from music21 import * import math import numpy as np import torch from typing import Callable import os # Can either go into pretty-midi-modified folder to install locally, # or directly use the below two lines with the path to pretty-midi-modified import sys # sys.path.append('./pretty-midi-modified/') # doesn't need this if do 'pip install -e .' under the modified folder import pretty_midi KEY_DICT = {"D major": 0, "g minor": 1, "B- major": 2, "G major": 3, "d minor": 4, "c# minor": 5, "F major": 6, "E- major": 7, "e minor": 8, "f# minor": 9, "C major": 10, "F# major": 11, "g# minor": 12, "A major": 13, "a minor": 14, "B major": 15, "A- major": 16, "b- minor": 17, "E major": 18, "c minor": 19, "b minor": 20, "e- minor": 21, "f minor": 22, "C# major": 23, "no key": 24} IND2KEY = {v: k for k, v in KEY_DICT.items()} MIN_PIANO, MAX_PIANO = 21, 108 def get_chord_progression(stream, window_size, k_str=None, total_time=25.6, show_chords=False): """ Given a filename of a midi file, return a sequence of Roman Numeral Analysis. The RESULT is too long. :param filename: midi filename :return: there are two conditions: chunk 1 and chunk 2 If chunk 1: a list of roman numerals of chords If chunk 2: a nested list of roman numerals of chords. Each list inside bigger list is a bar of chords corresponding with the index. E.g. [[bar 0 chords], [bar 1 chords], [bar 2 chords], ...] """ # mf = midi.MidiFile() # # # mf.close() # stream = midi.translate.midiFileToStream(mf) # stream = stream.makeMeasures() sChords = stream.chordify() if show_chords:'text', addEndTimes=True) # k_str, _, _ = classify_keys(filename) k_str = k_str.split(' ')[0] end_time = duration_to_seconds(sChords.highestTime, 120) end_time = min(end_time, total_time) # print("stream highest time: ", stream.highestTime) # print("How many quarternotes: ", float(sChords.highestTime)) # print("end time: ", float(end_time)) tempo = 120 sChords = sChords.flatten() list_chords = [] for c in sChords.recurse().getElementsByClass(chord.Chord): rn = roman.romanNumeralFromChord(c, key.Key(k_str)) # print(duration_to_seconds(c.offset, tempo)) list_chords.append([float(c.seconds), float(duration_to_seconds(c.offset, tempo)), str(rn.figure)]) chord_progressions = get_longest_chords(list_chords, end_time, window_size=window_size, total_time=total_time) return chord_progressions def get_longest_chords(chords, end_time, window_size=1.6, total_time=10.24): result = [] # window_size=window_size # Convert chords to a NumPy array chords_array = np.array(chords) starts = chords_array[:, 1].astype(float) ends = starts + chords_array[:, 0].astype(float) # Define a function to get overlapping duration of a chord with a window def get_overlap_duration(chord, start, end): chord_end = chord[1] + chord[0] # print(chord[1], start) overlap_start = max(chord[1], start) overlap_end = min(chord_end, end) return max(0, overlap_end - overlap_start) current_time = 0 while current_time < end_time: window_start = current_time window_end = current_time + window_size # Filter chords that fall into the current window using boolean indexing overlapping_indices = np.where((starts < window_end) & (ends > window_start))[0] # Use indices to fetch overlapping chords from the original chords list # overlapping_chords = [chords[i] for i in overlapping_indices] overlapping_chords = chords_array[overlapping_indices] overlapping_chords = [[float(c[0]), float(c[1]), str(c[2])] for c in overlapping_chords] # # If there are overlapping chords, select the one with the longest overlap duration if len(overlapping_chords) > 0: chord_durations = [get_overlap_duration(chord=chord_i, start=window_start, end=window_end) for chord_i in overlapping_chords] max_id = np.argmax(chord_durations) max_chord = overlapping_chords[max_id] result.append(max_chord[2]) else: result.append('null') current_time += window_size # need to have results with fixed length, pad null for empty music while len(result) < int(total_time / window_size): result.append('null') return result def duration_to_seconds(d, tempo): """ Convert a music21 duration to seconds based on a given tempo. Parameters: - duration: a music21 duration object or a float representing the duration in quarter notes. - tempo: tempo in beats per minute (BPM). Returns: - duration in seconds. """ if isinstance(d, duration.Duration): duration_quarter_notes = d.quarterLength else: duration_quarter_notes = d # assuming it's already in quarter notes return (duration_quarter_notes / tempo) * 60 def piano_roll_to_music21_stream(piano_roll, fs=100, program=0): '''Convert a Piano Roll array into a Music21 Stream object with a single instrument. Parameters ---------- piano_roll : np.ndarray, shape=(128,frames), dtype=int Piano roll of one instrument fs : int Sampling frequency of the columns, i.e. each column is spaced apart by ``1./fs`` seconds. program : int The program number of the instrument. Returns ------- music21_object : A music21 stream class instance describing the piano roll. ''' pm = piano_roll_to_pretty_midi(piano_roll, fs=fs) midi_data = pm.get_midi_data() pm_stream = midi.translate.midiStringToStream(midi_data) return pm_stream def piano_roll_to_pretty_midi(full_roll, fs=100, program=0): '''Convert a Piano Roll array into a PrettyMidi object with a single instrument. Parameters ---------- full_roll : np.ndarray, shape=(128,frames), dtype=int, within range [0,127] Piano roll of one instrument, or with shape (2, 128, frames) when with pedal fs : int Sampling frequency of the columns, i.e. each column is spaced apart by ``1./fs`` seconds. program : int The program number of the instrument. Returns ------- midi_object : pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI A pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI class instance describing the piano roll. ''' is_onset = False if len(full_roll.shape) == 3: piano_roll = full_roll[0] if full_roll.shape[0] == 2: pedal_roll = full_roll[1] else: onset_roll = full_roll[1] onset_roll[onset_roll < 64] = 0 # set 64 to be the threshold pedal_roll = full_roll[2] is_onset = True pedal_roll[pedal_roll < 4] = 0 # background should be 0 # only need 1D information, only take 88 range pedal_roll = pedal_roll[MIN_PIANO:MAX_PIANO + 1].mean(axis=0).astype(np.intc) is_pedal = not math.isclose(pedal_roll.max(), 0) else: piano_roll = full_roll is_pedal = False notes, frames = piano_roll.shape background = piano_roll[:MIN_PIANO, :].max() # background should be 0 piano_roll[piano_roll <= background] = 0 pm = pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI() instrument = pretty_midi.Instrument(program=program) # pad 1 column of zeros so we can acknowledge inital and ending events piano_roll = np.pad(piano_roll, [(0, 0), (1, 1)], 'constant') # smooth uneven notes for noisy generation piano_roll_binary = piano_roll.copy() piano_roll_binary[piano_roll_binary != 0] = 1 # use changes in velocities to find note on / note off events diff_piano_roll = np.diff(piano_roll_binary).T velocity_changes = np.nonzero(diff_piano_roll) # keep track on velocities and note on times prev_velocities = np.zeros(notes, dtype=int) note_on_time = np.zeros(notes) for time, note in zip(*velocity_changes): # use time + 1 because of padding above velocity = piano_roll[note, time + 1] time = time / fs if velocity > 0: if prev_velocities[note] == 0: note_on_time[note] = time prev_velocities[note] = velocity else: if is_onset: start_ind = round(note_on_time[note] * fs) end_ind = round(time * fs) onsets_note = onset_roll[note, start_ind:end_ind + 1] onset_times = np.nonzero(onsets_note)[0] # only put note if there are onsets under it if len(onset_times) > 0: # follow onset time, if want to follow pr time, use note_on_time[note] as the first start_time start_times = (onset_times + start_ind) / fs end_times = np.concatenate((start_times[1:], np.array([time])), axis=0) for i in range(len(onset_times)): pm_note = pretty_midi.Note( velocity=prev_velocities[note], pitch=note, start=start_times[i], end=end_times[i]) instrument.notes.append(pm_note) else: pm_note = pretty_midi.Note( velocity=prev_velocities[note], pitch=note, start=note_on_time[note], end=time) instrument.notes.append(pm_note) prev_velocities[note] = 0 # write pedal information if is_pedal: pedal_changes = np.nonzero(pedal_roll) for time, in zip(*pedal_changes): pedal_val = pedal_roll[time] if pedal_val < 16: pedal_val = 0 # because we used quantization with num_bin=8, 1-16 should be 0. if pedal_val > 112: pedal_val = 127 time = time / fs pm_pedal = pretty_midi.ControlChange( number=64, # sustain pedal value=pedal_val, time=time ) instrument.control_changes.append(pm_pedal) pm.instruments.append(instrument) return pm def chord_tag_num(chord): """ Given a string of chord, return a int by chord's Roman Numerals. :param chord: a string, e.g. iii+64 :return: an int. """ if "VII" in chord or "vii" in chord: return 7 elif "VI" in chord or "vi" in chord: return 6 elif "IV" in chord or "iv" in chord: return 4 elif "V" in chord or "v" in chord: return 5 elif "III" in chord or "iii" in chord: return 3 elif "II" in chord or "ii" in chord: return 2 elif "I" in chord or "i" in chord: return 1 else: return 0 def prepare_sequence_chord_tag_num(seq, tag_func): idxs = [tag_func(w) for w in seq] return torch.LongTensor(idxs) def piano_roll_to_chords(piano_roll_excerpt: np.matrix, given_key: str = None, return_key: bool = False, tagging_func: Callable = chord_tag_num, fs: float = 100., window_size: float = 1.28): """ Given one piano roll with shape (128, 1024), return chords, key and the correlated coefficient of string. This function saves a temporate midi file from the piano roll, then apply music21 package to analyze the midi file. This function separated this music excerpt into small non-overlap segments with window_size. For each segment, use the chord of longest duration as the tag of such segment. :param piano_roll_excerpt: npy matrix, the piano roll of music :param tagging_func: the tagging function to tag the chords into pytorch LongTensor :param fs: float :param window_size: float, :return: chord: a list of LongTensor. e.g. tensor([3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3]) from ['iii+64', 'iii+64', '#iii6b42', '#iiib42', 'iii+#53', 'iii+#53', 'V6', 'iii+64'] key_str: a string. e.g. A- major correlationCoefficient: a float, the correlation coefficient of the key produced by music21. When correlationCoefficient < 0.85, this chord tag is not recommended to use. """ time_dim = piano_roll_excerpt.shape[-1] # time dimension of piano roll total_time_seconds = time_dim / fs # total time in seconds music21_stream = piano_roll_to_music21_stream(piano_roll=piano_roll_excerpt, fs=fs) # Get the chord progression, here, chords -> a list of strings if given_key is not None and not return_key: chords = get_chord_progression(stream=music21_stream, window_size=window_size, k_str=given_key, total_time=total_time_seconds, show_chords=False) chords = prepare_sequence_chord_tag_num(chords, tagging_func) out_dict = {"chords": chords} else: key_str, correlationCoefficient, _ = classify_keys_from_stream(stream=music21_stream) # In some cases, the key of some music excerpt may not be identified by music21 if key_str is None: # print(f"Key: {key_str}, the key of piano roll can not be identified by music21.") null_chords = torch.zeros(int(total_time_seconds / window_size), dtype=torch.long) null_key = KEY_DICT["no key"] return {"chords": null_chords, "key": null_key, "correlationCoefficient": 0.} if given_key is not None: key_used = given_key else: key_used = key_str chords = get_chord_progression(stream=music21_stream, window_size=window_size, k_str=key_used, total_time=total_time_seconds, show_chords=False) chords = prepare_sequence_chord_tag_num(chords, tagging_func) out_dict = {"chords": chords, "key": KEY_DICT[key_str], "correlationCoefficient": correlationCoefficient} return out_dict def piano_roll_to_chords_save_midi(piano_roll_excerpt: np.matrix, midi_dir: str = "loggings/debug", midi_savename: str = "sample.midi", tagging_func: Callable = chord_tag_num, fs: int = 100, time_dim: int = 1024, window_size: float = 1.28): """ Given one piano roll with shape (128, 1024), return chords, key and the correlated coefficient of string. This function saves a temporate midi file from the piano roll, then apply music21 package to analyze the midi file. This function separated this music excerpt into small non-overlap segments with window_size. For each segment, use the chord of longest duration as the tag of such segment. :param piano_roll_excerpt: npy matrix, the piano roll of music :param midi_dir: str, the ABSOLUTE folder to save temporate midi file of the piano roll. :param midi_savename: str, the savename of such midi file. :param tagging_func: the tagging function to tag the chords into pytorch LongTensor :param fs: int :param time_dim: int, time dimension of piano roll :param window_size: int, :return: chord: a list of LongTensor. e.g. tensor([3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 3]) from ['iii+64', 'iii+64', '#iii6b42', '#iiib42', 'iii+#53', 'iii+#53', 'V6', 'iii+64'] key_str: a string. e.g. A- major correlationCoefficient: a float, the correlation coefficient of the key produced by music21. When correlationCoefficient < 0.85, this chord tag is not recommended to use. """ midi_path = midi_dir total_time_seconds = time_dim / fs # total time in secondsd midi_savepath = os.path.join(midi_path, midi_savename) piano_roll_pretty_midi = piano_roll_to_pretty_midi(piano_roll_excerpt, fs=fs) piano_roll_pretty_midi.write(midi_savepath) mf = midi.MidiFile() mf.close() music21_stream = midi.translate.midiFileToStream(mf) key_str, correlationCoefficient, _ = classify_keys_from_stream(stream=music21_stream) # In some cases, the key of some music excerpt may not be identified by music21 if key_str == None: # print(f"Key: {key_str}, the key of piano roll can not be identified by music21.") null_chords = torch.zeros(int(total_time_seconds / window_size), dtype=torch.long) null_key = KEY_DICT["no key"] return {"chords": null_chords, "key": null_key, "correlationCoefficient": 0.} # Get the chord progression, here, chords -> a list of strings chords = get_chord_progression(stream=music21_stream, window_size=window_size, k_str=key_str, total_time=total_time_seconds, show_chords=False) chords = prepare_sequence_chord_tag_num(chords, tagging_func) out_dict = {"chords": chords, "key": KEY_DICT[key_str], "correlationCoefficient": correlationCoefficient} return out_dict def classify_keys_from_stream(stream: object): """ Given a filename of a midi file, classify which key the midi file is. The key finding algorithm that music21 uses: :param filename: midi filename :return: key: string, the key correlation: integer, """ try: fis = stream.analyze('key') except Exception as e: print(e) return None, None, None correlationCoefficient = fis.correlationCoefficient tonalCertainty = fis.tonalCertainty() return str(fis), correlationCoefficient, tonalCertainty # if __name__ == '__main__': # # # Below is the example of usage # # midi_dir = "midi_files" # the absolute folder to save midi files produced by piano_roll_to_chords # # os.makedirs(midi_dir, exist_ok=True) # # # load piano roll # piano_roll = np.load('train-npy/MIDI-Unprocessed_XP_22_R2_2004_01_ORIG_MID--AUDIO_22_R2_2004_02_Track02_wav_0.npy') # #print(piano_roll.shape) # out_dict = piano_roll_to_chords(piano_roll_excerpt=piano_roll, tagging_func=chord_tag_num, # fs=100, time_dim=1024, window_size = 1.28) # print("chords: ", out_dict["chords"]) # print("key: ", out_dict["key"]) # print("correlation coefficient: ", out_dict["correlationCoefficient"])