---- language: - is - en thumbnail: tags: - icelandic - qa license: datasets: - ic3 - igc metrics: - em - f1 widget: - text: "Hverrar trúar var Halldór Laxness ?" context: "Halldór Kiljan Laxness was born in 1902 in Reykjavik , the capital of Iceland , but spent his youth in the country . From the age of seventeen on , he travelled and lived abroad , chiefly on the European continent . He was influenced by expressionism and other modern currents in Germany and France . In the mid-twenties he was converted to Catholicism ; his spiritual experiences are reflected in several books of an autobiographical nature , chiefly Undir Helgahnúk ( Under the Holy Mountain ) , 1924 . In 1927 , he published his first important novel , Vefarinn mikli frá Kasmír ( The Great Weaver from Kashmir ) . Laxness’s religious period did not last long ; during a visit to America he became attracted to socialism . Alþydubókin ( The Book of the People ) , 1929 , is evidence of a change toward a socialist outlook . In 1930 , Laxness settled in Iceland . Laxness’s main achievement consists of three novel cycles written during the thirties , dealing with the people of Iceland . Þú vínviður hreini , 1931 , and Fuglinn í fjörunni , 1932 , ( both translated as Salka Valka ) , tell the story of a poor fisher girl ; Sjálfstætt fólk ( Independent People ) , 1934 - 35 , treats the fortunes of small farmers , whereas the tetralogy Ljós heimsins ( The Light of the World ) , 1937 - 40 , has as its hero an Icelandic folk poet . Laxness’s later works are frequently historical and influenced by the saga tradition : Íslandsklukkan ( The Bell of Iceland ) , 1943 - 46 , Gerpla ( The Happy Warriors ) , 1952 , and Paradísarheimt ( Paradise Reclaimed ) , 1960 . Laxness is also the author of the topical and sharply polemical Atómstöðin ( The Atom Station ) , 1948 ." --- # XLMr-ENIS-QA-IsQ-EnA ## Model description This is an Icelandic reading comprehension Q&A model. ## Intended uses & limitations This model is part of my MSc thesis about Q&A for Icelandic. #### How to use ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForQuestionAnswering tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("vesteinn/IceBERT-QA") model = AutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained("vesteinn/IceBERT-QA") ``` #### Limitations and bias ## Training data Translated English datasets were used along with the Natural Questions in Icelandic dataset. ## Training procedure ## Eval results ### BibTeX entry and citation info ```bibtex ```