My model hash is different from others with the identical model

by tintinbananas - opened

I downloaded AbyssOrangeMix2_nsfw.safetensors, and its model hash is 0873291ac5.
However, posts I've seen online using AbyssOrangeMix2_nsfw.safetensors have the model hash a87fd7da, and the results I get by using their prompts is also different.

Did I do something wrong? Any help is appreciated!


Hello @tintinbananas ,

You have the right model, one is the new hash format, and the other is the old.

New format hash: 0873291ac5
Old format hash: a87fd7da

As for getting different results, you need to copy all of the parameters, not just the prompt, to get nearly the same result.

The easiest way is by downloading the PNG images people post (assuming they were generating using automatic1111, and the user left it configured to add metadata), then dragging the file into the PNG info tab in automatic1111. This will extract the generation parameters for you, then you can easily send them to txt2img to try to replicate and to experiment.

Here is an example that has the metadata for you to test with. This was generated using nsfw and with the orangemix VAE.


Ohh I had no idea the hash format was changed, thanks for informing me!
I tried using the parameters I got from the image, and the result was identical, but I also did the same for the other images I found, where the result was still different, so maybe they added something which wasn't saved in the image metadata. Thanks nevertheless!

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