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An attempt at a Generalist Model, using chunks spliced from the Airoboros and OpenHermes dataset, and some of my own stuff which I have since discarded (chat stuff, basic shit)forgot i added CollectiveCognition to the mix.

Base Model used is a gradient merge between OpenHermes & Airoboros 2.2, lora trained on the two spliced datasets and my own one, which was reapplied to them (dumb move I know)

Tests: Uncensored, not bad at RP I Guess, it felt decent. Good? who knows, tbh. try it urself or smth

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Model size
7.24B params
Tensor type

Datasets used to train Sao10K/HACM7-Mistral-7B

Collection including Sao10K/HACM7-Mistral-7B