name: 4x_Valar_v1 use_tb_logger: false model: sr scale: 4 gpu_ids: [0] use_amp: false use_swa: false use_cem: false # Dataset options: datasets: train: name: AdobeMIT5k mode: aligned dataroot_HR: [ '../mit5k/hr', ] # high resolution / ground truth images dataroot_LR: [ '../mit5k/lr', ] # low resolution images subset_file: null use_shuffle: true znorm: false n_workers: 4 batch_size: 1 virtual_batch_size: 1 preprocess: crop crop_size: 112 image_channels: 3 # AdaTarget use_atg: true atg_start_iter_rel: 0.83 # Color space conversion # color: 'y' # color_LR: 'y' # color_HR: 'y' # Rotations augmentations: use_flip: true use_rot: true use_hrrot: false # Presets and on the fly (OTF) augmentations # Resize Options lr_downscale: true lr_downscale_types: [linear, bicubic, realistic] aug_downscale: 0.5 resize_strat: pre # Blur degradations #lr_blur: true #lr_blur_types: {sinc: 0.05, iso: 0.1, aniso: 0.1} #iso: # p: 0.4 # min_kernel_size: 1 # kernel_size: 5 # sigmaX: [0.1, 1.0] # noise: null #aniso: # p: 0.3 # min_kernel_size: 1 # kernel_size: 3 # sigmaX: [0.1, 1.0] # sigmaY: [0.1, 1.0] # angle: [0, 180] # noise: null #sinc: # p: 0.2 # min_kernel_size: 1 # kernel_size: 3 # min_cutoff: null lr_noise: true lr_noise_types: {JPEG: 3, camera: 1.6, patches: 2.5, clean: 1.5} hr_unsharp_mask: true hr_rand_unsharp: 1 camera: p: 0.25 demosaic_fn: malvar xyz_arr: D50 rg_range: [0.7, 3.0] bg_range: [0.7, 3.0] jpeg: p: 0.75 min_quality: 30 max_quality: 95 unsharp: p: 0.12 blur_algo: median kernel_size: 1 strength: 0.10 unsharp_algo: laplacian dataroot_kernels: '../mit5k/kernelgan_hr/' noise_data: '../mit5k/noise_patches_path/' # pre_crop: true # hr_downscale: true # hr_downscale_amt: [2, 1.75, 1.5, 1] # shape_change: reshape_lr path: root: './' #pretrain_model_G: '../models/4x_RRDB_ESRGAN.pth' #pretrain_model_Loc: '../models/locnet.pth' #resume_state: './experiments/4x_Valar_v1/training_state/latest.state' # Generator options: network_G: which_model_G: esrgan plus: true gaussian_noise: true # Discriminator options: network_D: unet train: # Optimizer options: optim_G: AdamP optim_D: AdamP # Schedulers options: lr_scheme: MultiStepLR lr_steps_rel: [0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6] lr_gamma: 0.5 # For SWA scheduler swa_start_iter_rel: 0.75 swa_lr: 1e-4 swa_anneal_epochs: 10 swa_anneal_strategy: "cos" # Losses: pixel_criterion: clipl1 # pixel (content) loss pixel_weight: 0.25 perceptual_opt: perceptual_layers: {"conv1_2": 0.1, "conv2_2": 0.1, "conv3_4": 1.0, "conv4_4": 1.0, "conv5_4": 1.0} use_input_norm: true perceptual_weight: 1.05 style_weight: 0 feature_criterion: l1 # feature loss (VGG feature network) feature_weight: 1 cx_type: contextual # contextual loss cx_weight: 0.3 cx_vgg_layers: {conv_3_2: 1.0, conv_4_2: 1.0} # hfen_criterion: l1 # hfen # hfen_weight: 1e-6 # grad_type: grad-4d-l1 # image gradient loss # grad_weight: 4e-1 #tv_type: normal # total variation #tv_weight: 1e-5 #tv_norm: 1 #ssim_type: ms-ssim # structural similarity #ssim_weight: 1 #lpips_weight: 0.6 # perceptual loss #lpips_type: net-lin #lpips_net: squeeze # Experimental losses # spl_type: spl # spatial profile loss # spl_weight: 0.1 # of_type: overflow # overflow loss # of_weight: 0.2 # range_weight: 1 # range loss # fft_type: fft # FFT loss # fft_weight: 0.1 color_criterion: color-l1cosinesim # color consistency loss color_weight: 1.0 # avg_criterion: avg-l1 # averaging downscale loss # avg_weight: 5 # ms_criterion: multiscale-l1 # multi-scale pixel loss # ms_weight: 1e-2 # fdpl_type: fdpl # frequency domain-based perceptual loss # fdpl_weight: 1e-3 # Adversarial loss: gan_type: vanilla gan_weight: 1e-1 # freeze_loc: 4 # For wgan-gp: # D_update_ratio: 1 # D_init_iters: 0 # gp_weigth: 10 # Feature matching (if using the discriminator_vgg_128_fea or discriminator_vgg_fea): # gan_featmaps: true # dis_feature_criterion: cb # discriminator feature loss # dis_feature_weight: 0.01 # Differentiable Augmentation for Data-Efficient GAN Training # diffaug: true # dapolicy: 'color,transl_zoom,flip,rotate,cutout' # Batch (Mixup) augmentations mixup: true mixopts: [blend, rgb, mixup, cutmix, cutmixup] # , "cutout", "cutblur"] mixprob: [0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] #, 1.0, 1.0] # mixalpha: [0.6, 1.0, 1.2, 0.7, 0.7] #, 0.001, 0.7] aux_mixprob: 1.0 # aux_mixalpha: 1.2 ## mix_p: 1.2 # Frequency Separator fs: true lpf_type: average hpf_type: average # Other training options: manual_seed: 0 niter: 4e5 warmup_iter: -1 # overwrite_val_imgs: true logger: print_freq: 100 save_checkpoint_freq: 5e3 overwrite_chkp: false