--- license: apache-2.0 language: - en pipeline_tag: automatic-speech-recognition datasets: - LRS3 tags: - Audio Visual to Text - Automatic Speech Recognition --- ## Model Description These are model weights originally provided by the authors of the paper [Learning Audio-Visual Speech Representation by Masked Multimodal Cluster Prediction](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2201.02184.pdf). Video recordings of speech contain correlated audio and visual information, providing a strong signal for speech representation learning from the speaker’s lip movements and the produced sound. Audio-Visual Hidden Unit BERT (AV-HuBERT), a self-supervised representation learning framework for audio-visual speech, which masks multi-stream video input and predicts automatically discovered and iteratively refined multimodal hidden units. AV-HuBERT learns powerful audio-visual speech representation benefiting both lip-reading and automatic speech recognition. ## Datasets The authors trained the model on lip-reading benchmark LRS3 datasets (433 hours).