Education Plays Role in Longevity, New Study New America Media | 9/19/2012, 12:42 p.m. The longevity gap between "two Americas" has widened since 1990, says a new study. One America is mostly white and well educated, and the other is ethnic or undereducated - and dying about a decade sooner than their more affluent counterparts. The gap between college-educated whites and African Americans who did not complete high school is "simply unbelievable," stated S. Jay Olshansky, lead author of the extensive new analysis published in the August issue of the prestigious health policy journal Health Affairs. The researchers, who crunched mortality numbers in key databases from 1990-2008, found that white men in the United States with 16 years or more of schooling had life expectancy at birth of 14.2 years longer than African American males with fewer than 12 years of education. The gulf between well-educated white women and black women with low educational levels was 10.3 years. The research study is published with the stark title, "Differences in Life Expectancy Due to Race and Educational Differences Are Widening, and Many May Not Catch Up." It is the latest publication by the MacArthur Foundation Research Network on an Aging Society, a roster of 15 leading academic experts in aging and longevity. Low Education Shortens Life for All Groups The report shows that lower educational levels marked declining life expectancy within every demographic group examined. The gap between black women of high versus low educational levels was 6.5 years, and for Latinas the difference was 2.9 years. For males the longevity gaps were 12.9 years among whites, 9.7 years among blacks and 5.5 years for Hispanics. What's more, the picture for those with fewer than 12 years of education "has grown notably worse for whites," says the study. In terms of educational status "whites at the bottom are losing ground at a faster pace" than those at the top. The gulf between white women is especially wide, says the report. Those with 12 years or less of education were living just over a decade (10.4 years) less than white American females with at least 16 years of schooling. The two Americas--those with very high versus very low education--are in a longevity "time warp," Olshansky asserted. While those with higher levels of formal learning are gaining longevity dividends every year, those least educated have had life expectancy linger at mid-20th century levels. Although blacks have added years slightly overall, among those with the lowest education, longevity for African American men is stuck at the average life expectancy the United States reached in 1954. For other groups with the least education, black women linger at the 1962 level, white women hover in 1964, and poorly schooled white men only live as long as Americans did in 1972. Medical Advances Not Enough According to the study, higher education directly affects health because increased learning prompts more people to adopt healthier lifestyles it improves their ability to cope with stress, and enables them to manage chronic diseases more effectively. However, the report says, education's indirect effects, such as increasing one's access to "more privileged social position, better-paying jobs and higher income are also profound."
Report of the Southern Baptist Convention\Baptist World Alliance Study Committee December 17, 2003 Since the beginning of the Baptist World Alliance (BWA), Southern Baptists have been active participants in the programs and the fellowship, and they have been by far the most generous of all the partners involved in the BWA. Initially, the emphasis was placed on the fellowship of the various world Baptist participants. Southern Baptists have both benefited from and contributed to this fellowship. In recent years, the circumstances surrounding the BWA have become more difficult. The prominence of a number of European and North American conventions has resulted in an increasing influence of positions contrary to the New Testament and to Baptist doctrines, which is being advocated in the various commissions and committees of the BWA. A decided anti-American tone has emerged in recent years. Continued emphasis on women as pastors, frequent criticisms of the International Mission Board of Southern Baptists, refusal to allow open discussion on issues such as abortion, and the funding of questionable enterprises through Baptist World Aid provide just a surface sampling of what has transpired in recent years. Repeated appeals to BWA leadership have resulted in no substantive changes and few of any consequence. In a theological workgroup, Dr. Ken Hemphill was asked to deliver a paper on "The Great Commission of our Lord." After a superb paper, one respondent chosen by the BWA to participate replied, "I am not even sure that there is any such thing as the Great Commission, but if there is I am confident that Jesus never said it." The moderator of the session not only did not take issue with this German Baptist theologian, but also protected him, allowing him to refuse to respond to certain questions about universalism. This instance represents one of many but gives the reader an understanding of what Southern Baptists have been supporting by their funding for the past twenty-five years. In the July 1923 meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, the BWA approved an excellent statement entitled, "Message of the Baptist World Alliance." It reads in part as follows: As Baptists view it, the Christian religion finds its central truth in the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ, Whose sinless life and heavenly wisdom, whose Deity, atoning death, resurrection from the dead, and Whose second coming and lordship in the Kingdom of God constitute and qualify Him for His work as its Founder and Mediator. God calls all men to salvation through Him, in Whom they are freely justified by grace through faith, and regenerated by the operation of the Holy Spirit. Regeneration, or the new birth, is a necessary condition of church membership, since in this way alone can the churches be kept spiritual and responsive to the will of Christ. Church membership of believers only is a fundamental Baptist principle. However, at the BWA meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in July 2003, a paper entitled, "Call to Missions," adopted by a conference called by the BWA in Swanwick, England in May 2003 was presented. When a Southern Baptist pastor sought clarification with reference to the absence of a clear doctrinal statement advocating the exclusivity of Jesus Christ as the only way of salvation, he was not only refused clarification, but also rudely treated by a significant number of BWA participants. A comparison of these statements shows clearly the leftward drift of the BWA. The problem for Southern Baptists is a complex issue. Fellowship with Baptists from around the world is both valuable and desirable. All participants have cherished this fellowship. But, is it possible for Southern Baptists to continue to commit primary funding to an agency that will not allow fair discussion of issues? Can Southern Baptists give tacit approval to an entity openly advocating aberrant and dangerous theologies? If the answer is limited to Southern Baptists, then perhaps we could continue to participate. It is unlikely that Southern Baptist representatives would be themselves adversely affected, although the question of stewardship and accountability for the missions gifts of Southern Baptists remains a serious issue. Unfortunately, the larger issue is the potential impact of such an organization that gives apparent approval for such aberrant theologies on constituent bodies. If every issue about which highly objectionable theologies are advocated were to be openly discussed with equal time provided for more Biblical positions, and if a less Byzantine form of governing the fellowship could be developed, then Southern Baptists might feel more comfortable. Though repeated attempts to secure a just forum have been made by ecclesiastical statesmen such as Jimmy Draper, Morris Chapman, and a host of others, the situation has only worsened. These and a host of other facts and considerations have led the specially appointed committee on the BWA to conclude that it is no longer wise stewardship to lend monetary support to an entity whose participants openly oppose many of our most cherished beliefs. Furthermore, to continue affiliation seems, in the judgment of our committee, to lend passive approval to what is presently often emphasized in the BWA. A fellowship that calls for religious liberty, evangelism, fellowship among believers, support for the persecuted and disenfranchised, and much else, is laudable. Continuing to allow presentations that call into question the truthfulness of Holy Scripture, refusing to support openly the idea that all who are saved must come to the salvation through conscious faith in Jesus Christ, and promoting women as preachers and pastors, are among the issues that make it impossible to endorse the BWA as a genuinely representative organization of world Baptists. Accordingly, the BWA Study Committee appointed by the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention recommends to the Executive Committee the following: (1) That the Southern Baptist Convention withdraw its membership from the Baptist World Alliance, effective October 1, 2004, and encourage the Executive Committee and the EKG Task Force to continue studying how the Southern Baptist Convention may establish an even closer bond of fellowship with conservative evangelical Christians around the world for the purpose of growing in the grace of our Loving Lord, preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth, and bringing glory to His name through the advancement of God's Kingdom on earth. (2) That, effective October 1, 2004, the contribution to the Baptist World Alliance heretofore included in the annual SBC Cooperative Program Allocation Budget be deleted, making the funds available in the SBC Operating Budget to develop and execute a new and innovative strategy for continuing to build strong relationships with conservative evangelical Christians around the world as together we witness to the saving power of our Lord Jesus Christ. A portion of this year's SBC Operating Budget is allocated to the Baptist World Alliance and the consensus of the committee was to continue honoring the commitment for this fiscal year ending September 30, 2004. In conclusion, the committee wishes no one any harm. Our fervent hope is that the exodus of Southern Baptists from the BWA will galvanize other member bodies scrupulously to examine and to correct the present trajectory of the BWA. Whatever the case, we wish Heaven's blessings on the BWA and its constituent conventions in every noble work for the Savior. We pray for the day when the BWA will return to the faith on which it was founded and which has been historically held by Baptists for centuries. We pray for the restoration of fellowship that such a return will bring. The committee also anticipates with enthusiasm the possible emergence of a new fellowship with an unqualified adherence to the absolute Lordship of Christ, the inerrancy of Holy Scripture, salvation based on the substitutionary atonement of Christ appropriated through repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, commitment to the sanctity of all human life, and advocacy of absolute religious liberty for all men everywhere including an open marketplace of discussion and self-determination. How or when this new fellowship develops will be for others to determine, but numerous Baptist friends from around the globe have indicated their hearty interest in such a fellowship which could well include preaching conferences, church planting and growth conferences, the teaching of Baptist history and theology and participation in evangelistic and missionary efforts. And, rather than becoming another denomination or a super-denomination as the BWA seems poised to become, this new entity would doubtless remain a fellowship of like minded and similarly committed Baptists. Morris H. Chapman, chairman James T. Draper, Jr. Thomas D. (Tom) Elliff Jerry A. Rankin Joe H. Reynolds Gary A. Smith R. L. (Bob) Sorrell Online since April 7, 1999 E- mail questions or comments about this web site to firstname.lastname@example.org Copyright © 1999-2014 Dr. Bruce Prescott P.O. Box 6371 Norman, OK 73070-6371 (405) 343-6357.
London (Jan. 27) Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, speaking in the House of Commons today assured the members that the British Government is doing its utmost to rescue Jews from Nazi-held countries. He added, however, that “the effort must have an international basis in order to be effective.” The British Government, Eden said, is confident that it can count upon the assistance of all humanitarian and charitable organizations, including the British Red Cross, in the application of any measures agreed upon by the United Nations. A private meeting of members of Parliament took place today to consider making a new appeal to the government for immediate action to save as many Jews in Nazi territories as possible. In the meantime Samuel Silverman, Laborite M.P., in a letter published today in the Manchester Guardian appeals to the United Nations to make a formal and direct request to the German Government to permit Jews to leave the Reich and Nazi-occupied countries. The request should ask Hitler to name conditions upon which he would be willing to permit the emigration of Jews to free countries, Silverman suggests, adding that “protests which are not accompanied by an offer of salvation and refuge are a mockery to the victims and to civilization.” CHIEF RABBI ASKS GOVERNMENT TO ESTABLISH COUNCIL FOR SAVING JEWS Chief Rabbi Hertz draws attention in the London Times today to the fact that six weeks have passed since Foreign Secretary Eden made his historic declaration in Parliament with regard to the extermination of the Jews in Nazi-occupied countries, but nothing has been done as yet on the actual task of human salvage. He suggests the creation by the British Government of “a special council to be in charge of the direction of human salvage” and demands speedy measures “to save those escaping from the Nazi inferno.” Echoing the appeal to the British Government to act to save the Jewish refugees in Europe, which was issued on Saturday by the Archbishops of Canterbury, York and Wales, Arthur Cardinal Hinsley, Catholic primate of England, and J.S. Whale, Moderator of the Free Churches, today added their voices to the growing clamor in religious and humanitarian circles for immediate steps to facilitate the emigration of the Jews in Axis-held countries. In a letter published today in the London Times, Cardinal Hinsley quotes Cardinal Faulheber of Munich’s condemnation of “the blind, racial hatred which is the motive for the unparalleled barbarities.” He points out that Christian principles should be a stimulus for action by the Government. Rev. Whale expresses the hope that “the Government will shortly announce measures of practical assistance.”
Find Love in 2013? You Can! Being a single mom and having been divorced…twice…you would think that putting myself out there to find someone to share my life would be a scary thing to do. Well, you are right. It is scary. Who wants to put themselves out there when they’ve had to deal with heartbreak? Who wants to have people know that it didn’t work out…twice. Once, yeah, that’s typical in this day and age. But twice? It makes you feel like a failure. Trust me. I’ve been there. But there’s hope. There’s ALWAYS hope. I’m an eternal optimist. I always have been. I’ve seen the example that my parents, Ray and Mary, have shown me. They had some hard times but they always managed to stay together. My sisters, brother and I have heard the yelling growing up. More importantly, we heard more of the apologies and saw the forgiveness, the smiles, hugs and laughter. 51 years nowadays is unheard of. I was married for 11 years and also for almost 5. Being in the public eye at times like that, it’s not very fun. Yeah, I did the crying, the begging, the woe is me. Who hasn’t? You’ve heard me talk and read about me starting over. It’s not easy. I know I’m not alone when I say “I’m a good person. Why can’t I find that right one?” You can. I know it’s difficult to do…but you can! If finding a partner in life, someone to spend time with, is your goal this year, there are many ways to try and find that person. I, personally, know 4 couples in the past 2 years that met online at dating websites. 1 from Match.com, 2 from eHarmony.com and 1 from, believe it or not, Facebook. I have heard people talk about joining and telling me that they see the same people on all the sites. Because they do see them there, that they must be there only trying to get some ‘tail.’ Well, there ARE some people like that but then you have to think to yourself: YOU are looking at multiple sites, too. Don’t judge someone else because they put themselves out there, too! If you are active or have a hobby, finding groups that do the same thing is a great way to meet people. The gym, church, concerts, even hanging out with friends at their hobbies and interests can help you meet someone new! On Facebook, I love to post about my relationship with Chad. I have been so lucky to find a wonderful man that loves me AND my son and is a great father to his children. He always puts family first and takes very good care of us. I know I post about the tiniest things that happen whether it be we all played a game together or how we all ate dinner together. It all wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been open to finding out more about a man that I had known for, now, almost 7 years. The VERY BEST THING that could happen to you could be right under your nose! It WON’T happen unless you DO put yourself out there. Being burned time after time, it hurts. It hurts ALOT. Men and women BOTH have scars. Remember, that the person you meet has been through tough times, too. Leave the past behind. I have a hard time with that but I’m getting better at it. While talking about the past shouldn’t be done on the first date, with time opening up will happen. There are times when the other person in your relationship is wondering “Why did he/she do that?” or “Why would they even think that?” It’s because the past is hard to let go of. The point is to work on letting that go and trusting and believing in the person you are with. People write to me all the time how it gives them hope that I have a good relationship. I’m not going to tell you it’s perfect. We have our disagreements. We both have had to apologize, BUT we are willing to work at what we have! Take a chance this year! Get out and be active! When someone smiles at you, smile back! It’s the BEST first impression you can give someone. If you want something to happen, sometimes YOU need to make the first move. I know it’s nerveracking (I’ve been there) but you never know if you don’t try. Here’s to your happiness! Here’s to trying new things! Here’s to a brand new year! Make it count!
Still, the news is fueleing specualtion regarding which small- or mid-cap drug maker will be next to get snatched up by a bigger rivals, boosting share prices and sending the Nasdaq Biotechnology Index climbing 2.3% during Monday market action. My colleague Ben Levisohn weighed in on the topic earlier today, citing a UBS report highlighting companies that could be in play, a list that included Achillion (ACHN), Puma Biotechnology (PBYI), Incyte (INCY) and Medivation (MDVN). Meanwhile, ISI Group analyst Mark Schoenebaum surveyed investors regarding potential takeout targets. Among 140 respondents, 35% identified Puma as a potential target, 30% identified BioMarin (BMRN) and 29% favored Intercept (ICPT). In the ETF arena, the ProShares Ultra Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF (BIB) surged 4.6% to $103.30. The SPDR S&P Biotech ETF (XBI) has climbed 3.1% to $158.42, while the iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF (IBB) jumped 2% to $271.88 and the Market Vectors Biotech ETF (BBH) rose 2% to $105.02. Fantastic earnings from Gilead Sciences (GILD) weren’t enough to keep a closely watched biotech ETF out of the red. The iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF (IBB) fell almost 1.9% to $230.30 during morning market action, giving up gains from Tuesday’s after-hours trading. Two of the fund’s biggest holdings, Amgen (AMGN) and Biogen-Idec (BIIB) reported per share earnings late Tuesday that missed expectations, and both stocks were losing ground today, falling 4.9% and 1.4% respectively. The two stocks account for almost 14.9% of the fund’s portfolio. Gilead, meanwhile, rose 2.8% to $74.92 after reporting that its new hepatitis C drug Sovaldi blew past expectations with sales of $2.3 billion during the first quarter. Biotech stocks have been hammered since late February as investors have fled high-risk sectors in favor of safety. The Nasdaq Biotech Index has dropped 14% since hitting a record high on Feb. 25. At Amgen, higher costs masked the drug maker’s revenue growth. Also, sales declined for several key products. Per share profit of 1.87 missed analysts’ average expectations by 7 cents as revenue rose almost 7% to $4.52 billion. The Street expected $4.76 billion. Biogen didn’t miss every mark. Revenue rose 51% to $2.1 billion as the MS drug Tecfidera racked up sales of $506 million for the quarter, easily topping analysts’ expectations. But at $2.47, per share profit missed forecast by eight cents. High flying biotech ETFs flew higher Friday, as major market indices shrank, thanks in part to positive news regarding an experimental drug being development by Isis Pharmaceuticals (ISIS) and its much-bigger partner, Biogen-Idec (BIIB). Isis unveiled positive results from an early clinical trial of an experimental treatment for the nerve disorder juvenile spinal muscle atrophy, which sent the stock rising 15% to $58.78. Biogen shared in the gains, rising 3.7% to $347.40 after earlier rising to nearly $350. Biogen is a major holding for many large biotech ETFs. The biotech sector has been one of the market’s best-performing sectors rallying sharply over the last two years amid a surge in new drug launches. The Nasdaq Biotech index has climbed almost 80% during the past 12 months, compared to returns of almost 20% by the broader stock market. Some analysts are growing more cautious on the sector. In January, Goldman Sachs downgraded its view on biotech to “neutral” from “attractive,” calling the sector’s valuations fair. Others see shares continuing to rise for drugs maker able to launch exciting new therapies. iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF (IBB) rose 1.46% to $269.33. SPDR S&P Biotech ETF (XBI) rose 2.5% to $165.11. The Market Vectors Biotech ETF (BBH rose 1.45% to $105.10. The leveraged ProShares Ultra Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF (BIB) rise 2.75% to $104.81.) Falling natural gas prices, Turkish monetary policy and India’s market woes fueled big moves by a handful of exchange-traded funds today. Here’s a rundown: United States Natural Gas Fund (UNG) fell 4.3% to $23.55, ending a four-day winning streak. Cold weather forecasts and falling inventories caused natural gas prices to spike last week above $5 per million BTU for the first time in three years. But futures contracts turned lower Monday, falling prey to apparent profit taking. As of 1 p.m. EST, more than 14.4 million shares of the ETF had exchanged hands, well above daily average of 6.29 million shares. S&P Capital IQ analyst Stewart Glickman told Barrons.com: This ETF doesn’t track shares of natural gas producers, but rather the actual commodity price. If the price of natural gas futures contracts fall, that should directly influence the ETF price. It is also worth pointing out that S&P Capital IQ’s forecast for natural gas prices are considerably lower than where they sit today. We expect an average price in 2014 of $3.69 per million BTU and view the recent move in natural gas prices as a head fake and weather driven. That can be ephemeral. If you look at the supply of natural gas, it is still up because there has been so much drilling in recent years. Investors can thank Turkey’s central bank for Monday’s 3.2% surge by shares of iShares MSCI Turkey (TUR). The ETF fell 6% last week amid a horrific selloff by emerging markets. Today, Turkey’s central bank announced that it will hold a monetary policy meeting, stirring expectations that policy makers may opt to raise benchmark interest rates, a step they have avoided so far. As of 1 p.m. EST, more than 637,000 shares have exchanged hands, above the average daily trading volume of 427,079. Not all emerging market-focused ETFs were faring so well. The Wisdom Tree India Earnings fund (EPI) fell 3.1% to $15.90 after more than 3.79 million shares changed hands compared to an average daily trading volume of 4.1 million shares. India’s benchmark stock index recorded its biggest percentage loss today in nearly five months amid growth concerns regarding emerging economies and the impact of the U.S. Federal Reserve’s next steps in scaling back its monthly bond-buying program. The Bombay Stock Exchange’s S&P BSE Sensex closed 2.0% lower today, and the rupee fell against the U.S. dollar. And finally, the iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology (IBB) ETF fell 3.53% to $235.40 after more than 1.52 million shares changed hands, beating the average daily trading volume of 867,858 shares. Today’s drop shadowed the 3.5% decline posted by the broader Nasdaq Biotechnology Index. The month of October hasn’t been kind to the biotech sector. The deadlock in Washington that led to the government shutdown and rising worries about the debt ceiling caused investors to lose their appetite for risk, and that includes biotech stocks. Granted, the sector is up today. But as of Oct. 1, the iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF (IBB) has fallen 2.9%, the Market Vectors Biotech ETF (BBH) fell 2.4% and the SPDR S&P Biotech ETF (XBI) fell 8%. Not everyone takes this as a sign that the more than two-year-old biotech rally is losing steam. S&P Capital IQ analysts weighed in on the topic. In a recent research note, analysts argued that the sector, despite their huge gains over the last two years, still has a number of attractive names, among them Gilead Sciences (GILD), Amgen (AMGN) and Celgene (CELG). But the note cautioned that exchange-traded funds may provide the best way to gain exposure to the sector without depending too greatly on any one stock. But how long can the biotech rally last? Bulls cite see several factor fueling the continued rise in biotech stocks: a strong run of late-stage pipeline advancement, new drug approvals on the horizon, a favorable merger and acquisition environment and price-to-earnings ratios that sit below historical peaks. Still, high prices may subdue the number of M&A deals ahead. And fund managers may be getting more cautious as well. In a survey by ISI Group analyst Mark Schoenebaum unveiled earlier this month, more than half of the fund managers questioned thought the biotech sector was valued about right or overvalued. Nevertheless, Schoenebaum still has Buy ratings on the four major big-cap biotech stocks – Amgen, Gilead, Celgene and Biogen Idec (BIIB), a fact he discussed with Barrons.com in a Q&A interview published today. As for a possible “biotech bubble,” Schoenebaum had this to day: I’m not convinced we’re sitting in front of an imminent, massive correction. Biotech’s performance hasn’t been built on vapor, as it was in 2000. Real value has been created, though price-to-earnings ratios sit well below the peaks they reached in 2000. The consensus belief is that research and development productivity has improved, perhaps permanently. If that productivity exceeds historical averages long term, then I don’t see a correction ahead. If there are lean times ahead, some names have significant downside. One of this year’s strongest performing exchange-traded funds will add six stocks and delete two as a result of the index maker’s semiannual benchmark changes. The iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology Index Fund (IBB), ahead by roughly 25% on the year, will add Aegerion Pharmaceuticals (AEGR), Synageva BioPharma (GEVA), Merrimack Pharmaceuticals (MACK), Supernus Pharmaceuticals, (SUPN), XOMA Corp. (XOMA) and Zogenix (ZGNX). The changes are slated to take effect prior to the open of trading on Monday Nov. 19, according to a Nasdaq OMX Group (NDAQ) press release. As exchange-traded funds and other investing vehicles have ballooned in number, the task of figuring out what works well and what doesn’t has only gotten harder. Barrons.com’s Focus on Funds looks under the hood of ETFs, mutual funds and hedge funds for overlooked values, actionable ideas and the latest pitfalls for fund investors.
REMIDIAN BAHUREKSA 2009 INDONESIAN MARRIAGE LAW A Simple Guide and Reference Reproduction, republication or changing the content for any commercial purposes is prohibited. For educational purposes is permitted with notification to info@remidian‐bahureksa.com INDONESIAN MARRIAGE LAW CONTENTS Introduction I. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. II. A. B. Marriage Civil Law Marriages … … … … … … … … … … … … 4 Islamic Law Marriages … … … … … … … … … … … 11 Adat Law Marriages … … … … … … … … … … … … 16 Overseas Marriages … … … … … … … … … … … … 18 Mixed Nationality Marriages … … … … … … … … … 20 Marriage Certificate (Recordation) … … … … … … … 24 Pre-Marriage Agreement (Pre Nuptial Agreement) … … 28 Dispensation for Polygamy … … … … … … … … … … 31 Divorce Civil Law Divorce … … … … … … … … … … … … … 34 Islamic Law Divorce … … … … … … … … … … … … 39 Adat Law Divorce … … … … … … … … … … … … … 45 Thank you for reading t this docu ument. Basically this docume is on a pa of ent nly art Indone esian Law Comp pilation (a Guide and e Refere ence) which will b be published next t year. We’re looking forward for read der comm ments and in nputs to improv the q o ve quality of the o conten and so we ca give t exac and nt s an the ct accura ate inform mation th hat the readers n needs. our help and kind d attentio on, thank k you. For yo Jakarta a, 07/12/2009 R Radi A. Juremi Ps: Do on’t forge to come back and see th Indone et he esian Law Compilation (a w Guide and Refer rence). www.remidian‐bahu w ureksa.com INDONESIAN MARRIAGE LAW MARRIAGE A. Civil Law Marriages. 1. Basic. • Marriage in Indonesia is considered legal if its conducted in accordance with rules of respective religion and faith of parties; • Marriage is a relationship of mutual consent (there must be an mutual agreement between the Parties to establish marriage); • Rights of the husband and wife in family and social life are deemed equal with each party entitled to take any legal action; • For Person under the age of 21 years old, a kind of parental permission is required to legalize the marriage. Also for men under 19 years of age and women under 16 years of age may not marry without the permission and dispensation from Court; • Exclusively for non‐Islamic marriages, the marriage must be conduct after passing of ten days from the date of the announcement of intent to marry by Civil Registry Official; • Spouses are obligated to love one another, give mutual respect, be loyal and provide any assistance to one another. • Husband is obligated to give protection to his wife and to provide livelihood according to his capabilities; • Father is obligated to provide for all of his children’s living costs and education. If the Father is unable to provide support, Court may also obligate mother to support her children; • Wife is obligated to take care of household matters according to her best efforts; • Neglect by either Husband or Wife is grounds for suit in Court; • Property that obtained during marriage is considered as a marital property. A property that brought into marriage by each spouse, and property that obtained by each spouse through gift or inheritance is considered as a separate property; • Disposition of marital property require consent of both spouses. • Each spouse is empowered to take any legal action with regards to respective spouse’s separate property. Polygamy: Court may give permission for man to have more than one wife if it is desired by respective parties. The Permission is only granted if wife is: a. Unable to serve her husband; b. Inflicted with physical defect or incurable disease; or c. Barren. Prohibition of Marriages: Marriages are prohibited between: a. Parents and their children; b. Brothers and sisters, parent’s brother and sister or brother or sister of respective grandmothers; c. People who are related by marriage including parents‐in‐law, step‐children, sons and daughters in law and step‐parents; d. Persons with relation by breast feeding; e. Persons who have family relationship with wife or as aunt or niece/nephew in event husband has more than one wife; f. Persons with relation which by his/her religion or other regulation prohibits marriage. Marriages Prevention: • Marriages may be prevented by objection to court tendered by immediate family members or prospective spouse’s guardians if it is apparent that marriage would bring suffering to either prospective spouse. • Marriage may not proceed until the application of objection is revoked by applicant. Dissolution: Marriages dissolve by reason of: a. Death; b. Divorce; or c. Court Decision. Annulment: Marriages may be annulled by application to court by husband/wife or immediate family members of husband/wife of parties are not suitable for marriage. Mixed Nationality Marriages:1 Marriages between Indonesian State Citizens and Foreign State Citizens within Indonesia require proof that legal conditions of marriage applicable to laws of Foreign Citizen’s Country have been fulfilled as well as fulfillment of other Indonesian Legal Requirements. Overseas Marriages:2 • Any Marriages that occurred outside of Indonesian territory between two persons of Indonesian State Citizenship or of Indonesian State Citizen and Foreign State Citizen must be processed in accordance with prevailing law of country in which marriage took place, provided that Indonesian State Citizen For more information concerning Mixed Nationality Marriage, please read the E Chapter, Page 15. 2 For more information concerning Overseas Marriage, please read the D Chapter, Page 13. spouse may not engage in marriage proceeding infringing upon mandates of Indonesian Law. • After Spouses (Within one year) return to Indonesia, the marriage certificate must be recorded at the Marriage Registry office. 2. Regulation. a. Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. b. Government Regulation No. 9 of 1975 concerning the Implementation of Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. c. Government Regulation No. 10 of 1983 concerning Permit of Marriage and Divorce for Civil Servants. d. Government Regulation No. 45 of 1990 concerning Amendment to Government Regulation No. 10 of 1983. 3. Procedures and Requirements. The Procedures: The process of announcement of intent to marry and marriage registration: a. For non‐Islam (non‐Muslim) shall register their marriage to the Civil Registry Official at the Marriage Registration Office; b. Submit the announcement of intent to marry to the Civil Registry Official in the domicile where the wedding ceremony will be conducted. At the latest of ten (10) days (workdays) before the wedding ceremony; ∞END (PLEASE PURCHASE FOR THE COMPLETE TEXT) ∞ To purchase the complete text please go to: http://www.tagito.com/listings/54719/Indonesian_Marriage_Law_ Simple_Guide_and_Reference/
Hyatt Hotels & Resorts To Replace Existing Security Software with Integrated, Multi-Function Security Appliance from ISS ATLANTA--June 27, 2006--Internet Security Systems, Inc. (ISS) (NASDAQ: ISSX), the worldwide leader in preemptive, enterprise security, today announced that Hyatt Hotels & Resorts will replace its existing security software with ISS' Proventia(R) Network Multi-Function Security appliance in all of its hotels in the United States. Proventia Multi-Function Security appliances are powerful, cost-effective, easy-to-use devices that stop viruses, worms, hackers, spam and unwanted Web content before they can compromise vital business assets or impact network uptime and productivity. "The network security of our hotels and the Hyatt enterprise is of great importance to us," said Robert Bansfield, AVP - Information Technology, Hyatt. "By deploying ISS' multi-function security appliance in our hotels, we are confident that Hyatt's networks will be well-shielded from the various dangers lurking on the Internet since ISS' security technology is focused on protecting against vulnerabilities rather than known exploits." "Having already implemented ISS intrusion prevention and vulnerability assessment products at its corporate offices, the transition to ISS protection within its U.S. hotels is the next logical step for Hyatt," said Larry Costanza, senior vice president of Americas sales for Internet Security Systems. "Much like Hyatt, ISS has always maintained a unique focus on quality and impeccable customer service, making us an inevitable choice for Hyatt in its pursuit of a top-notch solution to protect its business and customers from security breaches." Hyatt is implementing ISS' Proventia Multi-Function Security appliance in order to help the organization comply with the VISA Cardholder Information Security Program (CISP), which is required of all entities that store, process or transmit Visa cardholder data. In order to comply with Visa's CISP program, one of Hyatt's 2006 corporate directives was to deploy an intrusion prevention system (IPS) at every U.S. hotel location. Hyatt chose the Proventia Multi-Function Security appliance due to its integrated design, which combines the functionality of three separate security devices required by Hyatt (IPS, firewall and Web content filtering) into a single appliance with added features for VPN, anti-virus and anti-spam technologies. ISS also incorporates its unique Virus Prevention System (VPS) technology into its multi-function appliances to complement existing anti-virus capabilities. Unlike traditional anti-virus products, VPS technology is behavioral-based and does not rely on signature updates to stop viruses, worms and malicious code from impacting a network. Proventia Multi-Function Security appliances are well-suited for implementation in remote and branch offices of enterprises where security professionals can cost-effectively deploy the appliances and know that their assets will be safe without the compromise of legitimate business traffic or the need for specialized in-house security resources. The appliances are ideal for an organization like Hyatt that has hotel locations of varying sizes around the world. In addition to the cost and resource savings that Hyatt is experiencing with ISS' multi-function security appliance, the company is also benefiting from the central management capabilities of the product. Through ISS' Proventia Management SiteProtector(TM) console, Hyatt can control, monitor and report on its entire information security infrastructure through one easy-to-use interface, further simplifying security and compliance procedures. For more details on ISS' Proventia Network Multi-Function Security appliance, please go to: www.iss.net/products_services/ enterprise_protection/proventia/m_series.php. About Internet Security Systems, Inc. Internet Security Systems, Inc. (ISS) is the trusted security advisor to thousands of the world's leading businesses and governments, providing preemptive protection for networks, desktops and servers. An established leader in security since 1994, ISS' integrated security platform automatically protects against both known and unknown threats, keeping networks up and running and shielding customers from online attacks before they impact business assets. ISS products and services are based on the proactive security intelligence of its X-Force(R) research and development team - the unequivocal world authority in vulnerability and threat research. ISS' product line is also complemented by comprehensive Managed and Professional Security Services. For more information, visit the Internet Security Systems Web site at www.iss.net, or call 800-776-2362. About Global Hyatt Corporation There are 215 Hyatt branded hotels and resorts (over 90,000 rooms) in 44 countries around the world, operating under the Hyatt(R), Hyatt Regency(R), Grand Hyatt(R) and Park Hyatt(R) brands. Currently, there are an additional 32 Hyatt hotels and resorts under development, including 11 new hotels in China. Hyatt Corporation (domestic U.S., Canada and Caribbean hotels) and Hyatt International Corporation (international properties) are subsidiaries of Chicago-based Global Hyatt Corporation. Global Hyatt Corporation is also the owner of Hyatt Vacation Ownership, Inc. operators of the Hyatt Vacation Club (timeshare and fractional residential product), Hyatt Equities, L.L.C. (hotel ownership), Select Hotel Group L.L.C. (which owns, operates and franchises AmeriSuites hotels, Hyatt Place and Summerfield Suites hotels) and U.S. Franchise Systems, Inc. (which franchises Hawthorn Suites, and Microtel Inns and Suites). From the U.S. and Canada, reservations for any Hyatt hotel worldwide may be obtained by calling 1-800-233-1234 or logging onto www.hyatt.com.
On Deep Water Canal in Ideal Location 2 Car Garage Intracoastal Waterway access Fantastic Beach Community w/ Short Jaunt to the Water! Lovely Spacious Home with Beautiful Private Backyard Beautiful Home in Great Gated Community RE/MAX Beach and Beyond would like to congratulate our September 2014 Top Producers! RE/MAX Beach and Beyond is proud to welcome Joe Fusco to our team of outstanding agents! With over... RE/MAX Beach and Beyond would like to congratulate our August 2014 Top Producers! RE/MAX Beach and Beyond would like to congratulate our July 2014 Top Producers! RE/MAX Beach and Beyond is proud to serve Vero Beach, Indian River Shores, Sebastian, and the rest of Indian River County. We also list and sell properties in surrounding areas on Florida's Treasure Coast, including northern Saint Lucie County and southern Brevard County. Each member of our team is a professional Realtor who is intimately familiar with the real estate business and the local market and who does everything possible to make sure our customers' real estate transactions go as smoothly as possible. While our agents pride themselves on their knowledge of the market as a whole, many of them also focus on specific neighborhoods and property types. We have agents who specialize in properties on the barrier island (Orchid Island), golf communities, newer developments west of town, and upscale condominiums, as well as oceanfront, riverfront, and waterfront homes. As a full-service brokerage, we represent buyers, sellers, investors, landlords, and renters. We provide top-tier service, and utilize all the tools at our disposal, including internet resources and the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), to satisfy our customers' needs. We market our listings using a multi-channel approach that puts the properties in front of as many people as possible by using the MLS, our website, other local and national real estate websites, advertisements in newspapers and magazines, open houses, and signs and promotional materials. Please contact us today to learn how we can help you with your specific real estate needs! Home•Search Properties•Map Search•Blog•Neighborhoods•Agents•Resources•Contact Us Selling a Property•Buying a Property•Rentals and Leasing•About the Area•About Us•Sitemap 603 17th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960 • (772) 563-0101 • info@VeroBeachAndBeyond.com Property information not guaranteed - buyer must verify. Legal and Privacy Each office independently owned and operated. © Copyright 2014 RE/MAX Beach and Beyond. All Rights Reserved.
Ballet Frontier: Mixed Response It isn’t easy for a small school to put on a first-rate dance program. The logistics of corralling dancers, costumes, lighting, music, choreography, and rehearsing on a suitable stage are daunting, not to mention costly. Ballet Frontier, now in its fourth season as the performing wing of Ballet Center of Fort Worth, bridges the gap between everyday dance recital and engaging performance with commendable results, even flair. Last week’s mixed repertory program at Scott Theater was one of the company’s most ambitious, which may have accounted for some of the unfamiliar ragged edges and tentative moves. The company beefed up its male wing with four young dancers from Texas Ballet Theater –– Paul Adams, Dustin Geradine, Joamanuel Velazquez, and Simon Wexler –– along with Derek Flowers of Tuzer Ballet of Dallas, which created a strong base and secure partnering. And they were needed in the flowing, imaginative choreography by company director Chung-Lin Tseng. His gentle setting of the slow movement of the Tchaikovsky First Piano Concerto, which opened the program, was a joy, even with a hesitant young Holloway Bird partnered by Wexler, and a corps of eight ballerinas who all seemed uncertain. Tseng’s wondrous view of the score still showed through. The same was true in his setting of Smetana’s popular Moldau, a symphonic voyage down the Czech river that Tseng choreographed for the Taipei City Ballet in 2000. In subdued lighting, his modern movements reflected the river’s ever-changing moods, from burbling brook to surging cascade. Four ballerinas in wavy-lined leotards supported two couples on the journey: company regulars Erin Reece and Daniel Westfield, along with Kerri Westfield and Velazquez. Even though they weren’t always on the same page, they allowed the choreographer’s intent to come through. A second performance may well have ironed out the wrinkles. More problematic was Tseng’s new version of The Lady of the Camellias, set to the first movement of the Chopin First Piano Concerto (brilliantly played in a recording by Emanuel Ax, who will appear here as part of the Cliburn Concert Series next season). Going from Alexandre Dumas fils’ 1848 novel Camille to Paris stage play to Verdi opera, La traviata, in five years, it’s one of the most popular stories of the 19th century. But Sir Frederick Ashton’s 1963 adaptation for Margot Fonteyn and Rudolf Nureyev, called Marguerite and Armand, is perhaps the best known in the dance world. With all of this going on before, including numerous stage productions for every important actress of the last 150 years, and several movie incarnations, Tseng had to work hard to produce something that would stand out. For this viewer, he tried too hard, hitting the story’s highlights so rapidly there was little breathing space for character development or emotional involvement. All too soon, Marguerite was dying and Armand was left alone. Their final time together was the only really moving moment. Tessa Moore was an affecting Marguerite and Westfield a forceful Armand, but few sparks had a chance to fly in this fast-paced relationship. The program ended on a happier note with a revival of Roy Tobias’ Wedding Party, set to the elegant ragtime music of Scott Joplin. The full company gave a rousing account of the festivities in a ballet reminiscent of the curtain-closers popular years ago, with wonderful performances of confections such as “Graduation Ball” and “Gaîté Parisienne” ending the evening. The large audience responded with cheers and a standing ovation. Next on Ballet Frontier’s schedule is a full-length production of La Sylphide, in May, a first for the city and probably the Southwest. l
Scottish independence: Which way for polls after currency speeches? George Osborne's announcement last week that the UK would be unwilling to share the pound with an independent Scotland, an announcement that was subsequently endorsed by both the Shadow Chancellor, Ed Balls, and the Liberal Democrat Chief Secretary, Danny Alexander, was meant to be a "game changer". Strategists for the Better Together campaign claimed that those voters who were as yet not wholly committed to either a "yes" or "no" vote were particularly concerned about the prospect that independence might mean losing the pound. The co-ordinated announcement appeared to be a determined attempt by the "no" campaign to regain momentum after signs that its poll lead had slipped back somewhat. So, the first poll to be conducted following the currency row has been eagerly anticipated. Today it finally appeared - conducted by the internet polling company Survation for the Daily Mail. The poll's headline findings suggest that, if anything, the "no" side's stratagem has not only failed to deliver any immediate boost to the Unionist cause, but has actually backfired. The poll puts the "no" vote on 47 points, down five on a poll Survation conducted just a fortnight ago. The "yes" tally is estimated now to be 38%, up six. If the "don't knows" are excluded from the calculation the poll points to a 45% "yes" vote, up seven points on Survation's previous poll. However, there is an important difference between the way in which this poll was conducted and analysed and the way in which Survation's previous poll was undertaken. That difference probably accounts for most if not necessarily all of the apparent swing in favour of independence. Even so, the figures are hardly in tune with the "no" side's expectation that the currency announcement would prove to be a decisive move in their favour. The 45% Yes vote (excluding "don't knows") is well above the 41.5% average "yes" vote in other pre-currency announcement polls, including the 41% vote in another (pre-currency) poll from TNS BMRB released today. To work as the "no" side hoped it would, the currency announcement needed to be believed by voters and succeeded in posing them with an unpalatable choice on an issue that mattered to them. It seems to have failed on both counts. BBC poll - Top 10 issues A sample of 1,008 adults, aged 16 and over, were asked which issues, from a list of 10, mattered most to them. 4. Relationship with rest of the UK 9. Relationship with the EU 10. The media Today's Survation poll reports that only 37% of voters think that the Westminster parties really meant what they said. Just as many think they are "bluffing", while 26% say they just do not know whether to believe them or not. Meanwhile, only 48% say they want to form a monetary union and share the pound with the rest of the UK in the first place. That mood is not new. The figure is almost identical to the 46% who backed that view in a poll conducted by Panelbase shortly before the currency statement. Moreover, well before the announcement voters were telling pollsters that the currency was not a key issue for them. In a poll conducted by TNS BMRB for the BBC, for example, the subject came eighth when voters were asked to put 10 key issues in order of importance to them. At the same time, the Scottish Social Attitudes survey recently reported that voters' views about whether Scotland should and would keep the pound seemed to make relatively little difference to whether they intended to vote Yes or No. Of course we should bear in mind that no one poll is definitive. Any individual poll is always at risk of leading us astray because of the random fluctuations that come with any attempt to ascertain the nation's mood by interviewing just a thousand people.'Slow burner' We will need to await the findings of other polls to see if they confirm the impression that the currency row has not immediately shifted public opinion decisively in the "no" side's favour. And the "no" side can hope that the issue will prove a "slow burner" that eventually eats away at people's confidence in the prospect of independence. But in the meantime, there will be considerable relief in Bute House and not a little consternation in Downing St. John Curtice is professor of politics at Strathclyde University, and chief commentator at whatscotlandthinks.org, where details of all of the referendum polls can be found.
December 7th, 2004, 02:28 PM Has anyone done a private tour to the factory from Mo Bay? December 8th, 2004, 07:03 AM We just had our taxi driver stop there and joined a tour in progress....all the good parts but no riding on a big bus. December 8th, 2004, 01:22 PM Did you hire the taxi at the port or make arrangements before you arrived? How far is it from Montego Bay? What else did you see beside the rum factory? December 8th, 2004, 03:35 PM The rum factory was but one stop on the private tour we took with our driver, Lincoln Stewart, who we've gone with three times. There are a number of drivers that do the same thing, just scroll through these pages to find one that sounds good to you. When we first visited Jamaica (http://www.lifeiscruising.com/jamaica)off a Carnival Victory (http://www.lifeiscruising.com/victory__west___2_) sailing we wanted to take a tour of the island but really don't like the ship shore excursion-type tours. On that particular sailing we walked off the pier and there were tons of drivers all vieing for our business. One of the really cool parts of having your own driver is that they keep the sellers of stuff away from you and take you to places they feel comfortable with. They probably have some financial arrangement with those places but who cares, we don't have to mess with people trying to sell us stuff all the time. We left the cruise pier then went up through Ferngully, the rain forrest, stopped at a place where a native guy eats fire ( you can swing from a vine like Tarzan (my kids did, I didn't- hey somebody had to hold the camera!), then on up into the jungle where we got out of the cab and made our way through the lush vegitation to pick fresh limes and plaintians (like bananas). At each stop was a native carving something we could buy out of wood and we did get a really cool hand-carved Parrot that sits about 2 feet tall for $10..best souvenier deal we've had so far and what a story to go along with it! We watched the guy carve the thing in the jungle! Beats the heck out of the plastic refrigerator magnet I'd bought at a store on the pier. We continued and went by Dunns River Falls where Lincoln would have stopped and we could have climbed the falls but we walked up, watched others doing it from afar and decided that would be good enough. Again, cool that we had our own driver, we could move right along. Coming back we stopped by the rum factory, looked through it and had various samples. A couple more stops at some native shops in the middle of nowhere which were also some of the best photo ops of the whole vacation and then a stop by a guarded, gated shopping are called Soni's Plaza as we'd come with orders from back home for some Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee. We'd find out later that the price we paid was several dollars US per pound less than others on our ship. The day ended with us coming back to port, Lincoln singing (, and a wish to come back because we were now part of his "family". On the next visit he knew us by sight (a year later) and on our last visit in October we called him ahead of time to let him know we were coming and he was waiting as we walked off the ship. Like I said there are a bunch of them out there that do this. Phil Lafayette is mentioned and recommended a bunch on this board in particular. I think it's safe to trust a name that you read a bunch of legitimate recommendations for here on the board when you can ask specific questions about them and the CC member responds. All this was out of Ocho Rios but a similar experience can be had from Montego Bay. I might have messed up the order of our tour but you get the idea: "No Problem Mon" as they say. Hope this helps OH PS- Don't pass up a stop by Jimmy Buffets Margaritaville- it was one of the highlights of our whole cruise and don't pass up their gift shop, they've got some really good quality coffee mugs that we'll be using for years I'm sure.
This story was written by Vidya B. Viswanathan, Harvard Crimson Two ground-breaking local politicians discussed homophobia among the black community during a two-hour forum in the Lowell Junior Common Room yesterday. The forum featured two colleagues in Cambridge government: former Mayor Kenneth E. Reeves '72 -- the first openly gay African-American mayor in the country -- and his successor, Mayor E. Denise Simmons, who identifies as both African-American and lesbian. Both figures discussed the challenges of homophobia in politics -- even in a city as liberal as Cambridge. Simmons expressed frustration that problems of homophobia distract attention from larger social issues facing black Americans. The mayor recalled an incident early in her political career, when she received a letter "against gay marriage" from "the black clergy" -- a group she described as "conspicuously absent" from other debates. "It was one of the saddest moments for me in political life," she said. Simmons also spoke of her arrival on the Cambridge School Committee, when she said she worked with a committee member who had "a very closed mind." Simmons declined to elaborate on the colleague in a subsequent interview. But Simmons was more optimistic about the state of gay African-Americans in Cambridge today, saying "we've evolved since then." Reeves, meanwhile, emphasized the importance of homosexuals among African-Americans. "Within our intelligentsia in the black community, you have more gay men and women," he said. "The black community cannot do without us. I don't think it's a coincidence that the two elected mayors are black, gay, and lesbian." Simmons also said that gay African Americans can better work for social change when they work together. With regard to Reeves, she said there is a "difference when you serve with someone that looks like you and thinks the way you do." But some Harvard students who spoke at the event said the black and gay communities are not nearly as united at Harvard as they are in Cambridge. "I know a lot of gay people here at Harvard. They are okay with their homosexuality, but the heterosexual black community here is not," a sophomore said in front of the forum. Anjelica M. Kelly '09, co-president of the Association of Black Harvard Women (ABHW), said after the event that, "I don't think we do anything homophobic, but we have to reach out more." Audience members also directly disagreed with the speakers. Simmons proposed that people concerned with homophobia should address it through the lens of another social dilemma. "You can raise the issue of homophobia in that context, but you can never lead with that issue," she said. But an audience member disagreed. "I think if we're going to deal with oppression, then we have to deal with oppression across the board, and there's no hierarchy within that," she said. The event was hosted by ABHW, the LGBT Political Coalition, and the Black Men's Forum. © 2008 Harvard Crimson via U-WIRE
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This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. An efficient power factor correction converter is presented. Two boost-topology switching cells are interleaved to minimize EMI while operating at lower switching frequency and soft switching to minimize losses. The result is a system with high conversion efficiency, able to operate in a pulse-width-modulation (PWM) way. Seven transition states of the ZVT converter in one switching period are described. In order to illustrate the operational principle key, implementation details, including simulations, are described. The validity of this converter is guaranteed by the obtained results. Reduced power factor and polluted utility voltage have been rising due to the increase of nonlinear loads use by residential, commercial, and industrial customers. Nowadays international regulation governing the amount of harmonic current became mandatory. Thus, the reduction of input current harmonics and high power factor operation is an important requirement for power supplies. The topology usually employed in power factor correction single-phase power supplies is composed by a front-end rectifier followed by a boost converter, as shown in Figure 1. In this topology, the boost converter in continuous conduction mode (CCM) with the average current control and pulse-width modulation (PWM) technique has been the most popular circuit [1–3]. High power density and fast transient response of this circuit can be achieved by increasing the switching frequency. However, the switching losses and electromagnetic interference noises will be occurred following increasing the switching frequency. In order to improve the efficiency of the power factor correction (PFC) circuit, many efforts have been done on the soft-switching converter [4–11]. Unfortunately, switching losses in the approaches proposed in [6, 7] can be reduced only at the expense of much increased current stresses of the main switch, which leads to a substantial increase in conduction loss. To reduce the switching losses, initially raise the snubbers. Example of these snubbers can be found in the references [12, 13] Later on appeared the quasiresonant converters (QRCs) proposed in . However, some of their characteristics such as load limitations and control difficulties due to variable frequency operation restrict the practical use of these converters. Quasi-resonant converters (PWM-QRC) operate with fixed switching frequency; on the other hand they present all the other disadvantages of the QRC’s that limit their applications. Nowadays there are many converters that do not present the limitations described above . Although this converter presents several advantages, its main switch presents current and/or voltage stresses. Most recent development in high-frequency converter configuration is a hybrid of resonant soft switching and pulse-width-modulation (PWM) control. This group of converters is called soft switching PWM converters, an example of these converters is presented in . In the soft switching PWM converters, the switches operate in resonant mode only during switching transitions and then return to PWM operation for the rest of a switching period. In the soft-switching techniques allows operation with much reduced switching losses and stresses enabling high switching frequency operation with high efficiency. The concept of interleaving several switching cells is not new and was originally used as a method for overcoming the limitations of ordinary power conversion techniques and device technologies . Recognition of the general merits of interleaved conversion has prompted a diverse variety of subsequent investigations, as reflected in the literature. In this paper, the interleaved power conversion refers to the strategic interconnection of two switching cells for which the conversion frequency is identical, but for which the internal switching instants are sequentially phased over equal fractions of a switching period. This arrangement applied to PFC combined with the soft switching technique to lower the switching losses in the approach proposed in can reduce the net ripple amplitude and raises the effective ripple frequency of the overall converter without increasing switching losses or main switches stresses. The main goal of this system can therefore realize savings in filtration and energy storage requirements, resulting in greatly improved power conversion densities without sacrificing efficiency. The features of the proposed converter are discussed in this paper, and the principle of operation, simulation, and experimental results is presented to validate the proposed solution. 2. Proposed Structure A configuration of the proposed structure is shown in Figure 2. This converter is based on the interleaved boost converter, integrated with the proposed soft switching auxiliary circuit. 2.1. Circuit Description As the proposed structure is derived from the boost converter, there is one input inductor ( and ) for each stage connected in parallel. The input current ripple is reduced by the parallel stages operating with different phases. The diodes and are the output diodes and operate like the output diodes of the interleaved boost converter. The output filter and load are represented by and . In order to simplify the description and the explanation of the principle of operation of the proposed converter, filter inductance’s and are assumed large enough to be considered as ideal current sources. The voltage across presents no ripple, all components are treated as being ideal, and the input current flows through freewheeling diodes and until switch or is turned on at time . According to its working cycle, operations modes are described as follows. 2.2. Principle of Operation The operation of the circuit will be described considering the branch 1 ( and ), since the branch 2 ( and ) operates in the same way. Under the assumption that the switching frequency (100 kHz) is much higher than the rectifier output frequency (120 Hz), the voltage will not have a significant change. In this case the development of the analysis will consider a DC input voltage, since the soft-switching strategy is not compromised by the incoming AC line. Based on these assumptions, circuit operations in one switching cycle can be divided into seven stages. The seven dynamic equivalent circuits of the new boost converter during one switching period are shown in Figure 3 where the main switch starts conducting at and turns off at the time interval , and the auxiliary switch starts at and turns off at time interval . The ideal relevant waveform of the new interleaved boost is shown in Figure 4. In this section, the analytical expressions describing the operation of the proposed converter are presented. The following definitions are assumed: The resonant components are assumed to be with the same values: and . Stage 1 (, Figure 3(a)). Before , the main switch maintains turn-off state, the input current flows through , and . This stage begins when turns on with ZCS at . The resonant inductor charges linearly due to output voltage from zero to . The stage ends when the resonant current reaches and diode turns off with ZVS at . The resonant and can be, respectively, described as Stage 2 (, Figure 3(b)). In this stage, the current remains flowing through auxiliary switch . The remaining semiconductors are in the off state. The resonant and can be, respectively, described as In this time interval main switch is turned on in a ZCS and ZVS way. Stage 3 (, Figure 3(c)). In this stage, the resonance begins when turns off with ZVS at . The resonant route proceeds by way of , and . The resonant current decreases, and the resonant voltage also decreases via the resonance of and . This state ends when the voltage reaches output voltage at . The resonant and can be, respectively, described as At the end of this stage is equal to Stage 4 (, Figure 3(d)). In this mode reduces to zero. This mode comes to an end at when becomes zero. The expressions for and are Stage 5 (, Figure 3(e)). The main switch is conducting, and the input current flows through the input inductor and power switch. All diodes are blocked, and the input inductor store energy. The equations that describe this mode are Stage 6 (, Figure 3(f)). At the instant , switch is turned off in a ZVS way, and the energy stored in the input inductor is transferred to the output capacitor through the diode and also to the resonant capacitor . In this time interval, linearly discharges to zero voltage. The resonant and can be, respectively, described as Stage 7 (, Figure 3(g)). In this stage, diode DA1 conduces the current. The duration of this stage is defined by switch modulation. At the end of this time interval, switch turns on, and the next operating cycle begins. The resonant and can be, respectively, described as The State-space phase of the converter can be represented by a diagram shown in Figure 5. It is only valid for , physically, for low values of load current, the energy stored in resonant inductor would not be sufficient to charge resonant capacitor to output voltage, which makes converter to perform as a hard-switched system. The static gain, which represents the ratio between the output and the input voltages as function of the duty cycle, can be obtained by analyzing the waveforms of the inductor and observing the time intervals After the mathematical analyses, the expression of the static gain can be obtained where: is switching period and is duty cycle. The expression of the static gain is illustrated in Figure 6. 3. Results and Discussion The benefits of interleaving can be understood intuitively using a simple graphical analysis to show how the output power is shared between two boost switching cells connected in parallel. For simultaneous synchronous operation (wherein the commutation instances of the two controlled switches are identical), the circuit performance is equivalent to a single boost converter with equal total energy storage and equal total semiconductor die area. The inductor and diode ripple current waveforms that result are shown in Figure 7 as solid ones. If these same converter cells are interleaved, such that the commutation instances of the second switch are delayed relative to those of the first switch by half a switching period, the resultant ripple waveforms are those shown as dashed lines in Figure 7. Compared to the noninterleaved case with equal energy storage, the interleaved ripple waveforms have smaller amplitudes and increased frequencies, reducing the filtration requirements. The rectifier is designed to operate in continuous-conduction mode (CCM). It was employed UC3854 as the controller, which prescribes the shape and the frequency of the input current due to its inherently synchronous feedback loop. The synchronous signal is sensed from a rectified sinusoidal waveform. This signal is accessible at the output of the rectifier in the usual PFC boost converter . Thus, a signal bridge rectifier is necessary to obtain the desired synchronous signal and the rms input voltage for the control IC. Hall effect sensor for detecting the input current is installed for the average current mode control. The reference current is then generated by a multiplier/divider combination of the synchronous feedback loop, output voltage feedback loop, and input voltage feed-forward loop. As the input voltage changes, which is the case in this PFC application, reference current monitors the input current in order to obtain almost unity power factor. Figure 8 shows the principle of the average current mode, used as a control reference in this project. The simplified scheme of the controller and the power stage are shown in Figure 9. The block diagram circuit to drive the four switches using the UC3854 PWM output (GTDrv Pin) is shown in Figure 10. 3.1. Simulation Results The proposed converter was simulated using commercially available PSIM software. The main circuit components were μH, μF. The resonant components were μH and nF. Figure 10 shows simulated waveforms obtained with the converter operating with input voltage V, duty cycle , output load Ω, and switching frequency kHz. It can be seen from Figures 11(a) and 11(b) that the converter switches can operate with soft switching. The auxiliary switch, during the turn-on period, operates with ZCS as the resonant components delay the rise in switch current and makes it fall to zero voltage during the turn-off period. It should be noted that the voltage across the main switch is zero during the turn-on and turn-off periods, which is characteristic of this soft-switched converter. Figure 11(c) shows the resonant voltage and current waveforms. It should also be noted that switches voltage and current stresses are equivalent to conventional hard-switched interleaved converter. 3.2. Experimental Results A prototype circuit was constructed to verify the waveforms predicted above. The values of the components used experimentally are the same as those specified in the simulation. The used switches were the MOSFET IRF840, and the diodes were HFA15TB60. The specifications considered for implementation and test of the proposed converter areinput voltage: Vrms,output voltage: V,output power: kW,switching frequency: kHz. Figure 12(a) shows the main switch voltage and current waveforms. As it is observed, this switch operates under zero voltage and current during the turn-on period and zero voltage during the turn-off period. Figure 12(b) shows the waveforms of voltage and current in the auxiliary switch. As seen in this photograph, it operates with ZCS during the turn-on period and ZVS during the turn-off period. Figure 12(c) shows the input voltage and current waveforms. This result shows that the obtained power factor is suitable for international standards. The discrepancy between theoretical and practical values is due to parasitic oscillations, which were not considered in the data acquisition. The nominal power factor exceeds 0.98, and the efficiency of the power circuit reached at nominal load is equal to 96%, as shown in Figure 13. These values were obtained using a Yokogawa WT230 Digital Power Meter. To provide a comparative analysis about the efficiency levels achieved with the laboratory prototype, a converter without the proposed soft-commutation cell was also built in the laboratory using the same layout and the same components. Thus, in this situation, one can conclude that significant efficiency improvements can be achieved with the application of the proposed soft commutation cell, as depicted in Figure 13. In this paper an improved ZVT interleaved boost PFC converter is presented. An auxiliary circuit for interleaved boost PFC converter is analyzed. The proposed topology was simulated via PSIM software, and an experimental prototype was implemented. As seen from the results, the main switches are turned on and turned off under ZVS conditions. Also, the auxiliary switch and the other diodes used in the auxiliary circuit are turned on and/or off with ZVS and/or ZCS conditions. The simulation and experimental results show that the total switching losses of the interleaved topology are reduced by applying the proposed auxiliary circuit. It can be also seen that the power factor correction is achieved. The author gratefully acknowledges the support provided by CNPq. - M. Kazerani, P. D. Ziogas, and G. Joos, “A novel active current waveshaping technique for solid-state input power factor conditioners,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 72–78, 1991. - M. Kazerani, P. Ziogas, and G. Joos, “Programmable input power factor correction methods for single phase diode rectifier circuits,” in Proceedings of the 5th Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC '90), pp. 177–184, Los Angeles, Calif, USA, 1990. - A. R. Prasad, P. D. Ziogas, and S. Manias, “An active power factor correction technique for three-phase diode rectifiers,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 83–92, 1991. - C. Duarte and I. Barbi, “A new ZVS-PWM active-clamping high power factor rectifier: analysis, design, and experimentation,” in Conference Proceedings of the 13th Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC '98), pp. 230–236, 1998. - A. Costa, C. Treviso, and L. Freitas, “New ZCS-ZVS-PWM boost converter with unity power factor operation,” in Proceedings of the 9th Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (PESC '94), pp. 404–410, Orlando, Fla, USA, 1994. - D. Xu, C. Yang, L. Ma, C. Qiao, Z. Qian, and X. He, “A novel single-phase active-clamped PFC converter,” in Proceedings of the IEEE 12th Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC '97), pp. 266–271, Atlanta, Ga, USA, February 1997. - S. Gataric, D. Boroyevich, and F. Lee, “Soft-switched single-switch three-phase rectifier with power factor correction,” in Proceedings of the 9th Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC '94), pp. 738–744, Orlando, Fla, USA, 1994. - C. Canesin and I. Barbi, “A novel single-phase ZCS-PWM high power factor boost rectifier,” in Proceedings of the 28th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC '97), pp. 110–114, 1997. - F. Wakabayashi and C. Canesin, “New family of zero-current-switching PWM converters and a novel HPF-ZCS-PWM boost rectifier,” in Proceedings of the 14th annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC '99), pp. 605–611, 1999. - A. de Souza and I. 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Libano, “Buck quasi-resonant converter operating at constant frequency: analysis, design and experimentation,” in Proceedings of the IEEE 20th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC '89), pp. 873–880, Milwaukee, Wis, USA, 1989. - L. Barbosa, E. Coelho, L. Freitas, J. Vieira, and V. Farias, “PWM soft-switched converters with a single active switch,” IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 117, no. 11, pp. 1305–1310, 1997. - J. Lambert, L. Barbosa, E. Coelho, L. Freitas, J. Vieira, and V. Farias, “A boost PWM soft-single-switched converter with low voltage and current stresses,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 16–35, 1998. - L. Barbosa, A. Pereira, J. Rossi, and M. Almeida, “A stressless buck quadratic PWM soft switched converter,” in Proceedings of the 24th International Telecomunications Energy Conference (INTELEC '02), pp. 150–155, 2002. - D. Garth, W. Muldoon, G. Benson, and E. Costague, “Multi-phase, 2 kilowatt, high voltage, regulated power supply,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Power Conditioning Specialists Conference Record, pp. 110–116, 1971. - P. Todd, UC3854 Controlled Power Factor Correction Circuit Design, Unitrode Corporation, Merrimack, NH, USA, 1998.
Pokemon Stadium 2 FAQ v2.0 by Robodemon ***TABLE OF CONTENTS*** Introduction Game Area Explanation Quest Mode Arena Tournaments Mewtwo Battle Quest Mode (hard) Arena Tournaments (hard) Gameshark Codes Other stuff ***UPDATES*** ***INTRODUCTION*** Welcome to the Pokemon Stadium 2 FAQ. This FAQ is here to give you tips on how to win the tournaments and quest mode. Just a little side note: this is my first FAQ; so don't kill me if this is a little off. First off, let me explain the controls. If you're confused about which attack is which, here's how it works: Your Pokemon's first attack is C^, second is C>, third is Cv, and fourth is C<. This is for anyone who gets confused about their Pokemon's moves. Of course, this FAQ is assuming you're playing with a GB adaptor and a Japanese version :) It also helps to have a basic knowledge of Pokemon. ***GAME AREA EXPLANATION*** Here's a quick explanation of each area: After the confirmation screen, you will have 4 options. Left option: Battle the computer (com from here on) or a friend in a quick battle with random Pokemon. Right option: Fight a friend with the Pokemon on your cartridges in one of the tournaments. There's some sort of timer ticking in the background as you fight. You need two GB adaptors for this. I really don't know what's going on here, can someone explain it to me? Bottom option: (the one without a picture) Leads to the options screen. Here you can change between Stereo and Mono sound (top option), turn the announcer on or off (middle option), and erase the game's memory (bottom option). Center option: leads to the main area, so on to that. Stadium in Center: Pokemon Tournaments. You can enter Pokemon in 3-on-3 tournaments against the computer here. These can get rather difficult, so don't bother trying these with the in-game Pokemon :P To see which Pokemon you can use in a particular tournament, select the middle option after choosing a tournament, then choose the one the cursor is already on. The blue Pokemon are the Pokemon you can use: the red are ones you cannot. Building in Upper-left Corner: the quest mode. Here you battle in mini tournaments against the gym leaders, and then against the elite four. It's worth the trouble to win, you get a rare Pokemon such as Squirtle or Kabuto every time you win:) Building to Left of Stadium: This is the research lab. The computer on the left lets you exchange Pokemon with your computer (top option), exchange items with your computer (second option), load your computer boxes to the N64 cartridge and vice versa (third option) and.... something else (bottom option), anyone know what that is? The laptop lets you look at your Pokedex in 3D, and the computer with the tubes sticking out the sides lets you trade Pokemon with another GB pack. The thing to the right of the trading device lets you choose another game to look at in the lab if there's more than one GB pack and cartridge. Also, the Pokemon you win in the Quest Mode can be transferred to your cartridge in the Lab. Building(s) Below Stadium: This is the mini game area. Here you can play silly little mini games with the COM or other people. I'll cover this in a later update. Building Below Research Lab: This is the trophy hall. Statues of the Pokemon you've used to win the tournaments and quest mode will appear here. Press A to see information on the Pokemon you're looking at. You can use L and R to scroll faster than using the control pad. Giant Game Boy to the Right: This lets you play your GB game on the N64. To exit, press C^ and choose the middle option. Not much else to say :P Ring Below the GB: this is the free battle arena. You can battle using the in-game Pokemon or the Pokemon on your game. After selecting who's battling, you can choose the battle area. The top option is a free-for all: the others follow the tournament regulations. Then you choose your Pokemon and battle. Simple, isn't it? :) ***QUEST MODE*** This is the tips area for the quest mode. Each trainer uses a set team of Pokemon, and I'll be writing the teams here along with tips for beating them. The main reason for this is to inform you on what the computer is using, so YOU know what to use. These might be a little off, so let me know if there's anything wrong. You can use any Pokemon here, and the COM's Pokemon will be equal in level to your highest-level Pokemon. Any suggestions are (usually) welcome. Brock's Team-Round 1 Bug Catcher Team: Caterpie, Weedle, Kakuna, Metapod, Butterfree, Beedrill. This is simply laughable. If you can't beat this guy, you shouldn't be playing this yet :) Just about anything will get you through this match. Brock's Team-Round 2 Youngster Team: Bulbasaur, Ekans, Zubat, Oddish, Paras, Gloom. This guy is a little tougher, but he's still a pushover. Fire or Psychic Pokemon, or Pokemon that know those kind of moves, will win this one easily. Brock's Team-Round 3 ????? (anybody know?) Team: Farfetch'd, Diglett, Pidgey , Dugtrio, Sandshrew, Geodude. Like before, if you have the right moves or Pokemon, this will be over quick. Ice and water types are your best bet. Brock's Team-Round 4 Brock Team: Onix, Graveler, Cubone, Vulpix, Omanyte, Kabuto WATER! WATER! WATER! I don't think I can make it much clearer than that ;) Watch out though, the Omanyte and Kabuto sometimes use Agility, which makes things a lot harder. Misty's Team-Round 1 Fisherman Team: Squirtle, Poliwag, Magikarp (HA!), Wartortle, Seaking, Tentacool. No matter what level they're at, most of this guy's team won't cause problems. A good Electabuzz or Raichu can handle this easily. Misty's Team-Round 2 ??? (HELP!) Team: Pidgey, Seadra, Kadabra, Voltorb, Diglett, Jigglypuff. As long as you have a Pokemon with good attack power, you shouldn't have any problems. If she uses the Kadabra, a physical attack or two will finish it. Misty's Team-Round 3 Swimmer Team: Meowth, Goldeen, Mankey, Omanyte, Clefairy, Poliwhirl. Electric can handle this team, so you shouldn't have any problems. Misty's Team-Round 4 Misty Team: Starmie, Horsea, Psyduck, Blastoise, Staryu, Seel. Now this is a little tougher. Watch out for the Starmie, it has a nasty habit of using Thunder Wave. The Blastoise could cause problems as well. But except for that, you should win this one fairly easily if you're using electric types. That's it for this time, more on the next update. ***ARENA TOURNAMENTS*** Here's where I am going to list the Pokemon the COM uses in the tournaments. Now I will explain the rules for each tournament. In the 15-20 tournament, the total sum of your Pokemon's levels cannot exceed 60. This explains why you can't have more than one L.20 Pokemon, because 20 + 15 + 15 = 60. In the L.50-55 tournament, the total is 155, and in the L.25-30 tournament, the total is 80. in the L.100, 50, and 30 tournaments, all of your Pokemon can be at the max level allowed by that tournament. First, I'm going to cover the L.15-20 tournament. Here's how this tournament works: You can have one Pokemon at L.20 and two L.15 Pokemon, or you can have Pokemon of varying levels (ex. 3 L.16, 3 L.17). Due to the fact that this is going to take forever to find out and type, I've decided to simply list the types that will make winning each particular battle a whole lot easier. Round 1: Nidorina, Ekans, Venonat, Butterfree, Kakuna, Paras. Suggested Types: Psychic, electric. Round 2: Pidgeotto, Farfetch'd, Bellsprout, Ivysaur, Zubat, Geodude. Suggested Types: Psychic, Electric, Water. Round 3: Poliwhirl, Wartortle, Magikarp, Slowpoke, Staryu, Nidorino Suggested Types: Electric, Psychic. Round 4: Ninetales, Growlithe, Sandshrew, Drowzee, Charmeleon, Vulpix. Suggested Types: Water, Normal. Round 5: Voltorb, Magnemite, Porygon, Mankey, Kingler (?), Raichu. Suggested Types: Electric, Psychic, Rock/Ground. Round 6: Rhyhorn (L.20), Wigglytuff, Kadabra, Machop, Seadra, Gastly. Suggested Types: Water, Electric, Psychic, Normal. Round 7: Gyarados, Mr. Mime, Arcanine, Tentacruel (?), Dewgong, Meowth. Suggested Types: Electric, Normal, Water. Round 8: Dragonair, Slowbro, Clefable, Tentacool, Raticate, Golduck. Suggested Types: Ice, Electric. The next one is the L.25-30 tournament. The rules are the same as the L.15-20 tournament. Round 1: Caterpie, Weedle, Paras, Oddish, Bellsprout, Exeggcute Suggested Types: Fire. Round 2: Pidgey, Rattata, Ditto, Bulbasaur, Ekans. Zubat. Suggested Types: Psychic, Fire. Round 3: Geodude, Gastly, Voltorb, Shellder, Koffing, Exeggcute. Suggested Types: Water, Electric, Fire, Psychic. Round 4: Krabby, Horsea, Magikarp, Machop, Goldeen, Spearow. Suggested Types: Electric, Psychic. Round 5: Cubone, Growlithe, Meowth, Abra, Poliwag, Jigglypuff. Suggested Types: Water, Electric, Normal. Round 6: Diglett, Magnemite, Farfetch'd, Zubat, Charmander, Squirtle. Suggested Types: Water, Electric, Psychic. Round 7: Kabuto, Pikachu, Vulpix, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Eevee. Suggested Types: Water, Electric, Ground. Round 8: Nidoran M, Nidoran F, Dratini, Sandshrew, Psyduck, Omanyte. Suggested Types: Psychic, Ice, Electric. Next is the L.1-30 tournament. BTW, the L.1-30 and the L.50-55 tournaments are both based on the tournaments in Pokemon stadium. They use the same arena, same music, and same POKEMON as the original. Round 1: Gengar, Golem, Exeggutor, Electrode, Ditto, Dugtrio. Suggested Types: Psychic, Ice. Round 2: Gyarados, Starmie, Alakazam, Chansey, Magneton, Lapras. Suggested Types: Electric, Normal. Round 3: Starmie, Vaporeon, Lapras, Dugtrio, exeggutor, Jynx. Suggested Types: Electric, Ice, Fire. Round 4: Electrode, Tauros, Golem, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Lapras. Suggested Types: Rock/Ground, Ice, Electric. Round 5: Kangaskhan, Hypno, Ditto, Chansey, Alakazam, Jynx. Suggested Types: Normal, Fire. Round 6: Jolteon, Jynx, Electrode, Magneton, Kangaskhan, Exeggutor. Suggested Types: Rock/Ground, Fire. Round 7: Lapras, Alakazam, Dugtrio, Tauros, Electrode Chansey. Suggested Types: Electric, Normal, Ice. Round 8: Jolteon, Alakazam, Jynx, Chansey, Vaporeon, Exeggutor. Suggested Types: Rock/Ground, Ice, Electric, Normal. And next up is the L.50-55 tournament. The rules are explained above. Round 1: Gengar, Electrode, Jolteon, Golem, Magneton, Ditto. Suggested Types: Psychic, Rock/Ground, Ice. Round 2: Jynx, Dugtrio, Venusaur, Exeggutor, Alakazam, Chansey. Suggested Types: Fire, Ice, Normal. Round 3: Gyarados, Lapras, Pesmerga(note to Robodemon:what's THIS?! =p), Vaporeon, Articuno, Kangaskhan. Suggested Types: Electric. Round 4: Chansey, Ditto, Tauros, Electrode, Kangaskhan, Gengar. Suggested Types: Psychic, Rock/Ground. Round 5: Alakazam, Zapdos, Articuno, Kangaskhan (3 times in a row?), Hypno, Gyarados. Suggested Types: Normal, Ice, Electric. Round 6: Dragonite, Lapras, Magneton, Chansey, Jynx, Venusaur. Suggested Types: Ice, Electric, Rock/Ground. Round 7: Electrode, Golem, Kangaskhan, Dugtrio, Vaporeon, Articuno. Suggested Types: Rock/Ground, Ice, Electric. Round 8: Tauros, Alakazam, Jolteon, Starmie, Gengar, Exeggutor. Suggested Types: Normal, Rock/Ground, Electric, Psychic, Ice. And next is the L.1-100 tournament. This is split up into 4 different tournaments, so I'll cover each seperately. First is the poke-ball division: Round 1: Paras, Caterpie, Weedle, Magikarp, Growlithe, Charmander. Suggested Types: Fire, Water. Round 2: Ekans, Drowzee, Grimer, Poliwag, Omanyte, Nidoran F. Suggested Types: Psychic, Normal, Electric. Round 3: Mankey, Machop, Kabuto, Pikachu, Rattata, Cubone. Suggested Types: Psychic, Electric, Rock/Ground, Ice. Round 4: Geodude, Magmar, Seel, Goldeen, Krabby, Nidoran M. Suggested Types: Water, electric, Psychic. Round 5: Oddish, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Psyduck, Horsea, Eevee. Suggested Types: Ice, Electric. Round 6: Abra, Zubat, Pidgey, Spearow, Doduo, Gastly. Suggested Types: Normal, Psychic, Ice. Round 7: Shellder, Vulpix, Tangela, Tentacool, Bellsprout, Dratini. Suggested Types: Electric, Ice. Round 8: Flareon, Slowpoke, Diglett, Lickitung, Meowth, Magnemite. Suggested Types: Ice, Electric, Rock/Ground. ***MEWTWO BATTLE*** That's right, after you win all 12 tournaments, a 13th tournament opens up, where you fight Mewtwo! He knows Psychic, Blizzard, Thunderbolt, and Rest. The best strategy is to wail on him with Physical attacks from another Mewtwo. When he's down to about 100 HP, hit him with Hyper Beam or some other attack that will drain the rest of his HP. Otherwise he'll use Rest and Recover all his energy :( The Hard mode Mewtwo is basically the same, except he's a bit stronger and knows Amnesia instead of Thunderbolt. After you defeat him, you'll see the credits. Now you have you have new, harder tournaments to win. Good luck, you'll need it ;) ***QUEST MODE (HARD)*** This update is pretty much completed. I'll create walkthroughs for the hard tournaments after I finish the normal walkthroughs. ***ARENA TOURNAMENTS (HARD)*** See the note for the quest mode :P ***GAMESHARK CODES*** For all you cheaters out there, here's some Gameshark codes for Pokemon Stadium 2. 800B4BF3 FFFF This is a fairly crude infinite HP code. Your Pokemon will still take damage, but after it's defeated, send out someone else, then you can call the Pokemon that was killed back into battle! This only affects the first Pokemon you send out. Playing this game usually involves forming teams on your GB game. Here's the codes I've made for the Japanese versions of Pokemon: 0199CBD2 + 0199CCD2 + 0199CDD2= infinite money 01??63CF-1st slot 01??64CF-2nd slot 01??65CF-3rd slot 01??66CF-4th slot Buy anything in store 01??BFCF-select Pokemon to fight/capture 01??ECD0-select level of Pokemon to fight/capture 01034FD1-attack 010351D1-defense 010353D1-speed 010355D1-special Stats modifiers 01??33D1-1st slot 01??34D1-2nd slot 01??35D1-3rd slot 01??36D1-4th slot Skills Modifiers 01??4CD1-level modifier Most of the digits for the ??s can be found at various sites across the net. The stats, skills, and level modifiers only affect the Pokemon in the first slot. BTW, the stats and level modifiers WILL NOT work with Pokemon stadium 2, so don't try it. ***OTHER STUFF*** Updates--- v1.0, 6/16/99--- first edition. More to come later. v1.1, 9/13/99---Finally got back to work on the FAQ(Kurin) Fixed spacing and spelling errors, and just tried to make the FAQ look neat. v2.0, 9/13/99---Finished Quest Mode(easy) up to Poké Cup Acknowledgements--- Kurin, without him, this FAQ wouldn't be online. This file is copyrighted 1999 by Robodemon. Any commercial use of this file without my permission, and you'll find out how I got my name. Here's a few tidbits of information: If you just want to battle with a certain number of Pokemon in Quest Mode, Mewtwo Battle, or Free Battle instead of 6, just press START after selecting your Pokemon. After you access the hard mode, you can press C> at the main menu to switch between the normal menus and the hard menus. If you want to submit something to this FAQ, or if you need help with something else, e-mail me at email@example.com. Flames, Spam, and other worthless e- mails will not be responded to. If you want to complain about spacing, spelling, or anything related to this FAQ not related to Pokémon, email me(Kurin) at firstname.lastname@example.org.
by Greg on 05/10/13 at 3:43 pm So, this week, you’d probably expect me to be reviewing “The Great Gatsby”. Well, I ended up missing the screening for that one. I ended up being my fault. I went to the wrong theater. Oh well, but today we’ll bring you a new straight to DVD/Blu-Ray release, Superman: Unbound. We start this movie with Lois Lane captured by some thugs, naturally, and escaping by Helicopter. Luckily, she’s safe, because Superman will protect her. But, wait, he’s not around at the time. Well, never fear, his teenage cousin, Kara (aka Supergirl) is there to stop the thugs. Soon after a strange android / robot is spotted in the middle of the desert in Arizona. Superman goes to stop the thing. It’s very powerful, but Superman is able to destroy the thing. He takes it back to the Fortress of Solitude. While, examining it, Supergirl noticed the thing and flips out. She tells Superman that when she was young, a bunch of those androids started attacking the capital city of Krypton, Kandor. The city was encapsulated in a force field, then miniaturized on to a mothership. Then the planet was destroyed. The found out later that it was Brainiac behind it all. He’s going around from planet to planet, capturing the smart people and feeding off their intellect. Superman knows that he has to find Brainiac before he decides to do the same thing to earth. So, Superman sets out to find him and stop him. Unfortunately, this puts a rift in his and Lois’ relationship. She wants him to commit to her. He’s afraid for her safety. Can Superman fix his relationship with Lois, and can him and his cousin save the planet? It’s Superman, what do you think? Well, Superman is one of my favorite comic book heroes of all time, here’s proof. Anyway, this is a pretty good story. It’s nice to see Superman fight a different foe besides Lex Luther. I’m a fan of most of these DC Animated Movies, and this one is no different. But, my love of superman has definitely faded from when I was 5 years old til now. I feel, there’s less substance in Superman than there is in Batman, Flash, or Green Arrow. But, lets hope I feel different after the upcoming Man of Steel movie. Anyway, check out this straight to video release. It’s worth it. 3.5 / 5
(February 17, 2009 - Insidermedicine) In this video, Dr. Richard Stein, MD, FACC, discusses what he would do if he had an irregular heartbeat and had been diagnosed with long QT syndrome. Dr. Stein is a Professor of Medicine in the Charney Division of Cardiology at NYU's Langone Medical Center. At the American Heart Association's scientific sessions in New Orleans, we caught up with Dr. Richard Stein, who was a professor of medicine in the Charney Division of Cardiology, and director of the Urban Community Cardiology program, at New York University's Langone Center. What is long QT syndrome Dr. Stein: It is a reading on a electrocardiogram, and there is a QRS wave, which is the contraction of your heart; and then there is the T wave, which is the repolerization of your heart, electrically getting ready to contract again. From the beginning of the Q wave to the end of the T wave, on the electrocardiogram, is your QT interval. Now it normally changes with heart rate, so we correct it, essentially, by dividing it by the square root of the millisecond or time between each heart beat, essentially bringing everyone down to a heart rate of 60, with a one second time delay between each beat. And normally speaking, most of us should walk around with just a little bit of under a second, about 450 milliseconds, or 450 thousandth of a second. When you get up to 460-480 we get very concerned. When you get over 480, it becomes clearly a long QT syndrome, and then we are concerned that you are at risk of dying suddenly. This is in many instances an abnormal gene that carry, so one of the things that will make you more concerned is if you knew of someone in your mother or father's or your family, who had died suddenly. And in that case, you should actually seek the attention, not even of a general cardiologist, but the cardiologist who specializes in cardiac arrhythmias, a cardiac electrophysiologist, or EPS trained cardiologist. Is long QT syndrome heritable? Dr. Stein: At the end of the day, if you've had a first order relative that has died suddenly, if you have yourself experienced episodes of fainting or syncope, sudden dropping, which would be this arrythmia that would self terminate, it is called a tricia tachycardia, and one of the characteristics of people with these genetic abnormalities is they have so called "NSVT", non-sustained ventricular tricia tachycardia. So if your heart goes into a very rapid beat but it only lasts 10 or 15 seconds, you'll drop, you'll faint, but it will be back to normal and profusing your brain and you'll wake up again. So if you have these sudden episodes of syncope or loss of consciousness, if you have a first order relative that has died suddenly, and you have a long QT; the odds are very significant that you have inherited this problem. What test are used to diagnose long QT syndrome? Dr. Stein: It's the simple electrocardiogram that a physician or nurse can perform in the office. In today's world, two thirds of those are actually interpreted by a computer, and they are done accurately. And they will measure and correct this QT interval from the beginning of one wave to the end of another, and if that is long, getting up to and exceeding half of a second, then you have long QT syndrome. What are the implications of long QT syndrome? Dr. Stein: Well, the implications are that you have a risk of dying suddenly. If you have some of the types that risk can be more common during the extremes of exercise or stress, because your own norepinephrine or adrenaline in your blood actually can promote the same process that the QT syndrome is promoting. In some instances, it can occur during sleep, and in some instances it seems to be just a random event. You could be sitting or talking and suddenly it happens. It's a not uncommon and increasingly appreciated cause of otherwise healthy people, either playing sports or right after their sport events, dying suddenly. How is long QT syndrome managed? Dr. Stein: It is managed really for the patients who have either QT One or Two, we can reduce but not obliterate your chance of dying suddenly by giving you a drug called a beta blocker. If you have any long QT syndrome, there is series of drugs and drug combinations which can make it a lot worse, and widen the QT, and we think increase your risk of sudden death. Combinations of antibiotics, very common ones like Aritha Myson, can bind with some decongestants, combined with some antifungal medications, are all drugs that can increase your QT further, and increase your risk. So, what I tell my patients to do after they have gotten their list, and it is a constantly changing list, go on Google and type in "Long QT Drugs", and there is a website, Long QT Drugs, and you see if the drug that your doctor wants you to take or you are currently taking is on that list, and if you have a long QT syndrome or a borderline long QT syndrome, then you should really stop the drug and discuss it with the doctor. Because in some of these genetic abnormalities that make up the QT syndrome, it is necessary for us to actually put in an automatic defibrillator. If we think your risk of having your heart fibrillate and you die is significant enough, then this device which would automatically monitor your heart then defibrillate you. This is sort of a micro version of what you see on television when they put the paddles on the guy and, the beep suddenly starts to look regular on the monitor. These are smaller shocks but they are delivered directly to the inside wall of the heart, and they will have the same effect, they will basically convert you back to normal sinuous rhythm and save your life. Are there any surgical procedures for long QT syndrome? Dr. Stein: There is not surgical for this, we are talking about channels that are so thin that you would need an electron microscope to visualize them. Single ions that we conceptually know move across those channels but we have no way of seeing or touching. And, the only mechanism we have is really implanting a device, although, so that is a surgical event, where the electrophysiologist will put something about the size of half your fist and much flatter, under your wall of your muscle of your chest and, putting the electrodes and leads into your heart, to monitor your heart beat. If I had an irregular heartbeat and was diagnosed with prolonged QT syndrome... Dr. Stein: If I had a episode of sudden fainting or two, or a relative of mine had died suddenly without any medical clear understanding, then I would get an electrocardiogram, an EKG done, and if the doctor or nurse reading this said your QT interval is long, I would then, obviously, go see an electrophysiologist to have this evalutated. I would expect my bloods to be sent off for the genetic tests that could confirm that I did indeed have a Long QT because of a genetic abnormality. I would understand that I would check periodicly, especially if I was going on a new medication, that the medication wouldn't make this situation worse. I would expect in most instances, that I would be put on a medication if I had what we call Long QT One, a beta blocker, and that I would very likely need an implanted defibrillator. This is really right on the edge of cusp of our knowledge and yearly there are big changes made in this field, mostly by our level of knowledge and understanding getting greater. So it's important that you both: see and electrophysiologist if you are uncomfortable with the idea of getting a defibrillator, which I would not think anyone wouldn't be, and get a second opinion unless you've arrived at this person with already having done that. Then really ask that person to have you talk to a few of their patients that have had these in, and understand what the impact has been on their lives and how they have managed it. Because it is now a managable phenomena to keep you from dying early of this disease.
Sleeping Beauty 50th Anniversary Edition Features: DTS-HD MA soundtrack, new widescreen version of the film which reveals more screen never seen before, a bonus disc dedicated to extras, and a much-appreciated Bonus DVD Movie Disc, which contains the SD DVD version of the film. Distributor: Disney Movie Release: January 29, 1959 This Release: October 7, 2008 MPAA Rating: G Running Time: 1 hr 15 mins MSRP: $34.99 Current Price: Check Price / Purchase The following are screencaps from Sleeping Beauty: 50th Anniversary Edition on Blu-ray. To sum it up, the picture looks great. I was really curious as to how an HD (i.e., Blu-ray) transfer would look because I had a lot of questions as to just how much more color could come from individually hand-painted ink cells dated 50-years ago. Well, I was quite surprised. Sleeping Beauty is an MPEG-4 AVC transfer, and the average bitrate is just a hair over 24Mbps. The file size of the movie is around 18.3GB, which is fairly large considering the film length is only 75-minutes. Sleeping Beauty SD DVD & Blu-ray Screencaps and Comparisons Shown below are screencaps from the Bonus DVD supplied with the Blu-ray version of Sleeping Beauty: 50th Anniversary Edition. I'm assuming this is the same transfer from the master where the Blu-ray came from. Now what follows, is an upsampled SD DVD section (to 1920 x 1080) and a non-upsampled Blu-ray section (because it's native @ 1920 x 1080) from the same areas on each screencap. Upsampling was done to match what it would look like on your HDTV screen. We can observe a difference between the Blu-ray and SD DVD versions below. Colors are more vibrant, subjects are more defined, and of course, much less blur in the Blu-ray version. You may note there is a tad bit of aliasing on the red bird in the Blu-ray area (and there is in the SD DVD version as well but it's blurred so much it doesn't make a difference here), but this is normal because the image is so close to you as you're viewing it on your PC monitor, it would be the same as viewing it about a foot from your HDTV screen. So, nothing to worry about. What you see below is an example of how much more detail an HD transfer can provide you. And this is just a small section from the movie, so just imagine how much more detail and information you're receiving overall. For those who are curious and even daring, try to sharpen the SD DVD area in your favorite image editor. You can't create detail if it's not there. These are just a few examples of the SD DVD and Blu-ray version of Sleeping Beauty: 50th Anniversary Edition. But already, we can observe much more detail in images, and colors are more bold. What's interesting is this comparison is regarding an animated movie. We would certainly see more artifacts and compression issues with a non-animated movie. So yes, even HD can make an animated movie look better.
Register Your Network Recognizing the tremendous growth occurring around the country in Practice-Based Research Networks (PBRN), and their potential for the promotion of research and quality improvement in healthcare delivery, the Agency for Healthcare Research Quality (AHRQ) invites all interested primary care networks to register with the AHRQ PBRN Resource Center. Registration is free. Registered PBRNs receive a number of benefits including: notification of AHRQ funding opportunities, the ability to participate in both general and topic-specific listservs and in the PBRN Resource Center sponsored web-based seminars (Peer Learning Groups). Additionally, members are invited to attend the annual AHRQ National PBRN Research Conference. Registration also offers your network access to technical assistance from AHRQ and the PBRN Resource Center on operational and research topics relevant to Primary Care PBRNs. Who Can Register? AHRQ defines primary care using the Institute of Medicine (IOM) definition of primary care. AHRQ defines a Primary Care Practice-Based Research Network as having the following characteristics: - A minimum of 50% of the membership are primary care clinicians (e.g. pediatrics, family medicine, general internal medicine, and geriatrics); - A minimum of 5 practice locations and 15 clinicians; and - A director and a Mission Statement PBRNs may register if they are established (meet the above criteria) or in the process of organizing. PBRNs whose members consist of less than 50% primary care clinicians are registered as Affiliate PBRNs (Examples include Pharmacy and Dental PBRNs). How to Register? Please contact Kristin Mikolowsky at the PBRN Resource Center at PBRN@abtassoc.com for further information concerning the registry. The registry contains less than 50 questions. The types of questions in the registry pertain to design, size and geography of the network, the types of research conducted in the network, and staff contact information. PBRN Benefits for Registering your Network For registering your network with the Resource Center, US-based primary care and affiliate PBRNs will receive*: - Direct access to the PBRN Resource Center; - Email correspondence from AHRQ detailing funding opportunities; - PBRN news and information from both AHRQ and the PBRN Resource Center; - Messages sent to the PBRN listserv and access to special interest group listservs' - Access to other PBRN registry information for registered networks (this is only provided for networks who give us permission to release it); - Access to the PBRN literature database; and, - The opportunity to participate in PBRN web-based seminars and Peer Learning Groups (PLGs). Those networks who are willing to provide their member location information will be added to the National PBRN Practice Location Map. This map is in a format that allows you to enter the information into slides, grant proposals, and network materials. The Resource Center requests this information to better understand your network's geographic representation and to provide you with a resource that is helpful in describing your network. *International PBRNs are welcome to register with AHRQ as affiliate members, but are limited on the benefits extended to them. International PBRNs can contact Kristin Mikolowsky at the PBRN Resource Center (PBRN@abtassoc.com) for details.
Information about the DVD (out now) can be found below, but here's how to get your Crash.net 1. CLICK HERE and you will be taken to the 'Macau Grand Prix 2011 DVD' product page on the Duke Video shop (opens in a new window).Note that due to demand stocks are running low - order soon! 2. The DVD will be priced at £16.99 on the Duke Video website - already a £3 discount - but as a Crash.net viewer you can get it reduced to just £12.99 3. Simply click 'Add to Basket' and then click 'View Basket or Checkout'. 5. Now enter "Crash" in the promotional code box at the bottom of the Checkout page and click 'Activate'. Like magic, the price of your DVD(s) will drop ! Then just enter your payment details if you want to buy. The discount code also works for other Duke Videos - see the 'Products you might like' section below this story.More information on the Official 2011 Macau Grand Prix 2011 DVD... “The Macau Grand Prix Official Review has returned to Duke for 2011, bringing action-packed highlights from both the Motorcycle and Formula 3 GPs held around the twisting city streets in November. “The 45th Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix attracted an all-star line-up and produced a spectacular race in challenging conditions. Fans can relive highlights from throughout practice and the race itself in the official Macau GP review. “Rain saw the practice schedule thrown into chaos, and the Grand Prix delayed and shortened, but a bit of wet weather couldn't dampen the enthusiasm of the road racing greats. “The Official Review brings viewers the best track action, including on-bike footage, and interviews in a comprehensive look back at a stunning race. “Ducati-mounted Michael Rutter, chasing a record-breaking 7th Macau GP win, set the pace in qualifying and was clearly the man to beat around the tight and twisting city street circuit. “However, Ian Hutchinson, in his first race for more than year following a career-threatening injury, Isle of Man TT legend John McGuinness and Rutter's team-mate Martin Jessopp would not give in without a fight. “Get ready for 10 laps of action, with walls and the familiar yellow and black barriers just inches away, as Yamaha's Hutchy grabs the hole shot to set up a superb dice for victory on one of the most demanding tracks in motorsport. “DVD extras include extended interviews with Rutter, Hutchinson, McGuinness and Macau newcomer Michael Dunlop. “Plus, this Official Review includes coverage of the incident-packed Formula 3 Macau Grand Prix. “There's practice action, interviews and highlights from both the 10-lap qualification race and the 15-lap Grand Prix as the rising stars of racing, including Marco Wittmann, Daniel Juncadella, Robert Mehri Felipe Nasr, do wheel-to-wheel battle. “Get set for wrecked cars, dented barriers, audacious overtaking and outstanding racing as the Macau GP makes and breaks reputations. “Whether viewers prefer motorcycles or cars, any racing enthusiast will want to watch all the action on the 2011 Macau Grand Prix Official Review DVD. “The Official 2011 Macau Grand Prix Review is Out Now on DVD, priced at £19.99 and will be available from leading video outlets or direct from Duke Video: Tel 01624 640 000, fax 01624 640 001 or email email@example.com. Visit www.DukeVideo.com online.”
|Created||Multiple cultures, originating predominantly in Greece and exported.| |Period/culture||A vaseform of the Bronze Age and the Iron Age| |Wikimedia Commons has media related to Kraters.| Form and function At a Greek symposium, kraters were placed in the center of the room. They were quite large, so they were not easily portable when filled. Thus, the wine-water mixture would be withdrawn from the krater with other vessels. In fact, Homer's Odyssey describes a steward drawing wine from a krater at a banquet and then running to and fro pouring the wine into guests' drinking cups. The modern Greek word now used for undiluted wine, krasi (κρασί), originates from the krasis (κράσις, i.e. mixing) of wine and water in kraters. Kraters were glazed on the interior to make the surface of the clay more impervious for holding water, and possibly for aesthetic reasons, since the interior could easily be seen. At the beginning of each symposium a symposiarch (συμποσίαρχος), or "lord of the common drink", was elected by the participants. He would then assume control of the wine servants, and thus of the degree of wine dilution and how it changed during the party, and the rate of cup refills. The krater and how it was filled and emptied was thus the centerpiece of the symposiarch's authority. An astute symposiarch should be able to diagnose the degree of inebriation of his fellow symposiasts and make sure that the symposium progressed smoothly and without drunken excess. Drinking ákratos (undiluted) wine was considered a severe faux pas in ancient Greece, enough to characterize the drinker as a drunkard and someone who lacked restraint and principle. Ancient writers prescribed that a mixing ratio of 1:3 (wine to water) was optimal for long conversation, a ratio of 1:2 when fun was to be had, and 1:1 was really only suited for orgiastic revelry, to be indulged in very rarely, if at all. Since such mixtures would produce an unpalatable and watery drink if applied to most wines made in the modern style, this practice of the ancients has led to speculation that ancient wines might have been vinified to a high alcoholic degree and sugar content, e.g. by using dehydrated grapes, and could withstand dilution with water better. Such wines would have also withstood time and the vagaries of transportation much better. Nevertheless the ancient writers offer scant details of ancient vinification methods, and therefore this theory, though plausible, remains unsupported by evidence. Forms of kraters This form originated in Corinth in the seventh century BCE but was taken over by the Athenians where it is typically black-figure. They ranged in size from 35 centimetres (14 in) to 56 centimetres (22 in) in height and were usually thrown in three pieces: the body/ shoulder area was one, the base another, and the neck/ lip/ rim a third. The handles were pulled separately. These are among the largest of the kraters, supposedly developed by the potter Exekias in black figure though in fact almost always seen in red. The lower body is shaped like the calyx of a flower, and the foot is stepped. The psykter-shaped vase fits inside it so well stylistically that it has been suggested that the two might have often been made as a set. It is always made with two robust upturned handles positioned on opposite sides of the lower body or "cul". This type of krater, defined by volute-shaped handles, was invented in Laconia in the early 6th century BC, then adopted by Attic potters. Its production was carried on by Greeks in Apulia until the end of the 4th century BC. Its shape and method of manufacture are similar to those of the column krater, but the handles are unique: to make each, the potter would have first made two side spirals ("volutes") as decorative disks, then attached a long thin slab of clay around them both forming a drum with flanged edges. This strip would then have been continued downward until the bottom of the handle where the potter would have cut a U-shaped arch in the clay before attaching the handle to the body of the vase. According to many scholars[who?] the ceramic kraters imitated shapes designed initially for metal exemplars. Among the largest and most famous metal kraters in antiquity were one in the possession of the Samian tyrant Polycrates, and another one dedicated by Croesus to the Delphic oracle. There are a few extant Archaic bronze kraters (or often only their handles), almost exclusively of the volute-type. Their main production centres were Sparta, Argos and Corinth, in Peloponnesus. During the Classical period the Volute-type continued to be very popular along with the calyx-type, and beside the Corinthian workshop an Attic one was probably active. Exquisite exemplars of both volute- and calyx-kraters come from Macedonian 4th century BC graves. Among them the Derveni krater represents an exceptional chef d’œuvre of the Greek toreutics. The Vix bronze crater, found in a Celtic tomb in central France is the largest known Greek krater. - Entry κράσις at LSJ - Toby Schreiber (1999). Athenian Vase Construction: A Potter's Analysis. Getty. p. 138. ISBN 978-0-89236-465-7. Retrieved 23 September 2013. - Andrew J. Clark; Maya Elston; Mary Louise Hart (2002). Understanding Greek Vases: A Guide to Terms, Styles, and Techniques. Getty. p. 105. ISBN 978-0-89236-599-9. Retrieved 23 September 2013. - Toby Schreiber (1999). Athenian Vase Construction: A Potter's Analysis. Getty. p. 137. ISBN 978-0-89236-465-7. Retrieved 23 September 2013. - Barr-Sharrar B., The Derveni krater: masterpiece of classical Greek metalwork, ASCSA 2008
Recall -- Firm Press Release FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers, the media, and other interested parties. FDA does not endorse either the product or the company. Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Ltd. Announces a Nationwide Voluntary Recall of All Lots of Digoxin Tablets Due to Size Variability Daniel Movens: (313) 871-8400 Thomas Versosky: (313) 556-4150 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- DETROIT, March 31, 2009 -- Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Ltd. (NYSE AMEX: CPD), a generic pharmaceutical company, announced today that all tablets of Caraco brand Digoxin, USP, 0.125 mg, and Digoxin, USP, 0.25 mg, distributed prior to March 31, 2009, which are not expired and are within the expiration date of September, 2011, are being voluntarily recalled to the consumer level. The tablets are being recalled because they may differ in size and therefore could have more or less of the active ingredient, digoxin. The recalled tablets were manufactured by Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Ltd. This recall is being conducted with the knowledge of the Food and Drug Administration. Digoxin is a drug product used to treat heart failure and abnormal heart rhythms. It has a narrow therapeutic index and the existence of higher than labeled dose may pose a risk of digoxin toxicity in patients with renal failure. Digoxin toxicity can cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, low blood pressure, cardiac instability, and bradycardia. Death can also result from excessive digoxin intake. A lower than labeled dose may pose a risk of lack of efficacy potentially resulting in cardiac instability. Consequently, as a precautionary measure, Caraco is recalling these tablets to the consumer level to minimize any potential risk to patients. Consumers with the products with the following NDC codes that are within expiration should return these products to their pharmacy or place of purchase. Caraco Digoxin 0.125 mg is a scored round biconvex yellow tablet imprinted with “437” Caraco Digoxin 0.25 mg is a scored round biconvex white tablet imprinted with “441” Digoxin Tablets, USP, 0.125 mg Digoxin Tablets, USP, 0.25 mg Patients using Caraco's Digoxin tablets, USP, 0.125 mg or 0.25 mg, who have medical questions should contact their healthcare provider for additional instructions or guidance. Retailers who have this product should return the product to their place of purchase. Retailers can call Caraco customer service at (800) 818-4555, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST, for instructions on how to return the affected product or for any other inquiries related to this action. Any adverse reactions experienced with the use of all affected product, and/or quality problems should also be reported to the FDA's MedWatch Program by phone at 1-800-FDA-1088, by Fax at 1-800-FDA-0178, by mail at Med Watch, FDA, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852-9787, or on the MedWatch website at www.fda.gov/medwatch.
Laser device designed for Mars unmasks counterfeit honey By David Szondy February 13, 2013 When someone mentions counterfeiting, it brings up images of money, watches or DVDs. It certainly doesn't make honey spring to mind, yet honey smuggling and counterfeiting is an international problem involving hundreds of millions of dollars. In an effort to combat this, the European Space Agency (ESA) is funding a demonstration project to adopt lasers designed to study the Martian atmosphere, to detect fake honey. The United States consumes 400 million pounds (181 million kg) of honey per year, of which 53 percent is imported. In recent years, smuggled and counterfeit honey has become a major problem in the US and the EU. Mainland China has been the source of large quantities of honey contaminated with lead and illegal antibiotics that is illegally transshipped through India and relabeled before going on. Some of this honey isn't even honey, but a mixture of a small portion of real honey adulterated with sugar water, malt sweeteners, corn syrup, rice syrup, jaggery, barley malt sweetener, beet syrup or other additives. Similar problems occur with other foods, such as olive oil, chocolate and saffron. One way of identifying such smuggled and counterfeit honey is by pollen analysis, which can pinpoint its origin based on the flowers the bees visited, but the Chinese often ultrafiltrate their honey to remove these traces. A method less easy to dodge is to study the isotope ratios of the atoms that make up the honey. Different ratios indicate where the honey came from and its composition, so both smuggled and fake honey can be detected. Take a sample of the honey, burn a few milligrams and measure the isotopes of carbon dioxide that it gives off to get the answer. The tricky bit is coming up with equipment for measuring isotopes that’s both sensitive enough for the job, yet portable enough that samples don’t need to be sent back to a central laboratory. The answer to this problem came from, of all places, Mars. Seven years ago, Britain’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) began development of a laser that could be used to hunt for methane in the atmosphere of the Red Planet. The result was the laser “isotope ratio-meter,” which is sensitive enough for isotope analysis using tunable infrared lasers on very small samples, yet lightweight and compact. “You take a laser, whose optical frequency or ‘color’ can be continuously adjusted, beam it at a gas sample, and detect the level passing through the gas,” said Dr. Damien Weidmann, Laser Spectroscopy Team Leader at RAL Space. “Each molecule, and each of its isotopic forms, has a unique fingerprint spectrum. If, on the other hand, you know what you are looking for, you can simply set the laser to the appropriate frequency.” Though it hasn't yet flown in space, the laser is being turned toward the identification of fake food through funding from ESA for a Technology Transfer Demonstration project. - Around The Home - Digital Cameras - Good Thinking - Health and Wellbeing - Holiday Destinations - Home Entertainment - Inventors and Remarkable People - Mobile Technology - Urban Transport - Wearable Electronics
Practising conflict of interest avoidance By Neil Corbett Maple Ridge city councillors are unlikely to ever find themselves embroiled in a Rob Ford-type conflict of interest, according to Mayor Ernie Daykin. Ford is the Toronto mayor ejected from office for violating the Ontario Conflict of Interest Act. He used official city letterhead to solicit donations to his private football foundation in 2010. Then, two years later, when council debated whether he should repay the $3,150 raised, Ford inappropriately took part in the debate. Daykin said council members in the district know better than to use their office to promote a cause they have an interest in, or to debate issues in which they have a clear conflict or perception of conflict. For example, Daykin is the treasurer for his church, so he excuses himself whenever council discusses the issue of tax exemptions for churches. Other councillors excuse themselves for various interests. Daykin said in nearly a decade on council he has never seen such a clear case of conflict of interest as that involving Ford. The district gives new members of council an orientation session, and the municipality’s lawyer explains their roles, legal obligations, and conflicts of interest. “It is made, in my view, pretty clear,” Daykin said. However, the system is open to abuse, and rules need to be tightened, according to SFU political science and urban studies professor Patrick ‘Paddy’ Smith. He calls the area of election finance “the Wild West.” Smith sends his students to municipalities across the Lower Mainland to collect election finance filings, and has found the two largest spending groups are developers and public sector unions. In fast-growing Maple Ridge, as well as Pitt Meadows and other Lower Mainland suburbs, development is a key election issue. “Developers play a big role,” he said. Mosaic Homes, a residential and commercial development company, and a slew of people connected to the Cardiff Farms property in Pitt Meadows donated a considerable amount of money to three people on council during the last municipal election campaign. But election rules only require disclosure – without spending limits, contribution limits or any limits on who can contribute. “It really is a mess,” said Smith. If a developer makes contributions to the campaigns of local politicians, there may be a real or perceived expectation that the politician will be more likely to approve their applications to the municipality. Many B.C. politicians fear being found in conflict – where they can be technically innocent but found guilty in the court of public opinion. “A fair number of them are attentive,” said Smith. “Conflict of interest is one of the things that has a high potential for career-ending politics.” He has worked with all three of B.C.’s conflict of interest commissioners – Ted Hughes, Bert Oliver and Paul Fraser. Although their purvey is provincial politics, all three said they are questioned by municipal politicians needing help in conflict matters, and they will offer informal advice. “An awful lot of municipal councillors are overly attentive,” said Smith. That they are eager to police themselves is encouraging, because even tighter rules could not anticipate the many ways a politician could find himself or herself in conflict. “Across the whole area of ethics in government, there is a vast amount of grey area.”
On Friday morning (October 9), Diana Farrell—a senior White House official—made a significant statement on NPR’s Morning Edition with regard to whether our largest banks are too big and should be broken up. “Ms. Diana Farrell (Deputy Assistant for Economy Policy): We understand Simon Johnson’s views on this, and I guess the response is the following…. “Ms. Farrell: We have created them [our biggest banks], and we’re sort of past that point, and I think that in some sense, the genie’s out of the bottle and what we need to do is to manage them and to oversee them, as opposed to hark back to a time that we’re unlikely to ever come back to or want to come back to.” (full transcript) Ms. Farrell is Larry Summers’s deputy on the National Economic Council and the former director of McKinsey Global Institute, and she has a strong background on banking issues—based on extensive professional experience with global financial institutions. Her statement contains three remarkable points. First, “we have created them” is exactly right. Today’s mega-banks were not created by any market process. They are the result of a series of government actions and inactions, particularly over the past 18 months. Banks failed due to their own mismanagement but how those failures were handled—bankruptcy vs. bailout—was a conscious official decision. This administration deliberately chose to be very nice to the biggest banks and to the people who run them. Second, “we need to… manage them and oversee them.” Here she is presumably referring to the administration’s regulatory reform plan, which does not appear to be going well. Once the massive banks were created, and implicitly backed by the government, it became (already by April or May of this year) very hard to reregulate them. As Joe Nocera pointed out on Saturday, the biggest banks have essentially bitten the Obama administration hand that fed them—most obviously by opposing the new Consumer Financial Protection Agency. It is already abundantly clear that the White House cannot control our big banks. What hope do mere regulators have? Third, “we’re unlikely to ever … want to come back to….” Ms. Farrell’s specifics on this point were summarized by the interviewer, Alex Blumberg, “The problem with Johnson’s approach, [the administration] decided, is that bigness also has its benefits. Sure, the economy used to be simpler and financial institutions weren’t so big and dangerous, but GDP was smaller then, too, and people were poorer.” I haven’t found even an assertion that our largest banks should get bigger, in absolute size or relative to the economy, let alone any facts or relevant empirical evidence. If I have missed a convincing quantification for “bigness also has its benefits,” please draw that to my attention. Perhaps there is a reason that today’s nonfinancial companies need a financial sector that is more concentrated and more powerful politically than ever seen in living memory—maybe this emerges from the Financial Services Roundtable or the government’s more confidential interactions with CEOs. But my conversations with people who run companies or who work closely with nonfinancial executives suggest quite the opposite—they see our current financial system as dangerous, with the likely costs of big banks (e.g., future bailouts) greatly outweighing any benefits. Here’s the end of the NPR segment, where Alex Blumberg gives a fair summary: “Blumberg: In the end, what we should do about the genie comes down to how you think about it. Farrell’s view and the view of economists like Calomiris from Columbia University is that the genie does lots of good things for us and that we can learn to restrain it. For Johnson, the good things that the genie does are outweighed by the bad things and we should be thinking hard about how to get it back in that bottle before it wreaks havoc once again.” If Ms. Farrell and the White House (or anyone else) has hard numbers we can put on the benefits of big banks, please make these public. We can then weigh these against the obvious costs of running our financial system in this fashion—on this round alone: fast approaching 40 percent of GDP, i.e., the increase in government debt as a direct result of our financial fiasco; plus persistently high unemployment; millions of homes lost; likely permanent loss of output, etc. Philipp Hildebrand, now head of the Swiss National Bank (SNB), expressed a more moderate official position in June, “A size restriction would of course be a major intervention in an institution’s corporate strategy… Naturally the SNB is aware that there are advantages to size. [But] in the case of the large international banks, the empirical evidence would seem to suggest that these institutions have long exceeded the size needed to make full use of these advantages.” Also posted on Simon Johnson’s blog, Baseline Scenario. Following were previously posted: Too Politically Connected to Fail in Any Crisis October 8, 2009 Over the past 30 years Wall Street captured the thinking of official Washington, persuading policymakers on both sides of the aisle not to regulate (derivatives), to deregulate (Gramm-Leach-Bliley), not to enforce existing safety and soundness regulations (VaR), and to stand idly by while millions of consumers were misled into life-ruining financial decisions (Alan Greenspan). This was pervasive cultural capture or, to be blunter, mind control. But when the crisis broke it was not enough. Having powerful people generally on your side is not what you need when all hell breaks loose in financial markets. Official decisions will be made fast, under great pressure, and by a small group of people standing up in the Oval Office. If you run a big troubled bank, you need a man on the inside—someone who will take your calls late at night and rely on you for on the ground knowledge. Preferably, this person should have little first-hand experience of the markets (it was hard to deceive JP Morgan and Benjamin Strong when they were deciding whom to save in 1907) and only a limited range of other contacts who could dispute your account of what is really needed. Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, and Citigroup, we learn today, have such a person: Tim Geithner, secretary of the Treasury. We already knew, from the NYT, that most of Geithner’s contacts during 2007 and 2008 were with a limited subset of the financial sector—primarily the big Wall Street players who were close to the New York Fed (including on its board). And the announcement of his appointment was widely regarded as very good news for those specific firms. But Geithner himself has always insisted that his policies are intended to help the entire financial system and thus the whole economy. “Secretary Timothy Geithner: I’ve been in public service all my life. I’ve spent all my life working in government on ways to make our financial system stronger, better economic policy for this country. That’s the only thing I’ve ever done. And I would never do anything and be part of any policy that’s designed to benefit some piece of our financial system. The only thing that we care about and the only obligation I have is try to make sure this financial system is doing a better job of meeting the needs of businesses and families across the country.” Interview on Lehrer NewsHour, May 8, 2009 Geithner’s defenders insist that his specific contacts while president of the NY Fed were a function of that position; “he was only doing his job.” But today’s AP report, based on looking at Geithner’s phone records from the inauguration through July, suggests something else. How can anyone build an accurate picture of conditions in the entire crisis-ridden financial sector primarily from talking to a few top bankers? The list of phone calls is not the largest banks, because some of the biggest are hardly represented (e.g., Wells Fargo); it’s not the most troubled banks (e.g., Bank of America had little contact); and it’s not even investment banker-types who were central to the most stressed markets (Morgan Stanley was not in the inner loop). And small- and medium-sized banks (and others) always bristle at the suggestion that their interests are in alignment with those of, say, Goldman Sachs. Geithner’s phone calls were primarily to and from people he knew well already—who had cultivated a relationship with him over the years, shared nonprofit board memberships, and participated in the same social activities. These are close professional colleagues and in some cases, presumably, friends. The Obama administration had to rescue large parts of the financial sector, given the situation they inherited. But it absolutely did not have to run the rescue in this exact fashion—bending over backwards to be nice to leading bankers and allowing their banks to become even larger. Saving top executives’ jobs under such circumstances is not best practice, it’s not what the United States advises to other countries, it’s not what the United States tells the IMF to implement when it helps clean up failed banking systems, and it’s not what the FDIC implements for failed banks under its auspices. The idea that you could leave big US bank bosses in place (or let them get stronger politically) and do meaningful regulatory reform later has always seemed illusory—and this strategy now appears to be in serious trouble. But presumably Mr. Geithner’s financial advisers told him this was the right thing to do. October 7, 2009, with James Kwak We’ve been at first amused but more recently alarmed at how “global imbalances” are becoming many people’s preferred explanation of the financial crisis. At first you could brush it off this way: “global imbalances (read: ‘blame China’)…” But this explanation is going mainstream, not least because it is always more convenient for policymakers and bad actors to blame someone far away. For example, Dealbook (New York Times) kicked off a roundtable on the causes of the financial crisis this way: “There is a conventional view developing on the financial crisis. The Federal Reserve’s policy of historically low interest rates spurred a worldwide search for higher risk and return. Concurrently, the entrenched United States trade imbalance led to a huge transfer of dollar wealth to Asian and commodity-based countries. The unwillingness of Asian economies, particularly China, to stimulate their own domestic consumption led these countries to reinvest the proceeds into the United States. This further contributed to lower American interest rates and further fueled the search for return.” (Mortgage securitization gets mentioned, but only in the fourth paragraph!) Simon and I took this on in our Washington Post online column this week, but I thought it was interesting enough to repost here in full, below. The time is here for our nation to actually do something about the recent financial crisis—that is, do something to prevent it from happening again. But instead, many people are finding it easier to pass the buck than to, say, regulate the financial sector effectively. According to this story, the global financial crisis was caused by hardworking Chinese factory workers who committed the sin of over-saving, which created a glut of money that needed to be invested, conceptualized in a great episode of public radio’s “This American Life” as the “giant pool of money.” (Japan and the oil exporters also had large surpluses, but for political reasons, the finger generally gets pointed at China.) This beast from the East, seeking higher yields than it could find in Treasury bonds, flooded into the housing market, pushing down interest rates and pushing up housing prices, and creating a bubble that finally collapsed, with the results we all know. (More nuanced proponents of this theory hold, in a “fair and balanced” sort of way, that over-savers in China and under-savers in the United States—and other countries, like Spain, Britain, and Ireland—are equally to blame; in any case, it’s the imbalance that’s the problem.) This is a convenient story because it absolves us of any need to put our own house in order through better regulation. Like most errors, this story contains an element of truth. In general, it is not a good thing for a country to consume more than it produces indefinitely because to pay for its excess consumption it must borrow money from the rest of the world, and that country can consume more than it produces only if some other country produces more than it consumes. In particular, the US-China imbalance is due in part to the Chinese policy of keeping its the value of its currency artificially low—encouraging Americans (and other foreigners) to buy Chinese exports and discouraging its citizens from buying imported goods. But the “blame China” story (or the “half-blame China” variant) suffers from serious problems. First, it takes two to tango. No one put a gun to the American consumer’s head and forced him to buy a new flat-screen TV or to do so by taking out more debt. (Nor are the Chinese somehow morally superior to us; one reason why they save so much more than Americans is that, with no social safety net to speak of, they have to.) Second, the Chinese government did not lend to American home buyers directly. China bought US Treasury and agency (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, etc.) bonds, which put more money into housing and also crowded other people’s money into housing. But the vast majority of Chinese money went into the safer bits of the US financial system; the speculative money came largely from European banks. And all the actual lending decisions were made by financial intermediaries (banks, mortgage lenders, etc.), which made plenty of bad decisions along the way while regulators, from Alan Greenspan on down, looked the other way. Third, there is no particular reason why a “giant pool of money” should produce a bubble. A savings glut should lower interest rates, which should increase the value of housing; a bubble occurs when prices go up more than dictated by fundamentals like interest rates. If the run-up in housing prices was a direct result of over-saving in China, then housing prices should have fallen only if China stopped over-saving—which has not happened. While Chinese over-saving was a contributing factor to the recent crisis, it was neither necessary nor sufficient. Cheap money is not bad in and of itself—all other things being equal, it’s better to have people lending to you at low rates than at high rates. The problem is what we did with the cheap money. For the long-term health of the economy, we want that money to flow into capital investment by the business sector because that is the best thing we know of to boost long-term productivity growth. Instead, though, Tim Duy has a great chart, showing that the rate of growth of investment in equipment and software in the 2000s was far below the rate in the 1990s, even with all the cheap money of this decade. This may seem like an obscure point, but basically it means that even with the low rates of the Greenspan Fed, and even with all that cheap money from overseas, we couldn’t get it where we needed it to go because it was being sucked up by the housing sector. And it was being sucked up by the housing sector because lenders earned fees for making loans that could not be paid back, and banks earned fees for packaging those loans into securities, and credit rating agencies earned fees for stamping “AAA” on those securities, and all sorts of financial institutions—including those same banks—loaded up on these securities because they offered high yield and low capital requirements. In short, we had a dysfunctional financial system that failed at its most fundamental job—allocating capital to where it benefits the economy the most. Encouraging productive investment by businesses and preventing the next bubble go hand in hand—both require fixing the financial system. Blaming global imbalances—a consequence bereft of either a subject (an actor) or a verb (an action)—is only a way of avoiding our real problems.
There are reasons for optimism inside the U.S. economy, according to Warren Buffett. Just not for everyone. The billionaire investor, cited as the third-richest person in the world by Forbes, said in an interview with the CEO of BusinessWire -- a unit of Buffett's own conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway that publishes press releases -- that while there have been improvements in some areas of the economy, many others haven't fared so well. Winners, Buffett says, include corporations, who have seen good equity returns, as well as the wealthiest American citizens. The losers? The housing market and average American worker. "Through the tax code, there has been class warfare waged, and my class has won," Buffett told Business Wire CEO Cathy Baron Tamraz at a luncheon in honor of the company's 50th anniversary. "It's been a rout." Between 1979 and 2007, the richest one percent of Americans saw their incomes rise by 275 percent, according to a recent report by the Congressional Budget Office. The bottom fifth of Americans experience only a 20 percent jump. It's no secret that Buffett is opposed to the increasing income inequality in the U.S. In August, the Berkshire Hathaway CEO criticized the low tax rates for the richest Americans, including himself, in an op-ed in The New York Times. His stance on raising taxes on the wealthy led to President Obama dubbing his proposal to boost taxes on millionaires the "Buffett rule." Despite the less-than-stellar economy, Buffett has made two substantial investments in American businesses in recent months. In August, Buffett announced a $5 billion investment in struggling Bank of America. The bank has dealt with a series of publicity blunders, most notably a failed debit card fee, but some forsee a strong comeback in 2012. Just this week Buffett also surprised many by investing $10.7 billion in IBM, rare for a man known for generally avoiding investments in tech companies. Though, the American economy will recover -- albeit slowly -- according to Buffett, the situation in Europe may be more complicated due to the ties between the 17 euro zone nations. "Don't ever give up the right to issue your own currency," Buffett said, referring to the institution of the standardized euro currency. Here are ten other big moments in Warren Buffett's career: In 1964, Warren Buffett purchased shares of an American Express wracked by the "salad oil scandal." The purchases would go on to net him $3.7 Billion, according to 24/7 Wall St. The move would later be compared to his more recent investments in Goldman Sachs and Bank of America. In 1973, Warren Buffet began to acquire stock in the Washington Post Company, eventually investing $10 million in the compnay. Buffett has said the impressive management style of publisher Katharine Graham provoked him to invest in the paper. Buffet became a member of the Washington Post's board of directors. He stepped down in early 2011. Warren Buffet began buying stock in Coca-Cola Company in 1988. One of Buffet's most lucrative investments of all time, the stock price rose from $10 to $45 per share in just four years, and by the end of 2003 the original $1 billion investment was worth over $10 billion. In 2008, Buffett flew in the face of a full-blown financial crisis and bought $5 billion worth of Goldman Sachs shares, netting an eventual $1.6 billion in dividends, according to CNBC. Despite the recession officially declared over, Buffett told CNBC in September 2010 that the economy was "still in a recession. And -- and we're not gonna be out of it for awhile, but we will get out of it." During the U.S. debt ceiling debate over the summer, Buffett told CNBC that the the Republican-controlled Congress was "trying to use the incentive now that we're going to blow your brains out, America, in terms of your debt worthiness over time." After Standard & Poor's downgraded U.S. credit, Buffett told Bloomberg TV that the country deserved a "quadruple A" rating, not a downgrade -- a remark later referenced by President Obama. In a New York Times op-ed Buffett criticized the low tax rates of U.S. billionaires. "[W]hile the poor and middle class fight for us in Afghanistan, and while most Americans struggle to make ends meet, we mega-rich continue to get our extraordinary tax breaks," Buffett wrote. On August 25th 2011, Buffett announced that he would purchase $5 billion worth of shares in beleaguered Bank of America. According to CNBC, he reportedly "dreamt this idea up...while he was in the bathtub." On Nov. 14 Warren Buffett announced he had accumulated a 5.5 percent stake -- 64 million shares -- in IBM stock. Buffet said in an interview with CNBC that when he looked at IBM's annual report this year, "I read it through a different lens." Since Buffett started building his stake in IBM, the company's shares rose about 17 percent, Reuters reported.
KIRKLAND – Negotiations between the Hiawatha School District 426 Board and the teachers union ended amicably Monday night when the school board approved a two-year contract. Superintendent Sarah Willey said the Hiawatha Classroom Teachers’ Association signed off on a contract Friday that would give teachers a one-time 1.67 percent step-based pay increase in January 2014. “We averted a strike, and that could have been very detrimental to the education of our students,” Willey said. “It could have delayed the end of the school year. It could have upset sports activities and graduation. ... Everybody feels it’s a reasonable compromise.” The teachers union previously declared negotiations to be at an impasse and had filed an intent-to-strike notice, Willey said. She added that Monday’s night vote nullified any strike notices, mediation, and other forms filed with the Illinois Education Labor Relations Board. The first year of the contract freezes step and lane-based pay increases, while a delayed step-based pay increase occurs in the contract’s second year. Step-based pay increases are based on a teacher’s year of experience, while a lane-based pay increase is based on a teacher’s education. Willey said the union also agreed to assume 100 percent of the liability of paying for any increases to their pensions in the first year of the contract. In the second year, that liability drops to 50 percent. Meanwhile, the district will pay up to 8 percent of a teacher’s medical insurance, which would amount to $657 a month for each employee. This is the second year in which contract negotiations between the union and the school board stretched in the school year. In 2011, an agreement wasn’t reached until November. Board Vice President Henry Burwerger, who was involved in the negotiating process, said there are a lot of unknowns this year. “The state – we don’t know what they’re going to do,” Burwerger said. “We don’t know what’s going to happen with housing development and stuff like that. Kirkland is kind of hurting like most towns. There’s a bunch of unknowns, and we didn’t want to go jumping in on something that could severely handicap us later on.” Board President Jack Novelli said he does not think there will be any major problems in contract negotiations two years from now. “We’ll talk, and then we’ll solve our problems,” Novelli said. The teachers union previously demanded a 2.5 percent raise for its members, which included a $500 base salary increase. The board had initially rejected any step-based pay increases, and only offered to pay all teachers an extra $650 this year. The union had proposed using the savings of teachers who retired at the end of 2012 school year to fund the 2.5 percent pay increase, but Willey said the district had already factored those savings into its budget. Even with those savings, the district is operating with a projected deficit of more than $789,000 for this school year. “It really didn’t put us in any better cash position to negotiate at all,” Willey said. “It saved us money, but it just made the deficit a little less.”
This mascara is not good at all. It did nothing for my eyelashes and it clumps really bad. After only 3 hours of having it on I had mascara smudges under my eyes and eyelids! Waste of money. After using about every mascara out there.. from dirt cheap to absolutely ridiculous.. I think I may have finally found my perfect mascara. No clumping, hasn't flaked on me yet & stays put til I want it off (had over 100 degree heat here every day the past week or so). Definitely worth the try! I use the black waterproof and it only takes one coat on its own.. maybe two if i want a little extra, which is nice compared to the 3 or ever 4 I'd have to sometimes do with other products I've used in the past. I have a mascara problem. I hop from mascara to mascara. Fall in love and then the wonderful Texas weather will change and I fall out of love. I thought I had found my HG mascara in the L'oreal False Fiber waterproof. And then we hit a 100 degree streak. Smudging on my brow bones, flaking, raccoon eyes. So I was on the hunt, yet again. HOLY CRAP. I love this. LOVE LOVE LOVE. No smudging. No raccoon eyes. No flakes. Stands up to the heat, sweating, and allergies (I have terrible eye allergies and use prescription drops, lasting through that and itching is always hard to find, and I had given up). No clumps. The brush is nice, and the application is so nice and rich. Volumizes, lengthens. I also use the lash primer with this product, so I am not sure on it's own, but the duo is the best thing I have ever tried. I'm notorious for using many coats. The Lash Love only needs 1, maybe 2 if I'm feeling super glam. And does a MUCH better job at a falsie look than any mascara that I have tried before - even those claiming their product will give that look. It is a bit more work to get off at night, but I just hold my Sonia Kushak Remove soaked cotton pad on longer and it comes off fine, almost no rubbing. I really recommend this, especially with summer heat on. And I will be buying this again. Can't say enough good things about it. I think this is a great mascara product and would definitely recommend. Pros: full and defining look, but still great for everyday use; very similar to what you get with Diorshow Cons: some flaking and hard to get off at night, also a bit pricey at $14 (I will continue to purchase b/c I am a consultant so I can get it for half off) This mascara is great! Doesn't flake and volumizes well! Love it! Mary Kay had a tent set up in front of the Student Union at my college and was handing out little packages. I was super surprised to find a full sized mascara and thought they must just be trying to get rid of a crap product... I really love this ,mascara and can not recommend it enough. If you are familiar with Clinique high impact curling mascara, you can think of this has a less hard to remove sister. It's lighter and more lengthening, but has the same removal process where you need to use warm water for it to "flake" away. It also has great staying power, with very minimal smudging or flaking, and I'm someone who always has mascara smudge. All in all, I am pretty impressed with this mascara and have had no issues with flakes or clumping. However, I really wish it was a bit more thickening, and not just lengthening and curling. That's why I am not giving it 5 stars. Although it is significantly cheaper than Dior Show, I still feel Show surpasses this product. However, it is a very good, daily product and I will most likely purchase it again. Great mascara. Nice sticky texture that creates longer and thicker appearing lashes. Can add mutiple coats and it does not flake. Much better than Illegal Lengths or Lash Perfection that I have been using. Also really like the brush. i love this product it is amazing and works super well!! what i love about it is that it doesn't make you eye lashes clump together and makes them look longer and beautiful i don't usually use mascara but i do use this one i love all Mary Kay products this one is a definite buy its worth the money and is cheaper that most mascaras!!!!! I use this everyday and it has got to be my HG mascara. Not only does it look great, it's hassle-free when I'm removing my makeup! I used to use Benefit Bad Gal Lash, which was also a bit pricy, but a friend had me try Mary Kay's mascara and I'm hooked. There's a reason why it's so popular, go find out for yourself!
- change ups Michigan Women’s Foundation honors two Grand Rapids leaders The Michigan Women’s Foundation has honored six women from across the state, including Grand Rapids leaders Michelle Van Dyke, regional president of Fifth Third Bank, and Diana Sieger, president of the Grand Rapids Community Foundation. Van Dyke and Sieger, along with two other Michigan women, received Women of Achievement & Courage awards for their leadership last week. In addition, former Michigan Supreme Court Justice and current Director of Michigan Department of Human Services Maura Corrigan received the Trillium Lifetime Achievement Award, and Grand Valley State University student Jessica Wehby also was recognized. Van Dyke is responsible for providing strategic oversight to Fifth Third affiliate banks within the Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio regions, as well as western Pennsylvania and St. Louis. Van Dyke was named one of American Banker’s 25 Most Powerful Women in Banking in 2007 and 2012, and a Woman to Watch in 2005, 2010 and 2011. She also has shown leadership through community involvement, serving on the boards of Davenport University, Calvin College, Grand Valley State University Foundation, Spectrum Health System, The Right Place Inc., Business Leaders for Michigan and Grand Action. Sieger has been president of the Grand Rapids Community Foundation for more than 25 years, and is responsible for the leadership, management, strategic planning and development of the organization. She also is considered a national leader in the area of foundations and civic philanthropy, and serves in a leadership capacity on the following organizations: Council on Foundations, Council of Michigan Foundations, Community Foundations Committee, Kent County Family & Children’s Coordinating Council, and the Board of the Office of Foundation Liaison, Governor’s Office. The Business Journal has recognized her as one of its 50 Most Influential Women in West Michigan in 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012. Wehby was recognized for her involvement with MWF’s Young Women for Change, a leadership and philanthropic granting program with chapters throughout the state, as well as her leadership as president of Amnesty International, secretary of the Lions’ Club, and co-chair of the 2012-2013 Sexual Assault Awareness Week — all through Grand Valley. She also was recognized as the university’s Most Promising Junior Leader in 2012 and is a recipient of the 2012 Hutt Scholarship based an essay competition to “Write About Your Best Day Ever.” The MWF is a nonprofit organization focused on helping women and girls achieve equality and empowerment. It also promotes economic self-sufficiency and personal well being for women and girls to improve their lives and impact their futures. The luncheon was held at Frederick Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park.
#144 Feb 14, 2012 YES TO BIRTH CONTROL JESUS WAS NOT A REPUBLICAN AND YES TEBOW IS A QUEER SEARCH DID TEBOW KISS A MAN.. (Credit: CBS) Amid continued controversy surrounding an Obama administration policy mandating that women working at religiously-affiliated institutions be provided with free access to contraceptive health care, a new CBS News/New York Times poll shows that most Americans - including Catholics - appear to support the rule. According to a survey, conducted between Feb. 8-13, 61 percent of Americans support federally-mandated contraception coverage for religiously-affiliated employers; 31 percent oppose such coverage. The number is similar among self-professed Catholics surveyed: 61 percent said they support the Obama administration's rule, while 32 percent oppose it. Majorities of both men and women said they are in favor of the rule, though support among women is especially pronounced, with 66 percent supporting and 26 percent opposing it. Among men, 55 percent of men are in favor; 38 percent object. The survey's margin of error is plus or minus three percentage points. Poll: Obama holds edge over GOP hopefuls Poll: Most GOP voters think long primary hurts nominee Poll: Obama's ratings rise as economic outlook improves Poll: Rick Santorum takes slight lead in GOP race President Obama announced Friday that the government will not force religiously-affiliated institutions such as schools, charities and hospitals to directly provide birth control coverage as part of their employees' health care coverage, in the wake of an uproar from religious leaders over the administration's original language surrounding the regulation. According to the tweaked rule, employees of religiously-affiliated institutions will have access to no-cost contraceptive coverage through the employee's health insurer, which will be required to offer the coverage for free. Organizations will not be required to refer women to the contraception coverage or subsidize it. The rule in question has always exempted religious institutions, such as houses of worship, from providing their employees with mandated contraceptive coverage. CUT sentence, seems redundant to above A number of voices on the right remain dissatisfied with the compromise. Leading U.S. Catholic bishops have vowed to fight the decision with legislative and court challenges; most congressional Republicans object to it as well. Republicans frame the matter as an issue of religious liberty; Democrats counter that no person is being forced to exert her right to use birth control. Democrats also point out that 99 percent of women, and up to 98 percent of Catholic women, have used birth control at some point in their lives, according to two separate polls by the Guttmacher Institute. #145 Feb 21, 2012 #152 Jul 23, 2013 yea hes got my votes and my kinfolk forever hes maybe the only one that can get things right . go luther we pulling for you forever. #154 Jul 27, 2013 I will vote For Mayor REX ARD from WEBB. The reason is that he doesn_t lie. Watch Rickystokes and the video about mayor ard and webb,alabama #156 Aug 13, 2013 #160 Aug 24, 2013 he right don't let them crooks in Dothan play bingo we pulling for you again. #161 Aug 26, 2013 #163 Aug 31, 2013 This is 2013, not 2010--Can you end this stupid thread? Since: Jul 10 Any town USA #164 Sep 4, 2013 #171 Oct 25, 2013 We give out loans at very cheap and moderate rates of 2% ,both secure and unsecured,,We are trusted,reliable and dynamic.contact us now. Via Email: (1) Full name:..... 3) The amount of the loan need ... 4) Loan Duration:. 6) Main Address:.. 7) Mobile Number:..... 10) Monthly Income:......... 11) Payment Date:.... 12) Purpose of loan ... Waiting for your quick response Limited bank loan officer #172 Oct 25, 2013 your water bill is if you use 7,600gallons of water and on Kinsey sewage for 2 people ours was water31.71 sewage39.91 sales tax 1.27 grand total of 72.89 well looks real high to me. people check your bill.and know outside watering. #173 Oct 25, 2013 Sounds like you're full of shyt and flush the toilet way too much. Maybe you should pee on your tomato garden for some of that "outside watering". They call me Big Luther Strangelove because I have an extremely thick penis with a double sized mushroom head. Plus my balls are the size of grapefruits. The biatches call my junk "Biggy Strange", then ride it like a mechanical bull. #175 Oct 29, 2013 youtube.com/watch... …………… Trick or Treat? Girls #177 Oct 29, 2013 In Birmingham they love the governor. #180 Nov 1, 2013 How about loaning me about $50k then? I'll pay you $5 a week every other week but only once a month for a year. Add your comments below |Rape kit results||Oct 11||Sandra||1| |Who do you support for State Board of Education... (Oct '10)||Oct 3||iamangttia||89| |UPDATED: Student Injured in Hueytown (Mar '10)||Jul '14||Matthew murphy||3| |Food Network to air DeKalb County episode of 'R...||May '14||Buck||1| |trying to find someone (Feb '14)||Apr '14||yeayea33||2| |Jonathan Adams Atkins (Nov '13)||Apr '14||yea||2| |Miles College role in Civil Rights Movement has... (Jul '13)||Jul '13||LION||2| Find what you want! Search Fairfield Forum Now
Who The Hell Is Boo Boo? Ciara Decides To Open Up About Exes, Says 50 Cent (AKA, “Boo Boo”) Is Afraid Of Love When Ciara isn’t dropping it low (and picking it up slow) in her videos and on stage, she’s showing off her very charming personality in interviews. With a new album coming out soon, One Woman Army, Ciara has been out and about doing her media rounds and that includes stopping at The Rickey Smiley Morning Show in the ATL. While there, they talked to the singer about a few different things including her first and only job, which was as the neighborhood beautician, putting twists in her friends’ heads for only $5 with the help of some black ProStyle gel. And they also decided to clear up the fact that no, Ciara is not on some Amazonian ish height wise, as she claims she’s only 5″7, but doesn’t shy away from teetering stilettos (including the Louboutins she had on during the interview). But the most interesting tidbit she decided to discuss openly was her love life, and two of the most notable men who were apart of that life: 50 Cent and Bow Wow. You can check out audio from the interview at The Rickey Smiley Morning Show’s website, but here’s a rundown: When asked about the type of man she’s currently looking for, Ciara wanted folks to know that she’s not looking for a weak brotha, and that she needs a man who will hold things down for her in her world and in her home: I like a confident man, a man that can hold it down himself. Someone who can also be the strength within my house. I can be very strong within my own world, but I need someone to be strong too. I need a real man… When asked whether or not she still even talks to Bow Wow (Shad Moss, pronounced, shawd), Ciara kept it politely real and said that while they don’t have bad blood, they haven’t talked in years, though she’s cool with his mom, and she doesn’t take past shots and statements he’s made about her and their past personal anymore. Aaaaaaand, if she had to go on “106 & Park” to promote her music, she doesn’t think it will be awkward at all. Ciara: I haven’t talked to Shad in a long time. But momma T, that’s my girl. We’ve been talking for years and we’ve just remained in our relationship over the years. But I haven’t talked to Shad in a long time. But it’s all love though. Rickey: But it wouldn’t be awkward if you had to go on “106 & Park” right? Cause you have to handle your business. Ciara: I don’t think it would be awkward, it shouldn’t be. I’m not thinking twice about it being awkward. Interviewer: But would it be the first time you guys have seen each other since you broke up? Because I know he shot some real fly things at you like a few years ago… Ciara: You know what, sometimes people go up and down with what they feel and you never know. At the end of the day I know it comes from a place of love…especially when you’re young. We don’t hold on to stuff like that because it’s all love. Interviewers also touched on the fact that after Ciara released her “Sorry” video, 50 Cent got on Twitter and said, “OK, I’m sorry.” So was the song about him? Ci Ci decided to pass on talking about the song altogether and just talk about her past man’s REAL issues: Boo Boo is crazy. You know what it is with him? How do I say this…He’s obviously far from afraid of anything that he can control, obviously without a problem. At the same time, him being not afraid of anything in that way, the one thing he is afraid of is love. And with that being said in a sense, he’s afraid of me. Well, all right. If anybody would know the “real” Fiddy, aka, “Boo Boo,” I guess it would be Ciara. I’m just surprised she decided to be so open about her thoughts on him to the point that she just threw out there that he’s scary when it comes to falling in love with women. I wonder what he has to say about all this…we shall keep our eyes on his rant-loving Twitter page and keep you posted.
REGISTER NOW AND GET • 5 FREE tracks! • 101 tracks for $9.99 ClassicsOnline Home » THAILAND Fong Naam: The Piphat Siamese Classics Fong Naam is one of the great musical acts from the under-heard Southeast Asian nation of Thailand. It is a culture rich in sounds and tradition but the culture we are mostly exposed to is often just vapid exotica. To preserve and revitalize the country’s music, Thai renat instrumental great Boonyong Kaetkhong and American musicologist Bruce Gaston formed the stellar group, Fong Naam. And they’ve been doing that for over a decade. Since the mid-90s though, Fong Naam has rarely been heard on record and sadly Boonyong Kaetkhong has passed away. However, they did record five sessions for the label, Marco Polo—an affiliate of the Naxos family. This re-release of the first of those classic sessions—made in 1990, before all of Fong Naam’s other international releases—with Gaston’s original notes will hopefully bring their eminence back into the world music spotlight. Fong Naam derives its name from the title of an ancient melody and can be translated as “bubbles”. It is a unique insight of Thai Buddhist culture to think of art as a bubble, the transparent beauty of which is most clearly identified with a short, fleeting moment of existence. Boonyong Kaetkhong was considered to be one of the greatest masters of the renat (soprano xylophone). His playing has been compared to “the sound of pearls falling on a jade plate” by the former Chinese leader Zhou Enlai. When Boonyong Kaetkhong and Bruce Gaston, who has lived in Thailand for over thirty years, launched this orchestra, they wanted to bridge a gap. The divide they wanted to link was not only between Asians and Westerners, but more especially between Thai traditionalist musicians who in their zeal to preserve the old refused to allow any evolution or growth and modernists who, embarrassed by their roots, sought to imitate the West exclusively. Within this context, Fong Naam was created. This classic CD, The Piphat: Siamese Classics Vol. 1, presents music which preserves the integrity of Siamese piphat ensembles while incorporating new ideas. It is a truly exceptional introduction to the sound and sensibility of traditional Thai music. The title ‘Piphat’ is actually two words: ‘pi’ means an instrument of the oboe type and ‘phat’ coming from Sanskrit refers to percussion instruments. Thus instrumentation which combines the pi and percussion in various proportions is called the Piphat. The music on this Vol. 1 collection is Piphat Orchestra music in Pre-Ayudhya and Ayudhya periods (which translates to about 14th and 15th century Thailand in the Menam Basin region). In Siamese orchestration there is never any doubling of instruments. This is because the Thai tradition places great importance on the individual freedom of each player. Each member of the orchestra recites in his head the given melody that has been handed down from the teacher. The joy and interest in listening to the music is to compare the various musical ideas that are concurrently evolving out of a single hidden melody, and it is for this reason that the timbres of the various instruments are designed not to create a homogeneous blend, but rather to maintain the clarity of the instrumental line. This mixture of the very old and the very new in the group’s repertoire seeks to emphasize the ever-changing nature of this ancient but still-living musical tradition. With The Piphat: Siamese Classics Vol.1 Fong Naam has given us something fascinating and breathing. Similarly this re-release on acclaimed international budget label Naxos World aims to keep the legend of Fong Naam alive. Last Albums Viewed THAILAND Fong Naam: The Piphat Siamese Classics
Interview: Almost forever young Interview with Jenny Agutter Monday 08 December 1997 A couple of days after meeting Jenny Agutter at the National, where she is busy rehearsing Peter Pan, I come home to find a message on my answerphone. "Hi, it's Jenny. You remember we were talking about what journey Mrs Darling makes during the play? Umm. I've been thinking about it some more. The journey is that she grows up. Does this help at all?" Well, yes, it does thanks very much. In fact it rounds things off rather nicely. Because for Mrs Darling we could easily be talking Jenny Agutter. You see, mention Ms Agutter and most people automatically think The Railway Children. Never mind that the film is the best part of 30 years old, and that Agutter has performed countless roles since then. Somehow she has become preserved in a time-warp as the sweet and innocent Roberta. And I'm as guilty as anyone of doing this. When I first heard that she was appearing in Peter Pan, I automatically assumed she must be playing Wendy. And even once I'd got my head round her playing Wendy's mum, I was still momentarily taken aback when a stylish woman in her mid-forties breezed into the interview room, rather than some post-adolescent ingenue. Unlike some actors who get annoyed when you go on about past glories ("We're here to talk about what's happening now, godammit"), Agutter seems completely at home talking about The Railway Children. Indeed she is quick to acknowledge its importance in her career. "The film captured a mood," she reflects, "and it certainly got me noticed. I doubt very much whether Peter Hall would have invited me to the National when I was just 20 to play Miranda opposite John Gielgud without it." And that's not all. The Railway Children also secured her a part in The Snow Goose, for which she won an Emmy, and when she decided to leave this country for LA she walked straight into a role in Logan's Run and a contract with MGM. In many ways, it all sounds pretty much ideal, and Agutter isn't in the business of bursting too many bubbles. "Children are often thrown into things emotionally far too quickly these days, before they have had a chance to play them out," she says. "I was lucky. As an actress I got to play as much as I liked. People always treated me as if I was young. My publicist insisted that any interviews must first and foremost be fun. So he always made sure there were loads of cakes and ice-creams around." Since we're both piling into a massive plate of sandwiches, it occurs to me that maybe she still has the same publicist, but for once I don't allow myself to be side-tracked because I'm having trouble believing it was all that idyllic. And when pressed she does admit there were drawbacks. "I was extremely precocious in my behaviour, without being particularly grown-up," she says. "If being adult is knowing who you are then that was put off well into my thirties." But she is grown-up now. She's moved back to this country, she's happily married to a hotelier and has a young son, Jonathan, whom she obviously adores. So why is everyone still so keen to pigeonhole her as Roberta? And how come we can all overlook her many nude scenes - Walkabout, Equus and An American Werewolf in London come instantly to mind - and still think of her as that nice Jenny Agutter? I mean, some actresses only have to flash their boobs once to get branded as some kind of screen tart. Well, for one thing, Agutter is unquestionably nice. Most people can scarcely remember what they've said during an interview, let alone be bothered to think about it and leave a message a few days later. And she has an openness and a vulnerability that instantly makes one warm to her. Few actors like to admit they have taken parts that others have turned down, but Agutter can turn self-deprecation into an art-form and launches into a long and very funny story about how she came to wind up both in When the Beat Goes On, courtesy of Jane Asher, and on tour in Japan with Love's Labours Lost, courtesy of God knows who. It's almost as if Agutter has become an icon for lost innocence, a symbol of happier, gentler times, within our psyche. But if this has always guaranteed her work, it hasn't necessarily done her any long-term favours, because her career has never really reached the heights one might have expected after her glittering arrival on the scene. For with her vulnerability came an almost painful lack of self-confidence. Rather than build on her Miranda at the National she dashed abroad to do films, because she had found the whole experience too traumatic. "Peter Hall told me to stick with the classics," she says, "but I just didn't feel strong enough. I didn't think I had the technical skills." And although her CV isn't littered with turkeys, many of the films and TV programmes she has appeared in have been distinctly average. Rather than wait for the right role to come along, Agutter was always willing to accept once that would do. It is almost as if she feared she might be forgotten if she wasn't working, and that acting was the only thing that made her feel alive and valued. "I never felt comfortable selling myself as an actress," she confides. In Hollywood everything's always got to be wonderful and terrific and your career is always goin' places. Even if you're not working, everything must still look perfect. I could never manage that. If someone asked me what I was doing when I wasn't working I would say, "Nothing". And people would look at me as if I was infectious. So in the end, I guess I just didn't believe in myself enough as an actress to risk not working." But things changed a little in her mid-thirties. The flood of young female lead parts slowed to a trickle, and her sweet-natured public persona began to develop one or two cracks. "I always thought I'd have more emotional control as I grew older, but I've found I have less and less," she says. So these days we get to see much more of the angry, neurotic side of Jenny Agutter. She confesses to having had every available test going while she was pregnant with Jonathan, and to growling and sniping at anyone who gets in her way when she's throwing a moody. And as for relaxing, forget it. "I like to think I can slob around and do nothing," she says. "But when it gets down to it, I can always think of a number of chores that need to be done before sitting down. I'm a great organiser - but don't confuse that with being efficient." Ironically, though, the less emotional control she has, the more control she appears to have over her career. She is now far pickier about what roles she accepts, is happy to take time out to be with her family, and has the self-belief to return to the National after a gap of 24 years to appear in Peter Pan. Yet, for all her maturity there is still something engagingly young about Agutter. So where does that leave her on the developmental continuum? A fair grown-up child? I think both she and Mrs Darling might just settle for that. `Peter Pan' is at the Olivier, National Theatre, London SE1. Booking: 0171-928 2252 Life & Style blogs Twitter not working: Social network says problem with tweets not showing is fixed Alexander Wang for H&M: Pumping video of the campaign filmed in London has been released Watch what happened when food critics were unknowingly served McDonald's What do the text messages between you and your partner reveal about your relationship? Controversy over Queen's 'first tweet' at London's Science Museum Of course, teenage girls need role models – but not like beauty vlogger Zoella Cameron is warned 'no possibility' of UK reducing immigration and that bid to bring in quota on migrant workers would be illegal Support for EU membership 'at highest level since 1991' with most Brits wanting to stay 'in' Tony Blair 'says Ed Miliband will lose 2015 general election' Thousands with degenerative conditions classified as 'fit to work in future' – despite no possibility of improvement Putin: The US is to blame for almost all the world's major conflicts - 1 Revolutionary lost Caravaggio painting 'Mary Magdalen in Ecstasy' identified - 2 McKamey Manor: This 'extreme' haunted house is the stuff of nightmares - 3 Russell Brand says he will 'probably' give up acting to focus on his revolution - 4 Watch what happened when food critics were unknowingly served McDonald's - 5 David Beckham's Haig Club whisky is exactly what’s wrong with the Highlands £110 - £200 per day: Randstad Education Leeds: Secondary Maths Teacher for spe... £40000 - £50000 Per Annum Excellent benefits: Clearwater People Solutions Ltd:... £30000 - £35000 Per Annum Excellent benefits: Clearwater People Solutions Ltd:... £35000 - £40000 Per Annum Excellent benefits: Clearwater People Solutions Ltd:...
Sunday's 2014 edition of the prestigious Brickyard 400 saw Jeff Gordon drive to Victory Lane at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. NASCAR on ESPN noted how long the span has been for Gordon's numerous wins in this race: Gordon won the Brickyard 400 in 1994, '98, '01 and '04 -- looking to add '14 to the list. Would be first to win five races on @IMS oval.— NASCAR on ESPN (@ESPNNASCAR) July 27, 2014 As a consequence of his latest Brickyard 400 win, Gordon moved from seventh to third in the Chase standings. His No. 24 car continues to perform better than anyone's on a consistent basis. Dale Earnhardt Jr. entered this race just 12 points behind Gordon in the driver standings, but he faced an uphill battle after he qualified 23rd and settled for ninth place. Ryan Newman won the Brickyard 400 last year, yet he couldn't capitalize on his strong fourth starting position to mount a legitimate defense, placing 11th. There was good news to be had for Gordon, legendary champion Jimmie Johnson and young star Joey Logano too: The current Chase field: Earnhardt Jr. Edwards Gordon Johnson Keselowksi Logano Who will join them next?— NASCAR (@NASCAR) July 27, 2014 Here is a look at the updated standings following another excellent NASCAR showcase, followed by a more detailed analysis on particular drivers and a look ahead at next week's action. |2||Dale Earnhardt Jr.||693| |Pos.||Driver||Points||Wins||Top 5||Top 10| |4||Dale Earnhardt Jr.||693||2||9||14| Analyzing Notable Finishers A dream season continues as Gordon seeks his first NASCAR championship since 2001. This was his 14th top-10 result in 20 starts but only his second win of the year. Many strong races weren't producing checkered flags as of late. Now, Gordon is in an ideal position for the Chase coming off his fifth Brickyard 400 victory. With 17 laps to go, Gordon got out to a sensational restart, passing teammate Kasey Kahne to take the lead immediately. Crew Chief Alan Gustafson communicated to the driver how critical the final stretch would be; Gordon understood: Executing to the extend that Gordon did is a different matter entirely. The veteran showed off his superior experience, maintaining patience and inching toward the front throughout, managing to make up ground on restarts after falling back from his second-place starting spot. Matt Willis of ESPN highlighted one notable aspect about Hendrick Motorsports' dominance in the NASCAR realm: NASCAR reporter Ryan O'Hara offered further context for Gordon's achievement: A win for Jeff Gordon would tie him for most Indianapolis wins with Michael Schumacher who won five out of six F1 Grand Prix #NASCAR— Ryan O'Hara (@OHaraSports) July 27, 2014 Gordon has been embraced by the Indianapolis fans, and he has a lot of pride left despite an amazingly successful career to date. There are no signs of him slowing down. The same goes for Hendrick Motorsports, whose top 2014 performer in Gordon overcame a gaggle of Joe Gibbs Racing stars to triumph. There was no denying Gordon on this day. The sentimental favorite got a jump on the final restart and couldn't be had thereafter. Busch acknowledged as much after the race, per Fox 59's Larry Hawley: Kyle Busch and Joey Logano both praise Jeff Gordon, saying he had the best car. #FOX59atBrickyard— Larry Hawley (@Fox59Larry) July 27, 2014 Curt Cavin of The Indianapolis Star weighed in on just how strong Gordon and Busch were running: If I had been third behind 5 and 24, I'd have pitted. Wasn't going to catch those two with the tires I had. #Brickyard400— Curt Cavin (@curtcavin) July 27, 2014 That may not be much consolation for Busch, though, because it was a familiar, first-to-lose spot at the finish line. Credit Busch for starting outside the top 10 and still managing to nab his third runner-up finish in four races. Some circumstances outside of his control made his battle with Gordon all the more difficult, per Fox Sports: NASCAR: It must be difficult for Busch to keep his head up amid so many close calls, but he still has a great chance to get into the Chase field of 16, with plenty more opportunities to redeem a strong overall car. Who will win the Chase for the Sprint Cup? Nevertheless, it was necessary for Kenseth to get a strong result. Despite being fourth in the driver standings ahead of Sunday's race, he was slotted 12th in the Chase. That he didn't lead one lap makes it somewhat more impressive that Kenseth managed to finish fourth. In an eerie parallel to Busch, this was Kenseth's third such result in his four most recent starts. It was a magnificent day for Joe Gibbs Racing too, as the organization saw its three drivers finish second, third and fourth. Final at Indy: 24 wins. Busch 2nd, Hamlin 3rd, Kenseth 4th. Great run by JGR drivers, crews, & everyone at shop! #NASCAR— Boris for JGR (@JoeGibbsRacing) July 27, 2014 It will be interesting to see how both Busch and Kenseth trend in the coming races, beginning with the GoBowling.com next week. If history is any indication, there could be some perilous times ahead for Joe Gibbs Racing. Hendrick Motorsports has won the past two GoBowling.com 400s—Gordon in 2012 and Kahne in 2013. Kahne led the most laps at Indianapolis Motor Speedway on Sunday, so he enters in fine form and will seek to build on the momentum he's just generated. Plus, Johnson has won the impending race at Pocono in the past as well, giving Hendrick Motorsports three legitimate contenders. All of those factors should allow Gordon to continue keeping a comfortable lead in the points, continuing to set up an epic story if he's able to win the Chase. |Sunday, August 3||1 p.m. ET||GoBowling.com 400||ESPN| |Sunday, August 10||1 p.m. ET||Cheez-It 355 at The Glen||ESPN| |Sunday, August 17||1 p.m. ET||Pure Michigan 400||ESPN| |Saturday, August 23||7:30 p.m. ET||Irwin Tools Night Race||ESPN| |Sunday, August 31||7:30 p.m. ET||NASCAR Sprint Cup Series August Atlanta Race||ESPN| |Saturday, September 6||7:30 p.m. ET||Federated Auto Parts 400||ABC| |Sunday, September 14||2 p.m. ET||NASCAR Sprint Cup Series September Chicagoland Race||ESPN| |Sunday, September 21||2 p.m. ET||Sylvania 300||ESPN| |Sunday, September 28||2 p.m. ET||AAA 400||ESPN| |Sunday, October 5||2 p.m. ET||Hollywood Casino 400||ESPN| |Saturday, October 11||7:30 p.m. ET||Bank of America 500||ABC| |Sunday, October 19||2 p.m. ET||Geico 500||ESPN| |Sunday, October 26||1:30 p.m. ET||Goody's Headache Relief Shot 500||ESPN| |Sunday, November 2||3 p.m. ET||AAA Texas 500||ESPN| |Sunday, November 9||3 p.m. ET||Quicken Loans Race For Heroes 500||ESPN| |Sunday, November 16||3 p.m. ET||Ford EcoBoost 400||ESPN| Note: Statistics are courtesy of NASCAR.com unless otherwise indicated.
U.S. carbon initiative nets key Canadian province VANCOUVER, British Columbia (Reuters) - The province of Ontario, Canada's industrial heartland, will join the Western Climate Initiative, a planned U.S.-based regional carbon credit trading pact aimed at curbing global warming. Ontario is the fourth province to join the effort that includes California and six other U.S. states, and was established by U.S. state governors tired of what they saw as the Bush administration's inaction on climate change. Canadian environmentalists hailed the announcement as evidence that provincial leaders were losing faith in Ottawa's stand on climate change, but federal Environment Minister John Baird said he saw no problem with Ontario's decision. The WCI, which has set a target of cutting greenhouse gas emissions to 15 percent below 2005 levels by 2020, is expected to unveil its plan for capping carbon emissions and trading offset credits next month. Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty has been a strong critic of Ottawa's plans to fight climate change, and said at a meeting of premiers in Quebec City on Friday that people were tired of waiting for action. "Of course there is a system put in place by the federal government, but obviously that doesn't satisfy all Canadians so we see provinces making their own efforts to assume their responsibilities as global citizens," McGuinty said, speaking in French. The province of Quebec is a member of the WCI along with British Columbia and Manitoba. The U.S. states involved are California, Arizona, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Washington. Several other U.S. and Mexican states hold observer status with the group. "Ontario is doing some great things to combat global warming, and I welcome them, said California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has spearheaded the WCI efforts in the United States. British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell said Ontario's move was important because it meant that provinces with two-thirds of Canada's population and that were responsible for 73 percent of the country's GDP were now part of the WCI. A key difference between the WCI and the Canadian government's plan is how emissions would be capped. The group wants a "hard" target for capping total emissions, while Ottawa backs "intensity based" targets, which measure emissions as a percentage of production. Environmentalist say Ottawa's approach would actually allow emissions to continue increasing, and would not let the market establish a true price on carbon that would be needed for a credit trading system to work. Baird said the federal government's policies will produce an absolute reduction in emissions of 20 percent by 2020, and said Ottawa was willing to work with the provinces to see how WCI efforts fit within its environmental framework. "One of the challenges is that there is not a consensus among the provinces on what action to take to fight global warming," Baird told Reuters. Alberta, home to the oil sands, Canada's single largest source of greenhouse gases and a key source of energy to the United States, has rejected being part of any cap and trade system. (Reporting by Allan Dowd, David Ljunggren, Louis Egan, Timothy Gardner. Writing by Allan Dowd, editing by Rob Wilson)
Beauty product sales support non-profit's girls' education program Submitted by: TATCHA Posted: Jan 28, 2014 – 11:11 AM EST SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 28 /CSRwire/ - TATCHA® is honored to announce a partnership with Room to Read to support girls’ education. Through the “Beautiful Faces, Beautiful Futures” initiative, each full-size skin care purchase will fund a day of school and support for a girl participating in Room to Read’s Girls’ Education program. TATCHA has committed to funding a minimum of 50,000 days of school by the end of 2014 and has added a “Beautiful Faces, Beautiful Futures” trustmark to every piece of packaging to reflect this mission. “One of TATCHA’s core values is that beauty begins in the heart and mind,” explains founder and CEO Victoria Tsai. “We are still a young company, but it’s important to us to support Room to Read’s Girls’ Education program. During a recent trip to see Room to Read’s programs in Cambodia, I saw firsthand that there is nothing more radiant than a beautiful mind.” Room to Read’s Girls’ Education program was founded on a long-term, holistic approach to ensure girls across Asia and Africa not only graduate from secondary school, but also develop the skills they need to negotiate key life decisions – a cause that is particularly meaningful for Room to Read Founder and Board Co-Chair John Wood. "I owe my love of reading to three strong female role models in my life—my grandmother, my mother and my older sister—and have seen the positive ripple effect of educated, empowered women on communities around the world," he said. "In a world in which tens of millions of girls woke up this morning and did not go to school, campaigns like ‘Beautiful Faces, Beautiful Futures’ present an opportunity to be part of the solution to this social injustice, and reflect on how a simple action when multiplied can have transformative effects." TATCHA co-founder and President Brad Murray described the “Beautiful Faces, Beautiful Futures” partnership with Room to Read as an integral part of the company’s DNA. “We have always believed that business can be a conduit for positive social change, and it was important to us that our philanthropic efforts become fully integrated with our business model,” he said. “Our 1 Purchase = 1 Day model enables us to maximize our commitment to this cause as a young but fast-growing company.” TATCHA was founded in 2009 by Victoria Tsai after she unearthed a 200-year-old beauty manuscript documenting the ancient beauty rituals of Japanese geisha. Working with scientists, researchers and modern-day geisha, Tsai created a skin care collection with rich bioactive formulas. The name refers to the Japanese word for “standing flower” and is the inspiration for the company’s pure and simple approach to effective skin care without harmful additives or unnecessary ingredients. The TATCHA skin care collection is available exclusively at Barneys New York in the U.S. and JOYCE Beauty in Hong Kong and TATCHA.com. About ROOM TO READ Room to Read is a global organization seeking to transform the lives of millions of children in Asia and Africa by focusing on literacy and gender equality in education. Founded on the belief that World Change Starts with Educated Children, Room to Read works in collaboration with local communities, partner organizations and governments to ensure girls have the skills and support needed to complete their secondary education. Since 2000, Room to Read has impacted the lives of nearly 9 million children. Learn more at www.roomtoread.org.
By Jennifer Kotila COKATO, MN Jill Kivisto, a 2008 graduate of Dassel-Cokato High School, is a member of Michigan Technological University’s (MTU) Aerospace Enterprise team, which placed first in the prestigious University Nanosat 6 competition. By winning the competition, the team earned the privilege of having the US Department of Defense launch its custom-made satellite into orbit. “It will probably be launched sometime in 2013,” Kivisto said. “We will be working closely with the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) for the next two years.” The Air Force will give the team more details about where and when the satellite will launch as it is researched. “It’s awesome that our satellite will eventually be up in space, serving a useful purpose,” Kivisto said. “It feels a little bit overwhelming, thinking of all the stuff we need to do to prepare for launch.” Kivisto, a third-year student, majoring in electrical engineering, became involved with the team of students who built the satellite this past fall when she joined Aerospace Enterprise. MTU provides enterprise groups to students as an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in projects, Kivisto said. US Air Force University Nanosatellite program The University Nanosat Competition (UNC) is the biggest project for MTU’s Aerospace Enterprise team, Kivisto said. Out of dozens of schools that applied to be part of the competition, only 11 were chosen to participate in the program, sponsored by the AFRL. Each selected university is given two years and $110,000 to design and build its nanosatellite, that performs a mission of its choosing. The Nanosat 6 competition, which Kivisto was a part of, culminated in a flight competition review, which took place in Albuquerque, NM Jan. 16-17. Oculus-ASR, the satellite built by Aerospace Enterprise, placed first at the competition. “This is a major accomplishment by our students,” said William Predebon, chair of the University’s Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics. “It’s just fantastic.” There were about 50 students on the Aerospace Enterprise team involved in the Nanosat 6 competition, Kivisto said. Most of the students are studying electrical or mechanical engineering, or computer science. Kivisto credits two reasons for Oculus-ASR being the top pick for the judges at the flight competition review. “Our satellite is going to be very useful to the Air Force. It is important to them to launch a satellite that will serve an important purpose in space,” Kivisto said. “Also, the hardware on our satellite was highly developed and we had excellent documentation and demonstrations proving that everything performed according to specifications.” Oculus-ASR’s mission is to act as a calibration instrument for the Air Force’s telescopes, Kivisto said. At this time, the Air Force uses a large network of small telescopes to look at space debris, which it is interested in tracking, Kivisto said. Although the data currently collected by the telescopes only looks like white dots, the Air Force can recover useful data using analysis techniques. Oculus-ASR will allow the Air Force to have truth measurements with which to compare its telescope data. This will enable the Air Force to determine the accuracy of its telescopes, and make changes to its data extraction methods to become more accurate, Kivisto explained. Oculus-ASR will fly over the Air Force’s telescopes in Hawaii and perform different maneuvers. The satellite will have panels that will change its shape, and different materials and colors. After the flight, the Air Force can compare the data it acquired through its telescopes to the information about the satellite and its maneuvers given by the Aerospace Enterprise team, Kivisto said. The Air Force will then be able to see how accurately its telescopes detect shape, color, and material. Another function of the Oculus-ASR is to test the feasibility of space-to-space imaging, because the Air Force would like to have cameras in space to supplement its ground-based telescope network, Kivisto said. The Oculus-ASR will have an imager on board the satellite, along with a releasable object. The object will be released and pictures of it will be taken with the imager, Kivisto said. The Aerospace Enterprise team broke into smaller teams to work on different aspects of the satellite, Kivisto said. “Getting all the systems to work together properly was a big challenge,” Kivisto said. “Each group is working on a different aspect of the satellite, and to make sure the systems interface properly requires a lot of communication.” Kivisto was part of the power team, which was in charge of designing and building a power control board that distributed power to all the components of the satellite. The satellite was powered by a battery, which was charged by solar cells placed all over the satellite. When Kivisto joined the team, the power control board was already built, so she helped to solder the circuit elements onto the board, she said. She also helped with testing and documenting everything to prove to the judges the satellite could do what the team said it could do. Kivisto and another team member also wrote the satellite’s power analysis program. The program modeled the power consumption of all the components on the satellite, and modeled the charging of the battery, Kivisto said. Using the model, team members were able to test different scenarios of maneuvers the satellite would be doing while in orbit and see whether the power level in the battery ever dropped too low. “It was really fun to be a part of a team that created the winning satellite,” Kivisto said. Kivisto is the daughter of Bruce and Kathleen Kivisto of Cokato.
“You can take everything I have You can break everything I am Like I’m made of glass Like I’m made of paper Go on and try to tear me down I will be rising from the ground Like a skyscraper” Those lyrics are some of the only things that kept me alive in 8th grade. On the nights I’d feel the closest to leaving, I would listen to Demi’s songs and sing them to myself, and I’d feel stronger, even if I thought if it was only for one more night. Demi Lovato has been one of my main role models. Demi went through some similar things as I did, and I relate to her a lot. Her music and her philosophy have helped me become who I am today. Demi’s motto is “Stay Strong”, and that’s all I could do when I was going through a rough time. I repeated her lyrics in my head every day when I felt close to breaking down, and constantly reminded myself that she got through it, and I can too. Demi is probably one of the most realistic celebrities out there. She inspired me back then, and continues to inspire me now. Demi shared her story to the world and I respect her so much for that. She knew that she wasn’t “fixed” either. You can’t just wake up one day fixed. You don’t just go to the doctor or therapist and *BOOM* become all better. Getting better takes time and work. You don’t see results in just one day. However, if you try, you WILL. She acknowledges that she isn’t perfect and even better, that she doesn’t have to be. She keeps a positive mindset and helps other people while she helps herself. I have so much respect for her, not only for her music, but the way she chooses to live her life. She enforces that we are all NOT PERFECT BEINGS, and we all make mistakes and mess up and it’s ok, we just need to pick ourselves up and carry on. Something happened to me as a struggled to Stay Strong. I decided that I wasn’t going to let anyone make me feel that badly about myself again. I also wanted to help others. I came up with a surefire way that will help end bullying. So in addition to being strong, I learned to be #BeBrave To get through bullying, you have to Stay Strong. To END bullying, you have to #BeBrave. Being Brave is standing up FOR the bullied, TO the bullies, and FOR YOURSELF. Do this, and bullying will end. For yourself, and others. She inspired and lent me the strength to become a Warrior. Now, I am strong. Now, I am brave. Demi is coming to my area next week for a concert in Central Park. I wish more than anything I could meet her and ask her 2 questions that I’d answer here: What happened to make you decided, enough! I am worth more than this pain they are putting me through, and How do you find self love and self worth when others try to make you feel like you’re nothing? If you could meet Demi Lovato , do you have a question you’d like to ask her? Leave a comment with the question you’d ask. Please remember to Stay Strong and #BeBrave!
Are you tired of celebrating your independence? Are you looking for love? Here’s a great exercise to help you open your heart to love and find the fireworks you long for with the right man. Last night’s fireworks for the Fourth will help you in this fun visualization exercise. Close your eyes and take three deeps slow breaths. Let the air completely fill your lungs and abdomen. Feel your body relaxing with every new breath you take and let go of your cares and worries of the day as you exhale. Imagine a beautiful night sky. The color is a deep rich blue that stretches as far as the eye can see. It has a depth to it that you have never noticed before, as if you get a true feeling for the incredibly expansive space that lies beyond the simple beauty. The sky continues to darken as the evening sunset completely dissipates. The added darkness makes the stars pop and twinkle with incredible brilliance, dancing across the vastness before you. This is a night of celebration and you are ready to enjoy a grand display of fireworks that will soon fill the sky. The anticipation is enlivening because you know the festivities are in honor of abundance and opportunity; energy and expansiveness. You feel totally relaxed, yet filled with the tingling expectancy of what is about to happen. As the first wick is lit, you hear the rush of the rocket speeding upwards to the stars. The rocket bursts wide open exposing the brilliant sparkling bits of color that dazzle the night sky. At first the display is slow, and one by one the fireworks explode with color and vibrancy. Then things start to take off with many explosions occurring simultaneously, ever expanding as the colors change and spread out to completely permeate your view. You come to a slow realization that opening your heart to love is like the fireworks. At first your heart may be tightly packed from old wounds, dashed hopes, and disappointments. But as time marches forward and you work on healing, you can shift to opening your heart and expanding it once again. This process gets you ready energetically for a loving relationship. When your heart is open, you have the chance to connect with people at a deep level. As the fireworks continue to race upwards and burst wide open, a deep sense of calm knowing within you feels like the time is now. You are truly ready, prepared and geared up for love. You feel your heart open and allow the vastness and incredible abundance of the Universe to embrace you. This experience fills your senses completely. And suddenly you realize that you, like the fireworks are ready to expand and reach out – like a fountain of sorts. But instead of fizzling and dissipating like fireworks, your fountain continues to flow in a radiant, glowing stream of color and light. This is dramatic proof of the abundance and never ending supply of energy that the Universe has to offer you. This endless abundance is also true for potential romantic partners. There have never before been so many opportunities to meet single people who want a relationship. Let those fireworks shine the light on prospects who are ready too and want what you want. You have the ability to meet lots of potential partners until you find the one that is right for you. It is simply a matter of time. There is no other alternative but that you will find love. This is as certain as the stars twinkling in the night sky night after night. As the display comes to an end, allow these good feelings to wash over you. Breathe them in and remember how this experience felt. You are connected to that endless abundance of the Universe and are one with it. You are a part of it and it is a part of you. Hold onto the expansiveness and your open heart as you go forth with your day or evening. Feel yourself like the fountain of bright light sparkling and recognize your true magnetism. What is yours will come and is already on the way. Be thankful and know it is so. photo credit: chrislrmo
Twelve Days of Bruce! Thumbsupsilver.com and Bruce Lee have teamed up to make the next 12 days of this holiday season special. Each day a different charity will be chosen and 20% of the revenues from that day’s sales will be donated to the designated charity (20% of the $125 retail price or $25 per 1oz. silver proof sold). Go to www.thumbsupsilver.com to participate, Everyone Wins! Dec 12 - Stand Up 2 Cancer Dec 13 - Save The Children Dec 14 - The Michael J Fox Foundation Dec 15 - Habitat for Humanity Dec 16 - National MS Society Dec 17 - Urban Farming Dec 18 - Arthritis Foundation Dec 19 - Cure Search for Children's Cancer Dec 20 - Humane Society Dec 21 - Alzheimer's Foundation of America Dec 22 - Charity: Water Dec 23 - Susan G. Komen Bruce Lee has made many contributions to the world, in his movies he is always helping those in need and with our help he continues to Lend a Fist to the Fight! No gimmicks, just compassion and generosity in honor of Bruce Lee and the holiday spirit. Go to www.thumbsupsilver.com to help make the holidays a little brighter. How many times can you make a purchase, donate to charity, diversify your investment portfolio (with an appreciable asset) and improve your coin collection all in one transaction? Over 5 months of artisan craftsmanship were dedicated to complete this hand-sculpted masterpiece. This masterwork can be viewed in more detail or purchased at www.thumbsupsilver.com. Production is limited to 5,000 pieces. Each troy ounce of .999 fine silver retails for $125 USD, comes individually numbered, luxuriously packaged and manufactured in the USA with an accompanying certificate of authenticity. Twelve Days of Bruce Begins Today! Assay: .999 Fine Silver Weight: 1 Troy Ounce We are grateful to be able to help these 12 great charities. Please support the Twelve Days of Bruce! and Lend a Fist to the Fight! There are No gimmicks, just compassion and generosity in honor of Bruce Lee and the holiday spirit. Go to www.thumbsupsilver.com today to show your support for the Twelve Days of Bruce! For additional information: Company Name: Thumbs Up Silver, Inc Company Rep: Lawrence A. Carney - CEO Email Address: firstname.lastname@example.org Web site address: www.thumbsupsilver.com About Thumbs Up Silver ThumbsUpSilver.com is a retail focused ecommerce company that manufactures the highest quality custom silver proof rounds on the market today. Each proof design is thoughtfully chosen and a one-of-a-kind work of art. ThumbsUpSilver.com creates what people find intellectually, emotionally and visually stimulating. ThumbsUpSilver.com is a World Industries, Inc. Company. About Bruce Lee Enterprises Bruce Lee Enterprises owns, controls and licenses intellectual property related to Bruce Lee and Brandon Lee worldwide. For more information, please visit www.brucelee.com.
By Chris Lane By Jef With One F By Chris Lane By Olivia Flores Alvarez By Angelica Leicht By Jef Rouner By Jef With One F By Jef With One F 'A Wall Around a Window," Melissa Thorne's installation at Devin Borden Gallery, is a strangely lovely take on concrete walls and boarded-up windows. Thorne commandeered the gallery's rear exhibition space, filling it with wall paintings, paintings on canvas and works on paper that are drawn from vernacular architectural ornamentation and improvisation. She took a pristine white gallery wall and painted it to look like multicolored concrete block — green with a purple diamond pattern. The faux concrete block painted on the opposite wall is the color of orange sherbet melting on a sidewalk. This all probably sounds terrible, but the results are wonderful. (The purple-y gray and green pattern was said to be inspired by her grandparents' home in Florida.) In the past, Thorne has created abstract works from items such as crocheted afghans she found at thrift stores. Her painting carefully duplicated the colors and patterns used by the unknown crafter who created them, flaws and all. If the individual had run out of a color and abruptly began using another, Thorne's painting would do likewise. In this show, other forms of homespun creativity provide the source material — the decoratively painted concrete block walls she mimicked are complemented by a series of paintings of oddly boarded-up windows. Block walls, the stuff of roadside gas stations and hurricane-proof Florida homes, are almost invariably grim. It's difficult to keep them from looking like a bunker, especially if they're used to construct similarly low-slung structures. But in "A Wall Around a Window," Thorne has homed in on attempts to make them decorative and cheery. In translating these walls to the gallery, Thorne has avoided any kind of exacting trompe l'oeil effects. Her blocks are loosely and translucently painted using watered-down acrylic. They are also something of an art joke, a wonky, exuberantly colored take on the restrained and exacting grids found in minimalist art. "Melissa Thorne: A Wall Around a Window" Through December 21 at Devin Borden Gallery, 3917 Main, 713-256-0225. Boarding up or bricking in a window is an aesthetic challenge equal to that of decorating concrete block. Thorne has made paintings that riff on boarded-over windows she saw, according to the gallerist, in upstate New York. (Thorne is currently a visiting assistant professor in Albany.) The paintings are all window-size, though those windows come in various sizes, and she has hung them on the peach-colored "concrete block" wall, where they represent the boarded-up windows of her simulated building. All of the window paintings in the exhibit are untitled. One work seems to have various chunks of colored rock filling it in. (It is somewhat similar to an earlier series Thorne did about the fake rock sound-barrier walls built by the California Highway Department.) Thorne's painting style flattens and simplifies forms. Little dots indicate granite; simple brushy lines signal marble. It's an intriguing image, and you wonder how the window it was based on came to be. According to the gallerist, it was the window of a store that had been filled in with chunks of broken countertop. Waste not, want not. Thorne has worked as Peter Halley's studio assistant, and you can see the ghost of his "cells" in a canvas three-quarters full of orangey-yellow brick with Pepto-Bismol pink mortar. (Again, it sounds terrible, but in reality it's a great color combination.) Thorne uses tape for crisp edges as Halley does, but her painting style is much more relaxed, as is her witty and engaging body of work. The top quarter of the "brick" painting is covered with a loose vertical faux bois. It's as if someone ran out of brick and closed up the remaining space with a weathered sheet of plywood. Here, Thorne has made a visually appealing painting that is also a kind of a salute to half-assed and unintentionally interesting problem-solving. The same thing is going on in another work of patched-together pieces of weathered plywood. They are layered in a casual but compositionally successful manner. Some of the pieces seem to have been colored at one time or another, providing wood grain still stained in yellows, blues and oranges. It's a very cool "found" painting. There is another subtext to all these paintings: Boarded-up buildings aren't usually a sign of prosperity. Upstate New York is economically depressed, running neck and neck with beleaguered Michigan. Thorne's paintings are evidence of that hardship and the people who endure it. What is it like to board up a building in which you once lived or worked? Thorne has a great eye, as well as a loving appreciation, for the homemade. She also obviously loves kitsch. The wall of purple and green based on an actual wall in her grandparent's home is hung with bright little watercolors of objects from her grandparents' house. A rooster figurine, a bit of macramé and a zebra-head planter are affectionately rendered. These are the kinds of objects that stick in childhood memories of going to Grandma's. Thorne was a Core Fellow at the Glassell School of Art in 1999 and 2000, and has had other shows in Houston over the years. In 2010, she created an installation for artist Bill Davenport's exhibition space Optical Project. It's nice to see her back in Houston again and doing something similarly ambitious at Devin Borden Gallery.
Rules of the Kho Kho, which is a no-implement game, are follows: Each side consists of 9 players. An innings will consist of chasing and running turns which will be of seven minutes duration. Each match will consist of two innings. An interval of 5 minutes is allowed after an inning and 2 minutes between two turns The side of the chasers scores one point for putting out each runner. The chaser or runner has the option to end the turn before the expiry of the allotted time. . The captain of the toss winning team will have the choice of chasing or running. At the commencement of the game the eight chasers (players sitting in the squares) will sit in the squares facing opposite directions. No adjacent chasers should face in the same direction. The 9th chaser will stand at either of the posts. . The runners will fix their entry serially with the scorer. . With the commencement of the game three runners are to get inside the court. As soon as a runner is put out the next three runners must enter the field before "kho" is given. If a runner fails to enter the field, he is given out. . A runner goes out by the following means: (a) If touched by a chaser. (b) Fails to enter the field when a runner is given out. (c) If he touches the seated chasers twice or after receiving a warning for similar infringement. Rules for the chasers: "Kho" is to be given from behind a sitting chaser and loudly. The seated chaser shall not get up without getting "kho". An active chaser shall not recede to give "kho". An active chaser shall sit down immediately after giving "kho". After getting "kho" the sitting chaser becomes active and follows the direction he is facing. An active chaser is not to cross the centre line. He is to take the direction that he has initially taken to the M or N posts. When an active chaser leaves a post, he shall go in the direction of other post remaining on the side of the centre line which he was facing before leaving the post. Chasers are not to obstruct runners while being seated The face (shoulder line) of an active chaser must be in a direction he has taken. He shall not turn his face. He is only allowed to turn his face parallel to the centre line. If a foul is committed by an active chaser he will be directed to go in the opposite direction of his chaser as indicated by the umpire and if a runner is put out by this act he will not be given out. When an active chaser lets go his hold of the post or goes beyond the rectangles he is known as leaving the post. Scoring in Kho Kho The side of the chasers scores 1 point for putting out each runner. If one team scores 9 points more than the other team, the winning team may ask the losers to chase without losing their option to chase afterwards. A substitute shall be allowed to replace an injured player at the discretion of the referee. Officials in Kho Kho They supervise the game in their respective halves, divided by the centre line. A foul is indicated by continuous short whistles till the foul is corrected. An "out" is declared by a short whistle. : The referee helps the umpires and gives the final decision in case of any difference between them : He keeps the record of time and hands it over to the scorer at the end of an innings. He starts the turn by blowing a whistle: one long and one short. The end of the turn is indicated by a long whistle. Scorer: Keeps a record of runners who are out and makes them sit. Assistant Scorer: He helps the scorer
CALMING XL support formula is recommended for pets exposed to increased environmental stressors. When pets can’t adapt to stress it can lead to nervousness, hyperactivity, excess barking, abnormal urine marking, excessive scratching, and destructive or aggressive behavior. • Changes to environment • Company or parties • Veterinary or grooming visits • Boarding or holidays • Boredom or separation stress • Moving or traveling • Fireworks and thunderstorms CALMING XL helps alleviate stress related behavior problems with-out affecting your animal’s personality or energy level. It can be used daily or as needed to support relaxation. It contains a combination of factors not found in other calming formulas such as Colostrum Calming Complex, L-Theanine and Thiamine (Vitamin B1), which all address stress and relaxation. About the formula: • Colostrum Calming Complex is taken from colostrum proteins, a range of bioactive proteins that have been found to support cognitive function and stress reduction. The colostrum calming complex is isolated from the proteins and works synergistically with the L-Theanine in the formula to promote relaxation and cognition. • L-Theanine is a naturally occurring amino acid found in green tea and a derivative of glutamic acid, a neurotransmitters in the brain. Glutamic acid helps the body produce a variety of calming amino acids such as Dopamine, GABA and Tryptophan, and helps bring certain neurotransmitter into better balance. L-Theanine supports calming and relaxation, and reduces irritability and low mood states caused by unbalanced chemicals in the brain. Also, L-Theanine has been extensively studied for its ability to help curb destructive behavior. Studies done on L-Theanine showed that dogs were calm and relaxed without adverse effects or drowsiness; dogs were alert, playful, and calmer than expected in their • B vitamins help manage stress and help maintain normal disposition. Vitamin B1 or Thiamine, has been shown to affect the central nervous system beneficially by helping calm and relax anxious animals. Because thiamine is not stored in the body, increased activity, stress, illness, or increased metabolism deplete its levels in the body. Deficiencies cause mental confusion, muscular weakness, muscle spasms, nervousness, and weight and appetite loss during periods of stress. • Lecithin is calming to the nervous system. It is a phospholipid that is rich in B vitamins, Choline and Inositol which help to support brain function and manage stress. CALMING XL does not contain any herbal ingredients (Kava Kava, Valerian, St. John’s Wort, etc.) or L-Tryptophan. Its ingredients do not cause side effects, addiction, drowsiness, or impaired motor skills. About Calming XL Bone-Shaped Chews: Active Ingredients Per 1 Chew: Thiamine (Vitamin B1).....................................200 mg L-Theanine (Suntheanine® brand)............................65 mg Colostrum Calming Complex ................................30 mg Inactive Ingredients:arabic gum, brewers yeast, calcium sulfate, canola oil, chicken liver flavor, citric acid, glycerin, maltodextrin, mixed tocopherols, ground oat groats, oat meal, pectin, propionic acid, rosemary extract, ground rye groats, silicon diox-ide, sodium alginate, sorbic acid, soy lecithin, starch, vegetable oil, water. Directions for Use: Dogs over 75 lbs: give one chew daily. During times of increased stress: It is safe to double or triple the above amount, as needed.
Welcome / Bienvenue / 歡迎 / Willkommen / Приветствие: Thank you for visiting my site. I am an economics/finance/policy professional currently based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. I grew up in Toronto, Canada and was educated at the University of Toronto (BSc) and Princeton University (MA, PhD). Before moving to Dubai, I worked in New York City (finance) and Singapore (consulting). Although my background may sound prima facie like that of many Ivy League graduates, until recently my life experiences were solidly humble and spartan. - Business Report for the University of Toronto. Photo courtesy of Dave Chan (www.davechan.ca). About me and this site: I was literally born on the streets of rural Guangdong province to peasant parents in communist China. My family moved to Canada when I was four years old with little more than the clothes on our back and an electric rice cooker. I spent the next 20 years in Toronto, which were formidable as my family was poor and we had little cultural capital to guide us in our new country. (Neither of my parents studied beyond primary school and were mostly absent from my upbringing.) Before my eighteenth birthday I was arrested twice and had dropped out of high school. Nevertheless, I eventually gained admission into one of Canada’s elite universities (University of Toronto (Trinity College)) and then went on to receive a PhD in economics from Princeton University, where my supervisor was (future Nobel laureate) Paul Krugman. My path from poverty to a Princeton PhD is an almost unreal story about luck, talent and unusual circumstances. ((1). I graduated from a high school where earlier in my teenage years I was told by the vice principal responsible for my file upon trying to re-enrol: “The day you get back inside this school is the day I quit!”… He was on sick leave the year I returned. (2). I spent $30 on a used copy of a GRE study guide and devoted one week’s time to prepare for my graduate admission test.) At the nadir of my life (young adult) I ate rotten vegetables tossed away by local food wholesalers and chicken bones that I collected from a fried chicken shop. I am now an economics/finance/policy professional having lived and worked in East Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North America, and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle where I mingle with the Ivy League crowd. My life has thus been one of contrasts, breaking stereotypes about education, ethnicity/race and socioeconomic status. (See: “From poverty to Princeton PhD.“) My values and perspective on life have been profoundly shaped by my experiences; my background allows me to view the world through a unique lens that enables me to inject fresh insights into the complex debates about the economy, education, immigration and politics. I hope to thus be a catalyst for frank discussions about matters important to our society. This site is a repository of all the formal writings and media from me, as well as a place for me to provide brief notes on some topics dear to me for which I wish to share my thoughts and educate the public. I would love to hear from you if you have thoughts, opinions, critiques or general feedback on any of the content on this website. To send me an e-mail: Kai L. Chan
public interface ClientServerIntegration First you must create DataSources that describe the objects from your object model that will be loaded or manipulated within your application. All of Smart GWT's most powerful functionality builds on the concept of a DataSource, and because of Smart GWT's databinding framework (see DataBoundComponent), it's as easy to create a DataSource that can configure an unlimited number of components as it is to configure a single component. DataSources provide a data-provider agnostic API to Smart GWT Visual Components that allow them to perform the 4 CRUD operations (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete). By "agnostic" we mean that the implementation details - the nuts and bolts of how a given DataSource actually retrieves or updates data - are unknown to bound Smart GWT components. One effect of this is that DataSources are "pluggable": they can be replaced without affecting the User Interface. When a visual component, or your own custom code, performs a CRUD operation on a DataSource, the DataSource creates a (DataSource Request) representing the operation. "Data Integration" is the process of fulfilling that DSRequest by creating a corresponding DSResponse (DataSource Response), by using a variety of possible approaches to connect to the ultimate data provider. There are two main approaches to integrating DataSources with your server technology: Client-side integration: DataSource requests arrive as simple HTTP requests which your server code receives directly (in Java, you use the Servlet API or .jsps to handle the requests). Responses are sent as XML or JSON which you directly generate. Smart GWT supports, out of the box, codeless connectivity to various kinds of common data providers, including SQL and Hibernate. Smart GWT also provides functionality and tools for accelerated integration with broad categories of data providers, such as Java Object-based persistence mechanisms (JPA, EJB, Ibatis, in-house written systems), and REST and WSDL web services in XML or JSON formats. Ultimately, a DataSource can be connected to anything that is accessible via HTTP or HTTPS, and also to in-browser persistence engines such as Google Gears. Choosing a Data Integration Approach This section aims to help you decide which of the many possible data integration approaches is best for your particular circumstances. The recommendations given here will guide you to the approach that involves the least effort. SQLDataSource vs JPA/Hibernatein order to understand the large benefits the SQLDataSource provides autoDeriveSchemafeature, or from Java Beans via the schemaBeanfeature. Or, use the Admin Consoleto generate tables from DataSource definitions you create by hand schemaBeanfeature to derive DataSource definitions from any Java bean custom DataSourcethat provides the CRUD operations you want to support. DMI, or any combination of the two: OperationBindingallow you to dynamically set data values at transaction-processing time, using built-in validate()method of the DataSource to provide extra custom validations - just call superto obtain the list of errors derived from Smart GWT validations, then add to that list as required with your own custom code execute()method of the DataSource to add extra processing either before or after the Smart GWT processing Transaction Chainingto dynamically set data values according to the results of earlier transactions SQL Templatingto change, add to or even completely replace the SQL sent to the database, and to implement special query requirements custom JQL queriesto implement special query requirements custom HQL queriesto implement special query requirements the server integration overview. RPCs: Unstructured Server Communication Smart GWT also supports "unstructured" client-server operations. These RPCRequests (Remote Procedure Call Requests) are a low-level, very flexible mechanism for custom client-server communications. In an nutshell, RPCRequests: RPCManager.send), and have their responses handled by custom code (the callback passed to RPCRequests are relatively rare. Most client-server communications are better done in a structured fashion using a DSRequest (DataSource Request). Note that any RPCRequest can alternatively be framed as a DataSource fetch; depending on the circumstances, this may be more convenient. RPCManager documentation for further information on RPCRequests.
Frequently Asked Questions Anyone who is a member of a Southern Baptist Church located in the state of Florida. Also eligible are the immediate family members of current members and employees of the Florida Baptist Convention, agencies and institutions. Complete the membership application online, print it out and sign in the appropriate place. Mail the completed application along with a legible copy of your driver’s license and a minimum $25 deposit to savings to the credit union office at 1320 Hendricks Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32207. Our main office is located at 1320 Hendricks Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32207. The credit union is a part of a shared branching network of credit unions. This allows members of the Florida Baptist Credit Union to go into branch locations of participating credit unions and transact your business just as if you were in our Jacksonville location. To locate a branch near you please go to our shared branch locator. If you have any difficulty locating a branch near you please contact our office at 800-749-3228 for further assistance. Yes. The credit union offers both MasterCard and VISA for our members’ convenience. Both have a no annual fee and low interest rates. Yes. If your business is wholly owned by you and you are a member of the credit union then you can also have your business checking and savings accounts through the credit union. If your business is incorporated then all active board members would need to be a member of the credit union for the corporation to eligible for an account. Yes. If your church is a recognized Southern Baptist church of the Florida Baptist Convention then it is eligible to have checking, savings and corporate credit card accounts through the credit union. They would also be available to apply for loans through the credit union. Please contact our loan officers for further information. No, there are not any monthly service charges associated with your savings or checking accounts. Yes. If you are currently a member of the credit union then complete a online application form for your child. The parent or legal guardian will complete the joint owner of the application. The parent will also provide a copy of their driver’s license along with a $25 deposit into savings. Yes. We offer Noah’s Ark accounts to children under the age of 18. After a regular savings account is opened with $25 additional deposits can be made to the Noah’s Ark savings where dividends are paid quarterly with no minimum balance required. Please indicate on the membership application your desire to have a Noah’s Ark account established. Yes. The membership application should show your teenager as the primary member with you as the joint owner. Please complete the online membership application, print it and sign in the appropriate places. Mail your signed application along with a copy of both driver’s licenses and a $25 deposit to savings. To activate a checking account please include an additional deposit of $50. A debit/check card is available upon parent written request. Yes, using the Home Financial Services link on the Florida Baptist Credit Union website you can access your account information. You can also make transfers, see which checks have cleared and look at past history. It is free for members to use Home Financial Services after completing a simple online sign up process. We currently have a number of forms available under our Online Forms link. They include the Florida Baptist Credit Union membership application, Loan Application, Credit Card Application and Bill Payer enrollment form.
Governor signs deca ban bill into State will require phase-out of the flame retardant in household June 14, 2007 AUGUSTA – Governor Baldacci signed into law on Thursday a bill that will phase out the use of a potentially dangerous flame retardant from Maine households. The bill, sponsored by House Majority Leader Hannah Pingree, D-North Haven, assed in the House and Senate with broad bipartisan support late in May. The legislation will ban the use of deca-BDE in mattresses and furniture on January 1, 2008 and phase out its use in televisions and other plastic-cased electronics by January 1, 2010. Researchers have found evidence that deca leaches off television sets and furniture and onto household dust, and is then inhaled or ingested. Traces of the chemical have been found in breast milk, and scientists believe that the substance causes slower brain development “The chemical industry has spent literally hundreds of thousands of dollars in Maine and other states trying to kill this important health and environmental initiative,” said Pingree. “It’s good to see that big businesses from out of state can’t talk Maine people out of supporting good legislation.” A series of tests performed on mice pups by the Maine CDC and by researchers in Sweden showed that exposure to deca resulted in decreased motor skills, including reflexes and physical strength after a single exposure. Firefighter groups across the state have firmly endorsed the measure, saying that safer and equally effective alternatives are available. Representatives from the Professional Firefighters of Maine say that deca poses a real cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary threat to the health of firefighters during and long after they leave the scene of the fire, because it absorbs into their protective uniforms, which are then brought back to the fire station – and sometimes their homes. Pingree’s bill also requires the DEP to continue its reporting process on the safety of existing flame retardants, and gives the Department authority along with the State Fire Marshal and the Maine Center for Disease Control in determining which products should be subject to a ban in the future. That amendment was added to the bill by the Natural Resources Committee in a work session at the end of April, at which point the committee supported the measure by a 10-3 vote. The bill has the strong support of the Professional Firefighters of Maine, the Maine Fire Chiefs, the state Fire Marshall and the Maine Fire Protection Services Commission, the Natural Resource Council of Maine, the Environmental Health Strategy Center, the Maine chapters of the American Lung Association Academy of Pediatrics and a host of more than 30 environmental and health advocates statewide. Deca is the only remaining PBDE category flame retardant that is still used in household materials in the United States. The Maine Legislature banned two other PBDEs – octa and penta-BDE – in 2004, under legislation also sponsored by Pingree. The older category of flame retardants have proven to cause harm to humans and the environment, as scientific research has found traces of the deca chemical in animals and human breast milk, and tied its presence to slower development in children. The 2004 bill also required a series of studies of deca over the next three years to determine if it should also be eliminated if safer alternatives were available. The most recent report in 2007 showed conclusive evidence that deca posed a threat to the health of humans and animals and should be replaced. Research also showed that deca breaks down over time into the more dangerous - and already-banned - octa-BDE and penta-BDE. Only representatives from the out-of-state chemical industry lobbied against the bill during the legislative process. No electronic manufacturers who use the product sent spokespeople to oppose the bill, and many of them have already started to move away from the “For me, this is a lot like banning lead paint when we knew that latex paint was available,” said Rep. Ted Koffman, D-Bar Harbor, chairman of the Natural Resources Committee. Travis Kennedy, Communications Director, 287-1433
MSHA News Release: [11/3/2011] Contact: Amy Louviere Phone: (202) 693-9423 Release Number 11-1602-SAN Mine Commission upholds two civil penalties in 2008 copper mine fatality Arizona mine operator assessed $77,000 in fines by MSHA ARLINGTON, Va. — The U.S. Department of Labor's Mine Safety and Health Administration announced today that the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission has upheld two civil penalties issued to Freeport-McMoran Morenci Inc. in Greenlee County, Ariz., in the Sept. 1, 2008, death of a miner. Raymond Saldana, a 67-year-old contractor consultant, had been working on a belt replacement project at the surface copper mine's Number 6 bedding plant when he fell nearly 30 feet to his death through an opening on an elevated walkway. The 4-by-5-foot hole, created by the removal of two steel gratings, was marked off only by a 3.5-inch-wide yellow caution tape affixed to one side of the opening. "Regulations and standards are put into place for a reason, and mine operators are responsible for finding and fixing hazards to protect miners," said Joseph A. Main, assistant secretary of labor for mine safety and health. "Had those fundamental protections been observed, this tragic outcome could have been avoided." MSHA issued one 104(d)(1) unwarrantable failure citation for the mine operator's failure to implement the appropriate federal standard, which states that openings above, below or near travelways through which persons or materials may fall shall be protected by railings, barriers or covers. The violation was assessed a $70,000 fine because it constituted more than ordinary negligence. Ronald Y. Jurado, the mine's supervisor in charge of belt replacement and present at the scene, was issued a special assessment of $7,000 for his culpability in the accident. Attorneys for the mine operator argued that the tape was, in fact, an effective barrier under the federal standard, that there was fall protection available, that the area was not a travelway as defined under the standard, that the miner was impaired and that it was impractical to install a protective device around the hole because work was ongoing. Administrative Law Judge William B. Moran rejected every one of these arguments, and found many of the defenses to be "distractions." The court did not agree with the respondent's view that the "notice" the tape provided satisfied the standard. "A yellow ribbon may provide notice when tied around the 'old oak tree' but mere notice is not sufficient to satisfy this safety standard," wrote Moran. Moran also responded to an attempt by the mine operator to link the victim's fall to impairment caused by the presence of prescription drugs in his system at the time of his death. "Respondent has, in the Court's view, shamelessly suggested that the reason for the fatal fall is attributable to the victim's use of drugs. The Court observes that 'could effect' is a long way from 'did effect.' Directly stated, he had a sore knee and nothing else."
Biography All Music GuideWikipedia All Music Guide: Samantha Crain was raised in rural Shawnee, OK, a town whose remote location influenced her quirky, earthy interpretation of folk music. Although inspired by the sounds of her father's music collection, including Bob Dylan and the Grateful Dead, an adolescent Crain took even greater solace in the music of her home state, from the rootsy Americana of Woody Guthrie to the sonic experiments of the Flaming Lips. She later enrolled at Oklahoma Baptist University, where she spent several semesters working toward a degree in English literature before registering for a semester-long songwriting retreat. Located off-campus at Martha's Vineyard, the program allowed Crain to transform herself into a songwriter with a knack for narrative storytelling. She then returned home, where unpaid student loans convinced her to pursue a career in music instead. Ramseur Records took note of Crain's work schedule, which saw her crisscrossing the country with guitar in tow, and ultimately offered her a spot on the label. The Confiscation, a mature EP featuring harmonica, tambourine, lap steel guitar, and Crain's unembellished vocals, marked her Ramseur debut in 2007. Samantha Crain (born August 15, 1986) is an American songwriter, musician, and singer from Shawnee, Oklahoma, signed with Ramseur Records (North America) and Full Time Hobby Records (UK/Europe). Early life and education Crain was born and raised in Shawnee, Oklahoma and is of Choctaw heritage. She attended Grove School in Shawnee and Dale High School in Dale, Oklahoma. Crain taught herself to play guitar and wrote songs based on her short stories the summer before her senior year at Dale High School. She attended Oklahoma Baptist University and at 19, signed up for an off-campus study program at the Martha's Vineyard-based Contemporary Music Center for which she received college credit for song writing, performing shows and learning about recording techniques. On completion of the course she experienced problems with student loan payments and decided to start her career in music."Samantha Crain on Mountain Stage". NPR Music. NPR. June 23, 2010. Retrieved July 25, 2010. Brandy McDonnell (4 July 2008). "Samantha Crain feels Woody Guthrie's influence". NewsOK. Crain made the news in 2014 for staging a peaceful protest against the band Pink Pony, who's singer is the daughter of Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin. Christina Fallin had previously defended act of being photographed in a feather headdress, when called out for cultural appropriation by upset Native Americans. When “I heard Pink Pony was wearing full regalia tonight.” was posted by the band, to their own Facebook page, Crain said, "whether it was a publicity stunt or not, we needed to rally together” and organized a protest where demonstrators stood to the side of the stage, holding signs bearing messages like “Don’t tread on my culture” and “I am not a costume”. Ultimately the outcry led to Governor Fallin issuing a statement against her daughter's actions.Wofford, Jerry. "Christina Fallin's band sparks controversy with performance at Norman Music Festival". Tulsa World. Adler, Lindsey. "Daughter Of Oklahoma Governor Provokes Protests Over Her Use Of Native American Symbols".
Revised Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2007 (Enrolled as Agreed to or Passed by Both House and Senate) DIVISION B--CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS RESOLUTION, 2007 `The following sums are hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and out of applicable corporate or other revenues, receipts, and funds, for the several departments, agencies, corporations, and other organizational units of Government for fiscal year 2007, and for other purposes, namely: `TITLE I--FULL-YEAR CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS `Sec. 101. (a) Such amounts as may be necessary, at the level specified in subsection (c) and under the authority and conditions provided in the applicable appropriations Act for fiscal year 2006, for projects or activities (including the costs of direct loans and loan guarantees) that are not otherwise provided for and for which appropriations, funds, or other authority were made available in the following appropriations Acts: `(1) The Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006. `(b) For purposes of this division, the term `level' means an amount. `(2) The Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 2006. `(3) The Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2006. `(4) The Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006. `(5) The Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006. `(6) The Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2006. `(7) The Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act, 2006. `(8) The Science, State, Justice, Commerce, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006. `(9) The Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development, the Judiciary, the District of Columbia, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006. `(c) The level referred to in subsection (a) shall be the amounts appropriated in the appropriations Acts referred to in such subsection, including transfers and obligation limitations, except that-- `(1) such level shall not include any amount designated as an emergency requirement, or to be for overseas contingency operations, pursuant to section 402 of H. Con. Res. 95 (109th Congress), the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006; and `(2) such level shall be calculated without regard to any rescission or cancellation of funds or contract authority, other than-- `(A) the 1 percent government-wide rescission made by section 3801 of division B of Public Law 109-148; `Sec. 102. Appropriations made by section 101 shall be available to the extent and in the manner that would be provided by the pertinent appropriations Act. `(B) the 0.476 percent across-the-board rescission made by section 439 of Public Law 109-54, relating to the Department of the Interior, environment, and related agencies; and `(C) the 0.28 percent across-the-board rescission made by section 638 of Public Law 109-108, relating to Science, State, Justice, Commerce, and related agencies. `Sec. 103. Appropriations provided by this division that, in the applicable appropriations Act for fiscal year 2006, carried a multiple-year or no-year period of availability shall retain a comparable period of availability. `Sec. 104. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this division, the requirements, authorities, conditions, limitations, and other provisions of the appropriations Acts referred to in section 101(a) shall continue in effect through the date specified in section 106. `Sec. 105. No appropriation or funds made available or authority granted pursuant to section 101 shall be used to initiate or resume any project or activity for which appropriations, funds, or other authority were specifically prohibited during fiscal year 2006. `Sec. 106. Unless otherwise provided for in this division or in the applicable appropriations Act, appropriations and funds made available and authority granted pursuant to this division shall be available through September 30, 2007. `Sec. 107. Expenditures made pursuant to this division prior to the enactment of the Revised Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2007, shall be charged to the applicable appropriation, fund, or authorization provided by this division (or the applicable regular appropriations Act for fiscal year 2007) as in effect following such enactment. `Sec. 108. Funds appropriated by this division may be obligated and expended notwithstanding section 10 of Public Law 91-672 (22 U.S.C. 2412), section 15 of the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956 (22 U.S.C. 2680), section 313 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1994 and 1995 (22 U.S.C. 6212), and section 504(a)(1) of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 414(a)(1)). `Sec. 109. With respect to any discretionary account for which advance appropriations were provided for fiscal year 2007 or 2008 in an appropriations Act for fiscal year 2006, the levels established by section 101 shall include advance appropriations in the same amount for fiscal year 2008 or 2009, respectively, with a comparable period of availability. `Sec. 110. (a) For entitlements and other mandatory payments whose budget authority was provided in appropriations Acts for fiscal year 2006, and for activities under the Food Stamp Act of 1977, the levels established by section 101 shall be the amounts necessary to maintain program levels under current law. `(b) In addition to the amounts otherwise provided by section 101, the following amounts shall be available for the following accounts for advance payments for the first quarter of fiscal year 2008: `Sec. 111. (a)(1) In addition to any amounts otherwise provided by this division, such sums as may be necessary are hereby appropriated to fund, for covered employees under a statutory pay system (as defined by section 5302 of title 5, United States Code), 50 percent of any increase in rates of pay which became effective under sections 5303 through 5304a of such title 5 in January 2007. `(2)(A) In addition to any amounts otherwise provided by this division, such sums as may be necessary are hereby appropriated to provide the amount which would be necessary to fund, for covered employees not described in paragraph (1), 50 percent of the cost of an increase in rates of pay, calculated as if such employees were covered by paragraph (1) and as if such increase had been made on the first day of the first pay period beginning in January 2007 based on the rates that were in effect for such employees as of the day before such first day. `(B) Subparagraph (A) is intended only to provide funding for pay increases for covered employees not described in paragraph (1). Nothing in subparagraph (A) shall be considered to modify, supersede, or render inapplicable the provisions of law in accordance with which the size or timing of any pay increase actually provided with respect to such employees is determined. `(1) `Department of Labor, Employment Standards Administration, Special Benefits for Disabled Coal Miners', for benefit payments under title IV of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, $68,000,000, to remain available until expended. `(2) `Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Grants to States for Medicaid', for payments to States or in the case of section 1928 on behalf of States under title XIX of the Social Security Act, $65,257,617,000, to remain available until expended. `(3) `Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Payments to States for Child Support Enforcement and Family Support Programs', for payments to States or other non-Federal entities under titles I, IV-D, X, XI, XIV, and XVI of the Social Security Act and the Act of July 5, 1960 (24 U.S.C. ch. 9), $1,000,000,000, to remain available until expended. `(4) `Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Payments to States for Foster Care and Adoption Assistance', for payments to States or other non-Federal entities under title IV-E of the Social Security Act, $1,810,000,000. `(5) `Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Income Program', for benefit payments under title XVI of the Social Security Act, $16,810,000,000, to remain available until expended. `(b) Appropriations under this section shall include funding for pay periods beginning on or after January 1, 2007, and the pay costs covered by this appropriation shall include 50 percent of the increases in agency contributions for employee benefits resulting from the pay increases described in subsection (a). `(c) For purposes of this section, the term `covered employees' means employees whose pay is funded in whole or in part (including on a reimbursable basis) by any account for which funds are provided by this division (other than by chapters 2 and 11 of title II of this division) after October 4, 2006. `Sec. 112. Any language specifying an earmark in a committee report or statement of managers accompanying an appropriations Act for fiscal year 2006 shall have no legal effect with respect to funds appropriated by this division. `Sec. 113. Within 30 days of the enactment of this section, each of the following departments and agencies shall submit to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate a spending, expenditure, or operating plan for fiscal year 2007 at a level of detail below the account level: `Sec. 114. Within 15 days after the enactment of this section, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall submit to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate-- `(1) Department of Agriculture. `(2) Department of Commerce, including the United States Patent and Trademark Office. `(3) Department of Defense, with respect to military construction, family housing, the Department of Defense Base Closure accounts, and `Defense Health Program'. `(4) Department of Education. `(5) Department of Energy. `(6) Department of Health and Human Services. `(7) Department of Housing and Urban Development. `(8) Department of the Interior. `(9) Department of Justice. `(10) Department of Labor. `(11) Department of State and United States Agency for International Development. `(12) Department of Transportation. `(13) Department of the Treasury. `(14) Department of Veterans Affairs, including `Construction, Major Projects'. `(15) National Aeronautics and Space Administration. `(16) National Science Foundation. `(17) The Judiciary. `(18) Office of National Drug Control Policy. `(19) General Services Administration. `(20) Office of Personnel Management. `(21) National Archives and Records Administration. `(22) Environmental Protection Agency. `(23) Indian Health Service. `(24) Smithsonian Institution. `(25) Social Security Administration. `(26) Corporation for National and Community Service. `(27) Corporation for Public Broadcasting. `(28) Food and Drug Administration. `Sec. 115. Notwithstanding any other provision of this division and notwithstanding section 601(a)(2) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 (2 U.S.C. 31), the percentage adjustment scheduled to take effect under such section for 2007 shall not take effect. `(1) a report specifying, by account, the amounts provided by this division for executive branch departments and agencies; and `(2) a report specifying, by account, the amounts provided by section 111 for executive branch departments and agencies.
Executive Director’s Column by Randy Ankeny Executive Director These few words are the clearly stated on many of the original brochures and are still true today. These five simple words convey a message and a meaning and as I reflect upon my first year, one keynote stands out: The importance of community. I have found in Leisure World, Seal Beach, a true sense of community. Each day I see cohesiveness, sense of character and the camaraderie of mutual support that act as our foundation for the community and all shareholders. With everyday life moving at an ever faster and more detached pace due to technology, busy schedules and constant change, it gets harder to feel a sense of community with the world outside our walls. Community has many meanings, with the focal idea simply supporting and interacting positively with other individuals who share a vested interest. It was a year ago that I first heard the term “shareholder” used when speaking about the community’s residents. At the time I did not comprehend the true meaning of the term “shareholder” and the importance of the word in truly defining our community and what makes Leisure World Seal Beach a special and exceptional place. I have had the pleasure to work with and see you, the shareholders, define the true essence of the best part of this community, a group of diverse individuals living together, sharing a vested interest in each other, our neighborhoods and the community at large by: • Participating in random acts of kindness • Acknowledgement of your fellow shareholders (just the simple “good mornings” or “how are you today’s”) • Attendance at community events • Interaction at club and social functions • Taking and making that extra effort to show a fellow shareholder that you care and are there for them A strong community benefits each shareholder as we show the world that we together are greater that the pettiness and disrespect shown all too often outside our community. I see shareholders with a sense of belonging, and this belonging leads to happier lives, and strong communities are the building blocks for a more stable and supportive society. I thank you for allowing me and my staff to be part of your lives at Leisure World Seal Beach. “To like many people spontaneously and without effort is perhaps the greatest of all sources of personal happiness.” – Bertrand Russell Credits and Kudos Credits & Kudos must include the writer’s name and mutual, and will be edited for brevity. Mention of a business or service is not an endorsement or recommendation by the LW News or Golden Rain Foundation. Mutual 14 residents Linda Corp, Gayle Chapin and Marlene Behar thank Ann Pepper, new Mutual 14 president, for conducting the first meeting of the new board in an effective and professional manner. She kept the meeting on track and completed the agenda in a timely manner. Lisa A. Dickson of Mutual 1 is grateful to Renee Otten for giving her a ride home from Clubhouse 2 after a recent Woman’s Club meeting. Les Cohen’s Outside the Wall Column by Les H. Cohen, Mutual 15 Legislative Advocate Emeritus/ OC Ombudsman At this week’s in-service ombudsman meeting by the Council on Aging-OC we heard a representative from the OC Veterans Service office. With all the negative statements about VA services nationwide, it was refreshing to learn good news about our local veterans service office. The following may be of interest to shareholders who are veterans, dependents and surviving spouses: The OCR veterans community services office was established by the OC Board of Supervisors as an independent county program. Veterans using the local office can eliminate the need to travel to regional offices regarding benefits. The speaker mentioned some of the benefits that are available to veterans, their dependents and spouses: • Entitlement to compensation for dependency, indemnity, compensation, disability and death pension and burial . • Education, benefits and vocational rehabilitation. • Life insurance, California veteran information, discharge review; VA home loans, veterans’ home of California. The Office Operations Center is located at 1300 South Grand Ave., Building B, Room 247, Santa Ana, CA. The telephone number is (714) 480-6555; fax, (714) 567-7674. The website is www.veterans.ocgov.com; and email is OCVSO@occr.ocgov.com. Representatives will answer any questions concerning veterans benefits and potential entitlement.
SORT BY Relevancy TONIGHT AT 11PM ET. ON BKS1 RADIO www.bks1radio.com IT'S THE BEAUTIFUL LADIES OF O.nly W.omen W.ear H.igh H.eels The Topic Is: "Dating Horror Stories". ALSO Join Them As They Pick This Weeks "MIGHTY GOOD MAN & PHENOMENAL WOMAN", This Weeks Health Tip & They Also Give You Their KNOCK IT OFFS For The Week. You Can CHAT LIVE or CALL IN 646-929-1530 All Tonight on www.bks1radio.com Let us know your dating horror stories? Need a few moments of quiet time for the kids? Something soothing to help them calmly wake up or calmly head towards naptime or bedtime? Come with us and listen in as we tell tales of heart, adventure, fun exploration with characters to love! Original stories made up on the spot through the imagination of Miss Jeannine with the occasional talented storytellers and songwriters guests that kids love based on The Melodies Life Readiness Lessons for Preschoolers! Perfect for naptime or bedtime, these social and emotional heart felt stories are available live each Saturday morning or archived on demand listening for your child ages 2-8. Coloring pages for the shows are available for download on the Heart Centered Stories website. Come join in the fun and open your heart to Heart Centered Stories today! This week’s story idea is: A Butterfly in the City Inspired by The Melodies Can you Be a Butterfly with The Melodies lesson: Use Your Imagination in Pop Culture The Flint Horror Convention will return to Downtown Flint for its 4th year. Held at the Riverfront Banquet Center and will offer fans the largest horror convention the city has ever seen. Guests inclue: Daniel Roebuck from Rob Zombie’s HALLOWEEN, THE DEVIL’S REJECTS, BUBBA HO-TEP and more. Eileen Dietz who is best known for her role as the demon Pazuzu in the film THE EXORCIST. Danny Hicks who is best known for his role in the cult classic EVIL DEAD 2. There will also be: Comic Book artists, Paranormal Researchers, Special FX Artists, over 40 Vendors and MORE! The Flint Horror Con goes to great pains to make sure our fans are part of the show and this year is no different. We will be holding costume contests for the children in the audience as well as the adults and later in the day will have our Petrifying Pin-Up Pageant which will crown the Bride of Flint Horror Con. The biggest addition to the convention this year will be the awarding of the Jon Cockerill Memorial Short Film Award, an award created in honor of a young Flint filmmaker that died earlier this year. This award will offer three cash prizes and we will be showing the winning entry as well as some of Jon’s own film work during the day. The Flint Horror Convention is a convention made by fans and made FOR fans and we invite everyone near and far to enjoy a day of celebrities, vendors, movies, contests, and sheer fun and all for only ten dollars. For a complete list of guests, events, and films go to www.flinthorrorcon.com Are you ready to hear the spookiest of all stories that contain hidden truths? Get ready to listen to the Master himself, Lon Milo DuQuette spin esoteric tales of occult mysteries and magical initiations. DuQuette will speak to us on many types of secret rituals, hauntings and even encountering the Devil himself! These stories will haunt you and bite at your heels from the shadows for all eternity.... Don't say we didn't warn you! Join us for another great episode during Spooky October! Lon Milo DuQuette is a bestselling author and lecturer on such topics as magick, tarot and the Western mystery traditions. He is currently U.S. Deputy Grand Master of Ordo Templi Orientis and is on the faculty of the Omega institute in Rhinebeck, NY. He lives in Costa Mesa, CA, with his beautiful wife Constance. Visit Lon online at: www.lonmiloduquette.com October is Domestic Violence Month. According to the National Coalition Against DV, Domestic Violence Awareness Month evolved from the first Day of Unity observed in October, 1981 by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The intent was to connect battered women’s advocates across the nation who were working to end violence against women and their children. The Day of Unity soon became a special week when a range of activities were conducted at the local, state, and national levels. This is great and my women’s organization, The Diva Network, is hosting a talk for women on Oct. 25 at Riverside Apartments near Huntington Metro. 2PM – 3:30PM. But for today’s blogtalk show we will be discussing abuse towards MEN. Men are abused, too, and it is rarely talked about. Men do not report the abuse because they fear being laughed at, not taken seriously or ridiculed. What should you do if you are dating a woman that becomes violent with you? And if you are a woman that is dealing with anger, how do you get help? Please enjoy this EXCERPT from our Wednesday, 10/22/14 Dating Women Radio Show where Doc talks about HIGH INTEREST LEVEL and what a Taylor Swift Interview has to do with THE SYSTEM - for the FULL hour-long show, 3+ years (and growing) of shows to listen to, articles for members only and much more: TAKE THE 7-DAY FREE TRIAL OF THE DOCLOVECLUB plus WE ALSO HAVE FREEBIES FOR YOU Don't forget, we're live each Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. PT / 8:00 p.m. ET and encourage you to call on the numbers below US TOLL FREE (48 contiguous states): (855) 345-7465 INTERNATIONAL (including Alaska & Hawaii): (646) 668-8937 You may also ask questions via email too (but callers take priority). October Scare a thon continues this Friday! We are discussing weird oddities type stories including haunted items, bizarre encounters, and horror movies! Plus we have Amber "The Bully" Brown to discuss her upcoming bout for Invicta fighting on 11/1! We also will be talking with Charlie "Brown" Williams about his Professional Fight Debut at King of the Cage on 11/1! Both will be discussing what scares them as well considering its that time of the year! Listen LIVE Friday 10/24 at 9PM EST and call us up (619)924-0762 to get in on all the fun! Check our our Mothership Site The Intestinal Fortitude to see interesting stories, and updates to this show as well as others! Like our Facebook Check out our Twitter Girls Rule, Boys Drool! When the @A_Dude79's away... the Cat will play! Join @Soon2BeCatLady and special guest host @MegGrupa as they have a hypothetical sleepover, and throw all the podcast rules out the window. We will gossip about boys (or A_Dude..) , braid each other's hair, have pillowfights and girl talk. SO DON'T LISTEN, BOYS!! (Or do.. I don't care.) If this party doesn't end with us in our underwear, well - sounds like a normal podcast. Check out www.soon2becatlady.com for online dating horror stories. You are cordially invited to THE biggest Halloween party on the Internet! Join Eric and Rhonda for two hours as we play the spookiest, heaviest Halloween horror music along with tv and radio ads of some of your favorite horror movies. The request lines will be open at 1-877-552-4073. Dr. Ariston Awitan Shares Life Stories and Reaching New Levels of Success with the business side of his new network. Dr. Ariston Awitan, is a retired orthopedic surgeon, after 33 years as a success in his profession. Initially born and educated in the Philippines, emigrated to the USA in 1965 and then retrained in the USA to practice here. Listen live every Saturday at 2:00PM Eastern time, or catch his previous shows on BuildingFortunesRadio.com You may contact Dr.Awitan at:www.GetCashbacks.info (713) 392-5493. Join Host Live Chats - Carlotta Chatwood (6 chatters) - Ring of Fire Ministries (5 chatters) - Susan Puzio (5 chatters) - Soul Tree Radio X In The Raw (3 chatters) - Psychic Tapestry (3 chatters) - Charles Internatl House Music (3 chatters) - Callywood (3 chatters) - Joeygiggles (3 chatters) - Chatting with Sherri (2 chatters) - sports smack down (2 chatters) - Variety Radio Online (1 chatters) - DOT COM RADIO1 (1 chatters) - Everything Kathy B (1 chatters) - Frat House Sports (1 chatters) - JackNewtown (1 chatters) - Mentorman (1 chatters) - Ms Reason (1 chatters) - 2 Regular Guys Talking Decoration (1 chatters)
We stayed here for 3 nights early October. It was heavenly. Gorgeous views of a post-typhoon sparkling Tokyo bay from the glitzy bar. An Impeccable welcome and service from the wonderful staff, every single one of them a star. A luxurious and perfectly equipped suite and a fabulous pool to float around in whilst gazing at the twinkly skyline. Nothing to fault, simply superb. Thank you lovely Conrad hotel for making our Tokyo trip start with such a bang. margie from london Modern hotel sited in the commercial district, towering 37 storeys over the Shiodome with views over the Royal Gardens. …More From the moment you arrive at this beautiful hotel you are awestruck. you are first brought to the 51st floor for your check in where you are offered to sit down and enjoy various tapas, wine, or your choice of juices, beer etc. all you need is ask. We stayed on the 47 floor which provided a incredible view of the city at night. The Staff throughout the hotel are more than attentive which only gives you more realization of the Japanese culture and its beautifulness. Your are simple left with a want to return as soon as possible. We regret not having stayed a few days longer but will be sure to do so when we return. The Spa is first class and it is advisable to enjoy a massage during your stay to relax and relieve stress. If you are with the craving for a burger on the main floor you will find a place called BeBu where your choice of burger will be sure to enjoy every bite. We were unable to savor the menus in the other restaurants other than the breakfast which was very enjoyable as well. El Oso from Singapore /Houston Occupying the top six floors of the 52-storey Toranomon Hills tower, which is currently under construction, Andaz Tokyo …More My job requires that I travel and I enjoy it! Top notch hotel with great amenities and views - like all other reviews state. Top floors of Tokyo's tallest building. I wasn't facing Tokyo tower nor Mt Fuji but had great city views Large rooms with very large bathrooms. Toto bidet, multiple sinks, separate shower. dani from New York Located in the highest building in Tokyo, guest rooms are not only spacious but have spectacular view of Tokyo with the most …More Payments accepted on expedia.co.uk include American Express, Diner's Club International, Maestro, MasterCard, Visa, Visa Electron and PayPal. Flight-inclusive holiday packages and Flight-Plus arrangements created on Expedia.co.uk are financially protected by the Civil Aviation Authority (under Expedia, Inc.'s ATOL number 5788). But ATOL protection does not apply to all holiday and travel services listed on this website. Please ask us to confirm what protection may apply to your booking. If you do not receive an ATOL Certificate then your booking will not be ATOL protected. If you do receive an ATOL Certificate but all the parts of your trip are not listed on it, those parts will not be ATOL protected. Please see our general terms and conditions for further details on ATOL or for more information about financial protection and the ATOL Certificate go to: www.atol.org.uk/ATOLCertificate. For the sale of travel insurance Expedia Inc. is an Appointed Representative of Mondial Assistance (UK) Limited trading as Allianz Global Assistance which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Mondial Assistance (UK) Limited's FCA registration number is 311909. FCA authorisation can be checked at the Financial Services register at www.fsa.gov.uk/register/ Expedia, Inc., is not responsible for content on external Web sites.
“You, Me, And The Rest Of The World” by You Knew Me When, CD ReviewOctober 21, 2012 by: Shauna O'Donnell “You, Me, And The Rest Of The World” by You Knew Me When, CD Review You Knew Me When, out of Nashville, Tennessee, is: Karisa Hoover: vocals, piano, ukulele, glockenspiel Cie Hoover: vocals, guitar John Toomey: studio drums Karl Bergman: studio bass Tim Hall: studio bass Where to find You Knew Me When: www.facebook.com/youknewmewhen “like” them on Facebook www.twitter.com/youknewmewhen “follow” them on Twitter You Knew Me When is riding a significant wave of momentum. Via Pledge Music, their loyal and growing fanbase helped provide a majority of the funding for their upcoming release entitled “You, Me, And The Rest Of The World”, and they have also completed a successful showcase at the internationally acclaimed “Indie Week”, by providing a couple of performances at The Cameron House in Toronto. This isn’t to mention receiving television placement contracts with the Discovery Channel, the Oprah Winfrey Network, amongst other channels. They are taking their momentum and unleashing a harmonious barrage to the masses with their latest offering entitled “You,Me, And The Rest Of The World”, which will be released on November 20th via What If I Had Entertainment. The record starts off with “Slow Down”. The guitar arrangement is memorable and Cie incorporates a haunting, yet a voice pleading with the listener to “slow down”. This song is a wonderful arrangement that almost demands the listener to “slow down” and to take the time to smell the roses. The mentality of the brooding track “Slow Down” crashes into the second track, which is entitled “Tick Tock”. “Tick Tock” just has that lush, jazz fusion influenced piano jazz beat. The drumming work that John Toomey and the bass work that Karl Bergman and Tim Hall offer, enhances the You Knew Me When experience. Notice that I use the word “experience”. Every song conveys a unique emotion and Karisa and Cie do an outstanding job of using the vocals as an instrument to their music. “Tick Tock” is influenced by Ingrid Michaelson with a touch of Norah Jones thrown in there. “Lucky Me” is that wonderful wedding song. “Lucky Me” causes the listener to capture the vision that Karisa and Cie have laid out in this song by stating how fortunate and lucky they are to have found each other. I immediately was drawn to this song by Karisa’s soulful and sweet sounding voice, with Cie being able to effortlessly blend in his own vocal style in his voice. This is a track that the elderly couple will have in the background as they are on the porch watching life go by as they hold hands, or two children picking flowers and sharing that innocent kiss. The next song, “Hold The Door” shows a sense of boldness in Cie’s vocals as well, with seemingly drawing influences ranging from The Decembrists to John Lennon to Harry Chapin. The record as a whole offers incredible and thoughtful arrangements no matter what instrument is currently being used, with haunting, and beautiful vocal arrangements, as ESPECIALLY displayed in “To Be Anything”. This duo incorporates their own personal things in this record. You can tell that they are feeling what they write, whether its that unabashed love that they have for one another in “Lucky Me”, the challenge of taking that next step in their collective careers in “Hold The Door”, or a sense of attempting to find their place in this world in “To Be Anything”. You Knew Me When has written a record that could potentially be the next big thing to the masses, just like what The Civil Wars did and what The Avett Brothers are currently doing. There is a hunger among the masses to find music in its most authentic and purest form and You Knew Me When are sure to satisfy that hunger for as long as they want to. On November 20th, 2012, I plead with you to pick up “You, Me, And The Rest of The World” by You Knew Me When, this review simply doesn’t do it justice. Just see for yourself when the time comes. Matty’s Fave Five: 1. “To Be Anything”- The vocal arrangements by Cie and Karisa are simply impeccable, with a lovely sorrowful piano arrangement on display! 2. “Slow Down”- This track sets the tone for the rest of the record. Cie provides a memorable guitar riff in this one. 3. “Isn’t It Funny”- You get to witness the introspective side to this record. 4. “Hold The Door”- Cie sounds powerful in the vocal arrangements in this song. 5. “Lucky Me”- The catchy side of You Knew Me When, a beautiful love song that sound innocent and classy.
as submitted on April 19, 1996 by Jill Bennett Polsby great-granddaughter of Lyman Gordon Bennett who with Wm. M. Haigh authored the History of the 36th Illinois Following is the Roster of the 36th Regiment, on its final muster and acceptance into the service of the United States, and at the period of its departure from Camp Hammond to Missouri. ELIAS B. BALDWIN, Captain JAMES B. MCNEIL, 1st Lieutenant JOHN M. TURNBULL, 2d LieutenantENLISTED MEN Jacob Sands, Sergeant John A. Porter, Sergeant. Ebenezer A. Crawford, Sergeant. Scott Brownlee, Sergeant. David S. Irwin, Sergeant. George N. Mercer, Corporal. David B. Brownlee, Corporal. Robert Gilmore, Corporal. James J. Wilson, Corporal. Jacob A. Pearce, Corporal. James M. Pollock, Corporal William Ward, Corporal. Wm. Kingsland, Corporal. James L. Dryden. Musician. Joseph E. Young, Musician. Elisha L. Atkins. Wm. S Allen. Joseph W. Arthurs. Wm. C. Azdel. Valentine Angles. Wm. T. Arthurs James Armstrong Charles B. Bailey. Joseph Baxter. Franklin Beck. Thomas G. Barton. Isaiah Baughman. Isaac Carson. Isaac N. Carey. George Dowell. James Davis. James Elder. William Fisher. John Q. Graham. Robert Gillmore. Orlando Hayes John F. Henderson. John H. Harris. Lafayette Butt. Nathaniel T. Baird. Daniel P. Baldwin. Huston Buchanan. John G. Cavis. William P. Criswell. Enos Constant Harvey P. Donnell. Albert Eckelson. John B. Edgar. William M. Gibson. Richard Godfrey. Hugh W. Harper. William Haitzell. Ferdinand Hercher. Huston Henderson. Oscar Jennie. Warren Kintzey. Henry H. Lord. John W. McCoy. Frank McClanahan. Joseph McGregor. William C. McElroy. Jacob W. Moss. Ezra E. Munson. George W. Nichols. Lafayette M. Pike. James Ralston. Carvasso Reeder. Jacob Stewart Benjamin W. Sawins. Hugh Shearer Ethan Keck. Thomas Leggett. George Monroe. Stephen W. Mattison. James C. McPherin. Jno. K. McMullin. William A. Mitchelll. Ralph Miller. George Nelson. Samuel Paxton. William Patterson. Walter V. Reeder Orestes A. Spickerman. John Shook. William Shearer. John H. Smith. Ezra Schotts Isaac Stewart. John P. Tice. Henry Waystaff. Samuel N. Wilson. Ezekiel Wimmer. Abraham Stewart William R. Toll. George W. Thompson. John H. Ward. John Wilson. Gamble S. Wright. One hundred and one officers and enlisted men. © Copyright 1996-2007
- Subscribe NowLimited Time Offer Unitech leaves KC for new plant in Lee's Summit Send this to a friend United Technical Industries Inc. has moved its Unitech Inc. and Advanced Coatings Inc. subsidiaries from two plants in Northeast Kansas City to a new building in Lee's Summit, a company official said Monday. Tool-and-die manufacturer Unitech and Advanced Coatings employ 19 workers, said Craig Schroer, president of United Technical Industries. He founded Unitech in 1980 and Advanced Coatings in 1990. United Technical Industries is in the final stages of building a 40,000-square-foot building at 2300 N.E. Independence Ave., he said. Construction started in mid-June. Triad Construction Co. Inc. of Kansas City is the general contractor. The building cost more than $3 million, he said. Schroer is a member of the National Tooling and Machining Association, whose membership has shrunk almost 20 percent in the past 18 months, he said. Most of the decline has been from manufacturers going out of business. U.S. tool-and-die manufacturers are facing heavy competition from foreign companies that have much lower labor costs, Schroer said. Kansas City-based Solar Tool & Die Inc.'s president, David Huff, told The Business Journal last week that his company will close its doors soon after it celebrates its 50th anniversary on April 1. Huff laid off all 15 of the company's employees on Feb. 27. Building a new plant and consolidating the companies' operations is a gamble in the current market, Schroer said, though business has been steadily increasing. "When business is busy, you don't have time to move," he said. "All recessions end sometime, and we were totally out of space." A recent report from the U.S. International Trade Commission states that U.S. tool-and-die manufacturers face six serious problems: If you are commenting using a Facebook account, your profile information may be displayed with your comment depending on your privacy settings. By leaving the 'Post to Facebook' box selected, your comment will be published to your Facebook profile in addition to the space below. - Most popular - OP golf course redevelopment mystery solved — sort of - Sprint layoffs hit management, exec positions - Downtown champion Phil Kirk has died - Who was that guy in the Marlins jacket at Game 1? - Sprint layoffs make torrent of tech talent available - Brett stars in 'priceless' MasterCard, Apple Pay commercial - Kansas City Business Journal publisher announces retirement - Marlins man offered bribes from Royals to switch seats - Your shopping guide for World Series Game 2 tickets - Exclusive: As Sprint ousts KC engineers, SoftBank's take up slack Accounting Supervisor Kansas City Area Transportation Authority | Kansas City, MO Payroll Supervisor Kansas City Area Transportation Authority | Kansas City, MO Buyer II Kansas City Area Transportation Authority | Kansas City, MO Sales Commercial Printing Sun Graphics LLC | Shawnee, KS Mortgage Loan Originator Bank of Blue Valley | Overland Park, KS
Libraries vital to our community I am simply dumbfounded that in these times of economic hardship the county commission would shorten the hours of our libraries and even propose closing one branch. The library system is fundamental to the fabric of our community and indeed the preservation of democracy. It benefits most those who have the least: those unable to drive, those without computers, and those with meager educations but with desire to improve themselves. For democracy to thrive we must have access to good information; we must be an educated public. Andrew Carnegie instituted a free library system throughout the country because he believed in giving to the "industrious and ambitious; not those who need everything done for them, but those who, being most anxious and able to help themselves, deserve and will be benefited by help from others." To be a community we must care about the welfare of others, and in improving their welfare we are better able to move forward. In the 1990s when our present library system was put in place, I was so proud. It is a jewel — a precious resource! The funding was in place back then — before the housing bubble. How did we lose it? Let us not return to the old pasture county. Gayle Spearman, Hudson Charter schools deserve support Here is a question for Pasco school board candidates: What is your position on charter schools? The responses run the gamut from full opposition to full support. A follow up question: How did elementary charter school Athenian Academy of Pasco receive an "A" rating when it operates on 70 percent of the funds per pupil the county district (which now has a "B") receives? How do charter schools do this? Charter schools are free, yet they follow the state educational guidelines for class size and curriculum. It is known throughout the state that Pasco County School District puts its charter schools through rigorous governance. Perhaps that's good, but no reason for the district not to support the concept. (Which it doesn't, regardless of its public position.) Charter schools provide education at the local level, no bloated administration, silly rules, wasteful spending or lack of accountability. We have uniforms to make it easier for parents, and Greek culture as a theme to broaden our students horizons. Charter schools offer choice. We are in Veterans Village, a solid community with supporting families. Just everyday folks who want the best for their children. Ask hard questions of these candidates and support those who support choice. Support those who support making the school district smaller with more charter schools to take their place. Demand accountability. Ask them about the first teaching institutions in the world and where they were located. If they do not have the answer, just ask any Athenian student, they will know. James Mathieu, Port Richey, president Athenian Academy Sheriff needs to face budget facts Every municipal service in Pasco deserves a leader who will advocate for them, as Sheriff Bob White has done for his department. There comes a time, however, to face facts. Property values are in free-fall, and revenue is headed nowhere but down. The sheriff has been quoted as saying "I won't take no for an answer" to his request for increased funding. Give that statement four stars for drama, but it fails to acknowledge current economic reality. Our county has many needs, and many fine employees who are quietly doing more with less. The county commission is doing a good job of balancing the county's needs with the money we have, regardless of whose wheel is squeaking loudest. Ann Denz, San Antonio Re: Misguided fire Aug. 8 article Gun law lacks protection for all Every time I read of a story like this I always think, "if the gun hadn't been there." Some will say under our new so-called self-defense law passed in 2005, he would not have been charged. Not so sure about that, as this new law protects police by removing the shooters immunity if he accidently shoots a police officer. Law enforcement was so concerned about the threat this law posed to police officers, who now must confront Stand Your Ground gun owners when responding to a call for assistance, they refused to drop opposition to this law until immunity was withdrawn from a shooter who accidently shot a police officer. However, the immunity is not removed if the shooter accidently shoots you and me. I continue to be very unhappy with law enforcement who didn't think we deserved the same protection. I wonder who they are here to serve and protect? You and me or the NRA? Arthur C. Hayhoe, Wesley Chapel, executive director, Florida Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, Inc.
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Why Clough should live up to his nickname “Non-League Nigel” is the uncompromising nickname Nigel Clough has inherited among Nottingham F*rest supporters and the single-brain-celled proportion of Rams ‘fans’. Now, I’m not saying I agree with the name-tag and will use it myself, but I can certainly muster a case for it being acceptable. It’s not too harsh. In fact, I see it as a Forest fan’s rather feeble attempt of wit. And I doubt it has a substantial affect on Sir Nigel either. Let’s face it, we’ve called Billy Davies every name under the sun and you’d be hard pushed to find one as soft as pointing out the level at which he used to manage. Perhaps, the Rams faithful should have unlawfully labelled the former Motherwell boss “SPL Billy”. Or even attempted to ridicule Steve McLaren by seeing if “Eredivisie Steve” would catch on (Of course, in relation to his FC Twente days in Holland). Anyway, more to the point, it seems quite clear to me that if Cloughie tries to emulate what his supposedly derogatory nickname is suggesting, there’ll be a larger chance of the success returning to Pride Park. And that’s what we all want, don’t we? Basically, I reckon all clubs should be vying to dip into the lower leagues in search for promising talent (unless you’re Man City) and believe we’d be better off for it if we took such gambles more regularly. Wind back the clock to last season and, arguably, three of the most consistent performers were John Brayford, James Bailey and Dean Moxey (until he left in January). Brayf originally rose through the ranks at Burton in the Conference, before joining Crewe and plying his trade at League One and Two level. Bailey, similarly, broke through to the first team at Crewe, whilst Moxey was part of the Exeter side that sensationally achieved back-to-back promotions from Non-League to League One. The biggest success story, as we all recall, was Brayf who won the Jack Stamps trophy by a country mile at the end of the previous term. How much did those cost us combined? A million quid? Just over? A small price to pay for three top class Championship players. The thing to remember is, not all of them will work out. A local Sunday league striker may not be the answer to our attacking issues. You often hear the phrase “it’s an inexpensive gamble”, which is probably partially correct. But, it has to be a calculated gamble. You can’t just fork out for each and every guy who puts in a couple of decent displays in the Zamaretto Premier League. For example, when I was watching Brayford week-in, week-out at Burton, I KNEW he had the potential to play at a much higher level. I even said years before Derby finally made the move for him that the Rams should snap him up. Yes, this is 100% true! I know, I’m wasted writing this blog, why aren’t I out scouting for the Rams? Anyway, you could see he had every attribute needed to make several steps up the football pyramid. The same goes for Steve Morison at Norwich. When I had to sit through the torture of him banging goals galore past the Brewers in the Conference for Stevenage, I couldn’t help but think: “This just isn’t fair, he shouldn’t be playing at this level!”. I was right, again. Unbelievable. To see him ripping up the Prem hasn’t overly surprised me and it has only increased my sympathy for Albion’s defenders who tried in vain to stop him. Just to chuck a few more names into the ring, what about long-time Clough target Jamie Mackie? Once of Exeter, scored in the Prem yesterday (Wednesday, 21st December). Adam Le Fondre who’s joined Reading from Rotherham has made a seamless transition to life in England’s second tier and the goals are flowing. Oh, and how about the pair who combined to net Bristol City’s strike against the Rams the other week. Albert Adomah, who supplied the assist, for Martyn Woolford can boast Harrow Borough and Glasshoughton Welfare (who?) among their former clubs, respectively. Problem is, too many clubs seem adamant that they need a full squad of ‘proven’ quality at their level to succeed at all. With this attitude, however, comes a few stumbling blocks. Firstly, in these tough financial times, clubs just can’t cough up a significant enough sum to acquire such high calibre players. Also, if the player in question is a so-called ‘proven’ asset in that particular league, they will presumably already have a club at that level and will most likely only consider a move to a higher division – which is another variable in itself. So all-in-all, it’s a tough job chairman and managers alike have to contend with in this day in age. The Rams managed to bring in a few faces you could call ‘proven’ in the summer. Jason Shackell more so than anyone, who arrived for £1 million from Barnsley – daylight robbery if I ever saw it! Fact is, though, goal scorers, or any players with real attacking quality are almost always far dearer than defenders or goalkeepers. It’s not remotely feasible that the Rams could prize Southampton’s Rickie Lambert away from the Saints for a couple of hundred grand, is it? How I wish it was! With January looming, I am fully hoping Nige lives right up to his comical nickname and delves deep into the lower leagues in a bid to discover a football genius from the Blue Square North, or something along those lines. If it comes at a consequence of ironic jeers and chants of “Non-League Nigel” from Forest faithful to uncover the next Steve Morison, I’ll happily welcome it with open arms.
I spent the holidays in the laziest way possible, relaxing and eating comfort food that I deny myself most of the year. I did some sightseeing, ran a little in warmer weather, some spinning, and ate more fried chicken and biscuits and dessert than I really should. Ah, the holidays. First let me reminisce a little on my indulgences and what I learned from my road trip between Virginia and South Carolina. - I brought the Canadian winter with me. Instead of warm balmy weather, I got to experience one of the coldest winters in the south. I now have a new found appreciation for double glass windows and high efficiency gas furnance. - I am allergic to cats. - Mac & Cheese is considered as "vegetable". It certainly is yummy though I miss my steamed seasonal produce even more. - Fried chicken, biscuits, and gravy are good for breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. - I miss training but not enough to rouse myself to face the cold temperature everyday especially when I had the option to curl up toasty warm under a blanket with a mug of cocoa and a cat. Exactly how do I motivate myself to train outdoor in Canada is a mystery to me. - Training is very time consuming. I didn't realize that until I break out of my daily habit. During vacation when every hour counts, there's always something better to do. I'm lazy just like everyone! My road trip diet started innocently enough with a sensible boxed lunch from Sally Bell's Kitchen in Richmond, VA. Although B & I arrived at 10am on Christmas Eve, the line up was already hour-long with eager customers waiting to pick up their famed potato salad and pies for Christmas feast. I love boxed lunches. There's something so cute about multiple food items packaged neatly to fit inside a box. Mine contained Smithfield ham sandwich in house-made roll, potato salad, devil egg, cheese crisp, and an almond cupcake. It was worth the wait. After cocooning in the house for a couple of days for Christmas celebration, a visit to historic Charleston was a welcomed change. This Canadian girl got her first taste of soul food at Jestine's Kitchen. Both B & I had fried chicken and I finally realize what KFC aspires to be all these years. Sorry Colonel, there's no comparison. I enjoyed mine daintly with knife and fork while B went with the hands-on approach. The waitress promptly asked B to show me the proper way, heh. I also discovered the goodness of banana pudding. I had my first encounter with PRAH-line in Charleston. It was freshly made (still warm!) and handed to my greedy little hands as a sample at Market Street Sweets. Oh wow. So buttery. The sweetness reminded me of condensed milk. I still have a small stash in my kitchen. Dangerous. I don't understand the prominence of pineapples in Charleston but they seem up show up everywhere I looked. This is a fountain by the waterfront which is a very pretty area with a nice long path. Not skateable terrain but can be a picturesque location to run. While strolling on the streets of Charleston, we noticed lots of (serious) runners. After a few days of light activities, I craved for a nice run. It was just a short hour-long session but I felt good. I must admit though, the drivers in Columbia were not particularly friendly to pedestrians. For post-workout fueling, I enjoyed a meal of chicken fried steak with creamy grits and steamed squash. I learned that chicken fried steak is actually not chicken. It is a hamburger steak deepfried in fried chicken batter and smothered with white gravy. Delicious in a very very VERY guilty kind of way. On our way back to Virginia, we stopped at Sunrise Biscuit Kitchen in Chapel Hill, NC. It is a drive-through joint but I didn't see why I couldn't walk through, so I did. If only I had my skates on so I could do a skate-through! Their fried chicken biscuit was a revelation. Juicy chicken in a tender buttery biscuit. I literally felt my waistline expanding as I ate my sandwich and weeks of dieting effort went to waste. I would still do it all over again. Once back in Virginia, I had an interesting dilemma. On one hand, I was in such a festive mood that I had to cook and bake. On the other hand, I only had access to a minimalist bachelor kitchen that any real cooking effort would require tremendous amount of creativity and resourcefulness. Yet somehow, I prevailed. I managed to make monkey bread (seen above), quiche, eggnog with farm fresh eggs and cream, bread pudding, and hot cocoa. What was that I hear? Oh, that's the sound of my diet going down the drain. When I was not hugging a blanket on a couch, I ventured out for a bit of sightseeing. The official Peeps Store in National Harbour, MD was one of the places B & I visited. Of course I had to give a big hug to a big Peeps. My holiday was not just about food. I kicked off 2010 with an American history lesson in Mount Vernon, home of George Washington. The education centre was most excellent with very interesting presentations on the life of Washington, the Revolutionary War, and the birth of the US capitol. No trip to Washington DC is complete without a visit to the iconic Ben's Chili Bowl for a chili half smoke. Apparently B & I picked the coldest day for our walking tour of DC. With wind chill, it was something like -10C for our day of out and about. Eventually, we both grew numb of the cold and our footsteps covered Eastern Market, Barracks Row, Dupont Circle, U Street, and Georgetown. The most memorable experience was our vist to Anderson House of The Society of The Cincinnati. We literally got pulled into the building by one of their very enthusiastic volunteers. The guided tour of this very beautiful museum was informative and educational. Vacation's over. Time to get back to serious training and serious dieting!
US peer-to-peer traffic lower than world average The U.S. has one of the lowest relative rates of use of P-to-P (peer-to-peer) networks compared to the rest of the world, according to a new study. The study was done by Envisional, a U.K.-based company, for NBC Universal. It assesses how much Internet traffic is composed of content being traded without the permission of the copyright owners. Curiously, the U.S. used P-to-P networks less than other countries. For its study, Envisional also looked at studies of Internet traffic from other vendors. Sandvine, a Canadian company that makes networking software and equipment, measured upstream P-to-P traffic at 18.5 percent for North America and downstream traffic at 14.6 percent. Most of that traffic came from BitTorrent, a popular P-to-P file-sharing protocol. In another study, Cisco Systems estimated global P-to-P usage at 31.7 percent. Cisco estimated P-to-P traffic in the U.S at 23.9 percent. Envisional also looked at Internet traffic as a whole and how much of that is likely to consist of content under copyright that was being traded illegally. It determined that 23.76 percent was infringing, excluding pornography, which it said was difficult to determine if it was being shared improperly. Overall, BitTorrent traffic accounted for 17.9 percent of overall Internet traffic. So-called “cyberlocker” Websites, such as MegaUpload and RapidShare, which allow users to store and share content with other users, made up 7 percent of all Internet traffic. As part of its study, Envisional analyzed a prominent BitTorrent tracker called PublicBT, which coordinates the distribution of content using the BitTorrent protocol. Of the 2.7 million torrent files—which are the small files that enable the downloading of content on the P-to-P network—it analyzed two-thirds were for content under copyright protection. Of the 10,000 most popular files indexed by PublicBT, Envisional claimed that only one was not under copyright. “There is no evidence to support the idea that the transfer of non-copyrighted content such as Linux distributions makes up a significant amount of BitTorrent traffic,” the report said. “Analysis strongly indicates that private BitTorrent sites (which would not usually make use of PublicBT) are overwhelmingly used for the purposes of illegitimately sharing copyrighted data.” Among its other findings, Envisional said 35.8 percent of the files traded via BitTorrent on PublicBT was pornography.
07-11-2006, 12:30 PM #1 Looking for Rescue Boat (Raft) Options. I had to put this here, because the specialized rescue forum won't take a new thread. WT can always move it if they like. Anyway, I am beginning to investigate the purchase of a rescue raft for our Swiftwater team, and I am looking for some ideas. Historically, be have borrowed rafts from the local whitewater operation whenever we needed them, but we now have the opportunity to pick up a boat of our own. The primary roles of the boat will be shuttling personnel and cargo across a class 2-4+ river, assisting G-SAR ops, and of course rescue of occupants from the water/vehicles/rocks, etc. I have looked at units like the Oceanid, but feel they are too specialized and limited for our role. The local distributor carries the Zumro IRB, but it is powered, and we could only run a motor for 2 or so months of the year. I also wonder how a transom IRB performs unpowered, or rigged with a zip-line/tyrolean traverse. What are the other SRT groups using for river work, and what are your thoughts?Never argue with an Idiot. They drag you down to their level, and then beat you with experience! 07-11-2006, 01:12 PM #2 - Join Date - Jun 2002 - Glenn Dale Md, Heart of the P.G. County Fire Belt.... Here's a Couple.......... Last edited by hwoods; 07-11-2006 at 03:51 PM.Never use Force! Get a Bigger Hammer. In memory of Chief Earle W. Woods, 1912 - 1997 Asst. Chief John R. Woods Sr. 1937 - 2006 IACOJ Budget Analyst I Refuse to be a Spectator. If I come to the Game, I'm Playing. 07-11-2006, 03:16 PM #3 We have a small inflatable Avon to be used for shuttling... I don't think I'd be too keen on using it in true whitewater. We also have a Zumro IRB... I don't think we could have purchased a poorer choice. It is unstable when it gets to cruising speed, the tubes shift, the tubes leak, the thing takes swells and chop very poorly, there is not enough room, it is too heavy to carry if you want something you can lug in somewhere... I can't comment on whitewater use, since we run it in the cool waters of the Atlantic. But I would never want another one of these contraptions. If you want a rigid hull inflatable, buy one... not one of these look-alikes. For whitewater use, though, you're probably not going to want a rigid hull. The OceanID/Fortuna "banana boat" looks great for low-head damn rescues, and it is a great tool for surface ice rescue as well. I was surprised at how well it performed in this respect. Quick to deploy, light, very stable... it's on my list of "wants." I recommend getting one to demo, or finding one in your area to play with. Last edited by Resq14; 07-11-2006 at 03:25 PM.God Bless America! • Remember all have given some, but some have given all. Google Is Your Friend™ • Helpful forum tip - a "must see" if you're new here Click this to search FH Forums! Users Browsing this Thread There are currently 1 users browsing this thread. (0 members and 1 guests) By MalahatTwo7 in forum The Off Duty ForumsReplies: 40Last Post: 10-18-2006, 07:30 PM By H2oAirRsQ in forum Underwater Rescue and RecoveryReplies: 164Last Post: 04-15-2004, 09:05 AM By captstanm1 in forum FloridaReplies: 0Last Post: 09-04-2003, 08:05 PM By BladesRobinson in forum Underwater Rescue and RecoveryReplies: 0Last Post: 11-25-2002, 03:24 PM By captstanm1 in forum Fire WireReplies: 1Last Post: 11-24-2002, 09:06 AM
For more information, see Argentina and the IMF Buenos Aires, Argentina International Monetary Fund Dear Mr. Camdessus: 1. Notwithstanding the strong performance of its economy in recent years, Argentina has not been immune to the contagion effects of the Russian and Brazilian crises. After three years of rapid economic growth, real activity took a downward turn in mid-1998 reflecting a decline of international capital inflows, higher interest rates, and a drop in export demand. Real GDP fell by 3.5 percent in the last two quarters of 1998 (seasonally adjusted), although for the year as a whole it still grew by 4.2 percent, and is estimated to have fallen by an additional 2.8 percent in the first quarter of 1999. Preliminary indications also point to a decline of employment in recent months, after growing at an annual rate of more than 6 percent in the past two years. Consumer price inflation has been negligible. Import growth has turned negative since the last quarter of 1998 and contributed to a narrowing of the trade deficit from a peak of US$5.9 billion in October 1998 (on a 12-month basis) to US$5.1 billion in February 1999. For 1999 as a whole, the trade deficit is projected to narrow further to under US$4 billion. Nevertheless, reflecting a further significant increase in net interest payments abroad, the current account deficit is expected to improve only slightly to about 4.1 percent of GDP. Foreign direct investment is projected to cover over 40 percent of this deficit. 2. In contrast to the aftermath of the 1994 Mexican crisis, confidence in the local financial sector has remained strong, with private deposits growing at an annualized rate of around 6 percent since mid-1998, despite the slowdown in economic activity. This factor is expected to facilitate a recovery from the crisis in the second half of this year. There are already some signs that the economy has begun to turn around stimulated in part by improved access to international capital markets, recent positive developments in Brazil, and a more positive outlook for commodity prices. However, while a gradual recovery of the economy now seems likely, real GDP is still expected to decline by 1.5 percent in 1999, compared with the 2.5 percent growth assumed in the program designed last December. 3. The lower pace of economic activity will have a marked negative impact on the public finances, with federal government revenues now expected to fall short of the original program projections by some Arg$3 billion. The government managed to compensate for the revenue shortfall that occurred in the first quarter of the year, and met all program performance criteria. However, a full offset of the revenue shortfall will not be possible in the remainder of the year without seriously impairing the quality of public services and aggravating the economic downturn. Given the government's demonstrated expenditure restraint in recent years, it considers that there would now be a strong case for accommodating the cyclically induced drop in revenue by allowing a corresponding increase in the program target for the federal deficit. Nevertheless, to ensure that the financing of the deficit does not crowd out private sector borrowing, and to underscore its commitment to fiscal discipline, even under adverse macroeconomic developments, the government intends to take measures to keep the federal deficit to Arg$5,100 million (1.5 percent of GDP). The table attached to this letter presents the modified program targets. To ensure achievement of the new deficit target, noninterest expenditures of the federal government (excluding mandatory transfers to provinces) have been lowered by Arg$450 million with respect to the original program target. The government has maintained access to international capital markets and has succeeded already to secure financing to cover its borrowing needs (including those entailed by the new deficit target) almost through the third quarter of 1999. 4. The existence of a floor on revenues transferred by the federal government to the provinces will only in part shield the latter from the downturn in fiscal revenues. However, as a result of spending restraint, the consolidated provincial deficit is still expected to decline from Arg$1,875 million in 1998 (0.6 percent of GDP) to under Arg$1,700 million (0.5 percent of GDP) in 1999. The proposed system to monitor the level and composition of financing to the provinces on a more timely basis is being put in place, and is expected to begin operating in May. 5. The government recognizes the importance, in these times of political transition, of giving clear and strong signals of Argentina's determination to carry forward and deepen the fundamental reform process that the country has been pursuing. To this end, the government remains fully committed to the structural reform program outlined in the letters of December 3, 1997 and January 11, 1999 and is seeking support across the political spectrum to ensure substantive further progress in the implementation of the structural reform agenda. The government is working with the lower chamber of Congress to speed up discussion of the fiscal convertibility law described in the policy memorandum attached to the January letter, and expects this bill to get final congressional approval by August 1999. This law will set limits on the growth of the public debt and public sector spending, and establish a fiscal stabilization fund to smooth out the impact of cyclical fluctuations and/or external shocks on tax revenue. In addition, work is being finalized on a detailed proposal to reform the tax sharing regime with the provinces. This proposal, which will serve as the basis for discussions with provincial authorities and legislators intended to begin in May 1999, seeks to simplify the sharing arrangements between the federal and provincial levels of the government (the primary distribution system); improve equity and efficiency in the distribution of revenues among provinces (the secondary distribution system); and replace some inefficient provincial taxes by a VAT surcharge. 6. Progress has been, or continues to be made in the implementation of other reforms envisaged in the original program. Measures were put in place further to strengthen tax administration, and a reform of the tax code in being prepared with the intention of presenting it to Congress before November 1999. A substantial package of shares (28 percent) of the National Mortgage Bank was sold in January 1999. The leasing of telecommunications frequencies has been delayed by judicial challenges and is now expected to be completed in the second half of the year. 7. In the financial sector area, and as described in the aforementioned policy memorandum, the Central Bank continues with its efforts to strengthen bank supervision. The bills to modify the Central Bank charter and the financial entities law are being discussed in Congress, and their passage is expected by end-November 1999. Draft legislation to transform the Banco de la Nacion into a public corporation has been prepared and will be submitted to Congress in May. Also, the Central Bank is working, with assistance from the Fund, to strengthen by end July 1999 the monitoring of conditions of access by commercial banks to external credit lines. 8. The government has begun work on an important further reform of the social security system aimed at preventing a deterioration of its finances over the medium term. The proposed reform will include a tightening of eligibility requirements for the basic pension benefit (PBU), a sort of minimum pension, by transforming it from a universal to a means-tested benefit. Draft legislation on this reform will be submitted to Congress by end July 1999. 9. In the area of labor market reform, as envisaged in the program, the government implemented in early 1999, new regulations for the small-and medium-size enterprise law (Ley PYME) designed to enhance labor flexibility in this area. Also, two special labor statutes ("estatutos especiales", that maintain particular privileges in certain sectors) have been abolished and replaced by arrangements involving negotiations between the relevant parties; most of the remaining statutes are expected to be eliminated in the coming months. In addition, the government intends to submit to Congress in coming months a proposal for a new capitalized severance payment system along the lines recently presented to the World Bank in the context of the SSAL program. The reduction in labor taxes included in the tax reform approved in 1998 is contributing to ameliorate the adverse effects on employment of the current downturn in economic activity. The government intends to keep to the schedule of reductions of employers' social security contributions envisaged in the tax reform approved at the end of 1998, but recognizes that present budgetary constraints do not permit other initiatives to promote employment that would carry an additional cost to the budget. 10. The government of Argentina believes that the policies described in this letter are consistent with the thrust of the economic program for the period 1998-2000 that is supported by the extended arrangement from the Fund. Together with the progress made so far in the implementation of this program, these policies provide a firm basis for concluding the third review under the arrangement. The government will continue to maintain close contacts with the Fund and will consult on the adoption of measures that may be needed, in accordance with the Fund's practices on such consultations. A fourth review of the program will be carried out with the Fund before end-November 1999.
A secret US intelligence court has renewed an order to continue forcing Verizon Communications to turn over hundreds of millions of telephone records to the government each day in its search for foreign terror or espionage suspects. The order by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has been in place for years but must be renewed every three months. It was exposed in June after former National Security Agency systems analyst Edward Snowden leaked details of two top secret US surveillance programmes that critics say violate privacy rights. The order was set to expire on Friday and its renewal shows that the Obama administration and the court of 11 federal judges stand behind its legality. In a statement, the office of national intelligence director James Clapper said it was confirming the Verizon renewal as part of a continuing effort to make more information about the recently-declassified programmes as public as possible. Mr Clapper "has decided to declassify and disclose publicly that the government filed an application with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court seeking renewal of the authority to collect telephony metadata in bulk, and that the court renewed that authority", the statement said. The two programmes, both run by the NSA, pick up millions of telephone and internet records that are routed through American networks each day. Intelligence officials say they have helped disrupt dozens of terrorist attacks, and target only foreign suspects outside the United States while taking close care not to look at the content of conversations or messages by American citizens. But they have raised sharp concerns about whether the US is improperly - or even illegally - snooping on people at home and abroad. The government also defended the phone-tracking programme in a letter to a federal judge, saying it is monitored by all three branches of government. The letter, sent by assistant US attorneys in Manhattan, said the "highly sensitive and, in many respects, still classified intelligence-collection programme" required the collection and storage of a large volume of information about unrelated communications to fight terrorism. The letter, the first government response to a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union against the Obama administration earlier this year, said the program "fills an intelligence gap highlighted by the attacks of 9/11" and had been repeatedly approved by multiple judges. The ACLU had asked a judge to find the program unconstitutional, saying the government's programme exceeds the congressional authority provided by the Patriot Act, which Congress hurriedly passed after 9/11 and reauthorised in 2005 and 2010. In its letter, the government said the FISA Court's orders strictly limit the nature of the data the government can collect and the extent to which it can be reviewed. It said the government is not permitted to listen to or record the contents of anyone's phone calls and information acquired under the court orders does not include mobile-site location data or the names, addresses or identities of the parties to any communication. The letter said information is limited to data such as originating and terminating telephone numbers and the date, time, and duration of each call. It said the database may only be queried for intelligence purposes where there is a reasonable articulable suspicion "based on specific facts" that an identifier, such as a phone number, is associated with a specific foreign terrorist organization previously identified and approved by the court. "Consequently, only a very small fraction of the records acquired under this program is ever reviewed by intelligence analysts," the letter said.
'Personhood' loses in Mississippi, but what now for the nation? The abortion-banning "personhood" ballot initiative was rejected Tuesday by voters in Mississippi, a harsh blow for the nationwide movement that seeks to challenge abortion rights by defining "personhood" as beginning at the moment a human egg is fertilized. Initiative 26, which would have amended the Mississippi constitution -- and banned abortion in all cases, including those of rape and incest -- was headed for certain defeat Wednesday. With 96% of precincts reporting, the no votes were at 58%, the yes votes at 42%, according to the Jackson Clarion-Ledger. Colorado voters rejected similar measures in 2008 and 2010. But with the Mississippi loss, the idea has now been voted down in what is, by some measures, the most conservative and religious state in the nation. Abortion-rights activists contend that Tuesday's vote put a brake on the momentum that the Colorado-based group Personhood USA is seeking to build with efforts to put similar measures on numerous statewide ballots in 2012, including in California. "Even in a conservative state, tonight's vote reaffirms that people do not want government intruding in personal decisions best made by a woman, her family and her doctor," the ACLU's Jennifer Dalven said in a prepared statement Tuesday night. "This is the third time an amendment like this has failed. Legislators around the country should listen to the voters of Mississippi and stop playing politics with women's health." In a phone interview, ACLU staff attorney Alexa Kolbi-Molinas added: "This is just another nail in the coffin for this really extremist movement." Many supporters of Personhood USA are fed up with what they see as an incrementalist approach to banning abortion in the U.S., but other pro-life leaders have argued that their strategy could backfire, with federal courts striking down any state abortion bans and possibly strengthening abortion rights with new, stronger rulings. The group, in a statement on its website, does not appear to be deterred, noting that a quarter of a million Mississippi voters supported Initiative 26. "We vow to continue on this path towards affirming the basic dignity and human rights of all people because we are assured that it is the right thing to do, and we are prepared for a long journey," the statement said. "...A personhood amendment, recognizing everyone as a legal person, is the right thing to do. It is always right to protect our citizens. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, 'The time is always right to do what is right.'" -- Richard Fausset in Atlanta Photo: Parents against Mississippi Initiative 26 attend a rally at the State Capitol in Jackson, Miss., on Oct. 27. Credit: Barbara Gauntt / The Clarion-Ledger / Associated Press
I suppose Tom Woods should have seen it coming. His newest book The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History has made the New York Times best-seller list for non-fiction, so it was only a matter of time before the Gray Lady herself would weigh in on its contents. Recently, Adam Cohen did just that (on the editorial page, no less), and the results are utterly predictable. If you’re going to call a book The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, readers will expect some serious carrying on about race, and Thomas Woods Jr. does not disappoint. He fulminates against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, best known for forcing restaurants and bus stations in the Jim Crow South to integrate, and against Brown v. Board of Education. In other words, Woods is a racist, or at least that is what the Times wants us to believe. In a fit of racial hatred, apparently Woods decided to "set the record straight," don his white hood, and sit down at his computer to compose something akin to Protocols of the Elders of Zion. (Or, perhaps Cohen is trying to tell us that Woods’ creation is the second coming of the Times’ coverage of Stalin and the Soviet Union when Walter Duranty was the Gray Lady’s man in Moscow.) Rather than dealing with the veracity of Woods’ claims, the purpose of my piece is to deal with the language and content of what Cohen has written. I do this because from where I see it, Cohen’s attack on Woods in what the publication self-proclaims to be the "newspaper of record" is composed of one set of logical fallacies after another. It is one thing to use the historical record to point out mistakes that someone else has committed; it is quite another to use the faulty rhetorical devices Cohen employs. In that first paragraph, Cohen writes that Woods "fulminates against the Civil Rights Act of 1964." According to my World Book Dictionary, "fulminates" is defined as follows: "1. to thunder forth….2. to denounce violently." Now, it is one thing to say that one disagrees with something, but quite another to use words like "fulminates." The former permits one to engage in argument, while the other is used to denigrate and to paint the picture of a racist foaming at the mouth. In the world of the New York Times, the only reason one could have for disagreeing with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 could be racism. Things like private property rights and the rights of association (which the Times will defend when it benefits the newspaper and its ideological allies) simply are false fronts for racist thinking; no one could defend those things for any other reason. Thus, when someone points out just how far-reaching the law was, how it clearly violated much of the Bill of Rights, and how it used a tortured version of the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, well, that "racist" simply must be shouted down. To use Cohen’s own words, in this "review," he "does not disappoint." In other words, the first paragraph, as wrong-headed and evil as it may be, is only the beginning. Let us continue by examining the second paragraph: The introduction bills the book as an effort to “set the record straight,” but it is actually an attempt to push the record far to the right. More than a history, it is a checklist of arch-conservative talking points. The New Deal public works programs that helped millions survive the Depression were a “disaster,” and Social Security “damaged the economy.” The Marshall Plan, which lifted up devastated European nations after World War II, was a “failed giveaway program.” And the long-discredited theory of “nullification,” which held that states could suspend federal laws, “isn’t as crazy as it sounds.” One could write volumes on this paragraph alone, but for the sake of saving the trees of North America and not using all available computer disk space the world has to offer, I will try to be brief. The term "arch-conservative talking points" is one that is used dismissively. In other words, if one identifies the book in this manner, then nothing else needs to be said, as everyone knows that "arch conservatives" are crazy. Now, I will say that a daily look at the Times editorial page reveals a number of "talking points" of the left. (Read the many articles by Nat Hentoff on how the Times editorialists smeared Justice Charles Pickering, falsely accusing him of being a racist, using the talking points from the Democratic National Committee and People for the American Way.) But when one identifies the book via the term "talking points," then Cohen apparently believes that he does not have to deal with any substantive arguments. His statement: "The New Deal public works programs that helped millions survive the Depression were a u2018disaster,’ and Social Security u2018damaged the economy.’ The Marshall Plan, which lifted up devastated European nations after World War II, was a u2018failed giveaway program’" needs to be closely examined. Note that he does not address the arguments that Woods makes. In his book, Woods does not simply write that the New Deal was a "disaster" then go to his next subject. Instead, he goes through the programs, pointing out what they did, and then examines a number of statistics that clearly demonstrate just how the New Deal was a drag on the economy. Furthermore, there is a wealth of scholarship on this subject; to say that the New Deal "helped millions survive the Depression" without backing up such a statement is simple nonsense. Likewise, there is much scholarship on the failings of the Marshall Plan. It is interesting to see the use of logical fallacies at work here. While I doubt that Cohen or his editors keep copies of Irving Copi’s Introduction to Logic at their desks, it is helpful for one to be able to recognize fallacies when they appear. So far, we have seen a number of examples of the informal fallacy of appealing to a false "everyone knows it" line of reasoning. Instead of dealing with the arguments at hand, Cohen simply dismisses them because in Gray Lady World, "everyone knows" that the Marshall Plan was the single entity that "rebuilt Europe" after World War II or FDR "saved capitalism," or other such nonsense. In the next paragraph, Cohen steps up his attacks: It is tempting to dismiss the book as fringe scholarship, not worth worrying about, but the numbers say otherwise. It is being snapped up on college campuses and, helped along by plugs from Fox News and other conservative media, it recently soared to No. 8 on the New York Times paperback best-seller list. It is part of a boomlet in far-right attacks on mainstream history that includes books like Jim Powell’s “FDR’s Folly,” which argues that Franklin Roosevelt made the Depression worse, and Michelle Malkin’s “In Defense of Internment,” a warm look back on the mass internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. By labeling the book "far right," Cohen is able to avoid engaging in substantive argument, since "everyone knows" that the "far right" consists of a bunch of kooks. But that is not Cohen’s only sin. No, he decided to lump Woods in with Michelle Malkin and her infamous book. Keep in mind that what Cohen wants is for his readers to believe that Woods, too, was in favor of the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. While I have never asked Tom his position on the internment, I suspect it is in line with what I have read on archive.lewrockwell.com regarding that subject, and I never had read anything on that page that is in agreement with Malkin’s position. In other words, Cohen is trying to associate Woods with an obnoxious political belief without knowing if Woods believed it or not. Somehow, I doubt the editors of the Times would permit such sloppy pronouncements if Cohen were reviewing the latest bit of plagiarism from Doris Kerns Goodwin. Unfortunately, there is more, much more: At the start of the Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, Mr. Woods says he is not trying to offer “a complete overview of American history.” That frees him to write a book in which major historical events that do not fit his biases are omitted, in favor of minutiae that do. The book has nothing to say about the Trail of Tears, in which a fifth of the Cherokee population was wiped out, or similar massacres, but cheerfully points out that “by its second decade Harvard College welcomed Indian students.” Again, we see Cohen’s blatant dishonesty at work. Perhaps the reason that Woods does not address the Trail of Tears is that there is nothing else that needs to be said about this sorry episode of U.S. History. Tom is addressing those issues that modern statist historians have distorted. (That is why I like to identify Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., as a "distorian," since the man has a problem with the truth.) When it comes to the Trail of Tears, no revision is necessary. However, when one examines how the white settlers treated the Indians, perhaps it should be part of the record that Harvard had Indians as part of its student body. If nothing else, this is testament to the complexity of early American life. (Gee, I always believed that "thoughtful leftists" at the Times liked to believe that life is full of complexities. Guess I was wrong.) Again, what we see here is a not-so-subtle attempt to paint Woods as a racist. By placing those two things together, Cohen is able to make the false point that Woods believes that life in the United States has been a wonderful, cheerful affair in which everyone got along quite famously. However, Woods simply is doing what revisionists do well: pointing out that the historical record just might be more complex than what Cohen wants us to believe. Not surprisingly, Cohen saves his most heated rhetoric for Woods’ revisionist look at the "Civil War": The Politically Incorrect Guide is full of dubious assertions, small and large. It makes a perverse, but ideologically loaded, linguistic argument that the American Civil War was not actually a civil war, a point with which dictionaries disagree. More troubling are the book’s substantive distortions of history, like its claim that the infamous Black Codes, passed by the Southern states after the Civil War, were hardly different from Northern anti-vagrancy laws. The Black Codes — which were aimed, as the Columbia University historian Eric Foner has noted, at keeping freed slaves’ status as close to slavery as possible — went well beyond anything in the North. If one has ever employed a greater use of the informal fallacy "appeal to authority," I would like to see it. Since dictionaries refer to the "Civil War" as a civil war, then Woods simply must be wrong. After all, dictionaries are the final authority to everything, I suppose. The reference to the Black Codes again is based upon the "appeal to authority." By invoking the name of "Columbia University historian Eric Foner," we are supposed to assume that anything the man wrote is an oracle from the gods. (For that matter, Tom received his doctorate from Columbia. Does that not also make him one of the gods?) Again, Woods did not simply make the "offending" statement, then move on. No, he examined the laws in question. Furthermore, Woods is able to poke holes in the discredited argument that makes northerners in general and Abraham Lincoln in particular look like Enlightened Liberals on race, something that is a favorite tactic of the "court distorians" of the Times. If Woods is wrong here, I would like to see something other than an appeal to authority punctuated with backhanded claims that Woods simply is a Klansman in a coat and tie. Proof that Cohen is utterly ignorant of American History comes in the next paragraph: The book reads less like history than a call to action, since so many of its historical arguments track the current political agenda of the far right. It contends that federal courts were never given the power to strike down state laws, a pet cause of states’ rights supporters today. And it maintains that the First Amendment applies only to the federal government, and therefore does not prohibit the states from imposing religion on their citizens, a view that Clarence Thomas has suggested in his church-state opinions. In fact, for a long time, the Supreme Court took just that position. The U.S. Constitution was a document outlining the separation of powers, and the Bill of Rights applied only to the federal government. Not until the language of the Fourteenth Amendment was later applied by jurists as part of the “Incorporation Doctrines” did the Bill of Rights become legally applicable to state law. As to the issue of states and churches, in the early years of the Republic, a number of states did have official churches. That is well-documented in history, and for Cohen to deny that this was the case is to engage in dishonest revisionism. It is not just Cohen’s refusal to look at the simple historical record that makes such statements so irritating, however. The paragraph is full of loaded terms like "pet cause of states’ rights supporters today," and "a view that Clarence Thomas has suggested in his church-state opinions." In other words, because some groups hold to certain positions, and because Thomas has cited real history in his opinions, that alone discredits what Woods has written. Cohen is saying, in effect, that if Thomas writes anything, it must be wrong prima facae. At this point, we can safely say what Cohen has written is not a book review, but rather a leftist screed. There is even more, as Cohen tries once again to paint Woods as a racist, but I believe I have made my points. Perhaps it is ironic that in trying to paint Woods as a liar, Cohen himself resorts to falsehoods and logical fallacies. I would like to say that I expected more from the New York Times, but to be honest, I received exactly what any objective observer of that self-proclaimed "newspaper of record" would have predicted. Indeed, the spirit of Walter Duranty lives on at the Times and Cohen is living proof. January 27, 2005
(Prompted by a small back-and-forth between an anti-abortion "feminist" and myself on Tumblr yesterday and today, consisting of these three posts.) I snarked at you earlier. I was a mocking asshole, because that's sort of my style in discussions like this. I make no apology for it, either. But I want you to understand the seriousness underlying my snark and rudeness: You use these certain arguments against abortion; you say that "it's a serious decision" and talk about abortion as "killing one's child" and how abortions not in the case of rape or dangerous health risks are "just a choice, like buying a new purse at the mall" and so on - but when called out, you try to escape responsibility by disclaiming it as "just your opinion" because you, unlike those other anti-choicers, are realistic enough to understand what criminalizing abortion would do, and therefore you don't support making abortion illegal (so therefore I, and other pro-choicers and real feminists, should shut up and leave you alone because you're not trying to have it banned so it's okay, as if criminalization were the only real problem with the anti-choice movement). The problem with that is that your arguments are exactly the kinds of arguments, exactly the kind of language that gets used by those who do support and actively work toward making abortion illegal. "It's a serious decision" justifies burdensome waiting periods which necessitate multiple appointments, thus raising the costs of abortion (including travel and accommodation, because nearly 90% of counties in the US don't have an abortion provider so most people have to travel to obtain one) well out of reach for many low-income people, and invasive, propaganda-based "[hyper-, mis-]informed consent" laws designed to scare, guilt, shame, or otherwise emotionally manipulate pregnant people into continuing their pregnancy. Sensationalizing abortion as "the right to kill my baby" is, well, basically the whole justification for the anti-choice movement, which is not only seeking to completely ban abortion, but would like to take on hormonal birth control as well; specifically, though, that kind of phrasing gets used to push extremist "fetal personhood" measures, which are well-documented to be epic fuckery. Minimizing and dismissing voluntarily-chosen abortions by comparing it to the frivolous purchase of accessories reinforces right-wing talking points to nurture the stereotype of people who seek abortions as airheaded sluts who fuck a dozen people and then pop in to the clinic for a quickie abortion between brunch and a manicure - and lest you claim that stereotypes are no big deal, they help to push public opinion toward favoring criminalization, creating a more hospitable social climate for those anti-choicers who do want to see abortion made illegal. Shorter version of that paragraph: Even if you don't support criminalizing abortion, when you say things like this, you are aiding and abetting those who do. I speak to you as a person who has used her constitutional right to reproductive self-determination before, and would again if the situation came up again. I speak as someone who is so horrified and sickened by the thought of being forced - and being pressured is nearly the same thing, it's just enforced by social sanction instead of legal penalties - to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term that I would literally rather die than have my body commandeered and used against me that way. And when you say these things to me, I don't care that they're only your personal belief and you would never have them brought into law to rule over me, because I live in a country where every day I see and hear people who WOULD have those beliefs legislated onto my body against my will speaking the EXACT SAME ARGUMENTS that you are using. When you argue their talking points, using their language, you present yourself to me as one of Them: an enemy, not an ally. You speak in concert with those who would take my rights away, who would render me only a passenger in my own flesh, subordinated to the needs of an invader I didn't want and didn't ask for, forced to risk my life and health to give it birth. The distinction of whether or not you would support them in their criminalization efforts is functionally irrelevant to me, because when you parrot their arguments and pass it along, you are another voice for their side - especially if you don't explicitly lay out your beliefs on legislative solutions in contrast to theirs when you speak or write about it. Simply put, you are strengthening their position. You are giving them social sanction, making it easier for them to do the work of criminalization, whether you agree with them in that or not. And I will never be willing to acknowledge the label of feminist when it is worn by someone who, even indirectly, supports the anti-choice movement. You are, at best, a badly misguided fauxminist; at worst, a colluder actively perpetuating our oppression. You are not, in any sense of the word, a feminist.
|Funny Pictures||Funny Videos| |Funny GIFs||YouTube Videos| | Level 185 Comments: Anon Annihilator | OfflineSend mail to geist Block geist Invite geist to be your friend flag avatar latest user's comments |#19 - "There is no need to panic, this is only business. With t…||08/19/2012 on Attention everyone||+4| |#25 - did't he live to be like 300? if so that seems pretty legit [+] (6 new replies)||08/19/2012 on LOTR||+8| #29 - xxxsonic fanxxx (08/19/2012) [-] He wasn't a human, he was a numenorian. The "Rangers" weren't just dudes in the woods, they were a different breed of man all together, with some power of foresight, and prolonged age. #47 - MudkipTomislav (08/19/2012) [-] They're still human, they're still Men. It's just that their kind has seen the light of the Vala in the distance and lived in prosperity, developed on their island for a good amount of time. It's the same reason why the Noldor are more wise and powerful than the Sindar, they spent a while developing, relaxing, inventing in a land full of bliss before leaving. |#120 - one dermatology class and she cures cancer? do a favor for any…||08/19/2012 on MCFM Week 1 (As Requested)||+1| |#13 - How I Met Your Mother||08/18/2012 on But dad||+4| |#19 - i wouldn't be able to resist storming the field in a bear cost…||08/18/2012 on Fishsticks||+3| |#24 - can't tell if serious...||08/18/2012 on Some nice hot OC||+2| |#152 - MAGIC WAND MAKE THOSE TITTIES GROW!||08/17/2012 on ▲||+1| |#21 - your name is "kuteboi"... you are worse than anonymo…||08/12/2012 on Banned Foreeeeeeever||+4| |#66 - she could have been 14 when she got pregnant... it doesn't say…||08/12/2012 on Honey boo boo||0| |#58 - MFW expecting the tags to be 42||08/12/2012 on Sprint||+7| |#25 - i'm pretty sure this is how I'm going to end up spending my fr…||08/10/2012 on Morning||0| |#8 - bacon in a microwave? [+] (5 new replies)||08/09/2012 on Morning||+3| |#11 - thank you, although i can't claim credit due to the fact that … [+] (1 new reply)||08/08/2012 on Bread||+1| |#9 - i read it's lines as mel brooks [+] (3 new replies)||08/08/2012 on Bread||+1| |#5 - doesnt where are you?||08/07/2012 on I don't see the problem...||0| |#48 - **** tyrone, get it together||08/03/2012 on Annoying Middle Schooler||+3| |#1 - Comment deleted||08/02/2012 on fucking kakashi||0| |#78 - sigh... *zip*||08/02/2012 on Dont lie to me!||0| |#77 - **geist rolls 5** [+] (1 new reply)||08/02/2012 on Dont lie to me!||+1| |#46 - Get your ass to mars!||07/30/2012 on See you in hell||+3| |#1425 - i wish i could thumb this twice||07/30/2012 on Incest, it's fucking...||+1| |#287 - Ok fine, if the brackets upset you I would be happy to show yo…||07/29/2012 on Facebook Idiots||-2| |#258 - Brackets are simply an illustration for those unfortunate enou… [+] (2 new replies)||07/29/2012 on Facebook Idiots||-2| #287 - geist (07/29/2012) [-] Ok fine, if the brackets upset you I would be happy to show you without them. First you take the equation : 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1-1+1+1+1+1+1x0= as you mentionetion there are no brackets or exponents so we can skip to multiplication with turns this equation to 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1-1+1+1+1+1+0= next we move to addition which makes the eqaution 10-5= and finally we finish it off with subtraction which gives us the obvious answer of 5. I don't believe I violated the order of opporations in any during this example, and as you should be able to seethe brackets I placed on the equation were only to help people visualize the three major portions and not to alter the result. Any other issues? |#253 - Don't lie to the poor toy, the answer really is 5 buzz||07/29/2012 on Facebook Idiots||-4| |#236 - Thank you! I thought I was the only one that got this concept. [+] (2 new replies)||07/29/2012 on Facebook Idiots||-6|
|ABSA 2013: Hutchison / Stassen clinch SA´s Special Vehicle Championship.| Evan Hutchison and Danie Stassen wrapped up the Special Vehicle championship when they cruised to victory on the "Gold 400", the final round of the 2012 South African "ABSA Off Road Championship", which ended last weekend. Hutchison and Stassen, in the Motorite BAT Venom, went into the race locked in a three-way battle for the Special Vehicle and Class A championships with Johan van Staden and Mike Lawrenson (Atlas Copco BAT) and brothers Laurence and Gerhard du Plessis in a Zarco. By the end of the first of the two 170 kilometre loops that made up the race it was all over bar the shouting. In wet and muddy conditions van Staden/Lawrenson and the du Plessis brothers had fallen off the radar by the end of the first loop. At the halfway point Hutchison and Stassen reported a clear run while the Atlas Copco crew retired with a broken side-shaft. For the du Plessis brothers it was a long day at the office. After a litany of problems they eventually limped home 12th overall and eighth in Class A. Hutchison and Stassen swept through the second loop with no problems to finish well clear of the husband and wife team of Marius and Jolinda Fourie, in the PHB BAT, who ended a disappointing season on a positive note. There was also a positive end for Colin Matthews and Alan Smith, in the Century Racing CR3, who grabbed the final podium position and in the process made sure of the Class P championship. The overall win put the seal on a perfect weekend for Hutchison and Stassen. The pair won the Donaldson Prologue which determines grid positions, dominated the race and wrapped up two titles. "Conditions on the first loop were as difficult as I have ever encountered," said Hutchison. "The car was sliding all over the place but visibility was an even bigger problem. In the early stages six or seven cars were running in a bunch, and with no windscreen the mud and water thrown up by cars ahead in front of us made life extremely difficult." Fourth place overall and third in Class A went to Mark Corbett and Rudi Balzer (Century Racing CR4), who produced the drive of the day and a sparkling performance to scythe their way through the field from the back of the grid. Next up were two KwaZulu-Natal crews with Clint Gibson/Gary Campbell (Gibson Racing Porter) coming in ahead of Daniel Brookes and Gavan Gray (Ducatus Property BAT), who produced their best result since joining the national series earlier in the season. Seventh place overall and second in Class P went to Richard Fuller and Dennis Murphy, in the Regent Racing BAT, who went into the race with an outside chance of sneaking the championship ahead of Matthews and Smith. As it was they could not match the Century Racing crew for speed and at the finish were more than 15 minutes in arrears. A third Class P crew completed the top eight with the father and daughter combination of Coetzee and Sandra Labuscagne putting together another solid race in the Raysonics Zarco. Unofficial scoring also saw the Coetzees finish third in the championship behind Matthews/Smith and Fuller and Murphy. Class B produced a win first time out for the father and son combination of Tony and Michael Gouveia in the Gearbox Services BAT. The pair have dominated the Northern Region championship this season, and marked their national debut with a workmanlike performance that saw them finish just outside the top 10. Despite a non finish in the tricky conditions unofficial scoring saw the Class B championship go to Sidriaan de Villiers and Dwayne Voogt in a UTV. For all results please visit the official page at [ SA OFFROAD RACING ]. 2012/11/25 | 23:17 CET | ARTICLE: MR/HS/FORTUNE
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Knowing that much importance is put on environmental policies with a "save-our-earth" approach in schools, it wasn't surprising to see the content of various posters recently created by local Kitsap school children dealing with recycling. It was, however, disturbing to read the comments made by the winner, a third-grade student at View Ridge Elementary in Bremerton. "I did this project because every person on the Earth needs to recycle, willing or not willing, because we all live on one Earth. If we didn't recycle, the Earth would have a lot of global warming and the ocean would be polluted with plastic garbage." I agree with the last part of her statement since I've been to an area in Baja California where all sorts of garbage from Asia and the West Coast washes ashore. It's not pretty. But failing to recycle leads to global warming? What kind of science is this? And the fact she believes people should be forced to recycle is rather chilling, especially coming from someone so young. To me, her statement sounds more like propaganda than fact. Was she taught about warming and cooling periods which have taken place on Earth over millennia? Is she aware of the fluctuations in the sun's radiation and how it affects these cycles? Does she know the Earth's climate has been slightly cooling since 1998? Has she learned not all scientists agree with the causes of climate change and that consensus is a political not a scientific construct? I'd be surprised if the answer to these questions is yes. What are the consequences of being ill-informed about important subjects? One problem would be recognizing misinformation when it's presented by those supposedly in "authority." Another would be that while students are busy learning current "in-vogue" theories, they're not being taught about other foundational matters. Curriculum suggested by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction for 12th-grade economics includes a required "evaluation of the costs and benefits of governmental fiscal and monetary policies, an example of which would be to weigh the effects of the Federal Reserve's contraction of the money supply on the economy." That sounds fine, but what happens if you don't understand the workings of the Fed? The Intercollegiate Studies Institute's (ISI) recent civics literacy test shows the effect of a lack of knowledge in important areas. The ISI test was administered to 2,508 Americans. A passing score was 70 percent. An abominable 89 percent scored less than 70 percent. Referring back to that 12th-grade question about the Federal Reserve, nearly 58 percent of those tested didn't know that buying and selling government securities was a policy tool of the Fed. The highest number, 83 percent, knew that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were the inalienable rights listed in the Declaration of Independence. The lowest score recorded, only 16 percent, knew that "free enterprise or capitalism exists when individual citizens create, exchange, and control goods and resources." Elected politicians answering the same question scored even lower, under 11 percent. Perhaps this dismal showing explains why politicians have a difficult time understanding how the free market works and why they're always finding ways to increase revenue by increasing taxes. Only 27 percent understood that more tax revenue and economic prosperity is generated from free markets as opposed to centralized government planning. Again, politicians scored even lower, at 22 percent. Less than 50 percent could correctly identify the three branches of government or define business profit. And just 68 percent could correctly identify our enemies in World War II. The test was failed by Americans from all income brackets, races or ethnic groups, ages or political ideologies. Gender, marital or parental status made no difference. All sliced and diced demographic categories failed miserably. (The civics literacy test can be found at: americancivicliteracy.org/resources/quiz.aspx) If these basic elements of civics are unfamiliar to adults over the age of 18, what emphasis is placed on them for younger people? Have these civics facts been usurped by "sexier" subjects like the importance of recycling? It's apparent much is made of "protecting our planet," indicated by the third-grade student willing to impose her mandate to recycle on the rest of earth's inhabitants. I'm afraid she might also be willing to embrace the food restrictions suggested by the Food Climate Research Network at the University of Surrey in England which calls for rationing people "... to four modest portions of meat and one litre of milk a week if the world is to avoid run-away climate change ..." Maybe next, we'll be saving trees by limiting toilet paper use. I hope our educational system is spending as much time teaching eager students about the importance of civics as they appear to be in promoting a dire "climate change" agenda. Sadly, the results of this national test don't point in that direction. Pam Dzama may be reached at email@example.com. Need Help? Call us at 1-877-304-7764. Monday-Friday: 5am-6pm / Saturday: 5am-8pm / Sunday: 4am-11am
While quarterback Willie Tuitama only has a total of nine full collegiate games under his belt and less than one year of experience, it is certain that the 19-year-old true sophomore has made quite an impact on Arizona football in only a short amount of time. After stepping out of a planned redshirt late in the 2005 season and making his off-the-bench debut against From that moment, Tuitama changed the program’s outlook and finished the season with the sixth-best pass efficiency rating in school history, completing 58 percent (82-142) of his throws for nine scores and starting the last four games of the season. That was a large amount of success in a short period of time. “It (coming out of my redshirt and playing for the first time) was wild,” Tuitama said. “I remember when I first went into the game the whole crowd was cheering my name and it was so loud. I remember my first pass was horrible but after I was in there for a while I got confident and just did everything that I was coached to do.” Tuitama admits that it was not an easy task coming into the game as late as he did, but he quickly adjusted to team and made his mark on the field. “The hardest part about (taking over) was that I didn’t get a lot of reps, so I was kind of throwing off-target. It basically just took a lot more effort from me to go in and meet with Coach Canales; we’d even meet late nights. Doing that almost every day helped me a lot (in getting comfortable playing.)” However, Tuitama is no stranger to making large changes, as the “The transition was big from high school,” Tuitama said. “I came here and there were people all over the place, which was very different than what I was used to, so it was an adjustment. I was intimidated because I didn’t know what the other guys thought about me. But when I got here everyone was nice, so that made the transition easier.” Today, Tuitama knows his role on the team, and his anxieties of being ?'the new guy’ are all in the past. “Now, because I know that I am the starting quarterback and have the position, my nerves have sort of left. Coming up as a freshman and having to work my way up was a lot of pressure, but now that I know that I’m the guy, I have a high confidence that I know what I’m doing.” However, along with his sudden glory, Tuitama is still learning how to deal with the added pressures of being in such a high-status role. As one of the most recognized faces in “I’m having fun with (the attention),” he said. “I feel the same way I did when I first got here because if I ever got cocky my dad or Coach Canales would take care of that real quick. I was always brought up to not think about myself (concededly), so basically I’m the same old me. I enjoy the spotlight, but sometimes it gets kind of old, but it’s nice when we go to restaurants and people notice us and say, ?'hi’. It’s kind of nice when people know your name.” As a former star student-athlete himself, head coach Mike Stoops understands what it means to be under pressure and step into the limelight in a way such as Tuitama has had to do. “He’s learning how to deal with (the pressures),” Stoops said. “It’s something that all young quarterbacks have to learn to get used to. People always coming at him from different angles and wanting something, he has to learn how to deal with his time and still manage himself on and off the field. It’s a tough thing for a true sophomore, but he’ll get better as he goes on.” Yet pressures of being the star quarterback don’t stop at the constant fan and media attention, as Tuitama finds himself dealing with the added pressures of being a young team leader as well. “I was chosen as one of the team captains for this year, which is really cool because I’m only a sophomore and I only played a little bit last year,” Tuitama said. “For the guys to choose me as one of their leaders is really nice, but then again I have to take that role (seriously) and if I see guys not doing what they need to do, I have to get on them. Even though it’s not really my personality (to be like that), I still have to do it for the sake of the team.” However, Coach Stoops has confidence in his quarterback and says he has what it takes to be a true leader for this team. “He brings all those qualities that a quarterback would need to play, such as his competitive spirit his toughness,” Stoops said. “This especially showed in the LSU game when (he was hurt) and wouldn’t pull himself out. He really fought through it like a leader would do. Tui definitely possesses a lot of very strong qualities that you would want in your quarterback.” While some college students have trouble handling their time and priorities, Tuitama has a large support system he relies on to keep him on the ball...literally. “My family is definitely my support system,” he said. “I talk to my sister once or twice a week. She lives in Tuitama also has a support system away from home that he attributes to keeping him on task when his family cannot be there. “Coach Canales helps me out a lot; he’s like my father away from home. He makes sure I’m doing all my school stuff and that I’m on top of my classes, basically just a lot of small things that he knows my parents would want me to do.” While he is only five games into his sophomore year, Tuitama’s modest personality certainly does not show on the field, as he has some very immodest plans for his team and the future of U of A football. “I want to take this team as far as we can every year. My main goal is to go to a national championship, but that’s probably everyone’s goal. I just have to work as hard as I can day in and day out to get to that point. Individually, I don’t really care as long as the team does well. As long as we get to where we want to be, I’m happy. I just want to do what I can to help.” However, according to Coach Stoops, Tuitama has only scratched the surface of the player he is capable of becoming, and “I think Willie’s best football is in front of him,” Stoops said. “He needs to have a lot of in-game experiences as a quarterback because it is a very complicated position, but his talent is unlimited.”
To quote the AP, “Unemployment is up. The stock market is down. Let’s party”. Oh but wait there is a lame justification, its not a party according to Obama transition team, “It is not a celebration of an election. It is a celebration of our common values.” How could anyone in the face of such economic times think its a good thing to over spend for a pomp and glitz? As politicians tell us to be responsible and tell corporations how to spend their money, Obamapalooza has spent without conscience. Is this the right message? Where is the outrage? Imagine, just imagine if GWB had ever done something quite like this? Remember when Democrats complained about the Federal deficit? The AP finally woken up and realized that Obamafest has got expensive. Although they are a day late and a dollar short in reporting the fact that the price tag to Obamapalooza, President-elect Barack Obama’s inauguration gala, has gotten way out of hand, especially considering the present situation of today’s US economy, they did at least address the situation in an article, ‘Obama hosting pricey party in a dicey economy’. Can you only imagine if Republicans spent like this during such economic times for a party. Why is anyone surprised, their Democrats and what do Democrats do best, SPEND! Have an issue, got a problem, throw money at it. That’s the ticket. The price tag for President-elect Barack Obama’s inauguration gala is expected to break records, with some estimates reaching as high as $150 million. Despite the bleak economy, however, Democrats who called on President George W. Bush to be frugal four years ago are issuing no such demands now that an inaugural weekend of rock concerts and star-studded parties has begun. Obama’s inaugural committee has raised more than $41 million to cover events ranging from a Philadelphia-to-Washington train ride to a megastar concert with Beyonce, U2 and Bruce Springsteen to 10 official inaugural balls. Add to that the massive costs of security and transportation — costs absorbed by U.S. taxpayers — and the historic inauguration will produce an equally historic bill. In 2005, Reps. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., and Jim McDermott, D-Wash., asked Bush to show a little less pomp and be a little more circumspect at his party. However, believe it or not with the skyrocketing costs of the Obama Inauguration reaching $150 million, believe it or not they actually tried to keep prices down. Can you imagine if they didn’t try? As Wizbang states, “and here is the spew-inducing quote of the day — I’m warning you, swallow your coffee first.” And yes Wizbang, we like “PortaPottyPalooza” much better. It appears that Town Hall find the quote of the Obama transition team to be quite comical as well as to the backlash of all the inaugural pomp and circumstance during tough economic times. Obama’s inauguration committee says it is mindful of the times and is not worried people will see the four days of festivities as excessive. “That is probably not the way the country is going to be looking at it,” said committee spokeswoman Linda Douglass. “It is not a celebration of an election. It is a celebration of our common values.” Douglass said the campaign sought to keep costs down by having the same decorations at each of the 10 balls, eliminating floral arrangements and negotiating prices on food. “Those at the Obama administration are trying to be reflective of the climate,” McDermott’s spokesman, Mike DeCeasar, said Saturday. The over spending during tough economic times as opposed the the questioning of past events by GWB is not lost at Red State. Where are the disquiet and the demands to be more circumspect now? We are still at war, and as Obama likes to say we are “in the midst of a crisis unlike any we have seen in our lifetime.” Do we hear calls for a short speech and cold chicken salad? No, instead the Democrats’ Obamafest requires a state of emergency and $170 million. The country is in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, which isn’t stopping rich donors and the government from spending $170 million, or more, on the inauguration of Barack Obama . Wait, there is a good reason to spend all this money into the teeth of a Recession or as Democrats like to call it, The Great Depression II. It’s ok according to Obama’s people because the $170 million is going to make Americans feel like we are all in this together. What!!! Couldn’t we have just had a group hug, wouldn’t that have been cheaper? Then again, it ok once again because there are plenty of rich donors willing to pick up the tab and God only knows they don’t expect favors in the future. Hell no, its Barack Obama and he does not believe in special interest money … some one tell us where is the change? “The money is going toward providing events which we hope are going to connect people, make them feel like we are all in this together and reinforce the notion that when we pull together, we’re stronger,” Douglass said. “And we need to pull together to face the challenges that are before us today.”
[Bioperl-l] How to become a bioperl hacker... (and come to birney at ebi.ac.uk Thu Feb 20 09:37:34 EST 2003 Bioperl is a completely open group - anyone can join the lists and we welcome any contributions - but from the outside people might "who decides who is in Bioperl" "who gets to go to Singapore" "can I come along?" So... here is short, rough idea how this works out: - There is a small bunch of people who actually make releases and bundles. Jason was the 1.0 release guy (he made the tar balls), I am the 1.2 release guy (for my sins). They fix alot of the bugs and get alot of hassle... ... they are helped by ... - People who write the bulk of the code and documentation. These are Lincoln, Heikki, Hilmar (for bioperl-db), SteveC, Elia, Peter and BrianO. These people have cvs accounts on open bio and often commit. - People who have cvs accounts and fix areas of it or tweak things. These include BradN (assemblies), Aaron and others with a cvs commit - People who don't have cvs accounts but run their own code bases and make good responses to posts on the list about decisions, eg, Ian Korf (though we slurped in Ian's excellent BPlite a while ago, Ian does not maintain it in Bioperl), Aaron, Michele etc. - People who respond to other queries on list, make useful comments and generally follow things - People on the list. There is only one real gate-keeping point in all of this - when you get a cvs read/write account. this is when you can contribute directly to bioperl without going through anyone else. When do we decide who gets a - If you contribute code back to specific people, or post code/documentation fixes to the list then - as long as you are not clearly at odds with the overall flow of things (...and we are a very tolerant bunch of people...) - we'll give you an account - It is far faster than most people expect. Most people who get a cvs account feel we give them too early. On the other hand, the developers really find it a drag commiting other people's code - you have to futz - What actually happens is that one of the main developers posts to the root-l list on open-bio suggesting someone gets an account; they give a quick biopic (this is Chad... working on assemblies) and effectively takes responsibility for that person for the first couple of weeks (ie, if someone misbehaved, we'd expect the person who proposed them to keep an eye on them for a while). Often one other developer will say "yup, this guy is ok". - For the hackathons (we've only done two so far!) there is a local sponsor (Apple - many thanks Apple!) and a local contact (Elia). Elia and Apple contact the whole "open bioinformatics foundation" for people to come along, with a rough assignment of "X number of people per project". So - this year - we have 5 bioperl, 4 biojava, 3 biopython, 2 GMOD, 3 Ensembl and some others. The list is distributed amongst the invitees and people are nominated to come along. The criteria is good work. - We then discuss what we are going to do (documenting BioSQL, BioPipe and database access is what we decided to it...) and then we do it ;) So --- to become a Bioperl hacker you should: - use Bioperl (!) - contribute back - often this is documentation fixes and then bug-fixes as you push a module hard - contribute to the discussion about new features and ideas - write your own modules - a Bioperl module should use Bio::Root::RootI for its exceptions, Bio::Root::IO for complex IO - if it uses sequences, it should work with Bio::SeqI etc etc... Anyone - and I do mean anyone - can join and indeed become the main people. In fact, this is how both myself and Jason and Lincoln all joined just by contributing (though Lincoln had a big reputation before he joined...) and we just rate people by their coding and documentation contributions, nothing else ;) So... do join ;) More information about the Bioperl-l
The Minnesota Gophers football team culminated their season with a disappointing loss to the Syracuse Orange in the Texas Bowl in Houston by a final score of 21-17. After finding his team down 7-3 at halftime, coach Jerry Kill returned to the sidelines for the first time since the Big Ten opener against Iowa, hoping to spark his team to a comeback victory. The Orange struck first taking what seemed at the time like an insurmountable, 14-3 lead. However, the Gophers found their mojo in the fourth quarter and struck for not one, but two touchdowns as Mitch Leidner found Maxx Williams and Drew Wolitarsky in the end zone to give the Gophers a brief 17-14 lead over the Orange. That lead was short lived as the Gophers gave up a long punt return in the closing minutes and allowed Syracuse quarterback Terrel Hunt to scramble untouched up the middle on a blitz to give the Orange the lead for good with under a minute remaining in regulation. I feel the need to come clean and let everyone know that my ego was damaged from losing to a mediocre ACC team. The loss not only stings the ego of the Gophers and their fans, but of the Big Ten as a whole. Who’ll be the starting quarterback in 2014? The quarterback position was the most inconsistent of any position on the team this year. When the Gophers went on their four game Big Ten winning streak, they got strong play from Philip Nelson. The Gophers need to find such quarterback play if they’re going to make another step forward in 2014. Kill is going to give both Leidner, Nelson, and redshirt freshman Chris Streveler a chance to start next year. It should be a wide open competition starting this spring. Drew Wolitarsky is going to be a beast The freshman receiver from Santa Clarita, Calif. hauled in a 55-yard touchdown from Mitch Leidner to give the Gophers their only lead of the game at 17-14. Wolitarsky finished with four catches for 94 yards and the aforementioned touchdown grab. He’s California’s all-time record holder in career catches with 281 and career yardage with 5,148. Look for him and fellow freshman Donovahn Jones to form quite the duo at wide receiver for the Gophers the next few years. Strong play at running back With David Cobb, redshirt freshman Berkley Edwards, Donnell Kirkwood, Rodrick Williams Jr., and possibly true freshman Jeff Jones entering the equation next year, the Gophers will have one of the best running back corps in the Big Ten. Jerry Kill back on the sideline All football coaches are control freaks and Kill is certainly no different. If his health is good and he gets the go-ahead from his doctor, look for him to return to the sideline in 2014 on a permanent basis. Yes, Kill is a superstitious dude, but the Gophers lost their last two regular season games with him in the booth and were losing the bowl game at halftime with him upstairs. The Gophers did show a lot more punch with Kill on the sideline in the second half after a lethargic first half effort with him in the press box. Ra’Shede Hageman will be missed Hageman is a large man and the Gophers will not only miss his production at defensive end, but just his presence alone, which was enough to intimidate teams looking at him from across the line of scrimmage. The Gophers will also lose run stuffer Roland Johnson to graduation so some holes will need to be filled along the interior of the defensive line. Who will handle kicking duties in 2014? After a rocky start, senior Chris Hawthorne turned into a very consistent kicker. His ability to reach the end zone on kickoffs on a consistent basis should not be taken for granted. He was also very good kicking field goals this year connecting on 14-of-18 attempts. Now the Gophers must turn to one of two redshirt freshmen — Ryan Santoso or Andrew Harte. Look for a battle between the two of them starting this spring. Could Maxx Williams become an All-American? I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that Williams is a match-up nightmare at 6-foot-4 and 254 pounds. He runs well and has the athletic ability to make people miss and the strength to run them over. Williams played quarterback while at Waconia High School so he’s plenty agile to do things with the ball in space. If the Gophers get improved play from the quarterback position, Williams could post huge numbers in 2014. Need for overall speed on defense The defense made large improvements from last year, however if I have to nitpick, the team speed still seems like a bit of a liability at times. In the Syracuse game, I found too many occasions where the Syracuse receivers were wide open. Also, on Hunt’s scramble up the middle for the game winning score, it would’ve been nice to see a safety or linebacker track him down. Tackling needs to improve We made the Syracuse running back look like former Syracuse greats Jim Brown and Ernie Davis on some runs — that had to do with poor tackling. The improvement we’re seeing in tackling since Kill and defensive coordinator Tracy Claeys took over the program is improving for the better, but it isn’t a finished product quite yet. The future is bright The Gophers have a stable coaching staff, a facilities plan thanks to Athletic Director Norwood Teague, an identity as a tough, physical football team, and a goal to build the program brick by brick. You have to look big picture after a disappointing loss and that’s what I’m doing.
MANHATTAN - All that Kansas State can do now is try to achieve perfection. That's all the third-ranked Wildcats control. KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The most turnover-prone team in the NFL has two banged-up quarterbacks who are struggling anyway, a head coach who appears out of touch with the offense and a defense that just gave up 26 points to the Oakland Raiders. Kansas Highway Patrol Shafer Gallery Director Dave Barnes will talk about images associated with Halloween during a free Stop 'N Learn program from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Great Bend Activity Center, 2715 18th St. The program will be repeated at 1 p.m. Friday at the Great Bend Senior Center, 2005 Kansas Ave. A Wheatfield, Ind., man was injured in a one-vehicle accident at 12:30 a.m. Sunday in the 1300 block of Susank Road. LARNED - Fifteen Larned High students were inducted into the Larned Chapter of the National Honor Society Tuesday. LARNED - Larned State Hospital's Human Resources Department and Employee Recognition Committee organized an awards ceremony and barbeque for all hospital staff recently in the auditorium on campus. Picnic area to be closed Tuesday, Oct. 23 Saturday, Oct. 27 LARNED -- A coffee and reception at "Sweets and Eats" is scheduled at 5:30 p.m. Monday for John Ewy, Republican candidate for the Kansas House of Representatives 117th District. Activities Oct. 28-Nov. 3 LARNED - Mary Alice Grubbs, 80, died Oct. 26, 2012 at the Larned Healthcare Center after battling the effects of Alzheimer's for six years. PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Matt Ryan threw touchdown passes on Atlanta's first three possessions against Philadelphia and new defensive coordinator Todd Bowles, and the Falcons remained the NFL's only unbeaten team with a 30-17 victory over the Eagles on Sunday. KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The Oakland Raiders made themselves right at home at Arrowhead Stadium. Central Kansas Family Practice announces the addition of local physician Stanley M. Hatesohl MD to its clinic staff. September Convictions and Fines Book lovers, it's Used Book Sale time at the Great Bend Public Library. Sponsored by the Friends of the Great Bend Public Library, the sale will be open to the public for four days: Sunday, Oct. 19 from 1 to 4:30 p.m.; Monday, Oct. 20 from noon to 8:30 p.m.; and Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 21-22 from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. HOISINGTON - Lila Jean Haberman, 80, died Oct. 11 at her daughter's home in Olmitz. She was born Jan. 22, 1934, in Galatia, the daughter of Henry and Martha (Steinert) Wagner. She married Jim Stoss on July 30, 1952. He died Dec. 25, 1979. She then married Larry Haberman on March 30, 1991. He died Dec. 8, 2006. Lila Jean was a resident of Hoisington, coming from Olmitz. Lila, along with her husband Jim, owned and operated Jim's Place and the Olmitz Grocery till the early '70s. She later worked as a bartender for the Eagles Lodge in Great ... Great Bend Fire/EMS Paul E. Dyer, 84, died Oct. 8 at Great Bend Health and Rehabilitation Center. Born Feb. 20, 1930, in Great Bend, he was the son of Homer and Katherine (Jones) Dyer. On Jan. 4, 1954, he married Julitta M. Elsen, in Great Bend. She died on March 12, 1995. He was a lifetime resident of Great Bend. John D. Trimmer, 65, of Great Bend and formerly of Pawnee Rock and Dundee, passed away on Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 8, at Great Bend Health & Rehabilitation Center in Great Bend. He was born on Feb. 11, 1949, at Belleville, to George Franklin and Edna Alene (Larr) Trimmer. He graduated from Republic County Schools in 1965 and was united in marriage to Diana Levingston on June 10, 1976, at Pawnee Rock. She died on July 22, 2013. John worked as a chain hand in the oilfield prior to his retirement. He enjoyed rock collecting, watching wrestling and spending time with family.
Fragrant flowers, with their scents carried by the breeze, can be on shrubs, trees, vines or simply standalone flowers. Some of the best fragrant flowers quickly come to mind; others, you may not have thought of. Below are some particularly good, hardy examples of fragrant flowers: some very easy to grow, and even some drought-tolerant choices. Magnolia grandiflora, known as the Southern magnolia or bull bay, is a fragrant evergreen tree that is drought-tolerant. It can get 60 to 90 feet tall with a 2- to 3-foot wide trunk. Leaves are dark green, glossy, and 5 to 8 inches long. Flowers are white, very fragrant, 8 to 12 inches wide, and show up in spring and summer. Fruits are cones, 2 to 4 inches long, with red seeds. Grow Southern magnolia in full sun to partial shade in well drained, acidic soils. Propagate via cuttings, grafting and by seed. Aster x frikartii, known as the Frikart's aster or simply aster, is a fragrant, easy-to-grow perennial. It will get 2 to 3 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide. Leaves are dark green, hairy, and hidden by the productive blooms. Flowers are daisy-like and lavender-blue in color, and last around two months. Grow Frikart's aster in full sun and well-drained soil. Propagate by spring division or by seed. Dahlia spp., known as the dahlia or garden dahlia, is from the aster/daisy family. It is a fragrant perennial that is good in container gardening. There are many different cultivars of the dahlia. On average, they have toothed or feathery leaves and strong stems. Flowers are showy, come in various colors, are scented, and get between 2 and 10 inches wide. Grow dahlia in good mulched ground with full sun and moist, well-drained conditions. Propagate via division in spring, seed, or cuttings in winter. Lonicera fragrantissima, known as the winter honeysuckle or bush honeysuckle, is from the honeysuckle family. It is a fragrant shrub with many blooms. It reaches 6 to 8 feet in height and 8 to 10 feet wide. Leaves are slender and on arching stems. Flowers come winter, in white, under 1 inch long, and very fragrant. Grow winter honeysuckle in partial shade or full sun in well-drained soil. Prune 1 to 2 times a year. Propagate via spring softwood cuttings, seed, or by stem rooting. Hyacinthus orientalis, known as the hyacinth or Dutch hyacinth, is from the lily family. It is a fragrant perennial good for indoor use or container gardening. Leaves are strap-like and narrow. Flowers come on 12-inch stalks in spring with colors ranging from red, yellow, pink, orange, blue and white, to lavender. Flowers are funnel-shaped and fragrant. Grow hyacinth in full sun in the north and partial shade in the south. Propagate via offsets.
|This article needs additional citations for verification. (October 2011)| A management buyout (MBO) is a form of acquisition where a company's existing managers acquire a large part or all of the company from either the parent company or from the private owners. Management buyouts are similar in all major legal aspects to any other acquisition of a company. The particular nature of the MBO lies in the position of the buyers as managers of the company, and the practical consequences that follow from that. In particular, the due diligence process is likely to be limited as the buyers already have full knowledge of the company available to them. The seller is also unlikely to give any but the most basic warranties to the management, on the basis that the management know more about the company than the sellers do and therefore the sellers should not have to warrant the state of the company. Some concerns about management buyouts are that the asymmetric information possessed by management may offer them unfair advantage relative to current owners. The impending possibility of an MBO may lead to principal–agent problems, moral hazard, and perhaps even the subtle downward manipulation of the stock price prior to sale via adverse information disclosure, including accelerated and aggressive loss recognition, public launching of questionable projects, and adverse earning surprises. Naturally, such corporate governance concerns also exist whenever current senior management is able to benefit personally from the sale of their company or its assets. This would include, for example, large parting bonuses for CEOs after a takeover or management buyout. Since corporate valuation is often subject to considerable uncertainty and ambiguity, and since it can be heavily influenced by asymmetric or inside information, some question the validity of MBOs and consider them to potentially represent a form of insider trading. The mere possibility of an MBO or a substantial parting bonus on sale may create perverse incentives that can reduce the efficiency of a wide range of firms—even if they remain as public companies. This represents a substantial potential negative externality. The managers of the target company may at times also set up a holding company for the purpose of purchasing the shares of the target company. Management buy outs are conducted by management teams as they want to get the financial reward for the future development of the company more directly than they would do as employees only. A management buyout can also be attractive for the seller as he can be assured that the future stand-alone company will have a dedicated management team thus providing a substantial downside risk against failure and hence negative press. Additionally, in the case the management buyout is supported by a private equity fund (see below), the private equity will, given that there is a dedicated management team in place, likely pay an attractive price for the asset. The management of a company will not usually have the money available to buy the company outright themselves. They would first seek to borrow from a bank, provided the bank was willing to accept the risk. Management buyouts are frequently seen as too risky for a bank to finance the purchase through a loan. Management teams are typically asked to invest an amount of capital that is significant to them personally, depending on the funding source/banks determination of the personal wealth of the management team. The bank then loans the company the remaining portion of the amount paid to the owner. Companies that proactively shop aggressive funding sources should qualify for total debt financing of at least four times (4X) cash flow. Private equity financing If a bank is unwilling to lend, the management will commonly look to private equity investors to fund the majority of buyout. A high proportion of management buyouts are financed in this way. The private equity investors will invest money in return for a proportion of the shares in the company, though they may also grant a loan to the management. The exact financial structuring will depend on the backer's desire to balance the risk with its return, with debt being less risky but less profitable than capital investment. Although the management may not have resources to buy the company, private equity houses will require that the managers each make as large an investment as they can afford in order to ensure that the management are locked in by an overwhelming vested interest in the success of the company. It is common for the management to re-mortgage their houses in order to acquire a small percentage of the company. Private equity backers are likely to have somewhat different goals to the management. They generally aim to maximise their return and make an exit after 3–5 years while minimising risk to themselves, whereas the management rarely look beyond their careers at the company and will take a long-term view. While certain aims do coincide—in particular the primary aim of profitability—certain tensions can arise. The backers will invariably impose the same warranties on the management in relation to the company that the sellers will have refused to give the management. This "warranty gap" means that the management will bear all the risk of any defects in the company that affects its value. As a condition of their investment, the backers will also impose numerous terms on the management concerning the way that the company is run. The purpose is to ensure that the management run the company in a way that will maximise the returns during the term of the backers' investment, whereas the management might have hoped to build the company for long-term gains. Though the two aims are not always incompatible, the management may feel restricted. The European buyout market was worth €43.9bn in 2008, a 60% fall on the €108.2bn of deals in 2007. The last time the buyout market was at this level was in 2001 when it reached just €34bn. In certain circumstances, it may be possible for the management and the original owner of the company to agree a deal whereby the seller finances the buyout. The price paid at the time of sale will be nominal, with the real price being paid over the following years out of the profits of the company. The timescale for the payment is typically 3–7 years. This represents a disadvantage for the selling party, which must wait to receive its money after it has lost control of the company. It is also dependent, if an earn-out is used, on the returned profits being increased significantly following the acquisition, in order for the deal to represent a gain to the seller in comparison to the situation pre-sale. This will usually only happen in very particular circumstances. The optimum structure would be to convert the earn-out to contracted deferred consideration which has compelling benefits for the seller as it legally fixes the total future amount paid to them. Its paid like like a quarterly annuity, and then the seller needs to secure the annuity by taking out a deferred consideration surety guarantee from an independent surety institution. The direct beneficiary of the surety is the seller and should the sold firm become insolvent, following its sale, with any outstanding deferred payments due the seller, then the surety will pay the money to the vendor on the purchasers behalf. The vendor agree to vendor financing for tax reasons, as the consideration will be classified as capital gain rather than as income. It may also receive some other benefit such as a higher overall purchase price than would be obtained by a normal purchase. The advantage for the management is that they do not need to become involved with private equity or a bank and will be left in control of the company once the consideration has been paid. A classic example of an MBO involved Springfield Remanufacturing Corporation, a former plant in Springfield, Missouri owned by Navistar (at that time, International Harvester) which was in danger of being closed or sold to outside parties until its managers purchased the company. In the UK, New Look was the subject of a management buyout in 2004 by Tom Singh, the founder of the company who had floated it in 1998. He was backed by private equity houses Apax and Permira, who now own 60% of the company. An earlier example of this in the UK was the management buyout of Virgin Interactive from Viacom which was led by Mark Dyne. The Virgin Group has undergone several management buyouts in recent years. On September 17, 2007, Richard Branson announced that the UK arm of Virgin Megastores was to be sold off as part of a management buyout, and from November 2007, will be known by a new name, Zavvi. On September 24, 2008, another part of the Virgin group, Virgin Comics underwent a management buyout and changed its name to Liquid Comics. In the UK, Virgin Radio also underwent a similar process and became Absolute Radio. In Australia, another group of music and entertainment stores were subject to a management buy-out in September 2009, when Sanity's owner and founder, Brett Blundy, sold BB Retail Capital's Entertainment Division (including Sanity, and the Australian franchises of Virgin Entertainment and HMV) to the company's Head of Entertainment, Ray Itaoui. This was for an undisclosed sum, leaving Sanity Entertainment to become a private company in its own right. - "European buy-out market hits a seven year low, reports the Centre for Management Buy-out Research". 2009-02-23. Retrieved 2011-10-06. - Brandle, Lars (24 September 2009). "Australia's Sanity In Management Buyout". Billboard. Retrieved 15 March 2013. - Pallisco, Marc (26 September 2009). "Sanity Entertainment, owner of Virgin, HMV, sells to management team for undisclosed sum". RealEstateSource.com.au. Retrieved 15 March 2013. - Definition of management buyout - Definition of buy-in management buyout - Creative Management Buyout Strategies Article"
The Project: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Panel: Jeph Loeb, Elizabeth Henstridge, Iain De Caestecker Footage screened: As the head of Marvel Television, Loeb previews never-before-seen moments from the show, making him the ideal person to present the upcoming episode set to air next Tuesday. (Watch a clip below.) Loeb, Henstridge, and De Caestecker joined the crowd to watch the episode before returning to the stage for more audience questions. The episode, titled “Eye-Spy,” centers on the team tracking a thief — who happens to be a rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. No surprise: A spy’s eye is involved. Snap judgment: The higher production value of this episode definitely gave the show a sense of authenticity — unlike” 0-8-4,” which seemed to take place on the set of the Real Housewives of Peru, rather than actual Peru. Loeb stated that the cold open — set in a Stockholm subway station — was shot on location, just like the Paris sequence in the pilot. The episode itself is more of the same: the team vacillates between bonding and clashing while carrying out the latest mission. There is a more natural rhythm to the character interactions and a better sense of what the series is. It is most definitely a spy team show rather than a superhero show — even if superheroes happen to populate the same universe. For those who are already fans, this episode delivers the goods — including a few more tidbits about what happened to Agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) between The Avengers and the series’ pilot episode. For those who aren’t, it’s not significantly different than the first three installments. Big revelations: In true Marvel style, there weren’t many revelations or hints at the future. On the contrary, Loeb is actively spoiler-averse. “We love when you watch it live, and we love when you stay until the very end,” said Loeb, who hopes to continue the post-credits scene incorporating the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) to the series. Loeb confirmed Titus Welliver’s return to the MCU, reprising his Item 47 role as Agent Blake in “FZZT,” the sixth episode of the ABC series. Funniest pre-panel interview moment: The S.H.I.E.L.D. trio spoke in great detail about flying Lola all the way to the Javits Center for the convention. (Lola may have made an appearance at N.Y. Comic-Con, but that doesn’t mean it’s a fully equipped flying car.) “Most people don’t realize that we flew Lola here, the three of us,” deadpanned Loeb. De Caestecker added, “We really shouldn’t tell people that. It’s actually illegal to have more than three people in the car.” Henstridge joined in, stating, “It was excellent — got some great selfies.” Most incisive audience question: One enterprising fan asked what we can expect to learn about the characters’ back stories. Henstridge answered, “Well, now we have more episodes to explore the character backgrounds. It’s something that’s definitely going to be developed. It’s going to come organically with the story, but there’s lots of secrets and choices of their past that you’ll find out. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.” Later, another fan asked about the “cellist” Coulson mentioned he was seeing prior to his “death” in The Avengers. Loeb smirked and replied, “Let’s just say that there isn’t anything that Joss Whedon has written or created that we’re not going to mine all the way down the bottom of the line.” Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on ABC.
Oh how I wish I was a highly paid journalism professor at UC-Berkeley. Then I would be blissfully unaware that people have accents in this great nation of ours and have long Sundays of no errands to stand around watching meat braise. AHHH, that would be the life. Instead we ate leftover fish tonight and roasted vegetable salad and cleaned a few more things out of the refrigerator. Now I'm sitting here watching Glee, thinking about eating graham crackers for dessert and reveling in the fact that we got EcoBaby to eat brussel sprouts. Life's little victories. Many years ago I perked up upon reading an article in the New York Times food section about homemade butterscotch pudding. I would have been at my stove in a flash if not for the fact that the recipe called for two saucepans and I only owned one. Also, the pudding required that technique filled with kitchen terror: tempering beaten eggs with hot milk and then cooking the whole mess until it has thickened but not scrambled. So, that recipe was not going to happen. I also made possibly the greatest snack ever: cheese crackers. This was meant to reproduce that cheesy little square that doesn't turn your fingers orange. This was possibly the raging success of this tour through Make the Bread, Buy the Butter Then I moved on to oven fried chicken. I have made several different versions of this recipe always hoping for it to be just one step closer to the crispy goodness of deep fried chicken. I loathe deep frying and its mess and splatter and danger and leftover oil. Deep frying is actually quite tricky to get something crisp that isn't oil soaked. Then it conveniently was Super Bowl time and a perfect excuse to make homemade onion dip. I have consumed many containers of the classic Lipton onion soup mix + sour cream dip at Super Bowl time. In fact, as one who is perpetually confused by the game of football, the dip was a major incentive to watch the game. I got my hands upon Jennifer Reese's Make the Bread, Buy the Butter: What You Should and Shouldn't Cook from Scratch. This seemed totally up my alley. Here I am trying to live this nouveau home-ec life and here is a kindred spirit in liking to mess around in the kitchen but it rather ended right there. Thankfully, Ms. Reese explained her situation otherwise I would have spent the whole book rolling my eyes at her yummy-mummy lifestyle. What is 'Nature' and does 'Pristine Wilderness' still exist on earth? Emma Marris starts with these questions and launches a journey in Rambunctious Garden: Saving Nature in Post-Wild World. Ms. Marris effectively challenges many of the assumptions that inform our views and policies toward nature. I think Rambunctious Garden can spark a conversation about green places and how we use and protect them. 'Can I have a minute of your time?' Have you ever heard those words from a stranger, probably holding a clipboard, on the street? Did you stop for a minute or walk by more quickly? I consider my time precious and often walk past. In 'Harvest the Rain' author Nate Downey boldly asks for 10 minutes of your time every day to spend on catching, directing and using rainwater. After reading his book I'm not sure he asked for enough. Stewart Brand, editor of The Whole Earth Catalog, author of How Buildings Learn and founder of The Long Now Foundation has written Whole Earth Discipline: An EcoPragmatist Manifesto. I'm generally leery of manifestoes, but given Mr. Brand's resumé I decided to chance reading it. I'm still considering Whole Earth Discipline (and have incurred the wrath of my local library by keeping it overdue). Brand makes three statements in his book - Cities are Green, Genetic Engineering is Green, and Nukes are Green. Is he radical, practical or both?
Updated 2 yearss ago St. Petersburg skyline [Photo: Dan Gaye] |A Community Portrait of St. Petersburg/Clearwater » Who Lives Here? In the past 15 years, St. Petersburg, Florida’s fourth-largest city, has blossomed from a city struggling with its historical identity as a haven for middle-class retirees into a diverse, livable community with a vibrant downtown and arts scene. A century-old decision by the city to buy up the downtown bayfront created a civic asset that’s proved invaluable in attracting residential and commercial development downtown, including condo towers and a shopping center with a Publix. Under former Mayor Rick Baker, the city welcomed downtown development and also moved aggressively and notably to redevelop the largely minority Midtown district and a former industrial district on the edge of downtown. Hard economic times have stalled momentum behind a number of residential projects, and like every urban area St. Petersburg has struggled with problems such as homelessness. A downtown retail development called BayWalk is struggling, and the Grand Bohemian upscale hotel/condo project is on hold. City leaders are also wrestling with the issue of how to keep the Tampa Bay Rays, who want a new stadium, in the city. St. Petersburg has been able to sustain its momentum, however, with private projects like a new $35-million home for the Dali Museum and a new $400-million All Children’s Hospital. The city’s core — including the signature historic Renaissance Vinoy Resort on the waterfront — remains healthy: Sales at Ovation, downtown’s most upscale condo high-rise, are strong. The University of South Florida’s campus in downtown St. Petersburg has added dorm and classroom space as it grows enrollment toward a 10,000-student goal. The restaurant scene is still lively, and concerts, festivals and other activities, including an annual Grand Prix racing event, are scheduled around the waterfront and elsewhere downtown on all but a few weekends during the year. Fodor’s Travel Publications named Clearwater Beach one of the East Coast’s “7 Best Family Beaches.” [Photo: City of Clearwater] Clearwater, the Pinellas County seat, is a suburban town of malls, neighborhoods and beaches. Statistics show Clearwater residents are slightly older and have a slightly higher median income than their counterparts in St. Petersburg. The city’s largest company, computer reseller Tech Data, is the state’s biggest publicly traded company, employing some 2,500 locally and 8,000 internationally. Like St. Petersburg, Clearwater has invested in brownfields redevelopment projects and also streetscaping its small downtown, which is home to — and is dominated by — the spiritual headquarters of the Church of Scientology and its more than 1,400 uniformed employees. The church is the largest property owner downtown, and individual Scientologists own many local businesses. Scientology’s relationship with the city has improved, but some residents are still uneasy. Meanwhile, development at Clearwater Beach has slowed, but at least four big condo projects are still in various stages, along with the 250-room Hyatt Regency Clearwater Beach Resort and Spa set to open early this year. The resort is located along the Beach Walk revitalization project, a $30-million landscaped promenade meant to spur redevelopment of the southern portion of the beach. Who lives here? The view from St. Petersburg’s most upscale downtown high-rise, Ovation » St. Petersburg White, non-Hispanic: 67% Grand Prix races are held each spring in downtown St. Petersburg. » Demographic Makeup » Growth: With almost all of Pinellas County built out — St. Petersburg is the largest of 24 incorporated municipalities in the county — population between 2000-08 actually declined about 3,000. » Age Distribution: Although the city’s median age is slightly higher than the national average, St. Petersburg has long evolved past its retirement-haven reputation: 56% of the city’s population is under 44. » Stability: About 85% of the city’s residents were in the same residence a year earlier, and 96% were living somewhere in Pinellas County a year earlier. » Foreign-born: Less than one in 10 residents of the city were born outside the U.S. » Families in Poverty: 13% » Education: Nearly 90% of the city’s population graduated from high school; 27% of residents have a bachelor’s degree or higher. » Median Household Income: $43,305 » Income: Nearly eight in 10 residents receive earnings from work; 17% have retirement income other than Social Security; 31% receive Social Security payments. Rooms at the new All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg include entertainment systems at each bedside and space for parents to stay overnight. Downtown Clearwater and the Memorial Causeway link to Clearwater Beach White, non-Hispanic: 74% » Demographic Makeup » Population Growth: Clearwater, like St. Petersburg, lost residents between 2005 and 2008. » Median Age: 44 » Stability: Nearly nine out of 10 city residents were in the same residence a year earlier, and 96% were living somewhere in Pinellas County a year earlier. » Foreign-born: 15% » Families in Poverty: 10% » Education: Nearly 90% of the city’s population graduated from high school; 26% of residents have a bachelor’s degree or higher. » Median Income: $45,175 » Income: Some 73% of residents received earnings from work; 18% have retirement income other than Social Security; 36% receive Social Security payments. Clearwater’s $30-million Beach Walk revitalization project includes a winding, landscaped promenade. Bob Dutkowsky heads the state’s biggest publicly traded company, Clearwater-based Tech Data. » Economic Engines » Financial Services: This sector employs more than 20,000 professionals at firms that include Raymond James, the brokerage firm and bank, and Fidelity Information Services, a provider of software and information services to the banking and real estate industries. Mutual funds firm Franklin Templeton and Ceridian Benefits Services, an employee benefits administrator, also are headquartered in St. Petersburg. » Manufacturing: St. Petersburg’s biggest manufacturer, Jabil Circuit, designs and builds electronic circuit boards worldwide. Draper Labs, an offshoot of MIT that develops microchips for military and medical technology, has opened a facility in St. Petersburg that will employ at least 65. The county’s roster of manufacturers includes Raytheon and Honeywell, which both do defense-related engineering and manufacturing. The Clearwater area also boasts a number of medical device manufacturing firms; as a whole, Pinellas County ranks second in the state in manufacturing employment and third in the number of manufacturing firms. » Marine Science and Research: The University of South Florida’s College of Marine Science has become a national powerhouse in marine research and technology. In 2007, the school spun off 40 faculty members from its Center for Ocean Technology into a local partnership with Silicon Valley research firm SRI. In the 1990s, research at the center generated a firm, Ocean Optics, which later sold for $50 million. » Healthcare: Bayfront Medical Center, just blocks from the water in downtown St. Petersburg, is a non-profit teaching hospital and a level-two trauma center. Adjacent to Bayfront is All Children’s Hospital, which is opening a $400-million state-of-the-art facility early this year. The 259-bed hospital is the only specialty licensed children’s facility on the state’s west coast and features neonatal and pediatric intensive care units. The hospital landed government funding to strengthen its heliport to accommodate military helicopters — a feature that FEMA found missing in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. BayCare Health System, a network of 10 hospitals in the region, includes Morton Plant Hospital and Mease Countryside Hospital in Clearwater and St. Anthony’s Hospital in St. Petersburg. » Transportation Infrastructure: Road transportation infrastructure is good throughout the county south of Clearwater, particularly for north-south travel. Commuting times don’t rank among the top 15 in Florida. The St. Petersburg-Clearwater airport lives in the shadow of the much larger Tampa International but has attracted several discount airlines and charter service providers. It’s unclear how a small general aviation airport, Albert Whitted, located in downtown St. Petersburg, may evolve in the transportation picture. St. Petersburg has a number of good public and private marinas; the city’s port, however, is a non-entity. |Largest Employers||Local employees| |Fidelity Information Services||4,000| |Home Shopping Network||4,000| |Raymond James Financial||2,600| |Tech Data Corp.||2,500| |Agora Marketing Solutions||1,800| |Western Reserve Life Assurance||1,500| |Franklin Templeton Investments||1,200| |Other notable firms include Sembler Co., a shopping center developer; Danka, a copier firm; insurer Mercury Group; and surgical equipment maker Bausch and Lomb.| The mayor’s office in St. Petersburg — under a strong mayor system — is non-partisan. Voters recently elected former City Councilman Bill Foster as mayor. The city has frequently butted heads with the county commission over various issues, including the city’s moves to annex a number of unincorporated areas. In the 2008 election, Barack Obama carried Pinellas County, considered to be the birthplace of the Republican Party in Florida, over John McCain 53% to 45%. As the county has grown less popular for Midwestern retirees, voter registration trends have shifted, and in 2008 registered Democrats outnumbered Republicans for the first time since the mid-1980s. » Ed Armstrong: Powerful real estate lawyer. Partner at Johnson, Pope, Bokor, Ruppel & Burns law firm. Adviser to local political leaders. » Lee Arnold: CEO and chairman of the board, Colliers Arnold » Rick Baker: Term-limited out of office as mayor but a mover in statewide GOP circles; heads the state’s Century Commission for a Sustainable Florida; leading contender to take over as president of St. Petersburg College after Carl Kuttler’s retirement. » Peter Betzer: Retired as dean of Graduate College of Marine Science, Betzer remains well-connected politically and active in economic development circles. » Roy Binger: The president of SunTrust for St. Petersburg serves on numerous boards. » Alan Bomstein: The Clearwater native is the founder of Creative Contractors and involved in numerous civic causes. » Gary Carnes: CEO of newly expanded All Children’s Hospital » Mike Cheezem: CEO of JMC Communities, developer of several high-profile condos in both Clearwater and downtown St. Petersburg, where he’s built two high-rises, Ovation and Florencia » George Cretekos: The Clearwater city councilman has worked closely with U.S. Rep. Bill Young as far back as 1971. » Goliath Davis: Former police chief and deputy mayor under former Mayor Rick Baker, Davis wields influence in the city’s African-American community and has been an instrumental player in Baker’s plans to revitalize St. Petersburg’s Midtown area. » Vincent Dolan: President and CEO of Progress Energy Florida » Holly Duncan: President of Morton Plant Mease Foundation » Robert Dutkowsky: CEO of computer distributor Tech Data, the biggest Florida-based public company, for the past three years » Ray Ferrara: President and CEO of Provise Management Group » Bill Foster: Newly elected St. Petersburg mayor » Frank Hibbard: Clearwater mayor » William Hough: The retired founder of investment firm William R. Hough & Co., which he sold to RBC Dain Rauscher in 2004, is a generous and devoted community benefactor. » Tom James/Paul Reilly: CEO of Raymond James Financial since 1970, James will become executive chairman when he hands off the CEO job to Reilly in May. » Larry Langebrake: Director of SRI International’s marine technology program » Darryl LeClair: CEO, president and chairman of developer Echelon International Corp., a real estate and financial services company, LeClair is active in numerous civic causes. » D.T. Minich: Executive director of Visit St. Petersburg/Clearwater » Judy Mitchell: President of Peter Brown Construction » Larry Morgan: Owns Honda, Toyota, Suzuki and Mitsubishi dealerships, a construction company and a company that makes mailboxes and signs. Former tire industry executive who started with one Clearwater store and grew his business to 600 stores in 25-plus states. » Irwin Novack: CEO of Kane’s Furniture; minority investor in Tampa Bay Lightning NHL hockey team » Grady Pridgen: Founder of Grady Pridgen Inc. » Steve Raymund: Former CEO of Tech Data, the state’s biggest public company, Raymund has retired but remains the company’s biggest individual shareholder. He is still active in civic affairs. » Darryl Rouson: Past president of the St. Petersburg NAACP, Rouson is an attorney and state representative. » Karen Seel: Chairs the Pinellas County Commission » Mel Sembler: Founder and chairman of retail developer Sembler Co.; former U.S. ambassador to Italy and Australia. Son Gregg, his wife, Liz, and son Brent, and his wife, Debbie, are all active in the business, political and philanthropic communities. » Craig Sher: Executive chairman of shopping center development and management firm Sembler Co. » Matt Silverman: President of the Tampa Bay Rays, Silverman is one of the youngest team presidents in the history of Major League Baseball. » Gus Stavros: Businessman, philanthropist, Florida Board of Governors member; founder of the Gus Stavros Institute, dedicated to educating students about the free enterprise system. » David Stone: President and CEO of Liberty Bank » Margaret Sullivan: Interim regional chancellor for USF-St. Petersburg’s campus, is a national leader in higher-ed administration. » Paul Tash: Chairman, CEO and editor of the St. Petersburg Times » Glenn Waters: President of Morton Plant » U.S. Rep. C.W. “Bill” Young: Former chairman and now ranking Republican on the House Appropriations Committee, Young steers massive sums of federal spending toward the Bay area and is perhaps the single most influential person in Tampa Bay. Gus Stavros [Photo: Michael Heape] Quality of Life Rendering: New Dali Museum in St. Petersburg » Museums: In addition to the Dali Museum, top-tier institutions include the Florida Holocaust Museum, the third-largest of its kind in the U.S., and the Museum of Fine Arts. Glass artist Dale Chihuly also plans an exhibition facility downtown. In addition, St. Petersburg is home to the Florida International Museum, which hosts major traveling exhibits, the Great Explorations children’s museum, St. Petersburg Museum of History and the Carter G. Woodson Museum, dedicated to the history of the local African-American population. The Clearwater Marine Aquarium offers educational programs and rehabilitates dolphins and other sea animals. Works of art by Joseph Goodhue Chandler at the Museum of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg » Arts: St. Petersburg and Clearwater share a number of performing arts venues, including Ruth Eckerd Hall, the Mahaffey Theater and the Palladium, a renovated former church that hosts smaller performances. The city is home to the Florida Orchestra and the American Stage professional theater group. There is an extremely lively local arts scene, with numerous galleries, studios and crafts stores along with a non-profit community arts organization, the Morean Arts Center. The Tampa Bay Rays have been playing in St. Petersburg for 11 years. [Photo: Lori Ballard] » Sports: The Tampa Bay Rays play at Tropicana Field in downtown St. Petersburg. Clearwater hosts the Philadelphia Phillies for spring training and a Phillies farm team, the Threshers, during the baseball season. » Parks: St. Petersburg has more than 2,300 acres of park land scattered among 137 sites. Most notable: The 245-acre Boyd Hill Nature Preserve is just minutes from downtown. In addition, the city is the southern terminus for the Pinellas Trail, said to be the longest urban trail in the country, which runs north for some 35-plus miles through downtown Clearwater up to Tarpon Springs. The beaches of Fort DeSoto Park consistently rate as the best in the state. St. Petersburg is noted for its acres of public parkland along the water downtown. Clearwater lays claim to Caladesi Island State Park, one of the few completely natural islands along Florida’s Gulf Coast; Coachman Park, home of the annual Clearwater Jazz Holiday; and Sand Key Park, a 95-acre a barrier island. The Pinellas Trail » Crime: Pinellas County’s crime rate of 5,123 crimes per 100,000 population place it seventh among Florida’s counties. Crime increased by nearly 4% from 2007 to 2008, with the increases concentrated in burglaries, larcenies and robberies. Murder, rape, auto theft and assault all declined. Violent crimes as a group fell by 5.4%. » Education: St. Petersburg College, formerly a junior college, was the first in the state to be allowed to give four-year degrees and under now-retired President Carl Kuttler has been a leader in innovative programs and collaborative efforts with other schools. Eckerd College is a private, liberal arts school with about 1,800 students from 45 states and 35 countries. The school, located on the waterfront, also conducts degree programs for adult learners and continuing education for retired professionals. The University of South Florida — separately accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools— has a 4,000-student campus near downtown St. Petersburg. It recently opened a new science building and central courtyard. Stetson University’s well-regarded law school is in nearby Gulfport. Pinellas County, the state’s seventh-largest K-12 district, is well-regarded for its International Baccalaureate program, the state’s oldest, and for its magnet program, which includes the Center for Advanced Technologies. Overall, the district’s schools are “B” rated, and the district has improved its graduation rates in recent years from significantly below the state average to slightly above it. Among the district’s high schools, eight of 17 earned D’s, and one earned an F last year under the state’s grading formula. The schools spend more on administration than almost every other large district in Florida. Former St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Baker started a program pairing each school in the city with a local business, which helped the school with resources and programming. » Public Health: Among the statistically significant trends identified as getting worse by the Florida Department of Health are the death rate from unintentional injuries; the rate of infectious syphilis; hospitalization and death rates from diabetes; and the hospitalization rate from asthma. Among the trends identified as improving are coronary- and stroke-related hospitalizations and death rates; the incidence and death rate from colorectal cancer; the death rate from breast cancer and prostate cancer; the death rate from HIV/AIDS; and the incidence of domestic violence. » Government: Both St. Petersburg and Clearwater governments were cited for a number of innovative practices by Florida TaxWatch in 2008. St. Petersburg’s Neighborhood Team has helped more than 2,500 poor and elderly homeowners bring their houses up to code, for example. Clearwater has a similar program and was cited by TaxWatch for a floodplain restoration program. » Taxes: Pinellas County ranks 29th in Florida in county taxes levied per capita. Median real estate taxes paid are $1,623 (compared with $2,113 in Hillsborough, $2,076 in Orange and $2,748 in Miami-Dade). The median value of an owner-occupied home is $201,300. StrengthS & Weaknesses » Biggest strengths » Clearwater — World-class beaches; Phillies spring training facilities; Minor League baseball team, Clearwater Threshers; the city’s key business leaders have a long track record of working together for 20-plus years. » Biggest needs » Clearwater — City officials are working hard to redevelop downtown, which is surrounded mostly by lower middle-class neighborhoods, except for Harbor Oaks to the south; Scientology’s presence has deterred private-sector development downtown since mid-1970s; no first-run movie theater complex in the city. » View from a Competitor Florida Trend asked an economic development professional in a market that competes with Clearwater/St. Petersburg to assess the city’s strengths and weaknesses: » Weaknesses: Many community leaders across the bay from Tampa have a lingering identity crisis. This is also true for many business and government leaders. If St. Petersburg/Clearwater is to be a breakaway region, it needs to exploit its proximity to Tampa, viewing those living and working across the bay as fellow inhabitants, thriving in one of the most powerful economic regions in America. The area has the opportunity to position itself as a place that honors tradition and invites innovation when it comes to its urban infrastructure, its leisure and lifestyle amenities, its neighborhoods and its civic architecture. Confidently reaching across the bay means that St. Petersburg/Clearwater is ready to reach for a better future, successfully completing and complementing the entire Tampa Bay region. Why I Live Here Katie Everlove-Stone with daughter Ellie Stone I was born and raised in St. Petersburg and continue to live here now. The thing I love most about St. Pete is the fantastic open spaces. Fort DeSoto and the park on Beach Drive in downtown are my favorites. St. Pete also has a ton of outdoor events, like the Saturday morning market, the Mainsail Art Festival and RibFest. — Katie Everlove-Stone
A Whole New Way to Go 3D - Zebra Imaging Partners with Autodesk A Whole New Way to Go 3D - Zebra Imaging to Partner with Autodesk (Austin, Texas) Zebra Imaging, Inc., the world’s foremost provider of 3D holographic displays and visualization technologies, announced today that the company is launching a new Web GL integration service that will be available on the Autodesk 123Dapp.com website. The integration will allow 123D users to seamlessly print a 3D holographic display from a 3D model. The relationship further strengthens both Zebra Imaging’s and Autodesk’s commitment to providing 3D design and fabrication tools across the globe. This partnership extends holographic prints as a new medium for 3D modelers to share their designs. The Autodesk 123D family of apps provides users with the ability to capture, design and make their ideas in 3D, and connect with others for support and inspiration. Zebra Imaging will now be part of that inspiration as a featured Fabrication Partner, offering users the ability to print their creations in a true 3D hologram, also known as a ZScape® 3D Holographic Print. “With our technology and 3D print services, 3D data can be brought out of the computer and into the consumer 3D display market at an affordable price. The partnership is about inspiring creativity and new approaches for visualizing in 3D.,” says Brian Hill, GM Zebra Imaging Print Division. Zebra’s holographic prints are an alternative to traditional 3D printing services. Where traditional 3D printing companies produce a physical model of 3D data, 3D holographic prints are an actual 3D print, a product that looks like a digital film photograph, only when illuminated with a light source, the image appears to float above the surface and can be viewed in 3D without glasses. Zebra Imaging created an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) so users of the 123D website can simply choose a 3D model from the Gallery or print their own 3D model direct through the web for holographic print production. Users of the 123D Catch app can actually create 3D models from photos taken with their iPad or iPhone. The integration makes it seamless for users of the 123D site to print their photos in 3D holograms. “The main component of a Zebra Imaging hologram is 3D data. Our prints create a compelling 3D visual experience unlike anything you have seen. The development of the Autodesk 123D family of apps provides the tools for mass user generated 3D content and extends hologram creation capabilities across the globe,” says Hill. “The possibilities are endless.” The initial product offering for 123D users will be an 8 x 10 color or monochrome(Green) holographic print with a light source starting at $99. Users will be able to order larger sizes in the future. About Zebra Imaging Zebra Imaging, Inc. designs, develops and manufactures state-of-the-art 3D holographic displays for a variety of 3D visualization applications. For additional information please visit www.zebraimaging.com Media Contact: Eric Doane Edoane@zebraimaging.com (512)583-1377 Click here for the full article. © Zebra Imaging 2013
The Essential Guide to Thrifting and Upcycling - How Much Does It Really Save You? What Are The Best Methods? Being responsible about personal finance occasionally means saying ‘no’ to dreamy home furnishings. Our home décor allowance is often the first thing to be cutback when times call for strict budgeting. No doubt about it, living within your means is essential and responsible. But, don't fret! There are savvy solutions to keep your home from becoming stylishly dull when you’re on a money diet. Thrifting and upcycling are effective methods of shopping smart and staying within your financial plan while maintaining a home you can be proud of. ‘Thrifting’ consists of shopping at thrift stores that sell secondhand household goods, many of which raise funds for charitable causes. Shopping at your local thrift shop can be a surprising treasure hunt of home goods fitting your needs and your financial plan. It’s usually best to go thrift shopping for decorative items like antique dishware, affordable artwork or classic posters, lamps, vases or even accent tables and dressers. Some pieces are great in their current condition and others can be repurposed into fantastic furniture with an inexpensive investment. Sometimes, you don’t even have to step foot in a store to revamp your space. Doing a little ‘upcycling’ – taking an item you already own and making it better – is all some home goods need. Upcycling can consist of either upgrading or recycling a piece. Use a few strokes of primer paint, a coat of a fresh new color you already own and a piece can look totally different without a penny spent! Sticking to a $50 and under budget allows you to buy new fabric, paint or other accessories that can help breathe new life into objects you already own. It’s cost-effective, plus is an opportunity for DIY fun, too! Recycle your home goods, by swapping out furniture from different rooms. Switch the throw pillows in your living room with the ones in your den. Bring the mirror from the foyer into your bedroom. It’s an instant new look that’s easy to change around for a $0 budget. Follow these 10 Dos and Don'ts for best thrifting and upcycling methods to stay on the path of mindful spending: Before you go thrifting or start upcycling, consider your home’s décor priorities. You don’t want to put time and money into a project then realize another area needed more attention. Estimate the price of a project before you get started and consider your budget and primary concerns. Don’t Thrift For Appliances Home appliances such as blenders, toasters, and juicers should stay off of your thrifting wish list. While it’s tempting to want to save big on electrical appliances, they’re often times not cleaned prior to being donated to thrift stores. Also, they’re electrical wiring may not work once you purchase it. Do Look for Inspiration Check out your favorite Pinterest boards and new items from your preferred retailers. See a table you want to get your hands on? Learn how to do a knock-off with the table you already own or can afford at the thrift store. Do your digging on popular DIY blogs for everything you need to know to be savvy yet stylish and do an upcycling job you can be proud of. Don’t Try To Be Perfect DIYing your own creation is a risk and a learning experience—don’t expect a perfect final product. Imperfection adds that personal flair to your furniture. Don’t sweat the small stuff when upcycling! Do Shop Your Home Before racing to the store, take a tour around your house and do a quick inventory of items and areas you love or are tired of. A look around can help you easily evaluate how much you already own, the best ways to distribute and decorate with those pieces and what items or rooms do need some upcycling or thrifting. Don’t Focus on Unrecoverable Items Some items just don’t have ‘good bones’ to begin with. It’s best not to put too much time and money into furniture that can easily fall apart. If the joints and the structure of furniture isn’t strong enough for longevity, don’t invest in repurposing this item. Do Have a Plan Research your local thrift stores and learn if they have any half-price days or discounts on certain items, or special bargains for families and seniors. Set this groundwork and also establish your spending limits. Deciding how much you’re willing (and able) to spend in a certain store or on a certain day helps perspective on your outing. Don’t Be Tempted It’s easy to be tempted by the amazing prices in bargain shops. Stick to your plan and evaluate if you really do need that item. Ask yourself if you already own something similar. Do Take Your Time Before purchasing an item, be sure to take your time and have a good look at it. Poke around and make sure that it’s really in good in shape and doesn’t have any hidden stains or tears that can’t be fixed. Don’t Delay Too Long If it’s a good find, don’t wait too long to purchase it. A strong piece will more than likely be picked up by another shopper if you leave it there for too long. Quality items don’t last long at thrift stores so be sure to check back often and jump on an incredible find once you’ve given it a good look over. Photo Credit: Getty Images
March 26th, 2008, 04:14 PM My puppy-well she turned one a week ago today, has always scratched a lot. I thought it might be fleas so we did flea shampoo, but I don't see fleas on her when I look. Not enough to cause what her skin looks like. I'm wondering if this is just sensitive skin or if I should take her to the vet. We have another dog who exhibits none of the same symptoms. This is mainly in her girly area...so I'm not trying to do doggie porn with the pics but I thought it might help if you could see the pics. Any advice would be greatly appriciated... Edit...having issues....look for the pics in a few minutes.... March 26th, 2008, 06:45 PM It is very common for female puppies to have vaginitis. This is inflammation of the vulva and surrounding area. It can be caused by sensitivity to urine. Usually just keeping the area clean with warm washcloth and using neosporin will keep this manageable. If the rash is anywhere else or gets worse, then absolutely, bring her to a vet asap. You may just want to run her by anyways as pictures alone are not as good as a live exam. A note on topical antibiotics - common question if it will be harmful if licked. Most triple antibiotics creams are safe in the amounts that are normally applied to an area. Also most topical creams are designed so that the active ingredient is absorbed into the skin within 10-15 minutes. What is left over is usually just the carrying agent which is similar to vaseline. March 26th, 2008, 07:12 PM Thanks Dr. Lee. I know she's had one heat cycle so far, at least I'm assuming that's what it was. We haven't had her spayed yet but she does belong to my parents so i'm working at getting them to allow it. The spots are localized to this area, but in general it does seem that she has dry skin and always appears dandruffy. She's black so it shows up pretty well. It does seem like her skin is a little red at the joint on her front legs, don't know what it's called but it would be the opposite side of the elbow for a human. I think I'll try and do the warm water and neosporin for a few days and if it still doesn't seem to clear we'll go off to the vet. March 26th, 2008, 07:29 PM The redness next to the elbows - usually pressure sores - 'normal callus' formation. For convincing your parents on spaying - some information may help out. Dogs get breast cancer more commonly than people. Before their first heat their risk of breast cancer is 0.05%, after one heat cycle it will increase to 8% and by the time they are 2 years of age it will be 26%! Spaying early can help prevent cancer later! Good luck and take care!:pawprint:
2005 Gmc K3500 Dually Crew Cab Slt 4x4 Leather 6.6l Duramax Diesel Allison Auto on 2040cars Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States For Sale By:Dealer Body Type:Pickup Truck Cab Type (For Trucks Only): Crew Cab Warranty: Vehicle has an existing warranty Model: Sierra 3500 Options: Leather Seats Sub Model: SLT 4x4 Safety Features: Anti-Lock Brakes Exterior Color: Green Power Options: Power Windows Interior Color: Gray Number of Cylinders: 8 Vehicle Inspection: Inspected (include details in your description) Condition: Used: A vehicle is considered used if it has been registered and issued a title. Used vehicles have had at least one previous owner. The condition of the exterior, interior and engine can vary depending on the vehicle's history. See the seller's listing for full details and description of any imperfections. ... GMC Sierra 3500 for Sale Auto Services in Virginia Auto Repair & Service, Automobile Body Repairing & Painting, Truck Body Repair & Painting Address: 9868 Highway 119 N, Pound Phone: (606) 832-2750 Auto Repair & Service Phone: (703) 883-7200 Auto Repair & Service, Auto Oil & Lube, Auto Transmission Address: 101 S 15th Ave, Hopewell Phone: (804) 458-0294 Auto Repair & Service, Towing Address: 675 W Lee Hwy, Wytheville Phone: (276) 617-2270 Auto Repair & Service, New Car Dealers, Used Car Dealers Address: 95 Garrisonville Rd, Ruby Phone: (888) 607-9714 Auto Repair & Service, Automotive Roadside Service, Locks & Locksmiths Address: 130 Bollingbrook St, Ettrick Phone: (804) 704-0634 Fri, 08 Jun 2012 18:59:00 EST The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is evidently keeping itself very busy these days, as the federal agency has just announced it is launching or renewing investigations into Toyota, Honda and General Motors crossovers. Tue, 17 Jun 2014 14:01:00 EST 2006-2008 model year Toyota RAV4 crossovers are under review for allegations of rear tie-rod rust which can result in failure. NHTSA also said it is probing some 35 complaints about 2005 Honda Pilot models with inappropriate activation of the vehicles' stability control system. The alleged malfunction can cause the vehicles to slow down or stop in bad unsafe situations. At the moment, NHTSA is reviewing a petition regarding the Pilot issue, a move that will determine whether it needs to open a full-blown investigation. In addition, Saturn Outlook and GMC Acadia three-row crossovers built in 2007-2009 are getting looked at for "loss of low beam headlamp" function. One complainant said the wiring in his Outlook overheated and melted. NHTSA says it has received 415 complaints about the problem and a GM spokesman confirmed that the automaker already started a "Customer Satisfaction Program" in December to address the issue. In recent years, there have been a lot of dire pronouncements made about Lincoln's future, or a lack thereof. But Ford's premium marque is like the Rocky Balboa of the auto business; every time the company seems ready to go, it comes back for more. Apparently, that dogged persistence is paying off, because the industry analysts at AutoPacific have put a big check in their win column with their newly released 2014 model year vehicle satisfaction survey. And despite recent enmity for its seemingly never-ending recall saga, it appears General Motors knows how to satisfy new owners, too. Wed, 12 Sep 2012 14:00:00 EST In fact, not only was Lincoln named as the premium brand with the highest new owner satisfaction, even scored three models on the list of passenger cars with the most gratified buyers - the MKS, MKZ and MKZ Hybrid. GM's stable of brands was also among the top companies in this year's survey. GMC was named the top popular brand by AutoPacific, with its Sierra pickup and Acadia crossover singled out for awards in their segments. Chevrolet also did incredibly well, with more cars on the list than any other brand. The Corvette, Camaro, Sonic and Impala all made the cut in their respective categories. For those who are interested in the reworked 2013 GMC Acadia, we now know how much you can look forward to forking over. Base MSRP for the 2013 version of the full-size, three-row crossover has been set at $34,875 (*not including a $825 destination charge). If you are interested in the range-topping Denali trim, be prepared to pay $46,770. The 2013 Acadia will come standard with a backup camera, leather-wrapped steering wheel, USB port and recycled visuals from the now-dead Saturn Outlook. Upping to the Denali trim gets you a head-up display, blind spot monitoring system and GMC's new Rear Cross Traffic Alert system. According to GMC, most trims will also receive IntelliLink connectivity as standard equipment. The Acadia will also get the industry's first front-center airbag, an innovation it shares with other Lambda-based crossovers like the refreshed 2013 Buick Enclave. The idea behind the new tube-shaped airbag is that it can provide a buffer between driver and front seat passenger in the event of an impact, or better hold the driver in place if he or she is alone.
Platanista gangetica (Roxburgh, English: South Asian river dolphin, Ganges river dolphin, susu (P. g. gangetica) and Indus river dolphin, bhulan (P. German: Ganges-Delphin, Indus-Delphin Spanish: Delfín del río Ganges, Delfín del French: Plataniste du Gange, Plataniste de l'Indus Platanista gangetica © Wurtz-Artescienza The body of the South Asian river dolphin is subtle and robust, attenuating behind the dorsal fin to a narrow tail stock. The colouration is grey all over and becomes blotchy with age. The snout is long and widens at the tip, resembling a forceps. In females, the snout is generally longer and may curve upwards and to one side. The eyes are extremely small, resembling pinhole openings slightly above the mouth. The dorsal fin is a low triangular hump. The broad flippers have a crenellated margin, with visible hand and arm bones. The flukes are also broad. Males are smaller than females, with 210 and 250 cm, respectively (Smith, 2002). Body mass can reach at least 85 kg (Jefferson et al. 2008). The Indus and Ganges populations were long regarded as identical until Pilleri and Gihr (1971) divided them into two species, but Kasuya (1972) reduced the two taxa to subspecies of a single species. This is supported by the results of Yang and Zhou (1999), who found that the difference between cytochrome-b sequences of Ganges and Indus river dolphins was very small. According to Rice (1998, and refs. therin) even up until historical times there was probably sporadic faunal exchange between the Indus and Ganges drainages by way of head-stream capture on the low Indo-Gangetic plains, between the Sutlej (Indus) and Yamuna (Ganges) rivers. Current main distribution of P. gangetica in the Indus and Chenab Rivers and the Ganges- Brahmaputra river system (Smith and Braulik, 2008; © IUCN; Susus and bhulans live exclusively in freshwater. One conservative current view is that there are two disjunct subspecies, but this view is controversial (Jefferson et al. 2008) and further research is needed to establish the true relationship between these two populations: P. g. minor Owen, 1853: formerly ranged in the Indus River and its tributaries, the Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, and Sutlej rivers, of Pakistan and India, from tidal limits to the foothills (Rice, 1998). The range is now limited to the mainstream in areas located between barrages (Reeves and Chaudry, 1998). A small population has recently been discovered in a 60 km stretch of the River Beas in Punjab, northern India in 2008 (WWF, 2009) P. g. gangetica: Formerly distributed throughout the Ganges-Brahmaputra river system of India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and possibly Sikkim and Bhutan, below an elevation of about 250 m. In the Ganges valley it ranges into most of the major affluents, including some of their tributaries: the Son, Yamuna, Sind, Chain-bal, Rainganga, Gumti, Ghaghara, Rapti, Gandak, Baginati, Ghugri, Kosi, Kankai, and Atrai rivers. In the Brahmaputra valley it also ranges into many of the major tributaries: the Tista, Gadadhar, Champamat, Manas, Bhareli, Ranga, Dihang, Dibang, Lohit, Disang, Dikho, and Kapili rivers. Downstream it ranges through most of the larger tributaries between the Hugh and Meghna rivers, as far as the tidal limits at the mouths of the Ganges. Also reported from the Fenny, Karnafuli, and perhaps the Sangu, rivers to the southeast of the mouths of the Ganges (Rice, 1998). Ganges River dolphins live not only in the main channels, but also during the flood season, in seasonal tributaries, and the flooded lowlands (Jefferson et al. 1993). The distribution is said to be restricted only by the lack of water and by rocky barriers 3. Population size Indus: A survey conducted in 2001 (Choudhary et al. 2006) covered 1.375 km of the Indus River main channel, 136 km of Indus River secondary channels, and 24 km of the Panjnad River, a tributary of the Indus. The resulting abundance estimate was 965 dolphins. Dolphins occurred in five subpopulations separated by irrigation barrages. The three largest subpopulations were estimated between Chashma and Taunsa Barrages (84 dolphins; 0.28/km), Taunsa and Guddu Barrages (259 dolphins; 0.74/km) and Guddu and Sukkur Barrages (602 dolphins; 3.60/km). Reasons suggested for the high encounter rate between Guddu and Sukkur Barrages include high carrying capacity, low levels of anthropogenic threat, effective conservation, and augmentation of the subpopulation by downstream migration of dolphins from upstream (Choudhary et al. 2006). A few scattered individuals may still occur upstream of the Chasma barrage in the Indus (Smith, 2000 and refs. therein). In 2008, a small population of 10-15 dolphins has been discovered in India, in a 60 km stretch of the River Beas (WWF, 2009). This lies in the drainage of the Indus, but upstream of a lake formed by Beas Dam, in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. The population is separated from conspecifics of the main population occurring downstream in Pakistan by the Beas Dam and further downstream by yet another barrage (Bill Perrin, pers. comm. 2010). Low numbers may also occur downstream of the Trimmu, Sidhnai, and Pandjnad barrages in the Chenab, Ravi, and Sutlej rivers, respectively (Smith, 2000 and refs. therein). Extrapolation of encounter rates to unsurveyed channels and application of a correction factor to account for missed dolphins indicates that the metapopulation may number approximately 1,200 individuals (Choudhary et al. 2006). This compares well to the latest survey conducted in Pakistan by WWF-Pakistan and the Ministry of Environment, estimating the minimum population of Indus River dolphins at 1,341 animals (WWF, 2009). Current estimates are higher than those from 1996: in the Sindh Dolphin Reserve between the Guddu and Sukkur barrages 458 individuals were counted in 1996, between Taunsa and Guddu barrages 143 individuals; between the Chasma and Taunsa barrages 39 individuals (Smith, 2000, and refs. therein). Reeves (1998, in Smith, 2000) interpreted the counts reported in 1996 to indicate a total of approximately 600-700 individuals for the subspecies as a whole, about half the current Ganges: A recent survey conducted by WWF-India and its partners in the entire distribution range in the Ganges and Brahmaputra river system - around 6,000 km - identified fewer than 2,000 individuals in India (WWF, 2009). This count compares well with the estimate of Mohan et al. (1997). In mangrove channels of the Sundarbans Delta in Bangladesh, data analysis using two different models resulted in 196 individuals (CV = 12.7%) and 225 individuals (CV = 12.6%), respectively (Smith et al. 2006). In the past there were fewer than 100 dolphins in Nepal, with the group of about 20 in the Karnali River above Chisapani being the largest single concentration (Jones, 1982; Reeves and Brownell, 1989). Two detailed accounts have recently been published: In the Brahmaputra River between the Assam-Arunachal Pradesh border to the India- Bangladesh border (856 km) a population assessment conducted in 2005 yielded an estimate of 197 animals. Encounter rate was low with 0.23 dolphins per km (Wakid, 2009). This is less than 50% of a former estimate of 400 between South Salmara and Sadiya (Mohan et al. 1997). In the Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Sanctuary, a ca. 60 km long segment of the middle Ganges River in Bihar, India, the mean number of dolphins recorded between 2001 and 2003 during upstream surveys was 119.4 (SD 31.8; range 88-174), with an encounter rate of 1.8 dolphins km² (range 1.4-2.8) (Choudhary et al. 2006). 4. Biology and Behaviour Habitat: This species is exclusively riverine. Relatively high densities of dolphins are found at sites where rivers join or just downstream of shallow stretches, in areas where the current is relatively weak, off the mouths of irrigation canals, and near villages and ferry routes. In the Indus, about 40-45% of the dolphin population is found at junctions of tributaries with the mainstream, at least during the dry season, presumably being attracted to these areas by concentrations of prey (Reeves and Brownell, 1989, and In the river basins in India, the Ganges river dolphin is present mostly in plains where the rivers run slowly. This seems to be opposite to the habitat observed in Nepal, where the dolphin can be found in relatively clear waters and rapids. In both areas, however, there is a preference for deep waters (Reyes, 1991, and refs. therein). Primary habitats are characterised by an eddy counter-current system in the main river flow caused by a fine sand/silt point bar formed from sediment deposits of a convergent stream branch or tributary. Marginal habitats are characterised by a smaller eddy counter-current system caused by an upstream meander. Dolphins concentrate in locations of high prey availability and reduced flow (Smith 1993). South Asian river dolphins have been found in water as cold as 8°C and as warm as 33°C (Reeves and Brownell, 1989 and refs. therein). In the Bramaputra River, the number of dolphins occurring in different depths was found to be significantly different and the highest number was found in depths of 4.1- 6 m (Wakid, 2009). In the Sundarbans mangrove forest of Bangladesh, Ganges River dolphin distribution was conditionally dependent on low salinity, high turbidity, and moderate depth during both low and high freshwater flow. Animals prefer wide sinuous channels with at least two small confluences or one large confluence (Smith et al. 2009). Schooling: South Asian river dolphins are not usually considered gregarious. In one of the few quantitative studies of group size, it was found that 90% of the groups and 80.4% of the total dolphins observed during the dry season in the Meghna and Jamuna Rivers of Bangladesh were solitary individuals. However, other investigators reported groups of up to 25 individuals near ferryboats in the Indus River, or as many as 25-30 dolphins in a 1-km stretch of river (Reeves and Brownell, 1989, and refs. therein). Reproduction: Calving apparently can occur at any time of the year, but there may be peaks in December to January and March to May. Newborn calves have been observed mainly in April and May. Calves are weaned within one year of birth (Jefferson et al. 2008). Gestation lasts 10.5 months (Reidenberg and Laitman, 2009). Food: South Asian river dolphins feed on several species of fish, invertebrates, and possibly turtles and birds. They do much of their feeding at or near the bottom, echolocating and swimming on one side (Reeves and Brownell, 1989; Jefferson et al. 1993). The long beak is possibly an adaptation for extracting prey from crevasses or buried in soft sediment. The marked seasonal changes in susu distribution and density over much of its range are due, at least in large part, to fluctuations in water levels. During the dry season from October to April, many dolphins leave the tributaries of the Ganges - Brahmaputra systems and congregate in the main channels, only to return to the tributaries the following rainy season. They may become isolated in pools and river branches during the dry season (Reeves and Brownell, 1989). Observations in Nepal show that susus' move in and out of tributaries of the Gandaki, Koshi, and Karnali systems during high water seasons, probably spending lower-water seasons in deep pools of the tributaries. In the main rivers, a decrease in abundance during the summer would confirm a seasonal pattern of migration (Shrestha, 1989, in Reyes, Direct catch: Oil extracted from blubber of the Ganges River dolphin is used as a fish attractant in India and Bangladesh. This oil fishery is associated with the mortality of hundreds of dolphins every year. Whereas the hunting of river dolphins is now banned in Pakistan, poaching presumably still occurs occasionally (IWC, 2000). Although deliberate killing is believed to have declined in most areas, it presumably still occurs in the middle Ganges near Patna, India, in the Kaini-Kushiyara River of Bangladesh, and in the upper reaches of the Brahmaputra River in Assam, India (Mohan et al. 1997). In Assam, they are also killed for their meat (IWC, 2000). Fish oil was repeatedly suggested as a substitute for susu oil (Mohan and Kunhi, 1996; Bairagi, 1999) and shown to have a better attractant effect on target species (Sinha, 2002). Indus: Incidents of accidental killing and observations of dolphin carcasses and products are documented in Reeves et al. (1991) and Reeves and Chaudhry (1998). Little detailed information is available, but the level of take is not thought to be high, even though the Indus river dolphin is vulnerable to gillnets. Permanent losses from the population also occur when animals swim into irrigation channels. Since 1992 there have been reports of one or two dolphins becoming trapped in these channels annually, but then were recorded in the winter of 1999/2000 (IWC, 2000). Ganges: Accidental killing is a severe problem for Ganges River dolphins throughout most of their range. The primary cause is believed to be entanglement in fishing gear, most often nylon gillnets. Ganges River dolphins may be particularly vulnerable to entanglement in gillnets because their preferred habitat is often in the same location as primary fishing grounds. No rigorous estimates of dolphin mortality have been published but the problem of accidental killing is expected to worsen as the demand for fish and for fishing employment increases (IWC, 2000 and refs. therein; Mansur et al. 2008). Dolphins may also become entangled in long-line fishing gear very similar to the rolling hooks used in the Yangtze River that have been cited as among the primary factors contributing to the probable extinction of the baiji (Lipotes vexillifer) (Mansur et Gill net encounter rate in the Ganges River is significantly different in different stretches of the river with maximum encounter rate recorded from Goalpara to Dhubri. Accidental killing through gill net and poaching of dolphin for oil are the most dangerous threats to the survival of these dolphins. Close monitoring of dolphins and their habitats involving local communities are required for long term conservation of the species in the Brahmaputra River (Choudhary et al. 2006). Deliberate killing: It has been suggested that some fishermen see Ganges river dolphins as rivals that scare away the fish or tear the fish from the nets. For this reason, the fishermen would scare the dolphins into the nets to kill them. This, however, is unlikely because the high cost in repairing the nets would not be compensated by selling the entire dolphin or its products (Reyes, 1991 and refs. therein). Indus: Pollution may be affecting the viability of the species, especially considering the decline in the flushing effect of moving water above barrages. Mercury and arsenic concentrations sampled from fish above the Guddu Barrage were high. Massive fish kills have apparently become common from industrial pollution in urban areas and the use of pesticides in the irrigated crops grown along the riverbank (IWC, 2000 and refs. therein). Ganges: Pollution by fertilisers, pesticides, and industrial and domestic effluents is dramatic in the Ganges River: about 1.15 million metric tons of chemical fertilisers and about 2,600 tons of pesticides were dumped annually to the river system. Industrial effluents are also a source of increasing pollution in Nepal. The effects of pollutants may be considered deleterious to dolphin populations (Reyes, 1991, and refs. therein; Subramaian et al. 1999). Senthilkumar et al. (1999) determined concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), chlordane compounds, and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in river dolphin blubber and prey fishes collected during 1993 through 1996. Comparison of organochlorine concentrations with values reported for samples analysed during 1988 through 1992 suggested that the contamination by these compounds has increased in the river and persists (Kumari et al. 2002). Kannan et al. (1997) determined concentrations of butyltin compounds in dolphin, fish, invertebrates and sediment collected from the River Ganges. Total level in dolphin tissues was up to 2,000-ng/g wet wt, which was about 5-10 times higher than in their diet. The biomagnification factor for butyltins in river dolphin from its food was in the range 0.2-7.5. Butyltin concentrations in Ganges river organisms were higher than those reported for several persistent organochlorine compounds. Discharge of untreated domestic sewage was one of the major sources. River dolphins may be particularly vulnerable to industrial pollution because their habitat in counter-current pools downstream of confluences and sharp meanders often places them in close proximity to point sources in major urban areas (e.g. Allahabad, Varanasi, Patna, Calcutta, and Dhaka). Furthermore, the capacity of rivers to dilute pollutants has been drastically reduced in many areas because of upstream water abstraction (IWC, 2000). Indus: According to the Scientific Committee of the IWC (2000) the dramatic decline in the range of the species, from the historical distribution of approximately 3,500km of river length to a range of less than 700km of river length (Reeves et al. 1991) occurred presumably after the mainstem and major tributaries were segmented by three main barrages completed at Sukkur in 1932, at Kotri in 1955, and at Guddu in 1969. The greatly reduced volume of water, particularly downstream of Sukkur Barrage, caused the dolphins' dry-season range to shrink. Subpopulations on either side of barrages are now isolated and thus are more vulnerable to extirpation by hunting or environmental change (Reeves and Brownell, 1989). Due to water abstraction, the Indus river becomes virtually dry in several places in the low-water season, especially downstream of the Sukkur Barrage, thereby eliminating suitable habitat in the lower reaches. The greatest threat to the survival of the Indus bhulan is probably the continuing decline in water supply due to the construction of new diversion structures (e.g. Ghazi-Gariala (Barotha) Dam in the upper Indus) and from increasing extraction from aquifers. Increasing human populations and both industrial and agricultural development in the area immediately surrounding this dolphin's range will inevitably lead to even greater habitat loss or damage (IWC, 2000). For Nepal, Smith et al. (1996) and Sinha et al (2000) warn that in the Karnali and Narayani river basins aquatic species are threatened with local extinction from the effects of habitat degradation, segregation of breeding groups by downstream barrages, incidental catches during fishing operations and declines in prey fish populations. There has been a dramatic decline in the extent of occurrence of Ganges susus, as well as in the quality of their habitat, especially in the Ganges river basin (IWC, 2000). This decline has been related to the construction, since the late 1950's, of an extensive network of barrages. The species is severely fragmented and additional barrages continue to be built (e.g. Kanpur barrage on the Ganges mainstem). Construction of dams for hydroelectric development and irrigation in the Ganges system has divided dolphin populations into small isolated subpopulations, preventing migrations and reducing food availability. The population above the Kaptai dam in the Karnaphuli River disappeared over a period of 6 or 7 years after the completion of the dam. The diversion of water for irrigation caused high fluctuations in the water flow, reducing suitable habitats for the dolphins. Similar effects are expected with dolphin populations in the Karnali River in Nepal, in addition to erosion of banks and changes in river beds, as a result of deforestation and mining. Heavy river traffic is increasing drastically in both India and Nepal, and this may result in habitat restriction and changes in feeding behaviour (Reyes, 1991 and refs. therein). The population of the Padma River system was said to be "fast declining" due to the construction of the Farakka Barrage (Reeves and Brownell, 1989). Mohan et al. (1998) observed a land-locked susu population in the Kulsi river, a southern tributary of the Brahmaputra. Its number has come down from 24 animals in 1992 to 12 in 1995. Large scale sand extraction and operation of fishing gear hazardous to the dolphins were the main causes for the decline. In addition to fragmenting dolphin populations, dams and barrages degrade downstream habitat and create reservoirs with high sedimentation and altered assemblages of fish and invertebrate species (IWC,2000). Luxuriant growth of macrophytes and excessive siltation have eliminated suitable habitat immediately above the Farakka-Barrage. The insufficiency of water release downstream of the barrage has eliminated dry-season habitat for more than 300 km, or until the Ganges (Padma)-Brahmaputra confluence (Smith et al.,1998) and resulted in salt water intruding an additional 160 km into the Sundarbans Delta, further decreasing the amount of suitable habitat for this obligate freshwater species. Consequently, in Bangladesh Susu's are also threatened from the effects of dams, large embankment schemes, dredging, fisheries bycatch, directed hunting, and water pollution (Smith et al. 1998). Other sources of habitat degradation include dredging (Smith et al. 1998) and the removal of stones, sand (Mohan et al. 1998), and woody debris (Smith, 1993). These activities threaten the ecological integrity of the riverine environments, especially in small tributaries where suitable habitat is more confined and therefore more vulnerable to local sources of degradation. Suitable habitat is also threatened by water abstraction from surface pumps and tube wells, especially in the Ganges where the mean dry-season water depth has been dramatically reduced in recent years. The long-term implications of the reduction of dry-season flows in the Ganges are catastrophic for the survival of susus. New projects that divert dry-season flow, such as the Kanpur barrage in the upper Ganges, continue to be constructed (IWC, 2000, and refs. therein). Range states (Smith and Braulik, 2008): Bangladesh; India; Nepal; Pakistan P. gangetica is listed in Appendix I of CITES and the subspecies P. gangetica gangetica is listed in Appendix II of CMS. The IUCN considers the species as "Endangered" (Smith and Braulik, 2008). This is based on the diversity of ongoing threats, the fragmentation of the populations, the small size of the populations and the ongoing decrease in numbers. A small subpopulation of the subspecies P. g. minor was recently also found in India, but exchange with the main populations in Pakistan is hampered by a series of dams and barrages. The conservation of this isolated population in India should be a matter of priority. The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) considers P. gangetica as one of the most endangered small cetaceans world wide (WWF, 2009). · Bairagi SP (1999) Oil bait fishery of catfishes in Brahmaputra River affecting river dolphin populations in Assam, India. J Bombay Nat Hist Soc 96: 424-426. · Choudhary SK, Smith BD, Dey S, Dey S, Prakash S (2006) Conservation and biomonitoring in the Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Sanctuary, Bihar, India. Oryx 40: 189-197. · IWC Scientific Committee (2000) Report of the Scientific Sub-Committee on Small Cetaceans, 2000. IWC, Cambridge, UK. · Jefferson TA, Leatherwood S, Webber MA (1993) FAO Species identification guide. Marine mammals of the world. UNEP/FAO, Rome, · Jefferson TA, Webber MA, Pitman RL (2008) Marine Mammals of the World. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 573 pp. · Jones S (1982) The present status of the Gangetic susu, Platanista gangetica (Roxburgh), with comments on the Indus susu, P. minor Owen. Mammals in the Seas 4. Small cetaceans, seals, sirenians and otters. FAO Adv Comm Experts. Mar Resour Res, Rome Italy, pp. 97-115. · Kannan K, Senthilkumar K, Sinha RK (1997) Sources and accumulation of butyltin compounds in Ganges River dolphin, Platanista gangetica. Appl Organomet Chem 11: 223-230. · Kasuya, T. 1972. Some informations on the growth of the Ganges dolphin with a comment on the Indus dolphin. Scientific Reports of the Whales Research Institute 24: 87-108. · Kumari A, Sinha RK, Gopal K, Lata S (2002) Concentration of organochlorines in Ganges River dolphins from Patna, Bihar. J Environ Biol 23: 279-281. · Mansur EF, Smith BD, Mowgli RM, Diyan, MAA (2008) Two Incidents of Fishing Gear Entanglement of Ganges River Dolphins (Platanista gangetica gangetica) in Waterways of the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest, Bangladesh. Aquat Mamm 34: 362-366. · Mohan RSL, Kunhi KVM (1996) Fish oils as alternative to river dolphin, Platanista gangetica (Lebeck) oil for fishing catfish Clupisoma garua in the River Ganges, India. J Bombay Nat Hist Soc 93: 86-89. · Mohan RSL, Dey SC, Bairagi SP, Roy S (1997) On a survey of Ganges River dolphin Platanista gangetica of Brahmaputra River, Assam. J Bombay Nat Hist Soc 94: 483-495. · Mohan RSL, Dey SC, Bairagi SP (1998) On a resident population of the Ganges River dolphin Platanista gangetica in the Kulsi River (Assam) a tributary of Brahmaputra. J Bombay Nat Hist Soc · Pillerri, G. and Gihr, M. 1971. Differences observed in the skulls of Platanista indi and gangetica. Investigations on Cetacea 3: 13-21. · Reeves RR, Brownell RL (1989) Susu - Platanista gangetica (Roxburgh, 1801) and Platanista minor Owen, 1853. In: Handbook of Marine Mammals (Ridgway SH, Harrison SR, eds.) Vol. 4: River Dolphins and the Larger Toothed Whales. Academic Press, London, · Reeves RR, Chaudhry AA, Khalid U (1991) Competing for water on the Indus Plain: Is there a future for Pakistan's river dolphins? Env Conserv 18: 341-350. · Reeves RR, Chaudhry AA (1998) Status of the Indus River dolphin Platanista minor. Oryx 32: 35-44. · Reidenberg JS, Laitman JT (2009) Cetacean prenatal development. In: Encyclopedia of marine mammals (Perrin WF, Würsig B, Thewissen JGM, eds.) Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 220-230. · Reyes JC (1991) The conservation of small cetaceans: a review. Report prepared for the Secretariat of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. UNEP/CMS · Rice DW (1998) Marine mammals of the world: systematics and distribution. Society for Marine Mammalogy, Special publication 4 (Wartzok D, ed.), Lawrence, KS. USA. · Senthilkumar K, Kannan K, Sinha RK, Tanabe S, Giesy JP (1999) Bioaccumulation profiles of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners and organochlorine pesticides in Ganges River dolphins. Env Tox Chem 18: 1511-1520. · Sinha RK (2002) An alternative to dolphin oil as a fish attractant in the Ganges River system: conservation of the Ganges River dolphin. Biol Conserv 107: 253-257. · Sinha RK, Smith, BD, Sharma G, Prasad K, Choudhury BC, Sapkota K, Sharma RK, Behera SK (2000) Ganges river dolphin, or susu (Platanista gangetica). In Biology and conservation of freshwater cetaceans in Asia (Reeves RR, Smith BD, Kasuya T, eds). IUCN Species Survival Commission, Occasional Paper 23: 54-61. · Smith BD (1993) 1990 status and conservation of the Ganges River dolphin Platanista gangetica in the Karnali River, Nepal. Biol Cons 66: 159-169. · Smith BD (2000) Review of river dolphins, genus Platanista, in the south Asian subcontinent. IWC Scientific Committee document, 2000. IWC, Cambridge, UK. · Smith BD (2002) Susu and Bhulan - Platanista gangetica gangetica and P. g. minor. In: Encyclopedia of marine mammals (Perrin WF, Würsig B, Thewissen JGM, eds.) Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 1208-1213. · Smith BD, Bhandari B, Sapkota K (1996) Aquatic biodiversity in the Karnali and Narayani river basins, Nepal. Kathmandu Nepal IUCN Nepal, 59 pp. · Smith BD, Braulik GT (2008) Platanista gangetica. In: IUCN 2009. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2009.2. · Smith BD, Braulik G, Strindberg S, Ahmed B, Mansur R (2006) Abundance of Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) and Ganges river dolphins (Platanista gangetica gangetica) estimated using concurrent counts made by independent teams in waterways of the sundarbans mangrove forest in Bangladesh. Mar Mamm Sci 22: 527-547 · Smith BD, Braulik G, Strindberg S, Diyan RM, Ahmed B (2009) Habitat selection of freshwater-dependent cetaceans and the potential effects of declining freshwater flows and sea-level rise in waterways of the Sundarbans mangrove forest, Bangladesh. Aquat Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst 19: 209-225. · Smith BD, Haque AKMA, Hossain MS, Khan A (1998) River dolphins in Bangladesh: Conservation and the effects of water development. Env Manag 22: 323-335. · Subramaian AN, Mohan RSL, Karunagaran VM, Rajendran RB (1999) Concentrations of HCHs and DDTs in the tissues of river dolphins, Platanista gangetica, from the River Ganges, India. Chem · Wakid A (2009) Status and distribution of the endangered Gangetic dolphin (Platanista gangetica gangetica) in the Brahmaputra River within India in 2005. Current Science 97: 1143-1151 · WWF (2009) Small cetaceans, the forgotten whales. (Elliott W, Sohl H, Bugener V). Whaling Report. Indd · Yang G, Zhou K (1999) A study on the molecular phylogeny of river dolphins. Acta Theriologica Sinica 19: 1-9. © Boris Culik (2010) Odontocetes. The toothed whales: "Platanista gangetica". UNEP/CMS Secretariat, Bonn, Germany.http://www.cms.int/small-cetaceans © Illustrations by Maurizio Würtz, Artescienza. © Maps by IUCN.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled yesterday that sales reps who are employed by pharmaceutical companies to market medicines to physicians are not entitled to receive overtime pay, bringing an end to nearly a dozen lawsuits that might have resulted in the drug industry paying out billions of dollars. The nation’s highest court voted 5-to-4 in a case involving a unit of GlaxoSmithKline, a giant British drugmaker with U.S. corporate headquarters in Philadelphia, but nearly every major pharmaceutical company, including Merck and Johnson & Johnson, faced similar lawsuits by their own drug reps. Jeremy Heisler, whose firm served as co-counsel to two GlaxoSmithKline drug reps, described the Supreme Court’s rationale as “shaky.’’ And yet, he predicted it was still likely to bring a swift end to the other lawsuits. The GlaxoSmithKline case was a bellwether, challenging a practice within the drug industry and a U.S. Department of Labor overtime requirement that dates back 70 years. The industry employs roughly 90,000 people as drug reps. The Supreme Court ruling centered around whether the pharmaceutical sales reps qualify as “outside salesmen’’ as defined by the DOL’s Fair Labor Standards Act. The act exempts workers classified as outside salesmen from overtime pay that is provided for other categories of employees. The case against GlaxoSmithKline was brought by two men, Michael Christopher and Frank Buchanan, who worked for the drugmaker as pharmaceutical sales representatives for nearly four years beginning in 2003. They were responsible for calling on physicians in an assigned sales territory to discuss the features, benefits, and risks of a certain prescription drugs, according to court documents. Their primary objective was to not to sell, but to obtain non-binding commitments from physicians to prescribe the drugs. Justice Samuel Alito, who was joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy and Clarence Thomas, said “under the most reasonable interpretation of the DOL’s regulations, the two men qualified as outside salesmen. In his opinion, Alito noted the DOL’s vague language and problematic definitions, but he also wrote that the two GSK drug reps, who earned an average of more than $70,000 a year, were hardly the kind of employees that the Fair Labor Standards Act was intended to protect. David Finegold, a senior vice president at Rutgers University with an expertise in the biopharmaceutical industry, said the opinion was not surprising given the Supreme Court’s recent spate of split decisions along the same idealogical lines. “The historic precedent is that they (sales reps) haven’t been subject to overtime and the court was essentially saying, we’re staying with the status quo,’’ Finegold said. The industry’s leading trade group, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, had argued before the Supreme Court in April that an opinion against GlaxoSmithKline would result in pharmaceutical companies paying out billions in back overtime pay. Matthew Bennett, the trade group’s senior vice president, expressed support for the court’s decision. “The Supreme Court’s opinion is consistent with the longstanding sales practices of our member companies,’’ he said yesterday in a statement. Justice Stephen Breyer dissented — joined by justices Ruth Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan — in an opinion in which he argued that sales reps for the pharmaceutical companies promote rather than sell their company’s medicines. “What the detailer does is inform the doctor about the nature of the manufacturer’s drugs and explain their uses, their virtues, their drawbacks, and their limitations,’’ Breyer wrote in his dissent. “And because the detailer’s “primary duty” is informational, as opposed to sales oriented, he fails to qualify as an outside salesman.’’ In the industry, drug reps, collectively, are typically referred to as sales forces. While they don’t sell directly to health professionals, they drive sales of medicines by promoting drugs to doctors. In the case of the GlaxoSmithKline drug reps, they often worked 10 or 20 hours outside their regular business hours each week but they also received bonuses based on the sales volume of the drugs they were assigned to promote to doctors. Finegold said all of the justices wrestled with the Labor Department’s category of “outside salesmen’’ and matching it to the actual work of a pharmaceutical drug rep. “The FLSA is a very outdated piece of legislation,’’ Finegold said, adding that the federal government historically exempted professional workers from overtime provisions. “Part of what we’re seeing,’’ he said, “are interesting questions of what it means to be professional.’’ Susan Todd: (973) 392-4125 or firstname.lastname@example.org.
Google Maps – The Brand Ah, where to start? While looking at Google maps of the U.S. over the last couple of days, it has become clear that Google has changed gears. If you zoom the base map of the United States on Google Maps, so that it does not include any section of Canada, you may notice that the copyright notice becomes ©2009 Google – Map data ©2009 Google. What has changed is that the copyright notice no longer includes “Map data ©2009 TeleAtlas. TeleAtlas data is still being used by Google in Canada, Europe and some other locations, but I suspect that it will not be long until Google goes it alone in the world of mapping. I guess the jubilation at TeleAtlas regarding the 5 year agreement they announced with Google in 2008 has subsided. But Wait, There’s More In the Google Lat Long Blog of October 7 Google announced that its maps now look different. However, they did not indicate that they had dropped TeleAtlas from their U.S. coverage. Instead, they indicated that their maps looked different because “…we’ve worked directly with a wide range of authoritative information sources to create a new base map dataset. In our experience, these organizations that create the data do the best job of keeping it accurate and up-to-date. For example, in the US there are a number of publicly accessible geospatial datasets created by the government for the Census, land surveying, and transportation.” To get some interesting insights on the agencies cooperating with Google and information on Google’s strategy for continued development of its map database, take a look at Article 4 of their “terms of service” to find out their “new” partners. In the same blog, Google announced their new “Report A Problem” link embedded in all Google map views of the U.S. that exclude Canada (the data for Canada is still supplied by TeleAtlas). The Report a Problem link is a conduit for User Generated Content and Google hopes to be able to confirm these map corrections/suggestions within a month by confirming it with other users, data sources, or imagery and will keep you posted on their progress if you request it. The “Report A Problem” service is currently not available in countries where TeleAtlas continues to be the main source of map data used by Google. Do you suppose this omission is because the previously mentioned contract with TeleAtlas requires Google to share its User Generated Map Updates with TeleAtlas (or at least that is what was said in the TA press release announcing the contract)? If the previous news item was not enough GoogleJuice (and thanks to Mike Blumenthal who pointed out the next item in is his informative blog) Google has also started implementing its own, customized Geographic Naming Convention. Information about the topic can be found in Mike’s blog and here at the official Google Blog. While I appreciate their advertising my travel site ThereArePlaces ® (www.thereareplaces.com) in their blog title, my real interest here is Gogole’s interest in making spatial URLs easier to remember by tying them to geography. (Editorial note – Now I know you think “There Are Places” is the title of a Beatle’s song, but the Beatle’s song that includes the lyrics “There Are Places” is actually titled “In My Life”.) Here is an example of Google’s approach to a spatial URL: http://www.google.com/places/us/california/san-francisco-city. Seeing this concatenation of spatial terms used as a URL was like déjà vu to me. As many of you know, I was once the CTO at go2 Systems. Part of go2’s efforts were focused on the use of PLAs (Proprietary Location Addreses) and ULAs (Universal Location Addresses). Both were unique forms of location places with a user-friendly naming convention. PLAs, for example were of the following form: us.ca.irv.bajafish. The address served as a pointer to detailed reference information about the Baja Fish Mexican restaurant in Irvine, California. More information on one implementation of geographic names for referencing can be found in these patents (A)(B). (Editors note: I am not implying that Google is using intellectual property that belongs to someone else. I have cited these patents as interesting examples of other approaches to geographic naming conventions. In that light, I understand that these particular patents were acquired by another party during go2’s bankruptcy. I have been told that Lee Hancock (the founder of go2) has expanded his original concept with a series of add-on patents, broadening his original claims.) It is my own opinion that geographic identifiers in some form will become an important component of local search because they can act to simplify locating places when you are searching for them. Of course, another reason is that people love jargon and postal addresses and latitude/longitude don’t work as locators for most folks. Wow, just following Google’s mapping activities could become a profession of its own, but I have other things to do so let’s summarize. Is there a pattern here? Google dumps Navteq. Google dumps TA. Google cooperates with governments and other sources closer to the spatial data than navigation database companies. Google expands the use of UGC to help replace the content of map vendors. Hmmm. I suspect that Google has undertaken its role in mapping because it was dissatisfied with the quality and expense of data from both TeleAtlas and Navteq. However, that means that Google Maps has now become a brand and that has some interesting implications. In addition, Google has apparently, accepted the burden of updating their maps for both presentation and routing (yep, the routes in the United States are generated using Google’s data). It appears Google is determined to become the big onion of mapping (peel back a layer and find something new). While this all fits with Google’s self-proclaimed mission: “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”, it also raises a lot of questions about how Google will maintain these data and how it will compete in the world of mapping applications. In addition, what does this portend for Microsoft? Today’s blog is too long already, so I will think about the implications of the Google “Map Brand” and include them in a future blog.
10. You Can’t Make Too Much Money to Take Out An FHA Loan FHA Loans are designed for low- to moderate-income families, but there is no upper limit on income for FHA borrowers. 9. Before Sub-Prime Came Along FHA Was a No-Brainer for First-Time Homebuyers Back in 1995 FHA counted for about 11% of the mortgage market, but when sub-prime came along everything changed. By 2004 FHA’s share had shrunk to a mere 3.3%. 8. FHA is on the Way Up FHA Loan applications are skyrocketing in comparison with recent years. In the month of August this year FHA applications had risen over 20% from August 2006. 7. An FHA Loan Can Be Used to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient An Energy Efficient Mortgage (EEM) can be packaged into your FHA loan for up to 5% of your property’s value (not to exceed $8,000) or $4,000. 6. An FHA Refinance Can Save You from Sub-Prime FHASecure, the new program to help out troubled sub-prime borrowers, will allow qualified borrowers to refinance to an FHA Loan. 5. The FHA Offers Reverse Mortgages With an FHA Reverse Mortgage seniors who own their home can receive monthly payments based on their home’s value, and they do not have to pay anything back as long as they live in the home. 4. Safer Adjustable-Rate Mortgages Available from the FHA Although adjustable-rate mortgages are the cause of today’s sub-prime woes, not all adjustable-rate loans are bad. The FHA has an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) with annual and life-of-loan caps that lower the risk of taking out an ARM. 3. The FHA Finances More than Single-Family Homes There are FHA programs for multifamily housing and even a special program for providing loans to hospitals. 2. FHA is Stepping into the 21st Century After years of complaints about the FHA’s failure to modernize, current legislation will lower FHA down payment requirements and raise FHA loan limits. 1. You Can Take Out an FHA Loan with Less-Than-Perfect Credit or No Credit The reason that FHA Loans have been a long-time success and are great for first-time homebuyers is that your credit score does not determine your eligibility. Other factors, such as income, employment, and utility payments, are used to qualify applicants for FHA loans. How do I get started? Simply click on the "Quick Start Form" link and fill out the applicable information. Be sure to click submit form at the bottom of the page.
Outcome likely to influence next year’s Lok Sabha, Assembly elections in a big way The polls being held in 66 urban local bodies of the State on Thursday is going to be an acid test for Chief Minister and Biju Janata Dal president Naveen Patnaik. Even though the civic polls were being held in the regions that were strongholds of the BJD, the party has found itself in a shaky position as there seemed to be an urge among the people for a change. Polls were not being held in 25 urban local bodies in western Odisha where the party had performed badly in the 2009 polls. Since assuming power as the Chief Minister for the first time in March 2000, Mr. Patnaik has always taken elections seriously. In fact, it is said that he starts preparing for the next polls soon after the BJD win in any election. But the polls in as many as 1,103 wards in the 66 urban local bodies is being considered to be a do-or-die situation for the BJD since its outcome will influence the next year’s Lok Sabha and Assembly polls in a big way. Further, Mr. Patnaik is facing the polls in so many urban local bodies for the first time without his one-time trusted lieutenant Pyarimohan Mohapatra. The BJD had suffered defeat in all the three newly-formed notified area councils at Attabira, Nuapada and Hindol where elections were held in April this year. Opposition Congress was emerged victorious in the three NACs. Things have become tough for Mr. Patnaik this time round although Mr. Mohapatra’s Odisha Jan Morcha was not contesting the civic polls in the 66 urban local bodies. Mr. Mohapatra, however, has called upon the people to defeat the candidates of the BJD in Thursday’s urban local body polls. That Mr. Patnaik was very serious about the outcome of the polls was evident from the strategy he has adopted to make the party win. Not only Mr. Patnaik himself campaigned extensively in a majority of urban local bodies, but also he engaged his Ministers and legislators to concentrate on particular towns to oversee the party campaign. Further, the BJD also engaged the maximum number of film actors to campaign in support of its nominees. On the other hand, the current civic polls were no less important for the Congress which had remained out of power in the State since 2000. It was also a prestige issue for Odisha Pradesh Congress president Jayadev Jena as Congress was facing the civic polls after his appointment as the head of the party in the State for the second time. In a way, the Thursday’s polls were equally crucial for both the BJD and the Congress as they would prepare their strategy for the next Assembly elections based on their current performance — Mr. Patnaik for a fourth consecutive term as Chief Minister and the Congress for a comeback in the State.
For owners who like to keep their pampered pets near them wherever they go, pet carriers are the perfect solution. For those pets that must travel in the cargo, a quality dog crate is the safest way to go. These days, flying with your dog or cat is easier than ever before. However, air travel with your dog or cat comes with its own set of challenges, and it's best to be prepared to reduce stress for both you and your pet on traveling day. First of all, all airline policies are different concerning pet travel and you need reservations. Be sure to ask what kind of pet carriers they accept or try our Sherpa Delta pet carrier and the Sherpa Backpack which are airline approved. Also, it's important to ask what documents the airline requires such as vaccination records or a health certificate. So whether you're traveling with a pet carrier or a dog crate, preparation is key. Even with all your preparation, fear of flying can still be an issue for your dog or cat. Our Chihuahua, Sox has anxiety every time we fly even though he sits right at our feet. At first, we thought of giving him tranquilizers, but we learned that tranquilizers shouldn't be given to pets before boarding because they can increase the dog's risks of accidents and can make it hard for them to adjust to temperature changes and turbulence. Worst of all, they can impede breathing. The before the flight. Whether using a dog crate or pet carrier, it's a good idea to get your dog used to it for about a month before your travel date. To make the flight easier on your dog, don't feed him for 4 to 6 hours before, but small amounts of water are fine. Just in case your dog should get lost in the airport, it's a good idea to carry a picture of him or her. Every time you fly with your pet, you have a choice between taking them on board with you in a small dog carrier (unless they're a large breed, of course) or putting them in the cargo. Cargo holds can be hot in the summer and cold in the winter, and the Humane Society of the United States strongly recommends that you not ship your dog in the cargo unless there is no alternative. Each year there are fatal accidents when, because of runway delays, dogs suffer heat stroke in the bottom of airplanes. In fact, most airlines refuse to check dogs between May and September. If you must use the cargo, then here are some safety tips: 1. Use a direct flight 2. Travel on the same flight and ask to watch while he is being loaded and unloaded. 3. DO NOT ship pug-nosed dogs such as Pekingese, Pugs, Bulldogs & Chow Chows. Their short nasal passages are vulnerable to oxygen deprivation and heatstroke. 4. If traveling during summer choose early morning or late evening flights. In winter, afternoon flights are best. 5. Attach 2 pieces of I. D. to their collar 1) Permanent address and phone no. 2) address and no. where you can be reached while away from home. 6. Don't leave anything in the dog crate the dog can choke on. 7. Make sure crate door is secure. Above door write "Do Not open this door with out permission from owner or licensed vet." 8. Arrive 1/2 hour earlier than normal but don't let them take the dog until the last minute. 9. NO SEDATIVES - important to reiterate Be sure to put ID on both the dog and the outside of the dog crate. If you can't get a direct flight, make sure you have a long enough lay over to walk your dog. Also, make absolutely sure that the dog crate is large enough for your dog to turn around with ease. The best crates for space and quality are our Kennel dog crates. For those who are definitely taking their dogs or cats in the passenger cabin, the Sherpa pet carrier is preferable to a hard sided pet crate. Sherpa pet carriers have mesh panels to prevent claustrophobia, a reinforced bottom, an adjustable shoulder strap that doubles as a leash and a roomy zippered pocket for your pet's travel essentials. The Sherpa pet carrier have accommodating sizes, are approved by airlines and are ideal as cat carriers and small dog carriers. Whichever way you decide to go, just be sure to book direct flight to minimize stress. Grant Carroll proud father of three dogs and co-owner of http://www.littlepamperedpets.com with Dog Clothes and Small Dog Sweaters. Also visit Little Pampered Babies where you can find Unique Baby Clothes and Toddler Clothing.
2) Bill Veeck – The ultimate marketing mastermind as anything but a Twitter devotee? Veeck might’ve found a way to make Twitter more sophisticated than it is today; at least he would’ve used the social media platform to sell his gimmicks, and ultimately seats at his ballparks. Can you imagine the potential Bill Veeck would’ve likely unlocked, given his innate ability to peddle the incidental, but interesting sideshows for baseball fans? We’re talking about a man who signed a midget and actually sent him to the plate !!!! Would Bill Veeck accept technological advances? He created them. You can credit this zany owner for scoreboard sound effects and fireworks following homeruns. Was he a marketer? Who do you think came up with the idea of putting player’s last names on the back of jerseys. I think it’s safe to say Bill Veeck might have created Twitter, or “Veeter”, if the internet existed in his day. He certainly wouldn’t ignore such opportunities, and you can bet on that. 1) Muhammad Ali – The greatest self-promoter ever known to the sports universe would’ve probably used every modern tool of exposure to further his image and promote the one thing he loved more than anything – HIMSELF. Well, that was the act, anyway. Ali loved to get in the collective hearts of the viewing masses, while also getting into the heads of respective opponents. The man would’ve had MILLIONS and MILLIONS of followers on Twitter. Love him or hate him, fans would’ve followed just to see what he was saying about the next guy he was fighting. When I was ten years old, Ali fought Earnie Shavers – who sported a shiny, cleanly shaven skull. I distinctly recall Ali proclaiming “I want the MILK DUD” whenever he promoted the upcoming bout. I can sit here and envision such rants, in 140 words or less, on a daily basis. When I think of Muhammad Ali and Twitter, I think of a man who would’ve used social media to truly help in beating his opponent. Have we ever witnessed such potential? He found an edge before ever stepping in the ring, and that was part of his magic. As Twitter progresses past its 5th birthday, we find social media impacting the world of sports more and more, each day. Of course, WNST.net is on the cutting edge of the social media/sports perspective. If you’re not following WNST on Twitter, here’s your chance …. just click HERE
Harbor Island Park lies next to Mamaroneck Harbor, part of Long Island Sound, and is used for active and passive recreation. A peninsula flanked by the harbor’s East and West basins forms the middle of the park, where much of the active recreation takes place. Most of the park sits atop soil, rock and other materials used to fill in environmentally valuable tidal wetlands in the early 20th Century. Along the West Basin, tidal wetlands still cling to the water’s edge next to a concrete and stone retaining wall encircling much of the basin. The basin is used as a boat mooring. Along the west side of the basin next to a lawn used for active and passive recreation, fill had created a steep embankment along the water’s edge. The embankment and part of the areas above it were largely covered with invasive plants, including Japanese knotweed, common reed and garlic mustard. A thin band of smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora), an intertidal wetland plant, clung to the toe of the embankment. The project, begun in earnest in March 2007 and completed in June 2007, involved cutting back the embankment created by the fill to increase the intertidal zone's width and create a gentler slope. The fill excavated from the embankment was used to create a raised landscaped bed or "berm". The disturbed areas created by the excavation and filling were temporarily stabilized using mesh "blankets" made from coconut fibers. Log-shaped rolls of coconut fiber were also staked into the ground at the water's edge to curb the erosive force of incoming waves. Eventually, all of the coconut fiber products will decompose but, by then, the newly installed plants will be providing long-term stabilization. The created intertidal area (low marsh), embankment, and top of the embankment were planted with appropriate native vegetation, e.g., smooth cordgrass has been planted in the intertidal area, salt marsh hay and marsh elder has been planted in the high marsh, and a variety of coastal grasses, shrubs and trees have been planted on the embankment, along the top of the embankment, and berm. In addition to these features, a public walkway has been constructed along the top of the berm and embankment and an observation platform has been constructed from the walkway. This allows the public to get a closer look at the salt marsh and other coastal plantings and harbor. Three educational signs were installed along the walkway describing the coastal ecosystem. During the construction phase of the project, all excavation took place in upland, or non-wetland, areas. The total area of restored salt marsh was approximately 0.3 acres (13,000 square feet). In addition, the restored upland area was approximately 0.4 acres (17,000 square feet). The site is now being monitored to ensure the project’s success. After restoration, smooth cordgrass growing at the water's edge became lush and salt-tolerant plants on the embankment took root. To View The Site: The site is at Harbor Island Park near Rushmore Avenue in the Village of Mamaroneck. Specifically, it is along the west side of the West Basin, from the end of the existing retaining wall to the edge of village-owned parkland terminating at a privately owned marina.
City Limits has been the long-standing provider of New York City's top career opportunities and marketplace resources for the non-profit and civic community. For employers and recruiters, thousands of dynamic applicants who know and love the five boroughs search for emerging opportunities here. LATEST LEARNING CENTER - Tackling Poverty: The History of Poverty and Homelessness in New York City - Bronx Bureau Launch Event and Conversation - Involvement Conference: Trending In the Public Sector Capital Projects & Budget Coordinator Manhattan Borough President's Office Manhattan Borough President Scott M. Stringer seeks a Capital Projects & Budget Coordinator to be part of his energetic, collaborative team who works to implement a shared vision of progressive policies and community-based planning. The prospective Capital Projects & Budget Coordinator must be committed to seeking out new and innovative ways for the Office to connect with, and deliver for, Manhattan's diverse neighborhoods. The Capital Projects & Budget Coordinator will report to the Budget Director and will assist the Director in managing the administration of various grants programs and special projects. Specific Responsibilities/Duties: ? Project manage all aspects of the Office’s capital grant program by liaising between funded organizations and relevant city agencies and oversight entities to troubleshoot, facilitate communication and advance funded projects; ? Oversee new grant programs in support of the Borough President’s sustainability agenda; ? Monitor the status of funded projects, including conducting site visits, holding meetings with organizations, undergoing compliance review and the maintenance of tracking spreadsheets; ? Administer the annual grant application process including outreach, review, processing and tracking all relevant information and records; ? Analyze City budget documents and coordinate charter mandated budget response; ? Oversee the creation and implementation of workshops and special events with the goal of building capacity among the not-for-profit community to identify and seek alternative sources of funding for capital related projects; ? Represent the Borough President and communicate the goals of the office with key stakeholders as well as serve as a liaison, and foster collaborative relationships, with representatives of city agencies and community based organizations; ? Assist the Budget Director in support of the work of the unit’s various grant programs; ? Generate new ideas for connecting government to communities, and enhancing visibility of the office; and ? Lead special projects as identified by the Budget Director. Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: ? Bachelor degree and one (1) to three (3) years of experience with government, civic, policy/research or similar organizations; ? Possess exceptional organizational, problem-solving, communication, and interpersonal skills; ? Familiarity with the City budgeting process and the City’s Financial Management System preferred ? Work effectively in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment with a sense of possibility, high expectations and an entrepreneurial spirit; ? Work collaboratively with staff members to meet aggressive goals; ? Prioritize tasks effectively to meet deadlines; ? Simultaneously manage multiple projects while maintaining a firm grasp of individual project details; and ? Build and manage strong relationships with external parties and internal leaders. How TO APPLY: The Office of the Manhattan Borough President is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The Office of the Manhattan Borough President is committed to a diverse workforce, and we seek diversity among applicants for this position. People of color, women, gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender people, people with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply. Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume in a single Word or PDF document via email to email@example.com with “Capital Projects & Budget Coordinator” in the subject line. Please Note: New York City residency is required within 90 days of appointment. However, City employees in certain titles who have worked for the City for 2 continuous years may also be eligible to reside in Nassau, Suffolk, Putnam, Westchester, Rockland, or Orange County.
Cool Stuff: Order the 'Elysium' Chemrail + Exoskeleton Shirt from Weta We've been waiting for them to start selling this! For those that loved Neill Blomkamp's second feature, Elysium, the design house Weta has started selling swag from the movie on their website. Weta did some design work on the various vehicles, weapons and droids seen in the sci-fi movie and has the rights to sell some replica products. For District 9, they sold full-size replicas of the weapons, and it looks like they're doing the same with Elysium. A full-size Chemrail replica has been listed for pre-order on the Weta Shop website, along with the Art Of book and shirt printed to look like Max's exoskeleton suit. More details below. Up first is the TST Chemrail Dual Stage Linear Motor Rifle, a full-size weapon replica being sold for $399 online via Weta. "The TST Chemrail prop replica is an EXACT replica of the gun Max (Matt Damon) wields in Elysium, the new movie from Director Neill Blomkamp. This completely authentic replica was created from molds of the original prop created by Weta Workshop for the film." Here are a couple photos: Worth it? Totally. The Chemrail is badass piece of weaponry. The gun is made from fibreglass, which gives it great heft, with some minor details made from other materials. The gun has no moveable parts and it comes with a wall mounting bracket for display. "It doesn't get any more authentic than this," Weta says. The Chemrail was designed by Weta Workshop concept artist Aaron Beck. Weta points to this YouTube video referring to a behind-the-scenes featurette on the weaponry in the movie. I just want my own full-size droid. Up next is the Exoskeleton t-shirt, being sold for $34.99 online. This one is pretty self-explanatory. Since they couldn't really make an exoskeleton for anyone to wear, instead they've got this shirt, with printing to make it look like you're wearing an exoskeleton suit - specifically Kruger's (Sharlto Copley). Photos here: This is a Heather Grey t-shirt with a stylized version of Kruger's exoskeleton design from Neill Blomkamp's latest film, Elysium. Long sleeve - unisex style. If you're interested, that one is already for sale now. Weta is also selling the gorgeous The Art of the Film book, signed and everything. If you're a big fan of Elysium, then Weta is the best place to go for swag and collectibles. I'm sure they'll add more to their selection soon. Elysium, directed by South African filmmaker Neill Blomkamp (of District 9), focuses on Secretary Rhodes (Foster), a hardened government official, who will stop at nothing to enforce anti-immigration laws and preserve the luxurious lifestyle of the citizens of Elysium. However, that doesn’t stop the people of Earth from trying to get in, by any means they can. When unlucky Max (Damon) is backed into a corner, he agrees to take on a daunting mission that if successful will not only save his life, but could bring equality to these polarized worlds. Elysium originally opened in theaters August 9th earlier this summer. Sound Off here.
SBS Newsletter – April 2011 In this issue May 14: SBS Senior Celebration Ceremony Astronaut Cady Coleman to Send Commencement Address from Outer Space Using Education for Improving Lives SBS Peer Advising Program Has Stellar First Year Journalism/Econ Student Named Commencement Speaker Ihedigbo Named NHF Humanitarian of the Year History of Econ Department is Published Landscape Architecture Student Wins Olmsted Scholarship Five College Fellowship Goes to Econ Grad Student PolSci Student Receives Generosity Fellowship Hird Named Interim Associate Dean CRF Selects Research Scholars Portsmouth Invitational Beckons Gurley Journalism Campaign: $50K by Labor Day Rent-free Deal at Gillette Allows UMass to Climb to FBS College Educators: Save the date for 2nd Annual Student Success Conference From time to time the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences sponsors lectures, panels and programs that may be of special interest to alumni. Most of these take place on campus, generally in the late afternoon or early evening, and are free. While most are organized well in advance and are publicized on the SBS event calendar, sometimes they develop quickly in response to political and social events. For example, with the recent unrest in Arab countries, a group of SBS faculty very quickly organized a discussion of those events and their implications. Notice was short: only three days. If you are interested in receiving notification of these events, let us know and we'll put you on a listserv. Toni Maschler '87 (anthropology), immigration rights lawyer, presented the keynote at the Five College Undergraduate Anthropology Research Conference on campus. John Musante MPA ’89 (public policy) is Town Manager of Amherst. He received his undergraduate degree from the Isenberg School of Management, with a minor in economics. Several communication alumni came back to campus for the Department's annual Alumni/ae Career Night, sharing their experiences with students. Jessica Atwood ’95, MA ’00, senior economic development planner with the Franklin Regional Council of Governments in Greenfield, MA, has been extensively involved with broadband service access in unserved areas of Western MA, the redevelopment of "brownfield" sites in Franklin County, and other areas of regional economic development planning. Liz Coffey ’96 is the film conservator for the Harvard Film Archive in Cambridge, MA. A camera assistant and operator for nearly 12 years, Gregg de Domineico ’99 has worked on more than 300 commercials, 100 music videos, and multiple feature films. Credits include Spider Man 3, Junebug, Neil Young: Heart of Gold, Dave Chapell's Block Party, Ceremony, Little Children and Che. For many years Patrick Sabbs ’84 worked at WWLP TV-22, rising from camera operator to production director. During that time he went to law school and since 1996 he has been an assistant district attorney for Hampden County, MA. George Smith ’02, currently senior manager of social strategy and execution at Pepsico, has helped develop marketing strategy for many brands, including Crocs and Walmart. After completing a 2-year stint in the Peace Corps in Dominica, West Indies, Hillary Teed ’07 has been a public policy specialist at the Connecticut Community Providers Association, an organization that advances behavioral health policy and advocacy on behalf of community human service providers. "Back from the Front," featuring six young journalism alumni discussing how to survive and thrive in the uncertain job market, was held on campus April 21. On hand were Erika Lovley ’06, staff writer at Politico, Mike LaCrosse ’10, reporter and producer, ABC-TV 40, Michael Phillis ’10, staff writer, Lexington Minuteman, Sean Sullivan ’10, associate producer, MassLive.com, Mary K. Alfieri ’10, advertising and PR, The Loomis Group, and Julie Robenhymer ’04, senior writer, HockeyBuzz.com. Read more... Hearty thanks go to Jeremy Bucci ’98 (political science & philosophy), Chief Trial Counsel, Massachusetts Northwestern District Attorney's Office; Sean Chen ’03 (communication), attorney in small practice specializing in immigration and family law, Colin Keefe ’91 (political science), criminal defense attorney in private practice; Chris Mahoney ’95 (political science), attorney in private practice, specializing in family law, estate planning, and criminal defense;, and Maura Murphy-Osbourne ’94 (political science), Assistant Attorney General, Hartford, CT, who were on campus in mid-April, participating in the Careers in the Law Night. More than 40 students attended the event, sponsored by SBS, Commonwealth Honors College and Pre-law Advising. The Marine Corps Heritage Foundation has awarded Dan Lamothe ’04 (journalism), a senior staff writer for Marine Corps Times, the Major Megan McClung Award for his coverage of Marine operations in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan. Mike LaCrosse ’10 (journalism) covered the jury deliberations in the trial of those accused of killing Springfield's reputed mob boss Al Bruno. Please send us your news! Also, view upcoming alumni events, sponsored by the Alumni Association, on their Events Listing. And check out MaroonCentral, the Alumni Association's online community. This is a FREE social networking service that encourages communication and professional networking among alumni and students through class notes, profiles, a searchable directory, and more. Eve Weinbaum (labor studies), David Cort (sociology) and Tom Juravich (labor studies) received funding for their proposal, "Employment Fraud and Employee Misclassification in Massachusetts," from the Mass. Department of Labor. Assistant Professor Jesse Rhodes (political science) has received a grant from the Spencer Foundation to explore "How Education Accountability Shapes Citizens' Civic Attitudes and Behavior." Findings will help to identify policies—or characteristics of policies—that effectively promote civic action. Read more... Assistant Research Professor Jeff Thompson (Political Economy Research Institute) is one of the winners of the 2010 Richard Musgrave Prize from the National Tax Association, presented to the author or authors of the outstanding paper published in the National Tax Journal. Read more... Associate Professor Krista Harper (anthropology and public policy) presented research at the International Conference on Urban Harvest and Sustainability, April 7-8, in Seixal, Portugal. Her presentation, “Youth participation in the 'farm-to-school' system: Examples from the United States" discusses community-based participatory research projects with two western Massachusetts community organizations, Fertile Ground of Williamsburg and Nuestras Raíces of Holyoke. The research team included Catherine Sands MPPA ’09 and Molly Totman ’10 (anthropology), as well as Nuestras Raíces Youth Programs Director Diego Angarita. Read more about Harper.... Professor Don Tomaskovic-Devey (sociology) was elected president of the Southern Sociological Society for 2011–12. Also, Tomaskovic-Devey and grad student Ken-hou Lin's paper, "Income Dynamics, Economic Rents and the Financialization of the U.S. Economy" was accepted for publication by the American Sociological Review. The Center for Public Policy and Administration welcomed Victor Basile, counselor to the director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and a national leader in the LGBT community. His talk, “Navigating the Maze: Working for Social Justice and Gay Rights in the Nation’s Capitol,” drew on his long career in government and nonprofit service and his work for social justice for LGBT people. Professors Ray La Raja and John Hird (political science) are recipients of a Residential First Year Experience (RFYE) Student Choice Award that recognizes faculty who have made a significant impact on the lives of students during their first year of college. Only first-year students may nominate faculty. Assistant Professor Stuart Shulman (political science), director of the Qualitative Data Analysis Program, has received a grant from the Smithsonian Institution to develop tools which can rapidly mine public discourse and concerns about climate change. The project will enable the Smithsonian to build a climate change outreach and education platform. Read more... Norman Sims (journalism) presented a paper and was a panelist at a three-day seminar on international literary journalism at the American Comparative Literature Conference in Vancouver, B.C. Jeannette Wicks-Lim (Political Economy Research Institute) was guest speaker at The Northampton Living Wage Coalition to mark Living Wage Week in mid-April. Assistant Professor Angelica Bernal (political science) has received a Lilly Teaching Fellowship for 2011-2012. This competitive program, established in 1986, enables promising junior faculty to cultivate teaching excellence in a special year-long collaboration on campus. Journalism hosted a screening of the upcoming film "The Bang Bang Club," a true story about four South African photojournalists covering the country's apartheid period between 1990–94. See the movie trailer.... Professor John Brigham (political science) gave an invited presentation at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law in Oñati, Spain. His presentation linked the "Chaos and Classicism" exhibition at the Guggenheim with the strongly neo-classical US Supreme Court building. According to Brigham, many people "forget that the Supreme Court building was built in the 1930s and associate its classical style with antiquity rather than seeing it as a political statement." Read more... SBS in the News “Planet Money” [NPR], 4/29/11; WFCR, 4/19/11; Providence Business News, GoLocalProv.com, 4/13/11. A study by Jeffrey Thompson (Political Economy Research Institute) that shows state tax rates have little impact on a person’s decision to move to another state is included in a story about how the rich respond to taxes. Thompson says most people decide to move based on the availability of jobs, but are much more inclined to stay put to be near family and friends. Boston Globe, 4/13/11. In a a letter-to-the-editor Thompson calls for ending the state’s single sales factor tax incentive that allows mutual fund companies and manufacturers to base taxable income only on sales in the state. The incentive, he says, has little impact on business decisions and is costly to the state. Virgin Islands Daily News, 4/28/11. John Mullin, dean of the Graduate School (landscape architecture and regional planning), is the co-author of a “living wage” study commissioned by the Virgin Islands legislature. The study is under discussion in the territory. Bloomberg BusinessWeek, 4/26/11. M.V. Lee Badgett (economics), director of the Center for Public Policy and Administration, comments in a story about how legal agreements, estate planning and other financial issues have become more complicated for same-sex couples and unmarried couples around the country. She says there is no way for gay couples to escape the high fees paid to lawyers and planners. Boston Herald, 4/25/11. Professor Emeritus Jerome Mileur (political science) says if gasoline prices continue to rise, the public will blame President Obama and it will become an issue in the next presidential campaign. Dayton Daily News, 4/23/11. The homicide rate in Dayton, Ohio, has dropped nearly 50% since the 1970s and much of the credit for that goes to improvements in medical technology and trauma care, according to police officials.The article references a 2002 study, “Murder and Medicine,” by Anthony Harris (sociology), who concluded that improvements in trauma care suppress the homicide rate, but don’t necessarily lower the violent crime rate. The Real News Network, 4/22/11. Robert Pollin (economics), co-director of the Political Economy Research Institute, discusses the federal budget proposal put forward by the Congressional Progressive Caucus. This budget focuses on changing the tax code and ending overseas wars to save money rather than cutting entitlements. The Real News Network, 4/16/11. Pollin discusses why he thinks President Obama’s new emphasis on reducing the national debt is misguided and his efforts should be focused on boosting the economic recovery. Boston Globe, 4/21/11. B.J. Roche (journalism) blogs about attending an unconventional funeral that captured the spirit and reflected the warm friendships enjoyed by the deceased woman. More people are personalizing funerals now and at least one organization helps make informed choices in planning one’s own send-off. Citypaper.com [Baltimore], 4/20/11. A study by the Political Economy Research Institute found that on-street bike lanes, more than any other kind of transportation infrastructure improvement, lead to effective job growth. The study was based on work in Baltimore. Naked Capitalism, 4/19/11. A column by James Boyce (economics) examines the use of tax havens to shield corporations from having to pay taxes in the U.S. New York Times (Economix blog), 4/11/11. Nancy Folbre (economics) discusses the political and economic argument for raising taxes on the very wealthy. The idea, she says, always draws fierce opposition, but in addition to raising revenue for the government, such a step might also be good for the economy by encouraging more productive investment and activity. New York Times (Economix blog), 4/4/11. Folbre writes about the decline in corporate tax revenues and its impact on the nation’s budget deficit. WAMC, 4/8/11. Frank Sleegers (landscape architecture and regional planning) discussed the Riverscape project, that aims to create more recreational, cultural and economic opportunities tied to the Connecticut River. WWLP-TV 22, 4/5/11. About 1,000 students, staff, faculty and community members participated in an April 5, on-campus teach-in on the economic crisis and rising inequality. Speakers included Eve Weinbaum (labor studies), director of the Labor Center, and Dan Clawson (sociology). Similar events were held at about 200 schools in the country. Indian Country News, 4/4/11. Ventura Perez (anthropology) says the skulls and other remains of Yaqui warriors that have been returned to the tribes by New York’s American Museum of Natural History showed evidence about how they were killed. The bones and other materials have since been buried in Northern Mexico. Poynter.com, 3/31/11. In "Washington Post plagiarism case challenges educators who tell students not to break the rules" Steve Fox (journalism) addresses the issue of plagiarism and how reporters and editors can address it together. A Word from SBS Gifts from alumni and friends are vital to the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Your investment allows us to create remarkable opportunities for today’s—and tomorrow's—students. If you are already a donor, please accept our sincere thanks. If not, please consider a gift to SBS for your department, student financial aid, a purpose that speaks to your personal experiences and priorities, or an unrestricted designation. To make a gift online, click here. Or, send a check to the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Draper Hall, University of Massachusetts Amherst, 40 Campus Center Way, Amherst, MA 01003-9244. Questions? Contact James Mallet, 413.577.1700. We welcome feedback related to this newsletter, the college in general, specific concerns, or topics of interest. Please address all correspondence, including story ideas, to Sabine Cray, director of communications and marketing. If you wish to add your name to the mailing list, or if you wish to unsubscribe, please contact us. If you have had a change of address, email or other personal information, you can update it online. The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences respects your privacy. 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School to grant degree in political management New York — `THE era of the amateur in public life is over,'' says Prof. Ross Baker of Rutgers University. ``We preserve the image of the New England town meeting as the ideal, when in fact it's a quaint relic.'' Precinct captains and volunteer canvassers have given way to consultants and media buys. And now comes the Graduate School of Political Management - the first institution of its kind - which will open in New York City this fall. The school will offer a two-year degree program in the increasingly sophisticated techniques of modern campaigning and political influence. Polling, direct mail, ``lobbying tactics,'' ``the gaining of access to television news,'' are among the topics in the school's catalog. According to Neil Fabricant, its founder and president, the goal is to ``contribute to the development of a new profession - political management.'' At one level, the school is yet another sign of the marketing needs of universities in an era of declining enrollments. It also reflects the career orientation of today's students, who see the program's internships in congressional offices and political action committees (PACs) ``as an employment mechanism,'' Mr. Fabricant concedes. But at a deeper level, as the United States celebrates the 200th year of its Constitution, the school mirrors the democracy that document established. So doing, it poses difficult questions. Does the school represent the triumph of the marketing arts in the realm of politics - ``a definition of effectiveness that falls short of goals and values,'' as James David Barber of Duke University puts it? Or, as the school's founders contend, will it open up these ``dark arts'' to the public scrutiny they deserve? Does the very concept of a graduate program in ``political management'' forebode the closing of American democracy to those not having a professional degree? Or will the school help women and minorities gain entrance to the burgeoning campaign industry, while making the tools of modern campaigning available to underfunded though worthy causes? ``Politics have already been professionalized, whether we like it or not,'' says Dr. David Adamany, president of Wayne State University in Michigan, who reviewed the program for the New York Board of Regents. ``The only question is whether we should provide training.'' Fabricant, a former legislative director of the New York branch of the American Civil Liberties Union, has held various government posts and once ran a magazine of state government called Empire State Reports. A genial man, he is described by acquaintances as an ``entrepreneur'' who has channeled his energies to the nonprofit world. One question he faced is whether subjects like ``lobbying tactics'' belong in a university. ``This would be like a class in clubhouse politics 50 years ago,'' says one New York academic who is familiar with the school but asked not to be named. These subjects, he says, are ``much better taught in a campaign'' - especially given the price, which is over $12,000 a year for tuition alone. Stanley Kelly, a political science professor at Princeton who doubles as provost of the new school, disagrees. He says that such subjects as demographic research and television advertising are well-suited to academe. ``If you want to learn linear algebra, you don't walk around with a mathematician,'' he says. The tougher question is whether such techniques should be taught - or whether their use should be discouraged. Former Iowa Sen. John Culver gave eloquent expression to these concerns at a recent symposium at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, when he compared the modern campaign wizards to ancient Greek Sophists who considered persuasive skills an end in themselves - ``clever rather than wise,'' he called them. ``Electoral politics should never be thought of as a career, but as a service,'' Culver said. But people connected with the new school see it as a way to inject some ethical awareness into an occupation less than exemplary on this score. ``Today, if you ask [a PAC operative] `Is this right?' they look at you as if you were from the moon,'' says Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia, author of widely aclaimed books on PACs and political consultants, who will direct the School's internship program in Washington. Without making undue claims for the power of rational discourse, Mr. Sabato suggests that classroom discussion ``at least opens the possibility of raising ethical standards.'' Then, too, there's the question of equal opportunity. Political consulting much like management in professional baseball, is a white man's club. With one or two possible exceptions, Fabricant says, ``There isn't a black political manager of any stature in the US.'' The school, he says, will provide a gate of entry to those previously excluded. It's the old dilemma: Reform the system or provide access to those excluded from it. But Professor Kelly, for one, doesn't see why the school can't do both. A faculty teaching and writing about the latest gimmicks for getting on the six o'clock news will help focus public discussion upon such ploys. ``These things hidden are much more disturbing than these things in the light,'' he says. Moreover, Fabricant sees the school not only as a way to bring the disadvantaged into the occupation but also as a way to bring the occupation to the disadvantaged. Just as law schools have clinics for people who can't afford a lawyer, he says, the school of political management could have a clinic - a ``public interest political management firm'' - for candidates and causes that cannot afford megabuck consultants. The danger is that disseminating these arts will serve to entrench them deeper into the culture. And the ways and means of American democracy could become the province of ``certified campaign professionals.'' But to people like Sabato, the genie is out of the bottle already. Imagining a world without political consultants and their sophisticated arts is ``a little like saying, `We'd be a better world without television.''' he says. ``There is no such thing as a purely amateurish campaign at the higher levels that can win. Its a multimillion dollar business.'' ``Some say it's disturbing,'' adds Kelly. ``But finding it disturbing won't stop it. Systematic thought will preserve amateurism if anything will.''
March 20th 2012 02:28 Following Killer’s Kiss in 1955, Stanley Kubrick’s precociousness manifested itself more abundantly in The Killing, a racetrack heist film that’s like the anatomy of an almost-perfect crime. Only, inflections of avarice, stupidity and unflinching affection for a corrupted femme fatale upset the final outcome, a tall tale but true masterminded by Sterling Hayden’s Johnny Clay, an ex-con just out of the slammer. Meticulously assembling his crew of participants, Johnny’s robbery hinges on clockwork manoeuvring of the chess pieces; foremost amongst these is the accuracy of a hired gunmen who, parked on the outskirts of the racetrack, will take aim and fire at the pack-leading red-hot favourite, ensuing carnage and chaos in its wake. The Killing reveals the first significant flash of the mastery of the form Kubrick was soon to exhibit. From the tough-as-nails dialogue, co-written with hard-boiled novelist Jim Thompson, to the sleek camera work, often fluidly running parallel to the actors as they flit from room to room in the internal scenes, everything contributes to the sense of inevitability that pervades the clinical preparations. But a persistent, gently percolating idea is Kubrick’s way of inviting the arbiter of truth-telling to the party as spoiler of false ambition: Human nature, you see, poisons even the best laid plans. Early on the nature of the crime is projected and worked at from every angle; only the execution waits. Then the final day of preparations is viewed - with a calculatingly sparse voiceover narration by Art Gilmore - as each participant goes through the motions of their final arrangements. Amongst them are the corrupt cop, the weak-willed husband, the wily old veterans and the ‘good girl’ who’s waited six years for Johnny, now teasing her with a promise of the payoff of her wildest dreams. The Killing (1956) is a wonderful film, a cinematic purist’s dream, carnivorously expanding upon a world of perennial losers, pipe-dreamers and short-fused wannabes - each one primed for their share of the take but oblivious to the cruelties of fate, ever alert and ready to deliver them to their makers. Though a slightly bonkers Timothy Carey as the carefree, eccentric hit man and Marie Windsor as the scheming, betraying Sherry Peatty are memorably cast, it’s the imposing presence of the towering Hayden who strikes the most meaningful chord. There’s an indefinable something about this man that ensures you can never look away once he’s on screen: the voice, the face, the stature, whatever it is, we’re impelled to stay alert to his every word, movement and gesture. Watch him, for example, awkwardly leaning over the airport counter towards the final scene, all inverted angles and pained grimaces; despite the earlier ease and swagger, this is a man we can all relate to. In the final fatalistic moments its Johnny’s wearied, bedraggled countenance that draws our deepest pity, undeserving but as real as the first mercurial stains of Kubrick’s talent bleeding through the black and white borders of this, his first almost-great film for the world. subscribe to this blog
News: Marine embodies true motivation, leadership Story by Lance Cpl. Krista James MIHAIL KOGALNICEANU, Romania - The Marine Corps Martial Arts Program is a martial course that employs a ‘one mind, any weapon’ view point. The program trains Marines in unarmed combat, edged weapons, weapons of opportunity, and rifle and bayonet techniques. It also encourages mental, physical, and character development to include discipline, leadership, and teamwork. To achieve a black belt in MCMAP is an accomplishment in itself, but to be a black belt and instructor for junior Marines is an even bigger accomplishment. Sergeant Butch Fortner, a MCMAP instructor with Black Sea Rotational Force 14, and an Alliance, Ohio native, does just that. His hard work, dedication to discipline and leadership have earned him the title of “Marine of the Week.” Fortner, who has a military history in his family, said that he joined the military because he wasn’t prepared for college, and had friends who had joined out of high school. “I decided that I wanted to join another service, a Marine Corps recruiter came to [my] school and spoke to me directly,” said Fortner. “I made the Marine Corps my choice.” Fortner, a certified MCMAP instructor, is also decorated with various ribbons to include a combat action ribbon, a presidential unit citation, a meritorious unit citation, and a navy unit citation. “I would assume [I got the award] for the martial arts piece, for my dedication to that, and probably for the high level of motivation [that I have],” said Fortner. Corporal Jason Albright, a fire team leader with BSRF-14 and Minneapolis, Minn. native, said that he has known Fortner for about five years, and believes that he received the award for his dedication to his junior Marines. “He [is dedicated] to his junior Marines, and he [will work] nights and weekends, even if he’s told he’s off work, he’s willing to work late to help other Marines better themselves,” said Albright. Fortner said that his main goal during this deployment is to make sure the Marines excel in MCMAP. Mastering the disciplines of this program will require Marines to be proficient leaders, physically fit, and able to execute specific techniques while under duress. “The full-on transformation of knowledge and bettering the Marines mentally and physically, not just giving them belts, is one of my main focuses here,” said Fortner. “[Along with that], bettering myself in my own professional military education, will prepare me for promotion and a possible platoon sergeant billet when I go back to [my parent command].” Training and partnership between the U.S. and Romanian forces is an integral part of BSRF-14’s mission of maintaining a close relationship with partner nations in the region, and promoting regional stability. BSRF-14 also strives to make sure that every Marine and sailor maintains a combat ready mindset through MCMAP. Fortner said that by the end of this deployment, he would like every Marine and sailor with BSRF-14 to have at least a brown belt. The base MCMAP belts progress from tan to grey, green, and brown and finally, black. Fortner has already begun this goal by graduating two classes in the past two months, a total of 48 students, to grey belt. Both Fortner and Albright agree that receiving this award will be beneficial. “When I take it back, it will give the [unit] in which I serve an idea of the work that I actually put in,” said Fortner. “They’ll see the dedication to not only myself, but to my Marines.” “I think it’ll help him notice that he’s being recognized, and it’ll continue to push him further in his career and motivate him,” said Albright. Albright had one last thing to say about Fortner. “I think he’ll make a great sergeant major one day, and he’ll continue to motivate his junior Marines.”
London Pass BlogBack to Blog Set off on the art trail for things to do in London Published: Tuesday 7th of September 2010 The E17 Art Trail offers visitors a wide array of exhibitions and displays and the freedom to choose their own way around them. Armed with a map, art lovers are encouraged to form their own track around the displays at galleries, cafes, shops, studios and even lamp posts or the occasional hedge. This annual festival also benefits from a series of talks, walks as well as cycle tours organised by the Walthamstow art community. Some of the highlights of this year's events include a potted history of the area designed by Roger Huddle and the fairytale land at the Eat17 restaurant, created by visiting Yorkshire artist Frances Earnshaw. Those interested in catching a few laughs can also head to the comedy night put together by Time Out Live, featuring Edinburgh Comedy Award-winner Russell Kane. Save time and money sightseeing in London with free entry to top attractions in London. Posted by Samantha Reed Follow The London Pass blog to learn about the latest news with attractions, sights and sightseeing events in the city. As well as useful tips, hints and advice for visitors to the city and how to make the most of your sightseeing time in London. We hope you enjoy… Thursday 23rd of May 2013 London attractions: Cool down at the Fan Museum Wednesday 22nd of May 2013 Things to do in London: Walk in the 'footie steps' of legends with a Chelsea Stadium Tour Tuesday 21st of May 2013 London attractions: Enjoy some classical music and art at the Foundling Museum Monday 20th of May 2013 London attractions: Sit back and take a cruise along the Thames River Cruise Sunday 19th of May 2013 Things to do in London: Experience the horticultural festivals at the Garden Museum Friday 17th of May 2013 Things to do in London: Discover the tales behind the Charles Dickens museum Thursday 16th of May 2013 Things to do in London: Explore the tales of the sea at the National Maritime Museum Wednesday 15th of May 2013 Things to do in London: Thousands of famous paintings on display at the National Gallery Tuesday 14th of May 2013 Things to do in London: Ducklings and butterflies take centre-stage at London Wetland Centre Monday 13th of May 2013 If you are on the hunt for things to do in London, and are searching for a break away from the hustle... Sunday 12th of May 2013 Things to do in London: Stand above the River Thames with the London Tower Bridge Exhibition
Marc by Marc Jacobs gives the week the shake-up it needed with a much appreciated bolt of fun, light-hearted energy. Ruins in Reverse is the result of a curatorial collaboration between Tate Modern in London and the Museo de Arte de Lima in Peru, a partnership which will be celebrated by a new commission from José Carlos Martinat. Miuccia Prada revealed four of her sketches from Baz Luhrmann’s adaptation of The Great Gatsby. Luhrmann and Prada wanted to create a world that seemed slightly familiar yet foreign as well. “Fame”-themed online auction to feature works by Avedon, Basquiat, Colen, Guyton, LaChapelle, Lowman, Phillips, Prince, Warhol and others Versace Spring 2013 Couture Beauty Review; boldly boyish and futuristic details create a look that is bright and unapologetically sexy. Once upon a time, Ulyana Sergeenko sent a fairy tale themed collection down the runway. The time? Her Spring 2013 couture collection. And the place was none other than Paris. Christopher Bailey brings back some much needed creative verve to his Burberry Prorsum men’s line. Paul Surridge serves up a Z Zegna collection of merry wanderers, risk-takers and romantics. With an introduction by Kenneth E. Silver, this limited-edition volume features a curated selection of Fernand Léger’s extraordinary works. Fendi has offered its financial assistance to restore five fountains around the city of Rome, starting with the Trevi Fountain. Sending us on a Turkish adventure, Armani styled and designed dresses to be worn over pants with prints and patterns that seemed perfect for perusing a market in Istanbul. If there were such a thing as musical soul mates, Mowgli Moon and Rocky Chance, of the LA-based group He Met Her, would fit the bill. Sometimes an inspiration takes a hold of one’s creativity and adds blinders to one’s vision. This inspiration can easily incept one’s mind. Electronic lo-fi duo AACT RRAISER officially release their new single “Northern Lights” b/w “Ghost Princess” this Fall on Manimal, followed shortly by their debut full length album TBA. For the first time in the fashion house’s short history, Maison Kitsuné proudly presented its women’s collection as the guest designers at Pitti W. Seth MacFarlane and Emma Stone announce the nominees for the 85th Academy Awards. Browse the nominees for the 85th Academy Awards by category. The ultimate full moon shot. Dean Potter walks a highline at Cathedral Peak as the sun sets and the moon rises. Cushnie et Ochs cite pilgrims and the Salem witch trials as inspirations for their FW 2013 collection, but their signature provocation stayed wholly intact. Silence, a landscape photo series captured by Claire Droppert. This breathtaking project aims to express simplicity and minimalism and was shot around the world from locations such as Paxos, Greece and Montejaque, Spain. Shane Gabier and Chris Peters of Creatures of the Wind balance their whimsy and consumer-mindedness for fall, but it’s their folksy roots that win out. Topshop unveils their collaborative partnership with Google+ and announce that they will be streaming their Fall/Winter 2013 show live via a Google+ Hangout. Creativity was overflowing this season, and the usual spring corals were shelved in favor of mini works of art for each fingernail; Following a hugely successful year, J.W. Anderson presents a menswear collection that’s bound to have some in raptures, so in dismay. Emporio Armani managed to create a not-so-future futuristic look Fall. Managing to strike an almost unfathomable mix of pragmatism with a hint of the future, the pieces utilize a mix of textures, sheens, and colors. Vampy, moody nails continued to show up in this season’s collections; dark elegance complimented simple refinement with a savage glamour worthy of long standing popularity.