"I mean, look, everybody hears/reads things all day that they don't care about. The guy who keeps posting these ""idgaf"" videos about Beyoncé on my fb feed posts regularly about bands and video ... You don't see me posting that idgaf about Ben Affleck as Batman whatever. I just go ""huh"" and move on with my damn life like a normal person lol. It's just a way for people to feel superior for not being interested in celebrity culture, but everyone has guilty ..."
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"At my property, if somebody doesn't check out by a certain time and if we have no means of contacting ... Makes for some great reactions when they come back at 5 are like ""why was I charged?!"" Cause you didn't check out and now we can't use that room. Have a nice day!"
[ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
You sound like a Liberal Arts student im a stem student and i agree with them. what are you going to say to me? fuckin idiot edit: Ok Betamale? oh boy i cant believe i fooled myself into replying to a low t cuck.
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Becasue a 1700 does other things way better and is only a little behind if you artificially introduce a GPU ... Waste your money however you see fit but for me it's clear what's more futureproof. I'm not trading 100% gain in some areas like streaming or encoding for a 10% gain in gaming when experience ...
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This is not the advice you've come for, but I think you need some *you* time. If you're feeling overwhelmed being with the baby all day and the business is doing well, why not hire a ... Running a business is tough, and it sounds like your husband got to where he is by working hard and ... I bet he feels that the whole business rests on his shoulders and that if he *doesn't take this call ... Maybe you need to do something like a rule about no phones at meals--you'll put the phones away for the ...
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Dear leader? How could you mistake me for a Trump supporter? Either you haven't really been reading my comments or you need to brush up on your comprehension skills. you can't compare a minivan to a tank If you think that all vehicles are wrong then yes, you can. Refer back to my original statement.
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Again, I do not think you have ever been in a situation to make these types of decisions. This is why your view point is so skewed. You give the person keys, because you trust them to open the door when it's needed. The fire dept and the school most likely had a miscommunication and they were there early. A good manager would see the situation as a one time event, let the employee know not to do it ...
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I will say Baha'i religion has some practical goals that can be only achieved with large amounts of organized humans in a cohesive well conducted systematic approach. Each human has unique skills. The Baha'i community needs the skills you can provide. If you don't provide your particular set of skills then the community will be not as strong without the skills only you can offer as a unique humans being. I will leave the goals for you to study - that include the unification of humanity.
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"That's something IT guys and us accountants/finance people have to put up with pretty much constantly. I'm an editor and in the same boat. I get this attitude of ""I speak English, why do I need you?"" from people all the time. Sure, you speak English, so does my 4 year old. "
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This dates me horribly, but "Blinded By the Light," Manfred Mann version. About 5 years after it was on the radio I heard Springsteen singing it and said, "He's ruining this song!" and my friend said, "It's _his_ song, you idiot!"
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"I didn't discard anything. I said you were fine. But you discarded me when you ""completely disagreed"" with my mainstream common sense advice. So when OP comes here asking for opinions, he can either listen to common sense cost/benefit guy reflecting conventional wisdom (me), or ""I completely disagree with your common sense stance. I don't care about the numbers because I like it LOL"" (you)"
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I listened to this whilst replying to these comments and it was perfect for a montage to it. Reminds me of the Street light manifesto, any relation? Thank you buddy for sharing, loving adding new music to my library.
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I used to love him. That love has disappeared for the true cunt he is. I understood you there, but your particular choice of phrasing made me laugh :P
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That was still assault. Bruise would have been easy proof, but you have witnesses for that. You have every right to be furious, and as far as I'm concerned, she should be banned from that playgroup ... I admire your restraint in the heat of the moment. I would not have been so calm.
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Translation: Even though society stopped caring about me being trans, I still need more. Although you have accepted my sexual preferences, I demand that your sexual prederences are wrong. Please love me.
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From my experience, your eccentricities and interests aren't that weird. However, I'm a pretty open-minded dude, so take that for what it's worth. It seems to me people just use 'weird' for lack of a better word. A girl friend of mine has a friend (also a 'weird' girl) who she says is an odd-ball, but she genuinely loves her weird friend because she's so kind. In short, your roomie was a bitch, and you'll run into those people in your life.
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Phwoar some real hard hitters there. I do love how most of that stuff is just a list of the stuff the RSP have stopped you ... Hey, I'm all for them stopping your wacky Meat Free Monday's though so nice.
[ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[Here](https://imgur.com/gallery/JagB7)'s a few pics of my lovely rescue cat, Olive. Anxiety sucks, you have my sympathy. Box breathing (in for the count of 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4, repeat) can really help calm me in the immediate moment; distraction is also good (a TV programme that makes you smile? A 10-min walk outside?) as well as telling myself that it's ok to feel like this (don't blame yourself), and it will pass when it passes.
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Proverbs 21:1 NLT - The king's heart is like a stream of water directed by the LORD; he guides it wherever he pleases. (I like to think I am the king, not in a high and mighty way, but in a way I know God is in control.) or Psalms 94:18-19 NLT - I cried out, "I am slipping!" but your unfailing love, O LORD, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.
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I forget the term for it in arabic, but you are allowed to pretend to be the enemy before you ... I believe this works if you are in enemy territory; so camouflage/deep cover. Edit-I believe you are allowed to disavow your faith** if you are facing ~~persecution~~ death imminently.
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I'm confused by what your point is. I mean I assume you're defending Trump since you're providing pics of the packed room. But not sure how that relates to the lines outside the building of people who couldn't get in?
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I think the problem with your premise is that you're assuming everything had to do with slavery in that period. Off the bat, the winners of the 1840 and 1848 Presidential Elections died in office during their first terms, so ... Martin Van Buren who won in 1836, but lost in 1840, was did in by the Panic of 1837, which ... *Martin Van Buren and the American Political System* Donald B. Cole First one-term President you could directly relates to the ... Here, certainly, the issues surrounding slavery were causing federal politics to be less stable.
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77 cents to the dollar is a massive gap no matter what. And there is a pervasive rape culture in the US. It permeates every aspect of our culture and the fact that you can't see it is part and parcel.
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I'm sure you've heard these tips before, but I'll say them anyway bc they've really helped me. For the longest time I couldn't ever get my blending to look good, but then I bought a new brush ... Also, if I'm doing a look that requires a lot of blending, I make sure I have plenty of time, ... With this look I also used 4 different shadows in the crease, starting with a color barely darker than my ... And of course, practice.
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Job #1 also required you to tell them if you were employed elsewhere, (not allowed to work for competitors) This ... I highly suggest you do not do that in the future. Honestly, if you can prove they said something to your new employer, you could sue the fuck out of them. Employers are not allowed to trash talk past employees, at will state or not.
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Undermining the equality of our relationship because of double standards that work in your favor. The lack of respect or taking ownership of wrongdoing by giggling and 'puppy eyes' after you do the same thing that I did to anger you earlier. I get passive aggressive comments or yelled at and you then do THE SAME THING and upon me pointing that out YOU decide to giggle and play cute. Not cool. I am a person, not a push over.
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Ok, but I'm not alt-right. I have 300k karma on this sub. So you are talking to other people that might be reading our discussion. Wouldn't they find it more persuasive to find two people agreeing that specific bad actors employing specific tactics are assholes, even though they are ostensibly allied with us?
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But it does mean you rely on belief. Call that what you will, but belief and religion in regards to our existence are synonymous. You would be what I would call an atheist, because you hold a level of belief that there is no god over the assertion that there is, whereas I, an agnostic, hold no level of belief in any direction whatsoever. There must be a distinction between those two standpoints.
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I don't know why Girardi was listed for worst defenseman and worst contract. Marc Staal was easily worse than him in both regards and every team had worse defensemen than both of them. I really think you should consider remaking this with all blanks instead of bad stock answers.
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Hah, anytime I'm having a debate (or argument) with someone on here, 50% of the time it devolves into some ... I mean, whatever. At that point you realize there's no point in arguing with a dumbass. I never did understand why it's hard for some people to understand that music taste is subjective and there's no ...
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soul searching? this implies you have a soul and the self awareness to search it. given that you are a successful professional politician - i don't think either of those are true.
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Tell him to buckle up and get you a gift. Not exactly like that but maybe bring it up and ask if there's a reason and how you were disappointed ... I'm sorry :( and maybe ask if he can take you to dinner
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Choosing a university doesn't limit you from certain opportunities, my guy. Besides, at what age do you want the cutoff, cause youth tournaments can even be at 14. Imagine telling a 14 year old with multiple nationalities they have to choose what country to represent for the rest of their lives. Nah. Let them live and do whatever they want.
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i mean, the harassment is a shame and all that, but let's be real the logic involved in the comic is laughably simplistic and problematic. one can't realistically extrapolate negative situations as an overall positive and assume people are better off when something shitty happens to them. i'd argue that's veering towards an unhealthy outlook on life, like some sort of weird masochistic-sacrificial-jesus-died-for-your-net-happiness mentality. it's a one-way ticket to doormat town, fail county, population you. not to mention that there's a good chance that bike was stolen by a drug addict, pawned for dope money, and stuck up his arm/nose/lungs, further prolonging the addict's dreary existence for another day as he or she hits the pavement the very next morning to do that miserable daily hustle all over again.
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RZ, you my friend, have a most excellent way of determining solutions and answers. I like your style. :)
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If a doctor decided doing so benefits them more than not doing so, yes. A doctor whose studied that kid knows better than I or you do. All medications have the potential to be harmful but sometimes they're needed. When I was young my doctor put me on a medication that she thought I needed even though society in ... It helped a lot.
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No... he does not appear scared at all. He just does not know what to do. YOU're actually wrong, sir. Also, thanks for revealing to me the most obnoxious way to argue on reddit. JSYK, my statements are all truthful facts, and yours are all wrong lies.
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Goodbye Deutschland, you were once a beautiful country and people (after the war). You shall be missed. Of course you will also be missed at the Olympics..
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Family orientated doesn't mean we reflect your backward family structure where even the goats are fair game. Mum, dad and siblings, husbands and wives, producing healthy children, etc. Not the perversion you were subjected to. Just cause you have a sore bum doesn't mean everyone else has too. God save Prince George from the abomination that is the CoE!
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What's wrong Batman? Are my challenges too much for your tiny insignificant brain? Maybe you should just concede to my far superior intellect!
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Theres a group of chimps, in north Western Africa I believe, that have been seen jabbing pointed sticks into thick brush to hunt bushbabies. But to answer your question, no not to my knowledge. Primates don't throw things to hunt, nor do any other animals that I'm aware of.
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Ohh yeah sorry. I'd imagine you're a bit new here and maybe to reddit in general (not trying to sound condescending). So the way this sub works is that the poster will post content that they think could be a forward ... You know, it could be political idiocy like this, could be sweet stuff sent to her grandchildren saying she loves ... When people respond like with my comment we're directly talking to the post, not you.
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Don't be sorry sweetheart! This pain is the price I pay (and you too) for loving each other and our pets. I would like to say that I wouldn't have it any other way, but I wish it didn't have to hurt so much. I do accept the pain, though, and am glad you shared your loss with me and your fellow kratomites. Just be warned that when my little 10 year old Emma gets older and dies, I will be sharing my pain here at r/kratom.
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I love the rage after you GBC someone off a ledge on a narrow map. Wow! Wow! Wow! Well what did you (metaphorically) expect prick, it was you or me.
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" When rape convictions are being overturned like this it adds more scrutiny to rape cases and makes it more difficult for convictions to be obtained thus making it harder for rape victims. If the justice system in this country is changing the likelihood for which they find a guilty verdict for a crime based on whether other completely unrelated criminal cases find guilty verdicts or not ... then holy fuck do we have way, way, WAY bigger problems on our hands, because you've literally just suggested our justice system is fucked beyond belief and is not considering cases on their own merits. That's a massive, massive accusation you're making there and would undermine our entire justice system. I suspect that's likely because they're literally a racist and being sent to prison for a long time, and people are not trying to explain what they've done is a bad thing - because nobody needs convincing. I'm going to assume you meant to say rapist, and point out that I don't think even you believe that people such as yourself are saying the whole ""false accusations make it harder for real victims"" line because you're ""trying to convince people that what they've done is bad""."
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Please continue to be blind. Trump will be lucky to make it 8 months at this rate. I am sure you guys must be so proud people already have to resign 24 days in. LOL!
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You have to wonder why Russia would want Trump to win. The most plausible theory is that it benefits Russia to have an idiot in the White House. The Steele dossier is slowly being proved factual. I can't wait till you defend Trump's piss video, I'm sure you'll just blame the left for losing it's mind.
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I don't think you understand the overall picture perhaps. Yes, there are many veterans here and it seems obvious everyone in the military should support medical marijuana. In reality most people in the military don't really have strong opinions on it. I imagine you would get a decent amount of people who wouldn't be opposed to medical marijuana; what you aren't seeing is how unimportant that is to someone who doesn't use marijuana at all. I can tell you from first hand experience that both my parents vote Republican, yet support medical marijuana.
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agree 110%. they say the best way to get over one man is to get under another - the chick is just looking for a rebound and a way to either take her mind off her ex or, even more likely, try to make him jealous - *especially* because she knows you live with him. this is how some chicks work... they play mind games. quite honestly, i dont think she respects your friendship.
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You could put them on the same scale, but it would make the game really clunky. It'd be weird to play with players who have 80 shooting but 10 athleticism since the scale normally bottoms out ... The difference between the most athletic and least athletic women's players wouldn't really be noticeable on the men's rating scale. I like the FIFA model of only allowing you to use women's teams against other women's teams. It feels like you're playing the same game, and strengths and weaknesses are still evident.
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Yes, you have sacrificed so much, and by so much you mean nothing....you went to work and made money, that's ... And yes, I have no *monetary* debt. But the *emotional debt* is so high you think I'd gone to Harvard.
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thanks for chiming in. i think it's interesting that customer perception differs pretty significantly from those of us on the other side (body shop owners, auto manufacturing, etc) who get a more intimate look at the products GM makes. I have to say that i agree with you wholeheartedly given my own experiences with GM's vehicles.
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Can you hear it? I'm playing you a sad song on my violin. Oh, did you see something you don't like on the internet? Poor baby.
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" ok in all honesty, i got a very uncanny feeling reading all the stuff about your mother. one thing i have to say is i find that many times (and i am not speaking on your case, this is just a pattern i have noticed w SOME c-ptsd survivors) the diagnoses of BPD is wrong, and it is often the doctors trying to make more $$$$. of course with C-PTSD (much more than just PTSD) we have the ""i hate you, dont leave me"" shit going on, if we meet the right person OR the absolute wrong person we get intensely tied to them etc. however a big part of BPD is the inability to feel actual empathy, and i think we all know how we are over empathic most of the time, in a damaging way (if this doesnt apply to you i am very sorry, not trying to tell you how u are, this is something that helped me and others i know). there are many ""borderline type symptoms"" that are similar w C-PTSD, but they come from different places and manifest differently."
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It's not an easy system, I agree with you there. This is probably somewhat of a regional thing, but I imagine somewhat it comes down to how many applicants a given part of the SSA is dealing with. I'm aware of 2 people close to me who were approved on their first attempt, one of whom had a qualifying condition that resulted in automatic approval. Cold comfort I know, but the system can work. You've my sympathies and I hope things work out for you.
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I respect you not being upset and replying neutrally, my apologies for any disrespect. Yeah I quite literally just read what he said today..that hurt a lot. But yes the Irish were oppressed but not anywhere to a degree of Black people that's just absurd.
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You're looking for a fight aren't you? "Diversity is racism" tells me that you're against my very nature and existence. Unless your name is ironic, which I doubt. Given that you you used political terminology for idiots.
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I feel like this impacted your life much more than it should have, fellow dad. Pls take my upvote and unwavering confidence that you are the man and it simply wasn't meant to be. Maybe OP is having a shit day and all that karma is helping him/her get through a tough time. You never know...but don't get discouraged.
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Pertaining to what? I believe many things, but I can't sum them up with a single descriptor because there isn't a single principle linking them. If you ask me a moral question, I can explain my logic for a specific situation.
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What's marriage material for you, a guy you're so bored with sexually that you're seeking out other men? I've had both extremes in relationships--crazy passion and connection but zero compatibility, and good compatibility but not enough innate connection or passion. From my experience with the latter, you have to have chemistry and good sexual communication. I'm actually in a similar position. We're LDR now and the guy has zero interest in any flirtatious or sexual banter.
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If I wasn't so lazy, I would add my dog lazily interested in your boxer's amazing singing voice. Also, your skateboard wall is amazing. I must show my husband.
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St George area meetup. Sunday September 24th @ 1:30 p.m. Harmons on the corner of River Rd and 700 S. Casual meet up. We meet on the east side of the cafe. All of us are friendly and happy to share our experiences or listen to yours. With the weather cooling down we are looking on moving the meet up outside.
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So then this is what our founders were worried about I reckon, when they decided blending religion and government was a bad idea. Once a politician turns faith into tribalism you get what we now have. Lies, abuse, greed, wrath, and pride become insignificant offenses. Winning, or better yet the other side loosing, becomes far more important than following the teachings of the guy their faith was named after. I guess it'll keep working as long as their preachers keep telling them they are doing "God's Work" by electing lying, greedy, groping, racist womanizers because the only thing that matters is the Supreme Court.
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Russia really does serve as a counterweight to our foreign policy interests. Whether you agree on our foreign policy interests is a matter of debate. We have idiot voters all across America to thank for our regression on domestic issues.
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You CAN get a roommate and tell your mom to flat out fuck off. There is also talking to the landlord and looking for a new place to live. Taking your mom back though is not an option.
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honestly i think the important thing is that you love her. IMO The alt right is not about disdain for other people, it is more about rediscovering the ability to have respect for our own people. Sure, i would prefer if there was less race mixing overall because I dont want our people to go extinct...but that is a general worry. In your case it seems really obvious that it is either this girl or nobody. It would be dishonorable to abandon her.
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"You are amusing my friend. Message me when you graduate high school and we can have a civil discussion on the statistics. Repeating the phrase ""nah, you just haven't done the reading"" won't cut it out here with the big boys. And from the other arguments you are involved in, with other users in this thread, it is clear you aren't familiar with logical fallacies as i've counted about 4 in your arguments so far. So, in your words, I say "" you gotta do some reading brah"""
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and my point is you already tried centrism to fight fascism and you lost. the next fascist wont be as horribly incompetent. the only way to beat fascism is with economic populism. centrism will lose every time. we want similar things.
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No. Just.... no. I doubt you've come within a mile of actual government in the U.S.
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Oh yeah the formatting definitely helps. I was speaking more generally about having a job for a couple of months. If you don't format it correctly, it looks like you're just job hopping.
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I'm a parent. Can confirm I have no idea what I'm doing. P.S. If you believe we need better evidence based medicine, don't even try reading any parenting books.
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I loved you from the very start, You stole my breath, embraced my heart. Our life together has just begun, You're part of me my little one. As mother with child, each day I grew, My mind was filled with thoughts of you. I'd daydream of the things we'd share, Like late-night bottles and teddy bears. Like first steps and skinned knees, Like bedtime stories and ABC's.
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He might mean he misses the drunk you. Many of our spouses/partners feel kind of abandoned when you take up sobriety. Because the person they knew so well is gone and they are having a hard time adjusting. Maybe we were more pliable when we had alcohol in our systems. Or easier to control.
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Thank you all for the supportive and kind comments. We are total strangers but it warms my heart to hear your words of sage advice and personal testimony. It takes a lot of strength to try and live normally while dearly loving someone with an addiction, and though nobody should have to go through that, it eases the pain knowing there are others who are surviving and thriving despite it.
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Sorry if I pay attention to the situation as the show describes it and don't like it when it goes in the complete opposite direction? And sorry if you coming up with poorly conceived rationales on the showrunner's behalf doesn't evaporate my concerns. "It's just entertainment" isn't an argument, it's just a phrase you could use to dismiss any criticism of any show, book etc. The show becoming a soap opera with magically appearing and teleporting armies and fleets is a lot less entertaining to me.
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what about the siege of Leningrad and Stalingrad? whether you like them or not we should give most of the credit to the USSR for defeating Hitler. obviously the eastern theater is a different story
[ 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 ]
Setup the rules on the gateway to log any traffic destined to the terrible subnet. Add the new subnet that you'll be migrating to as additional addresses on all of the devices. As you log hits to the old space, go back and update whatever needs to be fixed to use the ... When you haven't seen any logged connections in a couple months go through and finally kill the old net.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
It's horrifically selfish to not realize "hey, my girlfriend made a mistake and left stuff at my house that she ... It's horrifically selfish to think "hey, I'll make plans by leaving necessary things out of my reach in a way ... If either one of you had any compassion for the other's situation, this wouldn't be an issue. But neither of you have any compassion for each other and are too devoted to your own views to consider ... Neither of you did this to hurt the other person.
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then I don't know what to say Hey, you never know. Maybe the first 70 years of his life on this planet/his entire campaign/his initial cabinet appointments/his friendship with unrepetent racists ... /s
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I know I can speak for everyone and say that we are really happy that you decided to return and that you don't feel hurt anymore. We never want you to leave, so if anything ever upsets you here to any degree, please tell us! We're all in this together and we need you if we wanna be a family. It'd be like missing a piece of a puzzle. We love you, Justin!
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
You still around, loser? Oooh moving on to loser from stupid, congrats! Yes, you bring much levity to my day. With your kid in the car and 5 delinquents trying to hijack it, you have no choice but to bring fight to them. OK John Wick.
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not enough experience? what experience have you had at high rank? care to tell us your rank please so we can make a valid assessment of your opinions. I've had the last 2 seasons at master/grandmaster with Symmetra / DVA main with several hundred hours on both of them
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Ha ha, Hello fellow Specialist, what a jocular attitude. How about you tell me instead? Surely we have an unspoken bond in which you can trust me with such information.
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Hahahahaha! That's hilarious :) Well I hope you find our posts entertaining. Enjoy that new office!
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It sounds like you both love each other and care about each other's needs, which is the issue at hand ... I totally agree with you about other options that do not involve penetration. Any person, male or female, who cares about their spouse would take their needs into consideration alongside their own rather ... There are so many options to take care of sexual needs that aren't penetration. OP mentioned she barely even wants to hug him.
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I don't have that much of an issue with it. In 1.6 the radar didn't show you jack shit except your team mates position relative to yourself, WITHOUT any map ... We already have a radar that fully details the map you're playing along with enemy positions(when visible). So what's the big deal about adding on the equipment details to the hud? CS:GO is the casualization of counter strike, this doesn't really buck the trend.
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Because they're not identifying themselves as police officers. That's like saying any kid with a soccer ball is impersonating a pro soccer player. I'm not sure where you live, but absolutely none of the police officers near me dress in camouflage. I'd also never mistake someone dressed in camo for a police officer.
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When I am hiring, in no circumstances will listing a selection of hobbies and interests have a positive effect on your application (ok maybe if the hobby-interest is so incredible/rare/fascinating that i just can't pass up the opportunity to meet you, but otherwise no circumstances). It will only have a negative impact. I will question the judgment that made you put something out-of-place on your CV. It will make me wonder whether i would trust your judgment to get on with client correspondence unsupervised. Professionalism and professional judgment are great virtues, and in an industry like mine, which is hugely focused on client interaction and client satisfaction, with clients who want to know that the big fees they are paying are being handled by professionals, they are incredibly important.
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Hey man. Loved your photo. Decided to paint it - iPad Pro, Apple Pencil, Procreate software. Hope you enjoy :) http://i.imgur.com/Xaxzw7h.jpg
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Because you're telling me that you literally don't care that you believe false things. That's standard operating procedure for Trumpcucks. I hope you're not surprised.
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I'm also glad that we have you in our community. I've made some really good friends in here myself, I hope that you enjoy the time with us. I'm not even dare to say I'm a veteran, but if you have any question, feel free to PM me and hit me up. I don't know if you're willing to drop lots of $$$ on a keyset, but there's a pretty sick GMK set coming up (GMK Laser), you may want to look into it :)
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From my perspective, what you did was disrespectful and dishonest. I would feel like you wanted me as your side gf and didn't value me enough to wait until you were really single. Also, I would feel like, *hey, if he did this to her, he would definitely do this to me! * TBH I'd door slam you, too. Please don't lie to her to get her to talk to you, though, you'll really risk losing her friendship then.
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I never said anything about needing to rely solely on these numbers over anything to make a point - just added context to why *some* people may doubt FPI, especially when it's been an ongoing issue for at least one team. I haven't taken the time to look at the success rate of FPI's predictive numbers for every team...just the one I follow. But I appreciate your dickish, sarcastic reply to my post that had neither in its tone. Totally warranted.
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To be fair, the gaming industry abandoned the term 'adventure' to describe their games over a decade ago. And you're right, I'm not repeating back the general consensus. I'm giving you my opinion, which I humbly consider to be a bit more consistent and nuanced. The fact that we are are even having a conversion about adventure games vs RPG's shows that the current definitions are lacking. Using mechanics to define a game's genera is like basing movie generas on their cinematography.
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I like listening to the Hollywood gossip/stories on his and Tom Segura's podcast. Sometimes you hear the same story but from different perspectives which is fun to listen to in my opinion. (Also been enjoying Bobby Lee's podcast too recently).
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Not really my job to give you details about myself, but I'll humor you. I'm a person, with a gender of female, and female body parts which most people like to label "male." If it's easiest for you to think of me as being ""male at birth"", then go right ahead, I guess. But I'm not biologically anything other than a person, and that person identifies as girl.
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This is the problem. Everything is a faceless corporation now with **zero** personal accountability. Using language like 'we share your concern', nothing can change.
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You can never just assume what someone is going to be into by looking at them. Isn't hat the truth. I've had some interesting surprises over the years. I appreciate you being sweet and kind in our convo. There are too many people who can't seem to catch tone and context from reading or they just default to fight mode.
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Thank you :) we exchanged gifts last night and we were both pleased with what we got. She was very thoughtful in her gifts, remembering what I said I needed/wanted. Merry Christmas to you :)
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