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This repository hosts GGUF-Imatrix quantizations for ResplendentAI/Paradigm_Shift_7B.

What does "Imatrix" mean?

It stands for Importance Matrix, a technique used to improve the quality of quantized models. The Imatrix is calculated based on calibration data, and it helps determine the importance of different model activations during the quantization process. The idea is to preserve the most important information during quantization, which can help reduce the loss of model performance, especially when the calibration data is diverse. [1] [2]


Base⇢ GGUF(F16)⇢ Imatrix-Data(F16)⇢ GGUF(Imatrix-Quants)


    quantization_options = [
        "Q4_K_M", "IQ4_XS", "Q5_K_M", "Q5_K_S", "Q6_K",
        "Q8_0", "IQ3_M", "IQ3_S", "IQ3_XXS"

If you want anything that's not here or another model, feel free to request.

This is experimental.

For imatrix data generation, kalomaze's groups_merged.txt with added roleplay chats was used, you can find it here.

There are more experimental quants in the experimental folder, these are using this data for imatrix.

Original card information:

Paradigm Shift


A more compliant finetune of Paradigm. I have briefly tested this and it should more readily answer NSFW and difficult queries with fewer refusals. This model will be well suited to RP and question answering.

Downloads last month
Model size
7.24B params
Inference API (serverless) has been turned off for this model.

Datasets used to train Lewdiculous/Paradigm_Shift_7B-GGUF-IQ-Imatrix

Collection including Lewdiculous/Paradigm_Shift_7B-GGUF-IQ-Imatrix