24/2/2024 v2 released. You can draw very pretty pictures with rich colors and detailed descriptions. However, it may be difficult to use because of its many irregularities, but we hope you will try it. For sample illustrations, please visit my blog. https://ai-drawing.net/en/2024/02/24/image-sampleschromaft-v4-chromasparkle-v2/ I am using the following prompt. You may get better results with other prompts. Positive prompt: ((masterpiece)) (best quality) (beautiful detailed eyes) (ultra-detailed) (finely detail) (highres) Negative prompt: lowres bad anatomy bad hands text error ugly duplicate morbid bokeh limb incorrect limb fusion finger lose finger multiple finger multiple digit fusion hand lose leg fused leg multiple leg bad feet fewer digits cropped normal quality simple background white background abstract portrait jpeg ((worst quality)) ((low quality)) bad-hands-5 3D 2024年2月24日 v2リリースしました。 色彩豊かで描写が細かく、すごく可愛い絵が描けます。その分、描写の乱れが多く使いにくいかもしれませんが、ぜひ使ってみてください。 サンプルイラストはブログをご覧ください。 https://ai-drawing.net/2024/02/24/%e7%94%bb%e5%83%8f%e3%82%b5%e3%83%b3%e3%83%97%e3%83%abchromaft-v4-chromasparkle-v2/ 私は以下のプロンプトを用いています。他のプロンプトでも良い結果が得られるかもしれません。 ポジティブプロンプト ((masterpiece)) (best quality) (beautiful detailed eyes) (ultra-detailed) (finely detail) (highres) ネガティブプロンプト lowres bad anatomy bad hands text error ugly duplicate morbid bokeh limb incorrect limb fusion finger lose finger multiple finger multiple digit fusion hand lose leg fused leg multiple leg bad feet fewer digits cropped normal quality simple background white background abstract portrait jpeg ((worst quality)) ((low quality)) bad-hands-5 3D --- license: creativeml-openrail-m ---