using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Unity.Sentis; using Newtonsoft.Json; // Inference for MusicGen-300 // ========================== // // Details // ------- // The model predicts 4 streams of codes staggered like this: // * * * a b c // * * a b c // * a b c // a b c // Then aligns the streams so that it groups all the a's togther etc. // Put sentis files and json file in Assets/StreamingAssets folder // Put this script on the Main Camera object // Put an audiosource on the Main Camera // Press play and see console window for updates // See public class RunMusicGen : MonoBehaviour { //Change this prompt to whatever you like: string prompt = "80s pop track with bassy drums and synth"; // number of seconds to create clip for (up to 30 seconds) const int seconds = 2; // Make this value smaller to make music more random float predictability = 1f; public AudioClip clip; IWorker toWavEngine, decoderEngine, textEngine, projectEngine; const int numCodeBooks = 4; // Special music decoder tokens const int DECODER_START_TOKEN = 2048; // Special text encoder tokens const int END_TEXT_TOKEN = 1; int decoderTokens; //text tokens List tokensSoFar = new(); TensorFloat encoder_hidden_states; TensorInt encoder_attention_mask, input_ids; Ops ops; Model decoder; // How much to stagger each code stream by wrt the next one int DELAY = 1; // Vocab list List tokens = new List(); //The output frequency must be 32kHz const int outputFrequency = 32000; int maxFrames; List TOKENS; int frame = 0; bool hasDecodedMusic = false; void Start() { ops = WorkerFactory.CreateOps(BackendType.GPUCompute, null); maxFrames = 50 * seconds + 3; LoadVocab(); TOKENS = GetTokens(prompt); Debug.Log("Parsed tokens=\n" + string.Join(",", TOKENS)); CreateAttentionMask(); ParseText(); LoadDecoderModel(); SetupMusicCodeStreams(); frame = 0; } void LoadDecoderModel() { decoder = ModelLoader.Load(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/decoder.sentis"); decoderEngine = WorkerFactory.CreateWorker(BackendType.GPUCompute, decoder); } void CreateAttentionMask() { int[] mask = new int[1 * decoderTokens]; for (int i = 0; i < mask.Length; i++) mask[i] = 1; encoder_attention_mask = new TensorInt(new TensorShape(1, decoderTokens), mask); } void SetupMusicCodeStreams() { //Sets the staggered start codes tokensSoFar.AddRange(new int[numCodeBooks * maxFrames]); for (int j = 0; j < maxFrames; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < numCodeBooks; i++) { if ( i * DELAY >= j) { tokensSoFar[i * maxFrames + j] = DECODER_START_TOKEN; } else { tokensSoFar[i * maxFrames + j] = -1; } } } input_ids = new TensorInt(new TensorShape(numCodeBooks, maxFrames), tokensSoFar.ToArray()); } List GetTokens(string text) { //split over whitespace string[] words = text.ToLower().Split(null); for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) words[i] = " " + words[i]; var ids = new List(); string s = ""; foreach (var word in words) { int start = 0; for (int i = word.Length; i >= 0; i--) { string subword = word.Substring(start, i - start); int index = tokens.IndexOf(subword); if (index >= 0) { ids.Add(index); s += subword + " "; if (i == word.Length) break; start = i; i = word.Length + 1; } } } ids.Add(END_TEXT_TOKEN); decoderTokens = ids.Count; Debug.Log("Tokenized sentece = " + s); return ids; } void ParseText() { Model textencoder = ModelLoader.Load(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/textencoder.sentis"); textEngine = WorkerFactory.CreateWorker(BackendType.GPUCompute, textencoder); Model project = ModelLoader.Load(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/project768_1024.sentis"); projectEngine = WorkerFactory.CreateWorker(BackendType.GPUCompute, project); using var input = new TensorInt(new TensorShape(1, decoderTokens), TOKENS.ToArray()); var inputs = new Dictionary { {"input_ids", input }, {"attention_mask", encoder_attention_mask } }; textEngine.Execute(inputs); var output = textEngine.PeekOutput() as TensorFloat; //Convert vectors of size 768 to size 1024 projectEngine.Execute(output); encoder_hidden_states = projectEngine.PeekOutput() as TensorFloat; encoder_hidden_states.TakeOwnership(); } private class TokenizerData { public ModelData model; } private class ModelData { public object[][] vocab; } void LoadVocab() { var data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(System.IO.File.ReadAllText( Application.streamingAssetsPath+"/tokenizer.json" )); for(int i = 0; i < data.model.vocab.Length; i++) { string tokenName = (string)data.model.vocab[i][0]; tokens.Add(tokenName); } } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (frame < maxFrames) { GetOneMusicToken(); } else if(!hasDecodedMusic) { hasDecodedMusic = true; DecodeMusic(); } frame++; } void GetOneMusicToken() { var inputs = new Dictionary { {"input_ids", input_ids }, {"encoder_hidden_states", encoder_hidden_states }, {"encoder_attention_mask" , encoder_attention_mask } }; decoderEngine.Execute(inputs); var decoderOutput = decoderEngine.PeekOutput() as TensorFloat; using var dec2 = ops.Mul(decoderOutput, predictability); using var probs = ops.Softmax(dec2, 2); probs.MakeReadable(); int OFFSET = 1; //Add new tokens to code streams for (int j = 0; j < numCodeBooks; j++) { if (frame < maxFrames - OFFSET) { int N = j * maxFrames + frame + OFFSET; if (tokensSoFar[N] != DECODER_START_TOKEN) { tokensSoFar[N] = SelectRandomToken(probs, j, frame); } } } Replace(ref input_ids, new TensorInt(input_ids.shape, tokensSoFar.ToArray())); Debug.Log("Frame=" + frame + "/" + maxFrames); } int SelectRandomToken(TensorFloat probs,int j, int frame) { int numItems = probs.shape[2]; float p = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 1f); float tot = 0; for(int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { tot += probs[j, frame, i]; if (p <= tot) return i; } return numItems - 1; } void LoadMusicTokensToWavModel() { if (toWavEngine != null) return; Model toWav = ModelLoader.Load(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/encodec.sentis"); toWavEngine = WorkerFactory.CreateWorker(BackendType.GPUCompute, toWav); } void DecodeMusic() { Debug.Log("Please wait while music is decoded..."); LoadMusicTokensToWavModel(); using var input2 = AlignCodeStreams(input_ids); using var wavTokens = input2.ShallowReshape(new TensorShape(1, 1, numCodeBooks, maxFrames - 3)); toWavEngine.Execute(wavTokens); var output = toWavEngine.PeekOutput() as TensorFloat; output.MakeReadable(); int numSamples = Mathf.Min(output.shape.length, outputFrequency * seconds); Debug.Log("Number of samples=" + numSamples + " / " + output.shape.length); clip = AudioClip.Create("music", numSamples, 1, outputFrequency, false); float[] wav = new float[numSamples]; System.Array.Copy(output.ToReadOnlyArray(), wav, numSamples); clip.SetData(wav, 0); var audioSource = GetComponent(); if (audioSource != null) { audioSource.PlayOneShot(clip); } else { Debug.Log("You need to attach audio source to this object to hear the music"); } } TensorInt AlignCodeStreams(TensorInt input) { if (DELAY == 0) { return ops.Copy(input); } using var input2 = ops.Cast(input, DataType.Float); TensorFloat[] B = new TensorFloat[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { using TensorFloat A = ops.Slice(input2, new int[] { i }, new int[] { i + 1 }, new int[] { 0 }, new int[] { 1 }) as TensorFloat; B[i] = ops.Pad(A, new int[] { 0, -i, 0, i - 3 }); } using var input3 = ops.Concat(B, 0) as TensorFloat; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { B[i].Dispose(); } return ops.Cast(input3, DataType.Int) as TensorInt; } void Replace(ref T A, T B) where T:System.IDisposable { A?.Dispose(); A = B; } private void OnDestroy() { input_ids?.Dispose(); encoder_attention_mask?.Dispose(); encoder_hidden_states?.Dispose(); ops?.Dispose(); decoderEngine?.Dispose(); toWavEngine?.Dispose(); projectEngine?.Dispose(); textEngine?.Dispose(); } }