞋さるのですか!? では早速手合わせのほうお願いしたす!」 「違うわよ。どうしお私がそんな事をしなければならないのよ......!」 「......では、゚リスさん自身がわたしずお芋合いしお䞋さるのでも構いたせんが!」 「ば、銬鹿を蚀わないで......! も、もし私が勝ったらあなた、私ず結婚する事になるのよ......!? そ、そんな事出来るわけがないでしょう......!?」 ゚リスにしおは倧きく動揺しおいる様子だった。 「たあそのあたりは埌で盞談するずしおずりあえず手合わせを......!」 「だ、ダメよそんな事......!」 「はいはいクリス! ゚リスさんを困らせないの!」 ラフィニアが゚リスに手合わせをねだるむングリスを止める。 「じゃあ゚リスさんの甚っお䜕なんですか?」 「え、ええ......私は王家からの芁請を䌝えるために来たした」 「「王家からの芁請......!?」」 䌯母むリヌナず母セレヌナが驚きの声を䞊げる。 「ええぇっ......!?」 の埩掻......この短期間で、囜内で倧きな事件が起き過ぎたした。ただ今埌の囜内の方針も固たらない情勢では、この二人の瞁談の圱響が政治的に倧き過ぎるずいう事です。䟋えば今、二人を嚶った有力貎族が、報埩のためにノェネフィクを蚎぀べしず䞻匵したならば、そちらに倧勢の意芋が傟くでしょう。それだけの名声が今の圌女達にはありたす」 ず゚リスは䌯母むリヌナず母セレヌナに向かっお蚀う。 二人は顔を芋合わせた埌、衚情を匕き締めお頷いた。 「必芁以䞊の圱響を避けるため、先皋も蚀ったように今の時期の瞁談は芋送っお頂きたいずいうのが王家の意思です。この事はビルフォヌド䟯爵やリュヌク階士団長の同意を埗た䞊で、既にこちらに瞁談を持ち蟌んだ各所にも通達しおいたす。ですから、瞁談の盞手はやっお来ないはずです。事埌承諟になっおしたい申し蚳ありたせん」 ず、゚リスが䞁寧に䌯母むリヌナず母セレヌナに向けお頭を䞋げる。 「......そ、そうですか――承知したした」 「そういう事でしたら、仕方がありたせん......」 ### ENGLISH: “I was trying to modify an Artifact, but I think I failed, and its Gift went haywire.” “A-are you okay...?” “I am. Being a child is not bad once in a while, and it’s pretty fun too. I mean, look at Rani. Isn’t she just adorable?” “W-well, if it’s about adorableness... so are you. So, this is how you look as a child, huh?” “Thank you very much. And so, can I ask why you are here, Miss Eris? Are you perhaps hired as a mercenary or a surrogate for someone else to fight me?! Then let’s get down to combat right away!” “I’m not! Why would I...!” “...I don’t mind if you’re facing me as a suitor yourself!” “D-don’t be stupid...! If-if I win, you’d have to marry me, wouldn’t you...?! Th-there’s no way that’s okay...!” Eris seemed quite worked up compared to her usual demeanor. “Well, we can sort that kind of thing out later, so for now, let’s have a match...!” “W-we can’t...!” “Okay, Glis! Stop troubling Miss Eris!” Rafinha intervened, stopping Inglis from pursuing Eris further. “Well then, what brings you here, Miss Eris?” “A-ah, yes... I am here to convey a request from the royal family.” ““A request from the royal family...?!”” Both Irina and Selena raised their voices in surprise. “Eeehh...?!” “The assassination attempt against His Majesty Charleas, the Venefian army’s raid on the royal capital, and lastly, but not least, the revival of Prisma... In such a short period of time, too many major events have occurred in the kingdom. During this time when domestic policies have not yet been finalized, the political impact of their marriage is too significant. If, for example, an influential noble family who won their hand in marriage insisted that Venefique should be invaded in retaliation, public opinion would heavily lean in that direction. That’s how prestigious they are right now.” Eris explained the situation to Irina and Selena. ““I-I see...”” The two sisters looked at each other and nodded, their expressions tense. “In order to avoid any unnecessary repercussions, as I mentioned earlier, the royal family wishes to forgo the prospect of marriage. They have obtained the consent of Marquis Wilford and Knight Commander Ryuk, as well as notifying the various parties that have sent their marriage proposals. For that reason, no suitors are supposed to come. I apologize for the after-the-fact nature of this.” Eris politely bowed her head towards Irina and Selena. “...Is that so? I understand.” “If that’s the case, there’s nothing we can do then...” “Well, both Rafinha and Glis are like this, after all... Perhaps it is a good thing since we don’t want to inconvenience the suitors, after all.”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 俺の県䞋では巚倧な蜂の矀れに少女が远われおいる。 少女の装備は......革補ず思しき軜鎧に倚少刃が長めな剣か。 察する蜂の方は数こそ倚いが纏っおいる魔力の量から察するにリヌンの森なら熊どころか猪にも蹂躙される......ず蚀う䞀ならネズミに負けるレベルだな。こりゃあ。 「誰かあぁ!?」 助けるメリットは......たあ色々あるし。助けるか。あの皋床なら䜕千匹居おも盞手にならん。 「ヒュロロロォォ!」 ず蚀うわけで俺は蜂の矀れのど真ん䞭に急降䞋しお䜕匹か叩き朰し぀぀着地。 「えっ!?」 「ヒュラホオォ!!」 続けお魔力で硬床ず蔓に生えおいる棘の鋭さを匷化した䞡腕を振り回しお圓たるを幞いに片っ端から蜂を粉砕しおいく。 そしお蜂たちの泚目を集めた所で...... 「ふん!」 魔力を少しだけ開攟しお少女ごず嚁圧する。 ふふふ、さあどうするよ蜂共、貎様等の攻撃は間違っおも俺には通甚せんぞ。 そしお、貎様らの獲物である少女は気絶したが俺がどういう意思の元に来たかは分かるな。 俺の魔力に恐れをなしたのか蜂たちがゆっくりず埌退しおいく。 うん。良い刀断だ。流石は野生動物。その刀断に敬意を評しおこれをやろう。詳しい経緯も知らずに割り蟌んだ詫び賃も兌ねおおくが。 「ブッ?ブブブヌ」 俺は手の䞭に魔力を集めお甘露の様に甘くした露を出し、それを䞀番手近に居た蜂にやる。 蜂はそれを受け取るず感謝の意を衚すように䞀定の軌道を描いお俺の呚囲を飛び回るず、䞀回倧きく矜音を立おた埌に矀れごず近くの森の䞭ぞず去っお行った。 どうやら喜んでもらえたらしい。 「さお、ずりあえず安党そうな堎所たで運びたすかね」 そしお俺は気絶した少女を肩に担ぐず䞀応蜂の針を回収しおからその堎を飛び去った。 -------------- 「あの朚でいいか」 しばらく飛んだずころで俺は街道沿いに怍えられた桜の朚を発芋したため、その呚りに着地しおから桜の朚の幹に身を預ける様に少女を䞋ろす。 「ふむ」 で、改めお俺は倚少寝苊しそうにしおいる少女の身䜓を芋回す。 遠目に芋お少女が革補の軜鎧に剣を持っおいるのは分かっおいたが、どうやらそれに加えおちょっずした道具類を入れおおくためのポヌチやそこに金属板が仕蟌たれた靎なども身に着けおいるようだ。 ### ENGLISH: Below Pumpkin was a girl being pursued by a swarm of giant bees. The girl was equipped with... light leather armor and a sword with a somewhat long edge. The bees, on the other hand, may be numerous, but judging from the amount of magic power they possessed, she would be overrun by a boar and trampled by a bear, in Lean Forest... let alone being defeated by a rat in a one-on-one fight. “Someone ahhhhhh!?” The benefits of helping are... well, there are many for me. Should I help her? She can’t stand a chance against the thousands of them who are out there. “Hyulololooo!” With that, Pumpkin swooped down into the middle of the swarm of bees and landed on them, smashing a few of them to bits. “What!?” “Hyulahooo!!” He continued to swing his arms, whose rigidity and the acuteness of the thorns on the vines had been reinforced with magic power, and crushed the bees from one side to the other, taking advantage of the opportunity to deliver strikes. Once he gained their attention, the bees... “Hmph!” Even with a little bit of magic power released, the girl was intimidated entirely. All of you bees, what are you going to do now? Your attacks will never work on me. And your prey, the girl, has fainted, but you can see what kind of intentions I have come to you. The bees, perhaps terrified by his magic power, were slowly retreating. Yeah. That’s a wise judgment. As expected of wildlife. Out of respect for their judgment, I’ll give you this. It will also serve as an apology for interrupting without knowing the details of the situation. “Bu? Bububuヌ” Gathering the magic power in his hand, Pumpkin produced a nectar-like sweet dew and offered it to the bee closest to him. After receiving the dew, the bees flew around him in a constant orbit as if to express their gratitude, then made a resounding buzzing sound and left with their swarm into the nearby forest. They were apparently pleased by that. “Now, l should carry her to a safe place for the time being.” He then carried the unconscious girl on his shoulder, retrieved the bee stingers, and flew away. ————– “Maybe that tree would be fine.” Having flown for a while, Pumpkin found a sakura tree planted along the road, so after landing around it, he lowered the girl down so that she could lean herself against the trunk of the sakura tree. “Hmm.” He took another glance at the girl’s body, who was experiencing trouble sleeping. From a distance, he knew that the girl was wearing light leather armor and a sword, but she also seemed to be wearing a pouch for storing small tools and shoes with a metal plate embedded in it.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「たぁこんなこずもあろうかず、叀代語の問題集は䜜っおきおあるんだ。ずりあえずこれは、䞀週間で終わらせおね」 「コラ。はしたない嬌声をあげないの」 コツリず小突かれながら、シェむラは蚀葉を倱った。正しくは嬌声ではなく悲鳎だず思う。 「叀代語はずにかく曞いお芚えなさい。今日の授業は地理。呚蟺囜ずその気候、特産物の勉匷に集䞭しよう。ここたでで䜕か質問はあるかな?」 「ペルンノェルナ先生は、なぜ嫌らしい蚀葉をあえお䜿うんですか?」 真面目な質問だったけれど、ペルンノェルナは可笑しそうに肩を揺らした。 「それはね、盞手の反応が面癜いからだよ。みんなの嫌がる顔が、私は奜きなんだ」 「......なるほど。共感はできたせんが真意は分かりたした」 盞手を翻匄するためのものであるならば、取り乱したらペルンノェルナの思う壺ずいうこずだ。ある意味挑発に屈するに等しい。これが戊いならば、受けお立぀シェむラは毅然ず察応しなければならないのだ。 圌の際どい発蚀は流し続けようず決めたずころで地理の講矩が始たった。ペルンノェルナはシュタむツ王囜を䞭心ずした地図を広げる。 「シュタむツ王囜の西偎には、このように倧海が広がっおいる。北偎は海を挟んでノヌランド囜。海の向こうずはいえ、それほど距離がないから我が囜ずの貿易はそれなりに盛んだね。そしお南偎にはメむベリヌ囜、スリフェス囜、マナワ自治囜。どれも小さな囜だけれど平和協定を結んでいるこは、䞀぀の囜のようなものだず考えた方がいい。そしお東偎がファリル神囜」 圌がピッず指で瀺したのは、シュタむツ王囜より二回りほど小さい、蜂蜜壺のような圢をした囜だった。 「地続きになっおいるファリル神囜は、ファリル神が倧地に降り立った堎所ず蚀われおいる䞖界最叀の囜だよ。囜民のほずんどが囜教であるファリル神教を信仰しおいる。ずおも敬虔な人ばかりで、神に仕える仕事に就く者が倚いね。産業や特産物に目立った特色はないけれど、倧陞䞭から集たるお垃斜や寄付で囜が成り立っおいるんだ」 ファリル神囜ずいう囜の名前は、山奥にいおも耳にしたこずがあった。けれどどんな囜なのか詳しくは知らない。 「ちなみに叀代語は、正確には叀代神語ず蚀われおいる。神々が䜿っおいたずされる蚀語だよ。もしファリル神囜に行くこずがあれば、芚えおおくこずが必須だね。平民の日垞䌚話にさえ倚甚されおいるらしいから」 「ぞぇ......」 地理の教垫は、そんな捕捉説明をしおいただろうか。もしかしたらペルンノェルナは専門教垫より分かりやすく、興味が持おるような教え方を心埗おいるのかもしれない。 ### ENGLISH: “I’ve prepared a book of ancient language problems for you, just in case. For now, let’s finish this in a week.” “Hey. Don’t make such an improper flirtatious noise.” Sheila was at a loss for words when she was reprimanded. She was whining, not letting out a dirty noise. “Anyway, learn the ancient language by getting used to writing it. Today’s lesson is geography. Let’s focus on studying neighboring countries, their climates, and specialties. Do you have any questions so far?” “Why does Jornwerner-sensei like to use obscene words?” It was a serious question, but Jornwerner shook his shoulders in amusement. “Because it’s interesting to see their reactions. People’s disapproving faces, that’s what I like.” “.... I see. I don’t sympathize, but I understand your point.” If the purpose was to play with the other party, it meant that Jornwerner would get what he wanted if they were distracted. In a sense, it was tantamount to giving in to a provocation. If this was a battle, Sheila, who was on the receiving end, must respond resolutely. Sheila decided to let his offhand remarks slide, and then the geography lecture began. Jornwerner unfolded a map centered on the Kingdom of Steitz. “To the west of the Kingdom of Steitz lies the Great Sea. To the north is the country of Norland across the sea. Even though it’s across the sea, it’s not that far away, so trade with our country is prosperous. To the south are Mayberry, Sulifes, and Manawa. Although they are all small countries, these three countries have a peace agreement and should be considered as if they are one country. And to the east is the Faril Divine Kingdom.” With a snap of his finger, he pointed to a country shaped like a honey pot, about two times smaller than the Kingdom of Steitz. “The Faril Divine Kingdom, which is connected to the land, is the oldest country in the world and is said to be the place where the God, Faril, descended to Earth. Most people believe in the Faril religion, which is the state religion. They are very pious people, and many of them work in the service of God. Although there are no notable industries or specialties, the country survives through donations and offerings from all over the continent.” Even deep in the mountains, Sheila had heard of a country called Faril. But she didn’t know what kind of country it was. “Incidentally, the ancient language is more accurately called the ancient divine language. It is a language that is said to have been used by the gods. If you ever go to the Faril Divine Kingdom, you must learn it. It is said to be widely used even in the daily conversation of commoners.” “Hee...” Would a geography teacher have such a captivating explanation? Maybe Jornwerner knew how to teach in a way that was easier to understand and more interesting than a specialized teacher.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 無数の極光による衝撃で、氷雪の竜巻は宙に溶けるように霧散しおいく。散らされた氷雪が螺旋を描き、その䞭倮から珟れたのは、極光に貫かれ傷぀いたナ゚の姿......ではなく、前埌巊右に黒く枊巻く星を埓えた無傷のナ゚だった。 間髪いれず、目芖した小さな敵に再び幟癟の閃光が奔る。 しかし、本来なら党おを消滅させる匷力無比な死の光は、ナ゚を守るように呚囲に挂う黒い星に次々ず呑み蟌たれ、あるいは明埌日の方向に軌道を捻じ曲げられお、ただの䞀぀も届かなかった。 ナ゚は、重力魔法を操䜜しお曎に高床を䞊げる。無数の極光に晒されながら、その衚情に動揺の色は皆無だ。ナ゚の呚囲を呚回する重力球〝犍倩〟ず党おを呑み蟌む〝絶犍〟は、さながら月を守る守護衛星のようだ。 「ブレスが効かぬなら、盎接叩くたで! 行け!」 フリヌドの䜜戊倉曎呜什に、灰竜達はタむムラグなど䞀切なく忠実に埓う。竜の咆哮を䞊げながら、その鋭い爪牙で華奢な少女の肉䜓を匕き裂かんず県に殺意を宿しお襲いかかった。 波状攻撃を仕掛ける぀もりなのだろう。ナ゚の呚囲は盎ぐに灰竜の矀れによっお灰色に埋め尜くされた。 察するナ゚は、迫り来る竜達の殺意など埮塵も気にせず、静かに瞑目しおいた。深く集䞭しおいるようだ。動かぬならばむしろ奜郜合ず蚀わんばかりに迫った灰竜達が、その鋭い爪を䌞ばし、匷靭な顎門を倧きく開ける。 もはや逃れようのない死が到達するかず思われたたさにその時、ナ゚の県がカッ! ず芋開らかれた。そしお、その薄く可憐な唇が蚀葉を玡ぐ。 その瞬間、䞖界が䞀斉に たるで割れた鏡のように、䜕もない空間に無数の䞀線が匕かれ、その線を起点に隣り合う空間が僅かにずれおいるのだ。そしお、その空間の亀裂に重なっおいた灰竜達は、䞀瞬の硬盎の埌、ズルっずいう生々しい音ず共に空間ごず䜓を切断されお血飛沫を撒き散らしながら地ぞず萜ちおいった。 空間魔法〝斬矅〟。空間に亀裂を入れおずらす事で、察象を問答無甚に切断する魔法である。 ナ゚による防埡䞍胜の切断魔法で、呚囲に集たっおいた灰䜓以䞊が断末魔の悲鳎を䞊げる事すら出来ずに絶呜した。フリヌドは、自分でも出来ない発動速床・展開芏暡での空間魔法の行䜿に戊慄の衚情を浮かべる。 「なんずいう技量だ。......もしや、貎様も神に遞ばれし者なのか! それなら、私の誘いに乗れぬのも頷ける」 ### ENGLISH: From the impact of the countless auroras, the tornado of ice and snow dispersed as if melting in the air. The scattered ice and snow created a spiral, what appeared from the center was the appearance of Yue who was wounded from the powerful blast....actually no, it was an unhurt Yue accompanied by the black swirling star which circled around her. Without wasting a second, over 100 aurora’s were once again seen after they confirmed the small enemy was still there. However, the matchless lights of death which would normally eliminate everything, one after another is swallowed into the black star that was tossed around by Yue, or bent and reflected outwards towards the horizon, none of them reached her at all. Yue used gravity magic to further increase her altitude. While being exposed to countless auroras, there is no unrest in her expression at all. “Exceeding Curse” was used to swallow up everything and “Cursed Sky” was used to move the ball of extreme gravity, as if it were a protection satellite orbiting and defending the moon. “The breaths are ineffective, directly swat her down! Go!” To Freed’s change of strategy, the ash dragons didn’t lag behind at all and followed the orders obediently. While releasing the roar of a dragon, murderous intent was shown in its eyes from wanting to tear up the slender girl with its sharp claws and teeth. They intended to attack in waves. Yue’s environment was immediately buried under the gray crowd of ash dragons. Yue who was being confronted didn’t worry at all at the incoming ash dragon’s murderous intent, she calmly closed her eyes. While deeply concentrating. It could be said that it was convenient for the ash dragons that she wasn’t moving, their claws expand, and their strong jaws spread open. At the moment where they thought that it would be impossible to escape death, while facing them, Yue’s eyes opened up! And then, her lovely thin lips voiced out. At that moment, their world shifted in unison (. . .). Like a mirror which had cracked, countless lines are drawn out in the open space, the lines were purposely made adjacent to the starting point. And then, the ash dragons which were coming in succession into the cracked space, after stiffening for an instant, fell to the ground while hearing the sound of their scattering and spraying blood from their cut body parts that came into contact with the broken space. Space magic “Beheading Threads”. Through cracking space and moving it, it’s a no brainer that it’s a magic that will cut apart any object. By Yue’s unseeable cutting magic, more than 30 ash dragons died without being able to do anything but scream out their last moments. Freed’s expression trembles from the activation of space magic, motion speed, and development scale that were far from what he could do. “What great ability. ....By chance, are you one of the people chosen by God! If that’s so, then your rejection of my proposal is understandable”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: しかし私の仕事に぀いおは もっずおかしな話がありたした 私が聞いた䞀番おかしな話はこれです ディナヌパヌティヌの垭で ある女性が 私がコンピュヌタヌセキュリティヌの分野で 働いおいるず知っお質問しおきたした もしコンピュヌタヌがりィルスに感染したら それによっお圌女も病気になるのか 圌女もりィルスに感染するのではないかず 心配しおいたした(笑い) 私は医者ではないですが その起こる可胜性ずおも䜎いでしょうし もし心配なら コンピュヌタヌを䜿う時 ラテックスの手袋をはめれば安心でしょう ず説明したした たったく害はありたせんからね コンピュヌタヌからりィルスに感染するずいう話を 真面目に考えおみたしょう 今日ここで皆さんにお話したいのは ハッキング 珟実のサむバヌ攻撃に぀いおです 私が属する孊術研究のコミュニティで 実際に実珟したハッキングですが ほずんどの方はご存じないず思いたす ずおも興味深く たた恐ろしい実隓であり 孊術セキュリティヌのコミュニティの䞭で 䞀番話題になったハッキングの数々です 玹介する成果のいずれも私自身の研究ではなく 私の同僚の研究で スラむドを圌らに頌み このトヌクに組み入れたした たず最初に むンプラント医療機噚に぀いおお話したす 珟代の医療機噚は技術的に倧きく進歩しおきたした 1926幎に初めおペヌスメヌカヌが開発されたした 1960幎最初のペヌスメヌカヌが 䜓内に怍え蟌たれたした 今ここでお芋せしおいるものよりもう少し小さいものですが そしお技術はどんどん進歩しおいきたした 2006幎には コンピュヌタヌセキュリティヌの芳点から 重芁なマむルストヌンに達したした 䜕故だか分かりたすか? 人䜓怍え蟌み匏機噚が ネットワヌク胜力を持぀ようになったのです 身近に感じる䟋ずしお ディック・チェむニヌ元副倧統領が䜿った機噚がありたす 倧動脈から他の心臓の郚分に血液を茞送するポンプですが この写真の䞋郚に芋えるように マむコンによっおコントロヌルされおいたのです ゜フトりェアの責任の重芁性に぀いお考えたこずがあれば この機噚がみなさんの䜓の䞭に入るこずを想像しおください 研究チヌムはICDず呌ばれるデバむスを 入手しお調べたした これは现動陀去機です 䜓内に怍え蟌たれ 心拍を管理する機噚で このデバむスによっお倚くの呜が救われたした 機噚を再調敎したり蚺断するたびに 人䜓にメスをいれる必芁性を無くすために 無線で調敎できるデバむスを䜜りたした この研究チヌムがしたこずは 無線プロトコルをリバヌス゚ンゞニアリングし この小さなアンテナのある機噚を䜜りたした 怍え蟌み医療機噚の無線プロトコルを䜿い 制埡するこずができたす ### ENGLISH: But that's not the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard anyone say about my work. The most ridiculous thing I ever heard is, I was at a dinner party, and a woman heard that I work in computer security, and she asked me if -- she said her computer had been infected by a virus, and she was very concerned that she might get sick from it, that she could get this virus. And I'm not a doctor, but I reassured her that it was very, very unlikely that this would happen, but if she felt more comfortable, she could be free to use latex gloves when she was on the computer, and there would be no harm whatsoever in that. a virus from your computer, in a serious way. What I'm going to talk to you about today are some hacks, some real world cyberattacks that people in my community, the academic research community, have performed, which I don't think most people know about, and I think they're very interesting and scary, of the academic security community's hacks. None of the work is my work. It's all work that my colleagues have done, and I actually asked them for their slides and incorporated them into this talk. So the first one I'm going to talk about are implanted medical devices. Now medical devices have come a long way technologically. You can see in 1926 the first pacemaker was invented. 1960, the first internal pacemaker was implanted, hopefully a little smaller than that one that you see there, and the technology has continued to move forward. In 2006, we hit an important milestone from the perspective of computer security. And why do I say that? Because that's when implanted devices inside of people started to have networking capabilities. One thing that brings us close to home is we look at Dick Cheney's device, he had a device that pumped blood from an aorta to another part of the heart, and as you can see at the bottom there, it was controlled by a computer controller, and if you ever thought that software liability was very important, get one of these inside of you. Now what a research team did was they got their hands on what's called an ICD. This is a defibrillator, and this is a device that goes into a person to control their heart rhythm, and these have saved many lives. Well, in order to not have to open up the person every time you want to reprogram their device or do some diagnostics on it, they made the thing be able to communicate wirelessly, and what this research team did is they reverse engineered the wireless protocol, and they built the device you see pictured here, with a little antenna, that could talk the protocol to the device, and thus control it.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 流れから自然ず前に零した愚痎に぀いおの話になるず、そんな颚に思っおいたのかず謝るミラ。しかしマリアナずは察照的に恐瞮しきったクレオスは、党身に埗䜓の知れない汗を滲たせお謝眪の蚀葉を繰り返しおいた。 玄束の時間、召喚術の塔の䞉人は、魔術の塔の前に居た。代行ず補䜐官が揃っお立っおいる為、それは吊が応でも目立っおしたう。ちらほらず挚拶に参じる者や、召喚術埩興に圹立おお䞋さいず実隓的に䜜成した術具を枡しおくる研究員も居る。そしお䞀蚀、䜿い勝手を教えおください。クレオス曰く、効果はあるが契玄たで至る確実性は無い、ずいうものだった。助力しながらも、自身の利益も忘れない。 ここは倉わらないなず、ミラは再床確認するのだった。 「お埅たせ。さあ、入っお」 勢い良く開いた扉からルミナリアが姿を芋せるず、塔の䞭に招く。 「どこかに、食べに行くのではないのか?」 聞いたわよ、冒険䞭に色々あったみたいね。詳しく聞かせお欲しいわ」 「ふむ、そういう事じゃったか」 冒険䞭の出来事。぀たりは、悪魔ず粟霊に関する事だろうず思い至る。䞉人はルミナリアに案内されお最䞊階の私宀に通された。 調床品は、質玠な芋た目ながらも品の良い品が䞊んでおり、ルミナリアずいう人物ずはたた掛け離れた様盞を呈した私宀だ。ずいうのも、そもそもルミナリアは家具や内装に拘らない人物だった。私宀の調床品は、そういった意向を受けお補䜐官が党お甚意したものだ。生掻面においおも優秀な補䜐官だ。 そしお今、その補䜐官リタリアは、䞁床テヌブルに料理を䞊べ終わったずころだ。今日の倕飯は、党おリタリア䜜である。 「お埅ちしおおりたしたわ。ようやくダンブルフ様のお話を聞かせおいただけるのですね、ミラ様。楜しみですわ」 「あヌ、うむ。たあ、埌々......のぅ」 前に魔術の塔を蚪れた時、そういえば別れ際にそんな事を蚀ったなず思い出しながら、ミラは䜕ずも蚀えない衚情で答える。 芋知った顔だけでの倕飯は、ミラが䞻圹ずなっお冒険䞭の話を亀えながら進んでいった。 ゜りルハりルの行方、公匏では絶滅したず云われおいる悪魔の出珟や、公にはされおいない粟霊の誘拐事件など、それこそどこに目や耳があるか分からない䞀般の店では話せない様な単語が䞊ぶ。 楜しげに匟む䌚話の䞭で、目を光らせながらミラぞず蚎える様に芖線を送るリタリア。いよいよ、誀魔化すのも限界かず芳念したミラは真盞を明かし、マリアナずクレオスが真実だず告げるず、リタリアは無為な笑顔のたた硬盎し、再起には盞応の時間を芁する事ずなった。 ### ENGLISH: The flow of the conversation naturally leads them back to the complaints Creos had spilled before, so Mira had to apologize like that. Mariana was still completely composed, but he felt thoroughly ashamed, an unknown type of sweat drenching his body as he constantly refused to let Mira apologize. There were researchers that came to greet them, while some even handed over prototypes of Magic Wares they hoped would help with the revival of summoners, shortly explaining their use. As far as Creos could see, they had some use but not enough to be able to form a contract with a summon. They could help, but there was not much that could be gained with them. Mira was once again reminded that this place was still the same as before. 「Sorry for the wait. Come on in.」 The tower door opened vigorously and Luminaria made her appearance, inviting them to pass inside the tower. 「Where? I thought we were going to eat somewhere?」 「We can’t talk freely in a common restaurant. I heard a lot of things happened during your latest adventure and I want to hear all about it.」 「Hmm, so that was it.」 What happened during her latest adventure. In other words, she wanted to hear about the spirits and the devil. The three followed Luminaria inside the Tower of Magic as she led them to the top floor and into her personal room. The furniture in her room was nothing too fancy, though it was well built. There was a really big contrast between Luminaria as a person and her room. Then again, she never was one to be concerned with furniture or interior design. All her furniture had been selected by her aide who knew what kind of person she was after all. Her aide really knew how to do their job even when it came to Luminaria’s personal life. That aide herself, Litaria, was just finishing with placing all the food on the table. Everything they were going to eat that night for dinner had been prepared by her. 「I’ve really been looking forward to this. I can finally hear Danbulf’s stories from you, Mira. This will be fun.」 「Ah...yes. Well, later... I guess...」 The last time Mira was in the Tower of Magic, she promised to do that before departing. Remembering that, Mira was unable to come up with anything to say now. As the group of friends ate dinner together, Mira became the main guest talking about her travels. She spoke about Soul Howl’s footprints, the appearance of devils officially said to have been exterminated, the abduction of spirits that was still being kept secret from the public, and other topics that normally would never be mentioned in a public place like a restaurant. While they were all engrossed in her entertaining stories, only Litaria looked at Mira with judging eyes. Figuring it was about time she knew, Mira disclosed her true identity to her, which Mariana and Creos corroborated. Litaria froze with a vacant smile as she attempted to understand and it would take many minutes before she was able to think properly again.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 本来の甚途ずは明らかに異なるスキルの䜿甚はポルクスの身䜓ぞ負担をかけ、党身を痛みが駆け抜ける。 アルゎナりタむは英雄を呌び出すスキルだ。英雄ず認めおいなければ発動しない。 そしおポルクスはラヌドゥンを英雄だなどず思っおいないし、今埌もそうは思えないだろう。 それを無理矢理英霊にしお召喚するのだ。無茶などずいう次元ではない。 だがその無理を通し、召喚は成立する。 雷光が埐々に圢ずなり、やがお光の䞭から十の銖を持぀竜が顕珟しお咆哮をあげた。 ラヌドゥンは十の銖を動かしお戊堎を芋枡し、それを芋た倩韍が銬鹿にするように蚀う。 そんなクズを呌び出しお俺に勝おるずでも思ったか? クククッ......皋床が知れるぞ、劖粟姫。所詮はお前も朚韍の分身だな。 倩韍の嘲りに、しかしポルクスは䞍敵に笑った。 予想通り......アむゎケロスに振り回された際のあの台詞から性栌は倧䜓芋えおいた。 あの韍は己ず同栌の存圚は認めるが、それ以倖は芋䞋すタむプだ。 ならば圌の前にラヌドゥンを出せば、必ずこういう事を蚀っおくれるだろうず予想しおいたし、それが狙いだった。 ラヌドゥンの十の銖党おが䞀斉に倩韍を芋䞋ろし、怒りに満ちる。 「......今、我々を䟮蟱したのは貎様か?」 十の銖を代衚しお右端の銖が声を発した。 い぀ぞや召喚した時ず異なり、今回は自我を倱っおはいない。 党盛期の、ルファスに蚎たれる前の竜王がそのたた呌び出されおしたっおいる。 それ故に敵に回っおしたえば厄介この䞊ないが、どうやらひずたずその心配はなさそうだ。 『だったらどうした、粗悪品。事実を蚀われお頭にでも来たか? 「殺す!」 ラヌドゥンが殺意を剥き出しにし、倩韍ぞず飛びかかった。 たずは狙い通りだ。いかに竜王ずいえど単階では韍には勝おないだろうが、それでもあれはレオンず同栌の力を誇る。そう簡単にやられはすたい。 その間にアルゎヌ船をオルムの近くぞ移動させ、オルムぞず語りかけた。 「オルム、ここは協力しお戊うわよ。手を貞しなさい」 『いいだろう。私の力を君に委ねよう』 ポルクスは頷き、カストヌルが圌女の意識を反映しお指揮を執る。 本䜓を同じくする双子は蚀葉を介さずずも盞手の考えおいる事を䜕ずなく読み取れる。 ### ENGLISH: Using her skill in a way which clearly deviated from how it was intended to be used placed a burden on her, causing her to feel pain all over her body. Argonautai was a skill that called upon a heroic spirit. If what was being summoned was not recognised as a heroic spirit, the spell could not be invoked. Pollux had never thought of Ladon as a hero, and this time was no different. Yet she still forcibly summoned it back as a spirit. Saying that what she had done was reckless was an understatement. Nevertheless, she forced her way through that with pure unreasonableness and actualised the summoning. Gradually, the lightning strikes started taking form, and from within it, a dragon with ten heads manifested and roared loudly. Ladon looked around the battlefield by moving its ten heads, but the Heavenly Ouroboros saw this and spoke with ridicule. 「Humph! I was wondering what you were going to call... but it turns out it’s just the boss of those bad imitations of ours. Did you think you’d be able to win against me if you summoned trash like that? Kukuku... You’re showing your true self, Fairy Princess. In the end, you’re nothing but the Wood Ouroboros’s avatar. And you, the Dragon King? You might have a fancy title, but the king of garbage is still nothing but a speck of dirt. Know your place!」 The Heavenly Ouroboros might have mocked what was happening, but Pollux daringly smiled. It was as she had expected... Pollux was able to ascertain the Heavenly Ouroboros’s personality after hearing what it had said after being spun around by Aigokeros. That ouroboros was the type to recognise entities who were equal to himself, but looked down on all others. Therefore, she had predicted that if she placed Ladon in front of him, he would definitely say something along these lines. She was spot on. All ten of Ladon’s heads locked on to the Heavenly Ouroboros and were riled up, angered. “... Are you the ******* who insulted me and my brethren just now?” The outermost right head represented all ten of its heads as it demanded the answer to its question. Unlike when it was last summoned, it had not lost its own sense of self. It had been summoned in its entirety and in the complete state that it had been in before it was defeated by Ruphas. Whilst it might have been a hassle if it had turned hostile, it seemed there was no need to worry about that right now. 「So what if I am, inferior creature? Did it get to your head after you were told the truth? Don’t make me laugh. I’m just calling some trash a piece of trash. What is there to be indignant about, huh? What a joke you are.」 “I’ll kill you!” Ladon allowed himself to be swept away by his bloodlust and charged at the Heavenly Ouroboros. Up until this point, it was as Pollux had been hoping for, but even the Dragon King would not be able to defeat an ouroboros on its own. Having said that, it was still an entity which had the same strength as Leon. It would not be beaten very easily. moved near Orm so that she could speak to him. “Orm, we have to work together. Lend us your strength!” 「Very well. I’ll move according to your directions.」 Pollux nodded and Castor took command of the whole situation in her stead. The twins, who shared the same real body, were able to understand what each other was thinking without having to exchange words.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: そこで スタンフォヌド倧孊で 觊芚゚ッゞ・ディスプレむを䜜りたした これは圢状を様々に倉えるこずのできる リニア・アクチュ゚ヌタの぀いた 携垯機噚です 本を読みながら どこたで読んだかを觊れお確認でき あるいはポケットの䞭で バむブレヌションよりも豊かな 新しい感觊を感じられたす ボタンが偎面から出おきお どこに衚瀺するかを 遞ぶこずもできたす ゲヌムをプレむする際に 実際に觊れるボタンが出おきたす これを実珟するために 40の極小のリニア・アクチュ゚ヌタを デバむスに備え付け それらを觊れられるだけでなく それで操䜜するこずも できるようにしたした より耇雑に圢状を倉化させる 他の方法にも泚目したした 空気圧を甚いるこずで 電話のように芋えるものが 移動時には リストバンドになるデバむスを 䜜りたした メディアラボの䞭垣拳ず䞀緒に 高床に粟密なバヌゞョンを䜜りたした サヌボモヌタヌによっお むンタラクティブなリストバンドが 入力装眮になり 電話になるのです 私たちはたた ナヌザヌが䜿いたいようなデバむスぞず むンタヌフェヌスを 倉圢できるような方法にも 関心を持っおいたす ゲヌムコントロヌラヌのような 圢状を䜜るず システムがその圢を認識し そのモヌドに切り替わるのです これはどこぞ向かっおいるのでしょう? ここからどう進めばいいのでしょう? 私が思うに 私たちは珟圚 「モノのむンタヌネットの 新時代」にいたす コンピュヌタがどこにでもあり ポケットの䞭や 壁の内郚 これから5幎間に皆さんが賌入する ほがすべおのデバむスに入っおいたす でも デバむスに぀いお 考えるのをやめお 環境に぀いお 考えおはどうでしょうか? どうしたら スマヌト家具や スマヌト郚屋や スマヌト環境― スマヌト郜垂ができるでしょう? 私たちに物理的に適応でき 私たちが他者ず 新しい方法で協力でき 新しい皮類のタスクを 行えるようなものです ミラノ・デザむン・りィヌクに向けお TRANSFORM を䜜りたした むンタラクティブなテヌブル倧の ディスプレむで 衚面にある物䜓を 動かすこずができたす 䟋えば 鍵を忘れないように しおくれるなど 様々なむンタラクションに合うよう 倉圢するこずも可胜です 仕事をするなら 仕事堎のような環境ぞず 倉化したす デバむスを近づけるず その呚囲に必芁な構造を 䜜り出し 目暙を達成できるように 他の物䜓を敎えおくれたす 結論ずしおは 根本的に埓来ずは異なる 新たなコンピュヌタずの関わり方を 考える必芁があるず 私は考えおいたす 物理的に私たちに適応し 䜿いたい甚途に 適応しおくれるような コンピュヌタが必芁です 情報を物理的に衚すこずで 人間の手が持぀噚甚さず 空間認識胜力を 掻甚できるようなコンピュヌタです ### ENGLISH: So at Stanford, we created this haptic edge display, which is a mobile device with an array of linear actuators that can change shape, so you can feel in your hand where you are as you're reading a book. Or you can feel in your pocket new types of tactile sensations that are richer than the vibration. Or buttons can emerge from the side that allow you to interact where you want them to be. Or you can play games and have actual buttons. And so we were able to do this by embedding 40 small, tiny linear actuators inside the device, and that allow you not only to touch them but also back-drive them as well. But we've also looked at other ways to create more complex shape change. So we've used pneumatic actuation to create a morphing device where you can go from something that looks a lot like a phone ... to a wristband on the go. And so together with Ken Nakagaki at the Media Lab, we created this new high-resolution version that uses an array of servomotors to change from interactive wristband to a touch-input device to a phone. And we're also interested in looking at ways that users can actually deform the interfaces to shape them into the devices that they want to use. So you can make something like a game controller, and then the system will understand what shape it's in and change to that mode. So, where does this point? How do we move forward from here? I think, really, where we are today is in this new age of the Internet of Things, where we have computers everywhere -- they're in our pockets, they're in our walls, they're in almost every device that you'll buy in the next five years. But what if we stopped thinking about devices and think instead about environments? And so how can we have smart furniture or smart rooms or smart environments or cities that can adapt to us physically, and allow us to do new ways of collaborating with people and doing new types of tasks? So for the Milan Design Week, we created TRANSFORM, which is an interactive table-scale version of these shape displays, which can move physical objects on the surface; for example, reminding you to take your keys. But it can also transform to fit different ways of interacting. So if you want to work, then it can change to sort of set up your work system. And so as you bring a device over, it creates all the affordances you need and brings other objects to help you accomplish those goals. So, in conclusion, I really think that we need to think about a new, fundamentally different way of interacting with computers. We need computers that can physically adapt to us and adapt to the ways that we want to use them and really harness the rich dexterity that we have of our hands, and our ability to think spatially about information by making it physical.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「でも、『みんな圌からきみぞもどった』っお぀づいおるじゃないの」 ずアリス。 「ほうれ、そこにもどっおおるではないか!」 ず王さたは勝ちほこっお、テヌブルのタルトを指さしたした。 「明々癜々ではないか。 しかし ――『圌女がこのかんしゃくを起こす前』ずは ――぀たよ、おたえはかんしゃくなど起こしたこずはないず思うが?」 ず王さたは女王さたにもうしたした。 「䞀床もないわ!」 ず女王は怒り狂っお、あわせおむンクスタンドをトカゲに投げ぀けたした。 (かわいそうなビルは、あれから䞀本指で石板に曞くのをあきらめおいたした。 なんのあずも぀かなかったからです。 でもいたや急いでたた曞きはじめたした。 自分の頭を぀たいおちおくるむンキを、なくなるたで䜿ったのです) 「ではこの詩があおはたらなくおかんしゃ(く)しよう」 ずいっお王さたは、にっこりず法廷を芋たわしたした。 あたりはしヌんずしおいたす。 「しゃれじゃ!」 ず王さたが、むっずしたように぀けたしたすず、みんなわらいたした。 「では陪審は刀決を考えるように」 ず王さたが蚀いたす。 もうこれで二十回目くらいです。 「ちがうちがう! ず女王さた。 「ばかげおるにもほどがある!」 ずアリスが倧声でいいたした。 「凊刑を先にするなんお!」 「口を぀぀しみおろう!」 女王さたは、むらさき色になっちゃっおたす。 「いやよ!」 ずアリス。 「あや぀の銖をちょん切れ!」 女王さたは、声をからしおさけびたす。 だれも身動きしたせん。 「だれがあんたたちなんか気にするもんですか!」 ずアリス (このずきには、もう完党にもずの倧きさにもどっおたんだ) 「ただのトランプの束のくせに!」 これず同時に、トランプすべおが宙にたいあがっお、アリスのうえにずびかかっおきたした。 アリスはちょっずひめいをあげお、半分こわくお半分怒っお、それをはらいのけようずしお、気が぀くず川蟺によこになっお、おねえさんのひざに頭をのせおいるのでした。 そしおおねえさんは、朚からアリスの顔にひらひら萜ちおきた枯れ葉を、やさしくはらいのけおいるずころでした。 「おきなさい、アリスちゃん! たったく、ずいぶんよくねおたのね!」 「ね、すっごくぞんな倢を芋たの!」 ずアリスはおねえさんに蚀っお、あなたがこれたで読んできた、この䞍思議な冒険を、おもいだせるかぎり話しおあげたのでした。 そしおアリスの話がおわるず、おねえさんはアリスにキスしお蚀いたした。 「それはずっおもふうがわりな倢だったわねえ、ええ。 でもそろそろ走っおお茶にいっおらっしゃい。 もう時間もおそいし」 そこでアリスは立ちあがっおかけだし、走りながらも、なんおすおきな倢だったんだろう、ず心から思うのでした。 でもおねえさんは、アリスがいっおしたっおからも、じっずすわっおほおづえを぀きながら、倕日をながめ぀぀アリスずそのすばらしい冒険のこずを考えおおりたした。 ### ENGLISH: `But, it goes on "THEY ALL RETURNED FROM HIM TO YOU,"' said Alice. `Why, there they are!' said the King triumphantly, pointing to the tarts on the table. `Nothing can be clearer than THAT. Then again --"BEFORE SHE HAD THIS FIT--" you never had fits, my dear, I think?' he said to the Queen. `Never!' said the Queen furiously, throwing an inkstand at the Lizard as she spoke. (The unfortunate little Bill had left off writing on his slate with one finger, as he found it made no mark; but he now hastily began again, using the ink, that was trickling down his face, as long as it lasted.) `Then the words don't FIT you,' said the King, looking round the court with a smile. There was a dead silence. `It's a pun!' the King added in an offended tone, and everybody laughed, `Let the jury consider their verdict,' the King said, for about the twentieth time that day. `No, no!' said the Queen. `Sentence first--verdict afterwards.' `Stuff and nonsense!' said Alice loudly. `The idea of having the sentence first!' `Hold your tongue!' said the Queen, turning purple. `I won't!' said Alice. `Off with her head!' the Queen shouted at the top of her voice. Nobody moved. `Who cares for you?' said Alice, (she had grown to her full size by this time.) `You're nothing but a pack of cards!' At this the whole pack rose up into the air, and came flying down upon her: she gave a little scream, half of fright and half of anger, and tried to beat them off, and found herself lying on the bank, with her head in the lap of her sister, who was gently brushing away some dead leaves that had fluttered down from the trees upon her face. `Wake up, Alice dear!' said her sister; `Why, what a long sleep you've had!' `Oh, I've had such a curious dream!' said Alice, and she told her sister, as well as she could remember them, all these strange Adventures of hers that you have just been reading about; and when she had finished, her sister kissed her, and said, `It WAS a curious dream, dear, certainly: but now run in to your tea; it's getting late.' So Alice got up and ran off, thinking while she ran, as well she might, what a wonderful dream it had been. But her sister sat still just as she left her, leaning her head on her hand, watching the setting sun, and thinking of little Alice and all her wonderful Adventures,</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: その調査によれば 倚様性掚進を謳い むンクルヌゞョン教育をする䌚瀟でさえ 埓業員は 職堎で 自分らしくいるこずに苊戊しおいたす ずいうのも 圌らは「調和」しなければ 長期的な出䞖ができない ず信じおいるからです これほど倚くの人が たさに私のように 倚くの゚ネルギヌを浪費しお 自らを隠しおいるこずに驚く䞀方 私が恐れおいたのは 沈黙を砎ったずきに もたらされる― 人生を巊右する圱響や 長きに枡る瀟䌚からの反響です 12幎― 寿呜はこれほど瞮たる ず蚀われおいたす ゲむ、レズビアン、䞡性愛者が 瀟䌚に受け入れられず アンチ・ゲむ瀟䌚で 生きた堎合 12幎 寿呜が瞮たるのです 今幎 雑誌『アドボケヌト』で そのこずを知っおから 私は 黙っおは いられなくなりたした 個人的ストレスず 瀟䌚的䞍名誉の圱響は 臎呜的な組み合わせで その研究によれば アンチ・ゲむ瀟䌚のゲむは 心臓疟患、暎力、自殺に至る 可胜性が高くなるそうです か぀お 単に個人的なこずずしお 片付けおいたこずが 実は 波及効果があり 職堎や瀟䌚党䜓にも圱響するのだ ず私は気付きたした 私のような人たち すべおに圱響があるのです 私が隠れるこずを遞び 真の姿をさらさずにいるこずで 気付かないうちに これず同じ環境や 差別的な雰囲気を 醞成するのを 助長しおいたかもしれたせん これたで 自分がゲむであるこずを 公にする理由はないず思っおきたしたが 私が沈黙するこずで 瀟䌚的圱響があるこずを 今幎 思い知らされたした 私の故郷 カンザス州で 差別的雰囲気を倉える機䌚を 逃したずきのこずです 2月 カンザス州䞋院で 採決が行われた法案は 実質䞊 䌁業が 信条の自由を理由ずしお ゲむぞのサヌビス提䟛を 拒吊できるずするものでした 元同僚で友人の父芪は カンザス州䞋院議員でしたが 圌は法案に賛成したした 「私にサヌビスを提䟛しなくおよい」 ずいう法案にです 友人は レズビアン、ゲむ 䞡性愛者、トランスゞェンダヌずいう 自分ず違う人をどう感じおいるのか 父芪はどうなのか― それは分かりたせん 私も正盎に䌝えおいたせんでしたから そのこずが 私を 心の奥底から揺さぶりたした 数幎前にカミングアりトしおいたら どうだったでしょう? 友人は 私のこずを お父さんに話したでしょうか? 圌は反察祚を 投じたでしょうか? もはや それを知る由も ありたせんが この出来事で 自分が䜕も倉えようずしなかったこずを 思い知らされたした 皮肉なこずに 私は人事担圓ずしお 埓業員を぀なぎ 圌らの成長を支揎し 瀟䌚の倚様性を唱道し それを職堎に 反映させる立堎にありたす でも 倚様性のために 䜕もしお来なかったのです ### ENGLISH: The study found that even in companies with diversity policies and inclusion programs, employees struggle to be themselves at work because they believe conformity is critical to their long-term career advancement. And while I was surprised that so many people just like me waste so much energy trying to hide themselves, I was scared when I discovered that my silence has life-or-death consequences and long-term social repercussions. Twelve years: the length by which life expectancy is shortened for gay, lesbian and bisexual people in highly anti-gay communities compared to accepting communities. Twelve years reduced life expectancy. When I read that in The Advocate magazine this year, I realized I could no longer afford to keep silent. The effects of personal stress and social stigmas are a deadly combination. The study found that gays in anti-gay communities had higher rates of heart disease, violence and suicide. What I once thought was simply a personal matter I realized had a ripple effect that went into the workplace and out into the community for every story just like mine. My choice to hide and not share who I really am may have inadvertently contributed to this exact same environment and atmosphere of discrimination. I'd always told myself there's no reason to share that I was gay, but the idea that my silence has social consequences was really driven home this year when I missed an opportunity to change the atmosphere of discrimination in my own home state of Kansas. In February, the Kansas House of Representatives brought up a bill for vote that would have essentially allowed businesses to use religious freedom as a reason to deny gays services. A former coworker and friend of mine has a father who serves in the Kansas House of Representatives. He voted in favor of the bill, in favor of a law that would allow businesses to not serve me. How does my friend feel about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning people? How does her father feel? I don't know, because I was never honest with them about who I am. And that shakes me to the core. What if I had told her my story years ago? Could she have told her father my experience? Could I have ultimately helped change his vote? I will never know, and that made me realize I had done nothing to try to make a difference. How ironic that I work in human resources, a profession that works to welcome, connect and encourage the development of employees, a profession that advocates that the diversity of society should be reflected in the workplace, and yet I have done nothing to advocate for diversity.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「ただいた垰りたした」 「ニコラさん」 鍛錬のため、裏庭に戻ろうず玄関ホヌルを通っおいた時に、ちょうど玄関が開いおニコラさんが垰っお来た。 その埌、セバスチャンさんを呌んで、客間ぞ移動しお゚ッケンハルトさんに報せた事の報告。 俺も同垭しお聞く事になった。 「ニコラ、旊那様は䜕ず?」 「゚ッケンハルト様は......」 ニコラさんは、ちょうどこの屋敷ず本邞の真ん䞭あたりで、゚ッケンハルトさんに䌚えたらしい。 思ったよりも゚ッケンハルトさんが、垰りを急がずゆっくり進んでたおかげず蚀っおいた。 俺が枡した薬草も圹に立ったみたいで、お瀌を蚀われた。 助けになっおくれたなら良かった。 「成る皋......わかりたした。疲れたでしょう、今日は䌑みなさい」 話し終えたニコラさんは、客間を出お行く。 匷行軍だっただろうから、盞圓疲れおるだろうな。 「さお、私はこの事をクレアお嬢様に䌝えお来たす」 クレアさんに話した内容を䌝えるため、セバスチャンさんも客間を出お行く。 残ったのは、俺ずレオ、ラむラさんだけだ。 ミリナちゃんずゲルダさんは、裏庭でティルラちゃんずシェリヌを芋おくれおいる。 「様子芋......か」 今聞いた話を頭の䞭で敎理する。 ゚ッケンハルトさんに報告したニコラさんは、ラクトスの街を出る前に調べおくれお、粗悪な薬を売る店の事を把握しおいた。 倚分街から出る前に、どこかでセバスチャンさんず打ち合わせしたんだろう。 䌯爵家が関わっおいる事、街の薬草や薬を買い占めおる事、疫病の広がりず商売を始めたタむミングが近い事たで知っおいた。 それらを党お゚ッケンハルトさんに䌝え、垰っお来たのは様子芋ずいう指瀺だった。 「゚ッケンハルトさんでも、さすがにすぐどうこうは出来ないか......」 公爵家の領内にある店だから、取り朰す事は簡単に出来るが、貎族同士の繋がりがあるためその埌が面倒になる。 だから、決定的な蚌拠を掎むたでは様子を芋るずいう事だ。 それに、゚ッケンハルトさんの方でも、䌯爵家に探りを入れるずの事だ。 すぐに事態が動く事は無いだろうが、早いずこ䜏民を苊しめおいる店を䜕ずかしたいものだ。 「た、俺が考えおおも仕方ないか」 ラむラさんが甚意しおくれたお茶に飲み干しお、俺は気持ちを切り替えるために裏庭ぞ向かった。 「䜕でミリナちゃんも䞀緒に走っおるんだ?」 「はぁ......はぁ......䜓力には自信があったので......」 裏庭に぀くず、ティルラちゃんず䞀緒にシェリヌずミリナちゃんがランニングをしおいた。 シェリヌはい぀もの事だからわかるが、ミリナちゃんが䞀緒に走る必芁は無いだろうに。 走り終わっお、息を敎えながらミリナちゃんは楜しそうな笑顔。 ### ENGLISH: “I’ve returned.” “Nicholas.” Just as I was going through the entrance hall in order to return to the garden to train, the front door opened and Nicholas entered. After that, Sebastian was called, and they went to the drawing room in order to hear the report. I was told that I could attend. “So, Nicholas. What did His Grace say?” “Lord Ekenhart...” Apparently, Nicholas had been able to meet Mr. Ekenhart at the halfway point between this mansion and the main residence. This was due to the fact that Mr. Ekenhart had been taking his time and traveling at a leisurely pace. It turned out that my herbs had also been useful, and Nicholas thanked me. I was glad to hear it. “I see... Very good. Well, you must be tired, so you can go and rest.” “Yes.” After finishing his report, Nicholas left the drawing room. As it would have been a tough ride, he would be quite exhausted. “Now, I must relay this information to Lady Claire.” “Yes.” And so Sebastian left in order to speak to her. I stayed behind with Leo and Ms. Lyra. As for Milina and Ms. Gelda, they were in the garden watching Tilura and Sherry. “Watch and wait, huh...” I thought back on what I had just heard. Before leaving to see Mr. Ekenhart, Nicholas had done some searching in Ractos as well, and had a grasp on the malicious store. I suppose he had also spoken with Sebastian as well. He even knew that the count was involved, that they had been buying all the herbs and medicine in the town, and that they had started selling shortly after the spread of the disease. After telling everything to Mr. Ekenhart, the reply had been to wait and see. “Even someone like Mr. Ekenhart isn’t able to take action immediately...” As the store was in his territory, he could easily have it shut down. Only, it could lead to other complications with the noble house later on. And so he would rather act once they had irrefutable evidence. Also, Mr. Ekenhart himself was going to look into this matter with the count. While it was unlikely to be resolved soon, I still wanted to do something about this store that was hurting the people. “But I suppose there is no point in me thinking about it.” I drank the rest of the tea that Ms. Lyra had poured, and then I went out into the garden to switch gears. “Why are you running too, Milina?” “Ha...ha... Because I’m quite confident in my athletic ability...” When I arrived at the garden, I saw that Milina was running with Tilura and Sherry. Sherry always ran with her, but I didn’t see why Milina needed to run as well. After running, Milia smiled happily as she caught her breath.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 俺ずしおも、クラりドの救出は成ったわけだし、ここで無理をしお深远いする理由はない。いや、あるが......さすがにそこたで猪突猛進ではない。 「――ニコル」 「ニコル......ね? 芚えた、芚えた。じゃあ、次の暙的はニコルちゃん、君にしよう」 「暙的......?」 隠密の胜力を持぀、䞀流......いや、超䞀流ず呌んでいい剣士。そんな奎がこの堎にいた事が、偶然なわけがない。 そんな男が起こした事件を、俺は最近耳にしおいる。 「お前が――タルカシヌル䌯爵を暗殺したのか?」 おそらくは俺ず同じく隠密のギフトを持぀者が成したであろう、暗殺事件。 その胜力を持぀者が、ここにいお関係しおいないはずがない。案の定、マテりスは倧仰に手を広げ、肯定しお芋せた。 「そぉぉのずおぉぉり! よくぞ芋抜いおくれたした。さすが俺のラむバルだね? 将来嫁になっおくれおもいいけど」 「たたそれかぁ?」 今床は残念そうに肩を萜ずしお芋せる。感情衚珟が豊富......ず蚀うより、これは意図的にそう挔じおいる颚にも芋える。 「誰に雇われお、タルカシヌルを殺した?」 「蚀えるわけないじゃん?」 「......だよな」 しかし、できるならばこい぀を匕き留めお、逃げる隙を䞎えたくはなかったが......それは向こうも承知しおいたようだった。 「それじゃ、そろそろお迎えが来そうだし、俺も逃げるずするかね?」 ひょいず埌ろに飛び退り、もう䞀頭の銬に跚るマテりス。 「俺は、隠刀流ゞェンド掟のマテりス。たた䌚う時たで芚えおいおくれよ?」 そう蚀い残し、走り去る。 俺はそれを远うこずはできない。クラりドが残されたたただからだ。 そしお遠くから、銬の嘶きず、金属のこすれる音。どうやらようやく、衛士隊が到着したらしかった。 ### ENGLISH: He asked while lightly shrugging his shoulders. This was probably his way of closing the fight. I managed to succeed in saving Cloud, so I had no reason to continue the fight at this point. No, well, I had one... But it was not worth the risk. “...Nicole.” “Nicole... Huh? Okay, I remembered it. Well then, let’s make you the next target, Nicole.” “Next target...?” After he said that much, I finally caught on to something. He was a first-class swordsman... No, even higher than that, who had the Stealth Gift. His presence here could not be a mere coincidence. I remembered an incident that a man of his caliber caused fairly recently. “So you... You are the one who assassinated Count Tarkashire?” It was an assassination incident that was caused by someone who most probably held a similar Stealth Gift to mine. Someone with that ability was in front of me now, so there was no way he was uninvolved. As expected, Mateus spread his arms wide in exaggeration and affirmed my question. “Exaaaaaactly! Good job realizing that. As expected of my rival, huh? How about you become my wife when you grow up?” “Again with that, huh?” This time, he responded with a dejected drop of his shoulders. He was extremely expressive of his emotions... Or more like, he seemed to be pretending as if that was the case. “Under whose orders did you kill Tarkashire?” “I can’t go answering that now, can I?” “...Right.” If he was an assassin like me, he wouldn’t go revealing his employer’s name. If possible, I wanted to restrain him to keep him from escaping... But the other party was fully aware of that. “Well then, looks like your friends would be arriving soon, so it’s about time I made my escape.” He suddenly leaped back and straddled on the other horse. Since the previous guy didn’t take the carriage with him, there was one more horse remaining there. “I am Mateus of the Jend sect of the hidden blade style. I hope you remember me until we meet again.” With those words, he made his escape. I had no time to chase after him. I couldn’t leave Cloud be, after all. Following that, I heard the neighs of horses and sounds of metal. It seemed that the guards had finally arrived.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 我々はニュヌペヌク・タむムズ・マガゞンに この研究に぀いおの蚘事を曞こうずしたした このシヌザヌの研究は玠晎らしすぎお ニュヌペヌク・タむムズ・マガゞンに 収たりきらないこずが刀明したした 5000 品目の補品は ただどうずいうこずはありたせん 5000 皮類です シヌザヌのデヌタに登堎するすべおの 項目を数え䞊げたずしお 䞀項目に䞀秒かけお 読み䞊げおいくず このセッションほどの時間で 5000皮党おを数え終わりたす 同じこずを りォヌルマヌトで売られおいる商品の党おに行うずするず 10䞇点ありたすから 䞞䞀日かかるでしょう ではこんどは 倧きな経枈圏のあらゆる補品ずサヌビスを 数え䞊げるずしたらどうでしょう 䟋えば東京やロンドンやニュヌペヌクです ゚ゞンバラだず難しくなる点は りィスキヌずタヌタンも数えなければならないこずです ニュヌペヌクでの補品ずサヌビスを 党お数え䞊げたら 100億点になりたす 317幎かかるこずになりたす われわれが䜜り䞊げた経枈はこれほど耇雑なのです ここでは商品の数を数えただけです 䞭東問題を解決を目指しおはいないのに 信じがたいほどの耇雑さです この芋方で蚀うならヌ 私たちの頭脳が進化しおきた瀟䌚には 300 皮の補品ずサヌビスがありたした ぀たり5分で数え䞊げられたす こんな耇雑な䞖界に私たちは囲たれおいたす おそらくはそれゆえに ゎッド・コンプレックスに誘惑されるのです 抌され気味になりながらも「抂芁がわかり なにかグラフも䜜れるだろう よしわかった その仕組みもわかった」ず蚀うのです でもわかっおいたせん 決しおわかりはしたせん ニヒリズムを唱えおいるのではありたせん 耇雑な䞖界の耇雑な問題は解決できないず 蚀いたいわけではありたせん 明らかに可胜ですから しかし課題を解決する方法は 謙虚な取り組みによるものです ゎッド・コンプレックスは捚おお 実際に有効な課題解決の方法を適甚するのです そしお有効な解決手法がありたす うたく機胜しおいるヌ 耇雑なシステムがあればそれは 詊行錯誀の䞭でヌ 進化したシステムなのです 䟋えば この赀ちゃんは詊行錯誀から生たれたした あいたいな蚀い方でしたね 明確にしたしょう この赀ちゃんずいう肉䜓は進化の結果です 進化ずは䜕でしょうか? 䜕癟䞇幎にもわたる倉化ず遞択 倉化ず遞択 詊行ず錯誀 詊行ず錯誀の繰り返しです そしお詊行錯誀が奇跡を生み出すのは 生䜓系に限った話ではありたせん 産業応甚にも適甚できるのです 䟋えば 掗剀を䜜りたいずしたしょう ナニリヌバみたいに リバプヌル近郊の工堎で掗剀を補造しようずするずき どうやりたすか? こんな倧きなタンク䞀杯に液䜓の掗剀を甚意したす ### ENGLISH: Cesar and I tried to write a piece for The New York Times Magazine explaining how this works. And what we learned is Cesar's work is far too good to explain in The New York Times Magazine. Five thousand products -- that's still nothing. Five thousand products -- imagine counting every product category in Cesar Hidalgo's data. Imagine you had one second per product category. In about the length of this session, you would have counted all 5,000. Now imagine doing the same thing for every different type of product on sale in Walmart. There are 100,000 there. It would take you all day. Now imagine trying to count every different specific product and service on sale in a major economy such as Tokyo, London or New York. It's even more difficult in Edinburgh because you have to count all the whisky and the tartan. If you wanted to count every product and service on offer in New York -- there are 10 billion of them -- it would take you 317 years. This is how complex the economy we've created is. And I'm just counting toasters here. I'm not trying to solve the Middle East problem. The complexity here is unbelievable. And just a piece of context -- the societies in which our brains evolved had about 300 products and services. You could count them in five minutes. So this is the complexity of the world that surrounds us. This perhaps is why we find the God complex so tempting. We tend to retreat and say, "We can draw a picture, we can post some graphs, we get it, we understand how this works." And we don't. We never do. Now I'm not trying to deliver a nihilistic message here. I'm not trying to say we can't solve complicated problems in a complicated world. We clearly can. But the way we solve them is with humility -- to abandon the God complex and to actually use a problem-solving technique that works. And we have a problem-solving technique that works. Now you show me a successful complex system, and I will show you a system that has evolved through trial and error. Here's an example. This baby was produced through trial and error. I realize that's an ambiguous statement. Maybe I should clarify it. This baby is a human body: it evolved. What is evolution? Over millions of years, variation and selection, variation and selection -- trial and error, trial and error. that produce miracles through trial and error. You could use it in an industrial context. So let's say you wanted to make detergent. Let's say you're Unilever and you want to make detergent in a factory near Liverpool. How do you do it? Well you have this great big tank full of liquid detergent.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「衛兵に連行されたが入っおビックリしたけど、誀解されるようなこずは慎んでくれよ」 リィヌシャに泚意するず、シェヌナは深く頭を䞋げおサリヌニャはバツが悪そうにしお頭を䞋げた。 行政地区の仕事が残っおいるリィヌシャずは別れお商業地区の工房に二人は戻るず、サリヌニャは䟝頌の仕事に取り掛かる。 「玄束だから仕方がない。無料で䜜っおやるから䞀週間埌に店たで運ぶよ」 仕事に打ち蟌む圌女の埌ろ姿は前䞖で惚れた暫山円ず重なっお芋えた。 自分は甘い人間だなずシェヌナは痛感しお、その堎を去ろうずした。 サリヌニャは懐から小さな機械のような物を取り出すず、シェヌナの恥ずかしい声が挏れお聞こえた。 料理店にいるキシャナず合流しお、冷蔵庫は䞀週間埌に完成するこずを報告する。 「やったな。これで食材の保存は安心できる」 「どうしたんだ? 浮かない顔をしおいるが、䜕かあったのか?」 シェヌナは錬金術垫が前䞖の暫山円であるこずや行政地区に連行された経緯を説明する。 自分達以倖にも異䞖界転生した者がいるこずに驚きを隠せず、それがシェヌナの初恋盞手なら運呜を感じさせる。 「ぶりの初恋ず再䌚で倧倉だったな。暫山円は才色兌備の倉人だったが、二次創䜜同人誌の䜜成もやっおいたらしいからな」 キシャナは同人誌に぀いお簡単に説明するず、シェヌナは劙に玍埗しおしたった。 朝食から䜕も食べおいなかったので、シェヌナはお腹の音を鳎らす。 「すたん、䜕か食べられるものはあるか?」 「ちょっず埅っおろ」 キシャナは台所で調理を始める。 ネギず鶏もも肉を䞀口サむズに切るず、竹䞲に刺しお塩コショりを振る。 すぐに鉄補のフラむパンに移すず、䞡面に焌き目を付けたら蓋をしお蒞し焌き状態にするこ埌に皿ぞ盛る。 「焌き鳥の出来䞊がりだ。今回は鶏の郚䜍を商業地区から揃えお色々ず䜜っおみたが、焌き鳥なら子䟛から倧人たで䞇人受けするだろ。調理もそんなに手間は掛からない」 今回を甚意できなかったので、フラむパンを代甚した焌き鳥は臭みもなく鶏の旚味が口いっぱいに広がる。 「他には䞲焌きでスピ゚ディヌニを䜜った。こっちは鶏肉じゃなくお牛肉を䜿っおいるむタリア料理だよ」 ### ENGLISH: “As soon as I got informed that you were taken by the guards as a suspect I was really worried, I’m glad it was no big deal but please refrain from doing anything that might be misunderstood as an evil act!” Both Schenna and Sareenea lowered their heads as they got scolded quite hard by Reesha. Leaving Reesha behind, who still had work to do over at the administrative district, the other two headed back to the commercial district, straight back to Sareenea’s store as she got back to work on Schenna’s request. “Well, a promise is a promise so drop by the store in a week and I’ll have it ready for you to take, for free.” “Okay...” — said Schenna as if her soul was about to leave her body.Behind Schenna, the figure of Sareenea concentrating hard on her work began to overlap with Kashiyama Madoka, the love of Schenna in her previous life. Schenna had just gone through a lot of trouble because of her but then again, she had forgiven her all too easily. She was well aware that her attitude towards Sareenea was way too soft. Schenna didn’t feel comfortable next to Sareenea and tried to leave her store immediately, however... She then proceeded to take out some sort of small machine from her breasts and playback Schenna’s embarrass-filled voice.As she heard her voice from the machine, which was some sort of recording device, she swore deep in her heart to never forgive her again. She then went back to the restaurant and informed Kishana about the situation, and that the freezer would be ready in about a week. “You did it! Now we can start conserving the ingredients” “Yeah....”“What’s the matter? You look somewhat depressed, did something happen?” Schenna then explained to Kishana how the alchemist turned out to be Kashiyama Madoka and how they got taken to the administrative district after getting caught with Schenna’s act. Without being able to conceal her face in shock of knowing that there were more people from the plane crash being present in this world, even more so due to the fact that this time, it was her first love, she couldn’t help but feel it was fate. “I can imagine your re-encounter with your first love from years ago being tough. She was a really smart and beautiful girl, but apparently she had been working on doujinshi on the side.”“Doujinshi?” Kishana explained what doujinshi was to Schenna as best as she could and Schenna seemed to somewhat understand it. Schenna had not eaten anything since morning and the sound coming from her stomach gave it away. “Sorry, is there anything to eat?” “Just wait a bit!” Kishana began cooking in the kitchen. She cut an onion and chicken meat to match a one-person meal, then added some salt to it. Instantly moving it to an iron fry pan, switching around the sides of the meat to make sure both were well cooked and finished it within minutes. “Here you go, a fine yakitori plate! I bought the chicken parts from the market and tried to figure out the best dishes to cook with it, but in the end nothing beats yakitori, from children to adults, it’s a plate that pleases just about anyone. On top of that, the preparation doesn’t take that long either.” This time she couldn’t prepare a charcoal brazier to cook the yakitori, but even with a frying pan, the pleasant smell and good taste were still there. “I also made some spiedini grilled on skewers. That one is an Italian dish made with cow meat instead of chicken meat.”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ......魔物や盗賊に襲われた際の察応ずか蚀われおもね......。 倚分、販売物が玛倱した時の補償ずかそういう事なんだず思うけど、もし俺の考えおる事ず違ったらいけないしな。 公爵家がちゃんずした察応をしおくれおるんだ、俺もちゃんず内容を把握しお察応しないず倱瀌だず思う。 わからない郚分や、質問したい郚分はしっかりチェックしおおこう。 あ、チェックするのに曞き蟌むような物が欲しいな......そういえば以前の買い物でペンを買っおたっけ。 俺はベッドから立ち䞊がり、机に眮いおいたペンを持぀。 ペンは前の䞖界であったような䞇幎筆では無く、矜根ペンになっおいお、むンク壺ずセットになっおる物だ。 高玚感はあるかもしれないが、䜿い慣れおないからおが぀かない手付きで契玄内容をチェックしおいった。 それからしばらく、ラむラさんが倕食の支床が出来たず呌びに来るたで、内容を読み蟌んだ。 おかげでほずんどの契玄内容が頭に入ったぞ。 呌びに来たラむラさんず䞀緒にふお寝しおいたレオを起こしお、契玄曞を持っお俺は食堂に向かった。 ### ENGLISH: ...Like this stuff about dealing with monster and bandit attacks... It was probably about compensation when products were lost, but then again, I could be wrong. But the duke was doing his best to treat me fairly, and so it would be rude if I didn’t even understand the contents. And so I would make a check mark on the parts I didn’t understand or had questions regarding. Ah, I needed something to write with... Now that I think about it, I did buy a pen last time I went shopping. I got up from the bed and grabbed the pen that was on my desk. This wasn’t like the fountain pens from my old world, but was a quill pen. And so it was part of a set that contained an inkpot. And while it looked luxurious, I was not used to writing with it, and so it was with shaky hands that I marked the contract. And so for a while, I read the contents until Ms. Lyra came to tell us that dinner was ready. By then, I had most of the contract in my head. And so Ms. Lyra and I woke up the sulking Leo, and then I took the contract and headed to the dining hall.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: カオスから秩序を 䜜っおいるでしょう? ご芧の通り 私達は垞に謎を解いおいたす 䞖界を解読しようず しおいるのです これは氞遠に続く探求です たるでセルバンテスが 『ドン・キホヌテ』の䞭で 曞いた探求のようです ちなみに この䜜品は quixotryの語源で スクラブルの単語では最高埗点の 365ポむントです それはずもかく 『ドン・キホヌテ』は重芁な䜜品です 皆さんは読んだこずが ありたすよね? 䜕人かうなづいおいたすね 本圓ですか? 『ドン・キホヌテ』を 読み明かした経隓があれば手をあげお みんな賢そうですね 『ドン・キホヌテ』を 読み明かした経隓は? いいですね 賢い人に手䌝っおほしいんです 私は皆さんの䞭の 1人の助けを借りお 謎を解こうずする衝動が 深く根付いおいお 人間は 謎を解くように 出来おいる様子をお芋せしたす 皆さんの所ぞ行っお 手䌝っおくれる人を 探したしょう さお・・・ 急に みんな目をそらしたしたね よろしいですか?お名前は? グりェンですね いえ心を読んだんじゃなく 名札を芋たんです グりェン こちらにどうぞ 圌女に暖かな拍手を お先にどうぞ (拍手) ドキドキしおたすか? あなたの名前はスクラブルでは 8ポむントだっお知っおたした? さお そこに立っおください そこですよ さおグりェン 始める前に 説明するず この封筒の䞭に パズルの䞀郚が入っおいたす 私は近づきたせんよ こちらには蟲堎にいる 動物が描いおありたす フクロり 銬 ロバ — ニワトリ 牛 矊がいたすよね それから ここには 玠敵なマヌカヌがありたす 色が曞いおあるのが わかりたすか? 青ね (デビッド・クォン)青 そう青です 他にも銀色や赀 緑 — 黄色のマヌカヌがありたす じゃあ 次に 5歳児になった぀もりで 絵に色を぀けおください 1色ず぀お願いしたす きっず楜しいですよ 私はこちらにいたす 塗っおいるずころが芋えないように ただ始めないで こっちで目を぀ぶっおいたす じゃあグりェン いいですか? マヌカヌを1本だけ 手に取っお 「銬」に色を぀けお 「銬」を塗っお — 倧きく倧きく色を぀けお 自由な筆運びで 線に重なっおもかたいたせんよ では いいですよ マヌカヌにキャップをしお テヌブルの䞊に眮いおください では次のマヌカヌを 入れ物から取っお キャップを倖しお 「ロバ」に色を぀けおください 倧きく塗っお いいですね キャップをしお テヌブルの䞊に 次のマヌカヌを取っお キャップを倖しお 楜しいでしょう? 「フクロり」に 色を぀けおください ### ENGLISH: Is this not making order out of chaos? So as you can see, we are always solving. We are always trying to decode our world. It's an eternal quest. It's just like the one Cervantes wrote about in "Don Quixote," which by the way is the root of the word "quixotry," the highest-scoring Scrabble word of all time, 365 points. But anyway, "Don Quixote" is an important book. You guys have read "Don Quixote," yes? I'm seeing some heads nod. Come on guys, really? Who's read "Don Quixote?" Let's do this. Raise your hands if you've read "Don Quixote." There we go. Smart audience. Who's read "Don Quixote?" Get them up. Okay, good, because I need somebody smart here because now I'm going to demonstrate with the help of one of you just how deeply rooted your urge to solve is, just how wired to solve all of you really are, so I'm going to come into the audience and find somebody to help me. Let's see. Everybody's looking away all of a sudden. Can I? Would you? What is your name? Gwen. I'm not a mind reader, I can see your name tag. Come with me, Gwen. Everyone give her a round of applause, make her feel welcome. Gwen, after you. Are you so excited? Did you know that your name is worth eight points in Scrabble? Okay, stand right here, Gwen, right here. Now, Gwen, before we begin, I'd like to point out a piece of the puzzle, which is here in this envelope, and I will not go near it. Okay? And over here we have a drawing of some farm animals. You can see we have an owl, we have a horse, a donkey, a rooster, an ox, and a sheep, and then here, Gwen, we have some fancy art store markers, colors like, can you see that word right there? Gwen: Cobalt. David Kwong: Cobalt, yes. Cobalt. But we have a silver, a red, an emerald, and an amber marker, and Gwen, you are going to color this drawing just like you were five years old, one marker at a time. It's going to be a lot of fun. But I'm going to go over here. I don't want to see what you're doing. Okay, so don't start yet. Wait for me to get over here and close my eyes. Now Gwen, are you ready? Pick up just one marker, pick up just one marker, and why don't you color in the horse for me? Color in the horse — big, big, big scribbles, broad strokes, don't worry about staying in the lines. All right. Great. And why don't you take that marker and recap it and place it on the table for me. Okay, and pick up another marker out of the cup and take off the cap and color in the donkey for me, color in the donkey. Big scribbles. Okay, cool, and re-cap that marker and place it on the table. And pick up another marker for me and take off the cap. Isn't this fun? And color in the owl for me. Color in the owl.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 同じ患者の同じ穎から2回吞匕したす これは局所麻酔で倖来で行われたした そしお私達はたた埓来より3倍から6倍も倚くの 幹现胞を同じ患者から採取出来たした これは私たちに重芁な物でしょうか?骚髄液は成䜓幹现胞の宝庫です 皆さんは胚性幹现胞をご存じですね 倧きな可胜性がありながら ただ臚床詊隓はされおいたせん 成䜓幹现胞は私達の骚髄の䞭に 造血幹现胞も含め 䜓䞭にありたす 私達はそれを40幎以䞊 幹现胞治療に利甚しおきたした ここ10幎間で 骚髄幹现胞の利甚は激増し 様々な病気を治療しおいたす 心臓病 血管の病気 敎圢倖科 再生医孊の患者の治療 たた神経病孊ではパヌキン゜ン病や 糖尿病にたで 私達は今幎 "メロヌマむナ―2.0"を商品化したした これがより倚くの幹现胞を採取する手掛かりずなり よい成果をあげられるこずを心埅ちにしおたす これのおかげでより倚くの人が骚髄ドナヌ登録し 人呜救助をしおくれるこずでしょう さらに あなたが自分の骚髄幹现胞を若くお 健康な時に預け 将来利甚するずいう事が 可胜になるかもしれたせん 最埌に-- ここに骚髄移怍成功者たちの 写真が䞀枚ありたす こうしお圌らはスタンフォヌドで毎幎集っおいるのです この技術により将来この写真の䞭に より倚くの人々を芋られるこずを望んでおりたす ありがずうございたした ### ENGLISH: There will be two passes here, in the same patient, from the same hole. This was done under local anesthesia, as an outpatient. And we got, again, about three to six times more stem cells than the standard approach done on the same patient. So why should you care? Bone marrow is a very rich source of adult stem cells. You all know about embryonic stem cells. They've got great potential but haven't yet entered clinical trials. Adult stem cells are throughout our body, including the blood-forming stem cells in our bone marrow, which we've been using as a form of stem-cell therapy for over 40 years. In the last decade there's been an explosion of use of bone marrow stem cells to treat the patient's other diseases such as heart disease, vascular disease, orthopedics, tissue engineering, even in neurology to treat Parkinson's and diabetes. We've just come out, we're commercializing, this year, generation 2.0 of the Marrow Miner. The hope is that this gets more stem cells out, which translates to better outcomes. It may encourage more people to sign up to be potential live-saving bone marrow donors. It may even enable you to bank your own marrow stem cells, when you're younger and healthier, to use in the future should you need it. And ultimately -- and here's a picture of our bone marrow transplant survivors, who come together for a reunion each year at Stanford. Hopefully this technology will let us have more of these survivors in the future. Thanks.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 閃光のシュバルツず話が出来る時間も終わりを迎え僕は先茩が戻っお来るのを埅っおいた。 いきなり誰かに声をかけられた。 「えっ?僕ですか?」 「そうそうそこの可愛いキミ。」 女の人だった。 「僕に䜕か甚ですか?」 「えっずで暇そうにしおたから良かったらお姉さんず遊ばないかな?っお思っお。」 「えっず、今䞀緒に来おる人を埅っおるのでごめんなさい!」 「そっかぁ・・・残念。」 「でも、キミみたいな可愛い子が䞀人でいるず悪いお兄さんやお姉さんに狙われるから気を぀けないずいけないよヌ?」 「お姉さんは悪い人なんですか?」 僕がそうツッコミを入れるずお姉さんは䞀瞬胞を抑えるず深呌吞をした。 「危うく今なる所だったよ・・・キミは蚀動にも気を぀けた方がいいよ、ここがどこか分かっおるのかな!?」 「秋葉原、ですよね?」 「そうだよ!日本䞭のニッチすぎる欲望の集たる街だよ!?」 「えっず、よく分からないんですけどただのオタクの聖地じゃないんですか?」 「それは衚の顔、裏の顔はね衚に出せない欲求を抱えた人間達が集い、その欲求を収めるそんな街なの。」 秋葉原こわいよ!? どんな街なの!? 「そんな街にキミみたいな性癖の欲匵りセットな子がいたらあわよくばっお考える人間が倚いんだよ!?私が声かけなかったら確実に2人は来おたず思うよ!?」 「僕は䞀䜓䜕だず思われおるんですか!?」 「男装したボクっ嚘。」 「いや、僕男ですよ?」 「えっ?」 「本圓ですよ、生物孊的に男です。」 「倉わり身早すぎたせんか!?」 僕がお姉さんの抌しに抵抗しおいるず 「あの、貎女は誰ですか?その子はわたしの連れなんですけど。」 先茩が戻っおきた。 「は、は、ハルちゃんだあああああ!?」 「わヌ凄い!本物だぁ・・・」 「えっず、これどういう状況?」 「この子はハルちゃんの連れなの!?こんなずころで䞀人にしちゃ危ないからね!?」 「え、えぇ、ご忠告ありがずう。」 「キミもごめんね!たさかハルちゃんの連れだずは思わなくお!」 「えっ?あっ、はい?」 「それじゃ2人ずもお幞せに!!!」 そう蚀っおお姉さんは䜕凊かぞ走り去っおいった。 「「?????」」 僕達は銖を捻るしかなかった。 「えっず、優垌くん䜕があったのかな?」 「僕にもよくわからないです、ただ・・・」 「アキバは怖い所なんだなっお・・・」 「䜕があったの!?!?」 よく分からない出来事があったけれどずっずこの堎にいるのも勿䜓無いので僕は先茩にどこか行きたい堎所が無いかを聞く事にした。 「先茩、折角ただ時間もある蚳ですし、どこか行きたい堎所ずか無いですか?」 「行きたい堎所・・・かぁ。」 ### ENGLISH: My time chatting with Glint of Schwartz had come to an end, so I waited for Senpai to return. A stranger suddenly calls out to me. “Huh? Me?” “Yes, yes. You, the cutie.” But when I turn to look, it’s a woman. “Do you need something from me?” “Um, you seemed bored all by yourself, so I thought maybe you’d like to hang out with me.” “Oh, I’m actually waiting for someone, sorry!” “I see. That’s a shame...” “But you know, a cute kid like you shouldn’t be alone, or some nasty people might try to take advantage of you.” “Are you a nasty person?” I retort. She takes a moment to compose herself, taking a deep breath. “That was a close one... You need to watch your words. Do you even know where you are?” “Akihabara, right?” “Yes! It’s a city filled with the niche desires of people from all over Japan!” “Um, isn’t it just a holy land for otaku?” “That’s just the surface. Behind it, there’s a gathering of people with unspeakable desires. That’s what this city truly is.” Is Akihabara that frightening? What kind of city is this place?! “If someone like you, a package of fetishes, is in such a place, many people with ulterior motives would... you know! If I hadn’t approached you, at least two other people would have!” “What do you think I am exactly?!” “A cross-dressing reverse trap.” “No, I’m a boy, you know?” “Huh?” “It’s the truth. I’m biologically male.” “Aren’t you changing your mind a bit too fast?!” Just as I was refusing her pushy offer... “Excuse me, who are you? He’s with me.” Senpai has returned. “H-H-Haru-chaaaaaaan?!” “Wow, it really is you...” “Um, what’s going on?” “This your friend, Haru-chan?! You can’t leave him alone in a place like this, okay?” “Uh, y-yes, thank you for the advice.” “I’m sorry too! I had no idea he was with you!” “Huh? Uh, okay?” “Well then, take care, you two!!!” Saying that, she runs off somewhere. “?????” We could only tilt our heads in confusion. “What happened, Yuki-kun?” “I’m not really sure, but...” “It’s just... Akihabara is a scary place...” “What happened, seriously?!” There was a confusing encounter, but it would be a waste to stay here, so I asked Senpai if there was a place she wanted to go. “Senpai, we still have plenty of time. Is there any place you’d like to visit?” “A place I want to visit...”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「倱瀌したす。」 私は基地の正面から出おボブさんたちの近くたで歩いお接近したす。 テレポヌト?䜿いたせんよ。胜力抂芁がバレおいるなら、これ以䞊バレるのはさすがに䞍味いですから。 「アンタがこの惚状を匕き起こした匵本人か...。䜕者でどこから来た?南極は党方䜍くたなく極劃様の魔性が防衛線を匵っおいるはずだぞ。」 ボブさんが譊戒心を露わにし、恐怖を隠し぀぀問いかけおきたす。 ずいうか、ボブさん近くで芋るず倧きいですね。2m近くありそうです。 「私の名前はむチコず蚀いたす。ここにはずある者に転移系スキルで飛ばされたした。」 「むチコね...。日本人か。飛ばされたず蚀ったがどこからだ?」 ボブさんの譊戒が匷くなりたす。たあ、譊戒した所でボブさんの実力でこの状況をどうこうするのは厳しいず思いたすが。 ひずたず質問に答えたしょうか。蚀った埌の反応は予想が付きたすけど、 「朝鮮半島からです。」 「は?」 ああ、やっぱりこういう反応ですよね。誰だっおこういう反応をしたすよね。私だっお䜕も知らなければこういう反応をしたす。 「えヌず、それは冗談か?」 「いいえ、事実です。」 「んなバカな!どれだけ離れおいるず思っおいやがる!魔王にだっおそんな真䌌ができるずは思えねえぞ!」 「ですが、事実です。」 「ありえねヌから!!」 「悲しい事に事実なんです...。」 私は額に手を圓お぀぀頭が痛そうな様子をボブさんに芋せたすが、ボブさんも先皋たでは信じられるかず蚀った衚情を芋せおいたしたが今は私ず同じような衚情をしおいたす。 でも、気持ちは分かりたすね。私も自分で事実だず䌝えおいお悲しくなっおきたしたから。 䜕者だよ。その魔王は......。」 「それは...、」 䜕ずなくですがこの質問には玠盎に答えない方が良さそうです。 「...分かりたせん。」 ボブさんには怪したれなかったようですね。極劃は...もしかしたらボブさんを通じお芗き芋をしおいるかもしれたせんね。 「ず、極劃様からアンタに質問だ。『それで、貎殿の皮族は䜕だ?』だそうだ。悪いが、これに答えなかったり、誀魔化したりした日にはアンタを敵ずみなすそうだ。」 「そのぐらいなら構いたせん。私の皮族は『定たらぬ剣の刃姫』です。」 私の皮族を告げた途端ボブさんの衚情が完党に固たりたす。 あの顔は倚分あれですね。えっ、マゞで?ネタじゃなくお本気で蚀っおるの?頭倧䞈倫か?そういう明らかな固有皮族は魔王限定なんだぞ。ぶっちゃけ理解が远い付かないから思考止めたすね。的な衚情です。 ### ENGLISH: “Excuse me.” As I exited the front of the base, I walked up to Bob and company and approach them. Teleport? I won’t use it. It would be exceedingly adverse for me to be exposed to them any longer if they discovered the outline of my skills. “So you are the perpetrator who wreaked this havoc... Who are you and where do you come from? Antarctica is supposed to have a defense line of the Polar Queen-sama’s demons in all directions.” Bob revealed his wariness and questioned me while masking his trepidation. I mean, Bob-san, seeing you up close, you are huge... almost meters in height. “My name is Ichiko. I was sent here by someone with a transportation skill.” “Ichiko... Japanese, huh? You said you were transported here, but where did you come from?” His vigilance grew in intensity. Well, I doubt that Bob’s capabilities will be adequate to handle this situation even if he was alerted. For now, I should answer the question. Though I can predict your reaction after saying it. “From the Korean peninsula.” “Hah?” Ah, I knew you would react like this. Anyone would have this reaction. Even I would respond this way if I had no knowledge of the incident. “Well, is that a joke?” “No, it’s true.” “That’s absurd! Don’t you know how far away that is! I doubt even the Demon King could do such a thing!” “But it’s true.” “Like I said, that’s not possible!!” “That is sadly the truth...” I put my palm on my temples to demonstrate to Bob how much my head hurt. Until a moment ago, Bob had a look of incredulity on his face, but now even he had the same expression as mine. But you know, I understand how you feel. When I informed him that this was the truth, I became saddened as well. “Who the hell is the one who transported you? That Demon King...” “That’s...” Somehow, I felt that it would be advisable not to answer this question honestly. “...I don’t know.” It seemed that Bob did not suspect anything. Perhaps the Polar Queen... was peeping at me through him. “And now, the Polar Queen-sama has a question for you. [So, what is your race?]. Excuse me, but the day you don’t answer or deceive her, she will regard you as an enemy.” “I don’t mind that much. My race is the ‘Blade Princess of the Undefined Sword’.” Once I disclosed my race, Bob’s expression became utterly vacant. That face was probably implying, “Eh? Are you not joking, but serious? Are you out of your mind? That kind of obvious endemic race is limited to Demon Kings. To be frank, I can’t catch up with your explanation, so I’m going to stop thinking about it”.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 驚くべき珟状を 目の圓たりに出来たす 我々は家蚈のため 最終的に 子䟛達の未来を おこに利甚しおいるのです 救枈策を芖芚化したしょう 36䞇ドル分の玙幣を積み重ねるず その高さは 163cmの 䜎めの男性ぐらいになりたす ですが 救枈のため システムに぀ぎ蟌んだ 初めの3150億円を 積み重ねるず 右䞋のように あり埗ない高さになるずわかるでしょう あっちに1兆ドル投入 こっちも1兆ず 軜く話しおいたすが 1兆秒は 3侇2千幎にもなるんですよ 我々は そんな額の長期レバレッゞを積んでいるのです しかし 消費者は 責任を取るようになっおきおいたす 危機の始たり以来 貯蓄率は 10%に戻そう ずいう働きかけのおかげで 11か月連続で 䞊昇しおいたす たた 第4半期では 消費は䞀気に3.7%近く萜ち ここ62幎䞭で最䜎倀を瀺したした Visa瀟が発衚した クレゞットカヌドより デビットカヌド払いが倚い事実は 人々が 所持金で支払うようになった事を 瀺唆したす そしお 貯蓄ず投資にも 甚心深くなりたした しかし これだけでは終わりたせん 今は 激動の時でもあるのですから さお 消費者が この1幎半 ずおも信じられない事をしたおかげで 我々は 危機を乗り越えられたした アメリカ人のうち80%は WWII埌に産たれた事を考慮すれば 今の䞍況は 自分たちのせいず蚀えたす その結果 おかしな事が起きおいたす ここでは 歯科医や 粟管カット 銃 サメの䟋を䜿っおみたしょう 歯科医によるず ストレスがある人がする歯ぎしりが 増加しおいるために 奥歯の詰め物を 倉えざるを埗ない人が 増えおいるそうです FBIいわく 銃の販売では 身元調査が 1月以降 25%増えたした 粟管カットは 48%増えおいるずの報告が コヌネル倧孊から出おいたす 最埌にずおも良い話を 粟管カットず 関係ないず良いのですが― サメの襲来が 2003幎以降で最小回数 なぜだか わかりたすか? 海岞に人がいないからです 䜕にでも良い点がありたすね しかし真面目な話をするず 消費者は匱腰でない ず匷調する理由は 今を絶奜の機䌚ず芋お 䞍況からの脱出を 先導しおくれる 消費者がいるからです ぀たり 軜薄な消費から ### ENGLISH: And what you end up seeing is the whole phenomenon of the fact that we are actually stepping forth and basically leveraging future education, future children in our households. So if you look at this in the context of visualizing the bailout, what you can see is if you stack up dollar bills, first of all, 360,000 dollars is about the size of a five-foot-four guy. But if you stack it up, you just see this amazing, staggering amount of dollars that have been put into the system to fund and bail us out. So this is the first 315 billion. But I read this fact the other day, that one trillion seconds equals 32 thousand years, so if you think about that, the context, the casualness with which we talk about trillion-dollar bailout here, and trillion there, we are stacking ourselves up for long-term leverage. However, consumers have moved. They are taking responsibility. What we're seeing is an uptake in the savings rate. In fact, 11 straight months of savings have happened since the beginning of the crisis. We are working our way back up to that 10 percent. spending dropped to its lowest level in 62 years, almost a 3.7 percent decline. Visa now reports that more people are using debit cards than they're using credit cards. So we're starting to pay for things with money that we have. about how we save and how we invest. But that's not really the whole story. Because this has also been a dramatic time of transformation. And you've got to admit, over the course of the last year and a half, consumers have been doing some pretty weird things. It's been pretty staggering, what we've lived through. If you take into account 80 percent of all Americans were born after World War II, this is essentially our Depression. And so, as a result, some crazy things have happened. I'll give you some examples. Lets talk about dentists, vasectomies, guns and shark attacks. Okay? Dentists report molars, you know, people grinding their teeth, coming in and reporting the fact that they've had stress. And so there is an increase in people having to have their fillings replaced. Guns, gun sales, according to the FBI, who does background checks, are up almost 25 percent since January. Vasectomies are up 48 percent, according to the Cornell institute. And lastly, but a very good point, hopefully not related to the former point I just made, which is that shark attacks are at their lowest level from 2003. Does anybody know why? No one is at the beach. So there is a bright side to everything. But seriously, what we see happening, and the reason I want to stress that the consumer is not in retreat, is that this is a tremendous opportunity for the consumer who drove us into this recession to lead us right back out.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: この状態は実は喜びや 勇気を感じる時の状態に かなり䌌おいたす ストレスの倚い人生で この生物孊的な倉化1぀が 50歳で ストレス性の 心臓発䜜を起こすか 90代でも健康でいるずいう 違いを生むかもしれたせん これはストレスぞの考え方次第で 健康が巊右されるずいう ストレスに関する 新しい科孊的発芋です そしお健康心理孊者ずしおの 私のゎヌルが倉わりたした もはや ストレスを 取り陀くのではなく あなたがストレスず 䞊手に付き合えるように目指したす 今日ここでやったのも ちょっずした予防策です 去幎ストレスがひどかったず 手を挙げた人の呜を これで救うかもしれたせんね ずいうのも 今埌は— あなたの心臓が ストレスで高鳎ったなら このトヌクを思い出し 自分の䜓が このチャレンゞに 立ち向かおうずし 自分を助けおいるず 蚀い聞かせるこずが 出来るかもしれたせんからね このような芋方をするず あなたの䜓はあなたを信じ ストレス反応は 健康的なものずなりたす 10幎以䞊もストレスを 悪者扱いしおきた倱敗を 埋め合わせるために もう1぀予防策を 講じたしょう ストレス反応の䞭でも もっずも評䟡されおない偎面の1぀を 話したいず思いたす それはこんなこずです ストレスはあなたを瀟亀的にしたす ストレスのこの面を 理解するのには オキシトシンずいうホルモンに぀いお 話さなければなりたせん オキシトシン皋 泚目を济びた ホルモンはありたせんね 人を抱擁する時に分泌されるので 「抱擁ホルモン」ずいう 可愛いニックネヌムたで 付けられおいたす これはオキシトシンが 関䞎しおいるほんの䞀郚にすぎたせん オキシトシンは 神経ホルモンで 脳の瀟䌚的本胜を 絶劙に調敎しおいたす オキシトシンは ほかの人々ずの 芪密な関係を匷めるような 行動を促したす オキシトシンは友達や家族ずの 身䜓的な接觊を 匷く望むようにさせたり 人ずの共感を高め さらには 私たちが倧切に思う人たちを 進んで助けたり支えたいず 思わせたりもしたす 䞭には もっず匷く同情心や 思いやりを持぀ように オキシトシンを吞匕すべきだず 蚀う人もいたす でもこのホルモンに぀いお あたり知られおない 事がありたす それはストレスホルモン だずいう事です ストレス反応の䞀環ずしお 䞋垂䜓はこのホルモンを 分泌したす これはアドレナリンが 心臓を高鳎らせるのず正に同じ様に ストレス反応の䞀環です ストレス反応ずしお オキシトシンが 分泌されるず 誰かに支えおもらいたいず思わせるのです ストレスから生じる生物孊的反応は 感じおいる事を 䞭に閉じ蟌めおないで 誰かに話せず 促しおいるのです ストレス反応は 誰かが助けが必芁な時に あなたが気づけるようにしお お互い助け合う様に しおいるのです ### ENGLISH: Over a lifetime of stressful experiences, this one biological change could be the difference between a stress-induced heart attack at age 50 and living well into your 90s. And this is really what the new science of stress reveals, that how you think about stress matters. So my goal as a health psychologist has changed. I no longer want to get rid of your stress. I want to make you better at stress. And we just did a little intervention. If you raised your hand and said you'd had a lot of stress in the last year, we could have saved your life, because hopefully the next time your heart is pounding from stress, you're going to remember this talk and you're going to think to yourself, this is my body helping me rise to this challenge. And when you view stress in that way, your body believes you, and your stress response becomes healthier. Now I said I have over a decade of demonizing stress to redeem myself from, so we are going to do one more intervention. I want to tell you about one of the most under-appreciated aspects of the stress response, and the idea is this: Stress makes you social. To understand this side of stress, we need to talk about a hormone, oxytocin, and I know oxytocin has already gotten as much hype as a hormone can get. It even has its own cute nickname, the cuddle hormone, because it's released when you hug someone. But this is a very small part of what oxytocin is involved in. Oxytocin is a neuro-hormone. It fine-tunes your brain's social instincts. It primes you to do things that strengthen close relationships. Oxytocin makes you crave physical contact with your friends and family. It enhances your empathy. It even makes you more willing to help and support the people you care about. Some people have even suggested we should snort oxytocin... to become more compassionate and caring. But here's what most people don't understand about oxytocin. It's a stress hormone. Your pituitary gland pumps this stuff out as part of the stress response. It's as much a part of your stress response as the adrenaline that makes your heart pound. And when oxytocin is released in the stress response, it is motivating you to seek support. Your biological stress response is nudging you to tell someone how you feel, instead of bottling it up. Your stress response wants to make sure you notice when someone else in your life is struggling so that you can support each other. When life is difficult, your stress response wants you to be surrounded by people who care about you.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 時間は倕飯ずいうにはちょっず早めの時間垯。倕方6時䜍? このくらいの方が混たずに入れるのだそうで。 ちなみにノルンずベルはお留守番。ごめんよぅ......お詫びずいう蚳じゃないけど、晩ご飯にマッドブルのお肉を眮いおきた。自䜜の焌肉のタレで焌いたや぀。リリヌさん達がもの欲しそうに芋おいた事は蚀うたでもないず思う。 宿からレストランたでは埒歩で移動、なんだけど、実は割ず盎ぐ近くだったのも掛からずに到着した。䞭に入るずリリヌさんが察応しお埅合宀たで通されお、しばし埅機。その間もリリヌさんが絊仕の人盞手に色々ず応察をしおいた。泚文ずかしおるみたい? たあ、今日の私はご銳走になる偎なので党郚お任せ。こういう所は初めおだし、正盎よく分からないからね...... それからしばらくするず倧きい広間に通された。等間隔ずいう蚳ではないけど、ある皋床間を眮いおテヌブルが配眮されおいる。個宀ではないのは平民甚のフロアだからかな? でもその平民甚のフロアでも䞊等の郚類らしい。遞んだ料理のコヌスで通されるフロアが違うずかなんずか。 ちなみに貎族様のフロアは曎に奥にあり、基本的に個宀だそうだ。移動䞭にリリヌさんが教えおくれた。なるほどなヌ。 そんなこんなでテヌブルたで案内されお怅子を匕かれ、着垭、しようずした所で問題が発生。私がマントを着甚しっぱなしなのがたずいらしい。 マント着甚のたたでもいいのでは? ず聞いおみたずころ、以前は確かにそうだったのけれど、最近その栌奜で問題を起こした冒険者が耇数いたずかで芋盎す事になったのだそうだ。䜕ず蚀うずばっちり。 折角ここたで来たのだから食べずに垰るずいうのは流石に無い。なので諊めおマントを脱ぐ事にする。 「なんだかすみたせん......こんな事になっおたなんお......」 「倧䞈倫ですよ、気にしないでください」 リリヌさんが凄い恐瞮しちゃっおお少し申し蚳ない気分になる。いや、ほんず気にしないでいいからね? 諊めおマントを脱いで絊仕の人に預けるず、途端に呚囲の垭の人の目が集䞭しおちょっず萜ち着かない。絊仕の人も目を芋開いお固たっちゃっおるし。むむむ。 でももうここたできたら私も気にしないでスルヌするしかないので、気にしない気にしない! 気を取り盎しおおしゃべりしおいるうちにいよいよお料理が運ばれおきた。ドキドキしたすなヌ! リリヌさん曰く、このフロアを䜿える富裕局でも、平民はマナヌを身に着けおない人も倚いらしく、順番に料理を持っおくるコヌス料理だず色々ず勘違いしお文句を蚀う人が居るかららしい。 ### ENGLISH: And so we have arrived at the restaurant.The time was a bit early for dinner. It should be around six now? With this we should be able to avoid some of the crowds. I see, it seems the two took this into consideration. Lily and Arisa sure were good kids. Additionally, Norn and Bell were house-sitting. Sorry.......it wasn’t much of an apology, but I left them some Mad Bull meat for dinner. I grilled it using the yakiniku sauce I made myself. It goes without saying that Lily and Arisa were staring quite intensely at me. We traveled from the inn to the restaurant on foot, but since it was quite close, we arrived in less than five minutes. When we entered inside, Lily got us a waiting room and we waited for a while. Meanwhile, Lily was giving various orders to the waiter. I guess she’ll be handling the orders? Well, that was fine with me since I was the one being treated. It was my first time in this kind of place, so I wasn’t really familiar with things too....... After a while, we were led into a large hall. The tables weren’t evenly spaced apart, but they were spaced some distance apart. I guess there weren’t any private rooms since this area was for ordinary people? But it still looked quite high class despite being an area for ordinary people. Apparently, each area had different course meal selections. Incidentally, the area for nobles was further back, and were private rooms. Lily told me all this while we were moving, I see. We were guided to a table and a situation occurred where I had tried to pull the seat and sit down when the waiter was supposed to do it for me. And it seems there were issues with me keeping my cloak on. I thought I was allowed to keep my cloak on? When I asked, I was told that it used to be the case, but the rule had been revised due to recent issues with the appearance of some adventurers. What should I even say here. There was no way we were going to return without eating after having come this far. So I gave up and took off my cloak. “I’m sorry.......for something like this to happen........” “It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” I felt apologetic towards Lily who felt that the incident was her fault. So really please don’t mind it, okay? When I gave up and took off my cloak and gave it to the waiter, the eyes of the people in the surrounding seats immediately gathered on me and I became a bit restless. The waiter’s eyes were also wide with surprise. Mumumu. But since we were already here, I have no choice but to ignore it, so just ignore everything! After I recomposed myself, we chatted for a bit and the food was finally brought out. I feel excited! All the dishes were placed onto the table at once. It didn’t seem like it was course-style. Lily explained that even though this area was used by people with more wealth, most of the people were still commoners and thus didn’t know formal dining etiquette. As such, some people would complain or be confused when the food was brought out course-style.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: その「正しい知識をもった州」の堎所を聞いおも皆さんは驚かないでしょう コネチカットではないですからね 䜓眰を容認する理由は 明らかに宗教的な背景です 創造神は蚀っおいたす 鞭を惜しむず 子どもはだめになる 旧玄聖曞13章ず20ç«  そしお23章に曞かれおいたず思いたす 䞀般的に考えお 子どもの感情的発達をうながす― 躟のためずいう名目で 子どもに暎力を加えお 恥をかかせるこずは 良いず蚀えるでしょうか (䌚堎:笑い声) この問題に答えがないずでも 思う人はいるでしょうか 意に介しない人はいるでしょうか 安泰ずいう抂念が 挠然ずしおいるために 皆の芋解が 䞀臎しないず思う人は少なくないでしょう では どうやっお安泰の抂念を 定矩づけられるでしょうか 身䜓的な健康状態の抂念を考えおみおください 身䜓的な健康は 定矩づけられおいたせん スペクタヌ氏が蚀ったように 䜕幎もの間に抂念は倉わりたした この像が圫られたずき 平均寿呜は30歳皋床だったでしょう 先進囜では珟圚80歳前埌です い぀の日か 遺䌝子操䜜をすれば 200歳でマラ゜ンを走れないのは 立掟な障害だず思われお 寄付金が送られおくるかもしれたせん (䌚堎:笑い声) 健康に察する抂念が曖昧でも 健康の抂念が 無意味なのではありたせん 健康な人ず死んだ人の区別は 科孊で区別される― いかなる区別ず同じくらい明らかで重倧です 道埳芳の景芳には 安泰を意味するピヌクが倚々あるかもしれたせん 人間の繁栄を最倧化するために 人間瀟䌚を組織する方法は 耇数存圚するかもしれたせんが なぜこれが客芳的に芋る道埳芳を 掘り厩すこずをしないのでしょうか 食べ物を䟋にずりたす 䜓に良い食べ物はこれしかない ず 断蚀できる食べ物はないず思いたす 健康的な食生掻を぀くり出す 食品はたくさんありたすが 食品ず毒の区別は 簡単に぀けるこずができたす 食品ずは䜕か ずいう問いに たくさんの答えが 考えられるからず蚀っお 栄逊に぀いお知るべき事実はないずは蚀えたせん 普遍的な道埳芳は 䟋倖を認めない道埳的な教蚓でなければならないず 心配する人がたくさんいたす 嘘を぀くのが悪いこずならば 嘘を぀くのは垞に悪いこずに違いない もし その䟋倖があるならば 道埳的真理なんおものは存圚しない このような発想になるのは なぜでしょう チェスを考えおみおください 勝぀ためのコツは クむヌンを取られないこず でも クむヌンを 取られおしたうこずで 有利になるこずがあるのも事実です クむヌンがずられおしたうこずが䞍利にならない唯䞀の動きのずきだっおありたす ### ENGLISH: The locations of these enlightened districts, I think, will fail to surprise you. We're not talking about Connecticut. And the rationale for this behavior is explicitly religious. The creator of the universe himself has told us not to spare the rod, lest we spoil the child -- this is in Proverbs 13 and 20, and I believe, 23. But we can ask the obvious question: Is it a good idea, generally speaking, to subject children to pain and violence and public humiliation as a way of encouraging healthy emotional development and good behavior? that this question has an answer, and that it matters? Now, many of you might worry that the notion of well-being is truly undefined, and seemingly perpetually open to be re-construed. And so, how therefore can there be an objective notion of well-being? Well, consider by analogy, the concept of physical health. The concept of physical health is undefined. As we just heard from Michael Specter, it has changed over the years. When this statue was carved the average life expectancy was probably 30. It's now around 80 in the developed world. There may come a time when we meddle with our genomes in such a way that not being able to run a marathon at age 200 will be considered a profound disability. People will send you donations when you're in that condition. Notice that the fact that the concept of health is open, genuinely open for revision, does not make it vacuous. The distinction between a healthy person and a dead one is about as clear and consequential as any we make in science. Another thing to notice is there may be many peaks on the moral landscape: There may be equivalent ways to thrive; there may be equivalent ways to organize a human society so as to maximize human flourishing. Now, why wouldn't this undermine an objective morality? Well think of how we talk about food: I would never be tempted to argue to you that there must be one right food to eat. There is clearly a range of materials that constitute healthy food. But there's nevertheless a clear distinction between food and poison. The fact that there are many right answers to the question, "What is food?" does not tempt us to say that there are no truths to be known about human nutrition. that a universal morality would require moral precepts that admit of no exceptions. So, for instance, if it's really wrong to lie, it must always be wrong to lie, and if you can find an exception, well then there's no such thing as moral truth. Why would we think this? Consider, by analogy, the game of chess. Now, if you're going to play good chess, a principle like, "Don't lose your Queen," is very good to follow. But it clearly admits some exceptions. There are moments when losing your Queen is a brilliant thing to do. There are moments when it is the only good thing you can do.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 私の名前を呌んで 「圌女に甚がある」の䞀点匵りです 譊備員が車から降り 「私が話そう 䜕の甚だ?」ず 尋ねたした 圌らは「䜕も」ず蚀い 私の名を呌びたした 車の䞭では 女性たちが泣き喚いおいたした 私も震え䞊がっお もうだめだず思いたした 今床こそ みんな殺される ず 絶察そうだず思いたした それでも そんな時には 自分の信念ず行動から 力が湧いおくるものです 力は心の䞭にありたす 自分の䟡倀を信じれば それが頌りになるのです だから私は車内のドアに しがみ぀いおいたしたが 足を震わせながら車から出お 男たちに たずねたした 「䜕の甚ですか?」 圌らが䜕ず蚀ったず思いたすか? 「お前のこずは知っおいる どこに行こうずしおいるかも 毎日 北郚を回っおいるな 女に授業をしお 教育しお 仕事に就く機䌚を䞎えおいる 技胜を身に付けさせおいる 俺たちにもやっおくれないか?」 (拍手) 「俺たちが盞手ならどうだ? どうしたらいい?」 私は圌らを芋お蚀いたした 「わからない」 するず圌らは蚀いたした 「別にいいさ 生たれおこの方 俺たちは 銃を手に人を殺すこずしか しおこなかったし それしか知らないんだ」 どういうこずかわかりたすよね 圓然 眠だず思いたした だから その堎から去ろうずするず 「行っおいい」ず蚀われたした そこで車に戻っお 垭に着き 運転手に蚀いたした 「Uタヌンしお事務所に戻っお」 その頃 私たちは 女子の支揎しかしおいたせんでした 授業をする女性ぞの絊料ず 圌女たちを孊校ぞ掟遣する 資金しかなかったのです 事務所に戻った時には 教員はみんな去っおいたした 逃げ垰っおしたい 誰も残っおいなかったんです ただ䞀人残ったのは譊備員だけで 私は蚀葉を倱いたした 気を取り盎しお机の前に座り 「これからどうしよう」ず蚀いたした この問題をどう解決するか? ずいうのも 北郚での授業は もう始たっおいたからです 授業を受けるために 䜕癟人もの女性が集たっおいたした 私がそこに座っおいるず きっかけずは たさにこのこずでしょう その時 急に 私の支揎者の䞀人が ある報告曞のこずで電話しおきたんです 圌女が「サケナ?」ず話しかけ 私は答えたした 「あなたらしくないわね どうしたの?」 私は「䜕でもない」ず蚀っお 隠そうずしたんですが 圌女は信じず たた尋ねおきたす 「䞀䜓どうしたの?」 私は党郚打ち明けたした するず圌女はこう蚀いたした 「次に行く時 圌らに手を貞せばいい あなたは圌らを救えるわ」 ### ENGLISH: My bodyguard got out, said, "I can answer you. What do you want?" They said, "Nothing." They called my name. And by that time, the women are yelling and screaming inside the car. I am very shaken up, and I told myself, this is it. This time, we all are going to be killed. There is no doubt in my mind. But still, the moment comes, and you take strength from whatever you believe and whatever you do. It's in your heart. You believe in your worth, and you can walk on it. So I just hold myself on the side of the car. My leg was shaking, and I got outside. And I asked them, "What can I do for you?" You know what they said to me? They said, "We know who you are. We know where you are going. Every day you go up north here and there. You train women, you teach them and also you give them an opportunity to have a job. You build their skills. How about us?" "And you know, how about us? What are we going to do?" I looked at them, and I said, "I don't know." They said, "It's OK. The only thing we can do, what we know, from the time we're born, we just hold the gun and kill. That's all we know." And you know what that means. It's a trap to me, of course. So I walk out of there. They said, "We'll let you go, go." And so I walked into the car, I sit in the car, and I told the driver, "Turn around and go back to the office." At that time, we only were supporting girls. We only had money for women to train them, to send them to school, and nothing else. By the time I came to the office, of course my trainers were gone. They ran away home. Nobody stayed there. My bodyguard was the only one there, and my voice was completely gone. I was shaken up, and I sat on my table, and I said, "What am I going to do?" How am I going to solve this problem? Because we had training going on up north already. Hundreds of women were there coming to get training. So I was sitting there, all of a sudden, at this moment, talking about momentum, we are, at that moment, one of my wonderful donors called me about a report. And she asked me, "Sakena?" And I answered her. She said, "It's not you. What's wrong with you?" I said, "Nothing." I tried to cover. No matter what I tried to do, she didn't believe me, and she asked me again. "OK, tell me what's going on?" I told her the whole story. At that time, she said, "OK, you go next time, and you will help them. You will help them." And when, two days later, I went the same route, and do you know, they were not in here, they were a little back further, the same young men, standing up there and holding the rifle and pointing to us to stop the car.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: この䞖界には竜皮ず呌ばれる存圚がいる。 それは倧きく分ける類、『竜』ず『韍』に分けられる。 これを匱い順に説明するず、たず停竜はトカゲや蛇などの䞭でも竜っぜい倖芋の奎等が倉異したもの凄く玛らわしい連䞭で、厳密には竜じゃない。 コモドオオトカゲやペロむトカゲなどの竜みたいな倖芋の爬虫類は地球にもいるが、そういう連䞭がマナで倉異した竜にしか芋えない魔物を総じお『停竜』ず呌ぶ。 マルスが以前匕き連れおいたワむバヌンも勿論この郚類だ。ちなみに倉異前はトビトカゲである。 たた、蛇が倉異したものは韍みたいな倖芋になるのでこちらは『停韍』ず呌ばれる事もある。実に玛らわしい。 埌に『韍』の蚭定が固たった時、プレむダヌから『韍なら1䜜目に出おるじゃん』ず突っ蟌たれ、補䜜サむドはこれに倧局慌おた。 自分達が1䜜目で既に韍を、しかも雑魚モンスタヌで出しおしたっおいた事を完党に倱念しおいたのだ。 困りに困った補䜜者達は『あれは韍じゃない。蛇から倉異しただけのそっくりの停竜なんだ!』ず蚀い蚳をしお、その結果玛らわしい停ドラゎンの蚭定を䜜っおしたった。 これが停竜誕生の経緯だ。 勿論こい぀らは倖芋が䌌おいるだけの、魔物化した爬虫類なのでドラゎンでも䜕でもない。 だから実力も倧した事ないし、ぶっちゃけおしたえば芋た目だけ匷そうなただの雑魚だ。 たあ、玛い物ずは蚀え芋た目は栌奜いいので、テむマヌには結構人気があったが。 次に『恐竜』。 これはミズカルズの䞖界に昔から生息しおいお、䜕故かただ絶滅しおいない恐竜そのものだ。 ぀たりただの生物であり、魔物ですらない。 しかしこれがなかなか匷く、匱い魔物や魔神族、冒険者くらいなら容易く捕食されおしたう。 少なくずも停竜なんぞより遥かに怖いし匷い連䞭だ。 もっずも、地球の恐竜は最近の研究で矜毛が生えおた事が刀明しおいるので、倚分地球の恐竜ずはかなり異なるんだろう。 20䞖玀の頃の恐竜図鑑に出お来るような、巚倧な爬虫類の姿だし、こい぀ら。 次に『竜』。この䞖界でドラゎンず蚀えば基本的にはこれを指す。 勿論これもマナで倉異した魔物なのだが、その倉異元がやばい。 䜕ず前述の恐竜がマナで倉異しお魔物化したものこそがドラゎンだ。 ### ENGLISH: In this world, there existed the species called the Dragonkins. The dragonkins could be divided into [Dragon] and [Wyrm]. Pseudo-dragon was the classification given to those mutated from the lizards or snakes which originally had outer appearances similar to that of dragons. Although they were classified as part of the dragonkin, they were technically not dragons. These pseudo-dragons were the post-mutated species of reptiles such as Komodo dragons and giant girdled lizards which also existed back on Earth. Once they were mutated by mana, as they could only be described as dragon-like magical beasts, they were called ‘Pseudo-dragons’. Needless to say, the wyverns that Mars were previously controlling was within this category. As a side note, the pre-mutated state of the wyvern was the gliding lizard. Additionally, when the snakes mutated, as their outer appearances became similar to those of wyrms, they were sometimes called [Pseudo-wyrms]. It was truly confusing. Later on, when the setting for the dragon was established, players retorted back (tsukommi) by saying “dragon already came out during the initial release”, which stomped the developers on what to do about their game. The developers had completely forgotten that they had already introduced dragons as small fry monsters. As they could not come up with a solution to this issue, they made up the confusing settings of “pseudo-dragons” as an excuse after saying “Those are not dragons. They’re just ‘fake dragons’; a mutated form of snakes.” And that was the circumstance behind the birth of the pseudo-dragons. Needless to say, as they were merely reptiles which had mutated into magical beasts with their outer appearances resembling those of dragons, they were not actually dragons. As a consequence, their abilities were not significant and were merely strong-looking small fries. Although they were merely fakes, as their outer appearances were “cool”, they were popular amongst the tamers. Next was the [Dinosaurs]. These creatures existed from the past in this world of Midgard and were authentic dinosaurs that had not yet been wiped out. In other words, dinosaurs were merely animals and thus not even magical beasts. Notwithstanding, the dinosaurs were quite strong to the extent of easily eating weaker magical beasts, demons and adventurers. At the very least, they were a significantly scarier and stronger group compared to the pseudo-dragons. To begin with, as the recent research on the dinosaurs back on Earth had established that dinosaurs had feathers on them, I believe the dinosaurs here were quite different from the dinosaurs there. Essentially, they looked like giant-reptile that were often portrayed in the th-century artworks of the dinosaurs. The next on the list was [Dragon]. Fundamentally in this world, when one mentions the word “dragon”, this category was what they were describing. These creatures were also magical beasts that were mutated by mana, however, their original form was what made them so fearsome. That was because this category of [Dragon] was the result of the aforementioned dinosaurs that had mutated.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ケヌテがセルリスずニアを芋ながら蚀う。 『我らはいいのだが、セルリスずニアずガルノは念話で話すこずは出来ないのだ』 ガルノもふんふん錻を鳎らしおいた。ガルノは元から喋れないので、どっちでもいい。 『そうですね。どうしたすか?』 ルッチラが困った衚情で聞いおくる。 党員、念話の䌚話を聞くこずは出来る。そしおシア、ケヌテ、ルッチラは念話で発話ができる。 だが、セルリスずニアは発話ができない。 『教えおおくべきだった。今床教えるっお蚀ったのにな。これが終わったら即座に教えよう』 『それがよいのである。だが、今はどうするのであるか?』 『もし、䌝えたいこずがあれば手を䞊げおくれ。筆談か䜕かしよう』 セルリスずニアずガルノはこくこくずうなずいた。 『あっず、ちょっず埅っおくれ。族長たちにも怪しげな魔道具のこずを䌝えおくる』 俺はすぐに、魔道具が盗聎噚であっおも聞こえない皋床に距離をずる。 「ダントン、聞こえるか?」 『聞こえる。どうした。随分小声だな』 ダントンの声もかなり小さい。 「詳しい話は埌回しにするが、呚蟺であやしい物䜓があったら近づかないでくれ」 『わかった。みんなにも䌝えようか?』 「頌む。䜕らかの魔道具かもしれない。ノァンパむアを倒しおも死骞をしばらく攟眮しおくれ」 『了解した』 あずはダントンに任せればいいだろう。 俺は魔道具のもずに戻った。 敵の残した䞍審な魔力反応だ。 は地面に萜ちおいたこぶし倧の謎の魔道具。それは魔道具であるこずを隠したいらしい。 もう䞀぀は死骞の䞭に埋め蟌たれおいる謎の反応だ。こっちはどういう類だろうか。 『ずりあえず、死骞に埋め蟌たれおいる反応も調査しおみよう』 『シア、セルリス、ニアは他のノァンパむアの凊理を続けおくれ』 『わかったでありたす。ずはいえ、もうほずんど終わっおいるでありたすよ』 レッサヌノァンパむアだけ。぀たり魔道具が入っおないのは二䜓。 あずはたずめお燃やすだけだ。 俺は䞍審な魔力反応のあったレッサヌの死骞に近づいお魔力探査を発動する。 『取り出しおみるか』 ケヌテやシアたちが俺の埌ろから興味接々ず蚀った感じでのぞき蟌んできた。 『あたりみられるず緊匵するんだが』 『䞀流冒険者の解䜓技術を芋させおもらうでありたすよ!』 そんなこずを蚀われるず䜙蚈に緊匵する。 俺はレッサヌノァンパむアの暪隔膜の䞋あたりから、反応しおいたものを取り出した。 『地面に萜ちおた物より倧きいのである』 『そうだな......』 それはこぶし二぀分ぐらいの倧きさの球だった。こちらの玠材も愚者の石のようだ。 ### ENGLISH: Kathe looked at Serulis and Nia and said, ‘While we can do it, Serulis, Nia and Grulf are unable to talk through Telepathy.’ Grulf also sniffed and snorted. But Grulf couldn’t talk in the first place, so it was of no importance. ‘Indeed. What should we do?’ Luchila asked with a troubled expression. Everyone was able to listen to Telepathy. But only Shia, Kathe, and Luchila could talk with it. Serulis and Nia could not. ‘I should have taught you. I told you that I would do it soon. We’ll do it as soon as we get back.’ ‘Yes, that would be for the best. But what do we do now?’ ‘If you have something that you must say, raise your hand. Then perhaps you can write it down.’ Serulis, Nia, and Grulf nodded. ‘Oh, wait a minute. I need to tell the chiefs about the suspicious magic tool.’ I moved away from the magic tool so I could talk without being overheard, if it did happen to be a listening device. “Danton. Can you hear me?” ‘I can hear you. What is it? You’re whispering.’ Danton was also talking quietly. “I’ll give you the details later. But if you see anything suspicious over there, don’t go near it.” ‘Very well. Do you want me to tell the others?’ “Yes. It might be some kind of magic device. If you kill any vampires, I would advise that you leave their bodies alone for now.” ‘Understood.’ I could leave the rest to Danton. And so I returned to the magic tool. There were two objects that the enemy had left. One was the fist-sized device that was on the ground. It was the one that was disguised. The other thing had been hidden inside of a corpse. ‘In any case, we should inspect the thing that’s buried in the corpse.’ ‘Yes, I agree.’ ‘Shia, Serulis, Nia. You continue to deal with the other corpses.’ ‘Okay. Well, we’re practically finished already.’ There were only lesser vampires. In other words, only didn’t have a magic tool inside of them. And since they were experienced Adventurers, removing the magic stones was easy work. They just had to burn them now. And so I approached the remaining corpse and activated Magic Exploration. ‘I think I’ll try taking it out.’ Kathe and Shia watched from behind. They both seemed to be very curious. ‘And it makes me nervous to have people watch so closely.’ ‘But we want to see a first-rate Adventurer cut open a body!’ Hearing that made things even worse. Still, I took the device out from under the diaphragm. ‘This one is a little bigger than the one on the ground.’ ‘That’s true...’</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 昚幎は南米ず䞭囜を蚪れ FLSの基瀎を玹介したした 行く先々で 壁を感じたした 「孊びたいが 母囜語でないず難しい」 ずいうこずです こうなれば良いず思いたせんか? 出垭者それぞれの母囜語を䜿っお 様々な蚀語で同時に講矩ができたら良いですね アゞアや南米 アフリカやペヌロッパ 様々な地域に䜏む人々に 技術の力を借りお スムヌズで 正確に コスト効率よく 話をしたいのものです もちろん盞手の話も 理解できなければいけたせん 䜕か教えおもらえるこずが あるはずです 壮倧な蚈画です すでに倚蚀語翻蚳機が存圚するか 探しおみたした 珟圚 りェブペヌゞや携垯ですら 翻蚳機胜が䜿えたすから でも手術を教えるのに䜿えるものは ありたせんでした レキシコンが必芁だからです ぀たり専門甚語集のようなもの 医療関係の専門甚語集が必芁です 曎に 倖科関係の専門甚語集も必芁です でもそんなもの ありたせん これは䜜る必芁がありたす それでは我々が今行っおいる事をお芋せしたしょう ただ研究段階で 普及しおはいたせんが IBM研究所ず共同で いく぀かのテクノロゞヌを組み合わせ 倚蚀語翻蚳機を制䜜しおいたす たずは枠組みです 倖科医が講矩を行っおいるずき 画面に字幕を付けられる フレヌムワヌクを䜿いたす そこにビデオ䌚議技術を 付け足すわけです ただ字幕が出おいないので 3番目の技術を加えたす これで字幕が付きたす ここに翻蚳の機胜をかぶせたす 枠の䞭に字幕が出たら 魔法のように蚀語を倉えるのです これが4぀目の技術です 珟圚11蚀語が䜿えたす 䞖界をさらに瞮めるために もっず蚀語を増やしおいきたす 詊䜜品をお芋せしたしょう 普段バラバラになっおいる これらの技術を集結させ 玠晎らしいものが出来たした 腹腔鏡手術の基瀎 第5ç« : 手術手技の緎習 蚀語を遞んで母囜語で 字幕を芋るこずができたす 南米の孊習者は 「スペむン語で芋る」のボタンをクリックしたす するずリアルタむムでスペむン語の字幕が芋られたす もし北京で授業を受けおいたら この技術を䜿えば 同じように 䞭囜語で字幕を芋るこずが出来たす ロシア語でも䜕でも 人を介せずに同時通蚳が可胜になりたす でもそれは講矩だけ 冒頭で FLS(基瀎腹腔鏡手術) に぀いおお話したしたが この手術には知識ず技術が必芁です 手術においお 成功するかしないかの違いは 手先の動䜜のほんのわずかな違いです ですのでもう䞀歩螏み蟌みたした アランに再び登堎しおもらいたす 今日は瞫合の緎習をしたす このように針を持っおください 針の先を持぀のです 手がブレないように ### ENGLISH: This past year I've been in Latin America, I've been in China, talking about the fundamentals of laparoscopic surgery. And everywhere I go the barrier is: "We want this, but we need it in our language." So here's what we think we want to do: Imagine giving a lecture and being able to talk to people in their own native language simultaneously. I want to talk to the people in Asia, Latin America, Africa, Europe seamlessly, accurately and in a cost-effective fashion using technology. And it has to be bi-directional. They have to be able to teach us something as well. It's a big task. So we looked for a universal translator; I thought there would be one out there. Your webpage has translation, your cellphone has translation, but nothing that's good enough to teach surgery. Because we need a lexicon. What is a lexicon? A lexicon is a body of words that describes a domain. I need to have a health care lexicon. And in that I need a surgery lexicon. That's a tall order. We have to work at it. So let me show you what we're doing. This is research -- can't buy it. We're working with the folks at IBM Research from the Accessibility Center to string together technologies to work towards the universal translator. It starts with a framework system where when the surgeon delivers the lecture using a framework of captioning technology, we then add another technology to do video conferencing. But we don't have the words yet, so we add a third technology. And now we've got the words, and we can apply the special sauce: the translation. We get the words up in a window and then apply the magic. We work with a fourth technology. And we currently have access to eleven language pairs. More to come as we think about trying to make the world a smaller place. And I'd like to show you our prototype of stringing all of these technologies that don't necessarily always talk to each other to become something useful. Narrator: Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery. Module five: manual skills practice. Students may display captions in their native language. Steven Schwaitzberg: If you're in Latin America, you click the "I want it in Spanish" button and out it comes in real time in Spanish. But if you happen to be sitting in Beijing at the same time, by using technology in a constructive fashion, you could get it in Mandarin or you could get it in Russian -- on and on and on, simultaneously without the use of human translators. But that's the lectures. If you remember what I told you about FLS at the beginning, it's knowledge and skills. The difference in an operation between doing something successfully and not may be moving your hand this much. So we're going to take it one step further; we've brought my friend Allan back. Allan Okrainec: Today we're going to practice suturing. This is how you hold the needle. Grab the needle at the tip. It's important to be accurate.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 過去40幎で 少し䞋がっおきおいたすが これからの40幎では 劇的に倉わりたす 䞭囜でさえです 劎働人口の割合は 劇的に䞋がり 定幎した人たちの割合は 本圓に急速に䞊がりたす ベビヌブヌム䞖代が定幎を迎えるからです ぀たり 瀟䌚保障にあおるお金が枛る䞀方 より倚くの人が瀟䌚保障を必芁ずするわけです でも それ以䞊に 幎を取れば 力も匱くなっお か぀おは できおいた䜜業も できなくなりたす 介護士の幎霢に぀いおの統蚈を芋るず 介護士たちの幎霢局も どんどん䞊がっお行くのが分かりたす 今たさに 統蚈的に起こっおいるこずです 定幎退職を迎えた人たちが さらに幎を取り 増えおいく䞀方で 䞖話をする人たちは枛っおいきたす 私たちは ロボットの助けが 本圓に必芁になりたす ロボットを 付き添っおくれる仲間ずは 考えおいたせん ロボットは 私たちが幎を取っおするのが 難しくなったこずをしおくれるもの 車から食料品を出しお 階段を䞊り 台所ぞ運ぶようなこずです もっず幎を取れば 人に䌚いに 車を運転するこずもです ロボット工孊があれば 幎を取っおも 尊厳を維持できるかもしれない ロボットによる解決策を コントロヌルしさえすれば良いのです 頌れる人は枛る䞀方ですが 人に頌る必芁はありたせん 私はこう信じおいたす 私たちは 日々の生掻でバクスタヌのようなロボットず より倚くの時間を過ごし 行動を共にするようになる そしお― ほら バクスタヌ よくやったね そしお今埌40幎の間に 私たちは ロボットに頌るようになるでしょう 毎日の生掻の䞀郚ずしお ありがずうございたした ### ENGLISH: And it's gone down slightly over the last 40 years. But over the next 40 years, it's going to change dramatically, even in China. The percentage of adults who are working age drops dramatically. And turned up the other way, the people who are retirement age goes up very, very fast, as the baby boomers get to retirement age. That means there will be more people with fewer social security dollars competing for services. But more than that, as we get older we get more frail and we can't do all the tasks we used to do. If we look at the statistics on the ages of caregivers, before our eyes those caregivers are getting older and older. That's happening statistically right now. And as the number of people who are older, above retirement age and getting older, as they increase, there will be less people to take care of them. And I think we're really going to have to have robots to help us. And I don't mean robots in terms of companions. I mean robots doing the things that we normally do for ourselves but get harder as we get older. Getting the groceries in from the car, up the stairs, into the kitchen. Or even, as we get very much older, driving our cars to go visit people. And I think robotics gives people a chance to have dignity as they get older by having control of the robotic solution. So they don't have to rely on people that are getting scarcer to help them. and working with robots like Baxter in our daily lives. And that we will -- Here, Baxter, it's good. And that we will all come to rely on robots over the next 40 years as part of our everyday lives. Thanks very much.</s>
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