# UPDNet-knee-af8 --- tags: - TensorFlow - MRI reconstruction - MRI datasets: - fastMRI --- This model was used to achieve the 9th highest submission in terms of PSNR on the fastMRI dataset (see https://fastmri.org/leaderboards/) (0.2dB behind the 2nd submission). It is a base model for acceleration factor 8. The model uses 25 iterations and a medium-ca-prelu U-net, and a medium sensitivity maps refiner. ## Model description For more details, see https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.07290. This section is WIP. ## Intended uses and limitations This model can be used to reconstruct knee data from Siemens scanner at acceleration factor 8. ## How to use This model can be loaded using the following repo: https://github.com/zaccharieramzi/fastmri-reproducible-benchmark. After cloning the repo, `git clone https://github.com/zaccharieramzi/fastmri-reproducible-benchmark`, you can install the package via `pip install fastmri-reproducible-benchmark`. The framework is TensorFlow. You can initialize and load the model weights as follows: ```python import tensorflow as tf from fastmri_recon.models.subclassed_models.updnet import UPDNet model = UPDNet( multicoil=True, n_dual=1, primal_only=True, n_layers=4, n_iter=25, channel_attention_kwargs={'dense': True}, refine_smaps=True, non_linearity='prelu', layers_n_channels=[16 * 2**i for i in range(4)], ) kspace_size = [1, 1, 320, 320] inputs = [ tf.zeros(kspace_size + [1], dtype=tf.complex64), # kspace tf.zeros(kspace_size, dtype=tf.complex64), # mask tf.zeros(kspace_size, dtype=tf.complex64), # smaps ] model(inputs) model.load_weights('UPDNet-knee-af8/model_weights.h5') ``` Using the model is then as simple as: ```python model([ kspace, # shape: [n_slices, n_coils, n_rows, n_cols, 1] mask, # shape: [n_slices, n_coils, n_rows, n_cols] smaps, # shape: [n_slices, n_coils, n_rows, n_cols] ]) ``` ## Limitations and bias The limitations and bias of this model have not been properly investigated. ## Training data This model was trained using the [fastMRI dataset](https://fastmri.org/dataset/). ## Training procedure The training procedure is described in https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.07290. This section is WIP. ## Evaluation results No evaluation available outside the one from the fastMRI leaderboard (id: `updnet_v3`). ## Bibtex entry ``` @inproceedings{Ramzi2020d, archivePrefix = {arXiv}, arxivId = {2010.07290}, author = {Ramzi, Zaccharie and Ciuciu, Philippe and Starck, Jean-Luc}, booktitle = {ISMRM}, eprint = {2010.07290}, pages = {1--4}, title = {{XPDNet for MRI Reconstruction: an application to the 2020 fastMRI challenge}}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/2010.07290}, year = {2021} } ```