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Instruction tune of Yi-34b with Open-Platypus (fp16)


This is chargoddard/Yi-34B-Llama, with instruction tuning performed with the garage-bAInd/Open-Platypus dataset. That base model is 01-ai/Yi-34B, but using llama2 model definitions and tokenizer to remove any remote code requirements.

This is a (merged) QLoRA fine-tune (rank 64).

The finetune was performed with 1x RTX 6000 Ada (~18 hours to this checkpoint). It is possible this is rather undertrained, as this checkpoint is at 1 epoch. I began to see some performance degradation after that; more hyperparameter tuning is probably warranted.

How to Use

Use as you would any llama-2 model.


Model was trained with legacy airoboros <2.0 system prompt. See bhenrym14/airoboros-33b-gpt4-1.4.1-lxctx-PI-16384-fp16 model card for details.

Downloads last month
Model size
34.4B params
Tensor type

Dataset used to train bhenrym14/platypus-yi-34b

Spaces using bhenrym14/platypus-yi-34b 2