# Hypernerf Practice [Huggingface Link](https://huggingface.co/xieyizheng/hypernerf_practice) This README contains overview on applyiing several custom scenes to reproduce the hypernerf project. - hand - dvd - tomato-mark ## hand most successful one, trained extensively on V100 interpolation: ![Image 1](gif/hand-interpolate.gif) novelview: ![Image 2](gif/hand-novelview.gif) PSNR:
coarse metrics: metric/psnr≈31.7468
fine metrics: metric/psnr≈32.5462 ## dvd not so great interpolation & novelview: ![Image 3](gif/dvd-interpolate-novelview.gif) PSNR:
coarse metrics: metric/psnr≈
fine metrics: metric/psnr≈ ## tomato-mark more artifacts interpolation: ![Image 4](gif/tomato-mark-interpolate.gif) PSNR:
coarse metrics: metric/psnr≈
fine metrics: metric/psnr≈ # reproduction steps Due to deprecation, the hypernerf project doesn't work out of the box.
We need code modifications to the environments, dependencies set up and rendering part.
For this reproduction, I only used the notebooks.
The provided instructions below are guaranteed to work.
[Click to reproduction steps](reproduction-instruction.md) # Dataset: --- language: - en thumbnail: tags: license: datasets: metrics: ---