import subprocess import os import shutil def clone_dataset_scenario(repo_url, model_repo_dir="./LWM", scenarios_dir="scenarios"): """ Clones all scenarios from a repository, ensuring all files (small and large) are downloaded. Args: repo_url (str): URL of the Git repository model_repo_dir (str): Path to the model repository scenarios_dir (str): Directory name for storing scenarios """ current_dir = os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) if current_dir == "LWM": model_repo_dir = "." scenarios_path = os.path.join(model_repo_dir, scenarios_dir) os.makedirs(scenarios_path, exist_ok=True) original_dir = os.getcwd() try: if os.path.exists(scenarios_path): shutil.rmtree(scenarios_path) print("Cloning entire repository into temporary directory ...")[ "git", "clone", repo_url, scenarios_path ], check=True) os.chdir(scenarios_path) print("Pulling all files using Git LFS ...")["git", "lfs", "install"], check=True)["git", "lfs", "pull"], check=True) print(f"Successfully cloned all scenarios into {scenarios_path}") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"Error cloning scenarios: {str(e)}") finally: if os.path.exists(scenarios_path): shutil.rmtree(scenarios_path) os.chdir(original_dir) #%% model_repo_url = "" model_repo_dir = "./LWM" if not os.path.exists(model_repo_dir): print(f"Cloning model repository from {model_repo_url}...")["git", "clone", model_repo_url, model_repo_dir], check=True) #%% import numpy as np dataset_repo_url = "" clone_dataset_scenario(dataset_repo_url, model_repo_dir) #%% if os.path.exists(model_repo_dir): os.chdir(model_repo_dir) print(f"Changed working directory to {os.getcwd()}") else: print(f"Directory {model_repo_dir} does not exist. Please check if the repository is cloned properly.") #%% from input_preprocess import tokenizer from lwm_model import lwm import torch scenario_names = np.array([ "city_18_denver", "city_15_indianapolis", "city_19_oklahoma", "city_12_fortworth", "city_11_santaclara", "city_7_sandiego" ]) scenario_idxs = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])[3] selected_scenario_names = scenario_names[scenario_idxs] snr_db = None preprocessed_chs = tokenizer( selected_scenario_names=selected_scenario_names, manual_data=None, gen_raw=True, snr_db=snr_db ) device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' print(f"Loading the LWM model on {device} ...") model = lwm.from_pretrained(device=device) #%% from inference import lwm_inference, create_raw_dataset input_types = ['cls_emb', 'channel_emb', 'raw'] selected_input_type = input_types[1] if selected_input_type in ['cls_emb', 'channel_emb']: dataset = lwm_inference(preprocessed_chs, selected_input_type, model, device) else: dataset = create_raw_dataset(preprocessed_chs, device) #%% from input_preprocess import create_labels n_beams = 16 tasks = ['LoS/NLoS Classification', 'Beam Prediction'] task = tasks[0] labels = create_labels(task, selected_scenario_names, n_beams=n_beams) # %% Dimensionality Reduction Visualization # Import the dimensionality reduction plotting function from utils import plot_dimensionality_reduction # Iterate over tasks (e.g., LoS/NLoS Classification, Beam Prediction) for task in tasks: # Create labels for the current task labels = create_labels(task, selected_scenario_names, n_beams=n_beams) # Iterate over input types (e.g., raw data or embeddings) for input_type_idx, input_type in enumerate(input_types): # Select the current input type selected_input_type = input_types[input_type_idx] # Prepare dataset based on input type if selected_input_type in ['cls_emb', 'channel_emb']: dataset = lwm_inference( preprocessed_chs, selected_input_type, model, device ) else: dataset = create_raw_dataset(preprocessed_chs, device) # Plot dimensionality reduction for the dataset plot_dimensionality_reduction( dataset, method='all', # Use all available dimensionality reduction methods labels=labels, # Labels for visualization task=task, # Current task (for title or labeling) input_type=input_type # Current input type (for title or labeling) ) #%% TRAINING #%% TRAINING PARAMETERS task = ['LoS/NLoS Classification', 'Beam Prediction'][0] # Select the task n_trials = 1 # Number of trials for each configuration num_classes = 2 if task == 'LoS/NLoS Classification' else n_beams # Set number of classes based on the task input_types = ['raw', 'cls_emb'] # Types of input data split_ratios = np.array([.005, .0075, .01, .015, .02, .03, .05, .1, .25, .5, .8]) # Dataset split ratios f1_scores = np.zeros((n_trials, len(input_types), len(split_ratios))) # Store F1 scores for each trial, input type, and split ratio labels = create_labels(task, selected_scenario_names, n_beams=n_beams) # Create labels for the selected task #%% TRAINING from utils import get_data_loaders, FCN, train_model, plot_metrics # Iterate over input types (e.g., raw data or embeddings) for input_type_idx, input_type in enumerate(input_types): # Prepare dataset based on input type if input_type in ['cls_emb', 'channel_emb']: dataset = lwm_inference(preprocessed_chs, input_type, model, device) else: dataset = create_raw_dataset(preprocessed_chs, device) # Reshape dataset for training dataset = dataset.view(dataset.size(0), -1) input_dim = dataset.shape[-1] # Get input dimension for the model # Iterate over different dataset split ratios for split_ratio_idx, split_ratio in enumerate(split_ratios): n_train = int(split_ratio * dataset.shape[0]) # Calculate number of training samples # Run multiple trials for each split ratio for trial in range(n_trials): print(f"\ninput type: {input_type}, \nnumber of training samples: {int(split_ratio*len(dataset))}, \ntrial: {trial}\n") torch.manual_seed(trial) # Set seed for reproducibility if snr_db is not None: preprocessed_chs = tokenizer( selected_scenario_names=selected_scenario_names, manual_data=None, gen_raw=True, snr_db=snr_db ) if input_type in ['cls_emb', 'channel_emb']: dataset = lwm_inference(preprocessed_chs, input_type, model, device) else: dataset = create_raw_dataset(preprocessed_chs, device) dataset = dataset.view(dataset.size(0), -1) train_loader, test_loader = get_data_loaders( dataset, labels, batch_size=128, split_ratio=split_ratio ) # Initialize the Fully Connected Network (FCN) model FCN_model = FCN(input_dim=input_dim, num_classes=num_classes) # Train the model and retrieve losses and F1 scores train_losses, test_f1_scores = train_model( FCN_model, train_loader, test_loader, epochs=120, lr=0.0001 if input_type == "raw" else 0.001, # Learning rate depends on input type device=device, decay_step=30, decay_rate=0.5 ) # Store the final F1 score for this trial f1_scores[trial, input_type_idx, split_ratio_idx] = test_f1_scores[0, -1] # Plot metrics for the current trial # plot_metrics(test_f1_scores, [input_type]) # Plot average F1 scores across all trials for each input type and split ratio plot_metrics( np.mean(f1_scores, axis=0), # Average F1 scores across trials input_types, np.asarray(split_ratios * dataset.shape[0], dtype=int), # Convert split ratios to actual sample counts flag=1 ) # %% Few-Shot Learning with Pretrained Embeddings # Initialize array to store F1 scores for KNN classification f1_scores_knn = np.zeros((n_trials, len(input_types), len(split_ratios))) # Import the classification function from utils import classify_by_euclidean_distance # Iterate over input types (e.g., raw data or embeddings) for input_type_idx, input_type in enumerate(input_types): # Prepare dataset based on input type if input_type in ['cls_emb', 'channel_emb']: dataset = lwm_inference(preprocessed_chs, input_type, model, device) else: dataset = create_raw_dataset(preprocessed_chs, device) # Reshape dataset for compatibility dataset = dataset.view(dataset.size(0), -1) input_dim = dataset.shape[-1] # Get input dimension # Iterate over different dataset split ratios for split_ratio_idx, split_ratio in enumerate(split_ratios): n_train = int(split_ratio * dataset.shape[0]) # Calculate number of training samples # Run multiple trials for each split ratio for trial in range(n_trials): torch.manual_seed(trial) # Set seed for reproducibility if snr_db is not None: preprocessed_chs = tokenizer( selected_scenario_names=selected_scenario_names, manual_data=None, gen_raw=True, snr_db=snr_db ) if input_type in ['cls_emb', 'channel_emb']: dataset = lwm_inference(preprocessed_chs, input_type, model, device) else: dataset = create_raw_dataset(preprocessed_chs, device) dataset = dataset.view(dataset.size(0), -1) train_loader, test_loader = get_data_loaders( dataset, labels, batch_size=128, split_ratio=split_ratio ) # Perform classification using Euclidean distance f1 = classify_by_euclidean_distance( train_loader, test_loader, device="cpu" ) # Store the F1 score for this trial f1_scores_knn[trial, input_type_idx, split_ratio_idx] = f1 # Plot average F1 scores across all trials for each input type and split ratio plot_metrics( np.mean(f1_scores_knn, axis=0), # Average F1 scores across trials input_types, np.asarray(split_ratios * dataset.shape[0], dtype=int), # Convert split ratios to actual sample counts flag=1 )