Second time I fell for this... misleading naming.

by wolfram - opened

The name is really misleading, this isn't Llama 2 70B Chat Uncensored, as if it was an uncensored version of the official Llama 2 Chat model - this is Wizard-Vicuna-Uncensored Llama 2 70B. I know it's not your fault, TheBloke, just mentioning it because I'm perusing your HF page as my daily model news source and this is the second time this model naming confused me, so I wanted to mention it here.

You're right, it is a bit confusing. Have you raised this point to the original model creator? If he renames it I will certainly follow suit. But I don't like to use a different name than the original model, as that is also confusing (and leads to a flood of "can you do this model?" 'I did already do that model..' "But I don't see it on your page.." :) )

I just posted a comment: jarradh/llama2_70b_chat_uncensored 路 Please fix the misleading naming

Feel free to give it an upvote or add your own comment, as I'm sure your opinion may be more convincing than mine.

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