Are there (will there be) more aspect ratios / dimensions?

by Norby - opened

It's amazing what you have achieved here! I'm loving it! For me, the Artistic version is giving more realistic, nicer, aesthetically more pleasing results.

However, as I'm doing characters designs, I'm having a bit of trouble with these aspect ratios, as characters get stretched quite a bit, they have elongated bodies. Anatomy-wise, they are fine, have only 2 legs and 2 arms, but they look like they have marfan syndrome.

Are there any other aspect ratios, that work? Maybe 4:3 or 3:2?
I tried using some random W:H numbers, but then the composition or anatomy got really messy, I couldn't quite figure out decent dimensions.

Thank you for your hard work nonetheless! I will soon be uploading some images to Twitter to spread the word.

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