# albert-chinese-large-qa Albert large QA model pretrained from baidu webqa and baidu dureader datasets. ## Data source + baidu webqa 1.0 + baidu dureader ## Traing Method We combined the two datasets together and created a new dataset in squad format, including 705139 samples for training and 69638 samples for validation. We finetune the model based on the albert chinese large model. ## Hyperparams + learning_rate 1e-5 + max_seq_length 512 + max_query_length 50 + max_answer_length 300 + doc_stride 256 + num_train_epochs 2 + warmup_steps 1000 + per_gpu_train_batch_size 8 + gradient_accumulation_steps 3 + n_gpu 2 (Nvidia Tesla P100) ## Usage ``` from transformers import AutoModelForQuestionAnswering, BertTokenizer model = AutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained('wptoux/albert-chinese-large-qa') tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('wptoux/albert-chinese-large-qa') ``` ***Important: use BertTokenizer*** ## MoreInfo Please visit https://github.com/wptoux/albert-chinese-large-webqa for details.