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This model is the static version of moloras (Mixture-of-multi-LoRAs) based on the following 6 Mistral-based LoRa modules.

  • Intel/neural-chat-7b-v3-1
  • migtissera/SynthIA-7B-v1.3
  • jondurbin/airoboros-m-7b-3.1.2
  • bhenrym14/mistral-7b-platypus-fp16
  • teknium/CollectiveCognition-v1.1-Mistral-7B
  • uukuguy/speechless-mistral-dolphin-orca-platypus-samantha-7b

Totally 6 LoRA modules from speechless-mistral-7b-dare-0.85

The router of mixture-of-multi-loras enables an automatic assembling of LoRA modules, using a gradientfree approach to obtain the coefficients of LoRA modules and requiring only a handful of inference steps for unseen tasks.

Code: https://github.com/uukuguy/multi_loras?tab=readme-ov-file#mixture-of-multi-loras


Open LLM Leaderboard

Metric Value
ARC 59.98
HellaSwag 83.29
MMLU 64.12
TruthfulQA 42.15
Winogrande 78.37
GSM8K 37.68
Average 60.93
Downloads last month

Dataset used to train LoneStriker/speechless-mistral-moloras-7b-5.0bpw-h6-exl2