import torch as th from einops import rearrange __all__ = [ "split_wimg", ] def split_wimg(wimg, n_img, rtn_overlap=True): if wimg.ndim == 3: wimg = wimg[None] _, _, h, w = wimg.shape base_len = 128 # todo: hard code 128 here (the length of the latents) overlap_size = (n_img * base_len - w) // (n_img - 1) assert n_img * base_len - overlap_size * (n_img - 1) == w img = th.nn.functional.unfold(wimg, kernel_size=(h, base_len), stride=base_len - overlap_size) #(B, block, n_img) img = rearrange( img, "b (c h w) n -> (b n) c h w", h=h, w=base_len ) if rtn_overlap: return img , overlap_size return img def avg_merge_wimg(imgs, overlap_size, n=None, is_avg=True): b, _, h, w = imgs.shape if n == None: n = b unfold_img = rearrange( imgs, "(b n) c h w -> b (c h w) n", n = n ) img = th.nn.functional.fold( unfold_img, (h, n * w - (n-1) * overlap_size), kernel_size = (h, w), stride = w - overlap_size ) if is_avg: counter = th.nn.functional.fold( th.ones_like(unfold_img), (h, n * w - (n-1) * overlap_size), kernel_size = (h, w), stride = w - overlap_size ) return img / counter return img # legacy code use naive implementation def split_wimg_legacy(himg, n_img, rtn_overlap=True): if himg.ndim == 3: himg = himg[None] _, _, h, w = himg.shape overlap_size = (n_img * h - w) // (n_img - 1) assert n_img * h - overlap_size * (n_img - 1) == w himg = himg[0] rtn_img = [himg[:, :, :h]] for i in range(n_img - 1): rtn_img.append(himg[:, :, (h - overlap_size) * (i + 1) : h + (h - overlap_size) * (i + 1)]) if rtn_overlap: return th.stack(rtn_img), overlap_size return th.stack(rtn_img) def avg_merge_wimg_legacy(imgs, overlap_size): _, _, _, w = imgs.shape rtn_img = [imgs[0]] for cur_img in imgs[1:]: rtn_img.append(cur_img[:, :, overlap_size:]) first_img =, dim=-1) rtn_img = [] for cur_img in imgs[:-1]: rtn_img.append(cur_img[:, :, : w - overlap_size]) rtn_img.append(imgs[-1]) second_img =, dim=-1) return (first_img + second_img) / 2.0