import torch import logging import os from mono.utils.avg_meter import MetricAverageMeter from mono.utils.visualization import save_val_imgs, visual_train_data, create_html, save_raw_imgs, save_normal_val_imgs import cv2 from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np from mono.utils.logger import setup_logger from mono.utils.comm import main_process #from scipy.optimize import minimize #from torchmin import minimize import torch.optim as optim from torch.autograd import Variable def to_cuda(data: dict): for k, v in data.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): data[k] = v.cuda(non_blocking=True) if isinstance(v, list) and len(v)>=1 and isinstance(v[0], torch.Tensor): for i, l_i in enumerate(v): data[k][i] = l_i.cuda(non_blocking=True) return data def align_scale(pred: torch.tensor, target: torch.tensor): mask = target > 0 if torch.sum(mask) > 10: scale = torch.median(target[mask]) / (torch.median(pred[mask]) + 1e-8) else: scale = 1 pred_scale = pred * scale return pred_scale, scale def align_shift(pred: torch.tensor, target: torch.tensor): mask = target > 0 if torch.sum(mask) > 10: shift = torch.median(target[mask]) - (torch.median(pred[mask]) + 1e-8) else: shift = 0 pred_shift = pred + shift return pred_shift, shift def align_scale_shift(pred: torch.tensor, target: torch.tensor): mask = target > 0 target_mask = target[mask].cpu().numpy() pred_mask = pred[mask].cpu().numpy() if torch.sum(mask) > 10: scale, shift = np.polyfit(pred_mask, target_mask, deg=1) if scale < 0: scale = torch.median(target[mask]) / (torch.median(pred[mask]) + 1e-8) shift = 0 else: scale = 1 shift = 0 pred = pred * scale + shift return pred, scale def get_prediction( model: torch.nn.Module, input: torch.tensor, cam_model: torch.tensor, pad_info: torch.tensor, scale_info: torch.tensor, gt_depth: torch.tensor, normalize_scale: float, intrinsic = None, clip_range = None, flip_aug = False): #clip_range = [0, 10], #flip_aug = True): data = dict( input=input, #ref_input=ref_input, cam_model=cam_model ) #output = model.module.inference(data) output = model.module.inference(data) pred_depth, confidence = output['prediction'], output['confidence'] pred_depth = torch.abs(pred_depth) pred_depth = pred_depth.squeeze() if flip_aug == True: output_flip = model.module.inference(dict( input=torch.flip(input, [3]), #ref_input=ref_input, cam_model=cam_model )) if clip_range != None: output['prediction'] = torch.clamp(output['prediction'], clip_range[0], clip_range[1]) output_flip['prediction'] = torch.clamp(output_flip['prediction'], clip_range[0] / normalize_scale * scale_info , clip_range[1] / normalize_scale * scale_info) output['prediction'] = 0.5 * (output['prediction'] + torch.flip(output_flip['prediction'], [3])) output['confidence'] = 0.5 * (output['confidence'] + torch.flip(output_flip['confidence'], [3])) output['pad'] = torch.Tensor(pad_info).cuda().unsqueeze(0).int() output['mask'] = torch.ones_like(pred_depth).bool().unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1) output['scale_info'] = scale_info if intrinsic is not None: output['intrinsic'] = intrinsic pred_depth = pred_depth[pad_info[0]: pred_depth.shape[0]-pad_info[1], pad_info[2]: pred_depth.shape[1]-pad_info[3]] pred_depth = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(pred_depth[None, None, :, :], gt_depth.shape, mode='bilinear').squeeze() # to orginal size pred_depth = pred_depth * normalize_scale / scale_info if clip_range != None: pred_depth = torch.clamp(pred_depth, clip_range[0], clip_range[1]) pred_depth_scale, scale = align_scale(pred_depth, gt_depth) #align_scale_shift(pred_depth, gt_depth) if clip_range != None: pred_depth_scale = torch.clamp(pred_depth_scale, clip_range[0], clip_range[1]) return pred_depth, pred_depth_scale, scale, output # def depth_normal_consistency_optimization(output_dict, consistency_fn): # s = torch.zeros_like(output_dict['scale_info']) # def closure(x): # output_dict['scale'] = torch.exp(x) * output_dict['scale_info'] # error = consistency_fn(**output_dict) # return error + x * x # result = minimize(closure, s, method='newton-exact', disp=1, options={'max_iter':10, 'lr':0.1}) # return float(torch.exp(-result.x)) def do_test_with_dataloader( model: torch.nn.Module, cfg: dict, dataloader:, logger: logging.RootLogger, is_distributed: bool = True, local_rank: int = 0): show_dir = cfg.show_dir save_interval = 100 save_html_path = show_dir + '/index.html' save_imgs_dir = show_dir + '/vis' os.makedirs(save_imgs_dir, exist_ok=True) save_raw_dir = show_dir + '/raw' os.makedirs(save_raw_dir, exist_ok=True) normalize_scale = cfg.data_basic.depth_range[1] dam = MetricAverageMeter(cfg.test_metrics) dam_scale = MetricAverageMeter(cfg.test_metrics) try: depth_range = cfg.data_basic.clip_depth_range if cfg.clip_depth else None except: depth_range = None for i, data in enumerate(tqdm(dataloader)): #'{local_rank}: {i}/{len(dataloader)}') data = to_cuda(data) gt_depth = data['target'].squeeze() mask = gt_depth > 1e-6 pad_info = data['pad'] pred_depth, pred_depth_scale, scale, output = get_prediction( model, data['input'], data['cam_model'], pad_info, data['scale'], gt_depth, normalize_scale, data['intrinsic'], )'{data["filename"]}: {scale}') # optimization #if "normal_out_list" in output.keys(): #scale_opt = depth_normal_consistency_optimization(output, consistency_loss) #print('scale', scale_opt, float(scale)) scale_opt = 1.0 # update depth metrics dam_scale.update_metrics_gpu(pred_depth_scale, gt_depth, mask, is_distributed) dam.update_metrics_gpu(pred_depth, gt_depth, mask, is_distributed) # save evaluation results if i % save_interval == 0: # save rgb = data['input'][:, :, pad_info[0]: data['input'].shape[2]-pad_info[1], pad_info[2]: data['input'].shape[3]-pad_info[3]] rgb = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(rgb, gt_depth.shape, mode='bilinear').squeeze() max_scale = save_val_imgs(i, pred_depth, gt_depth, rgb, data['filename'][0], save_imgs_dir, )'{data["filename"]}, {"max_scale"}: {max_scale}') # # save original depth/rgb # save_raw_imgs( # pred_depth.cpu().squeeze().numpy(), # data['raw_rgb'].cpu().squeeze().numpy(), # data['filename'][0], # save_raw_dir, # ) # surface normal metrics if "normal_out_list" in output.keys(): normal_out_list = output['normal_out_list'] gt_normal = data['normal'] pred_normal = normal_out_list[-1][:, :3, :, :] # (B, 3, H, W) H, W = pred_normal.shape[2:] pred_normal = pred_normal[:, :, pad_info[0]:H-pad_info[1], pad_info[2]:W-pad_info[3]] pred_normal = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(pred_normal, size=gt_normal.shape[2:], mode='bilinear', align_corners=True) gt_normal_mask = ~torch.all(gt_normal == 0, dim=1, keepdim=True) dam.update_normal_metrics_gpu(pred_normal, gt_normal, gt_normal_mask, cfg.distributed)# save valiad normal if i % save_interval == 0: save_normal_val_imgs(iter, pred_normal, gt_normal, rgb, # data['input'], 'normal_' + data['filename'][0], save_imgs_dir, ) # get validation error if main_process(): eval_error = dam.get_metrics() print('>>>>>W/o scale: ', eval_error) eval_error_scale = dam_scale.get_metrics() print('>>>>>W scale: ', eval_error_scale) # disp_eval_error = dam_disp.get_metrics() # print('>>>>>Disp to depth: ', disp_eval_error) # for i, dam in enumerate(dams): # print(f'>>>>>W/o scale gru{i}: ', dam.get_metrics()) # # [ for dam in dams]