Edit model card


For a Personal AI> I had to reinstall my small flurishes of personality... (despite ocasionally havive to talk instead of work!) I am now begining to understand what needs to be added to make an all round usable model for all aspects as well as incorperating all the latest ideas:

There is nothing a model cannot do in truth as it is a neural network: This model was updated with langchain and Transformer models documentation and some other manuals for various I.T stuff such as pandas etc : so now i can ask the question to create anew model :: (not super great yet as we need more usage examples to enhance the learning absorbed by document dumping: Hence without context the data is reference and used for for content:

Since i also built an interface : to run all my models : so they can all be compared with the same settigns and quantization as it was all done by the numbers previously:)

we need all forms of tasks especially with hosting models on servers , in which we are able to produce even more specacular results : this model was trained with image captioning ie with the vision adapter attached so despite it not being used for this purpose during these training stages : it is valid for image captioning and wave transcribing ... its all about how we design the finished (codeBase) Currently i still have a lot of arheological data and historical data to install : (after beign satisfied with its doctoring and adhoch medicine making ... as well as mineral discovery and farming knowledge! despite mainly training it for MATH and Coding!! it really has a klot of knowledge!(now i understand its storage capeabilitys!! (7b = 7tb .... this would basically register all the data for 7tb throughout all tensors leaving adjustments changing or losing valuable shapes!) reliant on bias to affect the model hence at that point it will be a true Expert agent!)

This is just a Marker point before returning to previous tasks and datsets!! ( as we also need to maintain our ground truths by raising thier probabilitys again !!) This mistral model was trained 2x faster with Unsloth and Huggingface's TRL library.

Downloads last month
Model size
7.24B params
Tensor type
Invalid base_model specified in model card metadata. Needs to be a model id from hf.co/models.