AI & ML interests

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The history of OpenSistemas in the field of artificial intelligence reflects an unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation, developing a dual strategy in the field of AI.

On one hand, we have delved into the science of data, using advanced statistical and mathematical techniques to unravel complex patterns and predict future behaviors. This approach has allowed us to interpret large volumes of data and draw meaningful conclusions that have informed strategic decisions across various industries.

On the other hand, we possess exceptional expertise in the development and application of neural networks, which are the heart of modern deep learning systems. By modeling these structures inspired by the human brain, we have created models that not only learn autonomously but also adapt their behavior in real-time, opening new frontiers in AI processing and analysis capabilities.

Knowledge Areas in AI 🤖

Generative AI Models

  • Generative AI integration projects.
  • Create images and text as a human.
  • Corporate Process Integration.
  • Empowering the business.

Natural Language Processing

  • NLP for specialization vs LLMs.
  • Efficient, less resource-heavy vs LLMs.
  • Combining NLP + LLMs for optimal results.
  • Intermediate approach using trained LLMs like LLaMA.

Computer Vision

  • Analyze and interpret images, human imitation.
  • Open source and pretrained models.
  • Integrated in your corporate processes.
  • Edge computing on Mobile and Jetson devices.

Machine Learning

  • Diverse ML capabilities.
  • Train algorithms for autonomous decision-making.
  • Deployment in cloud infrastructure.

SofIA, our specialized AI agent 🚀

SofIA by OpenSistemas is a revolutionary AI assistant designed to integrate seamlessly into corporate environments. This AI tool democratizes access to generative AI, like ChatGPT, for all employees, enhancing operational efficiency and enabling intelligent management of daily tasks. SofIA's architecture is built on a plugin-based system, allowing for extensive integration with various internal systems such as ERP, CRM, Data Lake, Microsoft Teams, Azure Cloud, Google Chat, and more.

Key Features 🔑

  • Integration: SofIA integrates with corporate processes, offering modular extensibility and ensuring security and control.
  • Capabilities: The tool aids in daily management, intelligent planning, finding responsible parties for tasks, integrating with various processes, and more.
  • Technology Stack: OpenSistemas specializes in AI, data management, cloud services, and digital transformation, utilizing technologies like PyTorch, NVIDIA, Azure Cognitive Services, TensorFlow, and more.

Locally Deployable 💻

SofIA stands out with its recent milestone: the successful deployment using a Large Language Model (LLM) on a GPU instance or private server. This achievement not only sets a new standard for privacy-centric AI in the business world but also establishes SofIA as a leader in the field.

Optimized for companies with critical confidentiality requirements, SofIA distinguishes itself by offering a tailored solution, addressing data privacy concerns with answer accuracy on par with any other LLM application.

Contact and information 🌐

We are OpenSistemas, a spanish company specializing in providing innovative technology solutions and services. We focus on areas such artificial intelligence, data science, data management, analytics, cloud computing and big data, aiming to enhance business efficiency and drive digital transformation for our clients.

If you want to know more about us, don't forget to visit our website


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