--- license: mit --- # Blaze Face face detector in Unity Sentis Format This is the [Blaze Face model](https://developers.google.com/mediapipe/solutions/vision/face_detector) formatted to work in Unity Sentis 2023 ## How to Use * Create a new scene in Unity 2023 * Put the blazeface.sentis file in the Assets/StreamingAssets folder * Put a video in the Assets/StreamingAssets folder and set _videoName variable to the video name * Create a RawImage and place it in your scene. Link to this image in the _previewUI field. * Attach a sprite for the bounding box image to the faceTexture field ## Preview When you get it working you should see something like this: ![preview](blaze_preview.png) ## Unity Sentis Sentis is the inference engine for Unity 2023. More information can be found [here](https://unity.com/products/sentis)