--- datasets: - librispeech_asr language: - en metrics: - wer tags: - hubert - tts --- # voidful/mhubert-unit-tts voidful/mhubert-unit-tts This repository provides a text to unit model form mhubert and trained with bart model. The model was trained on the LibriSpeech ASR dataset for the English language and Train epoch 13: `WER:30.41` `CER: 20.22` Hubert Code TTS Example ```python import asrp import nlp2 import IPython.display as ipd from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM nlp2.download_file( 'https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/fairseq/speech_to_speech/vocoder/code_hifigan/mhubert_vp_en_es_fr_it3_400k_layer11_km1000_lj/g_00500000', './') tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("voidful/mhubert-unit-tts") model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("voidful/mhubert-unit-tts") model.eval() cs = asrp.Code2Speech(tts_checkpoint='./g_00500000', vocoder='hifigan') inputs = tokenizer(["The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."], return_tensors="pt") code = tokenizer.batch_decode(model.generate(**inputs,max_length=1024))[0] code = [int(i) for i in code.replace("","").replace("","").split("v_tok_")[1:]] print(code) ipd.Audio(data=cs(code), autoplay=False, rate=cs.sample_rate) ``` Datasets The model was trained on the LibriSpeech ASR dataset for the English language. Language The model is trained for the English language. Metrics The model's performance is evaluated using Word Error Rate (WER). Tags The model can be tagged with "hubert" and "tts".