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SDXL LoRA DreamBooth - Norod78/ClaymationX_LoRA

Model description

These are Norod78/ClaymationX_LoRA LoRA adaption weights for stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0.

The weights were trained using DreamBooth.

LoRA for the text encoder was enabled: False.

Special VAE used for training: madebyollin/sdxl-vae-fp16-fix.

Trigger words

You should use in the style of ClaymationX as the suffix to trigger the image generation.

Download model

Weights for this model are available in Safetensors format.

Download them in the Files & versions tab.

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Adapter for

Dataset used to train Norod78/ClaymationX_LoRA

Spaces using Norod78/ClaymationX_LoRA 5