# TCR transformer model See our full [codebase](https://github.com/wukevin/tcr-bert) and our [preprint](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.11.18.469186v1) for more information. This model is on: - Masked language modeling (masked amino acid or MAA modeling) - Classification across antigen labels from PIRD If you are looking for a model trained only on MAA, please see our [other model](https://huggingface.co/wukevin/tcr-bert-mlm-only). Example inputs: * `C A S S P V T G G I Y G Y T F` (binds to NLVPMVATV CMV antigen) * `C A T S G R A G V E Q F F` (binds to GILGFVFTL flu antigen)