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NapierOne EPUB files converted with marker. Seems to contain mostly books from Project Gutenberg.

detected languages

via fasttext-langdetect

{'ca': 1,
 'cy': 1,
 'da': 6,
 'de': 105,
 'en': 4403,
 'eo': 2,
 'es': 61,
 'fi': 76,
 'fr': 189,
 'he': 1,
 'hu': 5,
 'is': 1,
 'it': 40,
 'la': 6,
 'nl': 41,
 'pl': 4,
 'pt': 38,
 'sv': 10,
 'tl': 9}
Downloads last month
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Models trained or fine-tuned on BEE-spoke-data/napierone-epub-raw