--- license: mit datasets: - v2ray/r-chatgpt-general-dump language: - en pipeline_tag: text-generation tags: - not-for-all-audiences --- # SchizoGPT 70B QLoRA Fine tuned on r/ChatGPT Discord #general dump. ## Prompt Template ``` Date: 2024/4username1message 1message 2username2message 1message 2username3 ``` Date prefix is optional: ``` username1message 1message 2username2message 1message 2username3 ``` Use `@username` to ping a user and `#channel name` to mention a channel. \ Prepend `` before a message to respond to a user. \ Use `` to mention a file in a link, for example, if you have `https://example.com/image.jpg`, use ``: ``` Date: 2023/12example#0001Hello!example#0002 Hi, look at this image of a cat! example#0001 ```