--- tags: - mistral - merge --- experiment-B ![image/png](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/64f74b6e6389380c77562762/BTNu5NboqAQREWN136Bii.png) # TripletBoreas-7B-t0.0001 ## A sequential merge of the following models using a custom NearSwap algorithm: * [fearlessdots/WizardLM-2-7B-abliterated](https://huggingface.co/fearlessdots/WizardLM-2-7B-abliterated) * [Sao10K/Frostwind-v2.1-m7](https://huggingface.co/Sao10K/Frostwind-v2.1-m7) * [Virt-io/Erebus-Holodeck-7B](https://huggingface.co/Virt-io/Erebus-Holodeck-7B) With [fearlessdots/WizardLM-2-7B-abliterated](https://huggingface.co/fearlessdots/WizardLM-2-7B-abliterated) as the base model, Frostwind-v2.1 second and Erebus-Holodeck third. All using t_value 0.0001 ## Thanks mradermacher for the quants! * [GGUF](https://huggingface.co/mradermacher/TripletBoreas-7B-t0.0001-GGUF) * [GGUF imatrix](https://huggingface.co/mradermacher/TripletBoreas-7B-t0.0001-i1-GGUF) https://huggingface.co/v000000/TripletBoreas-7B-t0.0001-Q8_0-GGUF https://huggingface.co/v000000/TripletBoreas-7B-t0.0001-Q5_K_S-GGUF ```python #Fixed def lerp(a, b, t): return a * (1 - t) + b * t def nearswap(v0, v1, t): lweight = np.abs(v0 - v1) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): lweight = np.where(lweight != 0, t / lweight, 1.0) lweight = np.nan_to_num(lweight, nan=1.0, posinf=1.0, neginf=1.0) np.clip(lweight, a_min=0.0, a_max=1.0, out=lweight) return lerp(v0, v1, lweight) ``` Credit Alchemonaut WizardLM-2 adopts the prompt format from Vicuna and supports **multi-turn** conversation. The prompt should be as following: ``` A chat between a curious user and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the user's questions. USER: Hi ASSISTANT: Hello. USER: Who are you? ASSISTANT: I am WizardLM....... ``` Alpaca also works, and may work better in RP because of Frostwind. ``` Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Take the role of {{char}} in a play where you leave a lasting impression on {{user}}. Never skip or gloss over {{char}}'s actions. ### Instruction: {prompt} ### Response: {output} ``` Add Genre's in a list like this. ``` [Genre: , ] ```