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🇪🇺 🏷️ EuroVoc dataset

This dataset contains more that 3,700,000 documents in 39 languages with associated EuroVoc labels.

What's Cellar ?

Cellar is the common data repository of the Publications Office of the European Union. Digital publications and metadata are stored in and disseminated via Cellar, in order to be used by humans and machines. Aiming to transparently serve users, Cellar stores multilingual publications and metadata, it is open to all EU citizens and provides machine-readable data.

Why was this dataset created ?

"Extreme classification come with challenges of scalability due to large label spaces, data sparsity issues due to insufficient training samples."

How was dataset this created ?

The source code is available, check

When this dataset was created ?

14 July 2023

What are the main characteristics of this dataset ?

There are a total of 39 different languages present in this dataset, of which some are EU languages and some are not. As the following graph illustrates, most of the documents of the dataset are written in EU languages (English being the most present language in the dataset), and the non-EU languages are very poorly represented (for example Arabic, Japanese,...). Note that since the Irish language (gle) was granted full official and working status in the EU in 2022, there are very few documents in that language. Additionally, Croatian (hrv) is also less represented in the dataset as Croatia is the latest country to have joined the EU in 2013.

language graph

The lengths of the documents also varies depending on the language it is written in. The document lengths are quite variable, especially in English. There is therefore a quite large disparity in document lengths in this dataset. Note that this boxplot does not present the outliers, since the length of certain documents can contain up to 86 million characters. The red lines in the boxplot indicates the median length of the documents for each language.


We notice that the documents in Irish have a very wide variability in document lengths, due to the fact it has very few documents. Therefore, we present the same boxplot without the Irish language in order to visualize with more detail the document length distribution in the other languages.


How is the data structured ?

An example of a sample of this dataset is the following :

    "title": "Commission information notice...", 
    "date": "2023-09-29", 
    "eurovoc_concepts": ["air transport", "intra-EU transport"], 
    "url": "", 
    "lang": "eng", 
    "formats": ["fmx4", "pdfa2a", "xhtml"], 
    "text": "To ensure ownership by the relevant actors,..."
  • title : title of the document
  • date : publication date of the document
  • eurovoc_concepts : list of the EuroVoc concepts related to this document
  • url : URL to access the document
  • formats : list of formats in which the original document is available
  • text : text content of the document


  • Ilias Chalkidis, Emmanouil Fergadiotis, Prodromos Malakasiotis, Nikolaos Aletras, and Ion Androutsopoulos. 2019. Extreme Multi-Label Legal Text Classification: A Case Study in EU Legislation. In Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2019, pages 78–87, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Association for Computational Linguistics.
  • I. Chalkidis, M. Fergadiotis, P. Malakasiotis and I. Androutsopoulos, Large-Scale Multi-Label Text Classification on EU Legislation. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2019), Florence, Italy, (short papers), 2019.
  • Andrei-Marius Avram, Vasile Pais, and Dan Ioan Tufis. 2021. PyEuroVoc: A Tool for Multilingual Legal Document Classification with EuroVoc Descriptors. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021), pages 92–101, Held Online. INCOMA Ltd..
  • SHAHEEN, Zein, WOHLGENANNT, Gerhard, et FILTZ, Erwin. Large scale legal text classification using transformer models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.12871, 2020.


Sébastien Campion

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