0 0 0 0 0 ▁the -3.08975 , -3.23103 . -3.26101 ▁of -3.58762 ▁and -3.73282 ▁to -3.81964 ▁in -4.21315 ▁a -4.3456 s -4.38242 ▁is -4.80193 ▁that -4.86553 ▁for -4.875 - -4.90754 ▁on -5.12219 ▁The -5.1726 ' -5.24008 ▁I -5.25625 ▁with -5.32363 ▁you -5.37174 ▁be -5.42903 ▁( -5.44659 ▁it -5.50979 ▁are -5.52403 ▁as -5.53429 ’ -5.57169 ▁by -5.59126 : -5.70481 ▁was -5.71078 ▁have -5.76444 ) -5.76681 ▁not -5.81776 ▁from -5.8484 ? -5.88107 ▁or -5.88406 ▁at -5.91869 ▁this -5.94309 ▁will -5.96688 t -6.0362 ▁“ -6.0379 ▁has -6.08144 ▁an -6.08608 ▁" -6.11172 ▁can -6.16984 ▁its -6.22884 ▁we -6.23109 ▁all -6.23754 ; -6.25127 ▁their -6.26543 ▁- -6.29293 ▁In -6.32536 ▁which -6.35653 ▁your -6.41496 ▁they -6.42919 ▁he -6.46083 ▁more -6.46961 ▁also -6.47667 ▁but -6.5448 ▁ -6.54964 ▁It -6.55116 ▁been -6.56844 ▁one -6.56953 ▁United -6.58495 ▁other -6.59513 ▁had -6.61657 ▁were -6.62988 ▁his -6.68991 ▁A -6.6908 ▁our -6.71046 ▁about -6.72224 ▁would -6.74412 ▁do -6.75872 ▁said -6.78282 ! -6.78546 / -6.7869 ▁people -6.79745 ▁my -6.82545 ▁me -6.84438 ▁time -6.84755 ▁who -6.88703 ▁We -6.89933 ▁so -6.90435 ▁than -6.90748 ▁Nations -6.92151 ▁out -6.92803 ▁You -6.92967 ▁new -6.93029 ▁This -6.93624 ▁should -6.93762 ing -6.94447 ▁there -6.94489 ▁them -6.96374 m -6.97111 ▁up -6.9763 ▁what -6.97631 ▁States -7.00664 ▁no -7.00769 ▁He -7.01625 d -7.0306 ▁only -7.04575 ▁into -7.04855 re -7.05791 ▁like -7.06254 ▁such -7.07156 ▁work -7.07976 ▁if -7.10472 ▁international -7.10696 ▁development -7.11502 ▁years -7.11717 ▁Committee -7.12552 ▁first -7.15498 ▁world -7.17192 ▁any -7.17779 ▁' -7.18136 ▁some -7.18991 ▁her -7.19556 ▁know -7.20129 ▁countries -7.20233 ▁two -7.20444 ed -7.20963 .” -7.21064 ▁And -7.22774 ▁when -7.22876 ▁use -7.23214 ▁these -7.24137 ... -7.25317 ▁may -7.26008 ▁over -7.27179 ▁most -7.27783 ▁including -7.28229 ▁could -7.29122 ▁information -7.29768 ▁need -7.29898 ▁just -7.30405 ▁well -7.30606 a -7.31114 ” -7.32571 S -7.3311 ▁under -7.34039 ▁him -7.34637 ▁those -7.35299 ▁us -7.36088 ▁year -7.36471 ▁rights -7.3715 ▁China -7.37242 ▁But -7.37273 ▁make -7.38926 ▁how -7.39865 ▁through -7.40006 ▁system -7.40066 ▁made -7.40108 ▁support -7.40294 ▁many -7.40994 ▁human -7.41425 ▁now -7.42414 ▁report -7.42486 ▁right -7.42881 ▁between -7.43071 ▁1 -7.44868 ▁women -7.45093 ▁– -7.45373 ▁she -7.45385 ▁Council -7.45752 ▁very -7.4976 I -7.50243 ▁take -7.50684 ▁If -7.50902 ▁What -7.52074 ▁don -7.53018 ▁s -7.53274 ▁get -7.53793 ▁They -7.54128 ▁want -7.54134 e -7.54907 ▁see -7.55454 ▁because -7.56529 ▁data -7.56584 " -7.57524 ▁life -7.59527 ▁must -7.59683 ▁way -7.59755 ▁national -7.61635 ▁country -7.61809 ▁good -7.62156 ." -7.64364 ▁3 -7.64596 ▁International -7.64874 ▁where -7.65236 ▁against -7.65541 A -7.65948 ly -7.6637 ▁after -7.67124 ▁number -7.67577 ▁State -7.67642 ▁same -7.67855 ▁No -7.67956 ▁even -7.68696 ▁then -7.69696 ▁per -7.70491 ▁children -7.70594 ▁resolution -7.70781 ▁General -7.71082 ll -7.72114 ▁here -7.72213 ▁2 -7.72553 ▁high -7.72766 ▁used -7.73221 ▁think -7.73262 ▁As -7.73309 ▁being -7.73443 ▁go -7.73555 ▁For -7.74089 ), -7.74904 ▁day -7.76621 ▁God -7.76941 ▁did -7.76968 ). -7.77401 ▁before -7.77768 ▁law -7.7817 ▁security -7.78575 ▁three -7.79197 ▁help -7.79916 ▁There -7.80383 ▁Assembly -7.80657 ▁That -7.80801 ▁still -7.81224 ▁10 -7.81352 ▁part -7.81672 ▁important -7.81962 ▁provide -7.82029 ▁New -7.82145 ▁services -7.82227 ve -7.83047 ▁own -7.83056 ▁back -7.8431 th -7.84433 ▁process -7.84652 ▁So -7.85019 ▁long -7.85851 ▁within -7.85872 er -7.86094 ▁5 -7.86708 ▁million -7.86744 ▁much -7.87089 ▁To -7.87593 ▁each -7.87861 ▁order -7.88015 ▁activities -7.88174 ▁session -7.89035 C -7.89097 ▁All -7.89185 ▁say -7.89829 ▁implementation -7.90432 ▁company -7.90497 ▁Convention -7.90593 ▁both -7.9129 ▁public -7.91935 General -7.92348 ▁economic -7.92714 ▁Mr -7.92963 ▁Secretary -7.93123 ▁Government -7.93299 ▁social -7.9385 ▁At -7.93952 ▁every -7.95099 ▁during -7.95296 ▁last -7.95754 ▁Commission -7.95928 ▁market -7.9617 ▁health -7.96389 ▁while -7.96762 ▁non -7.97092 b -7.97277 ▁different -7.97509 ▁business -7.98014 ▁meeting -7.98066 ▁She -7.98578 ▁come -7.98633 ▁financial -8.0013 ▁place -8.00315 ▁Group -8.00407 ▁4 -8.01513 ▁technology -8.01775 ▁shall -8.02615 ▁does -8.03127 ▁U -8.03383 ▁global -8.03444 ▁set -8.03499 ] -8.03748 ▁best -8.03886 ▁end -8.04769 ▁management -8.05302 ▁[ -8.05401 ▁too -8.05406 ▁Republic -8.05904 ▁without -8.06773 ▁— -8.06803 ▁going -8.07083 ▁How -8.07342 ▁since -8.07786 ▁_ -8.08211 ▁measures -8.08445 ▁level -8.08703 ▁government -8.08838 ▁Security -8.09171 ▁resources -8.09258 in -8.09328 ▁Co -8.09402 ▁change -8.09418 ▁never -8.09582 ▁ensure -8.09765 ▁Development -8.10012 ▁further -8.10012 y -8.10503 ▁better -8.10515 ▁future -8.10805 ▁around -8.11189 ▁down -8.11474 ▁organizations -8.11823 ▁cooperation -8.12159 ▁On -8.12258 ▁service -8.12269 ▁World -8.12344 ▁members -8.12928 ▁When -8.1323 ▁man -8.13309 ▁efforts -8.13352 ▁products -8.13828 ▁Hotel -8.14741 c -8.14767 ▁issues -8.15159 ▁Rights -8.1524 ▁working -8.15358 ▁find -8.15714 ▁Conference -8.17055 The -8.17085 ▁next -8.17701 ▁water -8.17837 ▁am -8.17971 ▁continue -8.18697 ▁great -8.18758 ▁power -8.18792 ▁S -8.1943 ▁B -8.19551 ▁cent -8.20043 ▁become -8.20107 ▁20 -8.20311 ▁full -8.20412 ▁another -8.20686 ▁areas -8.20791 i -8.20973 ▁always -8.21064 ▁control -8.21097 ▁really -8.21108 ▁access -8.21567 ▁President -8.2162 ▁period -8.21978 ▁C -8.22035 ▁‘ -8.22131 ,” -8.22164 ▁found -8.22334 ▁possible -8.2242 ▁things -8.22707 ▁political -8.22722 ▁home -8.22943 ▁family -8.23176 ▁& -8.23207 ▁industry -8.23737 ▁policy -8.24114 ▁following -8.24672 ▁decision -8.24725 ▁education -8.24993 ▁give -8.25223 ▁area -8.25261 ▁party -8.25638 ▁community -8.25703 ▁6 -8.25819 2 -8.25969 ▁needs -8.26131 ▁particular -8.26404 ▁Chinese -8.26456 ▁among -8.26615 ▁However -8.26797 ▁love -8.27173 ▁provided -8.27186 ▁US -8.27658 D -8.27921 ▁programme -8.27947 ▁called -8.28219 ▁available -8.28285 ▁article -8.28286 ▁Office -8.28377 ▁research -8.28436 ▁regional -8.28821 ▁held -8.29237 ▁case -8.29281 ▁developing -8.29353 ▁might -8.29848 ▁means -8.30313 ▁look -8.30475 — -8.30483 ▁December -8.30776 ▁local -8.30864 ▁something -8.31066 ▁draft -8.31108 or -8.31542 ▁special -8.31549 ▁protection -8.31707 ▁15 -8.31827 ▁National -8.32052 ▁experience -8.32185 ▁small -8.32357 ▁group -8.32575 ▁second -8.33242 ▁Human -8.34126 ▁taken -8.34265 ▁today -8.34454 ▁again -8.34967 ▁assistance -8.35207 ▁production -8.35364 ▁role -8.3568 ▁energy -8.3571 ▁trade -8.36005 ▁30 -8.363 ▁present -8.36604 ▁E -8.36674 ▁person -8.36678 ▁relevant -8.36798 ▁based -8.37015 ▁increase -8.37264 r -8.3736 ▁example -8.37491 ▁action -8.37594 ▁training -8.37812 ▁got -8.37862 ▁already -8.37877 ▁project -8.38222 ▁free -8.38261 ▁European -8.38483 ▁legal -8.38532 ▁food -8.38549 ▁situation -8.38847 ▁staff -8.39195 ▁why -8.39281 ▁away -8.39637 ▁8 -8.39651 ▁companies -8.3968 ▁12 -8.3972 ▁South -8.40408 ▁7 -8.40466 ▁One -8.40613 ▁include -8.40646 ▁current -8.40723 ▁view -8.40732 ▁Special -8.41038 ▁men -8.41464 ▁off -8.41703 ▁able -8.41912 ▁little -8.41926 ▁days -8.41939 o -8.42173 ▁My -8.4256 ▁team -8.4301 ▁least -8.43194 ▁growth -8.43241 n -8.43318 ▁With -8.43481 ▁Do -8.43567 ▁percent -8.43715 ▁paragraph -8.43913 ▁believe -8.44161 g -8.44309 ▁few -8.44351 ▁name -8.44382 ▁capacity -8.44591 ▁peace -8.44604 ▁major -8.4508 ▁large -8.45164 ▁Africa -8.45412 ▁together -8.45647 ▁four -8.4626 ▁June -8.46317 ▁child -8.46625 ▁state -8.47062 ▁May -8.47301 ▁effective -8.47356 ▁related -8.4754 ▁using -8.47635 ▁These -8.48505 ▁five -8.48551 ▁quality -8.48707 ▁care -8.488 ▁systems -8.49029 ▁established -8.49227 ▁technical -8.49346 ▁put -8.49987 ▁account -8.50224 ▁open -8.50248 ▁review -8.50356 ▁real -8.50498 ▁American -8.50572 ▁necessary -8.50773 ▁parties -8.50839 ▁respect -8.51065 the -8.51106 ▁often -8.51216 ▁study -8.51379 es -8.51709 ▁thing -8.51866 ▁upon -8.51917 ▁fact -8.52082 ▁whether -8.52266 ▁money -8.52432 ▁general -8.52522 com -8.53383 ▁plan -8.53443 G -8.53498 ▁says -8.53559 L -8.53874 ▁old -8.54166 ▁course -8.5443 We -8.5477 ▁city -8.54924 ▁P -8.54946 to -8.55078 ▁> -8.55115 ▁July -8.55181 ▁past -8.55342 ▁adopted -8.55612 ▁addition -8.56893 ▁18 -8.57415 ▁cases -8.57546 ▁let -8.57581 ▁military -8.5766 ▁Why -8.57818 ▁America -8.57827 ▁environment -8.5797 ▁programmes -8.58051 ▁region -8.5813 ▁persons -8.58216 ▁developed -8.58314 ▁lot -8.58418 ▁far -8.58579 ▁/ -8.58672 ▁risk -8.58684 E -8.58706 ▁key -8.59005 ▁total -8.591 ▁D -8.59188 ▁less -8.59213 ▁space -8.59251 ▁progress -8.59437 ▁several -8.59592 ▁nuclear -8.59693 ▁didn -8.59746 ▁given -8.60069 ▁9 -8.60076 ▁University -8.60141 ▁private -8.60196 ▁value -8.60525 ▁various -8.60545 ▁until -8.60566 ▁11 -8.60674 ▁school -8.60708 ▁society -8.60711 ▁problems -8.60822 ▁third -8.61118 ▁Organization -8.61133 ▁Ltd -8.61268 ▁issue -8.61326 al -8.61577 ▁regard -8.61953 ▁told -8.62067 ▁point -8.62083 ( -8.62246 ▁call -8.62597 ▁months -8.62651 ▁field -8.62708 ▁body -8.62725 ▁feel -8.63022 ▁product -8.63141 ▁accordance -8.63205 ▁line -8.63235 ▁address -8.63281 ▁His -8.63325 ▁design -8.63607 ▁reports -8.63663 ▁September -8.63796 ▁groups -8.6383 ▁light -8.63946 ▁cannot -8.64253 ▁tell -8.64375 ," -8.65214 ▁others -8.6538 ▁early -8.65454 ▁making -8.65665 ▁Your -8.65711 ▁problem -8.65756 ▁students -8.65926 ▁above -8.66262 ▁especially -8.66274 ▁re -8.66555 ▁done -8.66795 ▁specific -8.66853 ▁cost -8.67093 ▁March -8.6716 ▁... -8.67261 ▁required -8.67266 ▁Our -8.67279 ▁By -8.67486 ▁equipment -8.6753 ▁October -8.67544 ▁times -8.67688 1 -8.67698 ▁live -8.67763 ▁basis -8.67922 ▁improve -8.68236 ▁result -8.68456 _ -8.68711 ▁impact -8.68881 ▁yet -8.68901 ▁meet -8.68916 ▁Programme -8.68932 B -8.69053 ▁African -8.69132 ▁November -8.69312 ▁create -8.69362 ▁violence -8.69545 ▁conditions -8.69716 ▁Member -8.69855 ▁low -8.69863 ▁took -8.69964 ▁-- -8.70249 ▁results -8.70677 ▁car -8.70694 ▁keep -8.70729 ▁appropriate -8.70853 ▁question -8.70885 ▁Europe -8.70887 ▁institutions -8.709 ▁understand -8.70916 ▁building -8.71313 ▁levels -8.71408 ▁doing -8.71466 ▁requirements -8.71677 up -8.71957 ▁considered -8.72048 ▁Department -8.72135 ▁enough -8.72151 ▁age -8.72217 ▁January -8.72286 ▁policies -8.72329 ▁After -8.72409 ▁ever -8.72441 ▁main -8.72688 ▁agenda -8.72918 ▁projects -8.72936 ▁Now -8.73132 ▁Social -8.73184 on -8.7356 ▁came -8.73659 ▁property -8.73817 ▁start -8.73848 ▁thought -8.73955 ▁show -8.73997 ▁form -8.74101 ▁Economic -8.74218 ▁population -8.74243 ▁Board -8.74445 ▁application -8.74497 ▁investment -8.74514 ▁recommendations -8.74535 ▁16 -8.74671 ▁later -8.74846 ▁Union -8.74958 ▁14 -8.75044 ▁room -8.75185 ▁play -8.75428 ▁whole -8.75522 ▁attention -8.75792 ▁April -8.75831 ▁common -8.75866 ▁Some -8.75914 ▁rate -8.75946 ▁recent -8.76102 ▁F -8.76402 ▁particularly -8.765 ▁network -8.76508 ▁budget -8.76524 ▁personal -8.76633 ▁taking -8.76863 ▁once -8.76869 ▁Home -8.7733 ▁billion -8.77523 ▁young -8.77659 ers -8.77866 ▁member -8.77955 ▁known -8.77957 ▁High -8.7805 ▁war -8.78164 ▁matter -8.78493 ▁de -8.78559 ▁13 -8.78842 ▁sector -8.78902 ▁gender -8.78914 based -8.79097 ▁An -8.79283 ▁police -8.79503 ▁due -8.79572 ▁ago -8.79653 ▁17 -8.79812 ▁clear -8.79835 ▁left -8.79996 ▁promote -8.80084 ▁provides -8.80158 ▁night -8.8072 3 -8.80965 ▁City -8.81075 ▁statement -8.81103 ▁performance -8.81461 ▁Asia -8.81467 ▁increased -8.81651 ▁self -8.81761 ▁hours -8.81857 ▁across -8.8188 ▁website -8.81965 ▁air -8.82206 ▁seen -8.82223 ▁living -8.823 ▁media -8.82492 ▁certain -8.82578 ▁mean -8.82712 ▁force -8.8288 ▁big -8.82977 ▁operations -8.83135 ▁share -8.83341 ▁develop -8.83513 ▁hand -8.83523 ▁R -8.83715 ▁minutes -8.83736 ▁Court -8.83906 ▁week -8.83948 ▁death -8.84078 ▁potential -8.84173 ▁York -8.84181 ▁received -8.84202 an -8.8446 ▁Parties -8.84583 ▁bring -8.84913 ▁close -8.85012 ▁approach -8.85161 ▁Service -8.85258 ▁economy -8.85394 ▁costs -8.85638 ▁additional -8.8565 ▁strong -8.8566 ▁having -8.85865 ▁terms -8.85963 ▁won -8.85977 ▁foreign -8.8619 ▁While -8.86209 ▁kind -8.86511 ▁importance -8.86523 ▁face -8.86673 ▁fully -8.86841 ▁organization -8.86887 ▁sustainable -8.87048 ▁game -8.87057 ▁Law -8.87104 ▁G -8.87112 ▁everything -8.87121 ▁concerned -8.87204 ▁knowledge -8.87339 ▁however -8.87486 ▁land -8.87507 ▁natural -8.87526 ▁item -8.87666 ▁amount -8.87916 ▁sure -8.88021 ▁post -8.8805 ▁focus -8.88064 ▁Japan -8.88136 ▁India -8.88201 F -8.8825 ▁towards -8.88262 ▁According -8.88294 ▁pay -8.88374 ▁25 -8.88584 ▁Article -8.88607 ▁East -8.88722 ▁single -8.88748 ▁history -8.88763 ▁half -8.88878 ▁standards -8.89373 ▁needed -8.8946 year -8.89604 T -8.89679 ▁hope -8.89902 ▁Women -8.89972 ▁rules -8.90008 ▁conflict -8.90038 ▁list -8.90296 ▁changes -8.9031 ▁Then -8.9038 ▁consider -8.9049 ▁position -8.90518 ▁Let -8.9052 ▁continued -8.90769 ▁site -8.90781 ▁asked -8.90887 ▁follow -8.91385 ▁higher -8.91553 ▁treatment -8.91578 P -8.91725 ▁framework -8.91853 ▁users -8.91872 ▁Please -8.92069 ▁domestic -8.92289 M -8.92396 ▁Fund -8.92473 ▁August -8.92498 ▁six -8.92509 ▁weapons -8.92725 ▁M -8.9278 ▁noted -8.92968 ▁People -8.92998 ▁top -8.93045 ▁From -8.93107 ▁note -8.93137 ▁existing -8.93204 ▁anything -8.93436 ▁almost -8.93549 ▁office -8.93577 ▁significant -8.93597 ▁21 -8.93646 ▁authorities -8.93878 ▁provisions -8.93937 ▁price -8.94022 ▁T -8.94152 ▁Russian -8.94254 ▁heart -8.94361 ▁book -8.94371 ▁First -8.9445 term -8.94639 ▁range -8.94671 ▁50 -8.94726 ▁proposed -8.9494 ▁safety -8.94979 ▁expected -8.95374 ▁nothing -8.95504 ▁environmental -8.95532 ▁request -8.95563 ▁series -8.95632 ▁individual -8.95784 ▁customers -8.95889 h -8.96011 ▁interest -8.96017 ▁North -8.96061 ▁meetings -8.96102 ▁therefore -8.96292 ▁job -8.96392 ▁though -8.96544 and -8.96551 ▁climate -8.96589 ▁hard -8.96757 ▁response -8.96798 4 -8.96933 ▁oil -8.96979 ▁Technology -8.96989 ▁contact -8.97075 ▁consideration -8.97113 ▁build -8.97129 ▁language -8.97358 ▁Working -8.97432 ▁Oh -8.97653 ▁house -8.97691 ▁doesn -8.97835 ▁software -8.97981 ▁subject -8.98122 ▁words -8.98188 ▁agreement -8.98241 ▁civil -8.9865 ▁O -8.98667 ▁Not -8.98677 ▁leave -8.98715 ▁2018 -8.98886 ▁poverty -8.98894 ▁February -8.98946 ▁read -8.98989 ▁document -8.99018 ▁itself -8.99136 ▁mind -8.99238 ▁Israel -8.99488 ▁went -8.99492 ▁questions -8.99505 ▁longer -8.99612 ▁short -8.99641 ▁included -8.99687 ▁status -8.99783 ▁Well -8.99904 ▁side -9.00091 ▁themselves -9.00126 ▁type -9.00276 ▁reported -9.0028 ▁bodies -9.00487 ▁100 -9.00846 ▁return -9.00899 ▁e -9.00953 ▁looking -9.00956 ▁K -9.00963 ▁challenges -9.01009 ▁lead -9.01195 ▁created -9.01468 ▁agreed -9.01492 ▁makes -9.01585 ▁date -9.01664 ▁19 -9.01713 ▁forward -9.01736 ▁decided -9.0191 ▁providing -9.01939 ▁p -9.02341 ▁English -9.02534 f -9.02639 l -9.02915 ▁material -9.03059 ▁effect -9.03061 ▁responsibility -9.03127 ▁currently -9.03333 ▁month -9.03656 ▁achieve -9.0366 ▁agencies -9.03732 ▁program -9.03825 ▁24 -9.03825 ▁strategy -9.0387 ▁online -9.04153 ▁H -9.04273 ▁according -9.04798 ▁deal -9.04847 ▁hotel -9.04847 ▁true -9.04946 ▁medical -9.05066 ▁opportunity -9.05172 ▁V -9.05189 ▁machine -9.05344 k -9.05527 ▁content -9.05591 ▁woman -9.05602 ▁Since -9.05678 ▁rather -9.0568 ▁soon -9.05903 ▁participation -9.05979 ▁move -9.0615 ▁Report -9.06184 ▁Don -9.06273 able -9.06344 ▁talk -9.06427 ▁please -9.06437 ▁Action -9.06596 ▁friends -9.06641 ▁Other -9.06745 ▁official -9.06858 ▁humanitarian -9.06883 ▁protect -9.06898 ?” -9.07184 ▁practice -9.07248 ▁reason -9.07775 ▁offer -9.07852 ▁model -9.07888 ▁actually -9.07897 ▁Can -9.0791 ▁concern -9.07947 man -9.08016 K -9.08079 ▁likely -9.08097 ▁started -9.08169 ▁wanted -9.08224 ▁understanding -9.08313 ▁submitted -9.08389 ▁largest -9.08418 ▁ways -9.08442 ▁materials -9.08599 ▁Center -9.08622 ▁nature -9.08638 ▁reduce -9.08731 ▁difficult -9.08844 ▁plans -9.08887 ”. -9.08934 ▁comprehensive -9.08999 ▁coming -9.09019 ▁context -9.091 ▁analysis -9.09103 ▁ask -9.09296 ▁allow -9.09296 ▁More -9.09513 ▁lives -9.09612 ▁everyone -9.09669 ▁2017 -9.09724 ▁stop -9.09981 ▁capital -9.10059 ▁prevent -9.10062 ▁stay -9.10079 ▁rule -9.10147 ▁someone -9.10158 ▁II -9.10172 ▁try -9.10301 ▁outside -9.10302 x -9.10312 ▁complete -9.10318 ▁Act -9.10543 ▁involved -9.10826 ▁learn -9.10987 ▁easy -9.11254 ▁co -9.11467 ▁safe -9.11523 ▁Yeah -9.11534 ▁greater -9.11628 ▁un -9.1164 en -9.11697 ▁Germany -9.11712 ▁wish -9.11733 ▁added -9.11785 ▁run -9.11807 ▁31 -9.11814 ▁applications -9.11854 ▁either -9.11979 ▁22 -9.12028 ▁test -9.12037 It -9.12065 ▁Global -9.12499 ▁head -9.12586 ▁opportunities -9.12653 ▁source -9.12808 ▁mission -9.12868 ▁monitoring -9.12972 ▁Information -9.12975 ▁2019 -9.13132 ▁workers -9.13185 ▁Mission -9.13196 ▁comes -9.13317 ▁serious -9.13399 ▁justice -9.13632 ▁Bank -9.13667 ▁purpose -9.13682 ▁saw -9.13709 ▁Lord -9.13844 ▁Canada -9.13901 ▁delegation -9.14037 ▁annual -9.1406 ▁similar -9.14104 ▁average -9.14131 ); -9.14164 ▁directly -9.14237 ▁along -9.14508 ▁Central -9.14534 ▁partners -9.14542 ▁offers -9.14581 ▁standard -9.14614 ▁: -9.14681 ▁cultural -9.14733 ▁mother -9.14797 ▁basic -9.1482 ▁Internet -9.15114 ▁Health -9.15246 ▁responsible -9.15413 ▁father -9.15492 5 -9.15621 ▁Hong -9.15704 ▁code -9.15798 ▁demand -9.15913 ▁technologies -9.16032 ▁Secretariat -9.16144 ▁Ministry -9.1637 ▁principles -9.16471 ▁lost -9.16601 ▁lack -9.16613 ▁evidence -9.16687 ▁benefits -9.16727 ▁previous -9.16792 ▁practices -9.1681 You -9.16827 ▁Company -9.16901 ▁idea -9.16953 ▁became -9.16994 ▁Are -9.17043 ▁funds -9.17185 ▁Yes -9.17416 ▁planning -9.17537 ▁receive -9.17589 ▁Management -9.1768 ▁supply -9.17757 ▁strengthen -9.17838 ▁forces -9.17876 ▁communication -9.17923 ▁remain -9.18011 ▁actions -9.18308 ▁decisions -9.18337 ▁culture -9.18371 ▁Of -9.18589 ▁facilities -9.18603 ▁Australia -9.18604 ▁below -9.18636 ▁requested -9.1874 ▁X -9.18897 ▁leading -9.19093 ▁During -9.19138 ▁representative -9.19589 ▁Arab -9.19626 ▁implement -9.19635 ▁limited -9.19705 ▁exchange -9.19719 ▁Centre -9.19732 ▁learning -9.19754 ▁Korea -9.19784 ▁final -9.19784 ▁step -9.19793 ▁France -9.20139 ▁commitment -9.20165 ▁began -9.20198 ▁Russia -9.20299 ▁L -9.20468 ▁representatives -9.2047 ▁Declaration -9.20553 ▁parts -9.20601 ▁Executive -9.20648 ▁story -9.20917 ▁saying -9.20971 ▁contained -9.21011 ▁House -9.21043 ▁Minister -9.21071 ▁establishment -9.21079 ▁designed -9.21166 ▁income -9.2133 ▁professional -9.21407 ▁23 -9.21489 ▁former -9.21763 ▁Affairs -9.21785 ▁yourself -9.22018 ▁UN -9.22212 ▁center -9.22332 N -9.22338 ▁turn -9.22344 ▁cause -9.22377 ▁expressed -9.2244 ▁Protocol -9.2247 ▁ability -9.22497 ▁independent -9.22509 ▁word -9.22568 ▁40 -9.22637 ▁computer -9.2283 ▁French -9.22989 ▁platform -9.22994 ▁Kong -9.2305 ▁Institute -9.23064 ▁visit -9.231 ▁resolutions -9.23281 see -9.23296 ▁legislation -9.233 ▁video -9.23392 ▁28 -9.23467 ▁concerning -9.23833 ▁Many -9.23856 ▁sales -9.24044 ▁committed -9.2426 ▁travel -9.24467 ▁digital -9.24562 ▁laws -9.24675 ▁success -9.24682 ▁Where -9.24695 ▁hear -9.24756 ▁Just -9.24804 ▁• -9.24834 V -9.24991 ▁criminal -9.25125 ▁construction -9.25325 O -9.25377 ▁Who -9.25469 ▁inter -9.25484 ▁infrastructure -9.25531 ▁solutions -9.25589 ▁bad -9.25718 ▁Iraq -9.25817 ▁user -9.26051 ▁personnel -9.2609 ▁regarding -9.26272 ▁markets -9.26336 ▁news -9.26351 ▁Trade -9.26502 ▁term -9.2658 ▁growing -9.26601 ▁steps -9.26695 ▁goal -9.26745 ▁freedom -9.26893 ▁heard -9.26905 ▁documents -9.26916 R -9.27467 ▁brought -9.27664 ▁relationship -9.2768 ▁reach -9.27718 ▁reform -9.27801 ▁includes -9.2786 ▁science -9.27917 ▁event -9.27949 ▁West -9.27984 ▁reporting -9.28019 ▁experts -9.28051 ▁mandate -9.28155 ▁Most -9.28174 ▁else -9.28174 p -9.28235 ▁walk -9.2829 ▁procedures -9.2834 ▁events -9.28372 ▁leaders -9.28388 ▁parents -9.28588 ▁officials -9.28617 ▁alone -9.28642 ▁throughout -9.28838 ▁girls -9.28838 ▁Google -9.28864 ▁act -9.28956 ▁traditional -9.28981 ▁armed -9.29034 ▁led -9.2924 ▁individuals -9.29325 ▁regular -9.29558 ▁N -9.29684 ▁positive -9.29691 ▁strategic -9.29815 ▁discrimination -9.29846 ▁remains -9.29923 ▁crisis -9.29931 ▁modern -9.30036 ▁Is -9.30041 ▁entire -9.30046 ▁operation -9.30154 st -9.30159 ▁benefit -9.30223 ▁states -9.30251 ▁trying -9.30347 ▁1. -9.30428 ▁sent -9.30497 ▁Palestinian -9.30498 ness -9.30584 ▁industrial -9.30684 ▁overall -9.30715 ▁increasing -9.30731 ▁direct -9.3088 ▁27 -9.30984 ▁Governments -9.31007 ▁relating -9.31023 ▁activity -9.31121 ▁provision -9.31134 ▁built -9.31346 ▁Because -9.31394 ▁morning -9.31701 ▁recently -9.31759 ▁entitled -9.31773 ▁Day -9.31957 ▁friend -9.32165 ▁victims -9.32217 ▁successful -9.32221 ▁About -9.32272 ▁solution -9.323 ▁Director -9.32301 ▁wrong -9.32507 ▁Party -9.32525 ▁2. -9.3254 ▁establish -9.32704 ▁size -9.32707 ▁goals -9.32749 ▁Services -9.32802 ▁phone -9.32864 ▁located -9.33151 ▁effects -9.33231 ▁author -9.33316 ▁essential -9.33362 ▁getting -9.33455 ▁section -9.33499 ▁physical -9.33533 ▁26 -9.33567 ▁mechanisms -9.33582 ▁2000 -9.33692 ▁forms -9.33751 ▁Copyright -9.33801 ▁paper -9.33811 ▁tools -9.33835 ▁Trump -9.33877 ▁himself -9.34005 ▁Al -9.34036 ▁hold -9.34137 ▁2005 -9.3419 W -9.34318 ▁Rapporteur -9.34434 ▁sexual -9.34512 ▁communities -9.34609 ▁processes -9.34616 ▁text -9.34726 ▁court -9.34747 ▁function -9.34877 ▁structure -9.34915 ▁transfer -9.34942 ▁funding -9.34963 ▁TV -9.34996 ▁obligations -9.35057 ▁sense -9.35064 ▁assessment -9.35168 ▁son -9.35324 ▁Although -9.35405 ▁tax -9.3541 ▁points -9.35416 ▁require -9.35457 ▁addressed -9.3556 ▁2016 -9.35607 ▁Jesus -9.35721 ▁late -9.35721 H -9.3575 ▁near -9.35785 ▁poor -9.35846 ity -9.35855 ▁Beijing -9.35857 ▁© -9.35909 ▁Road -9.35998 ▁page -9.36056 ▁location -9.36076 ▁blood -9.3608 ▁Apple -9.362 ▁adoption -9.36246 ▁behind -9.36248 ▁crime -9.36271 ▁pressure -9.36361 ▁Research -9.36437 ▁thus -9.36457 ▁record -9.36582 ▁eyes -9.36598 ▁active -9.36634 ▁gonna -9.36735 ▁System -9.36785 ▁remember -9.36827 ▁lower -9.36956 ▁moment -9.36957 ▁simple -9.37093 ▁Kingdom -9.37124 ▁met -9.3716 ▁mobile -9.3719 ▁commercial -9.37422 ". -9.37431 ▁authority -9.37454 ▁coordination -9.37591 ▁2015 -9.37636 ▁i -9.37688 ▁features -9.3772 ▁Go -9.37776 ▁Come -9.37815 ▁beginning -9.37923 ▁central -9.37947 ▁century -9.37965 ▁anti -9.37989 ▁2008 -9.3801 ▁rest -9.38065 ▁issued -9.3816 ▁HIV -9.38161 ▁exercise -9.38468 ▁announced -9.38496 ▁joint -9.38509 ▁supported -9.38519 ▁concerns -9.38603 ▁anyone -9.38636 ▁employment -9.38844 ▁types -9.389 ▁rates -9.38901 ▁letter -9.38917 ▁devices -9.38945 ▁Business -9.38946 ▁drive -9.38967 ▁choose -9.39115 ▁Park -9.3912 ▁sea -9.39273 ▁gas -9.39347 time -9.39396 ▁fight -9.39412 ▁families -9.3944 ▁version -9.39486 ▁published -9.39498 ▁J -9.39575 ▁drug -9.3971 ▁skills -9.39715 ▁affected -9.39763 ▁knew -9.39865 ▁loss -9.39876 ▁matters -9.39881 ▁nearly -9.39916 ▁60 -9.40073 ▁truth -9.40158 ▁employees -9.40171 ▁Support -9.40194 ▁trust -9.40355 ▁arms -9.40471 ▁contributions -9.40515 ▁buy -9.40561 ▁fire -9.40567 ▁art -9.40602 ▁apply -9.40622 ▁Public -9.40772 ▁Even -9.40812 ▁road -9.40857 ▁gave -9.40911 ▁News -9.41027 ▁km -9.41142 ▁Iran -9.41164 ▁happy -9.41229 ▁Next -9.41241 ▁works -9.41382 it -9.41462 ▁carried -9.41469 ▁connection -9.41687 ▁War -9.41716 ▁ready -9.4185 ▁takes -9.41885 ▁29 -9.41912 ▁usually -9.41979 ▁equal -9.42072 ation -9.42119 ▁beautiful -9.42217 level -9.42218 ▁Or -9.42268 ▁British -9.42333 ▁dialogue -9.42353 ▁principle -9.42415 ▁terrorism -9.42593 ▁quickly -9.42823 ▁whose -9.42911 ▁reached -9.42923 ▁wife -9.42948 ▁table -9.43008 ▁functions -9.43124 ▁John -9.43151 ▁disease -9.43418 ▁core -9.43613 ▁music -9.43646 ▁approved -9.43694 ▁stated -9.43705 ▁conference -9.43736 ▁School -9.43767 ▁unique -9.43781 ▁web -9.44028 ▁Dr -9.44086 ▁behalf -9.44302 ▁purposes -9.44325 ▁Re -9.44411 ▁mechanism -9.44444 ▁2006 -9.44491 ▁Democratic -9.44573 ▁Room -9.44585 ▁2010 -9.44595 ▁hotels -9.44615 ▁vote -9.44615 ▁London -9.44661 ▁recommended -9.44668 ▁operating -9.45085 ?" -9.45152 6 -9.45226 ▁shows -9.4526 ▁initiatives -9.45349 ▁methods -9.45371 ▁prevention -9.45394 ▁processing -9.4541 ▁cancer -9.45412 ▁customer -9.45559 ▁strategies -9.45596 ▁critical -9.45599 ▁Under -9.45646 ▁studies -9.45697 ▁priority -9.4572 ▁avoid -9.45767 ▁effort -9.45819 ▁isn -9.45891 ▁enjoy -9.45914 ▁reduction -9.45964 ▁killed -9.46059 ▁Association -9.4611 X -9.46208 ▁girl -9.46352 ▁internal -9.46384 ▁Ms -9.46424 In -9.4651 ▁San -9.46557 ▁enhance -9.46627 ▁president -9.46651 ▁happened -9.46766 ism -9.47058 ▁strengthening -9.47213 ▁Also -9.47286 ▁views -9.47286 ▁class -9.47297 ▁answer -9.47384 ▁prepared -9.47392 ▁weeks -9.47445 ▁EU -9.47492 ▁promotion -9.47496 ▁Representative -9.4753 ▁sources -9.47604 ▁pre -9.47611 ▁cities -9.47614 ▁UK -9.47837 ▁prices -9.47878 ▁Earth -9.47931 ic -9.48027 ▁interests -9.48028 ▁2007 -9.48068 star -9.48154 ▁seven -9.48223 ▁Good -9.48301 ▁primary -9.48301 & -9.48426 ▁ground -9.4844 ▁Policy -9.48456 ▁Here -9.48525 ▁white -9.48573 ion -9.48598 ▁annex -9.48601 ▁Facebook -9.4862 ▁Today -9.48903 ▁requests -9.48923 ▁beyond -9.48958 ▁discussion -9.48959 This -9.48967 ▁rooms -9.48979 ▁stage -9.49109 ▁St -9.49115 ▁seems -9.49333 ▁goods -9.49358 ▁2012 -9.49363 ▁search -9.49376 ▁probably -9.49476 ▁aspects -9.49593 ▁black -9.4967 ▁fundamental -9.49716 ▁wants -9.49827 ▁released -9.49834 ▁eat -9.49894 ▁complex -9.49929 ▁German -9.49961 ▁d -9.4997 ▁administration -9.50122 ▁scientific -9.50132 ▁administrative -9.50187 ▁myself -9.50203 ▁challenge -9.50239 ▁efficiency -9.50392 ▁equality -9.50566 ▁Product -9.50591 un -9.50646 ▁assets -9.50692 ▁dead -9.50709 ▁2013 -9.50848 ▁hands -9.50854 ▁factors -9.50968 ▁manner -9.51006 ▁acts -9.51012 is -9.51094 ▁1, -9.51133 ▁Advisory -9.51267 ▁operational -9.51343 ▁manufacturing -9.51478 ▁Education -9.51496 ▁choice -9.51501 ▁changed -9.51509 ▁Official -9.51525 ▁Products -9.51612 ▁reasons -9.5162 ▁serve -9.51808 ▁majority -9.51853 ▁integrated -9.52052 ▁paid -9.52068 ▁highest -9.5212 ▁enable -9.52129 ▁original -9.52197 ▁front -9.52375 ▁* -9.52411 ▁thinking -9.52435 ▁indigenous -9.52579 ▁Plan -9.52641 ▁Code -9.52738 ▁2004 -9.528 ▁items -9.52861 ▁promoting -9.52939 ▁recognized -9.52999 ▁awareness -9.53005 ▁conduct -9.53043 ▁inside -9.531 ▁See -9.53149 ▁quite -9.53239 ▁device -9.53281 ▁schools -9.53299 ▁Be -9.5333 ▁regions -9.53368 ▁threat -9.53407 ▁procedure -9.53411 ▁Two -9.53467 ▁fear -9.53529 ▁contribute -9.53719 ▁researchers -9.53913 ▁speak -9.53997 ist -9.53999 ▁requires -9.54019 ▁attack -9.54039 ▁2014 -9.54057 ▁fast -9.5406 ▁associated -9.54066 ▁elements -9.54088 ▁peacekeeping -9.54174 ▁written -9.54208 us -9.54323 ▁Great -9.54357 ▁multi -9.54387 old -9.54506 ▁latest -9.54551 ▁2011 -9.54651 building -9.54671 ▁wide -9.54822 ▁notes -9.54904 ▁maintain -9.55041 ▁Chairman -9.55065 ▁save -9.55342 ▁organized -9.5535 ▁2002 -9.55453 ▁2003 -9.55489 ▁W -9.55552 ▁although -9.55574 ▁Children -9.55672 ▁agreements -9.55737 ▁patients -9.55768 ▁consultations -9.55782 ▁transport -9.55783 ▁highly -9.55836 ▁etc -9.55901 ▁sometimes -9.55917 ▁launched -9.56062 ▁Contact -9.56075 ▁simply -9.56096 ▁instruments -9.56098 ▁participate -9.5622 ▁Forum -9.56222 ▁De -9.56322 ▁immediately -9.56359 7 -9.56386 ▁speed -9.56578 ▁claims -9.56581 le -9.56675 ▁aimed -9.56769 governmental -9.56946 ▁earth -9.56977 ▁uses -9.56997 ▁assist -9.57035 ▁continues -9.57251 ▁Review -9.57287 ▁Western -9.57361 ▁debt -9.57548 ▁Second -9.57595 ▁welcome -9.5764 ▁deep -9.57661 ▁film -9.57675 ▁Mexico -9.57697 ▁Japanese -9.57746 ▁implemented -9.57764 ▁calls -9.57889 ): -9.57924 ▁conducted -9.57954 ▁completed -9.57966 ▁missions -9.58017 ▁worked -9.58034 ▁died -9.58052 ▁effectively -9.58121 ▁Get -9.58144 ▁innovation -9.58181 ▁citizens -9.58189 ▁3. -9.58281 ▁carry -9.58335 ▁2009 -9.58423 ▁Site -9.58621 ▁Singapore -9.58649 ▁Hey -9.5866 ▁introduced -9.5869 rs -9.58761 ▁Non -9.58766 ▁contract -9.58796 ▁secretariat -9.59019 as -9.5908 less -9.59204 ▁referred -9.59206 ▁identified -9.59247 ▁Power -9.59449 ▁daily -9.59469 ▁completely -9.59498 ▁brand -9.59506 ▁creation -9.59531 If -9.5967 ▁objectives -9.59684 ▁2001 -9.59758 ▁statements -9.60033 @ -9.60036 no -9.60188 ▁Over -9.60198 ▁check -9.60234 ▁generally -9.60326 ▁compared -9.60424 ▁rural -9.60552 ▁leadership -9.60563 ▁offices -9.60572 ▁Middle -9.60696 ▁Air -9.60716 related -9.60832 ▁regulations -9.60845 at -9.60949 J -9.61081 ▁bank -9.61088 ▁born -9.61094 ▁bit -9.61102 ▁signed -9.61108 ▁rise -9.61165 ▁disarmament -9.61275 ▁cover -9.61338 ▁identify -9.61343 ▁release -9.61355 ▁seek -9.61358 ▁Italy -9.6138 ▁Division -9.61428 ▁facilitate -9.61544 ▁ensuring -9.61546 z -9.61607 ▁Shanghai -9.61641 ▁die -9.61642 ▁described -9.61644 ▁worldwide -9.61677 ▁estimated -9.61681 ▁base -9.61743 ▁sound -9.61794 ▁Asian -9.6182 ▁achieved -9.61823 ▁felt -9.61874 ▁caused -9.61901 ▁concept -9.61949 ▁communications -9.61985 ▁balance -9.61994 ization -9.62011 ▁competition -9.62028 ▁allowed -9.62034 ▁sex -9.62184 ▁Federation -9.62191 ▁produce -9.62193 ▁trafficking -9.62292 ▁talking -9.62295 ▁delivery -9.62302 ▁continuing -9.6237 ▁wait -9.62569 ▁0 -9.62767 ▁treaty -9.62778 ▁station -9.62869 ▁popular -9.62937 ▁participants -9.63036 ▁presented -9.63059 ▁para -9.63175 ▁send -9.63183 ▁CO -9.63196 ▁happen -9.63224 ▁businesses -9.63246 ▁distribution -9.63302 ▁cut -9.63328 ▁enterprises -9.63329 ▁Israeli -9.63387 ▁creating -9.63392 ▁earlier -9.63393 ▁watch -9.63543 ▁stand -9.63587 ▁airport -9.63682 ▁Red -9.63685 ▁jobs -9.63704 ▁target -9.63825 ▁relations -9.63969 ▁eight -9.64036 ▁maintenance -9.64072 ▁Treaty -9.64082 * -9.64082 ▁Therefore -9.64187 ▁implementing -9.64197 ▁Justice -9.64214 ▁religious -9.64307 ▁reference -9.64334 ▁violations -9.64341 ▁integration -9.64591 ▁multiple -9.64598 ▁Agreement -9.64633 ▁nor -9.64664 ▁Permanent -9.64676 ▁storage -9.64702 ▁tool -9.64737 ▁Protection -9.64739 – -9.64894 v -9.6497 ▁Q -9.64991 ▁cells -9.64999 ▁resource -9.65011 ▁grow -9.65063 ▁instead -9.65171 ▁improving -9.65182 ▁details -9.65188 ▁movement -9.6531 ▁win -9.65319 for -9.65343 ▁values -9.65389 ▁sub -9.65431 ▁method -9.65465 ▁generation -9.65498 ▁Commissioner -9.65521 ▁Only -9.65575 ▁Paris -9.65575 ▁aircraft -9.65628 ▁Such -9.65674 ▁Panel -9.65711 ▁Her -9.65851 ▁options -9.65949 ▁clearly -9.65955 ▁claim -9.65966 ▁proposal -9.66058 ▁advanced -9.66103 ▁places -9.66155 ▁Sea -9.66272 ▁fall -9.66358 ▁circumstances -9.66485 ▁add -9.66523 ▁Foreign -9.66548 u -9.66587 ▁adequate -9.66734 ▁financing -9.66776 ▁nation -9.66921 ▁worth -9.67009 ▁perfect -9.67021 ▁Energy -9.67103 ▁allows -9.67155 ▁brain -9.67202 ▁door -9.67231 ▁Pacific -9.67386 ▁White -9.67392 ▁improved -9.67496 ▁contribution -9.67548 ▁vehicles -9.67554 ▁sleep -9.676 ▁Summit -9.67646 ▁file -9.67652 ▁labour -9.67676 ▁evaluation -9.67728 ▁town -9.67884 ▁normal -9.67967 ▁enter -9.67986 ▁scale -9.68037 of -9.68053 ▁investigation -9.68142 ▁ten -9.68162 ▁presence -9.68267 ▁consumption -9.68333 ▁Science -9.68343 ▁write -9.68372 ▁+ -9.68387 $ -9.68432 ▁partner -9.68458 ▁extent -9.68459 ▁credit -9.6846 ▁dollars -9.6852 ▁cross -9.68669 ▁expert -9.6879 de -9.68803 ▁Agency -9.68886 ▁Brazil -9.68943 8 -9.68981 ▁focused -9.69004 ▁Street -9.6901 ▁applied -9.69111 ▁Every -9.69112 ▁articles -9.69137 ▁message -9.69161 ▁Food -9.69168 ▁Those -9.69196 ▁reality -9.69203 ▁Have -9.69353 ▁collaboration -9.69447 ▁negotiations -9.69517 ▁voice -9.69541 ▁easily -9.69592 ▁chance -9.69607 ▁begin -9.69616 ▁shared -9.69619 ▁followed -9.69652 ▁kids -9.69747 ▁electronic -9.69785 ▁cloud -9.69914 ▁informed -9.69918 ▁guidelines -9.69935 ▁Industry -9.69973 ▁Data -9.70037 ▁raised -9.70045 ▁weight -9.70164 out -9.70196 ▁Millennium -9.70263 ▁Man -9.70376 ▁marketing -9.70498 ▁Force -9.70555 ▁Meeting -9.70671 ▁looked -9.70878 ▁damage -9.70892 ▁Last -9.70943 ▁posts -9.7096 ▁attacks -9.7114 ▁mainly -9.71171 ▁biennium -9.71239 ▁encourage -9.71289 ▁thousands -9.71604 ▁Covenant -9.71619 ▁shown -9.71828 ▁task -9.71841 ▁wrote -9.71851 ▁wasn -9.71972 ▁prior -9.71974 ▁Cooperation -9.72019 ▁UNDP -9.72039 ▁board -9.72057 ▁degree -9.72058 ▁initial -9.72098 ▁produced -9.72109 ▁temperature -9.72181 ▁Windows -9.72196 ▁whom -9.72203 ▁color -9.72271 ▁submit -9.72387 ▁interested -9.72473 ▁La -9.725 ▁powerful -9.72547 ▁writing -9.72578 ▁biggest -9.72581 ▁officers -9.72582 ▁insurance -9.72662 ▁sign -9.72759 ▁image -9.72931 ▁seem -9.73015 ▁territory -9.73028 ▁turned -9.73058 + -9.73129 ▁external -9.73402 ▁Each -9.73457 ▁efficient -9.7347 ▁fine -9.73513 ▁Another -9.73597 ▁opened -9.73607 ▁dollar -9.73666 ▁outcome -9.73702 ▁Afghanistan -9.73781 ▁fund -9.73801 ▁gone -9.73831 ▁clean -9.7395 ▁advice -9.73997 ▁stability -9.74024 ▁goes -9.7411 ▁running -9.742 ▁dated -9.74224 ▁Year -9.74224 ▁units -9.74243 ▁secure -9.74244 mm -9.74331 ▁Time -9.74333 ▁Open -9.74334 ▁collection -9.74402 ▁ongoing -9.74479 ▁determine -9.7451 ▁mass -9.74671 ▁affect -9.74676 ar -9.74768 ▁comments -9.74769 ▁enforcement -9.74824 ▁networks -9.74825 10 -9.74901 ▁games -9.74925 ling -9.7497 ▁Geneva -9.74986 He -9.75079 ▁finally -9.75111 ▁objective -9.75168 ▁guidance -9.7517 ▁transition -9.75195 ▁testing -9.75248 ▁payment -9.75303 ▁giving -9.75355 ▁faith -9.75393 ▁career -9.75434 .1 -9.75459 ▁partnership -9.75515 ▁proposals -9.75562 ▁4. -9.75565 ▁variety -9.75587 ▁opinion -9.75644 ▁risks -9.75721 ▁enterprise -9.75782 ▁strength -9.75795 ▁Project -9.75796 ▁arrangements -9.75836 ▁knows -9.75881 co -9.75928 ▁peoples -9.7593 ▁difference -9.75978 ▁aid -9.75988 ▁practical -9.76002 ▁waste -9.76018 ▁learned -9.76075 ▁Free -9.76132 ▁refugees -9.76143 ▁huge -9.76146 ment -9.76154 ▁increasingly -9.76183 ▁III -9.76232 ▁useful -9.76295 na -9.76326 ▁initiative -9.76346 ▁accept -9.7644 ▁combat -9.76515 ▁via -9.76544 ▁female -9.76574 ▁THE -9.76648 ▁District -9.76696 da -9.7671 ▁marriage -9.76716 ▁leader -9.7673 ▁Charter -9.76845 ▁players -9.76859 ▁recommendation -9.7686 No -9.7696 ▁advantage -9.77027 day -9.77043 ▁ideas -9.77061 ▁Their -9.77069 ▁programs -9.77112 ▁Spain -9.7712 ▁Me -9.77197 ▁student -9.77218 ▁scientists -9.77286 ▁season -9.77314 ▁green -9.77434 ▁kill -9.7757 ▁negative -9.77572 ▁border -9.77607 ▁tried -9.77621 ▁Washington -9.77682 ▁El -9.77768 ▁Zealand -9.7779 ▁emergency -9.77876 te -9.7795 ▁compliance -9.7811 ▁Unit -9.7816 ▁offered -9.7818 ▁Criminal -9.78247 ▁agree -9.78444 ▁steel -9.78606 ▁map -9.7879 ▁measure -9.78874 ▁governance -9.7895 ▁consumers -9.78959 ▁King -9.78974 ▁direction -9.78978 ▁fair -9.7904 ▁urban -9.79057 ▁pursuant -9.79065 ▁supporting -9.79097 ▁expect -9.79097 ▁Will -9.79126 ▁crimes -9.79128 ▁investors -9.79129 ▁exist -9.79147 ▁Tribunal -9.7921 ▁Ireland -9.79247 ▁Turkey -9.79324 ▁numbers -9.79365 ▁guy -9.79414 > -9.79428 ▁launch -9.79438 nd -9.7945 ▁Tel -9.79475 ▁husband -9.79539 ▁Look -9.79617 ▁hour -9.79635 ton -9.79796 ▁looks -9.7986 ▁red -9.79912 ▁unit -9.7993 ▁influence -9.79943 ▁twenty -9.80015 ▁Industrial -9.80026 ▁Financial -9.80141 ▁Microsoft -9.80173 ▁card -9.80215 ▁m -9.80247 ▁components -9.80276 ▁applicable -9.80439 ▁sectors -9.80487 ▁firm -9.80512 ▁guests -9.80514 ▁preparation -9.8053 ▁entities -9.80547 ▁fifty -9.80615 ▁smart -9.80649 ▁thank -9.8069 ▁confidence -9.80884 ▁charge -9.80931 ▁baby -9.80966 ▁languages -9.81028 ▁AI -9.81056 ▁chemical -9.81166 ▁cash -9.81364 ▁books -9.81403 ▁vehicle -9.81404 Add -9.81407 ▁:: -9.81469 ▁floor -9.81551 ▁healthy -9.81566 one -9.81571 ▁press -9.81661 ▁host -9.81664 ▁Like -9.81795 ▁separate -9.81938 ▁trading -9.81947 ▁Agenda -9.8198 ▁mentioned -9.82077 ▁models -9.82168 ▁campaign -9.82351 ▁situations -9.8241 ▁placed -9.82567 ▁Pakistan -9.82649 ▁Congress -9.82729 ▁Did -9.82887 ▁undertaken -9.82962 ▁vision -9.82963 ▁island -9.83018 ▁internet -9.83058 ▁35 -9.83064 ▁middle -9.8326 ▁Federal -9.83262 ▁break -9.83324 Y -9.83424 ▁commitments -9.83452 ▁round -9.83486 ▁debate -9.835 ▁housing -9.83526 ▁object -9.83642 ▁Right -9.83657 ▁80 -9.83669 ▁reading -9.83729 ▁decades -9.83773 ▁Best -9.8386 w -9.83862 ized -9.83886 ▁Section -9.83918 ▁election -9.8394 ▁Congo -9.84055 ▁Christ -9.84153 9 -9.84163 ▁fuel -9.84238 ▁Latin -9.84291 ▁sold -9.84393 ▁Environment -9.84409 ▁gold -9.84429 ▁drink -9.84453 ▁Sudan -9.84462 tergovernmental -9.84464 ▁summer -9.84536 ▁Space -9.84539 ▁reduced -9.8454 ▁Okay -9.84611 ▁approximately -9.84646 ▁hit -9.84651 ▁centre -9.84692 ▁moving -9.84722 ▁accounts -9.84861 ry -9.84861 ▁passed -9.84865 ▁meters -9.84902 ▁brother -9.84918 ▁1999 -9.84924 ▁boy -9.84978 ▁invited -9.85001 ▁sorry -9.85075 ▁illegal -9.85196 el -9.85203 ▁export -9.85246 ▁senior -9.85289 ▁aim -9.85366 ▁ahead -9.85411 ▁phase -9.85456 ▁played -9.85761 ▁Regional -9.85816 ting -9.85895 ▁Maybe -9.85905 ▁Indian -9.85913 ▁Implementation -9.85916 ▁trial -9.85966 ▁abuse -9.85972 ▁elections -9.86037 ▁Technical -9.86083 ▁90 -9.8609 ▁remained -9.86094 ▁Art -9.8621 ▁closely -9.86214 ▁join -9.8627 ▁lose -9.86346 ▁economies -9.86446 ▁gives -9.86476 ▁scope -9.86488 ▁Life -9.86503 ▁instance -9.86571 ▁consumer -9.86623 ▁Add -9.86642 ▁Take -9.8671 Z -9.86731 ▁Peace -9.86759 ▁path -9.86771 What -9.86791 ▁becoming -9.86795 ▁notice -9.86823 ▁Web -9.86839 est -9.86864 ▁plant -9.86987 ▁cars -9.87064 ▁store -9.87125 ▁200 -9.87139 ▁spend -9.87198 ▁Britain -9.8723 ▁innovative -9.87254 ▁Water -9.87268 making -9.87336 ▁respond -9.87346 ▁permanent -9.87592 ▁helped -9.87623 ▁intelligence -9.87656 ▁forced -9.87731 ▁sites -9.87841 ▁Saudi -9.87914 li -9.87916 ▁Us -9.88065 ▁drugs -9.88197 ▁2, -9.88217 ▁recommends -9.88286 ▁fourth -9.88361 son -9.88418 ▁Black -9.88439 CN -9.88466 ▁universal -9.88552 ▁Egypt -9.88562 ▁advance -9.88598 ▁cold -9.88615 ▁(1 -9.88639 ▁Police -9.88643 -1 -9.88675 am -9.88729 ▁spirit -9.88737 ▁multilateral -9.88747 ▁nations -9.88754 ▁truly -9.88792 ▁spent -9.8882 ia -9.88821 ▁feature -9.88888 ▁starting -9.88894 ▁indicated -9.88952 ▁rich -9.88984 ▁appear -9.89023 ▁Use -9.89027 ▁meaning -9.89111 ▁Islamic -9.89161 ▁Constitution -9.89353 ▁surface -9.89389 ▁Museum -9.89457 ▁survey -9.89572 ▁counter -9.89604 ▁previously -9.89658 ▁cookies -9.89671 ▁bar -9.89816 ▁>> -9.89846 ▁Administration -9.89891 ▁pretty -9.89974 ▁recovery -9.90088 ▁Network -9.90124 ▁70 -9.90163 ▁covered -9.90245 ▁box -9.90269 ▁train -9.90283 ▁educational -9.9031 ▁Friday -9.90315 ”, -9.90368 ▁Z -9.90374 ▁manage -9.90387 ▁opening -9.90395 ▁Civil -9.90417 ▁Note -9.90429 ▁maybe -9.9044 ▁entry -9.90479 ▁mine -9.90521 ▁served -9.90528 ▁peaceful -9.90549 ▁coffee -9.9056 ▁View -9.90577 ▁raise -9.90589 ▁aware -9.90643 ▁follows -9.90686 ▁electric -9.90724 ▁terrorist -9.90727 ▁institutional -9.90789 ▁Americans -9.9088 ▁fields -9.90945 ▁vulnerable -9.90965 ▁minimum -9.90966 ▁race -9.91018 ▁Political -9.91072 ▁monitor -9.91087 ▁chain -9.91143 ▁showed -9.91228 ▁traffic -9.91266 ▁okay -9.91362 ▁Crime -9.91467 ▁c -9.91507 ▁actual -9.91535 age -9.91598 ▁Child -9.91604 ▁playing -9.91607 ▁hot -9.91754 ▁# -9.91877 ▁weather -9.91917 end -9.91997 ▁Monday -9.92135 ▁widely -9.92165 ▁Series -9.92166 by -9.92209 ▁positions -9.92291 ▁detention -9.92292 ▁option -9.92356 ▁consequences -9.924 ▁believed -9.92457 ▁improvement -9.92489 ▁net -9.92501 ▁changing -9.92577 ▁Community -9.92653 ▁failure -9.92681 ▁contains -9.92704 ▁clients -9.92795 ▁Paul -9.92855 ▁pain -9.93089 ▁Third -9.93094 ma -9.93109 ▁detailed -9.93175 ▁teams -9.93402 ▁deliver -9.93463 ▁finance -9.93507 ▁sell -9.93535 ▁Address -9.93546 ▁certainly -9.93553 ▁emissions -9.93606 ▁determined -9.93615 ▁regime -9.93697 ▁sharing -9.93727 ▁Chief -9.9374 ▁Page -9.93752 ▁bed -9.9381 ▁Family -9.94011 j -9.94057 ▁Inn -9.94062 ▁sanctions -9.94132 ▁intended -9.94201 ▁youth -9.94231 ▁older -9.94412 ▁email -9.94416 ▁purchase -9.94417 land -9.94438 ▁dream -9.94486 ▁2020 -9.94582 ▁waiting -9.946 ▁double -9.94681 ▁link -9.94698 ▁federal -9.94714 ▁religion -9.94722 ▁closed -9.94775 ▁married -9.94903 ▁unless -9.94922 ▁David -9.94922 ▁character -9.95033 ▁carbon -9.95043 ▁broad -9.95086 ▁Syrian -9.95136 ▁Li -9.95149 ▁returned -9.95179 ▁Control -9.95212 ▁stars -9.95217 AIDS -9.95223 ▁Foundation -9.95226 ▁named -9.953 ▁achieving -9.95385 ch -9.95547 ▁discussions -9.95558 ▁banks -9.95566 ▁feeling -9.95594 net -9.95682 ▁experiences -9.95688 ▁alternative -9.95741 ▁stock -9.95751 ▁governments -9.959 ▁helping -9.95928 ▁animals -9.95941 ▁judicial -9.96007 ▁except -9.96008 ▁consistent -9.96052 U -9.96058 ▁guys -9.96097 ▁corporate -9.96158 ▁x -9.9617 ▁birth -9.96177 ▁sufficient -9.96194 ▁exactly -9.96231 ▁1990 -9.96287 ▁) -9.963 ▁fun -9.96382 responsibilities -9.96425 ▁causes -9.96487 ▁Annex -9.96548 ▁prison -9.96549 ▁Any -9.96573 ▁defined -9.96576 ▁Green -9.9668 ▁effectiveness -9.96727 ▁suggested -9.96794 ▁emerging -9.96909 ▁1998 -9.96915 ▁cell -9.96964 ▁adopt -9.9699 ▁perhaps -9.97064 ▁forget -9.9714 ▁Building -9.97178 ▁delegations -9.97237 ▁expertise -9.97306 ▁perspective -9.9741 ▁couldn -9.97413 ▁prepare -9.97415 ▁guide -9.97452 ▁moved -9.97559 ▁spread -9.9761 ▁larger -9.97631 ▁currency -9.97643 ▁condition -9.9765 ▁informal -9.97652 ▁significantly -9.97669 ▁solar -9.97699 ▁specialized -9.97707 ▁Design -9.97721 ▁distance -9.97761 ▁daughter -9.97782 ▁welcomed -9.97822 ▁greatest -9.97846 ▁indicators -9.9793 ▁kept -9.97958 ▁app -9.97974 ▁accepted -9.98001 ▁Once -9.98002 ▁extremely -9.9803 ▁failed -9.9805 ▁Furthermore -9.98101 ▁College -9.98221 ▁Amazon -9.98252 ▁45 -9.98284 ▁stakeholders -9.9832 ▁destruction -9.9837 ▁despite -9.98431 ▁planned -9.98433 ▁b -9.98492 ▁wouldn -9.98521 ▁centres -9.98538 ▁Sustainable -9.98662 ▁medium -9.9867 ▁names -9.98901 org -9.98962 he -9.98984 ▁industries -9.98997 ▁relation -9.99007 ▁Thus -9.9909 ▁eye -9.99109 ▁approval -9.99158 line -9.99175 ▁track -9.9921 ▁civilian -9.99229 ▁alia -9.99258 ▁recognition -9.99259 ▁records -9.99263 ▁Hotels -9.99275 ▁Allah -9.99328 ▁Prime -9.99391 ▁Both -9.99466 ive -9.99466 ▁reducing -9.9947 ▁nine -9.99476 ra -9.99495 ▁possibility -9.99721 ▁recognize -9.99749 ▁resulting -9.99787 ▁tomorrow -9.99826 ▁Thank -9.99926 ▁democracy -10 ▁OF -10.0008 ▁quarter -10.0015 ▁sun -10.0016 ▁sessions -10.0021 ▁discuss -10.0021 ▁setting -10.0024 ▁agency -10.0046 ▁limit -10.0047 ▁toward -10.0061 ▁duty -10.0062 ▁independence -10.0062 ▁executive -10.0067 ▁priorities -10.007 ▁(1) -10.0071 ▁California -10.0075 ▁concluded -10.0081 ▁Y -10.0083 ▁figure -10.0085 ▁decide -10.0106 ▁Legal -10.0114 ▁indeed -10.0119 led -10.012 ▁afraid -10.0126 ▁5. -10.0132 ▁reflect -10.0135 ▁hospital -10.0143 ▁trend -10.0144 ▁sale -10.0158 ▁fish -10.0158 Q -10.0165 ▁statistics -10.0171 ▁Bar -10.0172 ▁Countries -10.0172 ▁UNICEF -10.0177 ▁proceedings -10.0184 ▁Indonesia -10.0205 ▁$ -10.0211 ▁Beach -10.0214 ▁rapid -10.0216 ▁picture -10.0217 ▁dangerous -10.0225 ▁explain -10.0227 ▁relatively -10.0229 ▁v -10.0229 ian -10.0232 ▁decade -10.0252 ▁Moreover -10.0253 ▁engineering -10.0261 ▁Model -10.0272 ▁encouraged -10.0273 ▁Cuba -10.0273 ▁screen -10.0282 ▁becomes -10.0286 ▁Switzerland -10.0291 ▁revised -10.0291 ▁disaster -10.0294 ▁species -10.0295 ▁doctor -10.0303 ▁Australian -10.0303 ▁actively -10.0309 ▁ship -10.031 ▁capabilities -10.0312 ▁Reserved -10.0315 ▁display -10.0316 ▁connected -10.0317 20 -10.032 ▁lines -10.0331 ▁agricultural -10.0335 ▁haven -10.0344 But -10.0353 ▁director -10.0362 ▁pass -10.0362 ▁provisional -10.0366 ▁Caribbean -10.0373 ▁driving -10.0373 ▁doubt -10.0382 ▁database -10.0387 ▁Him -10.0391 ▁addressing -10.0395 ▁Joint -10.0399 ▁substantive -10.0412 ▁2008, -10.0416 ▁speaking -10.0416 ro -10.0422 ▁torture -10.0425 ▁registered -10.0431 ▁revenue -10.0432 ta -10.0433 ▁heat -10.0436 ▁Spanish -10.0442 ▁couple -10.0445 ▁500 -10.0464 ▁listed -10.0465 ▁Airport -10.0467 ▁obligation -10.0476 ▁committee -10.0484 ▁reserved -10.0484 ▁maximum -10.0504 ▁radio -10.0506 ▁confirmed -10.0509 ▁entered -10.0517 ▁disabilities -10.052 ▁television -10.0521 ▁existence -10.0533 ▁skin -10.0553 ▁tasks -10.0553 ▁expand -10.0556 ne -10.0558 ▁guarantee -10.0573 Ltd -10.0574 ▁expansion -10.0577 ▁definition -10.0578 ▁university -10.0579 ▁appointed -10.058 ▁nice -10.0585 ▁identity -10.0595 la -10.0597 ▁forest -10.0608 ▁wind -10.0611 ▁flow -10.0613 ▁2006, -10.0614 ▁discussed -10.0619 !” -10.062 ▁excellent -10.063 ▁UNCTAD -10.0635 free -10.064 ▁compensation -10.0642 ▁listen -10.0643 ▁Three -10.0646 ▁instrument -10.0647 ▁millions -10.0651 ▁2005, -10.0652 ▁faster -10.0659 ▁Goals -10.0661 ▁Le -10.0663 ▁Malaysia -10.0666 ▁heavy -10.0677 ▁Pro -10.0678 ▁experienced -10.0678 ▁Guests -10.0678 ▁specifically -10.0678 ie -10.0683 ▁diseases -10.0685 ▁Thailand -10.0689 ▁stable -10.0692 ▁whatever -10.0695 rd -10.0698 ▁www -10.0705 ▁Chapter -10.0706 ▁Inter -10.071 ▁feet -10.0713 ▁server -10.0717 ▁consensus -10.0736 ▁selected -10.0737 ▁establishing -10.0747 ▁legislative -10.0749 ▁Sun -10.075 ▁achievement -10.075 ▁helps -10.0761 ▁lies -10.0762 ▁Netherlands -10.0764 ▁holding -10.0769 ▁memory -10.077 ▁church -10.0774 ▁academic -10.0774 ▁temporary -10.0778 ▁patient -10.078 ▁soul -10.0791 ▁2007, -10.0795 ant -10.0795 ▁remaining -10.0807 ▁hair -10.0809 ▁ourselves -10.0811 ▁Ukraine -10.0811 ▁settlement -10.0819 ▁component -10.0825 ▁touch -10.083 ▁factor -10.0838 ▁crucial -10.0855 ▁teaching -10.0856 ▁formal -10.0866 ▁targets -10.0881 ▁immediate -10.0881 ▁registration -10.0902 ▁Total -10.0905 ine -10.0905 ▁chief -10.0907 ▁famous -10.091 ▁engaged -10.0921 ▁6. -10.0922 AC -10.0927 ▁Love -10.0937 ▁secret -10.0937 ▁cycle -10.0937 ▁Christian -10.0938 ▁perform -10.0938 ty -10.0938 ▁32 -10.0947 ▁consultation -10.0949 ▁Island -10.0959 ▁Car -10.0976 ▁express -10.0978 ▁Medical -10.0979 ▁expression -10.0987 ▁Yet -10.0988 ▁leaving -10.0995 ▁Finally -10.0997 ▁mental -10.1008 ▁interesting -10.1011 ▁dark -10.1012 ▁bilateral -10.1016 men -10.1032 ▁? -10.1035 ▁Table -10.1037 ▁update -10.1039 ▁dog -10.1043 ▁Korean -10.1046 ▁violation -10.105 ▁street -10.105 ▁approaches -10.1056 be -10.1056 ate -10.1056 ▁wall -10.1057 And -10.1064 ▁paragraphs -10.107 ▁extended -10.1075 ▁plastic -10.1079 ▁category -10.1084 ▁glass -10.1085 ▁appreciation -10.1085 ▁joined -10.1085 ▁ones -10.1088 ▁happens -10.1089 ▁player -10.1094 ▁voluntary -10.1094 ▁protected -10.1098 ▁wine -10.1102 il -10.1105 ▁threats -10.1105 ▁Name -10.1119 There -10.113 ▁Ad -10.113 ▁Number -10.1141 ▁successfully -10.1148 ▁Before -10.1148 ▁offering -10.1149 ▁Un -10.1149 ▁trends -10.1151 ▁loved -10.1158 ▁promise -10.1163 ▁Training -10.117 ▁IT -10.1182 ▁engine -10.1186 ▁delivered -10.1189 ▁actors -10.1199 ▁planet -10.1212 ▁Previous -10.1218 ▁Italian -10.1219 ▁otherwise -10.1222 ▁findings -10.1223 ▁seeking -10.1227 ▁sir -10.1229 ▁eventually -10.124 ▁elected -10.1241 ▁involving -10.1243 ▁spending -10.1251 ▁respective -10.1259 ▁believes -10.1273 ▁Northern -10.1279 ▁facing -10.1281 ▁style -10.1284 ▁Islands -10.1286 ▁gain -10.13 ▁suffering -10.1312 ▁Its -10.1322 ▁al -10.1324 ▁developments -10.1331 ▁transportation -10.1333 ▁transactions -10.1335 ▁appears -10.1356 ▁images -10.1359 ▁worry -10.1363 ▁theme -10.1363 ▁Part -10.1367 ▁Taiwan -10.1372 ▁movie -10.1372 ▁window -10.1375 ▁Recalling -10.1387 ▁Post -10.1416 ▁Equipment -10.1417 ▁flight -10.142 ▁restaurant -10.1422 ▁Apartments -10.1427 ▁aren -10.1435 ▁combined -10.1455 ▁lived -10.1457 ▁privacy -10.1457 ▁Vienna -10.1458 ▁origin -10.1458 ▁ethnic -10.1459 ▁Bureau -10.1459 ▁partnerships -10.1464 ▁reflected -10.1466 ka -10.1466 ▁Tuesday -10.1469 China -10.1469 ▁investments -10.1477 ▁easier -10.1495 ▁numerous -10.1502 ▁Despite -10.1512 ▁mid -10.1519 ▁Prevention -10.1521 ▁contain -10.1525 ▁$1 -10.1533 ▁background -10.1533 ▁LED -10.1537 ", -10.1537 ▁solve -10.1539 ▁appeal -10.1543 ▁democratic -10.1547 ▁Does -10.1551 ▁Work -10.1551 ▁Administrative -10.1556 ▁files -10.1558 ▁periodic -10.1564 ▁jurisdiction -10.1565 ▁Wi -10.1569 ▁Authority -10.1571 ▁thanks -10.1572 ▁speech -10.1574 ▁explore -10.1581 ▁zone -10.1581 ▁founded -10.1588 ▁desire -10.1591 ▁implications -10.1591 do -10.1597 ▁plants -10.1598 ▁conclusion -10.1603 ▁discovered -10.1609 ▁hundreds -10.1611 ▁realize -10.1614 ▁seemed -10.162 ▁courses -10.1624 ▁theory -10.1625 ▁client -10.1644 ▁dedicated -10.1653 ▁square -10.1653 ▁obtain -10.1656 ▁consent -10.1656 ▁England -10.1657 ▁recommend -10.1666 ▁selection -10.1676 ▁criteria -10.1681 ▁Church -10.1683 ▁recorded -10.1685 ▁Guinea -10.1692 ▁(2) -10.1701 me -10.1707 ▁linked -10.1708 ▁CEO -10.1709 ▁represent -10.1714 ▁dealing -10.172 ▁transparency -10.1721 ▁star -10.1725 ▁reliable -10.1732 ▁Long -10.1734 Home -10.1738 ▁wealth -10.1741 ▁technological -10.1746 ▁techniques -10.1752 ▁slow -10.1762 ▁manufacturers -10.1764 ▁300 -10.1767 ▁courts -10.1779 ▁teachers -10.178 ▁punishment -10.1782 ▁2004, -10.1783 ▁output -10.1792 ▁Sunday -10.18 ▁36 -10.1805 ▁supports -10.1807 ▁Headquarters -10.1809 ▁thousand -10.1812 ▁James -10.1813 ▁master -10.1814 ▁hate -10.1815 ▁sports -10.1816 ▁hundred -10.1816 ▁Royal -10.1819 ▁Real -10.182 ▁conflicts -10.1823 minute -10.1825 ▁Vice -10.1827 ▁hurt -10.1837 ▁Lebanon -10.1837 ir -10.1846 ▁calling -10.1853 ▁miles -10.1854 ▁buildings -10.1868 ▁Thursday -10.187 ▁battery -10.1873 ▁extra -10.1877 ▁estimates -10.188 ize -10.1882 ▁pro -10.1884 ▁Society -10.1884 ▁Canadian -10.1885 ▁valuable -10.1893 ▁USA -10.1906 mail -10.1908 ▁deployment -10.1918 ▁2003, -10.1918 ▁differences -10.1919 we -10.1931 ul -10.1935 ▁fighting -10.194 ▁Sweden -10.194 ▁finding -10.1948 ▁homes -10.195 scale -10.1957 ▁gets -10.1961 ▁Safety -10.1966 ▁evil -10.1967 ▁fell -10.1969 ▁proud -10.1976 ▁correct -10.1976 ▁2002, -10.1982 ▁sixty -10.1991 ▁meant -10.2013 ▁element -10.202 ▁animal -10.2026 ▁chapter -10.2028 ▁Nuclear -10.2032 ▁explained -10.2043 ▁Club -10.2045 ▁sides -10.2049 ▁displaced -10.2064 ▁Strategy -10.2066 ▁college -10.207 ▁Notice -10.2073 ▁minute -10.2073 ▁extend -10.2076 ▁competitive -10.2078 ▁seeing -10.2084 ▁king -10.2086 ▁sit -10.2089 ▁timely -10.2092 ▁tea -10.2092 ▁concrete -10.2095 ▁bringing -10.2095 ▁behavior -10.2097 ▁satellite -10.2101 ▁volume -10.2102 ▁Team -10.2103 ▁ex -10.2107 ▁Cultural -10.2113 id -10.2117 ▁inform -10.2118 ▁formed -10.2122 ▁operate -10.2123 ▁rapidly -10.2123 ▁vital -10.2127 ▁historical -10.2133 um -10.2138 ▁Further -10.2138 ▁Show -10.2139 ▁attempt -10.2141 ▁Media -10.2143 0 -10.2144 first -10.2145 ▁Requests -10.215 ▁architecture -10.2154 ▁7. -10.2155 ▁eliminate -10.2162 ▁Wednesday -10.2168 ▁replace -10.2169 ▁judge -10.217 12 -10.2171 ▁willing -10.2172 ▁Market -10.2174 ▁hearing -10.2177 ▁aims -10.2181 ▁pollution -10.2183 ▁club -10.2189 ▁stories -10.2203 ley -10.222 ▁appeared -10.2226 ▁hell -10.2226 ▁USD -10.223 ▁Philippines -10.2235 ▁categories -10.2236 ▁judges -10.2241 ▁boys -10.2243 .6 -10.2245 ▁33 -10.2248 ▁Bed -10.2253 izing -10.2254 They -10.2255 ▁George -10.2257 go -10.226 ▁2001, -10.2262 ▁Shenzhen -10.2262 ▁title -10.2264 ▁objects -10.2266 ▁ended -10.2273 ▁urgent -10.2275 ▁mutual -10.2278 ▁pool -10.2281 ▁managed -10.2281 ▁primarily -10.2289 ▁updated -10.2293 ▁electricity -10.2307 ▁conferences -10.2307 ▁treaties -10.2311 ▁revealed -10.2325 ▁2000, -10.2326 ▁civilians -10.2331 ▁abroad -10.2332 ▁blue -10.2332 ▁pointed -10.2345 ary -10.2348 ▁Officer -10.2354 ▁· -10.2355 ▁Discrimination -10.2356 ▁agriculture -10.2357 off -10.2359 ▁unable -10.2362 ▁percentage -10.2371 ▁affairs -10.2376 ▁Saint -10.2381 ▁2009, -10.2382 ▁Station -10.2384 ▁Peter -10.2396 ▁trip -10.2401 ▁payments -10.2412 ▁48 -10.2425 ▁relationships -10.2442 ▁guess -10.2445 ▁Members -10.2462 ▁engage -10.2463 ▁iPhone -10.2472 ▁accounting -10.2474 !" -10.248 ▁structures -10.2483 ▁neither -10.2485 ▁proper -10.2488 ▁respectively -10.2492 ▁IV -10.2498 ▁Draft -10.2499 ® -10.25 ▁impossible -10.2501 ▁Small -10.2509 ▁allowing -10.252 ▁worse -10.2524 ▁difficulties -10.2527 way -10.2529 ▁adults -10.2536 ▁sort -10.2542 ▁declared -10.2548 ▁alive -10.2553 ▁links -10.2558 ▁photo -10.2564 ▁observed -10.2569 ▁draw -10.2573 ▁smaller -10.2577 ▁Mar -10.2578 ▁department -10.2579 ▁piece -10.2584 ▁Old -10.2585 ▁internationally -10.2589 ▁procurement -10.2597 ▁introduction -10.2605 ▁Norway -10.2608 ▁wear -10.261 ▁observations -10.261 ▁labor -10.2611 ▁represents -10.2611 ▁regulatory -10.2612 ▁cooperate -10.2626 ▁army -10.2627 ▁extreme -10.263 ▁34 -10.2636 ▁suitable -10.2639 ▁granted -10.2645 ▁kinds -10.2646 ▁shape -10.2648 ▁seriously -10.2652 ▁journey -10.2659 é -10.266 My -10.2661 ▁Top -10.2663 ▁1997 -10.2665 ▁Make -10.268 ▁Rome -10.2684 ▁Syria -10.269 ▁Program -10.2703 ping -10.2708 ▁camera -10.2713 ▁55 -10.2713 ▁Argentina -10.2722 ▁Anti -10.2723 ▁considering -10.2723 ▁integrity -10.2725 ▁Greece -10.2725 ▁37 -10.2726 ▁command -10.2728 ▁Persons -10.2731 ▁remote -10.2733 ▁Czech -10.2734 ▁Army -10.2737 per -10.2741 ▁comment -10.2741 ▁Sub -10.2744 ▁stressed -10.2747 ▁mostly -10.2749 ▁reasonable -10.2762 ▁Privacy -10.2763 ▁port -10.2768 ▁topic -10.277 ▁contracts -10.2776 ▁victim -10.2777 ▁tests -10.2785 11 -10.2786 ies -10.2787 ▁capable -10.2789 ▁officer -10.2791 ▁represented -10.2792 ▁complaints -10.2795 ▁Change -10.2799 ▁twice -10.2799 ▁park -10.28 ▁headquarters -10.2804 ▁programming -10.2809 if -10.2812 ▁strongly -10.2812 ▁shot -10.2813 ▁Award -10.2813 ▁River -10.2816 ▁printing -10.282 ▁audit -10.2825 For -10.2826 ▁absence -10.2827 ▁Labour -10.2831 ▁occurred -10.2841 ▁Optional -10.2841 ▁participated -10.2847 ▁pursue -10.2854 ▁Grand -10.2855 di -10.2859 ▁relief -10.286 ▁Which -10.2861 ▁expensive -10.2862 ▁metal -10.2873 ful -10.2875 ▁plenary -10.2882 ▁corruption -10.2893 ▁closer -10.2895 ▁driver -10.2896 ▁Nigeria -10.2896 ▁2010, -10.2901 ▁sister -10.2907 ▁handle -10.2907 ▁membership -10.2917 ▁Area -10.2919 ▁fixed -10.2922 ▁Parliament -10.2923 ▁fresh -10.2931 ▁bear -10.2938 ▁Turkish -10.2939 ii -10.2941 ▁Location -10.2946 ▁missing -10.2946 ▁t -10.2947 ▁involvement -10.295 ▁extensive -10.2954 ▁bill -10.2962 ▁arrived -10.2963 ▁characteristics -10.2966 ▁ancient -10.2969 ▁Operations -10.2974 ▁quick -10.2985 ▁Welcome -10.2991 ▁Item -10.2993 ▁Trust -10.3008 ▁Through -10.301 ▁decline -10.3015 ▁Pre -10.3015 ad -10.3024 ▁solid -10.3028 ▁length -10.303 ▁accurate -10.3033 ▁enhanced -10.3036 ▁Big -10.3043 ▁signs -10.3043 ▁Bay -10.3044 ▁Hi -10.3051 ▁indicate -10.3057 ▁sought -10.3059 ▁Disarmament -10.3062 ted -10.3062 ▁diversity -10.3063 ▁outcomes -10.3064 ▁professionals -10.3072 ▁g -10.3091 ▁foundation -10.3094 ▁Android -10.31 ▁Bo -10.3102 ▁blockchain -10.3105 ▁candidates -10.3105 ▁requirement -10.3107 15 -10.3114 ise -10.3117 ▁assess -10.3119 ▁pick -10.312 ▁migration -10.3126 ▁Exhibition -10.3129 ▁collective -10.3132 ▁Poland -10.3134 ▁manager -10.3135 ▁institution -10.3136 ▁teacher -10.3136 ▁1995 -10.3136 ▁packaging -10.3138 ▁honour -10.3142 ▁troops -10.3153 ▁accountability -10.3154 ▁evening -10.3155 .3 -10.3163 ▁enemy -10.3165 ▁exploitation -10.3166 ce -10.3167 ▁Hall -10.3167 。 -10.3175 ▁Mark -10.3176 ▁faced -10.3179 ▁illicit -10.3181 ▁39 -10.3182 ▁village -10.3188 ▁outstanding -10.319 ▁worst -10.3206 ▁gap -10.3206 ▁Engineering -10.321 ▁match -10.3211 ▁comfortable -10.3212 ▁submission -10.3216 ▁asking -10.3217 Fi -10.322 ▁Machine -10.3222 ▁fifth -10.3225 ▁occupied -10.3225 2: -10.3228 ▁soldiers -10.3229 ▁attend -10.3231 ▁ice -10.3232 party -10.3238 ▁regularly -10.3241 ▁district -10.3244 ▁UNHCR -10.3247 .4 -10.325 ▁increases -10.3254 ▁Date -10.3254 ▁Sierra -10.3258 ▁coverage -10.3259 ▁destroyed -10.3264 ▁tree -10.3266 ▁largely -10.3272 ▁8. -10.3273 ▁keeping -10.3275 ▁Michael -10.3275 ▁Father -10.3276 ▁Chair -10.3283 use -10.3291 ▁intellectual -10.3296 ally -10.331 ▁severe -10.331 ▁Cyprus -10.3311 ▁Rules -10.3333 ▁understood -10.3337 ▁Arabia -10.3339 ▁marine -10.3343 ▁hardware -10.3352 ▁♪ -10.3368 ▁Book -10.3368 ▁select -10.337 ▁AND -10.3372 ▁humans -10.338 ▁harm -10.3382 ▁award -10.3382 ▁depends -10.3384 ▁drop -10.3393 ▁Price -10.3397 ▁obtained -10.3398 ▁remove -10.3398 ▁serving -10.3402 When -10.3406 ▁restrictions -10.3407 ter -10.3412 ▁suggest -10.3412 ▁collect -10.3413 ▁Online -10.3413 ▁forth -10.3413 ▁standing -10.3418 ▁stress -10.3422 ▁availability -10.3422 ING -10.3425 ▁creative -10.3428 ▁3- -10.343 ▁workshop -10.3434 ▁Twitter -10.3436 ▁expenditure -10.3437 ▁interview -10.3438 ▁Introduction -10.3438 third -10.3442 ▁era -10.345 ▁micro -10.3465 ▁welcomes -10.347 ▁occur -10.3479 ▁collected -10.348 ▁humanity -10.3482 ▁providers -10.3482 ▁Kosovo -10.3485 ▁urged -10.3493 ▁Inc -10.3496 ▁lie -10.3499 art -10.3499 os -10.3503 ▁IP -10.3504 That -10.3504 ▁2012, -10.3504 ▁Up -10.3506 ▁exports -10.3507 .2 -10.3508 ▁fit -10.3513 ▁song -10.3519 ▁asset -10.3522 ▁Mac -10.3531 ▁Territory -10.354 ▁Eastern -10.3542 ▁bus -10.355 ▁Province -10.3555 ▁revolution -10.3558 ▁warning -10.3562 ▁mode -10.3562 ▁amounts -10.3563 ▁participating -10.3564 ▁150 -10.3564 ▁treat -10.3567 ▁owned -10.3568 -2 -10.3568 ▁photos -10.357 mo -10.3575 ▁figures -10.3575 ▁north -10.3576 ▁forever -10.358 ▁Investment -10.3581 ▁2011, -10.3585 ▁machinery -10.3586 ▁Following -10.3587 ▁Christmas -10.3588 ▁belief -10.3596 ▁panel -10.3598 ▁universities -10.3599 ▁favorite -10.36 ▁Thanks -10.3601 including -10.3603 ▁locations -10.3605 ▁virtual -10.3606 ▁developers -10.3613 ▁capacities -10.3613 ▁treated -10.3615 ▁properties -10.3624 ▁stopped -10.3626 ▁arrested -10.3638 ▁Am -10.3653 ▁receiving -10.3654 ▁Mobile -10.3654 ists -10.3657 ▁Town -10.3661 30 -10.3661 ▁Supreme -10.3665 ▁yes -10.3667 ▁struggle -10.3668 ▁rising -10.3668 ▁targeted -10.3672 ▁fill -10.3673 ▁Blue -10.3674 ▁38 -10.3677 ▁Master -10.3683 ▁delay -10.3685 called -10.369 ▁occupation -10.3691 ▁Mo -10.3692 ▁documentation -10.3693 ▁machines -10.37 ▁ideal -10.3703 ▁Leone -10.3703 ▁contributed -10.371 min -10.371 ▁resulted -10.3711 ▁Kuwait -10.3711 ▁losses -10.3714 ▁engagement -10.3723 ▁Environmental -10.3725 ▁Bill -10.3726 ▁Light -10.373 se -10.3734 ▁Sometimes -10.3735 ▁battle -10.3738 ▁Back -10.374 ▁combination -10.3756 ating -10.3757 ▁42 -10.376 ▁summary -10.3763 ▁gun -10.3768 ▁carrying -10.3774 As -10.3775 ▁factory -10.3778 ▁conclusions -10.3779 ▁PC -10.378 ▁tourism -10.378 ▁prove -10.3783 ▁Star -10.3784 ▁Resort -10.3786 ▁pages -10.3791 ▁enhancing -10.3805 ▁firms -10.3814 ri -10.3818 ▁imposed -10.3825 hour -10.3826 ▁package -10.3827 ▁residents -10.3827 ▁Elimination -10.3828 ▁Moscow -10.3832 ▁UNEP -10.3832 ▁Experts -10.3833 ▁platforms -10.3833 ▁Ma -10.3834 ▁atmosphere -10.3836 ▁male -10.384 ▁politics -10.3841 ▁entirely -10.3841 ▁Sir -10.3849 ▁encourages -10.3853 ▁houses -10.3859 ▁continuous -10.386 ▁Myanmar -10.3864 iv -10.3864 ▁subsequent -10.3866 ▁Soviet -10.3868 ▁super -10.3869 ▁9. -10.387 ▁reforms -10.3871 tech -10.3874 .7 -10.3874 ▁(19 -10.3875 ▁stations -10.388 ▁greatly -10.3884 ▁League -10.3891 ▁regulation -10.3895 Do -10.3895 ▁defense -10.3898 ▁bought -10.3903 ▁saved -10.3908 her -10.3916 ▁declaration -10.3917 ke -10.392 ▁signal -10.392 ▁supplies -10.3926 ▁Check -10.3926 ▁Head -10.3927 ▁latter -10.393 ▁substantial -10.393 ▁completion -10.3937 ▁talks -10.3938 ca -10.3939 ▁3, -10.3941 ▁Framework -10.3948 ▁performed -10.395 ▁winter -10.3955 ▁Indeed -10.3955 ▁trouble -10.3962 ▁Coordination -10.3969 ▁Somalia -10.3971 ▁Finland -10.3973 ▁vast -10.3974 ▁Staff -10.3982 ▁exhibition -10.3986 ▁Jerusalem -10.3987 ▁Cookie -10.3988 ur -10.3993 ▁maintaining -10.3994 ▁Holiday -10.4004 lin -10.4007 ▁Culture -10.4011 ▁refer -10.4013 ▁Current -10.4016 ▁copy -10.4019 ▁Obama -10.402 ▁organs -10.4021 ▁south -10.4024 long -10.403 ▁Finance -10.4032 ▁eating -10.4037 ▁refugee -10.4038 ▁Help -10.404 ▁Ambassador -10.4045 ▁shopping -10.4047 ▁massive -10.4048 ▁maintained -10.4051 ▁distributed -10.4062 ▁apartment -10.4063 ▁» -10.4065 ▁Palestine -10.4066 ▁claimed -10.4066 ▁Georgia -10.4071 ▁visited -10.4076 ▁History -10.408 ▁fucking -10.4083 ▁Holy -10.4092 ▁ownership -10.4093 ▁accused -10.4095 ▁demands -10.4095 ▁stuff -10.4097 ▁1996 -10.4101 ▁transparent -10.4104 ▁comply -10.4106 ▁donors -10.4109 ▁defence -10.412 ▁deaths -10.4122 ▁Professional -10.4125 ▁Austria -10.4127 ▁sentence -10.4129 ▁enabling -10.4134 ▁recruitment -10.4135 ▁sets -10.4137 ▁transmission -10.4147 ▁65 -10.4149 ▁shop -10.415 ▁resolve -10.4151 ▁= -10.4151 ▁lessons -10.4161 ▁spoke -10.4167 ▁heads -10.4167 ▁Da -10.417 ▁transaction -10.4171 ▁certification -10.4172 ▁automatically -10.4173 ▁racial -10.4177 ▁controlled -10.418 ▁emphasis -10.4183 ▁Fifth -10.4186 ▁List -10.4189 ▁Men -10.419 ▁format -10.4203 ▁visitors -10.4203 so -10.4207 ▁Among -10.4208 ▁Everyone -10.4213 UN -10.4217 ▁dinner -10.4221 ▁productivity -10.4228 ▁Platform -10.4229 ▁computers -10.423 ▁Watch -10.4231 ▁estate -10.4241 like -10.4242 ▁Di -10.4243 ▁equivalent -10.4247 ▁flexible -10.4252 ▁Resources -10.426 ▁invest -10.4262 ▁reviews -10.4265 ▁diplomatic -10.4267 ▁none -10.4269 ▁pilot -10.4271 ▁ordinary -10.4274 ▁undertake -10.4279 ▁orders -10.4288 ▁settings -10.4289 ▁drinking -10.4297 ▁classes -10.4298 em -10.4309 ▁sensitive -10.4311 ▁visits -10.4317 ▁Zone -10.4317 ▁departments -10.4322 ler -10.4325 ▁Rooms -10.4326 house -10.4328 ▁scene -10.4332 ▁grateful -10.4332 ▁applies -10.4348 ▁Tell -10.4348 all -10.4349 ▁forum -10.435 ▁LTD -10.4352 ▁2013, -10.4353 ▁Land -10.4354 ▁Guide -10.4357 ▁Without -10.4359 ▁o -10.436 ▁selling -10.4367 ▁Local -10.4377 ▁overcome -10.4383 ah -10.4386 ▁facility -10.439 ya -10.4395 ▁shit -10.44 ▁ill -10.4406 ▁Several -10.4407 ▁limits -10.4409 ▁Limited -10.4409 ba -10.4412 ▁resistance -10.4412 ▁managers -10.4414 ous -10.4414 ▁56 -10.4417 ▁beauty -10.4426 ▁publication -10.4428 ▁Corporation -10.4436 ▁medicine -10.4437 18 -10.4439 ▁football -10.4439 ▁protecting -10.4446 ▁expanded -10.4449 ▁Academy -10.4453 im -10.4453 ▁dis -10.4464 ▁Colombia -10.4468 ▁containing -10.4475 ▁Professor -10.4475 ▁designated -10.4481 ▁territories -10.4484 et -10.4485 ▁Con -10.4486 ▁Times -10.4487 ▁namely -10.4491 ▁powers -10.4493 lo -10.4494 ▁acquisition -10.4495 ▁reviewed -10.4497 ▁representation -10.4502 ▁replaced -10.4503 ▁TO -10.4504 ▁stronger -10.4514 ▁cable -10.4515 ▁telling -10.4517 ▁migrants -10.4521 ▁CLD -10.4523 ▁2015, -10.4528 ▁shower -10.4533 ▁updates -10.4533 .5 -10.4536 con -10.4539 ▁Chamber -10.4539 ance -10.4539 ▁Main -10.4542 ▁Digital -10.4544 United -10.4545 ated -10.4546 ▁brings -10.4547 ▁properly -10.4547 ▁error -10.4561 ▁profit -10.4561 ▁danger -10.4565 ▁charges -10.4567 ▁Euro -10.457 ▁universe -10.4572 ▁teach -10.4577 ▁examples -10.4582 ▁cutting -10.4583 ▁Read -10.4584 50 -10.4587 ▁Climate -10.459 ▁tons -10.4592 ▁installed -10.4593 ▁taught -10.4597 ▁Weapons -10.4601 -3 -10.4607 ▁Find -10.4608 ▁constantly -10.4609 ▁Chile -10.461 ▁satisfaction -10.4611 ▁Assistance -10.4615 ▁grounds -10.4617 ▁spring -10.462 class -10.462 ▁inclusion -10.4628 ▁adding -10.4629 ▁Vietnam -10.4635 ▁mining -10.4638 40 -10.4646 ▁thirty -10.4649 ▁removed -10.465 ▁constitute -10.4662 ▁Mary -10.4662 ▁workshops -10.4664 ▁frequently -10.4665 ▁authorized -10.467 ▁showing -10.4675 ▁Saturday -10.468 ▁carefully -10.4685 ▁attended -10.469 ▁blog -10.4691 ▁400 -10.4692 ▁letters -10.4693 ▁Field -10.4696 ▁finished -10.4698 ▁Southern -10.47 ▁grown -10.4703 ▁imagine -10.4707 ▁Son -10.4718 ▁rely -10.4721 ▁wonderful -10.4722 ▁Sales -10.4729 ▁Super -10.4731 ▁false -10.4732 ▁warm -10.4736 ions -10.4747 ▁watching -10.4748 ▁broken -10.4751 ▁controls -10.4751 ▁la -10.4761 ▁breakfast -10.4764 ▁ultimately -10.4766 ▁gift -10.4768 ▁chemicals -10.4777 ▁subregional -10.4777 ▁sustainability -10.4779 ▁identification -10.4786 io -10.4786 ex -10.4788 ▁Quality -10.4789 ▁realized -10.4796 ▁walking -10.4798 So -10.4799 ▁weak -10.4802 ▁advertising -10.4812 ▁rose -10.4813 ▁44 -10.4819 ▁Four -10.4829 ov -10.4832 ▁expectations -10.4837 ner -10.4839 wide -10.4839 ▁deeply -10.4839 ▁Greek -10.4845 ▁Based -10.4847 ▁Search -10.4847 ▁connect -10.4852 ▁freedoms -10.4853 ▁secondary -10.4853 ▁Five -10.4862 not -10.4863 ▁miss -10.4865 17 -10.4865 ▁improvements -10.4866 ▁gross -10.4866 ▁strengthened -10.4869 ▁assessments -10.4872 ▁Jordan -10.4872 ▁f -10.4885 ▁pleased -10.4886 ▁alleged -10.4888 quality -10.4891 ▁en -10.4892 ▁amazing -10.4894 ▁happiness -10.491 ▁proportion -10.4911 ▁gradually -10.4913 ▁acting -10.4915 ▁ocean -10.4915 ▁Give -10.4921 ▁anywhere -10.4922 ▁generate -10.4924 ▁Press -10.4926 ▁chosen -10.4928 ▁favour -10.4929 ▁accommodation -10.4935 ▁extension -10.4935 ▁Should -10.4935 ▁facts -10.4939 site -10.4943 ▁monthly -10.4944 60 -10.4947 ▁sick -10.4947 ▁burden -10.4948 US -10.4952 ▁responses -10.4953 ▁interface -10.496 ▁sitting -10.496 ▁suffered -10.4962 ▁brands -10.4965 ▁intention -10.4969 ▁Letter -10.4972 ▁happening -10.4975 ▁preparing -10.4978 ▁shift -10.4979 ▁tonight -10.498 ▁Music -10.4986 ▁push -10.4993 ▁Machinery -10.5003 ▁scheduled -10.5009 ▁Cup -10.5013 ▁biological -10.5013 ▁Port -10.5017 ▁herself -10.5018 ▁advantages -10.5024 ▁preventing -10.5025 ▁Na -10.5038 ▁coordinated -10.504 ▁sky -10.5041 ▁appointment -10.505 ▁arrest -10.5052 ▁Standard -10.5054 ▁Gender -10.5056 ▁Ocean -10.5058 ▁Exchange -10.5068 ▁populations -10.5075 ▁colleagues -10.5077 ▁GDP -10.5079 but -10.5083 ▁Bible -10.5084 ▁sovereignty -10.5084 ▁ISO -10.5087 ▁channels -10.5089 ▁forty -10.509 ▁heaven -10.5092 ▁exists -10.5097 ▁bottom -10.51 ▁emphasized -10.51 -10 -10.5101 ▁Lake -10.5101 ▁moon -10.5104 ▁fashion -10.5104 ▁Smart -10.5108 ▁dispute -10.5109 ▁considerable -10.511 ▁download -10.511 ji -10.5111 ▁straight -10.5116 ana -10.512 ▁wishes -10.5122 bo -10.5124 ▁Cross -10.5131 ▁domain -10.5132 ▁52 -10.5133 ▁incident -10.5133 ▁friendly -10.5136 ▁Country -10.5136 ▁4, -10.5141 ▁Wall -10.5146 ▁installation -10.515 ▁Ho -10.5151 ▁mandates -10.5152 ▁Venezuela -10.5155 ▁Capital -10.5158 ni -10.5161 ▁Belgium -10.5162 ▁2017, -10.5172 ▁wonder -10.5184 ▁farmers -10.5186 ▁75 -10.5188 ▁presentation -10.5191 [ -10.5194 ▁clothes -10.5197 ▁Deputy -10.52 To -10.5201 ▁interpretation -10.5201 ▁Ben -10.5206 ▁owner -10.5207 All -10.5209 ▁expenses -10.5211 ning -10.5216 ▁bridge -10.5218 ▁charged -10.5225 ▁everybody -10.5225 ▁Lu -10.5228 ▁intelligent -10.5237 ▁renewable -10.5238 ▁Chemical -10.5238 ▁rehabilitation -10.5241 ▁decrease -10.5242 ▁NGOs -10.5249 ▁browser -10.525 ▁shares -10.5253 ▁mountain -10.5256 ▁obvious -10.5258 ▁putting -10.5267 ▁divided -10.5269 ▁Instead -10.5273 ▁grew -10.5279 ▁import -10.528 ▁focusing -10.528 ▁Los -10.5284 ▁Bangladesh -10.5284 ▁suggests -10.5291 ▁(2 -10.5293 ▁Robert -10.5293 ▁mouth -10.5294 ▁anymore -10.5296 weapon -10.5298 ▁authors -10.5299 ability -10.5301 ▁Denmark -10.5301 ▁lighting -10.5301 ▁2014, -10.5302 ol -10.5303 ▁symptoms -10.5304 ▁covers -10.5309 ▁entity -10.5315 ▁suffer -10.5316 ▁trained -10.5317 16 -10.5327 ▁camp -10.533 、 -10.5343 ▁Kenya -10.5345 ▁input -10.5347 ▁killing -10.5348 ish -10.535 ti -10.5351 ▁flat -10.5356 ▁Scientific -10.5357 ▁allegations -10.5363 ▁conventions -10.5366 ▁49 -10.5373 ▁2018, -10.5373 second -10.5374 ▁Azerbaijan -10.5381 ▁principal -10.5383 ▁fail -10.539 ▁relative -10.5393 ▁moral -10.5396 ▁block -10.5397 ▁Sri -10.5402 ▁filled -10.5403 ha -10.5404 ▁achievements -10.5413 ▁legitimate -10.5418 ▁index -10.5424 ▁highlighted -10.5426 ▁Rwanda -10.5427 ▁covering -10.5428 ▁kitchen -10.5432 ak -10.5433 ▁Morocco -10.5434 ga -10.5439 ▁Enterprise -10.5446 hotels -10.5448 que -10.5452 ▁southern -10.5453 ▁n -10.5454 ▁definitely -10.5464 ▁diverse -10.5465 ▁DNA -10.5468 ▁donor -10.5469 ▁1980 -10.5476 ▁household -10.5478 ▁ban -10.5479 ▁residence -10.5479 ▁association -10.548 that -10.548 ▁rare -10.5481 ▁transformation -10.5482 ▁potentially -10.5485 ▁Video -10.5487 ▁thereby -10.5491 ▁opposition -10.5492 ▁cool -10.5493 ▁Ethiopia -10.5493 ▁UNFPA -10.5496 ▁41 -10.5497 you -10.5497 ▁investigations -10.5499 ▁1994 -10.5501 ▁54 -10.5503 ▁specified -10.5503 ▁Having -10.5506 ▁Key -10.5509 ▁$2 -10.5517 resolution -10.5522 ▁introduce -10.5532 ▁crazy -10.5532 ▁mention -10.5538 ▁detail -10.5542 ▁statistical -10.5543 ▁encouraging -10.5544 ▁Internal -10.5545 ▁1999, -10.5545 ▁artist -10.5545 ▁organizational -10.5546 ▁combating -10.5549 ▁drawn -10.5558 ▁caught -10.5559 den -10.5562 ▁visa -10.5568 ▁supposed -10.5569 ▁Rule -10.5572 ▁Liberia -10.5573 TM -10.5577 ▁urges -10.5578 ▁familiar -10.5583 Re -10.5584 ho -10.5585 ▁iron -10.5587 ard -10.5591 ▁< -10.5594 Our -10.5595 ▁Financing -10.5596 ▁careful -10.5597 32 -10.5598 ▁mom -10.5601 ▁fruit -10.5603 ▁51 -10.5604 ▁yesterday -10.5606 ▁inclusive -10.5614 ▁meat -10.5619 ▁productive -10.562 ▁overseas -10.5624 ▁equipped -10.5627 ▁destroy -10.5629 ▁schedule -10.5631 ▁garden -10.5638 ES -10.5653 ▁` -10.5658 ▁retail -10.566 ▁Gold -10.5662 ▁immigration -10.5664 ▁officially -10.5671 ▁Line -10.5673 ▁agent -10.5673 ▁communicate -10.5674 ▁43 -10.5674 ▁fans -10.5675 ▁Portugal -10.5676 ▁Chicago -10.5676 ▁reservation -10.5678 ▁analytical -10.5682 ▁fees -10.5682 ised -10.5683 ▁virus -10.5688 ▁commission -10.5695 ▁zero -10.5696 ▁Perhaps -10.5699 ▁Application -10.57 13 -10.5704 ▁(3) -10.5704 ▁coal -10.5707 ▁Ar -10.5725 ▁Military -10.5726 ▁Bosnia -10.5727 over -10.5727 ▁grant -10.573 ▁provider -10.573 ▁catch -10.5731 ▁adult -10.5734 ▁river -10.5734 ▁Follow -10.5735 ▁subsidiary -10.5739 ▁venue -10.574 ▁agents -10.5741 ▁suddenly -10.5752 ▁Stop -10.5754 ▁kid -10.5756 ▁Fourth -10.5756 ▁leads -10.5756 ▁Games -10.5757 ko -10.5757 ▁doctors -10.5758 ▁seat -10.5759 ▁ships -10.5762 ▁buying -10.5763 ▁Tom -10.5771 ▁prefer -10.5772 ▁pattern -10.5775 ▁Status -10.5776 -5 -10.5776 South -10.5779 ▁Gaza -10.5782 ▁Type -10.5782 ▁Swiss -10.5786 ▁minister -10.5795 ▁Timor -10.5798 ▁Questions -10.5799 ▁norms -10.5805 ▁Travel -10.5807 ▁apps -10.5808 ▁absolutely -10.5809 ▁rain -10.5821 ▁thoughts -10.5822 ▁minority -10.5823 ▁library -10.5826 ▁Hospital -10.5826 ▁77 -10.5826 ▁examine -10.5827 ▁dynamic -10.5837 ▁translation -10.5841 ▁province -10.5851 ▁topics -10.5854 ▁Initiative -10.5856 -4 -10.5859 ED -10.5859 ▁enjoyment -10.5859 ▁structural -10.5862 ▁duties -10.5865 ▁accident -10.5867 ▁l -10.5873 ang -10.5875 au -10.5875 ▁fishing -10.5875 ▁wood -10.5879 ▁Annual -10.5879 ▁audience -10.5889 ▁bigger -10.5889 ▁denied -10.5893 ▁constitutional -10.5895 ▁substances -10.5896 ina -10.5896 ▁tech -10.59 ▁describe -10.59 ▁constant -10.5901 ▁convention -10.5902 ▁tour -10.5903 ▁engineers -10.5904 ▁globalization -10.5907 ▁ordered -10.5908 ▁pregnant -10.5909 ▁roles -10.5909 -12 -10.5911 ▁Everything -10.5913 ▁stood -10.5915 ▁seconds -10.593 ▁Phone -10.5934 ▁consult -10.594 ▁Promotion -10.5948 ▁ratification -10.595 ▁Ka -10.5953 ▁advisory -10.5955 ▁degrees -10.5956 ▁penalty -10.5957 14 -10.5958 ▁messages -10.5958 ▁OK -10.5959 ▁managing -10.5965 ▁manufacturer -10.5969 ▁wake -10.5972 ▁fly -10.5972 CP -10.5972 ▁Miss -10.5981 ▁cards -10.5985 ▁profile -10.5986 ▁Hello -10.5989 ▁Partnership -10.5997 ▁accessible -10.5999 tic -10.6 ▁spot -10.6004 ▁impacts -10.6006 ▁unto -10.6006 ▁afternoon -10.6013 ▁raising -10.6017 ▁11. -10.6018 ▁frequency -10.6019 ze -10.6024 ▁dad -10.6028 ▁Garden -10.6031 ▁necessarily -10.6032 ▁healthcare -10.604 ▁rejected -10.6041 ▁plane -10.6044 ▁exposure -10.6045 ▁escape -10.6048 ge -10.605 ▁clinical -10.6053 ▁investigate -10.6054 ▁anniversary -10.6057 ▁totally -10.6058 ▁suppliers -10.6059 ▁Jack -10.6063 ▁Would -10.6065 ▁dry -10.6066 ▁generated -10.6072 ▁acquired -10.6074 ▁functioning -10.6075 ▁Systems -10.6081 ▁affecting -10.6085 ▁proof -10.6085 ▁owners -10.6086 ▁unemployment -10.6087 ▁Muslim -10.6089 ▁begun -10.6092 ▁UNIDO -10.6095 ▁websites -10.6096 pa -10.6098 ▁speakers -10.6101 ities -10.6102 ▁Spirit -10.611 ▁CD -10.6112 ▁trees -10.6113 ▁sustained -10.6117 ▁Nothing -10.6119 ▁bag -10.6123 ▁flexibility -10.6124 ▁pace -10.6127 ▁Download -10.6131 ▁2016, -10.6137 ▁typically -10.6139 ▁Universal -10.6143 ▁En -10.6143 ▁patterns -10.6144 ▁discover -10.6145 ▁Haiti -10.6154 ▁serves -10.6162 ▁47 -10.6164 ▁destination -10.6165 ▁newly -10.6166 ▁transit -10.6167 ▁offences -10.6168 ▁define -10.6175 100 -10.6178 ▁genetic -10.6182 ▁expanding -10.6184 ▁quiet -10.6184 ▁determination -10.6189 ▁choices -10.6189 ▁broader -10.619 64 -10.6192 ▁savings -10.6195 ▁prisoners -10.6195 ▁62 -10.62 ▁centers -10.6202 ▁territorial -10.6205 ▁Martin -10.6207 ▁Territories -10.6211 ▁VI -10.6211 side -10.6212 ▁Peacekeeping -10.6213 21 -10.6216 ▁Keep -10.6228 ▁papers -10.6231 ▁certificate -10.6233 ▁dance -10.6235 ▁Set -10.6238 sen -10.6239 ▁funded -10.624 ▁murder -10.624 pe -10.6241 ▁valid -10.6241 ▁soil -10.6249 ▁foot -10.6252 ▁Within -10.6264 ▁Chi -10.6267 ▁dignity -10.627 ▁1,000 -10.6271 ▁desk -10.6274 80 -10.6274 ▁competent -10.6274 ▁Su -10.6275 ▁46 -10.6275 ▁driven -10.6278 ▁refers -10.6278 ▁Per -10.628 ▁inspection -10.6282 ▁ye -10.6284 ▁Peru -10.6287 ship -10.6288 ▁examination -10.6291 ▁Fire -10.6296 ▁tend -10.6297 ▁owing -10.6297 ▁wireless -10.63 ▁Call -10.6312 ▁globally -10.6317 ▁Ha -10.6324 ▁Oil -10.633 ▁taxes -10.6333 ▁artists -10.6335 ▁employee -10.6336 ▁Assistant -10.6337 ▁flows -10.6338 ▁awarded -10.6349 ▁grave -10.6352 ▁Queen -10.6353 ▁demonstrated -10.6353 ▁53 -10.6356 ▁58 -10.6363 ▁Order -10.6363 ▁IN -10.6368 19 -10.6369 ▁Mrs -10.637 ▁forecast -10.6374 ▁stores -10.6375 ▁fat -10.6377 ▁Cloud -10.6377 ▁motor -10.6378 ▁depend -10.6387 ▁busy -10.6388 ▁directed -10.6389 ▁hoped -10.6389 ▁tested -10.6389 ▁$5 -10.6397 ▁feed -10.6402 ▁Future -10.641 ▁sugar -10.6411 ▁noise -10.6419 ▁wedding -10.642 lu -10.6425 ▁Hostel -10.6431 ▁click -10.6436 ▁indicates -10.6444 ▁laid -10.6446 ▁ball -10.6446 ▁sweet -10.6447 ▁shoes -10.6449 ▁witness -10.6451 room -10.6452 ▁Population -10.6458 ▁involve -10.6468 ▁61 -10.6475 ▁historic -10.6478 ▁minorities -10.6478 ▁contributing -10.6479 How -10.6479 ▁contrast -10.6487 ring -10.6502 ▁taste -10.6507 ▁Young -10.6508 25 -10.6509 ▁channel -10.6509 ▁asylum -10.6512 ▁Mother -10.6513 ▁conventional -10.6518 24 -10.652 ▁banking -10.6524 ▁Croatia -10.6527 ▁stands -10.6528 ▁Jewish -10.6529 ▁comfort -10.6535 ▁equity -10.6538 ▁electrical -10.6538 ee -10.6538 ▁reaching -10.6538 field -10.6538 ▁Production -10.6543 ▁refused -10.6546 ▁boat -10.6547 ▁realization -10.6548 ▁observers -10.6552 ▁interaction -10.6554 ▁functional -10.6554 ▁Iraqi -10.6567 ▁elimination -10.6567 ▁sounds -10.6576 ▁northern -10.6578 ▁permit -10.6582 ▁Resolution -10.6587 ▁% -10.659 ▁Herzegovina -10.6592 ▁Software -10.6592 being -10.6595 ▁everywhere -10.6596 ▁Dad -10.6601 po -10.6606 ▁dreams -10.6613 ▁automatic -10.6621 ▁videos -10.6625 ▁tells -10.6627 ICP -10.6634 ▁Studies -10.6634 ▁strange -10.6637 ▁liability -10.6642 ▁→ -10.6647 proliferation -10.6647 ▁contrary -10.665 ▁fulfil -10.6652 ▁County -10.6653 ▁ad -10.6654 ▁protocol -10.6655 ▁Sorry -10.6656 ▁faces -10.6658 ▁pictures -10.6663 ▁Students -10.6665 ▁120 -10.6666 ▁demonstrate -10.6672 ▁outer -10.6673 ▁64 -10.6674 ▁Given -10.6675 ▁producing -10.6675 ▁enables -10.6676 ▁Strategic -10.6677 ▁Lo -10.6682 der -10.6684 which -10.6684 ▁division -10.6685 ▁opt -10.6688 ▁57 -10.669 ▁widespread -10.6698 ▁turning -10.6698 ▁equally -10.6699 ▁Access -10.67 ▁feels -10.6703 ▁welfare -10.6711 ▁survive -10.6712 ▁Cambodia -10.6713 with -10.6713 ▁mark -10.6714 red -10.6714 ▁assigned -10.6715 ▁Monitoring -10.6716 ▁Valley -10.6716 ▁Nepal -10.6719 ▁parking -10.6722 ▁phenomenon -10.6733 % -10.6733 ▁Meanwhile -10.6741 ▁AIDS -10.6742 ▁obstacles -10.6744 ▁raw -10.6745 ▁worship -10.6746 ▁paying -10.6751 ▁considers -10.6758 ▁fiscal -10.6759 ▁customs -10.676 ▁stages -10.676 ▁Costa -10.6761 isation -10.6761 ▁ran -10.6762 ▁joy -10.6764 ▁possibly -10.6775 ▁dear -10.6777 hu -10.6777 ▁Personal -10.6779 ▁exception -10.6786 ▁Sam -10.6788 ▁appreciate -10.6789 ▁End -10.679 ▁furniture -10.6791 ▁Indigenous -10.6792 ▁Website -10.6793 wa -10.6798 les -10.6799 ▁consists -10.6799 ▁count -10.6804 ▁license -10.6805 ▁telephone -10.6808 ▁hopes -10.6809 ▁feelings -10.681 ▁lay -10.6812 bit -10.6815 ▁Very -10.6821 ten -10.6825 ▁di -10.6827 ▁Has -10.6827 ▁mortality -10.683 ▁contemporary -10.6831 LTD -10.6832 ▁segment -10.6843 ▁Yu -10.6843 ▁Angeles -10.6843 ▁commit -10.6849 70 -10.6851 ▁2- -10.6857 ▁aspect -10.686 ▁€ -10.6863 ▁pleasure -10.6864 ▁1970 -10.6866 ▁reconciliation -10.6866 ▁unknown -10.6875 ▁shut -10.688 ▁transferred -10.6887 ▁jointly -10.6889 car -10.6899 ▁integrate -10.6902 my -10.6903 www -10.692 ▁Process -10.6923 ▁societies -10.6923 ▁deployed -10.6924 ▁describes -10.6926 ▁glad -10.6931 ▁Whether -10.6938 ▁Lanka -10.6941 ▁strike -10.6941 ▁slowly -10.6943 ▁route -10.6945 ▁con -10.6949 ▁Remember -10.695 ▁Festival -10.6953 ▁milk -10.6958 ▁Care -10.6958 ▁WHO -10.6959 ▁wisdom -10.6961 ▁strict -10.6962 ▁Electric -10.6962 ham -10.6965 ▁Summary -10.6966 ▁instructions -10.697 economic -10.6971 ▁alcohol -10.6974 ▁annually -10.6975 ▁soft -10.6979 ▁entering -10.6987 ▁injured -10.699 ▁identifying -10.6991 ▁fuck -10.6995 ▁Burundi -10.6999 ▁reservations -10.7002 ▁Planning -10.7008 ▁disputes -10.7008 ▁exciting -10.7011 ▁disasters -10.7012 ▁holds -10.7013 ▁Statement -10.7015 ▁Swedish -10.7017 ▁Côte -10.7019 ▁explanation -10.7022 ▁ecosystem -10.7027 ▁Principles -10.7028 ▁slightly -10.7029 ▁beach -10.7031 ▁Private -10.7031 ▁wider -10.7031 ▁Out -10.7033 ▁depending -10.7035 ▁accelerate -10.7038 ▁Ministers -10.7039 ▁Property -10.7042 ▁replied -10.7048 ▁Jews -10.7048 ▁blind -10.7054 ▁bound -10.7055 ▁incidents -10.7057 ▁begins -10.7058 ▁injury -10.7066 ▁fellow -10.7068 ▁suicide -10.7069 ▁internally -10.7072 ▁Apartment -10.7074 ▁patent -10.7079 ▁mistake -10.7079 ▁Innovation -10.708 ▁Movement -10.7088 ▁Still -10.7102 ier -10.7103 ▁Mom -10.7104 ▁merely -10.7107 ▁lawyer -10.7109 ▁presidential -10.711 ▁conversation -10.7112 ▁attached -10.7112 ▁snow -10.7113 ▁cast -10.7114 ▁arising -10.7115 ▁assume -10.7115 ▁reputation -10.7116 ▁returns -10.7116 ▁formulation -10.712 ▁sin -10.7126 ci -10.7131 ▁capability -10.7131 ▁Unfortunately -10.7134 ▁Using -10.7134 ▁boost -10.7138 ▁talent -10.714 ▁Decides -10.7142 ▁weekend -10.7144 ▁yeah -10.7145 vi -10.7145 ▁systematic -10.7148 ▁Electronic -10.7149 ▁pure -10.715 ▁100% -10.715 owned -10.7157 ▁stored -10.7158 ▁” -10.7159 ▁2008. -10.7163 ▁composition -10.7163 ▁execution -10.7166 ja -10.7169 ▁reflects -10.7172 ▁Developing -10.7173 ▁deposit -10.7176 ▁Say -10.7177 ▁Agriculture -10.7178 ▁Ko -10.718 ▁heating -10.718 ence -10.7181 ▁arm -10.7192 ▁losing -10.7193 ▁Manager -10.7203 ▁Sha -10.7213 ▁artificial -10.7223 ▁stone -10.7234 ▁auto -10.7234 ▁promised -10.7235 ▁honor -10.7239 ▁Spring -10.7239 ▁concepts -10.7244 ▁starts -10.7244 ▁intervention -10.7252 ▁Case -10.7255 ▁swear -10.7258 ▁pregnancy -10.7259 ▁nationality -10.726 ▁pieces -10.726 ▁initiated -10.7261 ▁4- -10.7261 ong -10.7265 ▁reaction -10.7266 ▁lots -10.7268 ▁falling -10.7274 ▁UNESCO -10.7276 ▁answered -10.7279 ▁succeed -10.728 fa -10.7281 ▁employed -10.7282 ▁aged -10.7282 ▁invite -10.7282 ▁1993 -10.7286 ▁hosting -10.7293 ▁weapon -10.7293 ▁Square -10.7298 ▁Jan -10.73 ▁Berlin -10.7303 ▁museum -10.731 ▁representing -10.731 ▁mm -10.731 ▁generations -10.7311 bar -10.7321 ▁Session -10.7323 ▁Hungary -10.7329 ▁Ten -10.733 ▁Customer -10.7331 ▁Language -10.7332 ▁scheme -10.7332 ▁Youth -10.7332 ▁dropped -10.7339 ▁endorsed -10.734 fifth -10.7348 ▁operated -10.7355 ▁drivers -10.7358 ▁Xi -10.7358 ▁reproductive -10.7362 ▁absolute -10.7373 ▁responded -10.7379 ▁bearing -10.7381 65 -10.7382 ▁citizen -10.7389 ▁Uganda -10.7391 ▁Darfur -10.7391 ▁racism -10.7395 ▁loans -10.7398 ▁voting -10.74 ▁attitude -10.74 ▁bio -10.7401 ▁Guangzhou -10.7411 ▁assessed -10.7412 ▁12. -10.7412 ▁install -10.7414 ▁Humanitarian -10.7428 ▁visual -10.7437 fourth -10.7438 ▁$3 -10.7439 ▁rock -10.7441 ▁regardless -10.7442 48 -10.7444 ▁1998, -10.7444 ▁geographical -10.7445 ▁inflation -10.7445 ▁evaluate -10.7448 ▁(3 -10.7449 ▁grade -10.7452 ▁talked -10.7454 ▁evolution -10.7456 ▁fee -10.7461 AP -10.7462 ▁Natural -10.7464 ▁involves -10.7464 ▁warned -10.7468 ▁Max -10.7472 ▁parent -10.7473 ▁examined -10.7473 ▁band -10.7474 ▁ending -10.7477 ▁Full -10.7483 ▁confident -10.7486 ▁borders -10.7486 ▁corresponding -10.7492 45 -10.7496 ▁Budget -10.7497 ▁Drugs -10.7499 ▁Independent -10.7499 ster -10.7499 ▁register -10.7501 ▁barriers -10.7501 ▁Taking -10.7502 ▁finish -10.7502 ▁acceptance -10.7503 ▁fewer -10.7507 ▁Chairperson -10.7507 ▁William -10.7508 ▁Kyoto -10.7509 ▁portfolio -10.7509 ▁amendment -10.7512 ▁behaviour -10.7513 ▁Belarus -10.7513 ▁offence -10.7513 ▁reply -10.7523 ▁Prince -10.7527 90 -10.7529 ▁Communications -10.753 ▁Texas -10.753 ended -10.7532 ▁originally -10.7533 ▁Multi -10.754 ▁phones -10.7542 kin -10.7543 ▁disability -10.7543 ▁estimate -10.7544 ▁Hot -10.7545 ▁Activities -10.7549 ▁Java -10.7551 Why -10.7551 ▁Corporate -10.7555 ▁Source -10.7558 ▁drawing -10.7559 ▁Wait -10.756 ▁preliminary -10.7566 ▁10. -10.7569 ▁Currently -10.7571 ▁description -10.7575 ▁amended -10.7582 ▁diet -10.7582 ▁normally -10.7582 ▁chair -10.7584 ▁organic -10.7586 ▁logistics -10.759 ac -10.7597 ▁exclusive -10.7597 ▁exposed -10.7598 ▁@ -10.7599 ▁dishes -10.7609 ▁subsequently -10.7609 ▁appearance -10.7616 ▁computing -10.7618 ▁plays -10.7621 ▁gained -10.7621 ▁Registration -10.7622 ▁binding -10.7623 ▁excited -10.7625 ▁Algeria -10.7628 ▁governing -10.7628 ▁calm -10.763 ▁movements -10.7635 23 -10.7638 ▁Regulations -10.7641 ▁harmful -10.7647 ▁victory -10.7652 ▁13. -10.7652 dy -10.7655 ▁Journal -10.7658 ▁holiday -10.7662 ▁initially -10.7664 ▁survival -10.7666 ▁philosophy -10.7669 ▁Ro -10.767 ▁movies -10.7672 ▁oversight -10.7674 ▁horse -10.7679 ▁qualified -10.7684 ▁verification -10.7684 ▁Forces -10.7686 ▁Sa -10.7688 -11 -10.7689 ▁salary -10.769 ▁Test -10.7694 ▁hearts -10.7696 ▁hidden -10.7699 CO -10.7702 ology -10.7704 ▁empty -10.7708 ▁sixth -10.771 ▁Lee -10.7714 ▁Could -10.7714 ▁Terms -10.7715 ▁protein -10.7719 ▁Fu -10.7721 61 -10.7725 ▁Alliance -10.7734 ▁expenditures -10.7734 ▁filed -10.7735 ° -10.7736 ▁cat -10.7736 ▁fraud -10.7737 ▁yuan -10.7738 ▁lawyers -10.7739 ▁finds -10.7741 ial -10.7747 mer -10.7748 ▁Was -10.7756 port -10.7757 ▁recalled -10.776 ▁saving -10.776 ▁surprise -10.7761 ▁Bitcoin -10.7763 ▁ratio -10.7765 ▁root -10.7766 ▁Romania -10.7771 ▁Tokyo -10.7778 ▁lunch -10.7778 ▁Kazakhstan -10.778 ▁Statistics -10.7784 more -10.7785 ▁clothing -10.7791 ▁Decade -10.7792 ▁shouldn -10.7804 ▁summit -10.7805 ▁Christians -10.781 ▁tradition -10.7811 ▁WTO -10.7811 ron -10.7813 ▁amendments -10.7815 ▁marked -10.782 ▁missile -10.782 ▁Yugoslavia -10.7822 ▁studying -10.7823 ▁Construction -10.7826 ▁worried -10.783 ▁Richard -10.7832 ▁button -10.7833 ▁answers -10.7837 ▁Adoption -10.7844 ▁violent -10.7846 ▁Restaurant -10.7847 ▁knowing -10.7848 ▁shipping -10.7849 ▁2005. -10.7849 ▁bright -10.7852 ▁surely -10.7854 ▁bathroom -10.7854 ▁withdrawal -10.7858 ino -10.786 mp -10.7862 ▁2007. -10.7862 ▁sight -10.7865 ▁Francisco -10.7867 ▁switch -10.7871 .8 -10.7872 ▁load -10.7875 ▁automation -10.7879 ▁causing -10.7879 ▁nearby -10.7879 ▁surrounding -10.7884 ▁apart -10.7885 ▁versions -10.7892 ▁Live -10.7893 ▁Thomas -10.7897 ▁59 -10.7907 specific -10.791 ▁elsewhere -10.7911 ▁passengers -10.7911 ▁missed -10.7913 light -10.7914 oriented -10.7914 q -10.7919 ▁85 -10.7923 ▁convinced -10.7927 ▁lasting -10.7932 ▁prime -10.7933 ▁infection -10.7934 ▁defend -10.7934 ▁wanna -10.7936 ▁2006. -10.7938 ▁transmitted -10.7941 ▁psychological -10.7943 ▁somebody -10.7943 ▁pull -10.7947 ▁Really -10.7948 ▁focuses -10.7948 ▁Fair -10.795 ▁younger -10.7951 ▁Library -10.7952 let -10.7953 ▁stocks -10.7955 ▁operators -10.7956 ▁beat -10.7957 ▁feedback -10.7958 ▁campaigns -10.7962 ▁adaptation -10.7962 ut -10.7962 ▁hide -10.7964 ▁Store -10.7964 ▁environments -10.7966 ▁Forms -10.7969 ▁Guatemala -10.797 ger -10.7974 ▁Jin -10.7974 ▁10- -10.7975 income -10.7977 ▁Iranian -10.7982 known -10.7984 ▁! -10.7985 ▁birthday -10.799 ▁novel -10.7991 ▁lowest -10.7992 ▁streets -10.7992 ▁Villa -10.7993 ▁ratified -10.7994 ▁repair -10.8002 ▁Awards -10.8003 ▁5, -10.8003 49 -10.8004 ▁publications -10.8005 ray -10.8008 ▁incorporated -10.8012 ▁thou -10.8015 ▁conservation -10.8021 back -10.8024 ▁disabled -10.8025 ▁dust -10.8025 ▁equitable -10.8026 -20 -10.8028 ▁helpful -10.8028 ▁pray -10.8029 ung -10.8029 ▁runs -10.8032 ▁10% -10.8035 ▁seats -10.8038 ▁candidate -10.8038 ▁Between -10.8042 dis -10.8042 ▁Qatar -10.8043 ▁nobody -10.8044 ▁replacement -10.8046 ▁foods -10.8051 ▁union -10.8051 ▁imports -10.8056 ▁coast -10.8057 ▁Ask -10.8061 ▁judgment -10.8063 ▁electoral -10.8066 ▁substance -10.8067 :00 -10.8074 ▁foster -10.8076 ▁broke -10.8079 ▁sad -10.8085 ▁ultimate -10.8089 sixth -10.8092 ▁Fifty -10.8092 ▁periods -10.8094 ▁subjects -10.8096 ▁dissemination -10.8099 ▁terrible -10.8099 ▁Pan -10.8101 ▁5- -10.8105 ▁Play -10.8105 ▁1992 -10.8106 ▁proved -10.8111 ▁rape -10.8113 ▁detection -10.8114 ▁reserve -10.8115 ▁Serbia -10.8118 shan -10.8121 ▁Card -10.8123 ▁assembly -10.8124 ▁Records -10.8124 ▁formation -10.8125 ▁Governing -10.813 ▁chose -10.8131 77 -10.8131 ▁frameworks -10.8136 ▁OHCHR -10.8136 ▁Refugees -10.8137 spoke -10.8139 seventh -10.8143 ▁Select -10.8144 ▁onto -10.8145 ium -10.8149 ▁Task -10.8151 ▁challenging -10.8151 ▁allocation -10.8152 ▁Double -10.8154 ▁Film -10.8161 ▁legally -10.8161 wood -10.8167 ▁brothers -10.817 ▁prayer -10.8174 ▁Johnson -10.8174 ▁smoke -10.8174 ▁surprised -10.8176 ▁socio -10.8177 ▁anyway -10.8178 ▁hospitals -10.818 -19 -10.8182 ▁manufacture -10.8186 ▁brief -10.8189 ▁coordinate -10.8192 ▁Study -10.8192 ▁] -10.8194 ▁Additional -10.8197 = -10.82 ▁guarantees -10.8201 ▁adapt -10.8201 ▁Ya -10.8203 ▁handling -10.8206 ▁2009. -10.8207 ▁somewhere -10.8208 ▁Operation -10.821 ▁ring -10.8211 ▁Though -10.8212 ▁balanced -10.8216 ▁audio -10.8218 lan -10.8223 ▁earn -10.8223 ▁studied -10.8226 ▁Charles -10.8228 ▁entertainment -10.8229 ▁print -10.8229 care -10.823 ▁surveillance -10.8231 ▁dependent -10.8234 ▁sample -10.8239 ek -10.824 ▁Jo -10.824 ▁experiment -10.8243 ▁continent -10.8244 ▁restore -10.8244 ▁COP -10.8246 She -10.8247 ▁plus -10.8248 ▁Prosecutor -10.8248 ▁tracking -10.8249 ▁navigation -10.8249 ▁acquire -10.8249 ▁cleaning -10.8251 ▁ride -10.8252 ▁Marine -10.8255 ▁meaningful -10.8259 ▁wave -10.826 ▁complaint -10.826 ▁hunger -10.826 ▁trials -10.826 such -10.826 ▁1991 -10.8261 ent -10.8262 ▁Linux -10.8264 ▁witnesses -10.8267 ▁afford -10.8273 ▁luxury -10.8273 ▁heritage -10.8275 ▁attractive -10.8277 ▁autonomous -10.8278 ▁Low -10.8282 ▁Navy -10.8283 ▁emotional -10.8284 ▁professor -10.8286 ▁reportedly -10.8286 ▁capture -10.8289 ▁Game -10.8289 ▁Expert -10.8291 ey -10.8293 ▁attract -10.8293 ▁motion -10.8294 ▁Treatment -10.8295 ▁sending -10.8296 ▁wild -10.83 ▁Ke -10.8303 ER -10.8308 ▁occasion -10.831 ▁journalists -10.831 ▁comparison -10.8311 ▁App -10.8311 ▁sat -10.8312 ▁Senate -10.8318 ▁tough -10.8318 ▁reconstruction -10.8324 ▁ICT -10.8329 ▁radiation -10.8333 ▁Learn -10.8339 ▁dates -10.8343 za -10.8344 ▁Word -10.8344 ▁paras -10.8346 ▁reintegration -10.8348 ▁smoking -10.8352 ▁promoted -10.8352 ▁genuine -10.8358 ninth -10.8361 ▁addresses -10.8361 86 -10.8362 ▁obviously -10.8362 ▁makers -10.8363 ▁Comprehensive -10.8363 ▁Bridge -10.8365 ▁posted -10.8365 ▁IoT -10.8366 ▁63 -10.8371 ▁Account -10.8376 ▁Ecuador -10.8378 ▁ID -10.8379 ▁argument -10.8381 ki -10.8382 ▁Afghan -10.8392 ▁detained -10.8394 ▁invitation -10.84 ▁usual -10.8405 ▁guaranteed -10.8406 ▁Auto -10.8407 ▁situated -10.8408 ▁tired -10.8412 ▁seeks -10.8416 ▁composed -10.8421 sh -10.8423 ▁detect -10.8424 ▁14. -10.8427 ▁Palace -10.843 ▁prohibited -10.8435 ▁vice -10.8435 ran -10.8436 month -10.8444 ▁adjustment -10.845 ▁layer -10.845 ▁eradication -10.8451 ▁thematic -10.8451 ▁farm -10.8455 board -10.8457 eighth -10.8458 ▁complicated -10.846 ▁Integrated -10.8465 ▁Guest -10.8466 ▁filter -10.8471 ▁Due -10.8477 号 -10.8478 ▁Region -10.8479 ▁concluding -10.8481 ▁Prize -10.8481 ▁mechanical -10.8486 ▁k -10.8487 ▁frame -10.8489 ▁Moon -10.8493 ▁confirm -10.8494 ▁Rica -10.8497 ▁Click -10.8502 ▁2015. -10.8512 ▁Notes -10.8516 ▁interactive -10.8526 ▁prosecution -10.8529 ▁dress -10.8541 ▁symbol -10.8543 ▁24- -10.8548 ▁Lebanese -10.8552 ▁votes -10.8553 97 -10.8555 ▁DC -10.8557 ite -10.8564 ▁therapy -10.8567 ▁spiritual -10.8567 ▁Shi -10.8568 ▁Defense -10.8571 ▁Calls -10.8572 ▁wage -10.8576 ▁western -10.8577 ▁enormous -10.8577 ▁mankind -10.858 500 -10.8581 ▁camps -10.8582 ▁threatened -10.8582 ▁giant -10.8585 ▁honest -10.8585 ▁constructive -10.8585 IT -10.8587 ▁exceed -10.8588 ▁organisations -10.8591 ▁tariffs -10.8591 ▁gains -10.8593 ▁facilitating -10.8594 ▁loan -10.8598 :// -10.8598 ▁acknowledged -10.8599 ▁lift -10.8604 ▁reserves -10.8613 ▁constraints -10.8619 ▁newspaper -10.862 ▁Level -10.862 IP -10.8621 ▁corner -10.8623 ▁Transport -10.8624 ▁Daily -10.8625 ▁duration -10.8626 ▁Senior -10.8626 ▁2010. -10.8631 ▁crew -10.8637 ▁66 -10.8643 ▁heavily -10.8649 ▁Final -10.865 ▁applying -10.8651 ▁exploration -10.8652 ▁flying -10.8658 terrorism -10.8658 备 -10.866 ▁winning -10.8664 ▁Breakfast -10.8666 ▁Tanzania -10.8667 ▁signature -10.8668 du -10.8668 ▁east -10.8669 ▁Nevertheless -10.867 ▁Never -10.8671 ▁Marketing -10.8672 ▁flag -10.8678 ▁favor -10.8681 ▁carrier -10.8682 ▁accuracy -10.8688 ▁lady -10.8688 ▁deals -10.8691 ▁beings -10.8693 ▁affordable -10.87 ▁characters -10.87 ▁Spa -10.8712 op -10.8712 ▁Things -10.8715 ▁exchanges -10.8715 ▁rent -10.8717 ▁declined -10.8718 ▁conformity -10.872 ▁Mars -10.8721 ▁cheap -10.8722 ▁publicly -10.8724 .00 -10.8725 para -10.8727 ▁Kim -10.8729 ▁Olympic -10.873 ▁commissions -10.8733 ▁acid -10.8734 ▁robot -10.8734 ▁devoted -10.8735 ▁rental -10.8746 ▁(4 -10.8749 ▁god -10.8749 ▁50% -10.875 ▁automotive -10.8751 ▁copies -10.8751 OS -10.8752 ▁extraordinary -10.8757 ▁Bio -10.8759 ▁Nam -10.8764 ▁belong -10.8766 hua -10.8767 ▁liberty -10.8775 ▁childhood -10.8776 king -10.8779 ▁hole -10.8779 ▁exact -10.8783 ▁writer -10.8783 ▁explains -10.8785 ▁leaves -10.8785 ▁attempts -10.8787 ▁Arts -10.8791 ▁noting -10.8791 ber -10.8795 ▁Se -10.8797 ▁requiring -10.8797 ▁custom -10.8799 ▁Noting -10.8807 determination -10.881 ▁Hua -10.881 ▁signing -10.881 ▁parameters -10.881 ▁Smith -10.8813 ▁fate -10.8818 ▁limitations -10.882 ▁vulnerability -10.8821 ▁roughly -10.8822 ▁branch -10.8822 ▁[...] -10.8823 ▁Basic -10.8826 ▁producers -10.8827 AL -10.883 ▁listening -10.8835 ▁Subcommittee -10.8835 ▁stupid -10.8835 ▁preserve -10.8836 ▁acceptable -10.8838 ▁wearing -10.8846 ▁Po -10.885 ▁dogs -10.885 ▁Sydney -10.8852 ▁edge -10.8853 ▁IAEA -10.8855 ▁basically -10.8859 ▁measurement -10.886 ▁fan -10.8863 ▁monetary -10.8871 ▁bottle -10.8872 ▁Think -10.8874 ▁truck -10.8877 ▁2012. -10.8877 SR -10.8878 ▁everyday -10.8878 】 -10.8878 -6 -10.8881 ▁permission -10.8882 ▁fix -10.8884 ▁households -10.8885 ▁opposite -10.8893 ▁sections -10.8899 ▁ruling -10.89 ▁Ni -10.8901 ▁proven -10.8902 ▁interim -10.8902 ▁creates -10.8903 ▁allocated -10.8904 ▁visible -10.8904 ▁fault -10.8905 ID -10.8909 ▁urge -10.891 American -10.8911 ▁naturally -10.8912 ible -10.8914 ▁till -10.8915 ▁organize -10.8922 ▁opposed -10.8927 ▁troop -10.8931 ▁(4) -10.8933 ▁profits -10.8934 ▁visiting -10.8936 ▁2004. -10.8938 istic -10.894 PC -10.894 ▁loves -10.8943 ▁Night -10.8949 MA -10.8949 ▁| -10.895 ▁typical -10.8951 ▁terrorists -10.8954 ▁regarded -10.8955 ▁laboratory -10.8958 ▁angry -10.8959 ▁resident -10.8961 ▁Bulgaria -10.8963 ▁throw -10.8964 ▁gotta -10.8964 ▁laser -10.8966 ▁inventory -10.8966 ▁sport -10.8969 ▁$4 -10.897 ▁1960 -10.8971 ▁conversion -10.8972 ▁Pay -10.898 vo -10.8987 ▁prospects -10.9002 ▁Village -10.9005 ▁innocent -10.9007 ▁pursuit -10.9009 ▁campus -10.9009 66 -10.9017 ▁Revolution -10.902 ▁usage -10.9021 35 -10.9022 ▁Drug -10.9024 ▁servers -10.9029 ▁swimming -10.9032 ▁plate -10.9042 iii -10.9044 ▁coach -10.9051 ▁fiber -10.9055 ▁repeatedly -10.9056 ▁magic -10.9058 ▁restaurants -10.9063 commerce -10.9064 55 -10.9066 ▁plenty -10.9068 ▁cry -10.9069 ▁sensors -10.907 ▁Counter -10.9076 ▁Major -10.9076 ▁smile -10.9079 ▁250 -10.908 95 -10.9084 ▁Experience -10.9085 ▁Steel -10.9088 ▁investing -10.909 ▁immune -10.9095 ▁discovery -10.9099 ▁connections -10.9101 ▁Joseph -10.9106 ▁guest -10.9112 ▁underlying -10.9115 ▁Wang -10.9116 ▁Boston -10.9118 42 -10.9118 ▁cluster -10.9121 chi -10.9122 ▁enjoyed -10.9123 ▁arrive -10.9124 ▁Start -10.9126 ▁Ra -10.9127 ▁Modern -10.913 ▁Brown -10.9131 point -10.9132 ▁robots -10.914 ▁w -10.9142 ▁Tour -10.9146 ▁gathered -10.9146 ▁anybody -10.9146 ▁Iceland -10.9147 ▁Harry -10.9153 ▁gene -10.9154 ▁eligible -10.9155 Well -10.9163 ▁Dutch -10.9163 Rev -10.9164 ▁shoot -10.9168 tro -10.9169 ▁Ex -10.917 ▁freely -10.9172 ide -10.9174 ▁Size -10.9178 ▁Tower -10.9182 ▁disposal -10.9183 ▁Question -10.9191 ▁repeated -10.9194 va -10.9195 ▁Yemen -10.9196 ▁prosperity -10.9198 ▁associations -10.9198 ▁Zhejiang -10.9199 ▁Dan -10.9205 ▁rescue -10.9207 ▁reiterated -10.9215 ▁commonly -10.9217 ▁Net -10.922 ▁celebrate -10.9221 99 -10.9221 ▁Dis -10.9228 ▁purchased -10.9231 ▁Suites -10.9232 ▁aluminum -10.9234 EC -10.9241 ▁liquid -10.9242 ▁Han -10.9243 22 -10.9244 ▁Solutions -10.925 56 -10.9252 ▁95 -10.9254 ▁mines -10.9255 ▁Rio -10.9256 ▁importantly -10.9259 ▁2003. -10.9262 ▁Roman -10.9264 ▁inspired -10.9264 ▁Analysis -10.9268 ▁Henry -10.9268 ▁Nature -10.927 ck -10.9273 ▁Medicine -10.9273 ▁portion -10.9279 ▁parallel -10.9283 ▁arrival -10.9283 IC -10.9287 ▁drafting -10.9287 ▁significance -10.9295 ▁magazine -10.9299 ▁Radio -10.93 ▁Eritrea -10.9302 ▁Communication -10.9302 ▁belonging -10.9304 ▁courage -10.9309 ▁subprogramme -10.931 ▁mainstreaming -10.9313 down -10.9315 ▁Base -10.9317 ▁supervision -10.9319 ▁Communist -10.9319 ▁painting -10.932 ▁600 -10.9324 ▁enabled -10.9327 ▁height -10.9328 ▁commodity -10.9332 ▁upgrade -10.9334 ▁mixed -10.9337 can -10.9339 ▁adverse -10.9339 ▁IBM -10.9349 ▁recover -10.936 ▁Sports -10.9363 ▁turns -10.9363 SC -10.9363 ▁dating -10.9363 ▁Brand -10.9368 ▁2011. -10.9369 tra -10.9371 ▁Dubai -10.9375 ▁~ -10.9377 ▁Angola -10.9379 ▁boss -10.9382 ▁zones -10.9386 ▁Material -10.9386 ▁default -10.9386 ▁Little -10.9387 41 -10.9389 } -10.9391 ▁admitted -10.9392 ▁shooting -10.9395 ▁convenient -10.9397 ▁liked -10.9399 ▁Salvador -10.94 ▁affects -10.9405 ▁respected -10.9405 ▁settlements -10.9406 ▁satisfied -10.9408 ▁violated -10.9415 ▁migrant -10.9419 ▁distinction -10.9423 ▁conducting -10.9425 ▁difficulty -10.9426 ▁transmit -10.9428 ▁unprecedented -10.9429 ▁greenhouse -10.9429 ▁Micro -10.943 ▁Islam -10.943 ▁vessels -10.9438 ▁suggestions -10.9439 ▁Common -10.9439 ▁gaps -10.944 continued -10.944 ▁Computer -10.9443 ▁concentration -10.9445 ▁derived -10.9446 fer -10.9447 ▁Money -10.9452 ▁guilty -10.9452 ▁mistakes -10.9456 ▁fired -10.9456 ▁Profile -10.9457 gen -10.9458 ▁elderly -10.9459 ▁Catholic -10.9459 ▁pension -10.9474 ▁complainant -10.9475 ▁meals -10.9482 ▁score -10.9485 ▁venture -10.9485 ▁kingdom -10.9485 ▁doors -10.9496 ▁Mali -10.9497 ▁FAO -10.9498 ▁eastern -10.9498 ▁native -10.9498 PA -10.9498 ker -10.9501 ries -10.9502 ▁Florida -10.9503 # -10.9505 ▁illness -10.9507 ▁Until -10.951 ▁Materials -10.9516 ▁compete -10.9517 ▁flowers -10.9519 ▁employers -10.9522 ▁recognizes -10.9523 Yes -10.9524 ▁lucky -10.9526 ▁Frank -10.9527 ▁pending -10.9529 hai -10.9529 ▁organ -10.953 ▁outdoor -10.9531 ▁Golden -10.9535 ▁10,000 -10.9536 ▁Sciences -10.9536 uk -10.954 ▁permitted -10.9542 .9 -10.9542 ▁NASA -10.9543 ▁Views -10.9548 ▁films -10.9548 ▁globe -10.9556 ▁outlined -10.9559 ▁Madrid -10.9563 ▁solidarity -10.9565 ▁continuously -10.9565 ▁observer -10.9566 ▁integral -10.9568 ▁cultures -10.957 ▁diabetes -10.9576 ▁Hu -10.9584 ▁module -10.9586 ▁funny -10.9588 fi -10.9588 ▁transform -10.959 :30 -10.9596 ▁forgotten -10.9603 ▁dealt -10.9604 ▁reward -10.9604 ▁Additionally -10.9606 ▁Plaza -10.9607 ▁Similarly -10.9607 ▁Dec -10.9611 ▁returning -10.9612 ▁sanitation -10.9613 xi -10.9614 ▁speaker -10.9615 ▁mountains -10.9616 ▁awards -10.9616 75 -10.9617 ▁advocacy -10.9619 ▁firmly -10.962 ▁conclude -10.9621 ~ -10.9623 ▁batteries -10.9624 ▁HK -10.9633 ▁YOU -10.9637 ▁Bush -10.9638 ▁Stay -10.9645 ▁noticed -10.9645 ▁Palestinians -10.9645 ▁safeguards -10.9646 ▁Commerce -10.9646 ▁User -10.965 ▁ease -10.965 bi -10.9651 ▁fleet -10.9651 ▁proceed -10.9652 27 -10.9655 ▁Du -10.9656 ▁Learning -10.9657 ▁lights -10.9659 ▁immigrants -10.966 MP -10.9662 ▁counsel -10.9665 ▁roads -10.9667 ▁Place -10.9667 ▁Armenia -10.9669 ▁Tunisia -10.9671 ▁Manufacturing -10.9673 1, -10.9676 ▁1000 -10.9677 ▁technique -10.9682 ▁predict -10.9683 ▁16. -10.9686 ▁empowerment -10.9686 ▁founder -10.969 ▁sake -10.9694 05 -10.9695 ▁Death -10.9698 ▁Adam -10.9698 ▁closing -10.9701 68 -10.9703 ▁coastal -10.9705 ▁flights -10.9707 ▁possibilities -10.9707 ▁colors -10.971 ▁20% -10.9713 ▁Self -10.9717 ile -10.972 ▁deny -10.972 ▁Being -10.9721 ▁Coordinator -10.9723 ▁resolved -10.9724 43 -10.9724 ▁Far -10.9731 ▁Photo -10.9731 ▁nutrition -10.9732 ft -10.9736 ▁gather -10.974 ▁occurs -10.9745 ▁competence -10.9746 54 -10.9746 ▁Nor -10.9747 Oh -10.9748 ▁citizenship -10.9749 ▁ticket -10.9754 ▁Hill -10.9758 ▁minor -10.9762 ▁robust -10.9763 ▁calendar -10.9764 ▁separation -10.9764 ▁signals -10.9764 ▁essentially -10.9765 ▁Senegal -10.9774 ▁Assessment -10.9775 ▁Slovenia -10.9776 ably -10.978 ped -10.9781 ▁walked -10.9782 ▁drinks -10.9782 ▁hasn -10.9783 ▁cup -10.9785 ▁assisting -10.9787 ▁laugh -10.9788 ▁storm -10.9789 ▁manual -10.979 ▁ought -10.979 ▁6, -10.9794 ab -10.9795 han -10.9795 ▁menu -10.9801 Secretary -10.9802 ▁Emergency -10.9808 ▁Recognizing -10.9814 DP -10.9816 ▁advances -10.9816 47 -10.9818 ▁secured -10.9822 ▁Defence -10.9823 ming -10.9827 ▁Box -10.9827 ▁Insurance -10.9829 ▁opinions -10.9831 ▁interact -10.9836 mi -10.9837 ▁Statute -10.9837 ▁retirement -10.9838 ▁Listen -10.984 ▁inequality -10.9843 ▁silence -10.9844 ` -10.9849 ▁Solar -10.9853 ▁Ja -10.9853 ▁1.5 -10.9853 ▁announcement -10.9856 ▁Violence -10.9858 ▁pump -10.9862 ▁governmental -10.9865 ▁maritime -10.9869 mar -10.9873 ▁beneficial -10.9874 ▁Gas -10.9877 ▁centuries -10.988 ▁Van -10.9881 ▁Santa -10.9881 TA -10.9882 ▁Atlantic -10.9885 ▁Related -10.9885 ▁fallen -10.9888 ▁wished -10.989 pm -10.9892 ▁interventions -10.9892 ▁mobility -10.9892 speed -10.9893 ▁seminar -10.9896 ▁Step -10.9899 ▁interior -10.9905 ▁2002. -10.9907 ▁reliability -10.991 ▁blame -10.9911 ▁Survey -10.9913 ▁committees -10.9914 ▁observe -10.9915 ▁Factory -10.9922 ▁marry -10.9923 ▁Color -10.9924 ▁removal -10.9927 ▁Hoc -10.9928 ▁enemies -10.9929 ▁Relations -10.9929 ▁preparatory -10.993 ▁investor -10.9932 bu -10.9935 ▁sovereign -10.9935 ▁Want -10.9938 ▁Emirates -10.9944 ▁Summer -10.9948 ▁workplace -10.995 ▁allies -10.9953 ▁breach -10.9954 ny -10.9955 ▁r -10.9957 ▁remedies -10.9958 ▁fastest -10.9959 ▁whereas -10.996 ▁lifetime -10.9961 28 -10.9964 ▁Plus -10.9968 ▁Si -10.9968 ▁Donald -10.997 ▁Stock -10.9971 ▁chip -10.9972 ▁literature -10.9974 ▁west -10.9975 ▁ceremony -10.9977 ▁suspected -10.9978 ▁modified -10.998 ▁HD -10.9982 gu -10.9983 ▁2013. -10.9985 ▁teeth -10.999 ▁posed -10.9992 ▁argued -10.9992 ▁observation -10.9992 ▁lists -10.9992 ▁salt -10.9994 ▁Overall -10.9994 ical -11.0001 ure -11.0001 ▁Barcelona -11.0003 ▁Map -11.0003 ▁7, -11.0003 ▁watched -11.0004 ▁Panama -11.0004 ▁repeat -11.0004 ▁subjected -11.0005 ▁forests -11.0006 ▁Montreal -11.0007 ▁Tax -11.0008 ▁smooth -11.0008 our -11.0012 ▁arbitrary -11.0013 qui -11.0017 ▁● -11.0019 ▁VR -11.0019 war -11.0024 ▁Muslims -11.0026 ▁2001. -11.0027 ▁strictly -11.0028 ▁budgetary -11.0028 SE -11.0031 ▁2000. -11.0031 ▁Early -11.0031 ▁preventive -11.0033 ▁adds -11.0035 ow -11.0035 ▁array -11.0042 ▁sensor -11.0042 ▁landscape -11.0043 ding -11.0044 ▁Accordingly -11.0053 New -11.0054 ▁Branch -11.0055 ane -11.0055 ▁supplier -11.0057 ▁personally -11.0068 ▁complexity -11.0069 ▁Ukrainian -11.0071 hotel -11.0074 ▁yellow -11.0074 ▁Freedom -11.0077 ▁Mike -11.0078 ▁invested -11.0078 ▁suit -11.0079 ▁mainstream -11.0079 ▁measured -11.0081 ▁hosted -11.0086 ▁Republican -11.0087 ▁Supplement -11.0087 ▁utilization -11.0089 ▁luck -11.0092 ▁Malta -11.0093 ▁perpetrators -11.0096 ▁stick -11.01 72 -11.0101 from -11.0101 ▁methodology -11.0101 new -11.0103 ▁Nairobi -11.0104 ▁aviation -11.0105 ▁scared -11.0112 ▁Mongolia -11.0112 ▁Server -11.0115 ▁86 -11.0121 ▁crises -11.0126 ▁walls -11.0128 ▁consistently -11.0128 ▁drew -11.0129 ▁Cookies -11.0129 ▁1997, -11.013 ▁$6 -11.0131 ▁projected -11.0133 ▁perfectly -11.0134 ▁Six -11.0135 ▁Put -11.0139 ▁Brussels -11.0141 right -11.0145 ▁weren -11.0145 ▁forgive -11.0147 ▁viewed -11.0152 ▁Arabic -11.0153 ▁tolerance -11.0156 ▁Age -11.0158 tin -11.0163 88 -11.0166 ▁Urban -11.0167 ▁insufficient -11.0169 ▁thy -11.0171 ▁spoken -11.0173 ▁islands -11.0178 ▁incredible -11.0185 ▁constitutes -11.0185 ▁info -11.0189 ator -11.0191 62 -11.0193 ▁birds -11.0196 AM -11.0196 08 -11.0197 ▁mercy -11.02 ▁(5 -11.0205 ru -11.0211 ▁Mi -11.0213 ▁Mediterranean -11.0217 Pacific -11.0219 ▁2014. -11.0219 ▁engines -11.022 ▁Boutique -11.0221 46 -11.0222 ▁deserve -11.0223 ▁Avenue -11.0224 ▁competitiveness -11.0226 ▁invasion -11.0228 ▁Ghana -11.0228 ▁classic -11.023 ng -11.0239 ▁oldest -11.024 ▁determining -11.0245 ▁wages -11.0248 ▁Budgetary -11.0255 ▁Commercial -11.0255 ▁accounted -11.0258 ▁depth -11.026 ▁delivering -11.0263 ura -11.0268 ▁presents -11.0268 ▁uncertainty -11.0269 ▁accompanied -11.0272 ▁operates -11.0274 shi -11.0275 ▁Bi -11.0275 ▁cyber -11.0277 work -11.0277 ▁premises -11.0282 IA -11.0283 ▁advancement -11.0295 ▁Express -11.0295 ▁Zimbabwe -11.0295 hi -11.03 ▁Luxembourg -11.0302 ▁OS -11.0305 ▁precision -11.0305 ▁Index -11.0306 ▁breast -11.0307 ▁imprisonment -11.0308 ▁organisation -11.031 ▁heading -11.0312 ▁67 -11.0315 head -11.0321 ▁resumed -11.0324 pro -11.0325 item -11.0326 ▁Intelligence -11.0327 ▁Issues -11.0328 ▁Ban -11.0329 ▁ST -11.0333 ▁judiciary -11.0334 ▁reveal -11.0335 ▁performing -11.0335 One -11.0338 ▁Weight -11.0346 cn -11.035 ▁Armed -11.0353 ▁constitution -11.0356 ▁mail -11.0357 ▁17. -11.0358 ▁divorce -11.0361 ▁networking -11.0361 ▁jump -11.0361 ▁damaged -11.0365 ative -11.0365 ▁adopting -11.0368 ns -11.037 ▁password -11.0375 ▁Jiangsu -11.0378 ▁split -11.0379 ▁emails -11.0389 ▁Representatives -11.039 MS -11.0392 ▁agreeing -11.0396 lic -11.0399 ▁injuries -11.0403 78 -11.0406 ▁edition -11.0407 ot -11.0416 ▁precise -11.0416 ▁targeting -11.0416 agency -11.0418 ▁clock -11.0422 ▁arrangement -11.0423 ▁printed -11.0435 ▁darkness -11.0436 ▁oral -11.0437 RO -11.0441 ▁Uruguay -11.0441 ▁argue -11.0442 ▁proliferation -11.0445 don -11.0446 ▁servants -11.0446 ▁bacteria -11.0447 ▁belongs -11.0448 2, -11.0452 ▁ties -11.0453 ▁grace -11.0456 ▁iOS -11.0458 ▁ages -11.0459 ▁Former -11.0461 ville -11.0462 raising -11.0464 ▁2019, -11.0465 ▁fairly -11.0468 01 -11.0469 name -11.0472 ▁rarely -11.0473 ▁Tech -11.0473 ▁focal -11.0476 ▁retain -11.0481 ▁roll -11.0481 ▁Preparatory -11.0482 ▁Yi -11.0485 ▁restricted -11.0487 ▁bomb -11.0488 ▁Guangdong -11.0488 ▁Advanced -11.0493 ▁grand -11.0495 ▁worker -11.0498 ▁seminars -11.0503 ▁suspect -11.0504 ▁strive -11.0507 ▁recall -11.0515 ▁graduate -11.0517 Be -11.0521 ▁Join -11.0522 ▁Mc -11.0524 ▁Bolivia -11.0526 ▁Body -11.0528 ▁respondents -11.053 ▁Gallery -11.0538 ▁decides -11.0541 ara -11.0543 ▁Week -11.0549 ▁arts -11.055 ▁missiles -11.0551 made -11.0552 ▁Single -11.0553 ▁wise -11.0554 ▁tackle -11.0556 ▁analyze -11.056 ▁Lithuania -11.0567 ▁briefing -11.0567 ▁Try -11.0568 ▁narrow -11.0572 ▁tourists -11.0576 ▁Register -11.0584 ▁Whatever -11.0585 ▁Tri -11.0588 ▁smell -11.0589 ▁ends -11.059 Co -11.0593 ▁circulated -11.0595 ▁2018. -11.0599 LE -11.06 ▁YouTube -11.0601 ▁buyers -11.0602 ▁reaffirmed -11.0604 sized -11.0605 ▁Transfer -11.0606 ▁mix -11.0606 ▁Tesla -11.0608 ▁passion -11.0615 ▁seventh -11.0618 ▁Ford -11.0619 ▁frequent -11.062 ▁Gar -11.0621 58 -11.0624 ▁crowd -11.0625 ▁guided -11.0625 ▁lying -11.0627 ▁beer -11.063 ▁Wu -11.0635 ▁earned -11.0636 ▁samples -11.0636 ▁colour -11.0638 ▁98 -11.0639 ▁genes -11.0641 ▁Measures -11.0642 ▁developer -11.0642 ▁Tourism -11.0646 ▁Coast -11.0649 ▁inner -11.0649 kg -11.0652 ▁surgery -11.0656 ari -11.0657 ford -11.066 ification -11.0661 ▁relevance -11.0662 ▁Joe -11.0665 ▁ILO -11.0669 ▁fitness -11.0672 ▁criticism -11.0672 ▁72 -11.0672 tel -11.0672 pre -11.0674 ▁emerged -11.068 ▁Reserve -11.0682 ▁Bangkok -11.0682 39 -11.0684 ▁PM -11.0687 ▁sand -11.0688 ▁Torture -11.0689 conflict -11.069 ▁hardly -11.0691 ▁ma -11.0693 ▁unilateral -11.0695 71 -11.0697 ▁anger -11.0697 ▁18. -11.07 ▁ON -11.0701 ▁residential -11.0701 ▁Resource -11.0702 ▁pair -11.0703 border -11.0704 ▁1: -11.0705 ons -11.071 ▁breath -11.0712 ix -11.0712 ▁depression -11.0712 ▁corporations -11.0715 ▁regret -11.072 ▁Mechanism -11.0721 ▁dimensions -11.0723 ▁Standards -11.0723 ▁mothers -11.0725 ▁Sky -11.0729 ▁regards -11.0729 34 -11.073 ▁arise -11.0731 service -11.0731 ▁instances -11.0734 ▁recording -11.0734 ▁existed -11.0735 ▁Steve -11.0735 ▁personality -11.0737 ▁booking -11.0737 ▁Reports -11.0738 ▁harassment -11.0739 5,000 -11.0743 ▁overview -11.0749 ▁deeper -11.0751 are -11.0759 ▁Paper -11.0759 ▁unity -11.0766 ON -11.0768 ▁Others -11.0768 IN -11.0769 ▁Southeast -11.0769 ▁Especially -11.0774 ▁revenues -11.0774 ▁Ministerial -11.0775 ▁excessive -11.0781 ▁separated -11.0784 ▁Tu -11.0785 33 -11.0787 ▁meal -11.0788 ▁19. -11.0789 ▁800 -11.0791 ▁contacts -11.0793 ▁Lin -11.0793 ▁Delivery -11.0794 SA -11.0798 ▁Win -11.0798 eth -11.0804 ▁68 -11.0805 ▁Mexican -11.0808 ▁sins -11.0808 ▁Again -11.081 ▁passing -11.0812 ▁Paragraph -11.0813 ▁entrepreneurs -11.0813 ▁Studio -11.0814 ▁Employment -11.0815 85 -11.0817 ▁$7 -11.0818 ward -11.0819 ▁designer -11.082 ▁browse -11.0822 ▁adjust -11.0827 81 -11.0828 ▁skill -11.0828 ▁Create -11.0829 Pro -11.0831 ▁dual -11.0832 ▁TEL -11.0834 ▁inadequate -11.0835 ▁leg -11.0837 yl -11.0838 ▁£ -11.084 ▁Har -11.084 gi -11.0844 ▁USB -11.0845 ▁windows -11.0845 ▁aggression -11.0847 ▁efficiently -11.0847 ▁electronics -11.085 ▁lab -11.085 ▁praise -11.085 ▁Ali -11.0852 ▁Sixth -11.0853 ▁Libyan -11.0853 ▁distinct -11.0856 era -11.0856 State -11.0857 ▁Equality -11.0864 rate -11.0864 ▁Combat -11.0868 ▁possession -11.0868 ▁studio -11.0868 ▁passenger -11.0869 well -11.0874 79 -11.0882 -8 -11.0885 oc -11.0885 76 -11.0886 ▁NO -11.0892 ▁Doctor -11.0892 ▁environmentally -11.0895 ▁custody -11.0895 ▁Tea -11.0901 ▁admit -11.0907 ▁dying -11.0916 ▁100,000 -11.0919 ▁powder -11.092 ▁Jamaica -11.0924 ▁Later -11.0925 ▁Macedonia -11.0926 ▁impunity -11.0926 OR -11.0931 ▁Student -11.0931 ▁compromise -11.0933 how -11.0936 ▁grid -11.0938 ▁headed -11.0941 ▁unlikely -11.0942 ▁pride -11.0942 ▁Upon -11.0944 ▁Position -11.0946 ▁Gulf -11.095 ▁Norwegian -11.0954 ▁coordinating -11.0961 ▁harder -11.0961 ▁highlight -11.0962 ▁joining -11.0963 II -11.0965 ▁2: -11.0972 ▁cameras -11.0974 ▁deemed -11.0974 friendly -11.0975 ▁Logistics -11.0976 ▁Informal -11.0978 hand -11.0983 ▁notification -11.0985 ▁Peoples -11.0986 ▁Motor -11.0989 ▁fake -11.0991 ▁Jim -11.0994 ▁UNODC -11.0997 ▁Release -11.0997 ▁engineer -11.1001 ▁automated -11.1002 ▁【 -11.1002 ▁Companies -11.1003 ▁relate -11.1003 ▁ignore -11.1004 ▁Share -11.1005 life -11.1007 ▁2) -11.1007 200 -11.1008 >> -11.101 run -11.101 ▁upper -11.1011 AS -11.1016 ▁FOR -11.102 ▁glory -11.1023 cheng -11.1026 AI -11.1027 ▁mini -11.1029 ▁lifestyle -11.1036 ▁NATO -11.1037 ▁negotiation -11.1038 ▁whenever -11.1043 ▁Know -11.1043 ▁precious -11.1046 ▁Cape -11.1047 ▁Liu -11.1051 ▁Core -11.1056 ▁Pa -11.106 ware -11.1063 ▁hoc -11.1064 ▁sleeping -11.1064 ▁Performance -11.1064 ▁Document -11.1067 ▁sons -11.107 ▁holy -11.107 ▁ICP -11.1072 ▁reception -11.1074 ▁sees -11.1074 ▁prominent -11.1078 ▁accountable -11.1081 69 -11.1081 ▁uh -11.1081 ▁exceptional -11.1083 ▁Reform -11.1086 ▁assumed -11.1089 -7 -11.1095 ▁excess -11.11 ▁Chen -11.1104 ▁introducing -11.1108 ▁currencies -11.1111 ▁Class -11.1112 ▁reverse -11.1114 09 -11.1116 ▁prostitution -11.112 ▁quantum -11.1128 ▁bird -11.1129 67 -11.1131 ▁simultaneously -11.1132 ▁workforce -11.1132 ▁consultative -11.1132 ▁friendship -11.1133 yang -11.1137 ▁Guidelines -11.1137 ble -11.114 vis -11.1141 ▁15. -11.1145 ▁compatible -11.1145 ▁tiny -11.1149 ▁LDCs -11.1152 ▁prohibition -11.1152 ▁2017. -11.1153 win -11.1153 ▁imported -11.1156 ▁Point -11.1163 酒店 -11.1165 ▁provinces -11.1167 ▁Inspection -11.1167 ▁chap -11.1168 ▁cuts -11.1169 ▁peak -11.117 yuan -11.1171 ▁moves -11.1178 52 -11.1179 ▁waters -11.118 ▁Besides -11.118 ▁undertaking -11.1181 ▁Economy -11.1185 ▁thinks -11.1186 ▁exit -11.1187 91 -11.1189 air -11.1191 57 -11.1192 ▁maternal -11.1192 tion -11.1193 ju -11.1194 ▁necessity -11.1196 ▁Strengthening -11.1204 ▁renewed -11.1205 ou -11.1206 ez -11.1208 .10 -11.1213 ▁Uh -11.1214 ▁protocols -11.1215 ▁telecommunicat -11.1218 ▁sing -11.1219 ▁Way -11.1222 ▁operator -11.1229 yan -11.1238 94 -11.1239 ▁momentum -11.124 ▁Cameroon -11.1241 ▁forums -11.1241 ▁comprises -11.1244 ▁recognizing -11.1247 53 -11.1248 ▁mandated -11.1248 84 -11.125 ▁Xin -11.1251 ▁bathrooms -11.1252 96 -11.1252 ▁anticipated -11.1256 ▁Ki -11.1259 screen -11.1259 ▁Toronto -11.126 ▁9, -11.126 ▁mis -11.1261 depth -11.1262 ▁paint -11.1264 Let -11.127 ▁seized -11.1272 ▁upcoming -11.1272 ▁Mountain -11.1274 ▁elevator -11.1274 ▁Capacity -11.1276 page -11.1276 zi -11.1281 ▁stayed -11.1282 ▁beliefs -11.1282 ▁acknowledge -11.1283 ▁terror -11.1285 ▁vary -11.1286 ▁provincial -11.1289 ▁refuse -11.129 ▁Chris -11.129 che -11.129 ▁Against -11.1291 ▁degradation -11.1299 ▁processed -11.1302 ▁guard -11.1303 ▁memories -11.1305 ▁trusted -11.1306 ▁aside -11.1306 ▁convened -11.131 ▁chairman -11.1312 ▁bath -11.1313 ▁designers -11.1318 ▁consequence -11.132 06 -11.1321 De -11.1322 ▁voted -11.133 ▁configuration -11.133 ▁LORD -11.1332 book -11.1332 ap -11.1333 ai -11.1336 ▁transfers -11.1338 top -11.1338 ▁album -11.1338 ▁superior -11.134 ▁tank -11.134 ▁disclosure -11.1341 ▁pipe -11.1346 ps -11.1347 ▁songs -11.1347 ▁alternatives -11.1348 ▁mandatory -11.1348 ▁infected -11.1349 ▁politicians -11.1349 ▁ambitious -11.1349 An -11.135 ▁rubber -11.1351 CH -11.1355 ▁accordingly -11.1358 ▁profound -11.1359 ▁incentives -11.1364 ▁marks -11.1365 ▁Cat -11.1368 ▁Shop -11.137 ▁Electronics -11.1372 ▁habits -11.1374 ▁OIOS -11.1376 low -11.1376 yu -11.1376 ▁Living -11.1378 ▁designs -11.1383 Leste -11.1383 ▁tables -11.1385 26 -11.1387 sharing -11.1388 ▁disappeared -11.1391 ▁quantity -11.1393 ▁inhabitants -11.1396 ▁producer -11.1398 ▁VII -11.1399 38 -11.14 ▁cruel -11.1402 ▁logic -11.1403 ▁trillion -11.1404 ▁assistant -11.1405 jo -11.1405 ▁et -11.1406 ▁staying -11.1407 ▁biodiversity -11.1409 ▁appeals -11.1409 ▁emotions -11.1412 ▁wherever -11.1416 ▁2020. -11.1418 ▁Clinton -11.142 ▁hall -11.1421 ▁preferred -11.1422 ▁grants -11.1426 ▁council -11.1427 ▁AT -11.1436 ▁semi -11.1437 MC -11.1438 ▁roof -11.1442 ▁partly -11.1444 ▁2.5 -11.1448 SP -11.1448 ▁spare -11.1449 ▁parliament -11.145 ▁Reduction -11.1453 si -11.1455 ▁complement -11.1456 water -11.1457 92 -11.146 ▁cargo -11.146 ▁1) -11.1462 ▁sole -11.1463 ▁Python -11.1468 ▁employer -11.1469 /1 -11.1471 ▁Mauritius -11.1472 ▁Save -11.1473 under -11.1473 ▁sum -11.1476 ▁attacked -11.148 ▁lock -11.1483 ▁mirror -11.1486 ▁expresses -11.1486 98 -11.1487 ▁30% -11.1491 ▁adjustments -11.1491 ▁orientation -11.1492 At -11.1492 ▁burning -11.1493 ▁Supply -11.1493 ▁container -11.1494 ▁Expo -11.1497 ▁budgets -11.1498 ▁prize -11.1499 ▁indicator -11.1502 ▁hungry -11.1504 ▁notably -11.1504 ▁cease -11.1504 ▁ethical -11.1505 ▁oxygen -11.1508 ▁conjunction -11.1508 ▁Plastic -11.1511 ▁Taliban -11.1512 ▁copyright -11.1514 ▁ear -11.1514 ▁collapse -11.1517 CA -11.1518 ▁label -11.1519 ▁analysts -11.1522 ▁errors -11.1526 ▁launching -11.1528 ▁EUR -11.1529 ▁Close -11.1535 ▁pose -11.1537 ▁Pi -11.1537 type -11.1539 ▁exploring -11.1539 ▁110 -11.1543 ▁considerations -11.1543 ▁phrase -11.1545 ▁rail -11.1547 world -11.1547 ▁warming -11.1547 ▁falls -11.1552 ▁Chad -11.1556 ▁modalities -11.1557 89 -11.1558 “ -11.156 ▁precisely -11.1562 ▁Collection -11.1564 ▁exclusively -11.1573 ▁Welcomes -11.1575 ▁AC -11.1578 ▁abandoned -11.158 ▁Years -11.1581 ▁cooperative -11.1581 ▁withdraw -11.1583 set -11.1584 ▁attracted -11.1584 ▁Zambia -11.1585 ▁possess -11.1587 ▁formula -11.1587 ▁h -11.1589 ▁Glass -11.1594 ▁bread -11.1595 ▁villages -11.1597 Now -11.1598 ▁Excellency -11.1598 -15 -11.16 ▁Nice -11.1603 ani -11.1603 state -11.1606 ens -11.161 ▁shelter -11.1616 ▁Cancer -11.1617 ▁180 -11.1619 ▁tenth -11.1619 ita -11.162 00 -11.1621 ▁responding -11.1622 ▁incorporate -11.1623 ▁unusual -11.1623 ▁allegedly -11.1625 ▁civilization -11.1625 ▁tourist -11.1626 PS -11.1627 ▁translated -11.1628 ▁mature -11.1628 ▁Ju -11.163 ▁Together -11.163 ▁Job -11.1633 600 -11.1634 ▁burn -11.1639 ▁Ru -11.1642 ▁Roma -11.1648 ▁Empire -11.1651 ▁Educational -11.1652 ▁municipal -11.1653 ▁(“ -11.1654 ▁Viet -11.1659 ▁Daniel -11.1661 ▁silver -11.1662 ach -11.1663 ▁tickets -11.1664 ▁banned -11.167 ▁hoping -11.1671 ▁toxic -11.1672 ▁readers -11.1676 ising -11.1678 ▁Regulation -11.1678 RA -11.1686 ▁explosive -11.1688 07 -11.169 ▁terminal -11.1693 ▁breaking -11.1697 val -11.1697 ▁Miami -11.1698 ▁preparations -11.1699 ▁Irish -11.1701 ▁Slovakia -11.1701 ▁Decision -11.1702 ▁decreased -11.1707 ▁Nobody -11.1709 ▁desert -11.1709 ▁circuit -11.171 ▁impressive -11.1712 ▁uniform -11.1713 ney -11.1713 ST -11.1717 ▁Election -11.1721 Show -11.1724 ▁Ah -11.1725 ▁captured -11.1725 ▁intolerance -11.1732 OL -11.1734 ▁Polish -11.1735 ▁deliberations -11.174 ▁Increased -11.174 ▁gathering -11.1741 ▁dimension -11.1743 ▁protest -11.1747 ▁relatives -11.1751 ▁Need -11.1754 ▁revision -11.1758 ▁Workshop -11.1758 ▁embargo -11.176 ▁meets -11.176 ▁hang -11.1763 ▁dining -11.1766 ▁99 -11.1767 ▁Montenegro -11.1767 ▁73 -11.1768 ▁interference -11.1768 ▁propose -11.1771 ▁Customs -11.1772 ▁Much -11.1772 ▁alongside -11.1773 ▁Bus -11.1779 ▁earnings -11.1784 ▁rice -11.179 ▁cited -11.1793 ▁Andrew -11.1797 ▁hazardous -11.1798 ay -11.1798 ▁vaccine -11.1799 ▁modules -11.1799 ▁Sure -11.18 ▁wire -11.1808 ▁Democrats -11.1808 ▁jail -11.181 ▁themes -11.181 ▁cryptocurrency -11.1813 ▁somewhat -11.1814 ▁Gen -11.1822 -16 -11.1822 ▁sword -11.1826 ▁ministers -11.1827 ▁staffing -11.1831 ▁Bob -11.1831 ▁trans -11.1832 zhou -11.1835 ▁surveys -11.1835 ▁Reaffirming -11.1836 ▁analytics -11.1837 RC -11.1837 ▁declare -11.184 ala -11.1841 93 -11.1843 ▁tensions -11.1844 mon -11.1848 ▁resort -11.185 ▁subsidies -11.185 ▁69 -11.1856 ▁Faso -11.1859 ▁NOT -11.1859 ▁calculated -11.186 ▁impose -11.1862 ▁Looking -11.1865 ▁reflecting -11.1865 ▁promises -11.1866 ▁Peacebuilding -11.1866 ▁Rock -11.1867 ▁Deep -11.187 ▁assisted -11.1877 sk -11.1879 /2 -11.188 ▁discharge -11.1882 ▁assault -11.1883 ▁variable -11.1885 ▁mobilization -11.1886 ▁journal -11.1887 ▁formally -11.1887 ▁sheet -11.1891 ▁executed -11.1891 ▁winner -11.19 ▁relax -11.1901 73 -11.1902 ▁remind -11.1902 ▁Te -11.1905 ▁Oversight -11.1906 ▁1950 -11.1906 ▁alarm -11.1906 law -11.1906 Don -11.1907 ▁discipline -11.1909 ▁sponsors -11.1909 ▁towns -11.1912 ▁experiments -11.1912 ▁Sign -11.1913 ▁contents -11.1918 app -11.1918 ▁Ne -11.1918 ▁Moses -11.192 ▁{ -11.1922 she -11.1924 ▁blow -11.1926 ▁Average -11.1929 ▁Ri -11.1929 ▁Choose -11.193 ▁Category -11.1931 sha -11.1932 ▁solely -11.1939 ▁temperatures -11.1941 ▁Louis -11.1942 ok -11.1951 ▁pharmaceutical -11.1952 ▁entrance -11.1955 ▁ASEAN -11.1956 36 -11.1959 ▁vacation -11.1963 effective -11.1964 ▁Developed -11.1967 ▁rid -11.197 ▁Tim -11.1976 82 -11.1976 EN -11.1976 ▁Cuban -11.1977 ▁reviewing -11.1978 ▁Satan -11.198 ▁Interior -11.1981 ▁Independence -11.1983 IS -11.1983 ▁Credit -11.1984 ▁Ku -11.1986 ▁Hold -11.1988 ▁Better -11.1988 ▁Organisation -11.199 ▁Weather -11.1991 ▁hire -11.1992 000 -11.1994 ▁Truth -11.1996 ▁engaging -11.2003 ▁negotiating -11.2003 ▁Harvard -11.2004 ▁tower -11.2005 ▁API -11.2009 tor -11.2012 ▁editor -11.2013 ▁inquiry -11.2013 ▁Za -11.2014 ▁functionality -11.2015 cha -11.2015 ▁occasions -11.2015 ▁Standing -11.2018 ▁File -11.2022 ▁Albania -11.2022 ▁tears -11.2027 ▁minimize -11.2027 ▁expects -11.203 ▁deadline -11.203 ▁valve -11.2035 ▁curriculum -11.2036 ▁stolen -11.2039 ▁$10 -11.2042 ▁coherence -11.2042 jiang -11.2043 ▁pursuing -11.2044 ▁requesting -11.2045 ▁Risk -11.2047 ▁broadcast -11.2048 ▁Technologies -11.2055 DS -11.2056 ▁Latvia -11.2062 ▁decent -11.2065 .1, -11.2066 On -11.2067 ▁1988 -11.2067 DA -11.2072 tu -11.2074 ▁crops -11.2075 ▁certified -11.2078 ▁settled -11.2079 ▁Honor -11.2081 FA -11.2081 ▁airspace -11.2085 ▁Fa -11.2088 ▁Monetary -11.2092 ▁transnational -11.2092 ▁independently -11.2093 ▁Something -11.2094 ▁Turn -11.2097 ▁Email -11.2097 ▁remarkable -11.2098 ▁1996, -11.2099 ▁(2001) -11.2101 ▁damn -11.2102 ▁cooling -11.2102 ▁consulting -11.2104 ▁Opening -11.2104 ▁Dominican -11.2104 post -11.2109 ▁safer -11.2111 ▁highlights -11.2113 ▁Mu -11.2114 ▁Ver -11.2114 ▁Conditions -11.2116 Commission -11.212 ▁shadow -11.2121 ken -11.2121 rich -11.2124 ▁80% -11.2127 ▁Move -11.2128 ▁eternal -11.2128 ▁commodities -11.2129 tle -11.2129 ▁mutually -11.213 -18 -11.2131 pi -11.2131 ▁Twenty -11.2132 ▁moments -11.2133 ▁slavery -11.2133 ren -11.2136 ▁Audit -11.2138 ▁ministry -11.2139 ▁liberal -11.2143 ▁prejudice -11.2143 AD -11.2147 fu -11.2149 ▁suspended -11.215 ▁spectrum -11.215 ▁picked -11.2151 ▁defeat -11.2151 ▁deploy -11.2151 ▁departure -11.2154 ▁Moldova -11.2158 ▁Poverty -11.217 Habitat -11.2171 ▁Progress -11.2172 ▁Ti -11.2172 ▁eggs -11.2173 ▁remedy -11.2174 ▁Cold -11.2175 DC -11.2181 ▁Partners -11.2184 ▁Captain -11.2185 ▁accession -11.2185 74 -11.2191 ius -11.2192 ▁Scott -11.2192 RE -11.2199 ▁Estonia -11.2201 ▁14, -11.2205 ▁apparently -11.2206 ▁minds -11.2206 ▁schemes -11.2207 300 -11.221 MO -11.2212 ▁connectivity -11.2215 ▁pounds -11.2216 ▁persistent -11.2216 ▁Corr -11.2226 ▁directions -11.2228 ▁IMF -11.2235 ▁Uzbekistan -11.2235 ▁screening -11.2238 -9 -11.2241 ▁Rose -11.2242 ▁Tai -11.2244 ▁delayed -11.225 03 -11.2251 ▁Almost -11.2252 ▁displacement -11.2253 ▁ranging -11.2253 ▁promptly -11.2253 stone -11.2254 ▁delays -11.2255 ▁Domestic -11.2255 With -11.226 ▁Maria -11.2263 ▁scientist -11.2271 ▁21. -11.2272 ▁sentenced -11.2274 ▁Heaven -11.2279 ▁revolutionary -11.228 31 -11.2281 ▁hairdryer -11.229 ▁Wood -11.2295 ▁NGO -11.2295 ▁orbit -11.2298 ▁magnetic -11.2298 ▁keeps -11.2301 44 -11.2306 ▁MP -11.2306 ▁Conduct -11.2308 ▁Researchers -11.2308 ▁evident -11.2309 ▁proceeds -11.2309 NO -11.231 ▁particles -11.2311 ▁Hai -11.2312 ▁creativity -11.2314 ▁NPT -11.2317 ▁alien -11.2318 ▁texts -11.2319 mentioned -11.2322 ▁1.2 -11.2322 /56/ -11.2325 ▁choosing -11.2326 ▁Encourages -11.2328 ▁Urges -11.2331 ▁voters -11.2332 ▁virtually -11.2333 ▁pursued -11.2336 ▁Leave -11.2344 ▁gay -11.2345 ▁offset -11.2346 ▁struck -11.2346 ▁Unless -11.2347 ▁Wine -11.2348 ▁Heart -11.2348 ▁2,000 -11.2351 á -11.2353 ▁outreach -11.2354 AR -11.2356 ▁Burkina -11.236 ▁Vi -11.2361 ▁metres -11.2364 ano -11.2365 ▁welcoming -11.2368 this -11.2369 ▁tobacco -11.237 ▁boundaries -11.237 ▁2016. -11.2371 yi -11.2371 ▁sharp -11.2372 ▁honey -11.2372 ▁organizing -11.2372 ▁consolidated -11.2373 ▁progressive -11.2373 ▁viable -11.2375 ▁Cap -11.2375 ▁Che -11.2382 /55/ -11.2383 ▁AM -11.2384 ▁cap -11.2385 ▁radical -11.239 ▁Visit -11.2391 04 -11.2392 ▁AR -11.2396 ▁gifts -11.2396 van -11.2399 ▁Run -11.24 ▁Recommendation -11.2404 ▁rating -11.2407 ▁asks -11.2407 29 -11.2408 ▁chronic -11.241 ▁Governor -11.241 ▁Workers -11.2411 ▁Figure -11.2414 ▁WEB -11.2415 ▁Racial -11.2416 ▁Century -11.2416 ▁scenario -11.2417 ▁Ca -11.2418 ▁buried -11.2422 ▁hadn -11.2425 ▁Prior -11.2427 ▁Chang -11.2428 table -11.2429 ▁Procedure -11.243 ▁Boy -11.243 ▁Competition -11.2434 ▁vitamin -11.2437 ▁fisheries -11.2438 ▁76 -11.2439 ice -11.2443 ▁y -11.2443 ▁spaces -11.2446 ▁Update -11.2447 ▁eliminating -11.245 ▁Seven -11.2452 ig -11.2456 ▁treatments -11.246 pp -11.246 some -11.2463 ▁attempted -11.2464 ▁purchasing -11.2468 ▁Articles -11.2475 ▁emphasize -11.2475 ▁instruction -11.2477 ▁silent -11.2477 ▁(5) -11.2477 \ -11.248 2018 -11.2481 box -11.2481 ▁legs -11.2481 ▁desired -11.2482 ▁Jean -11.2482 ▁Hell -11.2485 ▁8, -11.2487 ev -11.2487 ▁leverage -11.249 ▁adequately -11.249 ▁Suite -11.2491 ▁96 -11.25 ▁measuring -11.25 ct -11.2501 ▁consciousness -11.2501 ▁HOME -11.2501 ▁(6 -11.2502 ▁extradition -11.2502 Mo -11.2502 ▁Manchester -11.2504 ▁designing -11.2505 ▁iPad -11.2508 ▁classified -11.2509 wan -11.2511 ▁insights -11.2512 ▁Visa -11.2516 ▁Someone -11.2516 ▁apparent -11.2518 ▁accidents -11.252 ▁exclusion -11.2521 ▁Observer -11.2525 tz -11.2528 ▁Thai -11.2528 ▁Ivoire -11.2529 discrimination -11.2531 ▁physics -11.2533 ▁diagnosis -11.2533 ▁Basel -11.2534 ▁Floor -11.2535 2) -11.2539 ▁emission -11.254 ▁Bahrain -11.2543 ▁ports -11.2543 ▁commerce -11.2549 ▁loving -11.2551 ▁cooking -11.2553 ▁shareholders -11.2553 ▁imp -11.2554 ▁spokesman -11.2555 ▁guns -11.2555 ▁Too -11.2555 ▁classification -11.2556 ▁seed -11.2557 ▁01 -11.2559 ▁vocational -11.2562 ▁Camp -11.2564 ▁conviction -11.2566 ▁lake -11.2567 ▁Hard -11.2567 ▁traditions -11.2567 ▁Ge -11.257 ▁invites -11.2572 ▁allowance -11.2575 ▁undermine -11.2577 ▁remarks -11.2579 ▁collaborative -11.2579 ▁Strip -11.2583 ▁shops -11.2584 ▁assure -11.2586 ▁landing -11.2587 ▁Disney -11.2587 ▁indoor -11.2589 ▁accomplishments -11.2589 ▁fitted -11.259 Con -11.2591 Go -11.2598 ▁formulated -11.2598 ▁Libya -11.2599 ▁Aviation -11.26 ▁kilometers -11.2601 ▁settle -11.2603 ▁Golf -11.2605 ified -11.2607 ▁Baby -11.261 ▁Scientists -11.2613 ▁Milan -11.2613 ▁Nu -11.2613 ▁competitors -11.2615 ▁announce -11.2619 sky -11.2623 ▁volunteers -11.2624 ▁consolidation -11.2624 ▁Temple -11.2632 ,800 -11.2634 ▁Adviser -11.2635 ik -11.2637 ▁deficit -11.2638 ▁Events -11.2641 ▁envisaged -11.2642 ▁Tibet -11.2642 ▁underground -11.2644 ▁embrace -11.2646 ▁produces -11.265 ▁referendum -11.2653 list -11.2654 ▁tongue -11.2657 ▁nose -11.2659 59 -11.266 ▁Egyptian -11.2662 ▁protective -11.2663 ▁judgement -11.2664 ▁Doha -11.2665 ▁graduates -11.2665 ▁steady -11.2665 ▁Fine -11.2667 ▁Winter -11.2667 ▁investigating -11.2667 ▁smartphone -11.2669 ▁isolated -11.267 ▁Jones -11.2671 mann -11.2672 ▁Certificate -11.2674 ▁Ball -11.2677 ▁Forest -11.2677 ▁searching -11.2677 ▁inputs -11.2681 PM -11.2682 TS -11.2683 ▁Evaluation -11.2684 ▁Fuck -11.2685 ery -11.2688 ▁ammunition -11.2688 3, -11.2691 ▁chart -11.2691 ▁desktop -11.2692 ff -11.2693 ▁Unlike -11.2695 ▁railway -11.2698 ▁ha -11.2698 ▁girlfriend -11.27 ▁Form -11.2702 ▁Plant -11.2702 ▁Gi -11.2703 ▁Judge -11.2704 ▁steam -11.2706 ological -11.2706 ▁Occupied -11.2709 ▁infections -11.271 ▁passport -11.2713 ▁Las -11.2714 ▁$8 -11.2715 ▁fought -11.2717 ▁neighbouring -11.2718 ▁Fast -11.2719 ▁voltage -11.272 37 -11.2726 ▁arbitration -11.2729 ▁thereof -11.2731 med -11.2738 ▁sustain -11.2739 ▁Hangzhou -11.274 TH -11.2744 ▁Zhang -11.2746 ▁Acting -11.2747 ▁ecosystems -11.2748 ▁intent -11.2749 ▁23. -11.2749 CC -11.2752 ▁1989 -11.2752 ▁mitigation -11.2756 ▁Vision -11.2758 ▁** -11.2759 ▁crash -11.2761 83 -11.2769 ria -11.2769 profit -11.277 ▁gratitude -11.2775 ▁° -11.2779 ned -11.2782 Bissau -11.2785 ▁therein -11.2786 ▁tight -11.2786 ▁Constitutional -11.2788 range -11.279 ▁Hollywood -11.2792 ▁assessing -11.2795 ▁patents -11.2798 ▁unclear -11.2799 ini -11.2804 ▁prevented -11.2805 ▁golf -11.2806 ▁charging -11.2806 ▁crypto -11.2806 ▁Ever -11.2807 ▁receipt -11.2809 ▁Lady -11.2809 ▁forgiveness -11.281 ▁Sector -11.2811 ▁enforced -11.2811 51 -11.2814 ▁Results -11.2814 ▁reporters -11.2815 ▁Short -11.2816 ▁Arms -11.2816 ▁babies -11.2817 ▁Round -11.2825 ▁encountered -11.2826 ▁Intel -11.2826 oo -11.2827 ▁SO -11.2834 ▁protests -11.2834 ▁bags -11.2836 ▁indicating -11.2838 ▁Yugoslav -11.2839 ▁excellence -11.284 ▁suppose -11.2841 ▁Portuguese -11.2842 ▁Outer -11.2845 ▁accommodate -11.2845 ▁ministries -11.2852 ▁22. -11.2853 ▁compare -11.2853 ▁ears -11.2853 high -11.2854 ▁epidemic -11.2858 ▁Happy -11.2858 ▁threshold -11.2858 ▁displayed -11.2859 ▁circle -11.2863 ▁Railway -11.2863 ▁substantially -11.2863 ▁kg -11.2865 ▁disk -11.2865 ▁130 -11.2867 ious -11.2873 ▁mad -11.2874 ▁safeguard -11.2877 ▁enforce -11.2877 ▁wheel -11.2878 ▁External -11.288 ▁90% -11.2882 ▁ranked -11.2882 ▁hero -11.2885 ric -11.2887 ▁Dollar -11.2888 ▁referring -11.2891 ▁recycling -11.2892 ▁intense -11.2894 ▁pushed -11.2895 ▁realistic -11.2897 ▁lesson -11.2898 ▁2008-2009 -11.2899 ans -11.29 ging -11.2902 ▁satellites -11.2903 ▁outlook -11.2906 ▁packages -11.2907 power -11.2911 ▁correctly -11.2912 ▁LA -11.2914 ▁Putin -11.2915 -01 -11.2915 ▁optical -11.2919 ▁encounter -11.2919 ▁ALL -11.2919 ▁Buy -11.292 ▁objection -11.292 ▁Drive -11.2921 BA -11.2921 date -11.2925 ▁databases -11.2928 ▁chances -11.2929 ▁Danish -11.2933 ▁Cook -11.2936 These -11.2939 ye -11.294 ▁anxiety -11.2941 ▁integrating -11.2943 ▁Story -11.2945 ▁shortly -11.2948 ▁safely -11.295 ▁resume -11.2951 ▁Nicaragua -11.2952 ▁Auditors -11.2952 ▁associate -11.2955 ▁Nan -11.2956 ▁dare -11.2957 ▁krone -11.2958 ▁mere -11.2958 ▁Command -11.2961 ip -11.2964 ▁2019. -11.2964 ") -11.2965 ▁vegetables -11.2971 ▁Namibia -11.2988 ▁Heads -11.2989 ▁recalls -11.2996 ▁Girl -11.2996 ▁00 -11.2996 ▁Had -11.2996 ▁flu -11.2997 ▁97 -11.2998 ▁testimony -11.3004 ­ -11.3007 ▁collecting -11.3009 ▁Takes -11.3013 mit -11.3014 ,400 -11.3016 ▁fossil -11.3016 ▁innovations -11.3017 ▁40% -11.3018 ▁prompt -11.3023 ▁101 -11.3023 ▁hatred -11.3026 bb -11.3032 ▁publish -11.3035 ▁vessel -11.3037 ▁Victoria -11.3038 CE -11.3039 02 -11.304 ▁PDF -11.3041 ▁Brazilian -11.3044 ▁routine -11.3045 ris -11.3046 tan -11.3047 ▁1.1 -11.3048 ▁EC -11.3053 ▁Pu -11.3053 ▁Hence -11.3055 ▁Consequently -11.3057 ▁lands -11.3058 AT -11.3058 ▁Stone -11.3059 ▁authorization -11.3062 ▁combine -11.3063 driven -11.3067 ▁Consideration -11.307 ▁separately -11.3074 ▁comprising -11.3075 ▁adjusted -11.3075 ▁Value -11.3076 ▁Terrorism -11.3076 ▁Pursuant -11.3077 ▁Jacob -11.3077 ▁reject -11.3078 ,700 -11.308 ▁Front -11.308 vin -11.308 xin -11.3081 ▁stake -11.3081 ▁Stockholm -11.3081 ▁intend -11.3085 ▁sudden -11.3085 ▁convert -11.3086 ▁Easy -11.3087 ▁unions -11.3091 ▁88 -11.3092 iz -11.3099 ▁durable -11.3103 ▁Uber -11.3104 ▁Provisional -11.3105 ▁fears -11.3107 ▁flower -11.3112 ▁GM -11.3116 non -11.3117 ▁blocks -11.3117 ▁Scotland -11.3118 ▁interactions -11.312 ▁unified -11.3121 ▁maximize -11.3122 ▁rentals -11.3123 ▁outputs -11.3123 ▁convicted -11.3125 ▁gear -11.3127 ▁concentrated -11.3133 ▁Sex -11.3135 ▁Par -11.3137 wing -11.3138 ▁legacy -11.3139 ▁Abu -11.3144 ▁microwave -11.3148 ▁waves -11.3149 ▁chocolate -11.315 ada -11.3154 ▁Regarding -11.3154 ▁discriminatory -11.3161 ▁Coffee -11.3164 ▁credibility -11.3174 ▁Pe -11.3174 -22 -11.3177 ▁advised -11.3177 ▁specialist -11.3179 tal -11.3182 rk -11.3182 ▁peacebuilding -11.3182 nt -11.3182 ▁Large -11.3186 ▁huh -11.319 ▁earthquake -11.319 ▁True -11.3192 ▁severely -11.3192 ▁stream -11.3198 ▁140 -11.3198 ▁traveling -11.32 ▁logo -11.3205 ▁euro -11.3205 ▁row -11.3205 ▁yield -11.3205 ▁regulated -11.3207 style -11.3207 ▁Side -11.321 born -11.3211 ▁codes -11.3212 ▁boyfriend -11.3214 ▁Disaster -11.3215 je -11.3215 ▁Title -11.3215 ▁restoration -11.3217 LD -11.3221 ▁nervous -11.3223 ▁1995, -11.3227 ph -11.3232 ▁ministerial -11.3233 ▁mercury -11.3233 ▁Immigration -11.3234 ▁Partner -11.3241 ▁Bur -11.3242 ▁twelve -11.3243 ▁Mozambique -11.3243 ▁evolving -11.3245 ▁intends -11.3248 ▁stresses -11.3249 ▁Applications -11.3251 .1) -11.3251 ▁tension -11.3252 ▁supplied -11.3252 ▁wars -11.3255 ▁coalition -11.3256 ▁del -11.3257 ▁interviews -11.3258 ▁Wind -11.3258 ▁Trafficking -11.3261 ▁servant -11.3262 ▁rocket -11.3263 ▁reminded -11.3265 ▁Sch -11.3266 eg -11.3266 tai -11.3267 ▁memorandum -11.3267 ▁tremendous -11.3269 ▁applicant -11.3271 GA -11.3275 ▁Dream -11.3279 ▁inspiration -11.3279 ▁secretary -11.3279 ▁routes -11.3281 ▁string -11.3281 ▁log -11.3282 ▁vendors -11.3287 ▁suite -11.3288 su -11.3288 ▁featuring -11.3289 ▁Mount -11.3292 ama -11.3293 ▁Pension -11.3293 ▁Sale -11.3296 CI -11.3298 ▁parliamentary -11.3298 ▁slave -11.3301 market -11.3301 Terrorism -11.3303 ▁nationals -11.3303 ▁Abraham -11.3307 ▁mood -11.331 ▁Min -11.3314 ▁diamond -11.3315 ▁FBI -11.3316 SS -11.3319 ▁stem -11.332 ▁alert -11.3324 ▁excuse -11.3324 cent -11.3326 ▁explosion -11.3327 ▁Alex -11.3331 ▁attitudes -11.3333 ▁Clean -11.3335 ▁procedural -11.3335 Other -11.3336 ▁controlling -11.3337 ▁Consider -11.334 ▁Metal -11.3342 ▁HTML -11.3343 ▁defenders -11.3345 ▁drought -11.3347 ▁Hope -11.3349 cost -11.335 ▁Recently -11.335 cal -11.3352 ▁financed -11.3355 ▁chat -11.3357 ▁2006-2007 -11.3359 ▁Fiji -11.3359 ▁Sixty -11.3362 ▁satisfy -11.3363 ▁Down -11.3365 ▁lo -11.3365 ▁Direct -11.3365 ▁predicted -11.3365 ▁dozens -11.3366 uck -11.3367 ▁painful -11.3369 ella -11.337 ▁Ga -11.337 ▁dramatic -11.337 ▁chains -11.3372 nes -11.3378 ▁thorough -11.3381 ▁Dong -11.3382 ▁detainees -11.3382 ▁None -11.3385 ▁arguments -11.3389 ▁impression -11.3389 ▁factories -11.339 ▁bid -11.3391 ▁accomplished -11.3393 ▁obtaining -11.3394 800 -11.3398 ▁consultants -11.3398 ▁approve -11.3398 ▁Nov -11.3405 ▁actor -11.3406 len -11.3406 ▁compulsory -11.3408 TO -11.3408 ▁Lab -11.3408 /61/ -11.3409 ians -11.3411 ▁1999. -11.3414 ▁crop -11.3414 ▁quit -11.3416 ▁unnecessary -11.3419 ▁euros -11.3422 ▁executives -11.3423 ▁pulled -11.3425 ▁mitigate -11.3426 ▁CA -11.3426 /60/ -11.3426 ku -11.3426 ud -11.3428 ▁Ba -11.3428 ▁Facility -11.3432 ▁(2004) -11.3434 ▁Return -11.3435 ▁issuance -11.3437 ▁assurance -11.3438 ▁AS -11.3439 ▁exercises -11.3441 :1 -11.3443 ▁Heritage -11.3446 /5 -11.3446 ▁da -11.3448 ▁abortion -11.3451 ▁Earlier -11.3452 ▁receives -11.3452 ▁Provide -11.3453 ▁branches -11.3453 ▁occupying -11.3457 ▁Ray -11.3461 ▁ecological -11.3464 uri -11.347 87 -11.3472 har -11.3473 ▁publishing -11.3475 ▁IS -11.3478 ▁notion -11.348 ▁Actually -11.3481 nic -11.3483 ▁presidency -11.3484 ▁OECD -11.3487 ▁PA -11.3491 ▁Melbourne -11.3492 ▁tonnes -11.3493 ▁perceived -11.3495 ▁Talk -11.3497 ▁Message -11.3497 ▁willingness -11.3498 ▁malaria -11.3501 ▁liver -11.3502 ▁91 -11.3505 ▁clarify -11.3512 ▁Iron -11.3515 ▁Hand -11.3518 ▁experiencing -11.3519 ▁Fax -11.3521 ▁Shandong -11.3521 ▁Sp -11.3527 ▁cuisine -11.3528 ▁explicitly -11.3531 ▁converted -11.3533 treatment -11.3537 form -11.3537 ties -11.3539 ▁lovely -11.3541 ▁Cell -11.3541 OT -11.3543 ▁Invites -11.3544 ▁Huawei -11.3548 150 -11.3549 IL -11.3553 ▁Mon -11.3556 ▁*** -11.3558 ▁bond -11.3559 ▁buyer -11.356 ▁evolved -11.3563 ▁drunk -11.3563 ▁SC -11.3567 ▁Course -11.3568 Signed -11.3572 ▁vol -11.3573 pt -11.3574 ▁ignored -11.3575 generation -11.3576 sis -11.3577 bin -11.3577 ▁neck -11.358 ▁passage -11.3584 ▁restructuring -11.3584 ▁Bad -11.3586 ▁maintains -11.3586 ▁thin -11.3587 ▁eighth -11.3588 ▁sophisticated -11.3589 ▁fulfilled -11.359 ▁Except -11.359 ▁mysterious -11.3591 WG -11.3592 ▁Quick -11.3593 ▁Knowledge -11.3596 ▁promising -11.36 God -11.36 ▁ads -11.36 ▁utilize -11.36 ▁FDA -11.3602 ▁diamonds -11.3604 ▁2020, -11.3606 63 -11.3608 ▁sufficiently -11.361 ▁capita -11.3612 ▁Wa -11.3612 ▁Biological -11.3613 ▁invented -11.3614 ▁foreigners -11.3615 ▁specialists -11.362 ▁87 -11.3622 ▁Migration -11.3623 ▁WE -11.3624 ▁Laboratory -11.3625 ▁faculty -11.3629 ▁conservative -11.363 ▁cheaper -11.364 ▁hired -11.3642 five -11.3643 ▁oceans -11.3645 ▁reiterates -11.3646 ▁26. -11.3648 ▁Houston -11.365 ations -11.365 ▁Anna -11.3651 ▁excluded -11.3651 ▁consisting -11.3653 ▁Yo -11.3653 ▁94 -11.3653 ▁hydrogen -11.3653 cm -11.3654 ME -11.366 ▁Friends -11.366 ven -11.3664 ▁vacuum -11.3664 ▁conducive -11.3666 ▁stuck -11.3668 ▁Version -11.3668 ▁verify -11.367 ▁utility -11.367 ▁accurately -11.3672 ▁Charlie -11.3673 ▁reader -11.3675 PE -11.3675 ▁imperative -11.3675 ec -11.3675 ▁Virginia -11.3676 ▁Off -11.3678 ▁Mini -11.3683 ▁Puerto -11.3689 ▁Trading -11.3689 ▁forgot -11.3689 ▁biennial -11.3691 ▁Dar -11.3692 ▁alliance -11.3694 /4 -11.3694 ▁Sahara -11.3695 ▁aggressive -11.3696 ▁Recent -11.3696 ▁Comments -11.3697 ▁temple -11.3699 ▁coherent -11.37 ▁differently -11.37 ▁bases -11.3705 ▁fulfill -11.3708 ▁pricing -11.3711 ▁Days -11.3713 SD -11.3715 .15 -11.3715 ▁du -11.3715 ▁shame -11.3715 BC -11.3717 ants -11.3717 ▁assured -11.3719 ▁insight -11.372 ▁gate -11.3722 nan -11.3723 ▁billions -11.3723 ▁sponsored -11.3725 ▁shock -11.3725 ▁Least -11.3726 ▁puts -11.3726 ▁van -11.3727 ▁demonstration -11.3728 hr -11.3728 ▁(1999) -11.3732 ▁Em -11.3733 ▁applicants -11.3735 ▁toys -11.3738 /10 -11.3738 ▁opens -11.3741 ▁Mid -11.3743 ▁Speed -11.3743 ▁medicines -11.3745 ▁recession -11.3748 ▁cook -11.3749 ▁Got -11.3751 ▁handed -11.3752 ball -11.3753 ▁Nobel -11.3756 ▁constituted -11.3756 ▁2.0 -11.3757 ony -11.3757 ▁witnessed -11.3761 ▁Conflict -11.3762 ▁3) -11.3763 ▁securities -11.3764 ▁dioxide -11.3766 ▁Wei -11.377 ▁discount -11.377 ▁continuation -11.3771 ▁crude -11.3771 ▁directors -11.3772 uff -11.3775 ▁earliest -11.3775 TV -11.3776 ▁ethics -11.3777 ▁penalties -11.3778 ▁Columbia -11.3778 ▁Atlas -11.3781 ▁perspectives -11.3788 NA -11.3792 ▁foundations -11.3793 ▁lamp -11.3794 ▁religions -11.3795 ▁permits -11.3795 ▁Agricultural -11.3796 ▁Content -11.3797 ▁locally -11.3799 ▁UNCITRAL -11.3801 ▁pleasant -11.3803 ▁Bearing -11.3806 ▁listing -11.3807 ▁inevitable -11.3808 ▁unlike -11.3808 ▁deleted -11.3812 Who -11.3812 ▁devil -11.3813 ▁Organized -11.3818 ▁monitored -11.3821 ▁UNOPS -11.3822 ▁experimental -11.3831 2017 -11.3832 ▁steal -11.3833 ▁Season -11.3833 sy -11.3833 ▁VPN -11.3834 ▁pertaining -11.3836 ▁tens -11.3836 ▁pushing -11.3837 ▁kiss -11.3838 week -11.3839 ▁chicken -11.3839 ▁secrets -11.384 ▁airline -11.3841 ▁expense -11.3842 ▁administering -11.3844 ▁mystery -11.3849 ▁admission -11.3852 ▁Facilities -11.3854 ▁negotiate -11.3857 ▁Flower -11.3861 act -11.3862 ▁Soon -11.3864 ▁burned -11.3865 ▁influenced -11.3867 ▁Effective -11.3868 ▁hiding -11.3869 Not -11.387 ▁Honduras -11.3871 ▁gaming -11.3877 ▁assumption -11.3882 ▁contingent -11.3882 ▁bonds -11.3884 ▁1986 -11.3884 ▁imagination -11.3891 ▁timing -11.3891 ▁confirmation -11.3891 ▁investigated -11.3894 ▁advise -11.3894 ▁Contents -11.3899 ▁Song -11.39 ▁Author -11.3901 ▁relates -11.3901 ▁Works -11.3902 ▁Rather -11.3903 -17 -11.3907 ▁panels -11.3908 ▁demanding -11.3908 ▁Fed -11.3911 ▁Practice -11.3913 ▁condemned -11.3914 ▁Image -11.3914 ▁Prohibition -11.3915 ,300 -11.3916 ▁Sport -11.3918 ▁Intelligent -11.392 ▁comparable -11.3921 ▁salaries -11.3921 ub -11.3923 ▁grass -11.3924 ▁Continue -11.3925 part -11.3926 ▁insolvency -11.3926 ▁Gu -11.3926 ▁adhere -11.3927 EU -11.3928 -03 -11.393 EP -11.3931 ▁fool -11.3932 ▁tragedy -11.3935 ▁Silver -11.3937 ▁accomplish -11.3937 ▁700 -11.3937 Me -11.394 ▁skilled -11.3941 ▁Aid -11.3947 ▁reflection -11.3955 ▁twentieth -11.3956 ▁HOTEL -11.3956 ▁manufactured -11.396 core -11.3962 ▁Ab -11.3962 zo -11.3963 ▁transformed -11.3968 ▁Simon -11.3968 ▁Tony -11.3968 ▁laptop -11.397 ▁ceiling -11.397 ▁profession -11.3972 ever -11.3973 HRC -11.3973 ▁sacrifice -11.3976 ▁wounded -11.3977 ▁arrange -11.3982 ▁Seattle -11.3982 ▁pack -11.3984 Self -11.3984 ▁incurred -11.3985 ▁matches -11.3986 ▁locked -11.3987 ▁characterized -11.3989 aka -11.399 ▁emphasizes -11.3993 ▁Ta -11.3995 Your -11.3996 ▁05 -11.3998 ▁surrounded -11.4001 source -11.4003 ▁instant -11.4004 ▁Jamahiriya -11.4008 ▁checked -11.4009 ▁accessories -11.4011 ▁fruits -11.4012 ▁confidential -11.4012 .9/ -11.4013 ▁formulate -11.4015 ug -11.4016 ▁discussing -11.4018 ▁bedroom -11.4019 ▁salvation -11.402 ▁wash -11.402 ▁prospect -11.402 ▁threaten -11.402 ▁cabinet -11.402 ▁Enjoy -11.4021 bed -11.4022 ▁angel -11.4023 ▁abilities -11.4024 ▁surprising -11.4024 ▁DVD -11.4026 ▁Procurement -11.4032 ▁indication -11.4034 ▁struggling -11.4036 4, -11.4037 ▁Ye -11.4044 ▁thermal -11.4046 ▁remembered -11.4046 ▁gym -11.4051 ▁tangible -11.4055 ▁Dialogue -11.4055 )) -11.406 ▁tennis -11.4062 ▁divide -11.4064 ks -11.4065 ▁mo -11.4067 ▁reveals -11.4068 ▁disappointed -11.4068 ▁Princess -11.4071 ▁Instagram -11.4072 ▁macroeconomic -11.4072 ▁closure -11.4072 ▁Atomic -11.4075 ▁UNRWA -11.4075 ▁modify -11.4076 ▁Zhong -11.4076 ENT -11.4079 ▁transmitting -11.408 ▁perception -11.408 ▁Users -11.4082 ▁Link -11.4082 ▁consecutive -11.4083 ▁pet -11.4084 ▁70% -11.4086 ▁ruled -11.4086 ▁copper -11.4089 ▁toiletries -11.4091 ▁http -11.4092 ero -11.4093 ▁submissions -11.4093 ▁specify -11.4095 ▁Elizabeth -11.4096 ▁MS -11.4096 ▁auction -11.4102 ▁balcony -11.4105 ▁credible -11.4105 ▁ingredients -11.4108 ▁Tan -11.4108 ▁Apart -11.4108 ▁Maritime -11.4112 ▁featured -11.4114 ▁restored -11.4116 ▁isolation -11.4117 ▁Oct -11.4117 ▁embedded -11.4121 ▁xenophobia -11.4121 ▁Increase -11.4123 ▁outbreak -11.4124 ▁Transitional -11.4125 ▁71 -11.4132 ▁delete -11.4134 ▁Yang -11.4136 DR -11.4136 ▁Benin -11.4138 ▁11, -11.4139 -30 -11.414 ▁74 -11.4145 ▁harmony -11.4146 ▁joke -11.4146 ▁genocide -11.4148 ▁Commonwealth -11.415 ▁Samsung -11.415 ▁Cha -11.4152 ▁spouse -11.4156 ▁literacy -11.4157 ▁Theatre -11.4157 ▁abuses -11.4159 ▁2004-2005 -11.416 ▁specifications -11.4162 ene -11.4163 nu -11.4164 ▁des -11.4165 ▁champion -11.4165 ▁recovered -11.4167 ▁09 -11.417 ▁complementary -11.4172 ▁Growth -11.4175 ▁vertical -11.4176 ▁Everybody -11.4177 ▁customary -11.4179 ▁Lao -11.4182 ▁peer -11.4182 ▁retired -11.4186 ▁poly -11.4186 ▁Tian -11.419 ▁Embassy -11.4191 ▁Madagascar -11.4191 ▁(" -11.4192 ▁Venice -11.4193 GE -11.4195 grade -11.4198 ue -11.4198 ▁writes -11.4199 ▁generating -11.42 ▁harsh -11.42 ▁failing -11.4201 GB -11.4201 ▁24. -11.4203 ▁distant -11.421 ▁neutral -11.4211 ▁Closed -11.4212 ▁holidays -11.4213 ▁Jackson -11.4213 ▁supportive -11.4217 ▁artistic -11.4223 ▁Interim -11.4225 ▁78 -11.4226 ▁gods -11.423 gan -11.4231 ▁spa -11.4231 ▁Liechtenstein -11.4232 ▁practitioners -11.4232 ▁dozen -11.4234 ▁replies -11.4234 ▁amounted -11.4234 ▁ultra -11.4239 ▁Delhi -11.4239 ▁supporters -11.424 ▁Lastly -11.424 ▁defining -11.4241 ▁touched -11.4242 ▁crying -11.4242 ▁optional -11.4244 bra -11.4246 ▁attributed -11.4246 ▁Monaco -11.4248 LA -11.4249 ,900 -11.4251 ments -11.4251 ▁Arctic -11.4253 ▁5% -11.4254 ▁Higher -11.4255 ▁Mine -11.4257 ▁AD -11.426 ▁avoiding -11.426 gar -11.4263 ▁Package -11.4264 qu -11.4267 ▁sentences -11.4267 ▁contractual -11.4268 La -11.427 km -11.4271 ▁attending -11.4272 ▁demobilization -11.4275 ▁constructed -11.4278 ▁partial -11.4279 rin -11.4281 ”) -11.4282 ▁pledged -11.4284 ▁flash -11.4289 ▁CE -11.4291 ▁angels -11.4292 ▁hits -11.4294 ▁Appeals -11.4295 ▁Making -11.4296 ▁density -11.4298 ▁activists -11.4298 ▁Display -11.4299 national -11.4301 ▁Motel -11.4302 ▁mineral -11.4308 des -11.4308 FC -11.4311 -14 -11.4314 ▁mold -11.4317 ▁pen -11.432 aw -11.4324 ▁Hitler -11.4328 ▁PS -11.4329 ▁ensures -11.433 ▁analyse -11.433 ▁27. -11.4331 COP -11.4331 ▁Transportation -11.4332 ▁worthy -11.4332 ture -11.4333 int -11.4333 ▁speaks -11.4333 PR -11.4334 ▁logical -11.4335 town -11.4339 ▁collaborate -11.4339 yo -11.434 ▁advancing -11.434 ▁concert -11.4342 ▁Paraguay -11.4346 ▁prosecutors -11.4347 SI -11.4349 ▁spite -11.4352 yn -11.4352 ▁solving -11.4354 ola -11.4357 ▁1985 -11.4359 ▁ranking -11.4359 ▁releases -11.4359 ▁transitional -11.436 ▁Girls -11.4367 ▁Kar -11.4368 ver -11.4369 ▁ME -11.437 ▁Trans -11.4372 ▁Mel -11.4373 ▁sciences -11.4374 ▁Metro -11.4374 ins -11.4375 Proliferation -11.4375 ▁Eric -11.4379 contributing -11.438 ▁regulate -11.438 ▁Consumer -11.438 ▁bitch -11.438 ▁captain -11.4382 ▁Democracy -11.4382 ▁musical -11.4383 fully -11.4383 ▁column -11.4386 ▁ranks -11.4387 ica -11.4388 ▁enjoying -11.4391 ▁Attorney -11.4391 ▁autonomy -11.4391 COM -11.4394 wi -11.4395 ▁valuation -11.4396 od -11.4398 ▁weekly -11.4402 ▁SD -11.4403 illa -11.4405 ▁charity -11.4406 av -11.4407 ▁Testing -11.4407 ▁weird -11.4408 ▁premium -11.4409 ▁dramatically -11.4409 ▁84 -11.441 ▁solved -11.4411 ▁purchases -11.4417 ▁cure -11.4421 ▁upgrading -11.4421 ▁pop -11.4421 ▁advocate -11.4424 ▁expressing -11.4427 view -11.4429 ▁forming -11.4429 ▁Participants -11.4432 ▁deprived -11.4433 ▁competing -11.4433 ▁cake -11.4433 ▁Solomon -11.4433 2019 -11.4433 ▁holders -11.4433 ▁certificates -11.4434 ▁demographic -11.4436 ▁sisters -11.4436 Ex -11.4436 ▁optimize -11.4437 az -11.4438 xing -11.444 () -11.444 ▁Statements -11.4443 ▁indispensable -11.4443 ▁Housing -11.4445 ▁bitcoin -11.4446 ▁Residence -11.4446 ▁Stephen -11.4448 ▁tube -11.445 ▁guestrooms -11.445 ▁Regular -11.4451 ▁economically -11.4451 ▁attractions -11.4452 ▁disorder -11.4453 ▁romantic -11.4455 ▁plain -11.4455 ▁Nick -11.4456 BO -11.4457 ▁5,000 -11.4457 President -11.4459 size -11.446 ▁essence -11.446 ▁refrain -11.4465 ▁retained -11.4466 cho -11.4472 ▁Tajikistan -11.4477 ▁Manual -11.4478 ▁immunity -11.4485 ▁reductions -11.4487 ▁carriers -11.4492 ▁Republicans -11.4494 ▁Jobs -11.4495 ▁succeeded -11.4495 ▁Silicon -11.4495 ▁Vegas -11.4496 ▁160 -11.4497 ▁shoulder -11.4499 ▁clubs -11.4499 ▁partially -11.4499 ▁Istanbul -11.45 CM -11.4501 ▁metals -11.4502 ▁Different -11.4507 ▁Send -11.4508 ▁82 -11.4515 ▁contest -11.4516 ▁writers -11.4516 ▁Around -11.4518 ▁horses -11.452 ▁suspension -11.4522 ▁facilitated -11.4522 ▁optimal -11.4524 ▁3,000 -11.4524 ▁Ed -11.4525 ▁SA -11.4526 ▁rational -11.4527 Ro -11.4528 ▁frozen -11.4528 ▁infant -11.4529 ▁confused -11.4529 ▁Wild -11.453 ▁traders -11.453 ▁execute -11.4533 ▁sect -11.4533 ▁reinforce -11.4537 ▁Djibouti -11.454 ▁suggestion -11.454 Then -11.4543 ▁clearance -11.4543 ali -11.4543 ▁commended -11.4544 ▁Premier -11.4552 ▁Responsible -11.4559 ▁pressing -11.456 ▁Cost -11.456 ▁journalist -11.4562 ▁scholars -11.4562 ▁punish -11.4563 ▁gases -11.4563 ▁connecting -11.4564 ▁influential -11.4564 ▁mobilize -11.4565 standing -11.4567 ▁HR -11.4567 Ma -11.4568 NET -11.4568 Can -11.4569 ▁$9 -11.457 ▁drives -11.457 ▁initiate -11.4573 ▁detected -11.4575 ▁Safe -11.4576 ening -11.4577 ▁Event -11.4578 ▁conscience -11.4579 ▁voices -11.4583 ▁barrier -11.4583 link -11.4583 ▁limitation -11.4584 ▁wondered -11.4585 bank -11.4585 ▁1982 -11.4585 ▁Alexander -11.4586 ▁indirect -11.4588 ick -11.4589 ▁mainland -11.4589 ▁conditioning -11.4591 ▁questioned -11.4592 ▁unexpected -11.4592 ▁translate -11.4592 ▁fuels -11.4594 ▁injection -11.4595 ▁recipient -11.4601 ▁considerably -11.4603 ▁render -11.461 ▁Focus -11.4611 pu -11.4613 ep -11.4614 ▁finger -11.4617 ▁Sal -11.462 ▁motivated -11.4621 ▁adolescents -11.4622 ▁restrict -11.4625 ▁disappear -11.4625 ▁hence -11.463 ▁repatriation -11.4631 ▁bulk -11.4631 ▁tap -11.4632 fold -11.4633 ▁unfair -11.4637 ▁hub -11.4638 ▁declarations -11.4638 ▁Battle -11.4639 mark -11.4639 ▁BBC -11.4641 MB -11.4642 ▁Villas -11.4644 ▁script -11.4644 ▁convey -11.4645 ▁rough -11.4648 ▁consistency -11.4651 ▁Welcoming -11.4654 ▁liabilities -11.4659 ▁urgently -11.466 ▁81 -11.466 ▁churches -11.4662 ▁NBA -11.4665 cc -11.4665 .11 -11.4666 ▁deadly -11.4666 ▁theoretical -11.4669 feng -11.4671 ▁fantastic -11.4671 ▁defines -11.4672 ▁Block -11.4672 Page -11.4673 ▁backup -11.4674 ▁Always -11.4676 ▁tape -11.4679 ▁regimes -11.4683 ▁supplement -11.4685 WP -11.4686 ▁Anyone -11.4688 ▁threatening -11.4688 two -11.4688 ▁thick -11.4692 ▁Edward -11.4696 ▁reaches -11.4697 ski -11.4698 ▁physically -11.4698 ▁farming -11.4705 ▁Penal -11.4713 ▁1373 -11.4714 ▁Certification -11.4717 ▁1987 -11.4718 berg -11.4721 ▁survivors -11.4723 ▁shortage -11.4724 ika -11.4726 ▁facilitation -11.4727 ▁Storage -11.4728 ▁mess -11.4734 ▁strongest -11.4734 ▁funeral -11.4734 ▁soldier -11.4737 ▁intensive -11.474 ▁governed -11.4746 USD -11.4751 ,500 -11.4753 ▁curious -11.4754 aries -11.4758 ▁marking -11.4763 ▁Pope -11.4764 ▁libraries -11.4767 ▁consolidate -11.4769 ++ -11.477 IR -11.4773 ▁Barbados -11.4773 ▁60% -11.4776 real -11.4776 ▁bold -11.4782 ▁somehow -11.4784 í -11.4788 ▁retailers -11.479 ▁Decree -11.4793 ▁avoided -11.4794 ▁Prophet -11.4795 ▁unacceptable -11.4795 ▁patience -11.4795 ▁react -11.4798 ▁Ensure -11.4798 ▁risen -11.4799 ▁Founded -11.4801 ▁forthcoming -11.4803 ▁appoint -11.4803 ▁evolve -11.4806 ▁filing -11.4806 ▁Recommendations -11.4806 ▁Ram -11.4807 ▁stimulate -11.4807 ▁attributable -11.4811 ▁($1 -11.4811 LY -11.4812 ▁Ze -11.4816 ▁le -11.4816 ▁Prev -11.4817 ▁egg -11.4818 ▁DO -11.482 -06 -11.4821 ▁faithful -11.4823 ▁sphere -11.4827 key -11.4833 ▁segments -11.4835 ▁Export -11.4836 ▁prescribed -11.4836 ▁extending -11.4839 ▁dirty -11.484 ▁valued -11.4843 ▁Williams -11.4844 ▁Mal -11.4846 ▁marketplace -11.4849 ▁Cabinet -11.4854 ▁3: -11.4861 ▁unlawful -11.4862 ▁subway -11.4865 ett -11.4866 ▁appreciated -11.4867 ▁concentrate -11.4868 ▁03 -11.4868 ▁Settlements -11.4869 ▁balances -11.4874 ▁000 -11.4875 ▁promotes -11.4876 ▁02 -11.4878 8% -11.4879 ▁Mai -11.4881 ▁tied -11.4885 about -11.4885 ▁Less -11.4886 ▁folks -11.4886 ▁$100 -11.4887 Al -11.4888 ▁Parts -11.4889 ▁reduces -11.4891 ple -11.4897 ym -11.4899 ▁sequence -11.49 ▁Del -11.49 ▁HE -11.4902 face -11.4903 ▁Dead -11.4906 ▁Impact -11.4906 ▁resist -11.4911 ▁founding -11.4911 ▁offshore -11.4912 ▁invention -11.4912 ▁Val -11.4913 ▁Enter -11.4915 get -11.4915 ▁Ken -11.4916 ▁generous -11.4916 ▁predictable -11.492 ▁21, -11.4921 ▁preservation -11.4921 ▁arranged -11.4923 ▁united -11.4924 ▁treasure -11.4933 ▁inherent -11.4934 ▁nationwide -11.4935 ▁Estate -11.4936 ette -11.4937 2016 -11.4939 400 -11.494 ▁Edition -11.494 ▁(10 -11.4945 ▁brave -11.4948 -05 -11.4951 ▁Sony -11.4951 ▁contractors -11.4953 ▁kick -11.4958 ag -11.496 ▁83 -11.496 ▁winners -11.4961 ▁followers -11.4962 Is -11.4963 ▁stating -11.4964 ▁Luxury -11.4967 what -11.4969 ▁keys -11.497 ▁washing -11.4971 ▁Hotline -11.4971 ▁105 -11.4971 ▁alter -11.4972 ▁Overview -11.4973 ▁360 -11.4974 ▁recruited -11.4975 -08 -11.4975 gy -11.4979 ▁administered -11.4979 var -11.498 ▁parks -11.498 Ha -11.498 SO -11.4982 ▁Engine -11.4982 ▁Florence -11.4983 ▁IC -11.4986 ▁PR -11.4988 ▁Wan -11.499 ▁lithium -11.4996 ‘ -11.4996 ▁Labor -11.4999 IM -11.5003 ▁fulfilling -11.5006 ami -11.5006 ying -11.5007 EL -11.5009 ▁disseminate -11.501 ▁Fox -11.5012 ▁Bra -11.5013 ena -11.5015 ▁Electrical -11.5016 gue -11.5016 sensitive -11.5018 ▁absorb -11.5018 ▁guiding -11.5019 saving -11.502 EM -11.5021 ▁filling -11.5022 PP -11.5026 ▁Participation -11.5027 ▁Popular -11.5027 -2015 -11.503 ▁variables -11.5031 ▁th -11.5032 ▁updating -11.5032 ▁algorithms -11.5032 TC -11.5033 ▁Speaking -11.5036 ▁Castle -11.5036 -23 -11.5037 ▁ceasefire -11.5037 ▁Bri -11.5038 ▁delegates -11.5038 home -11.504 ▁fulfilment -11.5044 ▁Otherwise -11.5046 ▁subparagraph -11.5046 ▁Trial -11.505 ▁identical -11.505 ▁pipeline -11.5051 ▁Active -11.5054 ▁disclose -11.5057 ▁royal -11.5058 ▁contributes -11.5058 ▁Taipei -11.5059 ▁Mass -11.506 ▁1973 -11.5062 ▁Near -11.5062 ▁Statistical -11.5062 ▁bi -11.5062 ▁Detailed -11.5063 ▁punished -11.5066 ▁Contracting -11.5067 br -11.5067 ▁outline -11.5068 ▁cr -11.5069 hal -11.5069 ▁cried -11.5069 mb -11.5069 ▁« -11.507 ▁(212) -11.5072 ▁1.3 -11.5073 ▁Half -11.5074 ▁Kids -11.5075 ▁Maldives -11.508 ▁stomach -11.5082 ▁recognised -11.5083 ▁compound -11.5083 ▁Magic -11.5084 ▁Beyond -11.5085 ▁travelling -11.509 ▁1994, -11.5096 ▁Wales -11.5097 ▁urgency -11.5103 ▁Recruitment -11.5103 ▁convenience -11.5105 ▁placing -11.5105 ▁Sy -11.5108 ▁gravity -11.5108 ▁adapted -11.5109 ▁exceeded -11.5114 ▁freight -11.5116 ▁poorest -11.5118 ▁Bag -11.5119 ▁Fish -11.512 ▁layout -11.5121 ▁sincere -11.5121 there -11.5123 ▁Allow -11.5124 ▁wastes -11.5125 ▁min -11.5127 they -11.5127 ▁79 -11.5128 ▁bone -11.513 ▁Niger -11.5138 ▁uncle -11.5138 ▁ratify -11.5138 ▁conform -11.5139 ▁Diversity -11.514 ▁circulation -11.514 ▁belt -11.5141 ▁25. -11.5141 ▁brilliant -11.5142 ▁Telephone -11.5147 ▁proteins -11.515 Where -11.515 Man -11.515 ▁Delegations -11.5151 ▁claimant -11.5154 ▁boxes -11.5155 ▁eliminated -11.5156 ▁diagnosed -11.5157 uring -11.516 -25 -11.5163 ▁tanks -11.5164 cy -11.5166 Ivoire -11.5168 ▁weakness -11.5169 ▁Durban -11.5169 ▁justified -11.5169 ▁19, -11.517 ▁Oman -11.5172 See -11.5173 ▁Traditional -11.5174 ▁Pass -11.5174 ▁removing -11.5177 ▁analyses -11.5178 -07 -11.5178 lon -11.5179 row -11.5179 ▁neighbors -11.5181 ▁flesh -11.5184 ▁noble -11.5186 ▁ninth -11.5186 ▁breathing -11.5194 ▁nights -11.5195 ▁kilometres -11.5197 AF -11.5198 ▁checks -11.5203 ▁singing -11.521 ▁virtue -11.5211 ▁Rural -11.5212 ▁Cities -11.5215 ▁taxi -11.5215 CONF -11.5218 ▁Reviews -11.5219 ▁politically -11.5221 ▁hat -11.5223 ▁conscious -11.5223 English -11.5223 ▁Cor -11.5225 ▁Yan -11.5225 tr -11.5225 ▁Malawi -11.5227 ▁29. -11.5232 ▁algorithm -11.5232 aki -11.5232 ▁backed -11.5233 ▁county -11.5234 ▁economics -11.5236 ▁twin -11.5238 ▁beds -11.5239 tar -11.5239 ▁amongst -11.524 ▁geographic -11.5241 ▁Matt -11.5242 Governing -11.5242 /19 -11.5242 ▁Beauty -11.5244 country -11.5247 ▁surplus -11.5249 ▁evaluations -11.5253 ▁analyst -11.5253 ▁Corp -11.5254 ▁Guard -11.5254 ▁festival -11.5256 ▁Response -11.5257 ▁dominant -11.5257 ▁Sen -11.5259 ▁trucks -11.5259 ▁incidence -11.5259 ▁linkages -11.5263 ▁Advancement -11.5264 ▁cream -11.5266 ▁Nearly -11.5266 IV -11.5267 ▁Reaffirms -11.5275 ▁Copenhagen -11.5275 ▁modest -11.5275 Please -11.5277 ▁knife -11.5278 ▁Kai -11.5279 ▁fails -11.5281 ▁Relief -11.5283 ▁temporarily -11.5285 MI -11.5289 ▁medication -11.5291 ▁motivation -11.5292 ▁socialist -11.5293 ▁prisons -11.5294 ▁alike -11.5294 ▁thereto -11.5294 ▁photography -11.5296 ▁intake -11.5296 ▁GB -11.5296 ▁systematically -11.5297 ▁planets -11.5297 ▁Reuters -11.5298 ▁insecurity -11.5298 af -11.5299 ▁07 -11.53 ▁AP -11.53 ▁sheep -11.5301 ▁Target -11.5303 ▁Latest -11.5307 ▁angle -11.5309 EA -11.5309 ▁2.1 -11.5315 ▁toilet -11.5315 ▁benefited -11.5317 ▁palace -11.5318 ▁intensify -11.5319 ▁Organizations -11.532 ▁Powered -11.5322 ▁minimal -11.5323 ▁fabric -11.5324 ▁(18 -11.5325 ▁nurse -11.5326 ▁references -11.5327 ▁whereby -11.5328 inch -11.5328 ▁wealthy -11.5329 Saharan -11.533 ▁celebration -11.5335 ▁carries -11.5337 ▁indirectly -11.5339 ▁Ve -11.534 ▁Automatic -11.5341 ▁fingers -11.5343 zu -11.5343 ual -11.5344 ▁trace -11.5347 ▁acted -11.5348 und -11.5348 ▁subregion -11.5349 ▁FDI -11.535 ▁mouse -11.5353 ▁3.5 -11.5355 ▁commented -11.5356 ▁muscle -11.5362 ▁Import -11.5362 ▁Directorate -11.5362 ▁Fe -11.5362 ▁barely -11.5363 gate -11.5364 ▁empower -11.537 ▁Throughout -11.5371 By -11.5373 ▁distinguish -11.5376 ▁Shopping -11.5377 /58/ -11.5378 ▁08 -11.5378 ▁Bu -11.5382 ▁instability -11.5382 thirds -11.5384 ▁Snow -11.5385 ▁interfere -11.5385 ▁denial -11.5385 ▁Musk -11.5386 ▁BE -11.5388 ▁cm -11.539 ▁tall -11.5391 -21 -11.5391 ET -11.5392 ▁beneficiaries -11.5393 ▁favourable -11.5393 ▁Virtual -11.5395 € -11.5395 ▁350 -11.5397 risk -11.5397 ▁optimistic -11.5398 ▁obey -11.5398 ▁Train -11.5399 ▁CNC -11.5399 ▁random -11.54 ▁tribunal -11.54 ▁freeze -11.54 ▁Transnational -11.5407 ▁ho -11.5407 -09 -11.5408 ▁landlocked -11.5409 ▁Secondly -11.541 cut -11.541 ▁prince -11.5415 ▁Op -11.5416 ▁pocket -11.5417 ▁folder -11.5418 ▁Mad -11.5418 ▁celebrated -11.5425 ▁Sh -11.5431 case -11.5433 ▁bike -11.5434 bound -11.5435 ▁1975 -11.5438 ▁lacking -11.5439 IE -11.5441 ▁feasible -11.5442 ▁interpreted -11.5442 ▁Role -11.5444 ▁extract -11.5445 rie -11.5446 ▁Sexual -11.5447 ▁inhuman -11.5447 ▁Details -11.5447 ▁capitalism -11.5448 ▁asleep -11.5449 take -11.5449 ▁ageing -11.545 ▁Tibetan -11.5451 ral -11.5452 ▁Dragon -11.5453 play -11.5453 late -11.5454 ▁25% -11.5455 fe -11.5457 OC -11.5458 ▁fluid -11.5459 ▁utilized -11.546 ▁seeds -11.5463 ▁devastating -11.5463 ▁disappearance -11.5466 ▁accelerated -11.5467 ▁Cambridge -11.5469 ▁(6) -11.5469 makers -11.5471 ▁fragile -11.5472 ▁Excuse -11.5473 ▁Mor -11.5479 ▁league -11.5479 ▁Netflix -11.548 ▁Taylor -11.548 bus -11.548 ▁enhancement -11.5482 Islamic -11.5482 ▁athletes -11.5486 ▁RIGHTS -11.5487 ▁Solution -11.5489 ▁placement -11.549 san -11.5493 ▁suggesting -11.55 ▁reaffirm -11.5501 ▁couples -11.5501 ▁killer -11.5501 ▁cotton -11.5502 ▁reactions -11.5503 ▁districts -11.5504 ▁compounds -11.5504 par -11.5505 ▁chips -11.5508 ▁convene -11.5508 ▁bin -11.5509 ▁GPS -11.5511 ▁Airlines -11.5511 ▁sacred -11.5512 ▁controversial -11.5513 ▁elaborate -11.5515 ▁bills -11.5516 ▁establishes -11.5518 only -11.552 ▁shell -11.5523 ▁Ross -11.5524 ▁differ -11.5527 ▁URL -11.5527 ▁consume -11.5527 rt -11.5529 ▁Seminar -11.5529 ▁convince -11.5531 ▁Er -11.5531 ▁securing -11.5532 ▁Sound -11.5533 ▁successor -11.5534 RI -11.5535 ▁divisions -11.5535 operation -11.5538 ▁20,000 -11.5539 ▁radar -11.554 ▁1998. -11.554 ▁32. -11.5544 ▁presentations -11.5548 ▁・ -11.5549 :15 -11.555 ▁startup -11.5551 ▁Ph -11.5551 ▁emergence -11.5556 ▁Pra -11.5556 ▁Protocols -11.5556 ▁Ice -11.5556 ▁12, -11.5558 ▁assignment -11.5558 ▁28. -11.556 ▁offensive -11.556 ▁Sin -11.556 ▁Overseas -11.5563 ▁dynamics -11.5564 ▁chemistry -11.5567 also -11.5568 IF -11.5568 HS -11.557 ▁convening -11.557 ▁licensing -11.5573 ▁complain -11.5573 ▁Amsterdam -11.5576 ▁Situation -11.5576 ▁93 -11.5577 ▁feeding -11.5582 ▁intensity -11.5583 sion -11.5585 ▁abstract -11.5586 ▁1993, -11.5586 ea -11.5588 GC -11.5588 ▁Eight -11.5592 eng -11.5592 ▁screw -11.5594 ▁mathematics -11.5598 ▁scenarios -11.5601 ▁(7 -11.5603 dar -11.5605 120 -11.5605 rick -11.5607 ▁Kyrgyzstan -11.5609 ▁Togo -11.5611 ory -11.5614 pl -11.5616 ▁Avoid -11.562 ▁sexually -11.5623 ▁se -11.5624 ▁healing -11.5626 ▁Sarah -11.5627 ▁trigger -11.563 ese -11.563 ▁thereon -11.5631 ▁prohibit -11.5631 ▁Pharmaceutical -11.5631 ▁tips -11.5633 -13 -11.5633 RS -11.5633 ▁Understanding -11.5633 ▁trademark -11.5635 ▁negotiated -11.5636 ▁habit -11.5636 ▁yourselves -11.5636 ▁(2003) -11.5636 ▁accepting -11.5637 -04 -11.5641 tter -11.5645 ▁laundry -11.5647 ▁Greater -11.5648 ▁Virgin -11.5649 TP -11.5651 ▁cope -11.5651 ▁drove -11.5651 ▁distinguished -11.5652 ▁juvenile -11.5653 ▁expulsion -11.5653 ▁refrigerator -11.5654 :05 -11.5655 ▁facto -11.5656 ▁15% -11.5657 250 -11.5657 ▁Goal -11.5657 ▁VIII -11.5659 stop -11.566 -29 -11.566 ▁Request -11.5661 ▁claiming -11.5663 ▁theft -11.5669 ▁compact -11.5669 ▁automobile -11.5672 ▁liaison -11.5672 lay -11.5673 ▁Feb -11.5673 ▁rotation -11.5673 .12 -11.5674 ▁Bell -11.5675 ▁gotten -11.5675 ▁Galaxy -11.5675 ▁maps -11.5676 RP -11.5677 ▁quote -11.5679 ▁daughters -11.5679 ▁regulators -11.568 ▁Packaging -11.5683 ▁ozone -11.5684 ▁sizes -11.5684 ▁Corruption -11.5686 ▁33. -11.569 ▁structured -11.569 ▁aiming -11.5691 ▁crossing -11.5694 ▁Diamond -11.5695 ▁termination -11.5697 most -11.5698 ▁disclosed -11.5698 ▁Chain -11.5699 ▁Flash -11.5699 ▁vacancy -11.57 ▁1972 -11.5702 ▁deputy -11.5703 ▁upset -11.5703 ▁Mag -11.5705 ▁degrading -11.5706 ▁flood -11.5706 good -11.5707 ▁89 -11.5707 ▁argues -11.5707 ▁sheets -11.5708 ▁125 -11.5713 -24 -11.5713 ▁steadily -11.5714 ▁exploit -11.5716 ▁destinations -11.572 ▁neighborhood -11.572 ▁92 -11.5726 ▁breathe -11.5728 ▁attorney -11.5728 ▁newspapers -11.5729 ▁decisive -11.573 ▁mediation -11.573 ▁Subject -11.5732 ▁Institutions -11.5738 ▁Cable -11.574 ▁damages -11.5741 ▁terrace -11.5742 ▁AG -11.5742 ox -11.5743 ▁1967 -11.5744 ▁prevalence -11.5745 ▁diesel -11.5746 4,000 -11.575 ▁Oxford -11.575 ▁loud -11.5751 ▁bars -11.5751 ▁Rich -11.5752 ▁completing -11.5753 ▁Border -11.5756 ▁titles -11.576 ▁demanded -11.5761 flow -11.5761 ▁investigators -11.5764 ▁Carbon -11.5764 sub -11.5769 ▁Football -11.577 ▁climb -11.5772 ▁standardized -11.5772 ▁justify -11.5772 ▁Located -11.5773 ▁tribute -11.5773 ▁SP -11.5776 ▁strikes -11.5777 code -11.5777 ky -11.5778 /57/ -11.5782 ▁profitable -11.5782 ▁ju -11.5784 ▁priest -11.5785 lor -11.5785 ▁qualifications -11.5785 Part -11.5787 ▁Tools -11.5789 OP -11.5789 ▁besides -11.5789 sp -11.5789 ▁Accounting -11.579 ▁photographs -11.579 ,200 -11.5791 ▁notable -11.5794 ▁Phase -11.5795 ▁consumed -11.5796 ▁obstacle -11.5799 ▁preferences -11.58 ▁demonstrates -11.5802 ▁massage -11.5802 ▁Cash -11.5806 ▁Hague -11.5807 Laughter -11.5807 ▁doubled -11.5807 People -11.5809 ▁harmonization -11.5809 ▁emergencies -11.5812 ▁wallet -11.5815 ▁obliged -11.5817 gg -11.5819 ▁bathtub -11.5823 ▁registry -11.5824 ▁Rental -11.5826 ▁Athens -11.5826 iya -11.5829 ▁wins -11.583 ▁1976 -11.583 ▁aspirations -11.5833 UR -11.5833 ▁entrusted -11.5834 ▁Tool -11.5835 ▁Ok -11.5835 ▁Olympics -11.5836 ▁fled -11.5838 ▁Unity -11.584 ▁supplementary -11.5841 ▁Christianity -11.5841 hn -11.5842 ▁seas -11.5843 city -11.5843 ▁MO -11.5844 ▁Economics -11.5846 Women -11.5849 ▁definitions -11.5852 ▁Wilson -11.5852 ▁Cam -11.5854 ▁creditors -11.5855 ▁Ji -11.5858 TE -11.5859 ▁Grant -11.586 ▁Physical -11.5864 ▁reiterate -11.5867 ▁Buddhist -11.5869 ▁Legislative -11.5869 ▁advisers -11.587 ▁conversations -11.5871 ▁Face -11.5872 ▁consist -11.5874 ▁pm -11.5874 ▁Bhutan -11.5874 ▁incredibly -11.5874 ▁handled -11.5877 ▁Visual -11.5878 ▁survived -11.5879 ▁queen -11.588 ▁18, -11.5882 ▁mu -11.5885 ▁Patent -11.5886 ▁strip -11.589 ▁nominated -11.5891 ▁methodologies -11.5891 ▁newsletters -11.5894 ▁theatre -11.5894 ▁Blog -11.5896 ▁occurring -11.5898 ▁documented -11.5899 ▁clouds -11.5899 ▁violate -11.5899 ▁retention -11.59 ▁lease -11.5905 lar -11.5906 ▁Indonesian -11.5906 article -11.5907 ▁confusion -11.5908 ▁decentralized -11.5912 ▁dose -11.5913 ▁Leadership -11.5914 ▁limiting -11.5914 ▁uphold -11.5916 ▁psychology -11.5917 ▁waited -11.5917 del -11.5917 ▁pitch -11.5919 ▁2002-2003 -11.592 ▁dangers -11.5925 ▁tropical -11.5925 ▁Links -11.5926 ▁replacing -11.5928 ▁Reservation -11.5929 Shanghai -11.5931 lit -11.5931 ▁pot -11.5933 ▁im -11.5934 ▁Marshall -11.5936 ▁multinational -11.594 ▁2.2 -11.5943 ▁Vehicle -11.5943 ▁Projects -11.5944 ▁34. -11.5944 ▁Samoa -11.5946 ▁GEF -11.5946 ▁nano -11.5946 ▁tragic -11.5948 ▁gaining -11.5949 who -11.5949 ▁classroom -11.595 ▁volunteer -11.5951 ▁Tar -11.5954 More -11.5954 ▁Voluntary -11.5954 ▁1984 -11.5954 ▁Senator -11.5955 ▁Pat -11.5956 ▁desertification -11.5957 ▁comparative -11.5958 ▁controller -11.596 ▁utmost -11.5965 ▁Disabilities -11.5965 ▁undoubtedly -11.5968 East -11.5968 century -11.5971 ▁employ -11.5971 ▁suspects -11.5974 ▁06 -11.5976 phone -11.5978 /65/ -11.5978 ▁Muhammad -11.5978 ▁talents -11.5984 ▁glasses -11.5986 ▁airports -11.5987 ▁meantime -11.599 ▁eradicate -11.5991 2,000 -11.5992 proof -11.5994 ▁Certain -11.5995 ▁roots -11.5997 ▁contracting -11.5998 LI -11.5999 ▁Farm -11.6 ▁hybrid -11.6001 ▁quantities -11.6003 ▁Pound -11.6005 ▁Qur -11.6007 read -11.6008 ▁stainless -11.6009 /8 -11.601 ▁examining -11.6011 ▁Com -11.6012 eo -11.6013 log -11.6013 ▁displays -11.6015 ▁Loss -11.6019 ▁Neither -11.602 ▁Dear -11.602 ▁PCB -11.6024 dia -11.6024 ▁15- -11.6026 6,000 -11.6028 ▁Daddy -11.6028 ▁Establishment -11.6029 ▁Woods -11.603 ▁Mayor -11.6031 ▁jury -11.6032 ▁mask -11.6035 ▁granting -11.6035 ▁fridge -11.6037 ▁Punishment -11.604 ▁thoroughly -11.604 ▁blessed -11.6042 ▁questionnaire -11.6042 fish -11.6048 laundering -11.6049 ▁liberalization -11.605 DE -11.605 CR -11.6056 eh -11.6056 ▁plug -11.6057 ▁likes -11.6057 ▁bite -11.6059 tte -11.606 ▁submitting -11.6061 ▁attendance -11.6061 ▁suspicious -11.6063 ▁Vol -11.6067 ▁Casa -11.6068 ock -11.607 ▁amend -11.6071 ▁abide -11.6071 ▁(8 -11.6074 ▁distribute -11.6075 ▁castle -11.6077 International -11.6078 carbon -11.6078 ▁tracks -11.6079 ▁tri -11.6084 ▁Background -11.6086 will -11.6087 ▁nevertheless -11.6089 ▁Rate -11.6093 ▁Botswana -11.6093 ▁owe -11.6093 ▁legitimacy -11.6095 ▁phases -11.61 ute -11.6102 ▁1969 -11.6105 ▁editing -11.6105 ▁pan -11.6108 ▁proximity -11.6109 government -11.6111 ▁Pool -11.6112 ▁Maintenance -11.6113 ▁righteous -11.6114 ▁LCD -11.6115 /3 -11.6119 ▁Build -11.612 ▁exceptions -11.612 ▁Bit -11.6124 ▁golden -11.6125 ▁Bring -11.6126 ▁Wen -11.6129 ▁Jing -11.613 ▁adventure -11.6131 ▁(2006) -11.6132 ▁desirable -11.6133 ▁blocked -11.6133 ▁attempting -11.6136 ▁cleaner -11.6138 ▁clarity -11.6138 ▁processor -11.614 Are -11.6142 ▁Reporting -11.6142 ▁lending -11.6143 ▁logistical -11.6144 ▁longest -11.6149 school -11.615 round -11.615 ▁declining -11.6153 ▁2010-2011 -11.6153 ▁Cut -11.6153 ▁theories -11.6155 ▁stroke -11.6155 ▁Pen -11.6157 hong -11.6158 ▁rendered -11.6159 ▁Angel -11.6159 ▁traditionally -11.6163 ▁Woman -11.6164 ▁Fan -11.6164 ▁shorter -11.6164 ▁MA -11.6166 ▁acute -11.6166 ▁debtor -11.6169 ▁cognitive -11.617 ▁surrender -11.6172 ▁Phil -11.618 ▁BC -11.618 ▁Answer -11.6182 ▁believers -11.6183 ▁emerge -11.6185 ▁popularity -11.6185 person -11.6187 ▁extrabudgetary -11.6192 ▁governor -11.6193 ▁deserves -11.6195 FI -11.6197 ▁assumptions -11.6199 ▁Automation -11.62 ▁containers -11.6201 rid -11.6202 ▁cruise -11.6203 | -11.6203 ▁researcher -11.6205 ▁Hang -11.6206 ▁leisure -11.6206 ▁Anne -11.6207 ▁expecting -11.6208 ▁miracle -11.6209 ▁singer -11.621 ▁Excellent -11.6211 ▁harvest -11.6211 tri -11.6213 PO -11.6214 ▁warrant -11.6215 ▁preference -11.6216 ▁jet -11.6218 lia -11.6219 ▁operative -11.622 ▁commentary -11.6225 wei -11.6227 ▁Blood -11.6227 ▁reaffirms -11.6229 ▁calculate -11.6229 ▁bo -11.623 ▁Officers -11.623 ▁Habitat -11.623 ▁hosts -11.6231 ▁Vincent -11.6232 ▁firearms -11.6233 ▁Bel -11.624 TER -11.6242 ▁wondering -11.6243 ▁implies -11.6244 ▁merits -11.6244 ▁qualities -11.6247 ade -11.6247 CRP -11.6247 ▁Jane -11.6249 pin -11.6253 ▁tariff -11.6254 cat -11.6259 ▁mayor -11.6264 ▁17, -11.6265 ▁readiness -11.6265 ▁baseline -11.6266 ▁#1 -11.6267 DI -11.6269 ▁sooner -11.627 ▁policymakers -11.627 ▁naked -11.627 ▁volumes -11.627 ▁Magazine -11.6273 ▁cycles -11.6273 ▁Kennedy -11.6276 ▁Dance -11.6277 ▁enshrined -11.6277 ▁coating -11.6278 very -11.6279 ▁Jersey -11.6279 ▁Bin -11.6279 -02 -11.6283 ▁Lincoln -11.6285 ▁scan -11.6285 just -11.629 ▁treating -11.6292 ▁govern -11.6293 ▁overwhelming -11.6294 ▁tries -11.6297 ▁welding -11.6298 ▁mice -11.6299 ▁Jun -11.6301 ▁cute -11.6301 ▁Starting -11.6303 ▁regrets -11.6304 :10 -11.6306 ▁Je -11.6307 band -11.6307 ▁elegant -11.6309 ▁Consultative -11.6309 ▁Description -11.6309 ▁j -11.6311 ▁unlimited -11.6312 SU -11.6317 ▁Ber -11.6318 ▁colleges -11.6319 tian -11.632 ▁Governance -11.632 ▁basketball -11.6324 ▁Translation -11.6324 ▁Equal -11.6324 ▁trick -11.6325 ▁Blockchain -11.6326 ▁sensitivity -11.6334 ▁orally -11.6335 cutting -11.6335 ▁unfortunately -11.6336 ▁resilience -11.6338 /11 -11.634 nie -11.6341 ▁continually -11.6343 ▁bottles -11.6345 ▁CI -11.6346 ▁Malaysian -11.6347 ▁wishing -11.6347 ▁broadly -11.6348 ▁substitute -11.635 ▁awesome -11.635 ▁believing -11.635 ▁Feng -11.6352 ▁insisted -11.6353 ▁colonial -11.6355 ▁varied -11.6359 Bo -11.6361 ▁**** -11.6361 ▁persecution -11.6362 ▁Responsibility -11.6363 ▁Integration -11.6365 ▁sofa -11.6366 ▁Mauritania -11.6368 ▁Trinidad -11.6372 ▁holes -11.6373 ▁evaluated -11.6375 ▁3* -11.6375 ▁elaboration -11.6377 gmail -11.6378 ▁Automotive -11.6381 ▁visas -11.6381 ▁tag -11.6381 ▁Hat -11.6382 ▁MONUC -11.6382 ▁OR -11.6382 ▁viewing -11.6383 ▁Comp -11.6385 ▁seller -11.6386 ▁Photos -11.6387 ▁CN -11.6391 ▁fighters -11.6392 ▁Dark -11.6393 ened -11.6397 ▁auspices -11.6398 ▁eaten -11.6398 ▁Commander -11.64 ▁margin -11.6402 -27 -11.6406 ▁Philip -11.6406 ▁streaming -11.6407 ▁ladies -11.6407 ▁Palm -11.6407 ▁16, -11.6409 ▁disorders -11.6409 lam -11.6414 ▁spreading -11.6415 ▁GE -11.6416 ▁preceding -11.6416 ▁pillars -11.6417 GO -11.6418 ▁appointments -11.642 ▁alloy -11.6421 ▁NC -11.6422 ▁102 -11.6422 ▁literally -11.6423 ▁validity -11.6424 EX -11.6425 action -11.6428 ▁rank -11.6429 ▁cultivation -11.6431 ▁narrative -11.6437 ▁criminals -11.6438 ups -11.6439 ▁reimbursement -11.644 ▁quoted -11.644 ▁Laser -11.6443 ▁coordinator -11.6443 ▁Francis -11.6445 clock -11.6447 ▁Serious -11.6447 ▁participant -11.6449 ▁complimentary -11.6452 ▁cats -11.6452 ell -11.6453 ▁Bali -11.6454 ▁Flight -11.6456 ▁weaknesses -11.6457 ▁continuity -11.6458 ▁counselling -11.6459 ▁construct -11.6459 ▁Mer -11.646 ▁Matters -11.6462 Le -11.6464 ▁Kit -11.6464 ▁Jeff -11.6465 now -11.6465 jin -11.6469 ▁hath -11.647 ▁compassion -11.6472 × -11.6472 ▁hurry -11.6476 ata -11.6476 ▁UV -11.6477 ATION -11.648 ulation -11.6481 NC -11.6481 ▁1979 -11.6485 ▁Amendment -11.6488 even -11.6489 ▁Tobago -11.6491 nar -11.6494 ▁reads -11.6494 sales -11.6495 ▁Academic -11.6497 ▁poetry -11.65 ▁Hilton -11.6503 burg -11.6509 ▁20- -11.6512 ▁challenged -11.6517 .[ -11.6525 ▁individually -11.6526 News -11.6526 ▁37. -11.6526 ▁GA -11.6527 ▁portal -11.6529 ▁pornography -11.653 ▁creatures -11.6532 ▁SQL -11.6532 ▁NEW -11.6532 ▁Nanjing -11.6536 ▁Infrastructure -11.6539 ▁Ring -11.6543 ▁installations -11.6543 ▁congratulate -11.6546 ▁clarification -11.6547 ▁Channel -11.6548 ▁Vo -11.6548 cor -11.6548 ram -11.6548 ▁Host -11.655 ▁formats -11.6552 2015 -11.6553 ▁Somali -11.6554 ▁Sar -11.6558 CL -11.6558 ▁Morgan -11.6558 ▁probability -11.656 ▁Develop -11.6561 ▁Aug -11.6561 ▁Americas -11.6563 press -11.6564 ▁Xiao -11.6567 â -11.6567 ros -11.6569 ▁Lisbon -11.657 ▁enacted -11.657 ▁Cal -11.6571 ▁par -11.6575 ▁cancel -11.6577 ▁costly -11.6579 ▁Terminal -11.6579 ▁letting -11.6581 ▁Perfect -11.6583 ▁endeavour -11.6586 ▁Mat -11.6586 cus -11.6589 looking -11.6591 ▁evaluating -11.6591 ▁warehouse -11.6593 ▁Tomorrow -11.6593 ▁Record -11.6593 ▁Albert -11.6593 ▁slaves -11.6594 ob -11.6597 ▁Ombudsman -11.6597 ▁dismissed -11.6598 hard -11.6599 ▁occurrence -11.66 ▁Johannesburg -11.6601 ▁blessing -11.6602 ▁13, -11.6609 ▁dominated -11.661 ▁hiring -11.6612 foot -11.6618 ▁Surely -11.6622 ▁magnitude -11.6624 ▁Tor -11.6626 ▁wanting -11.6628 ▁quietly -11.6628 las -11.6633 ▁textile -11.6635 ▁UNMIK -11.6639 py -11.6639 ida -11.6639 ▁Fall -11.664 sch -11.6642 ▁tender -11.6642 ▁Welfare -11.6643 MM -11.6643 ▁104 -11.6644 oe -11.6644 ▁Traffic -11.6644 ▁measurements -11.6644 ▁pig -11.6646 Sub -11.6647 ib -11.6648 ▁Meet -11.6648 ▁Mode -11.6649 ▁farms -11.665 ▁Schedule -11.6652 Tech -11.6653 ▁Bear -11.6655 160 -11.6655 ▁disadvantaged -11.6658 ▁cancellation -11.6661 ▁Twin -11.6661 ▁presenting -11.6662 ▁Text -11.6665 tes -11.6666 ▁documentary -11.6669 ▁Poor -11.667 ▁destiny -11.667 ▁tissue -11.6674 ▁underlined -11.6674 ▁breakfasts -11.6674 ▁Getting -11.6675 pri -11.6675 ▁goodness -11.6676 ▁alternate -11.6676 ▁permanently -11.6676 ▁Guyana -11.6677 ▁EN -11.6678 ▁calculation -11.668 ▁Info -11.668 ▁moderate -11.668 human -11.6682 EE -11.6682 ▁helicopter -11.6683 ▁Generally -11.6683 ▁coins -11.6691 ▁spots -11.6691 CS -11.6692 ▁cheese -11.6692 ▁hydro -11.6695 ▁Female -11.6699 ▁phenomena -11.67 ▁po -11.6701 lock -11.6702 ▁aliens -11.6703 ▁mathematical -11.6704 AB -11.6707 ▁Bahamas -11.6707 ▁tournament -11.6708 ▁resolving -11.6711 ▁Liverpool -11.6713 ▁3.1 -11.6714 ▁1% -11.6718 ▁106 -11.6722 ▁Mail -11.6725 ▁satisfactory -11.6726 ▁corrupt -11.6727 ▁Along -11.6729 ▁Worldwide -11.6729 ▁DE -11.673 ▁CEDAW -11.6731 ▁Col -11.6731 ä -11.6732 ▁static -11.6734 pers -11.6737 ▁RMB -11.6738 ▁speeds -11.6739 ▁maternity -11.6741 ▁BY -11.6742 ▁Howard -11.6744 ▁favourite -11.6747 ▁CPU -11.6749 was -11.6749 ▁neural -11.675 ▁rivers -11.6757 ▁Yong -11.6758 ▁22, -11.6761 ▁hunting -11.6761 ux -11.6762 ▁deprivation -11.6763 founder -11.6763 ▁Shit -11.6765 ▁reminder -11.6767 ▁Securities -11.6772 ▁statute -11.6774 ▁consultant -11.6778 ▁commander -11.6778 test -11.6778 ▁drama -11.6778 8,000 -11.6778 ▁Printing -11.6779 World -11.678 ▁apartments -11.6781 mes -11.6784 ▁Administrator -11.6788 ▁Strong -11.6791 ▁35. -11.6791 ▁36. -11.6792 ▁realities -11.6793 ▁Success -11.6796 ▁Turkmenistan -11.6797 ▁Campaign -11.68 ▁drafted -11.68 ▁inspire -11.6801 ▁spacecraft -11.6804 ▁thereafter -11.6807 ▁decree -11.6809 ▁Bond -11.681 ▁Cairo -11.6813 ▁lifted -11.6813 3,000 -11.6814 ▁deck -11.6815 ▁hey -11.6816 ▁dressed -11.6817 ▁museums -11.6821 ▁casting -11.6821 ▁clause -11.6824 ▁justification -11.6825 ▁Creative -11.6825 ▁Reference -11.6828 ▁Published -11.6829 ▁tumor -11.6834 ▁plastics -11.6835 zy -11.6835 TF -11.6836 ▁CR -11.6837 Products -11.6837 ▁quantitative -11.6837 ▁draws -11.6838 ▁classical -11.684 ▁Entertainment -11.6841 ▁breaks -11.6841 ▁unemployed -11.6841 ▁pin -11.6841 ▁grandmother -11.6847 ▁Lighting -11.6847 ▁Crown -11.6853 tain -11.6854 ula -11.6854 ▁encryption -11.6856 ▁Papua -11.6857 ▁murdered -11.6858 ova -11.6858 ▁Conventions -11.6859 ▁tunnel -11.6859 ▁Treasury -11.6859 ▁Fashion -11.686 ▁notified -11.6861 ▁Must -11.6862 ▁Brian -11.6864 ▁photograph -11.6865 ▁renowned -11.6866 ▁Nazi -11.6866 ▁finalized -11.6867 ▁Va -11.6868 ▁bunch -11.6868 ▁loyal -11.6868 ▁(2005) -11.6869 ▁thrown -11.6871 ▁empire -11.6872 ▁piano -11.6872 5% -11.6874 ▁z -11.6875 ▁aging -11.6876 III -11.6879 ▁smallest -11.688 ▁milestone -11.6881 oma -11.6885 ▁warn -11.6885 ▁Bre -11.6887 ▁Ly -11.6889 ▁passes -11.689 ▁rated -11.6893 ▁concerted -11.6894 ash -11.6895 ▁Documentation -11.6895 ▁badly -11.6896 ▁38. -11.6896 ▁Consensus -11.6897 ▁layers -11.6897 ▁pe -11.6898 ▁interpret -11.6899 ▁luggage -11.69 ▁grasp -11.6902 ▁approaching -11.6903 ▁probe -11.6903 ▁meter -11.6907 ▁rear -11.6907 ▁Brother -11.6908 "? -11.6908 ▁purely -11.6909 ▁sixtieth -11.6909 ▁talented -11.691 ▁breakthrough -11.691 ▁grows -11.691 ▁coin -11.6912 /16 -11.6914 ▁Income -11.6916 nuclear -11.6917 til -11.6922 ▁dancing -11.6922 ▁oh -11.6923 ▁fax -11.6924 ▁Operating -11.6926 ▁Bedroom -11.6926 ▁$20 -11.6928 ▁franc -11.6932 ▁prosecute -11.6932 ▁explicit -11.6933 ▁Band -11.6934 ▁Manhattan -11.6935 ▁Morning -11.6935 ▁accessibility -11.6936 ▁tail -11.6941 ▁Talent -11.6941 ▁halt -11.6944 ▁lifting -11.6947 ▁dressing -11.695 /20 -11.6951 ▁swim -11.6953 ▁Boeing -11.6954 ▁108 -11.6954 ▁MORE -11.6955 ▁theater -11.6958 ▁semiconductor -11.696 ▁PRO -11.6961 ▁Gates -11.6962 nce -11.6962 ▁whoever -11.6964 ▁yen -11.6965 ▁attain -11.6966 ▁tone -11.6967 ▁lord -11.6969 ▁Wow -11.697 gin -11.6972 ▁prayers -11.6974 ▁crown -11.6974 ima -11.6979 ▁observance -11.698 .4/ -11.6982 ▁brown -11.6982 Mr -11.6983 -26 -11.6983 ▁exhausted -11.6983 ▁spin -11.6987 ▁collectively -11.6988 ▁Bal -11.6989 ▁authentic -11.699 ien -11.699 ▁Suzhou -11.699 CD -11.699 ▁ugly -11.6992 ▁servicing -11.6992 ▁hostile -11.6993 ▁align -11.6997 /12 -11.6997 ▁128 -11.6998 ▁Primary -11.6999 ▁exceeding -11.6999 ▁Organic -11.7002 ▁pledge -11.7003 cher -11.7004 ▁occupational -11.7004 ▁beloved -11.7004 ▁liable -11.7005 ▁Structure -11.7008 ▁intermediate -11.7008 ▁Um -11.7012 /2003/ -11.7015 Next -11.7015 Aligned -11.7017 ▁Expresses -11.7018 ▁notify -11.7018 Because -11.7019 ▁vs -11.702 ▁guards -11.7021 ▁desires -11.7021 ▁Jiang -11.7022 ▁Yen -11.7022 ▁Den -11.7022 ▁fostering -11.7024 VI -11.7025 ▁credits -11.7026 ▁fatal -11.7028 ▁compatibility -11.7029 /54/ -11.703 ▁printer -11.7031 Shenzhen -11.7031 ▁scenes -11.7033 ▁commands -11.7035 ▁Alice -11.7037 ▁PVC -11.7037 ▁accelerating -11.7039 ▁contractor -11.7048 ▁jurisdictions -11.705 ▁bonus -11.705 value -11.7053 7,000 -11.7054 ▁Original -11.7056 ▁debates -11.7058 ▁juice -11.7062 ▁BA -11.7062 ▁eager -11.7064 May -11.7064 ▁Audio -11.7065 ▁deposits -11.7065 ▁gardens -11.7068 ▁Bao -11.707 001 -11.7071 ▁Vietnamese -11.7071 ▁Rd -11.7073 ▁Efforts -11.7076 ▁23, -11.7076 ▁exam -11.7077 dic -11.7078 Time -11.7079 After -11.7079 cast -11.708 ▁viruses -11.7081 ▁Jia -11.7084 ▁Thirty -11.7085 ▁educated -11.7086 ▁Verde -11.7087 ▁Usually -11.7088 ▁abandon -11.7089 ▁checking -11.7094 ▁Liberation -11.7094 ▁radioactive -11.7094 ▁1992, -11.71 ▁Rico -11.7102 ▁briefings -11.7102 ▁Obviously -11.7103 ira -11.7105 ▁Matthew -11.7106 ▁agrees -11.7106 Net -11.7107 ▁Ryan -11.7107 ▁WiFi -11.7108 ▁suited -11.7108 ▁Features -11.7108 ▁Khan -11.7109 ▁crossed -11.711 ▁biology -11.711 ▁shirt -11.7112 ▁afterwards -11.7114 ▁Dansk -11.7114 ▁Mall -11.7119 ▁Mind -11.7119 ▁Arthur -11.7119 ▁municipalities -11.7119 ▁minors -11.7122 ND -11.7124 ▁paintings -11.7124 ▁math -11.7124 ▁Sur -11.7124 ▁4: -11.7125 ▁debris -11.7126 ▁elect -11.7127 ▁Sand -11.7128 ▁counterparts -11.7129 ▁closest -11.7131 oil -11.7134 ▁scores -11.7135 ▁workload -11.7139 /53/ -11.714 ▁Domain -11.714 ▁accredited -11.714 zer -11.7142 people -11.7143 sea -11.7144 ▁thread -11.7146 ▁characteristic -11.7149 ▁1981 -11.715 ▁Log -11.7152 kan -11.7152 ▁103 -11.7155 First -11.7156 ▁rolling -11.7157 ▁scandal -11.7158 ▁Shipping -11.7161 ify -11.7162 }} -11.7162 ▁visibility -11.7162 ▁Below -11.7162 ▁Promote -11.7162 ▁bones -11.7168 ▁Lucia -11.7168 ▁chamber -11.7171 ▁graphics -11.7171 ▁awful -11.7176 ▁Schools -11.7179 ▁hanging -11.718 /6 -11.7182 ▁Vancouver -11.7183 ▁horrible -11.7183 ▁leather -11.7183 ▁disagree -11.7184 Site -11.7184 ▁4.0 -11.7185 ▁rejection -11.7187 ▁blast -11.7189 ▁humidity -11.7193 ▁Processing -11.7194 ▁Uncle -11.7196 ▁architect -11.7198 izer -11.7198 four -11.7199 ▁approached -11.72 ▁neighbours -11.7202 ▁Likewise -11.7203 ▁renew -11.7205 ▁anonymous -11.7205 ▁ruble -11.7208 ANG -11.721 ▁dawn -11.721 ▁allocate -11.721 ▁neighbor -11.7211 ▁Goods -11.7215 ▁passive -11.7215 ▁lasted -11.7216 DO -11.7217 ▁economists -11.7217 ▁seal -11.7219 ▁exported -11.722 ▁Visitors -11.7222 ▁Provision -11.7222 onic -11.7223 ▁outset -11.7224 ▁suspicion -11.7226 ▁enjoys -11.7226 ▁Outcome -11.7226 ▁Secret -11.7227 ▁petition -11.7228 ▁credentials -11.7229 ▁gentlemen -11.7232 ▁illegally -11.7233 ▁crystal -11.7234 edge -11.7234 ▁Lodge -11.7235 ▁tendency -11.7236 ▁Belize -11.7236 ▁Marriage -11.7236 ▁raises -11.7237 ▁fed -11.7238 ▁Archives -11.7238 ▁airlines -11.7239 dom -11.724 ▁31. -11.724 /7 -11.7243 ▁conceptual -11.7243 ▁countless -11.7244 1) -11.7244 ▁coat -11.7244 ▁1978 -11.7245 ▁instantly -11.7245 ▁Monterrey -11.7245 sex -11.725 ▁Whole -11.7251 ▁genius -11.7252 SM -11.7254 cap -11.7257 ▁ca -11.7257 ▁Eve -11.7258 ▁Fort -11.7263 ▁doubts -11.7263 ▁appropriately -11.7264 ▁broadband -11.7265 ▁Posted -11.7267 ▁doctrine -11.7269 ▁privilege -11.727 MT -11.727 author -11.727 ▁SE -11.7273 cell -11.7273 ▁Zi -11.7274 ▁compilation -11.7274 ▁privileges -11.7277 ▁delicious -11.7281 ▁Intellectual -11.7281 ▁charter -11.7282 ▁Carl -11.7284 ▁Dongguan -11.7288 7, -11.729 ▁loop -11.7291 ▁Retail -11.7291 ▁Managing -11.7291 ators -11.7291 ▁HP -11.7293 ▁determines -11.7294 ▁listened -11.7294 ▁SS -11.7296 ▁stipulated -11.7296 ▁mi -11.7296 ▁travelers -11.7299 ▁Shan -11.73 cryptocurrencies -11.73 ▁Yuan -11.7301 ▁visitor -11.7305 ▁reign -11.7306 ▁39. -11.7306 ole -11.7308 ▁Fat -11.7309 ▁responsive -11.731 ▁365 -11.7313 ▁occasionally -11.7313 WA -11.7314 ▁shield -11.7315 ▁tenure -11.7318 ▁smartphones -11.7319 ▁boards -11.7319 ▁Para -11.732 ▁Envoy -11.732 ▁Industries -11.732 where -11.7322 ▁SBSTA -11.7328 ▁Yellow -11.7328 ▁qualification -11.733 ▁hi -11.7332 ▁Kitchen -11.7333 ▁Generation -11.7334 2.5 -11.7334 ▁summits -11.7336 ▁impartial -11.7338 ü -11.7339 ▁Conservation -11.734 From -11.7342 fire -11.7342 ▁foremost -11.7343 ▁critics -11.7344 ati -11.7344 vers -11.7345 ado -11.7348 ▁%1 -11.7348 ▁Often -11.7349 110 -11.735 ▁thankful -11.735 ▁naval -11.735 ▁livelihoods -11.7351 entrepreneurship -11.7351 ▁aligned -11.7353 Just -11.7353 tea -11.7353 ▁lips -11.7353 ▁ensured -11.7355 ich -11.7355 ▁Municipal -11.7356 ▁Kan -11.7357 put -11.7358 ▁stranger -11.7358 ▁prevailing -11.7359 ▁Volunteers -11.7359 ▁covenant -11.7359 ▁Camera -11.736 ▁Proposed -11.7364 ▁AWS -11.7366 ▁disciplines -11.7367 ▁breakdown -11.7367 CT -11.7369 ▁Mas -11.7371 ▁Switch -11.7372 ▁uncertain -11.7372 ▁Touch -11.7373 NE -11.7374 dong -11.7375 ▁modes -11.7376 ▁Hal -11.7377 cause -11.738 ▁115 -11.7381 ▁imaging -11.7383 ▁Recovery -11.7383 ▁SBI -11.7384 ▁Eye -11.7384 ▁prototype -11.7385 ila -11.7387 ▁boats -11.7387 ▁Stand -11.7388 ▁Belt -11.7388 ▁panic -11.7389 ▁span -11.7389 ▁marginalized -11.739 ▁nationally -11.739 ▁Ren -11.739 ▁Geo -11.7391 cing -11.7394 ▁PE -11.7397 ▁Offering -11.7399 qua -11.7399 ▁grab -11.7401 Chinese -11.7401 ▁manifest -11.7401 ▁Prague -11.7402 ▁Lion -11.7403 ▁(2000) -11.7403 ▁Ger -11.7403 ▁descent -11.7404 dimensional -11.7405 TR -11.7409 ▁fighter -11.7411 ▁04 -11.7411 ▁analyzed -11.7413 ▁Markets -11.7415 ▁socially -11.7416 ▁Austrian -11.7418 ▁unchanged -11.7419 elle -11.7419 ▁assurances -11.742 ▁CAD -11.742 ▁briefly -11.7421 Article -11.7421 personnel -11.7421 ▁serial -11.7424 ▁Lead -11.7425 ▁preserved -11.7428 ▁1930 -11.7428 ▁duplication -11.7429 mat -11.743 ▁Atlanta -11.7432 ▁Reading -11.7433 ▁Disease -11.7435 ▁loose -11.7436 verse -11.7437 ▁comprise -11.7439 ▁heavens -11.744 ▁cinema -11.7442 ▁Promoting -11.7443 ▁grandfather -11.7446 ▁Poly -11.7447 ▁Contacts -11.7448 ▁MI -11.7449 ae -11.7449 ▁readily -11.745 ▁failures -11.745 ▁diameter -11.7452 ▁RE -11.7452 ▁praised -11.7452 4% -11.7454 ▁holder -11.7455 ▁careers -11.7455 ▁Shin -11.7455 ▁1968 -11.7457 RT -11.7461 ▁casualties -11.7462 ▁Crisis -11.7462 ▁Flat -11.7464 ▁licence -11.7466 ...... -11.747 ▁watches -11.7472 step -11.7473 three -11.7473 ▁fundamentally -11.7476 ** -11.7477 ▁1961 -11.7478 ▁combining -11.7479 ▁Damn -11.7479 ▁1.6 -11.7479 (1) -11.748 ▁Casino -11.7482 ▁Arbitration -11.7486 ▁devote -11.749 ▁Violations -11.749 ▁(2002) -11.7495 ▁Ak -11.7497 ▁PV -11.7497 ▁Mill -11.7497 ▁profiles -11.7497 ▁inappropriate -11.7498 ▁striking -11.7499 ▁executions -11.7499 ▁ironing -11.7499 metric -11.75 ▁Sino -11.7502 ▁corporation -11.7502 ▁Toilet -11.7505 ▁redress -11.7506 ▁4) -11.7508 ▁Pick -11.7508 driving -11.751 Agency -11.7511 ▁Chan -11.7511 -28 -11.7512 ▁4* -11.7513 ▁WFP -11.7514 sheng -11.7515 ▁trains -11.7517 ▁Lewis -11.7522 1000 -11.7522 ▁launches -11.7523 ▁describing -11.7526 2% -11.7528 ▁Chu -11.7529 ▁Tree -11.7532 ▁Isn -11.7533 ▁Pop -11.7533 ▁livestock -11.7533 ▁4.5 -11.7538 els -11.7539 ▁licensed -11.7541 ▁planes -11.7544 1,000 -11.7544 ▁gradual -11.7547 ▁Important -11.7548 ▁Ci -11.7548 ▁Satellite -11.7549 ▁vaccines -11.7549 ▁hill -11.7553 ▁rush -11.7553 ▁mono -11.7555 ▁inevitably -11.7555 ▁Macau -11.7557 ▁loyalty -11.7559 ▁LE -11.756 kar -11.756 Ban -11.7562 ▁Kevin -11.7563 ▁stones -11.7564 rat -11.7567 ▁refusal -11.7569 ▁(2009) -11.7569 ▁fever -11.7569 ▁deeds -11.757 ▁Aluminum -11.757 NS -11.7571 ▁Customers -11.7572 din -11.7574 ▁wicked -11.7575 ▁Duke -11.7575 ▁diplomacy -11.7576 ▁Seoul -11.7576 ▁episode -11.7578 ▁vulnerabilities -11.7579 ▁sp -11.758 meter -11.758 lot -11.758 ▁Beautiful -11.7583 ▁concludes -11.7585 ▁Minimum -11.7586 ▁elite -11.7592 ▁optimization -11.7592 ▁offenders -11.7593 ▁calories -11.7595 ▁laboratories -11.7596 ▁orange -11.7596 ▁defeated -11.7598 ▁Buddha -11.7599 ▁positioning -11.76 ▁directory -11.76 ▁specially -11.7602 gon -11.7602 ▁autumn -11.7602 ▁participatory -11.7602 ▁killings -11.7603 aging -11.7607 ▁50,000 -11.7607 ▁maker -11.7607 ▁proceeding -11.7608 ▁racist -11.7609 ▁browsing -11.7609 ▁Gabon -11.761 ▁Count -11.761 ▁comprised -11.7611 ▁craft -11.7613 ▁Forests -11.7622 ▁AL -11.7624 LS -11.7626 card -11.7626 ▁holistic -11.7626 ▁warfare -11.7626 ▁SMEs -11.7626 ▁Appeal -11.7628 ▁mg -11.7629 ▁linking -11.763 ▁authorize -11.763 lat -11.7632 ▁feasibility -11.7633 ▁ballot -11.7633 ▁NT -11.7633 ▁pixels -11.7639 ▁explored -11.7639 ▁¥ -11.7642 ▁incentive -11.7645 oon -11.7646 och -11.7649 彩票 -11.765 ▁lounge -11.765 ▁positively -11.765 Come -11.7651 ▁overnight -11.7653 FS -11.7654 ▁Same -11.7657 pping -11.7657 ▁decoration -11.7657 ess -11.7659 ▁Messenger -11.7663 ▁Carolina -11.7663 ▁RO -11.7664 ▁creditor -11.7665 ▁surveyed -11.7666 ▁modification -11.7666 CU -11.7666 ▁Specific -11.7667 ▁varying -11.7671 ▁Instrument -11.7673 ▁reminds -11.7678 ▁timetable -11.7679 ▁gut -11.7679 ▁Eat -11.7679 ▁111 -11.7679 /2004/ -11.768 lip -11.7681 ▁nearest -11.7682 ▁1.4 -11.7683 ▁remuneration -11.7684 ▁123 -11.7686 ▁smuggling -11.7687 ▁advocates -11.7687 ▁ONLINE -11.769 uo -11.7692 6, -11.7696 ▁institutes -11.7697 :+86- -11.7698 ▁shine -11.7699 ▁Opportunities -11.7701 ▁Anyway -11.7701 ▁Tong -11.7701 Today -11.7702 ▁Imagine -11.7702 ▁dominate -11.7705 ▁stops -11.7706 ▁Various -11.7708 ▁Kelly -11.7713 ▁trap -11.7713 ▁Dallas -11.7714 ▁poet -11.7715 ▁Chrome -11.7716 ▁interviewed -11.7717 ▁MT -11.7717 ▁relies -11.7719 ▁Hol -11.7727 ▁bother -11.7727 ▁composite -11.7731 ▁boundary -11.7736 fin -11.7736 ▁el -11.7736 ▁Mont -11.7737 ▁dies -11.7739 ▁Brexit -11.774 Ba -11.774 ▁Cho -11.7741 /2006/ -11.7748 any -11.775 ▁($ -11.7755 has -11.7756 ban -11.7756 ▁ambition -11.7759 ▁Ohio -11.776 ▁Payment -11.7762 ▁institute -11.7764 ▁Finnish -11.7764 ▁behave -11.7764 ▁alleviate -11.7765 ▁understands -11.7767 ▁Tianjin -11.7768 Look -11.7768 ▁Ch -11.7769 ▁confrontation -11.777 ▁chaired -11.7772 avi -11.7772 ▁chaos -11.7773 space -11.7773 ▁Campus -11.7774 ▁attributes -11.7774 ▁bears -11.7774 ▁Architecture -11.7776 ▁fortune -11.7777 ▁brains -11.7777 ▁grain -11.7779 ▁Documents -11.7779 ▁synergies -11.7779 ▁ES -11.7779 ▁Highway -11.778 ▁confront -11.7782 ele -11.7783 ▁900 -11.7783 ▁shoe -11.7783 ▁thanked -11.7784 ▁accord -11.7784 ▁Bull -11.7784 ▁Valve -11.7786 ▁corn -11.7788 .25 -11.779 ign -11.7791 ▁renovation -11.7793 ▁boom -11.7794 ▁hated -11.7795 ▁Antonio -11.7797 ▁geo -11.7797 via -11.7798 ▁NEWS -11.7798 worth -11.7798 ▁shake -11.7799 ▁protesters -11.7799 ew -11.7799 ▁inheritance -11.78 ▁bombs -11.7802 While -11.7803 ▁HTTP -11.7803 ▁Gate -11.7805 ▁Nation -11.7806 oh -11.7806 ▁wing -11.7807 ▁Ship -11.7808 ▁Ibid -11.7808 ▁statutory -11.781 ▁Precision -11.781 ▁extends -11.7811 ▁Qi -11.7813 ▁adherence -11.7814 ▁prosecutor -11.7814 ▁powered -11.7815 /62/ -11.7815 ▁hostilities -11.7817 ▁Pack -11.7821 ▁Baghdad -11.7821 bel -11.7822 lt -11.7822 ▁demonstrations -11.7823 ▁inspections -11.7823 ui -11.7823 oli -11.7823 logy -11.7825 ▁ABOUT -11.7825 TI -11.7825 ▁Anything -11.7826 ▁appliances -11.7831 PT -11.7832 ses -11.7834 ▁mixture -11.7834 .30 -11.7837 2000 -11.7837 ▁magnet -11.7837 ▁Families -11.7838 mel -11.7842 ▁aggregate -11.7847 ▁riding -11.7848 ▁cement -11.7848 ▁Theme -11.7852 ▁sends -11.7853 ▁dependence -11.7854 ▁107 -11.7854 Contact -11.7854 ▁Presidential -11.7856 ▁poll -11.7858 ▁keen -11.7859 109 -11.786 ▁explaining -11.7861 ▁fifteen -11.7861 ▁Chemicals -11.7862 hui -11.7862 away -11.7865 ▁horror -11.7865 ▁1991, -11.7867 ▁wholly -11.7867 maker -11.787 SAR -11.7871 ▁Rates -11.7873 ▁lets -11.7879 ▁monitors -11.7882 ▁exercising -11.7883 ▁shuttle -11.7883 ▁carriage -11.7883 130 -11.7884 purpose -11.7885 ▁realizing -11.7885 ▁24, -11.7885 ▁Cover -11.7886 ▁modernization -11.7887 ▁racing -11.7889 ▁Surface -11.789 ▁withdrawn -11.789 ▁Individual -11.7893 vert -11.7893 ▁2.4 -11.7893 ▁Tag -11.7893 ▁combines -11.7894 ▁openly -11.7894 ▁deliberate -11.7899 far -11.7899 ▁baggage -11.79 ▁JavaScript -11.79 ▁Diego -11.79 ▁Andorra -11.7901 ▁shortcomings -11.7903 ▁delivers -11.7904 ▁Prison -11.7906 ▁Soft -11.7907 /2005/ -11.7909 ld -11.7909 ▁st -11.7909 ▁subscription -11.791 ▁ESCAP -11.791 :13 -11.7911 ▁synthetic -11.7912 Every -11.7913 matic -11.7913 ▁taxation -11.7913 ▁Adults -11.7914 ▁Leader -11.7914 ▁Ming -11.7915 ▁issuing -11.7917 last -11.7918 ▁apologize -11.7919 ▁refund -11.7921 ▁Cyber -11.7924 ▁wooden -11.7924 ▁educate -11.7926 ao -11.7929 ▁Sleep -11.793 ▁packing -11.7931 ▁MB -11.7932 ▁delighted -11.7934 ▁appropriation -11.7934 ▁License -11.7935 ▁u -11.7936 ▁(9 -11.7936 ▁EV -11.7937 ▁midst -11.794 ass -11.794 ▁Investigation -11.7941 ▁valley -11.7942 ▁Outlook -11.7942 OD -11.7943 ▁Clear -11.7947 ▁centralized -11.7948 ched -11.7948 ▁UAE -11.795 ▁titled -11.7953 Ra -11.7954 PL -11.7956 ▁stepped -11.7958 ▁Lan -11.796 ▁exhibit -11.7962 ▁30,000 -11.7966 HK -11.7966 ▁Michigan -11.7966 ▁{{ -11.7966 ▁Style -11.7968 ▁adviser -11.7969 ▁Leaders -11.7971 ▁prisoner -11.7971 ▁Coalition -11.7973 pan -11.7974 ▁42. -11.7975 ▁intentions -11.7976 ▁Adobe -11.7977 ▁poses -11.7978 ▁Similar -11.7979 ▁3.2 -11.7979 ▁verbale -11.798 ▁absent -11.798 ▁tailored -11.7981 ▁bug -11.7981 Test -11.7983 ▁destroying -11.7984 ▁41. -11.7985 ▁Azure -11.7987 ▁surge -11.7988 ▁Emperor -11.799 iti -11.7991 eb -11.7992 ▁vibrant -11.7994 ▁diversification -11.7994 ▁ro -11.7995 ▁Operational -11.7996 ▁insist -11.7997 iest -11.8 hang -11.8 ▁Colonial -11.8 ▁customized -11.8003 ▁injustice -11.8004 ▁Distribution -11.8005 ▁threw -11.8005 ▁architectural -11.8005 ▁attracting -11.8005 Qu -11.8006 ▁Categories -11.8008 ▁deterioration -11.8012 gel -11.8015 ▁exercised -11.8015 ▁prophet -11.8018 ▁forcing -11.802 ▁Adult -11.802 ▁patrol -11.8022 ▁Available -11.8023 ▁boasts -11.8026 ▁acquiring -11.8026 ▁Interest -11.8026 ▁expectation -11.8028 ▁fires -11.8029 ▁fertility -11.803 ▁prevail -11.803 ▁atomic -11.8031 ▁Electoral -11.8033 ▁Universe -11.8033 ▁Parents -11.8033 ▁proposes -11.8033 ▁footprint -11.8034 ▁altogether -11.8036 ▁PP -11.8037 ▁(1); -11.8037 tus -11.8039 ▁minerals -11.8039 ▁proactive -11.8039 als -11.804 arts -11.8041 ▁brush -11.8042 /18 -11.8044 ▁develops -11.8044 ▁correction -11.8046 ▁TD -11.8046 ▁counts -11.8047 ▁monster -11.8047 ▁sponsor -11.8048 ▁mapping -11.8049 ▁Dog -11.8052 ▁Mur -11.8053 gas -11.8053 ▁Made -11.8054 ▁DA -11.8056 ▁Alibaba -11.8057 ▁highway -11.8057 ▁righteousness -11.8058 /68/ -11.8058 ▁Shut -11.8059 /59/ -11.8061 ▁na -11.8061 ▁compelling -11.8061 ▁FLOWER -11.8064 ▁deciding -11.8064 Li -11.8067 aya -11.8068 ▁0.5 -11.8069 ▁1983 -11.807 atory -11.807 ▁LI -11.8071 ▁rebel -11.8072 ▁MD -11.8072 ▁odd -11.8073 had -11.8073 ▁clinic -11.8074 hood -11.8074 ▁oppose -11.8074 Some -11.8075 ▁MDGs -11.8076 ▁2030 -11.8079 ▁exclude -11.8082 ▁umbrella -11.8082 ▁passionate -11.8082 ▁shipments -11.8083 2012 -11.8083 ▁rigorous -11.8084 Year -11.8085 ▁fathers -11.8086 ▁Left -11.8086 0.00 -11.8094 ili -11.8096 ▁450 -11.8096 ▁Illicit -11.8096 ▁Prosecution -11.8096 ▁112 -11.8098 ▁strengths -11.8099 ▁feared -11.8099 ▁Wide -11.8099 ▁ski -11.81 About -11.81 disciplinary -11.8101 ▁useless -11.8103 ▁rebuild -11.8106 ▁Ol -11.8106 ▁Door -11.8107 ▁Victims -11.8108 ▁ya -11.8108 self -11.8111 ▁Benefits -11.8112 ▁Fear -11.8116 ▁offerings -11.8119 ▁photographer -11.812 ▁seize -11.8123 ▁em -11.8125 ▁Guardian -11.8127 ▁pressures -11.8127 ▁heal -11.8128 ▁personalized -11.8129 ▁chapters -11.8129 ▁trips -11.813 ▁170 -11.813 INF -11.8131 ▁census -11.8133 ▁swing -11.8134 ▁reporter -11.8134 ▁Ser -11.8134 ▁propaganda -11.8135 ▁versus -11.8135 ▁cancelled -11.8136 ▁traveled -11.8137 ▁30- -11.8139 BM -11.8142 ▁Socialist -11.8143 ▁Walk -11.8143 ▁souls -11.8145 ▁Nokia -11.8146 ▁Mil -11.8146 ▁graduated -11.8147 ▁prompted -11.8147 ▁26, -11.8147 ▁vi -11.8149 ▁Scripture -11.8149 ▁recognise -11.8149 ▁deepen -11.8152 ▁neglect -11.8153 ▁capitalist -11.8153 ▁inches -11.8154 ▁matching -11.8159 ▁Faculty -11.816 ▁HKD -11.8162 ▁Discover -11.8163 5, -11.8165 ▁BMW -11.8166 ▁Pump -11.8168 ▁Grace -11.8169 ▁vaccination -11.8171 ▁lens -11.8171 ▁Bor -11.8172 ▁Munich -11.8175 ▁Fortunately -11.8175 ▁criticized -11.8175 ▁appraisal -11.8178 ▁arriving -11.8178 stage -11.8178 ▁Die -11.8181 ▁Consulting -11.8183 ▁Eventually -11.8185 ▁linguistic -11.8186 ▁laughed -11.8187 ▁specification -11.8188 ▁shaped -11.8189 3% -11.8189 ▁Challenge -11.8192 AN -11.8193 nia -11.8194 bn -11.8194 ▁admissibility -11.8196 ▁Sitemap -11.8196 ▁lonely -11.8197 ▁Wolf -11.8201 ▁incompatible -11.8203 ▁Memorial -11.8203 ▁Eco -11.8203 ▁fiction -11.8204 ▁Watson -11.8207 ▁Holmes -11.821 ▁1963 -11.8213 ▁confidentiality -11.8215 ▁Prof -11.8215 ▁Huang -11.8216 ▁Jay -11.8216 ▁molecules -11.8218 ▁sorts -11.8219 ▁Sweet -11.822 ▁Bathroom -11.822 ▁prolonged -11.822 ▁Rubber -11.8221 ▁civilizations -11.8222 ▁Pressure -11.8222 ▁beside -11.8226 place -11.8227 ▁caution -11.8228 AA -11.8228 ▁Launch -11.8229 ique -11.8231 ▁preserving -11.8232 ▁Complete -11.8235 ▁Ontario -11.8235 700 -11.8237 ▁Cases -11.8238 ▁bicycle -11.8238 ▁abolition -11.8239 ▁Either -11.824 ▁disciplinary -11.8242 game -11.8243 ▁Stage -11.8244 ▁preparedness -11.8245 ▁Creating -11.8247 ▁Nine -11.8247 RES -11.8251 OM -11.8251 ▁Were -11.8252 ▁Animal -11.8253 » -11.8253 ▁princess -11.8256 ▁NEPAD -11.8257 ▁Petersburg -11.8257 ▁Updated -11.8258 ▁Directive -11.8261 ▁Formula -11.8261 sure -11.8262 ▁Hui -11.8263 ▁scrap -11.8264 ▁shed -11.8265 ▁aforementioned -11.8267 ▁ruin -11.8268 ▁filters -11.8272 ees -11.8272 ▁teaches -11.8274 ▁Germans -11.8274 CF -11.8274 oz -11.8274 ▁ra -11.8279 ▁compiled -11.8281 ▁Write -11.8281 ▁retreat -11.8282 uch -11.8283 ition -11.8284 /64/ -11.8285 fall -11.8286 ona -11.8287 ▁designation -11.8292 ▁dedication -11.8293 ▁$50 -11.8294 rah -11.8296 ▁invisible -11.83 speaking -11.83 ▁Directors -11.8302 ▁reasonably -11.8303 ▁Filter -11.8303 ▁Kate -11.8304 Good -11.8305 ▁Golan -11.8306 ▁Oscar -11.8307 ▁46. -11.8308 ▁sectoral -11.831 ▁1949 -11.831 ▁vendor -11.8311 ▁43. -11.8312 ▁sterling -11.8314 ▁plot -11.8315 ▁wings -11.8316 ▁31, -11.8318 1% -11.8318 3/ -11.8319 ▁posting -11.8319 data -11.832 door -11.8321 ▁FA -11.8321 ▁Heat -11.8322 got -11.8324 ▁guides -11.8324 gra -11.8326 RD -11.8326 ▁certainty -11.8326 ale -11.8327 ▁reinforced -11.8327 的 -11.8329 ▁Organizational -11.8331 ▁Downtown -11.8333 ▁expressly -11.8333 ▁marriages -11.8333 ▁imagined -11.8334 imate -11.8334 ▁kit -11.8335 ▁Books -11.8335 ▁beneath -11.8336 à -11.8336 ▁accumulated -11.8337 ▁guilt -11.834 ▁Agent -11.8341 piece -11.8342 ▁ridiculous -11.8343 ▁coupled -11.8344 ▁laundering -11.8344 ▁crack -11.8346 ▁seasonal -11.8347 ▁edit -11.8347 ▁likewise -11.8349 ▁AN -11.835 ▁mortgage -11.8352 lands -11.8352 ▁wives -11.8353 ▁pandemic -11.8354 ▁Miller -11.8354 ▁Teaching -11.8355 ▁Rob -11.8356 ▁tip -11.8356 ▁expectancy -11.8358 ▁Macao -11.836 ▁2.3 -11.8364 FF -11.8364 green -11.8365 ▁rounds -11.8365 ography -11.8366 ▁Client -11.8367 ▁Patrick -11.8369 ▁Drink -11.837 ▁deliberately -11.837 ▁token -11.8371 ▁Meetings -11.8371 ▁enrolment -11.8373 ▁emotion -11.8374 ▁anticipate -11.8375 ▁ODA -11.8375 ▁cybersecurity -11.8376 ▁Stresses -11.8377 ▁pledges -11.8382 ▁predictions -11.8382 ...” -11.8384 sta -11.8384 ▁technically -11.8386 ▁pupils -11.8387 ▁Medium -11.8388 ▁slight -11.839 ▁pulse -11.8391 ▁RF -11.8391 mu -11.8391 ▁gang -11.8392 rit -11.8394 ▁budgeting -11.8396 ▁Davis -11.8396 ▁Held -11.8397 ▁1965 -11.8399 /63/ -11.8399 ▁imply -11.84 sol -11.84 .13 -11.8401 ei -11.8402 ▁(7) -11.8403 ▁mate -11.8403 ▁petroleum -11.8405 ▁Accessories -11.8405 ▁distinctive -11.8407 organized -11.8408 Open -11.841 ▁Telecommunicati -11.841 LL -11.841 ▁Marino -11.841 funded -11.8411 growing -11.8411 ▁handful -11.8411 kov -11.8413 ▁styles -11.8414 /67/ -11.8417 ▁28, -11.8417 /66/ -11.8419 ato -11.8421 ▁Mining -11.8422 ▁appealed -11.8422 ▁hyper -11.8423 HA -11.8424 ▁incorporating -11.8427 ▁hazards -11.843 ▁paths -11.8434 ▁horizon -11.8434 ▁worrying -11.8435 ▁Maximum -11.8436 DF -11.8436 night -11.8438 ▁DELIVERY -11.8438 ▁laughing -11.8438 ▁screens -11.8439 ▁Considering -11.8439 ▁Rod -11.8439 ▁donations -11.8442 ▁Battery -11.8442 ▁predecessor -11.8444 ▁Andy -11.8445 private -11.8446 ▁4,000 -11.8448 ▁embassy -11.8449 ▁muscles -11.8451 sur -11.846 ▁Editor -11.846 ▁refuge -11.846 ▁nutritional -11.846 ▁landed -11.8461 ▁qualify -11.8462 ▁UNIFIL -11.8462 ient -11.8465 /13 -11.8467 ▁Desertification -11.8468 ency -11.847 /2007/ -11.8471 UM -11.8475 Product -11.8476 ▁Kuwaiti -11.8476 chen -11.8476 ▁aunt -11.8476 FT -11.848 ▁Planet -11.848 ▁Controller -11.8482 ▁Stanford -11.8482 ▁Gun -11.8484 ▁Gong -11.8485 PF -11.8486 ▁distress -11.8486 ▁va -11.8488 ▁throat -11.8489 ▁GC -11.849 ▁NA -11.8491 ▁organised -11.8492 ▁audiences -11.8494 ml -11.8495 ▁Prevent -11.8495 ▁ancestors -11.8495 ▁$15 -11.8496 ▁prescription -11.8497 ▁Honey -11.8503 holders -11.8503 its -11.8504 ▁heroes -11.8504 ▁Committed -11.8504 ▁jealous -11.8505 ▁Sta -11.8507 ▁seemingly -11.8508 ▁Hair -11.851 ▁floating -11.8511 ▁simulation -11.8511 ▁divine -11.8512 ▁Luke -11.8512 ▁chest -11.8513 ▁Ready -11.8515 ▁donation -11.8519 front -11.8521 oni -11.8521 ites -11.8521 ▁beaten -11.8522 mal -11.8523 ▁bridges -11.8525 mic -11.8525 ▁committing -11.8528 ▁insert -11.853 ▁Wedding -11.8533 ▁Voice -11.8535 ▁Changes -11.8535 ▁communicated -11.8536 ▁hotline -11.8539 dan -11.8542 ▁Heavy -11.8542 ▁forecasts -11.8543 ▁Premium -11.8545 ▁clever -11.8545 ▁Dublin -11.8545 rian -11.8545 ▁Peninsula -11.8549 ▁cart -11.8549 ▁Bei -11.8552 ▁merit -11.8553 ▁genome -11.8556 ▁flagship -11.8557 ▁entrepreneur -11.8558 ▁tweeted -11.8558 ▁beating -11.8562 ▁verified -11.8563 ▁wildlife -11.8564 ▁ta -11.8565 ▁pilots -11.8565 ▁Ash -11.8566 ▁tel -11.8566 ▁summarized -11.8567 ▁Route -11.8568 ▁floors -11.8568 10) -11.8569 /2000/ -11.8569 NI -11.8569 ▁supplements -11.857 ▁RS -11.8571 ▁Alan -11.8571 compliance -11.8571 ▁breaches -11.8572 ▁exhibitions -11.8574 ▁109 -11.8574 ▁accumulation -11.8575 ▁gentleman -11.8576 ▁Demand -11.8576 child -11.8579 TY -11.8581 nation -11.8582 ▁Device -11.8586 ▁bubble -11.8587 ▁Zen -11.8587 ▁Lakes -11.8588 ▁medications -11.8589 ▁Civilian -11.8589 ▁Frankfurt -11.8589 ▁1940 -11.8591 ▁Acts -11.8592 ▁inception -11.8592 ▁stretch -11.8593 ▁(12 -11.8596 ▁Banking -11.8598 rated -11.8598 ▁intimate -11.86 ▁Paradise -11.8601 ▁Mis -11.8602 ▁desperate -11.8603 ▁endless -11.8604 ▁incumbent -11.8604 ▁Hy -11.8605 ▁Cool -11.8605 ▁Remove -11.8606 ▁violating -11.8608 ▁rival -11.861 ▁trail -11.861 AG -11.8612 ▁1971 -11.8612 ▁Cu -11.8615 rest -11.8616 ▁spray -11.8618 ▁44. -11.8618 ▁apple -11.8619 ▁spokesperson -11.8619 ▁restriction -11.8621 ▁fi -11.8621 ▁Subsequently -11.8621 ending -11.8622 ▁subsistence -11.8623 ▁lung -11.8623 live -11.8623 ▁Via -11.8623 ▁XI -11.8624 ▁1966 -11.8624 BE -11.8626 ▁escaped -11.8628 ▁CAN -11.8628 lier -11.863 ▁Improve -11.8631 ▁118 -11.8632 ▁pointing -11.8634 ▁li -11.8635 ▁startups -11.8636 nal -11.8636 ▁immense -11.8637 ▁stack -11.8637 ▁Providing -11.8638 ▁cattle -11.8638 ▁inconsistent -11.8639 ▁UNIFEM -11.864 ▁guideline -11.8641 ▁forefront -11.8642 3) -11.8642 ó -11.8643 ▁Tre -11.8644 ▁Hawaii -11.8647 ▁realm -11.8647 ▁Pentagon -11.8649 ▁Shu -11.865 ▁relying -11.8653 ▁curricula -11.8659 lum -11.8659 ▁drill -11.8659 ▁trapped -11.866 ▁Brunei -11.866 ▁literary -11.866 ▁females -11.8662 ▁renewal -11.8663 LC -11.8663 ▁3.0 -11.8663 ▁hunt -11.8663 stein -11.8665 ▁Bro -11.8666 Di -11.8667 ▁Contributions -11.8667 ▁Pennsylvania -11.8668 ▁Suppression -11.8668 ▁cow -11.867 mun -11.8673 ▁Scheme -11.8674 ▁Antigua -11.8676 ▁Barack -11.8676 die -11.8676 ▁GO -11.8676 cia -11.8679 ▁commissioned -11.8679 Of -11.8681 ▁lobby -11.8681 taking -11.8681 2014 -11.8682 ▁CON -11.8683 ▁WordPress -11.8683 WC -11.8683 ▁generic -11.8683 ▁Connect -11.8684 ▁fe -11.8684 ▁buses -11.8685 ▁showcase -11.8688 ert -11.8689 ▁formulating -11.8689 ▁lawful -11.869 ▁addiction -11.8691 ▁Qingdao -11.8694 ▁scratch -11.8694 ▁Attractions -11.8694 ▁attraction -11.8698 ▁Built -11.8698 ▁Imperial -11.8698 ▁healthier -11.8702 ▁inequalities -11.8702 ▁114 -11.8702 ▁stopping -11.8703 ically -11.8704 aged -11.8705 ▁Zuckerberg -11.8705 ▁forbidden -11.8705 ▁yoga -11.8706 ▁persist -11.8708 system -11.8709 ▁Compliance -11.8709 ▁identifies -11.8713 ular -11.8719 ▁Fight -11.8721 ▁privately -11.8721 ▁SAR -11.8721 ▁demo -11.8725 ▁whatsoever -11.8727 ▁CIA -11.8727 ▁Ron -11.8728 ▁Lost -11.8732 ’ -11.8732 ▁freezing -11.8734 Dec -11.8738 ook -11.8739 ▁manifestations -11.8743 ▁seasons -11.8743 /1999/ -11.8744 ef -11.8744 ase -11.8745 ▁forestry -11.8746 ▁12- -11.8746 ▁pit -11.8747 ▁Nutrition -11.8747 ▁Registrar -11.8747 ▁particle -11.875 ches -11.875 ▁enthusiasm -11.8751 ▁financially -11.8752 ▁Issue -11.8756 ▁Concept -11.8757 ▁Simple -11.8759 ▁hydraulic -11.8763 ▁Challenges -11.8763 ▁(15 -11.8767 say -11.8768 ▁mill -11.8768 ▁labels -11.8769 gle -11.877 High -11.8772 ▁Origin -11.8772 gal -11.8772 ▁Mei -11.8773 ▁Hamburg -11.8773 ▁leap -11.8774 ▁1.0 -11.8774 ▁caring -11.8776 ▁Going -11.8777 ▁debut -11.8784 ddle -11.8786 ▁rocks -11.8787 sign -11.8788 ▁organisms -11.8789 ▁Hours -11.879 EG -11.8791 powered -11.8791 ▁instalment -11.8792 ▁Citizens -11.8793 ▁tear -11.8794 ▁rebels -11.8795 ▁painted -11.8796 ▁Lower -11.8797 ▁collections -11.8798 ▁quarters -11.8799 ▁Powers -11.8799 ▁stunning -11.88 ▁27, -11.8801 ▁Player -11.8802 ▁beef -11.8802 ▁(2007) -11.8804 ult -11.8805 ▁brutal -11.8806 base -11.8807 ▁expose -11.8808 180 -11.8808 Pa -11.8814 ▁companion -11.8814 ▁Teacher -11.8814 ▁1990, -11.8815 ▁continental -11.8815 ▁Mah -11.8818 ▁lend -11.8819 ▁succession -11.8822 ▁discretion -11.8822 ▁Lack -11.8822 ▁Jimmy -11.8823 ▁IX -11.8823 ▁Tra -11.8824 ▁49. -11.8824 ▁Anthony -11.8826 ▁Outdoor -11.8827 ▁nutrients -11.8827 ▁linear -11.8827 ▁mild -11.8827 Yeah -11.8828 ▁CC -11.8828 million -11.8829 ▁neuro -11.8829 ▁Judicial -11.883 ▁genital -11.883 ▁Temperature -11.8831 ▁undergraduate -11.8831 ▁stance -11.8834 ▁authentication -11.8835 ▁25, -11.8836 ▁Track -11.8836 ▁2022 -11.8837 ▁varieties -11.8838 -35 -11.8838 ters -11.8838 ▁Ground -11.884 ▁symbols -11.8843 bal -11.8843 ▁Pakistani -11.8845 dal -11.8845 ▁rewards -11.8845 ▁thrive -11.8846 ▁Multilateral -11.8846 ▁Faith -11.8847 ▁flame -11.8848 ▁pretend -11.8848 ▁disruption -11.885 kh -11.885 ▁1948 -11.885 ▁EX -11.8851 ▁Gal -11.8855 lation -11.8855 VA -11.8855 chan -11.8856 ▁Ag -11.8857 ack -11.886 ▁slower -11.886 ▁nomination -11.8861 master -11.8863 0° -11.8865 ▁undergo -11.8866 pur -11.8866 ▁prestigious -11.8872 ▁malnutrition -11.8872 Com -11.8873 ico -11.8874 cam -11.8875 ▁clarified -11.8876 ▁FLORIST -11.888 ▁tactics -11.888 ▁recruit -11.888 ▁blessings -11.8881 mor -11.8881 ▁Path -11.8881 ▁similarly -11.8883 ▁Late -11.8886 ▁duly -11.8888 active -11.8889 UL -11.8891 ▁builds -11.8896 ▁Opera -11.8896 ▁Probably -11.8896 setting -11.8897 ▁curb -11.8897 ▁lawmakers -11.8897 ▁downloaded -11.8898 ▁Tags -11.8898 ▁Flowers -11.8898 ▁Roger -11.8899 ▁commenced -11.89 ▁CNN -11.8901 ▁› -11.8902 ancy -11.8902 ▁Effects -11.8903 ▁diagnostic -11.8903 ▁batch -11.8903 ▁jumped -11.8904 ▁broadcasting -11.8906 ▁strangers -11.8907 ▁expressions -11.8908 ▁consequently -11.8908 ▁selecting -11.8909 ▁Compact -11.8909 ▁Cafe -11.8912 ▁graph -11.8912 ▁Born -11.8912 BS -11.8913 ▁opponents -11.8914 trade -11.8914 ics -11.8916 ▁noon -11.8916 ▁Walter -11.8918 PD -11.8919 BI -11.892 ▁highlighting -11.892 ▁immigrant -11.8921 hy -11.8921 control -11.8922 ▁Screen -11.8922 ▁Cheng -11.8925 ▁reinforcing -11.8926 /9 -11.8926 ▁Ping -11.8927 ▁complications -11.8929 ▁jacket -11.893 ▁homeless -11.8932 ▁kindly -11.8936 ▁Fri -11.8939 ▁Dun -11.8939 ▁cancers -11.8939 ▁contaminated -11.894 sar -11.894 ▁tablet -11.894 ▁Zero -11.8943 rus -11.8945 sum -11.8947 ▁licenses -11.8952 ▁munitions -11.8953 ▁graduation -11.8953 ▁stipulates -11.8954 ▁47. -11.8954 tier -11.8955 ▁impressed -11.8956 ▁Creator -11.8957 ▁Var -11.8957 ▁gallery -11.8958 ▁SEO -11.8959 ▁keyboard -11.8959 ▁116 -11.896 ▁awaiting -11.8961 ▁Method -11.8963 ▁revenge -11.8964 ▁Accounts -11.8965 amp -11.8967 ▁incomplete -11.8968 ▁Registry -11.8968 anda -11.897 ▁Enterprises -11.897 ▁anxious -11.8972 ▁prohibits -11.8973 ▁masses -11.8975 ▁normative -11.8976 development -11.8977 jan -11.8979 ▁misconduct -11.8984 ▁1997. -11.8986 ▁destructive -11.8987 ▁fence -11.8989 ▁spouses -11.8989 ▁1977 -11.8989 ▁exceeds -11.899 ▁Sit -11.8991 ▁bull -11.8992 Free -11.8995 ▁legend -11.8998 ▁Episode -11.8999 hill -11.9001 ▁speeches -11.9003 ▁enrolled -11.9006 ▁} -11.9007 ▁verse -11.9007 ▁Recognizes -11.901 ▁OEM -11.9011 ▁Ste -11.9012 4) -11.9012 ▁contributors -11.9012 ▁liquidity -11.9013 ▁Deluxe -11.9015 ates -11.9015 ▁donated -11.9016 ▁VIP -11.9017 ▁Bath -11.9018 ▁BO -11.9018 ▁Ethereum -11.9019 ▁117 -11.9022 ▁Explorer -11.9023 ▁Pet -11.9023 ▁Practices -11.9025 ▁beam -11.9027 olo -11.9027 ▁Established -11.9028 UNDP -11.9028 ▁Tehran -11.903 ▁throne -11.9031 east -11.9031 .1). -11.9032 ▁owns -11.9032 ▁creature -11.9032 ▁nowhere -11.9033 ▁spectacular -11.9034 -10/ -11.9035 ax -11.9036 ▁villa -11.9036 ▁Fun -11.9038 ▁Concerning -11.9038 ▁Gift -11.9039 © -11.9039 ame -11.904 ▁molecular -11.9043 ▁awake -11.9046 ▁Oracle -11.905 ▁bullet -11.9052 ▁accessed -11.9052 ▁Male -11.9053 ▁aerospace -11.9054 ▁whilst -11.9054 ▁Bat -11.9055 ▁meditation -11.9058 ▁ballistic -11.9058 ▁ambassador -11.9059 /21 -11.906 ▁magical -11.906 UNEP -11.9063 nch -11.9068 ora -11.9069 ▁Wil -11.907 ▁likelihood -11.9073 DM -11.9075 ▁suspend -11.9076 ▁2050 -11.9078 ▁sunlight -11.9078 ▁proclaimed -11.9079 ▁stereotypes -11.9082 ▁disrupt -11.9082 ▁quest -11.9083 ▁bloody -11.9084 when -11.9084 ▁projections -11.9088 ▁(8) -11.9089 ▁circular -11.9089 ▁stadium -11.9089 ▁uranium -11.9089 ▁wines -11.909 ▁flee -11.9091 zen -11.9091 ▁Championship -11.9091 ▁unhappy -11.9093 ▁Jason -11.9094 Japan -11.9094 ▁mighty -11.9096 ▁1974 -11.9102 ▁GT -11.9103 ▁Lesotho -11.9104 ▁condemn -11.9105 ▁bombing -11.9105 ▁charm -11.9106 ▁livelihood -11.9107 ender -11.9108 ▁flew -11.9108 ▁Ac -11.911 ▁Ultra -11.9111 ▁lira -11.9113 ▁^ -11.9113 ▁horizontal -11.9113 ▁Dave -11.9115 ▁Custom -11.9116 ▁Corps -11.9116 ▁Firefox -11.9116 ▁cooperating -11.9116 9,000 -11.9119 ▁figured -11.912 ▁Congratulations -11.9122 ▁inherited -11.9122 ▁irregular -11.9124 Chairman -11.9125 hol -11.9125 adi -11.9126 ▁confined -11.9127 HD -11.9127 ▁infectious -11.9128 /2008/ -11.9128 ▁commend -11.9129 ▁CT -11.913 ▁MW -11.913 ▁Einstein -11.9132 ▁macro -11.9132 dale -11.9134 pass -11.9136 En -11.914 working -11.9141 ged -11.9141 ▁1,500 -11.9142 ▁Deposit -11.9144 ▁accorded -11.9144 other -11.9144 ▁CH -11.9145 ▁shelf -11.9147 ▁Principal -11.9149 ▁triggered -11.915 ▁cabin -11.915 ▁Narcotic -11.9151 ▁volatility -11.9151 ▁worries -11.9151 ▁practically -11.9152 ▁varies -11.9152 ▁animation -11.9155 ▁kidney -11.9156 rov -11.9156 ▁developmental -11.9158 ▁altered -11.9159 ▁Pearl -11.9159 101 -11.9166 ▁sq -11.9166 ▁garbage -11.9167 ▁drag -11.9168 xiang -11.9168 ▁rally -11.9168 ▁1.8 -11.9169 ily -11.9169 ▁bis -11.917 ▁contacted -11.917 ▁Technological -11.9171 ▁Fuel -11.9171 have -11.9174 ▁loading -11.9176 !! -11.9179 ▁pink -11.9179 ▁Zhu -11.9182 ▁Television -11.9183 ▁29, -11.9184 ▁PRODUCTS -11.9184 ▁upgraded -11.9187 ▁Indians -11.9187 ▁ashamed -11.9191 ▁unpaid -11.9192 ▁Classic -11.9198 ▁Os -11.9198 member -11.9198 ▁borrow -11.9201 ▁spell -11.9203 tur -11.9204 ▁therapeutic -11.9204 watch -11.9205 .14 -11.9205 ▁slept -11.9207 ERS -11.9207 word -11.9208 ▁Holdings -11.9208 /14 -11.921 ved -11.921 EF -11.921 ction -11.9211 ▁MIT -11.9211 ▁OP -11.9211 aff -11.9211 ▁bias -11.9215 è -11.9215 ▁Ivan -11.9217 ▁Tang -11.9218 -2019 -11.922 ▁delicate -11.9223 ▁retire -11.9223 ▁exemption -11.9223 ▁shipment -11.9223 ”; -11.9224 ▁tends -11.9225 ▁garage -11.9227 ▁Cro -11.9227 sector -11.9227 ▁historically -11.9229 ▁intensified -11.923 ▁Gross -11.9231 ▁Russians -11.9232 ▁138 -11.9233 performance -11.9234 ▁CRC -11.9235 ▁2% -11.9235 rating -11.9235 cer -11.9237 ▁Ethics -11.9238 ▁cleared -11.9239 ▁Fi -11.924 ose -11.924 ▁benchmarks -11.9242 ▁hinder -11.9242 ▁investigative -11.9242 ching -11.9244 ▁attach -11.9244 lim -11.9246 ▁behaviors -11.9246 ▁mile -11.9247 ▁generator -11.9247 lian -11.9254 lessness -11.9257 RU -11.9258 ▁smarter -11.9258 ▁Remote -11.9258 ▁GS -11.9259 ▁corrected -11.9259 ▁Hungarian -11.9259 trans -11.9261 om -11.9261 position -11.9266 ▁Himself -11.9267 ▁Gambia -11.9269 ▁perceive -11.9269 ▁Serving -11.927 ▁Than -11.9276 ▁positioned -11.9278 ▁outlets -11.928 /2002/ -11.9281 ▁Secure -11.9282 ▁spatial -11.9282 ▁drilling -11.9284 Russian -11.9285 ▁benchmark -11.9286 ▁console -11.9286 ▁Wireless -11.9287 ▁successes -11.9288 ori -11.9289 ets -11.929 ▁recycled -11.929 ▁proprietary -11.929 ▁colleague -11.9291 ister -11.9292 jia -11.9292 ▁fraction -11.9293 ▁openness -11.9294 lk -11.9294 ▁Genocide -11.9298 ▁Specifically -11.9298 ▁dairy -11.9302 ▁prosperous -11.9302 ▁setup -11.9305 ▁audits -11.9305 ▁quarterly -11.9306 ▁intimidation -11.9306 ▁1920 -11.9307 ▁sweat -11.9309 ▁Inside -11.9311 lie -11.9312 ▁Dean -11.9313 ▁Orange -11.9313 ▁119 -11.9314 user -11.9315 ▁Ob -11.9317 ▁vacancies -11.9318 ▁5: -11.9319 ▁Counsel -11.932 cu -11.932 ▁Race -11.9325 ▁Barbuda -11.9326 ▁farmer -11.9329 ▁hygiene -11.933 SB -11.933 ▁slide -11.9332 ▁borne -11.9332 ..." -11.934 ▁explosives -11.9341 ▁113 -11.9343 ▁Chiang -11.9343 group -11.9347 ▁penal -11.9348 ▁tie -11.9349 rr -11.9349 ▁Colonel -11.935 ▁Month -11.9354 ▁cigarettes -11.9356 ▁sensing -11.9358 ▁sharply -11.9359 ▁defending -11.936 ther -11.9361 ▁irrespective -11.9362 ▁Comment -11.9363 ▁Cur -11.9363 ▁pad -11.9365 ▁Philadelphia -11.9367 ▁Allen -11.9367 ▁Improving -11.9367 ▁clearing -11.9369 ▁endure -11.9369 ▁Juan -11.9372 ▁prediction -11.9374 ▁pillar -11.9377 ▁1951 -11.9378 ▁restraint -11.9378 ▁Kam -11.9378 ▁1962 -11.9379 ▁Become -11.9379 ▁Silk -11.9382 ▁kidding -11.9383 ▁45. -11.9383 Beijing -11.9384 ▁Suriname -11.9386 ▁1964 -11.9386 ▁Bai -11.939 ▁lit -11.939 TT -11.9391 ▁JS -11.9394 ▁thickness -11.9396 ▁Contract -11.9397 used -11.9398 ▁Moving -11.9399 ▁managerial -11.94 ▁Chat -11.9403 ▁dental -11.9403 ▁Whenever -11.9405 ▁Dinner -11.9407 ▁voluntarily -11.9408 .18 -11.9408 2013 -11.9408 ▁communist -11.9408 ▁Cypriot -11.9409 ▁remainder -11.941 ▁sorrow -11.941 ▁urging -11.9411 ▁jewelry -11.9411 ▁endorsement -11.9411 ▁cloth -11.9412 ・ -11.9412 ▁Million -11.9414 /17 -11.9414 ▁Ancient -11.9415 spect -11.9416 -2018 -11.9417 ▁searches -11.9418 ▁curve -11.9418 ▁inviting -11.9419 ▁boring -11.9419 ache -11.9419 ▁rand -11.9421 media -11.9422 ▁qualitative -11.9423 ▁Respect -11.9423 ▁BUY -11.9425 ▁Wars -11.9426 ▁Mun -11.9426 ▁knock -11.9426 CAD -11.9427 ▁Congolese -11.9428 ▁regulating -11.9431 ▁rec -11.9431 VR -11.9432 /23 -11.9433 ▁palm -11.9433 wear -11.9434 ▁seating -11.9436 ▁parameter -11.9438 ▁width -11.9438 ▁fairness -11.9438 ▁facial -11.9443 ▁AU -11.9443 ▁inability -11.9446 ▁cousin -11.9446 ▁respecting -11.9448 ▁volatile -11.9448 ▁traded -11.9449 ▁accessing -11.9449 ▁encouragement -11.9449 ▁Arizona -11.9451 ▁galaxy -11.9451 ▁135 -11.9451 ▁pp -11.9456 ▁contributor -11.9458 ▁antibiotics -11.9458 ▁Writing -11.9459 ▁commence -11.9462 cultural -11.9463 uz -11.9466 ▁icon -11.9466 ▁malicious -11.9467 ▁woke -11.9467 ▁acknowledges -11.9469 ▁Mechanical -11.947 ▁shifting -11.9471 ▁Guang -11.9472 ▁Heng -11.9473 ▁lawsuit -11.9473 met -11.9474 ▁eco -11.9474 ▁bow -11.9475 miss -11.9475 ▁Definition -11.9476 hole -11.9478 ▁recalling -11.9478 ▁Fo -11.9479 ean -11.948 ▁variations -11.948 ▁122 -11.9481 ▁activated -11.9482 ▁Rain -11.9485 pol -11.9485 ▁Kha -11.9486 HR -11.9487 ▁Investors -11.9487 ▁■ -11.9489 ▁cigarette -11.949 ▁protects -11.9493 ▁Philippine -11.9495 ▁chairs -11.9496 ▁synthesis -11.9498 ▁Tiger -11.9498 ▁analysed -11.9498 ▁Sim -11.9499 8, -11.9501 ▁shore -11.9502 grad -11.9503 ▁silly -11.9504 ▁Approximately -11.9504 ▁Database -11.9504 ▁defensive -11.9508 ▁Advice -11.9508 Qaida -11.9509 ome -11.951 ▁Ham -11.9511 ode -11.9516 ▁Monte -11.9516 ▁Qing -11.9516 ▁Susan -11.9517 ▁realise -11.9517 /24 -11.9518 ▁negatively -11.952 ▁grades -11.9522 ▁node -11.9523 ▁slip -11.9524 ▁submarine -11.9525 ifies -11.9525 load -11.9526 ▁kindness -11.9532 ▁wrongful -11.9532 50,000 -11.9533 ▁um -11.9533 ▁Amenities -11.9536 9% -11.9537 ▁affirmed -11.9537 ▁Clinic -11.9538 osa -11.9539 ▁unanimously -11.9539 ▁Analytics -11.954 ▁Beirut -11.954 ▁downtown -11.9541 ▁Pink -11.9542 ▁lamps -11.9543 ▁norm -11.9545 str -11.9545 ▁ceased -11.9548 ▁systemic -11.9548 ▁Past -11.955 ▁220 -11.9551 ▁confirms -11.9554 ▁pigs -11.9554 .16 -11.9555 ▁Zip -11.9555 ▁Healthcare -11.9556 Hey -11.9557 tile -11.9558 ▁opera -11.9558 mont -11.9559 lle -11.9559 ▁Examples -11.9559 food -11.9559 sco -11.9562 ▁parental -11.9563 ▁Amateur -11.9565 ▁Gra -11.9567 -31 -11.9568 mir -11.9569 ▁Fortune -11.9571 ▁portable -11.9571 ▁Argentine -11.9573 ▁arbitral -11.9573 Sha -11.9574 ▁upload -11.9574 ▁deter -11.9574 ▁refined -11.9579 ▁Mature -11.958 ▁receiver -11.958 ▁hopefully -11.9583 ▁Marco -11.9584 ▁wording -11.9586 ▁precedent -11.9586 ▁NY -11.9587 ▁interfaces -11.9587 ▁sincerely -11.9589 PV -11.959 ▁Clark -11.9592 ▁Period -11.9595 ▁1945 -11.9597 ▁youngest -11.9598 mus -11.9601 ▁rope -11.9604 MR -11.9604 ▁Wire -11.9605 ▁PHP -11.9606 ule -11.9608 ▁pour -11.961 ▁Ann -11.961 ▁rainfall -11.9611 zing -11.9612 ▁McC -11.9616 ▁charts -11.9617 ▁ch -11.9617 ▁nurses -11.9617 UP -11.9619 stock -11.9619 ▁coup -11.962 ▁impacted -11.9622 ▁transforming -11.9624 ▁Ce -11.9624 /22 -11.9625 ▁SU -11.9626 ▁Racism -11.9627 ▁Items -11.9627 ake -11.9627 ö -11.9631 ▁Recommended -11.9632 ▁renovated -11.9632 ▁Rice -11.9633 ▁arguing -11.9635 ▁unauthorized -11.9635 ▁Yahoo -11.9635 jun -11.9639 ▁bitter -11.9641 )] -11.9643 ▁Provincial -11.9643 ▁calculations -11.9647 ▁EA -11.9647 ▁Ur -11.9648 ▁infants -11.9649 SH -11.965 ▁fa -11.9651 ▁Alzheimer -11.9651 ▁Nonetheless -11.9651 ▁ideology -11.9651 AO -11.9652 ▁Ana -11.9657 ▁RM -11.966 ▁Jose -11.9663 .17 -11.9664 ▁Graduate -11.9666 ▁clinics -11.9667 LU -11.9668 ▁Tro -11.9668 9, -11.9669 ston -11.967 ▁SI -11.9671 Or -11.9673 ▁bra -11.9673 ▁admire -11.9675 ▁unfortunate -11.9676 ▁supreme -11.9676 ▁Lock -11.9676 ▁pal -11.9677 ▁submits -11.9679 ▁Extra -11.968 ▁relaxed -11.968 ▁prosecuted -11.9684 Star -11.9685 http -11.9687 ▁altitude -11.9687 ▁Policies -11.9689 ▁ISIS -11.969 ▁YOUR -11.969 ▁Break -11.9692 roll -11.9692 ▁intervene -11.9693 ▁cardiovascular -11.9693 ▁Compared -11.9698 ▁Swaziland -11.9701 ▁← -11.9701 ▁IPSAS -11.9703 ering -11.9703 ▁tackling -11.9705 ▁Resorts -11.9707 ▁Parliamentary -11.9708 ▁evacuation -11.971 ▁actress -11.971 ▁Marie -11.9711 ▁4.1 -11.9711 ▁ft -11.9712 ▁despair -11.9714 ▁Quran -11.9716 ▁landmark -11.9718 ▁economist -11.972 ▁Coin -11.9721 ▁Grade -11.9722 ▁imposition -11.9722 ▁Guo -11.9722 ▁Used -11.9723 show -11.9723 ▁Asked -11.9725 ▁Believe -11.9727 ▁carpet -11.9727 ▁shipped -11.9727 ▁complained -11.9733 ▁Contemporary -11.9735 ▁strain -11.9735 ▁modifications -11.9735 winning -11.9735 ▁disciples -11.9736 ▁scored -11.9738 ▁Ningbo -11.9739 ▁syndrome -11.9743 ▁Choice -11.9743 brand -11.9743 ▁TNT -11.9745 ▁silicon -11.975 ars -11.9751 ▁FREE -11.9752 ▁Peaceful -11.9753 ▁gambling -11.9755 ▁WhatsApp -11.9755 Po -11.9756 $1 -11.9757 ress -11.9757 ▁subtle -11.9758 ▁scholarship -11.9758 Mar -11.9759 ▁Certainly -11.9761 ▁quota -11.9762 { -11.9763 ▁bandwidth -11.9764 .50 -11.9765 ▁Stalin -11.9768 ▁midnight -11.9768 ▁elaborated -11.9769 ▁poison -11.9772 ▁incomes -11.9774 ▁warnings -11.9775 ▁respects -11.9777 ▁founders -11.9777 ▁“ -11.9778 social -11.9779 ▁affair -11.9781 ▁objections -11.9783 ▁lover -11.9783 ▁FL -11.9784 ▁Massachusetts -11.9785 ▁fissile -11.9785 ▁undertook -11.9785 ▁originated -11.9786 ▁Gospel -11.9789 ▁forensic -11.9789 ▁“( -11.9791 ago -11.9794 ▁Coming -11.9795 PI -11.9795 ▁\ -11.9797 ▁Enforcement -11.9797 LO -11.9799 ▁bind -11.9799 ▁demonstrating -11.9801 ▁matrix -11.9802 ▁Scottish -11.9802 DB -11.9802 ▁Jet -11.9804 ▁origins -11.9805 ▁vector -11.9806 ▁Au -11.9806 ▁TB -11.9806 ▁accreditation -11.9806 ▁formerly -11.9806 350 -11.9807 ▁Greg -11.9808 ▁gray -11.9809 lly -11.981 ▁Gene -11.981 ▁riyal -11.9814 NP -11.9817 ▁catalyst -11.9818 ▁damaging -11.9818 una -11.9819 minded -11.9821 ▁hearings -11.9827 ▁Career -11.9828 ike -11.983 ▁graphic -11.9831 ▁0.1 -11.9833 ▁Ultimately -11.9834 ▁$12 -11.9834 ▁vibration -11.9835 ▁observing -11.9835 ▁Requirements -11.9836 ▁beaches -11.9839 ▁Ebola -11.9839 ▁decolonization -11.9839 dian -11.9843 ▁OSCE -11.9844 ▁Amy -11.9844 ALL -11.9845 ▁explanations -11.9846 ▁Conclusions -11.9849 ▁CDM -11.9854 ▁ratifying -11.9854 ▁krona -11.9856 ▁IPO -11.9861 ▁Warren -11.9862 ▁commencement -11.9862 ▁shapes -11.9863 ▁Rev -11.9864 ▁tsunami -11.9865 ▁Alaska -11.9865 ▁Volume -11.9865 ▁sights -11.9866 ▁4.2 -11.9867 ▁SEC -11.9869 ▁foolish -11.9869 ▁honestly -11.987 ▁humble -11.9873 ▁cables -11.9875 TION -11.9875 European -11.9877 ▁op -11.9877 ▁contamination -11.9879 ▁Shell -11.988 ▁combatants -11.9881 ▁counting -11.9882 ▁switching -11.9883 ▁48. -11.9886 ▁2012-2013 -11.9886 CK -11.9887 ▁dig -11.9887 ▁Haitian -11.9887 ▁navigate -11.989 ▁Horse -11.9891 ▁debts -11.9891 ▁backgrounds -11.9893 ▁Stadium -11.9894 ▁hackers -11.9895 ▁patch -11.9897 ▁buffet -11.9898 ▁Purchase -11.9899 ▁shifts -11.9899 ▁nineteenth -11.9899 ▁Chengdu -11.9901 NN -11.9901 ▁RC -11.9903 ▁Brain -11.9906 ▁CS -11.9906 ▁CAR -11.9908 ▁Armenian -11.9908 ,000,000 -11.9909 ▁dive -11.9909 ▁wound -11.9911 ▁resurrection -11.9911 ▁55/2 -11.9912 rant -11.9912 decentralization -11.9915 ▁earning -11.9921 lee -11.9921 ▁restart -11.9922 ▁Steering -11.9924 ▁shocked -11.9925 info -11.9926 IO -11.9927 ▁sentiment -11.9933 standard -11.9935 ▁richest -11.9935 his -11.9936 ▁recipients -11.9937 ▁Inquiry -11.9938 ▁GBP -11.9938 iness -11.9938 ▁paradise -11.9941 ▁Delta -11.9943 ▁foam -11.9943 ▁spec -11.9943 ▁Kra -11.9944 ▁breed -11.9944 ▁WeChat -11.9945 ▁marginal -11.9945 ▁Aires -11.9946 ▁Uni -11.9948 ▁Forty -11.9949 ▁EB -11.9951 ▁Wuhan -11.9952 ▁oath -11.9954 ▁excitement -11.9954 ▁abolished -11.9955 ▁defendant -11.9957 LT -11.9957 ▁Cruise -11.9958 eller -11.9958 ▁51. -11.996 ▁helicopters -11.9962 ▁Colorado -11.9962 ▁Improved -11.9964 nom -11.9966 ▁triple -11.9966 ▁transboundary -11.9967 ▁uncomfortable -11.9967 ello -11.9967 ▁guitar -11.9968 ▁Carter -11.9968 Un -11.997 demand -11.997 ▁Buenos -11.9971 ▁Membership -11.9971 rot -11.9971 ▁oxide -11.9973 ▁fierce -11.9975 ▁Range -11.9976 ▁Gay -11.9976 ▁nest -11.9976 ▁ghost -11.9977 ced -11.9979 ▁Apply -11.998 ▁Clearly -11.9981 ▁Bird -11.9981 ▁idiot -11.9981 ▁gentle -11.9982 ▁1958 -11.9983 ▁tele -11.9983 ▁Xbox -11.9986 wn -11.9987 ▁suppress -11.9988 ▁query -11.9988 IX -11.9989 ▁Kal -11.999 ▁hectares -11.9992 ▁acres -11.9994 Global -11.9995 ▁republic -11.9995 ▁analyzing -11.9996 ▁packed -11.9997 ▁Print -11.9998 ré -11.9999 ▁sits -12 ▁nodes -12.0002 itch -12.0003 ▁continents -12.0004 ▁10:00 -12.0005 ▁absorbed -12.0008 ▁Koruna -12.0009 ▁Osaka -12.0009 ages -12.0012 ▁odds -12.0012 ▁assign -12.0014 ▁Sat -12.0016 ▁Bang -12.0017 anti -12.0018 ▁stairs -12.0021 ▁payable -12.0022 ▁laying -12.0024 ▁Marx -12.0025 ▁Personnel -12.0025 ▁basket -12.0026 ▁Vladimir -12.0026 "). -12.0027 ▁defects -12.0028 ▁cellular -12.003 ▁infinite -12.003 ▁mobilizing -12.0031 ▁Kill -12.0031 ▁resistant -12.0031 App -12.0035 ▁stole -12.0037 ICE -12.0041 ▁militia -12.0041 ▁Decolonization -12.0044 ▁queries -12.0044 .20 -12.0044 ▁Bla -12.0044 0.0 -12.0046 ▁delight -12.0046 ▁locate -12.0046 ▁Char -12.0048 ▁Rotterdam -12.0048 ▁mar -12.0049 established -12.0051 ground -12.0051 ▁occupy -12.0051 ▁peers -12.0051 ▁walks -12.0052 ▁Roll -12.0053 ▁adjacent -12.0057 ▁relied -12.0057 RF -12.0057 ener -12.0058 .’” -12.0059 ▁Ker -12.006 ▁Hamas -12.006 ▁Conventional -12.006 ▁Bonn -12.006 Car -12.006 ▁Textile -12.0061 ▁owed -12.0062 ▁121 -12.0063 ▁LO -12.0065 ▁Exercise -12.0065 ▁Mumbai -12.0065 kind -12.0066 St -12.0066 ▁tribunals -12.0067 ▁beverage -12.0067 ▁Skype -12.007 ▁Rapid -12.0072 ▁hike -12.0075 ▁Majesty -12.0078 uc -12.0081 ▁PhD -12.0082 ▁3.3 -12.0082 ving -12.0083 ▁Login -12.0084 ▁underway -12.0085 ▁Burn -12.0087 jing -12.0089 :12 -12.0091 ▁Religious -12.0091 ▁lion -12.0091 ▁circles -12.0093 ▁Des -12.0093 .1. -12.0097 ▁Cast -12.0098 pper -12.0098 2010 -12.0099 ▁Mohammed -12.01 ▁Hardware -12.01 900 -12.01 ▁Cy -12.0101 gr -12.0102 ▁gospel -12.0104 ▁Booth -12.0104 ▁redeployment -12.0105 ▁TH -12.0107 itis -12.0108 ▁performances -12.011 electric -12.0115 RM -12.0116 especially -12.0116 ▁75% -12.0116 ▁CNY -12.0116 ▁closet -12.0116 ONE -12.0116 ▁Illinois -12.0117 ▁coral -12.0121 uda -12.0125 ▁McDonald -12.0126 ▁dumb -12.0126 ▁ok -12.0127 ▁scholarships -12.0127 ▁races -12.0128 ua -12.0128 ▁notifications -12.0129 changing -12.0129 ▁Belgian -12.013 ▁dragon -12.0132 ▁dealers -12.0134 ▁53. -12.0138 eva -12.0138 ▁rooted -12.0138 ▁Extension -12.0139 ▁Output -12.0139 ▁sells -12.0139 ▁+86 -12.014 ▁scare -12.014 ▁fascinating -12.0143 ▁fluctuations -12.0145 ▁arises -12.0146 ▁poem -12.0147 ▁Edinburgh -12.0147 ▁Furniture -12.0147 ▁RA -12.0147 ▁pile -12.0148 using -12.0149 ▁socialism -12.0149 ▁Skin -12.015 ▁Rwandan -12.0151 MD -12.0152 ▁disaggregated -12.0153 ▁Xu -12.0155 ▁shoulders -12.0157 ▁maturity -12.016 ▁spheres -12.0161 ▁Sharing -12.0161 ▁friction -12.0165 ▁differential -12.0168 ▁tablets -12.0168 ▁loaded -12.0169 ▁(2011) -12.017 ▁grip -12.017 ▁unite -12.017 0000 -12.0171 ▁installing -12.0172 ▁40. -12.0173 ▁adversely -12.0174 ▁Granting -12.0175 ▁assuming -12.0175 ▁Religion -12.0178 after -12.0178 140 -12.018 ▁Menu -12.0182 version -12.0183 ▁praying -12.0183 ▁2021 -12.0185 ▁Hamilton -12.0187 ▁recruiting -12.0189 TL -12.019 ▁favorable -12.019 ▁Designed -12.019 ▁ignorance -12.0191 Ta -12.0192 ▁rolled -12.0192 ▁1540 -12.0193 rum -12.0195 ▁Waste -12.0195 ▁Aunt -12.0196 white -12.0199 rry -12.02 ▁controversy -12.02 ▁aftermath -12.0201 ▁Lane -12.0201 hl -12.0202 ▁stabilization -12.0204 Hi -12.0204 eu -12.0207 ▁Aaron -12.0209 ▁Monthly -12.0209 ▁reliance -12.0209 ▁Creation -12.0209 ▁transported -12.021 email -12.0211 ▁Canal -12.0212 ▁ob -12.0213 fit -12.0213 ▁creator -12.0217 AU -12.0218 ▁amid -12.0219 ▁Excellence -12.0221 ▁Toyota -12.0222 ound -12.0223 controlled -12.0224 ▁anytime -12.0227 ▁Addis -12.0227 ▁shifted -12.0228 ▁Wal -12.0229 shop -12.0231 ▁periodically -12.0231 Pre -12.0233 ▁Leading -12.0234 ▁1996. -12.0234 ▁poorly -12.0235 ▁TE -12.0236 ▁Solid -12.0236 rac -12.0237 aria -12.0237 ▁casino -12.0239 tive -12.0239 ▁Objective -12.0241 ▁WA -12.0242 ▁Engineer -12.0243 ▁variance -12.0243 ▁physician -12.0243 ▁Native -12.0247 ▁Presidency -12.0248 ▁disparities -12.0248 ▁firing -12.0248 ▁infringement -12.0249 ▁urbanization -12.025 ▁155 -12.025 ▁kettle -12.0252 ▁absorption -12.0252 ▁disturbing -12.0253 because -12.0256 ▁Yun -12.0257 ▁GROUP -12.0258 election -12.0258 ▁($2 -12.0258 ▁archives -12.0261 ▁judged -12.0262 ▁abused -12.0263 ▁Karl -12.0264 :20 -12.0271 ▁messaging -12.0274 ▁Yesterday -12.028 ▁affiliated -12.0281 ▁barrels -12.0282 ▁PU -12.0282 ▁blank -12.0283 ▁accomplishment -12.0285 ▁monopoly -12.0285 ▁acquisitions -12.0285 force -12.0286 ▁trauma -12.0287 ▁Junior -12.0287 ement -12.0289 ▁ML -12.0289 ▁Videos -12.029 ▁shots -12.0292 ivity -12.0293 ▁enters -12.0293 /15 -12.0294 ▁emphasizing -12.0296 ▁Clinical -12.0298 ▁celebrating -12.0301 ▁arena -12.0305 ▁Gil -12.0305 ▁transplant -12.0306 ▁[1] -12.0306 ▁Flu -12.0306 isa -12.0307 ▁Trends -12.0313 ▁persistence -12.0314 ▁modeling -12.0315 ▁Fiber -12.0315 ▁52. -12.0315 ▁humankind -12.0316 ▁SW -12.0317 ▁communicating -12.0318 ls -12.0319 ▁Investor -12.0322 ▁profitability -12.0324 ▁blend -12.0326 ▁appetite -12.0327 ▁cannabis -12.0327 :11 -12.0328 ▁conquer -12.0329 cl -12.033 corruption -12.0331 ▁revise -12.0332 gent -12.0332 ▁exchanged -12.0334 ▁clusters -12.0335 added -12.0335 plus -12.0336 ▁analysing -12.034 Did -12.0341 ▁Monitor -12.0346 /25 -12.0348 tom -12.0351 ▁Gardens -12.0351 ▁Approach -12.0352 ▁0.7 -12.0352 ▁wasted -12.0353 cum -12.0353 ▁births -12.0353 ▁improves -12.0354 ▁Fin -12.0355 cra -12.0357 qi -12.0358 ▁pound -12.0358 ▁cave -12.0359 ▁exploited -12.0362 ▁Hostels -12.0363 ▁Phoenix -12.0363 ▁inquiries -12.0363 ▁roster -12.0363 ▁slowdown -12.0364 ▁hardest -12.0365 ▁threatens -12.0365 tta -12.0365 ▁CHINA -12.0368 gger -12.037 ▁wholesale -12.0371 ▁piracy -12.0371 National -12.0371 ▁× -12.0372 ▁Zoo -12.0373 largest -12.0373 ▁stays -12.0373 block -12.0375 chang -12.0377 ▁Activity -12.0377 ▁Fred -12.0378 ▁attainment -12.038 ▁ERP -12.038 ▁Tokelau -12.038 ▁Complex -12.038 ▁Sep -12.0382 ▁Billy -12.0383 ▁3% -12.0385 ▁dwell -12.0385 ▁Zurich -12.0385 ▁pardon -12.0385 tim -12.0386 ▁attribute -12.0387 ▁Der -12.039 ▁borrowing -12.0391 bat -12.0392 ▁undergoing -12.0393 ▁Copy -12.0394 ▁UNAMID -12.0395 ▁(11 -12.0395 ▁sealed -12.0397 ▁bureau -12.0397 ▁Flow -12.0399 ▁reasoning -12.04 esh -12.0401 ▁wounds -12.0403 ▁Transit -12.0404 ▁utilizing -12.0407 ▁PO -12.0409 ▁Sel -12.0409 cycl -12.041 than -12.041 IAN -12.0413 ▁CP -12.0414 ▁reproduced -12.0414 ▁insulation -12.0414 Ar -12.0415 )). -12.0418 ▁Petroleum -12.042 ▁tolerate -12.0421 ▁lovers -12.0421 ▁Enhanced -12.0425 ▁floods -12.0425 ▁boot -12.0427 ▁simplify -12.0429 ▁Nar -12.0429 gie -12.0436 ▁Fundamental -12.0438 ▁Devices -12.0438 ▁FIFA -12.0438 ▁TS -12.0439 acy -12.0441 try -12.0441 ▁Roses -12.0442 hereinafter -12.0442 ▁OPEC -12.0442 :18 -12.0447 ▁Samuel -12.0447 ▁pollutants -12.0448 ▁concentrations -12.0448 < -12.0448 open -12.0449 ▁lectures -12.045 ▁knee -12.045 ▁bleeding -12.0451 Company -12.0451 ▁HUMAN -12.0452 ava -12.0452 body -12.0452 ▁Sichuan -12.0455 ▁amenities -12.0456 ▁Oriental -12.0457 ▁burst -12.0457 uma -12.0459 ▁Lang -12.046 HO -12.046 ace -12.046 ▁consulted -12.046 ▁hook -12.0461 DD -12.0462 .19 -12.0462 ▁divorced -12.0462 (2) -12.0463 ▁tab -12.0463 nn -12.0465 ander -12.0465 ▁ideological -12.0465 ▁Areas -12.0467 ▁Booking -12.0468 ▁Finding -12.0469 ▁fo -12.0469 ▁resettlement -12.047 duc -12.047 aro -12.0471 ▁fatigue -12.0474 ▁Hopefully -12.0476 ▁Options -12.0486 ▁comic -12.0486 mber -12.0486 ▁// -12.0487 ▁LG -12.049 ▁extensively -12.0492 ▁cessation -12.0492 ▁Navigation -12.0492 ▁rescued -12.0492 ▁underscored -12.0492 ▁arose -12.0493 ▁hip -12.0494 888 -12.0496 ▁picking -12.0496 ▁merger -12.0497 Power -12.0497 ▁Hillary -12.0498 ▁imposing -12.0501 ema -12.0503 ▁spark -12.0503 ▁Asset -12.0504 ▁Gran -12.0505 ▁Salt -12.0507 ▁vegetable -12.0509 Canada -12.051 ▁geopolitical -12.051 ▁testify -12.0511 ▁Drop -12.0514 bei -12.0515 ▁arrests -12.0516 ▁SAP -12.0521 discriminatory -12.0523 ▁liberation -12.0524 ▁referral -12.0524 WHO -12.0524 ▁XML -12.0525 BR -12.0528 ▁alignment -12.0529 ▁Rating -12.0531 ▁males -12.0532 ▁Evidence -12.0533 ▁Simply -12.0533 ▁curiosity -12.0533 ense -12.0533 ▁Mao -12.0533 ▁coordinates -12.0533 ▁streams -12.0535 ▁Reiterates -12.0537 ▁Suddenly -12.0538 ▁Crystal -12.0538 los -12.0539 ▁arch -12.054 ▁pertinent -12.0542 ▁relocation -12.0548 ▁travelled -12.0549 decision -12.055 ▁belonged -12.0552 awa -12.0556 ▁elementary -12.0558 ▁95% -12.0558 ▁Foshan -12.0559 ▁nominations -12.056 ▁entries -12.0564 eight -12.0566 yr -12.0569 ▁Hor -12.0572 ▁lately -12.0574 ▁Chambers -12.0576 ▁harmonized -12.0576 ▁ADD -12.0577 ▁Wing -12.0578 GS -12.0578 ▁Associate -12.0579 inn -12.058 ▁frustration -12.0582 ▁smiling -12.0582 ulating -12.0586 zz -12.0587 ▁countering -12.0587 ▁Ap -12.0588 color -12.0591 ▁Testament -12.0592 7% -12.0592 through -12.0592 ▁Cruel -12.0593 ▁escalation -12.0596 ▁Luc -12.0596 ▁Depending -12.0596 ▁5) -12.0598 ▁hospitality -12.0598 ▁6,000 -12.06 ▁fer -12.06 seekers -12.06 ▁Lisa -12.0601 ▁scrutiny -12.0601 OK -12.0601 ▁EP -12.0602 ▁Math -12.0604 ▁searched -12.0608 ▁2.6 -12.0608 ▁Term -12.0609 ▁WITH -12.061 ▁Liberty -12.061 ▁Wo -12.0612 note -12.0614 ▁painter -12.0614 host -12.0617 nis -12.0619 ▁Gibraltar -12.0619 ▁therapies -12.0619 ▁IF -12.0619 ▁homeland -12.0619 gang -12.062 ▁Stainless -12.0621 ▁54. -12.0622 ▁Cer -12.0624 ▁broker -12.0625 iva -12.0625 ▁Uses -12.0625 ▁unveiled -12.0626 ▁pays -12.0626 INE -12.0627 ▁Opinion -12.0628 ▁giants -12.0631 ▁abduction -12.0634 SON -12.0636 ▁administrator -12.0638 ▁championship -12.0638 vy -12.0639 ▁broaden -12.064 ▁qua -12.0641 ▁Hills -12.0642 ▁amounting -12.0643 ▁Kings -12.0645 ▁alarming -12.0646 ▁emperor -12.0646 ▁struggles -12.0646 ▁detective -12.0648 ▁Said -12.0648 ▁proceeded -12.065 ▁folk -12.065 Mi -12.065 ▁wa -12.0651 ▁harmonious -12.0651 ▁Politics -12.0651 ▁Stra -12.0653 John -12.0655 bury -12.0655 ▁gasoline -12.0655 mission -12.0657 ▁attaches -12.0658 ▁extrajudicial -12.066 ▁template -12.0661 Fe -12.0661 mmer -12.0664 ▁Ordinance -12.0665 ▁disappointment -12.0665 ▁Types -12.0668 ▁tweet -12.0668 ▁Ethiopian -12.067 ▁mega -12.067 ▁Didn -12.0671 ▁Warning -12.0673 ▁terminate -12.0675 ▁simpler -12.0675 ▁Purpose -12.0675 ▁excluding -12.0676 ▁Jian -12.0677 ▁accompanying -12.0677 burn -12.0677 ▁resumption -12.0678 ▁abstentions -12.0678 ▁Pin -12.0679 ▁dealer -12.0681 ▁questioning -12.0685 ▁Cart -12.0685 ▁Guam -12.0687 ▁Cathedral -12.0687 ▁honored -12.0688 ▁RT -12.0688 ▁gateway -12.0689 ush -12.0691 Even -12.0694 ▁extinction -12.0694 igh -12.0696 ▁Whoever -12.0698 ▁Tube -12.0698 ▁Coach -12.07 ▁Speaker -12.07 ▁raped -12.0701 ▁Soul -12.0704 ▁Forget -12.0705 ▁offline -12.0705 ▁beta -12.0705 ured -12.0706 ▁civic -12.0706 ▁Continental -12.0706 ▁Theater -12.0707 ▁1946 -12.0707 FE -12.0708 ▁manages -12.0709 ked -12.071 ▁prospective -12.0711 ▁scourge -12.0711 ▁compensate -12.0711 ▁Marc -12.0711 ▁Sudanese -12.0711 ▁Moore -12.0713 ▁famine -12.0715 ▁guaranteeing -12.0716 wer -12.0717 inter -12.0719 ▁discoveries -12.0721 ▁CSS -12.0721 efficient -12.0722 ▁inherit -12.0722 ▁commanded -12.0726 ▁Points -12.0731 ▁Paragraphs -12.0732 ▁124 -12.0732 ras -12.0734 ▁assembled -12.0734 ▁Multiple -12.0735 ▁squad -12.0738 public -12.0739 Only -12.0739 ▁tuberculosis -12.0743 mile -12.0745 ▁AUD -12.0745 ▁contingency -12.0747 ▁franchise -12.0747 ▁hedge -12.0753 ▁march -12.0754 ▁Mercedes -12.0756 ▁Philosophy -12.0756 ▁Rent -12.0757 ▁clearer -12.0757 ▁cumulative -12.0758 ▁Ros -12.0761 ▁Budapest -12.0761 ▁Protect -12.0762 ▁flooding -12.0763 ▁Presentation -12.0764 ▁soup -12.0766 kou -12.0768 ▁processors -12.0769 ▁Edge -12.0769 ▁eleventh -12.077 ▁Nike -12.077 ▁acceleration -12.077 ▁Coordinating -12.0771 ▁reset -12.0772 ▁humor -12.0772 ▁oversee -12.0773 ▁cautious -12.078 /52/ -12.078 ▁Interview -12.078 ▁lecture -12.0785 ▁baseball -12.0786 ▁Firm -12.0786 ▁DNS -12.0786 ▁lacked -12.0787 fect -12.0788 ▁Inhuman -12.0788 ▁Grenada -12.0789 ▁diversified -12.0789 Original -12.079 SG -12.0793 ▁Advertising -12.0793 ▁jo -12.0793 ulate -12.0794 ▁prohibiting -12.0795 UT -12.0795 ▁tokens -12.0796 ▁Subprogramme -12.0798 ▁wheels -12.0801 ▁academics -12.0801 ▁confess -12.0801 ▁vis -12.0802 een -12.0805 ▁Improvement -12.0807 ▁timber -12.0807 ▁CONTACT -12.0809 ▁frames -12.081 ▁Offer -12.0811 LED -12.0811 ▁FCCC -12.0813 ▁Rail -12.0814 ML -12.0814 ▁slowing -12.0815 ▁spy -12.0816 ▁Appointment -12.0817 ▁pizza -12.0817 ▁olive -12.0819 OW -12.0821 ▁widow -12.0821 00,000 -12.0821 ▁Authorities -12.0822 Dis -12.0822 EV -12.0823 ▁pairs -12.0824 ▁incorporation -12.0826 ▁Bretton -12.0827 ▁Christopher -12.0827 ▁lengthy -12.0829 ▁Napoleon -12.0831 ▁inadmissible -12.0831 ▁Verification -12.0831 ▁median -12.0831 IST -12.0834 ▁Av -12.0834 smoking -12.0835 ▁atoms -12.0836 ▁Label -12.0837 010 -12.0837 dor -12.0842 ▁Johnny -12.0842 ▁Inspector -12.0843 CB -12.0843 ▁backward -12.0844 ▁(17 -12.0845 ▁instructed -12.0849 ▁subscribers -12.085 /1998/ -12.0853 ▁shaping -12.0854 ▁insane -12.0855 ▁entail -12.0855 ▁Looks -12.0855 ▁Initial -12.0856 story -12.0857 ▁imprisoned -12.086 ▁Blu -12.0861 ▁Pal -12.0862 ▁claimants -12.0863 2011 -12.0866 cker -12.0868 ▁editorial -12.0868 ▁Tribunals -12.0869 ▁lighter -12.0871 ▁throwing -12.0871 ▁premature -12.0873 pes -12.0873 ▁oven -12.0873 iation -12.0874 ▁pulling -12.0874 ffer -12.0876 learning -12.0877 ▁spirits -12.0877 ▁nursing -12.0877 ▁entrepreneurial -12.0878 ▁employs -12.0881 lio -12.0882 ▁disc -12.0882 ▁Darussalam -12.0882 ▁tooth -12.0884 ▁240 -12.0886 ▁Aspects -12.0887 ▁Outside -12.0888 ▁physicians -12.0891 ▁Bluetooth -12.0891 ▁proposing -12.0891 ▁orchestra -12.0892 ▁Lar -12.0892 ▁153 -12.0893 ▁Mental -12.0894 ▁gl -12.0895 ▁publicity -12.0895 mate -12.0895 ▁hardship -12.0896 business -12.0896 ▁Entry -12.0896 ▁Ahmed -12.0896 print -12.0897 bul -12.0897 ATE -12.0897 language -12.09 ▁obesity -12.0901 ▁Flag -12.0901 ▁Jerry -12.0901 Ch -12.0903 ▁extraction -12.0908 phi -12.0908 ▁nerve -12.0909 ▁annexes -12.0909 ▁Marriott -12.091 html -12.0911 ▁eleven -12.0911 hor -12.0912 charge -12.0912 ▁Pad -12.0914 ▁cornerstone -12.0915 ▁fortunate -12.0916 ▁Steam -12.0917 ▁abundant -12.0919 ▁instrumental -12.0922 ▁bless -12.0923 ▁herewith -12.0924 ▁metro -12.0924 ▁Eradication -12.0924 ▁Applied -12.0924 ▁perpetrated -12.0925 ▁tortured -12.0926 ▁Destruction -12.0929 ▁UNMIL -12.0929 ▁jurisprudence -12.0929 oid -12.0929 ▁Classification -12.0929 ▁aerial -12.0931 your -12.0933 ▁legislature -12.0933 ▁consisted -12.0936 except -12.0938 ▁soccer -12.0938 Have -12.094 ▁UNCCD -12.094 ▁Bou -12.0941 ▁atmospheric -12.0943 ▁deportation -12.0948 ▁Sara -12.0948 ▁deepest -12.0949 ▁Networks -12.095 Name -12.0951 wo -12.0951 ▁corrections -12.0954 zh -12.0954 ▁Harris -12.0956 ▁diplomats -12.0956 ▁meta -12.0958 yer -12.0958 ▁sporting -12.096 ▁Substantive -12.0962 ▁Apache -12.0962 selling -12.0962 ▁Present -12.0963 ▁UNOCI -12.0963 ▁Chart -12.0966 ▁Mul -12.097 ▁electromagnetic -12.0971 bridge -12.0972 ▁pressed -12.0972 ▁Gre -12.0973 ▁login -12.0973 ▁mat -12.0974 closed -12.0975 ▁pensions -12.0976 ude -12.0976 ▁sunshine -12.0976 ▁TI -12.0977 ▁newest -12.098 ▁Observatory -12.0981 ▁prerequisite -12.0981 ▁Reduce -12.0982 ▁Bruce -12.0982 ▁Carlos -12.0983 ▁invoked -12.0984 bol -12.0984 ▁Previously -12.0986 ▁1.7 -12.0986 France -12.0986 bad -12.099 ▁Santiago -12.099 ▁semester -12.099 ▁Ways -12.0991 ▁advocated -12.0993 ▁risky -12.0994 trial -12.0995 ▁depressed -12.0995 ▁professors -12.0996 ▁counted -12.0996 ifying -12.0997 ulated -12.0999 ▁Austin -12.1 ▁paradigm -12.1 ▁cop -12.1 ▁exert -12.1 ust -12.1 ▁void -12.1001 ▁spur -12.1002 ▁blamed -12.1002 ▁activate -12.1003 ▁Studios -12.1003 ▁overlap -12.1003 logist -12.1004 ▁MC -12.1005 GI -12.1008 ▁Refugee -12.1009 ▁guardian -12.101 ▁coding -12.1013 ▁Med -12.1014 Art -12.1014 ▁Marina -12.1014 ▁Xing -12.1015 ▁worn -12.1016 ▁acceded -12.1017 ▁administrators -12.1018 hin -12.1018 ▁appearing -12.1019 ▁Larry -12.102 ▁aesthetic -12.102 ▁Disabled -12.1023 ▁simplified -12.1023 ▁Leo -12.1024 aga -12.1025 ▁dr -12.1026 ▁rendering -12.1027 eon -12.1027 ▁Hanoi -12.1028 ▁ideals -12.1029 ▁unsafe -12.1031 ▁Qu -12.1031 ▁200,000 -12.1032 ▁ambitions -12.1032 aver -12.1032 Fa -12.1032 ▁ambulance -12.1033 ▁utilities -12.1033 ▁backing -12.1035 SL -12.1037 ▁interrupt -12.1037 ▁oriented -12.1038 ▁ratings -12.1039 ▁disadvantage -12.1039 ▁COM -12.104 105 -12.1043 ▁illnesses -12.1044 ▁contacting -12.1047 ▁Cisco -12.1048 ONG -12.1049 ▁consuming -12.105 intensive -12.1052 ▁ascertain -12.1052 ▁Georgian -12.1053 ▁ICC -12.1053 ▁meanwhile -12.1053 ▁Albanian -12.1055 fr -12.1055 ▁Horn -12.1056 ▁darling -12.1056 ▁Prayer -12.1059 ▁Successful -12.1059 ▁Resident -12.1059 ▁shortages -12.1061 View -12.1061 ▁Hans -12.1062 og -12.1063 ▁proves -12.1063 ▁Tin -12.1064 ▁Pierre -12.1064 ▁promotional -12.1064 ▁annexed -12.1065 dam -12.1065 ▁cholesterol -12.1066 ▁restoring -12.1066 cro -12.1066 ▁partition -12.1067 ▁transferring -12.107 ▁EM -12.107 ▁Comoros -12.1071 ▁nightmare -12.1072 ▁rapporteurs -12.1072 ▁LLC -12.1075 ▁metric -12.1075 ▁eligibility -12.1076 ▁Zu -12.1076 ▁sculpture -12.1077 ▁Persian -12.1077 ▁scary -12.1078 · -12.108 ▁misuse -12.1081 ▁Sources -12.1081 cru -12.1081 ▁cha -12.1082 ▁priests -12.1083 ▁magnificent -12.1085 ▁Sister -12.1086 ▁FAQ -12.1086 ▁hesitate -12.1086 ▁hazard -12.1086 ▁Rick -12.1088 vel -12.1088 ▁Sao -12.1091 ela -12.1092 ▁knees -12.1092 ▁finest -12.1094 ▁sellers -12.1095 ▁philosophical -12.1095 layer -12.1096 220 -12.1096 ▁struggled -12.1097 pos -12.1097 ▁stealing -12.11 ▁proposition -12.11 oke -12.1101 ▁steering -12.1101 ▁ICRC -12.1102 going -12.1104 ▁Gordon -12.1104 ▁Wake -12.1106 ▁perfection -12.1106 ▁magazines -12.1106 ▁Explore -12.1108 ▁Compensation -12.1109 ▁indictment -12.1109 ▁hostage -12.1111 ▁Sol -12.1112 ▁Wave -12.1112 ▁optimized -12.1113 ▁Degrading -12.1114 ▁symbolic -12.1116 ▁shareholder -12.1116 11) -12.1116 ▁accepts -12.1117 ▁Anderson -12.1119 security -12.1119 ▁flavor -12.112 2- -12.1121 affected -12.1122 ▁slogan -12.1123 ▁Above -12.1123 ibility -12.1124 ▁Chelsea -12.1128 ▁swore -12.1128 Fourth -12.113 ▁bro -12.113 ▁TR -12.1132 -12.417 ▁playground -12.4171 ▁poorer -12.4171 ▁affirm -12.4172 ▁motivate -12.4173 ▁[2] -12.4173 ▁atrocities -12.4175 ▁neighbour -12.4178 degree -12.4181 ▁Qualcomm -12.4181 ▁Accept -12.4183 ▁spotted -12.4184 ▁ver -12.4184 mos -12.4184 ▁Sleeping -12.4186 ▁Nord -12.4187 ▁bat -12.4187 ▁textiles -12.4189 ▁variant -12.4189 ▁Investigations -12.4189 ▁vigilant -12.4189 ▁Forestry -12.419 /1997/ -12.419 ▁impairment -12.419 ▁boiler -12.4192 ▁$40 -12.4193 ▁trustworthy -12.4195 ▁Collect -12.4197 ▁Businesses -12.4197 ▁holdings -12.4197 bon -12.4199 ▁142 -12.4199 ▁Weekly -12.4199 ▁novels -12.42 breaking -12.42 ▁deteriorating -12.4201 ▁differentiate -12.4201 ▁cooked -12.4202 ▁culturally -12.4205 ▁GW -12.4205 September -12.4206 ▁tricks -12.4207 (3) -12.4207 ▁Landlocked -12.4207 斯 -12.4207 ▁departed -12.4208 ▁XII -12.4209 ▁daddy -12.4209 ▁Mineral -12.421 yne -12.4211 ▁Corn -12.4211 capacity -12.4213 ▁Horizon -12.4214 ▁Fabric -12.4215 42) -12.4217 ▁Sort -12.4218 ▁complied -12.4221 ▁Dennis -12.4221 ▁Creek -12.4221 280 -12.4221 ▁derive -12.4221 ▁traced -12.4222 EO -12.4223 104 -12.4223 share -12.4223 stead -12.4224 ▁affection -12.4225 ▁Ivorian -12.4227 ▁gently -12.4227 misunderstanding -12.4228 USA -12.4228 20) -12.4229 ▁Fisher -12.423 ▁Lawyers -12.4236 ▁bri -12.4236 ▁depended -12.4237 ▁disadvantages -12.4239 critical -12.4239 ▁FC -12.4239 ▁Judgment -12.424 ▁Cluster -12.424 ▁Monster -12.4241 TECH -12.4241 ▁Rein -12.4241 ▁interconnected -12.4242 46) -12.4242 exp -12.4242 ▁Fee -12.4246 ▁behavioral -12.4247 ▁expiration -12.4247 ▁refrigeration -12.4247 ▁leakage -12.4247 ▁1933 -12.4249 210 -12.4249 ▁rationale -12.4249 ▁Alright -12.425 ▁stamp -12.4251 ▁7: -12.4252 ▁Fill -12.4252 ▁Exactly -12.4253 ▁gig -12.4255 ▁psychologist -12.4255 RB -12.4255 ▁SHA -12.4256 ▁$16 -12.4258 Bi -12.426 ▁condolences -12.426 ▁judgments -12.4261 ▁Substances -12.4261 ▁cu -12.4261 ▁Billion -12.4262 ▁teachings -12.4263 ▁Jew -12.4265 ▁Discovery -12.4265 ▁onwards -12.4267 6). -12.4267 ▁Consumers -12.4268 ▁Discussion -12.4269 41) -12.427 ▁Pete -12.4271 map -12.4272 5). -12.4272 CNY -12.4273 ▁cosmetics -12.4273 ▁Voltage -12.4273 ▁bell -12.4273 ▁workflow -12.4275 ▁Bern -12.4275 ▁Diana -12.4275 ▁Fishing -12.4278 ▁demons -12.4278 ▁1994. -12.4278 arra -12.4278 ▁Enhancing -12.4279 ▁Netanyahu -12.4279 ▁rushed -12.428 ▁wheelchair -12.4281 toxic -12.4281 ▁foreseen -12.4281 ▁canceled -12.4282 ▁hardness -12.4282 ▁Liability -12.4283 9001 -12.4283 ▁climbed -12.4283 ▁nationalities -12.4283 ▁rap -12.4284 ▁Diet -12.4286 ▁Ian -12.4287 ▁secretly -12.4288 lessly -12.4288 ▁advertisement -12.4289 ESS -12.4289 yama -12.4291 48) -12.4292 ▁Buffett -12.4292 ▁enforcing -12.4293 ▁poultry -12.4293 :7 -12.4294 ▁Airbus -12.4294 ▁def -12.4295 ▁reaffirming -12.4295 tun -12.4296 ▁flies -12.4297 ▁corpse -12.4297 ▁CTC -12.4298 ▁syn -12.4298 ▁uniquely -12.4299 ▁Seychelles -12.4299 ▁SGD -12.4301 ▁Fre -12.4302 ▁Publications -12.4303 ▁FM -12.4303 qiao -12.4307 ▁Vote -12.4308 -4, -12.4309 ▁Hundreds -12.431 ▁detecting -12.4312 ▁„ -12.4313 ▁Daughter -12.4314 ▁Indiana -12.4315 ▁embark -12.4315 ▁Dynamic -12.4317 ▁musician -12.4317 Annex -12.4318 ▁dwelling -12.4318 uv -12.4318 ▁stimulating -12.4319 ▁fond -12.4319 ▁intervals -12.4321 ▁additive -12.4322 ista -12.4322 ▁146 -12.4323 ▁tense -12.4323 pid -12.4325 ▁democracies -12.4326 ▁rub -12.4326 ▁CAS -12.4327 rc -12.4327 ▁intercultural -12.4327 udi -12.4328 bing -12.4329 ▁proclaim -12.4329 ▁Bow -12.4329 ▁25,000 -12.433 tress -12.433 ▁ignoring -12.4332 unk -12.4332 ▁residency -12.4332 BB -12.4333 ▁2014-2015 -12.4334 ▁champions -12.4335 ▁SN -12.4337 Chairperson -12.4338 -40 -12.4339 ▁awkward -12.4339 ▁merchandise -12.4339 ▁repository -12.4339 ▁Newsletter -12.4339 ▁battlefield -12.4341 paper -12.4342 ▁Pray -12.4345 ▁hash -12.4345 mini -12.4346 ▁cleansing -12.4347 ▁enjoyable -12.4348 ▁keywords -12.4349 ▁businessman -12.435 UA -12.435 ▁judgements -12.435 Like -12.4352 ▁35% -12.4352 ▁1953 -12.4353 ▁vitality -12.4353 ▁1992. -12.4355 ée -12.4355 ▁Eating -12.4355 vari -12.4355 ▁FX -12.4356 ▁Julian -12.4356 ▁announces -12.4357 Group -12.4358 Black -12.4358 ▁sleeve -12.4359 ▁autism -12.4359 HU -12.436 ▁doll -12.4361 ▁dismissal -12.4361 ▁polls -12.4363 global -12.4364 ▁congressional -12.4365 ▁Lyon -12.4366 ▁Running -12.4366 ▁diminished -12.4367 38) -12.4367 dependent -12.4367 ▁Push -12.4369 tors -12.4369 ▁Electricity -12.437 ▁Agencies -12.4372 ▁Helena -12.4373 :21 -12.4374 550 -12.4374 ▁cla -12.4377 116 -12.4377 ▁bedrooms -12.4379 ▁Estimate -12.438 ▁Worth -12.4381 ▁rebound -12.4383 eye -12.4383 ▁SIM -12.4383 ▁Zhen -12.4386 ▁intact -12.4386 ▁examines -12.4387 Ki -12.4387 ▁colored -12.4388 nit -12.4388 EI -12.4388 ▁Snap -12.4389 bell -12.4391 ann -12.4393 ▁Pyongyang -12.4398 ▁Est -12.4399 ▁Eu -12.4403 ▁IM -12.4403 ▁Chuck -12.4403 ▁Morris -12.4403 parent -12.4403 ▁discern -12.4405 ▁wellbeing -12.4405 ▁shining -12.4405 ▁unreasonable -12.4405 ▁catering -12.4408 Work -12.441 wl -12.441 inated -12.441 ▁TED -12.441 ▁Maker -12.4411 ▁GOD -12.4411 ▁plaintiff -12.4412 ▁gaze -12.4412 design -12.4414 ▁translations -12.4414 ▁backdrop -12.4415 ▁earmarked -12.4415 ▁decreases -12.4415 ▁Wright -12.4416 PG -12.4416 ▁dim -12.4416 Ah -12.4417 ▁Residents -12.4417 235 -12.4417 ▁rage -12.4417 ▁Malaria -12.4419 ▁Kofi -12.4419 lines -12.442 ▁sustaining -12.442 ▁chase -12.442 ▁Institution -12.4421 ▁Barr -12.4421 ▁interruption -12.4422 ▁rewarded -12.4423 handed -12.4425 ▁Thermal -12.4425 Everyone -12.4425 ider -12.4425 Shi -12.4427 ▁corresponds -12.4429 ▁clash -12.443 ▁Ry -12.443 ▁inexpensive -12.4431 ▁ignorant -12.4432 DL -12.4433 ▁tightly -12.4433 ▁166 -12.4435 ▁156 -12.4436 ▁celebrations -12.4436 ADA -12.4437 ▁Object -12.4437 ▁prone -12.4437 eration -12.4437 City -12.444 230 -12.4441 ▁applicability -12.4445 ▁Gain -12.4445 ▁Amount -12.4446 ▁GHG -12.4447 ▁Fly -12.4448 ▁Submit -12.4449 ▁lethal -12.445 ▁von -12.445 ▁NS -12.4452 ▁interval -12.4453 ▁denies -12.4453 ▁Tickets -12.4454 ▁Holidays -12.4455 ▁aboard -12.4456 zar -12.4457 ▁Found -12.4459 ▁DIS -12.4459 ▁headquartered -12.446 iga -12.4461 ▁cooler -12.4463 ▁Historic -12.4463 ▁restricting -12.4463 dai -12.4464 ▁Hands -12.4465 abi -12.4465 ▁Tobacco -12.4465 ▁Arch -12.4466 ▁AMISOM -12.4467 ▁Linda -12.4473 ▁fucked -12.4473 ▁($3 -12.4474 ▁Paint -12.4478 ▁microfinance -12.4479 hit -12.4479 ▁Dental -12.4479 HP -12.448 flower -12.4481 :22 -12.4481 ▁melting -12.4484 ▁quicker -12.4484 Right -12.4484 ▁marginalization -12.4486 ▁poker -12.4487 Tell -12.4489 ▁Pl -12.4489 Those -12.4491 ▁Orchestra -12.4492 ▁mitigating -12.4492 ▁Vir -12.4492 ▁Era -12.4493 uli -12.4493 ▁Speak -12.4493 ▁Miles -12.4494 .'" -12.4495 call -12.4496 ▁$18 -12.4497 ▁Reflect -12.4499 ▁Goldman -12.4499 ▁bicycles -12.45 ▁(25 -12.4502 222 -12.4503 ▁0.8 -12.4504 ▁LGBT -12.4505 ▁vein -12.4506 ▁eighty -12.4507 ▁Including -12.4507 stream -12.4508 sheet -12.4508 ▁polite -12.4509 ▁intentional -12.451 ▁GL -12.451 ▁Supplier -12.451 ▁Mainland -12.451 ▁practiced -12.4512 ▁trafficked -12.4513 ▁fulfillment -12.4514 ▁null -12.4515 ▁downstream -12.4515 ▁expire -12.4515 ▁Originally -12.4516 ▁shaft -12.4516 break -12.4517 ▁Rohingya -12.4519 cul -12.4519 ICS -12.4519 (1 -12.452 ▁declines -12.4521 ▁Ai -12.4522 ▁(12) -12.4523 gard -12.4525 ▁susceptible -12.4525 ▁helmet -12.4526 ▁offspring -12.4527 ▁totalling -12.4527 ▁Briefing -12.4528 emi -12.4528 ▁expeditiously -12.4529 64) -12.4529 ▁74. -12.453 ▁remarked -12.453 ▁Reasons -12.4531 ▁Sec -12.4539 ire -12.4539 ▁99. -12.454 ▁apples -12.454 ▁(0 -12.4541 VER -12.4541 ▁Mega -12.4541 ▁composer -12.4547 LES -12.4548 ▁Slow -12.4548 ▁24/7 -12.455 cate -12.4552 ▁Shang -12.4552 ▁pyramid -12.4552 ▁Disclaimer -12.4554 ▁Maya -12.4555 ▁Aside -12.4556 ▁Pole -12.4558 ▁interrogation -12.4559 ▁coincidence -12.4559 ▁(+ -12.4561 nam -12.4561 ▁(24 -12.4563 ▁Foot -12.4563 ▁Fur -12.4564 ▁specializes -12.4565 finding -12.4566 ▁Continuous -12.4566 ▁forging -12.4566 ▁Reagan -12.4566 ▁Flor -12.4567 ▁Isaiah -12.4568 ▁priced -12.4569 ▁Rai -12.457 ▁Neil -12.4572 ▁INTERNATIONAL -12.4573 ▁psychiatric -12.4573 ▁segregation -12.4573 ▁exhibitors -12.4573 ▁athlete -12.4574 ▁Vacation -12.4574 soft -12.4574 plan -12.4575 claim -12.4576 ▁wrist -12.458 ▁Painting -12.4583 ▁Naturally -12.4585 53) -12.4585 Office -12.4586 aaS -12.4586 ▁alpha -12.4592 hur -12.4593 uka -12.4593 BP -12.4593 cott -12.4594 ▁childbirth -12.4594 hem -12.4594 ▁Guan -12.4594 bye -12.4597 rui -12.4597 ▁Palau -12.4598 teen -12.4599 ▁Separate -12.46 -60 -12.46 ▁undertakings -12.46 ▁154 -12.46 ▁understandable -12.4601 ▁lag -12.4601 ▁Beth -12.4603 ▁therapist -12.4603 ▁profoundly -12.4604 hab -12.4604 duct -12.4605 production -12.4605 ▁consortium -12.4607 ▁terrain -12.4607 24) -12.4608 ▁depths -12.4612 ▁knocked -12.4612 ▁portions -12.4612 Lord -12.4613 ▁edited -12.4613 ▁Chocolate -12.4613 ▁candle -12.4614 ▁groundwater -12.4616 ▁Telecom -12.4617 ▁Highly -12.4619 ▁Allied -12.4619 -85 -12.462 189 -12.4621 ▁Biology -12.4621 ▁housekeeping -12.4622 ▁Meaning -12.4622 ▁accumulate -12.4625 ▁skip -12.4625 Jo -12.4626 ▁ru -12.4627 ▁Enable -12.4627 ▁strategically -12.4628 ▁bang -12.4628 ▁aspire -12.4629 ▁1929 -12.4629 ▁stockpiles -12.463 lton -12.463 ▁6.1 -12.4632 ▁Dominica -12.4632 ▁mortal -12.4633 ▁1991. -12.4633 ▁Geographic -12.4633 ▁antenna -12.4634 ▁chambers -12.4634 Under -12.4634 ▁colonies -12.4634 ▁Units -12.4635 aco -12.4635 ▁Implementing -12.4636 ▁hierarchy -12.4641 ▁Critical -12.4641 ▁Bella -12.4643 ▁domination -12.4644 43) -12.4645 ▁forged -12.4646 ▁unhealthy -12.4648 ▁Basically -12.4649 ▁IQ -12.4649 Will -12.4651 ▁steer -12.4652 ▁investigator -12.4654 ▁capturing -12.4654 ▁moreover -12.4655 ▁spends -12.4657 ▁entirety -12.4657 ▁travels -12.4657 ▁prizes -12.4659 ▁configure -12.4659 js -12.4659 ▁stigma -12.466 ▁entitlements -12.466 ▁57/2 -12.4661 machine -12.4661 ▁72. -12.4661 ▁COPYRIGHT -12.4661 ▁primitive -12.4661 370 -12.4662 ▁sacrifices -12.4663 ▁explosions -12.4666 ▁LAN -12.4666 ▁Leather -12.4668 ▁$17 -12.4668 ▁Brisbane -12.4669 ▁25- -12.4669 -2014 -12.467 ▁fog -12.467 ▁260 -12.4671 ▁159 -12.4674 ▁exploded -12.4676 biotic -12.4678 woman -12.4679 1). -12.4679 ▁Hab -12.468 hoo -12.4681 ▁offender -12.4681 ▁Alt -12.4681 ▁inspect -12.4681 ▁oneself -12.4681 ▁Alabama -12.4681 ▁retaliation -12.4681 ▁Mould -12.4682 Report -12.4682 sai -12.4683 ▁Employee -12.4683 ▁76. -12.4684 ▁dense -12.4685 Pay -12.4686 nder -12.4688 :2016 -12.469 ▁slope -12.4691 ▁Jer -12.4691 ▁Jie -12.4691 ▁predictive -12.4692 ▁sexuality -12.4694 ▁ego -12.4695 ▁fiftieth -12.4695 Red -12.4696 ▁attacker -12.4697 ▁SEK -12.4698 OO -12.4698 script -12.4698 ▁prudent -12.4699 ▁mobilized -12.4699 Ru -12.4699 ▁organizers -12.47 ▁PlayStation -12.4702 ▁obscure -12.4702 ▁Shortly -12.4703 NY -12.4704 PRO -12.4705 ▁poured -12.4707 ▁licences -12.4708 ▁accustomed -12.4709 ▁(2012) -12.471 ▁NE -12.4711 ▁planting -12.4712 ▁Facts -12.4714 electronic -12.4715 ional -12.4716 ▁goddamn -12.4716 ▁energetic -12.4716 ▁Dalai -12.4716 ▁Charity -12.4717 ▁Illegal -12.4718 .23 -12.4721 AE -12.4721 .29 -12.4721 一 -12.4723 season -12.4723 ▁Cause -12.4724 ▁converter -12.4725 agent -12.4725 eer -12.4725 bang -12.4726 .27 -12.4726 iro -12.4726 ▁Notification -12.4728 ▁sailing -12.4728 outs -12.4728 ▁dictator -12.4729 ▁snap -12.4729 ▁Ankara -12.4729 ▁Falkland -12.4729 ▁GitHub -12.4729 ▁Islamist -12.473 ▁Jessica -12.473 ▁encompass -12.4731 ▁legality -12.4732 china -12.4734 ▁Castro -12.4734 ▁dissolved -12.4736 ▁steadfast -12.4736 kel -12.4738 ▁8.1 -12.4739 /27 -12.4739 ▁believer -12.4739 JI -12.4741 natural -12.4742 ▁Legislation -12.4743 GBP -12.4745 ▁pale -12.4745 ▁overhead -12.4745 ▁Cruz -12.4747 entry -12.4747 ▁yo -12.4747 ▁retrieve -12.4748 ▁sh -12.4748 ▁Eyes -12.475 ▁obedience -12.475 ▁Ward -12.475 ▁Mosque -12.475 ▁misery -12.4751 ▁Chicken -12.4751 ▁Cleaning -12.4752 ▁backwards -12.4752 ▁observes -12.4753 ▁1918 -12.4754 ▁186 -12.4754 dro -12.4755 ▁Specialist -12.4755 ▁Whit -12.4757 ▁Walmart -12.4757 27) -12.476 ▁UFO -12.4761 ▁permitting -12.4762 Web -12.4764 ▁athletic -12.4764 friend -12.4764 ▁Triple -12.4764 ▁UNAMSIL -12.4766 ▁hates -12.4767 zon -12.4769 sse -12.477 Brazil -12.477 imp -12.4772 rite -12.4773 ▁Alert -12.4774 ▁outfit -12.4775 ▁Hin -12.4776 ▁Carol -12.4777 :2018 -12.4777 ▁headset -12.4777 international -12.4777 ▁scarcity -12.4778 ▁0.6 -12.4778 ▁DM -12.4779 billion -12.478 ▁numerical -12.478 ▁crashed -12.4781 iao -12.4781 ▁Font -12.4783 ▁shorten -12.4784 ▁wardrobe -12.4785 ▁battalion -12.4785 ▁underwent -12.4785 ▁Nevada -12.4785 BU -12.4788 ▁scenery -12.4789 ▁underestimate -12.479 hir -12.479 ▁contingents -12.479 ▁73. -12.4791 ▁intangible -12.4791 ▁specifies -12.4792 ▁purity -12.4792 ▁transcend -12.4792 Best -12.4794 ▁mutation -12.4794 ▁Significant -12.4794 ▁Fab -12.4795 ▁discusses -12.4795 hun -12.4796 ▁OUR -12.4797 ▁Intolerance -12.4797 ▁Governmental -12.4798 ▁greeting -12.4798 ▁countermeasures -12.4798 ▁shalt -12.4799 ▁Nile -12.48 ▁cheating -12.4801 TRA -12.4801 IVE -12.4801 ▁enriched -12.4802 ▁lenses -12.4802 ▁weighing -12.4803 hoe -12.4803 ▁confronting -12.4804 ▁disrupted -12.4804 ▁hometown -12.4806 Act -12.4806 VEN -12.4806 ▁pretext -12.4806 ▁payroll -12.4808 ▁Northeast -12.4808 ▁interpreters -12.4809 ▁Mindful -12.481 ▁attaining -12.4812 ▁Parkinson -12.4812 公里 -12.4812 ▁APEC -12.4813 dust -12.4813 osh -12.4814 ▁Expected -12.4817 utter -12.4817 ▁Shoes -12.4818 ▁energies -12.4819 ▁hiking -12.482 ▁hu -12.482 ▁pact -12.482 lant -12.4821 chloro -12.4822 ▁Flex -12.4824 ▁sheer -12.4824 ▁festivals -12.4826 103 -12.4828 shirt -12.4829 ▁originating -12.4829 export -12.483 ▁modelling -12.483 ▁Into -12.483 ▁Mm -12.4831 ▁astronomers -12.4831 ▁Organ -12.4832 GDP -12.4832 Welcome -12.4833 ▁Jehovah -12.4833 55) -12.4833 ▁Frequency -12.4834 vey -12.4835 ▁professions -12.4835 ▁ECLAC -12.4836 ▁needing -12.4837 ▁Lau -12.4838 ▁overly -12.4839 ▁efficiencies -12.484 ▁learnt -12.4842 ▁NOW -12.4842 ▁coupon -12.4844 ▁Giving -12.4847 ▁instruct -12.4847 ▁philosophers -12.4848 ▁SMS -12.4849 ▁Cle -12.485 DU -12.485 ▁Vehicles -12.4854 ▁Destination -12.4854 ▁spider -12.4854 ▁Evil -12.4854 ▁Kuala -12.4854 ▁Jam -12.4855 ▁fourteenth -12.4857 reference -12.4859 ▁organism -12.486 ▁bugs -12.486 ▁Homeland -12.4861 ▁lesbian -12.4861 ▁unpleasant -12.4861 ▁parcel -12.4861 ▁Reconstruction -12.4861 bie -12.4863 ▁parade -12.4865 ▁AF -12.4866 ▁3.7 -12.4866 Comp -12.4866 ▁romance -12.4868 ▁Lumpur -12.4868 ▁husbands -12.4868 graph -12.487 ▁pave -12.4871 ▁Jump -12.4871 ▁cheat -12.4871 ▁cult -12.4874 ▁Hryvnia -12.4875 ▁titanium -12.4875 config -12.4877 ▁embarrassing -12.4878 ▁fertilizer -12.4878 ▁Dorm -12.4879 ▁fuse -12.4879 ▁60,000 -12.488 ▁conveyed -12.4881 works -12.4882 ▁jets -12.4883 hao -12.4883 ▁agro -12.4884 ▁punch -12.4885 ▁counterfeit -12.4886 Lu -12.4887 Cl -12.4887 ▁Claire -12.4889 Water -12.4889 ▁bust -12.489 ddy -12.489 115 -12.489 ▁uncovered -12.4891 ▁vigorous -12.4891 ▁Existing -12.4891 ▁Lamb -12.4893 seven -12.4893 ▁occupies -12.4896 ▁voyage -12.4896 ▁Featured -12.4896 ▁electrode -12.4896 5° -12.4898 ▁jokes -12.4898 ▁Annie -12.4901 ▁1267 -12.4901 ▁SAN -12.4901 ▁Stability -12.4901 ▁router -12.4902 Trans -12.4902 ▁Hadoop -12.4903 ▁Pie -12.4904 ▁nonsense -12.4905 ▁streamlined -12.4908 ▁keyword -12.4909 ▁galleries -12.491 ▁str -12.491 ▁kissed -12.4911 ▁Spider -12.4912 El -12.4913 ▁Vel -12.4913 XI -12.4914 ▁computational -12.4915 ▁reconcile -12.4915 ▁dessert -12.4917 ▁Vertical -12.4917 ▁Diplomatic -12.4917 ▁Chao -12.4918 ▁(2004), -12.4919 ▁learners -12.4921 ▁Libra -12.4921 tex -12.4921 connected -12.4921 War -12.4922 ▁bachelor -12.4924 ▁teenager -12.4924 ▁SCP -12.4924 ▁jam -12.4925 ▁Str -12.4925 ▁scripts -12.4926 ▁incur -12.4927 ▁eighteen -12.4928 ▁scanner -12.4928 ▁Stocks -12.4928 iu -12.4929 ▁Stream -12.4929 gio -12.493 Bedroom -12.4931 ▁wizard -12.4931 ▁Merkel -12.4931 ▁Enforced -12.4931 ▁cooperatives -12.4932 ▁Northwest -12.4932 ▁Exhibitor -12.4933 ▁151 -12.4933 Si -12.4935 ▁“... -12.4935 ▁elders -12.4937 ▁scheduling -12.4938 ▁Cleveland -12.4938 ▁dumping -12.4939 119 -12.494 ▁SH -12.4941 ▁clo -12.4942 ▁enthusiastic -12.4942 imo -12.4943 ▁Manufacture -12.4944 End -12.4945 ▁79. -12.4945 ▁turmoil -12.4945 ▁singular -12.4945 ▁Romanian -12.4947 ▁conducts -12.4948 ▁Coating -12.4948 mur -12.4949 ▁valves -12.4949 uter -12.4949 ▁supervised -12.4949 ▁historians -12.495 49) -12.4951 ▁Judiciary -12.4952 ▁141 -12.4953 ▁Artists -12.4954 ▁Ceramic -12.4956 ▁housed -12.4957 October -12.4959 ▁hepatitis -12.4959 ▁Flexible -12.4959 -100 -12.4959 ▁Tropical -12.4959 ▁Powell -12.496 nin -12.496 ▁UNMEE -12.4961 ▁asthma -12.4961 ▁concession -12.4962 ▁Jong -12.4963 lev -12.4964 ▁swallow -12.4966 ▁78. -12.4966 ▁12,000 -12.4966 cip -12.4966 ▁sang -12.4969 bis -12.4973 ▁Mason -12.4973 ▁Supplementary -12.4974 330 -12.4975 ime -12.4975 ▁shortest -12.4976 ▁je -12.4978 ▁Thi -12.4979 KS -12.4979 ▁lawn -12.4979 ▁inclined -12.498 ▁(1991) -12.498 ▁costume -12.498 ▁Uniform -12.4981 ▁blowing -12.4982 ▁Auditor -12.4982 ▁avert -12.4983 sim -12.4983 rator -12.4984 ▁pesticide -12.4984 wel -12.4985 Sa -12.4986 ▁precarious -12.4987 ▁MU -12.4988 ▁Svei -12.4988 3.5 -12.499 ▁Benefit -12.4991 super -12.4992 ▁dam -12.4993 260 -12.4994 Guangdong -12.4994 ▁WHAT -12.4994 ▁hose -12.4994 ▁circled -12.4995 ▁eruption -12.4998 ▁CL -12.4998 Based -12.4999 ▁ke -12.4999 lent -12.5 ▁candy -12.5001 1/2 -12.5001 ▁963 -12.5002 ▁sweeping -12.5003 cial -12.5003 ”), -12.5005 ▁183 -12.5005 mg -12.5006 ▁ensuing -12.5008 ▁Monument -12.5008 19) -12.5008 ▁Murray -12.5009 ▁Kitts -12.5009 Green -12.5009 ▁GDPR -12.5009 ▁Split -12.501 RUB -12.501 ▁footing -12.5013 :2017 -12.5013 look -12.5013 ▁betray -12.5015 ▁coercion -12.5015 ▁IEEE -12.5015 ▁desperately -12.5017 bur -12.5019 ▁MIN -12.502 ▁columns -12.502 ▁Minor -12.5023 bach -12.5028 65) -12.5028 ▁hampered -12.5029 headed -12.5032 ▁Sell -12.5033 ▁Quarter -12.5033 ▁Lam -12.5033 ▁extracted -12.5034 ENG -12.5035 ▁Kara -12.5036 ▁reservoir -12.5036 ▁falsehood -12.5037 ▁quotes -12.5037 shed -12.5038 Bar -12.5039 ▁Mos -12.5039 itter -12.5041 assi -12.5043 establish -12.5043 10,000 -12.5047 ▁precautions -12.5047 ▁invent -12.5047 ▁widening -12.5048 ▁1985, -12.5049 ▁Identity -12.5051 ▁memorable -12.5051 ▁settling -12.5051 Sun -12.5051 technical -12.5052 ▁gloves -12.5053 ▁pathways -12.5053 ICC -12.5053 cross -12.5054 ▁Haven -12.5054 tine -12.5055 oi -12.5056 ▁revive -12.5056 ▁bacterial -12.5056 ▁Hao -12.5057 ▁rotate -12.5057 ▁Rocket -12.5057 LF -12.5058 chair -12.5058 ▁signatory -12.5059 ▁ruler -12.5059 ▁couch -12.5061 small -12.5061 ▁devise -12.5063 ▁Pain -12.5064 ▁dictionary -12.5065 ▁glucose -12.5065 ▁Meat -12.5065 ▁engineered -12.5066 oa -12.5068 Cola -12.5069 ▁critic -12.5069 ▁surpassed -12.507 ▁Reducing -12.5072 ▁teen -12.5072 ▁footnote -12.5072 ▁Owing -12.5074 ▁Lucas -12.5074 ▁overweight -12.5074 ▁heed -12.5075 ▁Israelites -12.5076 ▁CPC -12.5079 ▁COMPANY -12.5079 ▁Hidden -12.5079 ▁traffickers -12.5079 ▁Craig -12.508 IES -12.508 ▁(30 -12.5081 ▁Bing -12.5081 oku -12.5086 ▁Diseases -12.5086 INT -12.5086 ▁Corner -12.5089 117 -12.5089 ▁Brief -12.5091 ▁virgin -12.5092 ▁Ethnic -12.5093 ▁volcanic -12.5093 ▁purple -12.5093 ▁unre -12.5093 ▁advertisers -12.5094 ▁directing -12.5094 lau -12.5095 ▁fame -12.5096 itu -12.5098 ▁★ -12.5099 ▁alcoholic -12.5099 raw -12.51 ▁Ant -12.51 ▁glimpse -12.51 有限公司 -12.51 ▁Fleet -12.5101 ▁rejects -12.5101 ▁onset -12.5101 ▁bloc -12.5101 ▁Acid -12.5104 ▁revert -12.5104 uke -12.5104 add -12.5105 ▁constrained -12.5105 EB -12.5105 ▁eh -12.5108 siske -12.5109 ▁Minh -12.5109 struct -12.511 ▁fearful -12.511 ▁unanimous -12.511 ▁compression -12.5111 ▁Bas -12.5112 ▁mentions -12.5114 ▁Rot -12.5115 ▁Sabbath -12.5115 ▁Pr -12.5115 ▁Broadway -12.5115 ▁Protestant -12.5115 spot -12.5118 ▁midterm -12.5121 ABLE -12.5122 ▁ICANN -12.5122 ▁versa -12.5122 168 -12.5123 ▁Levi -12.5124 ▁Gala -12.5124 tance -12.5125 ▁Seal -12.5126 ▁Kur -12.5128 ▁Aware -12.5128 ▁blade -12.5128 ▁refining -12.5129 ket -12.5129 alia -12.5129 axis -12.513 ▁trader -12.513 ▁commits -12.513 ▁GR -12.5131 yard -12.5131 moon -12.5131 ▁headlines -12.5132 ▁Tru -12.5132 ▁labs -12.5134 Hu -12.5136 dium -12.5136 ▁COMMITTEE -12.5136 ▁Mandarin -12.5136 ▁Ministries -12.5136 ▁secrecy -12.5136 fei -12.5136 ▁derivatives -12.5137 ▁0.9 -12.5141 graphic -12.5142 ▁clue -12.5143 人 -12.5143 ▁amazed -12.5143 positive -12.5144 Previous -12.5144 ▁counseling -12.5144 ▁coaches -12.5146 ▁assemble -12.5147 ▁Greeks -12.5147 ▁Examination -12.515 ▁Actions -12.5151 .28 -12.5151 ▁Wildlife -12.5151 alo -12.5153 alone -12.5154 AST -12.5156 ▁sanction -12.5157 ▁snack -12.5157 fulness -12.5157 ▁ruins -12.5157 ▁alumni -12.5158 November -12.5158 ▁breadth -12.5159 ▁Ozone -12.5159 ▁qualifying -12.5162 ▁controllers -12.5164 ▁Savior -12.5165 offs -12.5165 ▁UPS -12.5166 25) -12.5167 ▁Abbas -12.5167 ▁Migrants -12.5167 ▁forbid -12.5168 ▁recurrent -12.5169 tha -12.517 ▁rests -12.5171 ▁mathematician -12.5172 ▁magn -12.5172 Shandong -12.5172 access -12.5172 erson -12.5173 ▁personalities -12.5175 ▁Ari -12.5175 ▁recordings -12.5177 ▁downloads -12.5177 ▁SELL -12.5177 ▁Gr -12.5179 ▁incapable -12.518 uf -12.518 ovich -12.5181 ▁devised -12.5181 ▁companions -12.5181 XV -12.5181 CHF -12.5183 ▁deported -12.5183 prop -12.5184 ▁(11) -12.5184 ▁Compare -12.5185 ▁prosecutions -12.5185 090 -12.5185 ▁backbone -12.5189 esteem -12.5191 ▁Exit -12.5192 mix -12.5193 ▁Boot -12.5193 ▁footsteps -12.5194 ▁waking -12.5194 iary -12.5195 ▁inquire -12.5196 ▁Mask -12.5196 333 -12.5197 cle -12.5197 ▁discharged -12.5198 ▁JI -12.5198 ▁betting -12.52 ▁minimizing -12.5201 ▁Kivu -12.5201 ▁lazy -12.5201 ▁Airways -12.5202 anga -12.5202 ▁Kos -12.5204 ▁Hearing -12.5205 /2010/ -12.5207 ▁Forecast -12.5208 ▁Petro -12.5208 vio -12.5211 ▁Sto -12.5213 byte -12.5213 ▁Lily -12.5214 ▁repeating -12.5215 Pakistan -12.5215 ▁THIS -12.5215 ▁confer -12.5216 Har -12.5217 ▁pools -12.5218 ▁Mate -12.5218 ▁LC -12.5218 won -12.5221 ▁avoidance -12.5221 center -12.5222 ▁unencumbered -12.5222 ▁rabbit -12.5225 Trade -12.5228 ▁democratization -12.523 ▁devotion -12.523 ▁DPRK -12.523 ▁packet -12.5231 mag -12.5232 ichi -12.5233 ▁0.4 -12.5234 ▁ventilation -12.5237 ▁Addressing -12.5239 ▁75. -12.5239 ▁maid -12.5239 trained -12.524 ▁outbreaks -12.524 plane -12.5243 ought -12.5244 ▁2009) -12.5244 ▁MAL -12.5244 ▁warmly -12.5244 ▁GmbH -12.5244 ▁Kimberley -12.5244 ▁distributing -12.5244 485 -12.5246 ▁Batman -12.5247 ▁***** -12.5247 ▁sync -12.5247 ▁superiority -12.5247 ▁sensible -12.5251 ▁Echo -12.5251 ▁coexistence -12.5252 ▁Browse -12.5253 iyah -12.5253 ▁lively -12.5256 270 -12.5257 :23 -12.5258 ▁exceptionally -12.5258 ▁verifiable -12.5259 ▁McG -12.526 ▁everlasting -12.526 ▁Absolutely -12.5262 Mu -12.5262 ▁QR -12.5263 iver -12.5264 ▁metabolism -12.5266 PN -12.5266 ▁header -12.5266 ▁Bot -12.5267 ▁attendant -12.5268 bou -12.5269 asi -12.5269 ▁hacking -12.5272 ▁metrics -12.5273 ▁Generator -12.5273 ▁interacting -12.5274 ▁Poll -12.5274 ▁interdependent -12.5274 ▁Elements -12.5274 ▁3.5+ -12.5275 ▁rip -12.5275 ▁coatings -12.5277 ▁ABS -12.5277 ij -12.5278 ▁canal -12.5279 ▁MAC -12.528 ▁Nevis -12.5281 ▁ART -12.5282 ▁Dust -12.5285 function -12.5285 pac -12.5285 ▁Cher -12.5287 ▁fountain -12.5288 ▁metaphor -12.5288 1.0 -12.5288 ▁dried -12.5288 rop -12.5289 ▁stateless -12.529 ▁Height -12.529 ▁Laden -12.5292 ▁Missing -12.5294 ▁sanitary -12.5295 ▁Burma -12.5295 ▁endeavor -12.5296 ▁loads -12.5296 ▁Fit -12.5296 ▁$300 -12.5299 ▁badge -12.5299 2.1 -12.5299 ▁conquered -12.5299 MOP -12.53 ▁influencing -12.5302 ▁Explain -12.5302 ▁Individuals -12.5305 ▁registering -12.5307 ▁diversify -12.5307 ▁discontinued -12.5308 ▁Transmission -12.531 ▁microscope -12.531 ▁#2 -12.531 ▁posters -12.5313 264 -12.5314 cla -12.5314 ▁TP -12.5316 ▁tissues -12.5316 ▁Aw -12.5316 ▁Baltimore -12.5317 ▁wolves -12.5317 -2009 -12.5317 ▁compel -12.5317 ▁Bun -12.5318 education -12.5321 ▁feeds -12.5324 о -12.5324 ▁dilemma -12.5324 assessment -12.5324 woven -12.5324 ege -12.5327 lect -12.5327 ▁1917 -12.5328 2007 -12.5329 ulp -12.5329 mother -12.5331 ▁HC -12.5331 ▁brighter -12.5331 orn -12.5331 ▁Canyon -12.5332 .24 -12.5333 ▁computation -12.5334 ][ -12.5334 SN -12.5335 ▁Mus -12.5337 aq -12.5338 lli -12.5341 ▁respectful -12.5342 dog -12.5342 .35 -12.5343 lid -12.5343 rink -12.5343 ▁5.3 -12.5344 ▁recreation -12.5344 ▁spam -12.5345 ▁strings -12.5346 ▁wrapped -12.5346 ▁Eddie -12.5346 ▁Marcus -12.5348 30) -12.5348 make -12.5348 ▁Modi -12.5349 lac -12.5351 ▁Dag -12.5352 ▁Dogs -12.5353 ▁Gau -12.5354 ▁JR -12.5354 ▁Prix -12.5356 ▁bullets -12.5356 END -12.5357 moto -12.5358 bio -12.5359 ▁deviation -12.536 lating -12.5361 ▁suffers -12.5361 KI -12.5363 ▁Fei -12.5364 ▁Def -12.5364 ▁Gla -12.5367 ▁centered -12.5367 ▁32- -12.5367 ▁Ding -12.5368 ▁164 -12.5368 ▁healed -12.5369 ▁losers -12.537 UG -12.5371 KP -12.5373 ▁Format -12.5373 ISH -12.5374 ▁harbour -12.5375 ▁gum -12.5377 ▁Programming -12.5377 ▁Lloyd -12.5377 ▁7) -12.5381 ▁deduction -12.5381 ▁ratios -12.5382 ▁HI -12.5382 ▁Kowloon -12.5382 ▁PayPal -12.5382 ▁Raymond -12.5383 Council -12.5383 ▁Bulgarian -12.5383 ▁rude -12.5383 rup -12.5384 ▁embryo -12.5384 ZAR -12.5386 ▁Taxi -12.5387 ▁Glen -12.5388 :07 -12.5389 ▁IDF -12.539 ▁Terry -12.5392 ▁authenticity -12.5392 ▁※ -12.5393 ▁1993. -12.5395 ▁Angels -12.5395 nas -12.5396 ▁Token -12.5397 ▁Pattern -12.5397 August -12.5398 ▁Dangerous -12.5398 ▁accidental -12.5398 ▁civilized -12.5401 SIS -12.5402 eptic -12.5402 ▁Speakers -12.5404 asse -12.5404 /31 -12.5405 ogen -12.5406 ▁Proposal -12.5407 ▁easing -12.5407 ▁Trademark -12.5407 personal -12.5409 ▁pole -12.541 ▁coil -12.5411 188 -12.5411 ▁1943 -12.5412 ▁Mirror -12.5412 ▁homicide -12.5412 ▁repercussions -12.5412 ▁cheek -12.5412 ▁Trustees -12.5413 ▁undue -12.5413 ▁widest -12.5413 OG -12.5414 ▁herd -12.5415 inger -12.5415 ▁IDE -12.5416 ▁monuments -12.5418 ▁eternity -12.5419 ▁swept -12.5419 ▁unforgettable -12.5419 SY -12.5419 ▁exhibited -12.542 here -12.5421 eat -12.5422 ▁Fang -12.5422 ▁journalism -12.5422 ▁Centres -12.5426 ▁fusion -12.5426 ▁innocence -12.5427 ▁initiation -12.5427 ▁landlord -12.5428 ▁concerts -12.5429 ▁diets -12.543 ANT -12.5432 ▁exporter -12.5433 ▁expands -12.5433 lei -12.5434 ▁Hussein -12.5434 ▁Mt -12.5434 ▁disruptive -12.5435 ▁Interestingly -12.5437 ▁preceded -12.5437 ▁152 -12.5441 ▁spike -12.5441 ▁Guys -12.5441 ▁refresh -12.5442 ▁Blind -12.5442 giving -12.5442 ▁compassionate -12.5443 ▁Safari -12.5443 sproportionately -12.5444 ▁font -12.5445 1.3 -12.5447 UAH -12.5447 Cha -12.5447 ▁6.2 -12.5447 ▁stakeholder -12.5448 MG -12.5448 网 -12.5449 ▁Saturn -12.5449 ▁inefficient -12.545 ▁disposed -12.545 ▁Ark -12.5451 ▁nationalism -12.5451 ▁repay -12.5451 ▁AMD -12.5451 ▁fleeing -12.5452 ▁toxicity -12.5452 :40 -12.5453 writing -12.5455 日 -12.5456 ▁optimum -12.5456 ▁Almaty -12.5456 Big -12.5457 ▁discounts -12.5458 total -12.5459 VC -12.5459 ▁UNU -12.546 ▁179 -12.5461 ▁compliments -12.5461 ROM -12.5462 ▁Symbol -12.5463 WEB -12.5463 ▁irresponsible -12.5463 ▁partnered -12.5463 scription -12.5465 :50 -12.5465 Du -12.5465 22) -12.5466 ▁NZD -12.5467 ▁GI -12.5467 ▁Eighth -12.5467 ▁comp -12.5467 ▁Aero -12.5468 113 -12.5469 ▁burnt -12.547 ▁Hybrid -12.5471 ▁dwarf -12.5471 ▁predicting -12.5472 ▁noteworthy -12.5472 ▁statutes -12.5475 operative -12.5476 ▁homosexual -12.5477 ▁Appendix -12.5478 Lab -12.5478 ▁programmed -12.5478 ▁lamb -12.5479 ▁60. -12.5481 ▁improper -12.5481 talk -12.5482 oso -12.5482 oodle -12.5483 ▁Mean -12.5485 ▁lump -12.5486 Guangzhou -12.5486 ▁Quote -12.549 002 -12.5493 ′′ -12.5493 ▁inscribed -12.5493 ▁flagrant -12.5493 ▁ample -12.5494 ▁fade -12.5495 ▁SDK -12.5495 GF -12.5497 trust -12.5498 Term -12.5498 ▁sal -12.5499 59) -12.55 【 -12.5501 ▁(2001), -12.5503 021 -12.5504 ▁hurting -12.5504 ▁Component -12.5504 ” -12.5505 ICA -12.5506 ▁bloggers -12.5507 ▁dictate -12.5507 ▁OAU -12.5507 ▁ja -12.5508 ▁Mau -12.551 ▁Drinking -12.5512 HT -12.5512 ▁inventions -12.5513 ▁truthful -12.5514 -2012 -12.5515 ories -12.5515 ▁Campbell -12.5515 ▁Stefan -12.5516 Although -12.5516 ▁161 -12.5516 rp -12.5517 ▁Contest -12.5517 ici -12.5521 sent -12.5521 ▁USSR -12.5522 ▁mod -12.5522 ▁Mogadishu -12.5523 ▁bronze -12.5523 ▁disastrous -12.5523 ▁miscellaneous -12.5524 .” -12.5525 /10/ -12.5526 ▁shipper -12.5526 ▁precursor -12.5526 ▁frank -12.5527 ▁kin -12.5528 ▁cemetery -12.553 gui -12.5531 ▁Wherever -12.5533 ▁Grab -12.5534 ▁automate -12.5536 ▁Eva -12.5536 ▁Hide -12.5537 ▁procuring -12.5538 pcs -12.5538 ▁abortions -12.5538 quarter -12.554 ▁fuckin -12.554 ▁Extract -12.5541 ▁nationalist -12.5541 ▁Venture -12.5542 ▁atom -12.5542 ▁sandwich -12.5543 ▁lodged -12.5546 ▁ITC -12.5546 ▁Deutsche -12.5548 since -12.5548 ▁Tennessee -12.5553 ▁similarities -12.5553 Class -12.5554 ▁shallow -12.5556 did -12.5557 ▁Cycle -12.556 ▁receivables -12.5561 Republic -12.5561 ▁meaningless -12.5562 ▁bush -12.5565 itude -12.5568 ▁Cave -12.5569 php -12.557 ▁municipality -12.5571 oro -12.5572 ▁voiced -12.5572 plate -12.5573 ▁NBC -12.5574 ▁probable -12.5575 ▁revival -12.5575 ▁trunk -12.5575 ▁thriving -12.5575 ▁Timorese -12.5576 61) -12.5576 ▁280 -12.5577 ▁ITU -12.5578 ▁Cry -12.5578 ▁Dreams -12.5579 ▁hid -12.5579 ▁JD -12.558 course -12.5581 mov -12.5581 ▁Images -12.5582 ▁dividends -12.5582 ▁Dal -12.5582 ▁Ralph -12.5582 ▁socket -12.5582 ▁Ninth -12.5582 cade -12.5583 107 -12.5584 ▁magician -12.5585 ▁toast -12.5586 ▁physicist -12.5587 ▁patented -12.5591 [5] -12.5592 ▁overwhelmed -12.5592 ▁sexes -12.5594 Per -12.5594 San -12.5594 ▁phrases -12.5594 ▁Genesis -12.5594 ▁turbine -12.5594 ▁Minutes -12.5595 ▁IEC -12.5595 ▁Identify -12.5595 ▁WS -12.5596 ▁Birmingham -12.5597 ▁Ibrahim -12.5597 ▁acquaintance -12.5597 ▁mortar -12.5597 ▁Cancun -12.5598 ▁statistic -12.5601 ▁1986, -12.5601 52) -12.5601 ▁sparked -12.5602 ibly -12.5602 rative -12.5604 ▁Kiss -12.5605 UNESCO -12.5606 Give -12.5607 ▁contradictions -12.5607 ▁Hen -12.5608 ▁256 -12.5608 ▁Ruth -12.561 ▁smokers -12.5612 ▁paste -12.5616 ▁resemble -12.5618 ▁Slovak -12.5618 ▁CSR -12.5619 ▁bullshit -12.562 ▁conciliation -12.562 GL -12.5622 lix -12.5623 ▁JU -12.5623 ▁Publishing -12.5624 8/ -12.5626 pit -12.5626 ▁snacks -12.5628 ▁Cass -12.5629 ▁Lai -12.563 ▁Immediately -12.563 ▁KB -12.5631 tube -12.5632 ▁Koh -12.5632 ▁Ras -12.5634 ▁drastically -12.5635 ▁tra -12.5636 201 -12.5636 ▁preferably -12.5638 ▁indiscriminate -12.5638 ▁Tracking -12.5639 ▁(1998) -12.5639 ▁LU -12.5639 titude -12.564 ▁unrelated -12.5641 ▁extremists -12.5641 clear -12.5642 ▁Insert -12.5642 ▁revitalize -12.5642 ▁lottery -12.5642 SEK -12.5643 ▁conflicting -12.5644 ▁Motion -12.5644 ▁NATIONS -12.5644 ▁reforming -12.5644 ▁FE -12.5645 dr -12.5646 ▁insecure -12.5646 HAN -12.5646 ▁Profit -12.5647 118 -12.5649 ▁weakening -12.565 ▁Protecting -12.565 Health -12.5651 ▁Values -12.5651 ▁Tal -12.5651 ▁Spe -12.5655 ▁Tier -12.5655 ▁Louisiana -12.5658 ▁exquisite -12.5658 ▁Welding -12.5658 ▁exc -12.5659 ▁rulers -12.566 ▁2030. -12.5663 ▁wasting -12.5663 ▁Convinced -12.5665 ▁vegetarian -12.5665 ▁scroll -12.5665 ▁Hawk -12.5666 ▁FROM -12.5667 ennial -12.5668 ▁foil -12.5668 ▁counterpart -12.567 ▁distributor -12.5671 SW -12.5671 ▁recurring -12.5673 ▁infrastructures -12.5674 ilo -12.5676 ▁1914 -12.5677 gia -12.5677 ▁harmless -12.5677 *** -12.5677 ▁Settings -12.568 -2005 -12.568 ▁encumbered -12.568 ▁Abdullah -12.568 horn -12.5681 ▁automobiles -12.5681 Business -12.5681 ▁multicultural -12.5684 ▁Implement -12.5685 ▁shadows -12.5686 Make -12.5686 ▁translating -12.5688 ▁worthwhile -12.5688 dio -12.5689 ▁hint -12.5689 ▁Inspectors -12.569 ▁planetary -12.5692 ▁classrooms -12.5695 ▁Ng -12.5695 ▁waterproof -12.5695 ▁Cartagena -12.5695 ▁hostility -12.5696 vac -12.5696 Okay -12.5696 ▁attainable -12.5698 ▁Princeton -12.5699 sell -12.5699 haus -12.5699 ▁checkpoints -12.57 ▁frankly -12.57 ▁saints -12.5701 ▁ISS -12.5702 ▁nephew -12.5703 ▁abusive -12.5703 ▁postal -12.5703 ▁headache -12.5703 nate -12.5704 ▁CBS -12.5706 ▁stall -12.5708 ▁Sergeant -12.571 ▁corrigendum -12.571 ▁MM -12.5712 Win -12.5714 ▁si -12.5714 bian -12.5714 ▁2023 -12.5715 ▁presumed -12.5716 HF -12.5717 ▁Bangalore -12.5718 ▁eurozone -12.5718 ▁(2006), -12.5719 ▁occupations -12.5719 ▁underestimated -12.572 én -12.5722 dling -12.5722 NZD -12.5723 ▁protracted -12.5726 peace -12.5727 ▁fatty -12.5729 Ja -12.573 ▁extinct -12.573 ▁KRW -12.5732 ▁induction -12.5732 -80 -12.5732 ▁Establishing -12.5733 ▁temper -12.5733 ▁hop -12.5733 ▁doubling -12.5733 ▁pregnancies -12.5733 ▁coincide -12.5733 ▁Biotechnology -12.5733 ▁exchanging -12.5734 ▁Gab -12.5734 cies -12.574 eni -12.574 ▁Wayne -12.5741 suite -12.5741 Egypt -12.5742 enabled -12.5742 father -12.5742 Vol -12.5746 ▁communal -12.5746 !!! -12.5746 ▁Exp -12.5747 ▁Gem -12.5747 ▁vested -12.5748 Ni -12.5751 ▁affiliates -12.5751 ▁Dawn -12.5752 ▁embryos -12.5754 ried -12.5754 ▁Selected -12.5756 ▁thunder -12.5756 ▁roadmap -12.5757 thy -12.5757 ▁bolt -12.5757 ▁Costs -12.576 IGHT -12.5762 ▁migrate -12.5762 ▁:) -12.5763 ▁trajectory -12.5764 ▁Merciful -12.5764 ▁initiating -12.5764 ▁petrol -12.5764 ▁Supervision -12.5764 ▁id -12.5764 ▁manuals -12.5765 ▁Invest -12.5766 rik -12.5766 1995 -12.5768 ▁ounce -12.5769 ▁Tip -12.5769 ▁Ave -12.577 77) -12.577 ▁shout -12.5771 ▁torn -12.5772 ▁Valentine -12.5773 ▁bargaining -12.5773 57) -12.5775 122 -12.5775 BRL -12.5778 lop -12.5778 ▁breakthroughs -12.5779 AW -12.5779 ▁2-3 -12.578 ▁Threat -12.5781 ▁collector -12.5786 ▁1967, -12.5786 ▁addendum -12.5787 ▁interpreter -12.5787 asa -12.5788 ▁supporter -12.5788 ▁insured -12.579 ▁participates -12.579 ▁6- -12.5792 ▁Doug -12.5793 ▁pencil -12.5794 large -12.5795 ▁grantor -12.5797 :03 -12.5798 ▁Wash -12.5801 ▁deletion -12.5802 ▁270 -12.5802 ▁hubs -12.5802 ▁GNU -12.5804 ▁WIPO -12.5806 rong -12.5807 2005 -12.5808 ▁242 -12.5809 ▁affirms -12.5809 ▁40- -12.5809 ▁Columbus -12.5809 ▁Wisdom -12.5809 ▁withdrawing -12.581 ": -12.581 -2008 -12.5812 ▁impressions -12.5813 ▁fixing -12.5815 ▁prostate -12.5816 ▁Restrictions -12.5817 ▁grill -12.5817 ▁notices -12.5818 ▁remembering -12.5819 ▁Boris -12.582 /29 -12.5823 ▁suck -12.5823 75) -12.5823 ▁Thematic -12.5823 ▁157 -12.5823 ident -12.5824 ▁halls -12.5824 ▁Mathematics -12.5825 ▁inflicted -12.5826 ▁Preliminary -12.5826 lateral -12.5826 ▁Anal -12.5827 ▁idols -12.5827 ICO -12.5827 ▁Pedro -12.5828 ▁logs -12.5829 ▁supposedly -12.5829 Port -12.5831 ▁invaded -12.5831 Res -12.5832 ▁overthrow -12.5833 ▁photographers -12.5833 BN -12.5833 ▁JP -12.5834 .[2] -12.5835 ▁merge -12.5836 ▁programmer -12.5836 tek -12.5837 ▁wax -12.5837 232 -12.5838 850 -12.5838 ▁attorneys -12.5839 ▁envoy -12.584 ▁solitary -12.584 ▁Medicare -12.584 ▁16- -12.5841 ▁admired -12.5841 ▁Observation -12.5841 ▁tutor -12.5841 ope -12.5843 ▁Pier -12.5843 ▁decorated -12.5844 fil -12.5844 ▁cultivated -12.5844 ▁Witch -12.5844 ▁Luther -12.5846 Russia -12.5847 ▁brackets -12.5848 ▁feminist -12.5848 ▁stylish -12.5848 ▁seated -12.5849 ▁Saving -12.5851 ▁jumping -12.5854 ▁jeopardize -12.5854 ▁isolate -12.5855 ▁dispose -12.5855 ▁distraction -12.5856 witch -12.5857 8). -12.5857 ▁1987, -12.5858 although -12.5859 ▁Mozilla -12.5863 spire -12.5866 :26 -12.5866 ▁177 -12.5866 ▁dye -12.5869 ▁Constant -12.587 ▁1999) -12.5871 ▁Marvel -12.5871 ▁hamper -12.5871 cas -12.5872 ▁Madam -12.5875 ▁coaching -12.5875 ▁Setting -12.5875 pool -12.5876 ▁uploaded -12.5876 ▁INC -12.5876 č -12.5879 ▁Chase -12.5879 ▁Showing -12.5879 ▁specialization -12.588 GER -12.588 ▁Honda -12.588 ▁pub -12.5881 suit -12.5882 ▁Cohen -12.5883 rap -12.5883 ▁TIME -12.5883 ▁Leonard -12.5885 ▁ZAR -12.5886 ▁upholding -12.5886 ▁Kentucky -12.5886 ▁shepherd -12.5886 ▁federation -12.5886 ▁crackdown -12.5887 ▁Neu -12.5887 NGO -12.5887 ▁outgoing -12.5887 ▁potatoes -12.5888 :2019 -12.5888 mination -12.5889 actic -12.5889 ▁sums -12.5889 roots -12.589 ▁Mile -12.589 ▁Dimensions -12.5892 conditioned -12.5892 ▁sweep -12.5892 ▁Lima -12.5894 ▁Fantasy -12.5894 ▁UNCDF -12.5894 ▁academy -12.5894 ▁queue -12.5894 ▁Jefferson -12.5894 ▁polio -12.5894 ▁Lift -12.5895 ▁ext -12.5895 ▁Clients -12.5898 ▁Hunan -12.5899 acle -12.5899 ▁strives -12.59 ▁crawl -12.59 ▁ABB -12.5901 ▁Admiral -12.5902 ▁siege -12.5902 ▁ritual -12.5903 January -12.5903 ▁Sing -12.5905 UB -12.5906 sound -12.5907 around -12.5907 VPN -12.5907 ▁Pittsburgh -12.5909 ▁protectionism -12.591 Great -12.5911 ▁162 -12.5911 corp -12.5912 ▁fundraising -12.5912 hk -12.5913 ▁influx -12.5917 ▁Mitchell -12.5917 ▁monument -12.5917 ▁urine -12.5918 America -12.5918 ▁Qian -12.5918 ranking -12.592 ▁differing -12.5921 existent -12.5921 Lo -12.5921 metre -12.5924 ▁irrelevant -12.5925 zed -12.5926 ▁Scene -12.5926 length -12.5926 ▁inaccurate -12.5927 ▁Visitor -12.5928 ▁Henri -12.593 llo -12.593 ▁flames -12.5931 kha -12.5931 ▁Peak -12.5932 ▁Reason -12.5933 rim -12.5934 ▁surrendered -12.5936 ▁TRY -12.5937 ▁OUT -12.5938 ▁0.00 -12.5938 ▁86- -12.5939 ▁CFC -12.594 ▁interpretations -12.594 lem -12.594 ▁Cologne -12.594 ▁admissible -12.594 ▁Hyatt -12.594 ▁Launched -12.5941 ▁64- -12.5941 ▁bourgeois -12.5942 sufficient -12.5942 omer -12.5944 ▁sack -12.5944 ▁Pact -12.5944 ▁Wise -12.5946 ▁elder -12.5947 ▁humane -12.5947 AND -12.5947 ▁explode -12.5947 ▁163 -12.5948 ▁chess -12.5949 ▁Lucky -12.5951 ▁blogger -12.5952 :28 -12.5953 ▁inward -12.5954 ▁Taka -12.5954 ▁NOK -12.5954 ▁Olive -12.5956 ▁Rican -12.5956 ▁Written -12.5956 ▁generosity -12.5956 liter -12.5957 ▁bury -12.5958 ▁antibiotic -12.5958 complete -12.5958 Israel -12.5959 hof -12.5959 ▁Warm -12.5959 ota -12.5962 ▁handbook -12.5963 ▁Saw -12.5963 ▁safest -12.5964 ▁promotions -12.5964 ▁res -12.5966 ▁researching -12.5966 culture -12.5967 ▁Kerry -12.5967 Internet -12.5968 ▁coastline -12.5969 living -12.597 ▁Stockpiling -12.5971 ▁demolition -12.5971 ▁Semiconductor -12.5971 ▁REPORT -12.5972 ▁Hugo -12.5972 fill -12.5974 ▁minus -12.5975 ▁Flying -12.5975 fort -12.5976 ▁polling -12.5977 ▁explores -12.5978 urban -12.5978 ▁cereal -12.5979 ▁Bezos -12.5979 tory -12.598 ▁Outstanding -12.598 series -12.598 ▁Taiwanese -12.598 hm -12.5981 uit -12.5982 ▁UNDAF -12.5985 ▁censorship -12.5987 ▁Root -12.5988 ▁salad -12.5988 ▁Typically -12.5991 ▁thirst -12.5992 shing -12.5993 +1 -12.5994 ▁Ranking -12.5994 ▁Objectives -12.5995 ▁graduating -12.5995 ▁senator -12.5996 SGD -12.5996 ▁raid -12.5996 —— -12.5998 Top -12.5998 ▁Seat -12.5999 lah -12.6 ▁prey -12.6 ▁upstream -12.6 ▁8: -12.6002 ▁preclude -12.6002 ▁Acquisition -12.6003 ▁lemon -12.6004 ▁parliaments -12.6004 ▁Created -12.6004 -4) -12.6005 ▁Contribution -12.6005 ▁Numbers -12.6007 ▁Madame -12.6008 ▁$19 -12.601 ▁9:00 -12.601 ▁vegetation -12.601 ▁dull -12.6011 oun -12.6011 256 -12.6011 odo -12.6011 ▁Carr -12.6012 minating -12.6012 ▁Portal -12.6013 ▁Luo -12.6014 ▁Unix -12.6015 ▁SSD -12.6016 ▁stiff -12.6018 ▁enhances -12.6018 ▁Toggle -12.6018 ▁concise -12.6018 ▁triangle -12.6018 ▁inspected -12.6019 ▁digest -12.602 ▁thirteen -12.6022 54) -12.6025 ▁inaccuracies -12.6026 ▁Pharma -12.6027 ▁inject -12.6029 ▁PART -12.6031 ▁Frame -12.6032 114 -12.6033 ▁overseeing -12.6034 ▁Sn -12.6034 ▁criticize -12.6035 ▁surf -12.6035 ▁bend -12.6036 years -12.6037 ▁annoying -12.6037 ▁Wenzhou -12.6038 pra -12.6039 jar -12.6039 eries -12.6039 itation -12.604 ▁favoured -12.6041 ▁underneath -12.6042 ▁shook -12.6044 ▁tubes -12.6044 ▁Designer -12.6044 ▁Buying -12.6046 ▁192 -12.6047 ▁Spi -12.6047 ▁complying -12.6048 ▁adaptive -12.6048 ▁IR -12.6049 ▁Amazing -12.605 KG -12.6051 ▁Rosen -12.6053 ▁helpless -12.6054 zel -12.6055 166 -12.6056 ▁downloading -12.6056 ▁grocery -12.6057 ▁presumption -12.6057 ▁CMP -12.6058 military -12.6058 79) -12.6058 ▁Bomb -12.6062 ▁Chef -12.6064 ▁disturb -12.6064 ▁58/1 -12.6066 lus -12.6066 20,000 -12.6066 OECD -12.6067 ▁stark -12.6068 ▁Kil -12.6069 ▁UNV -12.607 ▁multiply -12.6073 Everything -12.6075 ▁Cla -12.6077 nice -12.6078 ▁1936 -12.6078 ▁grounded -12.6079 112 -12.608 itive -12.6081 ▁Handbook -12.6082 ▁vest -12.6082 ▁firewall -12.6082 Pi -12.6083 NR -12.6084 ▁FCC -12.6084 ▁Extreme -12.6086 NPT -12.6086 ▁Neuro -12.6087 ▁disbursement -12.6089 ▁rein -12.609 ▁Singh -12.609 ▁enhancements -12.6091 ▁slum -12.6093 apa -12.6094 pathy -12.6094 ▁Ronald -12.6094 ▁Receive -12.6095 asia -12.6095 NOK -12.6096 rupt -12.6097 ▁Cl -12.6097 ▁whereabouts -12.6097 ▁elephants -12.6097 ▁Geographical -12.6097 ▁outright -12.6099 ▁artwork -12.6101 ▁candles -12.6102 ▁excel -12.6102 ▁differs -12.6103 \' -12.6105 ▁Riyadh -12.6105 computer -12.6106 ▁exhaustive -12.6108 ▁gal -12.6109 ▁Diabetes -12.6112 ▁celebrity -12.6112 ▁optimizing -12.6112 ▁microbes -12.6113 ▁Lessons -12.6113 ▁q -12.6116 listed -12.6116 ▁lodge -12.6117 ▁shelves -12.6118 ▁18- -12.6126 ▁7.1 -12.6126 ▁Bolivarian -12.6126 ▁validate -12.6127 erie -12.6128 cation -12.6129 ▁harvesting -12.613 ▁4.6 -12.613 ▁repetition -12.613 ▁treasures -12.6131 ▁customize -12.6131 Hotel -12.6132 137 -12.6132 ▁Xian -12.6132 ▁handles -12.6133 -2006 -12.6135 51) -12.6135 ▁accidentally -12.6136 /2012/ -12.6136 ▁Consortium -12.6136 ▁sediment -12.6136 ▁dragged -12.6136 ▁UNFICYP -12.6138 ▁Analysts -12.6139 ▁thirsty -12.6139 ▁displaying -12.6141 ▁Trail -12.6142 ▁Acknowledging -12.6144 ▁Concluding -12.6144 ▁san -12.6145 lice -12.6145 ▁Sunset -12.6146 ▁china -12.6148 interoperability -12.6149 temp -12.6151 ▁bargain -12.6151 ▁auxiliary -12.6152 ▁educating -12.6152 plastic -12.6154 kra -12.6156 ▁Fen -12.6156 ▁Keeping -12.6158 MIT -12.6158 ▁Tours -12.6159 inder -12.616 ▁bankers -12.616 employment -12.616 chy -12.616 Earth -12.6162 :24 -12.6163 ▁thesis -12.6163 ▁GHz -12.6164 ▁fabrics -12.6165 mount -12.6165 ▁monsters -12.6166 ▁HTC -12.6167 ▁bubbles -12.6168 ▁Pregnant -12.6168 ▁Luckily -12.6168 69) -12.6169 ▁LS -12.6169 ▁UL -12.617 ▁arsenal -12.6172 ▁Penn -12.6173 ▁Template -12.6176 ▁shaking -12.6176 udge -12.6177 cient -12.6177 KRW -12.6178 ▁Cards -12.6178 ▁Strike -12.6179 ▁± -12.6179 ▁11:00 -12.6179 ISA -12.618 uh -12.618 ▁Careers -12.618 ▁constituent -12.618 fly -12.618 span -12.6181 ▁Perry -12.6181 ▁PER -12.6182 gene -12.6183 ▁superb -12.6184 ▁eBay -12.6184 ▁await -12.6184 66) -12.6185 price -12.6185 ▁rewarding -12.6185 Jesus -12.6185 inate -12.6186 ▁whales -12.6188 oko -12.6189 ▁Swan -12.6189 ▁ICE -12.619 131 -12.619 ▁EOS -12.6191 ▁Perspective -12.6192 ▁calculating -12.6192 ▁cathedral -12.6192 ▁turtle -12.6192 ▁prescribe -12.6192 ▁Hazardous -12.6192 ▁logged -12.6192 LAND -12.6193 ▁blueprint -12.6193 ▁mon -12.6194 CZK -12.6195 ▁ecology -12.6196 engine -12.6198 ▁billionaire -12.6199 ▁Nintendo -12.62 ▁provocation -12.62 ▁Lifestyle -12.6202 ▁tastes -12.6202 158 -12.6202 ▁securely -12.6202 ▁negotiable -12.6203 think -12.6203 ▁precursors -12.6204 ▁blown -12.6207 ▁LL -12.6207 while -12.6208 ▁complementarity -12.6208 ▁teens -12.6208 YS -12.6209 AMA -12.621 ▁8- -12.6211 stay -12.6211 ▁212 -12.6211 136 -12.6214 74) -12.6215 ▁reliably -12.6216 ▁unresolved -12.6216 ▁diffusion -12.6216 ▁impaired -12.6216 ▁tile -12.6217 Industry -12.6217 ndi -12.6218 ▁HERE -12.6218 ▁Eritrean -12.6219 ▁UAH -12.622 0.5 -12.6222 ▁Teach -12.6222 ▁retains -12.6223 ▁Pavilion -12.6224 ▁identifier -12.6224 ▁pH -12.6224 ▁clown -12.6224 ▁echo -12.6224 ▁slipped -12.6224 ▁automakers -12.6224 YO -12.6226 ▁nut -12.6228 icide -12.6229 OE -12.623 CIS -12.623 87) -12.623 ▁Equi -12.623 ▁stretched -12.6231 ▁forcibly -12.6232 ▁armor -12.6235 ▁patron -12.6239 ▁emanating -12.624 ▁foregoing -12.624 bru -12.6241 station -12.6242 ▁turbines -12.6243 phon -12.6246 ▁Churchill -12.6247 uster -12.6247 ▁arbitrarily -12.6248 ▁protector -12.6249 ▁radically -12.625 ▁Walt -12.625 ▁costing -12.625 ▁Factor -12.6252 ▁Jamie -12.6252 ▁prosper -12.6254 ▁admits -12.6255 備 -12.6256 ▁Celsius -12.6256 ▁Treasure -12.6256 ▁tertiary -12.6256 ▁copied -12.6256 154 -12.6256 ▁Detection -12.6256 ▁ENGLISH -12.6257 ▁predictability -12.6257 financial -12.6257 ▁factions -12.6257 financing -12.6257 ▁Jar -12.6258 digit -12.6258 gence -12.6258 ▁Porto -12.626 angle -12.6261 Once -12.6261 ▁Mandela -12.6264 ▁captive -12.6264 ▁interregional -12.6265 Official -12.6265 ▁warehouses -12.6265 distance -12.6266 chat -12.6267 grid -12.6271 ▁classify -12.6271 clean -12.6272 ▁Twelve -12.6272 ▁bent -12.6274 Nothing -12.6274 ▁Terra -12.6274 ▁bans -12.6276 ▁fourteen -12.6278 turn -12.628 ▁campuses -12.6283 ▁Rogers -12.6283 ▁Yearbook -12.6284 uth -12.6285 ▁Birds -12.6287 ▁heights -12.6287 ▁fishermen -12.6288 ▁joins -12.6288 fl -12.6288 ▁compiler -12.6288 ▁Grandma -12.6288 ▁Mold -12.6288 ▁Chun -12.6289 ▁Terrorist -12.6289 ▁Bir -12.6289 ▁(21 -12.6289 ▁320 -12.629 76) -12.6291 ▁187 -12.6292 lain -12.6293 ▁(22 -12.6293 ▁differentiation -12.6293 ▁endured -12.6294 encies -12.6295 ▁blew -12.6296 ▁molecule -12.6296 ▁Ahmad -12.6296 ▁wrongdoing -12.6296 ▁peasants -12.6297 ▁prolong -12.63 ▁Iowa -12.63 ▁Indo -12.6301 ▁electrons -12.6301 ▁chooses -12.6302 ▁Boulevard -12.6304 ▁pistol -12.6304 ▁sentencing -12.6304 OSS -12.6304 ▁($4 -12.6304 mie -12.6304 ▁Mommy -12.6305 ▁Talking -12.6305 ▁São -12.6306 ▁Approved -12.6306 ▁patiently -12.6306 ▁1938 -12.6308 fired -12.6308 ▁Economist -12.631 ▁illustration -12.631 ▁substitution -12.6312 年 -12.6312 uting -12.6313 ▁indefinitely -12.6315 ▁Mou -12.6315 ▁porn -12.6316 ▁grains -12.6318 yin -12.6318 wai -12.6318 brook -12.6321 ▁conserve -12.6321 SEC -12.6322 ▁Hur -12.6322 kun -12.6324 265 -12.6325 ▁Slot -12.6326 ▁headline -12.6327 ▁insofar -12.6328 ▁Judah -12.6328 ▁demining -12.6329 ▁Aviv -12.6331 mara -12.6331 ▁70. -12.6333 ▁sketch -12.6334 ▁stationed -12.6336 StarCount -12.6337 ▁Rated -12.6337 rier -12.6337 ▁disable -12.6337 ▁Meter -12.6338 CER -12.6338 ▁Qin -12.6338 ▁odor -12.6338 nova -12.634 ▁BT -12.6342 ▁CZK -12.6342 ▁relocated -12.6344 ▁Juvenile -12.6344 ▁grandparents -12.6344 ▁vapor -12.6344 ▁methane -12.6344 ▁Might -12.6349 60) -12.6351 ▁Commodities -12.6352 ▁Ubuntu -12.6352 ▁bundle -12.6352 ▁replicate -12.6353 ▁Motorola -12.6353 ▁Twelfth -12.6353 ▁189 -12.6355 ▁renewables -12.6356 ▁Input -12.6356 mut -12.6359 ▁Continuing -12.636 ▁unfamiliar -12.636 ▁poems -12.6362 ▁5* -12.6362 ▁Lecture -12.6362 ▁Bart -12.6367 ▁impair -12.6367 ▁sweetheart -12.6368 abil -12.6369 ▁equilibrium -12.637 IU -12.637 crement -12.6371 floor -12.6373 thin -12.6374 ▁debated -12.6375 ▁Chin -12.6376 sufficiency -12.6376 ▁conscientious -12.6376 ▁transgender -12.6376 ▁Divine -12.6377 2006 -12.6377 ▁monks -12.6377 employed -12.6377 ▁Cole -12.6377 /2019 -12.6378 ▁Quiet -12.6378 hap -12.6378 Pu -12.6378 ▁Bud -12.6378 ▁leaked -12.6378 ▁Turk -12.6379 iac -12.638 ▁charger -12.638 56) -12.638 ▁intercept -12.6381 ▁clay -12.6381 ▁pu -12.6384 ▁recurrence -12.6384 ▁Bass -12.6385 ▁socks -12.6385 Market -12.6387 ▁1-2 -12.6388 allow -12.6389 ”— -12.6389 bli -12.6389 ▁evidenced -12.6389 buy -12.6391 ▁DKK -12.6392 ▁contested -12.6392 ▁Accident -12.6393 ▁astray -12.6393 ▁Payments -12.6396 ▁opted -12.6396 reclassification -12.6401 ▁Elon -12.6401 ▁Citizen -12.6401 ▁Calm -12.6402 sic -12.6402 ▁Temp -12.6404 found -12.6405 ▁sadly -12.6405 DKK -12.6407 ▁Grill -12.6408 ▁wreck -12.6408 ▁underline -12.6408 ▁pervasive -12.6409 ▁confinement -12.6409 ▁translates -12.641 legal -12.641 ▁potent -12.6411 competitive -12.6411 ▁SAT -12.6412 ▁repaired -12.6414 hmm -12.6414 ▁goodwill -12.6414 ▁Straight -12.6417 ▁terrifying -12.6417 ▁vocabulary -12.6417 ▁judging -12.6417 ▁Maduro -12.6417 Reuters -12.6419 62) -12.642 ▁arrow -12.642 oop -12.642 Data -12.642 sustainment -12.6421 training -12.6422 ▁Kol -12.6422 ▁Portland -12.6422 ▁hostages -12.6423 ▁1949, -12.6424 ▁grandchildren -12.6425 ▁Dylan -12.6425 ▁naming -12.6425 ADE -12.6427 ▁Patient -12.6427 ▁clan -12.6427 ▁Unique -12.6427 ▁repayment -12.643 pressure -12.643 ▁Concerned -12.6432 ▁surprises -12.6432 ▁Southwest -12.6433 129 -12.6434 ▁disagreement -12.6434 ▁knowledgeable -12.6434 ▁rebuilt -12.6435 ▁Unknown -12.6436 methyl -12.6436 served -12.6437 4/ -12.6437 ▁Serb -12.6437 ▁Demo -12.6441 ▁Cottage -12.6441 ▁Missouri -12.6441 ▁shoppers -12.6442 ships -12.6443 ▁lest -12.6443 ▁depositary -12.6444 Photo -12.6444 ▁Conf -12.6445 ▁Sandy -12.6446 tention -12.6447 ▁225 -12.6447 programme -12.6447 ▁inhabited -12.6448 ▁Oklahoma -12.6449 té -12.645 ña -12.6452 ▁scans -12.6453 ▁Smile -12.6455 ▁marketers -12.6455 amo -12.6455 ▁mourn -12.6457 ISO -12.6457 ▁Sheraton -12.6458 ▁unbelievable -12.6458 ▁Slavery -12.6458 ▁PCs -12.6458 ▁straw -12.6458 ▁entertain -12.6458 ▁MySQL -12.6458 ▁flown -12.6461 ▁Files -12.6462 bber -12.6462 ▁oppressed -12.6463 ▁(14) -12.6463 ▁Hon -12.6464 ▁Joshua -12.6466 ▁maximizing -12.6466 ▁Erik -12.6466 ▁RB -12.6467 ▁enacting -12.647 ▁alerts -12.647 ▁eminent -12.6471 ▁supplementing -12.6472 ▁Rising -12.6473 ▁termed -12.6473 ▁astronaut -12.6474 ▁marathon -12.6474 ▁Zhongshan -12.6475 gong -12.6477 ▁grim -12.6477 citing -12.6478 ▁Peng -12.6479 ▁Aim -12.648 vol -12.648 ▁Clock -12.6482 ▁intuition -12.6482 》 -12.6482 ▁tentative -12.6482 ▁Wong -12.6485 ante -12.6485 ▁Pictures -12.6485 kit -12.6487 ▁81. -12.6487 ▁Listing -12.6488 tested -12.6488 ▁harbor -12.649 ▁Winston -12.649 ▁pepper -12.6491 ▁Ecosystem -12.6491 ía -12.6491 ▁hesitation -12.6491 ▁Infant -12.6491 ▁Landscape -12.6491 ▁ham -12.6491 ▁garment -12.6491 ▁manifestation -12.6492 consuming -12.6493 Rapporteur -12.6493 ▁Seeing -12.6497 dh -12.6497 ▁preventable -12.6497 lane -12.6498 ▁Xenophobia -12.6499 ounce -12.6499 ▁(23 -12.6499 nut -12.6501 ▁Blair -12.6501 Arab -12.6502 uki -12.6502 ▁INTER -12.6503 365 -12.6503 atic -12.6504 Care -12.6504 ▁immersive -12.6507 ▁dialect -12.6507 ▁warrior -12.6507 rak -12.6508 ▁Todd -12.6508 deep -12.6509 UNFPA -12.6509 ▁mentality -12.6509 Room -12.651 ▁Sid -12.651 209 -12.6511 mia -12.6513 ▁psychologists -12.6513 ▁Beck -12.6513 /32 -12.6514 ▁dissolution -12.6515 ▁2.9 -12.6515 wed -12.6515 ▁83. -12.6516 ▁ferry -12.6516 ITE -12.6517 ▁Croatian -12.6517 ready -12.6518 bah -12.6518 ▁furthermore -12.6518 ▁accrued -12.6518 ▁MDG -12.6519 ▁pirates -12.652 ▁electronically -12.6521 ▁rays -12.6521 oral -12.6522 collect -12.6523 ▁Meteorological -12.6523 ▁attendees -12.6524 ▁Chilean -12.6526 121 -12.6526 ▁XIII -12.6526 ▁domestically -12.6529 ▁buzz -12.6532 ▁“‘ -12.6533 TED -12.6533 ▁Vic -12.6534 32) -12.6535 .0% -12.6536 ▁ESA -12.6536 ▁aggravated -12.6536 ▁Victory -12.6536 ▁LP -12.6536 lived -12.6537 ▁millionaire -12.6538 ▁Turner -12.6538 ▁Dalian -12.6538 ▁deceive -12.6539 ▁protagonist -12.654 ▁Adaptation -12.654 ▁UNAMA -12.6541 ▁inflict -12.6541 ▁worsening -12.6542 ▁appearances -12.6542 account -12.6542 ▁$100,000 -12.6543 ▁Been -12.6543 ▁Assist -12.6543 ▁Gill -12.6544 RIS -12.6544 ▁cor -12.6546 ▁protections -12.6546 eter -12.6546 ▁deployments -12.6547 ▁fibers -12.6548 ▁Carnegie -12.6548 ▁prophecy -12.6548 ▁Pompeo -12.6548 limit -12.6549 ▁Spread -12.6551 ▁induced -12.6555 ▁Mala -12.6556 iza -12.6556 ▁gracious -12.6556 ▁shooter -12.6557 ▁dissent -12.6557 ▁sec -12.6558 Three -12.6558 ▁siblings -12.656 feld -12.656 ▁testified -12.6561 ▁Kris -12.6561 ▁rations -12.6561 natal -12.6561 CHA -12.6562 ▁hollow -12.6564 ▁skull -12.6564 ▁Gateway -12.6566 157 -12.6566 ▁litem -12.6566 ▁BB -12.6567 ▁amino -12.6568 ▁LOVE -12.6568 ▁proudly -12.6569 ▁lenders -12.6569 ▁77. -12.6571 26) -12.6571 ▁Models -12.6572 ania -12.6572 ▁Pic -12.6573 ▁Teams -12.6573 ▁perpetual -12.6573 ▁tumour -12.6573 ▁antiretroviral -12.6573 ▁Dakar -12.6573 ▁BU -12.6574 ▁checklist -12.6576 ▁plum -12.6576 ▁9% -12.6579 ▁asserts -12.658 ▁Grow -12.658 ▁Symphony -12.6581 ▁clerk -12.6581 ▁flourish -12.6581 ▁Sharp -12.6582 ▁frog -12.6582 ▁plugin -12.6583 ▁Cannot -12.6583 ▁Eleventh -12.6584 ▁Mercy -12.6584 ▁SERVICE -12.6584 ashi -12.6588 ▁MH -12.6588 ▁Shield -12.6589 ▁GF -12.6589 ▁Difference -12.6591 ▁fragments -12.6591 ▁fetch -12.6592 ▁booked -12.6593 ▁Dynamics -12.6594 ▁bonuses -12.6594 ▁184 -12.6595 ▁gra -12.6596 ▁Jesse -12.6597 ▁IDC -12.6599 UNA -12.6599 still -12.6602 ▁fr -12.6602 ▁Shelf -12.6602 ▁Node -12.6602 ▁Europeans -12.6602 why -12.6603 ▁mailing -12.6604 ▁Elevator -12.6606 ▁rotating -12.6606 displaystyle -12.6608 ▁divert -12.6608 ▁pope -12.6609 ▁gen -12.6609 zhu -12.6613 ▁Principe -12.6614 ▁communism -12.6614 ▁Alarm -12.6615 ▁Thing -12.6617 ▁pertain -12.6617 ▁trim -12.6617 (0) -12.6617 ▁82. -12.6619 sessional -12.662 ▁lodging -12.6622 ▁45% -12.6622 ▁CU -12.6623 ▁constructing -12.6623 roma -12.6624 886 -12.6625 Sat -12.6626 Ab -12.6627 ▁Ang -12.6627 WI -12.6629 "> -12.6629 分 -12.6631 :35 -12.6631 ▁redesign -12.6631 ▁vampire -12.6633 29) -12.6636 ▁bl -12.6638 ▁exacerbate -12.6638 ▁tolerated -12.6639 activity -12.6639 ▁Circular -12.6639 ▁digit -12.6639 ▁Empowerment -12.6639 ▁Gree -12.6641 Italy -12.6642 erman -12.6645 ▁Recommends -12.6646 quin -12.6646 ▁Dubrovnik -12.6647 ▁coward -12.6649 ▁aquifer -12.6649 ▁diplomat -12.665 cca -12.6651 jian -12.6653 ▁Deliver -12.6653 777 -12.6654 ▁bur -12.6654 ▁PRE -12.6655 ▁Baptist -12.6656 ▁hemisphere -12.6656 ▁perfume -12.6656 ▁transporting -12.6656 ▁Reich -12.6657 ▁(2014) -12.6657 ▁201 -12.6657 confidence -12.6658 ▁Executives -12.6658 ▁transmitter -12.6659 ▁mor -12.6661 ▁Elite -12.6662 ▁Marty -12.6662 ▁Pine -12.6663 ▁lucrative -12.6664 尔 -12.6664 ▁metabolic -12.6664 ▁collateral -12.6664 ▁contradictory -12.6664 ois -12.6665 ▁recipes -12.6666 ▁conductor -12.6667 connect -12.6667 ▁doctoral -12.6667 ▁Revelation -12.6668 ▁dispersed -12.6668 CAS -12.6668 Print -12.667 ▁Gru -12.667 ▁digits -12.667 ▁Signs -12.667 ▁Laos -12.6672 ▁Polski -12.6672 ▁northeast -12.6673 iq -12.6673 ▁Mol -12.6673 OY -12.6674 ARY -12.6675 ▁tray -12.6676 )( -12.668 ▁Mut -12.6682 ▁fights -12.6682 ▁devastated -12.6682 ▁nerves -12.6682 ▁expires -12.6683 metallic -12.6683 tale -12.6684 512 -12.6684 OB -12.6685 ▁ti -12.6686 ▁volcano -12.6687 ▁Normally -12.6689 ▁approving -12.6689 ▁Seasons -12.6689 staff -12.6693 ▁disgrace -12.6694 ▁forgetting -12.6694 -82 -12.6695 ▁Guided -12.6695 ▁immortal -12.6696 due -12.6697 ▁Famous -12.6697 ▁chemotherapy -12.6697 ▁AA -12.6697 ▁Utah -12.6697 225 -12.6697 ▁Lives -12.67 ▁underscore -12.67 ▁1984, -12.67 ▁compute -12.6702 ▁Led -12.6703 ▁silicone -12.6704 ▁Cai -12.6705 ▁reciprocal -12.6706 ▁animated -12.6706 ▁undermines -12.6706 olds -12.6707 ▁annum -12.6708 ▁Casting -12.6708 ▁Dude -12.671 ▁visualization -12.671 127 -12.6711 ▁instructor -12.6712 :2015 -12.6712 ▁1919 -12.6712 THE -12.6713 title -12.6713 ▁4000 -12.6714 ▁hormones -12.6714 ▁crust -12.6715 sectoral -12.6715 xx -12.6715 ▁Upgrade -12.6715 ▁≤ -12.6717 ▁Glo -12.6718 nah -12.6719 ▁CG -12.6719 flat -12.672 scan -12.672 ▁Broadcasting -12.6721 ▁calculator -12.6722 ▁Album -12.6722 rol -12.6723 ▁proportional -12.6724 ▁fools -12.6724 208 -12.6724 71) -12.6728 ▁principally -12.6728 63) -12.6728 ▁SG -12.6729 ▁grabbed -12.6731 ▁Yep -12.6733 platform -12.6734 worthy -12.6737 ▁Tablet -12.6737 ▁electron -12.6738 ▁fracture -12.6739 ▁́ -12.6739 ▁Ep -12.6739 ▁wool -12.6739 ▁1937 -12.674 ▁Lim -12.674 ▁Forced -12.6741 ▁ko -12.6742 efficiency -12.6742 ▁μ -12.6743 ▁Pel -12.6745 ▁inherently -12.6746 ▁Thor -12.6746 ▁embracing -12.6748 ▁terrified -12.6748 ▁Phuket -12.6748 Key -12.6748 ▁Falcon -12.6748 ▁Accra -12.6748 ▁dip -12.6749 lm -12.6749 ▁Trend -12.675 ▁Screw -12.675 Third -12.675 flo -12.675 ▁Feature -12.6751 ▁Ventures -12.6752 /2011/ -12.6752 ▁NAP -12.6754 ▁Gaming -12.6756 ▁VP -12.6757 ▁bankrupt -12.6757 resolutions -12.6757 ▁tunnels -12.6758 next -12.6758 ▁Arrangements -12.676 ▁Suppose -12.6762 ▁Egyptians -12.6762 ▁thieves -12.6764 ▁grandson -12.6767 ▁FIR -12.6767 ▁collects -12.6768 ▁Breakfasts -12.6769 nz -12.6771 ▁400,000 -12.6772 :27 -12.6772 ▁amusement -12.6773 ▁arguably -12.6773 ▁DU -12.6773 ▁Stuart -12.6773 ▁Drought -12.6774 ▁Calvin -12.6774 ▁hood -12.6774 women -12.6776 ▁tit -12.6777 ▁Fighting -12.6777 ▁kilograms -12.6777 ▁Mach -12.6779 ▁Commons -12.6779 ▁unilaterally -12.6779 ▁Sachs -12.6782 Col -12.6782 ▁jazz -12.6783 polis -12.6783 ▁strains -12.6784 ▁tractor -12.6784 ▁runway -12.6785 ▁whale -12.6785 ▁trainer -12.6786 ▁HBO -12.6788 ▁champagne -12.679 月 -12.679 AK -12.6791 Thousands -12.6792 ▁Typical -12.6794 MX -12.6794 ▁professionally -12.6794 ▁Ellen -12.6794 :[ -12.6795 bay -12.6797 filled -12.6798 ▁nickname -12.6798 ▁foresee -12.6798 Mal -12.6799 ▁150,000 -12.6801 ▁Roof -12.6802 ▁witnessing -12.6802 ▁fragmented -12.6803 raz -12.6804 ▁Tale -12.6805 ▁GET -12.6805 ▁Evans -12.6806 jet -12.6806 ▁(13) -12.6806 ▁planners -12.6806 ▁Negro -12.6806 ▁COMMISSION -12.6807 ▁Nederlands -12.6807 ▁Wizard -12.6807 ▁bromide -12.6807 ▁Nikola -12.6807 ▁footwear -12.6807 GU -12.6808 ▁estimation -12.6809 ▁Tun -12.6811 ▁shrinking -12.6812 workers -12.6815 ▁surgeon -12.6815 ▁Basketball -12.6815 ▁1998-1999 -12.6815 ▁advisors -12.6817 ▁fairy -12.6817 ▁writings -12.6818 ▁Delegation -12.6819 square -12.682 pine -12.682 ▁Baku -12.682 ▁rob -12.6823 ▁filtering -12.6823 ▁Consolidated -12.6824 ▁Jacuzzi -12.6824 ▁Snapchat -12.6824 ▁Mueller -12.6824 ▁LD -12.6824 70) -12.6826 ▁Hank -12.6827 anza -12.6828 ▁CARICOM -12.6828 ▁stems -12.683 lou -12.683 SBI -12.6831 ▁unaccompanied -12.6832 ▁Wai -12.6832 ▁Murphy -12.6832 ▁Quite -12.6832 ▁SEE -12.6833 ▁Algerian -12.6835 ▁iPhones -12.6836 ▁physiological -12.6841 ibo -12.6842 ▁ACT -12.6842 OA -12.6844 ▁hunter -12.6845 Her -12.6845 ▁mediator -12.6846 ▁Cake -12.6846 chip -12.6846 ▁explorer -12.6847 ▁3.8 -12.6847 ▁enzyme -12.6847 ▁auditor -12.6848 ZA -12.6848 ▁distort -12.6849 ▁Galileo -12.6849 ▁alleges -12.6849 ▁collectors -12.685 ▁Ottoman -12.685 UNCTAD -12.6852 ▁Courts -12.6852 ▁wiped -12.6853 ▁Hubei -12.6854 ▁pillow -12.6854 ▁rot -12.6854 zone -12.6855 ▁bearings -12.6856 555 -12.6856 ▁Condition -12.6856 Cuba -12.6857 ▁Antalya -12.6858 ▁Numerous -12.6858 ▁fragmentation -12.6858 Yu -12.6859 ▁traitor -12.6859 lder -12.686 ▁concealed -12.686 Source -12.686 ▁bombers -12.686 ▁delegated -12.6861 ▁Sav -12.6862 ▁gem -12.6862 ▁Makes -12.6863 ▁CTBT -12.6863 IEC -12.6864 ▁survivor -12.6864 ▁9: -12.6864 ▁6.3 -12.6865 ▁armaments -12.6865 ▁shortfall -12.6865 ▁pond -12.6865 written -12.6866 ▁COUNCIL -12.6866 ▁Gazette -12.6866 ▁Exploitation -12.6866 effectiveness -12.6867 fen -12.6867 ▁ml -12.6867 £ -12.6868 789 -12.6868 ▁§ -12.687 ▁NR -12.6874 ▁cartel -12.6874 ▁interpreting -12.6874 ▁archaeological -12.6875 ▁loneliness -12.6875 58) -12.6875 ▁landscapes -12.6876 ▁850 -12.6877 ▁1982, -12.6877 ▁PT -12.6877 ▁lust -12.6878 ▁Shaw -12.6878 ▁questionnaires -12.6879 ▁Sche -12.6879 VM -12.6881 ▁Specification -12.6882 :0086- -12.6882 ▁Halloween -12.6883 ▁disparity -12.6883 ▁durability -12.6883 ovic -12.6884 72) -12.6885 ▁Accountability -12.6885 OHCHR -12.6886 ▁Objects -12.6886 ▁pretending -12.6887 ▁awaits -12.6888 ▁internship -12.6888 FX -12.689 2004 -12.6891 ▁Khartoum -12.6892 ▁Societies -12.6892 ▁IE -12.6892 ▁imperialism -12.6892 functional -12.6895 ▁Seek -12.6897 ▁sneak -12.6899 micro -12.6899 ▁Sco -12.69 zza -12.69 ▁Stamp -12.69 ▁astonishing -12.69 ▁peripheral -12.69 ▁yielded -12.6903 大 -12.6903 ▁Farmers -12.6904 IAL -12.6904 ▁Basin -12.6905 ▁evacuated -12.6906 ▁portray -12.6907 ▁collar -12.6907 ▁cheerful -12.6907 atur -12.6908 ▁invitations -12.6908 ▁Kinshasa -12.6909 ▁verily -12.6909 ▁Rum -12.691 ▁Gap -12.691 ▁packaged -12.6911 HER -12.6912 ▁$60 -12.6912 ▁revelations -12.6912 .40 -12.6913 lumin -12.6914 ▁flawed -12.6914 ▁Brun -12.6915 ▁Treat -12.6915 gro -12.6915 ▁francs -12.6916 -2004 -12.6916 ▁penetrate -12.6917 ▁Gandhi -12.6917 ▁cosmic -12.6917 ▁leasing -12.6917 ▁postgraduate -12.6918 660 -12.6918 ept -12.6919 ▁13% -12.692 generating -12.692 ▁techno -12.6921 ▁ET -12.6923 ▁Printer -12.6923 ▁visually -12.6924 seat -12.6924 ▁Adding -12.6925 ▁arbitrator -12.6926 ▁exotic -12.6926 stand -12.6927 designed -12.6927 ▁cafe -12.6929 ▁Annexes -12.6931 ▁chloride -12.6932 ▁Wage -12.6933 ▁stimulation -12.6934 ▁kissing -12.6935 ▁stir -12.6935 ▁Adrian -12.6936 ▁Manuel -12.6936 ▁shouting -12.6936 ▁toxins -12.6937 ▁Sponsor -12.6937 Japanese -12.6937 zero -12.6939 ▁DON -12.6939 ▁skies -12.6939 jack -12.694 ▁cocktail -12.694 ▁176 -12.6941 eco -12.6942 ▁mob -12.6943 ▁Persistent -12.6943 ▁unparalleled -12.6943 ▁Topics -12.6944 conscious -12.6944 please -12.6946 ▁301 -12.6948 ▁underscores -12.6949 ▁Lie -12.6949 ▁celebrates -12.6949 gam -12.695 NGOs -12.6951 ▁Champion -12.6951 ▁liberties -12.6951 ▁reversal -12.6951 ▁Truly -12.6952 ▁Raise -12.6952 ▁gel -12.6953 ▁2010) -12.6954 Peace -12.6954 ▁Developers -12.6955 ▁condemning -12.6955 ▁crush -12.6957 rab -12.6957 ▁BRL -12.6958 ▁impediments -12.6958 Men -12.6959 ▁ordnance -12.696 ▁Crazy -12.696 ▁joking -12.696 ▁Cream -12.6961 288 -12.6962 ▁Hispanic -12.6962 ▁Piano -12.6963 ▁Crimea -12.6963 ▁5.0 -12.6964 ▁Sense -12.6967 е -12.6969 ▁congregation -12.6969 ▁tires -12.6969 German -12.6971 ▁Moment -12.6971 ▁criminalize -12.6972 ▁warmer -12.6972 ▁Kenyan -12.6972 ▁Macron -12.6972 empt -12.6972 omi -12.6973 growth -12.6973 duction -12.6973 ▁Connector -12.6974 ▁contraceptive -12.6975 080 -12.6975 ▁bodily -12.6977 ▁affiliation -12.6977 ▁Portable -12.6979 ▁Lotus -12.698 ▁Sites -12.6981 sexual -12.6982 ▁MHz -12.6982 pose -12.6983 ▁â -12.6983 extraterritorial -12.6983 ▁Provider -12.6984 ▁smells -12.6985 ▁upside -12.6985 ▁Affiliate -12.6986 ▁horrific -12.6986 ▁Palais -12.6986 ▁UNDG -12.6988 ▁NU -12.6988 ▁temples -12.699 ▁GENERAL -12.699 ESA -12.6992 155 -12.6993 ▁Alloy -12.6994 ▁Sophie -12.6994 ▁obsessed -12.6994 ▁heavier -12.6994 ▁CCTV -12.6995 ▁Maj -12.6995 ury -12.6996 ▁flour -12.6997 ▁1980, -12.7 ▁­ -12.7 yen -12.7001 ▁ceremonies -12.7003 ▁identifiable -12.7003 ▁bilingual -12.7003 ▁Proof -12.7003 ▁conferred -12.7003 ▁rethink -12.7004 ▁beautifully -12.7004 ▁174 -12.7005 erate -12.7005 ▁cough -12.7005 ▁famously -12.7005 ▁Producer -12.7006 ▁Isle -12.7006 ▁lays -12.7007 ▁UNI -12.7007 ▁vanished -12.7008 ▁jealousy -12.701 ▁Jiu -12.7011 ▁Responses -12.7011 ▁Hopkins -12.7012 ▁biblical -12.7012 ▁asbestos -12.7012 lom -12.7012 ▁regulates -12.7013 ▁afterward -12.7015 ▁spreads -12.7017 ▁motions -12.7017 tour -12.7019 YA -12.7019 ▁USE -12.702 ▁stemming -12.7021 ▁broadening -12.7023 court -12.7025 ▁finalization -12.7025 68) -12.7026 ▁comparisons -12.7026 lyn -12.7027 133 -12.7027 quarters -12.7027 ▁escalating -12.7029 ▁bloom -12.7029 catch -12.7029 ▁Wrong -12.703 ▁nutrient -12.703 ▁Courtyard -12.7031 ▁polluted -12.7032 ▁inspector -12.7032 ▁− -12.7032 quest -12.7033 ▁roses -12.7034 tary -12.7034 ▁Noble -12.7035 ▁modifying -12.7037 ▁Mississippi -12.7038 金 -12.7038 huang -12.7038 ▁biometric -12.7038 ▁aids -12.7038 urb -12.7038 ▁aspiration -12.7039 ▁endpoint -12.7039 cogn -12.704 ▁arisen -12.704 ▁vivid -12.7042 ▁damned -12.7044 ▁seamlessly -12.7045 ▁perpetuate -12.7046 ▁slim -12.7047 ▁suitcase -12.7047 ▁unavailable -12.7047 ▁mal -12.7049 ▁hug -12.7051 ▁(2005), -12.7053 ▁dick -12.7053 needed -12.7054 ▁celebrities -12.7055 ▁hobby -12.7055 ▁ordinance -12.7055 phy -12.7056 ▁Franco -12.7056 NIC -12.7057 ▁Oceans -12.7057 ▁88. -12.7058 Muslim -12.7058 ▁Clothing -12.7058 ▁cheapest -12.7058 ▁Forever -12.7059 /2017 -12.706 ▁redirect -12.706 Close -12.706 ▁jack -12.706 ▁characterize -12.7061 ▁reefs -12.7062 ▁Mira -12.7062 4.5 -12.7062 ▁thinkers -12.7064 ▁Bristol -12.7064 ▁Comparison -12.7064 ▁mysteries -12.7064 ▁separatist -12.7064 drop -12.7064 ▁impeding -12.7064 ▁Afro -12.7064 ▁owning -12.7064 ▁demonstrators -12.7064 tank -12.7065 .3) -12.7066 ▁Wellness -12.7066 ▁dispatched -12.7066 RL -12.7068 AX -12.7069 ▁remembers -12.7069 206 -12.7069 ▁contend -12.7071 earth -12.7071 index -12.7072 ▁convoy -12.7072 rable -12.7073 ▁Gin -12.7073 ▁avenues -12.7073 ▁RESERVED -12.7074 ono -12.7074 ▁NOTE -12.7077 ▁corrective -12.7078 211 -12.7078 ▁lightly -12.7079 rank -12.7079 ▁Christine -12.7079 ▁emit -12.7079 ▁militant -12.708 ▁Warner -12.708 ▁springs -12.7081 ▁lifestyles -12.7081 ▁sequencing -12.7081 ▁stubborn -12.7081 ▁uniforms -12.7082 ▁masterpiece -12.7082 ▁accommodated -12.7083 ▁Chancellor -12.7083 ▁unused -12.7083 ▁MINURSO -12.7084 ▁arsenals -12.7085 hearted -12.7086 ▁1998) -12.7088 ▁persisted -12.7089 ▁reckon -12.7089 ▁2). -12.7089 ▁Yama -12.7089 ▁intrinsic -12.7089 ▁Caucasus -12.709 ▁Flood -12.709 ▁Tennis -12.709 ▁deceived -12.709 ▁spinning -12.709 ▁landfill -12.7093 something -12.7093 nus -12.7093 ▁sober -12.7094 ▁Preventing -12.7095 __ -12.7095 ▁infect -12.7096 ▁Hmm -12.7097 fluoro -12.7098 ▁causal -12.7098 ▁Zion -12.7099 3000 -12.71 ▁Publication -12.7101 UNHCR -12.7102 ▁compressed -12.7102 ▁Messi -12.7102 WN -12.7102 ▁antique -12.7102 ▁sharks -12.7105 every -12.7105 ▁listings -12.7106 ▁crowds -12.7106 ▁Achieve -12.7107 ▁separating -12.7107 ▁Initiatives -12.711 126 -12.7111 6- -12.7111 ▁Motels -12.7112 ▁Honors -12.7115 ▁Stewart -12.7116 ▁assemblies -12.7116 ▁serpent -12.7116 ▁terrestrial -12.7118 aca -12.7118 ▁Mansion -12.7119 ▁Consultations -12.7119 RON -12.7122 tig -12.7124 ▁appliance -12.7124 ▁nurture -12.7125 и -12.7125 ▁(1997) -12.7125 ür -12.7126 frequency -12.7128 ▁$10,000 -12.7131 ▁Functional -12.7132 ▁rooftop -12.7134 ▁Oral -12.7135 liver -12.7135 .“ -12.7136 ▁Dali -12.7137 ▁diary -12.7137 ▁$1,000 -12.7138 ▁Advantages -12.7138 scape -12.714 Africa -12.7141 ▁Shoot -12.7142 ▁Timothy -12.7142 ▁courtyard -12.7143 ▁studios -12.7143 28) -12.7144 ▁Scout -12.7145 :59 -12.7147 ▁indebted -12.715 aker -12.715 ▁...... -12.7151 ▁Submitted -12.7152 RNA -12.7152 ▁specialised -12.7154 ▁IDPs -12.7155 organic -12.7155 ▁enclosed -12.7155 ▁Duration -12.7156 itan -12.7157 ▁380 -12.7157 yong -12.7157 ▁IMIS -12.7159 ▁__ -12.7159 ▁330 -12.716 ▁ether -12.7161 ▁weighed -12.7162 ▁usher -12.7162 ▁Hunger -12.7163 ▁Harold -12.7163 ▁Stu -12.7164 9). -12.7164 ▁181 -12.7164 ▁lip -12.7164 214 -12.7165 Hai -12.7165 ivist -12.7166 ▁preach -12.7166 ARD -12.7166 ▁4.8 -12.7167 ▁Stein -12.7167 ▁Cord -12.7168 ▁shutter -12.717 ▁railways -12.7171 ▁Alma -12.7173 ▁BR -12.7174 ▁Roberts -12.7175 news -12.7176 ▁ambient -12.7177 Spain -12.7177 ▁pronounce -12.7177 ▁Minsk -12.7179 ▁boast -12.7179 those -12.7179 ▁Chance -12.718 1] -12.718 /1) -12.718 ▁Topic -12.7181 ▁tilt -12.7181 ▁unbelievers -12.7183 ▁enroll -12.7185 ▁pipelines -12.7185 ▁confuse -12.7186 ▁Toy -12.7186 chuan -12.7189 ▁Fle -12.7189 gation -12.719 cloud -12.719 ▁Kyle -12.7191 NL -12.7191 ▁84. -12.7191 ▁Waiting -12.7192 ▁wherein -12.7192 ▁Machines -12.7193 ▁WORLD -12.7195 ▁nasty -12.7195 ▁Rimini -12.7195 ▁foreigner -12.7195 ▁partnering -12.7195 astic -12.7196 ▁possessions -12.7197 sted -12.7199 175 -12.7199 pound -12.72 ▁Worship -12.7204 ▁Funny -12.7205 ▁CDC -12.7206 pop -12.7206 ▁WAS -12.7208 ▁Omar -12.7208 ▁encounters -12.721 ▁burns -12.721 Master -12.7212 ▁genetics -12.7212 ▁Facilitation -12.7212 ▁indices -12.7213 -3, -12.7213 ▁Hawking -12.7214 ▁summon -12.7215 fore -12.7216 ▁filming -12.7217 ▁167 -12.7219 ▁impress -12.722 ▁Gov -12.722 ▁SME -12.722 ▁UNITA -12.722 ▁prints -12.7221 ▁intermediaries -12.7221 ▁Cotton -12.7221 ▁Interpretation -12.7222 ▁Glory -12.7222 agan -12.7222 ▁enrollment -12.7222 camp -12.7223 ▁administrations -12.7224 ▁payload -12.7224 ▁fasting -12.7226 ▁Bert -12.7227 sect -12.7228 ▁brigade -12.723 ▁psychiatrist -12.723 ▁contraception -12.723 ▁humility -12.723 ▁practise -12.723 ▁Silva -12.7231 ▁labeling -12.7231 ▁Seed -12.7232 excluding -12.7233 ▁ISP -12.7235 ▁toilets -12.7236 ▁gamers -12.7236 CV -12.7237 195 -12.7238 ▁enclosure -12.7239 ▁attentive -12.7239 kal -12.724 ▁Frontier -12.724 ▁extinguish -12.724 ▁Releases -12.7241 ▁Occupational -12.7241 ega -12.7241 upon -12.7243 ▁uprising -12.7243 ▁Kom -12.7245 ▁viewer -12.7245 ▁Ability -12.7247 ▁Collaborative -12.7248 ▁Organiser -12.7248 ▁Palmer -12.7249 WT -12.7249 ▁Hosting -12.7249 skaya -12.725 ▁SCO -12.7251 logical -12.7252 ▁Verily -12.7252 ncy -12.7254 ▁crushed -12.7255 ▁COMP -12.7255 ▁spotlight -12.7258 industrial -12.7258 ▁Polar -12.726 ▁Sul -12.7261 ▁Owen -12.7263 formerly -12.7263 205 -12.7265 ▁bizarre -12.7265 ▁KNOW -12.7265 ▁Limit -12.7266 ▁Blow -12.7267 ▁scripture -12.7267 ree -12.7267 terrorist -12.7269 Indonesia -12.7269 blood -12.7269 usually -12.727 ▁Globe -12.727 186 -12.7271 ▁MF -12.7272 WD -12.7272 Design -12.7272 ▁Tie -12.7272 ego -12.7273 ▁comb -12.7273 ▁resting -12.7274 ▁simulate -12.7274 ▁Trinity -12.7274 div -12.7275 -87 -12.7276 ▁Plain -12.7277 ▁4.7 -12.7277 ▁Sau -12.7278 ▁POWER -12.7278 fon -12.7279 lun -12.7282 ▁suffice -12.7283 號 -12.7283 ▁advertise -12.7283 ▁clues -12.7284 ICEF -12.7284 ▁Witnesses -12.7285 ▁proportions -12.7287 ▁Catholics -12.7288 ▁Tome -12.729 hee -12.729 ▁215 -12.729 kang -12.7291 ▁Ordinary -12.7292 米 -12.7292 ▁MACHINERY -12.7292 ▁regression -12.7292 OV -12.7293 ▁roast -12.7295 ▁bets -12.7295 ▁Transformation -12.7296 ▁cal -12.7297 ▁tiles -12.7298 ▁accusing -12.7301 ▁constituting -12.7301 ▁behaviours -12.7303 ▁Buyer -12.7304 ▁rejecting -12.7304 ▁bombings -12.7304 ▁Pas -12.7305 ▁Lian -12.7305 ▁Concern -12.7305 ▁Alberta -12.7306 ▁ECB -12.7307 mper -12.7307 ▁agile -12.731 ▁Joan -12.7312 ▁Marxist -12.7313 ▁Chung -12.7314 ▁Sunny -12.7314 ▁articulated -12.7317 ▁Hudson -12.7318 ▁Savings -12.7318 ▁panellists -12.7318 ▁envy -12.7319 CAR -12.7319 ▁narcotic -12.732 ▁noticeable -12.7321 fri -12.7322 226 -12.7322 ▁fundamentals -12.7322 ▁Channels -12.7324 otic -12.7325 ▁Standardization -12.7325 ▁Beau -12.7326 ▁Sahel -12.7326 ▁Actual -12.7326 ▁actuarial -12.7327 ▁arrogant -12.7327 ▁congestion -12.7327 ▁Saddam -12.7327 trop -12.7328 Dong -12.7328 ▁distract -12.7328 ▁Rong -12.7329 Gra -12.7329 ▁infantry -12.7329 ▁saint -12.733 combatants -12.7331 quet -12.7331 users -12.7332 ▁172 -12.7333 ▁Sands -12.7334 ▁0086- -12.7336 ▁Consumption -12.7336 ▁dismantle -12.7336 ▁quotation -12.7337 ▁redeem -12.7338 hydrate -12.7339 ool -12.734 fest -12.734 ▁distorted -12.7344 dri -12.7344 ▁18% -12.7344 ▁Brindisi -12.7345 30,000 -12.7346 ▁wander -12.7346 ▁downstairs -12.7346 ▁manifested -12.7347 Singapore -12.7349 ▁contention -12.7349 ▁ideally -12.7352 ▁tract -12.7352 ▁orbital -12.7354 ▁18:00 -12.7354 zio -12.7354 ▁regrettable -12.7355 ▁Qua -12.7358 ▁Dimension -12.7358 ▁Oz -12.7359 ▁RD -12.736 ▁Ear -12.7361 uge -12.7362 OH -12.7362 ▁TU -12.7362 wit -12.7362 880 -12.7363 ▁supervisor -12.7363 unda -12.7363 ▁herein -12.7363 ▁amnesty -12.7363 ▁Freight -12.7363 ▁cheque -12.7363 MAX -12.7363 ▁compliment -12.7365 ▁OLED -12.7366 ▁Progressive -12.7366 would -12.7367 ▁Koreans -12.7367 ▁greed -12.7369 ▁Clo -12.737 ▁tightening -12.7371 Miss -12.7371 ▁mirrors -12.7371 ▁augment -12.7372 ▁grenade -12.7372 ▁preamble -12.7372 ▁supernatural -12.7372 chrom -12.7373 ▁Grove -12.7375 ▁Catch -12.7375 White -12.7376 fund -12.7376 ▁Contractor -12.7377 ▁tweets -12.7378 IDA -12.7379 arily -12.738 ▁Mobility -12.7382 ▁Titan -12.7382 Switzerland -12.7385 151 -12.7385 ▁Specifications -12.7385 ▁Architects -12.7386 ▁Py -12.7386 lves -12.7386 ▁riches -12.7393 ▁memo -12.7397 ▁compounded -12.7397 ▁cliff -12.7397 ▁pirate -12.7397 yao -12.7398 ▁albums -12.7398 ▁89. -12.7398 ▁anticipation -12.7399 ▁correspondent -12.7399 ▁Incident -12.7399 ▁sticks -12.7399 ologi -12.74 ▁consulate -12.74 ▁ur -12.7401 ▁Stress -12.7402 ▁EE -12.7402 ▁178 -12.7403 ▁customization -12.7403 ▁expeditious -12.7403 ▁Transactions -12.7404 bee -12.7406 ril -12.7407 ▁dialogues -12.7408 pton -12.7411 istan -12.7413 supported -12.7413 erated -12.7413 ▁jar -12.7413 ▁2024 -12.7414 ▁[3] -12.7414 MF -12.7415 ▁exposing -12.7417 ▁bounce -12.7417 ▁Otto -12.7418 ▁12:00 -12.7418 ▁gangs -12.7419 opa -12.742 ▁SEA -12.742 50) -12.7424 throp -12.7424 ▁rib -12.7424 ault -12.7425 ▁Required -12.7425 .75 -12.7425 ▁immoral -12.7426 their -12.7426 ▁possessing -12.7427 ▁Importance -12.7427 ▁Romantic -12.7427 ▁SAL -12.7427 ▁(15) -12.7428 iso -12.7428 rob -12.7428 ▁Automated -12.7428 whether -12.743 ▁recycle -12.743 beat -12.7431 ▁postpone -12.7434 ▁honors -12.7434 :29 -12.7434 ▁publishes -12.7434 ▁Winner -12.7435 ▁7.2 -12.7435 ologies -12.7438 ▁SUN -12.7439 ▁coping -12.7439 paras -12.7439 ▁oils -12.744 ▁thirds -12.744 215 -12.744 Op -12.7441 QU -12.7441 ively -12.7443 ▁camel -12.7444 ▁Coral -12.7444 ο -12.7444 ▁Conversion -12.7444 -34 -12.7445 .105/ -12.7445 poli -12.7445 ▁halve -12.7447 FD -12.7448 IAEA -12.7448 Christian -12.7449 Char -12.7451 ▁Witness -12.7451 ▁Reed -12.7451 ▁metropolitan -12.7453 ▁bureaucracy -12.7453 ▁adjournment -12.7453 ▁Fiscal -12.7454 ▁LIN -12.7458 ▁Robotics -12.7458 ▁Sold -12.746 ▁tougher -12.7461 ▁11% -12.7461 ▁blossom -12.7462 ▁coronavirus -12.7462 ▁savage -12.7462 ▁Miguel -12.7462 ▁quarrel -12.7462 ▁Monkey -12.7462 heng -12.7463 ▁7- -12.7464 ▁lecturer -12.7464 1.4 -12.7464 ▁Sally -12.7465 ▁deems -12.7465 ▁SaaS -12.7466 currency -12.7466 nier -12.7467 ▁Om -12.7469 ▁WC -12.7469 ▁Anguilla -12.7471 ▁dismantling -12.7471 ▁recruits -12.7471 kka -12.7472 ▁Cit -12.7472 ▁translators -12.7474 ▁Tau -12.7474 ▁habitats -12.7475 gni -12.7475 ▁worm -12.7476 IMO -12.7476 ▁rainy -12.7478 ▁Merchant -12.748 ▁intermediary -12.748 ▁triangular -12.748 ▁routing -12.748 2.3 -12.7481 ▁Cru -12.7481 ▁salon -12.7481 solving -12.7482 film -12.7482 ▁colonialism -12.7482 ▁idle -12.7484 ▁persists -12.7484 nell -12.7484 blue -12.7485 ▁suites -12.7485 ▁Balkans -12.7487 ▁Mob -12.7488 /2013/ -12.7488 enko -12.7489 ▁Confidence -12.7489 ▁Arusha -12.7489 ▁Passport -12.749 ▁preferable -12.749 ▁Freud -12.7491 uci -12.7491 ▁Perth -12.7492 ▁insect -12.7493 ▁NHS -12.7495 ▁inland -12.7496 ▁ninety -12.7496 aving -12.7496 ▁spared -12.7497 ▁$1.5 -12.7497 ▁Advocate -12.7498 ▁marijuana -12.7498 ▁measles -12.7498 ▁comfortably -12.7499 ▁Estimated -12.7501 ▁graphical -12.7501 ▁sequences -12.7502 should -12.7502 688 -12.7504 ▁legislators -12.7506 ride -12.7506 ▁purifier -12.7507 ▁Alphabet -12.7507 ▁conquest -12.7507 ▁veil -12.7508 ▁blink -12.7509 ▁Claim -12.7509 glo -12.751 ▁Beta -12.7511 violence -12.7511 ▁ambassadors -12.7511 many -12.7512 hari -12.7513 ▁sinks -12.7514 Dr -12.7514 ▁Enhance -12.7515 ▁GMT -12.7515 Tra -12.7516 中 -12.7516 uga -12.7516 ▁trades -12.7516 ▁(16) -12.7516 reach -12.7518 ▁altar -12.7518 ▁CCW -12.7519 February -12.752 .33 -12.752 ▁Specialized -12.7521 ▁Grass -12.7521 ▁Chem -12.7521 ▁Sue -12.7521 union -12.7522 either -12.7523 ë -12.7525 shoot -12.7525 ▁Composition -12.7526 ▁Integrity -12.7527 ▁338 -12.7527 write -12.7528 ▁trustee -12.7529 acre -12.7529 regular -12.7529 134 -12.7529 ç -12.753 dig -12.7531 ▁lane -12.7533 ▁signaling -12.7534 ▁Explosive -12.7534 ▁goddess -12.7534 ▁favored -12.7536 ▁pi -12.7537 official -12.7537 ▁Championships -12.7538 ▁tempted -12.7538 ador -12.7541 dance -12.7541 ▁sixteen -12.7541 ▁strides -12.7542 ▁16% -12.7543 ▁cocoa -12.7544 ▁ed -12.7545 ▁188 -12.7545 ▁Shape -12.7546 AIN -12.7549 ▁banana -12.7551 304 -12.7552 ocrat -12.7552 ▁(50 -12.7552 ▁decorative -12.7553 ▁Jeffrey -12.7553 ▁picnic -12.7553 ▁packs -12.7554 iated -12.7555 ▁caps -12.7556 ▁persecuted -12.7556 ▁keynote -12.7556 ▁Managers -12.7557 ▁homepage -12.7557 ▁stockpile -12.7558 ▁skiing -12.7559 ▁pneumonia -12.7562 ▁deterrent -12.7562 ▁Maxim -12.7563 ▁cite -12.7563 ▁bribe -12.7564 ario -12.7564 ▁beard -12.7565 ▁Publisher -12.7565 osphere -12.7565 ▁CITY -12.7566 ▁appropriated -12.7566 pil -12.7567 ▁admissions -12.7569 ▁hopeless -12.7571 Thanks -12.7571 ▁Messiah -12.7571 ▁implements -12.7575 ▁Prisoners -12.7575 ▁bees -12.7576 ▁$35 -12.7576 zhen -12.7577 ▁strap -12.7579 ▁filmed -12.7579 erge -12.758 ▁astronomy -12.758 ▁courtesy -12.758 ▁complies -12.758 mobile -12.758 ▁revolt -12.7581 ▁Childhood -12.7581 ECT -12.7582 ▁forgiving -12.7583 sense -12.7583 ▁piss -12.7584 ▁constraint -12.7585 ▁wi -12.7586 ▁Achievement -12.7586 -2007 -12.7587 ▁representations -12.7588 ▁Merc -12.7588 ▁Armstrong -12.7589 ▁Renault -12.7589 ▁Smoke -12.7589 ▁dissolve -12.759 ▁IOM -12.759 ▁Omega -12.759 ▁latency -12.759 gla -12.7593 Argentina -12.7593 ¥ -12.7593 ▁Cad -12.7596 ▁Functions -12.7596 ▁litres -12.7596 ▁angles -12.7597 ▁halfway -12.7597 kle -12.7597 ▁15:00 -12.7598 ▁implant -12.7598 ▁Observations -12.7598 ▁expiry -12.7598 ▁Departure -12.7598 ▁cautioned -12.7598 ▁Sak -12.7599 ▁hy -12.76 ▁2011) -12.76 usion -12.7602 ulin -12.7602 ▁CAP -12.7602 modern -12.7603 enti -12.7603 ▁Exhibit -12.7605 ▁Vocational -12.7607 ▁Quantum -12.7608 ▁(1995) -12.7608 ▁haul -12.7609 inc -12.7609 ▁FY -12.7611 ▁suburbs -12.7611 lake -12.7612 ▁practitioner -12.7613 ▁bomber -12.7616 statement -12.7616 vii -12.7616 issa -12.7617 ▁SERIES -12.7617 ▁Marathon -12.7617 ▁accommodations -12.7617 ▁Fal -12.7618 ▁Cao -12.7619 ▁5.4 -12.7619 president -12.7619 smith -12.762 ▁173 -12.7621 ▁AFP -12.7623 ▁configurations -12.7625 ▁Connected -12.7625 mai -12.7626 ▁allied -12.7626 ▁Factors -12.7628 ▁DF -12.7628 ▁Leonardo -12.7628 ▁rows -12.7629 ▁highways -12.7631 shift -12.7631 ▁affiliate -12.7632 ▁Mani -12.7632 ▁bytes -12.7632 ▁Presidents -12.7633 ▁manufactures -12.7633 ▁Ven -12.7633 ▁deteriorated -12.7633 ▁imperial -12.7634 multidimensional -12.7634 ▁Picasso -12.7635 know -12.7636 ▁Blake -12.7637 ▁soften -12.7639 ▁scoring -12.7639 mac -12.7641 cine -12.7641 ]] -12.7642 ▁magnesium -12.7644 ▁staple -12.7644 ▁Kou -12.7644 ▁(1992) -12.7645 ▁idol -12.7646 ▁objectively -12.7646 cf -12.7647 ▁tester -12.7647 ▁imperialist -12.7647 iba -12.7647 ▁madness -12.7648 OU -12.765 ▁Trying -12.765 ▁Lux -12.7651 ▁outlining -12.7652 Ver -12.7653 ▁multilingual -12.7653 ▁Sunshine -12.7653 ▁circulating -12.7653 ▁Capitol -12.7653 tercontinental -12.7653 ▁poised -12.7654 ▁Homestay -12.7655 Follow -12.7658 /33 -12.7658 ▁reformed -12.7658 ▁scientifically -12.7662 ▁NAM -12.7662 ▁warheads -12.7663 ▁Brigade -12.7663 ▁accelerator -12.7663 ▁cobalt -12.7663 203 -12.7663 ▁Abuja -12.7664 ▁Wallet -12.7664 ▁Ple -12.7664 73) -12.7664 ▁Tibetans -12.7664 ▁pretrial -12.7664 trip -12.7665 ▁refreshing -12.7665 ▁https -12.7668 ▁deem -12.767 ▁paradox -12.7671 ▁Santo -12.7672 ▁Behavior -12.7672 ▁allergic -12.7672 ▁psychosocial -12.7672 ▁Residential -12.7672 central -12.7672 ▁Maintain -12.7672 ▁Sham -12.7673 ▁intercourse -12.7673 ▁Shark -12.7673 tered -12.7674 borough -12.7675 ucci -12.7677 lord -12.7678 ▁Governors -12.7679 metal -12.7679 ▁Serbs -12.7679 def -12.768 ▁Loan -12.768 ▁APK -12.768 ▁Measuring -12.7681 ▁Subcommission -12.7681 zin -12.7682 ▁Congressional -12.7682 give -12.7682 ▁UNMOVIC -12.7683 ▁Nik -12.7683 Post -12.7684 ▁Jiangxi -12.7684 ▁8) -12.7685 vil -12.7686 ▁Meng -12.7688 IND -12.7689 ▁Finish -12.7689 ▁martial -12.769 ▁jerk -12.7691 poly -12.7693 ▁dresses -12.7695 ▁Sunni -12.7695 ▁translator -12.7697 ▁persuaded -12.7697 ▁UNAMI -12.7698 ▁und -12.7699 ▁smiles -12.7699 ▁Fil -12.7699 ▁quantify -12.7699 ▁Therapy -12.77 ▁Pricing -12.77 ▁Gilbert -12.77 ▁provoke -12.77 ▁Teddy -12.77 ▁tallest -12.7701 ▁stared -12.7702 ▁pickup -12.7703 ▁bullying -12.7704 ▁excuses -12.7704 2.4 -12.7704 products -12.7704 ▁Particular -12.7704 dorf -12.7704 ▁mist -12.7706 TIC -12.7707 ▁Pride -12.7708 ▁Nationality -12.7708 ▁Completion -12.7709 ▁anthropogenic -12.7709 ▁brethren -12.7709 ▁coconut -12.7709 obo -12.771 ▁Donor -12.771 ▁beforehand -12.7713 ▁MAX -12.7713 ▁offended -12.7713 ▁sulfur -12.7713 engineering -12.7713 ▁monkeys -12.7713 [6] -12.7714 ▁crafts -12.7715 ▁penis -12.7717 060 -12.7718 ▁guardians -12.7718 ▁symbolize -12.7718 ▁commemoration -12.7718 ▁knight -12.7718 ▁espionage -12.772 Che -12.7723 5%) -12.7723 ▁detain -12.7724 159 -12.7727 ▁stain -12.7727 ▁maneuver -12.7727 ▁precedence -12.7727 -5, -12.7727 ▁aggressively -12.7727 ▁Sultan -12.7728 :31 -12.7728 EPA -12.7731 KING -12.7733 ▁Blessed -12.7733 Cap -12.7736 ifi -12.7736 ▁disposable -12.7737 ▁Associates -12.7737 ▁caregivers -12.7737 ▁1979, -12.7738 ▁Mum -12.7739 ▁imposes -12.774 ▁stretching -12.7741 ▁INS -12.7742 ▁Kobe -12.7743 $2 -12.7745 ▁Berkshire -12.7746 ▁burial -12.7746 ▁1932 -12.7749 rage -12.7749 LIN -12.775 680 -12.775 ▁1935 -12.7752 Smart -12.7752 ▁consciously -12.7753 ▁gran -12.7755 ▁souvenir -12.7755 ▁salmon -12.7755 centred -12.7755 ▁2003; -12.7756 ▁blogging -12.7757 root -12.7758 ▁Heroes -12.7759 compatible -12.776 ▁heels -12.7761 ▁peasant -12.7763 ▁specifying -12.7764 ▁Unlimited -12.7765 ▁Species -12.7765 ▁DIY -12.7766 /2, -12.7766 ▁graves -12.7768 ▁65% -12.7768 Spam -12.7769 ▁frightening -12.777 /08 -12.777 ▁Attend -12.7771 ▁parenting -12.7771 :02 -12.7771 ▁(20) -12.7771 ▁apologise -12.7774 ▁inseparable -12.7774 ▁surpass -12.7774 ▁scanned -12.7774 mitted -12.7776 ▁Nay -12.7777 ▁hatch -12.7778 :0 -12.7779 3.2 -12.7779 ▁wit -12.7779 ▁greatness -12.7779 ▁usable -12.7779 ▁BL -12.778 ▁LDC -12.778 ▁Liang -12.7781 ▁mosquito -12.7781 ▁Parent -12.7781 ▁String -12.7782 elo -12.7782 tronic -12.7783 Jin -12.7783 ggy -12.7783 ▁achievable -12.7783 ▁imitate -12.7783 ▁HDMI -12.7784 ▁Returns -12.7784 ▁outdoors -12.7784 950 -12.7785 ▁redouble -12.7785 ▁Sharon -12.7785 ▁preschool -12.7786 ▁Ei -12.7787 ▁predecessors -12.7787 ▁continual -12.7788 catering -12.7788 WAN -12.779 ▁lad -12.7791 ▁sticking -12.7791 ▁Experiment -12.7791 ▁Dash -12.7792 ▁imperfect -12.7792 ▁empirical -12.7792 ▁farewell -12.7793 effect -12.7794 ▁Hel -12.7794 ▁commandments -12.7795 ▁mined -12.7795 ▁Lines -12.7797 ▁Yao -12.7798 ▁flare -12.7799 ▁Crack -12.7799 ▁Polo -12.78 ▁stressful -12.78 480 -12.78 label -12.7801 ▁Racing -12.7802 ▁Houses -12.7803 ▁bud -12.7804 5000 -12.7804 ▁Buildings -12.7805 ako -12.7806 ▁bending -12.7806 218 -12.7806 ▁Earl -12.7806 ▁cock -12.7806 ▁Letters -12.7806 ▁Selling -12.7807 ▁XIV -12.7808 ▁templates -12.7809 rights -12.781 ▁VMware -12.7811 ▁equate -12.7811 ▁branding -12.7812 7.5 -12.7815 vocation -12.7815 lement -12.7815 Blue -12.7816 rai -12.7816 ▁Ace -12.7816 ▁invasive -12.7817 ▁(29 -12.782 ▁cottage -12.782 ▁syntax -12.782 ▁evade -12.7821 ▁Martha -12.7821 ▁pigment -12.7823 ▁Weekend -12.7823 double -12.7824 ▁vastly -12.7824 ▁RU -12.7826 ▁flush -12.7828 short -12.7828 serving -12.7828 DY -12.7828 ▁Cali -12.7828 ▁staggering -12.783 ▁digging -12.783 ▁Carrier -12.7833 ▁?? -12.7837 70,000 -12.7838 ench -12.7838 ▁capsule -12.7838 ▁Closing -12.7839 KW -12.7841 ▁Radi -12.7841 grav -12.7842 ▁entrust -12.7842 secret -12.7842 ▁Louise -12.7843 ▁Santos -12.7844 ▁ashes -12.7847 ▁Introduce -12.7849 ▁Structural -12.7849 ▁belly -12.7849 ▁Murder -12.7849 ▁Suitable -12.7849 ▁Finn -12.7849 coat -12.7852 ▁wears -12.7853 ▁notorious -12.7853 ▁pleaded -12.7854 ▁foe -12.7855 ▁encompassing -12.7856 ▁Abkhazia -12.7856 aine -12.7857 ▁Aliens -12.7857 Corr -12.7858 area -12.7859 ▁filtration -12.7859 ▁Blo -12.7859 ▁Drag -12.786 ▁2005; -12.7862 ▁workout -12.7863 ▁Tape -12.7863 ▁Vis -12.7865 ▁multifaceted -12.7867 ▁provocative -12.7867 ▁punitive -12.7867 ▁precautionary -12.7867 ▁Browser -12.7868 ▁rotary -12.7868 ▁impacting -12.7869 ▁whisper -12.787 ▁Coupon -12.7871 Entrepreneurship -12.7872 ▁Visiting -12.7874 ▁replica -12.7876 ▁unforeseen -12.7877 西 -12.7877 ility -12.7877 ▁bribery -12.7877 mul -12.7878 ▁pouring -12.788 ▁validated -12.788 graphy -12.7881 ▁Sang -12.7883 ISE -12.7883 ▁comrades -12.7883 ▁Sword -12.7883 ▁sunny -12.7884 ▁lining -12.7886 ▁endurance -12.7886 ▁Married -12.7887 ▁WI -12.7887 ▁dedicate -12.7887 ▁AAA -12.7887 ▁freelance -12.7888 ▁underpin -12.7888 ▁connectors -12.789 ▁prompting -12.789 ▁confessed -12.7891 ▁SADC -12.7892 ▁Spy -12.7894 ▁Victorian -12.7895 ▁Expansion -12.7896 ▁+1 -12.7896 kon -12.7897 ▁informative -12.7898 pole -12.7898 ▁finalizing -12.7899 181 -12.7899 ▁Wol -12.79 ▁Tak -12.7901 ▁GIS -12.7903 ▁hindered -12.7903 р -12.7905 ▁Supplies -12.7905 ▁demarcation -12.7905 ▁(1993) -12.7906 ▁Jacques -12.7907 ▁stricter -12.7908 RG -12.7908 ▁relieved -12.791 ▁Stack -12.7911 ▁equals -12.7911 ▁Behold -12.7912 ODA -12.7913 Play -12.7913 ▁senators -12.7913 ▁infringe -12.7913 560 -12.7914 ▁Hampton -12.7915 ▁deprive -12.7915 ▁Keith -12.7917 ige -12.7919 ▁Fucking -12.792 mouth -12.792 Tri -12.7921 ▁NB -12.7922 ▁radius -12.7924 ▁formidable -12.7924 ▁pharmacy -12.7924 ▁podcast -12.7925 ▁Rare -12.7926 ▁Perl -12.7926 ▁laptops -12.7926 ▁Seas -12.7927 1996 -12.7927 ▁Dealer -12.7927 0.000 -12.7927 216 -12.7928 factor -12.7928 tool -12.793 ▁whispered -12.7931 lene -12.7933 ▁Turin -12.7933 ▁Resurrection -12.7933 ▁inaugural -12.7933 Xi -12.7933 ▁Tyler -12.7934 ▁Frederick -12.7934 ▁Favorite -12.7936 Finnish -12.7938 ovo -12.7938 ▁Ner -12.7941 ▁Sebastian -12.7943 ▁depletion -12.7943 gua -12.7944 ▁loser -12.7948 ▁Kee -12.7948 ▁chick -12.7948 178 -12.7948 augh -12.7949 evaluation -12.7949 ▁disgusting -12.795 ▁ambiguous -12.7952 ▁unrealistic -12.7952 ▁17% -12.7953 uel -12.7953 ▁hottest -12.7954 ▁broadcasts -12.7954 ▁CHI -12.7954 located -12.7955 202 -12.7956 ▁hypo -12.7956 ▁Cel -12.7958 ▁Ideal -12.7959 ▁Beast -12.7959 ▁Oceania -12.796 ▁dreadful -12.796 1-5 -12.7961 ▁hryvnia -12.7962 ▁cured -12.7962 ▁Mik -12.7964 ▁STEM -12.7964 ▁allergy -12.7965 eastern -12.7965 ▁Maha -12.7966 NING -12.7967 ▁reinvent -12.7967 ▁inflows -12.7968 OUS -12.7968 ieu -12.7969 ▁worthless -12.797 .31 -12.7971 Cr -12.7971 ▁Composite -12.7971 ▁petrochemical -12.7971 ▁Tunnel -12.7971 ▁Monica -12.7972 dad -12.7972 ▁Sheriff -12.7973 ▁14% -12.7973 these -12.7973 ▁stray -12.7974 ▁medals -12.7978 228 -12.7978 ▁remarkably -12.7981 ▁Minority -12.7982 ▁riot -12.7982 ▁Bulletin -12.7983 shima -12.7983 eman -12.7983 ▁2000: -12.7985 Copyright -12.7986 approximately -12.7986 ▁approximate -12.7986 ▁Drum -12.7988 /46 -12.7988 ▁waterfall -12.7988 facing -12.7989 ▁irrational -12.799 ▁Solo -12.7991 ▁Bosch -12.7992 ▁superpower -12.7992 ▁physicists -12.7994 Cloud -12.7994 skin -12.7997 ▁Andean -12.7997 ▁Colin -12.7997 Hello -12.7998 ▁pat -12.7999 ▁1981, -12.8 拉 -12.8 ▁Rainbow -12.8 ▁CopyRight -12.8 ▁AIR -12.8001 ▁objectivity -12.8001 ▁unofficial -12.8001 Hua -12.8003 ▁Plastics -12.8006 ▁backpack -12.8007 ▁Baron -12.8009 ▁violin -12.8009 ▁antibodies -12.801 ▁groupings -12.801 ▁Apostle -12.8011 ▁Nearby -12.8011 aunt -12.8012 cie -12.8013 Video -12.8014 binding -12.8015 ▁Gali -12.8016 ▁Algiers -12.8019 ▁Assurance -12.8019 ▁Amanda -12.802 ▁hacker -12.802 ▁Brew -12.8021 Europe -12.8022 communicable -12.8024 ▁breached -12.8025 igan -12.8027 ▁(26 -12.8028 ▁Schengen -12.8028 ▁Adelaide -12.8028 ▁DDoS -12.8028 ▁integer -12.8029 ▁Plato -12.803 ▁rains -12.8031 ▁dialog -12.8031 treated -12.8033 ▁sliding -12.8033 ▁chant -12.8035 ▁Africans -12.8035 ▁stamps -12.8036 Mill -12.8037 lite -12.804 lysis -12.804 ▁Highness -12.8041 covered -12.8041 rock -12.8042 ▁ND -12.8042 lung -12.8044 ▁outrage -12.8044 ugu -12.8045 ▁Cargo -12.8045 ▁Babylon -12.8046 ▁ripe -12.8047 ▁soda -12.8047 ▁Accreditation -12.8048 prising -12.8048 ▁Broker -12.8048 ▁Wat -12.8049 ▁artifacts -12.8049 ▁exploiting -12.8051 ▁policemen -12.8051 Sometimes -12.8053 nzo -12.8053 ▁Mona -12.8053 ▁6.4 -12.8053 existing -12.8054 ▁randomly -12.8054 hum -12.8054 262 -12.8055 static -12.8055 akh -12.8055 ▁Baha -12.8055 dos -12.8056 83) -12.8056 ▁expel -12.8057 本 -12.8057 ▁renounce -12.8058 80,000 -12.8059 ▁ji -12.8059 FTA -12.8059 fun -12.806 Chairs -12.806 ▁sinful -12.806 ▁Tungsten -12.806 ▁revisit -12.8061 ▁overlapping -12.8061 ▁CRIC -12.8061 ▁Myth -12.8062 Public -12.8062 Support -12.8062 ▁Bug -12.8063 ▁underwear -12.8063 atta -12.8063 ▁Klein -12.8064 ▁Mmm -12.8064 ▁93. -12.8065 ▁summoned -12.8065 ▁Bologna -12.8067 ▁terribly -12.8067 ▁hugely -12.8068 members -12.8068 ▁Evening -12.8068 ▁Investing -12.8069 ▁Known -12.8069 xian -12.807 ▁Laundering -12.8071 ▁sha -12.8073 gic -12.8073 ▁glow -12.8074 ▁Jude -12.8075 ▁numbered -12.8075 ▁compensated -12.8075 ▁2013) -12.8076 ▁HIGH -12.8077 ▁2006; -12.8077 ▁202 -12.8081 ▁policeman -12.8081 ▁sorting -12.8082 ▁flooded -12.8082 ▁Sem -12.8083 ▁Olympia -12.8084 ▁Tara -12.8084 ▁Hole -12.8085 ▁anonymity -12.8086 ▁tendencies -12.8086 ▁eve -12.8088 information -12.8091 ▁unequivocal -12.8091 Technology -12.8091 ished -12.8091 ▁authoritarian -12.8091 ▁Adjust -12.8092 ▁detectors -12.8092 Plan -12.8093 67) -12.8093 ▁disappearing -12.8093 Call -12.8094 ▁fortress -12.8095 ▁Beverage -12.8096 ▁permissible -12.8096 ▁Bottom -12.8096 ▁encoding -12.8096 otto -12.8096 ▁Ridge -12.8096 ▁Shore -12.8097 ▁Playing -12.8098 ▁87. -12.8098 etch -12.8098 233 -12.8098 ▁KI -12.8099 search -12.81 kawa -12.81 ▁dumped -12.81 ▁seals -12.81 ▁Seg -12.8101 ▁drowned -12.8101 ▁Shot -12.8105 ▁Abdel -12.8105 ▁Simpson -12.8105 ▁chunk -12.8105 ▁Begin -12.8107 ▁RED -12.8107 ▁1907 -12.8107 ▁invoices -12.8107 ▁exhaustion -12.8109 ▁branded -12.8109 loc -12.811 ▁Liz -12.8111 ▁Drafting -12.8111 755 -12.8112 ▁Restaurants -12.8114 ▁NP -12.8115 国 -12.8115 ▁womb -12.8115 ▁Yunnan -12.8115 ▁unregulated -12.8115 ▁Narcotics -12.8116 ▁Injection -12.8117 pent -12.8117 esa -12.8118 ▁dinosaurs -12.8118 ▁compares -12.8118 uku -12.8119 ▁pur -12.8119 Second -12.812 iser -12.812 ▁undertakes -12.8121 ▁Bul -12.8121 ▁Cow -12.8122 ▁experimentation -12.8122 ▁Limits -12.8123 ▁embassies -12.8124 ▁Column -12.8124 ▁Richmond -12.8125 ▁charities -12.8125 ▁(27 -12.8125 ▁inverter -12.8126 ▁Highlights -12.8126 ▁Abstract -12.8127 ▁Roth -12.8129 ▁Bha -12.8132 ▁heir -12.8132 ASH -12.8133 ▁torque -12.8135 ▁deed -12.8135 ▁NH -12.8135 nese -12.8137 lap -12.8138 ▁substrate -12.8139 ▁Matter -12.8139 ▁lyrics -12.8139 ▁Rom -12.8139 plex -12.814 :04 -12.814 comp -12.814 Fu -12.8141 ▁downside -12.8143 ▁rehabilitate -12.8144 ▁Till -12.8144 ▁dashboard -12.8144 ▁Poetry -12.8144 .36 -12.8149 Palestinian -12.8149 ▁lasers -12.815 ▁fingerprints -12.8151 Mart -12.8152 Without -12.8152 ▁Applicable -12.8153 ▁triennial -12.8154 ▁Photoshop -12.8154 ▁Instruction -12.8157 ▁quad -12.8157 /1/ -12.8157 ▁prostitutes -12.8157 ▁revolve -12.8157 ▁Jinan -12.8158 region -12.8159 227 -12.8159 ▁username -12.8159 ▁Tamil -12.8161 earn -12.8161 ▁Connecticut -12.8163 ▁Entity -12.8163 ▁victories -12.8163 ▁194 -12.8164 ▁handy -12.8165 ▁coefficient -12.8165 ▁registers -12.8165 ▁PRC -12.8166 ▁modernize -12.8167 ▁faults -12.8167 ▁hailed -12.8169 ▁1910 -12.8171 hil -12.8171 ▁harmed -12.8172 ▁fluids -12.8172 ▁deputies -12.8173 ▁remedial -12.8173 .39 -12.8174 ▁Revision -12.8174 ▁Resid -12.8174 ▁clarifying -12.8175 gur -12.8175 ▁250,000 -12.8175 ▁proactively -12.8176 ▁Grande -12.8176 ▁Tunis -12.8176 ▁1/1 -12.8178 ▁unusually -12.8179 ▁joyful -12.8179 ▁monarch -12.818 radi -12.818 ___ -12.818 .38 -12.8181 ▁Alternatively -12.8182 ▁Acc -12.8182 ▁Achieving -12.8183 ▁obstetric -12.8183 ▁proclamation -12.8183 ▁reckless -12.8183 ▁hydrocarbon -12.8183 ▁Places -12.8184 ▁Mouse -12.8184 ▁approves -12.8185 ▁Pirate -12.8185 ▁inhabit -12.8186 grown -12.8189 ▁intern -12.819 ▁Reservations -12.8192 ▁adequacy -12.8192 ▁summaries -12.8192 ▁indulge -12.8192 ▁versatile -12.8192 ▁Ratification -12.8193 ▁truths -12.8193 ▁starving -12.8193 ▁1978, -12.8195 ▁unsure -12.8195 ▁Lav -12.8196 ▁warranted -12.8197 ▁Away -12.8197 Field -12.8197 ▁80,000 -12.8198 ▁Negotiations -12.8199 ▁NFC -12.8199 SION -12.8201 ▁HAVE -12.8201 ▁advisable -12.8202 ▁daunting -12.8202 ▁Biodiversity -12.8202 cun -12.8202 ▁mimic -12.8202 199 -12.8205 contract -12.8207 ▁jaw -12.8207 ▁disappears -12.8211 Old -12.8211 ▁enquiries -12.8212 ▁verbatim -12.8212 ▁Edison -12.8212 ▁originate -12.8212 ▁traveler -12.8213 ▁Preventive -12.8213 ▁Usage -12.8213 ▁ransom -12.8214 ▁simulations -12.8214 ▁standby -12.8214 awi -12.8215 ▁lb -12.8216 company -12.8217 ▁Networking -12.822 ▁2030, -12.8221 ▁Portrait -12.8221 ▁Yacht -12.8221 Allah -12.8222 urge -12.8222 evo -12.8223 respect -12.8223 ▁Kru -12.8223 183 -12.8223 :32 -12.8223 ▁WILL -12.8223 ▁Punish -12.8223 ▁Wellington -12.8224 SER -12.8226 hide -12.8226 Light -12.8227 ▁thermo -12.8228 ▁solicit -12.8229 CCPR -12.8229 agon -12.823 ▁Celebration -12.8231 ▁misfortune -12.8231 ▁aquatic -12.8231 oxide -12.8231 ▁removals -12.8232 scopic -12.8232 192 -12.8233 religious -12.8236 ▁Alto -12.8236 IMF -12.8236 cup -12.8236 ▁whistle -12.8241 uta -12.8242 ▁halted -12.8244 ...? -12.8244 ▁Harrison -12.8244 ▁Transaction -12.8245 ▁$150 -12.8247 uru -12.825 ▁Literacy -12.8251 ▁Maz -12.8255 ▁warrants -12.8257 ▁tolerant -12.8258 577 -12.8258 ▁chemist -12.826 ▁injected -12.826 onomy -12.826 1⁄2 -12.8261 ▁Hannah -12.8263 heart -12.8263 ▁Fr -12.8263 ▁Thr -12.8264 ▁trusts -12.8265 ▁counselor -12.8266 ▁Nah -12.8268 asp -12.8268 zzi -12.8268 ▁checkpoint -12.8269 ▁apparel -12.827 ▁boosted -12.8271 ▁trusting -12.8272 ▁Suppliers -12.8273 aru -12.8273 ▁ -12.8274 ▁discriminated -12.8275 French -12.8276 ▁Superman -12.8276 2.8 -12.8276 nium -12.8279 ▁premiere -12.8279 ▁Lights -12.828 ▁Reproductive -12.8281 ▁Tencent -12.8281 ▁squeeze -12.8281 ▁Expand -12.8281 ▁1925 -12.8282 ▁Canton -12.8283 ▁Cul -12.8283 isse -12.8283 ▁Consultant -12.8285 .2, -12.8286 ▁HB -12.8286 ▁discarded -12.8286 ▁denounced -12.8287 ▁courtroom -12.8288 ▁Powerful -12.8288 ▁biased -12.8288 ▁unexpectedly -12.8288 ▁pee -12.8289 ▁Flame -12.8289 ▁Rebecca -12.829 特 -12.829 ▁Proceedings -12.829 ▁robbed -12.829 ▁Motorcycle -12.829 ▁Piece -12.8291 ▁Folk -12.8293 ▁Queens -12.8293 ▁businessmen -12.8293 ▁CISG -12.8294 ▁defender -12.8294 MSP -12.8294 ▁fin -12.8295 ▁Tran -12.8296 ▁smoked -12.8296 ▁Lyn -12.8298 edo -12.8299 ▁variability -12.83 aza -12.83 structure -12.8302 163 -12.8302 ▁Ton -12.8304 ▁Cannes -12.8305 ▁ghosts -12.8307 ication -12.8307 ▁drastic -12.8309 ▁aquaculture -12.8309 ▁necessities -12.8309 ▁skeleton -12.8309 ▁Verse -12.831 vation -12.8311 ▁conveniently -12.8311 Multi -12.8311 ▁Coverage -12.8311 ▁questionable -12.8311 ▁bidet -12.8312 ▁(2008), -12.8313 ▁Papers -12.8314 ▁171 -12.8314 ▁ranged -12.8314 dol -12.8315 supply -12.8315 ▁dosage -12.8316 255 -12.8316 ▁CES -12.8317 ▁sourcing -12.8318 ▁substantiated -12.8318 ggling -12.8319 ▁dividing -12.8319 」 -12.8319 ▁BRICS -12.8319 ▁Caroline -12.832 ▁Philippe -12.832 ▁extradite -12.832 ▁bidder -12.8321 ▁Deb -12.8321 ▁arrivals -12.8321 shui -12.8323 ▁dataset -12.8323 ASEAN -12.8325 /2) -12.8325 ▁Amendments -12.8326 238 -12.8327 Press -12.8327 ▁Endorses -12.8329 ▁cervical -12.8329 ▁responsibly -12.8329 利 -12.8329 ▁habitual -12.833 pick -12.8333 ▁Ronaldo -12.8333 Does -12.8333 fy -12.8333 ▁longstanding -12.8335 photo -12.8335 ▁Humanity -12.8336 ▁potato -12.8337 ▁boiling -12.8338 ▁Gir -12.8338 ija -12.8339 ▁92. -12.834 finance -12.8343 ▁Nut -12.8343 XX -12.8343 particularly -12.8345 enna -12.8345 NF -12.8345 exe -12.8346 ▁Offices -12.8346 ▁brass -12.8348 ▁immuno -12.835 ▁Radiation -12.835 ▁Stevens -12.835 003 -12.8351 native -12.8351 ▁builders -12.8351 ▁Boost -12.8352 ▁Rust -12.8352 ution -12.8354 ▁prioritized -12.8357 -2003 -12.8358 ▁ballet -12.8358 ▁Abyei -12.8359 ▁performers -12.8359 ▁sustainably -12.836 ▁Marg -12.8361 ▁BEST -12.8361 ▁Tunisian -12.8362 ▁waist -12.8362 balance -12.8363 lik -12.8364 Say -12.8365 ▁Proposals -12.8366 ▁pharmaceuticals -12.8367 mah -12.8369 ▁scenic -12.8369 ▁Immigrant -12.8369 .1); -12.8369 ▁contends -12.8369 ▁Rub -12.837 10% -12.8371 :1/1 -12.8371 RIC -12.8372 ▁Lay -12.8373 198 -12.8374 [11] -12.8376 ▁Fame -12.8377 ín -12.8377 :34 -12.8378 ▁crashes -12.8378 ▁Firearms -12.8379 figure -12.8379 ▁prototypes -12.838 Food -12.838 ▁Direction -12.8384 criminal -12.8384 ▁degraded -12.8385 ▁193 -12.8385 ▁bot -12.8386 ▁apostles -12.8386 ▁HOW -12.8387 ▁IRS -12.8387 ▁PPP -12.8388 ▁Marrakech -12.8388 ▁McCain -12.8389 ▁IFRS -12.8389 ▁Ride -12.8391 152 -12.8392 237 -12.8395 ▁secondly -12.8395 ▁cho -12.8395 ▁ETF -12.8397 ▁neighborhoods -12.8397 -2011 -12.8398 ▁innovators -12.8398 -90 -12.8398 ▁Commodity -12.8398 ▁fertile -12.8398 hine -12.84 ▁abandonment -12.84 ▁departmental -12.8402 rough -12.8403 ▁Canon -12.8403 SV -12.8404 ▁Actor -12.8405 ▁unfold -12.8406 Each -12.8407 ▁seniors -12.8407 ▁Meh -12.8407 ▁wires -12.8408 ▁Emmanuel -12.8408 ▁Gmail -12.8408 ▁monastery -12.8408 ▁sensitization -12.8408 ▁marrying -12.8408 ▁discomfort -12.8408 ▁impart -12.8413 ▁Riga -12.8413 Stop -12.8414 Local -12.8414 Str -12.8414 ▁obstruction -12.8416 tering -12.8416 ▁sensory -12.8417 ▁circumvent -12.8417 ▁earnest -12.8417 ▁epic -12.8418 ▁Efficient -12.8418 ▁Portfolio -12.8418 hotmail -12.8418 ▁converge -12.8418 ▁Inclusion -12.8419 ▁transformative -12.8419 ▁bucks -12.8419 qa -12.842 centered -12.8421 ▁Carlo -12.8422 GW -12.8422 ▁endorses -12.8424 induced -12.8424 USE -12.8425 fed -12.8426 ▁speeding -12.8427 ▁Reduced -12.8427 ▁Elephant -12.8428 ▁sanctuary -12.8428 ▁Andrea -12.8428 ▁Jenny -12.8429 ▁photographic -12.8429 ▁greet -12.8431 ▁lure -12.8434 μ -12.8434 ▁Gel -12.8437 pk -12.8438 ▁clone -12.8438 ▁Kremlin -12.8438 ▁Oculus -12.8438 ▁prerogative -12.8438 annual -12.8439 ▁boycott -12.8439 ▁Spray -12.8439 ▁spelling -12.8442 ▁ICAO -12.8443 ▁70,000 -12.8444 ▁Clari -12.8445 ▁Quo -12.8446 format -12.8447 Pass -12.8447 ▁1934 -12.8448 ▁potassium -12.8448 ▁― -12.845 ▁editions -12.8453 ▁XX -12.8453 /11/ -12.8454 ▁liberated -12.8455 ▁clamp -12.8456 ▁subset -12.8457 ▁WIN -12.8457 ▁elaborating -12.8458 ▁teammates -12.8458 ▁uncommon -12.8459 ▁Perform -12.8459 ▁fireworks -12.8459 ▁Glu -12.846 kill -12.8463 commercial -12.8464 ▁airplanes -12.8464 ▁1600 -12.8464 Ji -12.8465 ▁Dates -12.8465 ▁HONG -12.8466 ▁Hospitality -12.8466 ▁SET -12.8466 kong -12.8466 ▁edges -12.8467 ▁authorised -12.8467 ▁Jazz -12.8468 ▁CRISPR -12.8468 ▁sterilization -12.8468 ▁Regions -12.8469 ▁Interpol -12.8469 /51/ -12.8469 etto -12.847 ▁feat -12.847 ▁Patriot -12.8472 ▁AWG -12.8473 2] -12.8475 ▁mama -12.8475 fix -12.8475 ▁wisely -12.8476 ZHOU -12.8476 rose -12.8476 LAC -12.8476 92) -12.8477 ▁Confucius -12.8478 ▁presumably -12.8478 ▁Ericsson -12.8478 ▁milestones -12.8479 /12/ -12.8482 JS -12.8483 rip -12.8484 ▁lessen -12.8484 performing -12.8484 ▁boutique -12.8485 ▁adventures -12.8485 -83 -12.8486 ▁jailed -12.8486 Super -12.8487 ▁(2000), -12.8487 cake -12.8488 ▁depreciation -12.8488 ▁articulate -12.8489 124 -12.8489 ▁Cleaner -12.8491 ▁Por -12.8491 ▁Observers -12.8492 ▁Mit -12.8493 ▁implicit -12.8493 temperature -12.8494 Double -12.8494 ▁HER -12.8494 .[3] -12.8494 Wi -12.8495 ▁Continued -12.8496 ▁bowed -12.8496 ▁Situated -12.8498 ▁catalytic -12.8498 ▁remembrance -12.8498 ▁whiskey -12.8498 ▁Unemployment -12.8498 248 -12.8499 ▁contraction -12.8499 ▁XV -12.8499 ▁cherish -12.8501 TEC -12.8503 ▁Earn -12.8503 ▁CCP -12.8505 ▁closures -12.8505 digital -12.8506 ital -12.8506 ▁Anglo -12.8506 ▁Causes -12.8506 ▁Agents -12.8506 credit -12.8507 ▁1989. -12.8507 ▁Kyrgyz -12.8508 80) -12.8509 achi -12.8509 ▁applaud -12.8511 LV -12.8511 ▁Seems -12.8511 nc -12.8512 ▁Serve -12.8513 gating -12.8513 ▁Kunshan -12.8513 ▁mag -12.8514 ▁doctrines -12.8514 ▁CMS -12.8516 ▁scaled -12.8516 ▁Saul -12.8517 ▁panoramic -12.8518 ▁Pioneer -12.8518 ▁silently -12.8521 ▁acoustic -12.8521 760 -12.8522 ▁enzymes -12.8523 UV -12.8525 Ju -12.8526 ▁subprogrammes -12.8528 ▁Strasbourg -12.8528 ▁compromising -12.8528 ▁microbial -12.8528 ▁proletariat -12.8528 ▁misunderstood -12.8528 ▁Negative -12.8528 ▁packets -12.8528 ▁cries -12.853 ▁mock -12.853 ▁lawsuits -12.853 OSE -12.853 ▁1983, -12.853 ▁(28 -12.8531 wash -12.8532 ▁complexities -12.8535 ▁Siberia -12.8535 ▁Deng -12.8537 191 -12.8537 vir -12.8538 KB -12.8538 ▁billing -12.8538 ▁Disclosure -12.8538 ▁Warehouse -12.8538 ▁cardiac -12.8539 ▁recount -12.8541 ▁discouraged -12.8542 ▁proportionate -12.8542 OF -12.8543 ▁begging -12.8545 ▁instructors -12.8545 ▁Forgive -12.8546 ▁Mann -12.8546 "; -12.8547 IFF -12.8547 ▁widen -12.8547 PB -12.8547 arrow -12.8548 ▁admiration -12.8548 ▁humiliation -12.8548 2008 -12.8549 ▁Jorge -12.855 ▁Peer -12.855 ▁totalled -12.8551 ▁2021. -12.8551 ▁1974, -12.8555 kw -12.8555 ▁adhered -12.8556 ▁Confirm -12.8558 ▁frustrating -12.8558 ▁gravitational -12.8558 ▁histories -12.8558 ▁saith -12.8558 ▁entertaining -12.856 hall -12.8561 ▁Lev -12.8561 Federated -12.8564 ▁Plants -12.8565 ▁notions -12.8565 BY -12.8567 ▁Dorothy -12.8568 ▁prosecuting -12.8568 ▁troubling -12.8568 ▁Sei -12.8569 ▁hotspot -12.8569 ▁specialties -12.8569 enc -12.857 ▁verifying -12.857 ▁resolutely -12.8572 ▁scent -12.8574 ▁torch -12.8576 ▁sacrificed -12.8576 ▁Thu -12.8576 ▁3,500 -12.8576 ▁Heights -12.8577 ▁casinos -12.8578 ▁EQUIPMENT -12.8578 ▁cellphone -12.858 ▁Washing -12.858 ▁uni -12.8581 tell -12.8582 ▁Lance -12.8583 ▁Deeply -12.8583 ▁Franc -12.8584 ▁Pai -12.8584 neutral -12.8584 ▁unification -12.8585 ▁morally -12.8585 ih -12.8586 affe -12.8586 ▁bulbs -12.8587 Total -12.8587 ▁blur -12.8587 ▁Missions -12.8588 ▁Escape -12.8588 ▁2012) -12.8588 ▁blatant -12.8589 ▁Arrival -12.8589 tero -12.8591 ▁Zak -12.8592 mph -12.8593 lace -12.8593 ▁Bruno -12.8594 fact -12.8594 ▁Limitation -12.8594 ▁commandment -12.8595 PAR -12.8595 ▁Lub -12.8595 FCCC -12.8595 ▁descended -12.8595 JA -12.8596 olin -12.8596 ▁copying -12.8597 ▁Expenditure -12.8597 ▁304 -12.8599 ā -12.8599 ▁redemption -12.8599 ▁unavoidable -12.8599 ▁Colombo -12.8599 ▁Chronicle -12.86 ▁IVF -12.8601 /2/ -12.8602 ▁SB -12.8602 ▁Started -12.8603 ordinate -12.8604 ▁spontaneous -12.8604 CHI -12.8606 ▁captures -12.8606 ▁RES -12.8607 ▁737 -12.8607 ▁Gam -12.8608 oca -12.8608 agi -12.8608 ▁sincerity -12.8609 ▁jeans -12.8609 ▁Catering -12.8609 ▁spanning -12.861 ▁Snowden -12.861 ▁fascinated -12.8611 ▁abstraction -12.8612 Set -12.8612 ▁Harper -12.8612 ▁Sant -12.8612 util -12.8613 cci -12.8613 ▁Sprint -12.8615 ▁fabrication -12.8615 hop -12.8616 ▁Updates -12.8616 ▁Secrets -12.8616 cz -12.8618 ▁Shun -12.8618 ENCE -12.8618 ▁2.30 -12.8619 ▁Approval -12.8619 ▁Café -12.8619 ▁calibration -12.8619 ▁feminine -12.8619 ▁Eternal -12.8619 ▁revising -12.8619 ▁biomedical -12.8619 ▁resides -12.8621 ▁cocktails -12.8622 ▁Jordanian -12.8623 ▁constructively -12.8623 ▁Strange -12.8623 productive -12.8623 ▁polishing -12.8624 professional -12.8625 ▁ph -12.8626 ▁Associations -12.8626 ▁overload -12.8627 ▁Dynasty -12.8629 ▁staged -12.8629 mol -12.8631 )* -12.8632 ▁Detail -12.8634 145 -12.8635 ▁Tas -12.8637 ▁resisted -12.8637 3.0 -12.8637 ▁taxpayer -12.8638 028 -12.8638 duty -12.8638 ▁SV -12.8639 ▁Animation -12.8639 ▁Facilitator -12.8639 ▁bamboo -12.8639 ▁intrusion -12.8639 ▁climatic -12.8639 ▁metadata -12.8639 ▁meteorological -12.8641 ffi -12.8641 KK -12.8642 ▁meanings -12.8643 (2 -12.8643 ▁hacked -12.8644 ▁≥ -12.8644 ▁Gur -12.8645 ▁Professionals -12.8645 items -12.8646 ▁manuscript -12.8649 ▁nap -12.8649 ▁vintage -12.8649 ▁CENTER -12.8649 ▁Emp -12.865 ▁Biden -12.8652 avan -12.8653 ▁hurricanes -12.8654 solid -12.8655 1-3 -12.8656 aux -12.8658 peak -12.8659 ▁miraculous -12.866 grand -12.866 ▁Jade -12.866 [3] -12.866 ▁Parks -12.866 ▁wired -12.8661 XL -12.8662 ▁Kingston -12.8663 GG -12.8664 ▁Rig -12.8666 ▁Ideas -12.8669 ▁Phillips -12.8669 ▁Erdogan -12.867 ▁commune -12.867 ▁Sessions -12.867 ▁Barrier -12.8671 ▁Praise -12.8671 bour -12.8672 ▁roadside -12.8672 ▁1971, -12.8672 mode -12.8673 ▁honorary -12.8673 ▁marker -12.8673 ▁Barbie -12.8673 ▁Carrie -12.8674 abo -12.8674 ▁patches -12.8675 video -12.8676 FU -12.8676 fledged -12.8676 ▁Orders -12.8677 ▁Pastor -12.8677 ▁Cube -12.8679 optic -12.8679 ▁defamation -12.868 ▁bracket -12.868 05) -12.868 ▁indicted -12.868 ▁corridors -12.868 ▁$22 -12.868 ▁subcommittee -12.8681 ▁multisectoral -12.8681 ▁Arrest -12.8681 301 -12.8685 ▁winding -12.8686 dynamic -12.8686 ▁conditioner -12.8687 ▁tales -12.8688 ▁Arsenal -12.869 ▁impatient -12.869 ▁iCloud -12.8691 ▁fishery -12.8692 crypt -12.8692 ▁subscriptions -12.8693 uba -12.8694 ▁parasite -12.8695 invest -12.8695 current -12.8696 新 -12.8696 hom -12.8697 ▁invoice -12.8698 ▁symptom -12.87 ▁fats -12.8701 ▁Prosecutors -12.8702 ▁roar -12.8703 ▁babe -12.8704 emp -12.8704 ▁spans -12.8705 conditioning -12.8707 ▁contemplated -12.8709 Main -12.8709 ▁vow -12.8709 ▁Worse -12.871 touch -12.871 ▁Canberra -12.8711 ▁Okinawa -12.8711 ▁Nissan -12.8711 ▁Relative -12.8711 ▁medicinal -12.8711 ▁Comrade -12.8711 ▁chaotic -12.8711 ▁UTC -12.8712 ▁tactic -12.8713 ▁Claimant -12.8713 ▁timeliness -12.8715 ▁Aston -12.8716 Eastern -12.8717 som -12.8718 97) -12.8718 ▁Ost -12.872 ▁conveyor -12.8721 ▁harmonizing -12.8721 Sea -12.8721 ▁Brotherhood -12.8721 ▁tagged -12.8721 95) -12.8722 ▁1). -12.8725 ▁advancements -12.8725 ▁Consultants -12.8726 utu -12.8729 ▁cosmetic -12.8731 ▁rainforest -12.8731 ▁southeast -12.8732 1%) -12.8732 ▁PF -12.8733 ▁grapes -12.8735 ▁manpower -12.8735 187 -12.8735 ▁outweigh -12.8736 ▁Attract -12.8736 ▁detriment -12.8736 rav -12.8737 Chang -12.8737 299 -12.8738 ▁sued -12.8738 ▁reacted -12.874 025 -12.874 BIS -12.8741 ▁dash -12.8741 .37 -12.8743 ▁Harmony -12.8743 ▁Hut -12.8743 /40 -12.8744 ▁preaching -12.8745 western -12.8746 backs -12.8746 ▁globalized -12.8747 ▁robe -12.8748 benefit -12.8748 ▁Ooh -12.8748 ▁unconditionally -12.875 ▁Helm -12.875 dao -12.8751 erous -12.8751 ▁eagle -12.8752 ▁invade -12.8755 ▁remark -12.8756 ▁bon -12.8756 ▁retardant -12.8756 guan -12.8758 Use -12.8758 TEN -12.876 chief -12.876 ▁8.5 -12.876 ▁nails -12.8761 ▁practicable -12.8762 ▁acquainted -12.8763 ▁projector -12.8764 ▁Europa -12.8766 MV -12.8766 /15/ -12.8768 ▁Marcel -12.8769 ▁rubbish -12.8772 ▁pier -12.8772 ▁Kok -12.8773 ▁Hainan -12.8773 ▁Owner -12.8773 ▁Result -12.8773 ▁TW -12.8773 ▁[00 -12.8773 habit -12.8775 ▁Robots -12.8776 ▁PAR -12.8777 ▁Bike -12.8778 ▁Ultimate -12.8778 ▁Excessive -12.8779 ▁baths -12.878 ▁theoretically -12.8781 ▁191 -12.8781 ▁($5 -12.8781 ′ -12.8782 ▁WASHINGTON -12.8782 ▁jewellery -12.8782 ▁Diagnostic -12.8783 joy -12.8783 ▁Newspaper -12.8784 ▁Crane -12.8784 ▁logistic -12.8785 ▁Mina -12.8785 ▁worsen -12.8786 ▁CERD -12.8786 ▁Digi -12.8787 copy -12.8787 ▁doomed -12.8787 ▁damp -12.8788 civil -12.879 ▁eats -12.879 ▁raids -12.879 2003 -12.879 ▁Marrakesh -12.8793 ▁Historically -12.8793 .34 -12.8793 ▁Interested -12.8793 ▁Bone -12.8794 ▁WP -12.8797 iate -12.8797 ▁Mix -12.8798 ▁lobbying -12.8798 ▁Thermo -12.8799 ▁Gul -12.88 ▁Hil -12.8801 ▁derives -12.8801 ▁Provides -12.8802 [2] -12.8802 ▁ram -12.8803 ▁bathrobes -12.8804 ▁PIC -12.8805 escent -12.8805 ▁photographed -12.8806 ▁Cooking -12.8808 ▁2025. -12.8809 ▁Boo -12.881 ▁Messages -12.8811 Dongguan -12.8811 ▁boo -12.8811 /50 -12.8812 ▁FARDC -12.8813 ▁foul -12.8815 ▁interconnection -12.8816 -64 -12.8816 song -12.8818 ▁referenced -12.8819 Anti -12.8819 ▁enforceable -12.8819 ▁Rabbit -12.8819 ▁AK -12.8821 ▁unrestricted -12.8824 ▁grouped -12.8824 9/ -12.8825 ▁(17) -12.8825 ▁portfolios -12.8825 ▁Icon -12.8826 ▁Rank -12.8829 ▁char -12.8829 ▁Announcements -12.883 3.3 -12.8832 ▁assaulted -12.8832 ▁9,000 -12.8833 lator -12.8834 ▁MRI -12.8834 ▁contravention -12.8834 207 -12.8835 ▁disbelieve -12.8835 ▁Goodbye -12.8835 fighting -12.8836 ▁Petr -12.8836 84) -12.8836 ▁Moo -12.8838 dated -12.8838 rome -12.8838 ▁messengers -12.8839 Type -12.8841 Before -12.8841 aha -12.8841 030 -12.8842 Dear -12.8842 ▁Journalists -12.8842 ▁2007; -12.8844 ▁Feeling -12.8844 ▁Extraordinary -12.8844 ▁impasse -12.8845 bearing -12.8846 ▁depleted -12.8846 ▁brew -12.885 ▁Kap -12.8851 UNT -12.8852 Keep -12.8852 ▁OH -12.8853 ▁Watt -12.8854 ▁Representation -12.8855 ▁elevation -12.8855 ▁quarantine -12.8855 ▁reforestation -12.8855 ▁veterinary -12.8855 ▁Preview -12.8855 ▁undocumented -12.8855 ▁additionally -12.8857 easing -12.886 ▁saturated -12.886 ▁prejudices -12.8861 Max -12.8861 ▁Ped -12.8862 learn -12.8862 hear -12.8862 vu -12.8863 182 -12.8865 ▁profiling -12.8865 ▁Serena -12.8865 ▁1244 -12.8869 ▁Aung -12.887 bey -12.887 ▁Ain -12.887 ▁intellectuals -12.8872 ▁Converter -12.8873 ▁203 -12.8874 177 -12.8875 ▁fox -12.8876 ▁bureaucratic -12.8877 ▁mourning -12.8877 ▁shores -12.8877 ▁Hire -12.8879 lance -12.8881 ▁specialize -12.8883 [7] -12.8884 ▁congratulated -12.8885 ▁digitally -12.8885 ▁BlackBerry -12.8886 ▁migratory -12.8886 ▁Scriptures -12.8886 ▁honeymoon -12.8886 emo -12.8887 ▁spice -12.8887 ▁emitted -12.8888 ▁217 -12.8888 ▁impediment -12.8888 ▁paved -12.8889 ▁portraits -12.8889 ▁chop -12.8893 ▁scalability -12.8896 ▁Kel -12.8898 ▁escorted -12.8898 ▁pulp -12.8898 ▁engages -12.8899 ▁brochure -12.8899 ▁unleash -12.89 ▁mergers -12.89 ▁Grave -12.8901 TN -12.8901 esi -12.8903 ▁appointing -12.8904 ▁regeneration -12.8904 ▁precondition -12.8905 ▁emerges -12.8906 ▁YORK -12.8907 ▁clandestine -12.8907 ▁Gregory -12.8907 ▁skirt -12.8907 ▁€1 -12.8908 ▁Kitty -12.8909 ▁Slide -12.8909 ▁apostle -12.8909 ▁biofuels -12.891 ▁driverless -12.891 ▁webpage -12.8912 ▁205 -12.8913 ▁Applicants -12.8913 ▁lineup -12.8913 genic -12.8915 ▁CEOs -12.8916 ▁Vit -12.8916 ▁Ala -12.8917 common -12.8917 ▁stalled -12.8917 ▁OTHER -12.8917 ▁progressed -12.8917 ▁Shuttle -12.8918 ▁supercomputer -12.8918 ▁locks -12.8918 ▁Git -12.8918 ▁contentious -12.892 LOG -12.8921 ▁blonde -12.8921 emic -12.8922 ▁wary -12.8922 AVE -12.8922 ▁alteration -12.8923 Sir -12.8923 ▁Protected -12.8923 team -12.8925 uce -12.8927 document -12.8927 ▁Mohammad -12.8928 ▁eclipse -12.8928 ▁knives -12.8928 ▁Telescope -12.8928 forming -12.8928 ▁microcredit -12.8928 ▁cheated -12.8928 ▁workloads -12.8929 ▁FIN -12.893 ▁Spend -12.893 ▁PG -12.893 rays -12.8932 ▁upwards -12.8932 ▁Drama -12.8933 ▁1928 -12.8934 thinking -12.8935 ▁Penh -12.8935 ▁literal -12.8937 ▁Seller -12.8937 ▁$400 -12.8937 rif -12.8938 ▁bridging -12.8938 ▁firefighters -12.8938 ▁CNBC -12.8939 ▁omitted -12.8939 ▁stakes -12.8939 ▁Reception -12.8939 Never -12.8939 ▁redefine -12.894 ▁lined -12.894 ▁agendas -12.894 -300 -12.8941 ▁REC -12.8941 feed -12.8941 ▁Ava -12.8943 132 -12.8944 ▁receipts -12.8944 ▁orphan -12.8944 ▁Roller -12.8945 ▁Towers -12.8945 ▁Carmen -12.8945 ▁summarizes -12.8945 169 -12.8946 NB -12.8946 ▁Residences -12.8946 ▁ultraviolet -12.8949 ▁Lusaka -12.8949 ▁Hou -12.895 ▁nominate -12.895 ▁ornament -12.895 ▁Backup -12.8951 ente -12.8952 ▁False -12.8953 MAP -12.8953 appear -12.8954 ▁2004; -12.8954 ▁acknowledgement -12.8955 ▁altering -12.8956 161 -12.8956 POL -12.8957 ▁portrayed -12.8958 ▁diverted -12.8958 gee -12.8958 ▁SPA -12.8959 ▁nutritious -12.8959 ▁simplification -12.8959 ▁Critics -12.8959 ▁Admin -12.8959 ▁Kyi -12.896 King -12.896 MORE -12.8962 formal -12.8962 ▁Nicole -12.8966 ▁Whose -12.8966 ▁Scal -12.8966 Auto -12.8968 ▁circus -12.897 ▁destabilizing -12.897 ▁inconvenience -12.897 sko -12.897 ▁Deployment -12.897 ood -12.897 ▁CRI -12.8971 NZ -12.8971 ão -12.8972 ▁plunge -12.8972 ▁Sci -12.8972 ▁Zika -12.8975 plant -12.8975 ▁600,000 -12.8976 ▁Kho -12.8976 MON -12.8977 ▁ANY -12.8977 ▁Cent -12.8977 ▁fabulous -12.898 ▁misconception -12.898 ▁steak -12.898 ▁Lib -12.898 ▁Bach -12.898 ▁unfinished -12.8981 ▁tracker -12.8981 uber -12.8981 ▁groundbreaking -12.8981 Block -12.8982 borg -12.8983 ▁firmware -12.8983 laws -12.8984 ▁refinement -12.8984 ▁Cheer -12.8984 ▁Rh -12.8985 ▁hor -12.8987 measure -12.8987  -12.8987 named -12.8987 visual -12.8987 196 -12.8988 ▁cyclone -12.8991 ▁overcrowding -12.8991 ▁Released -12.8991 ▁rides -12.8992 ▁Mayo -12.8992 ▁deteriorate -12.8992 ▁Kab -12.8993 213 -12.8994 ▁Daw -12.8995 ▁Adjustment -12.8995 ▁Bean -12.8995 ▁summarize -12.8996 ▁chickens -12.8996 ▁relentless -12.8997 ▁Bah -12.8997 ▁Levin -12.8997 ▁DEL -12.8998 ▁Cr -12.8999 ▁distracted -12.8999 ▁chromosome -12.9001 ▁Zhuhai -12.9002 UNI -12.9002 ▁Stro -12.9002 ife -12.9003 ▁Disc -12.9003 ▁SAM -12.9004 ▁exaggerated -12.9005 wy -12.9006 committee -12.9007 Google -12.9008 defense -12.9008 imon -12.9009 ▁heavenly -12.9009 onda -12.901 -400 -12.901 ▁curtains -12.9011 :33 -12.9011 ▁tricky -12.9012 ▁Discipline -12.9012 ▁prevailed -12.9012 ▁Rhodes -12.9013 ▁UNO -12.9014 ▁Worst -12.9014 UX -12.9014 dry -12.9015 ▁Theresa -12.9015 ▁averaged -12.9016 ▁gro -12.9018 ▁5/1 -12.9018 ▁generously -12.902 NAN -12.9021 ▁broadest -12.9021 ▁Intermediate -12.9022 ▁Surgery -12.9022 ▁proficiency -12.9022 ▁discrete -12.9022 ▁northwest -12.9023 ▁Rap -12.9023 ▁Katie -12.9024 ▁adhering -12.9025 420 -12.9025 strip -12.9028 ▁Sud -12.9029 ▁upright -12.903 185 -12.9031 ▁negligence -12.9033 cious -12.9033 ▁Nina -12.9033 ▁Script -12.9033 ▁2001-2010 -12.9034 ▁cling -12.9034 zzo -12.9035 310 -12.9035 520 -12.9035 ▁Bab -12.9037 STER -12.9037 ▁coupling -12.9038 surface -12.9039 TIN -12.904 ▁Paid -12.9041 ▁OB -12.9044 Mark -12.9046 ▁Helping -12.9047 ▁pathogens -12.9048 − -12.9049 ▁scr -12.9049 iger -12.905 ▁spies -12.905 ▁oversees -12.9052 ▁Compilation -12.9054 ▁Umoja -12.9054 ▁Nicosia -12.9054 ▁Joel -12.9055 5.00 -12.9059 ▁teamwork -12.906 ▁advises -12.906 ▁Juba -12.9061 ▁fittings -12.9062 ssy -12.9063 ▁Duterte -12.9065 ▁allocating -12.9065 ▁genomic -12.9065 ▁Scho -12.9065 ▁bracelet -12.9066 ▁hats -12.9066 ▁cruelty -12.9067 ▁bosses -12.9069 ▁Strongly -12.907 ▁Salon -12.907 :36 -12.9071 ▁Lor -12.9071 ▁Meal -12.9072 ▁reopen -12.9073 ▁counteract -12.9074 ▁Musa -12.9074 ▁Omni -12.9075 ▁Spencer -12.9075 ▁Trusteeship -12.9075 Point -12.9076 2002 -12.9076 ▁Herbert -12.9076 ▁195 -12.9078 Xin -12.9078 Serv -12.9079 ▁criminalization -12.908 uation -12.9081 AMP -12.9081 ▁Months -12.9081 CERD -12.9082 156 -12.9082 ▁martyrs -12.9082 ▁Valid -12.9083 Ac -12.9084 ▁Hak -12.9084 ▁Churches -12.9085 ▁BD -12.9086 ▁Choosing -12.9086 ▁apartheid -12.9086 ▁unreliable -12.9086 ▁presiding -12.9086 91) -12.9087 ▁setbacks -12.9087 Redirect -12.9087 81) -12.9089 ▁[4] -12.909 eira -12.9092 ▁shi -12.9093 ▁dancer -12.9095 ▁Honour -12.9095 rack -12.9096 ▁Ara -12.9097 ▁fatalities -12.9097 ▁1905 -12.9098 ▁obligated -12.9098 ▁knot -12.9099 :08 -12.9099 ▁MIC -12.91 ▁Mano -12.91 ▁Tests -12.9101 -62 -12.9102 ▁intensifying -12.9102 ▁retro -12.9102 ▁sculptures -12.9104 ▁Calling -12.9104 ▁Dame -12.9104 ▁regionally -12.9105 LING -12.9105 ▁weighs -12.9106 omb -12.9106 ▁Montserrat -12.9107 ▁delimitation -12.9107 ▁Salvation -12.9107 :55 -12.9107 ▁Montana -12.9108 ▁Soil -12.9108 close -12.9108 ▁Poker -12.9108 ▁Leap -12.911 ▁211 -12.911 ▁TN -12.9111 ▁Talks -12.9111 ▁brightest -12.9111 ▁Iraqis -12.9112 ▁Mara -12.9114 ▁Advantage -12.9114 bedroom -12.9115 03) -12.9116 ▁Certificates -12.9117 ▁Consistent -12.9118 ▁seismic -12.9118 ▁temporal -12.9118 ▁Referring -12.9118 ▁baking -12.9118 ▁kitchenette -12.9119 ▁Dana -12.9119 ishing -12.912 ▁CHA -12.912 78) -12.9122 ▁framed -12.9123 50% -12.9123 ▁consequent -12.9124 ▁Raz -12.9125 Money -12.9126 ▁Tata -12.9126 idal -12.9127 ▁Divorce -12.9128 ▁Entrance -12.9128 ▁mistress -12.9129 ▁latitude -12.9129 ▁Rotary -12.9129 ▁unarmed -12.9129 ▁cleanse -12.9129 tica -12.913 ▁virtues -12.913 ▁Gentlemen -12.913 ▁Catalog -12.9131 url -12.9131 Bur -12.9131 ▁1977, -12.9132 ▁Bolton -12.9132 ▁Delay -12.9132 ▁debit -12.9132 ▁flooring -12.9132 ▁Taizhou -12.9134 Sp -12.9134 ▁spine -12.9135 ▁pointer -12.9136 ▁CCA -12.9136 ▁owes -12.9137 ▁tenants -12.9138 communication -12.9139 棋牌 -12.9139 ▁cohort -12.9139 ▁optimise -12.9139 305 -12.9139 ▁wiring -12.9139 ▁reconstruct -12.9142 ▁TLS -12.9143 ▁erupted -12.9143 ▁evenly -12.9144 ▁pic -12.9145 ▁wallets -12.9145 isha -12.9145 ▁lifespan -12.9146 :01 -12.9146 0086 -12.9147 ▁geographically -12.9149 ▁Fees -12.9149 ▁longevity -12.915 ▁codification -12.915 budget -12.915 ▁experimenting -12.9151 ▁catches -12.9152 ▁JSON -12.9152 -1990 -12.9153 LAR -12.9153 ▁parked -12.9154 ▁barred -12.9155 ▁Gha -12.9156 ▁crews -12.9157 ▁401 -12.9157 iev -12.9157 ▁suppressed -12.9157 Social -12.9157 173 -12.9159 ▁Reporter -12.916 212 -12.916 ▁motherfucker -12.916 ▁fortieth -12.916 ▁cloning -12.9161 ▁2002; -12.9161 ▁fashionable -12.9162 ▁1100 -12.9163 ▁deadlock -12.9163 ▁Lightning -12.9164 ▁Reach -12.9164 ▁depicted -12.9164 ▁PK -12.9165 ▁ceramics -12.9165 ▁markers -12.9165 brain -12.9166 Share -12.9166 ▁Meg -12.9166 ▁hinge -12.9167 aut -12.9167 ▁punishing -12.9169 ▁Wool -12.9169 agh -12.9169 ▁doubted -12.917 电 -12.9171 1.6 -12.9172 ▁stealth -12.9172 ▁1300 -12.9172 mates -12.9172 ▁replication -12.9172 ▁Hughes -12.9173 ▁evictions -12.9173 rish -12.9174 ▁soundproof -12.9174 GT -12.9174 ▁Shenyang -12.9174 ▁coated -12.9175 shin -12.9176 ▁wavelength -12.9177 ▁Estonian -12.9177 ▁complainants -12.9178 rance -12.9178 Western -12.9179 ▁Civilizations -12.9179 lb -12.918 ▁rifles -12.918 ▁descend -12.9182 ▁Hampshire -12.9182 Asian -12.9182 ▁poppy -12.9182 ▁enthusiasts -12.9182 ▁Subtotal -12.9182 ▁Abram -12.9182 ▁Babe -12.9183 ▁erase -12.9183 ▁velocity -12.9184 ▁Handling -12.9185 ▁folders -12.9187 ▁spit -12.9187 ▁Rough -12.9187 ▁Ink -12.9188 ▁9) -12.9188 ▁Seng -12.9188 236 -12.9188 Prince -12.9189 ▁Measure -12.9191 ▁zombie -12.9193 ▁ruthless -12.9193 ▁mole -12.9193 ▁wandering -12.9193 ▁Peking -12.9193 ▁Commentary -12.9194 ▁conceive -12.9195 ▁Navi -12.9195 ▁sanctioned -12.9195 ▁crossings -12.9196 ▁Outreach -12.9198 YE -12.9198 ▁fixes -12.9199 ▁Vale -12.9199 ▁5.6 -12.92 ▁MSC -12.9201 ▁Hook -12.9201 TURE -12.9202 ▁Handle -12.9202 ▁converts -12.9202 ▁lid -12.9203 loaded -12.9203 ▁Parallel -12.9203 ▁8:00 -12.9205 ograph -12.9206 ▁Lind -12.9206 ▁mixer -12.9208 ▁GUI -12.9208 ▁myths -12.9209 fine -12.9209 Non -12.921 ▁1921 -12.921 alla -12.9212 ▁mentoring -12.9212 Form -12.9213 ▁protested -12.9213 780 -12.9214 ▁superhero -12.9214 ▁Abd -12.9215 ▁Trace -12.9218 ▁206 -12.9219 ▁harvested -12.9219 pressed -12.9221 server -12.9222 ▁-1 -12.9222 ▁LT -12.9222 ▁liquor -12.9225 ▁grieve -12.9225 ▁cutter -12.9225 ▁onboard -12.9225 ▁Arnold -12.9226 ▁whip -12.9226 ▁germ -12.9226 ▁Sunrise -12.9226 ▁Bloom -12.9226 ▁Jur -12.9231 ogo -12.9231 SBSTA -12.9232 MDGs -12.9232 ▁Ao -12.9233 ▁(31 -12.9234 ▁blunt -12.9236 ▁unidentified -12.9236 ▁Wallace -12.9236 male -12.9238 ▁evidently -12.9239 ▁fist -12.9239 7%) -12.9239 nies -12.9239 153 -12.9242 ▁Musical -12.9243 004 -12.9243 ▁reminding -12.9246 ± -12.9247 ▁civilisation -12.9247 ▁2014) -12.9249 ▁apologized -12.9252 ▁Laurent -12.9253 ▁Sisters -12.9254 ▁Brooks -12.9256 ▁adversaries -12.9257 ▁Oasis -12.9257 ▁stitch -12.9257 ▁® -12.9258 ▁Thankfully -12.9259 DING -12.9259 ▁passages -12.9259 ▁UNDOF -12.9259 ▁detailing -12.926 ▁Rex -12.9261 ▁Hotelsin -12.9263 ▁bal -12.9264 757 -12.9266 ▁subparagraphs -12.9267 ▁TF -12.9267 文 -12.9268 ▁Kaspersky -12.9268 ▁mercenary -12.9268 ▁Purple -12.9268 gain -12.9268 ▁bass -12.9269 ▁Alba -12.9272 ▁Lac -12.9272 ▁Amman -12.9272 ▁nearer -12.9273 ▁farmland -12.9273 ▁revoked -12.9274 3%) -12.9275 ▁implication -12.9275 Mac -12.9275 dumping -12.9275 examine -12.9276 ▁gall -12.9276 ▁progressing -12.9276 ▁$24 -12.9277 ▁riots -12.9278 ▁Trap -12.9279 ▁Soccer -12.9279 ▁starvation -12.9279 ▁workstation -12.928 ▁responsiveness -12.9282 ▁insignificant -12.9282 ▁Scha -12.9284 ▁comforts -12.9284 ▁Cooling -12.9285 meaning -12.9286 ▁rapporteur -12.9286 ▁Playa -12.9286 increasing -12.9286 policy -12.9286 ERT -12.9288 769 -12.9288 ▁lifecycle -12.9288 ▁traps -12.9289 业 -12.929 ▁strategist -12.929 ▁microorganisms -12.929 ▁southwest -12.929 ▁Employers -12.9291 ▁Wah -12.9292 ▁affordability -12.9292 ▁Bringing -12.9292 ▁Morrison -12.9293 violent -12.9294 167 -12.9294 BDE -12.9295 ▁1945, -12.9297 ▁purse -12.9299 ▁staffed -12.93 ▁faithfully -12.9301 ▁Rush -12.9301 ▁Cop -12.9303 ▁curtail -12.9304 ▁Ox -12.9305 ▁IOC -12.9305 ▁Hop -12.9305 limited -12.9306 MAS -12.9307 Pack -12.9308 ▁(18) -12.931 223 -12.931 ▁EF -12.931 ▁furthering -12.9311 ▁redundant -12.9311 ▁repetitive -12.9311 ▁unintended -12.9311 ▁attribution -12.9311 ▁Civic -12.9312 ▁FF -12.9312 ▁embarrassment -12.9312 ▁UNMIT -12.9313 avour -12.9314 ▁Hus -12.9315 Very -12.9317 ▁Liber -12.9317 ▁3.9 -12.9319 ▁cit -12.9319 industry -12.9319 ▁98% -12.9321 .51 -12.9321 ▁practised -12.9322 ô -12.9322 ▁inauguration -12.9322 ▁ubiquitous -12.9322 ▁uninterrupted -12.9322 ▁threads -12.9323 ▁Coastal -12.9323 KY -12.9323 ▁booklet -12.9323 ▁vending -12.9324 ▁Ble -12.9325 266 -12.9325 ▁abstain -12.9326 ▁cursed -12.9331 IZE -12.9331 hak -12.9331 ▁DAY -12.9331 ▁workplaces -12.9331 ▁Aquarium -12.9333 ▁简体中文 -12.9333 drug -12.9333 ▁Pudong -12.9334 ▁Garcia -12.9334 ▁HFC -12.9334 ▁Spiritual -12.9334 ▁statues -12.9334 ▁Interaction -12.9335 ▁passions -12.9337 ▁Expect -12.9337 ▁disconnect -12.9337 ▁55% -12.9337 ▁Philips -12.9338 ▁Bil -12.934 ▁marketed -12.9341 crisis -12.9341 ▁Appropriate -12.9344 ▁Brochure -12.9344 ▁empathy -12.9344 ▁salute -12.9344 ▁pumping -12.9344 ▁stripped -12.9345 ▁53/1 -12.9347 ▁Timber -12.9347 umbling -12.9348 ▁elites -12.9349 ACH -12.9349 approved -12.9349 ▁liquids -12.935 ▁objected -12.935 ▁Hostal -12.9351 threatening -12.9352 automatic -12.9352 serve -12.9353 197 -12.9353 ▁33% -12.9354 ously -12.9355 ▁Bordeaux -12.9355 ▁cholera -12.9355 ▁oxidation -12.9355 ▁联络方式 -12.9355 ▁DEVELOPMENT -12.9355 ▁austerity -12.9355 ▁thwart -12.9355 ▁compiling -12.9355 ▁Attendance -12.9355 234 -12.9355 ▁killers -12.9357 ▁shirts -12.9358 290 -12.9358 ▁1/3 -12.9359 DIS -12.9359 ▁React -12.9359 ▁4.9 -12.9359 ▁costumes -12.936 ▁Avi -12.936 ▁Fifteen -12.9362 ▁adjustable -12.9362 1.8 -12.9364 GY -12.9365 ▁scarcely -12.9365 ▁Unlawful -12.9366 ▁cohesive -12.9366 ▁Gee -12.9366 ▁journeys -12.9366 ▁rainbow -12.9366 ▁Tariff -12.9366 ▁RIGHT -12.9366 ▁Fluid -12.9367 Shan -12.9368 metry -12.9368 ▁Editing -12.9371 ▁milli -12.9373 ISS -12.9373 between -12.9373 CAP -12.9373 ▁centrally -12.9374 ▁Dedicated -12.9377 ▁Palermo -12.9377 ▁culprit -12.9377 ▁butterfly -12.9377 ▁1996/31 -12.9377 ▁classmates -12.9378 ▁Priest -12.9378 ▁contemplate -12.9379 ▁Staying -12.9379 ▁ditch -12.9381 ▁fined -12.9381 ▁ETH -12.9381 ▁tenet -12.9382 ▁milling -12.9383 ▁diminishing -12.9383 Cal -12.9384 005 -12.9385 Sorry -12.9385 draft -12.9385 ▁ray -12.9386 ▁Rand -12.9386 ▁chairpersons -12.9386 ▁dug -12.9387 ▁Conversely -12.9388 ▁Distributor -12.9388 ▁splendid -12.9388 ethyl -12.9388 ▁Imaging -12.9388 AZ -12.9388 ▁Astro -12.9389 CES -12.9389 ▁Supervisory -12.939 ▁310 -12.939 arc -12.939 ▁Assistants -12.9391 ▁quake -12.9392 ▁Shift -12.9393 ▁Subway -12.9394 trap -12.9395 MY -12.9396 oud -12.9397 House -12.9397 iron -12.9398 ▁compensable -12.9399 ▁thirtieth -12.9399 ▁Means -12.9399 ▁Frost -12.9399 Zero -12.9399 ▁pinpoint -12.9399 ▁$1.2 -12.94 ▁UNOMIG -12.9401 ▁浙 -12.9401 liner -12.9401 ▁Grandpa -12.9402 ▁shortened -12.9403 ▁destroyer -12.9404 quo -12.9406 ▁distortion -12.9409 ▁stereo -12.9409 866 -12.941 ▁concentrating -12.941 ▁Eliminate -12.941 ▁stunt -12.941 ▁Silence -12.941 true -12.9413 ▁22% -12.9413 ▁cozy -12.9413 ▁Effectiveness -12.9414 ▁furious -12.9416 huan -12.9416 Therefore -12.9418 jah -12.9418 ▁Kine -12.9419 ▁Sharm -12.942 ▁peaks -12.942 ▁erroneous -12.9421 ▁nicotine -12.9421 ▁1912 -12.9421 ▁Thread -12.9422 ▁tuna -12.9423 ▁grandma -12.9424 pher -12.9425 azar -12.9425 ▁iteration -12.9425 ▁Filed -12.9425 ▁thanking -12.9427 ▁excludes -12.9428 141 -12.9429 ▁É -12.943 ▁Xue -12.9431 ▁litter -12.9431 ▁Sixtieth -12.9432 ▁morbidity -12.9432 ▁speculative -12.9432 ▁Panda -12.9432 ▁XXX -12.9433 owski -12.9435 ▁2.45 -12.9435 ▁Barb -12.9436 ▁Comic -12.9436 ▁Suu -12.9438 ▁manipulated -12.9438 interference -12.9439 ▁Aluminium -12.9443 ▁Reliable -12.9443 ▁constituencies -12.9443 ▁accomplice -12.9443 ▁devour -12.9443 ▁Aurora -12.9443 annex -12.9443 ▁Marxism -12.9445 ▁Tall -12.9445 ▁Beware -12.9447 ▁collaborators -12.9448 ▁Spare -12.9449 tip -12.9449 289 -12.9449 knit -12.945 Norway -12.945 ▁naive -12.9451 ▁Disappearance -12.9452 ▁Pap -12.9452 ▁constellation -12.9454 ▁Snack -12.9454 ▁Throne -12.9454 ▁↑ -12.9455 ▁Anybody -12.9455 ▁Pipeline -12.9455 ▁1924 -12.9456 yue -12.9456 Circ -12.9457 ▁demolished -12.9457 ▁Element -12.9457 ▁verb -12.9459 254 -12.946 immer -12.9463 ▁derivative -12.9463 亚 -12.9465 ▁grassroots -12.9465 ▁impeachment -12.9465 ▁Verona -12.9465 investment -12.9466 ▁Ned -12.9466 citizens -12.9467 ▁disarm -12.9469 ▁manned -12.947 ▁Silicone -12.947 atis -12.9471 ▁tram -12.9472 Would -12.9472 ▁Throw -12.9473 iano -12.9475 ▁Surveillance -12.9476 ▁toolkit -12.9477 ▁Ashley -12.9477 ▁boil -12.948 ▁1927 -12.9482 258 -12.9485 ▁Abstaining -12.9487 ▁Platinum -12.9487 ▁Phnom -12.9487 ▁petitioner -12.9487 ▁Cosmo -12.9488 ▁petty -12.9489 EZ -12.949 ▁relocate -12.949 ▁advantageous -12.949 204 -12.949 ▁0.01 -12.949 boo -12.9491 ▁Clara -12.9491 illon -12.9492 ▁Responding -12.9492 strength -12.9495 ▁Singaporean -12.9495 ▁sentiments -12.9496 ▁Holder -12.9496 ▁worsened -12.9496 cock -12.9497 ▁exemplary -12.9498 ▁Sophia -12.9498 @163. -12.9498 ▁blaming -12.9498 ▁Lynn -12.9499 ▁doubtful -12.9499 ▁Fusion -12.9501 ▁twisted -12.9501 Cam -12.9502 ▁effected -12.9503 were -12.9503 ▁cer -12.9504 ▁belts -12.9505 ▁enlarged -12.9505 ▁Logic -12.9506 Through -12.9506 moving -12.9506 ▁OAS -12.9506 ▁Antwerp -12.9509 ▁MetaTrader -12.9509 ▁Pluto -12.9509 haz -12.9509 ▁sur -12.951 ▁reparations -12.951 LB -12.951 ▁monk -12.9512 admin -12.9515 dine -12.9515 ▁Lens -12.9516 fla -12.9517 165 -12.9518 ▁replaces -12.9518 ▁MPs -12.9519 Wait -12.9519 ▁Offshore -12.952 ▁Retreat -12.952 .44 -12.9521 ▁Unified -12.9522 ▁Insights -12.9522 thus -12.9522 ▁volunteering -12.9523 ▁respondent -12.9523 ▁Websites -12.9524 430 -12.9525 ▁Abroad -12.9529 ▁importers -12.9529 ▁drawer -12.9529 ▁$23 -12.953 ▁Indicator -12.953 ▁astronomical -12.9531 ▁testament -12.9531 安 -12.9531 ▁underpinning -12.9531 icu -12.9532 ▁stink -12.9532 ▁defences -12.9532 ▁involuntary -12.9533 ▁Qa -12.9534 ▁255 -12.9534 Suzhou -12.9534 ▁betrayal -12.9534 ▁DDR -12.9536 TAL -12.9536 ▁1931 -12.9536 Low -12.9537 ogenic -12.9538 Em -12.954 esca -12.9541 ▁rabbits -12.9542 ▁Retirement -12.9542 Media -12.9544 ▁Liaoning -12.9545 ▁Dae -12.9547 Box -12.9547 correct -12.9548 ▁4+ -12.9548 ▁flaw -12.9548 /2002 -12.955 voltage -12.955 Music -12.9552 ▁Accession -12.9552 ▁diagnostics -12.9553 hale -12.9553 lamp -12.9553 ▁Suppress -12.9553 ▁[[ -12.9553 ▁RESOLUTION -12.9553 ▁Reiterating -12.9553 ▁Stupid -12.9553 ▁unmarried -12.9554 ▁adulthood -12.9554 ▁2002-2005 -12.9554 ▁recreate -12.9555 ▁bikes -12.9555 ▁complicate -12.9556 ▁Define -12.9557 ▁WMO -12.9558 -200 -12.9558 ▁constituents -12.9558 ▁Afghans -12.9559 ▁Wins -12.9559 574 -12.956 Malaysia -12.9561 ▁disrespect -12.9562 ▁illumination -12.9564 ▁Assassin -12.9564 ▁beacon -12.9567 ▁icons -12.9568 ▁shortcut -12.9568 ▁prima -12.9569 ▁Conv -12.9571 AMI -12.9572 ▁Expression -12.9572 ▁sharpen -12.9573 ▁Dil -12.9574 zheng -12.9574 jp -12.9575 ▁Corridor -12.9576 ▁devastation -12.9576 ▁critique -12.9576 ▁playlist -12.9576 1/1 -12.9576 ▁HSBC -12.9576 NX -12.9576 ▁caption -12.9576 ▁OM -12.9577 ▁Hammer -12.9577 ▁Prospect -12.9577 ▁ltd -12.9578 ▁bricks -12.958 ▁Lit -12.9583 ▁Pence -12.9584 democratic -12.9584 appointed -12.9584 ▁stalk -12.9585 Map -12.9586 ▁ASP -12.9587 ▁hurried -12.9587 有 -12.9587 ▁distrust -12.9587 ▁poisonous -12.9588 ▁204 -12.9588 thank -12.9589 ▁Wick -12.9589 ▁Wiki -12.959 strategic -12.959 144 -12.959 ▁commendable -12.959 ▁sailors -12.9591 94) -12.9591 ▁fueled -12.9592 wife -12.9594 -5) -12.9594 ▁Fig -12.9595 ▁Cement -12.9595 ▁glaciers -12.9596 ▁Done -12.9596 ▁inscription -12.9596 BD -12.9596 tao -12.9598 ▁intellect -12.9598 ▁Catalonia -12.9598 ▁concierge -12.9598 ▁happiest -12.9598 ▁reluctance -12.9598 ▁embody -12.9598 ▁facilitator -12.9598 ▁Plug -12.9599 ▁Pepper -12.9599 ▁Dy -12.96 ▁NEXT -12.9602 ▁Pac -12.9602 ▁Transform -12.9602 ▁Amber -12.9602 ▁faction -12.9602 nard -12.9603 ▁GU -12.9605 ▁Careful -12.9605 ▁insisting -12.9606 Mom -12.9606 ▁Populations -12.9608 shipment -12.9609 rib -12.9609 ▁Dakota -12.9609 ▁lieutenant -12.9609 ▁Sergio -12.9609 ▁Pizza -12.9609 ▁automaker -12.961 ▁2040 -12.961 ▁DHL -12.9611 LER -12.9611 90) -12.9613 etc -12.9614 146 -12.9614 ▁folding -12.9615 ▁Equally -12.9615 IDB -12.9616 ▁Vent -12.9617 ¶ -12.9617 little -12.9618 176 -12.962 image -12.962 ▁cracked -12.962 ▁Hammarskjöld -12.962 ▁chlorine -12.9621 ▁2008/09 -12.9621 ▁fooled -12.9621 Project -12.9622 cry -12.9625 ▁sewing -12.9626 ▁ICTR -12.9627 1200 -12.9627 ▁VM -12.9628 ▁HM -12.9628 ▁removes -12.9628 Nigeria -12.9629 ▁Gifts -12.9629 ▁Quad -12.9631 often -12.9631 ▁tyres -12.9631 ▁flavour -12.9631 ▁neurological -12.9632 ▁Niño -12.9632 ▁9001 -12.9633 ▁Commissioners -12.9633 ▁assaults -12.9634 ▁Discussions -12.964 ▁multiplier -12.9643 ▁prestige -12.9643 ▁Paphos -12.9643 ▁Intervention -12.9643 ▁bishop -12.9644 ▁Punta -12.9644 1-1 -12.9644 ▁STAR -12.9644 ▁READ -12.9645 ité -12.9646 ▁PIN -12.9647 ▁Alexandria -12.9647 unconstitutional -12.9647 3.1 -12.9649 ▁Providers -12.9649 ▁rounded -12.965 ▁Quest -12.9651 gno -12.9651 ▁rider -12.9651 ▁Malcolm -12.9654 ▁intermittent -12.9654 ▁687 -12.9654 ▁Pixel -12.9654 ▁Mongolian -12.9654 ▁Donation -12.9654 ▁replenishment -12.9655 ▁reflex -12.9655 ▁Mostly -12.9657 ▁Belle -12.9658 ▁Cypriots -12.9658 ▁Nicolas -12.9658 6%) -12.9659 ▁drawback -12.9663 cancer -12.9664 ▁Borg -12.9664 meters -12.9664 MHz -12.9665 ▁NVIDIA -12.9665 ▁allergies -12.9665 ▁Concord -12.9665 ▁toaster -12.9666 ▁aroma -12.9667 ▁wow -12.9667 ▁mosquitoes -12.9668 ▁convict -12.9668 ▁Cornell -12.9668 ▁posing -12.9668 ▁crater -12.9669 insky -12.967 ▁Cham -12.9671 ▁hail -12.9671 601 -12.9671 VP -12.9672 ▁Plot -12.9672 ▁condoms -12.9673 ▁Traditionally -12.9674 strom -12.9675 draw -12.9675 ▁Availability -12.9676 ▁Laundry -12.9676 ▁conclusive -12.9676 ▁discrepancies -12.9676 produced -12.9677 ▁Threats -12.9677 ▁governorate -12.9678 ▁Cute -12.9679 ▁riders -12.968 ▁Traveller -12.968 ▁reflective -12.9681 ▁Rue -12.9681 rica -12.9682 ▁Angle -12.9686 ▁Lung -12.9687 ▁Whilst -12.9688 彩 -12.9688 ▁Engagement -12.9688 sight -12.9688 ▁Bodies -12.9688 elia -12.9691 ▁whichever -12.9692 ▁categorized -12.9692 ▁VS -12.9693 APP -12.9693 ▁Alps -12.9694 ▁subsidized -12.9694 ▁visionary -12.9696 ▁aspirin -12.9697 ▁Vegetable -12.9699 ▁reversing -12.9699 ▁pluralism -12.9699 ▁crafted -12.9701 edu -12.9701 ▁11,000 -12.9701 ▁1,400 -12.9702 Made -12.9703 ▁Romeo -12.9703 ▁narcotics -12.9703 erator -12.9704 ▁Brush -12.9705 580 -12.9705 Kit -12.9706 ▁loudly -12.9706 ▁calmly -12.9707 ▁Fiat -12.9707 ▁Naka -12.9708 ▁warriors -12.971 版 -12.971 ▁meticulous -12.971 ▁steroid -12.971 ▁Venetian -12.971 99) -12.9711 ▁gameplay -12.9712 ▁Christie -12.9712 ▁entrenched -12.9713 ▁indefinite -12.9713 finity -12.9713 ▁Loading -12.9715 311 -12.9716 ▁overdose -12.9717 ▁grape -12.9718 ▁Alone -12.9718 strict -12.9719 sponsors -12.972 ▁Investigate -12.9722 ▁Kepler -12.9722 stricken -12.9722 ▁Bilateral -12.9722 ▁Duncan -12.9722 ▁receptor -12.9723 analysis -12.9725 mou -12.9727 Exp -12.9728 123456 -12.9729 bone -12.973 ▁peel -12.973 ▁Took -12.9731 ▁delightful -12.9732 ▁cam -12.9733 ▁Ernest -12.9733 Join -12.9734 resident -12.9736 ▁7.3 -12.9737 ▁carved -12.9738 ▁lone -12.9739 ▁Dee -12.9739 Israeli -12.9739 ▁timeframe -12.9741 ▁preconditions -12.9742 ▁attest -12.9742 ▁alarmed -12.9742 ▁Xia -12.9743 ▁Riviera -12.9744 ▁imaginary -12.9744 ▁Machining -12.9744 ▁Opposition -12.9745 ▁Sent -12.9745 ▁Nie -12.9745 ▁Decoration -12.9746 6.5 -12.9746 ▁Underground -12.9746 ▁stare -12.9747 oscope -12.9748 221 -12.9748 ▁WORK -12.9748 253 -12.9748 252 -12.9751 85) -12.9753 ▁cannon -12.9755 ▁simulator -12.9756 ▁superficial -12.9756 天 -12.9756 ▁Macroeconomic -12.9756 ▁bulb -12.9758 ▁Wade -12.9759 ▁resorts -12.976 ▁Correct -12.976 ▁Fol -12.9761 ▁Estimates -12.9761 AIR -12.9761 ▁retirees -12.9761 ▁Idea -12.9763 accept -12.9765 ▁NV -12.9765 ▁Zach -12.9765 precision -12.9765 liev -12.9766 ▁dia -12.9766 ▁tireless -12.9767 nen -12.9769 lag -12.977 ▁tapes -12.9772 ▁Krakow -12.9772 ▁Refer -12.9773 ▁normalization -12.9774 ▁cracking -12.9774 ▁trails -12.9774 ▁2001; -12.9776 yeong -12.9776 ▁DT -12.9776 ▁Arn -12.9776 ▁Fake -12.9777 ▁Lithium -12.9778 ▁prominence -12.9778 地 -12.9778 ▁Vaccine -12.9778 ▁Caicos -12.9778 ▁%2 -12.9778 ▁Palo -12.9779 Date -12.978 ▁Broadcast -12.9781 cchi -12.9782 ▁Dou -12.9783 610 -12.9784 ▁Schu -12.9785 7] -12.9785 Chi -12.9787 ▁forwarding -12.9787 reading -12.9788 82) -12.9788 ▁awakening -12.9788 丨 -12.979 ▁interfering -12.979 ▁Russ -12.979 ▁Fernando -12.9791 ▁paramilitary -12.9791 chron -12.9791 ▁tapping -12.9792 RAM -12.9792 ▁Eleven -12.9793 ▁heroic -12.9794 ▁perimeter -12.9794 ▁DES -12.9795 ▁overflow -12.9795 :09 -12.9796 LEX -12.9796 ▁Largest -12.9796 ▁208 -12.9796 ▁(1998), -12.9797 ▁humanities -12.9797 ▁Rack -12.9797 ▁Jiao -12.9798 MES -12.9799 patient -12.98 ▁cricket -12.9801 ▁214 -12.9804 nica -12.9804 ▁Novel -12.9806 1993 -12.9806 ▁Elder -12.9806 ▁Graphic -12.981 ▁Passion -12.9811 ▁FU -12.9811 ▁plots -12.9811 ▁Surf -12.9811 yna -12.9812 rev -12.9812 ▁Ceasefire -12.9813 ▁Tuberculosis -12.9813 multi -12.9813 ▁materiel -12.9813 ▁shave -12.9813 ▁Seville -12.9814 ▁disruptions -12.9815 iller -12.9815 ▁toughest -12.9817 ▁£2 -12.9819 ▁REL -12.9819 ▁HY -12.982 ▁1080 -12.982 ▁BUT -12.982 ▁GD -12.9821 ▁CIO -12.9823 ▁poets -12.9823 Ten -12.9823 ▁incite -12.9824 ▁Wyndham -12.9824 ▁barbecue -12.9824 会 -12.9824 ▁TT -12.9824 ▁unseen -12.9824 ▁Suicide -12.9824 ▁Reddit -12.9824 ▁slightest -12.9826 ▁accountant -12.9827 PLA -12.9828 enburg -12.983 ▁Kirk -12.983 ▁revolutions -12.983 ▁stretches -12.983 ▁erected -12.9831 9%) -12.9834 ▁HCFC -12.9836 ▁2025, -12.9837 ▁CFD -12.9838 ▁authorizing -12.9838 ▁WO -12.9838 ando -12.9838 ▁Zhengzhou -12.9839 /45 -12.9839 ▁Tac -12.984 ▁Completed -12.9841 oids -12.9841 /60 -12.9841 ▁Hood -12.9841 ▁frost -12.9841 ▁Shab -12.9841 ▁opposes -12.9843 ▁Mae -12.9846 н -12.9847 ▁Destroy -12.9847 ▁Introducing -12.9847 ▁illiterate -12.9847 ▁cli -12.9847 ▁CAM -12.9847 171 -12.985 ▁Rewards -12.985 /36 -12.985 ▁Mediation -12.985 ▁coined -12.985 ▁Boom -12.9852 ▁GMO -12.9852 ▁pun -12.9854 ▁leaks -12.9854 ▁1,600 -12.9855 ▁blindness -12.9856 tini -12.9856 ▁196 -12.9857 ▁MACHINE -12.9858 ▁Abidjan -12.9858 ▁Uighur -12.9858 ▁cushion -12.9858 ▁Inspired -12.9858 ▁Taste -12.9859 ▁refute -12.9859 ▁pleasing -12.9859 ▁Patrol -12.9859 ▁YA -12.9859 ▁Bengal -12.986 dot -12.986 ▁SHI -12.9862 ▁Wonderful -12.9862 ▁decrees -12.9862 ▁Fans -12.9863 posing -12.9864 EMA -12.9864 mina -12.9864 ▁UPR -12.9865 ▁Metals -12.9865 dell -12.9865 ▁grievances -12.9865 ▁strand -12.9866 ▁Pitt -12.9867 Zhou -12.9868 ▁Conversation -12.987 ▁Pollutants -12.987 ▁Hiroshima -12.987 Semitism -12.987 ▁forehead -12.987 WFP -12.9871 ▁inaugurated -12.9871 ▁Rouge -12.9872 ▁Betty -12.9872 ▁localization -12.9872 ▁realizes -12.9873 ▁290 -12.9874 ▁tungsten -12.9874 ▁hasten -12.9876 ▁—— -12.9877 ▁renting -12.9879 ▁capitalists -12.9879 ▁1,300 -12.9879 ▁sqm -12.988 ▁6000 -12.9881 ▁Earthquake -12.9881 ▁Lobby -12.9881 ▁Button -12.9883 ▁Brighton -12.9884 ▁resembles -12.9885 INS -12.9885 ▁locker -12.9885 ▁stra -12.9885 izz -12.9885 ▁Sexy -12.9886 ▁NF -12.9887 ▁banquet -12.9887 ▁partisan -12.989 ▁greeted -12.989 tariff -12.9891 ▁Daimler -12.9893 ▁INFORMATION -12.9893 机 -12.9893 ▁1701 -12.9893 ▁grammar -12.9893 ▁minimise -12.9893 managed -12.9894 ▁TRANS -12.9894 ▁XS -12.9894 ▁Voices -12.9894 ▁longtime -12.9896 stitutionalized -12.9897 ▁ICTY -12.9898 ▁mansion -12.9903 ICAL -12.9903 ▁hunters -12.9903 ▁Celebrate -12.9904 ▁spectacle -12.9904 选 -12.9904 ▁strife -12.9904 ▁Radisson -12.9904 ▁Windsor -12.9905 ▁Maggie -12.9905 ▁hockey -12.9905 ▁Hydrogen -12.9906 ▁importation -12.9906 ▁Brandon -12.9906 INA -12.9907 lod -12.9907 ▁monarchy -12.9908 ▁redeployed -12.9908 ▁cigar -12.9908 ▁1923 -12.9908 ▁Norton -12.9909 ▁Clarke -12.9909 ▁Yourself -12.991 /2005 -12.991 ADI -12.991 022 -12.9911 owner -12.9911 ▁Lean -12.9915 Bank -12.9915 ▁Characteristics -12.9916 ▁vigilance -12.9916 ▁zoom -12.9916 ▁Classes -12.9918 imal -12.9918 ▁injecting -12.9919 ▁shootings -12.9919 EAN -12.9919 chart -12.992 KU -12.9922 ▁Announces -12.9923 ación -12.9923 chel -12.9924 ▁$250 -12.9924 ▁petitions -12.9924 ▁Included -12.9925 中文 -12.9925 ▁gar -12.9925 ▁ibid -12.9927 ▁Arbitrary -12.9927 ▁Rockefeller -12.9927 ▁typing -12.9927 ▁cybercrime -12.9928 ▁Toxic -12.9928 ▁drainage -12.9929 Hand -12.9929 ▁deception -12.9929 ▁subsection -12.9929 ▁builder -12.993 wee -12.9932 ▁2000; -12.9934 ▁pallet -12.9934 ▁mac -12.9936 ▁Freedoms -12.9937 hart -12.9938 GEN -12.9939 ▁screened -12.994 ▁supermarkets -12.994 ▁Recording -12.994 Click -12.994 ▁Lands -12.994 ▁dared -12.9942 ▁cue -12.9943 ▁$50,000 -12.9943 ▁Fool -12.9944 ▁awaken -12.9944 ▁defenses -12.9945 RK -12.9945 eq -12.9946 ▁tighten -12.9948 ▁Agree -12.9949 ▁Jeremiah -12.9951 ▁Transboundary -12.9951 ▁microbiome -12.9951 ▁sniper -12.9951 ▁servo -12.9951 ▁resentment -12.9952 ▁nightclub -12.9952 ▁Maine -12.9952 ▁preacher -12.9952 519 -12.9952 ▁warships -12.9953 ▁brokerage -12.9953 ▁immensely -12.9953 ▁Shock -12.9955 ▁disturbance -12.9956 ▁droughts -12.9956 9.00 -12.9958 ▁crystals -12.9959 Tu -12.9959 inclusive -12.996 ▁Qaeda -12.9962 海 -12.9962 ▁Inclusive -12.9962 ▁Restrict -12.9963 ▁fireplace -12.9965 content -12.9965 rama -12.9965 ▁mouths -12.9966 ▁runner -12.9967 ▁Wor -12.9967 ▁Crew -12.9968 player -12.997 lining -12.9971 website -12.9972 315 -12.9973 ▁PCI -12.9973 ▁Pesticide -12.9974 ▁Recycling -12.9974 ▁profess -12.9979 ▁Slave -12.9979 ▁Pun -12.998 ▁NEO -12.9981 ▁flatter -12.9982 Je -12.9982 ▁begged -12.9982 Security -12.9983 fashioned -12.9983 ▁Invitation -12.9985 ▁ankle -12.9986 UST -12.9986 ▁commissioning -12.9987 ▁persevere -12.9987 ▁1514 -12.9988 printed -12.9988 ▁endemic -12.9989 ▁Zan -12.9989 ▁Neg -12.999 ▁specimens -12.9991 ▁Grad -12.9992 Log -12.9993 ▁Ugandan -12.9993 ▁Eurasian -12.9994 ▁Jung -12.9994 Observer -12.9994 ▁Ville -12.9995 ▁Blanc -12.9997 ▁Disposal -12.9997 ー -12.9997 Han -12.9997 onne -12.9999 ▁denounce -13 dha -13 ▁Moral -13.0001 ▁swine -13.0002 ▁shattered -13.0002 ▁nominee -13.0002 ▁1922 -13.0003 ▁Needless -13.0003 ▁Hash -13.0004 imeter -13.0004 ▁impeded -13.0007 ▁Offenders -13.0009 ▁trivial -13.0009 ▁est -13.001 FPA -13.0011 peer -13.0011 ▁ponder -13.0012 Sur -13.0013 ▁takeover -13.0013 Presidents -13.0014 ▁permissions -13.0014 ▁fearing -13.0015 ception -13.0016 assa -13.0017 ▁13,000 -13.0017 nton -13.0018 ▁boxing -13.0018 571 -13.0019 1994 -13.0019 refoulement -13.002 ▁escaping -13.002 ▁Identical -13.002 ▁Aristotle -13.002 ▁Reintegration -13.0021 ▁Tire -13.0021 average -13.0021 :38 -13.0022 XXI -13.0024 ▁capacitor -13.0024 668 -13.0028 008 -13.0029 ▁Approves -13.0029 yat -13.003 concept -13.0031 Americans -13.0031 ▁Builder -13.0031 /2000 -13.0031 sort -13.0032 ▁Ecological -13.0032 ▁Matrix -13.0032 ▁Vital -13.0032 ▁Granada -13.0032 ▁Personally -13.0033 ▁antitrust -13.0033 ▁Dale -13.0033 definition -13.0034 program -13.0034 ▁brokering -13.0035 appropriate -13.0035 ▁Bala -13.0037 4] -13.0037 306 -13.0037 /100 -13.0038 ▁paperwork -13.0038 ▁Complaints -13.004 ▁denote -13.004 ▁Lakers -13.0041 ethylene -13.0041 Vienna -13.0041 Friend -13.0041 ▁smash -13.0041 ▁Newcastle -13.0044 ▁facade -13.0044 ▁mailbox -13.0045 REN -13.0045 ▁Pha -13.0046 ▁tackled -13.0047 ▁AUTO -13.0048 ▁seabed -13.0048 ▁triggering -13.0048 pies -13.0049 ▁specimen -13.0049 SIA -13.0051 odi -13.0052 ▁demise -13.0053 Technical -13.0053 equipped -13.0053 include -13.0053 ▁pod -13.0054 ▁Figures -13.0054 ▁Cox -13.0055 ▁Sami -13.0055 ▁commencing -13.0055 加 -13.0055 ▁warplanes -13.0055 ▁Diesel -13.0056 ▁morals -13.0056 unless -13.0057 ▁Frequently -13.0057 ▁trait -13.0058 ▁triggers -13.0058 ▁revived -13.0058 scope -13.0058 ▁Blade -13.0061 ▁Kre -13.0063 ▁booming -13.0064 Quality -13.0065 oster -13.0065 generated -13.0066 LAS -13.0066 pati -13.0067 ño -13.0067 ience -13.0067 ▁Kubernetes -13.0067 ▁Pablo -13.0067 ▁disobey -13.0067 ▁juncture -13.0067 德 -13.0067 ▁clutch -13.0067 ▁Psychological -13.0067 vine -13.0067 ▁Tester -13.0069 illi -13.007 mura -13.007 ▁hardships -13.0071 ppy -13.0072 WO -13.0072 ▁envision -13.0072 ▁Extend -13.0072 BF -13.0072 ▁shutting -13.0073 ▁Futures -13.0073 seeking -13.0073 ▁HIPC -13.0073 ▁alphabet -13.0073 ▁dropout -13.0075 CAC -13.0075 ▁Slowly -13.0075 -84 -13.0076 868 -13.0077 ▁sized -13.0077 (4) -13.0077 ▁culinary -13.0079 ▁Astronaut -13.0079 ▁Miracle -13.0079 ▁Lagos -13.0079 162 -13.0079 ▁2100 -13.008 cigarettes -13.008 1-6 -13.0082 ▁visualize -13.0084 loo -13.0084 ▁Downloads -13.0085 ▁enlist -13.0085 ▁Duck -13.0085 ▁traumatic -13.0086 ▁EVA -13.0086 ▁Instructions -13.0087 Detail -13.0088 Ray -13.0088 Tel -13.0088 drive -13.009 工 -13.0091 ▁irregularities -13.0091 ▁STI -13.0092 GHz -13.0093 ▁OFF -13.0094 ▁ER -13.0094 ▁Epic -13.0094 ▁affirmation -13.0094 ▁2009/10 -13.0094 ▁snakes -13.0095 RAIN -13.0095 ▁bids -13.0095 229 -13.0097 ▁Disk -13.0098 quat -13.0098 ▁robber -13.0099 ▁Hate -13.0103 ▁subconscious -13.0103 ▁Include -13.0104 ▁Unrated -13.0104 630 -13.0104 ▁Clip -13.0104 xie -13.0104 ▁ranch -13.0104 588 -13.0105 ▁Diane -13.0106 ▁Keywords -13.0107 ucker -13.0108 345 -13.0109 /34 -13.011 PAN -13.011 During -13.0111 ▁Stern -13.0112 ▁commentators -13.0112 ▁metallic -13.0113 325 -13.0113 ▁Torres -13.0114 ▁2008; -13.0114 ▁Hezbollah -13.0114 ▁Kiribati -13.0114 ▁reiterating -13.0114 ambi -13.0115 470 -13.0115 ▁Meyer -13.0116 ▁Risks -13.0116 ▁$21 -13.0116 process -13.0116 modal -13.0119 96) -13.012 rub -13.012 ▁Diver -13.0121 ▁comparatively -13.0121 ▁DL -13.0121 ▁JC -13.0122 ▁supervisors -13.0123 educated -13.0123 0.1 -13.0124 ▁Contain -13.0124 ▁Survival -13.0126 ▁sabotage -13.0126 ▁Concrete -13.0126 ▁vine -13.0126 xo -13.0128 ▁inactive -13.0128 ▁FAX -13.0131 bun -13.0131 nea -13.0131 clo -13.0132 217 -13.0133 ović -13.0134 Med -13.0134 NV -13.0134 ▁pasture -13.0136 nai -13.0137 AID -13.0137 ▁elusive -13.0138 ▁tremble -13.0138 ▁unexploded -13.0138 ▁cherry -13.0138 603 -13.0138 ▁contraceptives -13.0141 logue -13.0141 ▁criticised -13.0141 ▁Lauren -13.0142 ▁Mich -13.0142 ▁towel -13.0144 ager -13.0145 ▁ESPN -13.0145 weather -13.0147 Syrian -13.0149 ▁Tsu -13.0149 ▁multiplied -13.0149 ▁relinquish -13.0149 ▁Surprise -13.0149 Space -13.015 ▁classifications -13.015 ▁traction -13.0151 ▁(24) -13.0152 ▁TRI -13.0153 ▁Ning -13.0153 ▁memoir -13.0154 ▁corps -13.0155 04) -13.0156 ▁nm -13.0156 ▁Virus -13.0157 ▁POS -13.016 ▁lions -13.0161 ▁Peruvian -13.0162 ▁Troop -13.0162 ▁Barn -13.0162 ▁Serviced -13.0162 ▁pushes -13.0163 rious -13.0165 network -13.0168 530 -13.0169 ▁zip -13.017 ▁drowning -13.017 ▁Hun -13.017 Phone -13.017 servicing -13.0171 ▁presided -13.0171 ▁1911 -13.0171 enda -13.0173 ▁Anonymous -13.0173 ▁allegiance -13.0173 ▁refrigerant -13.0173 ▁vengeance -13.0173 ▁Context -13.0174 ▁penny -13.0174 ▁millimeter -13.0174 ▁沪 -13.0175 ▁vaccinated -13.0175 ▁ICCPR -13.0177 ▁groom -13.0178 ▁legends -13.0179 aja -13.018 ▁Fried -13.018 ▁Ongoing -13.0181 ▁Analyst -13.0181 ▁Cabin -13.0181 Father -13.0183 ▁slides -13.0184 用 -13.0185 ▁FMCT -13.0185 ▁Fraud -13.0185 ▁Wendy -13.0186 ▁crosses -13.0187 Sign -13.0187 Benz -13.0188 ▁Lovely -13.0188 uzz -13.0189 ▁Holly -13.0189 ▁UX -13.019 ▁Appliance -13.0193 XXX -13.0193 768 -13.0193 ▁needy -13.0196 ▁Bethlehem -13.0197 ▁Definitely -13.0197 ▁terrific -13.0197 ▁cloak -13.0197 ▁surname -13.0199 ▁encrypt -13.0201 ▁HAR -13.0201 ▁ii -13.0201 ▁ethanol -13.0201 ▁destroys -13.0204 ▁Kindle -13.0204 owed -13.0204 ▁omission -13.0205 ▁Xiaomi -13.0208 ▁Lawyer -13.0208 ▁cube -13.0209 ▁guerrilla -13.0209 ▁outskirts -13.0209 ▁perseverance -13.0209 ▁stabilizing -13.0209 ▁Medicaid -13.0209 ▁arranging -13.0209 ▁snapshot -13.0209 ▁Bicycle -13.0209 ▁Elementary -13.0209 ▁Khmer -13.0209 ▁Salesforce -13.0209 hri -13.021 ▁Describe -13.021 ▁Ballet -13.0211 ▁Insolvency -13.0211 lp -13.0211 ▁1913 -13.0214 ▁Socio -13.0214 labor -13.0215 852 -13.0215 ▁MTR -13.0215 510 -13.0215 ▁weakest -13.0215 nak -13.0216 ▁furnish -13.0216 ▁jewel -13.0216 142 -13.0217 ugg -13.0219 ▁Pocket -13.0221 ▁Tournament -13.0221 α -13.0221 ▁Sanitation -13.0222 ▁heap -13.0222 ▁replicated -13.0222 ▁textbook -13.0222 532 -13.0223 ▁dancers -13.0223 ▁Janet -13.0223 ▁constrain -13.0224 liber -13.0225 ▁Kick -13.0226 ▁neat -13.0227 ▁6.6 -13.0227 ▁correlated -13.0228 172 -13.0229 /2003 -13.023 llie -13.023 Perhaps -13.023 could -13.023 ▁hon -13.0231 ▁209 -13.0232 ▁precipitation -13.0232 ▁resurgence -13.0232 ▁undesirable -13.0232 ▁Closure -13.0233 ▁Denis -13.0233 iber -13.0233 ▁ballots -13.0233 ▁Reef -13.0235 ▁oblige -13.0236 ▁rationalization -13.0236 ▁rode -13.0236 ▁oak -13.0236 rash -13.0239 ▁lubricants -13.0239 circ -13.0239 ▁cy -13.024 ▁borrowers -13.0241 protection -13.0243 Full -13.0243 /3/ -13.0243 ▁Bernie -13.0243 ▁puppy -13.0244 ▁Felix -13.0245 ▁reactive -13.0245 ▁peril -13.0245 ▁Neighbouring -13.0247 ▁CARE -13.0247 treat -13.0249 Royce -13.0251 ITA -13.0251 ▁Gram -13.0252 ▁vanish -13.0253 lytic -13.0253 02) -13.0255 ▁222 -13.0255 kr -13.0256 ▁Schmidt -13.0256 ▁Reveal -13.0256 ▁stewardship -13.0257 ▁magistrates -13.0257 ▁Docker -13.0258 ▁kilo -13.0259 dler -13.026 ▁clicks -13.026 ▁HL -13.026 ▁te -13.0262 318 -13.0264 ▁dwellers -13.0265 ▁Rolls -13.0266 ▁throughput -13.0267 ▁decor -13.0267 ▁alloys -13.0268 ▁Allactionhost -13.0268 ▁Mortgage -13.0268 ▁gigantic -13.0268 ▁penetrated -13.0269 ▁bourgeoisie -13.0269 ▁Marketplace -13.0269 ▁Bend -13.0271 waste -13.0272 ▁Predict -13.0273 ▁Customized -13.0273 issued -13.0274 ▁START -13.0274 ▁reopened -13.0277 [13] -13.0278 curr -13.0279 Party -13.0279 ▁Teresa -13.028 ▁ONLY -13.0281 isco -13.0281 ▁Pod -13.0282 ▁INT -13.0283 ▁QQ -13.0283 ▁Honestly -13.0284 ▁GEO -13.0285 ential -13.0285 NAS -13.0285 Live -13.0286 ▁Rover -13.0286 ▁Clay -13.0287 steel -13.0288 ▁hype -13.0288 ▁480 -13.0289 ▁bothered -13.0292 ▁occupancy -13.0292 ▁puppet -13.0292 ▁pursuance -13.0292 ▁liaise -13.0292 ▁transformations -13.0293 ▁fragment -13.0293 ▁crushing -13.0293 ▁lapse -13.0293 ▁207 -13.0295 TZ -13.0295 88) -13.0295 ▁Breaking -13.0295 ▁malfunction -13.0296 ▁2009; -13.0297 595 -13.0299 cad -13.0301 ▁handset -13.0301 ▁virtualization -13.0302 ▁succeeding -13.0302 reliance -13.0302 ugh -13.0302 ▁indifferent -13.0304 ▁handing -13.0304 ▁tripartite -13.0304 ▁Ellis -13.0304 ▁gestures -13.0305 -47 -13.0305 ▁behavioural -13.0306 ▁Whi -13.0306 ▁retract -13.0306 /2006 -13.0306 liang -13.0308 manship -13.031 ▁Noise -13.0311 ▁hourly -13.0313 ▁1400 -13.0315 -2002 -13.0315 ▁Withdrawal -13.0316 ▁amplifier -13.0316 ▁baptism -13.0316 ▁ovarian -13.0316 liest -13.0316 ▁(1973) -13.0317 ▁Carpet -13.0317 Director -13.0317 ▁Winning -13.0318 ▁Sed -13.032 518 -13.0322 ▁Franz -13.0322 telli -13.0324 seed -13.0325 ▁Scientist -13.0326 ▁pedestrian -13.0326 ▁darker -13.0327 amar -13.0327 ▁(19) -13.0328 ▁ridicule -13.0328 ▁Davos -13.0328 ▁penguin -13.0328 ▁Entrepreneur -13.0329 ▁vault -13.0329 ▁disrupting -13.0333 ▁275 -13.0333 inner -13.0334 ▁720 -13.0335 ▁motivations -13.0335 ▁cracks -13.0335 ▁importer -13.0336 ▁affaires -13.0336 ▁sway -13.0336 ▁7.4 -13.0337 575 -13.0337 ▁consumes -13.0338 Remember -13.0339 esse -13.0339 ▁woven -13.034 lex -13.034 ▁Guil -13.034 ▁Caterpillar -13.034 ▁Execution -13.034 ▁evasion -13.034 ▁sensitize -13.034 ▁contravene -13.034 ▁Dropbox -13.0341 ▁kW -13.0341 ▁brink -13.0341 ▁Sullivan -13.0342 ...[ -13.0342 ▁oppress -13.0343 ▁reunion -13.0343 ▁bathing -13.0343 ▁uncontrolled -13.0343 ▁slump -13.0343 ▁distinguishing -13.0346 ▁disappoint -13.0346 linear -13.0346 significant -13.0347 ▁Credits -13.0347 CAM -13.0347 ▁Breath -13.0349 335 -13.035 cool -13.035 tung -13.0351 ▁echoed -13.0351 pain -13.0352 ▁stagnation -13.0352 公司 -13.0352 ▁Mystery -13.0352 ▁Nashville -13.0352 ▁blackmail -13.0353 249 -13.0353 ▁Honourable -13.0354 vice -13.0354 lé -13.0355 ▁offend -13.0358 ▁villain -13.0358 ▁ascertained -13.0359 DES -13.0359 ▁fictional -13.0361 ▁Dating -13.0361 police -13.0362 ▁Rah -13.0363 ▁censor -13.0364 ▁Woo -13.0364 ▁Fountain -13.0364 ▁Removal -13.0364 ▁invariably -13.0364 ▁cowboy -13.0365 ▁silica -13.0366 ▁crab -13.0366 ▁Cebu -13.0366 ▁sigh -13.0367 ▁fonts -13.0371 509 -13.0371 388 -13.0373 ▁instincts -13.0374 ▁Merri -13.0375 ▁tighter -13.0375 ▁367 -13.0375 ational -13.0376 ▁deplore -13.0376 ▁Permit -13.0378 ▁antibody -13.0379 ▁Humanities -13.0379 ▁downtime -13.0382 ▁disturbances -13.0384 ▁Friedman -13.0384 ▁yelling -13.0384 ECE -13.0385 running -13.0386 ñ -13.0386 ▁Carry -13.0387 ▁Sovereign -13.0388 eff -13.0388 ▁Guitar -13.0389 ▁finite -13.0389 ▁Kunming -13.0389 ▁Lithuanian -13.039 ▁unfounded -13.0391 ▁DAC -13.0391 ▁#3 -13.0392 MER -13.0393 ▁IFAD -13.0394 ▁sting -13.0394 eering -13.0395 ▁rolls -13.0395 ▁ZTE -13.0397 ▁[11 -13.0399 moral -13.04 1992 -13.0401 ▁fluorescent -13.0401 ▁niece -13.0401 ▁epoch -13.0401 ▁erect -13.0402 ▁widows -13.0402 ▁1908 -13.0403 ▁ingest -13.0404 ▁Restore -13.0405 ▁cellar -13.0407 ▁Quan -13.0407 arium -13.0407 erry -13.0408 lob -13.0408 ▁disagreed -13.0409 ▁3-5 -13.041 Austria -13.0411 ▁Nav -13.0411 resource -13.0412 Line -13.0412 ▁(100 -13.0413 ▁SYSTEM -13.0413 contact -13.0413 ▁sinking -13.0413 ▁2007/08 -13.0414 ▁Listening -13.0415 ▁Lynch -13.0415 SME -13.0416 01) -13.0416 ▁capitalize -13.0418 ▁Chap -13.0421 ▁cakes -13.0422 ▁Tyre -13.0423 ▁mosques -13.0423 develop -13.0423 ▁linen -13.0424 eem -13.0424 ▁undeniable -13.0425 ▁gossip -13.0425 ▁Phillip -13.0426 Cat -13.0427 rge -13.0428 ▁mil -13.0428 ▁sue -13.0429 ▁Maison -13.043 ▁freezer -13.0431 ▁MX -13.0432 ▁sender -13.0432 149 -13.0433 ▁inspires -13.0433 perfect -13.0435 Application -13.0435 ▁sourced -13.0435 ▁WT -13.0435 follow -13.0436 ▁Discuss -13.0436 ▁nourish -13.0437 ▁Encouraging -13.0437 /3) -13.0437 ▁alleging -13.0437 iety -13.0437 ▁Quickly -13.0438 ▁Bronze -13.0438 ▁millennials -13.0439 ▁EMC -13.0439 ▁Gerald -13.0439 ▁acclaimed -13.044 ▁Shares -13.0441 ▁pioneers -13.0441 ▁Underwater -13.0442 ▁Jackie -13.0442 ▁eagerly -13.0442 ▁JUST -13.0443 jer -13.0444 ▁shale -13.0445 until -13.0447 emia -13.0449 860 -13.0449 ▁prerequisites -13.0449 [8] -13.0449 ▁Benidorm -13.0449 ▁Westminster -13.0449 ▁verge -13.045 ▁pearl -13.045 93) -13.045 ▁lt -13.0452 ▁INSTRAW -13.0452 ▁bottled -13.0452 UAL -13.0453 269 -13.0454 ▁MOU -13.0454 target -13.0454 ▁avenue -13.0455 ▁spraying -13.0456 ▁1915 -13.0456 ▁Kaz -13.0456 ▁Penny -13.0457 shen -13.0457 ▁Privileges -13.0461 ▁Marseille -13.0461 ▁deformation -13.0461 ▁testimonies -13.0461 ▁tasting -13.0461 ▁graphene -13.0462 ▁breathtaking -13.0462 :2014 -13.0463 ▁patio -13.0463 :44 -13.0464 maid -13.0464 leader -13.0465 ▁pioneered -13.0467 phenyl -13.0468 ▁2018) -13.047 .300. -13.0473 voice -13.0473 ▁8.2 -13.0473 ▁Niagara -13.0474 ▁embodiment -13.0474 ▁intriguing -13.0474 ▁Default -13.0474 ▁organizes -13.0474 ▁sunrise -13.0475 ▁Mankind -13.0475 ▁Nim -13.0476 yet -13.0476 ▁procure -13.0476 ▁228 -13.0477 Nan -13.0478 ▁Craft -13.0479 ▁Dub -13.048 ▁taxed -13.0481 sberg -13.0482 ▁documenting -13.0483 Which -13.0484 affaires -13.0484 impl -13.0484 eyed -13.0485 æ -13.0486 viv -13.0486 ▁Mickey -13.0486 ▁Ek -13.0486 ▁Hubble -13.0486 ▁Received -13.0487 POS -13.0488 ▁Movements -13.0489 ▁Interesting -13.0489 ▁Til -13.0492 Five -13.0493 -00 -13.0494 ▁accountants -13.0494 ▁Sage -13.0496 ― -13.0496 Kuwait -13.0496 ▁Gy -13.0497 ▁pest -13.0498 ▁McCarthy -13.0498 ▁Pregnancy -13.0498 ▁fragrance -13.0498 ▁inconsistencies -13.0498 ▁splash -13.0498 ▁macOS -13.0498 ▁homo -13.0499 ▁Viking -13.0499 ▁interpersonal -13.05 ▁2012/13 -13.0501 ▁cram -13.0501 ▁epidemics -13.0501 ▁Andreas -13.0501 ▁Mint -13.0501 ▁MG -13.0501 ▁Veterans -13.0504 import -13.0504 shell -13.0504 ▁OT -13.0505 ▁$80 -13.0507 ▁inflammatory -13.0507 ▁Nic -13.0507 Turkey -13.0508 Chief -13.0508 ▁21% -13.051 ▁Prefecture -13.051 ▁Protein -13.051 ▁competency -13.0511 ▁theaters -13.0511 ▁Sole -13.0512 ▁REAL -13.0512 tract -13.0513 ▁Dili -13.0514 EW -13.0516 ▁coexist -13.0516 ▁ODS -13.0518 Sweden -13.0521 unny -13.0521 ▁orbits -13.0521 odor -13.0522 ▁kidnap -13.0522 ▁obedient -13.0523 ▁sequel -13.0523 ▁ultrasound -13.0523 ▁Rou -13.0523 ▁wagon -13.0523 ▁(1996) -13.0523 zia -13.0524 RN -13.0525 mani -13.0526 ▁Heather -13.0527 rrell -13.0527 ▁Midwest -13.0528 -63 -13.0529 ▁28% -13.0529 ▁HQ -13.0531 ▁denomination -13.0531 ▁telescopes -13.0531 340 -13.0531 UNG -13.0532 Energy -13.0533 Parliamentary -13.0533 ▁peanut -13.0535 ▁probation -13.0535 ▁yarn -13.0535 ▁swallowed -13.0535 PON -13.0535 services -13.0537 ▁Ritz -13.0539 ▁expo -13.054 record -13.0541 ▁Pending -13.0542 ▁slots -13.0542 ▁Auction -13.0543 ▁banker -13.0543 ▁UNLB -13.0544 ▁transgression -13.0545 According -13.0545 IRE -13.0545 ▁Belarusian -13.0546 ▁Epi -13.0546 ▁Candy -13.0546 /2002/1 -13.0547 ▁(1967) -13.0547 ▁Faster -13.0548 ▁concur -13.0548 ECA -13.0548 ▁Inventory -13.0549 Listen -13.0549 ▁1926 -13.0553 ▁MIL -13.0553 Code -13.0553 ▁ICTs -13.0554 ▁IPR -13.0555 147 -13.0557 ▁shades -13.0559 ▁Easily -13.0559 ▁treasury -13.0559 ▁registries -13.0559 ▁redesigned -13.056 303 -13.0561 ▁comm -13.0562 ▁curbing -13.0565 ▁recognises -13.0566 ▁Writer -13.0567 :41 -13.0568 070 -13.0568 ▁19% -13.0569 /01/ -13.057 satellite -13.057 Netherlands -13.057 period -13.057 ár -13.057 ▁pastoral -13.057 ▁purview -13.0572 ▁Mosul -13.0573 ▁Cala -13.0573 chun -13.0573 ▁Gore -13.0574 uary -13.0575 ▁mins -13.0575 chai -13.0576 SGB -13.0577 once -13.0578 ▁discard -13.0579 HM -13.0581 ▁Stable -13.0582 ▁Ships -13.0582 cision -13.0582 ▁Pew -13.0583 4.2 -13.0583 ▁Moody -13.0584 ▁DN -13.0585 ▁promulgation -13.0585 ▁Leaving -13.0585 ▁nun -13.0585 ▁trainees -13.0585 ▁Honorary -13.0586 ▁Mick -13.0587 ▁Seabed -13.0588 ▁Pinterest -13.0589 ▁lent -13.059 EMENT -13.059 ▁Chapel -13.059 ▁POP -13.0591 alter -13.0591 ▁blows -13.0591 ▁shameful -13.0591 ▁Watching -13.0591 rooted -13.0592 qq -13.0594 ▁Iranians -13.0594 ▁Crop -13.0596 ▁elicit -13.0597 ▁Cherry -13.0598 install -13.0598 536 -13.0599 ▁Equalization -13.0599 ▁Aparthotels -13.0599 ▁Hung -13.06 ▁reassure -13.06 ▁Trek -13.0601 ▁QC -13.0601 ▁curator -13.0601 ▁KDE -13.0602 ▁Latino -13.0602 ▁tanker -13.0602 motor -13.0602 ▁GCC -13.0603 ▁Yemeni -13.0603 ▁Tradition -13.0607 sometimes -13.0607 ▁1906 -13.0607 Iraq -13.0607 ▁(21) -13.0608 ▁Thereafter -13.0609 ▁LIMITED -13.0609 ▁contagious -13.0609 ▁impoverished -13.0609 平台 -13.0609 ▁loophole -13.0609 yte -13.0611 440 -13.0612 ▁CASE -13.0612 ▁Pont -13.0612 :06 -13.0613 ▁Engel -13.0614 ▁LIFE -13.0614 ▁Parameter -13.0614 ▁Koran -13.0619 ▁Lankan -13.062 ▁plainly -13.062 ▁caste -13.062 ▁"[ -13.062 ▁Mahmoud -13.0621 ▁indivisible -13.0621 ▁shrimp -13.0621 ▁skeptical -13.0621 ▁Beverly -13.0621 ▁Maintaining -13.0621 ▁Wholesale -13.0622 ▁Multimedia -13.0622 006 -13.0622 ▁tramp -13.0623 :39 -13.0624 ▁headaches -13.0624 cub -13.0624 ▁Elena -13.0624 calc -13.0626 ▁liters -13.0626 ▁京 -13.0629 ▁Movies -13.0629 ZE -13.0631 Land -13.0631 ▁Trees -13.0632 ▁willingly -13.0633 ▁Singer -13.0633 ▁simulated -13.0633 ▁deterrence -13.0634 ▁Buffet -13.0634 ▁hydropower -13.0634 ▁deer -13.0634 ▁Nepalese -13.0635 xxx -13.0635 ▁Workplace -13.0635 997 -13.0635 ▁¶ -13.0637 ▁Pam -13.0637 ▁afflicted -13.0639 ▁insurgents -13.0639 uzhou -13.0639 HIV -13.0639 ▁216 -13.0639 :400 -13.0639 ▁serviced -13.0641 ▁shaken -13.0641 ▁breasts -13.0641 INC -13.0642 consider -13.0643 ▁Swe -13.0643 ENGLISH -13.0644 schedule -13.0644 ▁deposition -13.0645 establishment -13.0645 ▁800,000 -13.0646 ▁Shepherd -13.0646 ▁Veterinary -13.0646 ▁virtuous -13.0646 ▁dots -13.0646 ▁Bradley -13.0647 Whatever -13.0647 ▁accusation -13.0647 ▁(2015) -13.0648 ▁lib -13.0648 ▁herbs -13.0649 ▁utilise -13.0649 ▁Darling -13.0649 ▁MON -13.065 ▁Screening -13.0651 ▁Sina -13.0652 261 -13.0652 ▁disciplined -13.0653 factory -13.0654 ▁Grain -13.0654 shaw -13.0656 ▁Soldiers -13.0657 ▁Sicily -13.0658 ▁Tiffany -13.0658 ▁intensification -13.0658 ▁infamous -13.0659 ▁Cheese -13.0659 295 -13.0659 travel -13.0661 ▁confine -13.0662 ▁Jill -13.0662 ▁gravely -13.0662 ▁JE -13.0663 ▁haunt -13.0664 ▁paints -13.0665 Core -13.0666 5.0 -13.0666 Suppl -13.0666 tori -13.067 ▁acclamation -13.0671 ▁junction -13.0671 ▁flirt -13.0671 ▁elbow -13.0671 ▁Chrysler -13.0671 dead -13.0671 Iran -13.0672 ▁reel -13.0672 -36 -13.0673 ▁Everywhere -13.0673 ▁dams -13.0674 ▁exalted -13.0674 ▁disguise -13.0674 ARC -13.068 ERN -13.0681 SHI -13.0682 ▁nurturing -13.0683 ▁warehousing -13.0683 ▁Maid -13.0683 ▁Rip -13.0684 ▁(1994) -13.0684 ▁Hugh -13.0684 TEL -13.0686 ▁cousins -13.0686 ▁42% -13.0686 cai -13.0687 89) -13.0688 corn -13.0688 ▁anthem -13.0688 ▁$27 -13.0689 ▁Baidu -13.0689 ▁stimulated -13.0689 anne -13.0689 ▁Porter -13.069 atch -13.0693 ▁Duo -13.0693 Number -13.0694 ▁3-4 -13.0694 ▁bells -13.0694 ▁inhumane -13.0696 ▁Bolshevik -13.0696 ▁arrogance -13.0696 ▁FIRST -13.0696 ▁refurbished -13.0698 mbro -13.0699 ▁23% -13.07 ▁67/2 -13.07 ▁ri -13.0702 ▁DPI -13.0702 ▁1-3 -13.0703 ▁technologically -13.0704 ▁Cara -13.0704 ▁parish -13.0706 ▁340 -13.0707 ▁compartment -13.0708 ▁Coco -13.0708 ▁Photograph -13.0708 ▁construed -13.0708 ▁Mozart -13.0708 ▁Butler -13.0709 polar -13.0709 ▁wallpaper -13.0709 ▁enlargement -13.0709 ▁Bailey -13.0709 ▁substitutes -13.071 ▁gatherings -13.071 ▁NW -13.0712 ▁Emissions -13.0714 ▁Decor -13.0715 ▁obeyed -13.0717 ▁poisoned -13.0717 590 -13.0717 ▁Ranger -13.0717 ▁morale -13.0718 kie -13.0718 ▁pixel -13.0719 skill -13.072 logging -13.0721 ▁Vintage -13.0721 ▁stalemate -13.0721 ▁unliquidated -13.0721 ▁décor -13.0721 ▁Corinthians -13.0721 /6/ -13.0722 blog -13.0723 ▁escalate -13.0724 ▁enlightened -13.0726 ▁backyard -13.0728 children -13.073 576 -13.0731 Belgium -13.0731 ▁pine -13.0733 ▁advertised -13.0733 ▁Afternoon -13.0733 ▁Pulse -13.0733 ▁Tripoli -13.0734 ott -13.0734 ▁Titanic -13.0734 ▁defective -13.0735 ▁Voting -13.0735 REP -13.0736 –20 -13.0736 ▁exempted -13.0737 ▁recorder -13.0738 ▁Salman -13.0739 ▁Mack -13.0739 ▁bark -13.0739 ▁Mess -13.0741 ▁Ratio -13.0742 5] -13.0743 ▁ascend -13.0743 899 -13.0744 [10] -13.0744 ▁$26 -13.0745 ▁Thomson -13.0746 ▁Proportion -13.0746 ▁crossroads -13.0746 ▁rectify -13.0746 ▁discharging -13.0746 ▁slippers -13.0746 pair -13.0746 Mad -13.0748 ▁malls -13.0748 ▁Replacement -13.0749 ▁Attacks -13.0749 IPS -13.075 ▁Graduates -13.0751 007 -13.0752 Direct -13.0753 ▁envisioned -13.0753 ▁Tat -13.0754 ▁lanes -13.0754 ▁reef -13.0755 ▁Feet -13.0755 ▁flavors -13.0756 hh -13.0756 ▁Configuration -13.0758 ▁Sacred -13.0758 ▁ignite -13.0758 ▁populous -13.0758 semi -13.0759 .[4] -13.076 sighted -13.076 ▁Drivers -13.0761 counter -13.0761 ▁KFOR -13.0761 ▁bailout -13.0761 oya -13.0762 create -13.0762 Tai -13.0762 ▁scanners -13.0765 ▁datasets -13.0765 Cas -13.0767 ▁hanged -13.0769 ▁18,000 -13.0769 Science -13.0769 8000 -13.0769 ▁Awesome -13.0771 ▁Cuisine -13.0771 ▁Nursing -13.0771 ▁negotiators -13.0771 kV -13.0771 ▁unconventional -13.0771 ▁2006/07 -13.0771 ▁Variable -13.0772 ▁Conc -13.0776 ▁1916 -13.0776 ▁faithfulness -13.0776 ▁limbs -13.0777 316 -13.0779 ▁TPP -13.078 ▁Essentially -13.078 ▁370 -13.0781 ango -13.0782 Taiwan -13.0782 ▁brakes -13.0782 ▁Adhesive -13.0783 ▁Commends -13.0783 ▁Nur -13.0784 ▁GOOD -13.0784 ▁repealed -13.0785 eme -13.0786 ferrous -13.0786 ▁UNTAET -13.0787 ▁Bid -13.0787 ▁elevate -13.0787 ▁Rolling -13.0788 TRI -13.0788 ▁overwhelmingly -13.079 3.4 -13.0791 ▁analyzer -13.0791 tall -13.0792 string -13.0792 ▁6.0 -13.0794 Chile -13.0796 ▁obligatory -13.0796 ▁supremacy -13.0796 ▁Tweet -13.0796 ▁Ripple -13.0796 ▁delusion -13.0796 URE -13.0797 ▁routers -13.0798 ▁JO -13.0798 620 -13.0799 ipped -13.08 ▁slash -13.0801 ▁XL -13.0802 ▁1901 -13.0803 ▁stranded -13.0804 ▁solemnly -13.0805 ▁Logo -13.0806 Watch -13.0808 ê -13.0809 ▁Advocacy -13.0809 ▁Bogota -13.0809 dream -13.0812 ▁airfield -13.0813 ▁publicize -13.0814 ▁198 -13.0815 LOW -13.0816 ▁excessively -13.0818 ulo -13.0818 ▁palms -13.0818 ITION -13.082 531 -13.082 ▁— -13.0821 ▁Moto -13.0821 ▁Biggest -13.0821 ▁Curriculum -13.0821 ▁propulsion -13.0821 ▁unwavering -13.0821 ▁programmable -13.0821 ▁obese -13.0821 488 -13.0822 ▁Subregional -13.0822 ▁leased -13.0822 ▁Chong -13.0822 ▁prenatal -13.0822 ▁COO -13.0823 enne -13.0824 ▁disgust -13.0824 ophil -13.0825 ▁Riverside -13.0825 phan -13.0826 ▁usability -13.0826 379 -13.0827 amide -13.0828 REE -13.083 ▁nodded -13.083 medical -13.0831 ▁darkest -13.0831 tani -13.0832 [15] -13.0832 ▁232 -13.0832 Record -13.0832 ▁rituals -13.0832 ▁distill -13.0833 1991 -13.0833 renowned -13.0834 ▁populist -13.0834 ▁intricate -13.0834 ▁supra -13.0834 death -13.0836 ▁Seafood -13.0836 ▁enlarge -13.0837 ▁Manu -13.0838 ▁NYC -13.0839 Check -13.0839 ▁liars -13.084 ▁Patch -13.084 ▁resolute -13.0842 980 -13.0843 275 -13.0844 responsive -13.0845 ▁227 -13.0846 ▁Dictionary -13.0847 ▁MONUSCO -13.0847 ▁McLaren -13.0847 ▁amphetamine -13.0847 ▁reciprocity -13.0847 ▁courier -13.0847 Pe -13.0847 ▁Poli -13.0849 ▁Salary -13.0849 Sam -13.085 ▁workpiece -13.0851 ▁tents -13.0852 ▁Bread -13.0853 tune -13.0854 ▁raft -13.0856 ▁NZ -13.0858 Yi -13.0858 ▁condo -13.0858 ▁235 -13.0858 ▁Legislature -13.0859 ▁Referendum -13.0859 ▁Sculpture -13.0859 ▁derogation -13.0859 ▁widget -13.0859 ▁merging -13.0859 ▁sinner -13.0859 ▁Amar -13.086 ▁discretionary -13.086 ▁Martian -13.0861 ▁Kane -13.0861 ▁flux -13.0861 ancing -13.0862 ▁friendships -13.0862 rava -13.0862 ▁trouser -13.0863 *] -13.0864 Ko -13.0865 ▁Romance -13.0866 stru -13.0867 ▁Chinatown -13.0867 match -13.0868 kid -13.0868 ▁Songs -13.0869 node -13.0869 judicial -13.0869 Fire -13.087 -45 -13.0871 ▁Schneider -13.0872 ▁necklace -13.0872 ▁Gustav -13.0872 ▁soaring -13.0872 ▁Subscription -13.0872 ▁Bamboo -13.0873 dev -13.0874 rud -13.0875 CCA -13.0875 ▁Serial -13.0875 ▁Coke -13.0875 ▁Mitch -13.0876 ▁Chop -13.0876 ▁antioxidant -13.0876 ▁[10 -13.0877 ▁modem -13.0877 pie -13.088 ▁gifted -13.0881 ▁sweetie -13.0882 ▁Kant -13.0883 Algeria -13.0883 filtration -13.0883 ▁Taken -13.0883 ▁excavation -13.0885 ▁soared -13.0885 build -13.0886 ▁Medi -13.0886 ▁PAC -13.0886 ▁Qiao -13.0886 farm -13.0888 ▁externally -13.0889 06) -13.0889 ▁Ceramics -13.089 ▁plagued -13.0891 ▁Fran -13.0892 ▁Classical -13.0893 Game -13.0893 -33 -13.0893 ITC -13.0894 ▁cites -13.0895 ▁calorie -13.0896 trafficking -13.0896 Download -13.0896 near -13.0896 :37 -13.0897 ▁Memphis -13.0897 ▁Harvest -13.0897 ▁Microwave -13.0898 ▁Honeywell -13.0898 ▁SHE -13.0898 ▁BUSINESS -13.0902 231 -13.0902 eating -13.0903 ▁Hawaiian -13.0906 ▁informational -13.0907 immunodeficiency -13.0908 ▁footprints -13.0908 ▁irony -13.0909 ▁Orbit -13.0909 ▁glorify -13.091 ▁embodies -13.091 ▁gradient -13.091 ▁Prop -13.0911 ▁XXI -13.0913 ▁Sherman -13.0913 ▁bleed -13.0913 ▁armoured -13.0915 psych -13.0916 ▁contra -13.0916 ▁Brook -13.0917 gol -13.0917 ▁Liv -13.0917 Drive -13.0918 ▁assassin -13.0919 Corruption -13.0921 Access -13.0921 inda -13.0922 Small -13.0922 ▁Jewelry -13.0923 ▁deriving -13.0924 ▁Rhine -13.0925 ▁clocks -13.0926 ▁fossils -13.0927 ▁(22) -13.0927 8.5 -13.093 ▁madam -13.093 ▁Clause -13.093 Sal -13.0932 ▁drown -13.0932 ▁misunderstand -13.0935 wich -13.0935 ▁McKinsey -13.0936 ▁Purchasing -13.0936 ▁chassis -13.0936 ▁dishonest -13.0936 ▁中文版 -13.0936 hibi -13.0937 ▁Applying -13.0938 TX -13.0939 ▁DDT -13.094 ▁Planned -13.094 NYSE -13.094 .'” -13.0942 ▁centred -13.0943 ▁Chau -13.0943 ▁LRA -13.0943 ▁213 -13.0944 Pri -13.0945 uration -13.0946 containing -13.0947 ▁Busan -13.0948 ▁Arafat -13.0948 ▁pigeon -13.0949 ▁Productivity -13.0951 ▁Lara -13.0953 ▁Angolan -13.0953 ▁Fest -13.0953 -2) -13.0955 ▁conditioned -13.0955 ▁commute -13.0956 ▁alley -13.0958 Four -13.0958 ▁Unable -13.0958 ▁seventeen -13.0959 Start -13.0959 ▁1860 -13.096 bug -13.096 -2001 -13.096 ▁Kenneth -13.0961 dded -13.0961 ▁proverb -13.0961 ▁Hereafter -13.0963 ▁hoist -13.0965 ▁referee -13.0967 251 -13.0969 asset -13.0972 143 -13.0973 ▁Mubarak -13.0974 ▁unhindered -13.0974 ▁refinery -13.0975 ▁herbal -13.0976 Far -13.0976 ▁supper -13.0978 ▁clarifications -13.0979 PEC -13.0979 ▁rationalize -13.098 ▁sank -13.0983 System -13.0985 Information -13.0985 ▁lever -13.0986 ▁tranquil -13.0986 ▁localized -13.0986 ▁plead -13.0987 ▁Ferguson -13.0987 ▁Trudeau -13.0987 ▁assortment -13.0987 ▁plunder -13.0987 家 -13.0987 ▁moderation -13.0988 ▁Waterproof -13.0989 [14] -13.099 ▁Dayton -13.099 ▁Shaanxi -13.099 399 -13.0991 /35 -13.0991 shun -13.0992 ULT -13.0992 ▁trophy -13.0993 /2007 -13.0994 chairs -13.0994 ▁Immediate -13.0995 within -13.0996 ▁1874 -13.0996 need -13.0996 ▁Duma -13.0997 960 -13.0998 Development -13.0999 ▁Experiencing -13.1 ▁retiring -13.1 ▁Dissemination -13.1 rang -13.1 Run -13.1 ▁Capture -13.1001 ▁formulas -13.1001 ▁Warranty -13.1001 ▁512 -13.1001 aph -13.1001 ▁migrated -13.1002 ▁325 -13.1004 hah -13.1004 ▁Architect -13.1005 ▁Welsh -13.1005 ▁powerless -13.1006 535 -13.1006 atio -13.1007 ▁entailed -13.1007 ▁posit -13.1007 ▁lament -13.1008 ▁caves -13.1008 TES -13.1008 ▁Flights -13.1009 ▁Loop -13.101 WF -13.1011 itor -13.1012 å -13.1013 ▁archaeologist -13.1013 ▁clergy -13.1013 ▁noisy -13.1013 ▁synonymous -13.1013 ▁Geography -13.1013 ▁screenshot -13.1014 ▁ringing -13.1014 5.5 -13.1015 itate -13.1016 /2004 -13.1016 ▁Brent -13.1016 224 -13.1017 ▁Burg -13.1018 ▁shortfalls -13.1018 /4/ -13.1019 ANA -13.102 07) -13.1021 ▁Optic -13.1021 ▁Kot -13.1023 855 -13.1024 Research -13.1024 ▁Proper -13.1025 ▁Patricia -13.1025 ▁timelines -13.1026 vat -13.1027 ▁paving -13.1027 ▁Threesome -13.1028 ▁airborne -13.1028 ▁drawdown -13.1029 ▁chiefly -13.1029 ▁Colon -13.103 ▁phosphate -13.103 ▁24% -13.103 ▁Roland -13.1031 RING -13.1032 ▁Koch -13.1032 ▁harassed -13.1032 ▁spinal -13.1033 ▁Moh -13.1034 mari -13.1034 doers -13.1034 ▁leaning -13.1034 ▁$29 -13.1035 CAN -13.1036 ▁ivory -13.1038 pc -13.1038 ▁Legacy -13.1038 ▁MAS -13.1042 worthiness -13.1042 ▁fluent -13.1042 ▁Edwards -13.1042 /03/ -13.1043 Being -13.1045 ondo -13.1046 ▁Called -13.1048 wait -13.1049 ▁DIN -13.1049 ▁Blend -13.105 ▁conv -13.105 volume -13.105 ▁Sinai -13.105 321 -13.1051 ▁Carnival -13.1051 ▁psychotropic -13.1051 公寓 -13.1051 ▁Pyramid -13.1051 ▁Triangle -13.1052 ▁Shoe -13.1052 shall -13.1052 Brien -13.1053 ▁signage -13.1054 nity -13.1054 ▁Transformer -13.1054 ATIONS -13.1055 anger -13.1059 ▁bestowed -13.106 almost -13.1061 ▁governors -13.1062 ▁Fighter -13.1062 ▁globalisation -13.1062 239 -13.1063 Series -13.1064 ▁fauna -13.1065 never -13.1065 ▁creep -13.1065 ▁disagreements -13.1065 ▁$45 -13.1067 ▁Dive -13.1068 ▁propel -13.1068 -52 -13.1069 skilled -13.1069 ▁similarity -13.107 ▁preside -13.1071 Head -13.1074 ▁Ole -13.1075 lick -13.1075 ▁premiums -13.1076 ▁annotations -13.1076 ▁QUESTION -13.1077 ▁Inalienable -13.1077 ▁Laboratories -13.1077 ▁quantified -13.1077 ▁turkey -13.1077 ▁phasing -13.1077 ▁Biennial -13.1077 ▁PFOS -13.1077 ▁existential -13.1078 ▁victorious -13.1078 ▁ECO -13.1079 ▁recharge -13.1081 4000 -13.1082 808 -13.1083 /04/ -13.1083 ▁66/2 -13.1084 /5/ -13.1085 ▁10.1 -13.1088 IMS -13.1088 ▁Loft -13.1088 ▁VE -13.1088 Democratic -13.1089 ▁apprentice -13.1089 ▁Judgement -13.1089 essential -13.109 生 -13.109 ▁indexes -13.1091 ▁reprisals -13.1091 ▁rampant -13.1091 ▁Dim -13.1093 stadt -13.1095 ▁href -13.1096 ▁chinese -13.1096 ▁equations -13.1097 ▁Operator -13.1098 Ph -13.1099 ▁rum -13.11 ▁Dock -13.1102 Adopted -13.1102 ▁garments -13.1103 ▁DESIGN -13.1103 ▁Champagne -13.1103 ▁Comparative -13.1103 ▁dissatisfaction -13.1103 ▁Kurds -13.1103 ▁Granny -13.1104 ▁Allies -13.1104 clus -13.1105 ▁beasts -13.1105 ▁2013/14 -13.1106 ▁14,000 -13.1106 ▁Dancing -13.1106 ▁transgress -13.1106 ▁sheriff -13.1106 hero -13.1107 ▁presume -13.1107 ▁necessitate -13.1107 ▁218 -13.1112 ▁Borders -13.1112 ▁Prediction -13.1113 ▁gallons -13.1114 219 -13.1115 ▁SLA -13.1115 ▁Laugh -13.1116 ▁OVER -13.1116 品 -13.1116 ▁TERMS -13.1116 ▁isotope -13.1116 ▁sympathetic -13.1116 ▁Utility -13.1116 ▁myriad -13.1116 4.0 -13.1116 ▁Attempt -13.1116 ▁miniature -13.1116 ▁Bolt -13.1118 ▁Agro -13.1118 single -13.1119 ▁Yard -13.112 ▁evacuate -13.112 Lin -13.1121 ▁Drilling -13.1124 ▁menace -13.1124 motion -13.1124 ▁Honest -13.1126 ▁Logan -13.1127 ▁Lemon -13.1127 reduction -13.1128 ▁blindly -13.1128 ▁curing -13.1129 ▁Sherlock -13.1129 ▁Srpska -13.1129 ▁dignified -13.1129 ▁Condemn -13.1129 ▁fluctuate -13.1129 ▁guarded -13.1129 ▁impending -13.113 ▁storytelling -13.113 ▁Baseball -13.113 ▁splitting -13.1133 ▁Failed -13.1134 /2014/ -13.1135 RAP -13.1135 corporate -13.1136 272 -13.1137 ▁carton -13.1137 ▁aided -13.1137 ▁limb -13.1138 ▁awakened -13.1138 ▁Duc -13.1138 ▁weighted -13.1139 Geneva -13.1141 730 -13.1141 ▁bishops -13.1141 ▁Lopez -13.1142 ▁Yokohama -13.1142 ▁ambiguity -13.1142 ▁unsatisfactory -13.1142 dock -13.1142 ▁chatting -13.1146 ▁motorcycles -13.1146 ▁1890 -13.1146 ▁Finger -13.1148 ▁(25) -13.1148 icular -13.1148 ▁cardio -13.1149 ▁fostered -13.1149 NH -13.115 ▁detainee -13.115 ▁SAF -13.1151 ▁taxis -13.1151 bacter -13.1152 ▁Slim -13.1152 physics -13.1154 ▁Boundary -13.1155 ▁Eradicate -13.1155 ▁algae -13.1155 下载 -13.1155 Coin -13.1155 ▁sponge -13.1155 [9] -13.1156 ▁ICSC -13.1156 257 -13.1157 ▁MK -13.1158 ▁protectionist -13.1159 ▁Bac -13.116 ▁Sca -13.116 770 -13.1161 ▁waiter -13.1162 ▁forex -13.1162 Real -13.1163 9.99 -13.1165 ▁Conrad -13.1165 ▁provisionally -13.1166 326 -13.1167 ▁tamper -13.1168 ▁Mainly -13.1169 VII -13.1169 ▁rested -13.1171 ▁greedy -13.1173 ▁beginners -13.1173 263 -13.1174 ▁departing -13.1175 ▁Oo -13.1175 8] -13.1179 ▁Pub -13.1179 ▁Xinhua -13.1179 ▁Aye -13.118 lade -13.118 TRO -13.118 ▁ratione -13.118 Central -13.118 ▁abandoning -13.1181 paced -13.1181 ▁Pep -13.1182 ▁Additive -13.1182 ▁interchange -13.1182 ▁Elias -13.1183 ▁solicitation -13.1184 029 -13.1184 3] -13.1184 ▁2011/12 -13.1184 Base -13.1184 ▁Eng -13.1184 ▁Disneyland -13.1185 Sect -13.1185 ▁watershed -13.1187 ▁prostitute -13.119 ▁antioxidants -13.119 Grand -13.119 ▁cafes -13.1191 ▁conveying -13.1191 ▁BIG -13.1192 [4] -13.1193 mite -13.1194 ▁Yangtze -13.1194 ▁Shooting -13.1195 ▁Debian -13.1196 ▁Mention -13.1197 eater -13.1198 ▁Relationships -13.1199 ▁Determine -13.1199 ivism -13.1199 ▁Magnet -13.12 ▁hurdles -13.1201 625 -13.1201 ▁420 -13.1201 former -13.1202 ▁Chai -13.1203 awn -13.1204 179 -13.1204 kul -13.1205 Count -13.1205 knowledge -13.1206 Indeed -13.1207 ▁Homemade -13.1207 ▁elegance -13.1208 ▁prioritization -13.1208 ▁Contrary -13.1208 ▁Pala -13.1211 ▁assignee -13.1211 ▁mountainous -13.1211 ▁repatriated -13.1213 ▁Clare -13.1214 ▁Hose -13.1215 ▁ICCD -13.1215 ▁sewer -13.1216 ▁Construct -13.1216 ▁lick -13.1216 ▁Ibis -13.1216 ▁reclaim -13.1217 ayo -13.1217 ▁rightful -13.1217 801 -13.1217 ▁Guards -13.1217 ▁LM -13.1218 259 -13.1219 ▁Proceed -13.1221 ▁Influence -13.1221 ▁aggressor -13.1221 ▁battling -13.1221 ▁resonance -13.1221 ▁Photographer -13.1221 ▁[5] -13.1223 ogue -13.1224 ▁Rolex -13.1226 ▁DOM -13.1227 ▁Beef -13.1228 788 -13.1228 390 -13.1229 ▁Stark -13.1229 ▁dinosaur -13.123 ▁meteor -13.1231 ▁LEG -13.1232 ▁CPI -13.1233 ▁purify -13.1234 ▁tragedies -13.1234 ▁Butterfly -13.1234 875 -13.1234 ▁condense -13.1234 ▁Appearance -13.1234 ▁torrent -13.1235 ▁FT -13.1235 ▁juveniles -13.1235 ▁Leaf -13.1236 148 -13.1238 coding -13.1238 erating -13.1238 ▁addicted -13.1238 HUA -13.1239 ▁Czechoslovakia -13.124 ▁democratically -13.124 ▁Rafael -13.1242 ▁tournaments -13.1243 ▁aquifers -13.1244 ▁Grim -13.1244 ▁NAPA -13.1244 acid -13.1245 ▁insertion -13.1245 ▁XVI -13.1246 ▁township -13.1246 ▁heartfelt -13.1247 ▁Physician -13.1247 ▁Scroll -13.1247 ▁tweak -13.1247 thought -13.1247 ▁abound -13.1248 ▁simplifying -13.1248 ▁Experimental -13.1249 ▁Allocation -13.1249 ▁Apo -13.125 ▁Butter -13.125 ▁residues -13.1251 ▁Randy -13.1251 ▁rumor -13.1252 .26/ -13.1254 790 -13.1254 ▁Herman -13.1255 ▁sour -13.1255 yana -13.1255 mash -13.1258 morph -13.1259 ▁Exports -13.126 市 -13.126 ▁Renewal -13.1262 Put -13.1262 ▁diffuse -13.1262 ▁adore -13.1264 ▁Brick -13.1264 Customer -13.1264 ▁316 -13.1266 ienne -13.1267 ▁camping -13.1267 ▁Riad -13.1268 :43 -13.1269 ▁SAS -13.1269 ▁Victim -13.127 ▁DEA -13.1271 ière -13.1272 ▁topped -13.1273 bear -13.1274 ▁Mitsubishi -13.1275 tab -13.1276 ▁`` -13.1276 193 -13.1276 268 -13.1277 terra -13.1277 ▁Dj -13.1278 grapher -13.128 ▁UAV -13.1281 JP -13.1281 ▁FB -13.1283 ▁Amended -13.1283 ▁lawfully -13.1286 ▁13:00 -13.1286 ▁Judaism -13.1287 ▁Restoration -13.1287 ▁comprehension -13.1287 ▁tyranny -13.1287 ▁liking -13.1287 ▁networked -13.1288 ▁Orient -13.1289 berries -13.1291 ▁liberate -13.1291 ▁35,000 -13.1292 reported -13.1292 yev -13.1293 ▁Drake -13.1295 ▁dwellings -13.1295 :46 -13.1296 CRI -13.1296 Jiang -13.1297 ▁Seth -13.1299 ▁degrade -13.13 快 -13.13 ▁electrification -13.13 ▁intestine -13.13 ▁evoke -13.13 ▁Catalan -13.13 ▁turbo -13.13 ▁Anchor -13.13 ▁spying -13.1301 Nobody -13.1301 ▁relational -13.1302 ▁Kro -13.1302 ▁curved -13.1302 ▁GRA -13.1303 ▁Rin -13.1303 ▁Naga -13.1304 ▁massacres -13.1306 provided -13.1306 ▁stamping -13.1306 ▁Gaga -13.1307 LINE -13.1309 ▁harnessing -13.1311 ordination -13.1311 ▁Increasingly -13.1311 ▁Bran -13.1312 ▁Formal -13.1313 ▁Kurt -13.1314 ▁Organizing -13.1314 ▁manuscripts -13.1314 ▁Delegates -13.1316 ▁elective -13.1316 ▁Tile -13.1317 capital -13.1317 ▁UNIX -13.1317 ▁WAN -13.1319 ulous -13.132 ▁199 -13.132 ▁REG -13.1322 ▁divides -13.1322 ▁decisively -13.1322 ▁marvel -13.1323 ▁spelled -13.1324 viii -13.1326 ▁sow -13.1326 ▁inaccessible -13.1327 ▁Pretoria -13.1327 ▁rogue -13.1327 460 -13.1327 phen -13.1329 ▁flora -13.1329 asso -13.1331 Ke -13.1331 ▁Dept -13.1332 testing -13.1333 ▁nicely -13.1333 0.2 -13.1334 ▁404 -13.1334 ▁51% -13.1335 368 -13.1335 ▁confessions -13.1337 cold -13.1337 ▁Disputes -13.1338 ▁Knights -13.1338 Think -13.1339 ▁SMT -13.1339 ▁pseudo -13.134 ▁Barclay -13.134 ▁figuring -13.134 ▁creed -13.134 ▁resonate -13.134 ▁Lap -13.1341 ▁fanatic -13.1341 ▁Sitting -13.1342 ECO -13.1343 tele -13.1343 ogram -13.1343 Ask -13.1343 Was -13.1344 ▁Tub -13.1347 zhuang -13.1347 gawa -13.1349 ▁Insider -13.135 ▁technician -13.135 ▁LAW -13.135 ▁1:1 -13.1351 ▁containment -13.1352 ▁Joey -13.1352 Facilities -13.1352 mind -13.1353 ▁Trouble -13.1353 ▁estimating -13.1353 ▁POPs -13.1353 ▁ribbon -13.1353 ▁lathe -13.1353 Member -13.1353 ▁levy -13.1353 ingham -13.1354 logger -13.1354 ▁delaying -13.1355 ▁speculate -13.1358 ▁Cats -13.136 loving -13.136 ▁$70 -13.136 ▁Archi -13.1361 ▁Cava -13.1362 paying -13.1363 ▁Ow -13.1365 Script -13.1365 ▁Difficult -13.1366 ▁Republika -13.1366 ▁afforestation -13.1366 ▁discrepancy -13.1366 ▁deleting -13.1366 ▁infancy -13.1367 ▁Bravo -13.1367 rrh -13.1368 ▁folded -13.1369 ▁Scholars -13.1369 ▁orphanage -13.1369 ▁Identifying -13.137 ▁reinforces -13.137 ▁NGC -13.1371 ▁HT -13.1371 ▁Lunar -13.1371 ▁goat -13.1373 ▁Suit -13.1373 ▁$28 -13.1374 ▁vir -13.1374 SHAN -13.1374 shirts -13.1374 720 -13.1375 ▁Abi -13.1376 ▁reflections -13.1376 oga -13.1377 ▁PSA -13.1377 ▁Concerns -13.1377 ▁Brave -13.1378 ▁lender -13.1378 disaggregated -13.1379 ▁provoked -13.1379 TEX -13.1379 ▁Pharmacy -13.138  -13.138 ▁DevOps -13.138 ▁faculties -13.138 ▁restorative -13.138 学 -13.138 Chairmen -13.138 ▁Islamabad -13.138 ▁mistrust -13.138 ▁Consent -13.138 ▁Facing -13.138 ▁Kum -13.138 525 -13.1381 ▁Faced -13.1381 279 -13.1381 :47 -13.1381 DAC -13.1381 ▁Studying -13.1382 WAY -13.1384 ▁STR -13.1385 ▁Wald -13.1385 820 -13.1387 ▁insurers -13.1388 ▁Sick -13.1388 ▁broadened -13.139 vehicle -13.1392 ▁falsely -13.1393 375 -13.1393 发 -13.1393 ▁Vessel -13.1393 ▁Derek -13.1394 ▁wiki -13.1394 ▁Joyce -13.1394 ▁tomatoes -13.1395 ▁jure -13.1397 ▁Obtain -13.1397 ▁commanding -13.1397 ▁MISC -13.14 ▁Directions -13.1401 ▁fri -13.1402 ▁accords -13.1402 sei -13.1404 ▁Linear -13.1404 ▁Desire -13.1404 ▁Modules -13.1405 ▁Highest -13.1406 ▁intimacy -13.1407 ▁sermon -13.1407 ▁Sergey -13.1407 ▁collide -13.1407 Help -13.1407 ▁Oakland -13.1408 ▁favourably -13.1409 dose -13.141 directional -13.141 ▁Saf -13.141 MIC -13.1414 ▁scholarly -13.1416 wage -13.1418 famous -13.1419 ▁UT -13.1419 ▁Maternal -13.142 ▁nautical -13.142 ▁Statue -13.142 ▁aired -13.142 priced -13.1421 balanced -13.1421 ▁Shim -13.1422 ▁birthplace -13.1422 iter -13.1424 ▁226 -13.1424 ribe -13.1424 0/ -13.1424 ▁Everyday -13.1425 ▁Turbo -13.1425 Wa -13.1425 ▁reunited -13.1426 serious -13.1426 mining -13.1427 ▁swell -13.1427 ▁Yoshi -13.1429 lover -13.1431 ▁unfairly -13.1431 277 -13.1432 ▁Agile -13.1432 830 -13.1433 ▁ELECTRIC -13.1433 ▁Impression -13.1433 ▁Asylum -13.1433 ▁Piazza -13.1433 Price -13.1434 ▁activism -13.1434 ▁summed -13.1434 ▁watchdog -13.1435 atu -13.1436 ▁subnational -13.1437 ▁CW -13.1438 later -13.144 ▁Recover -13.1441 ▁Ituri -13.1441 bolic -13.1446 ▁Catalogue -13.1447 YU -13.1448 499 -13.1448 ▁criminality -13.1448 ▁homosexuality -13.1448 ANS -13.1449 ▁Baba -13.1449 ▁Augustine -13.145 ▁Winners -13.145 erial -13.1451 fuck -13.1451 890 -13.1451 ▁enormously -13.1452 ▁groundwork -13.1453 letter -13.1454 ▁slums -13.1456 ▁(2008 -13.1456 storey -13.1457 ▁alleviating -13.146 ▁excursion -13.146 博 -13.146 ▁snatch -13.146 ▁Offences -13.146 526 -13.1461 :42 -13.1462 ▁Conditioning -13.1462 informed -13.1463 ▁commenting -13.1464 ▁Hip -13.1465 ▁REST -13.1466 ▁uniformity -13.1466 ▁MV -13.1467 cop -13.1468 focus -13.147 ▁obsession -13.147 epar -13.1472 ▁Filters -13.1472 319 -13.1473 ▁nucleus -13.1474 IUM -13.1474 ▁holiness -13.1474 NAL -13.1474 ▁Fraser -13.1474 ▁1997) -13.1475 ▁busiest -13.1475 ▁Forgot -13.1476 ▁CPA -13.1476 ▁Recruit -13.1477 640 -13.1478 ▁admitting -13.1478 ▁Stat -13.1478 ▁Pisa -13.1479 Works -13.1481 ▁marched -13.1482 gao -13.1484 event -13.1484 Ve -13.1485 ▁Preparations -13.1485 ▁Changed -13.1487 transfer -13.1487 ▁Monastery -13.1487 ▁desirability -13.1487 ▁stimulants -13.1487 ▁Angry -13.1488 ▁baptized -13.1489 ▁Bog -13.149 ▁duo -13.1491 ▁handbag -13.1491 ▁224 -13.1493 ▁poles -13.1493 ▁Manor -13.1495 ▁looming -13.1496 ▁fertilizers -13.1496 ▁Kad -13.1496 ▁mph -13.1496 neu -13.1497 336 -13.1498 ▁championships -13.1499 ▁bun -13.1501 ▁Breast -13.1501 ▁GNSS -13.1501 mobil -13.1502 000000 -13.1502 ▁Adapt -13.1502 ▁blades -13.1503 ▁brutality -13.1504 sports -13.1504 ▁stern -13.1505 ▁corrupted -13.1505 ▁Agreed -13.1506 ▁hut -13.1506 508 -13.1506 rar -13.1507 ▁audition -13.1507 ▁Molly -13.1509 ▁pissed -13.1511 с -13.1514 ▁Ouagadougou -13.1514 ▁diaspora -13.1514 ▁heinous -13.1514 ▁Diameter -13.1515 ▁SIDS -13.1515 Online -13.1517 lbert -13.1517 4.3 -13.152 zip -13.1521 98) -13.1521 ▁10.30 -13.1522 directed -13.1523 ▁27% -13.1524 ▁$32 -13.1524 799 -13.1524 ▁Brady -13.1525 ▁magistrate -13.1527 compliant -13.1527 ▁outsiders -13.1527 ▁Bennett -13.1528 ▁Afterwards -13.1528 ▁radiological -13.1529 ▁bloodshed -13.153 ▁Delivering -13.153 Hub -13.1532 ▁425 -13.1533 ▁immersed -13.1534 ivo -13.1534 riga -13.1535 ▁rushing -13.1539 hog -13.154 ▁酒店 -13.154 ▁replenish -13.154 ▁Mori -13.154 atha -13.1541 /2001/1 -13.1541 ▁platinum -13.1541 ▁Alumni -13.1541 上 -13.1541 ▁wield -13.1541 是 -13.1541 ▁modality -13.1542 gold -13.1542 /2008 -13.1542 ▁Mekong -13.1542 ▁lofty -13.1543 ▁Deals -13.1547 ▁Hz -13.1547 ▁intending -13.1548 ▁Specialty -13.1549 ▁envisages -13.155 ▁Chill -13.155 formed -13.1551 uding -13.1553 ▁TOUR -13.1554 ▁Techno -13.1554 ▁honorable -13.1554 Children -13.1555 城 -13.1555 ▁Thunder -13.1555 patri -13.1556 ▁Foam -13.1557 ▁Acknowledges -13.1557 ▁deepened -13.1559 ▁Mobil -13.1559 ▁26% -13.1561 Know -13.1561 ▁Taxation -13.1562 ▁Subsequent -13.1564 Commerce -13.1567 uca -13.1567 Digital -13.1568 insurance -13.1568 Connect -13.1568 ▁Pitcairn -13.1569 简 -13.1569 ▁coffin -13.1569 ¡ -13.1569 ▁reviewers -13.1569 ▁snowfall -13.1569 ▁beggar -13.157 ▁optic -13.157 ▁François -13.157 ▁adultery -13.157 ▁APC -13.157 ▁BEIJING -13.1571 rce -13.1572 ▁insurgency -13.1573 Mother -13.1573 ▁bunker -13.1574 533 -13.1576 Paris -13.1577 ▁clips -13.1579 ▁fortunes -13.1579 ▁245 -13.158 ▁receptors -13.158 Mer -13.158 School -13.1582 Mail -13.1582 ▁Thin -13.1582 ▁benign -13.1582 ▁Mug -13.1582 ▁protesting -13.1583 oire -13.1584 ▁Reap -13.1584 forest -13.1584 ▁Enhancement -13.1585 ▁chew -13.1585 245 -13.1585 ▁distortions -13.1585 ▁Jac -13.1587 ▁unequivocally -13.1589 :51 -13.1589 iwa -13.159 ▁Dyna -13.159 ▁cherished -13.1592 report -13.1595 ▁INDUSTRY -13.1596 ▁ancestral -13.1596 ▁hypothetical -13.1596 ▁Residency -13.1596 ▁traveller -13.1597 /99 -13.1598 ▁Seventy -13.1599 286 -13.1599 ▁repairing -13.1599 ▁Debate -13.16 fic -13.1601 ▁looting -13.1601 .03. -13.1602 TIVE -13.1602 ▁Rocky -13.1603 ▁finishes -13.1605 done -13.1608 ▁WH -13.1609 Despite -13.1609 ▁emblem -13.161 ▁Lockheed -13.161 ▁Najib -13.161 ▁IELTS -13.161 ▁Displacement -13.161 ▁Cardiff -13.161 ▁Acceptance -13.161 ▁PRSP -13.161 ▁peaked -13.1611 ▁thorn -13.1611 ▁Outlet -13.1611 MAC -13.1611 CHR -13.1612 alu -13.1613 ▁assassinated -13.1613 ▁HDR -13.1613 ▁Nylon -13.1613 ▁certify -13.1614 dhi -13.1616 ▁Gorge -13.1616 371 -13.1617 2.2 -13.1618 ▁Freeze -13.1619 Both -13.1621 ▁incorrectly -13.1622 ▁Competitive -13.1622 810 -13.1623 ▁Calgary -13.1623 ▁UNCLOS -13.1623 ▁cognition -13.1623 ▁infiltrate -13.1623 ▁upbringing -13.1623 ▁SHORT -13.1623 ▁psychic -13.1623 ▁Horizontal -13.1624 institutional -13.1624 ▁Blonde -13.1624 ▁nude -13.1624 ▁Fitting -13.1624 HRI -13.1625 ▁inquired -13.1627 gha -13.1627 ▁Curry -13.1627 ▁Swing -13.1628 ▁leveraged -13.1628 OST -13.1629 ▁analogy -13.163 ▁omni -13.1637 ▁Frente -13.1637 ▁Lenovo -13.1637 ▁cartridge -13.1637 ▁Titanium -13.1637 ▁Argo -13.1637 ▁remittance -13.1637 ▁Hairy -13.1638 ▁Ranch -13.1639 Trial -13.164 $3 -13.164 ▁maiden -13.1642 ▁197 -13.1642 ▁Milo -13.1642 ▁overtake -13.1643 ▁stabilized -13.1643 ▁idiots -13.1645 umba -13.1645 CY -13.1646 ▁Shame -13.1646 ▁procured -13.1647 ▁Weak -13.1648 699 -13.1648 ▁Ada -13.1649 ▁infringed -13.165 Colombia -13.165 ▁incubator -13.1651 ▁Mistake -13.1651 ▁innate -13.1651 ▁dysfunction -13.1652 ▁Raising -13.1652 ▁Arrow -13.1652 ▁locking -13.1652 naut -13.1653 raise -13.1653 ▁bonded -13.1653 ▁Psycho -13.1654 ▁dread -13.1654 ▁waive -13.1654 ▁ATP -13.1655 ▁bananas -13.1657 ▁Designing -13.1657 ester -13.1659 ▁spectators -13.1661 ▁alterations -13.1662 ▁Sensors -13.1662 valu -13.1663 ▁Prospects -13.1664 ▁elastic -13.1664 ▁dismantled -13.1664 ▁Aleppo -13.1664 ▁Assange -13.1664 ▁SPECIAL -13.1664 ▁apologies -13.1664 ▁imitation -13.1665 184 -13.1665 ▁Rim -13.1666 cash -13.1667 ▁Fate -13.1668 Control -13.1669 [17] -13.1669 logic -13.1669 ▁+81 -13.167 auto -13.167 ▁Luck -13.167 ▁purport -13.1671 ▁(23) -13.1672 ▁1737 -13.1675 ▁Shou -13.1676 ▁2500 -13.1676 娱乐 -13.1678 ▁Taichung -13.1678 ▁transistor -13.1678 ▁Petrochemical -13.1678 ▁Regency -13.1678 ▁seduce -13.1678 ▁scout -13.1679 ▁Cardinal -13.1679 ▁Crafts -13.1679 ▁danced -13.1679 evil -13.1681 EEC -13.1681 past -13.1682 ▁SHOW -13.1686 ▁screwed -13.1687 ▁principled -13.1688 ▁Shanxi -13.1689 amma -13.169 ▁950 -13.1691 ▁Rakhine -13.1692 ▁Ossetia -13.1692 ▁MINURCAT -13.1692 ▁digestive -13.1693 ask -13.1694 ▁5.8 -13.1697 christ -13.1698 ▁MEETING -13.1699 ▁NSW -13.17 ▁absorbing -13.1703 ▁Embedded -13.1706 ▁bouquet -13.1706 ▁illegitimate -13.1706 ▁xenophobic -13.1706 ▁geothermal -13.1706 ▁discontent -13.1706 ▁wafer -13.1706 ▁Quantity -13.1706 ▁PowerPoint -13.1707 ▁Subparagraph -13.1707 ▁10:30 -13.1707 UAN -13.1707 ▁Drunk -13.1708 ▁Rubin -13.1708 ethane -13.1708 biology -13.1709 312 -13.1709 lied -13.171 ▁novelty -13.171 ▁tuned -13.1711 ▁Clement -13.1713 :0755 -13.1714 ▁subtitle -13.1716 Industrial -13.1716 ▁incidental -13.1717 2,500 -13.1719 ▁duct -13.1719 ▁eldest -13.172 ▁appalling -13.172 ▁humour -13.172 ▁Vinci -13.172 ▁tenders -13.1721 ▁wealthiest -13.1721 itarian -13.1722 ▁Aba -13.1722 Stat -13.1723 243 -13.1723 ▁1850 -13.1724 ▁witches -13.1725 官网 -13.1725 ▁Claude -13.1726 ▁Agri -13.1727 ▁Entrepreneurs -13.1728 ▁Managed -13.1728 ▁sucks -13.1728 osi -13.1728 yk -13.1728 ▁tripled -13.1729 ▁FCA -13.1731 fighter -13.1731 Windows -13.1733 ▁Arkansas -13.1733 ▁Frozen -13.1733 ▁Abbott -13.1733 yon -13.1734 ▁maxim -13.1734 ▁manageable -13.1736 ▁despise -13.1738 /51 -13.1739 ▁contaminants -13.1741 ▁ROM -13.1743 ▁vineyards -13.1744 deployment -13.1744 ▁extrusion -13.1747 ▁Jenkins -13.1747 ▁shrine -13.1747 ▁Curtis -13.1747 ▁Ecology -13.1748 terior -13.1748 ▁Clothes -13.1748 lion -13.1748 ▁Zinc -13.175 visit -13.175 Apple -13.1751 ▁Lum -13.1752 ▁1909 -13.1754 ▁Alien -13.1754 colored -13.1755 Son -13.1757 ▁Ivy -13.1759 University -13.1761 ▁Enquiry -13.1761 ▁constituency -13.1761 ▁pavilion -13.1761 ▁carbide -13.1761 ▁geometry -13.1761 ▁38% -13.1762 ▁Milton -13.1763 ▁endowed -13.1765 ▁Centro -13.1765 ▁Sup -13.1765 ▁Matsu -13.1766 ▁erode -13.1766 ▁herald -13.1766 ▁Casey -13.1768 save -13.1768 worm -13.1769 ▁Recommend -13.1769 ▁kicking -13.177 ▁Shak -13.177 bow -13.177 ▁unclean -13.1771 lich -13.1775 ▁inadvertently -13.1776 ▁Wouldn -13.1777 ▁weary -13.1778 :58 -13.1779 ▁labelling -13.1779 forward -13.178 ▁bombed -13.178 ▁tease -13.178 ▁stat -13.1781 nomic -13.1781 DEN -13.1781 holding -13.1781 ▁Recognize -13.1782 ▁plantations -13.1784 271 -13.1784 ▁Occupation -13.1786 ▁1903 -13.1788 angel -13.1788 ▁SIN -13.1789 ▁sequential -13.1789 middle -13.1789 ▁deadliest -13.179 ▁surfing -13.1792 secondary -13.1794 ▁BRI -13.1794 ▁$5,000 -13.1796 riz -13.1796 ▁underlining -13.1797 ▁Pil -13.1797 organization -13.1799 ▁Rabbi -13.1799 ▁swamp -13.18 ▁bottlenecks -13.1801 ▁2200 -13.1801 does -13.1802 ▁ox -13.1803 ▁Reynolds -13.1803 ▁Adidas -13.1803 ▁Presence -13.1803 ▁hypertension -13.1803 ▁Acquire -13.1803 ▁omega -13.1803 ▁mute -13.1803 410 -13.1804 ▁♦ -13.1804 ▁Kaiser -13.1804 partner -13.1804 ▁hospitalization -13.1805 Info -13.1806 ▁Maori -13.1806 ▁Everest -13.1806 hani -13.1808 ▁hereafter -13.1808 327 -13.1809 ▁rewrite -13.1809 erra -13.181 raj -13.1811 ▁Riva -13.1812 ▁9.1 -13.1812 ▁sandy -13.1814 Their -13.1814 ▁CONS -13.1814 ▁override -13.1815 foreign -13.1817 ▁corpus -13.1817 ▁divisive -13.1817 ▁aperture -13.1817 bond -13.1817 ▁Facial -13.1817 ▁concurred -13.1817 must -13.1817 ▁faulty -13.1818 ▁Listed -13.182 atten -13.1822 wig -13.1822 ▁221 -13.1823 ▁setback -13.1826 ▁Tul -13.1827 /02/ -13.1828 ▁1880 -13.1828 ▁collisions -13.1828 discipline -13.183 Related -13.183 premise -13.183 ▁Eclipse -13.1831 ▁Palazzo -13.1831 matter -13.1831 ▁scrub -13.1831 ▁Tent -13.1832 ▁Harbin -13.1832 ▁heartbeat -13.1833 EVER -13.1833 ▁royalty -13.1833 ▁fiat -13.1833 ▁vineyard -13.1834 ▁1/4 -13.1836 ▁anonymously -13.1837 ▁commonplace -13.1837 ▁Mills -13.1838 ▁ROOM -13.1838 ▁CLI -13.184 540 -13.1841 490 -13.1843 ▁Startup -13.1844 ▁Performing -13.1844 2.6 -13.1845 ▁Buffalo -13.1845 ▁Madonna -13.1845 ▁luminous -13.1845 ▁Esc -13.1845 creat -13.1846 ▁Amor -13.1849 nap -13.1849 ×1 -13.1851 ▁Creed -13.1851 ▁Troy -13.1852 cke -13.1852 ▁Ahead -13.1853 ▁INF -13.1855 00) -13.1855 conf -13.1856 404 -13.1856 oose -13.1857 young -13.1858 sche -13.1858 ▁testosterone -13.1859 ▁Sergei -13.1859 ▁pellet -13.1859 ▁Amir -13.1859 292 -13.1861 ▁earthly -13.1861 ▁Eugene -13.1862 ▁Edgar -13.1862 6] -13.1862 kim -13.1864 ▁smuggled -13.1864 08) -13.1871 armed -13.1871 ▁OPT -13.1872 yar -13.1872 actual -13.1872 ▁deficient -13.1873 ▁Infantry -13.1874 ▁quasi -13.1874 ▁nursery -13.1875 street -13.1875 spring -13.1876 ▁annexation -13.1876 ▁Zoe -13.1876 ▁Alfa -13.1877 ▁dynamically -13.1877 HY -13.1877 ▁Donors -13.1879 ▁Mia -13.1879 ▁8:30 -13.188 ▁Exam -13.188 ▁DOE -13.1882 ▁Killing -13.1885 ▁novelist -13.1886 ffe -13.1886 Wall -13.1887 ▁Magistrate -13.1887 ▁fermentation -13.1887 570 -13.1887 ▁Simulation -13.1887 ▁Flynn -13.1888 horse -13.1888 ▁Hongkong -13.1888 ▁Sync -13.189 Micro -13.189 ▁Waymo -13.1891 ▁FTP -13.1891 bek -13.1891 ▁exceedingly -13.1893 ▁Cock -13.1894 ▁1870 -13.1894 806 -13.1895 ▁narrowly -13.1898 ▁Notably -13.1898 456 -13.1899 ▁Rear -13.1899 ▁expatriate -13.1901 ▁plausible -13.1901 Organization -13.1901 ▁extortion -13.1901 ▁Carson -13.1902 ▁Terror -13.1903 ▁predators -13.1903 ▁bonding -13.1903 uti -13.1907 ▁mast -13.1907 ▁Burundian -13.1908 ▁Gad -13.1911 ▁Socialism -13.1911 ▁plunged -13.1913 ▁inclusiveness -13.1913 ▁soybeans -13.1914 ▁Useful -13.1914 ▁KE -13.1914 ▁Jurisdiction -13.1915 ▁Pneumatic -13.1915 ı -13.1915 ▁adorable -13.1915 ▁Pei -13.1916 ▁arrows -13.1916 898 -13.1917 ▁discounted -13.1917 ▁ISAF -13.1917 ▁deserving -13.1917 ▁4.5+ -13.1917 ▁Documentary -13.1918 ▁Economists -13.1918 ▁Michelin -13.1919 ▁defy -13.1919 ▁Greatest -13.192 ▁instrumentation -13.192 278 -13.1922 ▁exerted -13.1922 ▁Barnes -13.1922 STA -13.1923 ▁deport -13.1923 ▁Affecting -13.1923 ESCAP -13.1924 ▁Bund -13.1929 Hangzhou -13.1929 ▁ARTICLE -13.1929 ▁buoy -13.1929 ▁sergeant -13.1929 ▁Climb -13.1929 ▁Seventeen -13.1929 ▁(1990) -13.193 etz -13.1931 ▁reminders -13.1933 6000 -13.1933 ▁Mesh -13.1936 Luke -13.1937 ▁Civilization -13.1937 ▁surgeons -13.1937 ▁Claus -13.1938 ▁statistically -13.1938 ▁Sigma -13.1938 rade -13.1939 obi -13.1939 ▁mortgages -13.1939 ▁1,800 -13.1939 plica -13.1939 DAY -13.194 ▁Von -13.1942 ▁Atmospheric -13.1943 ▁Hemisphere -13.1943 ▁laureate -13.1943 ▁Chaoyang -13.1943 ▁fetus -13.1943 ▁discredit -13.1944 ▁Thickness -13.1944 exchange -13.1944 ▁redistribution -13.1944 XY -13.1946 chlor -13.1947 ▁Minute -13.1948 ▁harass -13.195 ▁Milano -13.195 /06 -13.1951 ▁stool -13.1951 rone -13.1953 lone -13.1953 ▁BAR -13.1954 ▁respectable -13.1954 ZH -13.1954 abad -13.1955 stitute -13.1956 1-2 -13.1956 tension -13.1957 registration -13.1957 ▁Communism -13.1957 ▁solitude -13.1957 ▁streak -13.1957 ▁divergence -13.1957 ▁Successfully -13.1957 broken -13.1958 ▁HKSAR -13.1958 ▁hallmark -13.1958 ▁illustrations -13.1961 IGA -13.1961 ▁mindfulness -13.1962 ▁Glenn -13.1962 ▁concurrently -13.1962 ▁Rib -13.1963 nothing -13.1964 endo -13.1965 ▁Diff -13.1966 QUE -13.1966 ▁markedly -13.1966 ▁ants -13.1968 ▁Evo -13.1968 vig -13.1969 ▁intercepted -13.197 ▁ki -13.1971 equal -13.1971 gathering -13.1971 ▁desperation -13.1971 ▁unravel -13.1971 ▁Aramco -13.1971 ▁Benedict -13.1971 ▁Shannon -13.1972 ▁dismay -13.1972 ▁Wastes -13.1972 ▁238 -13.1973 mart -13.1973 Uni -13.1974 ▁UNMISS -13.1974 ▁Ramadan -13.1975 ROW -13.1975 ▁Hoo -13.1976 ▁Riding -13.1976 ongo -13.1978 ▁Burger -13.1978 ▁informally -13.198 ▁Institut -13.198 ▁Hag -13.198 ▁curves -13.1982 Consul -13.1982 040 -13.1984 ▁Mattis -13.1984 ▁superstar -13.1984 ▁outta -13.1984 ATOR -13.1985 ▁wholeheartedly -13.1986 ▁Leslie -13.1986 ▁Raven -13.1988 ▁implicated -13.1988 ▁fried -13.1988 ▁Remind -13.199 /38 -13.1992 ▁223 -13.1992 ▁7:00 -13.1993 ▁Moss -13.1994 ▁Miya -13.1996 ▁$75 -13.1996 valued -13.1997 ▁Og -13.1998 ▁stationary -13.1998 ▁Nacional -13.2 马 -13.2 ▁breaker -13.2 ▁wrestle -13.2 ▁insecticide -13.2 ▁ammonia -13.2 fruit -13.2 ▁Atom -13.2 ▁Friedrich -13.2 ▁Wanna -13.2001 ▁unreported -13.2001 247 -13.2002 ▁condom -13.2004 ▁annoyed -13.2005 ▁regained -13.2005 ▁Township -13.2005 ▁ATS -13.2006 ▁reliant -13.2006 engage -13.2006 bery -13.2007 cola -13.2007 dur -13.2007 ▁JOIN -13.2008 ▁Peterson -13.201 birth -13.201 ▁Pascal -13.2014 NASDAQ -13.2014 ▁eyebrow -13.2014 ▁murmur -13.2014 Electric -13.2014 ▁embed -13.2014 ▁motherland -13.2014 ▁parole -13.2015 forced -13.2016 ▁prefix -13.2016 ▁totalitarian -13.2016 ▁Vari -13.2016 wine -13.2016 review -13.2016 POPS -13.2017 EAT -13.2018 90,000 -13.202 ▁affirming -13.202 liberal -13.202 ▁Milky -13.2021 4.1 -13.2022 ▁eroded -13.2023 forth -13.2024 ▁weep -13.2024 ▁vouchers -13.2025 NES -13.2026 ▁computerized -13.2028 ▁Athletic -13.2028 ▁Criteria -13.2028 ▁Distributed -13.2028 ▁Guterres -13.2028 ▁孟买 -13.2028 ▁intervening -13.2028 ▁underpinned -13.2029 ▁tread -13.2029 ▁Silent -13.2029 ▁FAA -13.203 ▁suburban -13.2031 ▁Hau -13.2031 LX -13.2032 ▁MEN -13.2032 ▁buck -13.2036 into -13.2037 ▁concurrent -13.2038 ▁ODP -13.204 298 -13.2041 HABITAT -13.2043 ▁Manitoba -13.2043 ▁cumbersome -13.2043 ▁grease -13.2043 ambo -13.2045 ▁reserving -13.2045 ▁handheld -13.2046 ▁PRI -13.2046 ▁Thirteenth -13.2046 asu -13.2048 ▁ZH -13.2048 ▁mapped -13.2048 Fly -13.2049 crew -13.205 ▁biases -13.205 ▁transplants -13.205 FDA -13.2051 ▁tabs -13.2051 ▁sorted -13.2052 1500 -13.2052 ▁MRT -13.2053 ▁selves -13.2054 ▁shred -13.2056 ▁Conscious -13.2056 ▁Torre -13.2056 ▁adversary -13.2057 ▁Oxygen -13.2057 ▁bounty -13.2057 ▁prioritizing -13.2057 ▁supervising -13.2057 ▁ambush -13.2057 CHINA -13.2057 ▁filmmakers -13.2057 mbre -13.2058 ▁Pak -13.2059 0.3 -13.2059 ▁biotech -13.206 ▁labelled -13.206 ▁exchanger -13.2061 ▁retrieved -13.2061 ▁Putting -13.2062 ▁$500,000 -13.2063 ▁correctional -13.2065 mere -13.2067 ▁Quinta -13.2068 ▁Ola -13.2069 ▁flex -13.2069 recurrent -13.207 ▁Vig -13.207 ▁dynasty -13.2071 ▁Atlantis -13.2071 Figure -13.2071 ▁rebate -13.2071 ▁Goddess -13.2072 ▁typo -13.2072 ▁reshape -13.2072 009 -13.2072 ▁Smartphone -13.2073 ▁Expenditures -13.2073 FET -13.2073 515 -13.2074 ▁Hefei -13.2075 [16] -13.2075 ▁Legion -13.2076 ▁Landing -13.2077 281 -13.2077 ▁Require -13.2078 328 -13.2081 ▁1904 -13.2082 SHIP -13.2083 agging -13.2084 :48 -13.2085 ▁unfolding -13.2085 API -13.2085 670 -13.2085 ▁claw -13.2085 ▁Belief -13.2085 ▁Possibly -13.2085 ▁breeze -13.2085 ▁Capsule -13.2086 ▁ultrasonic -13.2086 category -13.2086 ▁Replies -13.2086 ▁ethic -13.2086 David -13.2086 ▁Analytical -13.2087 501 -13.2089 ▁fugitives -13.209 ▁($6 -13.2091 STAR -13.2091 ▁interviewing -13.2092 ▁FP -13.2093 ▁302 -13.2093 ▁Herald -13.2094 ▁ISU -13.2095 glu -13.2095 Def -13.2098 regulation -13.2099 ▁shun -13.2099 riot -13.21 ▁Cincinnati -13.21 ▁Marbella -13.21 ▁Surprisingly -13.21 ▁commemorative -13.21 ▁explanatory -13.21 ▁OFFICE -13.21 equity -13.21 ▁criticizing -13.2101 ▁lagging -13.2101 690 -13.2102 ▁gamble -13.2102 ▁payout -13.2102 ▁subsystem -13.2102 ▁Luna -13.2103 ▁broadcasters -13.2103 990 -13.2103 ▁reconciled -13.2103 ▁omissions -13.2105 Mag -13.2105 ▁Gou -13.2106 ▁pillows -13.2106 ▁ancestor -13.2106 ▁Chanel -13.2107 /05 -13.2107 ▁LINE -13.2107 wald -13.2108 ▁Wanda -13.2108 ▁Lite -13.2108 flect -13.211 ▁Flora -13.211 ▁guessed -13.211 mental -13.2111 ▁Crush -13.2111 ▁unambiguous -13.2114 ▁SoftBank -13.2114 feel -13.2115 NER -13.2116 ipe -13.2117 ▁deduct -13.2117 ▁hints -13.2117 ▁UNISPACE -13.2119 .2.2 -13.212 ▁polished -13.212 ▁GSM -13.212 ▁specificity -13.2122 ▁Megan -13.2123 ▁Airline -13.2124 ▁densely -13.2124 ▁TL -13.2124 307 -13.2126 ▁9.5 -13.2126 ▁preached -13.2126 ▁onward -13.2127 1.7 -13.2128 FSA -13.2128 vik -13.2128 ▁Adequate -13.2129 ▁abbreviation -13.2129 ▁upheaval -13.2129 ▁actuator -13.2129 ▁exhort -13.2129 ▁inference -13.2129 ▁bipartisan -13.2129 NEPAD -13.2129 ▁youngsters -13.2129 hub -13.2129 ▁paralysis -13.213 ▁Protective -13.213 ▁roommate -13.2131 ▁Trac -13.2131 ▁Pill -13.2132 NAM -13.2134 ▁postcard -13.2135 ▁中国 -13.2135 TW -13.2135 god -13.2135 ▁Rama -13.2136 ▁essays -13.2136 mounted -13.2137 ▁awaited -13.2138 ▁hallway -13.2138 ▁ISA -13.2139 ▁nightmares -13.2139 ▁barber -13.2139 ▁frontiers -13.2139 ▁Ether -13.214 escence -13.214 ▁Guatemalan -13.214 ▁ASIA -13.214 ▁realism -13.2142 ▁Saying -13.2143 ▁Alfonso -13.2143 ▁Tallinn -13.2143 ▁nodule -13.2143 ▁Cybersecurity -13.2143 Soft -13.2143 ▁FedEx -13.2144 ▁SAICM -13.2144 ▁subtract -13.2144 ▁Demonstration -13.2145 worker -13.2146 hawk -13.2146 ▁tirelessly -13.2149 ▁landmarks -13.2149 ▁Abb -13.215 percent -13.2152 ▁GST -13.2152 ▁bearer -13.2154 STAT -13.2155 cologist -13.2155 ▁Shuang -13.2155 ▁Provided -13.2156 ▁CONFERENCE -13.2157 ▁Disengagement -13.2157 ▁Giovanni -13.2157 ▁Pandora -13.2157 ▁celestial -13.2157 ▁electrolyte -13.2157 ▁ideologies -13.2157 ▁Flint -13.2158 ▁ADHD -13.2158 ▁Osama -13.2158 ▁Tribe -13.2159 CED -13.216 ▁barn -13.216 beck -13.2162 ILE -13.2163 8888 -13.2164 ▁Mé -13.2164 ▁Burke -13.2165 enstein -13.2167 ▁adaptable -13.217 ▁steward -13.2172 ▁Helicopter -13.2172 ▁plutonium -13.2172 ▁stunned -13.2172 ン -13.2172 ▁NAFTA -13.2172 ▁registrar -13.2172 ▁Editorial -13.2173 ▁curl -13.2173 ▁disbelievers -13.2173 ▁KING -13.2173 ▁rash -13.2175 TEM -13.2175 ushi -13.2176 ▁knocking -13.2177 ▁Desi -13.2179 20% -13.218 ▁Carlton -13.2181 ▁Beni -13.2181 ▁Cheat -13.2183 ▁morph -13.2183 turing -13.2184 ▁6.7 -13.2185 ▁IPU -13.2186 л -13.2186 ▁Archbishop -13.2186 ▁imagining -13.2186 ▁debugging -13.2186 ▁graphite -13.2187 285 -13.2188 ▁Commitments -13.2189 ▁anchored -13.219 ▁SHANGHAI -13.219 ▁== -13.219 ovsky -13.2191 KM -13.2192 obble -13.2192 ▁Killer -13.2192 ▁lex -13.2193 ▁encoded -13.2194 ▁prominently -13.2195 ▁Donna -13.2197 ▁interlocutors -13.2199 ▁plugins -13.2199 ▁Pav -13.2199 ▁Mud -13.2199 ▁maximise -13.22 体 -13.2201 ▁UNIDIR -13.2201 作 -13.2201 ▁Emerson -13.2201 ▁BBQ -13.2202 ▁chapel -13.2203 ▁Gli -13.2206 ▁RV -13.2206 ▁thrill -13.2207 ▁+86-5 -13.2207 ▁earnestly -13.2208 ▁Rita -13.2208 ▁harming -13.2208 242 -13.2209 ▁haunted -13.2209 ▁Sik -13.2211 WH -13.2211 ▁Differences -13.2213 ▁Bosnian -13.2213 User -13.2215 ▁Salzburg -13.2215 ▁diabetic -13.2215 ▁quench -13.2215 ▁BASF -13.2216 ▁Cartoon -13.2216 urn -13.2216 ▁Daisy -13.2216 ▁fuller -13.2216 174 -13.2216 ▁polymers -13.2217 ▁shipbuilding -13.2218 cloth -13.2218 ▁assigning -13.2218 ▁paired -13.2219 ▁illuminate -13.2221 ▁700,000 -13.2222 ▁MVP -13.2223 ▁Sodium -13.2223 ▁petitioners -13.2224 366 -13.2224 ▁resisting -13.2225 oom -13.2225 551 -13.2225 ▁43% -13.2226 ▁Filling -13.2228 Pan -13.2228 ▁Cemetery -13.223 ▁Katherine -13.223 ▁Regrettably -13.223 ▁arduous -13.223 ▁repressive -13.223 ▁refurbishment -13.223 ▁revolutionize -13.2231 Talk -13.2231 ▁Aruba -13.2232 ▁diligently -13.2234 ▁Dreaming -13.2234 194 -13.2235 /4) -13.2235 rush -13.2236 ▁approx -13.2237 ▁volunteered -13.2238 ▁VoIP -13.2238 ▁outrageous -13.2238 extrem -13.2239 ▁cyclical -13.2239 tique -13.224 ▁pessimistic -13.224 ▁Capitalism -13.2241 ▁Zoom -13.2243 ▁ECOSOC -13.2244 ▁adolescence -13.2244 ▁hegemony -13.2244 ▁photocopier -13.2244 ▁Dolphin -13.2244 ▁devising -13.2244 州 -13.2244 ▁futile -13.2245 ▁engender -13.2245 ▁Warriors -13.2245 ▁Beatles -13.2245 pun -13.2247 cide -13.2248 Val -13.225 Vo -13.225 ▁baked -13.2251 ▁SARS -13.2251 ▁Ideally -13.2252 ▁Icelandic -13.2252 ▁46/1 -13.2253 ▁disciple -13.2253 ▁HF -13.2254 along -13.2255 ▁cooled -13.2257 ▁Maoist -13.2259 ▁Cycling -13.2259 ▁Syndrome -13.2259 ▁tasty -13.2259 ▁trek -13.2259 ▁Urgent -13.2259 stamp -13.2259 ▁Harmon -13.226 RPA -13.226 ▁11:30 -13.2262 Zhong -13.2262 ▁ICOs -13.2263 ▁slack -13.2264 ▁louder -13.2264 2,600 -13.2266 ▁Este -13.2266 gender -13.2266 ▁broadcaster -13.2267 ▁suburb -13.2267 ▁Organizer -13.2268 ▁sham -13.2269 bility -13.227 ▁debuted -13.2272 ▁Jaguar -13.2274 ▁Nielsen -13.2274 ▁Ombudsperson -13.2274 ▁epidemiological -13.2274 ▁impurities -13.2274 全 -13.2274 ▁polluting -13.2274 ▁Marsh -13.2274 ▁Optimization -13.2274 igue -13.2274 ▁DRC -13.2275 ▁Worker -13.2275 ▁(2016) -13.2276 ▁clam -13.2276 published -13.2277 ▁Kei -13.2278 ▁Helmet -13.2279 ▁billionaires -13.228 ▁Loans -13.228 075 -13.2282 ▁decode -13.2284 soever -13.2284 ▁Killed -13.2285 pier -13.2285 ▁hesitated -13.2286 ▁compass -13.2288 ▁Stella -13.2288 ▁humiliating -13.2288 ▁showcasing -13.2288 ▁Penguin -13.2288 ▁tandem -13.2288 ▁polyester -13.2288 ▁dissatisfied -13.2288 — -13.2289 illion -13.2289 customer -13.2289 ▁apprenticeship -13.2289 ministerial -13.229 ▁PROGRAMME -13.229 ▁Truman -13.2291 Hot -13.2292 ▁Leeds -13.2292 ▁YU -13.2292 ▁exponentially -13.2292 ▁salesman -13.2293 ▁patriotic -13.2294 icip -13.2294 LCA -13.2294 164 -13.2295 ▁Hof -13.2295 ▁distinctly -13.2298 ▁Tex -13.2299 ▁firearm -13.2299 volution -13.23 BTC -13.2301 ▁aligning -13.2302 ▁Favorites -13.2302 ▁destabilize -13.2303 ▁pneumatic -13.2303 ▁transatlantic -13.2303 时时彩 -13.2303 ................ -13.2303 ▁Buzz -13.2303 ▁pilgrimage -13.2303 ▁thyroid -13.2303 synchronous -13.2303 ▁gloss -13.2304 ▁fisherman -13.2304 ▁capsules -13.2304 Event -13.2305 ▁thine -13.2306 ▁CFA -13.2306 Bio -13.2306 ▁Nun -13.2307 ▁2010/11 -13.2307 LET -13.2307 /39 -13.2308 ▁香港 -13.2308 ▁Yantai -13.2309 ▁equi -13.2309 ▁266 -13.2314 ▁Graphics -13.2314 ▁Tsui -13.2315 ▁LOT -13.2315 432 -13.2315 ▁Thirteen -13.2317 ▁entrants -13.2318 南 -13.2318 ▁semantic -13.2318 ▁unicorn -13.2318 ▁crunch -13.2318 ▁aloud -13.2318 ullah -13.2319 ▁GH -13.232 ▁8.3 -13.232 ▁barcode -13.232 ▁Ferry -13.2322 ▁234 -13.2324 ▁implicitly -13.2324 /47 -13.2324 ▁Chal -13.2325 huh -13.2325 ▁Taj -13.2326 373 -13.2326 :56 -13.2326 ▁VIEW -13.2329 ▁licensee -13.233 ▁Flickr -13.2332 ▁hypocrite -13.2332 ▁cynical -13.2332 尼 -13.2332 ▁Basilica -13.2332 ▁amplify -13.2333 ▁sinned -13.2334 ▁Juice -13.2334 hia -13.2334 ▁unwind -13.2335 ▁Webcam -13.2337 ▁Tomb -13.2339 Table -13.2339 858 -13.234 ergy -13.2341 ▁runners -13.2341 ▁escalated -13.2343 mour -13.2343 ▁comedian -13.2345 ▁Deutsch -13.2347 ▁Creativity -13.2347 ▁Francophonie -13.2347 ▁inclination -13.2347 星级 -13.2347 和 -13.2347 ▁Polynesia -13.2347 ▁FIA -13.2347 Privacy -13.2347 ▁clinicians -13.2347 → -13.2347 ▁addictive -13.2348 ▁attachments -13.2348 ▁stipulate -13.2348 ▁Fay -13.2348 ▁Zel -13.2349 ▁Riley -13.235 ▁TX -13.235 ▁stab -13.235 ▁quitting -13.2351 ▁Examine -13.2351 ▁lava -13.2351 emission -13.2352 ▁fabricated -13.2353 ▁carving -13.2353 ▁Neck -13.2354 fee -13.2355 ▁Remain -13.2355 ▁Juliet -13.2355 ITS -13.2357 ▁Tyr -13.2357 ▁observational -13.2358 ▁Abel -13.2359 ▁uniformed -13.236 ▁mattress -13.236 IONS -13.236 ▁regiment -13.236 operate -13.236 ▁gladly -13.2361 ▁Consequences -13.2362 ▁Assuming -13.2362 ▁meditate -13.2362 里 -13.2362 Yang -13.2362 Qaeda -13.2362 ▁supernova -13.2362 566 -13.2362 Everybody -13.2362 Comm -13.2363 ▁withholding -13.2363 jection -13.2363 :57 -13.2364 ▁resurrected -13.2365 ▁pedestrians -13.2365 cheap -13.2365 ▁10.5 -13.2366 ▁Assess -13.2367 bbling -13.2367 Euro -13.2368 ▁Salam -13.2368 ▁Achievements -13.2368 273 -13.2368 331 -13.2369 ▁219 -13.2371 boro -13.2374 igi -13.2376 etter -13.2376 ▁Monsieur -13.2376 ▁Psychotropic -13.2376 ▁biscuit -13.2376 ▁7.6 -13.2379 386 -13.238 ▁苏 -13.2382 ▁illusions -13.2382 ▁Shouldn -13.2384 ▁nominees -13.2385 ▁5.7 -13.2385 ▁Quinn -13.2386 ▁Shui -13.2387 ▁Dome -13.2387 ▁glanced -13.2388 ▁deserted -13.2389 ▁scriptures -13.2389 ▁Kip -13.2389 ▁Hyde -13.239 ▁Courage -13.2391 ▁Preparing -13.2391 ▁headphones -13.2391 ▁topical -13.2392 ▁}} -13.2392 ▁signifies -13.2393 ▁Gogh -13.2393 Plus -13.2394 ▁44% -13.2395 ▁Reactor -13.2395 FB -13.2396 neo -13.2399 ▁assesses -13.24 Month -13.24 ▁1820 -13.24 ▁differed -13.2401 ▁Ele -13.2401 ▁listeners -13.2401 ▁poetic -13.2405 ▁SOA -13.2406 ▁Sarajevo -13.2406 ▁Separation -13.2406 ▁negligible -13.2406 ▁scooter -13.2406 ▁rugged -13.2406 ▁MPEG -13.2407 ▁relapse -13.2407 ▁LV -13.2409 ▁9:30 -13.241 ▁AMP -13.2411 egra -13.2412 ▁Lex -13.2414 ▁wrongly -13.2414 ▁Setup -13.2415 ▁residue -13.2417 ▁reused -13.2418 ▁Hebrews -13.2418 ▁Grin -13.2419 ▁chin -13.2419 ▁Bougainville -13.2421 ▁Bungalow -13.2421 ▁Safeguards -13.2421 ▁Tbilisi -13.2421 ▁charcoal -13.2421 ▁manipulating -13.2421 ▁Duchess -13.2421 ▁insistence -13.2422 ▁choke -13.2422 ▁fairer -13.2422 ▁tremendously -13.2422 loop -13.2424 icle -13.2425 THING -13.2425 ▁google -13.2425 ▁temp -13.2426 ▁sch -13.2426 guo -13.2426 ▁Zam -13.2427 ▁dorm -13.2428 877 -13.2428 ▁(27) -13.2431 liu -13.2432 ▁competed -13.2433 ▁sweater -13.2434 ▁hospitalized -13.2434 ▁trembling -13.2436 ▁Foxconn -13.2436 ▁pleading -13.2436 ▁Hyogo -13.2436 ▁stabbed -13.2436 9] -13.2436 initial -13.2436 ▁Valle -13.2436 ▁powerhouse -13.2437 ▁intervened -13.2437 ▁Ramos -13.2438 731 -13.244 ▁RGB -13.2441 ▁organizer -13.2441 ▁bedding -13.2442 ▁Somewhere -13.2443 ▁6:00 -13.2443 ▁Zionist -13.2444 ▁Num -13.2445 ▁$34 -13.2446 ▁Plum -13.2446 ▁Outline -13.2448 /41 -13.2448 ▁Novo -13.2449 ▁homelessness -13.2449 uffle -13.245 ▁butcher -13.245 ▁helium -13.2451 phenol -13.2453 ▁Reward -13.2453 ▁Sap -13.2455 ▁weaponry -13.2457 838 -13.2457 possess -13.2459 889 -13.246 ▁scars -13.2461 GEF -13.2462 TAI -13.2463 phtha -13.2463 ▁vertically -13.2464 ▁lin -13.2465 ł -13.2465 ▁Maternity -13.2465 ▁succumb -13.2465 ▁nozzle -13.2465 ▁neuroscience -13.2466 ▁wetlands -13.2466 ▁patriotism -13.2466 ▁carbonate -13.2467 ▁Gone -13.2467 287 -13.2467 323 -13.2469 818 -13.2469 ▁Totally -13.2469 ▁whim -13.247 ▁fascist -13.247 /01 -13.2471 ▁massively -13.2471 ▁233 -13.2471 ▁Dante -13.2472 426 -13.2472 ▁Agu -13.2472 ▁surged -13.2473 STAN -13.2473 IMA -13.2474 role -13.2475 ▁Sail -13.2476 ▁Odd -13.2477 ▁retard -13.2477 ▁Sandra -13.2478 ▁brewing -13.2479 ▁armored -13.2479 ▁LONG -13.2479 ▁Arduino -13.248 ▁Impossible -13.248 ▁Memo -13.2481 ▁2005/06 -13.2481 ▁seizing -13.2482 adult -13.2482 ▁Colonialism -13.2484 ▁Prepared -13.2485 rence -13.2486 ▁SUB -13.2486 ▁Merry -13.2487 ▁discontinue -13.2487 ▁sushi -13.2487 ▁doom -13.2489 XXIX -13.249 neck -13.249 ▁Shh -13.249 ▁Vest -13.2493 ▁HTTPS -13.2495 ▁domicile -13.2495 ▁geostationary -13.2495 ▁majesty -13.2495 ▁aerobic -13.2495 ▁stellar -13.2495 ▁SOCIAL -13.2495 ▁handicapped -13.2495 Sales -13.2496 ▁Bashar -13.2496 Education -13.2496 ▁Backpackers -13.2496 ▁standalone -13.2497 ▁bursts -13.2497 ▁resent -13.2499 /1996/ -13.2499 ▁bastards -13.2499 ▁derail -13.25 ▁filtered -13.25 ▁$600 -13.25 ▁dome -13.2501 ▁restrain -13.2502 ▁CRE -13.2502 ▁Weibo -13.2503 ▁Telegraph -13.2504 plain -13.2505 Hol -13.2506 ▁infusion -13.2506 ▁redeemed -13.2507 opt -13.2508 ▁CCS -13.2508 ▁Vene -13.2509 ▁(29) -13.2509 3.6 -13.251 ▁Guinness -13.251 ▁disparate -13.251 ▁injunction -13.251 ▁stockpiling -13.251 ▁sightseeing -13.251 乐 -13.251 ▁Vendor -13.251 ▁Grammy -13.251 ▁Tight -13.251 ▁FTC -13.2511 ▁landslide -13.2511 ▁daring -13.2512 507 -13.2513 enza -13.2513 ▁ICPD -13.2516 ▁JB -13.2519 akov -13.2519 hwa -13.2519 ▁Chateau -13.2525 ▁facilitators -13.2525 ▁120,000 -13.2525 ▁Satisfaction -13.2525 ▁conglomerate -13.2525 展 -13.2525 ▁Inflation -13.2525 ▁DPKO -13.2525 ▁Coinbase -13.2525 ▁Highlight -13.2526 ▁Pets -13.2528 ▁misses -13.2528 ▁Gus -13.253 aster -13.253 inski -13.2533 ▁plateau -13.2533 ▁steril -13.2535 356 -13.2535 ▁eviction -13.2537 ▁substantiate -13.2538 ▁Mora -13.2538 ▁accessory -13.2539 ▁Slu -13.254 ▁1700 -13.254 ▁hitherto -13.254 ▁nylon -13.254 ▁paralyzed -13.254 ▁Cliff -13.254 616 -13.254 ▁ripped -13.2541 Buy -13.2541 ▁Petit -13.2541 ▁aspiring -13.2541 ▁cone -13.2541 Save -13.2541 ▁inhibitor -13.2542 ▁decrypt -13.2542 ▁XR -13.2542 itative -13.2543 zzy -13.2543 ishi -13.2543 ▁Invite -13.2544 ▁spacing -13.2544 ▁transplantation -13.2545 ▁Insight -13.2546 ▁Kle -13.2547 0.8 -13.2547 ▁THB -13.2547 ▁tee -13.2547 ▁implying -13.2549 ▁violently -13.255 ▁RFC -13.255 ▁sci -13.2553 ▁emphasise -13.2554 yahoo -13.2555 € -13.2555 ▁prototyping -13.2555 ▁sculptor -13.2557 ▁colonization -13.2557 ▁Searching -13.2559 ▁Hail -13.2561 ▁reimbursed -13.2561 ▁Garment -13.2561 qual -13.2562 ght -13.2563 ▁Quit -13.2564 centre -13.2566 431 -13.2566 music -13.2566 ▁parable -13.2567 ▁Mixer -13.2567 ▁KPC -13.2568 ▁growers -13.2568 ggio -13.2568 condition -13.2569 ▁Oppo -13.2569 ▁Deck -13.257 ▁Fantastic -13.257 ▁invoking -13.257 ▁Buckingham -13.257 ▁eyewitness -13.257 ▁podium -13.2571 Should -13.2571 ▁multiplayer -13.2571 Shop -13.2571 ▁Glasses -13.2572 MET -13.2573 ▁faded -13.2573 ▁trumpet -13.2574 ridden -13.2577 ▁Accumu -13.258 ▁ironic -13.2582 ▁Brass -13.2582 ▁cadres -13.2583 т -13.2585 ▁Sanitary -13.2585 ▁cradle -13.2585 ▁allotted -13.2585 ▁Random -13.2586 ▁cyberspace -13.2586 Little -13.2586 PAC -13.2586 ▁converse -13.2586 ▁Rey -13.2587 ▁Mecca -13.2587 evaluate -13.2587 ▁turnaround -13.2587 ▁Tess -13.2589 ▁KONG -13.2589 ▁playback -13.259 ▁Jonas -13.2591 sponsor -13.2592 30% -13.2593 ▁assignor -13.2594 ▁Legends -13.2594 ▁LIGHT -13.2594 355 -13.2597 ▁5:00 -13.2598 ▁Immunities -13.26 ▁SECURITY -13.26 ▁extraordinarily -13.26 ▁reproach -13.26 ▁Edmund -13.26 ▁Extradition -13.26 interpret -13.2601 convenient -13.2601 ▁lace -13.2602 ▁pests -13.2602 cab -13.2603 ▁greener -13.2603 ▁insider -13.2603 09) -13.2605 woo -13.2606 dah -13.2607 ▁ADA -13.2607 ▁divest -13.2607 ▁loosen -13.2608 023 -13.2609 Sex -13.261 bike -13.2611 ACC -13.2611 ▁artificially -13.2613 jay -13.2614 ▁standardize -13.2614 ▁Prov -13.2614 ▁Corrigendum -13.2615 ▁aggravating -13.2615 ▁imaginative -13.2615 ▁Shelter -13.2616 ▁primacy -13.2616 awareness -13.2616 enforcement -13.2616 Matthew -13.2616 ▁rejoin -13.2617 ndra -13.2617 ▁KL -13.2618 ▁doctorate -13.2619 605 -13.2619 ▁papa -13.2619 ▁unaffected -13.2619 ▁listener -13.2619 /07 -13.2619 ▁modernizing -13.2619 thermal -13.2621 ▁awarding -13.2624 ▁Pit -13.2624 ▁Roberto -13.2626 ▁applauded -13.2626 HCH -13.2626 ▁8.4 -13.263 Wave -13.2631 comprehensible -13.2631 ▁LONDON -13.2631 ▁engraving -13.2631 ▁stagnant -13.2631 ▁slap -13.2631 hundred -13.2631 ▁(£ -13.2632 ▁Kenny -13.2632 ▁tv -13.2633 ▁1902 -13.2634 ▁correcting -13.2634 870 -13.2635 :52 -13.2636 ouche -13.2636 358 -13.2636 Pen -13.2637 ▁pho -13.2638 ▁GPA -13.2639 ▁preventative -13.2641 ▁32% -13.2643 ▁booster -13.2643 1990 -13.2645 ▁17:00 -13.2645 rman -13.2646 ▁Leicester -13.2646 ▁Modular -13.2646 ▁Radical -13.2646 ▁remand -13.2646 Family -13.2647 ▁optics -13.2648 ▁Underlines -13.2648 MEN -13.2648 308 -13.2649 ▁stuffed -13.2649 ▁bookstore -13.265 ▁Municipality -13.265 ▁Klaus -13.265 ▁Slav -13.265 stral -13.2652 ▁Haus -13.2654 ▁SPT -13.2654 Nav -13.2655 339 -13.2657 itic -13.2657 spiration -13.2658 abel -13.2659 CHE -13.266 ▁selectively -13.2661 ▁generalized -13.2661 ▁custodian -13.2661 法 -13.2661 ▁Tillerson -13.2661 Off -13.2661 ▁SharePoint -13.2661 ▁Huntington -13.2661 411 -13.2662 Ningbo -13.2662 ▁Sung -13.2662 ▁Vive -13.2663 ▁enumerated -13.2664 BW -13.2665 ▁comeback -13.2665 INGS -13.2667 ▁Lime -13.2667 breaker -13.2667 equen -13.2668 ▁BMI -13.2668 ▁Pho -13.2668 mAh -13.2669 ▁humid -13.267 ▁barracks -13.2672 ▁treason -13.2674 ▁37% -13.2675 ▁802.11 -13.2676 ▁sludge -13.2676 ▁suicidal -13.2676 ▁Domingo -13.2676 ▁reassess -13.2676 ▁TNCs -13.2676 ▁entice -13.2677 ▁spreadsheet -13.2677 ▁Signed -13.2677 ▁Judy -13.2678 ▁worldview -13.2678 ▁Rational -13.2679 HB -13.268 ▁WW -13.2682 titled -13.2683 ▁wavelengths -13.2683 ▁organisational -13.2684 667 -13.2685 RIA -13.2685 ▁cigars -13.2686 ▁confidently -13.2688 241 -13.2688 ▁Manning -13.2689 ▁Able -13.2689 ▁recite -13.269 ▁Explosion -13.2691 ▁Kigali -13.2691 ▁Maurice -13.2691 ▁electorate -13.2691 ▁expiring -13.2691 ▁cockpit -13.2691 illian -13.2692 ▁Sloan -13.2692 ▁Recreation -13.2692 ▁bats -13.2692 ▁Graz -13.2693 ▁Beam -13.2693 ORS -13.2694 828 -13.2695 ▁sidewalk -13.2695 ▁$2.5 -13.2696 MAR -13.2696 ▁medic -13.2697 PAS -13.2698 ▁1888 -13.2698 lish -13.2699 ▁(30) -13.2701 ZO -13.2701 ▁labourers -13.2703 hiro -13.2704 ▁ushered -13.2704 ▁SOC -13.2705 ▁$1.3 -13.2706 evi -13.2706 available -13.2706 ▁Burmese -13.2707 ▁Licensing -13.2707 ▁JAPAN -13.2707 ▁Railroad -13.2707 ▁spurred -13.2707 Unfortunately -13.2708 ▁gunshot -13.2708 Changzhou -13.2708 OSCE -13.2709 444 -13.2709 ▁sidelines -13.271 ▁Bryan -13.2713 ▁worms -13.2714 302 -13.2716 ▁guessing -13.2716 spread -13.2718 director -13.2719 ▁jurisdictional -13.2719 Unit -13.272 802 -13.272 truth -13.272 ▁MEA -13.2721 ▁Warrior -13.2721 ▁Tolerance -13.2722 ▁consignment -13.2722 ▁Yankee -13.2722 ▁kilowatt -13.2722 ▁dependencies -13.2722 ▁enlightenment -13.2722 Czech -13.2723 ummy -13.2723 ▁Chester -13.2724 Trump -13.2724 ▁outperform -13.2724 gou -13.2724 ▁SubCommission -13.2725 leu -13.2725 ▁Mam -13.2725 ▁detached -13.2726 ▁bureaux -13.2726 ▁Strengthened -13.2728 JU -13.2728 ▁Array -13.2728 ▁abiding -13.2729 ▁wildly -13.2729 ▁yell -13.2731 ▁Majority -13.2731 Vice -13.2731 ▁Happen -13.2731 ▁predominant -13.2733 ▁1,100 -13.2734 Though -13.2734 ▁erased -13.2736 ▁neighbourhoods -13.2737 ▁Ammunition -13.2737 ▁curfew -13.2737 ▁日本語 -13.2737 ▁Demographic -13.2737 ▁Amp -13.2737 ▁Lennon -13.2737 609 -13.2739 Speak -13.2741 abba -13.2741 ▁rumours -13.2741 ▁compose -13.2741 ▁SHENZHEN -13.2743 ▁cardboard -13.2743 ▁nearing -13.2743 fiction -13.2744 ▁conceded -13.2744 ▁boldly -13.275 ▁substituted -13.2752 ▁dent -13.2752 ▁pupil -13.2752 ▁Facilitating -13.2752 ▁cultivating -13.2752 ▁particulate -13.2752 ▁rotten -13.2753 Legal -13.2754 ▁Yangon -13.2754 ▁Landmark -13.2754 Lead -13.2757 ▁subscriber -13.2758 ▁patriot -13.2761 ussi -13.2762 815 -13.2762 ▁blended -13.2762 SET -13.2763 lead -13.2764 ▁Marshal -13.2764 research -13.2765 egan -13.2766 ▁Kathmandu -13.2768 ▁dynamism -13.2768 ▁juridical -13.2768 ▁Bournemouth -13.2768 行 -13.2768 ▁shiny -13.2768 ▁Prosperity -13.2768 ▁239 -13.2768 ▁supersede -13.2768 ▁Keynes -13.277 ▁Becoming -13.277 ▁Nak -13.277 ▁narrowed -13.2773 ▁Appliances -13.2773 plug -13.2774 ▁Designers -13.2774 ▁facets -13.2777 Working -13.2777 ▁republican -13.2778 ▁glyc -13.2778 Rock -13.2778 ▁SITE -13.2779 umen -13.2779 ▁Foreigners -13.278 ▁indifference -13.2783 ▁Servant -13.2783 ▁propagate -13.2783 ▁debating -13.2783 ▁Adolf -13.2783 ▁bisexual -13.2783 :49 -13.2784 ▁emulate -13.2784 Morocco -13.2784 Xinhua -13.2785 Image -13.2785 ▁campaigning -13.2786 599 -13.2787 chaired -13.2787 ▁Deadline -13.2788 8.00 -13.2788 iler -13.2789 /09 -13.2789 ▁loom -13.279 TOP -13.2791 ▁Amend -13.2792 ▁Translate -13.2792 enz -13.2797 ▁distressed -13.2798 stuff -13.2798 ▁lymph -13.2798 克 -13.2798 ▁HOUSE -13.2799 ▁microprocessor -13.2799 ▁braking -13.2799 *1 -13.28 ▁widened -13.28 democracy -13.28 ▁Ibero -13.28 ▁fortified -13.28 ▁tapped -13.28 ▁Confirmation -13.28 ▁Processor -13.28 chester -13.2801 ▁melted -13.2804 tight -13.2804 stad -13.2805 ▁Operators -13.2806 ▁waterways -13.2807 magnetic -13.2807 ▁tightened -13.2809 ▁SPI -13.2809 ▁Nash -13.2812 ▁Cabo -13.2813 329 -13.2813 ▁Divide -13.2814 ▁Liver -13.2814 ▁Deputies -13.2814 ▁INDUSTRIAL -13.2814 ▁Nagorno -13.2814 ▁incarceration -13.2814 ▁instantaneous -13.2814 ▁nitrate -13.2814 ▁relativity -13.2814 ▁Contingent -13.2814 ▁Forensic -13.2814 ▁misinformation -13.2814 ▁royalties -13.2815 ▁Alpine -13.2816 ▁Rag -13.2816 ▁flourishing -13.2816 otti -13.2817 ▁consensual -13.2817 ▁Spice -13.2817 ▁Came -13.2818 ▁Decide -13.2819 playing -13.2819 ▁Ethan -13.2823 ▁36% -13.2824 ▁originates -13.2825 ▁Supervisor -13.2826 011 -13.2827 ▁wartime -13.2827 ▁sizeable -13.2828 ebel -13.2828 ▁3-6 -13.2828 ▁16,000 -13.2828 acting -13.2828 ▁Lies -13.2829 ▁Natalie -13.2829 ▁financier -13.2829 ▁movable -13.2829 ▁observatory -13.2829 ▁MYFF -13.283 ▁Harmonized -13.283 ▁Midtown -13.283 ▁drums -13.283 ▁emanate -13.283 ▁smartest -13.283 ▁infinitely -13.283 Facebook -13.2831 (5) -13.2831 –18 -13.2831 ▁iceberg -13.2831 ▁Strap -13.2832 ▁adaptability -13.2832 ▁Amid -13.2833 ▁Tama -13.2833 ▁Timely -13.2833 ▁ASIC -13.2833 fusion -13.2836 ▁Gale -13.2836 WR -13.2837 ▁1612 -13.2837 ▁237 -13.2838 ▁insulting -13.2838 ▁Cosmetics -13.2839 ▁Crowne -13.284 depend -13.284 ▁510 -13.2841 ▁vampires -13.2841 ▁OPEN -13.2842 ▁withheld -13.2842 ▁SERVICES -13.2842 .2/57/ -13.2842 Paul -13.2843 Gold -13.2844 ▁Fuller -13.2844 ▁Pediatric -13.2845 ▁itinerary -13.2845 606 -13.2845 ▁brace -13.2846 ▁motherhood -13.2849 767 -13.285 ▁bible -13.2851 ▁respectfully -13.2852 racial -13.2852 ▁millennia -13.2852 ▁sunk -13.2852 ▁Connecting -13.2853 ▁Optimize -13.2853 ▁slated -13.2853 ▁offenses -13.2855 ▁biologists -13.2855 ▁Rie -13.2856 ▁spoon -13.2858 ▁swarm -13.2859 ▁Arrive -13.286 ▁Jerome -13.2861 ▁tomato -13.2861 ▁bruise -13.2861 ▁abode -13.2861 ▁Ironically -13.2861 ▁Eighty -13.2861 priority -13.2862 ▁yeast -13.2862 398 -13.2863 /2009 -13.2863 ▁jewels -13.2864 ▁messy -13.2865 /55 -13.2866 cited -13.2868 ▁Organs -13.2869 ▁foundational -13.287 ▁workflows -13.2872 ▁puff -13.2872 SIC -13.2872 ▁abort -13.2873 EEP -13.2873 ▁Affect -13.2875 ▁ELECTRONIC -13.2876 ▁pharmacist -13.2876 ▁rehearsal -13.2876 ▁astonished -13.2876 科技 -13.2876 ▁Chlor -13.2876 ▁surpassing -13.2876 ▁Macro -13.2876 ▁garlic -13.2876 ▁► -13.2876 ▁Secretaries -13.2876 511 -13.2877 ▁Alongside -13.2877 Weapon -13.2877 322 -13.2878 ▁Johan -13.288 ▁Richardson -13.2882 ▁777 -13.2882 issue -13.2882 ▁MUST -13.2884 ▁Axis -13.2884 DMA -13.2884 ographer -13.2884 rino -13.2884 ▁Bryant -13.2885 ▁Roh -13.2885 ▁Elliott -13.2885 337 -13.2886 ▁perished -13.2886 055 -13.2887 ▁Sah -13.2889 return -13.289 ▁Investigators -13.2891 ▁SY -13.2891 ▁Uzbek -13.2891 ▁Hairdryer -13.2891 ▁Prostitution -13.2891 ▁Rodriguez -13.2891 ▁Scenic -13.2891 ▁Smuggling -13.2891 ▁Stuttgart -13.2891 ▁leukemia -13.2891 ▁Keyboard -13.2891 276 -13.2892 ▁unjustified -13.2892 perhaps -13.2893 ▁soybean -13.2893 ▁Gloria -13.2893 ▁disbursed -13.2893 ncia -13.2893 ▁unnatural -13.2894 ▁Botanical -13.2894 ▁Endo -13.2894 ▁crisp -13.2895 ▁newcomers -13.2896 ▁supplementation -13.2896 keep -13.2896 ▁Participate -13.2898 ▁asserting -13.2898 ▁prick -13.2899 ▁dolphins -13.2902 onstitu -13.2903 ▁uniqueness -13.2903 ▁orbiting -13.2903 ▁DX -13.2903 ▁lieu -13.2903 ▁Eiffel -13.2907 ▁nexus -13.2907 ▁endowment -13.2907 及 -13.2907 ▁UEFA -13.2907 ▁Architectural -13.2907 ▁zeal -13.2907 ▁Elastic -13.2908 thousand -13.2908 Connor -13.2909 ▁Spit -13.2909 ▁Northwestern -13.2909 ▁assuring -13.291 ▁gland -13.2911 ▁culminated -13.2911 JIANG -13.2913 ▁waged -13.2914 ▁(26) -13.2915 ▁bookmark -13.2915 garde -13.2916 369 -13.2916 ▁Brake -13.2916 ▁restructure -13.2916 iously -13.2918 ▁Named -13.2919 linked -13.2919 ▁Bour -13.292 363 -13.2922 ▁Calculator -13.2922 ▁Complimentary -13.2922 ▁connotation -13.2922 ▁incommunicado -13.2922 ▁Astana -13.2923 ▁diode -13.2923 ▁counsellor -13.2923 IER -13.2925 subject -13.2926 Guide -13.2926 gay -13.2929 ▁internships -13.2929 ▁daytime -13.2929 ▁PARK -13.2929 ▁4,500 -13.2931 cratic -13.2933 ▁Parade -13.2934 ▁8000 -13.2935 Acts -13.2935 Para -13.2937 KV -13.2937 ▁carbohydrates -13.2938 ▁epilepsy -13.2938 ▁hierarchical -13.2938 ▁quartz -13.2938 ▁salvage -13.2938 2-1 -13.2938 ELEC -13.2939 ▁Phi -13.2939 ▁Billboard -13.2942 ▁diversifying -13.2943 ▁Crowd -13.2943 ▁Brom -13.2944 ▁WMD -13.2945 trac -13.2945 biological -13.2945 ▁Isabel -13.2946 secure -13.2949 ▁Kumar -13.2949 escu -13.2949 ▁Seen -13.2951 leave -13.2952 online -13.2952 ▁Louvre -13.2954 ▁Panasonic -13.2954 ▁Pristina -13.2954 ▁sulphur -13.2954 ▁wrestling -13.2954 ▁Sterling -13.2954 ▁Resolve -13.2954 ▁FOOD -13.2954 ▁Belfast -13.2954 ▁dragging -13.2954 • -13.2955 首页 -13.2955 ▁Alicia -13.2955 ▁logically -13.2955 diction -13.2956 original -13.2957 ▁fuelling -13.2957 ▁Principality -13.2957 ▁248 -13.296 ▁9.2 -13.2961 JC -13.2961 :54 -13.2962 Pad -13.2963 ▁miner -13.2964 certain -13.2966 ▁completeness -13.2967 ▁CCD -13.2968 ▁OPCW -13.2969 ▁recognizable -13.2969 ▁retrieval -13.2969 ▁Delaware -13.2969 ▁Romney -13.297 ▁hashtag -13.297 conference -13.297 ▁Exposure -13.297 Committee -13.2971 ECOWAS -13.2971 OTT -13.2971 ▁WANT -13.2972 ▁Teng -13.2973 ▁furnishings -13.2974 024 -13.2974 3,600 -13.2977 ▁Garage -13.2978 ▁Chadian -13.2978 ▁outlaw -13.2979 ▁artworks -13.298 bak -13.298 ▁Pip -13.2981 acious -13.2982 ▁tasted -13.2983 ▁Dodge -13.2984 ▁Spaniard -13.2985 ▁irreplaceable -13.2985 ▁unimaginable -13.2985 ISM -13.2985 ▁Broadband -13.2985 ▁antennas -13.2985 ▁actionable -13.2986 ▁downsizing -13.2986 ▁playoff -13.2986 ▁prorated -13.2987 ▁pagan -13.2987 kW -13.2987 ▁Protests -13.2988 ▁youthful -13.2989 ▁6.8 -13.2989 ▁boutiques -13.2989 /42 -13.2989 ▁Benz -13.299 ▁localities -13.299 ▁Mighty -13.2991 585 -13.2992 ▁Reid -13.2992 710 -13.2993 798 -13.2993 Reilly -13.2996 south -13.2997 ▁Nadi -13.2998 ▁Mare -13.2998 ▁VIDEO -13.3001 ▁Compound -13.3001 ▁231 -13.3002 Bangladesh -13.3002 introduce -13.3002 ▁dependants -13.3002 ▁Kla -13.3004 ▁formalities -13.3007 ▁correlate -13.3008 ▁Jess -13.3008 ▁Amen -13.3011 ▁restructured -13.3011 ▁Lili -13.3011 ▁PAL -13.3012 ▁Vince -13.3012 825 -13.3012 ▁Trent -13.3012 ▁pilgrims -13.3012 ▁Expanding -13.3016 ▁defiance -13.3016 ▁opaque -13.3016 ▁paternity -13.3016 ▁sectarian -13.3017 678 -13.3017 ▁Miner -13.3017 ▁Healing -13.3018 ▁Geological -13.3018 UF -13.3018 ▁Sala -13.3018 ▁Disappearances -13.3019 ▁misrepresent -13.3019 ▁glacier -13.3019 ▁Adolescents -13.302 ▁UNCT -13.3021 ▁Roche -13.3021 crete -13.3022 505 -13.3022 ▁EST -13.3022 Section -13.3023 ▁1718 -13.3023 -1999 -13.3023 565 -13.3025 fight -13.3026 emptive -13.3026 ▁distinguishes -13.3028 840 -13.3028 ▁Candidates -13.3028 ▁Stem -13.3029 ▁MOV -13.3032 ▁Alas -13.3032 ▁expansive -13.3032 ▁intertwined -13.3032 ▁lantern -13.3032 ▁retribution -13.3032 ▁sniff -13.3032 ▁Illumina -13.3033 ▁northeastern -13.3033 ▁Sensing -13.3033 qiang -13.3033 ▁Cheung -13.3034 soluble -13.3034 Gbps -13.3034 ▁unnamed -13.3034 ▁1899 -13.3034 ▁Pir -13.3037 ▁Elliot -13.3038 ▁sounding -13.304 (3 -13.3042 ▁CCC -13.3043 ▁attractiveness -13.3043 ▁Proud -13.3044 ▁resorted -13.3045 ▁Toxin -13.3045 ▁owl -13.3046 ▁unveil -13.3047 List -13.3047 Responsibilities -13.3048 ō -13.3048 ▁geospatial -13.3048 ▁lubrication -13.3048 ▁microcontroller -13.3048 ▁reputable -13.3048 ▁injuring -13.3048 ▁Trojan -13.3048 ▁Handjob -13.3048 ▁taboo -13.3048 313 -13.3049 ▁Dairy -13.3049 disaster -13.305 ▁CHO -13.305 ▁(28) -13.305 ▁Thousand -13.3051 liquid -13.3052 ▁famed -13.3052 financed -13.3052 ▁marvelous -13.3053 920 -13.3054 tner -13.3061 ulia -13.3061 express -13.3061 ▁endeavors -13.3062 ▁Mongol -13.3063 274 -13.3063 ▁pamphlet -13.3064 ▁pledging -13.3064 ▁spectral -13.3064 ▁overriding -13.3064 ▁Irving -13.3064 ▁edible -13.3064 ▁lurk -13.3064 ▁candid -13.3065 ▁POL -13.3066 ▁astronomer -13.3067 ▁Raja -13.3068 created -13.3069 ▁rocky -13.307 ▁Xie -13.307 ▁plaque -13.307 826 -13.3071 ▁filmmaker -13.3071 ▁Homo -13.3071 error -13.3071 ▁missionary -13.3071 ▁Christina -13.3072 ▁Balkan -13.3074 ▁unleashed -13.3075 mputation -13.3076 ▁Adapter -13.3076 ▁dys -13.3077 ▁Nico -13.3078 ▁Axe -13.3079 ▁Pork -13.3079 Á -13.308 ▁Elsewhere -13.308 ▁Utilities -13.308 ▁pronunciation -13.308 ▁torpedo -13.308 ▁bleak -13.308 ▁captivity -13.308 Thou -13.3081 contained -13.3081 negative -13.3081 ▁commentaries -13.3082 ▁(2017) -13.3082 ▁proportionality -13.3082 ▁Slack -13.3082 626 -13.3084 meric -13.3086 ▁244 -13.3089 ▁Chartered -13.3089 evich -13.309 ▁turnout -13.3091 Young -13.3092 ▁Couldn -13.3093 ▁Apostles -13.3093 ▁criminalized -13.3095 ▁pointless -13.3095 encia -13.3095 ▁softly -13.3095 ▁YES -13.3095 ▁guarantor -13.3095 ▁hesitant -13.3095 ▁persuasive -13.3095 ▁Crusade -13.3095 ▁averaging -13.3095 ▁rupture -13.3095 ▁Sandwich -13.3095 ▁coronary -13.3096 ▁Disorder -13.3097 ▁analogous -13.3098 fear -13.31 ▁implants -13.31 Sphere -13.3101 ▁striker -13.3101 351 -13.3101 /7/ -13.3103 ▁Quarterly -13.3106 cont -13.3107 ▁Reject -13.3107 Wire -13.3108 ▁knowingly -13.3108 ▁Shao -13.3109 ▁Vilnius -13.3111 ▁synchronization -13.3111 北 -13.3111 ▁Travis -13.3112 10-8 -13.3112 ▁insiders -13.3113 Register -13.3113 ▁(%) -13.3114 ▁050 -13.3115 ▁volcanoes -13.3115 ▁Mainstreaming -13.3116 558 -13.3116 enterprise -13.3117 ▁Xuan -13.3117 ▁voucher -13.3117 296 -13.3118 ▁quin -13.3122 ▁hull -13.3122 ▁DHA -13.3123 ▁Changsha -13.3123 389 -13.3123 ▁Allison -13.3123 ▁WR -13.3125 ▁Monsanto -13.3127 ▁sausage -13.3127 ▁stimuli -13.3127 ▁rediscover -13.3127 ▁Nigel -13.3128 ▁2008-2011 -13.3129 ▁TCM -13.3129 anja -13.313 acher -13.313 ▁Weapon -13.313 ▁265 -13.313 Network -13.3131 [19] -13.3131 ▁Taxes -13.3132 ▁Poe -13.3132 ▁Headquarter -13.3133 ▁Shia -13.3135 ▁Muse -13.3135 ▁Farmer -13.3136 ▁Saga -13.3136 ▁linger -13.3137 TRON -13.3137 question -13.3138 ▁Techniques -13.3138 ▁LIST -13.3139 RIN -13.314 :53 -13.3141 567 -13.3141 ▁GIF -13.3141 ▁fuelled -13.3142 ▁stats -13.3143 ▁turbulence -13.3143 ▁temperament -13.3143 ▁Kampala -13.3143 ▁Toocle -13.3143 SEL -13.3144 ▁Loving -13.3144 Girl -13.3145 ▁wilt -13.3146 ▁phenomenal -13.3146 ▁Correction -13.3146 ▁Radar -13.3148 teacher -13.3148 776 -13.3149 ▁Recorded -13.3149 ▁regenerate -13.315 ça -13.315 ▁Alberto -13.3153 ▁DATE -13.3153 ▁Deli -13.3153 ▁XVII -13.3155 shock -13.3158 357 -13.3158 ▁Biblical -13.3159 ▁affluent -13.3159 Pal -13.3159 ▁Pelosi -13.3159 ▁Django -13.3159 ▁Elijah -13.3159 ▁BACK -13.3159 ▁(1978) -13.316 ▁Audience -13.316 ▁CFO -13.316 ▁ERW -13.3162 ▁EXPO -13.3162 ▁Gym -13.3163 BOR -13.3163 ▁Liao -13.3164 ▁Segment -13.3165 ▁Tad -13.3166 afari -13.3166 creation -13.3166 ▁IRA -13.3168 litz -13.317 ▁IEA -13.3172 ▁Ramada -13.3173 ▁Polymer -13.3175 SEA -13.3175 ▁Scala -13.3175 ▁12.5 -13.3175 ▁glorified -13.3175 Los -13.3175 ▁bleach -13.3175 988 -13.3177 Convention -13.3177 ▁2035 -13.3178 ▁silo -13.3179 ▁Analyzer -13.318 villa -13.3181 ▁narrowing -13.3185 ▁dispense -13.3186 ▁eased -13.3187 prone -13.3187 ▁André -13.3188 Retired -13.3188 ▁Jab -13.3188 ▁Officially -13.3189 ▁pretended -13.3189 umming -13.319 ▁Kensington -13.3191 ▁Linguistic -13.3191 ▁Mikhail -13.3191 ▁anguish -13.3191 ▁goats -13.3191 ▁guardianship -13.3192 character -13.3193 London -13.3193 ▁caravan -13.3193 ▁GOP -13.3194 ▁Huan -13.3194 ▁colonel -13.3194 bright -13.3195 ▁fry -13.3195 ▁biologist -13.3197 ▁4.30 -13.3198 ▁uptake -13.3198 ▁revoke -13.3198 Bring -13.3199 ▁Stru -13.32 holm -13.3201 nite -13.3202 ▁dart -13.3202 ▁Kala -13.3203 027 -13.3203 ▁undo -13.3204 KER -13.3205 ▁halting -13.3207 ▁Operative -13.3207 ▁deviate -13.3207 ▁MTV -13.3207 ▁gamma -13.3207 ▁abusing -13.3208 ▁regimen -13.3209 ▁thinner -13.3209 ▁○ -13.321 ▁Intl -13.321 ▁BIM -13.3211 ▁picturesque -13.3211 igen -13.3211 ▁liner -13.3211 [18] -13.3213 568 -13.3213 ▁Elderly -13.3214 ▁aggravate -13.3214 monitoring -13.3215 015 -13.3216 ▁eu -13.3216 ▁Westin -13.3216 ▁Crow -13.3217 ▁thro -13.3218 ▁Particle -13.3218 ▁NL -13.3219 ▁overturned -13.3219 ▁Kali -13.3219 ATING -13.322 berger -13.3222 ▁Merit -13.3222 easy -13.3223 ▁publicized -13.3223 ulent -13.3223 ▁shack -13.3223 ▁Caspian -13.3223 ▁Luggage -13.3223 ▁Participating -13.3223 ▁Pousada -13.3223 ▁rallies -13.3223 ▁Allaah -13.3223 ▁Ethical -13.3223 ▁Spending -13.3224 ▁interlinked -13.3224 ▁GMP -13.3224 ▁pathetic -13.3225 ▁stamped -13.3225 ▁antivirus -13.3225 joint -13.3225 Change -13.3225 ▁Abkhaz -13.3226 ▁Lose -13.3228 Such -13.323 ▁DEC -13.323 ▁501 -13.323 ▁slate -13.3232 ▁signify -13.3232 venture -13.3232 ▁withhold -13.3232 protect -13.3233 822 -13.3233 ▁1848 -13.3234 Busy -13.3235 ▁richness -13.3235 ▁capitalization -13.3236 ▁CLA -13.3237 branded -13.3237 ▁resorting -13.3238 ▁Nebraska -13.3239 ▁ensemble -13.3239 ▁skyscraper -13.3239 ▁strenuous -13.3239 ngshan -13.324 ▁cardinal -13.3241 Qingdao -13.3241 ▁Biotech -13.3243 broad -13.3244 ▁hardened -13.3246 ▁intimidate -13.3246 592 -13.3249 ▁Drill -13.325 ▁swelling -13.3251 ▁brochures -13.3252 ▁HOT -13.3252 1800 -13.3252 ▁envisage -13.3253 ▁MATERIAL -13.3255 ▁acquitted -13.3255 ▁Beethoven -13.3255 887 -13.3255 ▁Snake -13.3255 ▁Julius -13.3256 slave -13.3256 ▁cosmos -13.3256 ▁Blank -13.3257 Thailand -13.3257 ▁peacemaking -13.3259 ▁wickedness -13.326 ▁1996) -13.326 ▁Chuang -13.326 much -13.3261 ▁handover -13.3262 ▁runtime -13.3263 /62/7 -13.3266 ▁backlash -13.3266 better -13.3268 ▁Losing -13.3271 ▁MCU -13.3271 ▁Cylinder -13.3271 ▁Miscellaneous -13.3271 ▁scrutinize -13.3271 兰 -13.3271 ▁INTERPOL -13.3271 ▁raining -13.3272 ▁snapped -13.3272 ▁Traveling -13.3272 ▁heirs -13.3272 ▁patriarchal -13.3273 Ya -13.3273 Executive -13.3273 washing -13.3274 ▁fearless -13.3275 adjusted -13.3276 printing -13.3276 /37 -13.3277 ▁Importantly -13.3278 desk -13.3278 Dan -13.3279 ▁stumble -13.3279 ▁Cong -13.3279 ▁bowel -13.328 ▁enriching -13.3281 ▁($7 -13.3283 ▁expedited -13.3283 ▁63/1 -13.3286 ▁Emphasis -13.3288 ▁Raspberry -13.3288 ▁hypotheses -13.3288 ▁quadrennial -13.3288 ▁rebellious -13.3288 ▁Incentive -13.3288 ▁separator -13.3288 ▁KM -13.3288 ▁unstructured -13.3288 ▁heighten -13.3289 community -13.329 judge -13.329 ▁Writers -13.329 ▁Contra -13.329 ▁Nikon -13.3291 ▁Owners -13.3291 Donnell -13.3292 ▁Drew -13.3292 9.5 -13.3292 ▁tenant -13.3293 clusion -13.3295 ▁workspace -13.3295 ▁rover -13.3296 ▁Aki -13.3297 ▁Finch -13.3298 ▁abolishing -13.3298 ▁Focusing -13.33 317 -13.33 axial -13.3304 ▁ancestry -13.3304 ▁applause -13.3304 ▁devoid -13.3304 ▁vodka -13.3304 ▁Bentley -13.3304 ▁Cowboy -13.3304 ▁Meditation -13.3304 ▁Cancellation -13.3304 minator -13.3305 ▁2004/05 -13.3305 ▁Hap -13.3306 ▁homeowners -13.3306 campus -13.3307 object -13.3308 guchi -13.331 ▁Hundred -13.331 ▁Ev -13.3312 ▁deducted -13.3312 ▁moderately -13.3312 lute -13.3312 ▁BAN -13.3313 UNAIDS -13.3314 ▁Authentic -13.3319 ▁Attach -13.332 ▁Wilhelm -13.332 主 -13.332 ▁migrating -13.332 ▁depressing -13.332 ▁yöu -13.332 ▁11.30 -13.332 ▁Hitachi -13.332 ▁pearls -13.3322 Message -13.3322 scientific -13.3322 ▁Buddy -13.3322 Resolution -13.3322 ▁Gol -13.3323 ▁SMART -13.3327 conv -13.3327 DEX -13.3328 [20] -13.3328 ▁Gibb -13.3331 luck -13.3332 ▁Karabakh -13.3332 JO -13.3332 ▁Shine -13.3333 igno -13.3333 ▁quiz -13.3333 ▁VW -13.3333 ▁rang -13.3335 optional -13.3336 SOL -13.3336 ▁Symantec -13.3336 ▁Vanessa -13.3336 ▁diarrhea -13.3336 ▁staircase -13.3336 ▁surcharge -13.3336 ▁Telegram -13.3336 ▁spindle -13.3336 ▁unspecified -13.3337 ▁hassle -13.3337 ▁Pledge -13.3338 É -13.3338 网站 -13.3338 recognized -13.3338 chal -13.3339 expert -13.3339 ▁Fir -13.3339 359 -13.334 ▁2/3 -13.3342 yad -13.3343 ▁Saharan -13.3344 independent -13.3346 ▁LIVE -13.3346 ▁NAS -13.3347 ▁addicts -13.3349 builder -13.335 moo -13.3352 267 -13.3352 ▁Nvidia -13.3352 ▁Socrates -13.3352 ▁Digest -13.3352 最 -13.3352 ▁Scrum -13.3356 ▁Bayer -13.3356 ▁Palma -13.3356 ▁bondage -13.3357 ▁aroused -13.3359 ▁MAP -13.3359 ▁$37 -13.3359 ▁《 -13.3359 ▁overturn -13.336 ▁rollout -13.3361 网址 -13.3362 ▁hooked -13.3362 506 -13.3363 zaki -13.3365 ▁unlawfully -13.3365 ▁familiarity -13.3366 ▁HAN -13.3367 309 -13.3369 不 -13.3369 ▁plummet -13.3369 ▁Stephanie -13.3369 Finland -13.3371 according -13.3371 [12] -13.3371 Tube -13.3371 ▁Salmon -13.3371 nip -13.3372 829 -13.3372 fir -13.3373 OUT -13.3373 Frank -13.3373 ▁mastered -13.3374 ▁HIM -13.3376 ▁characterised -13.3376 ün -13.3378 ▁bots -13.3379 ▁Nai -13.3379 ▁Seeking -13.3379 NEY -13.3379 aï -13.338 ▁disconnected -13.338 Programme -13.3381 ▁[6] -13.3381 ▁Hacker -13.3382 Christ -13.3385 ▁handicap -13.3385 ▁Tsinghua -13.3385 ▁agrarian -13.3385 ▁fiancé -13.3385 ▁satisfies -13.3385 ▁Punjab -13.3385 ▁▪ -13.3385 ▁Minecraft -13.3385 ▁Unicode -13.3385 ▁limitless -13.3386 executive -13.3387 /98 -13.3389 ▁Authorized -13.3389 ▁Relay -13.339 ▁430 -13.3391 gian -13.3392 gross -13.3392 ▁warmest -13.3394 ▁smashed -13.3395 ▁Graph -13.3396 uto -13.3396 869 -13.3397 VISION -13.3398 ▁Fog -13.3398 ▁Herb -13.3399 HQ -13.3399 879 -13.3401 early -13.3401 ▁Dignity -13.3401 ▁biochemical -13.3402 ▁Hiro -13.3402 ▁90,000 -13.3402 ▁Jeep -13.3403 Ukraine -13.3404 assisted -13.3404 ▁conductivity -13.3404 853 -13.3405 ▁Harley -13.3405 ▁Plane -13.3406 ▁feathers -13.3406 9.0 -13.3407 ▁screamed -13.3407 ▁Sq -13.3407 ▁Yuri -13.3408 ▁RESERVE -13.3415 ▁Hulu -13.3415 ▁ecommerce -13.3415 ▁Trotsky -13.3418 ▁Danube -13.3418 ▁reusable -13.3418 ▁TRIPS -13.3418 ▁Lumin -13.3419 ▁PLAN -13.3419 086 -13.3419 ▁doorway -13.3419 ▁crave -13.3419 443 -13.342 Plurinational -13.342 flex -13.3421 phrase -13.3421 ▁Torch -13.3422 ▁modu -13.3423 ▁236 -13.3423 ▁Nantong -13.3423 516 -13.3424 ▁Turing -13.3424 669 -13.3425 ▁0% -13.3428 XXVI -13.3429 ▁MAG -13.3429 ▁Retro -13.343 778 -13.3431 ▁Polytechnic -13.3431 Current -13.3432 ▁SNA -13.3432 ▁cautiously -13.3434 ▁Compressor -13.3434 ▁Uyghur -13.3434 ▁Escort -13.3434 ▁Toulouse -13.3434 ▁Cryptocurrency -13.3434 ▁megawatts -13.3434 ▁Tasmania -13.3434 ▁GREAT -13.3434 ▁Abbey -13.3435 ▁orgasm -13.3435 UH -13.3438 ▁inhibitors -13.3438 otel -13.344 ▁occupants -13.344 ▁MAY -13.3441 ▁Hick -13.3441 ▁clinically -13.3441 ▁peek -13.3442 ▁personalised -13.3443 2-3 -13.3443 483 -13.3443 ▁10000 -13.3444 omatic -13.3445 Brand -13.3446 ▁pediatric -13.3447 qin -13.3448 ▁Pte -13.3448 Hold -13.3448 ▁Publish -13.3449 ▁Stor -13.3449 cou -13.345 υ -13.3451 ▁Mugabe -13.3451 ▁PEOPLE -13.3451 ▁unnecessarily -13.3451 ▁unutilized -13.3451 ▁theatrical -13.3451 ▁Smooth -13.3451 ▁Rouhani -13.3451 ▁agility -13.3451 rust -13.3452 actor -13.3452 relevant -13.3453 ▁Georgetown -13.3453 imposed -13.3454 ▁Anger -13.3454 ▁intensely -13.3454 fitting -13.3454 ▁fungi -13.3454 ▁Returning -13.3454 Peter -13.3455 ▁249 -13.3455 ▁Aziz -13.3456 dominated -13.3456 ▁transcription -13.3457 4.7 -13.3457 ▁Delight -13.346 ▁shatter -13.346 WB -13.3461 ▁Pax -13.3462 ▁Gibson -13.3467 ▁misguided -13.3467 ▁Saigon -13.3467 mainly -13.3468 ▁unloading -13.3468 ▁filthy -13.3468 ▁donkey -13.3469 bab -13.3469 ▁har -13.3469 ▁slaughtered -13.3469 Department -13.3469 PRODUCT -13.3469 kyo -13.347 ▁debug -13.347 freedom -13.3471 ▁Blogger -13.3472 ▁retina -13.3472 ▁handler -13.3474 valent -13.3474 grant -13.3476 422 -13.3476 Case -13.3476 ▁Homer -13.3477 528 -13.3477 051 -13.3478 ifiable -13.3479 ▁emphasised -13.3479 ▁1、 -13.3483 reservation -13.3483 ▁Hazard -13.3483 ▁Nottingham -13.3483 ▁comparability -13.3483 ▁unbearable -13.3483 ▁Sheffield -13.3483 ▁nascent -13.3483 ▁lavish -13.3484 ▁vegan -13.3484 ▁choir -13.3484 402 -13.3485 ▁undercover -13.3486 Philippines -13.3486 zawa -13.3486 lander -13.3486 ▁dictated -13.3486 different -13.3487 ï -13.3488 ▁305 -13.3491 ▁installment -13.3492 283 -13.3494 ▁Arma -13.3494 ▁Tough -13.3495 ▁Aged -13.3497 ▁Tina -13.3497 ▁Choi -13.3497 ▁Refrigeration -13.35 ▁descriptive -13.35 ▁WATER -13.35 ▁microscopic -13.3501 ▁Reaction -13.3501 ▁Forgiveness -13.3501 Search -13.3502 female -13.3502 ▁transact -13.3503 ▁suppressing -13.3503 ▁Pillar -13.3504 SHA -13.3505 ▁Renew -13.3505 ▁、 -13.3505 ▁fixtures -13.3505 968 -13.3506 ▁Tay -13.3507 htm -13.3508 314 -13.3508 ▁Whale -13.3508 ▁drunken -13.3509 846 -13.3509 crime -13.3509 ▁err -13.351 ▁Apt -13.3511 ▁Kno -13.3511 ▁trousers -13.3511 ▁unmet -13.3511 Jack -13.3515 ▁Organize -13.3515 ▁Vila -13.3516 ▁Vita -13.3516 ▁Dirty -13.3517 ▁Olivia -13.3517 英 -13.3517 ▁pianist -13.3517 HZ -13.3517 ▁Parc -13.3517 ▁Broken -13.3517 ▁tumble -13.3517 /1995/ -13.3518 width -13.3519 igne -13.3519 ▁grin -13.3519 Indian -13.352 ▁POST -13.3521 ▁Completely -13.3521 14001 -13.3522 ▁depot -13.3522 Center -13.3522 ▁TECH -13.3524 ▁Regina -13.3525 ▁Scotia -13.3526 ▁deliberation -13.3526 ▁raging -13.3527 ▁Braun -13.3529 ▁Regulator -13.353 ▁$1.4 -13.3531 ▁(2005 -13.3531 Bal -13.3531 ARA -13.3531 ▁Barber -13.3532 ▁Affordable -13.3533 ▁Byzantine -13.3533 ▁Fukushima -13.3533 ▁remediation -13.3533 ▁Lombard -13.3533 ▁aerosol -13.3533 ▁hover -13.3533 ▁unduly -13.3533 ▁relics -13.3533 】【 -13.3533 ▁Esther -13.3534 ▁Nope -13.3534 ▁substation -13.3534 ▁oppressive -13.3535 ▁Penalty -13.3536 Ye -13.3537 ▁Cay -13.3537 4.4 -13.3538 currently -13.3539 ▁lime -13.3539 activated -13.3541 ▁Bam -13.3542 ▁BAT -13.3543 ▁Arrangement -13.3543 ▁Porn -13.3543 lectromechanical -13.3545 406 -13.3548 ▁footballer -13.3549 CEO -13.3549 ▁elapsed -13.355 ▁Cindy -13.355 ▁Sponge -13.355 ▁stifle -13.355 ▁Libraries -13.355 ▁shipyard -13.3551 owners -13.3551 ▁uneasy -13.3551 ▁organising -13.3551 ▁gadgets -13.3551 guin -13.3552 7-8 -13.3552 ▁Jewel -13.3553 ▁Skill -13.3554 ▁eternally -13.3556 ▁synchronized -13.3556 ▁3/4 -13.3556 ▁condone -13.3556 ▁taller -13.3556 ▁dominating -13.3558 ▁Rape -13.3558 wk -13.3559 doing -13.356 ▁endangering -13.356 736 -13.3561 ▁Goma -13.3563 ▁Peri -13.3565 ▁Guangxi -13.3566 ▁Samantha -13.3566 ▁emancipation -13.3566 ▁enquired -13.3566 ▁recyclable -13.3566 ▁requisition -13.3566 ▁hum -13.3566 ▁groove -13.3566 ▁hydroelectric -13.3567 CCW -13.3567 ▁REM -13.3568 expenditure -13.3569 Implementation -13.3569 Speed -13.3569 ▁Rak -13.357 ▁guarding -13.357 ▁RPG -13.357 UCK -13.357 503 -13.3571 plication -13.3572 ▁Brett -13.3572 ▁973 -13.3573 ▁subscribed -13.3573 ▁$33 -13.3574 ▁Hansen -13.3575 ▁Launches -13.3576 dark -13.3577 385 -13.3578 rocket -13.3578 /59/5 -13.3579 nou -13.3582 3.7 -13.3582 ▁prematurely -13.3583 ▁Gardner -13.3583 ▁ordained -13.3583 ▁sacrificing -13.3583 ▁frighten -13.3583 ▁Occasionally -13.3583 ▁fringe -13.3584 ▁Khal -13.3585 Atlantic -13.3585 Standard -13.3586 ticket -13.3586 ▁depicts -13.3588 ▁Zin -13.359 ▁Crash -13.3591 ▁installer -13.3591 ▁34% -13.3595 ▁Lon -13.3598 ▁[12 -13.3598 ▁Nuremberg -13.36 ▁Technician -13.36 ▁eloquent -13.36 ▁Assignment -13.36 合 -13.36 ▁miscarriage -13.36 ▁Accurate -13.36 ▁Laptop -13.36 ▁Toolkit -13.36 ▁Curtain -13.36 ▁unbalanced -13.3601 finished -13.3601 regulated -13.3601 ▁410 -13.3602 ▁plantation -13.3603 338 -13.3603 ▁interrogated -13.3603 ▁288 -13.3603 919 -13.3606 ▁Kri -13.3607 ▁Malaga -13.3607 0.6 -13.3608 ▁Infinity -13.3609 ▁29% -13.3611 ▁disguised -13.3611 284 -13.3612 ▁surpluses -13.3612 100% -13.3613 /2016 -13.3614 ▁Continent -13.3614 ▁fortunately -13.3616 ▁Maltese -13.3616 CouponCode -13.3616 ▁divergent -13.3616 ▁Girlfriend -13.3617 ▁traceability -13.3618 ▁Maxwell -13.3618 Obviously -13.3619 ▁Demon -13.3619 ▁chased -13.3622 ▁Elvis -13.3622 ▁blacklist -13.3623 ▁KG -13.3623 ▁adorn -13.3623 Pop -13.3625 /6) -13.3626 ▁rotor -13.3626 878 -13.3626 ▁fugitive -13.3627 ▁directories -13.3628 ▁exponential -13.3628 Clean -13.3629 ▁SOL -13.363 ▁Rodríguez -13.3633 ▁Vampire -13.3633 ▁Jesuit -13.3633 ▁Nexus -13.3634 casting -13.3634 charging -13.3636 ▁Danger -13.3636 ▁punk -13.3638 join -13.3638 ▁aiding -13.3638 ▁Champ -13.3638 ▁Rene -13.364 ▁Chairmen -13.3643 ▁illuminated -13.3643 release -13.3643 ▁Crossing -13.3644 faced -13.3645 bull -13.3646 ▁Universit -13.3646 hei -13.3648 ▁ECONOMIC -13.365 ▁Hannover -13.365 ▁Refrigerator -13.365 ▁Theoretical -13.365 ▁sluggish -13.365 ▁centimeters -13.365 ▁ripple -13.365 ▁waving -13.365 ▁pedal -13.365 ▁Permission -13.3651 ▁17,000 -13.3651 529 -13.3652 theme -13.3652 ▁2016-2017 -13.3652 ▁Woody -13.3653 ▁Haram -13.3653 hurst -13.3654 ▁strait -13.3654 MDB -13.3654 ▁english -13.3656 ▁Founding -13.3657 885 -13.3657 poll -13.3658 ▁Nana -13.3659 ▁243 -13.366 ▁0755 -13.3661 ▁reducer -13.3661 ▁46% -13.3661 orbit -13.3662 ▁fixture -13.3662 ▁chlor -13.3664 ▁Constantinople -13.3667 ▁Precise -13.3667 ▁bombardment -13.3667 ▁tyrant -13.3667 ▁Viktor -13.3667 ▁Recipe -13.3667 ▁Leak -13.3667 ▁Tate -13.3667 ▁squadron -13.3667 ▁convertible -13.3668 ▁Binary -13.3669 ▁mileage -13.3669 ▁Tension -13.367 destructive -13.367 ▁bravery -13.367 ▁Massive -13.367 ▁slander -13.3675 378 -13.3675 ▁desist -13.3676 ▁Berry -13.3676 ▁waived -13.3677 ▁Comedy -13.3678 ▁feather -13.3679 3.8 -13.3681 246 -13.3681 ▁neuron -13.3681 ▁bestow -13.3683 +20 -13.3683 ▁Dresden -13.3683 ▁Ultrasonic -13.3683 ▁heterosexual -13.3683 ▁decimal -13.3683 ▁spear -13.3683 ▁Chandra -13.3684 cion -13.3684 ▁LGBTQ -13.3684 +2 -13.3685 ▁315 -13.3685 ▁ppm -13.3686 ▁reconsideration -13.3686 ▁Dora -13.3686 Electronic -13.3686 ▁extractive -13.3686 ▁inspirational -13.3686 ▁brutally -13.3687 rix -13.3687 012 -13.3688 ▁exiting -13.3688 Guard -13.3689 ▁sailed -13.3689 /1999 -13.369 ▁contextual -13.3691 haul -13.3692 nza -13.3692 ▁Greenhouse -13.3692 ▁restraining -13.3694 ▁tru -13.37 ▁Forbidden -13.37 ▁Neptune -13.37 ▁Rupee -13.37 ▁turbulent -13.37 ▁Kafka -13.37 ▁equities -13.37 ▁detergent -13.37 ▁NEED -13.3701 ▁surgeries -13.3701 ▁Penang -13.3702 ▁wretched -13.3702 ▁marshal -13.3702 ▁fend -13.3703 Nanjing -13.3703 population -13.3703 401 -13.3705 ▁Ending -13.3707 BX -13.3708 ▁Mig -13.3708 Given -13.3708 ppel -13.3709 ▁Medic -13.371 ▁interns -13.371 ▁ridge -13.3712 ▁tankers -13.3714 creating -13.3716 件 -13.3717 ▁endorsing -13.3717 ▁revolving -13.3717 nbsp -13.3717 ▁Charging -13.3718 ▁Greenwich -13.3718 ▁NEVER -13.3718 SIL -13.3718 ▁Ninety -13.3719 ▁247 -13.3719 ▁Lawn -13.372 ▁flammable -13.3721 ▁maize -13.3721 PVC -13.3722 ▁Router -13.3722 ▁yielding -13.3722 ▁vomiting -13.3724 ▁communicable -13.3725 ▁enlighten -13.3726 ▁orphaned -13.3729 ▁canyon -13.3729 Jet -13.373 ▁pap -13.3731 ▁520 -13.3732 ▁Connor -13.3733 à -13.3734 ▁Spectrum -13.3734 ▁accommodating -13.3734 ▁corroborate -13.3734 ▁scramble -13.3734 ▁simplifies -13.3734 美 -13.3734 开 -13.3734 ▁EVERY -13.3734 ▁equator -13.3734 peng -13.3734 ▁Auditorium -13.3734 ▁Distinguished -13.3735 ▁MED -13.3736 ▁MN -13.3736 334 -13.3737 Sheikh -13.3737 Whoever -13.3737 ▁therefrom -13.3739 ▁synthesize -13.3742 pod -13.3744 ▁overrun -13.3744 GAAP -13.3744 ▁mistakenly -13.3747 415 -13.3748 MEX -13.3749 ▁39% -13.375 ▁Minneapolis -13.3751 ▁Procedural -13.3751 ▁determinants -13.3751 ▁IKEA -13.3751 hack -13.3751 ▁Poison -13.3751 ouch -13.3752 ▁consumables -13.3752 ▁rivalry -13.3753 ▁1889 -13.3754 Happy -13.3754 ▁mastery -13.3755 ▁Hollow -13.3755 ATED -13.3755 ▁paused -13.3759 ardi -13.3759 lost -13.376 ▁chic -13.3762 (1)( -13.3762 descendant -13.3762 cule -13.3764 reporting -13.3765 ▁Huai -13.3766 ▁crow -13.3767 VAN -13.3767 016 -13.3767 ▁Ingredients -13.3768 ▁Somerset -13.3768 ▁archiving -13.3768 ▁dissipate -13.3768 ▁dubious -13.3768 ShenZhen -13.3768 ▁flexibly -13.3768 EEN -13.3768 ▁Connectivity -13.3768 Tom -13.3768 ▁scalp -13.3769 spoon -13.3769 ▁Mist -13.3769 Management -13.3771 colour -13.3771 Request -13.3771 ▁Esca -13.3771 ▁abruptly -13.3771 ▁Masa -13.3773 ▁sweating -13.3774 ▁infertility -13.3775 ▁Ober -13.3778 ▁starters -13.3779 wild -13.3779 hope -13.378 ▁Huge -13.378 ▁smallholder -13.378 Latin -13.378 ▁31% -13.378 ▁(32) -13.3781 ▁440 -13.3781 ▁Engage -13.3781 809 -13.3782 ▁(...) -13.3782 ▁vows -13.3783 ▁Auschwitz -13.3785 ▁Kurdistan -13.3785 ▁Twice -13.3785 ▁disobedience -13.3785 ▁reassuring -13.3785 ▁Miranda -13.3785 exist -13.3786 ▁Rei -13.3786 ▁CX -13.3787 ▁UCLA -13.3788 ▁Wechat -13.379 output -13.3791 fax -13.3792 ▁WIRE -13.3792 998 -13.3793 ▁Sz -13.3793 ▁repel -13.3793 ▁Naked -13.3794 ▁229 -13.3794 ▁1,700 -13.3795 ▁blaze -13.3798 fel -13.3798 ▁1865 -13.38 ▁60/251 -13.3802 ▁Fukuoka -13.3802 ▁continuum -13.3802 ▁Indebted -13.3802 ▁Heavily -13.3802 代 -13.3802 ▁Benchmark -13.3802 ▁Istio -13.3802 ▁Lund -13.3804 Corporate -13.3805 ▁toddler -13.3805 ▁Celtic -13.3805 ▁Tracy -13.3806 ▁forfeit -13.3807 ▁Darkness -13.3807 ▁BIO -13.3808 282 -13.3809 ikh -13.3812 ▁creatively -13.3813 math -13.3814 ▁Absolute -13.3814 ▁arresting -13.3814 ▁BOOK -13.3818 Lib -13.3818 ▁Marking -13.3818 ▁Gothenburg -13.3819 ▁Reliability -13.3819 ▁anticipating -13.3819 ▁immovable -13.3819 ▁biomarker -13.3819 ▁Melissa -13.3819 ▁nanotechnology -13.3819 ▁Dhaka -13.3819 ▁Hoffman -13.3819 ▁Bulk -13.382 ▁258 -13.3821 availability -13.3822 ▁motorway -13.3822 ▁swath -13.3822 ▁helm -13.3823 eiro -13.3823 ▁presses -13.3823 MAT -13.3823 Tianjin -13.3823 ▁congresses -13.3825 ▁spontaneously -13.3827 PCS -13.3828 aeus -13.3829 ngzhou -13.3829 618 -13.3831 ▁Scholar -13.3832 ▁Alexis -13.3832 ▁Inform -13.3832 ubi -13.3834 ▁evaporate -13.3836 ▁hindrance -13.3836 ▁Regime -13.3836 ▁innovating -13.3836 ▁serum -13.3836 ▁webcam -13.3836 OTE -13.3837 ▁Folder -13.3837 anni -13.3838 ▁Anywhere -13.3838 ▁detract -13.3839 ▁lush -13.3839 ▁Wrap -13.3839 425 -13.3841 ▁Fourthly -13.3844 expo -13.3846 ▁Brock -13.3846 fiber -13.3847 boss -13.3849 representation -13.385 invent -13.385 ▁dimensional -13.3853 ▁Emerald -13.3853 ▁Honolulu -13.3853 ▁Revitalization -13.3853 ▁locomotive -13.3853 东 -13.3853 ▁Posada -13.3853 ▁$38 -13.3853 ▁craving -13.3853 383 -13.3853 ▁opiate -13.3853 ▁appraise -13.3854 ▁laborers -13.3854 ▁WHY -13.3855 6.0 -13.3855 ▁donating -13.3856 Malvinas -13.3856 piracy -13.3856 Assad -13.3856 Another -13.3857 Partner -13.3858 ▁Bron -13.3858 ▁mushrooms -13.3859 ▁Vine -13.3859 opti -13.3861 ▁Loved -13.3861 ▁7.8 -13.3862 ▁Parisian -13.3862 429 -13.3862 VAL -13.3863 ▁abstained -13.3864 Text -13.3865 ▁WAR -13.3866 safety -13.3867 hydro -13.3867 372 -13.3867 ▁atheist -13.3867 task -13.3869 ▁Receiving -13.387 ▁fragility -13.387 ▁neutron -13.387 ▁Milestone -13.3871 ▁Vermont -13.3871 ▁Multinational -13.3872 ▁Percy -13.3872 686 -13.3873 539 -13.3873 ▁SHOP -13.3873 ▁Pilate -13.3873 ▁UNDER -13.3873 ▁1896 -13.3874 ▁Haz -13.3876 iye -13.3877 ▁crashing -13.3879 Alex -13.3883 ▁263 -13.3883 Trust -13.3884 ▁Gerard -13.3884 gonal -13.3884 ▁Charm -13.3886 ▁antigen -13.3886 Jing -13.3887 ▁Integral -13.3887 ▁Zagreb -13.3887 ▁netizens -13.3887 ▁veterinarian -13.3887 ▁Antoine -13.3887 ▁TRADE -13.3887 ▁cryptography -13.3887 ▁Transparent -13.3888 udo -13.3888 ▁coincided -13.389 conferencing -13.389 inspired -13.389 ▁$20,000 -13.3891 physi -13.3892 ▁rigorously -13.3893 ▁american -13.3896 Gui -13.3896 urable -13.3897 lower -13.3898 ▁mislead -13.3899 ▁dissidents -13.3904 ▁Disciplinary -13.3904 ▁Savannah -13.3904 ▁Versailles -13.3904 ▁exodus -13.3904 ▁propagation -13.3904 ▁annotated -13.3904 ▁Fiction -13.3905 ▁Modified -13.3905 ▁Shrine -13.3905 ▁casing -13.3905 556 -13.3905 ▁marching -13.3905 ▁Linked -13.3905 ▁pluck -13.3906 ▁reboot -13.3906 Could -13.3907 ▁WELL -13.3908 ▁politic -13.3909 rini -13.391 loid -13.3911 /8/ -13.3912 787 -13.3915 ▁$36 -13.3916 ▁Jungle -13.3919 ▁#4 -13.3919 ▁Somehow -13.392 winner -13.3921 ▁Farewell -13.3922 ▁Griffin -13.3922 ▁Literary -13.3922 ▁apprehension -13.3922 ▁excerpt -13.3922 ▁cryptographic -13.3922 ▁unpopular -13.3922 ▁Jeju -13.3922 ▁humbled -13.3923 gata -13.3923 runner -13.3925 ▁Naqurah -13.3925 ▁functionalities -13.3925 Having -13.3928 ▁Vera -13.3928 ▁wiser -13.3928 ▁Refine -13.3929 rach -13.3931 leigh -13.3931 ▁mainstreamed -13.3931 ▁$1.1 -13.3932 monthly -13.3932 URA -13.3932 775 -13.3933 Color -13.3933 ▁251 -13.3935 abri -13.3935 ▁Sig -13.3936 mostly -13.3936 ▁nineteen -13.3936 owitz -13.3937 ▁reopening -13.3939 ا -13.3939 ▁twitter -13.3939 介 -13.3939 ▁WHERE -13.3939 ▁Bubble -13.3939 ▁Counsellor -13.3939 dip -13.394 ▁moist -13.394 migration -13.3941 infected -13.3941 ▁secretaries -13.3942 ▁Wii -13.3942 ▁Trusted -13.3942 vince -13.3942 trend -13.3943 839 -13.3945 ▁bodyguard -13.3945 ▁Partial -13.3946 ▁naturalization -13.3948 395 -13.3948 ▁303 -13.3949 ▁priv -13.3949 uja -13.395 Travel -13.3951 ▁FAR -13.3953 pou -13.3954 ▁Invalid -13.3955 ▁schema -13.3955 tracking -13.3955 ▁Catalyst -13.3956 ▁chromium -13.3956 ▁conciliator -13.3956 ▁deluxe -13.3956 ▁intestinal -13.3956 ▁unthinkable -13.3956 ▁compost -13.3957 ▁proponents -13.3958 ▁Resume -13.3958 ▁incursions -13.3959 eze -13.3959 Personal -13.3959 RMB -13.396 Sudan -13.396 ▁Poster -13.396 ▁Fidel -13.396 ▁grandpa -13.3961 696 -13.3961 637 -13.3961 Unless -13.3962 mean -13.3962 ▁crowned -13.3963 ▁Webb -13.3963 ▁unlocked -13.3965 Costa -13.3966 ▁squat -13.3966 ▁[7] -13.3967 FORM -13.3968 ▁Printed -13.3968 ▁Bale -13.3969 ▁pivot -13.3971 fluorocarbons -13.3973 ▁Enabling -13.3973 ▁Sanctuary -13.3973 ▁Survivor -13.3973 ▁insomnia -13.3973 ▁practising -13.3973 ▁prefecture -13.3973 明 -13.3973 ▁Doubt -13.3974 ▁Displaced -13.3974 ▁audiovisual -13.3974 ▁tempo -13.3975 ▁untrue -13.3975 ▁worshipped -13.3976 ▁Voyager -13.3977 ▁meteorite -13.3977 ▁Khalifa -13.3978 extra -13.3978 ▁Witt -13.3978 ▁Gum -13.3979 continu -13.398 Behold -13.3981 ▁Mort -13.3981 ▁Haley -13.3983 636 -13.3984 ▁Sending -13.3984 ▁motel -13.3986 ▁Maple -13.3986 Really -13.3988 ▁fuss -13.3989 ▁hunted -13.399 ▁MongoDB -13.3991 山 -13.3991 ▁Incorporated -13.3991 ▁Krishna -13.3991 ▁staging -13.3991 ▁saddle -13.3991 ITIES -13.3991 ▁Accessibility -13.3992 ▁Underlining -13.3992 ▁embargoes -13.3992 pf -13.3993 407 -13.3993 589 -13.3993 ▁Mister -13.3994 angling -13.3996 ▁Awarded -13.3997 465 -13.3997 088 -13.3997 ▁channelled -13.3998 ▁│ -13.3998 ▁Spell -13.3998 ▁EDI -13.3999 ▁tempting -13.3999 ▁transcript -13.4 launch -13.4003 ▁Enrique -13.4008 ▁Facilitate -13.4008 ▁Montgomery -13.4008 ▁bladder -13.4008 ▁cafeteria -13.4008 ▁sophistication -13.4008 ▁squirrel -13.4008 ▁unmatched -13.4008 哥 -13.4008 ▁intolerable -13.4008 ▁smear -13.4008 ▁falter -13.4009 ▁lipid -13.4009 ▁monumental -13.401 (4 -13.4011 ▁java -13.4012 ▁Lanta -13.4013 ▁Remarks -13.4014 ▁spiritually -13.4015 ▁manifestly -13.4015 ▁CSA -13.4016 pong -13.4016 ▁transferable -13.4022 ▁$1.6 -13.4022 ▁THERE -13.4024 ▁Margin -13.4024 ▁Defenders -13.4025 ▁Neighbor -13.4025 ▁Combining -13.4026 ▁Constituent -13.4026 ▁Monroe -13.4026 ▁repositories -13.4026 ▁suffrage -13.4026 他 -13.4026 ▁Twist -13.4026 ▁Clayton -13.4026 ▁transcripts -13.4027 sensor -13.4027 ▁whisky -13.4028 538 -13.4028 ▁suitability -13.4028 experience -13.4029 Portugal -13.4029 Whether -13.4029 ▁acne -13.4029 ▁TRAC -13.4029 LIC -13.403 819 -13.403 machi -13.4031 ician -13.4031 amino -13.4031 ▁ISIL -13.4032 loading -13.4033 ▁Solve -13.4033 ▁unborn -13.4034 /96 -13.4035 ▁Latvian -13.4036 ▁sip -13.4036 ▁slain -13.4037 BASE -13.4037 ▁encode -13.4038 ▁docking -13.404 ▁victimization -13.4041 ▁Swi -13.4041 ▁Approx -13.4043 ▁GLOBAL -13.4043 ▁Nagoya -13.4043 ▁hormonal -13.4043 ▁levied -13.4043 ▁Gothic -13.4043 ▁babysitting -13.4043 ▁nicknamed -13.4044 ▁dispel -13.4044 ▁Pardon -13.4044 ▁Foundry -13.4044 construct -13.4044 idge -13.4045 important -13.4046 vad -13.4046 Wuxi -13.4046 Ethiopia -13.4046 ▁erupt -13.4047 Eye -13.4047 ▁Ortho -13.405 maybe -13.405 ▁Expertise -13.405 ORE -13.4051 ▁Lok -13.4052 598 -13.4053 ▁47% -13.4059 Dad -13.406 ▁Cortana -13.406 ▁wrought -13.406 ▁Forthcoming -13.406 ▁foodstuffs -13.406 方 -13.406 ▁FPGA -13.4061 ▁reappear -13.4063 ▁postponement -13.4063 ▁GPL -13.4064 ▁affliction -13.4066 wah -13.4067 ▁上海 -13.4067 ▁vanity -13.4067 ▁Swim -13.4067 ▁Cub -13.4068 application -13.4069 ▁Filip -13.4071 berlin -13.4071 sourcing -13.4071 816 -13.4074 ▁Proliferation -13.4075 /62/3 -13.4076 ▁hawk -13.4078 ▁Destiny -13.4078 ▁Humidity -13.4078 ▁Laguna -13.4078 ▁WB -13.4078 ▁fintech -13.4078 ▁Moor -13.408 ▁kitchenware -13.408 ▁patrolling -13.4081 ▁Banner -13.4081 Machine -13.4081 tainment -13.4083 ▁Yar -13.4083 ▁253 -13.4084 ▁Undertake -13.4084 ▁bald -13.4084 ▁[8] -13.4085 ▁Muk -13.4087 ▁97% -13.4089 ▁axes -13.4091 ▁MOD -13.4091 ▁Regis -13.4092 ibble -13.4093 toria -13.4094 ▁Jacket -13.4094 ▁Balcony -13.4095 ▁admirable -13.4095 ▁quadruple -13.4095 ▁mosaic -13.4095 ▁ERA -13.4096 ▁concessional -13.4097 ▁slipping -13.4097 ▁Siena -13.4098 ▁Gucci -13.4098 ▁theorem -13.4099 ▁1898 -13.4099 ▁apprehended -13.41 Medical -13.4101 ▁analytic -13.4103 ▁Shane -13.4104 ▁Freeman -13.4104 ▁Alta -13.4109 ▁housework -13.4109 ▁entertained -13.4111 FUL -13.4111 ▁Indies -13.4111 ▁Obligations -13.4112 ▁Kindergarten -13.4113 ▁fascism -13.4113 ▁scaffold -13.4113 ▁sprinkle -13.4113 ▁forklift -13.4113 ▁misinterpret -13.4113 ▁Midnight -13.4113 445 -13.4115 whi -13.4116 British -13.4116 Child -13.4116 ▁Eurasia -13.4118 ▁dogma -13.4118 ▁DH -13.412 Oceans -13.4121 FDI -13.4121 ▁depicting -13.4121 ▁leaflets -13.4122 opening -13.4122 ▁behaved -13.4123 ▁roam -13.4124 olla -13.4125 ▁Mormon -13.4125 ▁haircut -13.4126 Saxon -13.4126 orial -13.413 439 -13.413 ▁McAfee -13.4131 ▁Português -13.4131 ▁centrifuge -13.4131 ▁viscosity -13.4131 terdepartmental -13.4131 ▁Rochester -13.4131 ▁devaluation -13.4132 403 -13.4132 major -13.4133 ▁uttered -13.4134 emba -13.4135 ▁Floating -13.4136 ▁Span -13.4136 833 -13.4137 ▁Crete -13.4137 ▁Siam -13.4137 ▁vet -13.4138 ▁extracting -13.4139 ▁Gua -13.4139 ▁[9] -13.4139 ▁coke -13.4143 understand -13.4143 ▁Goodman -13.4144 ▁Valentin -13.4145 387 -13.4146 ▁ESP -13.4146 859 -13.4148 ▁Demobilization -13.4148 ▁Karzai -13.4148 ▁depriving -13.4148 ▁librarian -13.4148 ▁remorse -13.4148 高 -13.4148 ▁hamburger -13.4148 ▁outsourced -13.4148 ▁(852) -13.4149 ▁Hariri -13.4149 ▁educator -13.4149 ▁Katy -13.4149 ▁tyre -13.4149 ▁Fung -13.415 ▁Layout -13.415 selves -13.4151 ▁Messe -13.4151 virtual -13.4152 ▁333 -13.4153 ▁pinch -13.4153 Review -13.4153 ▁SEMI -13.4153 718 -13.4154 ▁RCD -13.4156 ▁TK -13.4156 ▁micron -13.4157 having -13.4158 579 -13.416 ▁appropriateness -13.4161 906 -13.4161 ▁Specify -13.4161 Jun -13.4161 .3/62/ -13.4163 ▁hinted -13.4165 ▁Brunswick -13.4166 ▁Monrovia -13.4166 ▁Suspension -13.4166 ▁diarrhoea -13.4166 ▁stigmatization -13.4166 ▁syndicate -13.4166 ▁Consular -13.4166 ▁Defender -13.4167 ▁Lyft -13.4167 .1/58/ -13.4167 ▁IDD -13.4167 grave -13.4167 nian -13.4169 compatibility -13.4169 History -13.417 293 -13.4174 ▁END -13.4176 ▁MINI -13.4177 anu -13.4178 ▁Prohibit -13.4179 ▁SEN -13.418 pipe -13.4181 ▁Kazakh -13.4183 ▁Integrating -13.4183 ▁Panorama -13.4183 ▁Socket -13.4183 ▁Authentication -13.4184 chuang -13.4184 ▁TEAM -13.4185 ▁Rockwell -13.4185 ▁sedan -13.4185 ▁categorically -13.4186 9000 -13.4186 occupied -13.4186 ▁Ariel -13.4186 Saudi -13.4186 Credit -13.4187 ▁Proverbs -13.4188 hydr -13.4188 ▁humiliated -13.4189 ▁254 -13.419 ▁imprint -13.419 ▁metering -13.419 523 -13.419 chenko -13.4191 ▁Sofa -13.4192 Jan -13.4193 icia -13.4193 ▁behaving -13.4193 atology -13.4194 ▁Pru -13.4194 ▁statelessness -13.4195 ▁Mash -13.4195 Forum -13.4195 ▁41% -13.4195 ▁Calif -13.4195 ▁Museo -13.4197 ▁flashing -13.4199 ▁Consolidation -13.4201 ▁Decrease -13.4201 ▁Ernst -13.4201 ▁arthritis -13.4201 ▁encapsulate -13.4201 ▁Weinstein -13.4201 ▁phosphor -13.4201 ▁pussy -13.4201 ▁Steak -13.4202 ▁Neural -13.4203 hana -13.4204 ▁Cau -13.4204 circuit -13.4205 Friday -13.4205 detect -13.4206 ▁Abby -13.4208 ▁Soros -13.4209 ▁quickest -13.4213 ▁divers -13.4213 ▁Tiny -13.4219 ▁frontline -13.4219 ▁Eisenhower -13.4219 ▁Hyundai -13.4219 ▁astounding -13.4219 ▁autopsy -13.4219 中心 -13.4219 denuclearization -13.4219 ▁sticky -13.4219 ▁phosphorus -13.422 ▁Insulation -13.422 ▁polish -13.422 ▁Getty -13.4221 ▁frown -13.4223 aves -13.4223 ▁afflict -13.4223 ▁Alexandra -13.4226 ▁EPS -13.4227 cky -13.4228 ▁mint -13.4228 ▁Invention -13.423 Ref -13.423 ▁reacting -13.4233 provide -13.4233 2-2 -13.4234 ▁Analytica -13.4234 1600 -13.4235 ▁Biennale -13.4237 ▁Glacier -13.4237 ▁Wyoming -13.4237 ▁polygamy -13.4237 ▁sunglasses -13.4237 ▁hairdresser -13.4237 ▁handicraft -13.4237 ▁Abandon -13.4237 ▁DVB -13.4237 ▁burglar -13.4237 ▁disclosing -13.4237 ▁CSI -13.4237 anov -13.4238 ilia -13.4238 591 -13.4239 Job -13.4239 ▁ASTM -13.4239 Park -13.4239 Surely -13.424 Honor -13.4241 ▁MERCOSUR -13.4241 /57/3 -13.4243 416 -13.4243 ▁Indiscriminate -13.4243 596 -13.4243 ▁gangster -13.4243 2.9 -13.4244 ▁Jilin -13.4244 ▁Flo -13.4245 901 -13.4246 ategori -13.4246 ▁Medina -13.4248 ▁enlisted -13.4248 .02. -13.4249 ▁RH -13.4249 scribing -13.4252 matsu -13.4253 ▁exclaimed -13.4254 ▁stereotyping -13.4254 ▁REACH -13.4255 ▁embryonic -13.4255 377 -13.4255 ▁Yusuf -13.4255 ▁arteries -13.4256 ▁THEY -13.4257 evolving -13.4258 ▁SIP -13.426 ▁Priv -13.4263 297 -13.4264 658 -13.4265 ▁Nomination -13.4265 ▁hotter -13.4266 ▁bothering -13.4267 CRA -13.427 ▁Shipment -13.4271 dez -13.4272 ▁INTRODUCTION -13.4272 у -13.4272 ▁CLOUT -13.4272 ▁9.3 -13.4272 ▁Eurozone -13.4273 ▁telegraph -13.4273 ▁pharma -13.4273 ▁Nanshan -13.4274 ▁Sie -13.4276 ▁chairperson -13.4276 Smoking -13.4276 intelligence -13.4276 ▁grind -13.4276 ▁intimately -13.4277 ▁volunteerism -13.4277 346 -13.4277 ▁Mapping -13.4278 ▁Donate -13.4278 ▁Commenting -13.4278 ▁corona -13.4281 ▁shelling -13.4281 ▁48% -13.4283 mao -13.4283 ▁Guideline -13.4283 ▁Jury -13.4284 ▁Guild -13.4284 500,000 -13.4285 ▁conductive -13.4285 ▁Robertson -13.4285 6), -13.4285 RIT -13.4285 ▁diligent -13.4285 ▁iii -13.4286 ▁SOME -13.4288 ž -13.429 ▁Enemy -13.429 ▁Ferdinand -13.429 ▁Martínez -13.429 ▁immersion -13.429 ▁retaliate -13.429 ▁reminiscent -13.429 ▁Tail -13.429 ▁UNMISET -13.429 ▁stirring -13.4291 Nazi -13.4291 ▁Detector -13.4292 league -13.4294 lope -13.4294 ▁ACABQ -13.4294 ▁Authorization -13.4295 ▁Ismail -13.4295 circle -13.4295 436 -13.4296 ▁benchmarking -13.4296 haven -13.4298 ▁Toro -13.4298 ▁1882 -13.4298 ▁Sko -13.4299 driver -13.4299 -1980 -13.4299 ▁wildfires -13.43 ▁10.2 -13.43 ▁MSc -13.4301 gree -13.4304 291 -13.4304 ▁Charger -13.4306 budgeted -13.4306 FIN -13.4307 ▁locality -13.4307 ▁Gentiles -13.4308 ▁Neutral -13.4308 ▁Symptoms -13.4308 ▁adversity -13.4308 ▁arithmetic -13.4308 ▁Lesbian -13.4308 rather -13.4308 ▁chores -13.4308 ▁Occ -13.4308 ▁slew -13.4309 ▁Normandy -13.4309 ▁Sponsorship -13.4309 fake -13.4309 environment -13.431 ▁excite -13.4311 ▁BEN -13.4311 Chapter -13.4312 yield -13.4312 ▁Driven -13.4312 Single -13.4312 ▁hindering -13.4315 Hour -13.4315 Return -13.4316 Arch -13.4318 ▁0.5% -13.4318 ▁Corona -13.4318 ▁blond -13.432 ▁spun -13.4321 ▁Strict -13.4322 ▁Stranger -13.4325 ▁Presently -13.4326 ▁PROJECT -13.4326 ▁Repertory -13.4326 ▁Synthetic -13.4326 ▁unimpeded -13.4326 走势图 -13.4326 ▁Codification -13.4326 ▁DID -13.4326 ▁transfusion -13.4326 ▁nigger -13.4326 ▁geometric -13.4326 boarding -13.4326 ▁CONTENTS -13.4328 ▁cursor -13.4328 ▁rag -13.4328 ▁bottleneck -13.4329 ▁doorstep -13.4329 recommendation -13.433 ▁Ginger -13.4331 ▁PAT -13.4331 619 -13.4332 ▁Byron -13.4332 ▁Verify -13.4334 ▁landmine -13.4334 ▁£3 -13.4336 ▁pairing -13.4336 File -13.4336 728 -13.4336 ▁WM -13.4338 ▁Sanya -13.4338 ▁Alter -13.4339 Ω -13.4344 ▁Cadillac -13.4344 ▁appreciating -13.4344 ▁irritate -13.4344 ▁metallurgy -13.4344 ▁philanthropic -13.4344 ▁Fry -13.4344 ▁invading -13.4344 ▁Suggestions -13.4344 ▁tuning -13.4345 ▁casualty -13.4345 adequate -13.4345 ▁GOLD -13.4345 ▁recess -13.4348 ▁Empower -13.4348 consumer -13.4348 examination -13.4348 frequent -13.4348 ▁Bolivian -13.4349 OPEC -13.4349 stroke -13.4349 930 -13.435 ▁Positioning -13.4351 NextLast -13.4352 ▁2、 -13.4352 ▁($8 -13.4353 ▁CHAR -13.4353 ▁Fitz -13.4353 ▁Napa -13.4353 ▁aggregated -13.4354 ▁despised -13.4355 IBA -13.4356 .9/6 -13.4359 guide -13.4359 738 -13.4359 Yet -13.4361 ör -13.4361 ▁acronym -13.4362 ▁evangelical -13.4362 ▁undisclosed -13.4362 ▁abyss -13.4363 ▁append -13.4363 ▁(2018) -13.4364 ▁Makeup -13.4365 existence -13.4365 ▁Marble -13.4366 ▁TAKE -13.4366 883 -13.4367 628 -13.4368 ▁starring -13.4368 ▁Regent -13.4369 ▁homemade -13.4373 recht -13.4379 ▁Explanation -13.438 ▁Mahathir -13.438 ▁Tripartite -13.438 ▁typhoon -13.438 ▁Chennai -13.438 ▁marrow -13.4381 derived -13.4384 bashi -13.4384 ▁Quin -13.4385 ▁abusers -13.4387 ▁Alexandr -13.4388 LOR -13.4389 GAN -13.4391 ▁lingering -13.4391 ▁situ -13.4391 Bao -13.4392 ▁burner -13.4392 ▁Wanted -13.4393 ▁Lone -13.4393 ▁5.9 -13.4394 bill -13.4395 ▁Flip -13.4397 ▁Compatible -13.4398 ▁disengagement -13.4398 ▁inextricably -13.4398 ▁Sanchez -13.4398 ▁Warfare -13.4398 动 -13.4398 光 -13.4398 ▁Epstein -13.4398 ▁NEC -13.4398 ▁deflation -13.4398 ▁Biomedical -13.4398 ▁feeder -13.4398 WARD -13.4399 608 -13.4399 ▁palette -13.4399 ▁Meghan -13.4399 ▁mythology -13.4399 ▁ginger -13.4399 ▁ -13.4781 ▁Camel -13.4782 ▁prose -13.4782 IAS -13.4783 737 -13.4783 ▁Georg -13.4783 ▁Sever -13.4784 ▁Pharisees -13.4785 ▁turf -13.4785 ▁granddaughter -13.4785 ▁consequential -13.4785 ▁Babies -13.4785 ▁ROAD -13.4785 ▁feudal -13.4786 ▁subcontract -13.4786 ▁Mazda -13.4787 rrington -13.4787 ▁subgroup -13.4788 ▁45,000 -13.4788 ▁Observing -13.4789 ▁Reverse -13.479 [21] -13.479 ▁Jaw -13.479 ▁pavement -13.4791 ▁stationery -13.4791 BIT -13.4791 ▁vagina -13.4792 ▁Levy -13.4793 bomb -13.4794 filter -13.4795 Model -13.4796 ▁vile -13.4797 ▁definitively -13.4799 pedia -13.48 ▁Basil -13.4801 ▁Genuine -13.4803 ▁eccentric -13.4803 ▁proficient -13.4803 式 -13.4803 ▁Potato -13.4804 ▁Whitney -13.4804 ▁rubble -13.4804 tergenerational -13.4804 bourne -13.4804 ▁VERY -13.4805 ▁HVAC -13.4805 ▁Emotional -13.4805 0769 -13.4805 ▁Emotion -13.4805 ▁Unlock -13.4806 ▁Assisting -13.4806 ▁creepy -13.4808 ▁Bride -13.4809 Turn -13.481 ▁[15 -13.4811 dice -13.4812 ▁juris -13.4812 ▁kilogram -13.4812 ASP -13.4814 custom -13.4815 stack -13.4815 RET -13.4816 408 -13.4816 CIA -13.4821 Sky -13.4822 ▁Baggage -13.4822 ▁IMPLEMENTATION -13.4822 ▁Nagasaki -13.4822 ▁Pleasure -13.4822 ▁anatomy -13.4822 ▁jeopardy -13.4822 ▁locating -13.4822 ▁utensils -13.4822 ▁gorilla -13.4822 ▁Refresh -13.4823 ▁Suspect -13.4823 ▁swimmer -13.4824 ▁immortality -13.4824 ▁Capability -13.4825 ▁reconnect -13.4826 Financial -13.4827 UNDAF -13.4827 ▁Yorkshire -13.4827 ▁Fairy -13.4828 ▁criminalizing -13.4828 ▁sprint -13.4829 ▁starred -13.4829 ▁Nishi -13.4829 537 -13.483 ▁liberalism -13.483 vital -13.483 eaux -13.483 332 -13.483 573 -13.4831 ▁precaution -13.4831 ▁hurdle -13.4832 ▁precede -13.4832 ▁Forgiving -13.4833 545 -13.4834 osity -13.4834 Build -13.4837 ▁Milling -13.4837 /2011 -13.4838 rump -13.4839 ▁resided -13.4839 ▁à -13.484 394 -13.484 ▁troll -13.4841 ▁LOCATION -13.4841 ▁revitalizing -13.4841 ▁superfluous -13.4841 ▁craftsmanship -13.4841 ▁Hastings -13.4841 ▁Taobao -13.4841 ▁predetermined -13.4842 ▁MTSP -13.4842 ▁unprotected -13.4842 ▁Shirt -13.4843 ▁piloted -13.4843 ▁housewife -13.4843 ▁Scandinavian -13.4843 586 -13.4845 Plastic -13.4846 ▁Tooth -13.4846 ▁Bonnie -13.4848 ▁fig -13.4848 emerge -13.4848 ▁1895 -13.4849 lough -13.4851 ▁roaming -13.4851 ▁boiled -13.4854 ▁guitarist -13.4855 isch -13.4857 ▁mechanic -13.4857 trapped -13.4858 ▁colourful -13.486 NSO -13.486 ▁287 -13.486 ▁Abortion -13.486 ▁Injurious -13.486 ▁Therapeutic -13.486 ▁filament -13.486 ▁glitter -13.486 ▁Tracker -13.4864 ▁Irene -13.4865 ★ -13.4865 probably -13.4865 VIEW -13.4865 ▁corrosive -13.4865 ▁246 -13.4866 ▁portrayal -13.4866 ▁Rhode -13.4867 ▁diaper -13.4867 ▁Nau -13.4868 ▁impartially -13.4868 ▁bait -13.4868 ▁$700 -13.4869 ▁strained -13.4869 vani -13.487 QC -13.4873 ▁HIS -13.4874 ▁#5 -13.4875 ▁wandered -13.4875 970 -13.4876 ▁WF -13.4876 Congrat -13.4876 NAP -13.4876 634 -13.4877 ▁insufficiently -13.4877 996 -13.4878 ▁Accelerator -13.4879 ▁Carriage -13.4879 ▁Nguyen -13.4879 ▁Verbatim -13.4879 ▁colorectal -13.4879 ▁exemplified -13.4879 ▁submerged -13.4879 Shabaab -13.4879 ▁Alleged -13.4879 ▁Console -13.4879 ▁IGAD -13.4879 ▁granite -13.488 ▁Italia -13.4881 ▁$39 -13.4883 ▁50/1 -13.4883 ▁pouch -13.4884 ▁Barney -13.4884 ▁0.05 -13.4885 ▁smelled -13.4885 KEN -13.4885 ▁Phra -13.4885 ▁diff -13.4888 abble -13.4888 ▁Sharma -13.4889 ▁refocus -13.4889 ▁Willis -13.489 Fri -13.4892 ▁toughness -13.4892 panel -13.4892 None -13.4893 ▁Hunting -13.4895 ▁unify -13.4895 IOM -13.4896 396 -13.4897 ▁MOTAPM -13.4898 ▁havoc -13.4898 林 -13.4898 ▁Widow -13.4898 ▁dormant -13.4899 ▁flashlight -13.49 ▁Depot -13.4901 ▁Pierce -13.4902 ▁Vega -13.4902 Death -13.4903 ▁alerted -13.4903 ▁enabler -13.4904 REC -13.4904 ▁55/25 -13.4904 registered -13.4906 583 -13.4908 ▁stumbled -13.4908 ▁intimidated -13.4908 ▁reclaimed -13.4908 ▁materialize -13.4911 ▁Ranked -13.4912 ▁amusing -13.4912 ▁ARC -13.4913 ▁defeating -13.4913 finger -13.4914 RAL -13.4914 leaf -13.4914 ▁Deploy -13.4916 ▁Tick -13.4917 ▁Squad -13.4917 ▁Kisangani -13.4917 ▁incompetent -13.4917 ▁regenerative -13.4917 ▁remodeled -13.4917 ▁Muscle -13.4917 ▁Orphan -13.4918 ▁Tucker -13.492 0.7 -13.492 Enterprise -13.4922 ▁trio -13.4922 device -13.4923 couple -13.4924 Camp -13.4925 244 -13.4925 laughs -13.4926 ▁crank -13.4928 ▁BIT -13.4932 ▁KU -13.4935 ▁307 -13.4935 ▁Afraid -13.4936 ▁Appreciation -13.4936 ▁majestic -13.4936 ▁美国 -13.4936 格 -13.4936 ▁Psychologist -13.4936 ▁BOARD -13.4936 ▁Regiment -13.4936 ▁Grinding -13.4936 DEC -13.4937 ▁sociologist -13.4937 ▁Dominic -13.4938 ▁scatter -13.4939 ▁Reset -13.4939 ▁overtaken -13.4939 ▁NET -13.494 Strengthening -13.4941 kova -13.4941 wolf -13.4941 density -13.4941 evident -13.4941 ▁PAN -13.4942 ▁Lutheran -13.4942 ▁missionaries -13.4944 ▁digitalization -13.4944 ▁cub -13.4945 ▁Protector -13.4947 ▁fallout -13.4947 ▁censuses -13.4947 ▁mediate -13.4947 ▁3:00 -13.4948 ▁graceful -13.4948 ▁Fewer -13.4949 559 -13.4949 25% -13.4951 trium -13.4952 ▁Bangladeshi -13.4953 347 -13.4954 ▁Phu -13.4954 ▁compress -13.4955 ▁Recession -13.4955 ▁disdain -13.4955 ▁exoplanet -13.4955 ▁feminism -13.4955 ▁infringing -13.4955 ▁PARTNER -13.4955 ▁ChemNet -13.4955 ▁savor -13.4956 ▁Melinda -13.4956 ▁fading -13.4956 ▁kilometer -13.4956 ▁Clearance -13.4957 ▁Leasing -13.4957 Kenya -13.496 ▁looted -13.4961 ▁264 -13.4961 ▁acre -13.4964 ▁390 -13.4964 ▁commuter -13.4964 collar -13.4964 ceptive -13.4966 ▁perennial -13.4967 ▁14:00 -13.4968 ▁coca -13.4968 Prev -13.4968 ▁whosoever -13.4968 578 -13.4969 ▁CGE -13.4969 1999 -13.4969 页 -13.4974 ▁embroidery -13.4974 ▁prolific -13.4974 澳门 -13.4974 ▁CESCR -13.4974 ▁Turtle -13.4975 ▁hay -13.4975 destruct -13.4975 ▁biography -13.4975 ▁monies -13.4975 ▁eradicated -13.4975 khov -13.4976 766 -13.4977 imba -13.4977 ▁Nang -13.4978 ▁restless -13.4978 ▁parse -13.4978 associated -13.4979 riya -13.4981 646 -13.4981 ▁Pom -13.4981 0.2% -13.4981 ▁gram -13.4982 CHW -13.4984 ▁Rash -13.4984 ▁immerse -13.4985 Week -13.4989 Neill -13.499 potential -13.4991 ▁10-15 -13.4991 ▁Rally -13.4991 Quds -13.4991 ▁Swear -13.4991 ▁Curve -13.4992 ▁Shake -13.4993 ▁FAN -13.4993 商 -13.4993 ▁Tuscany -13.4993 ▁immigrate -13.4993 基 -13.4993 ▁orthodox -13.4993 ▁candidacy -13.4993 ▁Sketch -13.4994 ▁decompose -13.4994 uchi -13.4994 ▁Perez -13.4996 ▁Expedition -13.4996 [23] -13.4998 › -13.4998 certified -13.4998 546 -13.4999 xu -13.5 495 -13.5 Tool -13.5001 409 -13.5002 ▁proclaiming -13.5002 ▁dreamer -13.5002 ▁agreeable -13.5002 ▁Feast -13.5002 ▁$90 -13.5005 ▁improperly -13.5005 ▁Keyword -13.5006 ▁straighten -13.5006 709 -13.5009 ▁tug -13.501 whole -13.501 ▁Drying -13.5011 ▁CLO -13.5012 OLO -13.5013 ▁Viewer -13.5013 ▁arsenic -13.5013 下 -13.5013 ▁Imam -13.5013 ▁jelly -13.5013 ▁Squadron -13.5013 ▁Mercure -13.5013 ▁Specializing -13.5014 ▁TEST -13.5014 ▁untreated -13.5015 ▁individuality -13.5016 detail -13.5016 ▁stronghold -13.5017 ▁echoes -13.5018 protein -13.5018 ▁Loren -13.5018 ▁garnered -13.502 REM -13.502 ▁Baal -13.5022 WW -13.5022 ▁Journalism -13.5024 ▁£5 -13.5025 USB -13.5026 0.9 -13.5027 ▁Roe -13.5027 Too -13.5027 ▁descending -13.503 ▁squeezed -13.503 ▁grad -13.5031 ▁Algorithm -13.5032 ▁Gravity -13.5032 ▁Metohija -13.5032 ▁Mnuchin -13.5032 ▁Sharjah -13.5032 ▁Struggle -13.5032 ▁Vodafone -13.5032 ▁WikiLeaks -13.5032 ▁aquarium -13.5032 ▁framing -13.5032 ▁hypocrisy -13.5032 ▁Goddamn -13.5032 ▁Lorenzo -13.5032 ▁Trevor -13.5032 ▁Plasma -13.5032 UNO -13.5032 ▁COME -13.5033 ▁weld -13.5033 ▁moderator -13.5033 ▁leftist -13.5033 ▁Remark -13.5033 ▁tame -13.5033 469 -13.5033 ▁responders -13.5033 ▁RUF -13.5033 ▁Preservation -13.5034 ▁bum -13.5035 689 -13.5035 crack -13.5036 ▁insulted -13.5036 spheric -13.5036 absolute -13.5037 ▁depiction -13.504 ▁hateful -13.504 XO -13.5042 ranked -13.5043 ▁normalize -13.5043 racing -13.5045 ▁Pond -13.505 ▁Convenient -13.5051 ▁Crawford -13.5051 ▁rescind -13.5051 ▁Laureate -13.5051 ▁abreast -13.5051 ▁disintegration -13.5051 ▁Hammond -13.5051 ▁Lantern -13.5051 ▁vids -13.5053 CDC -13.5053 ▁cleanliness -13.5053 ▁Adel -13.5053 ▁Technically -13.5053 ▁Postcode -13.5054 827 -13.5055 ▁Tailor -13.5055 ▁SIGN -13.5055 ▁Chow -13.5057 picture -13.5057 .1/62/ -13.5057 ▁numb -13.5057 ▁Wetland -13.5058 tourism -13.5058 Korean -13.5058 ▁MYR -13.5058 Sunday -13.5058 ▁artery -13.5059 ▁Hayes -13.5059 appa -13.5059 ▁WEST -13.506 reviewed -13.506 ▁Designated -13.5061 jj -13.5061 ▁Jedi -13.5062 ▁nan -13.5064 ▁PGA -13.5064 ▁thermostat -13.5065 ▁unconsciously -13.5066 ▁interception -13.5066 ▁Tec -13.5068 TORY -13.5068 ▁shielding -13.5068 ▁misused -13.5068 cigarette -13.5069 ?’” -13.5069 ▁glide -13.5069 ▁intersect -13.507 ▁Mathematical -13.507 ▁Negotiating -13.507 ▁assimilate -13.507 ▁conceivable -13.507 ▁grievous -13.507 ▁prosthetic -13.507 ▁crusade -13.507 ▁Drupal -13.507 ▁barbaric -13.507 ▁Beacon -13.507 ▁Ivory -13.5071 ▁Breakthrough -13.5071 ▁Vector -13.5071 ▁Lazarus -13.5071 ▁Guizhou -13.5071 ▁Jurists -13.5071 ▁56% -13.5071 ▁encompassed -13.5071 ▁relegat -13.5073 Action -13.5073 572 -13.5073 ▁Qatari -13.5073 ▁Hongqiao -13.5074 ▁Fourteenth -13.5074 ▁retrofit -13.5075 ▁Ø -13.5075 655 -13.5075 sleep -13.5075 ▁Vid -13.5075 Foshan -13.5076 ▁guru -13.5076 knowing -13.5076 ▁Zeus -13.5076 ologic -13.5076 ▁riddle -13.5078 abilities -13.5079 ▁yelled -13.508 zier -13.5081 ▁Severe -13.5083 ▁Thur -13.5083 ▁fluctuation -13.5083 ▁glove -13.5084 ▁Walsh -13.5084 ▁Personality -13.5085 .4/2004/ -13.5085 qiu -13.5085 ▁dangerously -13.5086 ▁86% -13.5086 ▁Static -13.5087 CBD -13.5087 CORE -13.5088 ether -13.5088 ▁slay -13.509 ▁Intensive -13.509 ▁Judith -13.509 ▁schizophrenia -13.509 ▁desolate -13.509 巴 -13.509 wish -13.5091 ▁Jonah -13.5091 ▁plotting -13.5093 equi -13.5093 ▁56/24 -13.5094 ▁AML -13.5094 Amazon -13.5095 ▁amidst -13.5095 cellular -13.5095 ▁coloured -13.5095 ▁Bistro -13.5096 ▁forthwith -13.5096 gir -13.5099 ▁Quar -13.5101 466 -13.5102 476 -13.5102 ▁Candle -13.5103 ▁scripting -13.5104 ▁carmaker -13.5105 989 -13.5106 ▁trump -13.5106 836 -13.5109 ▁Nara -13.5109 ▁appellate -13.5109 ▁emptiness -13.5109 多 -13.5109 ▁metropolis -13.5109 ▁Galactic -13.5109 727 -13.511 ▁coarse -13.511 ▁Lé -13.511 XXV -13.5112 ▁Tampa -13.5114 ▁beginner -13.5115 703 -13.5117 ▁Nicola -13.5117 ▁scorn -13.5118 ▁NPC -13.5118 ▁259 -13.5118 ▁888 -13.5119 collection -13.5119 ▁REP -13.5119 5-1 -13.5121 valid -13.5122 ▁mushroom -13.5122 663 -13.5123 ▁Resin -13.5123 857 -13.5124 ▁flyer -13.5124 ▁extinguished -13.5125 ère -13.5126 idine -13.5126 hav -13.5127 ▁ACTIVITIES -13.5129 ▁Affirming -13.5129 ▁Unilever -13.5129 ▁ulcer -13.5129 ▁neuroscientist -13.5129 ▁pamper -13.5129 ▁traverse -13.5129 ▁Novotel -13.5129 ▁Fischer -13.5129 807 -13.513 Matt -13.5131 oki -13.5133 ▁paycheck -13.5133 manufacture -13.5134 Washington -13.5134 awaited -13.5134 given -13.5134 izable -13.5136 ▁$1,0 -13.5137 ▁uniformly -13.5138 1,600 -13.5139 Item -13.514 ▁esteem -13.514 SSA -13.5141 848 -13.5141 ▁weave -13.5141 ▁Joining -13.5141 ▁praising -13.5143 .1/61/ -13.5144 .04. -13.5145 recorded -13.5145 agua -13.5146 662 -13.5147 ▁Davidson -13.5147 ▁Backpack -13.5148 ▁accrual -13.5148 ▁decomposition -13.5148 ▁ingenuity -13.5148 ▁vertebra -13.5148 ▁Cocktail -13.5148 jima -13.5148 ▁Fleming -13.5149 ▁reassignment -13.5149 ▁Gavin -13.5149 ▁2004-2007 -13.515 /62/2 -13.515 ▁1390 -13.515 ▁Jiangyin -13.5151 spend -13.5152 ▁thigh -13.5152 ▁Expressway -13.5153 ▁Percent -13.5155 Baby -13.5156 ▁NAME -13.5159 ▁fucker -13.5159 ▁unifying -13.5162 ▁Chor -13.5163 Lock -13.5164 ▁formalized -13.5164 ▁soluble -13.5166 ▁Procurator -13.5167 1,500 -13.5167 ▁homage -13.5168 ▁overcrowded -13.5168 ▁prefabricated -13.5168 ▁Rifle -13.5168 placed -13.5168 ▁Urge -13.5168 ▁multimodal -13.5169 ▁MEMS -13.5169 ▁Knox -13.5169 ▁Robb -13.5169 ▁Classroom -13.517 ▁EMI -13.517 ▁grassy -13.5173 ▁SGS -13.5174 ▁63% -13.5174 ▁Probe -13.5176 ▁depict -13.5176 ▁Clan -13.5176 ▁Webex -13.5178 ▁reunite -13.5178 521 -13.518 ▁matured -13.5182 611 -13.5184 ▁Generate -13.5185 ▁Kawa -13.5185 ▁Dodd -13.5187 aware -13.5187 ▁dazzling -13.5187 ▁plethora -13.5187 ▁Calculate -13.5187 ▁REVIEW -13.5187 ▁Contribute -13.5187 ▁formaldehyde -13.5188 ▁Inspiration -13.519 ▁rim -13.5191 wealth -13.5192 heavy -13.5192 ▁leaned -13.5193 classified -13.5193 ▁contender -13.5194 037 -13.5194 zov -13.5194 ▁signaled -13.5194 Golden -13.5195 ▁Berger -13.5195 ▁Modernization -13.5196 ▁furnishing -13.5197 ▁9.30 -13.5197 ▁Oyo -13.5198 100,000 -13.5199 amu -13.52 flag -13.5201 ▁Cran -13.5201 ▁Sealing -13.5202 751 -13.5202 ▁forcefully -13.5203 ▁Dial -13.5203 ▁honoring -13.5203 ▁chipset -13.5204 522 -13.5205 Cryptocurrencies -13.5207 ▁ChinaChemNet -13.5207 ▁Rugby -13.5207 ▁Syracuse -13.5207 ▁monasteries -13.5207 package -13.5207 475 -13.5207 ▁Cantonese -13.5207 ▁Wolves -13.5207 ▁equipping -13.5208 ▁bustling -13.5208 apped -13.521 UTE -13.5211 believers -13.5211 ▁sunscreen -13.5212 698 -13.5212 ▁Died -13.5214 ▁Locke -13.5215 ▁Gian -13.5216 ▁individualized -13.5218 479 -13.5219 ▁FAT -13.522 ▁reorganized -13.5221 448 -13.5222 ▁biofuel -13.5222 ▁299 -13.5224 к -13.5226 ▁1996-1997 -13.5226 ▁Fahrenheit -13.5226 ▁Rothschild -13.5226 ▁Wagner -13.5226 ▁Infection -13.5226 ▁allotment -13.5226 ▁Theodore -13.5226 ▁gratis -13.5226 ▁Genome -13.5227 ▁cordial -13.5227 ▁Holiness -13.5227 ▁Duties -13.5228 ▁Tek -13.5228 ▁Š -13.5229 ▁Warwick -13.5229 Peru -13.523 Question -13.5232 response -13.5232 compared -13.5232 Linux -13.5232 Islam -13.5232 ▁hijacked -13.5233 Tea -13.5233 ▁grassland -13.5237 ▁reconvened -13.5238 ▁22,000 -13.5238 ▁redistribute -13.5238 ▁coma -13.5239 3-5 -13.524 pia -13.524 alpha -13.524 ▁familiarize -13.5242 ▁Tah -13.5242 ▁Jail -13.5245 ▁McN -13.5245 naya -13.5246 ▁Accuracy -13.5246 ▁inasmuch -13.5246 ▁syrup -13.5246 ▁Sheldon -13.5246 opia -13.5246 ▁Meadow -13.5246 pronged -13.5246 ▁florist -13.5246 ▁PLAY -13.5246 ▁affectionate -13.5247 ▁memorize -13.5247 ▁Constantine -13.5248 ▁revocation -13.525 ▁foothold -13.525 recognition -13.5251 clinical -13.5251 ▁ADB -13.5252 ▁Amos -13.5252 ▁Schul -13.5252 Thus -13.5255 lack -13.5255 704 -13.5255 ▁278 -13.5258 .4/2003/ -13.5258 ▁Ricky -13.5258 ▁Gallo -13.5259 SLA -13.526 ▁Mitt -13.526 torn -13.5261 Enter -13.5262 ▁UCD -13.5263 ▁Parr -13.5263 ▁Medieval -13.5266 ▁Pradesh -13.5266 ▁TOEFL -13.5266 ▁enslaved -13.5266 ▁Orchid -13.5266 ▁Consultancy -13.5266 Chain -13.5266 ▁interreligious -13.5267 ▁Nude -13.5268 971 -13.527 ▁mommy -13.527 intervention -13.5271 ▁sizable -13.5271 ▁offending -13.5273 ombo -13.5274 operated -13.5275 823 -13.5277 protected -13.5279 ▁Sochi -13.528 ▁Milli -13.528 ▁realisation -13.5281 ▁PEN -13.5282 ▁Pitch -13.5283 ▁plural -13.5283 ▁sleepy -13.5285 ▁Basket -13.5285 ▁evaporation -13.5285 ▁secession -13.5285 ▁unpunished -13.5285 罗 -13.5285 ▁mismatch -13.5286 typical -13.5286 ▁deceptive -13.5287 ▁receptive -13.5287 ▁deduce -13.5288 ▁Runner -13.5288 ▁Sauce -13.5289 inflammatory -13.5291 husband -13.5291 tolerant -13.5291 Admin -13.5292 ▁attaching -13.5293 .01. -13.5294 Yuan -13.5295 376 -13.5296 707 -13.5297 8.0 -13.5297 ▁fidelity -13.5298 ▁spawn -13.5298 ▁67% -13.53 Sec -13.5301 617 -13.5301 ▁storyline -13.5302 ▁fro -13.5303 ▁269 -13.5303 ▁CHE -13.5304 ▁Griffith -13.5305 ▁Repertoire -13.5305 ▁collapsing -13.5305 ▁intimidating -13.5305 ▁nanoparticles -13.5305 ▁unanswered -13.5305 ▁unfavourable -13.5305 ▁candidature -13.5305 ▁Phosph -13.5305 ▁>>> -13.5306 ▁286 -13.5307 ▁oz -13.5308 ▁Burton -13.531 ▁2,200 -13.5311 ▁erection -13.5311 1-4 -13.5312 9.9 -13.5313 ▁64/1 -13.5315 ▁Integrate -13.5316 ▁startling -13.5317 ▁promulgat -13.5317 ▁Devon -13.5317 ▁weeping -13.5319 healthy -13.532 ▁Frei -13.532 ▁delve -13.5321 863 -13.5322 zie -13.5322 donor -13.5322 ▁messed -13.5323 Bot -13.5324 ▁trendy -13.5325 Artagnan -13.5325 ▁Cognitive -13.5325 ▁Synchronising -13.5325 ▁Tornado -13.5325 ▁biodegradable -13.5325 ▁chimpanzee -13.5325 ▁culmination -13.5325 ▁iniquity -13.5325 ▁Entities -13.5325 ▁respite -13.5325 ▁Spatial -13.5325 ▁Mortality -13.5325 ▁wilful -13.5325 ▁Angular -13.5325 ▁Multilingual -13.5325 ▁chastisement -13.5325 ▁Focal -13.5325 ▁mantra -13.5326 ▁expelling -13.5326 Learn -13.5326 ▁digestion -13.5328 ▁SDR -13.533 ▁66% -13.533 RATE -13.5331 ▁dealership -13.5331 693 -13.5332 ▁Lease -13.5333 ▁seawater -13.5334 Config -13.5334 ▁Hardy -13.5341 ▁Taw -13.5341 ▁Acknowledge -13.5342 4,600 -13.5344 ▁Chechnya -13.5345 ▁Compulsory -13.5345 ▁Eminent -13.5345 ▁García -13.5345 ▁Hampson -13.5345 ▁Hermione -13.5345 ▁Kavanaugh -13.5345 ▁Vegetarian -13.5345 ▁preservative -13.5345 ▁kiln -13.5345 ▁piston -13.5345 ▁designating -13.5345 ▁unregistered -13.5346 OEWG -13.5346 ▁invaders -13.5346 ▁Pee -13.5346 ▁Supper -13.5346 631 -13.5346 ▁9.4 -13.5347 ▁bloodstream -13.5347 pure -13.5347 ▁Produce -13.5349 sustaining -13.535 ▁Congressman -13.5351 RAW -13.5352 740 -13.5356 Age -13.5356 ▁reassured -13.5359 .4/2005/ -13.536 Border -13.536 5-6 -13.536 837 -13.5361 ▁UBS -13.5361 ▁sculpt -13.5361 ▁$2,000 -13.5361 cities -13.5363 geo -13.5363 ------ -13.5363 DIC -13.5363 ▁Mango -13.5364 fusing -13.5364 ▁Audrey -13.5365 ▁conspicuous -13.5365 ▁penitentiary -13.5365 ▁Bahá -13.5365 ▁Genoa -13.5365 ▁Diving -13.5366 349 -13.5367 ATS -13.5367 prise -13.5368 ▁Torah -13.5368 ▁bitterness -13.5369 determined -13.537 ▁Excess -13.5371 Address -13.5373 .1/59/ -13.5373 676 -13.5373 ▁Barrett -13.5374 liv -13.5377 ▁1871 -13.5378 ▁Clearing -13.5378 ▁mustard -13.5379 topic -13.5382 LESS -13.5382 evsky -13.5383 阿 -13.5384 三 -13.5384 ▁Magnesium -13.5384 ▁belligerent -13.5384 ▁pristine -13.5384 ▁untouched -13.5384 ▁Simmons -13.5384 ▁soothing -13.5384 华 -13.5384 ▁BRAND -13.5385 ▁‘‘ -13.5385 ▁Nikki -13.5386 ▁295 -13.5386 eep -13.5386 ▁speedily -13.5388 ▁Hamid -13.5388 guil -13.5389 DNA -13.5389 ▁Electr -13.5389 client -13.5391 ▁Counseling -13.5391 ▁reintegrate -13.5394 ▁Travelling -13.5396 ▁$43 -13.5397 ▁Gö -13.5398 ▁$65 -13.5398 ▁Tung -13.5398 ▁ROI -13.5399 comfort -13.5399 aldi -13.5399 ▁panda -13.5399 ▁HH -13.54 ▁sweetness -13.5401 ghi -13.5401 908 -13.5402 ehr -13.5403 ▁annul -13.5403 ▁DuPont -13.5404 ▁Kodak -13.5404 ▁Phantom -13.5404 ▁Tribune -13.5404 ▁japanese -13.5404 ▁proprietor -13.5404 ▁stipulation -13.5404 ▁Tattoo -13.5405 ▁Residual -13.5405 392 -13.5405 hectare -13.5405 ▁Weiss -13.5406 ▁strangely -13.5406 ▁Planetary -13.5406 expected -13.5409 Mbps -13.541 Croatia -13.541 agricultural -13.541 ▁foundry -13.541 ▁sung -13.541 imagine -13.541 ▁FGM -13.5411 Vision -13.5411 chapter -13.5411 ▁GNI -13.5412 ▁Malian -13.5413 ▁©2018 -13.5413 ▁clustering -13.5414 ▁289 -13.5414 ▁460 -13.5414 ▁273 -13.5416 ▁leaking -13.5417 Had -13.5419 ductive -13.5419 vote -13.5419 675 -13.542 .3/58/ -13.542 another -13.542 .4/2002/ -13.542 ▁stained -13.542 ▁circum -13.542 (20 -13.5421 ▁nightlife -13.5422 ▁Employer -13.5422 ▁renewing -13.5422 3-4 -13.5423 ī -13.5424 ▁backstopping -13.5424 ▁desalination -13.5424 ▁discreet -13.5424 ▁expediting -13.5424 ▁monopolies -13.5424 ▁unchecked -13.5424 ▁pharmacies -13.5424 ▁isolating -13.5425 447 -13.5425 ▁wonderfully -13.5426 ▁recollection -13.5426 ▁gunfire -13.5426 ▁bandage -13.5427 ▁[13 -13.5428 Scan -13.5429 ▁SKF -13.5429 .2/58/ -13.543 Psalm -13.543 partisan -13.543 ▁Luca -13.5431 BAR -13.5434 ▁747 -13.5435 ▁Tribal -13.5436 ▁demean -13.5437 ▁garner -13.5438 382 -13.5438 ▁puzzled -13.544 ▁complexes -13.544 ▁JM -13.544 ▁Heath -13.5441 laden -13.5442 ▁Calcium -13.5444 ▁Encyclopedia -13.5444 ▁inconsistency -13.5444 ▁volleyball -13.5444 ▁Lauderdale -13.5444 ▁Norfolk -13.5445 ▁fervent -13.5445 ▁Waterloo -13.5445 ▁Radioactive -13.5445 ▁Query -13.5447 ▁Priorities -13.5447 ▁Hamm -13.5448 ▁Mk -13.5448 nail -13.545 confident -13.545 burning -13.5452 Safe -13.5455 ▁335 -13.5455 ▁Stuff -13.5456 magic -13.5457 478 -13.5457 ▁Thorn -13.5458 ▁curtailed -13.5458 ▁Tomas -13.5458 ▁Cutter -13.5461 route -13.5462 ▁RSA -13.5463 ▁redirected -13.5464 ▁Determining -13.5465 ▁Neanderthal -13.5465 ▁Dozens -13.5465 ▁Baiyun -13.5465 ▁Activate -13.5465 ▁laminate -13.5465 ▁bowling -13.5466 ▁multilingualism -13.5466 ▁Shiite -13.5467 ▁earners -13.5468 ▁handwriting -13.5469 [24] -13.547 external -13.547 primary -13.547 ▁Incredible -13.5471 melt -13.5471 ▁Respond -13.5475 457 -13.5479 ▁1893 -13.548 ▁SCR -13.5481 ▁salty -13.5483 ▁KW -13.5484 ▁modernity -13.5484 ▁Pilgrim -13.5485 ▁artisanal -13.5485 ▁compatriots -13.5485 ▁devoting -13.5485 ▁navigating -13.5485 ▁RoHS -13.5486 ▁troublesome -13.5488 ▁Terri -13.5488 haired -13.5489 ▁Simplified -13.5489 ▁Willie -13.549 among -13.549 assemble -13.549 5,600 -13.549 .1/60/ -13.549 ▁Pair -13.5491 ▁vocation -13.5491 ▁Orion -13.5491 ▁[9 -13.5491 Spring -13.5491 ▁Involuntary -13.5493 ▁Learned -13.5493 ▁Becky -13.5493 ▁Teenage -13.5493 ▁Nail -13.5493 ▁embarking -13.5493 ▁7:30 -13.5495 ▁Rog -13.5495 marketing -13.5497 ▁blackout -13.5497 066 -13.55 ▁decreed -13.5501 ▁Khalid -13.5501 happy -13.5501 ▁Sixteen -13.5501 ▁610 -13.5502 ▁pollutant -13.5503 Seven -13.5503 vailing -13.5504 ▁operationalize -13.5505 ▁Conciliation -13.5505 ▁Mourinho -13.5505 ▁anomalies -13.5505 ▁manganese -13.5505 福 -13.5505 ▁nurtured -13.5505 ▁MOP -13.5505 ▁contour -13.5505 ▁Sacramento -13.5506 Comment -13.5506 685 -13.5506 ▁[14 -13.5507 ▁Hoi -13.5508 ▁309 -13.5509 ▁expended -13.551 /58/7 -13.551 ▁Georgi -13.5511 anticipated -13.5511 Android -13.5512 ▁showroom -13.5514 ▁VPS -13.5514 processor -13.5515 ▁upfront -13.5516 463 -13.5517 lz -13.5517 ▁53% -13.5518 ▁fury -13.5519 ▁Zhan -13.552 Bashir -13.5523 ▁STD -13.5523 ▁Displayed -13.5525 ▁Entebbe -13.5525 ▁centrifugal -13.5525 ▁militarily -13.5525 ▁observable -13.5525 子 -13.5525 ▁RELATED -13.5525 ▁Scotch -13.5525 ▁transient -13.5526 ▁phil -13.5526 ▁prioritise -13.5526 ▁dearly -13.5527 ▁Wheat -13.5527 ▁rebirth -13.5528 ▁precluded -13.5528 ▁complementing -13.5528 ▁$49 -13.5528 ▁Believers -13.5528 ▁Newport -13.5529 ▁Lilies -13.553 1300 -13.553 ▁filler -13.553 TRAC -13.553 translated -13.5531 Import -13.5531 ▁battered -13.5531 ▁eff -13.5531 ▁WD -13.5531 promise -13.5533 638 -13.5533 ▁Gathering -13.5534 344 -13.5534 ▁penalized -13.5536 ▁Told -13.5536 754 -13.5536 XXVII -13.5537 1-8 -13.5538 ▁Fau -13.5539 volt -13.554 Learning -13.5541 ▁Signing -13.5544 scene -13.5545 β -13.5545 ▁excavator -13.5545 ▁stagnate -13.5545 ▁Chandler -13.5545 ▁Tutorial -13.5545 ▁Worry -13.5546 ▁Guilin -13.5547 ▁NIS -13.5548 .5/56/ -13.5548 1/3 -13.555 ▁correctness -13.5551 ▁Qual -13.5552 ▁partake -13.5552 909 -13.5552 hyp -13.5554 ▁globalizing -13.5555 ▁TAI -13.5557 ▁09:00 -13.5557 ▁CAL -13.5557 ▁wig -13.5557 733 -13.5559 925 -13.556 438 -13.5561 ▁armour -13.5562 ▁Christoph -13.5562 owl -13.5563 ▁SPAR -13.5564 ▁adjudicate -13.5566 ▁recompense -13.5566 。。。 -13.5566 Φ -13.5566 ▁Innocent -13.5566 ▁Represents -13.5566 ▁blurred -13.5566 ▁curated -13.5567 ▁tensile -13.5567 ▁1521 -13.5567 ▁Dé -13.5568 ▁Macedonian -13.5569 ▁257 -13.557 ▁interconnect -13.5572 ▁repaid -13.5572 True -13.5572 Large -13.5572 ▁ERC -13.5573 ▁Kata -13.5574 RH -13.5574 lard -13.5577 ▁PMI -13.5577 ▁Prada -13.5578 ▁decorate -13.5578 ▁recur -13.5579 ▁ANC -13.5579 ▁joked -13.558 ▁7.0 -13.5581 ▁reborn -13.5582 779 -13.5583 ▁MET -13.5583 uction -13.5584 ▁Düsseldorf -13.5586 ▁Eleanor -13.5586 ▁Lagoon -13.5586 ▁ramifications -13.5586 设 -13.5586 ▁savior -13.5586 波 -13.5586 ▁forfeiture -13.5586 ▁Diplomacy -13.5586 ▁Nell -13.5587 498 -13.5588 362 -13.559 ▁Vac -13.5591 Belarus -13.5592 required -13.5592 wives -13.5592 ▁Zap -13.5594 ▁documentaries -13.5596 735 -13.5596 expression -13.5596 ▁Robo -13.5597 colon -13.5597 hosted -13.5598 ▁cheering -13.5599 ▁Camping -13.5601 ▁Damon -13.5602 cooled -13.5604 shev -13.5605 771 -13.5605 ▁remnant -13.5606 ▁Retrieve -13.5606 ▁physiology -13.5606 ▁Lottery -13.5607 strasse -13.5607 ▁CPR -13.5608 ▁shotgun -13.5608 ▁Carroll -13.5608 ▁spaceship -13.5609 ▁Mamma -13.5609 ▁touted -13.561 ITU -13.5611 ▁coveted -13.5611 drink -13.5612 IQ -13.5613 ▁2:00 -13.5615 ▁pimp -13.5616 ▁custodial -13.5617 ▁vividly -13.5617 verb -13.5618 ▁[10] -13.5618 ▁Bree -13.5618 ▁Mbps -13.5621 ▁Anita -13.5623 nature -13.5623 DOS -13.5624 ▁flourished -13.5624 ovitch -13.5625 ▁tempered -13.5626 ş -13.5627 ▁STATES -13.5627 ▁SUPPORT -13.5627 ▁Servicing -13.5627 ▁conduit -13.5627 ▁Violet -13.5627 651 -13.5627 ▁Ceiling -13.5627 ▁tornado -13.5627 ▁folly -13.5627 ▁7.7 -13.5627 ▁Immuno -13.5628 ▁Cristo -13.5629 chev -13.5631 ▁Yea -13.5632 ▁Carmel -13.5632 renewable -13.5633 eminent -13.5633 ▁Streaming -13.5634 gren -13.5634 763 -13.5635 ▁PARIS -13.5635 ▁alphabetical -13.5636 876 -13.5638 ▁specificities -13.5639 706 -13.564 robot -13.564 ▁centrality -13.5642 ▁Marry -13.5642 ▁8.0 -13.5645 ▁($9 -13.5646 士 -13.5647 ▁Injury -13.5647 ▁skating -13.5647 ▁droit -13.5647 ▁french -13.5647 ▁Huizhou -13.5648 ▁vase -13.5648 ▁Corfu -13.5648 607 -13.5649 ▁93% -13.565 ▁Recall -13.565 ▁physio -13.5651 ▁CMOS -13.5652 ▁mainframe -13.5653 ▁“1. -13.5653 ▁endeavoured -13.5655 ▁commending -13.5655 ▁0.1% -13.5656 ▁Artistic -13.5657 80% -13.5658 ▁Sight -13.566 /59/2 -13.5664 ▁Haf -13.5664 Word -13.5664 器 -13.5668 广 -13.5668 ▁Confession -13.5668 ▁Jewellery -13.5668 ▁aerodynamic -13.5668 ▁inadequacy -13.5668 ▁retaliatory -13.5668 ¢ -13.5668 ▁embedding -13.5668 ▁emigration -13.5669 ▁CTO -13.567 ▁funnel -13.5671 453 -13.5671 possible -13.5674 aligned -13.5674 ▁新 -13.5676 imov -13.5676 6.3 -13.5676 ▁261 -13.5677 ▁Thal -13.5677 ▁EXP -13.5679 ▁7000 -13.5679 ▁psychologically -13.568 ▁Teeth -13.568 stasis -13.5681 ▁numeric -13.5681 ▁\( -13.5682 ▁Targeted -13.5682 ▁TWO -13.5683 ▁Cork -13.5683 ▁Dare -13.5684 ▁adopters -13.5684 ▁Siege -13.5685 planning -13.5686 ▁checkout -13.5687 ▁Loyalty -13.5688 ▁Samaritan -13.5688 ▁Territorial -13.5688 ▁Toshiba -13.5688 ▁milligrams -13.5688 ▁ungrateful -13.5688 ▁uterus -13.5688 ▁vulgar -13.5688 ▁Mosaic -13.5688 ▁Bloody -13.5688 ▁choppy -13.5688 ▁innovator -13.5689 ▁unplanned -13.5689 ▁plaster -13.5689 ▁Rift -13.569 ▁lineage -13.5691 484 -13.5691 ▁Warming -13.5692 ▁4-5 -13.5692 ▁whomever -13.5693 ▁6.9 -13.5694 ▁axle -13.5694 587 -13.5694 ▁$1.7 -13.5694 Azerbaijan -13.5695 colonial -13.5695 ▁USCIS -13.5695 ▁showcased -13.5695 activation -13.5695 shelf -13.5696 910 -13.5699 Cast -13.57 ▁relaunch -13.5701 1988 -13.5702 qian -13.5704 guided -13.5704 785 -13.5705 Clear -13.5708 ▁LVMH -13.5709 ▁Tumblr -13.5709 ▁Austen -13.5709 ▁Chloe -13.5709 ▁aegis -13.5709 ▁Karma -13.571 ▁2007-2008 -13.5711 ISP -13.5711 riel -13.5712 ▁coursework -13.5713 nitro -13.5714 Document -13.5715 Certainly -13.5715 CCC -13.5715 ▁Blast -13.5716 VAC -13.5718 ▁Cyril -13.5718 AML -13.5719 ▁Resist -13.5719 ▁Informed -13.5724 ▁CME -13.5724 ▁AGENDA -13.5729 ▁archipelago -13.5729 ▁chimney -13.5729 ▁festive -13.5729 ▁legislate -13.5729 化 -13.5729 ▁swirl -13.5729 ▁Kabila -13.573 ▁Peggy -13.573 ▁queer -13.573 ▁Blanca -13.573 ▁Dunn -13.5733 ▁Wax -13.5733 ▁Kron -13.5734 ▁Oceanic -13.5735 chemistry -13.5736 coordinated -13.5736 chloride -13.5736 ▁52% -13.5737 ▁Vil -13.574 ▁accrue -13.5741 353 -13.5741 ▁speculated -13.5743 ionic -13.5743 ▁unintentional -13.5746 ▁liter -13.575 ▁Bujumbura -13.575 ▁Antilles -13.575 ▁saturation -13.575 ▁motorbike -13.575 ▁negate -13.5751 ▁DATA -13.5752 ▁planner -13.5753 ▁Ella -13.5754 ▁Armor -13.5754 ▁secretive -13.5754 ▁Hale -13.5756 retirement -13.5757 pixel -13.5757 shadow -13.5757 athon -13.5758 ▁Sheep -13.5759 ▁avenge -13.576 Serbia -13.5761 solution -13.5764 meeting -13.5764 434 -13.5766 ▁stud -13.5769 ▁¥1 -13.5769 ▁dysfunctional -13.5769 produce -13.5769 ▁moderated -13.577 ▁Chevron -13.5771 ▁gourmet -13.5771 ▁irritation -13.5771 ▁muscular -13.5771 球 -13.5771 ▁963-5935 -13.5771 ▁concurrence -13.5771 ▁McConnell -13.5771 12345 -13.5771 ▁plaza -13.5771 croft -13.5774 ▁Molding -13.5775 ▁undefined -13.5775 parties -13.5777 Excellent -13.5777 poverty -13.5777 969 -13.5777 ▁Pia -13.5777 ▁buckle -13.5779 ▁Federated -13.5779 ▁chronicle -13.578 warsaw -13.5783 ▁Kazan -13.5785 ▁beads -13.5785 ▁dan -13.5787 ▁Tet -13.5789 ▁encoder -13.5789 ▁Dealing -13.5789 ▁LF -13.579 ▁Enlightenment -13.5791 ▁Typhoon -13.5791 ▁discouraging -13.5791 ▁equivalence -13.5791 ▁hygienic -13.5791 ▁TYPE -13.5791 ▁Santorini -13.5791 我 -13.5791 ▁Forrester -13.5792 ▁Nestlé -13.5792 ▁65/1 -13.5792 ▁Bangui -13.5792 ▁Armour -13.5793 ▁Interregional -13.5793 qualified -13.5797 individual -13.5798 Dream -13.5798 ▁「 -13.5798 ▁Gunn -13.5799 ▁Tse -13.5804 ▁92% -13.5805 ▁8.8 -13.5805 ▁Entering -13.5805 ▁chewing -13.5806 ▁Quay -13.5806 ▁Schi -13.5807 =1 -13.5807 .1/63/ -13.5807 shared -13.5809 strike -13.581 ▁mutati -13.5811 679 -13.5812 ل -13.5812 ▁Diagnosis -13.5812 ▁Necessary -13.5812 ▁Saskatchewan -13.5812 ▁Shirley -13.5812 ▁pancreatic -13.5812 程 -13.5812 ▁polyethylene -13.5812 ▁Guinean -13.5813 ▁Gitea -13.5813 ▁addenda -13.5813 kyu -13.5815 married -13.5818 ▁Copies -13.5819 ≤ -13.5819 341 -13.5819 ▁ZHEJIANG -13.5819 Hebei -13.5822 ▁%1$ -13.5822 ABA -13.5824 agged -13.5825 ▁Mouth -13.5826 ▁slid -13.5826 1989 -13.5827 ▁drip -13.5827 ijk -13.5827 ▁Hazel -13.5827 LOCK -13.5829 ▁RJ -13.5829 ▁Wesley -13.5829 ▁columnist -13.5829 ▁hydra -13.583 ▁Athlete -13.5833 ▁Entire -13.5833 ▁Milwaukee -13.5833 ▁Sofitel -13.5833 ▁Undoubtedly -13.5833 ▁culminating -13.5833 ▁electrified -13.5833 ▁reverence -13.5833 ▁unethical -13.5833 能 -13.5833 ▁Fibre -13.5833 ▁rearrange -13.5834 ▁pensioners -13.5834 ▁1894 -13.5834 quist -13.5836 telling -13.5836 ▁1887 -13.5837 ▁Systematic -13.5837 medicine -13.5838 ▁Colony -13.5839 revolutionary -13.584 00000 -13.584 ▁XVIII -13.5841 ▁godly -13.5841 summer -13.5842 ▁Rabi -13.5842 Marie -13.5844 ▁batches -13.5844 ▁writ -13.5847 Update -13.5847 Forex -13.5847 ▁playful -13.5848 riving -13.5848 ▁pensionable -13.5849 ▁authorisation -13.5849 ▁57/30 -13.585 ▁Rashid -13.5851 rising -13.5853 skiy -13.5853 mori -13.5854 ▁ASSEMBLY -13.5854 ▁Gujarat -13.5854 ▁Informatics -13.5854 ▁assailant -13.5854 ▁assimilation -13.5854 ▁consignee -13.5854 ▁reindeer -13.5854 ▁subversive -13.5854 ▁hugged -13.5854 ▁Mistress -13.5854 ▁dengue -13.5854 ▁Thames -13.5854 ▁Addiction -13.5855 ▁wifi -13.5855 CST -13.5856 ▁Tune -13.5858 ▁sprawling -13.5858 fresh -13.5859 9.8 -13.5859 7,600 -13.586 ▁hue -13.5861 invasive -13.5861 DVD -13.5861 aircraft -13.5861 ▁Stroke -13.5862 CHENG -13.5867 ▁Hama -13.5868 Pet -13.5872 7,500 -13.5874 ▁BiH -13.5874 lette -13.5874 ▁64% -13.5875 ▁CHINESE -13.5875 ▁Lamborghini -13.5875 ▁Plenty -13.5875 ▁collusion -13.5875 ▁annihilate -13.5875 ▁iodine -13.5875 位 -13.5875 ▁neonatal -13.5875 ▁Corporal -13.5875 SPLOS -13.5875 ▁rodent -13.5876 745 -13.5877 ▁Showcase -13.5878 ▁brotherhood -13.5878 ▁Soldier -13.5878 ▁Optimis -13.5878 677 -13.5879 ▁hampering -13.588 mitting -13.588 ▁Campo -13.588 ▁GEN -13.5881 Jordan -13.5882 acquired -13.5882 813 -13.5883 ▁sorties -13.5885 ▁haze -13.5886 spirit -13.5888 ▁Nate -13.5888 ▁signalling -13.5889 ▁Lecturer -13.589 pak -13.5891 756 -13.5892 ▁biologically -13.5892 ▁Cure -13.5893 ▁Fourteen -13.5893 773 -13.5894 PLC -13.5895 ▁Ease -13.5895 lary -13.5895 ▁Brahimi -13.5896 ▁DeepMind -13.5896 ▁Exploring -13.5896 ▁Hogwarts -13.5896 ▁Implications -13.5896 ▁Infectious -13.5896 ▁illustrative -13.5896 ▁incandescent -13.5896 ▁ominous -13.5896 ▁seafarers -13.5896 ▁servitude -13.5896 ▁wrinkles -13.5896 ▁Gallup -13.5896 注册 -13.5896 ▁churn -13.5896 ▁visibly -13.5896 ▁malignant -13.5896 ▁Equitable -13.5896 ▁Harlem -13.5896 ▁Fiona -13.5896 ▁Marianne -13.5897 ▁Smell -13.5898 NED -13.5898 ▁Dye -13.59 374 -13.5901 ▁bully -13.5902 tonnes -13.5903 hailing -13.5905 391 -13.5906 ▁Jules -13.5906 ▁assertive -13.5908 ▁Tianhe -13.5908 ▁Sonny -13.5913 ▁Needle -13.5913 ▁exhausting -13.5913 ▁Meteor -13.5917 ▁Aberdeen -13.5917 ▁Astronomical -13.5917 ▁Astronomy -13.5917 ▁inadmissibility -13.5917 ▁innumerable -13.5917 ▁radiant -13.5917 ▁Shopify -13.5918 ▁instil -13.5918 ▁permeate -13.5918 ▁350,000 -13.5919 ▁Modify -13.592 ▁Nasdaq -13.592 ▁barge -13.5921 ▁Fault -13.5921 ▁HAL -13.5922 Stock -13.5925 /1994/ -13.5926 ▁Alison -13.5927 ▁masked -13.5927 ▁Terre -13.5928 ▁Hydra -13.5929 ▁REF -13.5929 ▁HMS -13.593 ▁1559 -13.5931 ▁bake -13.5932 ▁Shiva -13.5934 always -13.5936 ▁whopping -13.5936 TAN -13.5936 loved -13.5936 Way -13.5938 ▁antimicrobial -13.5938 ▁dissipation -13.5938 ▁Submarine -13.5938 ▁interviewer -13.5939 ▁elasticity -13.5939 ▁1503 -13.5939 ▁Accepted -13.594 ▁Relating -13.594 ▁Zara -13.5943 urry -13.5943 ▁misled -13.5943 cetic -13.5945 Assembly -13.5945 ▁justifiable -13.5947 Find -13.5947 ▁tempt -13.5947 tolerance -13.5948 ▁placebo -13.5948 ▁Saleh -13.5948 ▁obeying -13.5948 lingual -13.5949 ▁replay -13.5949 meta -13.5951 ▁jihadist -13.5951 ▁Batch -13.5952 LIAN -13.5953 getting -13.5953 ▁Galli -13.5954 ▁Consult -13.5955 ▁Alive -13.5958 ▁78% -13.5958 ▁Erin -13.5959 ▁PSD -13.5959 ▁Amusement -13.5959 ▁Concentration -13.5959 ▁Endangered -13.5959 ▁Mykonos -13.5959 ▁deplorable -13.5959 ▁unnoticed -13.5959 ▁anthropologist -13.5959 ▁Sensitive -13.5959 ▁Cigarette -13.5959 ▁Stretch -13.5959 ▁timid -13.5959 ▁SUPER -13.5959 ▁MasterCard -13.5959 ▁LOOK -13.5959 funding -13.596 ▁smugglers -13.596 ▁Balloon -13.596 ▁stemmed -13.596 ▁thermometer -13.596 ▁gloomy -13.5961 ▁url -13.5961 ▁1572 -13.5962 393 -13.5963 ▁Altai -13.5963 ▁Directed -13.5965 ▁298 -13.5965 Spanish -13.5966 ▁spearheaded -13.5966 YOU -13.5967 address -13.5967 ▁SHO -13.5968 ▁Antique -13.5969 ▁Cui -13.597 uating -13.5971 ▁Birk -13.5971 ▁BRA -13.5971 ▁necessitated -13.5973 INTER -13.5977 ▁Luk -13.5978 ▁impeach -13.598 ▁Membrane -13.598 ▁POLISARIO -13.598 ▁SUMMARY -13.598 ▁fascination -13.598 ▁jQuery -13.598 ▁undisputed -13.598 ▁Galleria -13.598 ▁Wolfgang -13.598 ▁Olympus -13.5981 ▁Configure -13.5981 ▁bacon -13.5981 ▁Yangzhou -13.5982 ▁boxer -13.5982 ▁brighten -13.5983 ▁childish -13.5983 ▁mural -13.5983 LEY -13.5983 ▁calf -13.5984 ▁graft -13.5984 ▁Determination -13.5985 ▁futuristic -13.5985 ▁grasped -13.5986 ▁Keller -13.5987 Soviet -13.5987 olite -13.5987 Something -13.5987 ▁selfie -13.5987 ▁LLP -13.5988 ▁Chromebook -13.5989 ▁XIN -13.599 Guang -13.5991 ▁sensational -13.5992 ▁yoke -13.5993 ▁Nino -13.5994 ▁spearhead -13.5994 ▁Challenger -13.5997 graduate -13.5999 ▁Trick -13.6 小 -13.6001 ▁CONVENTION -13.6001 ▁synagogue -13.6001 于 -13.6001 系列 -13.6001 ▁Coconut -13.6001 ▁customizable -13.6002 ▁Weifang -13.6002 ▁Randall -13.6002 ▁fetal -13.6002 ▁oversaw -13.6002 ▁Salaam -13.6003 /2000/40 -13.6004 /59/1 -13.6005 mala -13.6005 ▁Aging -13.6007 [25] -13.6007 QUA -13.6008 ▁61/24 -13.6008 example -13.6008 communal -13.6008 Object -13.6009 Organ -13.6009 threat -13.6009 ▁Kung -13.6016 ▁Fortress -13.6016 ▁counterfeiting -13.6017 841 -13.6017 ▁Gemini -13.6018 ▁gosh -13.6018 YANG -13.6018 ▁Herbal -13.6021 ▁outraged -13.6021 hoff -13.6022 ▁Arlington -13.6023 ▁oyster -13.6023 ▁Density -13.6023 ▁PARTIES -13.6023 ▁grazing -13.6023 ▁caliber -13.6023 ▁Jammu -13.6023 4.9 -13.6023 ▁bundled -13.6024 ▁demobilized -13.6025 Force -13.6029 ▁Quito -13.6029 kur -13.603 京 -13.603 ▁Shing -13.603 uza -13.603 Biological -13.603 terrelationship -13.603 ▁Ré -13.6031 ▁Affected -13.6032 ▁Planck -13.6033 ▁Tender -13.6035 ▁Wasn -13.6035 nig -13.6036 ▁Guaranteed -13.6037 ▁EEC -13.6038 458 -13.6039 ▁justifying -13.6039 ▁che -13.604 ▁72% -13.604 ▁raided -13.6042 casa -13.6044 ▁Endowment -13.6044 ▁PostgreSQL -13.6044 ▁conjecture -13.6044 ▁immature -13.6044 ▁nouvelles -13.6044 ▁sustenance -13.6044 卡 -13.6044 ▁Flexibility -13.6044 ▁Exeter -13.6044 ▁Utilization -13.6045 ▁southeastern -13.6045 ▁Freddy -13.6045 ▁Tulip -13.6045 ▁boasting -13.6045 ▁Linde -13.6046 464 -13.6047 ▁realistically -13.6047 ▁Candidate -13.6049 ▁merry -13.605 inflation -13.6051 emphasize -13.6051 ▁mug -13.6051 ▁contestant -13.6052 Tax -13.6052 ▁insulating -13.6052 Road -13.6054 ▁notoriously -13.6054 ▁BIOS -13.6055 656 -13.6056 IBLE -13.6056 ▁acutely -13.6056 informal -13.6057 ▁Quint -13.6057 cite -13.6058 franc -13.6058 ▁addict -13.6061 ▁Guer -13.6061 ▁Ngo -13.6063 ▁electing -13.6064 basic -13.6064 ▁71% -13.6065 ▁Auxiliary -13.6065 ▁adjudication -13.6065 ▁asphalt -13.6065 ▁exploding -13.6065 ▁irreparable -13.6065 ▁bullied -13.6065 ▁Borrow -13.6066 ▁Empty -13.6066 ▁chord -13.6066 SQL -13.6066 ▁frail -13.6066 ulla -13.6066 ▁patronage -13.6067 laughter -13.6067 ▁STEP -13.6067 ▁iMac -13.6067 ▁Roadmap -13.6068 ▁senseless -13.6069 launched -13.6069 ▁57% -13.6069 ▁787 -13.607 Pol -13.6071 ▁Salad -13.6071 ▁commentator -13.6071 ▁reinstated -13.6072 Italian -13.6073 ▁Deeme -13.6074 ▁OTC -13.6075 ▁Agnes -13.6075 ▁Forming -13.6076 ▁coolest -13.6076 472 -13.6077 ▁Accelerate -13.6078 ▁Kik -13.6079 ▁penalize -13.608 ▁taxable -13.6082 ▁Brin -13.6083 ▁entitl -13.6084 ▁DBS -13.6085 ▁Piper -13.6085 ▁Aerial -13.6085 ▁Safer -13.6086 lapping -13.6086 ▁Remembrance -13.6087 ▁compulsion -13.6087 速 -13.6087 为 -13.6087 ▁Bohemia -13.6087 ▁Galilee -13.6087 ▁Simulator -13.6087 ▁Chechen -13.6087 ▁Undergraduate -13.6087 ▁Kathy -13.6088 ▁$55 -13.6088 ▁Tyson -13.6089 ▁husbandry -13.6089 ▁sentimental -13.6089 ▁GATS -13.6089 integrated -13.6089 ▁Vogue -13.6089 ▁Opti -13.6089 0] -13.6091 ▁overwhelm -13.6091 ▁awoke -13.6092 PET -13.6092 ▁incest -13.6092 ▁1050 -13.6093 ▁Breathe -13.6093 student -13.6094 UNIFEM -13.6094 together -13.6094 percentage -13.6095 70% -13.6096 NEW -13.6096 jpg -13.6097 3,500 -13.6097 reasonable -13.6097 ▁Ö -13.6098 ▁Gather -13.6099 ▁crossover -13.61 ▁58% -13.6101 ▁vibe -13.6102 ▁bravely -13.6103 ▁abrupt -13.6103 ▁bla -13.6106 995 -13.6107 687 -13.6107 553 -13.6107 ▁Brilliant -13.6108 ▁HEALTH -13.6108 ▁Natasha -13.6108 ▁antagonist -13.6108 运 -13.6108 你 -13.6108 ▁Odessa -13.6108 ▁MODEL -13.6108 nucle -13.6108 ▁salient -13.6108 ▁Altogether -13.6109 ▁Zor -13.6109 ▁nuclei -13.6109 882 -13.6109 ▁Methyl -13.611 ETH -13.611 ▁rattle -13.6111 0571 -13.6112 ▁fistula -13.6113 flexible -13.6115 ficienc -13.6116 ▁1840 -13.6116 ▁WWF -13.6116 ▁litre -13.6117 ▁Passive -13.6118 ▁Rafi -13.6119 ▁Oven -13.612 ▁Extremely -13.6121 ▁vomit -13.6121 ▁omit -13.6123 ▁stripes -13.6123 ▁Placement -13.6124 ▁Reformation -13.6125 ▁midday -13.6126 ▁Drone -13.6126 881 -13.6127 ▁HUA -13.6128 ▁copyrighted -13.6128 ▁ADDRESS -13.6129 ▁CHAPTER -13.6129 ▁Nietzsche -13.6129 ▁engraved -13.6129 ▁executable -13.6129 ▁hereditary -13.6129 ▁shrunk -13.6129 ▁Variety -13.613 ▁blush -13.613 ▁Audiovisual -13.613 691 -13.613 ▁Mobilization -13.613 ▁2005-2006 -13.6132 ▁FORM -13.6133 ▁remake -13.6135 ▁softer -13.6135 ▁– -13.6136 Uruguay -13.6137 ▁Wifi -13.6137 6-7 -13.6138 ×2 -13.6139 ▁Marion -13.6143 ▁SKY -13.6143 ▁Malvinas -13.6147 operating -13.6148 ▁outpatient -13.6148 站 -13.6151 台 -13.6151 φ -13.6151 ▁acrylic -13.6151 ▁ceremonial -13.6151 ▁limousine -13.6151 ▁majeure -13.6151 ▁motivating -13.6151 ▁Valuation -13.6151 ▁mischief -13.6151 ▁unhappiness -13.6151 ▁14:30 -13.6152 ▁berries -13.6153 Feng -13.6154 ▁octa -13.6155 Lay -13.6157 ▁purported -13.6158 Recommended -13.6158 journal -13.6158 ▁CODE -13.6159 467 -13.616 ▁4:00 -13.6162 446 -13.6162 ▁Adler -13.6163 ▁mocked -13.6166 hostel -13.6168 TAC -13.6168 ▁CEN -13.6171 AKA -13.6172 ▁Pledging -13.6172 ▁presuppose -13.6172 ▁affinity -13.6172 ▁Strauss -13.6172 ▁impractical -13.6172 ▁stumbling -13.6173 ▁Apartamentos -13.6173 ▁vinegar -13.6173 ▁discord -13.6173 ▁Durham -13.6173 ▁Monk -13.6174 ▁Waterpark -13.6175 ▁deregulation -13.6175 iche -13.6179 Psych -13.6179 functioning -13.618 ▁habitable -13.6181 ▁hijacking -13.6182 Monday -13.6183 ▁ethnically -13.6183 ▁Holl -13.6184 ▁quieter -13.6184 enta -13.6189 ▁6:30 -13.619 ▁Wha -13.6191 Germain -13.6193 ▁296 -13.6193 Par -13.6193 ▁impossibility -13.6194 ▁inequities -13.6194 ▁jersey -13.6194 ▁refrigerated -13.6194 ▁Dixon -13.6194 比 -13.6194 ▁strawberries -13.6194 ▁sprout -13.6194 ▁surreal -13.6194 ▁grabbing -13.6194 ▁Gaz -13.6195 ▁NOAA -13.6195 ▁Seasonal -13.6196 bourg -13.6197 ▁Monet -13.6197 fol -13.6197 ▁版权所有 -13.6197 chap -13.6198 ▁hyperlink -13.6198 ▁dough -13.6198 ▁mutate -13.6198 ▁childbearing -13.6198 705 -13.6199 ▁annoy -13.6199 Luc -13.62 ▁underlie -13.6201 Financing -13.6201 possibly -13.6201 bottom -13.6202 ▁Curious -13.6202 prevention -13.6202 pilot -13.6203 ▁relentlessly -13.6204 ▁Centr -13.6204 ▁Toward -13.6204 ▁Sharif -13.6205 ▁grading -13.6205 york -13.6206 ▁1803 -13.6206 ▁Karachi -13.6207 494 -13.6207 791 -13.6209 Host -13.6209 commission -13.621 477 -13.621 019 -13.6211 ▁FTA -13.6211 ▁4-6 -13.6211 ▁Peach -13.6213 ▁anemia -13.6214 ▁advert -13.6214 ▁psychopath -13.6214 ▁pear -13.6214 ▁Biorhythm -13.6216 ▁Compatibility -13.6216 ▁Continuation -13.6216 ▁Wharf -13.6216 ▁enclave -13.6216 ▁Floyd -13.6216 ▁Historian -13.6216 ▁privatize -13.6216 ▁anomaly -13.6216 ▁Utiliz -13.6216 ▁Heater -13.6216 ▁Doyle -13.6217 ▁Preferred -13.6218 ▁00:00 -13.6218 979 -13.6218 6.8 -13.6218 ▁Ching -13.6218 ▁Katz -13.6219 ▁Patri -13.6221 ▁Recycle -13.6221 ▁refract -13.6222 UNIDO -13.6223 ▁exiled -13.6225 oxin -13.6227 ▁Rahman -13.6229 ▁Requested -13.6229 RAY -13.6229 locate -13.623 ▁Virtually -13.6231 ▁$200,000 -13.6231 ▁disco -13.6232 grow -13.6232 ▁FIT -13.6233 aldo -13.6235 ▁kneel -13.6235 ▁Inventor -13.6237 petit -13.6237 ▁abundantly -13.6237 928 -13.6237 Ü -13.6237 ▁AirPods -13.6237 ▁Carbide -13.6237 ▁insanity -13.6238 ▁pluralistic -13.6238 ▁Respondent -13.6238 ▁CSOs -13.6238 ▁midwives -13.6238 river -13.6238 ▁rugby -13.6238 ▁Ferra -13.6238 ▁Cigar -13.6238 ▁multiplication -13.6238 ▁Forging -13.6239 ▁Calder -13.624 ▁DST -13.6241 ▁Kash -13.6241 ▁foresight -13.6242 ▁Somaliland -13.6245 James -13.6245 CTBT -13.6246 ▁welded -13.6246 ▁Blum -13.6246 ▁Fior -13.6249 ▁Familiar -13.6249 ▁cantons -13.625 ▁Bacon -13.625 ▁predicate -13.625 ▁dew -13.6252 ▁certifying -13.6252 ▁wand -13.6252 origin -13.6253 ▁Midland -13.6253 ▁SSR -13.6254 tivity -13.6254 905 -13.6254 ▁cooker -13.6255 ▁11.5 -13.6257 ▁Nex -13.6257 ▁Manifesto -13.6259 ▁Testimonial -13.6259 ▁exploratory -13.6259 ▁interstellar -13.6259 ▁ombudsman -13.6259 ▁shovel -13.6259 ▁unwarranted -13.6259 ▁Jasper -13.6259 ▁(1981) -13.626 ▁spillover -13.626 Create -13.6261 ▁employability -13.6261 xml -13.6261 ▁indebtedness -13.6261 ▁forsake -13.6261 ▁Hamlet -13.6261 ▁Bookmark -13.6262 ▁moonlight -13.6264 Cheng -13.6265 Saint -13.6267 district -13.6268 /57/7 -13.6268 Advanced -13.627 JIU -13.627 ▁2,300 -13.6272 ▁SIL -13.6273 ▁politely -13.6274 ▁Recruiting -13.6274 ▁Johnston -13.6277 ▁Tide -13.6279 ▁dopamine -13.6281 ▁horrendous -13.6281 ▁skepticism -13.6281 金沙 -13.6281 ▁产品名称 -13.6281 ▁Patriarch -13.6281 ▁tonnage -13.6281 ▁Marquis -13.6281 ▁Javier -13.6281 ▁facie -13.6281 ▁unsubscribe -13.6282 ▁Kaplan -13.6282 ▁Sammy -13.6285 ▁PNG -13.6286 urgent -13.6288 ▁Announced -13.6288 Denmark -13.6289 Ecuador -13.6289 UNMIK -13.6289 ▁Tram -13.6289 Romania -13.6289 Until -13.6289 ▁Cosmetic -13.6289 ▁Charleston -13.629 ▁wager -13.6291 ▁selectivity -13.6291 ▁Stoke -13.6292 ▁Electron -13.6292 ▁getaway -13.6293 ▁rumored -13.6293 ▁Wheeler -13.6294 729 -13.6299 buri -13.6299 ▁reluctantly -13.63 politic -13.63 ▁carcinogen -13.6302 Institut -13.6302 ▁Combination -13.6303 ▁Kickstarter -13.6303 ▁congratulating -13.6303 ▁cunning -13.6303 ▁graffiti -13.6303 ▁infrastructural -13.6303 ▁summarizing -13.6303 ▁Corbyn -13.6303 ▁Perkins -13.6303 ▁Shunde -13.6304 ▁Upcoming -13.6304 CNTV -13.6304 ▁Landmine -13.6304 045 -13.6304 ▁dipped -13.6305 ▁Inspectorate -13.6305 ▁Viva -13.6306 ▁Bayern -13.6307 Semitic -13.6308 ▁hijack -13.6308 hair -13.6309 ▁Moro -13.6309 ▁jade -13.6309 ORY -13.631 default -13.631 ▁loosely -13.6312 ▁suspending -13.6312 935 -13.6312 warning -13.6314 ▁Plugin -13.6315 026 -13.6316 ngfang -13.6317 867 -13.6318 ▁75,000 -13.6322 ▁unlocking -13.6324 ▁12.2 -13.6324 939 -13.6324 线 -13.6325 ▁envious -13.6325 ▁mafia -13.6325 ▁tedious -13.6325 ▁DARPA -13.6325 ▁surging -13.6325 ▁Forgotten -13.6325 ▁Faro -13.6325 ▁Branson -13.6326 ▁Allowance -13.6327 ▁snorkeling -13.6328 ▁retreated -13.6329 ▁furtherance -13.633 90% -13.633 ▁Siberian -13.633 prepared -13.6331 ▁diluted -13.6332 Senegal -13.6332 ▁reaffirmation -13.6333 cipi -13.6333 ▁$25,000 -13.6333 ▁Accelerated -13.6334 ▁thicker -13.6336 ▁NIH -13.6336 ▁statehood -13.6338 ▁subsidize -13.6338 ▁reconstructed -13.6339 ▁novice -13.6341 Down -13.6342 ▁intensively -13.6343 ▁kisses -13.6344 GPP -13.6345 ▁Ode -13.6346 ▁philanthropy -13.6347 ▁trespass -13.6347 ▁Bamako -13.6347 ▁aboriginal -13.6347 ▁Marilyn -13.6347 ▁Cyrus -13.6347 ▁Dickens -13.6347 ▁gearbox -13.6348 ▁Ramon -13.6348 ▁Samui -13.6348 803 -13.6348 ▁comma -13.6349 mega -13.635 ▁Marvin -13.635 ▁usurp -13.635 ookie -13.6351 mask -13.6352 ▁Francesco -13.6352 ▁Punch -13.6353 ▁Bona -13.6353 XXVIII -13.6353 increase -13.6354 component -13.6354 ▁Singing -13.6355 6,600 -13.6358 ▁lamented -13.6359 Shall -13.636 ▁Myself -13.636 justice -13.636 963 -13.6362 ▁DFS -13.6363 vista -13.6364 ▁Pace -13.6366 ▁NPR -13.6367 ▁synchronous -13.6368 ▁penta -13.6368 ▁Corresponding -13.6369 ▁Hygiene -13.6369 ▁Paralympic -13.6369 ▁cascade -13.6369 ▁fraternity -13.6369 ▁ignition -13.6369 ▁illustrating -13.6369 ▁sulfate -13.6369 ▁tantamount -13.6369 ▁Ninja -13.6369 通 -13.6369 ▁Henkel -13.6369 ▁tidy -13.6369 revolution -13.6369 ▁Possess -13.637 ▁Elaine -13.637 459 -13.637 5,500 -13.637 ▁FATF -13.6371 ▁Mong -13.6372 ▁galvanized -13.6373 grass -13.6374 wyn -13.6374 2500 -13.6375 ▁Hopper -13.6375 eligible -13.6376 ▁spilled -13.6377 truck -13.6378 ▁drifting -13.6379 brush -13.6381 ENCY -13.6383 ▁Juno -13.6383 ▁Hurt -13.6384 uver -13.6386 hew -13.6386 ▁proton -13.6386 ▁1885 -13.6388 ▁Seating -13.6389 athi -13.639 ▁Chavez -13.6391 ▁Flemish -13.6391 ▁Reykjavik -13.6391 ▁Scenario -13.6391 ▁besieged -13.6391 ▁unlucky -13.6391 ▁Elegant -13.6391 ▁nomadic -13.6391 ▁Prompt -13.6391 ▁Neuroscience -13.6391 ▁Sentence -13.6391 ▁ingenious -13.6391 ▁Oakwood -13.6391 ▁piping -13.6391 ▁Cortex -13.6392 ▁glare -13.6392 ▁68% -13.6393 ▁$48 -13.6395 ▁Francois -13.6397 ▁groan -13.6398 powder -13.6398 ▁Bench -13.6399 boot -13.6399 remember -13.6401 ▁insurer -13.6401 896 -13.6401 639 -13.6402 ▁insightful -13.6402 ▁smoother -13.6403 ▁smuggle -13.6403 ▁marina -13.6403 ▁Nab -13.6404 ▁Karim -13.6407 ▁Tee -13.6407 ▁lol -13.641 911 -13.641 Fast -13.6413 ▁integrator -13.6413 ▁paternal -13.6413 ▁reconciling -13.6413 理 -13.6413 ▁introvert -13.6413 ▁lipstick -13.6413 ▁SkyTeam -13.6413 ▁Flores -13.6413 ▁Modification -13.6413 ▁TOTAL -13.6414 ▁computed -13.6414 loft -13.6415 ▁feeble -13.6416 ▁Zibo -13.6416 ▁detonated -13.6416 ▁MOS -13.6418 ▁Haw -13.6419 ▁axe -13.642 exclusive -13.6421 ▁manifesto -13.6422 Sharif -13.6422 ▁ACM -13.6422 ▁latent -13.6423 ▁Happened -13.6423 ▁ZIP -13.6424 ▁1812 -13.6426 ▁Balanced -13.6428 vira -13.6429 ▁Apk -13.643 ▁humorous -13.643 ▁contended -13.6431 /63/1 -13.6432 ▁wedge -13.6433 442 -13.6434 ▁stockpiled -13.6434 none -13.6434 ▁Morsi -13.6435 ▁BLACK -13.6435 ▁Invisible -13.6435 ▁amplified -13.6435 ▁unsuitable -13.6435 ▁Davies -13.6435 ▁Jasmine -13.6435 ▁decipher -13.6435 到 -13.6435 ▁83% -13.6435 defeat -13.6437 ONY -13.6438 ▁2014/15 -13.6438 ▁dabbe -13.6439 ▁inventive -13.6439 tuned -13.644 ▁reprocessing -13.6441 planned -13.6442 8.9 -13.6442 Nepal -13.6443 Decision -13.6443 ▁Frankly -13.6444 vale -13.6444 ▁lubricant -13.6445 ▁963-3 -13.6445 SAN -13.6446 ▁bred -13.6446 Fuck -13.6452 OVE -13.6454 ▁Hyderabad -13.6457 ▁Snapdragon -13.6457 ▁equitably -13.6457 ▁exaggeration -13.6457 ▁instituting -13.6457 ▁subpoena -13.6457 ▁unstoppable -13.6457 ▁Khashoggi -13.6457 ▁oasis -13.6457 ▁estrogen -13.6457 ▁tidings -13.6457 ▁Mustafa -13.6457 765 -13.6458 ▁southwestern -13.6458 ▁bedrock -13.6458 ▁shone -13.6459 ▁grinder -13.646 ▁Fuzhou -13.6462 ▁quarterback -13.6463 ordinary -13.6465 ▁chatter -13.6465 biggest -13.6465 Holy -13.6465 Complete -13.6465 window -13.6466 consult -13.6468 ▁promo -13.6471 fidelity -13.6473 ▁crafting -13.6475 ▁Elsa -13.6477 ▁Bren -13.6478 ▁$3,000 -13.6478 ▁Ameri -13.6479 ▁Infinite -13.6479 ▁Olivier -13.6479 ▁PROFILE -13.6479 ▁Patterson -13.6479 ▁amplitude -13.6479 ▁burgeoning -13.6479 ▁forefathers -13.6479 ▁humbly -13.6479 ▁slammed -13.6479 ▁styling -13.6479 ▁preset -13.6479 ▁deliverables -13.648 ▁Napoli -13.648 /61/5 -13.648 Charge -13.648 ▁Preparedness -13.6481 ▁Chapman -13.6481 ▁underdeveloped -13.6482 ▁Simone -13.6482 ▁unwillingness -13.6482 063 -13.6483 ▁touchscreen -13.6484 ▁calibre -13.6485 ▁coerced -13.6485 ▁Neal -13.6485 ▁snail -13.6486 ▁Frankie -13.6486 ▁Sali -13.6486 ▁Lydia -13.6487 receive -13.6488 Order -13.6489 license -13.6489 ▁invalidate -13.6491 ▁Delphi -13.6492 ▁mantle -13.6493 ▁$47 -13.6494 ▁MEP -13.6496 ▁$1,1 -13.6497 finder -13.6499 ▁Kyiv -13.6499 YING -13.65 QF -13.65 ▁59% -13.6501 ▁Curiosity -13.6501 ▁Fossil -13.6501 ▁MANAGEMENT -13.6501 ▁adhesion -13.6501 ▁reassurance -13.6501 ▁amalgam -13.6501 数 -13.6501 ▁brothel -13.6501 ▁plc -13.6502 ▁Whistle -13.6502 ▁Autodesk -13.6502 ▁Cecil -13.6502 ▁pantry -13.6502 ▁Kerala -13.6502 ▁Roundtable -13.6503 ▁confound -13.6503 496 -13.6503 structured -13.6504 ▁UNMIBH -13.6505 lodge -13.6506 :+86-0 -13.6507 turned -13.6508 translation -13.651 aaa -13.6511 placement -13.6511 Making -13.6511 ▁Sonic -13.6512 ▁synthesized -13.6513 ▁Dying -13.6515 Express -13.6516 ▁Sabah -13.6516 ▁Fou -13.6517 ▁Bail -13.6518 ▁Wired -13.6521 ARM -13.6523 ▁Extrabudgetary -13.6524 ▁intrusive -13.6524 ▁scoop -13.6524 ▁unspent -13.6524 ▁butterflies -13.6524 ▁Loud -13.6524 Angel -13.6524 7.5% -13.6524 ▁incense -13.6525 7.2 -13.6526 ▁Sasha -13.6526 ▁87% -13.6527 ▁scarf -13.6527 ▁Rudy -13.6528 ▁Bess -13.6528 reason -13.653 OAS -13.6531 slide -13.6531 ▁Penta -13.6531 ▁Kul -13.6531 ▁inventing -13.6532 practice -13.6532 /9/ -13.6532 progress -13.6533 agne -13.6535 ▁reimburse -13.6535 ▁chilling -13.6539 922 -13.6539 phin -13.654 627 -13.654 ▁AVI -13.6541 (7) -13.6542 8-9 -13.6544 ▁Nicaraguan -13.6544 hhh -13.6545 ▁1.5% -13.6546 案 -13.6546 ▁AWACS -13.6546 ▁CONTROL -13.6546 ▁Joomla -13.6546 ▁Lancaster -13.6546 ▁Upgrading -13.6546 ▁debilitating -13.6546 ▁wreak -13.6546 ▁Towels -13.6546 ▁Alipay -13.6547 enthal -13.6547 ▁Nanhai -13.6548 ▁Chuan -13.6551 ▁rationality -13.6554 UNITAR -13.6554 Culture -13.6554 Bei -13.6555 LTE -13.6556 ▁XIX -13.6558 489 -13.656 (6) -13.6562 ▁recited -13.6562 ▁73% -13.6563 ▁16:00 -13.6563 might -13.6564 ▁Stud -13.6564 ▁Advertise -13.6565 ▁Plurinational -13.6566 IKE -13.6566 WIN -13.6567 chau -13.6567 ▁harp -13.6568 公 -13.6569 ▁Cricket -13.6569 ▁Deborah -13.6569 ▁ENERGY -13.6569 ▁Pulitzer -13.6569 ▁monsoon -13.6569 ▁relocating -13.6569 户 -13.6569 ▁Hebron -13.6569 ▁geek -13.6569 ▁choreograph -13.6569 ▁Declare -13.6569 Nov -13.6569 ▁crore -13.6569 ▁Costume -13.6569 offer -13.6569 ▁detachment -13.6571 ▁guise -13.6572 ▁Unreal -13.6572 ▁underscoring -13.6573 ▁soundtrack -13.6573 ▁barren -13.6575 ▁bash -13.6575 stration -13.6576 748 -13.6576 undo -13.6576 intelligent -13.6577 WARE -13.6577 ▁Collector -13.6577 software -13.6577 ▁Rope -13.6579 ▁refunded -13.6581 ▁1886 -13.6584 ▁82% -13.6586 ▁Descent -13.6588 opened -13.6591 ▁Yuen -13.6591 ▁Bacteriological -13.6591 ▁Uncategorized -13.6591 ▁appreciative -13.6591 ▁denunciation -13.6591 ▁horrifying -13.6591 ▁karaoke -13.6591 ▁heaviest -13.6591 度 -13.6591 ▁Assault -13.6591 ▁(917) -13.6591 ▁Disrupt -13.6592 biz -13.6592 ▁Emission -13.6592 ▁Mailbox -13.6592 ▁scrapped -13.6592 ▁Labelling -13.6594 ▁Tray -13.6594 2° -13.6594 ▁76% -13.6594 cyclical -13.6594 ▁Jag -13.6595 ▁crawling -13.6596 referred -13.6596 ▁icy -13.6599 believe -13.6599 Night -13.6599 technologies -13.66 ▁Shawn -13.6606 rural -13.6606 ▁Graf -13.6607 VIS -13.6608 ▁Hull -13.6609 ▁2026 -13.6611 ophobia -13.6612 uya -13.6612 ▁TechCrunch -13.6614 ▁irresistible -13.6614 ▁Intranet -13.6614 ▁radiate -13.6614 ▁$120 -13.6614 ▁stereotypical -13.6615 ▁flagged -13.6615 ▁LEGO -13.6617 ▁360° -13.6618 ▁Hasan -13.6619 ▁SPD -13.662 ▁prehistoric -13.662 ▁ln -13.6621 indigenous -13.6622 ▁jihad -13.6622 Safety -13.6622 throat -13.6623 ▁Lowest -13.6623 ▁297 -13.6625 ▁pathogen -13.6627 ▁MiG -13.6627 echo -13.6629 ▁BCE -13.6629 ▁DRAM -13.6635 ▁Trainer -13.6635 ▁CONCLUSION -13.6636 ▁FreeBSD -13.6636 ▁Gaddafi -13.6636 ▁Heidelberg -13.6636 ▁Redemption -13.6636 ▁mutandis -13.6636 江 -13.6636 ▁Sylvia -13.6636 ▁Antenna -13.6636 ▁Socks -13.6637 ▁Mercer -13.6638 ▁ecologically -13.6638 ▁Ecuadorian -13.6638 ▁Williamson -13.6639 .109/ -13.6639 ▁selfishness -13.664 ▁strata -13.664 ▁Suez -13.6641 ▁Stall -13.6642 utz -13.6642 ▁Basra -13.6643 ▁Ellie -13.6644 powerful -13.6644 ▁Kristin -13.6644 ▁interplay -13.6644 sync -13.6645 ▁predictor -13.665 ▁Kwan -13.665 ▁Manson -13.665 ▁NJ -13.665 BURG -13.6651 ouf -13.6652 ▁Vue -13.6655 ▁Objection -13.6658 ▁Dmitry -13.6659 ▁blasphemy -13.6659 î -13.6659 ▁melody -13.6659 ▁agony -13.6659 ▁Banquet -13.666 ▁Cedar -13.666 ▁Laurie -13.666 ▁biking -13.666 ▁popped -13.666 ▁naughty -13.6661 ▁1624 -13.6661 744 -13.6662 DDR -13.6663 ▁PAGE -13.6664 loe -13.6665 ▁SIG -13.6665 apartment -13.6668 majority -13.6668 north -13.667 lesia -13.6673 ▁insurgent -13.6674 Sheng -13.6674 ▁7,500 -13.6674 ▁waterfront -13.6676 25,000 -13.6676 ▁355 -13.6677 euro -13.6678 ▁defuse -13.6681 ▁Kaohsiung -13.6681 ▁Paradox -13.6681 ▁Whiskey -13.6681 ▁exacerbating -13.6681 ▁prognosis -13.6681 ▁grapple -13.6681 牛 -13.6681 ▁Occupy -13.6681 ▁incessant -13.6681 ▁manifold -13.6681 ▁upsurge -13.6682 ▁Exterior -13.6682 Team -13.6682 ▁arcade -13.6682 ▁rivet -13.6682 ▁1897 -13.6682 ▁Conte -13.6682 ▁√ -13.6683 ▁Falling -13.6684 ▁Merck -13.6685 ▁dampen -13.6685 ▁Prima -13.6686 ▁reload -13.6687 txt -13.6687 Phil -13.6688 ▁Fifteenth -13.669 ▁Lionel -13.669 QM -13.669 ▁remission -13.669 ▁crusher -13.6693 ▁pitched -13.6694 blower -13.6694 ▁Mentor -13.6694 ▁ascended -13.6695 ▁$44 -13.6695 ▁doubtless -13.6697 ▁Persia -13.6698 -04-0 -13.6698 VDC -13.67 ▁1892 -13.6701 ▁Avanade -13.6704 ▁Gorbachev -13.6704 ▁Guantanamo -13.6704 ▁gratifying -13.6704 ▁hobbies -13.6704 ▁staunch -13.6704 ▁venom -13.6704 ▁terminating -13.6704 ▁Desmond -13.6704 ▁Ugly -13.6704 ▁wrapping -13.6706 ▁revolutionaries -13.6707 AGO -13.6708 ▁Sweat -13.6708 ▁Shaft -13.6708 ▁1891 -13.6708 ▁Idiot -13.6709 ▁Strictly -13.671 vier -13.6711 ▁regroup -13.6714 Ware -13.6716 ▁Archer -13.6717 flying -13.6718 ▁caseload -13.6718 ▁Rho -13.6719 Lee -13.6719 017 -13.6723 ▁german -13.6724 ▁Bose -13.6724 1987 -13.6725 ▁Basti -13.6726 0). -13.6726 036 -13.6727 ▁Effectively -13.6727 ▁Anglican -13.6727 ▁Arbitral -13.6727 ▁Economies -13.6727 ▁Spokesperson -13.6727 ▁licensor -13.6727 ▁redefining -13.6727 ▁fraught -13.6727 ▁Termination -13.6727 ▁Transplant -13.6727 ▁intrinsically -13.6728 975 -13.6728 ▁Methodology -13.6728 9,600 -13.673 ▁WWII -13.6731 ▁Trailer -13.6733 ▁activating -13.6734 Uganda -13.6736 Microsoft -13.6736 Albania -13.6736 état -13.6738 ▁Presented -13.6739 Someone -13.6739 367 -13.6739 ▁Tits -13.6739 .4/2000/ -13.6741 ▁propelled -13.6741 Meeting -13.6742 ▁bedtime -13.6742 ▁arouse -13.6743 Sale -13.6743 ▁GREEN -13.6744 Path -13.6744 ▁cleric -13.6744 ▁EEA -13.6747 ▁grove -13.6747 ▁lighthouse -13.6749 ▁Imagination -13.675 ▁gendarmerie -13.675 企 -13.675 ▁Claudia -13.675 ▁Munitions -13.675 ▁Freddie -13.675 ▁Spacious -13.675 zhan -13.6751 ▁sailor -13.6752 ▁Athena -13.6752 ▁Politi -13.6752 ▁Paste -13.6754 ▁Paz -13.6756 ▁reactionary -13.6757 ▁2,400 -13.6757 ▁xx -13.6757 ▁MVC -13.6758 ▁Willow -13.6758 ▁MEETINGS -13.6761 ▁Khu -13.6763 ▁Charming -13.6763 ▁Assessing -13.6764 ▁enclose -13.6764 ▁Oval -13.6765 above -13.6768 581 -13.6768 ▁Coordinate -13.6771 Español -13.6773 ▁Furnace -13.6773 ▁archival -13.6773 ▁experiential -13.6773 ▁fluoride -13.6773 ▁广州 -13.6773 ▁Revenge -13.6773 ▁bartender -13.6773 部 -13.6773 ▁unremitting -13.6773 ▁blazing -13.6773 ▁Caracas -13.6773 ▁Heathrow -13.6773 ▁Toledo -13.6773 ▁Sidney -13.6773 ▁plating -13.6779 ▁1867 -13.6779 Civil -13.6781 equivalent -13.6781 result -13.6783 ▁343 -13.6783 ▁Steiner -13.6783 climate -13.6784 ▁Tusk -13.6784 ▁Mellon -13.6786 ▁resultant -13.6787 ▁WPA -13.6788 EQUI -13.679 ledge -13.679 ▁poke -13.6791 ▁FAST -13.6792 ▁LET -13.6795 746 -13.6795 ▁Archaeological -13.6796 ▁Involvement -13.6796 ▁Lisboa -13.6796 ▁cerebral -13.6796 ▁Internship -13.6796 鲁 -13.6796 ▁precepts -13.6796 ▁Caucus -13.6796 ▁57/270 -13.6796 ▁fiery -13.6796 ▁expropriation -13.6797 ▁Bunia -13.6798 xiao -13.6799 ▁burdensome -13.6799 ggin -13.6801 ▁Detect -13.6802 Protocol -13.6804 ▁Strand -13.6807 polymer -13.6807 048 -13.6809 BSA -13.6811 dash -13.6812 ▁unjustly -13.6814 ▁reinvest -13.6816 ▁1881 -13.6817 ▁8-10 -13.6817 released -13.6817 ▁Josef -13.6818 sorption -13.6818 ▁Favourite -13.6819 ▁Madeleine -13.6819 ▁acknowledgment -13.6819 ▁ghetto -13.6819 ▁migraine -13.6819 ▁peremptory -13.6819 ▁plentiful -13.6819 ▁precipitate -13.6819 ▁UPDATE -13.6819 ▁painstaking -13.6819 /2001/15/ -13.6819 ▁ethos -13.6819 ▁collagen -13.682 ▁Livestock -13.682 ▁Workstation -13.682 iggle -13.682 ▁BOX -13.682 ▁dice -13.682 ▁FNL -13.6823 ▁unintentionally -13.6824 ▁Sirius -13.6825 ▁provoking -13.6826 ▁NTD -13.6826 Agreed -13.6827 Further -13.6827 ▁Suggested -13.6828 ▁perilous -13.6828 silicon -13.6829 ▁gunmen -13.683 ▁sew -13.6831 ▁Chess -13.6831 ▁$1.8 -13.6832 ▁1861 -13.6833 ─ -13.6842 ▁Charitable -13.6842 ▁Confederate -13.6842 ▁Litigation -13.6842 ▁Nouméa -13.6842 ▁POLICY -13.6842 ▁Practitioner -13.6842 ▁Suffering -13.6842 ▁fertilization -13.6842 ▁unbiased -13.6842 国际 -13.6842 ▁RECOMMENDATIONS -13.6842 ▁Akamai -13.6842 759 -13.6842 ▁Harmonization -13.6843 IPO -13.6843 Bay -13.6843 ▁LoRa -13.6843 mplementarities -13.6843 ▁namespace -13.6843 ▁unskilled -13.6844 .5/54/ -13.6844 ▁Automatically -13.6845 UTC -13.6845 ▁rug -13.6845 ▁sketches -13.6847 ische -13.6849 ▁drained -13.685 corrosion -13.685 intensity -13.685 hamburg -13.6851 implementation -13.6851 ▁Brooke -13.6855 Using -13.6855 ▁stupidity -13.6856 decade -13.6856 ▁Profession -13.6858 ▁appended -13.686 ▁habitation -13.6861 Environmental -13.6864 ▁Acrylic -13.6865 ▁Hepatitis -13.6865 ▁untapped -13.6865 ▁Hathaway -13.6865 ▁razor -13.6865 ▁Suzuki -13.6865 ▁enjoin -13.6865 ▁analogue -13.6865 ▁Interracial -13.6865 ▁northwestern -13.6866 ▁Grandmother -13.6866 ▁URI -13.6866 trophic -13.6866 ecker -13.6867 quiet -13.6867 ▁Français -13.6868 ▁tying -13.6869 purchase -13.6872 Solution -13.6874 593 -13.6878 sweet -13.6878 ▁borrower -13.688 014 -13.688 ▁Adele -13.6881 ▁YEAR -13.6883 ▁Stephan -13.6883 ▁WAY -13.6884 ▁NPS -13.6885 ▁Hind -13.6886 569 -13.6886 ▁Batteries -13.6888 ▁Immunization -13.6888 ▁prophecies -13.6888 ▁Parsons -13.6888 ▁ransomware -13.6888 ▁auditorium -13.6888 ▁Rabat -13.6889 ▁craftsmen -13.6889 ▁temperate -13.6889 ▁Illness -13.689 ▁intersectoral -13.6891 [26] -13.6892 ▁sucking -13.6893 ▁mammal -13.6894 ▁ration -13.6894 ▁APAC -13.6895 40° -13.6895 ▁impactful -13.6895 refundable -13.6897 YUAN -13.6897 closing -13.6897 Quick -13.6898 humid -13.6899 874 -13.6899 ▁Attitude -13.6899 ▁toolbar -13.69 ▁CPD -13.6902 ▁NSF -13.6904 544 -13.6904 ▁Requirement -13.6905 ▁Dryer -13.6905 ▁EURO -13.6906 454 -13.6907 $100 -13.6908 3.5% -13.6908 throw -13.6909 ▁Knife -13.6911 ▁troubleshooting -13.6911 ▁pornographic -13.6911 ▁philosophies -13.6911 ▁microenterprise -13.6912 referencing -13.6912 ▁Ignore -13.6912 wrap -13.6912 ▁VILLA -13.6912 ▁paradoxical -13.6912 ▁Edwin -13.6912 ▁[12] -13.6913 ▁Removing -13.6913 ▁polled -13.6913 ▁mangrove -13.6914 ▁Pico -13.6915 ▁cots -13.6917 element -13.6918 ▁forceful -13.6918 ▁Obi -13.6918 00/ -13.6918 ▁floated -13.6919 ▁Walton -13.692 ▁VOC -13.6921 division -13.6922 medium -13.6924 motel -13.6924 ▁categorize -13.6926 ocean -13.6927 pending -13.6927 ▁Synchro -13.6928 omics -13.6928 ▁stair -13.6929 ▁settler -13.693 ▁Qiu -13.6931 internal -13.6933 ▁88% -13.6934 ▁Communiqué -13.6934 ▁QUALITY -13.6934 ▁Zombie -13.6934 ▁autoimmune -13.6934 ▁microscopy -13.6934 道 -13.6934 ▁Bastard -13.6934 ▁Sotheby -13.6934 ▁Nasser -13.6934 ▁Brennan -13.6934 ▁Dimitr -13.6935 ▁prescribing -13.6935 ▁tidal -13.6936 ▁reckoning -13.6936 ▁0.25 -13.6938 ▁PRESS -13.6939 ▁passionately -13.6941 ▁SPLA -13.6941 kow -13.6942 ▁0.15 -13.6943 HTML -13.6944 crystalline -13.6944 ▁Muh -13.6944 against -13.6945 ▁Hector -13.6945 ▁Chee -13.6948 ▁NTT -13.6949 973 -13.6949 ▁redeploy -13.6949 riff -13.695 lapse -13.6952 ▁Lena -13.6952 ▁procurator -13.6955 ▁slab -13.6955 ▁Relation -13.6956 ▁AMERICA -13.6958 ▁Caucasian -13.6958 ▁Tashkent -13.6958 ▁denominator -13.6958 ▁predicament -13.6958 ▁rejoicing -13.6958 ▁Lhasa -13.6958 可 -13.6958 ▁Idaho -13.6958 ▁lumber -13.6958 ▁breakout -13.6958 ▁Naomi -13.6958 ▁drummer -13.6958 ▁RAID -13.6959 ▁Hockey -13.6959 ▁Tera -13.696 ▁Xuzhou -13.696 Mary -13.6962 Ministry -13.6967 ▁Leah -13.6971 ▁______ -13.6972 Deep -13.6972 ▁Warmly -13.6972 ▁Mechanic -13.6973 ▁vaguely -13.6977 959 -13.6978 ▁grit -13.6978 aided -13.698 ▁Angkor -13.6981 ▁Believing -13.6981 ▁Mitigation -13.6981 ▁Rodrigo -13.6981 ▁shampoo -13.6981 ▁mutant -13.6981 ▁Referral -13.6981 processed -13.6981 ▁Essex -13.6981 ▁literate -13.6982 ▁kHz -13.6982 ▁Verified -13.6983 /59/4 -13.6983 ▁smog -13.6984 ▁Horton -13.6984 ▁Supermarket -13.6984 ▁unworthy -13.6984 ▁bakery -13.6984 Ocean -13.6985 86-755 -13.6988 ▁savvy -13.6989 ERP -13.6989 ▁spawned -13.699 quote -13.699 /102 -13.6991 Doctor -13.6991 ▁Saxo -13.6992 747 -13.6992 environmental -13.6992 ▁METAL -13.6995 Poly -13.6996 genetic -13.6997 ▁revisited -13.6999 astro -13.7001 ▁skyline -13.7001 ▁coldest -13.7004 ▁Orchard -13.7004 ▁fraternal -13.7004 ▁philanthropist -13.7004 ▁trophies -13.7004 ▁carpenter -13.7004 ▁milliseconds -13.7004 ▁hone -13.7005 ▁hastily -13.7005 ▁Amelia -13.7005 ▁seminal -13.7005 ▁eCommerce -13.7007 ▁jeopardized -13.7008 ▁$1,2 -13.7008 ▁randomized -13.7009 ▁peptide -13.701 ▁Hindi -13.7012 particle -13.7013 ▁punching -13.7013 OUGH -13.7013 ▁Danielle -13.7014 narcotics -13.7014 Blessed -13.7014 pocket -13.7014 ▁Petra -13.7016 ▁SMB -13.7016 GET -13.7018 illegal -13.7019 ▁Combine -13.702 ▁unfolded -13.7021 ▁FRP -13.7022 ▁crystalline -13.7022 resort -13.7022 ▁Eighteen -13.7024 HEL -13.7026 gap -13.7028 6.9 -13.7028 ▁Synthesis -13.7028 ▁contiguous -13.7028 ▁impedance -13.7028 ▁incentivize -13.7028 ▁synergistic -13.7028 箱 -13.7028 ▁Instructor -13.7028 ▁MARKET -13.7028 达 -13.7028 都 -13.7028 ▁Rupert -13.7028 ▁Savoy -13.7028 ▁ECCAS -13.7028 ▁Adaptive -13.7029 ▁◎ -13.7029 ▁reactivate -13.7029 ▁Depositary -13.703 797 -13.703 ▁Martinez -13.7031 ▁NoSQL -13.7033 ▁DLC -13.7033 ▁Nha -13.7034 ▁007 -13.7035 Myanmar -13.7037 Jewish -13.7037 Vietnam -13.7037 ▁slick -13.7039 ▁Cannon -13.7041 ▁Khalil -13.7046 ▁84% -13.7046 ▁Adolescent -13.7046 ▁supp -13.7047 ▁mule -13.7047 ▁网站 -13.7048 Spot -13.7049 ▁sharper -13.7049 ▁renounced -13.7049 ▁Lori -13.705 ▁modelled -13.7051 ▁CALL -13.7051 ▁hysterical -13.7051 ▁lubricating -13.7051 ▁succinct -13.7051 所 -13.7051 ▁Dolby -13.7051 ▁Qualified -13.7052 ▁Inequality -13.7052 ▁porous -13.7052 ▁microservices -13.7052 ▁almond -13.7053 ▁forgery -13.7054 ▁Nineteenth -13.7054 ▁TEC -13.7056 893 -13.7057 ▁fundamentalist -13.706 ▁loot -13.7061 ▁ROS -13.7062 ▁☆ -13.7062 ▁Orwell -13.7063 657 -13.7063 Anyone -13.7063 ▁kitten -13.7064 ▁uninstall -13.7067 449 -13.7069 60% -13.707 ▁Krone -13.7071 ción -13.7073 ń -13.7075 ▁Baroque -13.7075 ▁Jeddah -13.7075 ▁Resilience -13.7075 ▁Turbine -13.7075 ▁indemnity -13.7075 ▁populism -13.7075 ▁unexplained -13.7075 ▁Sussex -13.7075 ▁swipe -13.7075 ▁Tavern -13.7075 ▁chrome -13.7076 ▁incarnation -13.7076 ▁colonists -13.7077 ▁waging -13.7077 ▁legitimize -13.7077 ▁predatory -13.7077 ▁rainwater -13.7078 ▁reconsidered -13.7079 ▁lading -13.7079 ▁painfully -13.7082 OFF -13.7083 CCP -13.7086 status -13.7088 ghan -13.7088 958 -13.709 ▁Remaining -13.709 america -13.7091 ▁injure -13.7092 ▁Zhe -13.7093 Stand -13.7093 ▁Substance -13.7094 ferential -13.7095 ▁handmade -13.7096 XIN -13.7096 ▁61% -13.7097 ▁Haas -13.7097 ZY -13.7098 098 -13.7098 ▁refreshed -13.7098 ▁Augmented -13.7099 ▁Maghreb -13.7099 ▁Uncertainty -13.7099 ▁codified -13.7099 ▁controversies -13.7099 ▁escrow -13.7099 ▁mitochondria -13.7099 ▁ordinarily -13.7099 示 -13.7099 ▁Raffles -13.7099 内 -13.7099 ▁buddies -13.7099 ▁chorus -13.7099 ▁ardent -13.7099 ▁Haidian -13.7099 ▁layoffs -13.7099 Touch -13.7103 ène -13.7103 ▁ortho -13.7104 ▁ester -13.7107 Studio -13.7108 marriage -13.7108 Discrimination -13.7108 Value -13.7108 ▁berth -13.7108 ▁honourable -13.7109 ▁Petition -13.7109 ▁Pathway -13.711 lep -13.711 Regional -13.7112 ▁Feld -13.7113 ▁MAKE -13.7113 ▁synchronize -13.7114 ▁Cocoa -13.7115 ▁revamp -13.7115 ▁Basis -13.7116 ▁endlessly -13.7116 ▁ascending -13.7116 ▁Carrying -13.7117 ▁Delegate -13.7118 ▁Gotta -13.712 ▁Jeanne -13.7121 ▁Bedouin -13.7122 ▁Fertility -13.7122 ▁Pfizer -13.7122 ▁Renovation -13.7122 ▁approximation -13.7122 ▁clarifies -13.7122 ▁compendium -13.7122 ▁leopard -13.7122 ▁pedagogical -13.7122 ▁treacherous -13.7122 ▁unfavorable -13.7122 ▁Dinosaur -13.7122 之 -13.7122 @126. -13.7122 ▁slapped -13.7123 697 -13.7123 ▁Observe -13.7123 ▁Precious -13.7123 ▁landowners -13.7124 ▁shedding -13.7125 /50/ -13.7127 ▁Tajik -13.7128 /2001/2 -13.7128 evolution -13.7128 ▁Goodwill -13.7129 ▁Capri -13.7129 Hard -13.7129 TIONAL -13.713 university -13.7132 drum -13.7134 ▁NAND -13.7135 Graph -13.7135 ▁pony -13.7136 daughter -13.7138 ▁fret -13.7139 .3/59/ -13.7145 ▁Bellevue -13.7146 ▁Odyssey -13.7146 ▁SCHOOL -13.7146 ▁SOLUTION -13.7146 ▁Sightseeing -13.7146 ▁festivities -13.7146 ▁periphery -13.7146 ▁syringe -13.7146 ▁Leopold -13.7146 ▁Britons -13.7146 ▁Pencil -13.7146 ▁parrot -13.7147 ▁Scots -13.7147 ▁Tuition -13.7147 ▁stint -13.7147 ▁OnePlus -13.715 1986 -13.715 ▁archived -13.7151 Sight -13.7156 ▁XRP -13.7162 ▁Wider -13.7162 Scale -13.7162 sql -13.7162 ▁adored -13.7163 beach -13.7166 ▁MSN -13.7168 ▁Bald -13.7169 Common -13.7169 ▁Mixing -13.7169 ▁whispering -13.717 ▁Hizbullah -13.717 ▁Kushner -13.717 ▁Newfoundland -13.717 ▁PNTL -13.717 ▁caretaker -13.717 ▁squash -13.717 ▁Frodo -13.717 ▁sleek -13.717 ▁lagoon -13.717 ▁Postgraduate -13.717 ▁alkaline -13.717 azole -13.717 ▁subvention -13.717 ERY -13.7171 2-750 -13.7171 ▁stew -13.7171 ▁FULL -13.7171 ▁+852 -13.7171 ▁prosecutorial -13.7171 16949 -13.7173 mania -13.7173 543 -13.7174 idah -13.7174 NEWS -13.7175 ▁Lighthouse -13.7178 ▁alienation -13.7179 George -13.718 Introduction -13.718 ▁warring -13.718 ▁Webster -13.718 (8) -13.7182 ▁GOT -13.7186 1,200 -13.7187 ▁Bata -13.7187 ▁maze -13.7187 nikov -13.7187 /2002/30/ -13.7194 ▁Puntland -13.7194 ▁Lomé -13.7194 保 -13.7194 标 -13.7194 ▁Funeral -13.7194 Write -13.7194 ▁Ronnie -13.7194 ▁Spotlight -13.7195 ▁agri -13.7195 ▁Orientation -13.7196 ▁Standby -13.7197 ▁dismal -13.7197 ▁Shipbuilding -13.7199 ▁CAF -13.7199 ▁airliner -13.72 ▁Lonely -13.72 7-9 -13.72 ▁Bahraini -13.7201 ▁batter -13.7201 ▁millennial -13.7203 XING -13.7203 ▁neatly -13.7203 ▁Preston -13.7203 ▁predicated -13.7203 Foreign -13.7203 extremely -13.7203 产品 -13.7203 brief -13.7204 7.0 -13.7204 ▁Alain -13.7206 ▁abduct -13.7206 ▁DEM -13.7206 LIA -13.7206 ▁woo -13.7208 ▁Vlad -13.721 ▁Mole -13.721 929 -13.7212 ▁Sikh -13.7213 MED -13.7213 ▁Scandinavia -13.7215 ▁segmentation -13.7215 BUILDING -13.7218 ▁Gambling -13.7218 ▁Proclamation -13.7218 ▁TensorFlow -13.7218 ▁countenance -13.7218 ▁ergonomic -13.7218 ▁groceries -13.7218 ▁inviolability -13.7218 ▁vitae -13.7218 ▁Mallorca -13.7218 ▁admonish -13.7218 计划 -13.7218 ▁quirk -13.7218 ▁lesions -13.7218 ▁psalm -13.7218 ▁telemedicine -13.7218 ▁citrus -13.7218 ▁PTFE -13.7218 bodied -13.7218 ▁Osborne -13.7218 ▁rapist -13.7218 ▁Lehman -13.7218 ▁preoccupied -13.7219 ▁sandbox -13.722 ▁admirer -13.722 ▁tenderness -13.7225 ▁marsh -13.7226 concern -13.7227 ▁Failing -13.723 ▁Crab -13.723 baby -13.7232 .5/57/ -13.7234 ▁ESC -13.7235 ▁TFT -13.7237 ▁froze -13.724 ▁Jardin -13.724 enthusiastically -13.7241 ▁Awakening -13.7242 ▁MacArthur -13.7242 ▁Nautilus -13.7242 ▁rallied -13.7242 ▁ravaged -13.7242 ▁reshaping -13.7242 ▁structuring -13.7242 ▁Twain -13.7242 ▁Vibration -13.7242 ▁Alonso -13.7242 ▁Concentrate -13.7242 ▁wrench -13.7242 ▁crowdfunding -13.7242 ▁Commending -13.7242 EET -13.7242 ▁midwife -13.7242 ▁OPPO -13.7243 ▁Eliot -13.7243 ▁momentous -13.7244 ▁Arbor -13.7244 ▁handwritten -13.7246 ▁Exodus -13.7246 .4/2006/ -13.725 ▁Gü -13.725 kovsky -13.7251 649 -13.7255 ▁vaginal -13.7256 hydroxy -13.7256 ▁emitting -13.7257 ▁moth -13.7257 ▁Controlled -13.7262 ▁SUR -13.7262 ▁resistor -13.7265 MATIC -13.7266 ▁Ambulance -13.7266 ▁Gourmet -13.7266 ▁Leipzig -13.7266 ▁homogeneous -13.7266 ▁jeopardizing -13.7266 ▁reconfiguration -13.7266 ▁Mandatory -13.7266 ▁motif -13.7266 ▁inexperienced -13.7266 Player -13.7266 ▁Evelyn -13.7266 ▁Isabella -13.7266 ▁unbelief -13.7266 ▁Crude -13.7267 ▁Yellowstone -13.7267 ▁unimportant -13.7267 milan -13.7268 öl -13.7269 ▁Breeze -13.727 ▁Pallet -13.7271 ▁rehab -13.7272 ▁Fru -13.7273 Develop -13.7274 ▁Fever -13.7275 propelled -13.7276 Actually -13.7276 Recalling -13.7276 Natural -13.7276 Protection -13.7276 streaming -13.7277 ▁CMA -13.7281 ▁satan -13.7284 ▁victor -13.7285 ▁officio -13.7286 ▁NON -13.7288 Hui -13.7288 ▁Democracies -13.729 ▁Hokkaido -13.729 ▁Plymouth -13.729 ▁Shinjuku -13.729 ▁Umbrella -13.729 ▁algebra -13.729 ▁autobiography -13.729 ▁kiosk -13.729 ▁quantifiable -13.729 ▁reversible -13.729 ▁spicy -13.729 ▁liberating -13.729 ▁unjustifiable -13.729 ▁JPEG -13.729 ▁Shantou -13.729 ▁Ruiz -13.729 ▁implore -13.729 ▁ballast -13.729 ▁NCAA -13.729 ▁Judging -13.7291 ▁vitro -13.7291 ▁Dawson -13.7291 ▁Controlling -13.7291 ▁Larger -13.7292 ▁Galle -13.7294 POPRC -13.7297 ▁tally -13.7297 ▁convent -13.7299 ▁webcast -13.73 ▁Approaches -13.7301 ▁undervalued -13.7301 ▁primate -13.7301 1,100 -13.7301 ▁Hedge -13.7301 786 -13.7302 grove -13.7303 ▁963-5 -13.7303 ▁fruition -13.7308 ▁casually -13.7309 ▁Tired -13.7311 ▁Chrys -13.7314 图 -13.7314 ▁compensatory -13.7314 ▁endocrine -13.7314 ▁Schwarz -13.7314 ▁TripAdvisor -13.7314 .1/57/ -13.7314 ▁toothbrush -13.7314 ▁subdivision -13.7315 ▁Comcast -13.7315 ▁STAY -13.7315 VN -13.7317 ▁prepaid -13.7317 ▁EUFOR -13.7317 ▁optimist -13.7319 ▁embarrass -13.7321 ▁Zhangjiagang -13.7321 pacing -13.7323 ▁harnessed -13.7323 ▁SSH -13.7323 ▁formatted -13.7324 ▁pathology -13.7324 Style -13.7324 ▁Lois -13.7327 ▁ticking -13.7327 choice -13.7328 ▁Decline -13.7329 ▁Switches -13.7329 ▁skillful -13.7332 ▁boasted -13.7334 ORN -13.7335 895 -13.7336 ▁patriarch -13.7336 474 -13.7337 ▁flap -13.7337 594 -13.7337 ▁Logistic -13.7338 ν -13.7338 ▁Horror -13.7338 ▁Juventus -13.7338 ▁Medvedev -13.7338 ▁lizard -13.7338 ▁oligarch -13.7338 ▁renegotiate -13.7338 ▁unsecured -13.7338 ▁Gonna -13.7338 ▁refractory -13.7338 ▁pancake -13.7338 ▁Albany -13.7339 1⁄4 -13.7339 ▁baker -13.7339 ▁Clerk -13.734 ▁Hubert -13.734 HH -13.7341 ▁Pang -13.7343 ▁2003/04 -13.7343 [27] -13.7344 ▁roundtable -13.7345 ▁Zack -13.7345 ▁collate -13.7345 ▁nonviolent -13.7346 ▁perverse -13.7347 necessary -13.7347 Amendment -13.7348 Muhammad -13.7348 Walk -13.735 ▁lax -13.7351 rial -13.7351 95% -13.7353 ▁peach -13.7354 ▁1844 -13.7355 CRIC -13.7359 ▁HAS -13.7359 ▁15-20 -13.736 9999 -13.7361 obbing -13.7361 ▁Recipient -13.7362 ▁Vermeer -13.7362 ▁inconceivable -13.7362 ▁numeral -13.7362 ▁renminbi -13.7362 ▁susceptibility -13.7362 ▁Higgins -13.7362 ▁sacrament -13.7362 ▁whirl -13.7362 ▁plumbing -13.7363 ▁flawless -13.7363 ▁Monterey -13.7363 ▁punched -13.7363 ▁dependable -13.7364 depending -13.7364 ▁Causeway -13.7364 ▁flea -13.7364 ▁EULEX -13.7364 ▁standstill -13.7364 ▁waitress -13.7366 0\ -13.7366 ▁Carlson -13.7366 ▁Twitch -13.7366 ▁FSC -13.7367 ▁Domination -13.7369 ometry -13.737 ▁prophetic -13.737 Jamaica -13.7373 ▁stabilizer -13.7373 problem -13.7373 answer -13.7373 relative -13.7373 15% -13.7375 ▁Bakery -13.7376 ▁Sushi -13.7376 ▁6-8 -13.738 ▁Grape -13.738 ▁disbelieved -13.7383 ▁whisk -13.7384 ▁abstention -13.7386 ▁Felipe -13.7387 ▁Fitzgerald -13.7387 ▁Fletcher -13.7387 ▁Valuable -13.7387 ▁discontinuation -13.7387 ▁molten -13.7387 ▁monstrous -13.7387 ▁overcame -13.7387 ▁sublime -13.7387 ▁Graduation -13.7387 ▁Kiri -13.7387 ▁PTSD -13.7387 ▁disinformation -13.7388 Bad -13.7389 ▁TAP -13.739 酒店在 -13.7391 ffen -13.7393 956 -13.7394 ▁$1,3 -13.7395 ▁apportioned -13.7396 Brother -13.7397 ▁crate -13.7399 ▁cowardly -13.74 ▁marches -13.7401 Better -13.7401 ▁1455 -13.7401 illus -13.7401 ▁conversational -13.7403 ▁DMC -13.741 ▁Mitrovica -13.7411 ▁Sukhumvit -13.7411 宾馆 -13.7411 ▁handshake -13.7411 ▁NATIONAL -13.7411 ntegrative -13.7411 ▁Lavrov -13.7411 ▁Aliyev -13.7411 ▁Beckham -13.7412 ▁narrate -13.7412 oscopy -13.7412 ▁heavyweight -13.7413 ▁exposition -13.7413 ▁volts -13.7415 ▁Luoyang -13.7417 ▁6,500 -13.7417 ▁Gwen -13.7418 ▁Ryu -13.7419 \\ -13.7422 ▁freshman -13.7422 ▁Carton -13.7422 quite -13.7423 Wood -13.7424 ooh -13.7424 ▁Magna -13.7425 capitulat -13.7426 embe -13.7428 capable -13.7429 Yan -13.7429 Mount -13.7432 053 -13.7432 tower -13.7432 ▁Productive -13.7433 ▁mocking -13.7434 Edit -13.7434 ▁Luz -13.7434 ordered -13.7435 ovsk -13.7435 点 -13.7436 ▁Canterbury -13.7436 ▁OpenStack -13.7436 ▁SWIFT -13.7436 ▁Superintendent -13.7436 ▁shroud -13.7436 ▁swollen -13.7436 ▁transceiver -13.7436 ISBA -13.7436 ▁eyesight -13.7437 ▁Staple -13.7437 ▁thyself -13.7437 ▁Becker -13.7438 CSS -13.7439 ▁Curse -13.7445 ▁Receiver -13.7445 ▁tetra -13.7446 ▁inspecting -13.7446 Capital -13.7446 Easy -13.7446 ▁Bates -13.7447 ▁130,000 -13.7451 Corp -13.7451 ▁SPC -13.7452 ▁$3.5 -13.7454 ▁£10 -13.7455 ▁Botanic -13.7456 ▁Roast -13.7457 update -13.7458 laid -13.7459 844 -13.7459 ▁Deu -13.746 ▁Inquiries -13.746 ▁Surgeon -13.746 ▁Zayed -13.746 ▁Kafr -13.746 button -13.746 ▁Firewall -13.7461 LATE -13.7462 ▁Bronx -13.7462 ▁outlying -13.7464 ▁2.5% -13.7465 ▁Regal -13.7465 fps -13.7465 ▁Starr -13.7466 ▁inflationary -13.7467 ▁Saba -13.7468 handling -13.7468 Autumn -13.747 ▁dearest -13.7471 ▁ACTION -13.7472 ▁Denise -13.7474 ▁hardcore -13.7474 ▁Attended -13.7479 /60/7 -13.7482 Conf -13.7484 ▁APPLICATION -13.7485 ▁Clarification -13.7485 ▁Tsunami -13.7485 ▁Violent -13.7485 ▁escalator -13.7485 ▁sunbathing -13.7485 ▁squander -13.7485 ▁Rebellion -13.7485 ▁Sweep -13.7485 ▁carcinogenic -13.7486 ▁trough -13.7486 ▁Skinny -13.7486 ▁brushed -13.7486 ▁bandits -13.7486 cracy -13.7487 ▁Olga -13.7487 ▁sucker -13.7487 ▁fellas -13.7487 ▁mound -13.7488 ▁Shijiazhuang -13.749 ▁banished -13.7491 ▁neutralize -13.7494 Michael -13.7495 TEK -13.7496 ▁Determined -13.7501 ▁ETS -13.7507 themed -13.7508 ▁warhead -13.7508 ▁Remuneration -13.7509 ▁Twentieth -13.7509 ▁abrasive -13.7509 ▁whistleblower -13.7509 ▁hefty -13.7509 ▁Schultz -13.751 ▁indulgence -13.751 ▁Investigator -13.751 ▁Beginner -13.751 ▁hideous -13.7511 ▁Arcade -13.7511 ▁Keynote -13.7511 previous -13.7515 zek -13.7519 sustainable -13.7519 ▁CDN -13.7519 /63/5 -13.7519 ▁warship -13.7519 Greece -13.752 maximum -13.752 Promotion -13.752 prudential -13.7521 ▁Eaton -13.7522 Board -13.7522 beam -13.7522 _{ -13.7526 ▁Suck -13.7527 flies -13.7528 ▁Promo -13.7529 debt -13.7529 ▁neon -13.753 ▁gambler -13.753 Store -13.7531 ▁Comptroller -13.7534 ▁McCartney -13.7534 ▁Michelangelo -13.7534 ▁Smithsonian -13.7534 ▁indignation -13.7534 ▁glaring -13.7534 ▁resuming -13.7534 ▁NHRIs -13.7534 ▁herbicide -13.7534 ▁circumcision -13.7534 ▁inferred -13.7534 ▁Fritz -13.7535 ▁Hamad -13.7535 ▁77% -13.7536 ▁Yuki -13.7536 ▁Fanny -13.7536 ▁Workforce -13.7536 ▁interchangeable -13.7536 ▁GATT -13.7537 ▁SHARE -13.7537 993 -13.7539 ▁Berne -13.7539 ▁ousted -13.754 feeding -13.7542 ▁scold -13.7545 Freedom -13.7545 Kar -13.7547 ecological -13.7547 ▁NPM -13.7549 ▁Badge -13.7553 GGE -13.7555 fried -13.7556 ▁Gbagbo -13.7559 ▁Offensive -13.7559 ▁academies -13.7559 ▁cognizant -13.7559 ▁invincible -13.7559 ▁symmetry -13.7559 ▁CHANGE -13.7559 ▁Reportedly -13.7559 ▁ANSI -13.756 magnet -13.756 ▁Scrap -13.756 ▁reclassified -13.7561 ▁Kamp -13.7562 patch -13.7563 ▁Xiong -13.7564 ▁Hav -13.7565 ▁Boxes -13.7567 ▁FILE -13.7567 8.8 -13.7567 ▁Notebook -13.7567 ▁Leigh -13.7568 Depend -13.7569 enheim -13.7569 Federal -13.7569 Middle -13.757 ▁Suz -13.757 conductor -13.7572 ▁Participated -13.7573 ▁Translated -13.7573 ▁loft -13.7574 ▁demolish -13.7576 ▁unfit -13.7579 .5/58/ -13.7582 ▁Cynthia -13.7584 ▁Meredith -13.7584 ▁Pixar -13.7584 ▁Raphael -13.7584 ▁aristocrat -13.7584 ▁interlinkages -13.7584 ▁tranche -13.7584 ▁transcribe -13.7584 ▁Quartz -13.7584 ▁Dharma -13.7584 MARK -13.7584 ▁Bradford -13.7584 ▁meltdown -13.7584 ▁triumphant -13.7585 ▁gravel -13.7586 ▁sparing -13.7586 ▁Bitch -13.7587 ▁Advertisement -13.7587 ▁Marian -13.7588 ▁nerd -13.7593 Crypt -13.7594 autonomous -13.7594 yellow -13.7594 Face -13.7598 ▁sighed -13.7598 Metal -13.76 ▁91% -13.7603 ▁Voyage -13.7603 034 -13.7604 ▁hardwood -13.7608 ▁Blossom -13.7608 ▁JPMorgan -13.7608 ▁Majestic -13.7608 ▁Photovoltaic -13.7608 ▁calamity -13.7608 ▁discriminating -13.7608 ▁glyphosate -13.7608 ▁pulmonary -13.7608 ▁unquestionably -13.7608 ▁plywood -13.7608 ▁Domino -13.7608 ▁Montag -13.7609 ▁morphine -13.7609 ▁Laurel -13.7609 ▁Oxide -13.7609 ▁munition -13.761 ▁multifunctional -13.7611 ▁Connie -13.7611 ▁Pepsi -13.7613 ▁mainstay -13.7614 pence -13.7614 ▁cuff -13.7614 4,500 -13.7618 Innovation -13.7619 deserved -13.7621 XVII -13.7622 ▁94% -13.7625 ossi -13.7625 ZU -13.7626 ▁informant -13.7627 ▁motherboard -13.7628 [30] -13.7629 ukh -13.7632 agawa -13.7633 ▁Ascension -13.7633 ▁CORPORATION -13.7633 ▁Voldemort -13.7633 ▁qualifies -13.7633 ▁renaissance -13.7633 ▁slippery -13.7633 ▁proxies -13.7633 ▁airstrikes -13.7633 ▁Essence -13.7634 ▁decency -13.7634 ▁Sakura -13.7634 ▁skipped -13.7634 ▁Guar -13.7634 ▁Scouting -13.7635 ▁Binance -13.7636 ▁zipper -13.7636 [29] -13.7638 installed -13.7638 ▁Vivi -13.7638 ▁LDS -13.7638 ▁premiered -13.764 ▁Ponte -13.764 ▁pastime -13.764 ectomy -13.7641 ▁Compass -13.7646 RIES -13.765 ▁19:00 -13.765 Founder -13.7654 ▁Viola -13.7654 ▁Mendel -13.7655 ▁Edmonton -13.7658 ▁Lausanne -13.7658 ▁cruising -13.7658 ▁knitting -13.7658 ▁lousy -13.7658 ▁shenzhen -13.7658 ▁Nominated -13.7658 ▁chariot -13.7658 ▁Turnbull -13.7659 ▁Flavor -13.7659 ▁Vieira -13.7659 ▁reseller -13.7659 ▁politicization -13.7659 ▁Truce -13.766 Custom -13.766 ▁sinister -13.766 ▁Darren -13.7661 ▁2009-2010 -13.7661 ▁interlocutor -13.7662 ▁pawn -13.7667 ▁keenly -13.7667 ▁Caught -13.7669 ▁diverge -13.7672 ▁alkali -13.7673 ▁hp -13.7676 ▁74% -13.7678 ▁machineries -13.7678 ▁Defeat -13.7679 ▁HOL -13.768 ▁Reaching -13.768 ▁1284 -13.7682 {\ -13.7682 agnostic -13.7683 ▁Malik -13.7683 ▁Appreciate -13.7683 ▁Extrusion -13.7683 ▁Nippon -13.7683 ▁emoji -13.7683 ▁metallurgical -13.7683 ▁surrogate -13.7683 С -13.7683 ▁Gentleman -13.7683 ▁Nadella -13.7683 ▁HONOR -13.7683 ▁gestation -13.7684 ▁Ramallah -13.7684 ▁tau -13.7684 ▁Regret -13.7684 ▁Formulation -13.7686 ▁clientele -13.7686 ▁invalidity -13.7688 ▁dyeing -13.7689 ▁tack -13.7692 ▁Rao -13.7693 ▁mister -13.7693 prevent -13.7694 ▁SPF -13.7695 ▁TAG -13.7695 .2/59/ -13.7695 ▁Considerable -13.7697 ▁1884 -13.7697 ▁CUSTOMER -13.7698 ▁exaggerate -13.77 ▁persecute -13.77 ▁OFFER -13.77 ▁Chrono -13.77 ▁Ascott -13.7701 3,100 -13.7703 ▁predominate -13.7704 ▁EAST -13.7706 hash -13.7707 ▁Enclosure -13.7709 ▁Schwartz -13.7709 ▁extermination -13.7709 ▁extruder -13.7709 ▁rejuvenation -13.7709 ▁unabated -13.7709 表 -13.7709 ▁Biosafety -13.7709 opportun -13.7709 ▁interfaith -13.771 ▁Magician -13.7711 ▁pacific -13.7712 ▁2014-2017 -13.7712 taste -13.7712 ön -13.7712 ▁disapprove -13.7714 ▁emigrated -13.7714 ▁Chou -13.7718 implement -13.7719 sphere -13.7719 signature -13.772 bread -13.772 ▁René -13.7721 future -13.7721 ▁'%1 -13.7723 jour -13.7725 CERT -13.7728 GUANG -13.773 Azur -13.773 ▁pronoun -13.7733 价格 -13.7734 ▁deliberative -13.7734 ▁extravagant -13.7734 ▁inconclusive -13.7734 ▁indisputable -13.7734 ▁removable -13.7734 ▁sensitivities -13.7734 ▁subdued -13.7734 ▁oncology -13.7734 ▁ORDER -13.7734 ▁unprepared -13.7735 ▁hoard -13.7736 ▁capped -13.7737 ▁Hostage -13.7737 ▁Reasonable -13.7738 ▁Pullman -13.7739 ▁DHS -13.774 ▁rethinking -13.774 ▁rapper -13.7741 ww -13.7741 WORD -13.7742 ▁Aquatic -13.7745 missile -13.7746 sitting -13.7746 ▁Bauer -13.775 ▁displace -13.7751 ▁Analyze -13.7752 zil -13.7752 ▁Sailing -13.7753 ▁SAW -13.7754 ▁flashes -13.7755 ▁clap -13.7757 ▁Calculation -13.7759 ▁Cristina -13.7759 ▁indivisibility -13.7759 ▁matrices -13.7759 ▁colossal -13.7759 时 -13.7759 ▁Vineyard -13.7759 ▁wedlock -13.7759 ▁UNOWA -13.7759 ▁Inverter -13.7759 ▁stump -13.776 ▁Kemp -13.776 ▁rinse -13.776 ▁Vernon -13.7761 1400 -13.7761 punk -13.7763 ▁PBS -13.7764 ▁NEX -13.7764 ▁Betting -13.7765 ▁fries -13.7769 brother -13.7771 .3/60/ -13.7772 ▁Dolly -13.7772 ▁Realizing -13.7772 ▁kWh -13.7773 ▁Giga -13.7781 ▁encroach -13.7782 ▁dé -13.7783 型 -13.7784 ▁Apprentice -13.7784 ▁Cathay -13.7784 ▁Educator -13.7784 ▁Psychiatry -13.7784 ▁Vulnerable -13.7784 ▁carnival -13.7784 ▁communicator -13.7784 ▁hilarious -13.7784 ▁loudspeaker -13.7784 ▁pitfalls -13.7784 ▁poaching -13.7784 ▁precinct -13.7784 ▁resembling -13.7784 ▁unsolved -13.7784 ▁Elected -13.7784 ▁PROTECTION -13.7784 ▁Malacca -13.7784 ▁ascribed -13.7785 ▁reinstatement -13.7785 ▁fractured -13.7785 ▁Mustang -13.7786 ▁Noodle -13.7787 ▁1876 -13.7788 ▁haha -13.7788 ▁Sach -13.7791 ▁Leung -13.7792 926 -13.7794 Genesis -13.7795 earmarked -13.7795 coffee -13.7796 ▁paw -13.7796 743 -13.7796 ▁kilometre -13.7798 ▁Bub -13.7798 ▁Settle -13.7799 ▁unveiling -13.7799 DIN -13.7801 altitude -13.7802 ▁initialise -13.7802 ▁joyous -13.7805 ▁seaside -13.7806 ▁ASCII -13.781 ▁Jumeirah -13.781 ▁Melanie -13.781 ▁commemorating -13.781 ▁disbanded -13.781 ▁lobster -13.781 ▁outburst -13.781 ▁sorcerer -13.781 旅馆 -13.781 ▁midfielder -13.781 ▁delisting -13.781 ▁Nikita -13.781 ▁TODAY -13.781 ▁Basque -13.7811 ▁(1989) -13.7811 ▁Grandfather -13.7811 ▁adept -13.7811 ▁fide -13.7811 GRA -13.7813 ▁cadre -13.7814 ▁Patty -13.7814 ▁Obamacare -13.7816 continue -13.7816 meet -13.7816 ▁YEARS -13.7817 SURE -13.7817 ▁CBM -13.782 ▁NLP -13.7821 affiliated -13.7821 Factory -13.7821 ▁hovering -13.7824 ▁teammate -13.7826 highest -13.7827 ▁Sustain -13.7828 ossa -13.7828 ▁exalt -13.7828 shaft -13.783 ▁Planner -13.783 ▁Celebrating -13.7835 ▁grieving -13.7835 ▁Leopard -13.7835 资 -13.7835 ▁rookie -13.7835 ▁Ruben -13.7836 ▁panicked -13.7836 ▁biosphere -13.7836 ▁preoccupation -13.7836 ▁chatbot -13.7836 ▁Comb -13.7837 ▁Cartier -13.7839 HONG -13.7839 ▁complication -13.784 ▁Eugen -13.784 ▁Accu -13.7841 ▁Berk -13.7844 ▁Cache -13.7844 ▁Hira -13.7844 /2002/2 -13.7844 ▁Coordinated -13.7845 azzle -13.7846 ▁potable -13.7847 Tomorrow -13.7847 057 -13.7848 ▁$1,4 -13.7848 foo -13.785 relli -13.7855 ▁lawfulness -13.7857 ▁Astronomers -13.7861 ▁Concierge -13.7861 ▁Criticism -13.7861 ▁Enactment -13.7861 ▁GNOME -13.7861 ▁Reverend -13.7861 ▁Tenerife -13.7861 ▁felony -13.7861 ▁incineration -13.7861 ▁rostrum -13.7861 ▁Dusseldorf -13.7861 ▁clutter -13.7861 ▁Sentinel -13.7861 ▁Franchise -13.7861 ▁Contractual -13.7861 ▁Jessie -13.7861 ▁Sandberg -13.7861 0.4% -13.7863 ▁Servo -13.7863 ▁Hogan -13.7864 ▁Utopia -13.7864 atum -13.7864 ▁Tig -13.7864 .2/60/ -13.7865 ▁Valerie -13.7865 ▁limp -13.7868 ▁bushes -13.7868 Oct -13.7868 ▁Clash -13.7868 ▁muse -13.787 grin -13.7871 Guatemala -13.7872 ▁unpack -13.7873 Zone -13.7874 zhao -13.7876 drawn -13.7877 ▁SEL -13.788 ▁refreshment -13.788 ▁Phys -13.7881 ▁cancerous -13.7882 ▁soothe -13.7883 nvolve -13.7883 listen -13.7885 ▁Dickinson -13.7886 ▁Expenses -13.7886 ▁Montessori -13.7886 ▁Politicians -13.7886 ▁dispensing -13.7886 ▁realignment -13.7886 ▁reviving -13.7886 ▁simplistic -13.7886 ▁telephony -13.7886 ▁Capabilities -13.7886 ▁videotape -13.7886 ▁Jelly -13.7887 ▁subcommission -13.7887 gora -13.789 fixed -13.7891 ▁SEAL -13.7891 HAM -13.7893 ▁gallon -13.7895 ▁heroism -13.7896 ▁fable -13.7896 ▁Skilled -13.7897 delivery -13.7898 Cameroon -13.7898 Account -13.7898 ▁Laminate -13.7898 ▁outlawed -13.7898 Anhui -13.7899 ▁ODM -13.7901 ▁slashed -13.7901 legally -13.7901 milk -13.7902 ▁Mello -13.7902 ▁Kota -13.7906 ▁downfall -13.7907 indicate -13.7908 ▁北京 -13.7912 ▁Investigative -13.7912 ▁Jaipur -13.7912 ▁Navigator -13.7912 ▁abomination -13.7912 ▁gratified -13.7912 ▁Suzanne -13.7912 ▁Cobalt -13.7912 ▁Newark -13.7912 Fear -13.7912 ▁Vanguard -13.7913 ▁Beloved -13.7913 ▁companionship -13.7914 ▁polluter -13.7914 ▁suitably -13.7915 ▁cupboard -13.7915 ▁coworkers -13.7915 ▁Bavarian -13.7916 designated -13.7916 [28] -13.7917 ▁webmaster -13.7917 ▁‧ -13.7917 ▁Sustained -13.7919 ▁runaway -13.792 ▁portability -13.7921 HANGZHOU -13.7922 ▁Eliza -13.7922 ▁unilateralism -13.7924 Front -13.7925 mobility -13.7926 ▁Invited -13.7927 ▁creeping -13.7931 chao -13.7932 YAN -13.7935 ▁50/50 -13.7935 в -13.7938 ▁Accenture -13.7938 ▁CHEMICAL -13.7938 ▁Cairns -13.7938 ▁Garrett -13.7938 ▁Sinclair -13.7938 ▁TikTok -13.7938 ▁vapour -13.7938 门 -13.7938 ▁SOUTH -13.7938 ▁aeroplane -13.7938 ▁delineation -13.7938 ▁Nazareth -13.7938 ▁Lindsay -13.7938 ▁180,000 -13.7938 ▁Jihad -13.7938 ▁Cyclone -13.7939 targeted -13.7939 ▁Countess -13.7939 ▁Consciousness -13.7939 ▁$250,000 -13.7941 ▁Counselling -13.7941 neighbourliness -13.7944 ▁stereotyped -13.7945 curricular -13.7947 conventional -13.7948 Bulgaria -13.7949 Consumer -13.7949 UNRWA -13.7949 ▁NAT -13.795 ▁Temper -13.7951 ▁Fong -13.7953 ▁repatriate -13.7954 ▁firewood -13.7954 ▁Exist -13.7955 ▁murderous -13.7956 ▁Diaz -13.7961 ▁Himalayas -13.7963 ▁unheard -13.7963 ▁unscheduled -13.7963 ▁velvet -13.7963 ▶ -13.7963 伦敦 -13.7963 ▁Ribbon -13.7963 ▁geologist -13.7964 ROUND -13.7964 ▁Luanda -13.7965 ▁NAV -13.7965 ▁stripping -13.7967 ▁concealment -13.7967 ▁abbreviated -13.7967 ▁$46 -13.7968 ▁Freetown -13.797 ▁Qiang -13.7971 ▁Passage -13.7972 Invest -13.7972 Student -13.7975 Tunisia -13.7975 benzo -13.7976 ▁20-30 -13.7982 Rule -13.7982 ▁amused -13.7983 ▁bona -13.7984 ▁soliciting -13.7988 车 -13.7989 ▁Travelodge -13.7989 ▁brilliance -13.7989 ▁heterogeneous -13.7989 ▁horrified -13.7989 ▁ultimatum -13.7989 ▁Eide -13.7989 ▁Encryption -13.799 ▁Purification -13.799 ▁Providence -13.799 ▁Interpreter -13.799 ▁DSP -13.799 796 -13.7991 ▁ESL -13.7991 ▁Fatah -13.7992 ▁undone -13.7994 legged -13.7995 OAU -13.7996 ▁Depart -13.7996 command -13.7996 Porn -13.7998 936 -13.8001 Consider -13.8001 ▁Kodi -13.8003 ▁Realty -13.8005 ▁GSP -13.8007 Owned -13.8007 ▁0.02 -13.8008 ancies -13.8008 ▁Baden -13.8009 041 -13.8013 ▁Acapulco -13.8015 ▁CONNECT -13.8015 ▁Mafia -13.8015 ▁Renovated -13.8015 ▁Squirt -13.8015 ▁corrugated -13.8015 ▁cosmopolitan -13.8015 ▁Aegean -13.8015 ▁Oyster -13.8015 ▁Alternate -13.8015 ▁smack -13.8015 ▁rubbing -13.8015 ▁disqualified -13.8015 ▁Bombay -13.8016 ▁Volcano -13.8016 ▁Doubletree -13.8016 ▁Photoelectric -13.8016 ▁abnormalities -13.8016 monitor -13.8018 insert -13.8023 ▁esteemed -13.8025 ▁Goose -13.8025 ▁wasteful -13.8026 ▁Andrei -13.8027 Sustainable -13.8027 Violence -13.8027 Cambodia -13.8027 Index -13.8027 ▁renal -13.8027 ownership -13.8027 035 -13.8029 ▁(*) -13.803 Fujian -13.8031 ▁Edith -13.8032 ▁Chalet -13.8033 ▁Faroe -13.8034 hausen -13.8036 reduce -13.8039 ▁$99 -13.804 0.6% -13.804 ▁Neymar -13.8041 ▁Synopsis -13.8041 ▁chronological -13.8041 ▁espouse -13.8041 ▁glamorous -13.8041 ▁probabilities -13.8041 ▁puppies -13.8041 ▁Maersk -13.8041 ▁platoon -13.8041 ▁serene -13.8041 9001:2008 -13.8041 ▁Cassini -13.8042 ▁JISC -13.8042 ▁UNPOS -13.8043 ▁Gotham -13.8044 ▁Voters -13.8045 ▁housekeeper -13.8047 ▁eBook -13.8047 oooo -13.8049 ▁1872 -13.805 /2000/11 -13.8051 ▁yrs -13.8052 ▁emitter -13.8052 governance -13.8053 society -13.8053 storage -13.8053 ▁pollute -13.8057 ▁Croat -13.8058 1234 -13.8059 ▁Alek -13.8063 ▁resale -13.8064 kowski -13.8065 ▁41/213 -13.8067 ▁Abbreviations -13.8067 ▁Alicante -13.8067 ▁Conveyor -13.8067 ▁diaphragm -13.8067 ▁longitudinal -13.8067 ▁recapture -13.8067 □ -13.8067 ▁Comparing -13.8067 ▁brunt -13.8067 来 -13.8067 ▁Litecoin -13.8067 ▁soaked -13.8067 ▁Bernstein -13.8067 ▁Splash -13.8068 ▁Yiwu -13.8068 ▁Krabi -13.8068 ▁Darcy -13.8068 ▁Scanning -13.8068 ▁exploitative -13.8069 ▁MEDIA -13.8069 ▁Nationwide -13.8069 ▁Scream -13.807 ▁<< -13.8072 ▁Ascend -13.8072 ▁$85 -13.8072 platz -13.8074 ▁ensued -13.8074 ▁Guru -13.8078 Principal -13.8079 ▁Polly -13.8081 ▁Thick -13.8081 zhang -13.8084 warming -13.8084 ▁Assisted -13.809 ▁Acoustic -13.8093 ▁Cancún -13.8093 ▁Exxon -13.8093 ▁Giorgio -13.8093 ▁antiquity -13.8093 ▁rabies -13.8093 ▁tainted -13.8093 ▁dossier -13.8093 € -13.8093 Flow -13.8093 ▁bipolar -13.8093 ▁Changchun -13.8094 Fish -13.8094 ▁Annapolis -13.8094 ▁Goldberg -13.8094 ▁Exceptional -13.8094 ▁Minimal -13.8096 ▁Mummy -13.8096 ▁‹ -13.8096 ▁Sixteenth -13.8098 URN -13.81 acryl -13.81 ▁Reese -13.8104 ▁powertrain -13.8105 Lebanon -13.8105 girlfriend -13.8105 victim -13.8105 Software -13.8105 ▁dreaded -13.8107 ▁Lace -13.8107 ▁basing -13.8109 ▁duke -13.811 ▁Cloth -13.8111 ▁disarmed -13.8111 ▁Sparta -13.8112 ▁GRE -13.8112 ▁Frequent -13.8115 ▁detectable -13.8116 ▁SECRETARY -13.8119 ▁Aeronautics -13.8119 ▁CULTURAL -13.8119 ▁Cassandra -13.8119 ▁Cristiano -13.8119 ▁Preamble -13.8119 ▁Quadruple -13.8119 ▁amplification -13.8119 ▁dwindling -13.8119 ▁monetize -13.8119 ▁Neighborhood -13.812 ▁avatar -13.812 ▁Waldorf -13.812 ▁Analyse -13.812 ▁HRW -13.812 ▁Schumer -13.812 ▁disinfection -13.812 ▁hoax -13.812 neng -13.812 /63/3 -13.8121 ▁Lambert -13.8122 cream -13.8124 ▁Insertion -13.8124 ▁Johannes -13.8125 ▁enrol -13.8126 749 -13.8126 ▁Manner -13.8126 ▁Conway -13.8131 innovation -13.8131 Language -13.8131 ▁focussed -13.8132 Daily -13.8132 Transfer -13.8132 studio -13.8133 ▁malign -13.8134 ▁Decided -13.8134 élé -13.8137 ▁Miao -13.8137 ngli -13.8141 ▁Flyer -13.8142 Except -13.8144 ▁PST -13.8145 ▁Hernandez -13.8146 ▁Vulnerability -13.8146 ▁egalitarian -13.8146 ▁entangled -13.8146 ▁folklore -13.8146 ▁Hemingway -13.8146 ▁controllable -13.8146 ▁squid -13.8146 ▁stylist -13.8146 wp -13.8146 ▁Trophy -13.8146 ▁Bodrum -13.8146 ▁Parliamentarian -13.8147 ▁tipped -13.8148 ▁Rubio -13.8149 history -13.8151 ▁Attachment -13.8151 ▁flick -13.8152 OzL -13.8153 ▁hardworking -13.8154 ▁Patel -13.8154 8° -13.8155 ▁Produced -13.8157 universal -13.8158 domestic -13.8158 Process -13.8158 SADC -13.816 ▁Bono -13.8162 outside -13.8166 ▁Expensive -13.8172 ▁Pinheiro -13.8172 ▁dignitaries -13.8172 ▁militarization -13.8172 ▁rectangular -13.8172 ▁Hercules -13.8172 ▁MEMBER -13.8172 信息 -13.8172 ▁Oncology -13.8172 ▁Deplete -13.8172 ▁licit -13.8172 ▁hustle -13.8172 ▁Massacre -13.8172 ▁Robbie -13.8173 ▁Playground -13.8173 ▁digitized -13.8174 ▁untold -13.8174 ▁Mastercard -13.8174 ▁PLO -13.8175 ▁Arias -13.8177 ▁Florist -13.818 ▁dolphin -13.8181 ▁pollen -13.8182 ▁STOP -13.8184 Traditional -13.8184 897 -13.8185 ▁Recep -13.8186 ▁Shade -13.8189 ▁Norris -13.8193 ▁EGF -13.8194 ▁Tala -13.8194 ▁Preserve -13.8194 ▁moron -13.8196 ▁Interpret -13.8196 Å -13.8198 ▁Metallurgical -13.8198 ▁habeas -13.8198 ▁imaginable -13.8198 ▁snippet -13.8198 ▁splendor -13.8198 ▁Throat -13.8198 ▁Became -13.8198 ▁IUCN -13.8199 ▁cogens -13.8199 ▁Quanzhou -13.8199 ▁Kotlin -13.8199 ▁Kraft -13.8199 ▁Dongfeng -13.82 ▁scrupulously -13.82 949 -13.82 flor -13.8203 ▁wealthier -13.8207 Protect -13.821 095 -13.8211 ▁Fern -13.8218 ▁Manny -13.8218 linda -13.8219 PCB -13.8219 ▁Kindly -13.8221 ocha -13.8223 ▁Angie -13.8224 ▁ALWAYS -13.8225 ▁Coherence -13.8225 ▁Ghosn -13.8225 ▁Gonzalez -13.8225 ▁PLEASE -13.8225 ▁UNISFA -13.8225 ▁mascot -13.8225 ▁unfulfilled -13.8225 ◇ -13.8225 ▁THINK -13.8225 ▁dowry -13.8225 ▁Competence -13.8225 ▁Patience -13.8225 ▁biannual -13.8225 ▁quorum -13.8225 ▁Cousin -13.8225 ▁rift -13.8225 ▁postdoctoral -13.8226 ▁drylands -13.8227 ▁errand -13.8227 ▁vivo -13.8227 ▁Passover -13.8227 ▁(2019) -13.8228 titut -13.8229 ▁goalkeeper -13.8229 ▁Baja -13.8231 ▁clerical -13.8231 ▁Mahal -13.8231 ▁adjourned -13.8231 hook -13.8231 ▁Benny -13.8233 ▁49/1 -13.8234 ▁rigor -13.8235 BIN -13.8236 ▁hardening -13.8239 047 -13.824 ATIVE -13.824 Instead -13.824 ▁Kerr -13.8242 typically -13.8242 8,600 -13.8243 ▁Saad -13.8244 ▁Excluding -13.8251 ▁Widget -13.8251 ▁abdominal -13.8251 ▁depressive -13.8251 ▁endosulfan -13.8251 ▁rectification -13.8251 ▁Behaviour -13.8251 ▁Cunningham -13.8251 ▁Lingerie -13.8251 ▁foreground -13.8252 ▁conserving -13.8252 ▁Boiler -13.8252 ▁Nero -13.8252 078 -13.8253 ▁Generic -13.8254 ▁Jabal -13.8255 ▁Northeastern -13.8255 ▁stride -13.8258 ▁crippled -13.8259 ▁solidify -13.8259 ▁organically -13.826 ▁FAIR -13.8261 ▁Paso -13.8261 ▁Plateau -13.8262 ▁authenticated -13.8262 GENERAL -13.8264 Together -13.8264 ▁Alec -13.8266 ▁Threaten -13.8267 ▁SVG -13.8269 ▁Tango -13.827 ▁Sponsored -13.8274 ▁Salim -13.8274 ▁81% -13.8275 Finding -13.8276 ▁trench -13.8276 ▁Encrypt -13.8278 ▁Hussain -13.8278 ▁Substantial -13.8278 ▁pessimism -13.8278 体育 -13.8278 ▁Spouse -13.8278 物 -13.8278 ▁Delicious -13.8278 ▁indecent -13.8278 ▁Kissinger -13.8278 ▁limestone -13.8278 ▁flipped -13.8279 ▁unwelcome -13.8279 ▁Cathy -13.8279 ▁Denial -13.828 ▁Blackpool -13.828 ▁Salah -13.828 ▁slut -13.828 PACK -13.8281 ▁piety -13.8283 ▁Marta -13.8284 ▁Indigo -13.8285 ▁grievance -13.8288 ▁GSMA -13.8289 identified -13.829 Success -13.829 whatever -13.8292 ▁Disco -13.8293 ▁Tutor -13.8295 quick -13.8296 ▁Prussia -13.8298 ▁Cesar -13.8302 ▁Filtration -13.8305 ▁Respiratory -13.8305 ▁Vuitton -13.8305 ▁egregious -13.8305 ▁mammoth -13.8305 ▁ostensibly -13.8305 ▁versatility -13.8305 ▁gymnastics -13.8305 ▁Artemis -13.8305 ▁Clyde -13.8305 ▁Indicate -13.8305 ▁Geopark -13.8305 ▁Hungry -13.8306 ▁Jensen -13.8306 ▁shameless -13.8306 ▁EXHIBITION -13.8306 ▁2003-2004 -13.8307 ▁Harare -13.8307 ▁Lilly -13.8308 :(86 -13.8311 ▁Astoria -13.8312 ▁Medication -13.8312 ▁Zuma -13.8312 ▁BSD -13.8314 ▁Spectro -13.8317 GRAPH -13.8322 ▁Robotic -13.8322 ▁SKU -13.8322 Ever -13.8323 TAP -13.8327 ▁$350 -13.8329 ▁Wien -13.8331 д -13.8331 料 -13.8331 ▁"%1" -13.8331 ▁Chevrolet -13.8331 ▁Zanzibar -13.8331 ▁abdomen -13.8331 ▁populace -13.8331 ▁pseudonym -13.8331 ▁chancellor -13.8331 ▁amassed -13.8332 ▁dizzy -13.8332 ▁WATCH -13.8332 ▁Freshwater -13.8332 ▁Announce -13.8333 ▁Hippo -13.8333 ▁Motoc -13.8334 publish -13.8337 ROOM -13.8337 ▁Xiu -13.834 ▁paddle -13.834 udging -13.8342 ▁Applicant -13.8342 ▁Participant -13.8342 Libyan -13.8344 Future -13.8344 ▁scattering -13.8345 ▁Artwork -13.8345 transport -13.8345 Investor -13.8346 ▁SMD -13.8347 ▁humiliate -13.8349 radio -13.8352 ▁Shinzo -13.8353 ▁Vivian -13.8354 ▁Triumph -13.8358 ▁archaeology -13.8358 ▁catalyse -13.8358 ▁combustible -13.8358 ▁contemplation -13.8358 ▁rescuing -13.8358 ▁Quantitative -13.8358 ▁agribusiness -13.8358 ▁oriental -13.8358 ▁Andersen -13.8358 ▁granular -13.8358 ▁trilateral -13.8358 ▁Outsourcing -13.8358 ▁Magnus -13.8359 ▁Acute -13.8359 ▁crumble -13.8359 ▁brow -13.8359 ▁SELECT -13.8359 ▁Anthem -13.8359 ▁MSF -13.836 ▁photoelectric -13.836 ▁Louisville -13.836 ▁Tomato -13.8361 −1 -13.8361 documented -13.8361 ▁intrigued -13.8366 ▁Gaia -13.8368 ▁refill -13.8368 emphasis -13.8371 Policy -13.8371 ♪ -13.8371 synthesis -13.8371 ▁disaggregat -13.8377 Henan -13.8378 Optional -13.8378 ▁EDM -13.838 BAN -13.838 ▁MIP -13.8381 ▁DSM -13.8384 ▁Apportionment -13.8385 ▁TOKYO -13.8385 ▁Vettel -13.8385 ▁annihilation -13.8385 ▁calculus -13.8385 ▁prudence -13.8385 ▁sanctity -13.8385 建 -13.8385 手机 -13.8385 ▁shilling -13.8385 ▁subcontractors -13.8385 ▁erotic -13.8385 ▁sprang -13.8385 ▁Idlib -13.8385 ▁∙ -13.8386 ▁Boyfriend -13.8386 ▁INFO -13.8386 ▁rebalancing -13.8386 ▁dummy -13.8386 ▁Tissue -13.8387 ▁mattresses -13.8389 ▁Chick -13.839 ▁MAIN -13.839 ▁customised -13.839 ▁liquidated -13.839 ▁normalcy -13.8392 ▁disrespectful -13.8392 ▁schoolgirl -13.8394 HAR -13.8396 principle -13.8398 Louis -13.8398 ▁Eck -13.8399 ▁frustrate -13.8403 ▁Serra -13.8406 Place -13.8407 gaard -13.8409 ▁Krakowhotel -13.8409 ▁Zeng -13.841 ▁Spike -13.8411 ▁Frey -13.8411 ▁Anxiety -13.8412 ▁Gloucester -13.8412 ▁Moisture -13.8412 ▁Nagorny -13.8412 ▁Nassau -13.8412 ▁PROCESS -13.8412 ▁Veronica -13.8412 ▁artefacts -13.8412 ▁configuring -13.8412 ▁exclusivity -13.8412 ▁mundane -13.8412 ▁Kandahar -13.8412 ▁bulldozer -13.8412 ▁Apparel -13.8412 ▁PwC -13.8412 ▁angular -13.8412 了 -13.8412 ▁Electromagnetic -13.8412 ▁agitation -13.8412 ▁strawberry -13.8412 ▁frantic -13.8412 ▁Leningrad -13.8412 ▁mobilise -13.8412 ▁(1980) -13.8413 ▁flaming -13.8413 ▁Baan -13.8414 ▁shiver -13.8414 ▁horsepower -13.8415 039 -13.8416 .5/55/ -13.8416 ▁Borneo -13.8417 ▁sneakers -13.8417 ▁poop -13.8418 shape -13.8418 ▁KWD -13.8421 ▁Thiel -13.8424 werk -13.8424 morphic -13.8424 Study -13.8425 memory -13.8425 computing -13.8425 ▁TAS -13.8425 azza -13.8428 ▁Knee -13.8429 ▁Pall -13.8429 below -13.8432 ∗ -13.8439 ▁Equinix -13.8439 ▁Obstacle -13.8439 ▁Québec -13.8439 ▁Reliance -13.8439 ▁associating -13.8439 ▁prowess -13.8439 ▁sprung -13.8439 ▁Hobby -13.8439 ▁Tribute -13.8439 ▁CHECK -13.8439 ▁Clarence -13.8439 ▁Seamless -13.8439 ▁BRCA -13.8439 ▁chalk -13.844 ▁choking -13.844 ▁HELP -13.844 ▁Tristan -13.844 OEM -13.844 ▁Woodward -13.8441 ▁appease -13.8441 ▁shareholding -13.8442 ▁Relocation -13.8443 ▁$1.9 -13.8445 zilla -13.8446 ▁automating -13.8446 ▁overthrown -13.8447 marine -13.8447 069 -13.8449 ▁recruiters -13.845 ▁coolant -13.8452 ▁wildfire -13.8453 ▁acidic -13.8454 ▁Nep -13.8454 ▁ETC -13.8455 ▁1883 -13.8455 ▁boundless -13.8455 ▁Wadi -13.846 ▁Parque -13.8465 ▁Remnants -13.8466 ▁Steady -13.8466 ▁Universidad -13.8466 ▁condominium -13.8466 ▁disclaimer -13.8466 ▁lucid -13.8466 ▁nuanced -13.8466 真 -13.8466 ▁Keqiang -13.8466 ▁inflated -13.8466 ▁maturing -13.8467 SPECT -13.8468 ▁rites -13.8468 ▁Ivanka -13.8469 ▁originator -13.8469 ▁Sauna -13.847 ▁skewed -13.8473 ▁prohibitive -13.8475 ▁DRM -13.8477 economy -13.8478 ▁Baoan -13.8478 satisfied -13.8479 Ö -13.8479 ▁collaborator -13.8479 ▁Stellar -13.848 ▁interstate -13.848 ▁MIS -13.8482 1985 -13.8483 ▁Significantly -13.8484 ▁flicker -13.8487 Exception -13.8487 ▁transcendent -13.8491 ▁Fertilizer -13.8493 ▁Guissé -13.8493 ▁fluorescence -13.8493 ▁insurrection -13.8493 ▁paediatric -13.8493 〜 -13.8493 ▁Goethe -13.8493 ▁✔ -13.8493 ▁Securing -13.8494 ▁Journalist -13.8494 ▁modulation -13.8494 ▁♀ -13.8494 ▁enigma -13.8494 ▁RAF -13.8496 ▁Zou -13.8498 ▁racket -13.8499 ▁Nitro -13.8499 ▁Nemo -13.8499 Option -13.85 ▁Reyes -13.8501 ▁©2019 -13.8503 ▁Townhouse -13.8503 Mediterranean -13.8506 assembly -13.8506 ▁Faithful -13.8509 ▁Jamal -13.8512 ▁dilute -13.8512 ▁$30,000 -13.8512 push -13.8515 ▁testimonial -13.8521 Ephesians -13.8521 ▁circling -13.8521 ▁facsimile -13.8521 ▁glacial -13.8521 ▁unsubstantiated -13.8521 ▁Faraday -13.8521 ▁erratic -13.8521 ▁Proxy -13.8521 ▁Footprint -13.8521 ▁plugged -13.8521 ▁lagged -13.8522 ▁Validation -13.8523 ▁Raptor -13.8525 ▁Lending -13.8529 044 -13.8529 ▁Mariana -13.8531 CHO -13.8532 calorie -13.8539 ▁Proven -13.854 ▁79% -13.8541 ▁Kohl -13.8543 ▁SEM -13.8544 ▁mingle -13.8545 Ç -13.8548 ▁Jubilee -13.8548 ▁PLASTIC -13.8548 ▁anthropology -13.8548 ▁cassette -13.8548 ▁polypropylene -13.8548 ▁unauthorised -13.8548 ▁uncontrollable -13.8548 ▁xHamster -13.8548 ▁Fowler -13.8548 ▁Yandex -13.8548 ▁caucus -13.8548 繁 -13.8548 ▁Composer -13.8548 ▁Puzzle -13.8548 ▁Shelby -13.8548 ▁aptitude -13.8548 cluster -13.8548 saurus -13.8549 ▁Rosie -13.8555 endra -13.8556 0.7% -13.8556 ▁Winery -13.8557 ▁Teatro -13.8558 ocene -13.8558 custodial -13.8561 Integrated -13.8561 traumatic -13.8561 selective -13.8561 ▁blockage -13.8572 ▁nil -13.8573 2.5% -13.8573 voir -13.8573 б -13.8575 ▁Evangelical -13.8575 ▁Rutgers -13.8575 ▁alternating -13.8575 ▁bacterium -13.8575 ▁depreciate -13.8575 ▁inefficiencies -13.8575 ▁multiplicity -13.8575 ▁reclamation -13.8575 ▁renunciation -13.8575 ✓ -13.8575 ▁regrettably -13.8575 ▁Defining -13.8575 出 -13.8575 自 -13.8575 ▁anaemia -13.8575 ▁Surrey -13.8576 ▁Oath -13.8576 ▁propeller -13.8576 ▁graveyard -13.8576 emitting -13.8577 ▁depository -13.8577 ▁Jenin -13.8577 ▁gasket -13.8578 ▁Ugh -13.8579 ATCH -13.8583 ▁validating -13.8583 ▁shaving -13.8584 SHENG -13.8585 Rome -13.8588 ANDA -13.8588 ▁Carefully -13.8589 killer -13.8589 ▁Brasilia -13.8591 Ghana -13.8592 noise -13.8594 ▁Methodist -13.8596 ▁Bliss -13.86 ▁DAN -13.8602 ▁Chávez -13.8603 ▁Humphrey -13.8603 ▁garrison -13.8603 ▁impulsive -13.8603 教 -13.8603 ▁Authorizes -13.8603 ▁hedging -13.8603 ▁cavern -13.8603 ▁Edmond -13.8603 ▁Junction -13.8603 ▁Hadith -13.8603 ▁69% -13.8604 ▁Nestled -13.8605 ▁Savage -13.8605 ▁Clarion -13.8607 Ship -13.8611 1983 -13.8616 ▁Nasa -13.8616 Always -13.8617 Cooperation -13.8618 everyone -13.8618 ▁skew -13.8624 /06/20 -13.8624 Bridge -13.8624 ▁cork -13.8627 garden -13.8629 ▁obsessive -13.863 ▁Uranus -13.863 ▁antenatal -13.863 ▁Harriet -13.863 ▁outspoken -13.863 ▁supplant -13.863 ▁Parenthood -13.863 ▁Liberties -13.8631 ▁senate -13.8631 ▁sociological -13.8631 ▁María -13.8631 ▁Fairmont -13.8632 uddin -13.8632 .4/2001/ -13.8633 ▁acidification -13.8633 LONG -13.8634 ▁rigidity -13.8634 ▁blot -13.8637 ▁©2017 -13.8641 Korea -13.8641 Canadian -13.8644 OIOS -13.8644 Sweet -13.8644 ▁academically -13.8645 Notice -13.8645 ▁Bahia -13.8648 ▁CERN -13.8648 ▁recede -13.8653 ankara -13.8657 ▁Benghazi -13.8658 ▁Bogotá -13.8658 ▁Complementary -13.8658 ▁Condominium -13.8658 ▁DOWNLOAD -13.8658 ▁Guéhenno -13.8658 ▁HoloLens -13.8658 ▁Metallurgy -13.8658 ▁Verisign -13.8658 ▁admonition -13.8658 ▁cadmium -13.8658 ▁accompanies -13.8658 ▁unfaithful -13.8658 ▁affront -13.8658 Glass -13.8658 ▁Hancock -13.8658 singapore -13.8658 jiu -13.8661 ▁Nearest -13.8663 ▁Tsai -13.8664 ▁LPG -13.8664 bearer -13.8664 ▁Wilbur -13.8664 ▁sift -13.8664 ▁solicitor -13.8665 ▁Junk -13.8667 ▁caveat -13.8668 Silicon -13.8671 Phase -13.8672 ▁sibling -13.8674 ▁JOB -13.8674 Solar -13.8676 ▁apprehend -13.8678 ▁inhibition -13.8681 ▁gloom -13.8683 coast -13.8684 ▁conscript -13.8686 ▁Cotonou -13.8686 ▁Immunity -13.8686 ▁Transmitter -13.8686 ▁WEBSITE -13.8686 ▁biodiesel -13.8686 ▁crippling -13.8686 ▁fiduciary -13.8686 ▁tremor -13.8686 科 -13.8686 ▁Autism -13.8686 ▁derogate -13.8686 ▁Werner -13.8686 ▁hymn -13.8686 ▁Netscape -13.8686 ▁FEEL -13.8686 ▁Joanna -13.8688 ▁effortlessly -13.8689 ▁rewritten -13.8691 ▁Debra -13.8693 lberg -13.8698 Material -13.8699 Journal -13.8699 Summer -13.8699 ▁Rotation -13.87 stitutionalize -13.87 Sichuan -13.87 9,500 -13.8701 ▁Lyra -13.8705 ▁Bourg -13.8705 IPCC -13.8706 HOL -13.8706 Currently -13.8707 ▁bumper -13.8713 ▁Reminder -13.8713 ū -13.8713 官方 -13.8713 集团 -13.8713 ▁Advancing -13.8713 ▁Etihad -13.8713 ▁Satoshi -13.8713 ▁botanical -13.8713 ▁cemeteries -13.8713 ▁falsification -13.8713 ▁insurmountable -13.8713 ▁Yield -13.8713 ▁stabilise -13.8713 五 -13.8713 ▁proliferate -13.8713 ▁spherical -13.8713 ▁knob -13.8713 ▁Engaging -13.8714 ▁bluff -13.8714 ▁AlphaGo -13.8714 ▁Pillow -13.8714 ▁Adjustable -13.8717 ▁tripod -13.8717 ▁ballroom -13.8719 7000 -13.8722 Slovakia -13.8727 Exhibition -13.8728 ▁Yaku -13.8733 ultur -13.8735 Production -13.8737 asca -13.8737 ▁chime -13.8741 水 -13.8741 ▁osteoporosis -13.8741 ▁pottery -13.8741 ▁barbarian -13.8741 ▁smelting -13.8741 ▁meddling -13.8741 ▁Montevideo -13.8741 ▁Haya -13.8741 ▁LTTE -13.8742 ▁Duplex -13.8742 ▁subordination -13.8743 ▁plough -13.8743 ▁dusk -13.8743 ▁Merger -13.8743 ▁Niue -13.8743 ▁Poolside -13.8744 ▁aromatic -13.8744 ▁Intercultural -13.8744 ▁Wherefore -13.8744 ▁Variant -13.8746 ▁unrepresented -13.8747 ▁Bigger -13.8749 ▁Morton -13.875 ▁Pavel -13.8752 mpressive -13.8753 ević -13.8754 harvest -13.8755 ▁Lester -13.8757 ▁Benson -13.8759 ▁Barak -13.8764 938 -13.8765 ▁dodge -13.8766 区 -13.8769 ▁Alejandro -13.8769 ▁Baxter -13.8769 ▁Halifax -13.8769 ▁Wardrobe -13.8769 ▁adjective -13.8769 ▁diagnosing -13.8769 ▁leprosy -13.8769 ▁unsolicited -13.8769 /2003/40/ -13.8769 ▁Atmosphere -13.8769 ▁judicious -13.8769 ▁merciless -13.8769 酒 -13.8769 ▁MQL -13.8769 期 -13.8769 ▁Narendra -13.8769 ▁SCCPs -13.8769 ▁overstated -13.8769 ▁Robbins -13.8769 ▁webinar -13.8769 ▁Fatima -13.877 ▁mop -13.877 ▁Fingerprint -13.8771 ▁Recurrent -13.8771 ▁Accessory -13.8771 ▁forsaken -13.8772 ▁Proposition -13.8772 ▁trapping -13.8772 american -13.8773 ▁Eighteenth -13.8774 ▁Hatch -13.8775 ▁Faust -13.8775 ▁Peel -13.8778 responsible -13.8783 ≥ -13.8783 ▁channelling -13.8784 ▁Moran -13.8784 ▁bedside -13.8786 ▁Energi -13.8787 ▁Monde -13.8788 ▁UNCC -13.8791 ▁Accelerating -13.8797 ▁Himalayan -13.8797 ▁Mushroom -13.8797 ▁Sapporo -13.8797 ▁avocado -13.8797 ▁complacent -13.8797 ▁ethereum -13.8797 ▁menopause -13.8797 十 -13.8797 ▁Sleeve -13.8797 ▁revered -13.8797 ▁infused -13.8797 ▁Boulder -13.8797 ▁Bhd -13.8798 ▁Relying -13.8798 6,500 -13.8799 ▁destitute -13.88 ▁Brendan -13.88 ▁McGill -13.8805 ▁revamped -13.8806 ▁textual -13.8807 ▁Toast -13.8811 saturated -13.8811 Honey -13.8812 ▁signalled -13.8812 rigg -13.8814 pub -13.8817 ▁Alamo -13.8817 制 -13.8825 ▁Archaeology -13.8825 ▁Oxfam -13.8825 ▁UNIKOM -13.8825 ▁cipher -13.8825 ▁epidemiology -13.8825 ▁onslaught -13.8825 ▁shipwreck -13.8825 ▁unlicensed -13.8825 derogable -13.8825 信 -13.8825 ▁BEACH -13.8826 ▁Kelley -13.8826 ▁Qinghai -13.8826 ▁stash -13.8827 ▁Lightweight -13.8827 ▁trenches -13.8827 ▁Hypo -13.8828 ▁paramedic -13.8829 ▁OneDrive -13.883 incident -13.8835 ▁Concerto -13.8837 Bitcoin -13.8839 Modern -13.8839 Centre -13.8839 Content -13.884 improvement -13.8841 ▁Fernand -13.8844 wrong -13.8844 handle -13.8845 ▁Sink -13.8847 BOX -13.8849 ▁Tropic -13.8851 ß -13.8853 ▁adventurous -13.8853 ▁barricade -13.8853 ▁disabling -13.8853 ▁fermented -13.8853 目 -13.8853 房 -13.8853 ▁neurodegenerati -13.8853 ▁Wikimedia -13.8854 ▁politicized -13.8854 ▁Zedong -13.8854 ▁Lagarde -13.8855 opoulos -13.8855 ENSE -13.8858 058 -13.886 ▁repress -13.8861 ▁Malone -13.8866 subscribe -13.8867 Computer -13.8868 ▁Harden -13.8868 ▁taper -13.8872 ▁enshrine -13.8873 /09/20 -13.8877 Editor -13.8881 體 -13.8882 ▁Dartmouth -13.8882 ▁Manafort -13.8882 ▁Receipt -13.8882 ▁Winnipeg -13.8882 ▁affidavit -13.8882 ▁interoperable -13.8882 ▁rhyme -13.8882 ▁spectrometer -13.8882 阳 -13.8882 ▁adherents -13.8882 ▁scuba -13.8882 ▁Ezra -13.8882 ▁bosom -13.8882 ▁Unexpected -13.8882 ▁Soundproof -13.8883 ▁Madeira -13.8883 ▁Eurostat -13.8883 ▁Carolyn -13.8883 ▁fiance -13.8884 Visit -13.8884 ▁Vault -13.8886 ▁MySpace -13.8887 ▁crooked -13.8888 ▁Trang -13.8894 ▁redevelopment -13.8894 cylinder -13.8896 contamination -13.8896 ▁Lola -13.8897 ▁detach -13.89 /63/4 -13.8903 ▁deceit -13.8903 ▁FPS -13.8907 ▁Avengers -13.891 ▁acupuncture -13.891 ▁blockbuster -13.891 ▁metabolite -13.891 ▁清邁 -13.891 ▁Gomez -13.891 ▁adamant -13.891 ▁conjure -13.891 ▁Exhaust -13.891 ▁authenticate -13.891 ▁ERUs -13.891 ▁frigate -13.891 ▁Fairfax -13.891 ▁mockery -13.891 ▁bystander -13.8911 ▁videoconference -13.8912 ▁repurchase -13.8912 Shut -13.8913 ▁subversion -13.8914 ▁Paw -13.8914 .3/61/ -13.8915 ▁chapeau -13.8915 ▁Digg -13.8915 ▁Assyrian -13.8915 ▁TCL -13.8915 ▁Xiaobo -13.8921 ▁binge -13.8922 ▁strictest -13.8922 /2001/5 -13.8925 manager -13.8928 :00~ -13.8932 ▁SYN -13.8933 /05/20 -13.8933 ▁launder -13.8933 ▁+49 -13.8936 ▁APARTMENT -13.8938 ▁Flipkart -13.8938 ▁Kathleen -13.8938 ▁Reputation -13.8938 ▁complacency -13.8938 ▁euthanasia -13.8938 ▁lauded -13.8938 ▁navigator -13.8938 星 -13.8938 黑 -13.8938 ▁Evaluate -13.8938 ▁Perfume -13.8938 ▁monoxide -13.8939 ▁climax -13.8939 ▁lymphoma -13.8939 ▁Sociology -13.8939 ▁courteous -13.8939 ▁CLASS -13.8939 ▁imperfections -13.8939 ▁tinker -13.894 ▁interdiction -13.894 ▁thaw -13.894 ▁ionizing -13.894 ▁Jolie -13.894 ▁utopian -13.8941 ▁Trauma -13.8941 ▁valet -13.8941 ▁CPS -13.8942 activate -13.8943 ▁Stationery -13.8943 ▁Comfortable -13.8945 [32] -13.8946 ▁Vivo -13.8946 ▁Showroom -13.8948 1111 -13.8951 continent -13.8952 ▁Linus -13.8952 Kunshan -13.8953 Climate -13.8953 Carbon -13.8953 winter -13.8954 ▁placenta -13.896 ▁Rik -13.8964 sqm -13.8965 ▁Philosopher -13.8967 ▁Bullshit -13.8967 ▁Confucian -13.8967 ▁Dwight -13.8967 ▁Elisabeth -13.8967 ▁Embrace -13.8967 ▁Quentin -13.8967 ▁accolade -13.8967 ▁deceiving -13.8967 ▁fencing -13.8967 ▁halogen -13.8967 ▁splinter -13.8967 ▁vinyl -13.8967 ▁disprove -13.8967 ▁HOTLINE -13.8967 ▁Strawberry -13.8967 ▁Islamophobia -13.8967 ▁iterative -13.8967 ▁Luigi -13.8968 ▁Fastener -13.8968 ▁GCSE -13.8968 honor -13.8968 ▁gulf -13.8969 ▁Ellison -13.8971 ▁IATA -13.8971 ▁popping -13.8972 ▁revel -13.8972 ▁UNMIN -13.8973 ▁Unification -13.8974 ▁Prussian -13.8974 ▁toolbox -13.8976 ▁oust -13.8976 ▁Wolff -13.8978 ▁Compile -13.8978 successful -13.8978 4,800 -13.898 temporary -13.8981 Intelligent -13.8981 Steel -13.8981 fox -13.8983 ▁Ningxia -13.8986 /63/6 -13.8989 ▁Crisp -13.8994 ▁Prototype -13.8995 ▁TECHNICAL -13.8995 ▁acquiescence -13.8996 ▁Swimwear -13.8996 ▁Cheryl -13.8996 ▁unsupervised -13.8996 ▁scour -13.8996 ▁tether -13.8997 ▁Wallpaper -13.8997 ▁Opium -13.8998 ensis -13.8998 ▁curry -13.8999 ▁Yoko -13.9001 ▁heartbreaking -13.9001 ▁MOTOR -13.9002 evolve -13.9004 ▁Otis -13.9004 ▁$4.5 -13.9005 simple -13.9008 ▁Samson -13.901 enhancing -13.901 Flex -13.9014 ▁confiscate -13.9015 5,100 -13.9018 ▁$900 -13.9019 ▁ENTERPRISE -13.9024 ▁FACTORY -13.9024 ▁Lanzarote -13.9024 ▁Rudolf -13.9024 ▁Snyder -13.9024 ▁TRUMP -13.9024 ▁congenital -13.9024 ▁uninhabited -13.9024 ▁Cougar -13.9024 ▁Gupta -13.9024 ▁coroner -13.9024 ▁Terminator -13.9024 ▁accentuate -13.9024 ▁Mansour -13.9024 ▁Serpent -13.9024 ▁Solving -13.9025 ▁Monarch -13.9025 ▁Wastewater -13.9025 ▁Flagship -13.9026 ▁Futian -13.9026 ▁vaping -13.9027 ▁FUCK -13.9028 /1998/44 -13.9029 ▁synchro -13.9029 ▁Parental -13.903 ember -13.9033 ▁noticeably -13.9034 ▁Novell -13.9035 75% -13.9037 Measure -13.9039 Universal -13.9039 alcoholic -13.9039 causing -13.9041 ▁linguist -13.9041 3,200 -13.9044 ▁CSV -13.9047 .5/59/ -13.9047 0512-5 -13.9052 元 -13.9053 ▁Acceleration -13.9053 ▁Dexter -13.9053 ▁Eligible -13.9053 ▁FINANCIAL -13.9053 ▁Kardashian -13.9053 ▁Seizure -13.9053 ▁Yaoundé -13.9053 ▁adjoining -13.9053 ▁malnourished -13.9053 ▁proscribed -13.9053 ▁turret -13.9053 ▁vibrating -13.9053 ¬ -13.9053 电子 -13.9053 ▁Coupling -13.9053 ▁Heinrich -13.9053 ▁Virgil -13.9053 ▁Piracy -13.9053 ▁Eliminating -13.9053 ▁Width -13.9053 ▁extracurricular -13.9053 ▁chopped -13.9053 ▁CAGR -13.9053 ▁flute -13.9054 ▁Pichai -13.9054 ▁FUND -13.9054 ▁fortnight -13.9054 ▁Microphone -13.9055 ▁beetle -13.9055 ▁Simultaneously -13.9056 ▁tragically -13.9056 ▁rebelled -13.9057 ▁semen -13.9058 ▁JEM -13.9062 crumb -13.9062 weak -13.9062 osse -13.9064 ▁repressed -13.9065 /2000/8 -13.9065 ▁Lotte -13.9066 Beauty -13.9067 advanced -13.9067 Location -13.9068 ▁0800 -13.9068 Radio -13.9069 ▁68/2 -13.9074 ▁rumour -13.9075 height -13.9076 ▁Alexandre -13.9078 ▁Pagoda -13.9082 ▁Prestige -13.9082 ▁STEEL -13.9082 ▁methamphetamine -13.9082 ▁rejuvenate -13.9082 ▁Entries -13.9082 ▁Crowley -13.9082 ▁Provence -13.9082 ▁Leverage -13.9083 /62/6 -13.9083 ▁Addition -13.9084 ▁TCDC -13.9084 Steve -13.9089 ▁ibn -13.9089 1900 -13.9091 ▁iris -13.9095 Excuse -13.9096 migrant -13.9098 ▁Morse -13.9098 ▁WWE -13.9098 HIPC -13.9101 ▁Advise -13.9104 ▁Warhol -13.9105 ▁Christensen -13.9111 ▁Skopje -13.9111 ▁camouflage -13.9111 ▁negligent -13.9111 ▁rendition -13.9111 ▁tranquillity -13.9111 ️ -13.9111 ▁devout -13.9111 ▁Survive -13.9111 ▁grudge -13.9111 ▁Commune -13.9111 ▁piercing -13.9111 ▁hunch -13.9111 ▁forgave -13.9111 ▁Dividend -13.9112 ▁Bowie -13.9112 ▁Norms -13.9113 ▁Kahn -13.9113 ▁Twink -13.9114 ▁filesystem -13.9115 MeToo -13.9115 ▁Doom -13.9116 ▁Springfield -13.9116 ▁unwise -13.9117 ▁Felt -13.9117 ▁Peck -13.9118 PentaBDE -13.9122 ▁Stereo -13.9123 ▁Ruian -13.9125 ▁prejudge -13.9125 emergency -13.9125 ▁Harness -13.9126 marital -13.9126 ▁$2.4 -13.9127 ▁62/208 -13.914 ▁Introductory -13.914 ▁materiae -13.914 ▁minimization -13.914 要 -13.914 ан -13.914 ▁CLUB -13.914 ▁Anaheim -13.914 ▁subscribing -13.9141 ▁Rafah -13.9141 ▁Oceanographic -13.9141 ▁Neville -13.9142 ▁Hinduism -13.9144 ▁predefined -13.9144 ummies -13.9145 ▁typewriter -13.9145 ▁Appart -13.9147 ▁52/12 -13.9149 ▁Succession -13.915 OSH -13.9151 izzle -13.9151 ▁thriller -13.9152 ▁degenerate -13.9154 Slovenia -13.9154 CARICOM -13.9154 property -13.9154 Hubei -13.9155 ▁Hornet -13.9156 ▁headquarter -13.9159 energize -13.9163 ▁Levant -13.9164 ▁complicit -13.9166 ▁Geoffrey -13.9169 ▁Restructuring -13.9169 ▁Stunning -13.9169 ▁Tirana -13.9169 ▁furthest -13.9169 ▁horribly -13.9169 ▁intravenous -13.9169 ▁undeclared -13.9169 Í -13.9169 名 -13.9169 ▁Polyester -13.9169 ▁Brookings -13.9169 ▁fumes -13.9169 ▁Cecilia -13.9169 ▁Jah -13.9172 ▁abject -13.9172 ▁abolishment -13.9172 ▁Mirage -13.9173 ▁chronically -13.9173 ▁Restart -13.9176 ▁regress -13.9177 UNCH -13.9179 ▁Liga -13.918 Rose -13.9183 ,000). -13.9184 Damn -13.9184 KEY -13.9193 Drink -13.9194 ▁minimalist -13.9198 ▁Bertrand -13.9198 ▁benevolent -13.9198 ▁dehydration -13.9198 ▁entropy -13.9198 ▁façade -13.9198 ▁seventieth -13.9198 ▁throttle -13.9198 ▁unaccounted -13.9198 ル -13.9198 ▁Equipped -13.9198 ▁Juniper -13.9198 ▁NETWORK -13.9198 万 -13.9198 爱 -13.9198 ▁inkjet -13.9198 ▁Autopilot -13.9198 ▁ADDRESSED -13.9198 ▁ironically -13.92 ▁Ballroom -13.9201 ▁Bedford -13.9204 ▁Contrast -13.9205 ▁motorists -13.9206 worn -13.921 conceived -13.9213 Swiss -13.9213 Tibet -13.9213 Police -13.9213 ▁Buch -13.9215 ▁Durant -13.9221 ▁boon -13.9222 ▁confide -13.9227 €™ -13.9227 ▁Boracay -13.9227 ▁Lighthizer -13.9227 ▁Responsive -13.9227 ▁contagion -13.9227 ▁nostalgia -13.9227 ▁sequestration -13.9227 ▁vigour -13.9227 ▁Ortiz -13.9227 ▁instinctively -13.9227 ▁Rudd -13.9227 ▁Galleries -13.9227 /62/5 -13.9227 ▁Sevilla -13.9227 ▁gemstone -13.9228 ▁Handheld -13.9228 ▁pyro -13.9228 ▁methanol -13.9228 ▁Hardcore -13.9229 ▁Bannon -13.9229 ▁Geek -13.923 ▁WSIS -13.923 ▁Sufi -13.9231 ▁conditionality -13.9234 occa -13.9236 ▁reinstall -13.9237 ▁motorsport -13.9238 ▁banish -13.9239 kilometer -13.9242 Equipment -13.9242 Treaty -13.9242 approx -13.9242 responsibility -13.9242 Season -13.9244 ▁infidel -13.9246 ▁Patriotic -13.9247 ▁reinstate -13.9247 Nature -13.9248 ▁adjourn -13.9248 athlon -13.9251 ▁Petrov -13.9254 ▁della -13.9256 ‍ -13.9256 ▁Giuseppe -13.9256 ▁Tucson -13.9256 ▁mediocre -13.9256 ▁negativity -13.9256 ▁perpetration -13.9256 ▁silhouette -13.9256 ▁cassation -13.9256 ▁valuing -13.9256 ▁shuffle -13.9256 ▁Thief -13.9257 ▁Maputo -13.9257 ▁biosafety -13.9257 ▁blunder -13.9257 ▁Sovereignty -13.9257 ▁Hayek -13.9257 ▁pinned -13.9258 ▁Angelina -13.9259 ▁Housewife -13.9259 ▁Warrant -13.926 ▁cinematic -13.9261 ▁Replica -13.9261 brighton -13.9261 ▁Lick -13.9264 monopoly -13.9272 ▁Demonstrate -13.9272 ▁Protest -13.9272 witz -13.9273 respond -13.9274 Found -13.9275 Marc -13.9275 qualification -13.9275 ▁predator -13.9278 continuous -13.9279 ▁artifact -13.9281 historic -13.9281 /2000/9 -13.9283 ▁EDUCATION -13.9286 ▁Mussolini -13.9286 ▁aforesaid -13.9286 ▁billiards -13.9286 ▁molybdenum -13.9286 ▁antidote -13.9286 游戏 -13.9286 第 -13.9286 ▁ecotourism -13.9286 ▁Depends -13.9286 Tree -13.9286 ▁popcorn -13.9286 ▁trolley -13.9286 ▁Firmware -13.9287 ▁esports -13.9288 ▁virginity -13.9289 megawatt -13.9289 ▁Saha -13.929 ▁skateboard -13.9295 ▁Brenda -13.9301 William -13.9301 ▁stereotype -13.9302 morning -13.9303 ecology -13.9305 ▁Banco -13.9305 POP -13.9305 ▁Seb -13.9306 loch -13.9306 ▁SPACE -13.9309 ▁Cooperate -13.9309 ▁Castell -13.9309 .261/ -13.9311 ▁fertilize -13.9312 й -13.9315 ▁Ahmadinejad -13.9315 ▁Britney -13.9315 ▁Communicate -13.9315 ▁Dormitory -13.9315 ▁Harassment -13.9315 ▁Macquarie -13.9315 ▁Pebble -13.9315 ▁cucumber -13.9315 ▁entanglement -13.9315 ▁Acrobat -13.9315 ▁Ambient -13.9315 服务 -13.9315 ▁Rosemary -13.9315 ▁monopolize -13.9315 ▁skilful -13.9315 ▁Fitbit -13.9316 ▁Turkmen -13.9317 ▁Armani -13.9317 firefox -13.9318 ▁terry -13.9319 ▁millet -13.932 ▁IASC -13.932 ▁Costco -13.9322 ▁sideways -13.9322 ▁NORTH -13.9322 ▁Fink -13.9323 ▁Dahl -13.9325 NOVA -13.9326 ▁HAND -13.9329 substantial -13.9331 Smith -13.9331 ▁Novak -13.9336 uela -13.9336 kick -13.9337 ▁flake -13.9339 demilitarization -13.9345 ‘ -13.9345 ▁Bazaar -13.9345 ▁Janjaweed -13.9345 ▁brittle -13.9345 ▁encyclopedia -13.9345 ▁undeniably -13.9345 ▁unfettered -13.9345 ▁scorpion -13.9345 ▁tetrachloride -13.9345 ▁Roulette -13.9345 conspirator -13.9345 ▁Pursue -13.9345 ▁phishing -13.9345 ▁WHEN -13.9345 ▁Buhari -13.9345 ▁titan -13.9345 ▁Encounter -13.9345 ▁plurality -13.9346 ▁scorecard -13.9346 /1999/25 -13.9347 ▁Joker -13.9349 ▁dispenser -13.9354 99% -13.9355 ▁MOST -13.9355 ▁Durable -13.9355 ▁Weird -13.9355 ▁alumina -13.9359 equipment -13.936 ▁MGM -13.936 Teacher -13.9361 Wuhan -13.9361 ▁Metric -13.9362 department -13.9362 ▁disintegrate -13.9367 ▁acclaim -13.9367 graf -13.9369 ▁dissect -13.9369 ▁Kuch -13.9371 animal -13.9371 ATHER -13.9373 hytosanitary -13.9375 ▁Albuquerque -13.9375 ▁Alleviation -13.9375 ▁Calligraphy -13.9375 ▁Illustration -13.9375 ▁Mackenzie -13.9375 ▁Producing -13.9375 ▁contingencies -13.9375 ▁秒速 -13.9375  -13.9375 知 -13.9375 ▁embolden -13.9375 ▁Federer -13.9375 ▁Abolish -13.9375 ▁WOMEN -13.9375 ▁gleam -13.9375 ▁misplaced -13.9375 ▁Expectations -13.9375 /07/20 -13.9375 ▁Brandenburg -13.9375 ▁Neumann -13.9375 ▁Hawkins -13.9375 ▁Burberry -13.9375 ▁flutter -13.9377 ▁freelancers -13.9377 ▁unpublished -13.9377 ▁fungus -13.9377 predict -13.938 ▁DSL -13.9382 ▁testifies -13.9382 ▁Heinz -13.9385 ▁Choir -13.9388 6-8 -13.9389 Traffic -13.939 Venezuela -13.939 quette -13.9391 Specific -13.9392 ▁chaste -13.9393 ▁Satya -13.9393 ▁excise -13.94 ▁Voi -13.9403 OMO -13.9404 AAUs -13.9404 ▁Furnished -13.9404 ▁Philharmonic -13.9404 ▁Poultry -13.9404 ▁anecdote -13.9404 ▁falsified -13.9404 ▁persuading -13.9404 ▁Mysterious -13.9404 ▁quilt -13.9404 ▁nebula -13.9404 ▁Footjob -13.9404 ▁Footwear -13.9405 ▁COOPERATION -13.9405 ▁Robust -13.9405 ▁Econo -13.9405 ▁55/235 -13.9406 ▁Platt -13.9406 ▁skipping -13.9406 ▁$2.6 -13.9411 ▁purportedly -13.9411 Wiki -13.9411 challenge -13.942 Python -13.942 Stream -13.942 therapist -13.942 ▁brisk -13.942 ▁Moz -13.9421 vention -13.9422 4,100 -13.9427 ▁opportunistic -13.9427 whose -13.9427 ▁Float -13.943 ▁Albufeira -13.9434 ▁COVID -13.9434 ▁Pleasant -13.9434 ▁Ristorante -13.9434 ▁Scratch -13.9434 ▁Tindouf -13.9434 ▁cylindrical -13.9434 ▁destabilization -13.9434 ▁etiquette -13.9434 ▁incomparable -13.9434 ▁tortoise -13.9434 ▁bikini -13.9434 外 -13.9434 ▁exterminate -13.9434 ▁defied -13.9434 ▁Dorsey -13.9434 ▁parquet -13.9434 ▁Yokota -13.9435 ▁Caleb -13.9435 ▁Medellin -13.9435 ▁sanity -13.9438 ▁drape -13.9438 ▁Thumb -13.9439 glyph -13.9439 designate -13.9441 Aqsa -13.9447 ▁Straddl -13.9447 decrease -13.945 Secretariat -13.945 oglu -13.945 ▁revolver -13.9452 EMU -13.946 dependence -13.946 ▁proponent -13.9461 ▁caregiver -13.9461 ▁gadget -13.9461 2,200 -13.9463 ▁VISA -13.9464 ▁Pérez -13.9464 ▁Chamorro -13.9464 ▁Potsdam -13.9464 ▁Wimbledon -13.9464 ▁YEAH -13.9464 ▁agitated -13.9464 ▁anxieties -13.9464 ▁cathode -13.9464 ▁evicted -13.9464 ▁fictitious -13.9464 ▁overshadowed -13.9464 ▁python -13.9464 ▁rectangle -13.9464 ▁stipulating -13.9464 ▁undernourished -13.9464 ▁Veritas -13.9464 ▁DOWN -13.9464 ▁Graphite -13.9464 ▁Stolen -13.9465 ▁GRAND -13.9465 ▁wreckage -13.9466 ▁Sewing -13.9467 ▁Waterfall -13.9468 ▁Gamma -13.947 ▁Undertaking -13.947 .2/63/ -13.9474 improve -13.9479 Aluminum -13.948 Imagine -13.948 accused -13.948 ▁consul -13.948 trophy -13.948 independence -13.9483 cooperation -13.9486 butyl -13.9486 Seek -13.9489 ▁Frederic -13.9492 ▁Decentralized -13.9494 ▁Salisbury -13.9494 ▁delicacy -13.9494 ▁despicable -13.9494 ▁epoxy -13.9494 ▁melancholy -13.9494 ▁stipend -13.9494 ▁toothpaste -13.9494 ▁unreasonably -13.9494 ▁zhejiang -13.9494 ト -13.9494 ="%( -13.9494 ▁SHOULD -13.9494 ▁Swallow -13.9494 ▁Metropolis -13.9495 ▁Indices -13.9495 ▁2001-2002 -13.9496 ▁Narrow -13.9498 ▁Geology -13.9498 ▁+86-13 -13.9499 ▁Gaspar -13.9502 ▁Retain -13.9502 ▁Blackstone -13.9502 ▁midpoint -13.9502 ▁Guido -13.9502 [1][2] -13.9508 ▁bode -13.951 witness -13.9513 ▁Lula -13.9513 ▁intrigue -13.9515 previously -13.9516 /2000/10 -13.9519 ▁Kyo -13.9521 ▁SAY -13.9522 /2004/20/ -13.9524 Djamena -13.9524 ‚ -13.9524 ▁Achilles -13.9524 ▁Browsing -13.9524 ▁Buchanan -13.9524 ▁Cummins -13.9524 ▁Honduran -13.9524 ▁INCLUDING -13.9524 ▁Miriam -13.9524 ▁Utrecht -13.9524 ▁Xavier -13.9524 ▁antagonism -13.9524 ▁categorization -13.9524 ▁puberty -13.9524 ▁secretarial -13.9524 ▁transponder -13.9524 ▁urinary -13.9524 ス -13.9524 educational -13.9524 ▁Ebony -13.9524 ▁informatics -13.9524 ▁GeForce -13.9524 ▁Bacteria -13.9525 ▁glitch -13.9525 ▁detox -13.9525 ▁Ledger -13.9525 ▁NOTICE -13.9525 ▁nudge -13.9525 ▁Spiral -13.9526 ▁Binding -13.9526 ▁Alanya -13.9527 stairs -13.9528 ▁Spartan -13.9534 ▁Nasr -13.9536 LITE -13.9538 ▁Korn -13.9541 ▁Piston -13.9543 ▁NIST -13.9544 LIGHT -13.9545 Zhang -13.9545 Paper -13.9546 ▁entrench -13.9547 ▁overreact -13.955 ▁Schumacher -13.9554 ▁Clifford -13.9554 ▁Garbage -13.9554 ▁Impunity -13.9554 ▁Warzazi -13.9554 ▁delinquency -13.9554 ▁dissuade -13.9554 ▁expanse -13.9554 粵 -13.9554 ▁bpd -13.9555 ▁nutshell -13.9555 ▁composing -13.9555 ▁operandi -13.9555 ▁Saxony -13.9555 ▁Cellular -13.9555 ▁defraud -13.9556 ▁Emilia -13.9556 ▁Franciscan -13.9556 ▁encroachment -13.9557 ▁psyche -13.9559 ▁surpasses -13.9561 ▁carbs -13.9563 ▁airlift -13.9563 oslo -13.9565 Performance -13.9571 sensitivity -13.9571 § -13.9571 Motor -13.9578 jou -13.9579 ▁Dumb -13.9581 cyclic -13.9583 ▁reprisal -13.9583 bromodipheny -13.9585 ▁Appraisal -13.9585 ▁Knesset -13.9585 ▁Ljubljana -13.9585 ▁unrivalled -13.9585 ▼ -13.9585 ▁Dudley -13.9585 院 -13.9585 ▁OneCNC -13.9585 Decentralization -13.9585 ▁prostrate -13.9585 ▁micronutrient -13.9585 ▁Shrink -13.9585 ▁fission -13.9585 ▁Perception -13.9585 /58/6 -13.9587 ▁rechargeable -13.9587 ▁arson -13.9588 ▁enthusiast -13.9595 Chongqing -13.9601 UNIFIL -13.9601 POWER -13.9601 scientist -13.9603 1984 -13.9604 0500 -13.9613 ?????? -13.9615 melbournehotels -13.9615 ▁Correspondent -13.9615 ▁Embroidery -13.9615 ▁Srebrenica -13.9615 ▁barbeque -13.9615 ▁ninja -13.9615 ▁panorama -13.9615 ▁penetrating -13.9615 ▁suspense -13.9615 ▁veritable -13.9615 路 -13.9615 ▁Bldg -13.9615 纳 -13.9615 ▁Sumatra -13.9615 ▁Whisky -13.9615 ▁Refuse -13.9615 ▁disassemble -13.9616 ▁TPU -13.9616 ▁sharia -13.9617 ▁Shelley -13.9617 ▁Ratify -13.9618 ▁Cassation -13.9618 ▁Ferrer -13.9621 ▁Fargo -13.9622 ▁pathological -13.9623 naire -13.9624 ovski -13.9624 ousse -13.9626 traffic -13.9631 Afghanistan -13.9631 Royal -13.9631 modified -13.9632 broker -13.9633 WIPO -13.9633 0.5% -13.9636 ▁Bundle -13.9637 ▁monetization -13.9646 ▁nuisance -13.9646 ♥ -13.9646 ▁cybercriminals -13.9646 ▁eroding -13.9646 ▲ -13.9646 ▁Conseil -13.9646 ▁meadow -13.9646 ▁summarise -13.9646 ▁undress -13.9646 ▁Erotic -13.9646 ▁Conceptual -13.9646 ▁Procuratorate -13.9647 ▁anarchist -13.9647 ▁Copco -13.9647 ▁sightings -13.9648 ▁2011-2012 -13.9649 monger -13.9649 ▁Karp -13.9649 ▁Trin -13.9649 ▁floral -13.9649 ▁Jiangmen -13.965 ▁classifier -13.965 organizational -13.9652 ▁latch -13.9655 crop -13.9656 ▁Lisp -13.966 ☆ -13.9662 Qatar -13.9662 Tag -13.9663 7,100 -13.9664 ▁Reign -13.9667 ▁Mesa -13.9668 ▁imprison -13.9668 Winter -13.9669 059 -13.9669 sample -13.9671 ▁Mediator -13.9675 ▁Confidential -13.9675 ▁Raman -13.9675 ▁negotiator -13.9676 ▁Blizzard -13.9676 ▁Contributing -13.9676 ▁ExxonMobil -13.9676 ▁MESSAGE -13.9676 ▁Peanut -13.9676 ▁Semipalatinsk -13.9676 ▁appellant -13.9676 ▁optimisation -13.9676 源 -13.9676 ▁incubation -13.9676 ▁thermoplastic -13.9676 ▁IASB -13.9677 ▁Bombings -13.9677 ▁Kirkuk -13.9677 ▁clout -13.9677 ▁wiping -13.9677 ▁HDPE -13.9679 ▁Whitman -13.9681 ▁Fairfield -13.9682 ▁substantiat -13.9686 download -13.9691 Function -13.9693 promote -13.9693 ▁culminate -13.9698 ▁determinant -13.9707 ▁ICESCR -13.9707 ▁Maastricht -13.9707 ▁OHSAS -13.9707 ▁emoluments -13.9707 ▁handcuffs -13.9707 ▁punctual -13.9707 ▁vehemently -13.9707 ▁AFRICA -13.9707 ▁Kendall -13.9707 邮 -13.9707 ▁Sutton -13.9707 ▁Tmall -13.9707 ▁Pamela -13.9707 ▁Kidney -13.9708 ▁robberies -13.9708 ▁Buried -13.9708 ▁Rosetta -13.9708 FIELD -13.9708 ▁Pursuit -13.9708 ▁gluten -13.9709 ▁waveform -13.971 ▁Assume -13.971 ▁Arrange -13.971 ▁unproductive -13.971 ▁Partition -13.971 ▁unsupported -13.9711 ▁Hanover -13.9712 [34] -13.9713 ▁ROSE -13.9716 ▁GUIDE -13.9717 0,00 -13.9717 ▁Babylonian -13.9718 ▁Anime -13.9718 ▁cyst -13.972 ▁disgraceful -13.972 Brexit -13.9723 motivated -13.9723 immediate -13.9723 -1970 -13.9724 breath -13.9724 ▁SAIC -13.9724 ▁perpetrate -13.9729 Java -13.973 ò -13.9738 ▁Cessation -13.9738 ▁Jurassic -13.9738 ▁almighty -13.9738 ▁emptied -13.9738 ▁下一条 -13.9738 易 -13.9738 ▁Zimmerman -13.9738 ▁Omaha -13.9738 ▁adrenaline -13.9738 ▁witchcraft -13.9738 ▁dissident -13.9738 ▁FILM -13.9738 ▁Difficulties -13.9738 ▁Brody -13.9739 ▁schematic -13.974 OCHA -13.9741 ▁cyto -13.9742 .2/61/ -13.9743 ▁08:00 -13.9753 [33] -13.9754 Claude -13.9754 “ -13.9754 xue -13.9755 Issue -13.9755 5.5% -13.9757 ▁Payne -13.976 ijn -13.9766 0574 -13.9767 ▁Nev -13.9768 м -13.9769 花 -13.9769 ▁Assemblies -13.9769 ▁Forklift -13.9769 ▁Fragrance -13.9769 ▁MapReduce -13.9769 ▁PROMOTION -13.9769 ▁anesthesia -13.9769 ▁grappling -13.9769 ▁reassert -13.9769 ▁sturdy -13.9769 ▁tycoon -13.9769 维 -13.9769 ▁autistic -13.9769 ▁Unilateral -13.9769 ▁intraregional -13.9769 ▁Creampie -13.9769 ▁Stevie -13.9769 ▁Zarif -13.9769 ▁Microelectronic -13.9769 ▁Chew -13.977 ▁reorientation -13.977 ▁codify -13.9771 ▁Celest -13.9771 ▁Airborne -13.9772 ▁Overnight -13.9774 ▁prism -13.9776 ▁Castillo -13.978 ▁Automat -13.9782 severe -13.9783 ▁FINAL -13.9783 doctoral -13.9784 ▁braid -13.9784 Increase -13.9785 vitamin -13.9785 Armenia -13.9785 ▁$2.3 -13.9792 partial -13.9792 ▁expend -13.9795 Wild -13.9798 ān -13.9799 ▁Amplifier -13.9799 ▁Kolkata -13.9799 ▁concomitant -13.9799 ▁Surgical -13.9799 ▁injurious -13.9799 店 -13.9799 ▁Dispatch -13.98 ▁Aztec -13.98 ▁raven -13.9801 ▁Obligation -13.9801 ▁Yves -13.9802 golden -13.9806 ▁Zong -13.9808 TONG -13.9815 Commercial -13.9816 Focus -13.9816 reliant -13.9817 Country -13.9818 ________________ -13.982 ▁pumpkin -13.9823 ▁Reaffirm -13.9823 Robot -13.9827 泰 -13.9831 ▁Deferred -13.9831 ▁Erasmus -13.9831 ▁GALLERY -13.9831 ▁Labrador -13.9831 ▁Länder -13.9831 ▁articulation -13.9831 ▁lattice -13.9831 ▁militaries -13.9831 ▁relieving -13.9831 ▁sensual -13.9831 ▁evangelist -13.9831 ▁veneer -13.9831 ▁上一篇 -13.9831 ▁meningitis -13.9831 ▁Equator -13.9831 ▁Courtesy -13.9831 ▁Cornwall -13.9831 ▁Kristen -13.9831 ▁curative -13.9832 ▁JVM -13.9832 ▁1970-2016 -13.9832 ▁Protesters -13.9832 ▁halon -13.9832 ▁Dietary -13.9833 ▁Longgang -13.9833 ▁CHEN -13.9834 ▁Zaire -13.9834 ▁Verge -13.9835 ▁countdown -13.9835 6,100 -13.9837 Rank -13.9838 ▁Curator -13.984 ▁Ginza -13.9842 propyl -13.9843 electro -13.9844 Chengdu -13.9848 {{ -13.9851 ▁covet -13.9861 ▁Calibration -13.9862 ▁Exemption -13.9862 ▁compensating -13.9862 ▁58/316 -13.9862 类 -13.9862 ▁Hobart -13.9862 ▁Jennings -13.9862 ▁HOLDING -13.9862 ▁Collapse -13.9862 ▁jackpot -13.9862 ▁Clown -13.9862 ▁Alexei -13.9863 ▁Privilege -13.9864 ▁Kiwi -13.9864 ▁pathogenic -13.9864 ▁Essen -13.9865 ▁cabling -13.9865 garten -13.9869 ▁Deaf -13.987 Georgia -13.9879 assuming -13.9879 regulatory -13.9879 humanitarian -13.9879 ▁exertion -13.9879 destruction -13.988 ▁Slavic -13.9887 г -13.9893 ▁GUANGZHOU -13.9893 ▁López -13.9893 ▁divinity -13.9893 ▁incumbency -13.9893 ▁Harmful -13.9893 ▁qubits -13.9893 百 -13.9893 ▁Emanuel -13.9893 ▁Invasion -13.9893 ▁Rainforest -13.9893 ▁Sawyer -13.9893 ▁protestors -13.9893 ▁parasitic -13.9894 ▁utilisation -13.9894 ▁Oprah -13.9894 ▁MUSIC -13.9894 ▁sociocultural -13.9894 ▁annotation -13.9895 ▁deformed -13.9897 ▁attire -13.9898 ▁Fisherman -13.9899 ▁Tripod -13.99 mechanical -13.99 /2001/4 -13.9908 xuan -13.9908 organisms -13.991 Establish -13.991 Lithuania -13.991 Tokyo -13.9911 trading -13.9912 ▁STORE -13.9913 Export -13.9913 ICAO -13.9914 ▁Operate -13.9918 FDD -13.992 ▁Futur -13.9922 力 -13.9924 ABILITY -13.9924 ▁Dortmund -13.9924 ▁Motivation -13.9924 ▁Physicist -13.9924 ▁amphibious -13.9924 ▁astonishment -13.9924 ▁clumsy -13.9924 ▁interDidactica -13.9924 二 -13.9924 ▁CHRIST -13.9924 ▁cabbage -13.9924 ▁Martial -13.9924 关 -13.9924 ▁thumbnail -13.9924 ▁Unicorn -13.9924 ▁Oswald -13.9924 ▁abhor -13.9925 ▁crumbling -13.9925 ▁CITIC -13.9925 ▁Paramount -13.9925 ▁enamel -13.9925 ▁priesthood -13.9925 ▁Nyala -13.9925 ▁Zcash -13.9925 ▁Tangshan -13.9926 ▁Cosby -13.9927 ▁registrant -13.9927 ▁Irma -13.9927 ▁Bucket -13.9928 ▁substandard -13.9929 ▁AQI -13.9929 .3/55/ -13.993 ▁cancelling -13.9931 ▁Ashton -13.9931 ▁Pulp -13.9934 ▁Samaria -13.9934 ▁Peso -13.9941 hidden -13.9942 Weather -13.9942 ALLY -13.9942 maintain -13.9942 ECLAC -13.9942 Taking -13.9943 ▁axiom -13.9944 ▁retrospect -13.9945 Whenever -13.9946 ▁54/4 -13.9948 rmatt -13.995 ▁FOX -13.995 ▁Corinth -13.9956 ▁Elsevier -13.9956 ▁Galapagos -13.9956 ▁HomePod -13.9956 ▁Influential -13.9956 ▁MATTERS -13.9956 ▁evaluator -13.9956 ▁gratification -13.9956 ▁guinea -13.9956 ▁libertarian -13.9956 ▁quantification -13.9956 ▁unattractive -13.9956 ▁refueling -13.9956 色 -13.9956 ▁Higgs -13.9956 IZATION -13.9956 新闻 -13.9956 ▁Bilingual -13.9956 ▁Shipyard -13.9956 ▁AFTER -13.9956 ▁Decaux -13.9956 truded -13.9957 ▁clipboard -13.9957 ▁spanned -13.9957 ▁thanksgiving -13.9957 ▁prejudicial -13.9958 ▁Nadal -13.9958 ▁decoding -13.9959 ▁hump -13.9961 ▁Tsuen -13.9962 [35] -13.9962 consumption -13.9973 ã -13.9973 ▁Tease -13.9974 Almost -13.9974 Website -13.9974 ▁wail -13.9978 Environment -13.9986 COSP -13.9986 ▁synonym -13.9986 sydney -13.9987 ▁Circulation -13.9987 ▁Congregation -13.9987 ▁SINGAPORE -13.9987 ▁Tayyip -13.9987 ▁imitating -13.9987 ▁irritating -13.9987 ▁lobbied -13.9987 ▁memoranda -13.9987 ▁paralysed -13.9987 ▁piecemeal -13.9987 ▁superintendent -13.9987 ð -13.9987 ▁insidious -13.9987 ▁MONTH -13.9988 ▁robbing -13.9988 ▁PaperSmart -13.9988 ▁vanguard -13.9988 ▁Camille -13.9988 ▁parlor -13.9988 ▁firefighting -13.999 ▁armament -13.9991 ▁Alexey -13.9991 ▁Miramar -13.9991 ▁stiffness -13.9991 ▁Idris -13.9993 Union -13.9994 ▁Bronco -13.9999 ▁Castel -14.0003 ▁Yukon -14.0004 sulfur -14.0005 Panel -14.0009 ▁Kuan -14.0009 9.5% -14.0012 ▁booze -14.0013 ▁Bishkek -14.0019 ▁Lufthansa -14.0019 ▁Māori -14.0019 ▁Reparation -14.0019 ▁Stamford -14.0019 ▁colloquium -14.0019 ▁spectroscopy -14.0019 联 -14.0019 ▁Flanders -14.0019 ▁Graphene -14.0019 ▁Dentistry -14.0019 ▁GUAM -14.0019 ▁Confidentiality -14.002 ▁stub -14.002 ▁Discharge -14.002 ▁sheath -14.002 ▁radioactivity -14.0021 ▁Biography -14.0021 ▁Jacksonville -14.0021 alou -14.0021 ▁polarized -14.0022 ▁legislator -14.0023 ▁HEAD -14.0023 ▁fabricate -14.0024 ▁mutt -14.0024 INNER -14.0028 phospho -14.0029 ▁Damian -14.0031 lunk -14.0032 FENG -14.0035 0.9% -14.0036 Congratulations -14.0036 Prevention -14.0037 Additional -14.0037 technological -14.0038 church -14.0038 ▁autograph -14.0038 Load -14.0039 ▁cripple -14.0042 ▁renovate -14.0042 repeat -14.0042 ▁Yarn -14.0046 † -14.0051 ▁Cannabis -14.0051 ▁Feminist -14.0051 ▁JOHN -14.0051 ▁TRAVEL -14.0051 ▁UNFIP -14.0051 ▁abatement -14.0051 ▁configurable -14.0051 ▁fundraiser -14.0051 ▁geopolitics -14.0051 ▁impatience -14.0051 ▁pragmatism -14.0051 ▁detonation -14.0051 ▁reimbursable -14.0051 ▁airfare -14.0051 ▁LETTER -14.0051 ▁headlights -14.0051 ▁Cusco -14.0051 ▁whipped -14.0051 ▁Tudor -14.0052 ▁intranet -14.0054 ▁Jinjiang -14.0054 CHEM -14.0054 ▁prelude -14.0054 ▁relish -14.0055 ▁rationalizing -14.0055 ▁$68 -14.0056 ▁Customization -14.0056 Court -14.0057 rival -14.0059 rational -14.006 species -14.0068 Anything -14.0069 ▁Deir -14.007 ▁Gaul -14.0071 ▁ensue -14.0074 ▁criticise -14.0075 ▁Renmin -14.0075 perform -14.0077 copter -14.0077 idad -14.008 手 -14.0082 π -14.0083 ▁Apparatus -14.0083 ▁Cargill -14.0083 ▁SECOND -14.0083 ▁denouncing -14.0083 ▁primordial -14.0083 ▁Patagonia -14.0083 ▁insolvent -14.0083 ▁commuting -14.0083 ▁Bourbon -14.0083 ▁DLDD -14.0083 ▁hypnosis -14.0083 ▁Terrible -14.0083 ▁Earnings -14.0083 ▁quarry -14.0083 ▁Brought -14.0083 ▁microchip -14.0084 ▁Tongue -14.0084 misappropriation -14.0084 ▁Merlin -14.0086 ▁eastward -14.0086 ▁blah -14.0087 brew -14.0092 ▁italian -14.0092 ▁DIRECT -14.0095 alloy -14.0095 rimini -14.0097 Revelation -14.01 ▁Pomp -14.0101 ,000.00 -14.0103 ▁Abdulaziz -14.0114 ▁Zynga -14.0114 ▁chauffeur -14.0114 ▁geographies -14.0114 ▁marvellous -14.0114 ▁Carpenter -14.0114 ▁disembark -14.0114 提 -14.0114 ▁Stafford -14.0115 ▁obscene -14.0115 ▁fuzzy -14.0115 ▁electrostatic -14.0115 ▁pudding -14.0115 ▁carcass -14.0115 ▁dimming -14.0115 ▁Gaulle -14.0115 ▁vanilla -14.0116 hammer -14.0117 KJV -14.0117 ▁Lenny -14.0117 ▁Aceh -14.012 ▁Nazar -14.012 ▁stoke -14.0129 beautiful -14.0132 smokers -14.0132 Blood -14.0132 Hunan -14.0133 Cross -14.0137 RIGHT -14.0137 ▁$15,000 -14.0137 ZEN -14.0141 folk -14.0145 ▁Chromium -14.0147 ▁Intangible -14.0147 ▁Mombasa -14.0147 ▁Wharton -14.0147 ▁absolve -14.0147 ▁anointed -14.0147 ▁antiviral -14.0147 ▁auspicious -14.0147 ▁brainstorming -14.0147 ▁comparator -14.0147 ▁rehabilitating -14.0147 ▁Updating -14.0147 定 -14.0147 ▁anarchy -14.0147 ▁trimester -14.0147 ▁charismatic -14.0147 ▁Spanking -14.0147 ▁Handicap -14.0147 ▁Trigger -14.0148 ▁incurring -14.0148 ▁biogas -14.0149 .2/56/ -14.0153 acetyl -14.0156 Verily -14.0165 Living -14.0165 ▁NIO -14.0165 ▁reorganize -14.017 ▁Morph -14.0172 TIME -14.0173 ▁Nineteen -14.0175 ▁Anastasia -14.0179 ▁FOLLOW -14.0179 更多 -14.0179 gastrointestinal -14.0179 ▁Elaboration -14.0179 ▁Injuries -14.0179 ▁RECORD -14.0179 ▁Vieques -14.0179 ▁undetected -14.0179 ▁repudiate -14.0179 unpredictability -14.0179 ▁Voucher -14.0179 ▁muttered -14.0179 ▁Tactical -14.0179 ▁FinTech -14.0179 ▁Triennial -14.0179 ▁gripped -14.018 ▁Overcoming -14.0183 [37] -14.0185 ▁sieve -14.0188 uddy -14.0193 ▁Petrol -14.0195 Secret -14.0196 Break -14.0197 ▁Prism -14.0197 ▁Tetra -14.0202 ▁LEGAL -14.0205 ▁RECOMMEND -14.0211 ر -14.0211 ▁Jacqueline -14.0211 ▁Lubricant -14.0211 ▁PUBLIC -14.0211 ▁Sarkozy -14.0211 ▁admiring -14.0211 ▁frenzy -14.0211 ▁gruesome -14.0211 ▁microbiota -14.0211 ▁palliative -14.0211 青 -14.0211 ▁Dessert -14.0211 ▁Sesame -14.0211 ▁babysitter -14.0211 ▁farthest -14.0211 ▁Malagasy -14.0211 ▁alluded -14.0211 ▁Nominal -14.0211 ▁tolerable -14.0212 ▁COLOR -14.0212 ▁trickle -14.0212 ▁Dalton -14.0215 ▁Flour -14.0215 ▁Barrel -14.0221 ▁Dinar -14.0221 ▁Jenna -14.0221 register -14.0222 foam -14.0223 ▁Optimiz -14.0226 Apartment -14.0229 convert -14.0232 .2/62/ -14.0234 {0} -14.0235 ▁utilis -14.0236 scoring -14.0236 historical -14.0241 +00:00 -14.0243 ▁Sourcing -14.0243 ▁50/227 -14.0243 ▁Bolsonaro -14.0243 ▁Doctrine -14.0243 ▁Exalted -14.0243 ▁Excerpt -14.0243 ▁anatomical -14.0243 ▁elucidate -14.0243 ▁psychiatry -14.0243 ▁repertoire -14.0243 ▁uncompromising -14.0243 〉 -14.0243 码 -14.0243 ▁hypersonic -14.0243 ▁Sewage -14.0244 ▁slumber -14.0244 ▁Loose -14.0244 oplasm -14.0245 ▁Fidelity -14.0245 ▁briefcase -14.0246 ▁shrinkage -14.0246 ▁Joanne -14.0247 ▁Julio -14.0247 .2/55/ -14.025 ▁spectator -14.025 .5/60/ -14.0252 ▁Rafa -14.0255 Engine -14.0261 Wenzhou -14.0262 proportion -14.0262 Early -14.0262 Xiang -14.0263 Magic -14.0266 ▁circa -14.0276 ▁Conservatory -14.0276 ▁Tolstoy -14.0276 ▁buffalo -14.0276 ▁ecstasy -14.0276 ▁sundeck -14.0276 ▁Goddard -14.0276 ▁Mansfield -14.0276 ▁Ariane -14.0277 display -14.0277 ▁luncheon -14.0277 ▁emergent -14.0277 ▁Empress -14.0277 ▁loaf -14.0277 ▁Clever -14.0278 ▁conscription -14.0278 ▁Municipalities -14.0278 ▁DHCP -14.0283 href -14.0284 [40] -14.0285 Chemical -14.0294 ▁Isabelle -14.0294 Dalian -14.0298 0.8% -14.0304 Accel -14.0305 ▁utopia -14.0306 装 -14.0308 ▁Thessaloniki -14.0308 ▁Titjob -14.0308 ▁Activation -14.0308 ▁Adriatic -14.0308 ▁CULTURE -14.0308 ▁Hewlett -14.0308 ▁Jericho -14.0308 ▁Meridian -14.0308 ▁Yosemite -14.0308 ▁acquittal -14.0308 ▁adversarial -14.0308 ▁cataract -14.0308 ▁concussion -14.0308 ▁secluded -14.0308 ▁subdivided -14.0308 ▁syllabus -14.0308 ▁syphilis -14.0308 ▁rehearse -14.0308 ▁Questionnaire -14.0309 ▁Panamanian -14.0309 ▁Tahiti -14.0309 ▁Caution -14.0309 ▁yawn -14.0309 0755 -14.031 Schilling -14.0311 ▁plotted -14.0312 ▁Lumia -14.0312 ▁devolution -14.0313 pension -14.0322 stories -14.0323 │ -14.0327 Annual -14.0327 Eight -14.0333 Meet -14.0341 ▁Chowdhury -14.0341 ▁compulsive -14.0341 ▁labyrinth -14.0341 ▁mechanization -14.0341 ▁opportune -14.0341 ▁Saeed -14.0341 ▁Genomics -14.0341 ▁Dishes -14.0341 ▁inhalation -14.0342 ▁dagger -14.0342 ▁grandeur -14.0342 ▁Jiaxing -14.0342 ▁reappointment -14.0342 ▁Castello -14.0343 ▁Demining -14.0343 ▁Kirby -14.0344 ▁Reproduction -14.0345 ▁Pivot -14.0346 [31] -14.0347 ▁ALSO -14.0347 ▁idiom -14.0349 ▁Gauge -14.0352 Michel -14.036 ▁Livingston -14.0361 internet -14.0363 ▁Fermi -14.0364 ▁Logical -14.037 ▁963-53 -14.0373 ▁Amtrak -14.0374 ▁Execute -14.0374 ▁Jirga -14.0374 ▁Premises -14.0374 ▁Repatriation -14.0374 ▁anecdotal -14.0374 ▁chrysotile -14.0374 ▁illuminating -14.0374 ▁phantom -14.0374 龙 -14.0374 Æ -14.0374 ▁Lourdes -14.0374 ▁mermaid -14.0374 ▁propellant -14.0374 ▁Moussa -14.0374 ▁Santander -14.0375 ▁dotted -14.0375 ▁probing -14.0376 ▁Toolbar -14.0376 ▁Elisha -14.0377 ▁Foley -14.0377 ▁Pellet -14.0381 ▁Blanche -14.0386 ▁armchair -14.039 nagar -14.0392 negotiable -14.0392 ▁Sensi -14.0395 Huang -14.0406 umption -14.0406 热 -14.0407 ▁BuzzFeed -14.0407 ▁Cinderella -14.0407 ▁关于 -14.0407 ▁Argentinian -14.0407 ▁Maverick -14.0407 ▁Swarovski -14.0407 ▁democratize -14.0407 ▁illustrious -14.0407 ▁reinsertion -14.0407 ▁scissors -14.0407 ▁untenable -14.0407 片 -14.0407 个 -14.0407 ▁Nablus -14.0407 ▁Centennial -14.0407 ▁emphatically -14.0407 ▁Gigabit -14.0407 ▁dishonor -14.0407 ▁Resettlement -14.0407 ▁rigged -14.0407 ▁caching -14.0407 ▁craze -14.0408 ▁Paige -14.0408 ▁Interchange -14.0409 ▁Stanton -14.041 ▁Zhuang -14.0411 ▁Gansu -14.0413 ▁Grammar -14.0414 ▁hillside -14.0416 moderate -14.0417 ▁dunes -14.0421 ▁Houthi -14.0424 《 -14.0425 Xiamen -14.0425 privacy -14.0426 Towards -14.0426 submitted -14.0426 kWh -14.0427 Regulation -14.0432 ▁Schiff -14.0436 ▁Artillery -14.044 ▁Bengoa -14.044 ▁Defendant -14.044 ▁Disposable -14.044 ▁Navarro -14.044 ▁REQUEST -14.044 ▁Rajasthan -14.044 ▁aggrieved -14.044 ▁captivating -14.044 ▁endogenous -14.044 ▁manipulator -14.044 ▁rectified -14.044 ▁英文 -14.044 ▁reprimand -14.044 洲 -14.044 顿 -14.044 世 -14.044 ▁LEARN -14.044 ▁atonement -14.044 ▁shading -14.044 ▁vandalism -14.044 ▁Interfaith -14.044 ▁glossary -14.0441 ▁Prostitute -14.0441 ▁beachfront -14.0442 silver -14.0442 ▁heathen -14.0442 ▁Retention -14.0443 ▁Affair -14.0449 ▁Lazar -14.0451 ▁Typ -14.0456 zol -14.0457 employee -14.0459 Investment -14.046 abiding -14.046 adjustment -14.0468 ▁Accredited -14.0473 ▁Agrarian -14.0473 ▁Maureen -14.0473 ▁Pizzeria -14.0473 ▁Pokemon -14.0473 ▁Unmanned -14.0473 ▁Yangshuo -14.0473 ▁precluding -14.0473 ▁uninsured -14.0473 Č -14.0473 ▁Yellen -14.0473 ▁levies -14.0473 者 -14.0473 ▁abhorrent -14.0473 ▁zoning -14.0473 ▁dwindle -14.0473 ▁Lindsey -14.0473 ▁Ultrasound -14.0473 ▁Exclusion -14.0473 ▁Thornton -14.0474 honour -14.0475 ▁$150,000 -14.0475 ▁Talbot -14.0477 ▁Leonid -14.0484 divide -14.0486 Congolese -14.0492 Install -14.0492 multiculturalism -14.0496 Range -14.0499 ▁Rousseau -14.0506 ▁Twilight -14.0506 ▁Yerevan -14.0506 ▁cliché -14.0506 ▁improbable -14.0506 ▁下一篇 -14.0506 投注 -14.0506 ▁Succeed -14.0506 ▁reputed -14.0506 ▁2002/03 -14.0506 预 -14.0506 Marcoussis -14.0506 ▁Hirsch -14.0506 ▁Sweetheart -14.0506 ▁kinetic -14.0506 ▁Frankenstein -14.0506 ▁napkin -14.0507 ▁Haikou -14.0507 ▁marries -14.0507 ▁whomsoever -14.0507 ▁Hilary -14.0508 ▁Woodrow -14.0508 ▁Fisk -14.0509 ▁Tether -14.051 1981 -14.051 ▁Kanye -14.0514 ▁Customize -14.0522 Paint -14.0526 /2001/3 -14.0528 ▁$1,5 -14.0531 ▁Corte -14.0532 iopharmaceutical -14.0537 gift -14.0537 Lianyungang -14.0539 ▁Bonaparte -14.0539 ▁Bukavu -14.0539 ▁Lafayette -14.0539 ▁Magnolia -14.0539 ▁Tripadvisor -14.0539 ▁conservatism -14.0539 ▁dungeon -14.0539 ▁illustrator -14.0539 ▁lactose -14.0539 ▁amparo -14.0539 ▁GOVERN -14.0539 ▁electrolytic -14.054 ▁Katanga -14.054 ▁energized -14.054 ▁Debris -14.054 ▁nanny -14.054 ▁(1985) -14.0541 ▁bioenergy -14.0541 ▁westward -14.0543 ▁Xiaoping -14.0543 ▁Abdu -14.0546 ▁snare -14.0548 discriminately -14.0555 architect -14.0559 transaction -14.0559 provision -14.056 ▁Compute -14.0565 LIVE -14.0568 Bundes -14.0569 ▁Burgundy -14.0573 ▁Glossary -14.0573 ▁Inheritance -14.0573 ▁Necessity -14.0573 ▁Tottenham -14.0573 ▁naïve -14.0573 ▁tectonic -14.0573 ▁benefactor -14.0573 ▁traumatized -14.0573 ▁paranoia -14.0573 ▁kayak -14.0573 ▁Lexington -14.0573 ▁teddy -14.0573 ▁OHRM -14.0573 ▁BLUE -14.0573 ▁Pavlov -14.0573 ▁Yamaha -14.0574 ▁Playboy -14.0574 ▁Sermon -14.0574 ▁Salaries -14.0575 ▁Straw -14.0578 ▁augmentation -14.058 washington -14.059 Palestine -14.0592 中国 -14.0592 Believe -14.0592 Voice -14.0592 branch -14.0594 Audio -14.0594 ▁reconvene -14.0598 ▁Primo -14.0599 ▁Spindle -14.0599 ELT -14.0604 ▁Bankruptcy -14.0606 ▁Enrollment -14.0606 ▁Issuance -14.0606 ▁Loyola -14.0606 ▁WELCOME -14.0606 ▁carcinoma -14.0606 ▁cellulose -14.0606 ▁incompetence -14.0606 ▁laudable -14.0606 ▁matrimonial -14.0606 ▁oblivious -14.0606 ▁octopus -14.0606 ▁prescriptive -14.0606 ▁symphony -14.0606 ▁twilight -14.0606 ▁valiant -14.0606 解 -14.0606 ▁familial -14.0606 ▁Equifax -14.0606 ▁VISIT -14.0607 ▁Enviro -14.0607 ▁subtly -14.0607 ▁Initiate -14.0611 ▁$300,000 -14.0613 ▁57/5 -14.0619 chairman -14.0621 Communication -14.0626 surgery -14.0626 ▁Mainstream -14.0632 8.5% -14.0633 Prime -14.0634 ▁$2.7 -14.0638 ▁Bollywood -14.064 ▁Epidemiology -14.064 ▁Kordofan -14.064 ▁Vaccination -14.064 ▁cockroach -14.064 ▁effluent -14.064 ▁faucet -14.064 ▁fodder -14.064 ▁pebble -14.064 ▁unrelenting -14.064 ▁unspeakable -14.064 ▁emerald -14.064 事 -14.064 ▁Irvine -14.064 ▁Whisper -14.064 ▁disapproval -14.064 ▁canopy -14.064 ▁Bisexual -14.0641 ▁shady -14.0641 ▁Evernote -14.0641 ▁Huangpu -14.0641 ▁Rodney -14.0641 ▁spree -14.0642 ▁stave -14.0642 ▁maximal -14.0643 ▁psychotic -14.0644 verbal -14.065 ▁Rhein -14.0652 ▁Pigment -14.0653 .5/61/ -14.0665 ▁Propose -14.0667 Cortez -14.0667 Î -14.0674 ▁Château -14.0674 ▁Eligibility -14.0674 ▁Revival -14.0674 ▁Trafford -14.0674 ▁curvature -14.0674 ▁divulge -14.0674 看 -14.0674 ▁Dolores -14.0674 ▁defiant -14.0674 ▁maiming -14.0674 ▁sceptical -14.0674 情 -14.0674 长 -14.0674 ▁intractable -14.0674 ▁epigenetic -14.0674 ▁Fasher -14.0674 ▁Dmitri -14.0674 ▁Palacio -14.0674 ▁amicable -14.0674 ▁NOTHING -14.0674 ▁Arriving -14.0674 ▁Kansai -14.0674 ▁brazen -14.0674 ▁Tahoe -14.0675 ▁Hajj -14.0675 ▁MULTI -14.0675 ▁Hayden -14.0675 Chloro -14.0677 ▁chemo -14.0684 Hopefully -14.0694 Frame -14.0694 Taizhou -14.0694 Overall -14.0696 ▁coerce -14.0699 ▁Valeri -14.0701 XXIV -14.0707 Active -14.0707 河 -14.0708 政策 -14.0708 ▁2000–2001 -14.0708 ▁Guillaume -14.0708 ▁MINUSMA -14.0708 ▁Mendoza -14.0708 ▁Obstetric -14.0708 ▁impeccable -14.0708 ▁observatories -14.0708 ▁oscillator -14.0708 ▁underprivileged -14.0708 ğ -14.0708 ▁EGTT -14.0708 传 -14.0708 计 -14.0708 ▁THANK -14.0708 ▁EVERYTHING -14.0708 ▁Carnations -14.0708 以 -14.0708 ▁Innovator -14.0708 ▁overfishing -14.0708 ▁IGBT -14.0708 ▁Fisting -14.0708 ▁Carrera -14.0708 ▁Gamble -14.0708 radical -14.0709 ▁botnet -14.0709 ▁carats -14.071 ▁TEXT -14.0711 ▁BOO -14.0717 ▁blissful -14.0718 Opera -14.072 arbitr -14.0724 ▁Nicol -14.0727 Virtual -14.0728 disclosure -14.0728 Draft -14.0732 residential -14.0733 Near -14.0739 ▁Bombardier -14.0742 ▁Conservancy -14.0742 ▁Fibonacci -14.0742 ▁Pelindaba -14.0742 ▁Polisario -14.0742 ▁Temasek -14.0742 ▁serenity -14.0742 ▁symposia -14.0742 ▁tropics -14.0742 ▁Nebula -14.0742 ▁fresco -14.0742 ▁transducer -14.0742 ▁appalled -14.0742 ▁spoof -14.0742 活 -14.0742 ▁rubbed -14.0742 ▁Dashboard -14.0742 ▁decorating -14.0743 ▁defray -14.0743 ▁outfitted -14.0743 ▁ambassadorial -14.0744 ▁(1988) -14.0744 ▁transmittal -14.0745 ▁Mizu -14.0745 ▁quell -14.0753 representative -14.0754 Coffee -14.0762 ※ -14.0762 Jiangxi -14.0764 ▁gush -14.0773 ▁automat -14.0775 ε -14.0776 ▁Abigail -14.0776 ▁Alvarez -14.0776 ▁Gómez -14.0776 ▁KPMG -14.0776 ▁Khrushchev -14.0776 ▁Sufficient -14.0776 ▁Unsurprisingly -14.0776 ▁handkerchief -14.0776 ▁irrevocable -14.0776 ▁parentheses -14.0776 ▁prophesy -14.0776 ▁remedied -14.0776 ▁windsurfing -14.0776 ▁oxidize -14.0776 ▁differentiating -14.0776 ▁dedere -14.0776 ▁Balancing -14.0776 ▁psychotherapy -14.0776 ▁Schiller -14.0776 ▁meteorology -14.0776 ▁Visible -14.0777 ▁TOYS -14.0777 ▁Salva -14.0777 1950 -14.078 Political -14.0796 Pierre -14.0796 XXXX -14.0796 条 -14.081 ▁(1997-2006) -14.081 ▁Cardiovascular -14.081 ▁Joachim -14.081 ▁PRECISION -14.081 ▁Remittance -14.081 ▁SCIENCE -14.081 ▁Spiegel -14.081 ▁Xerox -14.081 ▁cosmology -14.081 ▁cyanide -14.081 ▁ferocious -14.081 ▁masculinity -14.081 ▁pernicious -14.081 ▁perpetuating -14.081 ▁sedentary -14.081 ▁Lahore -14.081 ▁beauties -14.081 ▁storyteller -14.081 ▁Dolce -14.081 ▁Sardinia -14.081 ▁Routine -14.081 ▁Celestial -14.081 ▁Bruges -14.081 ▁Expedia -14.081 ▁Screenshot -14.0811 ▁Kelvin -14.0811 ▁rife -14.0811 ▁WORKING -14.0811 ▁lingerie -14.0811 ▁basal -14.0813 ▁darn -14.0814 ▁teasing -14.0817 ▁pediatrician -14.0818 ▁Motorsport -14.0819 ▁Violation -14.0825 integration -14.0827 ▁PRICE -14.083 dwellers -14.083 重 -14.0844 ▁Maserati -14.0844 ▁Understood -14.0844 ▁commutation -14.0844 ▁elliptical -14.0844 ▁perceiving -14.0844 ▁Examining -14.0844 ▁obliterate -14.0844 ▁Isolation -14.0845 ▁forerunner -14.0845 ▁CITES -14.0845 ▁embezzlement -14.0845 ▁pegged -14.0845 ▁Nitrogen -14.0845 ▁61/25 -14.0845 ▁vigor -14.0845 ▁subcontinent -14.0845 ▁RISC -14.0846 ▁predeployment -14.0846 ▁replicating -14.0846 ▁Ferro -14.0856 ENER -14.0861 Donald -14.0864 Domestic -14.0865 Military -14.0865 emotional -14.0865 Robert -14.0865 ▁Compete -14.0869 Ž -14.0879 ▁Annotations -14.0879 ▁Hotelsathens -14.0879 ▁POLITICAL -14.0879 ▁Plenipotentiary -14.0879 ▁Zechariah -14.0879 ▁decentralised -14.0879 ▁delinquent -14.0879 ▁expedient -14.0879 ▁hydroxide -14.0879 ▁occupier -14.0879 ▁puzzling -14.0879 ▁Gideon -14.0879 ▁Infineon -14.0879 ▁violet -14.0879 ▁(18+) -14.0879 好 -14.0879 ▁Commissar -14.0879 说 -14.0879 ▁Cartographic -14.0879 ▁Violin -14.0879 ▁tulip -14.0879 ▁Gorilla -14.088 ▁Attribute -14.0881 ▁Provident -14.0881 ▁deterring -14.0881 ▁coaxial -14.0881 ▁Langley -14.0882 ▁Aristo -14.0883 [36] -14.0884 Logic -14.0895 hospital -14.0899 introduction -14.0899 Christmas -14.0899 ▁Greta -14.0902 ▁Francesca -14.0903 ▁crook -14.0907 ▁Catalina -14.0914 ▁EBITDA -14.0914 ▁Flamingo -14.0914 ▁Redeemer -14.0914 ▁Seymour -14.0914 ▁Shrimp -14.0914 ▁UNJSPF -14.0914 ▁confluence -14.0914 ▁fluctuating -14.0914 ▁propensity -14.0914 ▁rudimentary -14.0914 ▁straddling -14.0914 ▁submersible -14.0914 ▁新德里 -14.0914 间 -14.0914 ▁languish -14.0914 ▁dialysis -14.0914 ▁STOCK -14.0914 ▁martyrdom -14.0914 ▁Bilbao -14.0914 ▁metastatic -14.0914 ▁Absorb -14.0914 ▁negation -14.0914 ▁Intensify -14.0914 ▁WWDC -14.0914 ▁duplex -14.0914 ▁humming -14.0914 ▁Tammy -14.0915 ▁Energ -14.0915 ▁Armies -14.0916 citizen -14.0916 ▁flung -14.0917 Half -14.0921 distinguishable -14.0926 ▁lyric -14.093 ▁libel -14.0932 ▁$1,8 -14.0934 Ultra -14.0934 album -14.0934 ▁$1.0 -14.0936 ▁COMMUNICATION -14.0948 ▁Ciudad -14.0948 ▁Compression -14.0948 ▁MATLAB -14.0948 ▁Puppet -14.0948 ▁espresso -14.0948 ▁feminization -14.0948 牙 -14.0948 莫斯科 -14.0948 ▁Ginseng -14.0948 ▁junta -14.0948 ▁speculators -14.0948 ▁Breastfeeding -14.0948 ▁shrub -14.0948 ▁Aquaculture -14.0948 ▁baht -14.0948 ▁windshield -14.0949 ▁driest -14.0949 ▁vetted -14.0949 ▁photocopy -14.0949 ▁initiator -14.095 ▁Panzer -14.0951 ▁mummy -14.0951 ▁Patti -14.0953 ▁Trevi -14.0954 ▁Patron -14.0955 ▁Brasil -14.0965 Conference -14.0969 Construction -14.0969 Percentage -14.0969 SHENZHEN -14.0969 communist -14.0969 Eleven -14.0969 9.95 -14.0976 ▁Photographic -14.0977 ▁Leverag -14.0982 salzburg -14.0983 ▁Beatrice -14.0983 ▁ENVIRONMENT -14.0983 ▁Enrolment -14.0983 ▁Hawthorn -14.0983 ▁LANGUAGE -14.0983 ▁Mandalay -14.0983 ▁VALVE -14.0983 ▁disobedient -14.0983 ▁enlarging -14.0983 ▁irreversibility -14.0983 ▁nucleotide -14.0983 ▁prophesied -14.0983 ▁unscrupulous -14.0983 ▁Sensitivity -14.0983 查 -14.0983 次 -14.0983 ▁Vacancy -14.0983 ▁crept -14.0984 ▁Traction -14.0984 ▁fathom -14.0984 LEVEL -14.0984 ▁Bernardino -14.0984 blank -14.0985 ▁Intersessional -14.0985 ▁Kramer -14.0985 ▁vouch -14.0987 Perfect -14.0987 >< -14.0988 Scope -14.1004 method -14.1004 success -14.1006 ▁Bahr -14.1007 Yasser -14.1009 pump -14.1016 ▁Cassidy -14.1018 ▁Cloudflare -14.1018 ▁Culinary -14.1018 ▁Fernández -14.1018 ▁Ulaanbaatar -14.1018 ▁neutrino -14.1018 ▁stifling -14.1018 ▁dwelt -14.1018 ▁mechanized -14.1018 太 -14.1018 ▁galactic -14.1018 Oréal -14.1018 ▁overtook -14.1018 ▁Melania -14.1019 ▁Asshole -14.1019 ▁NCDs -14.1019 ▁trout -14.1019 ▁Mitsu -14.102 ▁Tainan -14.102 ▁Bharat -14.1021 UFF -14.1024 ▁Packet -14.1034 ▁leaflet -14.1037 Beyond -14.1039 alternative -14.1039 Dutch -14.1039 cookies -14.1045 aldehyde -14.1052 HOT -14.1053 ström -14.1053 ▁ANNEX -14.1053 ▁Aggregate -14.1053 ▁BINUB -14.1053 ▁Caffeine -14.1053 ▁Concession -14.1053 ▁ENGINEERING -14.1053 ▁EXPERIENCE -14.1053 ▁Feynman -14.1053 ▁Gasoline -14.1053 ▁Khamenei -14.1053 ▁LULUCF -14.1053 ▁Mbeki -14.1053 ▁Soleimani -14.1053 ▁antibacterial -14.1053 ▁oxidative -14.1053 ▁apprised -14.1053 前 -14.1053 幸 -14.1053 ▁seaweed -14.1053 ▁earrings -14.1053 ▁Glorious -14.1053 ▁Simplify -14.1053 ▁Fortnite -14.1053 ▁shaky -14.1054 ▁hydrological -14.1054 ▁TRUE -14.1054 ▁appointees -14.1054 ▁59/296 -14.1054 ▁distillation -14.1056 ▁Metallic -14.1056 ▁negro -14.1057 OON -14.1059 ▁postulate -14.1059 [39] -14.106 random -14.1069 selectivity -14.1074 雅 -14.1124 М -14.1159 经 -14.1159 永 -14.1159 圣 -14.1159 ■ -14.1181 Ä -14.123 社 -14.1266 锛 -14.1266 ¦ -14.1338 直 -14.1338 产 -14.1375 Ó -14.1375 粤 -14.147 ¿ -14.1484 证 -14.1484 奥 -14.1484 û -14.1521 民 -14.1521 题 -14.1521 务 -14.1558 入 -14.1595 字 -14.1595 费 -14.1632 津 -14.1632 现 -14.1632 那 -14.1632 ì -14.1707 极 -14.1707 优 -14.1707 影 -14.1707 旅 -14.1744 首 -14.182 İ -14.182 ❤ -14.182 吉 -14.182 正 -14.182 λ -14.1896 ̄ -14.1896 心 -14.1934 别 -14.2012 接 -14.2012 平 -14.205 规 -14.205 ̈ -14.205 ˈ -14.2089 А -14.2089 索 -14.2089 量 -14.2128 Ê -14.2128 这 -14.2128 ý -14.2167 牌 -14.2167 宝 -14.2207 會 -14.2246 游 -14.2246 業 -14.2286 國 -14.2286 技 -14.2286 湖 -14.2286 ي -14.2326 岛 -14.2326 模 -14.2326 網 -14.2366 Ð -14.2366 « -14.2392 无 -14.2406 得 -14.2446 ラ -14.2487 智 -14.2487 专 -14.2528 ə -14.2528 面 -14.2528 售 -14.2568 性 -14.2568 包 -14.2609 语 -14.2609 墨 -14.265 告 -14.2651 果 -14.2651 苏 -14.2678 附 -14.2692 黎 -14.2733 必 -14.2733 集 -14.2817 近 -14.2817 闽 -14.2817 В -14.2817 ь -14.2859 イ -14.2859 食 -14.2859 蒙 -14.2859 神 -14.2901 交 -14.2943 精 -14.2943 板 -14.2986 餐 -14.2986 么 -14.3029 「 -14.3057 王 -14.3072 言 -14.3072 ʼ -14.3115 招 -14.3115 实 -14.3115 – -14.3144 论 -14.3158 流 -14.3201 班 -14.3201 威 -14.3202 口 -14.3245 如 -14.3245 я -14.3289 ք -14.3333 同 -14.3333 话 -14.3377 与 -14.3422 典 -14.3466 详 -14.3466 リ -14.3466 四 -14.3466 宿 -14.3466 音 -14.3511 ι -14.3556 您 -14.3556 指 -14.3556 登 -14.3602 █ -14.3602 立 -14.3602 ≈ -14.3647 堡 -14.3647 希 -14.3647 の -14.3647 空 -14.3647 Б -14.3647 研 -14.3693 免 -14.3693 ‚ -14.3693 测 -14.3693 ρ -14.3739 材 -14.3739 律 -14.3785 项 -14.3785 م -14.3831 欧 -14.3831 环 -14.3831 也 -14.3831 投 -14.3877 ù -14.3924 留 -14.3924 从 -14.3924 ė -14.3971 报 -14.3971 ن -14.4018 回 -14.4018 Т -14.4066 约 -14.4066 室 -14.4066 盛 -14.4161 雷 -14.4161 后 -14.4161 播 -14.4209 员 -14.4209 请 -14.4209 应 -14.4257 皇 -14.4257 具 -14.4258 蛋 -14.4306 供 -14.4306 置 -14.4355 创 -14.4355 其 -14.4355 ● -14.439 云 -14.4404 九 -14.4404 汉 -14.4404 學 -14.4404 络 -14.4404 何 -14.4404 τ -14.4453 К -14.4453 ↓ -14.4453 清 -14.4453 讯 -14.4453 相 -14.4453 … -14.4503 章 -14.4503 系 -14.4552 园 -14.4552 ク -14.4602 石 -14.4602 意 -14.4602 ć -14.4607 列 -14.4653 套 -14.4653 印 -14.4653 级 -14.4653 玩 -14.4703 白 -14.4703 ◆ -14.4791 沙 -14.4805 σ -14.4805 港 -14.4805 欢 -14.4856 γ -14.4856 丁 -14.4856 鱼 -14.4908 『 -14.4908 导 -14.4908 权 -14.496 签 -14.496 景 -14.496 气 -14.496 郵 -14.5012 』 -14.5012 原 -14.5012 推 -14.5012 奖 -14.5117 ̧ -14.5117 ├ -14.5117 诺 -14.5117 ア -14.517 配 -14.517 校 -14.517 航 -14.517 千 -14.5223 览 -14.5223 ē -14.5223 柏 -14.5223 皖 -14.5223 贝 -14.5276 ɂ -14.5276 才 -14.533 ب -14.533 頁 -14.5384 容 -14.5384 塔 -14.5384 记 -14.5384 ы -14.5438 询 -14.5438 ś -14.5493 י -14.5493 对 -14.5548 订 -14.5548 取 -14.5548 昆 -14.5603 Ñ -14.5603 坎 -14.5659 迪 -14.5659 菲 -14.5715 П -14.5771 و -14.5771 控 -14.5771 女 -14.5771 过 -14.5771 营 -14.5827 ř -14.5827 芝 -14.5827 单 -14.5827 注 -14.5827 Ş -14.5884 浙 -14.5927 当 -14.5941 录 -14.5941 概 -14.5941 深 -14.5941 п -14.5999 瑞 -14.5999 问 -14.5999 址 -14.6023 ̊ -14.6057 书 -14.6057 õ -14.6115 Τ -14.6115 普 -14.6115 总 -14.6115 蜀 -14.6173 萨 -14.6173 转 -14.6173 们 -14.6173 ュ -14.6232 足 -14.6232 Р -14.6232 姆 -14.6291 款 -14.6291 起 -14.6291 シ -14.6351 就 -14.6351 服 -14.6411  -14.6411 送 -14.6411 ニ -14.6471 哈 -14.6471 只 -14.6471 ، -14.6531 飞 -14.6531 語 -14.6592 ⁄ -14.6641 ω -14.6654 堂 -14.6654 质 -14.6654 ▸ -14.6654 奇 -14.6654 ロ -14.6715 ě -14.6715 ς -14.6715 租 -14.6715 什 -14.6715 產 -14.6778 冠 -14.6778 销 -14.6778 汽 -14.684 À -14.684 赢 -14.684 ⇒ -14.684 械 -14.684 老 -14.684 香 -14.684 消 -14.684 È -14.6903 域 -14.6903 タ -14.6903 住 -14.6903 伦 -14.6966 滩 -14.6966 赌 -14.6966 夫 -14.6966 Ø -14.7016 功 -14.703 古 -14.703 红 -14.7094 œ -14.7094 任 -14.7094 购 -14.7094 搜 -14.7159 ↩ -14.7159 评 -14.7159 私 -14.7159 電 -14.7159 伯 -14.7223 ه -14.7224 蘇 -14.7289 六 -14.7289 簡 -14.7289 亞 -14.7355 声 -14.7355 密 -14.7355 湾 -14.7421 造 -14.7421 ă -14.7421 θ -14.7421 或 -14.7421 演 -14.7421 假 -14.7421 瓦 -14.7421 厅 -14.7421 ‧ -14.7473 使 -14.7487 κ -14.7488 Η -14.7488 ‒ -14.7488 動 -14.7488 管 -14.7488 聘 -14.7488 照 -14.7488 风 -14.7488 编 -14.7555 已 -14.7555 康 -14.7622 ו -14.7622 连 -14.7622 ¤ -14.7622 摩 -14.7622 ː -14.769 δ -14.769 爾 -14.7759 究 -14.7828 先 -14.7828 ‰ -14.7828 篇 -14.7828 视 -14.7828 火 -14.7828 洛 -14.7897 常 -14.7897 托 -14.7967 華 -14.7967 Ф -14.7967 界 -14.7967 组 -14.8037 辽 -14.8037 丹 -14.8038 捕 -14.8038 译 -14.8038 陆 -14.8038 Н -14.8038 ッ -14.8038 打 -14.8038 双 -14.8038 ʻ -14.8108 政 -14.8108 七 -14.8108 认 -14.818 Đ -14.818 ч -14.818 医 -14.818 未 -14.8252 機 -14.8252 仅 -14.8252 佳 -14.8252 参 -14.8324 团 -14.8324 豪 -14.8324 黄 -14.8324 股 -14.8324 帕 -14.8324 没 -14.8324 庆 -14.8397 惠 -14.8397 ȫ -14.8397 吗 -14.8397 落 -14.8397 然 -14.8397 富 -14.8471 灯 -14.8471 粒 -14.8471 共 -14.8471 Ô -14.8545 Õ -14.8545 Ʒ -14.8545 进 -14.8545 η -14.8619 屋 -14.8619 木 -14.8619 阅 -14.8619 悉 -14.8619 读 -14.8619 汇 -14.8619 买 -14.862 温 -14.8695 艺 -14.8695 绍 -14.8695 翻 -14.8695 友 -14.8695 师 -14.8695 Ë -14.8695 Ò -14.877 宾 -14.877 △ -14.877 東 -14.877 排 -14.877 更 -14.8847 銆 -14.8847 试 -14.8847 头 -14.8847 需 -14.8847 微 -14.8924 货 -14.8924 豫 -14.8924 序 -14.8924 存 -14.8924 节 -14.9001 超 -14.9001 ₩ -14.9001 テ -14.9001 谷 -14.9001 ع -14.9079 曼 -14.9079 钟 -14.9079 宁 -14.9079 率 -14.9079 đ -14.9158 鄂 -14.9158 ̃ -14.9158 厂 -14.9158 床 -14.9158 勒 -14.9158 ą -14.9237 د -14.9237 油 -14.9237 由 -14.9237 钱 -14.9237 济 -14.9317 冀 -14.9317 珠 -14.9317 樂 -14.9317 х -14.9317 少 -14.9317 感 -14.9398 О -14.9398 竞 -14.9398 莱 -14.9398 ○ -14.9465 休 -14.9479 咨 -14.9479 况 -14.9479 灣 -14.9479 思 -14.9479 带 -14.9479 复 -14.9561 画 -14.9561 端 -14.9561 計 -14.9561 至 -14.9561 Д -14.9561 坐 -14.9644 态 -14.9644 恩 -14.9644 Г -14.9644 ё -14.9644 ص -14.9644 张 -14.9644 墅 -14.9644 历 -14.9644 因 -14.9644 周 -14.9727 略 -14.9727 它 -14.9727 Δ -14.9727 Х -14.9727 结 -14.9727  -14.9727 志 -14.9727 ™ -14.9811 敦 -14.9811 坡 -14.9811 船 -14.9811 湘 -14.9811 见 -14.9896 变 -14.9896 Ì -14.9896 获 -14.9982 萄 -14.9982 赛 -14.9982 バ -14.9982 街 -14.9982 麦 -14.9982 等 -15.0068 育 -15.0068 Ú -15.0068 求 -15.0068  -15.0155 Ï -15.0155 喜 -15.0155 梅 -15.0155 ж -15.0155 プ -15.0155 修 -15.0155 贵 -15.0155 越 -15.0242 ל -15.0242 ɪ -15.0242 א -15.0242 森 -15.0242 з -15.0242 八 -15.0242 拾 -15.0242 斗 -15.0242 很 -15.0243 ÷ -15.0331 マ -15.0331 领 -15.0331 ة -15.0331 助 -15.0331 野 -15.0331 即 -15.0331  -15.042 Л -15.042 ⋅ -15.042 ר -15.042 荣 -15.042 史 -15.042 细 -15.051 观 -15.0601 健 -15.0601 徽 -15.0601 价 -15.0601 菜 -15.0601 葡 -15.0601 塞 -15.0601 皮 -15.0601 限 -15.0693 ィ -15.0693 浏 -15.0693 申 -15.0693 ф -15.0693 ≫ -15.0693 她 -15.0693 ド -15.0786 样 -15.0786 根 -15.0879 拜 -15.0879 カ -15.0879 互 -15.0879 川 -15.0879 ブ -15.0879 怎 -15.0879 村 -15.0879 車 -15.0879 改 -15.0973 務 -15.0973 Α -15.0973 ♡ -15.0973 耳 -15.0973 银 -15.0973 填 -15.0973 将 -15.0973 フ -15.1069 边 -15.1069 ő -15.1069 ה -15.1069 凯 -15.1069 并 -15.1069 澳 -15.1069 腊 -15.1069 李 -15.1069 据 -15.1069 压 -15.1165 步 -15.1165 链 -15.1165 ɦ -15.1165 ى -15.1165 術 -15.1165 准 -15.1165 协 -15.1165 想 -15.1165 ₽ -15.1262 ∈ -15.1262 算 -15.1262 息 -15.1262 坛 -15.136 ά -15.136 土 -15.136 库 -15.136 馆 -15.136 析 -15.136 非 -15.136 庄 -15.136 ę -15.1459 ‡ -15.1459 值 -15.1459 巧 -15.1459 ₹ -15.1459 關 -15.1459 卢 -15.1459 检 -15.1459 验 -15.1459 调 -15.1459 沪 -15.1545 佛 -15.1559 і -15.1559 省 -15.1559 止 -15.1559 远 -15.1559 放 -15.1559 择 -15.166 ⇢ -15.166 ق -15.166 þ -15.1762 サ -15.1762 迎 -15.1762 ˾ -15.1762 ی -15.1762 ฿ -15.1762 ḥ -15.1762 倫 -15.1762 田 -15.1762 议 -15.1762 写 -15.1865 荐 -15.1865 升 -15.1865 デ -15.1969 裝 -15.1969 ∞ -15.1969 ⟩ -15.1969 広 -15.1969 輔 -15.1969 像 -15.1969 團 -15.1969 术 -15.2074 س -15.2074 培 -15.2074 數 -15.2074 享 -15.2075 չ -15.2181 洋 -15.2181 誉 -15.2181 春 -15.2181 整 -15.2181 形 -15.2181 媒 -15.2288 今 -15.2288 肖 -15.2288 ʾ -15.2288 Ł -15.2288 ₤ -15.2288 ム -15.2288 戶 -15.2288 蓝 -15.2288 属 -15.2288 荷 -15.2288 课 -15.2397 司 -15.2397 而 -15.2397 承 -15.2397 护 -15.2397 設 -15.2397 峰 -15.2397 馬 -15.2397 办 -15.2397 距 -15.2397 治 -15.2397 战 -15.2397 冷 -15.2397 男 -15.2397 引 -15.2397 构 -15.2507 离 -15.2507 이 -15.2507 ɛ -15.2507 ‬ -15.2507 ホ -15.2507 茶 -15.2507 Υ -15.2507 ジ -15.2507 吧 -15.2507 艾 -15.2507 象 -15.2507 Š -15.2604 织 -15.2618 策 -15.2618 隐 -15.2618 ت -15.2618 ί -15.2618 激 -15.2618 决 -15.2618 仪 -15.2618 身 -15.2618 处 -15.273 ṣ -15.273 寸 -15.273 祥 -15.273 厦 -15.273 聯 -15.273 卓 -15.273 做 -15.273 停 -15.2731 命 -15.2731 ‹ -15.283 雄 -15.2844 票 -15.2844 伊 -15.2844 但 -15.2844 还 -15.2959 童 -15.2959 レ -15.2959 儿 -15.2959 ∨ -15.2959 ナ -15.2959 メ -15.2959 走 -15.2959 滬 -15.2959 亿 -15.2959 午 -15.2959 除 -15.2959 〖 -15.2959 种 -15.2959 击 -15.3075 스 -15.3075 疆 -15.3075 虎 -15.3075 〗 -15.3075 時 -15.3193 完 -15.3193 益 -15.3193 ό -15.3193 ◦ -15.3193 识 -15.3193 龍 -15.3193 角 -15.3193 切 -15.3193 去 -15.3193 埃 -15.3193 浦 -15.3312 グ -15.3312 ż -15.3312 ‟ -15.3312 封 -15.3312 局 -15.3432 ʹ -15.3432 ⁠ -15.3432 報 -15.3432 舍 -15.3432 ︎ -15.3432 仓 -15.3432 沃 -15.3432 幕 -15.3433 素 -15.3433 歌 -15.3433 伴 -15.3554 居 -15.3554 コ -15.3554 夏 -15.3554 钢 -15.3554 耶 -15.3554 聖 -15.3678 權 -15.3678 Ν -15.3678 〈 -15.3678 嘉 -15.3678 暹 -15.3678 נ -15.3678 群 -15.3678 パ -15.3678 满 -15.3678 队 -15.3678 拿 -15.3678 支 -15.3678 收 -15.3803 慕 -15.3803 Ÿ -15.3803 盟 -15.3803 鼎 -15.3803 臺 -15.3803 • -15.3915 場 -15.3929 Ƃ -15.3929 ➤ -15.3929 秒 -15.3929 绿 -15.3929 舞 -15.3929 势 -15.3929 此 -15.3929 采 -15.393 念 -15.393 „ -15.4043 Β -15.4058 Ȩ -15.4058 Ђ -15.4058 访 -15.4058 隆 -15.4058 ダ -15.4058 座 -15.4058 武 -15.4058 甲 -15.4058 输 -15.4058 於 -15.4058 己 -15.4058 ю -15.4188 국 -15.4188 Σ -15.4188 境 -15.4188 聚 -15.4188 返 -15.4188 响 -15.4188 兴 -15.4319 范 -15.4319 ش -15.4452 ƒ -15.4452 统 -15.4452 松 -15.4452 换 -15.4452 捷 -15.4452 则 -15.4452 委 -15.4452 透 -15.4452 恒 -15.4452 ‛ -15.4588 Ō -15.4588 ┊ -15.4588 架 -15.4588 胶 -15.4588 資 -15.4588 胜 -15.4588 旗 -15.4588 ́ -15.471 尺 -15.4725 丽 -15.4725 ‭ -15.4725 Œ -15.4725 Й -15.4725 草 -15.4725 责 -15.4725 袋 -15.4725 围 -15.4725 防 -15.4863 伙 -15.4863 ɑ -15.4863 述 -15.4863 門 -15.4863 Ε -15.4863 ב -15.4863 酸 -15.4863 显 -15.4864 例 -15.4864 한 -15.5004 ṇ -15.5004 漏 -15.5004 融 -15.5004 チ -15.5004 島 -15.5004 株 -15.5004 财 -15.5004 移 -15.5004 军 -15.5004 オ -15.5147 适 -15.5147 ș -15.5147 续 -15.5147 职 -15.5147 致 -15.5292 ѕ -15.5292 ハ -15.5292 操 -15.5292 众 -15.5292 强 -15.5292 Ś -15.5439 溫 -15.5439 盘 -15.5439 Ι -15.5439 エ -15.5439 ミ -15.5439 坊 -15.5439 按 -15.5439 探 -15.5439 晶 -15.5439 莞 -15.5439 份 -15.5439 待 -15.5439 被 -15.5439 ↑ -15.5574 ♦ -15.5574 每 -15.5588 愛 -15.5588 ↔ -15.5588 塑 -15.5588 宇 -15.5588 尚 -15.5588 ˊ -15.5588 ַ -15.5588 猫 -15.5588 季 -15.5588 筑 -15.5588 館 -15.5588 丰 -15.5588 积 -15.5588 向 -15.574 婚 -15.574 粉 -15.574 闭 -15.574 ك -15.574 ⭐ -15.574 滨 -15.574 茅 -15.574 宣 -15.574 核 -15.574 書 -15.574 疗 -15.574 督 -15.574 渝 -15.5894 铁 -15.5894 ャ -15.5894 創 -15.5894 ح -15.5894 ヨ -15.5894 陕 -15.5894 庭 -15.5894 些 -15.5894 答 -15.5894 灵 -15.5894 發 -15.5894 仁 -15.5894 着 -15.5894 币 -15.605 档 -15.605 ש -15.605 伟 -15.605 魯 -15.605 哪 -15.605 腾 -15.605 贸 -15.605 購 -15.605 纪 -15.605 娛 -15.6209 涓 -15.6209 训 -15.6209 מ -15.6209 ノ -15.6209 泉 -15.6209 授 -15.6209 革 -15.637 冰 -15.637 陈 -15.637 顶 -15.637 ☺ -15.637 族 -15.637 杯 -15.637 梦 -15.637 衣 -15.637 乌 -15.637 反 -15.637 临 -15.637 始 -15.637 Ч -15.6534 刷 -15.6534 继 -15.6534 э -15.6534 վ -15.6534 ┆ -15.6534 ♠ -15.6534 ウ -15.6534 ◯ -15.6534 凤 -15.6534 奈 -15.6534 納 -15.6534  -15.6534 咖 -15.6534 經 -15.6534 讲 -15.6534 ツ -15.6534 藏 -15.6534 韦 -15.6534 干 -15.6534 眼 -15.6701 该 -15.6701 桂 -15.6701 專 -15.6701 死 -15.6701 滤 -15.6701 良 -15.6701 類 -15.6701 赁 -15.6701 邦 -15.6701 桥 -15.6701 药 -15.6701 母 -15.6701 窗 -15.687 員 -15.687 單 -15.687 弗 -15.687 載 -15.687 長 -15.687 έ -15.687 ֳ -15.687 ṛ -15.687 ≧ -15.687 宏 -15.687 杜 -15.687 磁 -15.687 糖 -15.687 赫 -15.687 Þ -15.687 董 -15.687 释 -15.687 И -15.687 豆 -15.687 农 -15.687 固 -15.7042 效 -15.7042 お -15.7043 鑫 -15.7043 ш -15.7043 ǎ -15.7043 ʿ -15.7043 Μ -15.7043 ת -15.7043 ╨ -15.7043 付 -15.7043 央 -15.7043 背 -15.7043 ガ -15.7043 各 -15.7043 夜 -15.7043 帝 -15.7043 聽 -15.7043 久 -15.7218 唐 -15.7218 環 -15.7218 „ -15.7218 Π -15.7218 柜 -15.7218 ェ -15.7218 宫 -15.7218 廊 -15.7218 們 -15.7218 楼 -15.7218 鹰 -15.7218 У -15.7218 欣 -15.7218 尊 -15.7397 液 -15.7397 與 -15.7397 Ă -15.7397 Ć -15.7397 Ƽ -15.7397 嗨 -15.7397 釜 -15.7397 鿴 -15.7397  -15.7397 ц -15.7397 價 -15.7397 甘 -15.7397 饮 -15.7397 孩 -15.7397 坦 -15.7397 烟 -15.7397 徒 -15.7397 施 -15.7397 两 -15.7397 给 -15.7397 い -15.7578 ů -15.7578 凰 -15.7578 玉 -15.7578 辛 -15.7578 ♬ -15.7578 浪 -15.7578 ƒ -15.7578 持 -15.7578 統 -15.7578 啡 -15.7578 味 -15.7578 充 -15.7578 叶 -15.7578 轮 -15.7578 册 -15.7763 間 -15.7764 宅 -15.7764 鈥 -15.7764 ź -15.7764 ∣ -15.7764 ▷ -15.7764 派 -15.7764 岸 -15.7764 泵 -15.7764 错 -15.7764 块 -15.7764 莫 -15.7764 玛 -15.7764 宜 -15.7952 亮 -15.7952 娱 -15.7952 Κ -15.7952 ע -15.7952 ✨ -15.7952 旺 -15.7952 達 -15.7952 ܂ -15.7952 ✅ -15.7952 膜 -15.7952 點 -15.7952 圖 -15.7952 戈 -15.7952 扎 -15.7952 脑 -15.7952 狗 -15.7952 独 -15.7952 受 -15.7952 义 -15.8144 閩 -15.8145 ̂ -15.8145 ≦ -15.8145 ペ -15.8145 盈 -15.8145 秋 -15.8145 어 -15.8145 ゴ -15.8145 半 -15.8145 礼 -15.8145  -15.8145 ボ -15.8145 丝 -15.8145 池 -15.8145 轴 -15.8145 晚 -15.8145 澶 -15.8145 许 -15.8145 리 -15.8341 ɡ -15.8341 刘 -15.8341 際 -15.8341 Λ -15.8341 һ -15.8341 は -15.8341 韩 -15.8341 χ -15.8341 Э -15.8341 储 -15.8341 園 -15.8341 朗 -15.8341 檀 -15.8341 稳 -15.8341 Ż -15.8341 拍 -15.8341 選 -15.8341 と -15.8341 锡 -15.8341 习 -15.8541 找 -15.8541 考 -15.8541 遗 -15.8541 频 -15.8541 ţ -15.8541 锘 -15.8541 刀 -15.8541 ק -15.8541 让 -15.8541 病 -15.8541 望 -15.8541 Œ -15.8745 低 -15.8745 破 -15.8745 卫 -15.8745 杰 -15.8745 ÿ -15.8745 ♭ -15.8745 刊 -15.8745  -15.8745 ◄ -15.8745 折 -15.8745 曲 -15.8745 鸿 -15.8745 杂 -15.8745 促 -15.8745 诚 -15.8745 默 -15.8745 為 -15.8745 胡 -15.8953 划 -15.8953 ║ -15.8953 ☎ -15.8953 キ -15.8953 ベ -15.8953 扣 -15.8953 抢 -15.8953 榜 -15.8953 廣 -15.8953 令 -15.8953 區 -15.8953 禁 -15.8953 炸 -15.8953 ⠀ -15.8953 ˆ -15.9166 潮 -15.9166 善 -15.9166 記 -15.9166 雪 -15.9166 Е -15.9166 ד -15.9166 開 -15.9166 ج -15.9166 ◊ -15.9166 ✦ -15.9166 纸 -15.9166 词 -15.9166 昌 -15.9166 盒 -15.9166 剂 -15.9383 來 -15.9383 晋 -15.9383 絡 -15.9383 ƽ -15.9383 ط -15.9383 ف -15.9383 ≡ -15.9383 佐 -15.9383 凡 -15.9383 幻 -15.9383 庇 -15.9383 氧 -15.9383 驱 -15.9383 ט -15.9383 朔 -15.9383 醫 -15.9383 ポ -15.9383 實 -15.9383 耐 -15.9383 增 -15.9383 底 -15.9383 状 -15.9605 傳 -15.9605 靠 -15.9605 を -15.9605 ɔ -15.9605 優 -15.9605 問 -15.9605 徐 -15.9605 ҵ -15.9605 セ -15.9605 养 -15.9605 線 -15.9605 肯 -15.9605 廷 -15.9605 宗 -15.9605 雨 -15.9605 杀 -15.9606 ← -15.9818 Ý -15.9833 虹 -15.9833 珍 -15.9833 ệ -15.9833 ❝ -15.9833 慧 -15.9833 ɹ -15.9833 Γ -15.9833 屏 -15.9833 赚 -15.9833 钻 -15.9833 瓜 -15.9833 總 -15.9833 层 -15.9833 执 -15.9833 初 -15.9833 撒 -15.9833 √ -16.0051 Ù -16.0065 ή -16.0065 ա -16.0065 ⟵ -16.0065 射 -16.0065 铝 -16.0065 대 -16.0065 ʒ -16.0065 أ -16.0065 ≠ -16.0065 ┣ -16.0065 ❖ -16.0065 燕 -16.0065 综 -16.0065 翰 -16.0065 る -16.0065 席 -16.0065 標 -16.0065 迷 -16.0065 谱 -16.0065 個 -16.0065 再 -16.0065 師 -16.0303 故 -16.0303 覽 -16.0303 遊 -16.0303 ň -16.0303 Ḥ -16.0303 ₱ -16.0303 獎 -16.0303 短 -16.0303 苗 -16.0303 零 -16.0303 ṭ -16.0303 奶 -16.0303 监 -16.0303 肃 -16.0303 树 -16.0303 启 -16.0547 ʃ -16.0547 ₴ -16.0547 モ -16.0547 ヤ -16.0547 券 -16.0547 栏 -16.0547 纽 -16.0547 蜜 -16.0547 銀 -16.0547 頭 -16.0547 ▽ -16.0547 ビ -16.0547 悦 -16.0547 毛 -16.0547 诗 -16.0547 诉 -16.0547 把 -16.0547 訊 -16.0797 符 -16.0797 ָ -16.0797 焦 -16.0797 跑 -16.0797 饭 -16.0797 鸡 -16.0797 ⊙ -16.0797 含 -16.0797 征 -16.0797 芯 -16.0797 辑 -16.0797 针 -16.0797 棕 -16.0797 爵 -16.0797 赣 -16.0797 府 -16.0797 确 -16.0797 觉 -16.0797 载 -16.0797 硬 -16.0797 秘 -16.1054 ξ -16.1054 仰 -16.1054 虚 -16.1054 話 -16.1054 ψ -16.1054 פ -16.1054 ∼ -16.1054 ═ -16.1054 ヴ -16.1054 副 -16.1054 戛 -16.1054 潭 -16.1054 瓷 -16.1054 辞 -16.1054 시 -16.1054 り -16.1054 剑 -16.1054 珀 -16.1054 洪 -16.1054 著 -16.1054 唱 -16.1054 Û -16.1054 几 -16.1317 锟 -16.1317 ん -16.1317 氣 -16.1317 漫 -16.1317 笔 -16.1317 邁 -16.1317 ְ -16.1317 ▾ -16.1317 ❶ -16.1317 ズ -16.1317 內 -16.1317 奧 -16.1317 應 -16.1317 插 -16.1317 摘 -16.1317 證 -16.1317 镜 -16.1317 吃 -16.1317 肥 -16.1317 逸 -16.1317 称 -16.1317 账 -16.1317 举 -16.1317 圆 -16.1587 失 -16.1587 〔 -16.1587 に -16.1587 汤 -16.1587 途 -16.1587 露 -16.1587 Ā -16.1587 ̶ -16.1587 ח -16.1587 ן -16.1587 ‪ -16.1587 剧 -16.1587 禮 -16.1587 製 -16.1587 護 -16.1587 钦 -16.1587 厚 -16.1587 條 -16.1587 毕 -16.1587 帮 -16.1587 括 -16.1587 听 -16.1587 绝 -16.1865 約 -16.1865 键 -16.1865 ũ -16.1865 斋 -16.1865 ⇔ -16.1865 〕 -16.1865 谢 -16.1865 趣 -16.1865 라 -16.1865 Ȃ -16.1865 ̓ -16.1865 З -16.1865 纯 -16.1865 ワ -16.1865 泊 -16.1865 熟 -16.1865 肉 -16.1865 误 -16.1865 静 -16.1865 毫 -16.215 秀 -16.2151 ž -16.2151 描 -16.2151 笑 -16.2151 轻 -16.2151 Ī -16.2151 ւ -16.2151 ท -16.2151 ‣ -16.2151 ∧ -16.2151 ∷ -16.2151 ➡ -16.2151 娜 -16.2151 曾 -16.2151 浩 -16.2151 邱 -16.2151 し -16.2151 旁 -16.2151 錄 -16.2151 顺 -16.2151 滑 -16.2151 吸 -16.2151 谁 -16.2151 官 -16.2318 刻 -16.2445 添 -16.2445 卷 -16.2445 琴 -16.2445 际 -16.2445 ơ -16.2445 ג -16.2445 ế -16.2445 ⁡ -16.2445 姐 -16.2445 岩 -16.2445 昂 -16.2445 現 -16.2445 莎 -16.2445 血 -16.2445 覧 -16.2445 바 -16.2445 아 -16.2445 摄 -16.2445 浜 -16.2445 耀 -16.2445 阀 -16.2445 す -16.2445 無 -16.2445 藝 -16.2445 脂 -16.2445 亲 -16.2445 冬 -16.2748 ư -16.2748 洗 -16.2748 萬 -16.2748 隱 -16.2748 せ -16.2748 匈 -16.2748 吴 -16.2748 聞 -16.2748 轉 -16.2748 ǐ -16.2748 ˹ -16.2748 ύ -16.2748 ز -16.2748 ♣ -16.2748 ⟶ -16.2748 愉 -16.2748 換 -16.2748 杏 -16.2748 槟 -16.2748 陶 -16.2748 刺 -16.2748 尾 -16.2748 ס -16.2748 焊 -16.2748 見 -16.2748 早 -16.2748 振 -16.306 裁 -16.306 運 -16.306 ʊ -16.306 〒 -16.306 献 -16.306 민 -16.306 ạ -16.306 ộ -16.306 ∂ -16.306 ❏ -16.306 ⦁ -16.306 寶 -16.306 扑 -16.306 聲 -16.306 衫 -16.306 退 -16.306 題 -16.306 魔 -16.306  -16.306 断 -16.306 束 -16.306 ケ -16.306 俄 -16.306 弹 -16.306 滚 -16.306 玻 -16.306 乳 -16.306 旋 -16.306 編 -16.306 终 -16.306 脱 -16.306 ま -16.306 须 -16.306 否 -16.306 镇 -16.306 風 -16.3383 ร -16.3383 ් -16.3383 ソ -16.3383 卧 -16.3383 ʁ -16.3383 ̇ -16.3383 Ο -16.3383 ย -16.3383 า -16.3383 ∘ -16.3383 君 -16.3383 炉 -16.3383 熊 -16.3383 糕 -16.3383 紫 -16.3383 鞋 -16.3383 ِ -16.3383 ━ -16.3383 廉 -16.3383 拓 -16.3383 桑 -16.3383 榈 -16.3383 竹 -16.3383 践 -16.3383 頓 -16.3383 饰 -16.3383 鲜 -16.3383 乔 -16.3383 劳 -16.3383 便 -16.3383 詢 -16.3383 麻 -16.3383 敏 -16.3383 邀 -16.3383 碼 -16.3383 ▫ -16.3716 追 -16.3716 蒂 -16.3716 き -16.3716 ら -16.3716 岁 -16.3716 璃 -16.3716 細 -16.3716 Θ -16.3716 Є -16.3716 Ӣ -16.3716 ᆞ -16.3716 ∀ -16.3716 梁 -16.3716 橡 -16.3716 綠 -16.3716 锁 -16.3716 颜 -16.3716 朋 -16.3716 維 -16.3716 辦 -16.3716 仙 -16.3716 卖 -16.3716 禾 -16.3716 若 -16.3716 跟 -16.3716 冲 -16.3716 慈 -16.3716 狂 -16.4061 泽 -16.4061 纺 -16.4061 ŭ -16.4061 巨 -16.4061 泳 -16.4061 說 -16.4061 ҳ -16.4061 乡 -16.4061 救 -16.4061 洞 -16.4061 浴 -16.4061 甸 -16.4061 盐 -16.4061 缆 -16.4061 舒 -16.4061 藤 -16.4061 蘭 -16.4061 註 -16.4061 锦 -16.4061  -16.4061 ̎ -16.4061 ̨ -16.4061 Ѷ -16.4061 ォ -16.4061 庫 -16.4061 杉 -16.4061 守 -16.4061 暂 -16.4061 润 -16.4061 矿 -16.4061 磨 -16.4061 险 -16.4061 こ -16.4061 脚 -16.4061 忘 -16.4061 請 -16.4061 段 -16.4061 薄 -16.4061 ◎ -16.4404 拷 -16.4418 杨 -16.4418 棒 -16.4418 對 -16.4418 組 -16.4418 ģ -16.4418 ķ -16.4418 よ -16.4418 ネ -16.4418 兹 -16.4418 炮 -16.4418 难 -16.4418 ǧ -16.4418 ˮ -16.4418 ֵ -16.4418 َ -16.4418 ✪ -16.4418 宴 -16.4418 汀 -16.4418 芬 -16.4418 铺 -16.4418 障 -16.4418 麗 -16.4418 齐 -16.4418 드 -16.4418 지 -16.4418  -16.4418 ˜ -16.4418 ї -16.4418 خ -16.4418 唯 -16.4418 歐 -16.4418 瑟 -16.4418 聊 -16.4418 기 -16.4418 熱 -16.4418 陽 -16.4418 瓶 -16.4418 骨 -16.4418 捐 -16.4788 Ш -16.4788 县 -16.4788 滇 -16.4788 累 -16.4788 ่ -16.4788 冊 -16.4788 筒 -16.4788 纹 -16.4788 鹿 -16.4788 ļ -16.4788 ŷ -16.4788 ɻ -16.4788 ɽ -16.4788 ѧ -16.4788 ả -16.4788 兼 -16.4788 張 -16.4788 拟 -16.4788 柱 -16.4788 結 -16.4788 茨 -16.4788 詳 -16.4788 르 -16.4788 트 -16.4788 ɐ -16.4788 ζ -16.4788 ත -16.4788 刮 -16.4788 孔 -16.4788 節 -16.4788 紀 -16.4788 递 -16.4788 閲 -16.4788 担 -16.4789 愿 -16.4789 桃 -16.4789 父 -16.4789 又 -16.4789 斤 -16.5173 ˌ -16.5173 归 -16.5173 Ů -16.5173 ų -16.5173 か -16.5173 孟 -16.5173 後 -16.5173 椅 -16.5173 琼 -16.5173 ‹ -16.5173 ħ -16.5173 Ŷ -16.5173 Ц -16.5173 න -16.5173 ≪ -16.5173 ╣ -16.5173 ☉ -16.5173 ☑ -16.5173 兌 -16.5173 删 -16.5173 營 -16.5173 稱 -16.5173 주 -16.5173 타 -16.5173 句 -16.5173 蹈 -16.5173 陳 -16.5173 仲 -16.5173 察 -16.5173 黃 -16.5173 姚 -16.5173 锈 -16.5173 が -16.5173 壁 -16.5173 扬 -16.5173 毒 -16.5173 過 -16.5173 散 -16.5173 且 -16.5573 ไ -16.5573 募 -16.5573 右 -16.5573 圈 -16.5573 巢 -16.5573 擎 -16.5573 盔 -16.5573 稿 -16.5573 锋 -16.5573 阻 -16.5573 오 -16.5573 Ƶ -16.5573 إ -16.5573 ∅ -16.5573 ▏ -16.5573 俱 -16.5573 劃 -16.5573 堪 -16.5573 径 -16.5573 恋 -16.5573 篮 -16.5573 蜂 -16.5573 訂 -16.5573 随 -16.5573 魁 -16.5573  -16.5573 で -16.5573 な -16.5573 井 -16.5573 候 -16.5573 姓 -16.5573 赖 -16.5573 辉 -16.5573  -16.5573 洁 -16.5573 差 -16.5573 氏 -16.5573 級 -16.5573 审 -16.5573 灰 -16.5573 碳 -16.5573 ヒ -16.5573 似 -16.5573 顾 -16.5573 韓 -16.599 函 -16.599 础 -16.599 處 -16.599 協 -16.599 妇 -16.599 溪 -16.599 软 -16.599 › -16.599 Ɋ -16.599 ͨ -16.599 ố -16.599 ∑ -16.599 ❯ -16.599 寺 -16.599 導 -16.599 巡 -16.599 御 -16.599 拳 -16.599 町 -16.599 興 -16.599 菌 -16.599 蒸 -16.599 辰 -16.599 사 -16.599 카 -16.599  -16.599  -16.599 Ṭ -16.599 依 -16.599 吊 -16.599 喀 -16.599 妈 -16.599 延 -16.599 往 -16.599 螺 -16.599  -16.599 抗 -16.599 泡 -16.599 郎 -16.599 漢 -16.599 罪 -16.599 旧 -16.599 戒 -16.599 绣 -16.6424 ű -16.6424 ǔ -16.6424 ּ -16.6424 税 -16.6425 仔 -16.6425 厨 -16.6425 責 -16.6425 驗 -16.6425 Ƭ -16.6425 ̌ -16.6425 ̷ -16.6425 ώ -16.6425 Љ -16.6425 Я -16.6425 ֱ -16.6425 ᅵ -16.6425 〇 -16.6425 へ -16.6425 ザ -16.6425 植 -16.6425 燃 -16.6425 硅 -16.6425 缸 -16.6425 腕 -16.6425 蔡 -16.6425 軍 -16.6425 飾 -16.6425 마 -16.6425  -16.6425  -16.6425 割 -16.6425 契 -16.6425 染 -16.6425 桔 -16.6425 肌 -16.6425 舰 -16.6425 靴 -16.6425 额 -16.6425 傅 -16.6425 踪 -16.6425 費 -16.6425 负 -16.6425 ♀ -16.6865 ♂ -16.6865 朱 -16.6879 涛 -16.6879 酋 -16.6879 鼓 -16.6879 ն -16.6879 ् -16.6879 観 -16.6879 赞 -16.6879 ĕ -16.6879 Ļ -16.6879 ֧ -16.6879 ✘ -16.6879 亨 -16.6879 努 -16.6879 届 -16.6879 廳 -16.6879 搏 -16.6879 攻 -16.6879 桌 -16.6879 氯 -16.6879 浸 -16.6879 燈 -16.6879 禧 -16.6879 紅 -16.6879 로 -16.6879 미 -16.6879 보 -16.6879 일 -16.6879  -16.6879  -16.6879 ʽ -16.6879 ∮ -16.6879 ⚡ -16.6879 妹 -16.6879 寨 -16.6879 忌 -16.6879 怡 -16.6879 牧 -16.6879 缩 -16.6879 辅 -16.6879 迅 -16.6879  -16.6879  -16.6879 晨 -16.6879 朝 -16.6879 榮 -16.6879 盖 -16.6879 義 -16.6879 胆 -16.6879 勇 -16.6879 讨 -16.6879 彼 -16.6879 怪 -16.6879 够 -16.6879 ⏡ -16.688 余 -16.7355 贡 -16.7355 烧 -16.7355 予 -16.7355 诊 -16.7355 賣 -16.7355 ี -16.7355 啟 -16.7355 煌 -16.7355 逛 -16.7355 ɒ -16.7355 ֹ -16.7355 ם -16.7355 ḍ -16.7355 ∩ -16.7355 ◾ -16.7355 ☐ -16.7355 ⚫ -16.7355 佩 -16.7355 埔 -16.7355 宋 -16.7355 扫 -16.7355 掌 -16.7355 炎 -16.7355 産 -16.7355 砖 -16.7355 缅 -16.7355 苑 -16.7355 谈 -16.7355 酷 -16.7355 ȷ -16.7355 ʦ -16.7355 ͷ -16.7355 Դ -16.7355 ┬ -16.7355 ◀ -16.7355 ✧ -16.7355 仿 -16.7355 伍 -16.7355 別 -16.7355 却 -16.7355 岘 -16.7355 岡 -16.7355 択 -16.7355 擇 -16.7355 藍 -16.7355 財 -16.7355 連 -16.7355 隊 -16.7355 髡 -16.7355  -16.7355 غ -16.7355 ก -16.7355 励 -16.7355 淘 -16.7355 浮 -16.7355 齿 -16.7355 凝 -16.7355 戴 -16.7355 抵 -16.7355 極 -16.7355 円 -16.7355 降 -16.7355 缝 -16.7855 鹏 -16.7855 蟾 -16.7855 均 -16.7855 拖 -16.7855 裂 -16.7855 尋 -16.7855 프 -16.7855 ġ -16.7855 Ķ -16.7855 ŏ -16.7855 ǰ -16.7855 Ϊ -16.7855 ض -16.7855 ि -16.7855 ง -16.7855 ₫ -16.7855 ∇ -16.7855 ⊕ -16.7855 ァ -16.7855 倉 -16.7855 倍 -16.7855 妫 -16.7855 昊 -16.7855 沈 -16.7855 渡 -16.7855 烏 -16.7855 県 -16.7855 羊 -16.7855 羽 -16.7855 芽 -16.7855 賓 -16.7855 니 -16.7855 조 -16.7855  -16.7855  -16.7855 〓 -16.7855 凱 -16.7855 急 -16.7855 扩 -16.7855 杆 -16.7855 聪 -16.7855 銷 -16.7855 ɣ -16.7855 さ -16.7855 傲 -16.7855 梯 -16.7855 砂 -16.7855 絲 -16.7855 將 -16.7855 蓬 -16.7855 猎 -16.7855 穿 -16.7855 鏈 -16.7855 帽 -16.7855 脸 -16.7855 怕 -16.7855 琳 -16.7855 ် -16.7855 乎 -16.7855 睡 -16.7856 剪 -16.8381 赤 -16.8382 ม -16.8382 ┃ -16.8382 觸 -16.8382 闪 -16.8382 ׁ -16.8382 न -16.8382 て -16.8382 み -16.8382 党 -16.8382 尖 -16.8382 批 -16.8382 漆 -16.8382 粘 -16.8382 藥 -16.8382 蛙 -16.8382 郭 -16.8382 阵 -16.8382 비 -16.8382 ǒ -16.8382 ɫ -16.8382 ̗ -16.8382 ͼ -16.8382 Ψ -16.8382 Ԫ -16.8382 ٴ -16.8382 ồ -16.8382 ∆ -16.8382 ☀ -16.8382 ✍ -16.8382 〞 -16.8382 奔 -16.8382 嫩 -16.8382 恤 -16.8382 昕 -16.8382 潜 -16.8382 羅 -16.8382 職 -16.8382 芳 -16.8382 薩 -16.8382 規 -16.8382 觀 -16.8382 認 -16.8382 講 -16.8382 貿 -16.8382 軟 -16.8382 遥 -16.8382 項 -16.8382 飛 -16.8382 馈 -16.8382 소 -16.8382 월 -16.8382  -16.8382  -16.8382  -16.8382 ‰ -16.8382 ා -16.8382 俊 -16.8382 晓 -16.8382 桶 -16.8382 檔 -16.8382 混 -16.8382 铜 -16.8382 크 -16.8382 하 -16.8382  -16.8382 ล -16.8382 佰 -16.8382 賽 -16.8382 害 -16.8382 歷 -16.8382 閱 -16.8382 警 -16.8382 判 -16.8382 稀 -16.8382 震 -16.8382 争 -16.8382 另 -16.8382 ♫ -16.8923 占 -16.8937 兄 -16.8937 旦 -16.8937 瀏 -16.8937 铸 -16.8937 ŝ -16.8937 อ -16.8937 う -16.8937 柯 -16.8937 突 -16.8937 苯 -16.8937 這 -16.8937 ी -16.8937 ด -16.8937 串 -16.8937 栈 -16.8937 簧 -16.8937 轩 -16.8937 레 -16.8937 ‡ -16.8937 Ʊ -16.8937 น -16.8937 ⊗ -16.8937 ◉ -16.8937 ☛ -16.8937 ✕ -16.8937 寫 -16.8937 弘 -16.8937 橋 -16.8937 狐 -16.8937 硫 -16.8937 種 -16.8937 進 -16.8937 邢 -16.8937 陵 -16.8937 雙 -16.8937 雜 -16.8937 배 -16.8937 자 -16.8937 파 -16.8937 호 -16.8937 홍 -16.8937 회 -16.8937  -16.8937  -16.8937  -16.8937 І -16.8937 ा -16.8937 並 -16.8937 咪 -16.8937 娃 -16.8937 截 -16.8937 涂 -16.8937 犯 -16.8937 畫 -16.8937 缃 -16.8937 闲 -16.8937 饼 -16.8937 魂 -16.8937 ම -16.8937 拼 -16.8937 敬 -16.8937 污 -16.8937 當 -16.8937 艳 -16.8937 質 -16.8937 た -16.8937 坚 -16.8937 逊 -16.8937 刚 -16.8937 苦 -16.8938 ﷓ -16.895 鐵 -16.9525 缘 -16.9525 ִ -16.9525 勝 -16.9525 囊 -16.9525 ह -16.9525 ✌ -16.9525 濟 -16.9525 盾 -16.9525 ŵ -16.9525 ǂ -16.9525 ɾ -16.9525 Χ -16.9525 ѡ -16.9525 ֶ -16.9525 र -16.9525 喷 -16.9525 柄 -16.9525 棋 -16.9525 樹 -16.9525 淡 -16.9525 潘 -16.9525 箭 -16.9525 試 -16.9525 議 -16.9525 貨 -16.9525 鞍 -16.9525 부 -16.9525 Ƹ -16.9525 ƻ -16.9525 ΢ -16.9525 ُ -16.9525 ߂ -16.9525 ピ -16.9525 匠 -16.9525 哲 -16.9525 娘 -16.9525 左 -16.9525 暑 -16.9525 楠 -16.9525 毅 -16.9525 浒 -16.9525 纤 -16.9525 罩 -16.9525 锐 -16.9525 고 -16.9525 다 -16.9525  -16.9525  -16.9525 睿 -16.9525 驰 -16.9525 挂 -16.9525 柬 -16.9525 殊 -16.9525 黔 -16.9525 循 -16.9525 辆 -16.9525 韵 -16.9525 危 -16.9525 赏 -16.9525 尤 -16.9526 叫 -16.9526 胸 -16.9526 肤 -16.9526 触 -16.9526 鋼 -17.015 减 -17.015 缺 -17.015 帶 -17.015 織 -17.015 弟 -17.015 甜 -17.015 Ό -17.015 積 -17.015 ˇ -17.015 द -17.015 ṅ -17.015 婴 -17.015 帆 -17.015 동 -17.015 ľ -17.015 ŋ -17.015 ť -17.015 ʯ -17.015 ̋ -17.015 Ё -17.015 ֤ -17.015 つ -17.015 侯 -17.015 億 -17.015 圃 -17.015 晉 -17.015 症 -17.015 紗 -17.015 腐 -17.015 菠 -17.015 葉 -17.015 蚁 -17.015 补 -17.015 視 -17.015 領 -17.015 뉴 -17.015  -17.015 š -17.015 ĸ -17.015 ǹ -17.015 Ƀ -17.015 ɷ -17.015 ʀ -17.015 ʂ -17.015 ʮ -17.015 ˵ -17.015 ̐ -17.015 ͂ -17.015 כ -17.015 ߣ -17.015 ầ -17.015 ‖ -17.015 ∪ -17.015 ♯ -17.015 ひ -17.015 ゼ -17.015 伸 -17.015 净 -17.015 奏 -17.015 宮 -17.015 岳 -17.015 巾 -17.015 廈 -17.015 忠 -17.015 抽 -17.015 攝 -17.015 柳 -17.015 樓 -17.015 炭 -17.015 犊 -17.015 猜 -17.015 番 -17.015 紹 -17.015 蓋 -17.015 覺 -17.015 鎖 -17.015 锅 -17.015 閒 -17.015 顏 -17.015 魚 -17.015 영 -17.015  -17.015  -17.015 צ -17.015 ั -17.015 亭 -17.015 準 -17.015 窝 -17.015 般 -17.015 茂 -17.015 輪 -17.015 鍙 -17.015 尿 -17.015  -17.015 ▬ -17.015 霍 -17.015 圍 -17.015 槽 -17.015 須 -17.015 ご -17.015 爆 -17.015 郑 -17.0151 怀 -17.0151 跻 -17.0151 酿 -17.0151 严 -17.0817 豐 -17.0817 ろ -17.0817 烯 -17.0817 ව -17.0817 妖 -17.0817 懂 -17.0817 پ -17.0817 ว -17.0817 ∶ -17.0817 吳 -17.0817 呢 -17.0817 壓 -17.0817 蚂 -17.0817 赵 -17.0817 麟 -17.0817 문 -17.0817 ƹ -17.0817 ț -17.0817 ̍ -17.0817 ̕ -17.0817 ̵ -17.0817 ր -17.0817 ֻ -17.0817 ז -17.0817 ک -17.0817 ۱ -17.0817 ẓ -17.0817 ∥ -17.0817 ☞ -17.0817 ☰ -17.0817 ❀ -17.0817 ば -17.0817 ヘ -17.0817 ョ -17.0817 兑 -17.0817 兔 -17.0817 匯 -17.0817 慢 -17.0817 撰 -17.0817 敖 -17.0817 烤 -17.0817 璧 -17.0817 療 -17.0817 盧 -17.0817 硕 -17.0817 翠 -17.0817 蔚 -17.0817 袖 -17.0817 袜 -17.0817 課 -17.0817 貌 -17.0817 跳 -17.0817 가 -17.0817 송 -17.0817 콩 -17.0817 토 -17.0817  -17.0817 ņ -17.0817 Ⱥ -17.0817 ் -17.0817 ╋ -17.0817 乱 -17.0817 圓 -17.0817 穆 -17.0817  -17.0817 兵 -17.0817 异 -17.0817 翔 -17.0817 迈 -17.0817 髮 -17.0817 く -17.0817 惑 -17.0817 疯 -17.0817 鼠 -17.0817 幼 -17.0817 呼 -17.0817 眠 -17.0817 痛 -17.0818 ► -17.1517 忽 -17.1531 ギ -17.1531 舊 -17.1531 崎 -17.1531 困 -17.1531 柔 -17.1531 泛 -17.1531 估 -17.1531 Ž -17.1531 ե -17.1531 ؟ -17.1531 เ -17.1531 や -17.1531 乙 -17.1531 仕 -17.1531 匹 -17.1531 咀 -17.1531 宽 -17.1531 態 -17.1531 疑 -17.1531 祝 -17.1531 绩 -17.1531 胞 -17.1531 讀 -17.1531 驾 -17.1531 ɳ -17.1531 ʡ -17.1531 ʺ -17.1531 ̏ -17.1531 ̒ -17.1531 ̳ -17.1531 щ -17.1531 ټ -17.1531 ₪ -17.1531 ↵ -17.1531 ⇨ -17.1531 ⊂ -17.1531 ⋯ -17.1531 ▍ -17.1531 ◑ -17.1531 〃 -17.1531 乘 -17.1531 儀 -17.1531 匙 -17.1531 墙 -17.1531 娇 -17.1531 帖 -17.1531 幣 -17.1531 測 -17.1531 潔 -17.1531 茄 -17.1531 薰 -17.1531 酯 -17.1531 雕 -17.1531 骑 -17.1531 骗 -17.1531 안 -17.1531 우 -17.1531 원 -17.1531 의 -17.1531 텔 -17.1531  -17.1531  -17.1531 Ǯ -17.1531 Ա -17.1531 ✖ -17.1531 催 -17.1531 兒 -17.1531 哒 -17.1531 横 -17.1531 汕 -17.1531 玫 -17.1531 碩 -17.1531 胎 -17.1531 茲 -17.1531 買 -17.1531 醇 -17.1531 钠 -17.1531 靈 -17.1531 유 -17.1531  -17.1531  -17.1531 衡 -17.1531 あ -17.1531 恐 -17.1531 漂 -17.1531 泥 -17.1531  -17.1531 ∙ -17.2286 據 -17.23 寻 -17.23 甚 -17.23 悠 -17.2301 拒 -17.2301 狮 -17.2301 Ő -17.2301 寒 -17.2301 戸 -17.2301 遇 -17.2301 そ -17.2301 夾 -17.2301 寄 -17.2301 峡 -17.2301 彈 -17.2301 札 -17.2301 橙 -17.2301 沖 -17.2301 练 -17.2301 評 -17.2301 變 -17.2301 阁 -17.2301 성 -17.2301 Ű -17.2301 ɯ -17.2301 ɴ -17.2301 ʔ -17.2301 ̔ -17.2301 ̬ -17.2301 ͬ -17.2301 Ϸ -17.2301 ќ -17.2301 Ԥ -17.2301 ث -17.2301 ڤ -17.2301 त -17.2301 ු -17.2301 ∃ -17.2301 ∠ -17.2301 ┐ -17.2301 ❗ -17.2301 ➜ -17.2301 ゚ -17.2301 丘 -17.2301 伽 -17.2301 劉 -17.2301 叻 -17.2301 吋 -17.2301 啦 -17.2301 慶 -17.2301 戰 -17.2301 摆 -17.2301 昭 -17.2301 晟 -17.2301 籤 -17.2301 耗 -17.2301 膏 -17.2301 褲 -17.2301 誌 -17.2301 誠 -17.2301 豹 -17.2301 钮 -17.2301 霞 -17.2301 야 -17.2301  -17.2301  -17.2301  -17.2301  -17.2301 ْ -17.2301 ∴ -17.2301 わ -17.2301 丸 -17.2301 幽 -17.2301 扳 -17.2301 昇 -17.2301 瀑 -17.2301 瑜 -17.2301 膠 -17.2301 菊 -17.2301 萌 -17.2301 贊 -17.2301 輝 -17.2301 铣 -17.2301 阴 -17.2301 鸟 -17.2301 鸣 -17.2301 ส -17.2301 แ -17.2301 ἐ -17.2301 镀 -17.2301 舟 -17.2301 貸 -17.2301 逆 -17.2301 唇 -17.2301 骄 -17.2301 獵 -17.2301 娲 -17.2301 梭 -17.2301 赠 -17.3134 绘 -17.3134 氢 -17.3134 沿 -17.3134 崇 -17.3134 湿 -17.3134 則 -17.3134 恢 -17.3134 Ě -17.3134 ո -17.3134 孕 -17.3134 恶 -17.3134 暴 -17.3134 诞 -17.3134 ค -17.3134 ┝ -17.3134 侠 -17.3134 圾 -17.3134 垃 -17.3134 妝 -17.3134 玄 -17.3134 诱 -17.3134 较 -17.3134 ̲ -17.3134 ͡ -17.3134 ս -17.3134 ត -17.3134 ░ -17.3134 傑 -17.3134 卸 -17.3134 夢 -17.3134 強 -17.3134 惹 -17.3134 橘 -17.3134 焼 -17.3134 碎 -17.3134 署 -17.3134 翼 -17.3134 芭 -17.3134 菱 -17.3134 裏 -17.3134 貴 -17.3134 顯 -17.3134 나 -17.3134 베 -17.3134 상 -17.3134 수 -17.3134 정 -17.3134 코 -17.3134  -17.3134 ˼ -17.3134 ̉ -17.3134 ̑ -17.3134 Ͼ -17.3134 ҽ -17.3134 ֣ -17.3134 װ -17.3134 ۇ -17.3134 ḳ -17.3134 ị -17.3134 ọ -17.3134 ₦ -17.3134 ✈ -17.3134 ❞ -17.3134 ❧ -17.3134 俗 -17.3134 呵 -17.3134 垮 -17.3134 援 -17.3134 柴 -17.3134 梨 -17.3134 眉 -17.3134 総 -17.3134 腦 -17.3134 蔬 -17.3134 論 -17.3134 诸 -17.3134 貝 -17.3134 메 -17.3134 에 -17.3134 인 -17.3134 전 -17.3134 제 -17.3134 케 -17.3134 페 -17.3134 학 -17.3134  -17.3134  -17.3134 آ -17.3134 屆 -17.3134 幅 -17.3134 框 -17.3134 煤 -17.3134 趋 -17.3134 週 -17.3134 遼 -17.3134 頻 -17.3134 伝 -17.3134 琛 -17.3134 肠 -17.3134 虫 -17.3134 譽 -17.3134 奎 -17.3134 烹 -17.3134 借 -17.3134 勢 -17.3134 尽 -17.3134 忍 -17.3134 驻 -17.3134 坏 -17.3134 脉 -17.3134 脏 -17.3134 荒 -17.3134 ▪ -17.4029 偏 -17.4043 贤 -17.4043 ග -17.4043 හ -17.4043 參 -17.4043 挖 -17.4043 搭 -17.4043 衛 -17.4043 ɜ -17.4043 焱 -17.4043 識 -17.4043 뭄 -17.4043 알 -17.4043 ʌ -17.4043 奢 -17.4043 幌 -17.4043 挪 -17.4043 楚 -17.4043 樱 -17.4043 纱 -17.4043 플 -17.4043 Ď -17.4043 Ĥ -17.4043 ĺ -17.4043 Ɩ -17.4043 ǩ -17.4043 ȡ -17.4043 ʕ -17.4043 ̩ -17.4043 Ͷ -17.4043 Ϻ -17.4043 ѹ -17.4043 ҂ -17.4043 Ӱ -17.4043 Լ -17.4043 ۳ -17.4043 ݂ -17.4043 ት -17.4043 ្ -17.4043 ↗ -17.4043 ⊆ -17.4043 ⌘ -17.4043 ▌ -17.4043 ☼ -17.4043 ✶ -17.4043 ⬅ -17.4043 ち -17.4043 乃 -17.4043 偶 -17.4043 吕 -17.4043 坤 -17.4043 夹 -17.4043 奉 -17.4043 妆 -17.4043 寰 -17.4043 帐 -17.4043 替 -17.4043 楽 -17.4043 檚 -17.4043 気 -17.4043 炒 -17.4043 炬 -17.4043 熔 -17.4043 熙 -17.4043 爸 -17.4043 磊 -17.4043 糠 -17.4043 罐 -17.4043 莊 -17.4043 鄭 -17.4043 霜 -17.4043 駅 -17.4043 교 -17.4043 노 -17.4043 방 -17.4043 산 -17.4043 서 -17.4043 치 -17.4043 퍼 -17.4043  -17.4043  -17.4043  -17.4043  -17.4043  -17.4043  -17.4043 ĩ -17.4043 Ř -17.4043 ʥ -17.4043 ˃ -17.4043 ҥ -17.4043 ἀ -17.4043 ∎ -17.4043 偷 -17.4043 寧 -17.4043 彭 -17.4043 檢 -17.4043 淨 -17.4043 潍 -17.4043 碗 -17.4043 緊 -17.4043 蒲 -17.4043 蝶 -17.4043 雲 -17.4043 그 -17.4043 ප -17.4043 帳 -17.4043 废 -17.4043 暗 -17.4043 柑 -17.4043 谍 -17.4043 违 -17.4043 钉 -17.4043 兽 -17.4043 妙 -17.4043 婷 -17.4043 廠 -17.4043 押 -17.4043 旭 -17.4043 覆 -17.4043 訪 -17.4043 銅 -17.4043 亡 -17.4043 逃 -17.4043 冈 -17.4043 決 -17.4043 袁 -17.4043 噪 -17.4043 惊 -17.4043 仍 -17.4044 ☽ -17.4044 ☾ -17.4044 暖 -17.5043 Ū -17.5043 某 -17.5043 蚀 -17.5043 順 -17.5043 喝 -17.5043 պ -17.5043 败 -17.5043 顧 -17.5043 颁 -17.5043 Ɂ -17.5043 Щ -17.5043 ظ -17.5043 া -17.5043 吹 -17.5043 挑 -17.5043 昨 -17.5043 氨 -17.5043 獲 -17.5043 調 -17.5043 식 -17.5043 품 -17.5043 ў -17.5043 ࣺ -17.5043 も -17.5043 债 -17.5043 坞 -17.5043 壳 -17.5043 壹 -17.5043 慰 -17.5043 範 -17.5043 膳 -17.5043 譯 -17.5043 邻 -17.5043 钨 -17.5043 霸 -17.5043 預 -17.5043 鮮 -17.5043 역 -17.5043 Ɓ -17.5043 Ɛ -17.5043 ǿ -17.5043 ɱ -17.5043 ̪ -17.5043 ̫ -17.5043 ԰ -17.5043 ղ -17.5043 ֪ -17.5043 ذ -17.5043 ـ -17.5043 ۞ -17.5043 ܹ -17.5043 ល -17.5043 ⁃ -17.5043 ⋆ -17.5043 ☏ -17.5043 ⚔ -17.5043 ⚠ -17.5043 ✰ -17.5043 ❄ -17.5043 ❣ -17.5043 っ -17.5043 佈 -17.5043 倩 -17.5043 凉 -17.5043 唤 -17.5043 坂 -17.5043 塘 -17.5043 夕 -17.5043 娌 -17.5043 寿 -17.5043 屬 -17.5043 彙 -17.5043 曦 -17.5043 枪 -17.5043 棉 -17.5043 棣 -17.5043 検 -17.5043 歼 -17.5043 浼 -17.5043 渠 -17.5043 烈 -17.5043 皓 -17.5043 碟 -17.5043 祭 -17.5043 竟 -17.5043 紙 -17.5043 縁 -17.5043 翁 -17.5043 芦 -17.5043 菇 -17.5043 萝 -17.5043 葱 -17.5043 蛱 -17.5043 讓 -17.5043 賞 -17.5043 陸 -17.5043 鳳 -17.5043 과 -17.5043 권 -17.5043 루 -17.5043 장 -17.5043 터 -17.5043 피 -17.5043  -17.5043  -17.5043  -17.5043  -17.5043  -17.5043 ̖ -17.5043 ̿ -17.5043 ѯ -17.5043 ▎ -17.5043 ✿ -17.5043 垂 -17.5043 執 -17.5043 婆 -17.5043 岗 -17.5043 峇 -17.5043 彻 -17.5043 恆 -17.5043 映 -17.5043 朵 -17.5043 杠 -17.5043 汁 -17.5043 沐 -17.5043 沒 -17.5043 畔 -17.5043 眾 -17.5043 碑 -17.5043 緣 -17.5043 薦 -17.5043 褰 -17.5043 赔 -17.5043 雾 -17.5043 餅 -17.5043 麥 -17.5043  -17.5043 Ġ -17.5043 ิ -17.5043 ု -17.5043 ╳ -17.5043 削 -17.5043 椤 -17.5043 瑚 -17.5043 盗 -17.5043 睛 -17.5043 籍 -17.5043 轨 -17.5043 린 -17.5043 ㄥ -17.5043 ▄ -17.5043 尘 -17.5043 鉴 -17.5043 伞 -17.5043 敲 -17.5043 祖 -17.5043 跨 -17.5043 複 -17.5043 愚 -17.5043 妻 -17.5043 掉 -17.5043 構 -17.5043 挥 -17.5043 猛 -17.6154 饲 -17.6154 滿 -17.6154 Ǘ -17.6154 ử -17.6154 暨 -17.6154 様 -17.6154 湯 -17.6154 乒 -17.6154 乓 -17.6154 佣 -17.6154 啪 -17.6154 斑 -17.6154 桐 -17.6154 溆 -17.6154 濠 -17.6154 競 -17.6154 腿 -17.6154 裕 -17.6154 輸 -17.6154 † -17.6154 Ρ -17.6154 Ϣ -17.6154 ި -17.6154 ์ -17.6154 坪 -17.6154 嵌 -17.6154 毗 -17.6154 瑛 -17.6154 盆 -17.6154 硝 -17.6154 稻 -17.6154 親 -17.6154 錢 -17.6154 阜 -17.6154 額 -17.6154 飯 -17.6154 鲍 -17.6154 Ƒ -17.6154 ƾ -17.6154 ǻ -17.6154 ȓ -17.6154 Ⱦ -17.6154 Ɍ -17.6154 Ɏ -17.6154 ɗ -17.6154 ɨ -17.6154 ѵ -17.6154 Ҳ -17.6154 ӡ -17.6154 ֲ -17.6154 ّ -17.6154 ݻ -17.6154 ป -17.6154 ል -17.6154 አ -17.6154 ថ -17.6154 ៃ -17.6154 ᴏ -17.6154 ↳ -17.6154 ⇐ -17.6154 ⇧ -17.6154 ∫ -17.6154 ◈ -17.6154 ◕ -17.6154 ◙ -17.6154 ✗ -17.6154 ➔ -17.6154 ➦ -17.6154 冯 -17.6154 凌 -17.6154 劇 -17.6154 圭 -17.6154 垫 -17.6154 姑 -17.6154 宸 -17.6154 専 -17.6154 披 -17.6154 晴 -17.6154 榎 -17.6154 沟 -17.6154 浅 -17.6154 涤 -17.6154 渐 -17.6154 琊 -17.6154 祈 -17.6154 祺 -17.6154 禅 -17.6154 築 -17.6154 绉 -17.6154 绮 -17.6154 葫 -17.6154 証 -17.6154 贴 -17.6154 迦 -17.6154 醛 -17.6154 針 -17.6154 鏡 -17.6154 霧 -17.6154 靖 -17.6154 驶 -17.6154 麒 -17.6154 공 -17.6154 년 -17.6154 던 -17.6154 버 -17.6154 선 -17.6154 욕 -17.6154 워 -17.6154 집 -17.6154  -17.6154  -17.6154  -17.6154  -17.6154  -17.6154  -17.6154  -17.6154 ﴿ -17.6154 Ȼ -17.6154 Ю -17.6154 ի -17.6154 ئ -17.6154 گ -17.6154 င -17.6154 ᴀ -17.6154 ấ -17.6154 ∽ -17.6154 ど -17.6154 伤 -17.6154 佚 -17.6154 兆 -17.6154 揭 -17.6154 斜 -17.6154 末 -17.6154 歴 -17.6154 殿 -17.6154 汗 -17.6154 沂 -17.6154 渔 -17.6154 渥 -17.6154 炫 -17.6154 瑰 -17.6154 縮 -17.6154 莉 -17.6154 萊 -17.6154 訓 -17.6154 読 -17.6154 錦 -17.6154 齊 -17.6154 구 -17.6154 세 -17.6154 저 -17.6154  -17.6154  -17.6154  -17.6154 Š -17.6154 ස -17.6154 ┌ -17.6154 刃 -17.6154 啤 -17.6154 娴 -17.6154 栗 -17.6154 涌 -17.6154 皂 -17.6154 矩 -17.6154 謝 -17.6154 孙 -17.6154 滴 -17.6154 疫 -17.6154 筛 -17.6154 袍 -17.6154 鋁 -17.6154 丑 -17.6154 劲 -17.6154 牲 -17.6154 欲 -17.6154 れ -17.6154 狼 -17.6154 疾 -17.6154 膚 -17.6154 虽 -17.6154 雀 -17.6154 ိ -17.6154 钛 -17.6154 穷 -17.7404 遍 -17.7404 拥 -17.7404 扰 -17.7404 冒 -17.7404 Ų -17.7404 芒 -17.7404 亰 -17.7404 猪 -17.7404 瑪 -17.7404 贫 -17.7404 淋 -17.7404 險 -17.7404 け -17.7404 Ŕ -17.7404 ̯ -17.7404 噴 -17.7404 耕 -17.7404 避 -17.7404 ம -17.7404 宙 -17.7404 歇 -17.7404 紐 -17.7404 舗 -17.7404 鉅 -17.7404 陷 -17.7404 鹅 -17.7404 관 -17.7404 화 -17.7404 ȥ -17.7404 ɖ -17.7404 ј -17.7404 ۹ -17.7404 ල -17.7404 Ḳ -17.7404 丙 -17.7404 儲 -17.7404 勤 -17.7404 叔 -17.7404 夺 -17.7404 弁 -17.7404 徳 -17.7404 掘 -17.7404 採 -17.7404 摇 -17.7404 樣 -17.7404 欄 -17.7404 汐 -17.7404 澤 -17.7404 燥 -17.7404 璇 -17.7404 腺 -17.7404 諾 -17.7404 贏 -17.7404 醒 -17.7404 钴 -17.7404 锂 -17.7404 陞 -17.7404 鳥 -17.7404 삼 -17.7404 ȱ -17.7404 ȴ -17.7404 ȼ -17.7404 ɥ -17.7404 ˿ -17.7404 Ͻ -17.7404 ҩ -17.7404 ֮ -17.7404 ״ -17.7404 ء -17.7404 ۲ -17.7404 ޸ -17.7404 ़ -17.7404 ි -17.7404 ෙ -17.7404 ᄒ -17.7404 ᐈ -17.7404 ១ -17.7404 ṟ -17.7404 ờ -17.7404 ↦ -17.7404 ╁ -17.7404 ▣ -17.7404 ✉ -17.7404 ❷ -17.7404 ➥ -17.7404 ヌ -17.7404 ユ -17.7404 仑 -17.7404 妍 -17.7404 宛 -17.7404 庚 -17.7404 恵 -17.7404 擴 -17.7404 擾 -17.7404 椒 -17.7404 歡 -17.7404 沢 -17.7404 漁 -17.7404 烘 -17.7404 甯 -17.7404 癌 -17.7404 皆 -17.7404 礁 -17.7404 绔 -17.7404 缓 -17.7404 翡 -17.7404 肽 -17.7404 脊 -17.7404 艇 -17.7404 荞 -17.7404 賀 -17.7404 贷 -17.7404 辣 -17.7404 辨 -17.7404 醋 -17.7404 雇 -17.7404 颖 -17.7404 飪 -17.7404 鸽 -17.7404 게 -17.7404 더 -17.7404 데 -17.7404 임 -17.7404 턴 -17.7404 티 -17.7404 혻 -17.7404  -17.7404  -17.7404  -17.7404  -17.7404  -17.7404  -17.7404  -17.7404  -17.7404  -17.7404  -17.7404 Ľ -17.7404 Ń -17.7404 ŕ -17.7404 ˫ -17.7404 Ҫ -17.7404 प -17.7404 ῖ -17.7404 埠 -17.7404 庙 -17.7404 曉 -17.7404 柚 -17.7404 檬 -17.7404 淮 -17.7404 滋 -17.7404 澜 -17.7404 煎 -17.7404 犬 -17.7404 猴 -17.7404 矽 -17.7404 臣 -17.7404 虾 -17.7404 適 -17.7404 酱 -17.7404  -17.7404  -17.7404 坑 -17.7404 履 -17.7404 戏 -17.7404 瓣 -17.7404 紧 -17.7404 纬 -17.7404 莓 -17.7404 迹 -17.7404 铬 -17.7404 锌 -17.7404  -17.7404 拔 -17.7404 習 -17.7404 虐 -17.7404 酚 -17.7404 灌 -17.7404 谐 -17.7404 濮 -17.7404 蕉 -17.7404 許 -17.7404 တ -17.7404 镁 -17.7404 ะ -17.7404 ဆ -17.7404 舉 -17.7404 裤 -17.7404 還 -17.7404 ̅ -17.7404 漠 -17.7404 珊 -17.7404 犹 -17.7405 啊 -17.8832 冶 -17.8832 ự -17.8832 醉 -17.8832 纲 -17.8833 ނ -17.8833 ြ -17.8833 残 -17.8833 煜 -17.8833 蜡 -17.8833 迁 -17.8833 隽 -17.8833 ต -17.8833 บ -17.8833 妮 -17.8833 訴 -17.8833 ϸ -17.8833 յ -17.8833 え -17.8833 弊 -17.8833 患 -17.8833 況 -17.8833 滕 -17.8833 蕾 -17.8833 Ј -17.8833 ふ -17.8833 揽 -17.8833 擊 -17.8833 栓 -17.8833 泪 -17.8833 淇 -17.8833 済 -17.8833 灿 -17.8833 狀 -17.8833 給 -17.8833 纵 -17.8833 舌 -17.8833 芙 -17.8833 軸 -17.8833 鈴 -17.8833 鎮 -17.8833 隨 -17.8833 駿 -17.8833 龟 -17.8833 디 -17.8833  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-17.8833 幫 -17.8833 廚 -17.8833 弯 -17.8833 悼 -17.8833 戵 -17.8833 斌 -17.8833 桜 -17.8833 浓 -17.8833 溢 -17.8833 滙 -17.8833 瀬 -17.8833 煙 -17.8833 瑙 -17.8833 穗 -17.8833 粮 -17.8833 練 -17.8833 绰 -17.8833 缁 -17.8833 芸 -17.8833 菓 -17.8833 裙 -17.8833 詩 -17.8833 谓 -17.8833 賬 -17.8833 銘 -17.8833 魅 -17.8833 黒 -17.8833 黙 -17.8833 ꗗ -17.8833 닷 -17.8833 런 -17.8833 력 -17.8833 목 -17.8833 브 -17.8833 슈 -17.8833 애 -17.8833 준 -17.8833  -17.8833  -17.8833  -17.8833  -17.8833  -17.8833  -17.8833  -17.8833  -17.8833  -17.8833  -17.8833 ˆ -17.8833 Ɨ -17.8833 ʤ -17.8833 ҡ -17.8833 ู -17.8833 伺 -17.8833 侣 -17.8833 勞 -17.8833 吞 -17.8833 吾 -17.8833 堕 -17.8833 姬 -17.8833 椿 -17.8833 歪 -17.8833 璁 -17.8833 畅 -17.8833 繩 -17.8833 莲 -17.8833 衬 -17.8833 裸 -17.8833 颗 -17.8833 러 -17.8833 표 -17.8833 홈 -17.8833  -17.8833  -17.8833  -17.8833 က -17.8833 奋 -17.8833 澎 -17.8833 ▓ -17.8833 怖 -17.8833 栋 -17.8833 胃 -17.8833 麼 -17.8833 위 -17.8833 Ї -17.8833 损 -17.8833 穌 -17.8833 終 -17.8833 嘴 -17.8833 だ -17.8833 绕 -17.8833 肝 -17.8833 喉 -17.8833 稣 -17.8833 浆 -17.8833 笼 -17.8833 裔 -17.8833 鬼 -17.8833 厄 -17.8833 肪 -17.8833 饱 -17.8833 携 -17.8833 郁 -17.8833 疹 -17.8833 磷 -17.8833 從 -17.8833 惧 -17.8833 闻 -18.0495 貞 -18.0499 溶 -18.0499 ụ -18.0499 挤 -18.0499 酮 -18.0499 燒 -18.0499 磅 -18.0499 ภ -18.0499 拌 -18.0499 ┋ -18.0499 擦 -18.0499 ް -18.0499 じ -18.0499 绳 -18.0499 铃 -18.0499 Ӄ -18.0499 দ -18.0499 壮 -18.0499 誕 -18.0499 ̞ -18.0499 շ -18.0499 ব -18.0499 ὐ -18.0499 ゅ -18.0499 刑 -18.0499 弱 -18.0499 灭 -18.0499 袭 -18.0499 該 -18.0499 貼 -18.0499 転 -18.0499 込 -18.0499 醬 -18.0499 钳 -18.0499  -18.0499 њ -18.0499 տ -18.0499 ὁ -18.0499 喂 -18.0499 弓 -18.0499 復 -18.0499 悲 -18.0499 磯 -18.0499 翅 -18.0499 萃 -18.0499  -18.0499 Ə -18.0499 Ѕ -18.0499 ރ -18.0499 ާ -18.0499 ನ -18.0499 ර -18.0499 ေ -18.0499 ḇ -18.0499 ἄ -18.0499 ‿ -18.0499 ⎠ -18.0499 ◁ -18.0499 び -18.0499 勋 -18.0499 売 -18.0499 悬 -18.0499 扭 -18.0499 抱 -18.0499 旨 -18.0499 殷 -18.0499 瀚 -18.0499 爺 -18.0499 獨 -18.0499 絵 -18.0499 纶 -18.0499 臀 -18.0499 臻 -18.0499 薇 -18.0499 補 -18.0499 詹 -18.0499 诀 -18.0499 遠 -18.0499 酵 -18.0499 铭 -18.0499 隔 -18.0499 養 -18.0499 馮 -18.0499 鹤 -18.0499 黨 -18.0499 ꧁ -18.0499 감 -18.0499 만 -18.0499 와 -18.0499 컴 -18.0499  -18.0499  -18.0499  -18.0499 Ĭ -18.0499 ĭ -18.0499 ĵ -18.0499 Ɖ -18.0499 Ɣ -18.0499 ǝ -18.0499 ȉ -18.0499 ȏ -18.0499 ȭ -18.0499 ɭ -18.0499 ʋ -18.0499 ʢ -18.0499 ˲ -18.0499 ̠ -18.0499 ΍ -18.0499 ϶ -18.0499 Ѳ -18.0499 ӣ -18.0499 Ӥ -18.0499 Ӫ -18.0499 ԡ -18.0499 Զ -18.0499 ֌ -18.0499 ׼ -18.0499 ؂ -18.0499 ڂ -18.0499 ݳ -18.0499 ݼ -18.0499 । -18.0499 १ -18.0499 ට -18.0499 ේ -18.0499 พ -18.0499 ር -18.0499 ታ -18.0499 ᴇ -18.0499 ậ -18.0499 ắ -18.0499 ở -18.0499 ὅ -18.0499 ⊡ -18.0499 ⊩ -18.0499 ⌊ -18.0499 ┇ -18.0499 ╞ -18.0499 ╠ -18.0499 ╦ -18.0499 ▮ -18.0499 ☝ -18.0499 ⚖ -18.0499 ✞ -18.0499 ✠ -18.0499 ✩ -18.0499 ✳ -18.0499 ❹ -18.0499 む -18.0499 ゙ -18.0499 ヶ -18.0499 仆 -18.0499 伏 -18.0499 侧 -18.0499 儕 -18.0499 冥 -18.0499 剖 -18.0499 劑 -18.0499 勺 -18.0499 叉 -18.0499 召 -18.0499 吨 -18.0499 唔 -18.0499 姜 -18.0499 姹 -18.0499 娆 -18.0499 嬰 -18.0499 崔 -18.0499 嵐 -18.0499 彡 -18.0499 悤 -18.0499 惯 -18.0499 戀 -18.0499 掳 -18.0499 擬 -18.0499 枕 -18.0499 棧 -18.0499 楂 -18.0499 氪 -18.0499 汪 -18.0499 汶 -18.0499 汾 -18.0499 沫 -18.0499 漣 -18.0499 濂 -18.0499 灶 -18.0499 猿 -18.0499 瘦 -18.0499 祠 -18.0499 禄 -18.0499 糟 -18.0499 綉 -18.0499 続 -18.0499 菡 -18.0499 蓓 -18.0499 蔻 -18.0499 虛 -18.0499 衝 -18.0499 褥 -18.0499 賢 -18.0499 贛 -18.0499 贺 -18.0499 輕 -18.0499 輯 -18.0499 邪 -18.0499 郷 -18.0499 鄰 -18.0499 铮 -18.0499 锥 -18.0499 锯 -18.0499 閉 -18.0499 響 -18.0499 験 -18.0499 骞 -18.0499 魏 -18.0499 ꧂ -18.0499 도 -18.0499 등 -18.0499 록 -18.0499 반 -18.0499 병 -18.0499 블 -18.0499 석 -18.0499 앙 -18.0499 업 -18.0499 운 -18.0499 작 -18.0499 중 -18.0499 진 -18.0499 키 -18.0499 판 -18.0499 풀 -18.0499 휴 -18.0499  -18.0499  -18.0499  -18.0499  -18.0499  -18.0499  -18.0499  -18.0499  -18.0499  -18.0499  -18.0499 ﴾ -18.0499 ʟ -18.0499 Ζ -18.0499 ץ -18.0499 ल -18.0499 ❼ -18.0499 倪 -18.0499 厘 -18.0499 奴 -18.0499 娥 -18.0499 庐 -18.0499 抓 -18.0499 搞 -18.0499 晰 -18.0499 枫 -18.0499 潛 -18.0499 焙 -18.0499 畢 -18.0499 皙 -18.0499 盤 -18.0499 碘 -18.0499 粧 -18.0499 絶 -18.0499 茉 -18.0499 荧 -18.0499 遞 -18.0499 鉄 -18.0499 鑼 -18.0499 钩 -18.0499 陌 -18.0499 骏 -18.0499 맨 -18.0499 실 -18.0499 청 -18.0499 체 -18.0499 포 -18.0499  -18.0499 Փ -18.0499 怒 -18.0499 潤 -18.0499 願 -18.0499 ゲ -18.0499 乾 -18.0499 夥 -18.0499 孤 -18.0499 睦 -18.0499 є -18.0499 ศ -18.0499 弃 -18.0499 措 -18.0499 莹 -18.0499 鲨 -18.0499 呈 -18.0499 铅 -18.0499 埋 -18.0499 瓊 -18.0499 駐 -18.0499 奸 -18.05 抹 -18.05 闹 -18.05 踏 -18.05 倒 -18.05 宥 -18.05 兩 -18.05 贈 -18.05 難 -18.05 俺 -18.05 钥 -18.05 丈 -18.05 既 -18.05 糊 -18.2499 勁 -18.2499 疲 -18.2499 幾 -18.2499 伪 -18.2499 ȗ -18.2499 ủ -18.2499 ứ -18.2499 幹 -18.2499 弦 -18.2499 ゃ -18.2499 咕 -18.2499 牵 -18.2499 粗 -18.2499 續 -18.2499 迟 -18.2499 榴 -18.2499 闫 -18.2499 ্ -18.2499 โ -18.2499 း -18.2499 毎 -18.2499 腹 -18.2499 販 -18.2499 菅 -18.2499 龄 -18.2499 ं -18.2499 ธ -18.2499 ╬ -18.2499 宪 -18.2499 層 -18.2499 琅 -18.2499 광 -18.2499 질 -18.2499 թ -18.2499 呀 -18.2499 咋 -18.2499 秦 -18.2499 稅 -18.2499 ĝ -18.2499 Գ -18.2499 ց -18.2499 த -18.2499 ห -18.2499 ็ -18.2499 ṃ -18.2499 ⁣ -18.2499 ⎞ -18.2499 傢 -18.2499 屈 -18.2499 徵 -18.2499 梳 -18.2499 棟 -18.2499 櫃 -18.2499 渗 -18.2499 爽 -18.2499 琉 -18.2499 盯 -18.2499 確 -18.2499 磚 -18.2499 荟 -18.2499 藻 -18.2499 豚 -18.2499 軒 -18.2499 雁 -18.2499 飲 -18.2499 ɬ -18.2499 ћ -18.2499 ׬ -18.2499 ៦ -18.2499 ⊿ -18.2499 ➽ -18.2499 叠 -18.2499 垒 -18.2499 奕 -18.2499 恭 -18.2499 樽 -18.2499 珂 -18.2499 穂 -18.2499 纜 -18.2499 绯 -18.2499 舎 -18.2499 萧 -18.2499 蝴 -18.2499 麓 -18.2499 내 -18.2499 발 -18.2499 항 -18.2499 Ċ -18.2499 Ź -18.2499 ǁ -18.2499 Ǹ -18.2499 Ǽ -18.2499 ȵ -18.2499 ɢ -18.2499 ɩ -18.2499 ɲ -18.2499 ɶ -18.2499 ˗ -18.2499 ˺ -18.2499 ˽ -18.2499 ̱ -18.2499 ͧ -18.2499 Ή -18.2499 Ξ -18.2499 Њ -18.2499 ѓ -18.2499 Ѻ -18.2499 Ғ -18.2499 Ұ -18.2499 ӎ -18.2499 Ӑ -18.2499 Ӧ -18.2499 ӭ -18.2499 ӵ -18.2499 ԁ -18.2499 ԣ -18.2499 Թ -18.2499 Խ -18.2499 մ -18.2499 ؼ -18.2499 ٬ -18.2499 چ -18.2499 ړ -18.2499 ۴ -18.2499 ۵ -18.2499 ܽ -18.2499 भ 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-18.2499 荘 -18.2499 菁 -18.2499 蓮 -18.2499 蔵 -18.2499 蛇 -18.2499 蟹 -18.2499 衅 -18.2499 談 -18.2499 譜 -18.2499 讚 -18.2499 谊 -18.2499 豸 -18.2499 賭 -18.2499 邊 -18.2499 邽 -18.2499 郡 -18.2499 鄉 -18.2499 鈼 -18.2499 鍊 -18.2499 鍍 -18.2499 钜 -18.2499 锑 -18.2499 闘 -18.2499 陇 -18.2499 靓 -18.2499 靛 -18.2499 頂 -18.2499 騎 -18.2499 骤 -18.2499 麸 -18.2499 ꂩ -18.2499 ꂽ -18.2499 ꍇ -18.2499 ꙰ -18.2499 글 -18.2499 넷 -18.2499 는 -18.2499 랜 -18.2499 류 -18.2499 택 -18.2499 틀 -18.2499 행 -18.2499  -18.2499  -18.2499  -18.2499  -18.2499  -18.2499  -18.2499  -18.2499  -18.2499  -18.2499  -18.2499  -18.2499  -18.2499  -18.2499  -18.2499 ḵ -18.2499 ⎛ -18.2499 ⎝ -18.2499 咸 -18.2499 嚗 -18.2499 沥 -18.2499 爪 -18.2499 発 -18.2499 竣 -18.2499 絕 -18.2499 萍 -18.2499 貓 -18.2499 賃 -18.2499 辕 -18.2499 酶 -18.2499 속 -18.2499 ╰ -18.2499 忆 -18.2499 氮 -18.2499 泌 -18.2499 烫 -18.2499 韋 -18.2499 래 -18.2499 테 -18.2499 Ţ -18.2499 ༒ -18.2499 ☠ -18.2499 哉 -18.2499 哦 -18.2499 哭 -18.2499 撮 -18.2499 逐 -18.2499 霆 -18.2499 분 -18.2499 연 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-19.3333 媛 -19.3333 嫦 -19.3333 嬅 -19.3333 孚 -19.3333 宀 -19.3333 寞 -19.3333 寥 -19.3333 寬 -19.3333 尉 -19.3333 尹 -19.3333 屁 -19.3333 屌 -19.3333 屎 -19.3333 岚 -19.3333 岫 -19.3333 峥 -19.3333 峯 -19.3333 崗 -19.3333 崞 -19.3333 巫 -19.3333 巳 -19.3333 幡 -19.3333 弄 -19.3333 彝 -19.3333 彥 -19.3333 徴 -19.3333 忑 -19.3333 怨 -19.3333 惟 -19.3333 慷 -19.3333 戠 -19.3333 戦 -19.3333 戮 -19.3333 戳 -19.3333 扯 -19.3333 拊 -19.3333 挠 -19.3333 捨 -19.3333 掩 -19.3333 搴 -19.3333 搶 -19.3333 摔 -19.3333 摜 -19.3333 摽 -19.3333 撑 -19.3333 撤 -19.3333 擀 -19.3333 擘 -19.3333 擠 -19.3333 敷 -19.3333 斎 -19.3333 昶 -19.3333 曆 -19.3333 曬 -19.3333 杈 -19.3333 杢 -19.3333 枃 -19.3333 枚 -19.3333 柿 -19.3333 桉 -19.3333 桦 -19.3333 桨 -19.3333 梧 -19.3333 棗 -19.3333 棠 -19.3333 棵 -19.3333 棺 -19.3333 楓 -19.3333 楔 -19.3333 榄 -19.3333 榉 -19.3333 榕 -19.3333 槙 -19.3333 樵 -19.3333 橄 -19.3333 橱 -19.3333 檃 -19.3333 檙 -19.3333 歂 -19.3333 歎 -19.3333 歙 -19.3333 殖 -19.3333 殘 -19.3333 殺 -19.3333 沁 -19.3333 沓 -19.3333 沽 -19.3333 泄 -19.3333 洱 -19.3333 浣 -19.3333 涮 -19.3333 淎 -19.3333 淦 -19.3333 淵 -19.3333 淺 -19.3333 滅 -19.3333 滮 -19.3333 漯 -19.3333 漳 -19.3333 濉 -19.3333 濤 -19.3333 瀛 -19.3333 瀾 -19.3333 灼 -19.3333 灾 -19.3333 炳 -19.3333 炷 -19.3333 煊 -19.3333 煩 -19.3333 熨 -19.3333 熬 -19.3333 爻 -19.3333 狘 -19.3333 珜 -19.3333 珞 -19.3333 琶 -19.3333 瑁 -19.3333 瑗 -19.3333 瑶 -19.3333 璐 -19.3333 璞 -19.3333 瓒 -19.3333 甦 -19.3333 甩 -19.3333 疚 -19.3333 痉 -19.3333 痕 -19.3333 痰 -19.3333 皺 -19.3333 盅 -19.3333 盏 -19.3333 眙 -19.3333 睐 -19.3333 矢 -19.3333 砚 -19.3333 磋 -19.3333 磗 -19.3333 祐 -19.3333 穢 -19.3333 穩 -19.3333 窑 -19.3333 窞 -19.3333 窩 -19.3333 窯 -19.3333 筇 -19.3333 筮 -19.3333 粋 -19.3333 紋 -19.3333 紳 -19.3333 絮 -19.3333 綴 -19.3333 緒 -19.3333 緯 -19.3333 縱 -19.3333 繚 -19.3333 繤 -19.3333 繫 -19.3333 繼 -19.3333 缂 -19.3333 罄 -19.3333 罢 -19.3333 翟 -19.3333 肢 -19.3333 肴 -19.3333 胚 -19.3333 脈 -19.3333 脖 -19.3333 脫 -19.3333 腸 -19.3333 舅 -19.3333 舜 -19.3333 舶 -19.3333 芜 -19.3333 苷 -19.3333 茌 -19.3333 荤 -19.3333 荻 -19.3333 菖 -19.3333 葵 -19.3333 蓉 -19.3333 蔓 -19.3333 蔗 -19.3333 蕨 -19.3333 薈 -19.3333 薙 -19.3333 薫 -19.3333 薮 -19.3333 藓 -19.3333 蚊 -19.3333 蛤 -19.3333 蜗 -19.3333 蝙 -19.3333 蝮 -19.3333 螃 -19.3333 衢 -19.3333 襄 -19.3333 襪 -19.3333 誤 -19.3333 誰 -19.3333 诟 -19.3333 诶 -19.3333 谇 -19.3333 豉 -19.3333 貂 -19.3333 赉 -19.3333 趙 -19.3333 趾 -19.3333 軌 -19.3333 辭 -19.3333 辱 -19.3333 迫 -19.3333 逅 -19.3333 逗 -19.3333 遢 -19.3333 邂 -19.3333 邋 -19.3333 邳 -19.3333 郊 -19.3333 鄙 -19.3333 釣 -19.3333 鉻 -19.3333 錧 -19.3333 錫 -19.3333 錯 -19.3333 鍵 -19.3333 鎿 -19.3333 鏽 -19.3333 鐃 -19.3333 鐔 -19.3333 鐚 -19.3333 钀 -19.3333 钙 -19.3333 钡 -19.3333 钾 -19.3333 铖 -19.3333 锪 -19.3333 闊 -19.3333 闯 -19.3333 阮 -19.3333 陰 -19.3333 隋 -19.3333 霄 -19.3333 顔 -19.3333 顽 -19.3333 飨 -19.3333 餃 -19.3333 饿 -19.3333 騰 -19.3333 騷 -19.3333 驕 -19.3333 驟 -19.3333 骊 -19.3333 髦 -19.3333 鬥 -19.3333 鮨 -19.3333 鳅 -19.3333 鴯 -19.3333 鵑 -19.3333 鶓 -19.3333 鶯 -19.3333 鶴 -19.3333 鸥 -19.3333 鹉 -19.3333 鹦 -19.3333 黛 -19.3333 龕 -19.3333 ꁹ -19.3333 Ꙗ -19.3333 ꞎ -19.3333 ꣬ -19.3333 골 -19.3333 군 -19.3333 급 -19.3333 너 -19.3333 널 -19.3333 능 -19.3333 델 -19.3333 든 -19.3333 딩 -19.3333 또 -19.3333 락 -19.3333 렛 -19.3333 료 -19.3333 립 -19.3333 링 -19.3333 매 -19.3333 면 -19.3333 몰 -19.3333 물 -19.3333 밀 -19.3333 북 -19.3333 샤 -19.3333 셔 -19.3333 션 -19.3333 써 -19.3333 압 -19.3333 엄 -19.3333 완 -19.3333 웃 -19.3333 웅 -19.3333 윤 -19.3333 으 -19.3333 은 -19.3333 읍 -19.3333 즈 -19.3333 증 -19.3333 징 -19.3333 첫 -19.3333 컨 -19.3333 콕 -19.3333 클 -19.3333 킨 -19.3333 팅 -19.3333 팸 -19.3333 편 -19.3333 평 -19.3333 해 -19.3333 허 -19.3333 형 -19.3333 훈 -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  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-19.3333 竖 -19.3333 笈 -19.3333 簀 -19.3333 舱 -19.3333 茜 -19.3333 蕊 -19.3333 討 -19.3333 轧 -19.3333 辐 -19.3333 酢 -19.3333 鍋 -19.3333 鏃 -19.3333 靶 -19.3333 꼬 -19.3333 농 -19.3333 빅 -19.3333 슬 -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333  -19.3333 ͫ -19.3333 Ɇ -19.3333 ґ -19.3333 Ә -19.3333 ٩ -19.3333 ܐ -19.3333 ब -19.3333 ฮ -19.3333 ᩅ -19.3333 ┳ -19.3333 嗗 -19.3333 嫁 -19.3333 巷 -19.3333 揉 -19.3333 歯 -19.3333 浚 -19.3333 溃 -19.3333 溝 -19.3333 猬 -19.3333 琵 -19.3333 稲 -19.3333 穹 -19.3333 笃 -19.3333 绸 -19.3333 绽 -19.3333 翊 -19.3333 蒽 -19.3333 説 -19.3333 韬 -19.3333 颐 -19.3333 骚 -19.3333 髋 -19.3333 纫 -19.3333 ུ -19.3333 ွ -19.3333 ှ -19.3333 垎 -19.3333 娉 -19.3333 惰 -19.3333 撞 -19.3333 橧 -19.3333 浄 -19.3333 溅 -19.3333 濡 -19.3333 琐 -19.3333 瞎 -19.3333 粥 -19.3333 缔 -19.3333 蘆 -19.3333 誘 -19.3333 谤 -19.3333 僅 -19.3333 妓 -19.3333 姿 -19.3333 拘 -19.3333 挡 -19.3333 烂 -19.3333 狩 -19.3333 瘟 -19.3333 葬 -19.3333 虔 -19.3333 蛛 -19.3333 诽 -19.3333 肚 -19.3333 蜘 -19.3333 損 -19.3333 竭 -19.3333 吵 -19.3333 嘲 -19.3333 奪 -19.3333 帅 -19.3333 綫 -19.3333 谬 -19.3333 膝 -19.3334 渴 -19.3334 岭 -19.3334 挣 -19.3334 斥 -19.3334 ễ -20.3323 ∟ -20.3324 ⟨ -20.3325 ➢ -20.3326 亩 -20.3327 苹 -20.3327 ޹ -20.3328 倦 -20.3329  -20.3329 徊 -20.333 徘 -20.333 阪 -20.333 Ũ -20.3331 ǘ -20.3331 ȕ -20.3331 Ṹ -20.3331 Ṻ -20.3331 ṻ -20.3331 Ụ -20.3331 Ủ -20.3331 Ứ -20.3331 Ừ -20.3331 ừ -20.3331 Ử -20.3331 Ữ -20.3331 乏 -20.3331 盎 -20.3331 钞 -20.3331 └ -20.3331 匆 -20.3332 敗 -20.3332 毙 -20.3332 硼 -20.3332 胴 -20.3332 螂 -20.3332 豁 -20.3332 阐 -20.3332 矶 -20.3332 Ĝ -20.3332 Ϫ -20.3332 Ս -20.3332 ޢ -20.3332 ࣬ -20.3332 ᖸ -20.3332 丢 -20.3332 乗 -20.3332 仇 -20.3332 吏 -20.3332 壱 -20.3332 爰 -20.3332 牺 -20.3332 珐 -20.3332 矚 -20.3332 蟑 -20.3332 襯 -20.3332 镑 -20.3332 駄 -20.3332 괴 -20.3332 酌 -20.3332 ފ -20.3332 ލ -20.3332 ޑ -20.3332 ই -20.3332 ধ -20.3332 ফ -20.3332 ৌ -20.3332 ฉ -20.3332 ช -20.3332 ึ -20.3332 ຍ -20.3332 ິ -20.3332 Ḉ -20.3332 佗 -20.3332 兕 -20.3332 匝 -20.3332 墤 -20.3332 審 -20.3332 庢 -20.3332 廬 -20.3332 拨 -20.3332 挱 -20.3332 梉 -20.3332 殇 -20.3332 渍 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-20.3333 阡 -20.3333 隙 -20.3333 靳 -20.3333 靼 -20.3333 韃 -20.3333 颠 -20.3333 鯤 -20.3333 鲷 -20.3333 걸 -20.3333 양 -20.3333 잠 -20.3333 혁 -20.3333 흥 -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333 ǭ -20.3333 ߤ -20.3333 ᅠ -20.3333 ᅮ -20.3333 ᅲ -20.3333 ⍳ -20.3333 ⏰ -20.3333 ╝ -20.3333 ◴ -20.3333 ☙ -20.3333 ♛ -20.3333 ⚓ -20.3333 ⛔ -20.3333 ❋ -20.3333 䣬 -20.3333 嗅 -20.3333 峹 -20.3333 恕 -20.3333 曁 -20.3333 査 -20.3333 桫 -20.3333 歈 -20.3333 淯 -20.3333 煞 -20.3333 玆 -20.3333 磬 -20.3333 鈎 -20.3333 铋 -20.3333 顡 -20.3333 駡 -20.3333 鹇 -20.3333 숟 -20.3333 햄 -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333 Ĉ -20.3333 Ņ -20.3333 Ŵ -20.3333 Ƈ -20.3333 ƙ -20.3333 Ƨ -20.3333 Ʃ -20.3333 ƭ -20.3333 ƿ -20.3333 Ǐ -20.3333 ǖ -20.3333 Ǚ -20.3333 Ǜ -20.3333 Ǣ -20.3333 Ȏ -20.3333 ȑ -20.3333 Ț -20.3333 ȧ -20.3333 ȿ -20.3333 ɉ -20.3333 ɘ -20.3333 ɚ -20.3333 ɝ -20.3333 ɮ -20.3333 ɿ -20.3333 ʚ -20.3333 ʨ -20.3333 ʬ -20.3333 ˁ -20.3333 ˎ -20.3333 ˑ -20.3333 ˒ -20.3333 ˕ -20.3333 ˥ -20.3333 ˪ -20.3333 ˬ 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-20.3333 ֥ -20.3333 ֫ -20.3333 ׳ -20.3333 ׸ -20.3333 ׺ -20.3333 ׾ -20.3333 ؈ -20.3333 ؓ -20.3333 ؕ -20.3333 ؘ -20.3333 ػ -20.3333 ٢ -20.3333 ٥ -20.3333 ٦ -20.3333 ٽ -20.3333 ځ -20.3333 ڈ -20.3333 ڍ -20.3333 ڎ -20.3333 ڠ -20.3333 ڨ -20.3333 ګ -20.3333 ڬ -20.3333 ڭ -20.3333 ں -20.3333 ۃ -20.3333 ۉ -20.3333 ۊ -20.3333 ې -20.3333 ۑ -20.3333 ۡ -20.3333 ۥ -20.3333 ۩ -20.3333 ۻ -20.3333 ۼ -20.3333 ܁ -20.3333 ܊ -20.3333 ܋ -20.3333 ܑ -20.3333 ܓ -20.3333 ܘ -20.3333 ܛ -20.3333 ܝ -20.3333 ܪ -20.3333 ܳ -20.3333 ܸ -20.3333 ܿ -20.3333 ݁ -20.3333 ݋ -20.3333 ݍ -20.3333 ݓ -20.3333 ݡ -20.3333 ݢ -20.3333 ݮ -20.3333 ݱ -20.3333 ݲ -20.3333 ݵ -20.3333 ݽ -20.3333 ހ -20.3333 ށ -20.3333 ކ -20.3333 ވ -20.3333 މ -20.3333 ދ -20.3333 ސ -20.3333 ޔ -20.3333 ޝ -20.3333 ޞ -20.3333 ޣ -20.3333 ީ -20.3333 ޴ -20.3333 ޺ -20.3333 ߀ -20.3333 ߁ -20.3333 ߑ -20.3333 ߝ -20.3333 ߪ -20.3333 ߴ -20.3333 ߺ -20.3333 ߼ -20.3333 ߽ -20.3333 ߾ -20.3333 ࠐ -20.3333 ࡤ -20.3333 ࡱ -20.3333 अ -20.3333 औ -20.3333 घ -20.3333 छ -20.3333 झ -20.3333 ढ -20.3333 ध -20.3333 फ -20.3333 ष -20.3333 ॐ -20.3333 ३ -20.3333 ८ -20.3333 ९ -20.3333 আ -20.3333 জ -20.3333 ঞ -20.3333 ত -20.3333 প -20.3333 হ -20.3333 ় -20.3333 ে -20.3333 ৩ -20.3333 ৪ -20.3333 ৬ -20.3333 ઺ -20.3333 ૬ -20.3333 ૯ -20.3333 ୬ -20.3333 இ -20.3333 ச -20.3333 ட -20.3333 ழ -20.3333 ூ -20.3333 ே -20.3333 అ -20.3333 త -20.3333 య -20.3333 ి -20.3333 ే -20.3333 ಕ -20.3333 ಗ -20.3333 ಮ -20.3333 ರ -20.3333 ಸ -20.3333 ಾ -20.3333 ು -20.3333 ೂ -20.3333 ೆ -20.3333 ೈ -20.3333 ം -20.3333 മ -20.3333 റ -20.3333 ല -20.3333 ള -20.3333 വ -20.3333 ാ -20.3333 ി -20.3333 ൂ -20.3333 ൄ -20.3333 ് -20.3333 උ -20.3333 ජ -20.3333 ඩ -20.3333 ෂ -20.3333 ෆ -20.3333 ฅ -20.3333 ซ -20.3333 ญ -20.3333 ผ -20.3333 ๛ -20.3333 ๦ -20.3333 ຄ -20.3333 ຈ -20.3333 ບ -20.3333 ປ -20.3333 ມ -20.3333 ວ -20.3333 ຸ -20.3333 ູ -20.3333 ົ -20.3333 ເ -20.3333 ່ -20.3333 ້ -20.3333 ໍ -20.3333 ང -20.3333 ཝ -20.3333 ྅ -20.3333 ྻ -20.3333 ࿐ -20.3333 ဒ -20.3333 ဖ -20.3333 လ -20.3333 ူ -20.3333 ၄ -20.3333 ၛ -20.3333 ၝ -20.3333 Ⴊ -20.3333 ბ -20.3333 გ -20.3333 დ -20.3333 ვ -20.3333 ლ -20.3333 ო -20.3333 ს -20.3333 ᄑ -20.3333 ᅟ -20.3333 ᅱ -20.3333 ሔ -20.3333 ራ -20.3333 ሰ -20.3333 ሻ -20.3333 ቀ -20.3333 ቁ -20.3333 ባ -20.3333 ቤ -20.3333 ተ -20.3333 ቷ -20.3333 ች -20.3333 ኩ -20.3333 ኪ -20.3333 ካ -20.3333 ዝ -20.3333 ገ -20.3333 ጠ -20.3333 Ꭿ -20.3333 Ꮕ -20.3333 Ꮟ -20.3333 ᕪ -20.3333 ᗒ -20.3333 ᗕ -20.3333 ង -20.3333 ទ -20.3333 ផ -20.3333 ម -20.3333 យ -20.3333 រ -20.3333 ស -20.3333 ហ -20.3333 ា -20.3333 ូ -20.3333 ួ -20.3333 ើ -20.3333 ៀ -20.3333 េ -20.3333 ំ -20.3333 ះ -20.3333 ២ -20.3333 ៩ -20.3333 ᠁ -20.3333 ᠠ -20.3333 ᠣ -20.3333 ᠬ -20.3333 ᠲ -20.3333 ᡠ -20.3333 ᡤ -20.3333 ᡷ -20.3333 ᦣ -20.3333 ᨦ -20.3333 ᨵ -20.3333 ᩋ -20.3333 ᩢ -20.3333 ᩺ -20.3333 ᭄ -20.3333 Ქ -20.3333 ᴊ -20.3333 ᴘ -20.3333 ᴠ -20.3333 ᴢ -20.3333 ᴥ -20.3333 ᵽ -20.3333 ᵾ -20.3333 ᶙ -20.3333 ḋ -20.3333 Ḡ -20.3333 ḡ -20.3333 ḩ -20.3333 ḱ -20.3333 Ḹ -20.3333 ṕ -20.3333 ṗ -20.3333 Ṳ -20.3333 ṳ -20.3333 Ṷ -20.3333 ṷ -20.3333 Ṽ -20.3333 ṽ -20.3333 ṿ -20.3333 Ẕ -20.3333 ẙ -20.3333 Ố -20.3333 ỡ -20.3333 ỷ -20.3333 Ἡ -20.3333 ἶ -20.3333 ἷ -20.3333 Ἶ -20.3333 Ὀ -20.3333 ὖ -20.3333 ὡ -20.3333 ὥ -20.3333 Ὤ -20.3333 ὴ -20.3333 ὶ -20.3333 ὸ -20.3333 ᾶ -20.3333 ῇ -20.3333 Ὺ -20.3333 Ῥ -20.3333 ῳ -20.3333 ῷ -20.3333 ‫ -20.3333 ‮ -20.3333 ⁎ -20.3333 ⁕ -20.3333 ⁖ -20.3333  -20.3333 ₢ -20.3333 ₭ -20.3333 ₮ -20.3333 ₷ -20.3333 ₾ -20.3333 ⃌ -20.3333 ⃛ -20.3333 ⃦ -20.3333 ↁ -20.3333 ↙ -20.3333 ↝ -20.3333 ↬ -20.3333 ↴ -20.3333 ↻ -20.3333 ⇊ -20.3333 ⇋ -20.3333 ⇕ -20.3333 ⇡ -20.3333 ⇩ -20.3333 ⇱ -20.3333 ⇽ -20.3333 ≋ -20.3333 ≏ -20.3333 ≳ -20.3333 ≺ -20.3333 ⊄ -20.3333 ⊈ -20.3333 ⊐ -20.3333 ⊑ -20.3333 ⊛ -20.3333 ⊞ -20.3333 ⊨ -20.3333 ⊮ -20.3333 ⊻ -20.3333 ⋀ -20.3333 ⌂ -20.3333 ⌃ -20.3333 ⌛ -20.3333 ⌥ -20.3333 ⌦ -20.3333 ⌫ -20.3333 ⍺ -20.3333 ⍽ -20.3333 ⎪ -20.3333 ⎬ -20.3333 ⎮ -20.3333 ⏕ -20.3333 ⏩ -20.3333 ⏳ -20.3333 ⏶ -20.3333 ␆ -20.3333 ␕ -20.3333 ␠ -20.3333 ␣ -20.3333 ␪ -20.3333 ␳ -20.3333 ⓬ -20.3333 ⓽ -20.3333 ┟ -20.3333 ╀ -20.3333 ╅ -20.3333 ╲ -20.3333 ▀ -20.3333 ▐ -20.3333 ▢ -20.3333 ▨ -20.3333 ◂ -20.3333 ◡ -20.3333 ◥ -20.3333 ◪ -20.3333 ◷ -20.3333 ☮ -20.3333 ♊ -20.3333 ♋ -20.3333 ♑ -20.3333 ♜ -20.3333 ♨ -20.3333 ♩ -20.3333 ♮ -20.3333 ♺ -20.3333 ♼ -20.3333 ♾ -20.3333 ⚂ -20.3333 ⚅ -20.3333 ⚏ -20.3333 ⚛ -20.3333 ⚜ -20.3333 ⚤ -20.3333 ⚬ -20.3333 ⚭ -20.3333 ⚮ -20.3333 ⚯ -20.3333 ⚷ -20.3333 ⚾ -20.3333 ⛄ -20.3333 ⛊ -20.3333 ⛓ -20.3333 ⛞ -20.3333 ⛤ -20.3333 ⛥ -20.3333 ⛱ -20.3333 ⛳ -20.3333 ✄ -20.3333 ✊ -20.3333 ✬ -20.3333 ✲ -20.3333 ✴ -20.3333 ✺ -20.3333 ❂ -20.3333 ❃ -20.3333 ❊ -20.3333 ❍ -20.3333 ❡ -20.3333 ❥ -20.3333 ❦ -20.3333 ➂ -20.3333 ➕ -20.3333 ➟ -20.3333 ➯ -20.3333 ➲ -20.3333 ➶ -20.3333 ⟡ -20.3333 ⠊ -20.3333 ⣬ -20.3333 ⤴ -20.3333 ⤵ -20.3333 ⦵ -20.3333 ⧉ -20.3333 ⨯ -20.3333 ⫆ -20.3333 ⫷ -20.3333 ⫸ -20.3333 ⬃ -20.3333 ⬛ -20.3333 ⬤ -20.3333 ⬥ -20.3333 ⭕ -20.3333 ⯐ -20.3333 ⱦ -20.3333 ⱨ -20.3333 ⱸ -20.3333 Ⲉ -20.3333 ⵵ -20.3333 ⵽ -20.3333 ⷤ -20.3333 ⸕ -20.3333 ⸻ -20.3333 ⹤ -20.3333 ⹮ -20.3333 ⻓ -20.3333 〟 -20.3333 〬 -20.3333 ぅ -20.3333 ざ -20.3333 ぜ -20.3333 ぼ -20.3333 ゞ -20.3333 ヲ -20.3333 ㄅ -20.3333 ㄇ -20.3333 ㄈ -20.3333 ㄒ -20.3333 ㄖ -20.3333 ㄚ -20.3333 㐡 -20.3333 㐫 -20.3333 㑇 -20.3333 㖞 -20.3333 㗎 -20.3333 㗝 -20.3333 㝵 -20.3333 㬎 -20.3333 㵘 -20.3333 䉑 -20.3333 䌧 -20.3333 䌨 -20.3333 䕗 -20.3333 䗗 -20.3333 䡢 -20.3333 䡣 -20.3333 䡷 -20.3333 䫵 -20.3333 䲻 -20.3333 䳯 -20.3333 䴸 -20.3333 ䷿ -20.3333 丒 -20.3333 丧 -20.3333 丶 -20.3333 乤 -20.3333 亀 -20.3333 亂 -20.3333 亏 -20.3333 亢 -20.3333 亦 -20.3333 亵 -20.3333 亻 -20.3333 仡 -20.3333 仮 -20.3333 仯 -20.3333 伎 -20.3333 佘 -20.3333 佱 -20.3333 併 -20.3333 佺 -20.3333 佻 -20.3333 侀 -20.3333 侈 -20.3333 侮 -20.3333 侶 -20.3333 俠 -20.3333 俣 -20.3333 俯 -20.3333 値 -20.3333 倶 -20.3333 偲 -20.3333 偽 -20.3333 傤 -20.3333 傫 -20.3333 傻 -20.3333 僑 -20.3333 僚 -20.3333 僱 -20.3333 僻 -20.3333 兀 -20.3333 児 -20.3333 冂 -20.3333 冢 -20.3333 冨 -20.3333 凃 -20.3333 処 -20.3333 刪 -20.3333 剝 -20.3333 労 -20.3333 劻 -20.3333 勧 -20.3333 匪 -20.3333 匾 -20.3333 卍 -20.3333 卤 -20.3333 卹 -20.3333 厩 -20.3333 叄 -20.3333 叢 -20.3333 吡 -20.3333 吮 -20.3333 吼 -20.3333 吿 -20.3333 呎 -20.3333 呐 -20.3333 呗 -20.3333 呻 -20.3333 咭 -20.3333 哂 -20.3333 哟 -20.3333 哮 -20.3333 唁 -20.3333 唑 -20.3333 啉 -20.3333 啼 -20.3333 喙 -20.3333 喪 -20.3333 喫 -20.3333 喬 -20.3333 喰 -20.3333 喻 -20.3333 喽 -20.3333 嗋 -20.3333 嗡 -20.3333 嗽 -20.3333 嘜 -20.3333 嘥 -20.3333 嘩 -20.3333 嘭 -20.3333 噗 -20.3333 嚎 -20.3333 嚢 -20.3333 嚣 -20.3333 嚻 -20.3333 嚼 -20.3333 囧 -20.3333 図 -20.3333 坝 -20.3333 垄 -20.3333 垚 -20.3333 垛 -20.3333 垢 -20.3333 堰 -20.3333 塪 -20.3333 塵 -20.3333 墘 -20.3333 墟 -20.3333 墩 -20.3333 壊 -20.3333 壬 -20.3333 壶 -20.3333 壺 -20.3333 夙 -20.3333 夤 -20.3333 奄 -20.3333 妤 -20.3333 妨 -20.3333 妳 -20.3333 姉 -20.3333 姣 -20.3333 娞 -20.3333 娣 -20.3333 娼 -20.3333 婕 -20.3333 婲 -20.3333 媚 -20.3333 媩 -20.3333 媺 -20.3333 嬭 -20.3333 孛 -20.3333 孜 -20.3333 孬 -20.3333 孳 -20.3333 孺 -20.3333 寅 -20.3333 寇 -20.3333 寤 -20.3333 尬 -20.3333 尻 -20.3333 屍 -20.3333 屑 -20.3333 屜 -20.3333 屠 -20.3333 屨 -20.3333 岀 -20.3333 岂 -20.3333 岖 -20.3333 岬 -20.3333 峠 -20.3333 峨 -20.3333 崡 -20.3333 崽 -20.3333 崾 -20.3333 嵋 -20.3333 嵯 -20.3333 嶯 -20.3333 嶺 -20.3333 巒 -20.3333 巻 -20.3333 帰 -20.3333 幂 -20.3333 庸 -20.3333 廔 -20.3333 廙 -20.3333 弈 -20.3333 彌 -20.3333 彤 -20.3333 忡 -20.3333 忱 -20.3333 怱 -20.3333 恉 -20.3333 恗 -20.3333 恳 -20.3333 恿 -20.3333 悢 -20.3333 悪 -20.3333 悯 -20.3333 悸 -20.3333 惕 -20.3333 惡 -20.3333 惨 -20.3333 惭 -20.3333 惱 -20.3333 愈 -20.3333 慨 -20.3333 憂 -20.3333 憋 -20.3333 憙 -20.3333 憶 -20.3333 懈 -20.3333 懲 -20.3333 懺 -20.3333 戎 -20.3333 戞 -20.3333 戟 -20.3333 戯 -20.3333 抠 -20.3333 拂 -20.3333 拇 -20.3333 拡 -20.3333 拣 -20.3333 拶 -20.3333 拺 -20.3333 挚 -20.3333 挧 -20.3333 挨 -20.3333 挲 -20.3333 挹 -20.3333 捜 -20.3333 捞 -20.3333 捣 -20.3333 捧 -20.3333 捩 -20.3333 捶 -20.3333 掐 -20.3333 掟 -20.3333 掠 -20.3333 揀 -20.3333 揪 -20.3333 揺 -20.3333 搁 -20.3333 搘 -20.3333 搧 -20.3333 搿 -20.3333 摑 -20.3333 摯 -20.3333 摰 -20.3333 摺 -20.3333 撐 -20.3333 撫 -20.3333 撼 -20.3333 擮 -20.3333 擺 -20.3333 攒 -20.3333 攜 -20.3333 攤 -20.3333 敓 -20.3333 敹 -20.3333 敽 -20.3333 斩 -20.3333 斬 -20.3333 旖 -20.3333 旱 -20.3333 旸 -20.3333 旼 -20.3333 昒 -20.3333 昧 -20.3333 昵 -20.3333 昷 -20.3333 晒 -20.3333 晗 -20.3333 晛 -20.3333 晤 -20.3333 暄 -20.3333 曈 -20.3333 曰 -20.3333 曳 -20.3333 朮 -20.3333 杖 -20.3333 杷 -20.3333 枇 -20.3333 枉 -20.3333 枋 -20.3333 枠 -20.3333 枢 -20.3333 枱 -20.3333 枲 -20.3333 枷 -20.3333 柊 -20.3333 柾 -20.3333 栖 -20.3333 桭 -20.3333 梗 -20.3333 梣 -20.3333 棘 -20.3333 棨 -20.3333 棩 -20.3333 棻 -20.3333 椂 -20.3333 椋 -20.3333 椾 -20.3333 楞 -20.3333 楦 -20.3333 榑 -20.3333 榧 -20.3333 榨 -20.3333 榭 -20.3333 榷 -20.3333 槌 -20.3333 槐 -20.3333 槤 -20.3333 槿 -20.3333 樁 -20.3333 樊 -20.3333 樫 -20.3333 橇 -20.3333 檛 -20.3333 檯 -20.3333 檵 -20.3333 櫥 -20.3333 欬 -20.3333 殞 -20.3333 殭 -20.3333 毂 -20.3333 氖 -20.3333 氚 -20.3333 氲 -20.3333 氵 -20.3333 汝 -20.3333 沅 -20.3333 沛 -20.3333 泅 -20.3333 泼 -20.3333 洇 -20.3333 洢 -20.3333 洧 -20.3333 浇 -20.3333 浐 -20.3333 浱 -20.3333 涑 -20.3333 涙 -20.3333 涟 -20.3333 涩 -20.3333 涯 -20.3333 涸 -20.3333 淆 -20.3333 淏 -20.3333 淚 -20.3333 淝 -20.3333 淫 -20.3333 淭 -20.3333 渃 -20.3333 渋 -20.3333 渎 -20.3333 渚 -20.3333 渟 -20.3333 渤 -20.3333 渭 -20.3333 湃 -20.3333 湄 -20.3333 湔 -20.3333 湛 -20.3333 湧 -20.3333 満 -20.3333 溉 -20.3333 溋 -20.3333 溏 -20.3333 滏 -20.3333 滝 -20.3333 漱 -20.3333 漲 -20.3333 漸 -20.3333 潺 -20.3333 潼 -20.3333 澁 -20.3333 澪 -20.3333 濆 -20.3333 瀅 -20.3333 瀟 -20.3333 灘 -20.3333 灞 -20.3333 災 -20.3333 炀 -20.3333 炔 -20.3333 炕 -20.3333 炖 -20.3333 炙 -20.3333 炨 -20.3333 炯 -20.3333 炵 -20.3333 炻 -20.3333 烁 -20.3333 烙 -20.3333 烛 -20.3333 烨 -20.3333 焕 -20.3333 煦 -20.3333 熒 -20.3333 熵 -20.3333 燏 -20.3333 燼 -20.3333 爲 -20.3333 犁 -20.3333 犭 -20.3333 狡 -20.3333 狳 -20.3333 猕 -20.3333 猥 -20.3333 猩 -20.3333 猶 -20.3333 猾 -20.3333 獅 -20.3333 獸 -20.3333 玟 -20.3333 珏 -20.3333 珒 -20.3333 珯 -20.3333 珺 -20.3333 琓 -20.3333 琢 -20.3333 琦 -20.3333 琬 -20.3333 瑷 -20.3333 瑾 -20.3333 璎 -20.3333 璘 -20.3333 璟 -20.3333 璨 -20.3333 瓪 -20.3333 瓯 -20.3333 甄 -20.3333 畨 -20.3333 畳 -20.3333 疙 -20.3333 疡 -20.3333 疣 -20.3333 疨 -20.3333 疼 -20.3333 痞 -20.3333 痫 -20.3333 瘑 -20.3333 瘩 -20.3333 瘴 -20.3333 癘 -20.3333 癞 -20.3333 癸 -20.3333 皃 -20.3333 皐 -20.3333 皿 -20.3333 盉 -20.3333 盼 -20.3333 眞 -20.3333 睨 -20.3333 睫 -20.3333 睽 -20.3333 睾 -20.3333 瞄 -20.3333 瞭 -20.3333 矗 -20.3333 砌 -20.3333 硶 -20.3333 碚 -20.3333 碲 -20.3333 磡 -20.3333 磿 -20.3333 礎 -20.3333 祁 -20.3333 祕 -20.3333 祛 -20.3333 祟 -20.3333 祿 -20.3333 禪 -20.3333 秉 -20.3333 稍 -20.3333 穨 -20.3333 窃 -20.3333 窄 -20.3333 窥 -20.3333 窦 -20.3333 竤 -20.3333 笄 -20.3333 笨 -20.3333 笮 -20.3333 笳 -20.3333 筝 -20.3333 箅 -20.3333 箕 -20.3333 篠 -20.3333 篽 -20.3333 篿 -20.3333 簃 -20.3333 簸 -20.3333 籮 -20.3333 粝 -20.3333 粟 -20.3333 粢 -20.3333 粱 -20.3333 粿 -20.3333 糜 -20.3333 糡 -20.3333 糧 -20.3333 糯 -20.3333 紊 -20.3333 紘 -20.3333 紛 -20.3333 紺 -20.3333 絆 -20.3333 絚 -20.3333 絨 -20.3333 綬 -20.3333 綱 -20.3333 綽 -20.3333 綿 -20.3333 締 -20.3333 緹 -20.3333 縲 -20.3333 繝 -20.3333 繞 -20.3333 繻 -20.3333 繽 -20.3333 纒 -20.3333 绁 -20.3333 绌 -20.3333 绞 -20.3333 绫 -20.3333 缈 -20.3333 缕 -20.3333 缬 -20.3333 缭 -20.3333 缵 -20.3333 罡 -20.3333 羌 -20.3333 羓 -20.3333 羔 -20.3333 羚 -20.3333 羜 -20.3333 羞 -20.3333 羡 -20.3333 翌 -20.3333 翚 -20.3333 翹 -20.3333 耒 -20.3333 耙 -20.3333 聂 -20.3333 肳 -20.3333 肼 -20.3333 胛 -20.3333 胯 -20.3333 胰 -20.3333 脅 -20.3333 脇 -20.3333 脯 -20.3333 脷 -20.3333 脾 -20.3333 腆 -20.3333 腈 -20.3333 腎 -20.3333 腙 -20.3333 腥 -20.3333 腮 -20.3333 腱 -20.3333 腼 -20.3333 膣 -20.3333 膦 -20.3333 膬 -20.3333 膶 -20.3333 膺 -20.3333 膽 -20.3333 臆 -20.3333 臘 -20.3333 臧 -20.3333 舐 -20.3333 舖 -20.3333 舨 -20.3333 舭 -20.3333 舴 -20.3333 舷 -20.3333 艋 -20.3333 艙 -20.3333 艮 -20.3333 艷 -20.3333 艸 -20.3333 芉 -20.3333 芍 -20.3333 芔 -20.3333 芮 -20.3333 芰 -20.3333 芴 -20.3333 芹 -20.3333 苇 -20.3333 苡 -20.3333 茁 -20.3333 茠 -20.3333 茫 -20.3333 茹 -20.3333 荩 -20.3333 荪 -20.3333 荼 -20.3333 莑 -20.3333 菄 -20.3333 菟 -20.3333 菬 -20.3333 菴 -20.3333 萎 -20.3333 萘 -20.3333 萩 -20.3333 萱 -20.3333 葆 -20.3333 葚 -20.3333 蒐 -20.3333 蒜 -20.3333 蒼 -20.3333 蒿 -20.3333 蓆 -20.3333 蓙 -20.3333 蔣 -20.3333 蔥 -20.3333 蔭 -20.3333 蔷 -20.3333 蕙 -20.3333 蕪 -20.3333 薃 -20.3333 薅 -20.3333 薆 -20.3333 薑 -20.3333 藘 -20.3333 蘸 -20.3333 虞 -20.3333 虺 -20.3333 蚕 -20.3333 蚶 -20.3333 蛉 -20.3333 蛍 -20.3333 蛮 -20.3333 蛻 -20.3333 蝉 -20.3333 蝗 -20.3333 蝦 -20.3333 蝸 -20.3333 螢 -20.3333 蟠 -20.3333 蟬 -20.3333 衿 -20.3333 裮 -20.3333 裹 -20.3333 褂 -20.3333 褒 -20.3333 褚 -20.3333 覚 -20.3333 觥 -20.3333 詮 -20.3333 詰 -20.3333 諏 -20.3333 諦 -20.3333 諧 -20.3333 諭 -20.3333 謚 -20.3333 謢 -20.3333 讦 -20.3333 讳 -20.3333 诅 -20.3333 诛 -20.3333 诵 -20.3333 谀 -20.3333 谦 -20.3333 谨 -20.3333 豇 -20.3333 豌 -20.3333 豕 -20.3333 貪 -20.3333 貭 -20.3333 賴 -20.3333 賺 -20.3333 贰 -20.3333 赂 -20.3333 赃 -20.3333 赓 -20.3333 赟 -20.3333 趨 -20.3333 跏 -20.3333 跖 -20.3333 跛 -20.3333 跤 -20.3333 踉 -20.3333 踐 -20.3333 蹤 -20.3333 蹭 -20.3333 蹴 -20.3333 蹼 -20.3333 躁 -20.3333 軋 -20.3333 輻 -20.3333 轟 -20.3333 轿 -20.3333 辩 -20.3333 辫 -20.3333 辺 -20.3333 迭 -20.3333 迴 -20.3333 迸 -20.3333 逝 -20.3333 遧 -20.3333 遨 -20.3333 遷 -20.3333 邝 -20.3333 邭 -20.3333 邲 -20.3333 邵 -20.3333 郇 -20.3333 郓 -20.3333 鄏 -20.3333 酏 -20.3333 酐 -20.3333 酥 -20.3333 醚 -20.3333 釉 -20.3333 鈇 -20.3333 鈈 -20.3333 鈉 -20.3333 鈊 -20.3333 鈞 -20.3333 鈦 -20.3333 鈩 -20.3333 鈽 -20.3333 鉑 -20.3333 鉢 -20.3333 鉦 -20.3333 銑 -20.3333 銢 -20.3333 銨 -20.3333 銬 -20.3333 銮 -20.3333 鋐 -20.3333 鋒 -20.3333 錕 -20.3333 錡 -20.3333 錨 -20.3333 錩 -20.3333 鍖 -20.3333 鎞 -20.3333 鎬 -20.3333 鎾 -20.3333 鏘 -20.3333 鏜 -20.3333 鏫 -20.3333 鐡 -20.3333 鐢 -20.3333 鐮 -20.3333 鑒 -20.3333 钏 -20.3333 钒 -20.3333 钣 -20.3333 钰 -20.3333 钽 -20.3333 铀 -20.3333 铈 -20.3333 铍 -20.3333 锗 -20.3333 锴 -20.3333 镉 -20.3333 镕 -20.3333 镥 -20.3333 镯 -20.3333 閑 -20.3333 閠 -20.3333 閨 -20.3333 闃 -20.3333 闆 -20.3333 闷 -20.3333 阎 -20.3333 阱 -20.3333 陋 -20.3333 陟 -20.3333 隈 -20.3333 隴 -20.3333 隷 -20.3333 隼 -20.3333 雏 -20.3333 雛 -20.3333 霑 -20.3333 鞈 -20.3333 鞫 -20.3333 韌 -20.3333 韭 -20.3333 頡 -20.3333 頲 -20.3333 頵 -20.3333 顎 -20.3333 顣 -20.3333 颇 -20.3333 颚 -20.3333 颦 -20.3333 颯 -20.3333 颱 -20.3333 飙 -20.3333 餭 -20.3333 餾 -20.3333 饒 -20.3333 饗 -20.3333 饪 -20.3333 馄 -20.3333 馅 -20.3333 馻 -20.3333 駒 -20.3333 駕 -20.3333 駝 -20.3333 驤 -20.3333 驹 -20.3333 骅 -20.3333 骭 -20.3333 骷 -20.3333 髂 -20.3333 髞 -20.3333 魄 -20.3333 鮎 -20.3333 鮓 -20.3333 鮪 -20.3333 鮭 -20.3333 鯊 -20.3333 鯰 -20.3333 鰍 -20.3333 鰰 -20.3333 鰷 -20.3333 鰻 -20.3333 鱗 -20.3333 鱦 -20.3333 鱻 -20.3333 鲅 -20.3333 鲵 -20.3333 鳌 -20.3333 鳞 -20.3333 鴉 -20.3333 鴿 -20.3333 鵖 -20.3333 鶏 -20.3333 鷴 -20.3333 鷸 -20.3333 鷹 -20.3333 鷺 -20.3333 鸚 -20.3333 鸦 -20.3333 鸯 -20.3333 鸳 -20.3333 鸵 -20.3333 鹄 -20.3333 鹼 -20.3333 麝 -20.3333 麴 -20.3333 麺 -20.3333 黯 -20.3333 黴 -20.3333 鼮 -20.3333 齋 -20.3333 齒 -20.3333 齨 -20.3333 齭 -20.3333 齲 -20.3333 龜 -20.3333 ꀤ -20.3333 ꂼ -20.3333 ꄲ -20.3333 ꎞ -20.3333 ꎮ -20.3333 ꐻ -20.3333 ꒚ -20.3333 ꒼ -20.3333 ꔖ -20.3333 ꕻ -20.3333 ꙗ -20.3333 ꜜ -20.3333 ꠸ -20.3333 ꡡ -20.3333 ꣺ -20.3333 갈 -20.3333 갤 -20.3333 것 -20.3333 겨 -20.3333 결 -20.3333 겻 -20.3333 괺 -20.3333 궤 -20.3333 규 -20.3333 귢 -20.3333 극 -20.3333 근 -20.3333 긴 -20.3333 긶 -20.3333 깐 -20.3333 깤 -20.3333 꺫 -20.3333 꿀 -20.3333 끄 -20.3333 끠 -20.3333 낙 -20.3333 난 -20.3333 냑 -20.3333 넨 -20.3333 넬 -20.3333 녕 -20.3333 녹 -20.3333 놈 -20.3333 눔 -20.3333 느 -20.3333 늘 -20.3333 늡 -20.3333 닌 -20.3333 닐 -20.3333 닛 -20.3333 당 -20.3333 댯 -20.3333 덜 -20.3333 덴 -20.3333 독 -20.3333 둘 -20.3333 딘 -20.3333 랙 -20.3333 랫 -20.3333 량 -20.3333 럼 -20.3333 렇 -20.3333 렉 -20.3333 렘 -20.3333 련 -20.3333 롬 -20.3333 롯 -20.3333 롱 -20.3333 룽 -20.3333 뤼 -20.3333 릭 -20.3333 릳 -20.3333 림 -20.3333 릿 -20.3333 막 -20.3333 망 -20.3333 먹 -20.3333 멜 -20.3333 며 -20.3333 몬 -20.3333 몽 -20.3333 뭩 -20.3333 뮌 -20.3333 믹 -20.3333 믿 -20.3333 밍 -20.3333 및 -20.3333 뱃 -20.3333 번 -20.3333 범 -20.3333 법 -20.3333 벤 -20.3333 벨 -20.3333 벳 -20.3333 벵 -20.3333 봐 -20.3333 뵼 -20.3333 빌 -20.3333 빠 -20.3333 빤 -20.3333 빵 -20.3333 뼼 -20.3333 뽐 -20.3333 뾵 -20.3333 뿌 -20.3333 쁨 -20.3333 삳 -20.3333 살 -20.3333 새 -20.3333 샌 -20.3333 샵 -20.3333 셋 -20.3333 셜 -20.3333 손 -20.3333 쇼 -20.3333 숍 -20.3333 순 -20.3333 슨 -20.3333 십 -20.3333 쌠 -20.3333 썒 -20.3333 쏊 -20.3333 쏕 -20.3333 쏧 -20.3333 씎 -20.3333 씨 -20.3333 않 -20.3333 암 -20.3333 았 -20.3333 앞 -20.3333 앰 -20.3333 앳 -20.3333 약 -20.3333 억 -20.3333 었 -20.3333 엥 -20.3333 온 -20.3333 옴 -20.3333 옵 -20.3333 왕 -20.3333 외 -20.3333 웜 -20.3333 웹 -20.3333 잉 -20.3333 적 -20.3333 젤 -20.3333 져 -20.3333 졣 -20.3333 존 -20.3333 좌 -20.3333 죺 -20.3333 죽 -20.3333 쥐 -20.3333 즘 -20.3333 참 -20.3333 채 -20.3333 총 -20.3333 최 -20.3333 춘 -20.3333 충 -20.3333 친 -20.3333 침 -20.3333 칸 -20.3333 칼 -20.3333 캬 -20.3333 컬 -20.3333 켄 -20.3333 켓 -20.3333 콜 -20.3333 콢 -20.3333 콺 -20.3333 큐 -20.3333 킥 -20.3333 킽 -20.3333 탁 -20.3333 탑 -20.3333 텀 -20.3333 텍 -20.3333 톤 -20.3333 틴 -20.3333 팜 -20.3333 팬 -20.3333 펀 -20.3333 펜 -20.3333 폐 -20.3333 폜 -20.3333 폰 -20.3333 폼 -20.3333 푽 -20.3333 픽 -20.3333 핀 -20.3333 핑 -20.3333 할 -20.3333 함 -20.3333 했 -20.3333 헤 -20.3333 헨 -20.3333 헪 -20.3333 협 -20.3333 혜 -20.3333 홀 -20.3333 확 -20.3333 황 -20.3333 획 -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  -20.3333  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