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XLM-RoBERTa Base CoBaLD parser

This version of parser is based on XLM-R Base encoder. The encoder weights were initialized from xlm-roberta-base model.


  1. Clone https://github.com/CobaldAnnotation/CobaldParser, go to the repo directory and install requirements.
  2. Download the model.tar.gz file. You can do it manually of via git clone https://huggingface.co/CoBaLD/xlm-roberta-base-cobald-parser.
  3. Run allennlp predict with the following arguments on the conllu file you want to annotate with CoBaLD:
allennlp predict <PATH_TO_model.tar.gz> <INPUT_CONLLU_FILE> \
--output-file <OUTPUT_CONLLU_FILE> \
--include-package src \
--predictor morpho_syntax_semantic_predictor \
  1. Now see the results in output conllu file you specified.
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Inference Examples
Inference API (serverless) does not yet support allennlp models for this pipeline type.