import os import json import shutil from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict from PIL import ImageFile ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True LOCAL_DATADIR = None def setup(local_dir='./data/usm-training-data/data'): # If we are in the test environment, we need to link the data directory to the correct location tmp_datadir = Path('/tmp/data/data') local_test_datadir = Path('./data/usm-test-data-x/data') local_val_datadir = Path(local_dir) os.system('pwd') os.system('ls -lahtr .') if tmp_datadir.exists() and not local_test_datadir.exists(): global LOCAL_DATADIR LOCAL_DATADIR = local_test_datadir # shutil.move(datadir, './usm-test-data-x/data') print(f"Linking {tmp_datadir} to {LOCAL_DATADIR} (we are in the test environment)") LOCAL_DATADIR.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) LOCAL_DATADIR.symlink_to(tmp_datadir) else: LOCAL_DATADIR = local_val_datadir print(f"Using {LOCAL_DATADIR} as the data directory (we are running locally)") # os.system("ls -lahtr") # os.system(f"ls -lahtr {LOCAL_DATADIR}") assert LOCAL_DATADIR.exists(), f"Data directory {LOCAL_DATADIR} does not exist" return LOCAL_DATADIR import importlib from pathlib import Path import subprocess def download_package(package_name, path_to_save='packages'): """ Downloads a package using pip and saves it to a specified directory. Parameters: package_name (str): The name of the package to download. path_to_save (str): The path to the directory where the package will be saved. """ try: # pip download webdataset -d packages/webdataset --platform manylinux1_x86_64 --python-version 38 --only-binary=:all: subprocess.check_call([subprocess.sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "download", package_name, "-d", str(Path(path_to_save)/package_name), # Download the package to the specified directory "--platform", "manylinux1_x86_64", # Specify the platform "--python-version", "38", # Specify the Python version "--only-binary=:all:"]) # Download only binary packages print(f'Package "{package_name}" downloaded successfully') except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f'Failed to downloaded package "{package_name}". Error: {e}') def install_package_from_local_file(package_name, folder='packages'): """ Installs a package from a local .whl file or a directory containing .whl files using pip. Parameters: path_to_file_or_directory (str): The path to the .whl file or the directory containing .whl files. """ try: pth = str(Path(folder) / package_name) subprocess.check_call([subprocess.sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "--no-index", # Do not use package index "--find-links", pth, # Look for packages in the specified directory or at the file package_name]) # Specify the package to install print(f"Package installed successfully from {pth}") except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"Failed to install package from {pth}. Error: {e}") def importt(module_name, as_name=None): """ Imports a module and returns it. Parameters: module_name (str): The name of the module to import. as_name (str): The name to use for the imported module. If None, the original module name will be used. Returns: The imported module. """ for _ in range(2): try: if as_name is None: print(f'imported {module_name}') return importlib.import_module(module_name) else: print(f'imported {module_name} as {as_name}') return importlib.import_module(module_name, as_name) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: install_package_from_local_file(module_name) print(f"Failed to import module {module_name}. Error: {e}") def prepare_submission(): # Download packages from requirements.txt if Path('requirements.txt').exists(): print('downloading packages from requirements.txt') Path('packages').mkdir(exist_ok=True) with open('requirements.txt') as f: packages = f.readlines() for p in packages: download_package(p.strip()) print('all packages downloaded. Don\'t foget to include the packages in the submission by adding them with git lfs.') def Rt_to_eye_target(im, K, R, t): height = im.height focal_length = K[0,0] fov = 2.0 * np.arctan2((0.5 * height), focal_length) / (np.pi / 180.0) x_axis, y_axis, z_axis = R eye = -(R.T @ t).squeeze() z_axis = z_axis.squeeze() target = eye + z_axis up = -y_axis return eye, target, up, fov ########## general utilities ########## import contextlib import tempfile from pathlib import Path @contextlib.contextmanager def working_directory(path): """Changes working directory and returns to previous on exit.""" prev_cwd = Path.cwd() os.chdir(path) try: yield finally: os.chdir(prev_cwd) @contextlib.contextmanager def temp_working_directory(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir='.') as D: with working_directory(D): yield ############# Dataset ############# def proc(row, split='train'): out = {} for k, v in row.items(): colname = k.split('.')[0] if colname in {'ade20k', 'depthcm', 'gestalt'}: if colname in out: out[colname].append(v) else: out[colname] = [v] elif colname in {'wireframe', 'mesh'}: # out.update({a: b.tolist() for a,b in v.items()}) out.update({a: b for a,b in v.items()}) elif colname in 'kr': out[colname.upper()] = v else: out[colname] = v return Sample(out) from . import read_write_colmap def decode_colmap(s): # with open('colmap_solve/points3D.bin', 'wb') as stream: with temp_working_directory(): with open('points3D.bin', 'wb') as stream: stream.write(s['points3d']) with open('cameras.bin', 'wb') as stream: stream.write(s['cameras']) with open('images.bin', 'wb') as stream: stream.write(s['images']) cameras, images, points3D = read_write_colmap.read_model( path='.', ext='.bin' ) return cameras, images, points3D from PIL import Image import io def decode(row): cameras, images, points3D = decode_colmap(row) out = {} for k, v in row.items(): # colname = k.split('.')[0] if k in {'ade20k', 'depthcm', 'gestalt'}: # print(k, len(v), type(v)) v = [ for im in v] if k in out: out[k].extend(v) else: out[k] = v elif k in {'wireframe', 'mesh'}: # out.update({a: b.tolist() for a,b in v.items()}) v = dict(np.load(io.BytesIO(v))) out.update({a: b for a,b in v.items()}) elif k in 'kr': out[k.upper()] = v elif k == 'cameras': out[k] = cameras elif k == 'images': out[k] = images elif k =='points3d': out[k] = points3D else: out[k] = v return Sample(out) class Sample(Dict): def __repr__(self): return str({k: v.shape if hasattr(v, 'shape') else [type(v[0])] if isinstance(v, list) else type(v) for k,v in self.items()}) def get_params(): exmaple_param_dict = { "competition_id": "usm3d/S23DR", "competition_type": "script", "metric": "custom", "token": "hf_**********************************", "team_id": "local-test-team_id", "submission_id": "local-test-submission_id", "submission_id_col": "__key__", "submission_cols": [ "__key__", "wf_edges", "wf_vertices", "edge_semantics" ], "submission_rows": 180, "output_path": ".", "submission_repo": "