what the fuck are you talking about? Please learn basic English. And I have already completely and utterly crushed that, easily presenting a counter argument that completely and utterly eviscerates it. You have an agenda and clearly use your mod powers in pursuit of it. If you have evidence to support me abusing my powers, by all means present that to the mods.
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What an amazing experience. Congratulations on your time and all you've had so far! I especially appreciate the end of your share; those are mottos for all of my affairs. Best of luck!
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
Oh my goodness thank you so much for your thoughtful responses, they really mean a lot thank you. I’ve been learning those two things you numbered but definitely have a lot to learn on that last part. Appreciate your support so much, hope you’re doing well too.
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Well if you agree a lot of the social inequality in the world is situation B then we agree. I don't know many people personally who thinks most social inequality these days is merely situation A. I guess I haven't changed your view, but at the same time we haven't been able to discuss anything specific. If you find something post a new CMV about it.
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So my thoughts on living in China after two years are twofold: one you can't take this place seriously. Just treat it as all one big wacky ride and don't worry about anything. If you take China seriously you will snap reallllll quick. But paradoxically, you have to argue and stand up for yourself a lot. Lots of times things won't get done unless you bitch and bitch and bitch.
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I would say it depends on your crowd. Older, traditional folks (like aunts, uncles, parents' friends) might not like it. Your friends (younger crowd, I would assume) might think it's fun! Will the venue allow patrons to BYOB? That is what seems most surprising to me.
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Thank you for responding to my comment... It was a bit of an aimless rant that got more attention than I thought it would. lol I could rant again, or probably have a good discussion with someone else in the business, but I'm guessing both of us know what we need to know. So thanks for the brief exchange. ;) It's nice to see commercial sewing show up on /r/sewing every once in awhile.
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I never understood this. I hear it all the time, but I personally like how it looks. My only real issue is month view is kind of a PITA. Do you have any example or comparison the can illustrate why it looks bad? I'm not saying your wrong (which wouldn't make sense anyway since taste is subjective), quite the opposite.
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stay strong. i see people suffering from addiction to opiates daily in my ER. it's heart breaking to see and makes me feel helpless that i cant do more. we have no social resources to help those addicted and its awful. i truly hope you will stay clean and continue to live a great life.
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Marriage counseling, marriage counseling, marriage counseling. A marriage counselor can help you account for a context that we online people can't. Even if you divorce, you'll gain communicative skills that will help you later. Otherwise your husband is being a classic bastard. What else should he expect from the pregnant mom of a three-year-old who's working full-time and doing the majority of ...
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We had an internal discussion about moderating recently. In the spirit of transparency I will share my contribution to that discussion with you all. --- My take on it is this: Almost every story on /r/FloridaMan has tragedy at its core because it's really a collection of police blotters from Florida. We actually had a very successful Florida Man post about a guy who died after riding a mattress bungee'd to the top of a truck. The mattress flew off and the guy died.
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Solid choice. Lots of math. Not enough programming (in my experience), but enough to get you started on the basics. Junior year sucks but treat it like a job and work 8 hours a day and you'll be fine. If you fall behind in material you're absolutely boned.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 ]
Yeah, you are still equivocating the level of discourse on the left as that found on the right. Sure, you can find lizard-brained tribalism in some corners of the left, but that kind of thinking is what *defines* ... Honestly, your point is well taken, I just think you are wrong.
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My old school did too. They made the great announcement of "want your senpai to notice you." I'm also certain the teacher was being ironic, because she has good taste, but then again.
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It's interesting going through the weekly /r/bangtan room. You know in a video game when you're walking past people and you can see what they're all saying? It feels like that. Except you're all real and we all love bangtan.
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Yes thank you that's a good suggestion and we considered it. But the guy spent so much on us we wanted to get him something a little expensive. I was looking for something useful he might not get for himself, or unusual/funny
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This would just be called general non-monogamy. While we are happy to help you, most of us will not share your opinion on relationship dynamics. There is a /r/nonmonogamy subreddit that might be a better place to ask this question.
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I'm glad you can determine this all by a picture. It's damn near impossible for the homeless to get a job especially after a expert like yourself determined mental or ... So how does someone that needs help with such problmes first go out and get a job? Why is it horrible he's playing video games minding his own buisness. I feel bad that this dude can't do a thing without anyone judging him.
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We didnt break up. But i understand and appreciate your concern. Its just somethin i do thats a petpeeve of hers
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I can assure you, we do want what's best for the country going forward. The disconnect is this: the fact that we want that is exactly why we couldn't support Hillary Clinton. It's also why we keep talking about it. The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one, and calling out neoliberalism is a prime example of that.
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Sir, I believe you overestimate the importance of the cigarette to the overall substance of being French. The baguetteand the scarf are indeed vital, but the cigarette is only a tchotchke. Now, the beret and the shirt with horizontal stripes, those have an importance to French culture second only to the ... I suggest you learn more about The glorious French before you again make your mouth noises.
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"but why though it's a pretty small concession to make and when you deny gays the right to have their marriage recognized by the state, you now give them ground to state that ""i am legally oppressed!"" granted it's one of the most weak examples of oppression in human history, but still. give them marriage, and you now have changed the conversation from one of legality according to classically liberal principles to morality/ethics. they now have to defend why they should be marching down the street in drag and leather being absolute faggots rather than why they should have the right to do so. granted i'm biased as a bisexual, but you can't change culture with legislation. "
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I will give you 700 facts with sources explaining all of my views. If you want that is. You know, to show all I know
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The dog in question looked like an older dog so there's no way it would take any attention away from the puppies and young dogs waiting to be adopted. To OP, thank your friend on my behalf. When my girlfriend told me about the dog I actually went to cap to take the dog in for the weekend and bring the dog to the humane society on Monday. I saw your friend comforting the dog and buying dog supplies. I hope things work out and he ends up giving that dog a permanent home.
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" In my humble experience, it can definitely reduce your dating pool versus presenting as a cis male. Yes, you may meet lesbians who are not attracted to you if you have a penis because they're not attracted to that body part. Yes, you may meet idiots who just aren't ""attracted to trans people"" because they are uneducated or actively transphobic. Etc etc. That said, if it is what will truly make you happy and be good for your mental health long-term, I think a reduced dating pool is worth it."
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It's funny because you let a bunch of youtubers into your programs who were actually banned for promoting coin selling ... The fact that you lambasted an entire community over one person is embarrassing. You've given other people second chances. You didn't even give those mods a chance to make it right. I've also seen your twitter account call out people for selling coins.
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It honestly sounds like she did the best she could given the situation and the fact that she told you ... I mean, that's a lot of details and not just that, but she even went to the trouble of saying ... She could have not said a single word to you about the whole interaction given how innocuous it was. I say be glad that your wife is trying to be honest and keep communication open. Yes, she could have stood up but in a room full of people it would have looked way more obvious ...
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I'm glad you've found something you can do together like this. Studies have shown that using the brain for puzzles and games as well as social interaction both help people with ... With gaming you can do both! :) I know how you feel though, my wife's grandparents are both very intelligent people (both have master's degrees) but ... It takes some patience, and I'm glad to hear you're having fun with your dad.
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Some people (my church included) believe that is the rejection of Jesus that condemns you. You can't do that if you're too young to comprehend or mentally handicapped. Same goes for people who have literally never heard about Jesus. So a baby would go to heaven
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And don’t go on and preach how Persian culture is the greatest it’s not it’s equally as great as any other culture your not special. i disagree. i find myself culturally superior to you in many contexts. you might philosophically disagree about the relevance of a particular context as making a culture superior to another culture, but you cannot deny that persian culture is better for many things than arab culture (warfare, peace, diplomacy, strategy, academia, poetry, multiculturalism, religious tolerance, cooking/cuisine, music, etc).
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Ah sorry, you listed like all my most popular character cards. I'm not interested in the full trade, bit I would trade Flora for Agent S if you're interested. I'm fine mailing to Canada!
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Same here. I would constantly bring up the fact that I was having difficulties with our marriage and we needed to see a counselor. His response was you don't tell strangers your problems and there was nothing wrong with our marriage. It was absolutely perfect. Of course - - it was perfect for him!
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This could not be approved as your title violates our sympathy enticing rule. Can you please resubmit with an amended title? Thanks!
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In my top 5 :) I love love this book and I know exactly the feelings you mean! You are going to love Wireman so damn much. No spoilers but the end really creeped me out reading late at night lol. I hope you enjoy!
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
The Appomattox river separates Chesterfield and Petersburg. The area I was in is right below VSU. I'm really fascinated by the old bridge structures that still stand down there (if you couldn't tell). I've been trying to work on my photography and developing chops if you have any feedback.
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You can believe whatever you want, doesn't make it true. Creationists believe really hard that the world is 4000 years old. The fact is your belief isn't backed up by modern science or modern medical practices. Maybe faith alone is enough for you, but I prefer to base my worldview on science.
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I've worked remotely for a decade. There are large, successful companies that are entirely remote. (Automattic, Trello, and 37 signals, among others.) Remote work is easy and getting easier. However, you're right that our monkey brains need interaction with humans.
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Why do you feel the need to be mister fucking private investigator? And I *know* it's a mister because you very rarely get women speaking to other women like that. Nobody needs to convince you, you aren't owed anything, you're not being clever, nobody is impressed.
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This is all recent feel-good hogwash. You can try to use science to explain it but science is a long process of evidence and non biased thought. It is a disgrace to the enlightenment, a disgrace to you and a disgrace to our children. Gender is unchanging. A person can present themselves as one or another but is a an act.
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I'm just stating the fact you are a dependent and as such you need to tow the line here. Reddit is a bit of an echo chamber that'll amplify the injustice in your head, and in turn you could ... Yeah, I get it, she's invading your privacy and being a total asshole. But she has essentially bought that privilege with your consent. Getting angry at the injustice of it all is going to be counterproductive.
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"""We know that, but who's not to say *you* are the same. Surely, you can understand why we may be hesitant to see such large numbers of the same sigil. You can, but I will send five men to Starpike to inform my lord of the change."""
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I'd rather watch the boring, realistic driving encounters that I'm actually likely to encounter rather than the highlights of Russian ... If you want crashes, just sub to any number of Youtube channels. Carcrashcompilation7 posts a compilation video every day that always includes any Russian posts that would have been in roadcam.
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" If you've got evidence of otherwise, I'm willing to stand corrected. So you're going to demand ""evidence of otherwise"" [sic] (by which I think you meant 'arguments to the contrary') from ... I mean, I can quote from the ruling, but that seems kind of lazy on your part, doesn't it?"
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THANK YOU... This is wonderful, I applaud you ! Thank you for transparently engaging with me and providing this input to our important and productive conversation. The auto moderation explanation is a reasonable, logical, rational explanation, the logs provide proof enough to convince me. ( i understand your Sarcasm regarding the Censorship, but you must also understand my suspicions given that official, admitted , censorship by SBI employees occurred repeatedly and openly on the Official forums in the same VERY SHORT time window) In response I reiterate my concerns and questions directly for you: 1. Who are you in game - Are you an employee of SBI or have you ever received any financial sponsorship from SBI in any form?
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No..that is not what everyone else is saying. What the vast majority of people are saying (and what people think across this sub) is saying that guys who get injured more are injury prone. Their analysis stops there. Its not my communication ability, its your comprehension ability thats the problem here. Never said injury prone isn't a thing.
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" here's where Liberals lose me I think you're mistakenly generalizing. Liberals as a group don't believe we should ""let mass murderers back on the street"". I and many others believe life sentences are appropriate in cases like that. The line is drawn at the ludicrous idea that we should allow an untrustworthy government and flawed justice system to ..."
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As a CS major, I noticed that people who were comfortable with linux tended to be ahead of the curve. I would play around with a linux distribution if you aren't already familiar. As for which languages, Python is a nice entry point to programming. I found that sololearn has a nice intro to python that you might find helpful.
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Thank you for running this contest and thank you for considering my submissions. I'm new to the crypto world and feel AEON is a great coin to invest in and has a welcoming community. Good luck to all of the contestants!
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I'm so sure you have a bachelors in psychology. I'm best friends with Vladimir Putin. I also heard from my uncle who heard from his cousin who heard from her sister who heard from james bond who heard from my grand grandfather that Vladimir Putin is gay. I'll humor you, even though my mental health is none of your business. I've visited numerous psychologists just to be sure and told them a bunch of personal shit.
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Depends on what rank you were/are and your unit I suppose. No swinging dick (or w/e the female equivalent is) Lance would ever call their 1st Sgt, Gunny, or even Platoon ... Sgt or below maybe, MAYBE, but even then your ass is grass.
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" I think for this subreddit in particular, you should maybe not post such a negative comment. They took a picture of what they think is good - perhaps avoid using the phrase, ""this would make me ... Send em a downvote instead."
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Okay word So we have like... 0 degrees from author (BCR, Aurelius’ Meditations) 1 degree from author (sayings texts. Most of stuff attributed to Aristotle. Plato’s works when we view them in talking about what Socrates said) 2 degrees from author (my report that I wrote on Nicomachean Ethics) ? (As a separate scale. Ima try to incorporate this intuition back into your scale if we agree that this works as a model)
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I called you a cunt for ignoring my edit earlier acknowledging the homelessness thing as a separate issue. Obviously one doesn't cause another. That's why you're a cunt and should take a break from the Internet ( as will I). I said nothing about your different opinion being the source of my anger.
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i study music history / theory / philosophy, so i can give you some good recommendations! what are you interested in? any particular genres? what are you favorite albums? or do you just want completely random recommendations?
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The EU is not a foreign entity. I am part of the EU, you are part of the EU. Yes that will change, but for as long as you were in it never was *us* and *them*. It always was **us, the EU**.
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Do you have a response to the bungling of basic scientific terms that you were having? Because instead of responding to those, you've just been talking about my lack of scientific understanding, but the only knowledge you could possibly have of my level of scientific understanding comes from correcting your mistakes. It seems more likely, then, that you are the one lacking basic academic and scientific understanding, and are deflecting that onto me in order to avoid contending with it. I imagine you'll find some way to rant about postmodernism again. Exaggerating my statements in such a dishonest manner is another sign to me that you're deflecting from my arguments.
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I mean, every 4 years for the next 20-25 years, and yes. And long is your dog is friendly with my dog, I’d welcome it. I should note, that we may go abroad once or twice in the mix while we are at it.
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No it's fine for notes. In my experience the pen issues only affect you if you are a digital artist and need precision. If you are just taking notes you would never notice these issues.
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Oh god, don't get me started on this. In WI, we have no minimum drinking age IF you are with a parent/guardian/spouse. Theoretically you could buy your infant a beer and it's 100% legal. Obviously the bartender (if they have any morals) can and will refuse, but yeah. Go Wisconsin.
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Arsenal are 10x the club Newcastle are. They finished 5th under Pardew 5 years ago which relative to their club's size is a better achievement than anything we've achieved recently, we're one of the biggest clubs in the world and should be up there with the best in the CL and we're not even up there with the best in the country. Also, you're having a laugh if you think we play beautiful football this isn't 2008. We haven't challenged for shit either.
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I strongly recommend that you and your fiance independently consult with a reputable Orthodox rabbi. If he determines that you are Jewish, then you can refer any questions about your status to him. If they want to bring in other rabbis, have those rabbis speak to him. In other words, let the rabbi function as your advocate. If he recommends that you show the papers to the mother to reassure her, then do so.
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 ]
No, I don't believe it is legal where I am to buy booze online. What it sounds like to me, you're gathering all of our preferences with no plan. Sounds like a con where you are trying to get info to sell to advertisers. Or you don't have an app you have a shopping list
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Sleep at a consistent time for whatever amount of time you need to. Eat healthy. Keep your portions only as large as they need to be. Consider working out less if it's physically draining you on the daily.
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So you think it's perfectly logical to use words that you don't know the definition of? Because that's what you're asking your conversational partner to do when you decline requests to define your words. If I want to communicate with you, we have to be working with the same definitions. If you can't provide those definitions we can't communicate about that subject. If I'm talking about Bud I could be talking about weed, beer, a friend, a dog, or the homeless guy down the street.
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And who called for the referendum in the first place, knowing full well how easily people are swayed by the media? It's the same mechanism [they](https://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Admin/BkFill/Default_image_group/2011/2/25/1298628970292/no-to-av-baby-campaign-005.jpg) [abused](http://conservativehome.blogs.com/.a/6a00d83451b31c69e2014e864c7d4d970d-pi) a few years ago to shut down any hope of electoral reform for a few more decades. But you're right, we can't really hold the government to account for being disingenuous antidemocratic fuckwits. The electorate simply aren't empowered enough to do that, neither with voting power nor the education to effectively wield it.
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"What I meant by the chess would be that he's distancing himself from Sessions making it seem like there is ... That way when Sessions flips and starts attacking Dems, it doesn't look quite so much like Trump ""going after political ... I hope that's the case but I'm more inclined to agree with your thought process "
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It looks like some drawing of a wacky sex toy like hit his and her spots at once type thing lol, my advice is clean lines don't worry so much about shading until you have a rockin memorable outline/ shape. Get very good with illustrator and photoshop. Snd eventually get yourself one of the digital drawing pads, which i want to get soon. But i can tell you do have an artistic background so thats a very good start
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In my opinion, systematizing emotion may be the wrong approach depending on what you're trying to do. I'm working on an RPG system that is centered around the mechanics of dialogue, interaction, drama, and the development of rich interpersonal stories. This system is very heavily derived from systems of approaching plays as an actor. I see a huge parallel between roleplaying games and theatre - you are relating to people in the room on-the-fly as fictional people; you interact with your fellow players mainly through dialogue; you're co-creating a story together; RPG stories often follow similar dramatic structures. Most acting techniques intentionally avoid systematizing emotion because: 1.
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It's almost like you paraphrased my other comment in this thread but came to a different conclusion. Having spent some quality time with all of the above I find the similarities, particularly structural similarities, compelling. There are absolutely unique aspects to each which is to be expected, but I also find it hard to believe that versions of the earlier epics hadn't made it to other cultures to influence the latter epics. None of them were written or retold in a vacuum after all.
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
If I were you I would just move to a big city, work out, frequent comic/anime cons, and see a therapist. Speaking from my experience as a PoC, you'll never escape racism in dating. If anything, dating is where racism can be at its most insidious. As a brown guy, I treated as a foreigner by nearly everyone I meet. All of the men in my extended family were single until well into their late 30s, despite having great jobs, personalities, being feminists, etc.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
not at all what i said. if rich people earn it ethically then it's not swindling. this is not very complicated and i'm surprised you're having such a hard time understanding it.
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
And yet the deficit has went down, despite paying off Dubya's spending too. If we have wealth disparity, blame that GOP congress that has set on it's ass since 2010 that hasn't presented ... Edit: Nice try on reparsing your worship of the rich. I don't remember the Walmart family , Bushes, Koch Bros and too many others to list as being very Dem ...
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I'm not too well versed in this topic overall, but I think that you're missing a key component here. Nintendo is a Japanese company, who sells outside of their region to the U.S. because there is an overlap in ... In Japan, handheld gaming is going strong. A Japanese company in a market where hand held gaming is the norm is going to develop products for the ... Nintendo isn't making game consoles for the west, they're making consoles for a Japanese audience (that loves their handhelds) then ...
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It's a birthday party. It's your birthday party. Happy birthday darling, we love you very very very much. ^nobody ^fucking ^likes ^this ^band ^help
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"You're oblivious.. You hate that which you yourself ARE. How can you possibly stand there and lecture me from you're soap box of hypocrisy. If everyone takes the same stance as you we'll never overcome our differences. You try to insult me, instead of engaging in debate. You keep saying ""Educate yourself"" while you contradict yourself."
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
I️ am overwhelmed by your encouragement, well-wishes and advice. This is the only place on the web where I️ can be myself unapologetically along with thousands of like-minded individuals. If you’re on the fence about following the vision that you have for yourself...dive in, head first. And if you want to support me and track my progress, follow heartlandhomesco on Instagram. 👌
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Well from my knowledge of the Muslim faith it is certainly something everyone around you would highly condone. I find it similar to the beliefs in Sikhism for the use of the head scarf/wrap/etc. most religions have some form of indoctrination. Some are going to seem more *severe* or out there. I'm sure if she gets older and has second thoughts about the point of parts of her faith then she will change how she practices the faith or change her perspective.
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 ]
yeah i get it, you keep saying that, even though i don't go there. but you need the idealized person to hate and thinking i'm more complicated would blow your pea-sized brain. but yeah libtard, blah blah, libtard blah blah yawn yawn liberal libtard edgelord blah blah
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
I believe you, my dude and thank you for the reply. Very nice, even thought it would be kind of meh towards investors, I️ could understand why they would use certain tactics to suppress volatility. Either way, glad they aren’t doing that.
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
oh shit /u/grendelboy better not take that sitting down. what's your response? because I actually agree with the above and my opinions on Murray may be different from yours. your move
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You're a very astute individual. I admire your ability to use your GOD-GIVEN freedom to admonish my praise on this young lad. It is as if you, personally, are a great example of what democracy is. Also. Blow me.
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"https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/michael-w-chapman/johns-hopkins-psychiatrist-transgender-mental-disorder-sex-change Is the leading medical professional on the issue in the world ""arrogant"" too? He shares my opinion. Do you know more then the leading physician in this field at Johns Hopkins? I think you're the arrogant one for ignoring facts, asserting you know more than all the experts. After realizing the studies you cite supported my position, those quickly became ""wrong"" too. "
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In my experience, it's best to be told someone loves you in a romantic moment. Even if it's just cuddling on the couch, if you're both feeling the vibe then it's a good time to say it. Doing it at the end of a date isn't a bad idea either! Just make sure it's from the heart, and the situation won't really matter.
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New floor mats? They're 20 years old, and maybe 20 dollars? Have you not gotten your money's worth out of them?
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I will start with the worse. I put my head in a woman's lap without her permission. She was a friend and the wife of a closer friend and I had been sleeping at their house as a house guest and she was driving me to the bus stop or something. I can still hardly believe that I did such a profoundly stupid thing. But you are enjoying this and my writhing in guilt and embarrassment and self-loathing.
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"I'm not talking about pulling a Mother Teresa and going ""read Bookchin if you want to eat"" as funny as that mental image is. But poor people are used to being told their problems are their fault and they need to keep working harder. Imagine what a relief it would be to be told ""This isn't your fault. The system is bad and we need your help to rebuild it."" "
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"I think either extreme is bad. My concern is that even for those that lean left, or even solidly left, you aren't safe unless you adopt ... The intolerance of ""tolerance"" is just dumbfounding. I hope you stay around and read and see what's up. "
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She's right. You can't force her to do anything. You can only control your own behavior. You can stay with her knowing that things won't change, or you can break up with her. Those are your only 2 choices.
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? Did you miss the part where i acknowledged your opinion about his character and morals (or lack of them?) To be frank, by dismissing my comment and continuing your rant you come across as dishonest. Now i wonder what is your agenda or if you are crazy
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He didn't "abuse you once." He's still abusive. He may have stopped beating you but he is emotionally abusing you--and he may beat you again in the future. Break up with him and move on.
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I can't wait to see if there is an answer for this. This was an AWFUL decision by Netflix. An option to watch a trailer is great, but automatically after you scroll onto it? And it just loops forever? Horrible to me.
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I did my undergrad in Architecture and went to grad school for Planning. In my experience, unless you do a design focus, it is very different from architecture school. Arch school is so studio based, and all other classes tend to be secondary to Studio, or are intended to function as a supplement to Studio. Planning school (at least my program), was much more writing, reading, research, and discourse heavy. I personally found grad school to be much easier than my undergrad in architecture, due to what my strengths are.
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I think I hate you. ;) Salute! I touch the Bream of my Carp in your direction.
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Whatever fits your headcanon and makes you at peace with your feelings, my friend. It's okay to have unfounded hateful feelings about me. Remember, I'm a Nazi, so it's okay.
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I don't have any advice for you. I just want to offer my sympathy and to let you know you are a great partner to her. She is very lucky to have you in her life, and I wish you two the best. Please accept an internet hug from this stranger.
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I got since highlights like a year ago, I think it's like catalysed the sun giving me more :). Thank you so much though, I think today was the first good hair day of my life lol. I think think they stand out more because I used not-rubbish lighting :)
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Translation/NRSV|Comment| :--|:--|:-- (1 Thessalonians 1) Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace.| 2 We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, constantly| 3 remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.| 4 For we know, brothers and sisters beloved by God, that he has chosen you,| 5 because our message of the gospel came to you not in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction; just as you know what kind of persons we proved to be among you for your sake.| 6 And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for in spite of persecution you received the word with joy inspired by the Holy Spirit,| 7 so that you became an example to all the believers in Macedonia and in Achaia.| 8 For the word of the Lord has sounded forth from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but in every place your faith in God has become known, so that we have no need to speak about it.| 9 For the people of those regions report about us what kind of welcome we had among you, and how you turned to God from idols, to serve a living and true God,| 10 and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead--Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath that is coming.| Translation/NRSV|Comment| :--|:--|:-- (1 Thessalonians 2) You yourselves know, brothers and sisters, that our coming to you was not in vain,| 2 but though we had already suffered and been shamefully mistreated at Philippi, as you know, we had courage in our God to declare to you the gospel of God in spite of great opposition.| 3 For our appeal does not spring from deceit or impure motives or trickery,| 4 but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the message of the gospel, even so we speak, not to please mortals, but to please God who tests our hearts.| 5 As you know and as God is our witness, we never came with words of flattery or with a pretext for greed;| 6 nor did we seek praise from mortals, whether from you or from others,| 7 though we might have made demands as apostles of Christ. But we were gentle among you, like a nurse tenderly caring for her own children. 8 So deeply do we care for you that we are determined to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you have become very dear to us.| 9 You remember our labor and toil, brothers and sisters; we worked night and day, so that we might not burden any of you while we proclaimed to you the gospel of God.| 10 You are witnesses, and God also, how pure, upright, and blameless our conduct was toward you believers.| 11 As you know, we dealt with each one of you like a father with his children,| 12 urging and encouraging you and pleading that you lead a life worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory.| 13 We also constantly give thanks to God for this, that when you received the word of God that you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word but as what it really is, God's word, which is also at work in you believers.| 14 For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea, for you suffered the same things from your own compatriots as they did from the Jews,| 15 who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove us out; they displease God and oppose everyone| 16 by hindering us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. Thus they have constantly been filling up the measure of their sins; but God's wrath has overtaken them at last.| 17 As for us, brothers and sisters, when, for a short time, we were made orphans by being separated from you--in person, not in heart--we longed with great eagerness to see you face to face.| 18 For we wanted to come to you--certainly I, Paul, wanted to again and again--but Satan blocked our way.| 19 For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you?| 20 Yes, you are our glory and joy!| Translation/NRSV|Comment| :--|:--|:-- (1 Thessalonians 3) Therefore when we could bear it no longer, we decided to be left alone in Athens;| 2 and we sent Timothy, our brother and co-worker for God in proclaiming the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and encourage you for the sake of your faith,| 3 so that no one would be shaken by these persecutions.
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The media would have you believed we're on the cusp of absolute savagery. The truth is we've never had MORE PEOPLE and at the same time we've never been MORE PEACEFUL. At the same God damn time. Attitudes like yours are the real danger. We have no problem with Russian people.
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