def command(): return ( OneOrMore( Word(approved_printables+' ').setResultsName('command', listAllMatches=True) ^ Grammar.__command_input_output.setResultsName('_in', listAllMatches=True) ) )
Grammar for commands found in the overall input files.
def listen_to_event_updates(): def callback(event): print('Event:', event) client.create_event_subscription(instance='simulator', on_data=callback) sleep(5)
Subscribe to events.
def get_current_scene_node(): c = cmds.namespaceInfo(':', listOnlyDependencyNodes=True, absoluteName=True, dagPath=True) l =, type='jb_sceneNode', absoluteName=True) if not l: return else: for n in sorted(l): if not cmds.listConnections("%s.reftrack" % n, d=False): return n
Return the name of the jb_sceneNode, that describes the current scene or None if there is no scene node. :returns: the full name of the node or none, if there is no scene node :rtype: str | None :raises: None
def updateSpec(self, *args, **kwargs): if args[0] is None: self.specPlot.clearImg() elif isinstance(args[0], basestring): self.specPlot.fromFile(*args, **kwargs) else: self.specPlot.updateData(*args,**kwargs)
Updates the spectrogram. First argument can be a filename, or a data array. If no arguments are given, clears the spectrograms. For other arguments, see: :meth:`SpecWidget.updateData<sparkle.gui.plotting.pyqtgraph_widgets.SpecWidget.updateData>`
def showSpec(self, fname): if not self.specPlot.hasImg() and fname is not None: self.specPlot.fromFile(fname)
Draws the spectrogram if it is currently None
def updateSpiketrace(self, xdata, ydata, plotname=None): if plotname is None: plotname = self.responsePlots.keys()[0] if len(ydata.shape) == 1: self.responsePlots[plotname].updateData(axeskey='response', x=xdata, y=ydata) else: self.responsePlots[plotname].addTraces(xdata, ydata)
Updates the spike trace :param xdata: index values :type xdata: numpy.ndarray :param ydata: values to plot :type ydata: numpy.ndarray
def addRasterPoints(self, xdata, repnum, plotname=None): if plotname is None: plotname = self.responsePlots.keys()[0] ydata = np.ones_like(xdata)*repnum self.responsePlots[plotname].appendData('raster', xdata, ydata)
Add a list (or numpy array) of points to raster plot, in any order. :param xdata: bin centers :param ydata: rep number
def updateSignal(self, xdata, ydata, plotname=None): if plotname is None: plotname = self.responsePlots.keys()[0] self.responsePlots[plotname].updateData(axeskey='stim', x=xdata, y=ydata)
Updates the trace of the outgoing signal :param xdata: time points of recording :param ydata: brain potential at time points
def setXlimits(self, lims): # update all "linked", plots self.specPlot.setXlim(lims) for plot in self.responsePlots.values(): plot.setXlim(lims) # ridiculous... sizes = self.splittersw.sizes() if len(sizes) > 1: if self.badbadbad: sizes[0] +=1 sizes[1] -=1 else: sizes[0] -=1 sizes[1] +=1 self.badbadbad = not self.badbadbad self.splittersw.setSizes(sizes) self._ignore_range_signal = False
Sets the X axis limits of the trace plot :param lims: (min, max) of x axis, in same units as data :type lims: (float, float)
def setNreps(self, nreps): for plot in self.responsePlots.values(): plot.setNreps(nreps)
Sets the number of reps before the raster plot resets
def specAutoRange(self): trace_range = self.responsePlots.values()[0].viewRange()[0] vb = self.specPlot.getViewBox() vb.autoRange(padding=0) self.specPlot.setXlim(trace_range)
Auto adjusts the visible range of the spectrogram
def interpret_header(self): # handle special cases since date-obs field changed names if 'DATE_OBS' in self.header: = self.header['DATE_OBS'] elif 'DATE-OBS' in self.header: = self.header['DATE-OBS'] else: raise Exception("Image does not have a DATE_OBS or DATE-OBS field"), = self.header['CRPIX1'], self.header['CRPIX2'] sun_radius_angular = sun.solar_semidiameter_angular_size(t=time.parse_time( arcsec_per_pixel = self.header['CDELT1'] self.sun_radius_pixel = (sun_radius_angular / arcsec_per_pixel)
Read pertinent information from the image headers, especially location and radius of the Sun to calculate the default thematic map :return: setes,,, and self.sun_radius_pixel
def save(self): out = Outgest(self.output, self.selection_array.astype('uint8'), self.headers, self.config_path) out.upload()
Save as a FITS file and attempt an upload if designated in the configuration file
def on_exit(self): answer = messagebox.askyesnocancel("Exit", "Do you want to save as you quit the application?") if answer: self.quit() self.destroy() elif answer is None: pass # the cancel action else: self.quit() self.destroy()
When you click to exit, this function is called, prompts whether to save
def make_gui(self): self.option_window = Toplevel() self.option_window.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.on_exit) self.canvas_frame = tk.Frame(self, height=500) self.option_frame = tk.Frame(self.option_window, height=300) self.canvas_frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) self.option_frame.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=None, expand=False) self.make_options_frame() self.make_canvas_frame() self.disable_singlecolor()
Setups the general structure of the gui, the first function called
def configure_threecolor_image(self): order = {'red': 0, 'green': 1, 'blue': 2} self.image = np.zeros((self.shape[0], self.shape[1], 3)) for color, var in self.multicolorvars.items(): channel = var.get() # determine which channel should be plotted as this color self.image[:, :, order[color]] =[channel] # scale the image by the power self.image[:, :, order[color]] = np.power(self.image[:, :, order[color]], self.multicolorpower[color].get()) # adjust the percentile thresholds lower = np.nanpercentile(self.image[:, :, order[color]], self.multicolormin[color].get()) upper = np.nanpercentile(self.image[:, :, order[color]], self.multicolormax[color].get()) self.image[np.where(self.image[:, :, order[color]] < lower)] = lower self.image[np.where(self.image[:, :, order[color]] > upper)] = upper # image values must be between (0,1) so scale image for color, index in order.items(): self.image[:, :, index] /= np.nanmax(self.image[:, :, index])
configures the three color image according to the requested parameters :return: nothing, just updates self.image
def configure_singlecolor_image(self, scale=False): # determine which channel to use self.image =[self.singlecolorvar.get()] # scale the image by requested power self.image = np.power(self.image, self.singlecolorpower.get()) # adjust the percentile thresholds lower = np.nanpercentile(self.image, self.singlecolormin.get()) upper = np.nanpercentile(self.image, self.singlecolormax.get()) self.image[self.image < lower] = lower self.image[self.image > upper] = upper # image values must be between (0,1) so scale image self.image /= np.nanmax(self.image)
configures the single color image according to the requested parameters :return: nothing, just updates self.image
def updateArray(self, array, indices, value): lin = np.arange(array.size) new_array = array.flatten() new_array[lin[indices]] = value return new_array.reshape(array.shape)
updates array so that pixels at indices take on value :param array: (m,n) array to adjust :param indices: flattened image indices to change value :param value: new value to assign :return: the changed (m,n) array
def onlasso(self, verts): p = path.Path(verts) ind = p.contains_points(self.pix, radius=1) self.history.append(self.selection_array.copy()) self.selection_array = self.updateArray(self.selection_array, ind, self.solar_class_var.get()) self.mask.set_data(self.selection_array) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
Main function to control the action of the lasso, allows user to draw on data image and adjust thematic map :param verts: the vertices selected by the lasso :return: nothin, but update the selection array so lassoed region now has the selected theme, redraws canvas
def onpress(self, event): if event.key == 'c': # clears all the contours for patch in self.region_patches: patch.remove() self.region_patches = [] self.fig.canvas.draw_idle() elif event.key == "u": # undo a label self.undobutton_action()
Reacts to key commands :param event: a keyboard event :return: if 'c' is pressed, clear all region patches
def make_options_frame(self): self.tab_frame = ttk.Notebook(self.option_frame, width=800) self.tab_configure = tk.Frame(self.tab_frame) self.tab_classify = tk.Frame(self.tab_frame) self.make_configure_tab() self.make_classify_tab() self.tab_frame.add(self.tab_configure, text="Configure") self.tab_frame.add(self.tab_classify, text="Classify") self.tab_frame.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True)
make the frame that allows for configuration and classification
def disable_multicolor(self): # disable the multicolor image for color in ['red', 'green', 'blue']: self.multicolorscales[color].config(state=tk.DISABLED, bg='grey') self.multicolorframes[color].config(bg='grey') self.multicolorlabels[color].config(bg='grey') self.multicolordropdowns[color].config(bg='grey', state=tk.DISABLED) self.multicolorminscale[color].config(bg='grey', state=tk.DISABLED) self.multicolormaxscale[color].config(bg='grey', state=tk.DISABLED) # enable the single color self.singlecolorscale.config(state=tk.NORMAL, bg=self.single_color_theme) self.singlecolorframe.config(bg=self.single_color_theme) self.singlecolorlabel.config(bg=self.single_color_theme) self.singlecolordropdown.config(bg=self.single_color_theme, state=tk.NORMAL) self.singlecolorminscale.config(bg=self.single_color_theme, state=tk.NORMAL) self.singlecolormaxscale.config(bg=self.single_color_theme, state=tk.NORMAL)
swap from the multicolor image to the single color image
def update_button_action(self): if self.mode.get() == 3: # threecolor self.configure_threecolor_image() elif self.mode.get() == 1: # singlecolor self.configure_singlecolor_image() else: raise ValueError("mode can only be singlecolor or threecolor") self.imageplot.set_data(self.image) if self.mode.get() == 1: # singlecolor self.imageplot.set_cmap('gist_gray') self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
when update button is clicked, refresh the data preview
def make_configure_tab(self): # Setup the choice between single and multicolor modeframe = tk.Frame(self.tab_configure) self.mode = tk.IntVar() singlecolor = tk.Radiobutton(modeframe, text="Single color", variable=self.mode, value=1, command=lambda: self.disable_multicolor()) multicolor = tk.Radiobutton(modeframe, text="Three color", variable=self.mode, value=3, command=lambda: self.disable_singlecolor()) self.mode.set(3) singlecolor.pack(side=tk.LEFT) multicolor.pack(side=tk.LEFT) updatebutton = tk.Button(master=modeframe, text="Update", command=self.update_button_action) updatebutton.pack(side=tk.RIGHT) modeframe.grid(row=0, column=0) self.setup_multicolor() self.setup_singlecolor()
initial set up of configure tab
def make_classify_tab(self): self.pick_frame = tk.Frame(self.tab_classify) self.pick_frame2 = tk.Frame(self.tab_classify) self.solar_class_var = tk.IntVar() self.solar_class_var.set(0) # initialize to unlabeled buttonnum = 0 frame = [self.pick_frame, self.pick_frame2] for text, value in self.config.solar_classes: b = tk.Radiobutton(frame[buttonnum % 2], text=text, variable=self.solar_class_var, value=value, background=self.config.solar_colors[text], indicatoron=0, width=50, height=2, command=self.change_class) b.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) buttonnum += 1 self.pick_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=5, sticky=tk.W + tk.E + tk.N + tk.S) self.pick_frame2.grid(row=0, column=1, rowspan=5, sticky=tk.W + tk.E + tk.N + tk.S) undobutton = tk.Button(master=self.tab_classify, text="Undo", command=self.undobutton_action) undobutton.grid(row=6, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.W + tk.E)
initial set up of classification tab
def undobutton_action(self): if len(self.history) > 1: old = self.history.pop(-1) self.selection_array = old self.mask.set_data(old) self.fig.canvas.draw_idle()
when undo is clicked, revert the thematic map to the previous state
def change_class(self): self.toolbarcenterframe.config(text="Draw: {}".format(self.config.solar_class_name[self.solar_class_var.get()]))
"on changing the classification label, update the "draw" text
def draw_circle(self, center, radius, array, value, mode="set"): ri, ci =[0], center[1], radius=radius, shape=array.shape) if mode == "add": array[ri, ci] += value elif mode == "set": array[ri, ci] = value else: raise ValueError("draw_circle mode must be 'set' or 'add' but {} used".format(mode)) return ri, ci, array[ri,ci]
Draws a circle of specified radius on the input array and fills it with specified value :param center: a tuple for the center of the circle :type center: tuple (x,y) :param radius: how many pixels in radius the circle is :type radius: int :param array: image to draw circle on :type array: size (m,n) numpy array :param value: what value to fill the circle with :type value: float :param mode: if "set" will assign the circle interior value, if "add" will add the value to the circle interior, throws exception otherwise :type mode: string, either "set" or "add" :return: updates input array
def draw_annulus(self, center, inner_radius, outer_radius, array, value, mode="set"): if mode == "add": self.draw_circle(center, outer_radius, array, value) self.draw_circle(center, inner_radius, array, -value) elif mode == "set": ri, ci, existing = self.draw_circle(center, inner_radius, array, -value) self.draw_circle(center, outer_radius, array, value) array[ri, ci] = existing else: raise ValueError("draw_annulus mode must be 'set' or 'add' but {} used".format(mode))
Draws an annulus of specified radius on the input array and fills it with specified value :param center: a tuple for the center of the annulus :type center: tuple (x,y) :param inner_radius: how many pixels in radius the interior empty circle is, where the annulus begins :type inner_radius: int :param outer_radius: how many pixels in radius the larger outer circle is, where the annulus ends :typde outer_radius: int :param array: image to draw annulus on :type array: size (m,n) numpy array :param value: what value to fill the annulus with :type value: float :param mode: if "set" will assign the circle interior value, if "add" will add the value to the circle interior, throws exception otherwise :type mode: string, either "set" or "add" :return: updates input array and then returns it with the annulus coordinates as a tuple
def draw_default(self, inside=5, outside=15): # fill everything with empty outer space if 'outer_space' in self.config.solar_class_index: self.selection_array[:, :] = self.config.solar_class_index['outer_space'] elif 'empty_outer_space' in self.config.solar_class_index: self.selection_array[:, :] = self.config.solar_class_index['empty_outer_space'] else: raise ValueError("outer_space or empty_outer_space must be classes with colors.") # draw the limb label in its location self.draw_annulus((,, self.sun_radius_pixel - inside, self.sun_radius_pixel + outside, self.selection_array, self.config.solar_class_index['limb']) # draw quiet sun in its location self.draw_circle((,, self.sun_radius_pixel - inside, self.selection_array, self.config.solar_class_index['quiet_sun'])
Draw suggested sun disk, limb, and empty background :param inside: how many pixels from the calculated solar disk edge to go inward for the limb :param outside: how many pixels from the calculated solar disk edge to go outward for the limb :return: updates the self.selection_array
def values(self): self.vals['nfft'] = self.ui.nfftSpnbx.value() self.vals['window'] = str(self.ui.windowCmbx.currentText()).lower() self.vals['overlap'] = self.ui.overlapSpnbx.value() return self.vals
Gets the parameter values :returns: dict of inputs: | *'nfft'*: int -- length, in samples, of FFT chunks | *'window'*: str -- name of window to apply to FFT chunks | *'overlap'*: float -- percent overlap of windows
def run(config, max_jobs, output=sys.stdout, job_type='local', report_type='text', shell='/bin/bash', temp='.metapipe', run_now=False): if max_jobs == None: max_jobs = cpu_count() parser = Parser(config) try: command_templates = parser.consume() except ValueError as e: raise SyntaxError('Invalid config file. \n%s' % e) options = '\n'.join(parser.global_options) queue_type = QUEUE_TYPES[report_type] pipeline = Runtime(command_templates,queue_type,JOB_TYPES,job_type,max_jobs) template = env.get_template('') with open(temp, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(pipeline, f, 2) script = template.render(shell=shell, temp=os.path.abspath(temp), options=options) if run_now: output = output if output != sys.stdout else PIPELINE_ALIAS submit_job = make_submit_job(shell, output, job_type) submit_job.submit() try: f = open(output, 'w') output = f except TypeError: pass output.write(script) f.close()
Create the metapipe based on the provided input.
def make_submit_job(shell, output, job_type): run_cmd = [shell, output] submit_command = Command(alias=PIPELINE_ALIAS, cmds=run_cmd) submit_job = get_job(submit_command, job_type) submit_job.make() return submit_job
Preps the metapipe main job to be submitted.
def yaml(modules_to_register: Iterable[Any] = None, classes_to_register: Iterable[Any] = None) -> ruamel.yaml.YAML: # Defein a round-trip yaml object for us to work with. This object should be imported by other modules # NOTE: "typ" is a not a typo. It stands for "type" yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ = "rt") # Register representers and constructors # Numpy yaml.representer.add_representer(np.ndarray, numpy_to_yaml) yaml.constructor.add_constructor("!numpy_array", numpy_from_yaml) # Register external classes yaml = register_module_classes(yaml = yaml, modules = modules_to_register) yaml = register_classes(yaml = yaml, classes = classes_to_register) return yaml
Create a YAML object for loading a YAML configuration. Args: modules_to_register: Modules containing classes to be registered with the YAML object. Default: None. classes_to_register: Classes to be registered with the YAML object. Default: None. Returns: A newly creating YAML object, configured as apporpirate.
def register_classes(yaml: ruamel.yaml.YAML, classes: Optional[Iterable[Any]] = None) -> ruamel.yaml.YAML: # Validation if classes is None: classes = [] # Register the classes for cls in classes: logger.debug(f"Registering class {cls} with YAML") yaml.register_class(cls) return yaml
Register externally defined classes.
def register_module_classes(yaml: ruamel.yaml.YAML, modules: Optional[Iterable[Any]] = None) -> ruamel.yaml.YAML: # Validation if modules is None: modules = [] # Extract the classes from the modules classes_to_register = set() for module in modules: module_classes = [member[1] for member in inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass)] classes_to_register.update(module_classes) # Register the extracted classes return register_classes(yaml = yaml, classes = classes_to_register)
Register all classes in the given modules with the YAML object. This is a simple helper function.
def numpy_to_yaml(representer: Representer, data: np.ndarray) -> Sequence[Any]: return representer.represent_sequence( "!numpy_array", data.tolist() )
Write a numpy array to YAML. It registers the array under the tag ``!numpy_array``. Use with: .. code-block:: python >>> yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML() >>> yaml.representer.add_representer(np.ndarray, yaml.numpy_to_yaml) Note: We cannot use ``yaml.register_class`` because it won't register the proper type. (It would register the type of the class, rather than of `numpy.ndarray`). Instead, we use the above approach to register this method explicitly with the representer.
def numpy_from_yaml(constructor: Constructor, data: ruamel.yaml.nodes.SequenceNode) -> np.ndarray: # Construct the contained values so that we properly construct int, float, etc. # We just leave this to YAML because it already stores this information. values = [constructor.construct_object(n) for n in data.value] logger.debug(f"{data}, {values}") return np.array(values)
Read an array from YAML to numpy. It reads arrays registered under the tag ``!numpy_array``. Use with: .. code-block:: python >>> yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML() >>> yaml.constructor.add_constructor("!numpy_array", yaml.numpy_from_yaml) Note: We cannot use ``yaml.register_class`` because it won't register the proper type. (It would register the type of the class, rather than of `numpy.ndarray`). Instead, we use the above approach to register this method explicitly with the representer.
def enum_to_yaml(cls: Type[T_EnumToYAML], representer: Representer, data: T_EnumToYAML) -> ruamel.yaml.nodes.ScalarNode: return representer.represent_scalar( f"!{cls.__name__}", f"{str(data)}" )
Encodes YAML representation. This is a mixin method for writing enum values to YAML. It needs to be added to the enum as a classmethod. See the module docstring for further information on this approach and how to implement it. This method writes whatever is used in the string representation of the YAML value. Usually, this will be the unique name of the enumeration value. If the name is used, the corresponding ``EnumFromYAML`` mixin can be used to recreate the value. If the name isn't used, more care may be necessary, so a ``from_yaml`` method for that particular enumeration may be necessary. Note: This method assumes that the name of the enumeration value should be stored as a scalar node. Args: representer: Representation from YAML. data: Enumeration value to be encoded. Returns: Scalar representation of the name of the enumeration value.
def enum_from_yaml(cls: Type[T_EnumFromYAML], constructor: Constructor, node: ruamel.yaml.nodes.ScalarNode) -> T_EnumFromYAML: # mypy doesn't like indexing to construct the enumeration. return cls[node.value]
Decode YAML representation. This is a mixin method for reading enum values from YAML. It needs to be added to the enum as a classmethod. See the module docstring for further information on this approach and how to implement it. Note: This method assumes that the name of the enumeration value was stored as a scalar node. Args: constructor: Constructor from the YAML object. node: Scalar node extracted from the YAML being read. Returns: The constructed YAML value from the name of the enumerated value.
def is_error(self): try: if self._task.is_alive(): if len(self._task.stderr.readlines()) > 0: self._task.join() self._write_log() return True except AttributeError: pass return False
Checks to see if the job errored out.
def _get_current_ids(self, source=True, meta=True, spectra=True, spectra_annotation=True): # get the cursor for the database connection c = self.c # Get the last uid for the spectra_info table if source: c.execute('SELECT max(id) FROM library_spectra_source') last_id_origin = c.fetchone()[0] if last_id_origin: self.current_id_origin = last_id_origin + 1 else: self.current_id_origin = 1 if meta: c.execute('SELECT max(id) FROM library_spectra_meta') last_id_meta = c.fetchone()[0] if last_id_meta: self.current_id_meta = last_id_meta + 1 else: self.current_id_meta = 1 if spectra: c.execute('SELECT max(id) FROM library_spectra') last_id_spectra = c.fetchone()[0] if last_id_spectra: self.current_id_spectra = last_id_spectra + 1 else: self.current_id_spectra = 1 if spectra_annotation: c.execute('SELECT max(id) FROM library_spectra_annotation') last_id_spectra_annotation = c.fetchone()[0] if last_id_spectra_annotation: self.current_id_spectra_annotation = last_id_spectra_annotation + 1 else: self.current_id_spectra_annotation = 1
Get the current id for each table in the database Args: source (boolean): get the id for the table "library_spectra_source" will update self.current_id_origin meta (boolean): get the id for the table "library_spectra_meta" will update self.current_id_meta spectra (boolean): get the id for the table "library_spectra" will update self.current_id_spectra spectra_annotation (boolean): get the id for the table "library_spectra_annotation" will update self.current_id_spectra_annotation
def _parse_files(self, msp_pth, chunk, db_type, celery_obj=False): if os.path.isdir(msp_pth): c = 0 for folder, subs, files in sorted(os.walk(msp_pth)): for msp_file in sorted(files): msp_file_pth = os.path.join(folder, msp_file) if os.path.isdir(msp_file_pth) or not msp_file_pth.lower().endswith(('txt', 'msp')): continue print('MSP FILE PATH', msp_file_pth) self.num_lines = line_count(msp_file_pth) # each file is processed separately but we want to still process in chunks so we save the number # of spectra currently being processed with the c variable with open(msp_file_pth, "r") as f: c = self._parse_lines(f, chunk, db_type, celery_obj, c) else: self.num_lines = line_count(msp_pth) with open(msp_pth, "r") as f: self._parse_lines(f, chunk, db_type, celery_obj) self.insert_data(remove_data=True, db_type=db_type)
Parse the MSP files and insert into database Args: msp_pth (str): path to msp file or directory [required] db_type (str): The type of database to submit to (either 'sqlite', 'mysql' or 'django_mysql') [required] chunk (int): Chunks of spectra to parse data (useful to control memory usage) [required] celery_obj (boolean): If using Django a Celery task object can be used to keep track on ongoing tasks [default False]
def _parse_lines(self, f, chunk, db_type, celery_obj=False, c=0): old = 0 for i, line in enumerate(f): line = line.rstrip() if i == 0: old = self.current_id_meta self._update_libdata(line) if self.current_id_meta > old: old = self.current_id_meta c += 1 if c > chunk: if celery_obj: celery_obj.update_state(state='current spectra {}'.format(str(i)), meta={'current': i, 'total': self.num_lines}) print(self.current_id_meta) self.insert_data(remove_data=True, db_type=db_type) self.update_source = False c = 0 return c
Parse the MSP files and insert into database Args: f (file object): the opened file object db_type (str): The type of database to submit to (either 'sqlite', 'mysql' or 'django_mysql') [required] chunk (int): Chunks of spectra to parse data (useful to control memory usage) [required] celery_obj (boolean): If using Django a Celery task object can be used to keep track on ongoing tasks [default False] c (int): Number of spectra currently processed (will reset to 0 after that chunk of spectra has been inserted into the database
def get_compound_ids(self): cursor = self.conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT inchikey_id FROM metab_compound') self.conn.commit() for row in cursor: if not row[0] in self.compound_ids: self.compound_ids.append(row[0])
Extract the current compound ids in the database. Updates the self.compound_ids list
def _store_compound_info(self): other_name_l = [name for name in self.other_names if name != self.compound_info['name']] self.compound_info['other_names'] = ' <#> '.join(other_name_l) if not self.compound_info['inchikey_id']: self._set_inchi_pcc(self.compound_info['pubchem_id'], 'cid', 0) if not self.compound_info['inchikey_id']: self._set_inchi_pcc(self.compound_info['smiles'], 'smiles', 0) if not self.compound_info['inchikey_id']: self._set_inchi_pcc(self.compound_info['name'], 'name', 0) if not self.compound_info['inchikey_id']: print('WARNING, cant get inchi key for ', self.compound_info) print(self.meta_info) print('#########################') self.compound_info['inchikey_id'] = 'UNKNOWN_' + str(uuid.uuid4()) if not self.compound_info['pubchem_id'] and self.compound_info['inchikey_id']: self._set_inchi_pcc(self.compound_info['inchikey_id'], 'inchikey', 0) if not self.compound_info['name']: self.compound_info['name'] = 'unknown name' if not self.compound_info['inchikey_id'] in self.compound_ids: self.compound_info_all.append(tuple(self.compound_info.values()) + ( str(, str(, )) self.compound_ids.append(self.compound_info['inchikey_id'])
Update the compound_info dictionary with the current chunk of compound details Note that we use the inchikey as unique identifier. If we can't find an appropiate inchikey we just use a random string (uuid4) suffixed with UNKNOWN
def _store_meta_info(self): # In the mass bank msp files, sometimes the precursor_mz is missing but we have the neutral mass and # the precursor_type (e.g. adduct) so we can calculate the precursor_mz if not self.meta_info['precursor_mz'] and self.meta_info['precursor_type'] and \ self.compound_info['exact_mass']: self.meta_info['precursor_mz'] = get_precursor_mz(float(self.compound_info['exact_mass']), self.meta_info['precursor_type']) if not self.meta_info['polarity']: # have to do special check for polarity (as sometimes gets missed) m ='^\[.*\](\-|\+)', self.meta_info['precursor_type'], re.IGNORECASE) if m: polarity = if polarity == '+': self.meta_info['polarity'] = 'positive' elif polarity == '-': self.meta_info['polarity'] = 'negative' if not self.meta_info['accession']: self.meta_info['accession'] = 'unknown accession' self.meta_info_all.append( (str(self.current_id_meta),) + tuple(self.meta_info.values()) + (str(self.current_id_origin), self.compound_info['inchikey_id'],) )
Update the meta dictionary with the current chunk of meta data details
def _parse_spectra_annotation(self, line): if re.match('^PK\$NUM_PEAK(.*)', line, re.IGNORECASE): self.start_spectra_annotation = False return saplist = line.split() sarow = ( self.current_id_spectra_annotation, float(saplist[self.spectra_annotation_indexes['m/z']]) if 'm/z' in self.spectra_annotation_indexes else None, saplist[self.spectra_annotation_indexes[ 'tentative_formula']] if 'tentative_formula' in self.spectra_annotation_indexes else None, float(saplist[self.spectra_annotation_indexes[ 'mass_error(ppm)']]) if 'mass_error(ppm)' in self.spectra_annotation_indexes else None, self.current_id_meta) self.spectra_annotation_all.append(sarow) self.current_id_spectra_annotation += 1
Parse and store the spectral annotation details
def _parse_spectra(self, line): if line in ['\n', '\r\n', '//\n', '//\r\n', '', '//']: self.start_spectra = False self.current_id_meta += 1 self.collect_meta = True return splist = line.split() if len(splist) > 2 and not self.ignore_additional_spectra_info: additional_info = ''.join(map(str, splist[2:len(splist)])) else: additional_info = '' srow = ( self.current_id_spectra, float(splist[0]), float(splist[1]), additional_info, self.current_id_meta) self.spectra_all.append(srow) self.current_id_spectra += 1
Parse and store the spectral details
def _set_inchi_pcc(self, in_str, pcp_type, elem): if not in_str: return 0 try: pccs = pcp.get_compounds(in_str, pcp_type) except pcp.BadRequestError as e: print(e) return 0 except pcp.TimeoutError as e: print(e) return 0 except pcp.ServerError as e: print(e) return 0 except URLError as e: print(e) return 0 except BadStatusLine as e: print(e) return 0 if pccs: pcc = pccs[elem] self.compound_info['inchikey_id'] = pcc.inchikey self.compound_info['pubchem_id'] = pcc.cid self.compound_info['molecular_formula'] = pcc.molecular_formula self.compound_info['molecular_weight'] = pcc.molecular_weight self.compound_info['exact_mass'] = pcc.exact_mass self.compound_info['smiles'] = pcc.canonical_smiles if len(pccs) > 1: print('WARNING, multiple compounds for ', self.compound_info)
Check pubchem compounds via API for both an inchikey and any available compound details
def _get_other_names(self, line): m =['other_names'][0], line, re.IGNORECASE) if m: self.other_names.append(
Parse and extract any other names that might be recorded for the compound Args: line (str): line of the msp file
def _parse_meta_info(self, line): if self.mslevel: self.meta_info['ms_level'] = self.mslevel if self.polarity: self.meta_info['polarity'] = self.polarity for k, regexes in six.iteritems(self.meta_regex): for reg in regexes: m =, line, re.IGNORECASE) if m: self.meta_info[k] =
Parse and extract all meta data by looping through the dictionary of meta_info regexs updates self.meta_info Args: line (str): line of the msp file
def _parse_compound_info(self, line): for k, regexes in six.iteritems(self.compound_regex): for reg in regexes: if self.compound_info[k]: continue m =, line, re.IGNORECASE) if m: self.compound_info[k] = self._get_other_names(line)
Parse and extract all compound data by looping through the dictionary of compound_info regexs updates self.compound_info Args: line (str): line of the msp file
def line(line_def, **kwargs): def replace(s): return "(%s)" % ansi.aformat([1:], attrs=["bold", ]) return ansi.aformat( re.sub('@.?', replace, line_def), **kwargs)
Highlights a character in the line
def try_and_error(*funcs): def validate(value): exc = None for func in funcs: try: return func(value) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: exc = e raise exc return validate
Apply multiple validation functions Parameters ---------- ``*funcs`` Validation functions to test Returns ------- function
def validate_text(value): possible_transform = ['axes', 'fig', 'data'] validate_transform = ValidateInStrings('transform', possible_transform, True) tests = [validate_float, validate_float, validate_str, validate_transform, dict] if isinstance(value, six.string_types): xpos, ypos = rcParams['texts.default_position'] return [(xpos, ypos, value, 'axes', {'ha': 'right'})] elif isinstance(value, tuple): value = [value] try: value = list(value)[:] except TypeError: raise ValueError("Value must be string or list of tuples!") for i, val in enumerate(value): try: val = tuple(val) except TypeError: raise ValueError( "Text must be an iterable of the form " "(x, y, s[, trans, params])!") if len(val) < 3: raise ValueError( "Text tuple must at least be like [x, y, s], with floats x, " "y and string s!") elif len(val) == 3 or isinstance(val[3], dict): val = list(val) val.insert(3, 'data') if len(val) == 4: val += [{}] val = tuple(val) if len(val) > 5: raise ValueError( "Text tuple must not be longer then length 5. It can be " "like (x, y, s[, trans, params])!") value[i] = (validate(x) for validate, x in zip(tests, val)) return value
Validate a text formatoption Parameters ---------- value: see :attr:`psyplot.plotter.labelplotter.text` Raises ------ ValueError
def validate_none(b): if isinstance(b, six.string_types): b = b.lower() if b is None or b == 'none': return None else: raise ValueError('Could not convert "%s" to None' % b)
Validate that None is given Parameters ---------- b: {None, 'none'} None or string (the case is ignored) Returns ------- None Raises ------ ValueError
def validate_axiscolor(value): validate = try_and_error(validate_none, validate_color) possible_keys = {'right', 'left', 'top', 'bottom'} try: value = dict(value) false_keys = set(value) - possible_keys if false_keys: raise ValueError("Wrong keys (%s)!" % (', '.join(false_keys))) for key, val in value.items(): value[key] = validate(val) except: value = dict(zip(possible_keys, repeat(validate(value)))) return value
Validate a dictionary containing axiscolor definitions Parameters ---------- value: dict see :attr:`psyplot.plotter.baseplotter.axiscolor` Returns ------- dict Raises ------ ValueError
def validate_cbarpos(value): patt = 'sh|sv|fl|fr|ft|fb|b|r' if value is True: value = {'b'} elif not value: value = set() elif isinstance(value, six.string_types): for s in re.finditer('[^%s]+' % patt, value): warn("Unknown colorbar position %s!" %, RuntimeWarning) value = set(re.findall(patt, value)) else: value = validate_stringset(value) for s in (s for s in value if not re.match(patt, s)): warn("Unknown colorbar position %s!" % s) value.remove(s) return value
Validate a colorbar position Parameters ---------- value: bool or str A string can be a combination of 'sh|sv|fl|fr|ft|fb|b|r' Returns ------- list list of strings with possible colorbar positions Raises ------ ValueError
def validate_cmap(val): from matplotlib.colors import Colormap try: return validate_str(val) except ValueError: if not isinstance(val, Colormap): raise ValueError( "Could not find a valid colormap!") return val
Validate a colormap Parameters ---------- val: str or :class:`mpl.colors.Colormap` Returns ------- str or :class:`mpl.colors.Colormap` Raises ------ ValueError
def validate_cmaps(cmaps): cmaps = {validate_str(key): validate_colorlist(val) for key, val in cmaps} for key, val in six.iteritems(cmaps): cmaps.setdefault(key + '_r', val[::-1]) return cmaps
Validate a dictionary of color lists Parameters ---------- cmaps: dict a mapping from a colormap name to a list of colors Raises ------ ValueError If one of the values in `cmaps` is not a color list Notes ----- For all items (listname, list) in `cmaps`, the reversed list is automatically inserted with the ``listname + '_r'`` key.
def validate_lineplot(value): if value is None: return value elif isinstance(value, six.string_types): return six.text_type(value) else: value = list(value) for i, v in enumerate(value): if v is None: pass elif isinstance(v, six.string_types): value[i] = six.text_type(v) else: raise ValueError('Expected None or string, found %s' % (v, )) return value
Validate the value for the LinePlotter.plot formatoption Parameters ---------- value: None, str or list with mixture of both The value to validate
def validate_err_calc(val): try: val = validate_float(val) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass else: if val <= 100 and val >= 0: return val raise ValueError("Percentiles for the error calculation must lie " "between 0 and 100, not %s" % val) try: val = ValidateList(float, 2)(val) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass else: if all((v <= 100 and v >= 0) for v in val): return val raise ValueError("Percentiles for the error calculation must lie " "between 0 and 100, not %s" % val) try: val = validate_str(val) except ValueError: pass else: if 'std' not in val: raise ValueError( 'A string for the error calculation must contain std!') return val
Validation function for the :attr:`psy_simple.plotter.FldmeanPlotter.err_calc` formatoption
def visit_GpxModel(self, gpx_model, *args, **kwargs): result = OrderedDict() put_scalar = lambda name, json_name=None: self.optional_attribute_scalar(result, gpx_model, name, json_name) put_list = lambda name, json_name=None: self.optional_attribute_list(result, gpx_model, name, json_name) put_scalar('creator') put_scalar('metadata') put_list('waypoints') put_list('routes') put_list('tracks') put_list('extensions') return result
Render a GPXModel as a single JSON structure.
def visit_Metadata(self, metadata, *args, **kwargs): result = OrderedDict() put_scalar = lambda name, json_name=None: self.optional_attribute_scalar(result, metadata, name, json_name) put_list = lambda name, json_name=None: self.optional_attribute_list(result, metadata, name, json_name) put_scalar('name') put_scalar('description') put_scalar('author') put_scalar('copyright') put_list('links') put_scalar('time') put_scalar('keywords') put_scalar('bounds') put_list('extensions') return result
Render GPX Metadata as a single JSON structure.
def has_option(section, name): cfg = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser({"working_dir": "/tmp", "debug": "0"}) return cfg.has_option(section, name)
Wrapper around ConfigParser's ``has_option`` method.
def get(section, name): cfg = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser({"working_dir": "/tmp", "debug": "0"}) val = cfg.get(section, name) return val.strip("'").strip('"')
Wrapper around ConfigParser's ``get`` method.
def run(**options): with Dotfile(options) as conf: if conf['context'] is None: msg = "No context file has been provided" LOGGER.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) if not os.path.exists(conf['context_path']): msg = "Context file {} not found".format(conf['context_path']) LOGGER.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) ( "{{dockerstache}}: In: {}\n" "{{dockerstache}}: Out: {}\n" "{{dockerstache}}: Context: {}\n" "{{dockerstache}}: Defaults: {}\n" ).format(conf['input'], conf['output'], conf['context'], conf['defaults']) ) context = Context(conf['context'], conf['defaults']) context.load() if 'extend_context' in options:"{{dockerstache}} Extended context provided") context.update(options['extend_context']) process_templates( conf['input'], conf['output'], context ) if conf['inclusive']: process_copies( conf['input'], conf['output'], conf['exclude'] ) return dict(conf)
_run_ Run the dockerstache process to render templates based on the options provided If extend_context is passed as options it will be used to extend the context with the contents of the dictionary provided via context.update(extend_context)
def make_key(table_name, objid): key = datastore.Key() path = key.path_element.add() path.kind = table_name = str(objid) return key
Create an object key for storage.
def write_rec(table_name, objid, data, index_name_values): with DatastoreTransaction() as tx: entity = tx.get_upsert() entity.key.CopyFrom(make_key(table_name, objid)) prop = = 'id' prop.value.string_value = objid prop = = 'value' prop.value.string_value = data for name, val in index_name_values: prop = = name prop.value.string_value = str(val)
Write (upsert) a record using a tran.
def extract_entity(found): obj = dict() for prop in obj[] = prop.value.string_value return obj
Copy found entity to a dict.
def read_rec(table_name, objid): req = datastore.LookupRequest() req.key.extend([make_key(table_name, objid)]) for found in datastore.lookup(req).found: yield extract_entity(found)
Generator that yields keyed recs from store.
def read_by_indexes(table_name, index_name_values=None): req = datastore.RunQueryRequest() query = req.query query.kind.add().name = table_name if not index_name_values: index_name_values = [] for name, val in index_name_values: queryFilter = query.filter.property_filter = name queryFilter.operator = datastore.PropertyFilter.EQUAL queryFilter.value.string_value = str(val) loop_its = 0 have_more = True while have_more: resp = datastore.run_query(req) found_something = False for found in resp.batch.entity_result: yield extract_entity(found) found_something = True if not found_something: # This is a guard against bugs or excessive looping - as long we # can keep yielding records we'll continue to execute loop_its += 1 if loop_its > 5: raise ValueError("Exceeded the excessive query threshold") if resp.batch.more_results != datastore.QueryResultBatch.NOT_FINISHED: have_more = False else: have_more = True end_cursor = resp.batch.end_cursor query.start_cursor.CopyFrom(end_cursor)
Index reader.
def delete_table(table_name): to_delete = [ make_key(table_name, rec['id']) for rec in read_by_indexes(table_name, []) ] with DatastoreTransaction() as tx: tx.get_commit_req().mutation.delete.extend(to_delete)
Mainly for testing.
def get_commit_req(self): if not self.commit_req: self.commit_req = datastore.CommitRequest() self.commit_req.transaction = self.tx return self.commit_req
Lazy commit request getter.
def find_one(self, cls, id): db_result = None for rec in read_rec(cls.get_table_name(), id): db_result = rec break # Only read the first returned - which should be all we get if not db_result: return None obj = cls.from_data(db_result['value']) return obj
Required functionality.
def find_all(self, cls): final_results = [] for db_result in read_by_indexes(cls.get_table_name(), []): obj = cls.from_data(db_result['value']) final_results.append(obj) return final_results
Required functionality.
def find_by_index(self, cls, index_name, value): table_name = cls.get_table_name() index_name_vals = [(index_name, value)] final_results = [] for db_result in read_by_indexes(table_name, index_name_vals): obj = cls.from_data(db_result['value']) final_results.append(obj) return final_results
Required functionality.
def save(self, obj): if not = uuid() index_names = obj.__class__.index_names() or [] index_dict = obj.indexes() or {} index_name_values = [ (key, index_dict.get(key, '')) for key in index_names ] write_rec( obj.__class__.get_table_name(),, obj.to_data(), index_name_values )
Required functionality.
def call(command, stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=os.environ, cwd=None, shell=False, output_log_level=logging.INFO, sensitive_info=False): if not sensitive_info: logger.debug("calling command: %s" % command) else: logger.debug("calling command with sensitive information") try: args = command if shell else whitespace_smart_split(command) kw = {} if not shell and not which(args[0], cwd=cwd): raise CommandMissingException(args[0]) if shell: kw['shell'] = True process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=stdout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env, cwd=cwd, **kw) output = process.communicate(input=stdin)[0] if output is not None: try: logger.log(output_log_level, output.decode('utf-8')) except UnicodeDecodeError: pass return (process.returncode, output) except OSError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if not sensitive_info: logger.exception("Error running command: %s" % command) logger.error("Root directory: %s" % cwd) if stdin: logger.error("stdin: %s" % stdin) raise e
Better, smarter call logic
def whitespace_smart_split(command): return_array = [] s = "" in_double_quotes = False escape = False for c in command: if c == '"': if in_double_quotes: if escape: s += c escape = False else: s += c in_double_quotes = False else: in_double_quotes = True s += c else: if in_double_quotes: if c == '\\': escape = True s += c else: escape = False s += c else: if c == ' ': return_array.append(s) s = "" else: s += c if s != "": return_array.append(s) return return_array
Split a command by whitespace, taking care to not split on whitespace within quotes. >>> whitespace_smart_split("test this \\\"in here\\\" again") ['test', 'this', '"in here"', 'again']
def skip(stackframe=1): def trace(frame, event, args): raise ContextSkipped sys.settrace(lambda *args, **kwargs: None) frame = sys._getframe(stackframe + 1) frame.f_trace = trace
Must be called from within `__enter__()`. Performs some magic to have a #ContextSkipped exception be raised the moment the with context is entered. The #ContextSkipped must then be handled in `__exit__()` to suppress the propagation of the exception. > Important: This function does not raise an exception by itself, thus > the `__enter__()` method will continue to execute after using this function.
def sync(self): phase = _get_phase(self._formula_instance)"%s %s..." % (phase.verb.capitalize(), self.feature_name)) message = "...finished %s %s." % (phase.verb, self.feature_name) result = getattr(self, if result or phase in (PHASE.INSTALL, PHASE.REMOVE): else: self.logger.debug(message) return result
execute the steps required to have the feature end with the desired state.
def linear_insert(self, item, priority): with self.lock: self_data = rotate = self_data.rotate maxlen = self._maxlen length = len(self_data) count = length # in practice, this is better than doing a rotate(-1) every # loop and getting[0] each time only because deque # implements a very efficient iterator in C for i in self_data: if priority > i[1]: break count -= 1 rotate(-count) self_data.appendleft((item, priority)) rotate(length-count) try: self.items[item] += 1 except TypeError: self.items[repr(item)] += 1 if maxlen is not None and maxlen < len(self_data): self._poplast()
Linear search. Performance is O(n^2).
def binary_insert(self, item, priority): with self.lock: self_data = rotate = self_data.rotate maxlen = self._maxlen length = len(self_data) index = 0 min = 0 max = length - 1 while max - min > 10: mid = (min + max) // 2 # If index in 1st half of list if priority > self_data[mid][1]: max = mid - 1 # If index in 2nd half of list else: min = mid + 1 for i in range(min, max + 1): if priority > self_data[i][1]: index = i break elif i == max: index = max + 1 shift = length - index # Never shift more than half length of depq if shift > length // 2: shift = length % shift rotate(-shift) self_data.appendleft((item, priority)) rotate(shift) else: rotate(shift) self_data.append((item, priority)) rotate(-shift) try: self.items[item] += 1 except TypeError: self.items[repr(item)] += 1 if maxlen is not None and maxlen < len(self_data): self._poplast()
Traditional binary search. Performance: O(n log n)
def isloaded(self, name): if name is None: return True if isinstance(name, str): return (name in [x.__module__ for x in self]) if isinstance(name, Iterable): return set(name).issubset([x.__module__ for x in self]) return False
Checks if given hook module has been loaded Args: name (str): The name of the module to check Returns: bool. The return code:: True -- Loaded False -- Not Loaded
def hook(self, function, dependencies=None): if not isinstance(dependencies, (Iterable, type(None), str)): raise TypeError("Invalid list of dependencies provided!") # Tag the function with its dependencies if not hasattr(function, "__deps__"): function.__deps__ = dependencies # If a module is loaded before all its dependencies are loaded, put # it in _later list and don't load yet if self.isloaded(function.__deps__): self.append(function) else: self._later.append(function) # After each module load, retry to resolve dependencies for ext in self._later: if self.isloaded(ext.__deps__): self._later.remove(ext) self.hook(ext)
Tries to load a hook Args: function (func): Function that will be called when the event is called Kwargs: dependencies (str): String or Iterable with modules whose hooks should be called before this one Raises: :class:TypeError Note that the dependencies are module-wide, that means that if `` and `` are both subscribed to `example` event and `child` enumerates `parent` as dependcy, **both** `foo` and `bar` must be called in order for the dependcy to get resolved.
def parse_from_json(json_str): try: message_dict = json.loads(json_str) except ValueError: raise ParseError("Mal-formed JSON input.") upload_keys = message_dict.get('uploadKeys', False) if upload_keys is False: raise ParseError( "uploadKeys does not exist. At minimum, an empty array is required." ) elif not isinstance(upload_keys, list): raise ParseError( "uploadKeys must be an array object." ) upload_type = message_dict['resultType'] try: if upload_type == 'orders': return orders.parse_from_dict(message_dict) elif upload_type == 'history': return history.parse_from_dict(message_dict) else: raise ParseError( 'Unified message has unknown upload_type: %s' % upload_type) except TypeError as exc: # MarketOrder and HistoryEntry both raise TypeError exceptions if # invalid input is encountered. raise ParseError(exc.message)
Given a Unified Uploader message, parse the contents and return a MarketOrderList or MarketHistoryList instance. :param str json_str: A Unified Uploader message as a JSON string. :rtype: MarketOrderList or MarketHistoryList :raises: MalformedUploadError when invalid JSON is passed in.
def encode_to_json(order_or_history): if isinstance(order_or_history, MarketOrderList): return orders.encode_to_json(order_or_history) elif isinstance(order_or_history, MarketHistoryList): return history.encode_to_json(order_or_history) else: raise Exception("Must be one of MarketOrderList or MarketHistoryList.")
Given an order or history entry, encode it to JSON and return. :type order_or_history: MarketOrderList or MarketHistoryList :param order_or_history: A MarketOrderList or MarketHistoryList instance to encode to JSON. :rtype: str :return: The encoded JSON string.
def event_subscriber(event): def wrapper(method): Registry.register_event(, event, method) return wrapper
Register a method, which gets called when this event triggers. :param event: the event to register the decorator method on.
def dispatch_event(event, subject='id'): def wrapper(method): def inner_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): resource = method(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(resource, dict): subject_ = resource.get(subject) data = resource else: subject_ = getattr(resource, subject) data = resource.__dict__ event(subject_, data).dispatch() return resource return inner_wrapper return wrapper
Dispatch an event when the decorated method is called. :param event: the event class to instantiate and dispatch. :param subject_property: the property name to get the subject.
def add(self, classifier, threshold, begin=None, end=None): boosted_machine = bob.learn.boosting.BoostedMachine() if begin is None: begin = 0 if end is None: end = len(classifier.weak_machines) for i in range(begin, end): boosted_machine.add_weak_machine(classifier.weak_machines[i], classifier.weights[i]) self.cascade.append(boosted_machine) self.thresholds.append(threshold) self._indices()
Adds a new strong classifier with the given threshold to the cascade. **Parameters:** classifier : :py:class:`bob.learn.boosting.BoostedMachine` A strong classifier to add ``threshold`` : float The classification threshold for this cascade step ``begin``, ``end`` : int or ``None`` If specified, only the weak machines with the indices ``range(begin,end)`` will be added.
def create_from_boosted_machine(self, boosted_machine, classifiers_per_round, classification_thresholds=-5.): indices = list(range(0, len(boosted_machine.weak_machines), classifiers_per_round)) if indices[-1] != len(boosted_machine.weak_machines): indices.append(len(boosted_machine.weak_machines)) self.cascade = [] self.indices = [] for i in range(len(indices)-1): machine = bob.learn.boosting.BoostedMachine() for index in range(indices[i], indices[i+1]): machine.add_weak_machine(boosted_machine.weak_machines[index], boosted_machine.weights[index, 0]) self.cascade.append(machine) if isinstance(classification_thresholds, (int, float)): self.thresholds = [classification_thresholds] * len(self.cascade) else: self.thresholds = classification_thresholds
Creates this cascade from the given boosted machine, by simply splitting off strong classifiers that have classifiers_per_round weak classifiers. **Parameters:** ``boosted_machine`` : :py:class:`bob.learn.boosting.BoostedMachine` The strong classifier to split into a regular cascade. ``classifiers_per_round`` : int The number of classifiers that each cascade step should contain. ``classification_threshold`` : float A single threshold that will be applied in all rounds of the cascade.
def generate_boosted_machine(self): strong = bob.learn.boosting.BoostedMachine() for machine, index in zip(self.cascade, self.indices): weak = machine.weak_machines weights = machine.weights for i in range(len(weak)): strong.add_weak_machine(weak[i], weights[i]) return strong
generate_boosted_machine() -> strong Creates a single strong classifier from this cascade by concatenating all strong classifiers. **Returns:** ``strong`` : :py:class:`bob.learn.boosting.BoostedMachine` The strong classifier as a combination of all classifiers in this cascade.
def save(self, hdf5): # write the cascade to file hdf5.set("Thresholds", self.thresholds) for i in range(len(self.cascade)): hdf5.create_group("Classifier_%d" % (i+1))"Classifier_%d" % (i+1)) self.cascade[i].save(hdf5)"..") hdf5.create_group("FeatureExtractor")"FeatureExtractor")"..")
Saves this cascade into the given HDF5 file. **Parameters:** ``hdf5`` : :py:class:`` An HDF5 file open for writing
def load(self, hdf5): # write the cascade to file self.thresholds ="Thresholds") self.cascade = [] for i in range(len(self.thresholds)):"Classifier_%d" % (i+1)) self.cascade.append(bob.learn.boosting.BoostedMachine(hdf5))"..")"FeatureExtractor") self.extractor = FeatureExtractor(hdf5)"..") self._indices()
Loads this cascade from the given HDF5 file. **Parameters:** ``hdf5`` : :py:class:`` An HDF5 file open for reading
def check(ctx, repository, config): ctx.obj = Repo(repository=repository, config=config)
Check commits.
def message(obj, commit='HEAD', skip_merge_commits=False): from ..kwalitee import check_message options = obj.options repository = obj.repository if options.get('colors') is not False: colorama.init(autoreset=True) reset = colorama.Style.RESET_ALL yellow = colorama.Fore.YELLOW green = colorama.Fore.GREEN red = colorama.Fore.RED else: reset = yellow = green = red = '' try: sha = 'oid' commits = _pygit2_commits(commit, repository) except ImportError: try: sha = 'hexsha' commits = _git_commits(commit, repository) except ImportError: click.echo('To use this feature, please install pygit2. ' 'GitPython will also work but is not recommended ' '(python <= 2.7 only).', file=sys.stderr) return 2 template = '{0}commit {{commit.{1}}}{2}\n\n'.format(yellow, sha, reset) template += '{message}{errors}' count = 0 ident = ' ' re_line = re.compile('^', re.MULTILINE) for commit in commits: if skip_merge_commits and _is_merge_commit(commit): continue message = commit.message errors = check_message(message, **options) message = re.sub(re_line, ident, message) if errors: count += 1 errors.insert(0, red) else: errors = [green, 'Everything is OK.'] errors.append(reset) click.echo(template.format(commit=commit, message=message.encode('utf-8'), errors='\n'.join(errors))) if min(count, 1): raise click.Abort
Check the messages of the commits.
def get_obj_subcmds(obj): subcmds = [] for label in dir(obj.__class__): if label.startswith("_"): continue if isinstance(getattr(obj.__class__, label, False), property): continue rvalue = getattr(obj, label) if not callable(rvalue) or not is_cmd(rvalue): continue if isinstance(obj, types.MethodType) and \ label in ("im_func", "im_self", "im_class"): continue ## potential command command_name = getattr(rvalue, "command_name", label[:-1] if label.endswith("_") else label) subcmds.append((command_name, rvalue)) return OrderedDict(subcmds)
Fetch action in callable attributes which and commands Callable must have their attribute 'command' set to True to be recognised by this lookup. Please consider using the decorator ``@cmd`` to declare your subcommands in classes for instance.
def get_module_resources(mod): path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(mod.__file__)) prefix = kf.basename(mod.__file__, (".py", ".pyc")) if not os.path.exists(mod.__file__): import pkg_resources for resource_name in pkg_resources.resource_listdir(mod.__name__, ''): if resource_name.startswith("%s_" % prefix) and resource_name.endswith(".py"): module_name, _ext = os.path.splitext(kf.basename(resource_name)) yield module_name for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '%s_*.py' % prefix)): module_name, _ext = os.path.splitext(kf.basename(f)) yield module_name
Return probed sub module names from given module