Updating the GGUF files

by Armada22 - opened

Are you planning on using the newest version of llama.cpp that implements the fixes from https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/6920 to update the files?


Yes, but later!
No worry!


Alright, I tried to do it, here's my issue :

  • If I use convert.py => don't work
  • If I use convert-hf-to-gguf.py => don't work
  • If I use convert.py with --vocab-type bpe => work but the outputed files are the same

I didn't used the tokenizer.model from Llama3 (only the tokenizer.json) and I didn't got any issue with the token myself even when people told us they have... So I dunno, please report if you have issue.


I currently fix all the model, this one is the next in some minutes. Have fun!

Thank you so much!

Armada22 changed discussion status to closed

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