importance matrix

by sanjay920 - opened

Do you mind sharing how you generated the importance matrix?

sanjay920 changed discussion title from important matrix to importance matrix

@sanjay920 Normally I would extract data relevant for the input/output of the model and generate a text file, however in this case since the model is mostly ingesting JSON anyway I used the file (linked in the as-is and it turned out to work very well. :) Then it is simply a case of running the following command:

./imatrix -m gorilla-openfunctions-v2.fp16.gguf -f gorilla_openfunctions_v1_train.json -o gorilla-openfunctions-v2.imatrix.dat -ngl 99 -c 4096 --chunks 256

I created a new chat_template as seen in PR #4 to fix the issues with the original one.

awesome! thanks for the info :)

sanjay920 changed discussion status to closed

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